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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (4/4/24)

It’s Supercard Eve!



‘Twas the night before Supercard, and all over the show…

ROH gets their stars ready to go! But will Big Shotty Lee Johnson make it through Nick Comoroto? Or will the Freak Beast ruin his chances of facing Kyle Fletcher in Philly?


  • ROH World Tag Team Championship Proving Ground: The Kingdom VS The Infantry; Time Limit Draw, The Infantry will challenge for the titles at Supercard of Honor.
  • Anna Jay VS Nikita; Anna wins.
  • Lee Johnson VS Nick Comoroto; Lee wins.
  • Nyla Rose VS Alexia Nicole; Nyla wins.
  • Evil Uno VS London Lightning; Uno wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Top Flight VS Christopher Daniels, Matt Sydal & Jack Cartwheel; Top Flight wins.


ROH World Tag Team Championship Proving Ground: The Kingdom VS The Infantry!

Mike Bennett & Matt Taven were in the AEW World Tag Team Championship tournament, as were Shawn Dean & Carlie Bravo, but neither made it to the finals. However, will Taven & Bennett continue to defend their Kingdom? Or will they fail to stop The Captain & #BadNewsandTattoos in ten minutes or less?

The Code of Honor is skipped as the teams sort out. Bravo and Taven start, circle, and tie up. Taven wrenches, wristlocks, but Bravo rolls, handsprings and wrenches to wristlock back. Taven rolls, rolls, and wrenches to wristlock then hammerlock. Bravo reaches around, slips around to hammerlock back, but Taven drop toeholds and floats to the headlock. But Bravo handsprings his way out and over to headlock back! The fans cheer as Bravo wrenches and tags in Dean. The Infantry double whip, then double hip toss! Then they DOUBLE FIST DROP! Dean covers, TWO! The fans rally as Dean keeps on Taven with a kick.

Dean whips, Taven reverses and things speed up as Taven drops then hurdles. Dean comes back to arm-drag, and he has the cording hold. The fans applaud while Taven endures. Dean drags Taven up, tags in Bravo, and then Dean wrenches. Bravo goes up to AX HANDLE the arm! Bravo brings Taven around, whips him to ropes, but Taven slips out of the scoop! Tag to Bennett, Bravo ducks ‘n’ dodges Taven, only for Bennett to dropkick the legs out! Taven then adds an AX- NO, Bravo avoids the ax handle but Bennett kicks low! Bennett suplexes, Bravo cradle counters, but Taven distracts the ref with “concerns” for his elbow!

The fans count along, Bravo would’ve had five on it! The ref finally sees and counts, TWO! Bennett headlocks, Dean tags in as Bravo powers up and out. Bravo trips Bennett, Dean runs up to basement dropkick! Cover, TWO! Bennett stays in this but Dean storms up on him. Bennett puts Dean in the corner to CHOP! And CHOP! And CHOP! Dean turns things around to CHOP, CHOP and CHOP! Bennett turns things around to CHOP and CHOP and CHOP, but then Dean turns it back around to CHOP and CHOP and CHOP! Bennett staggers into Dean’s scoop and SLAM! The fans fire up with The Infantry, “OORAH~!”

Dean runs to JUMP ELBOW DROP! Cover, TWO! Bennett flounders to ropes, Dean storms up on him, and Dean whips. Bennett holds ropes, tags Taven, and they put Dean in the ropes for Taven to roll up! ONE, Dean Oklahoma Rolls, TWO! Dean eggs Taven on, Taven runs up but Dean puts him in the corner. Tag to Bravo before the ELBOW, then Dean scoops Taven. Bravo goes up, BACKBREAKER to KNEE DROP! Cover, TWO! Taven survives but Bravo whips him to a corner. Bravo runs up to JUMP FOREARM! Bravo whips corner to corner, Taven goes up and over then keeps going. Bravo hurdles but Taven DROPKICKS!

The fans are torn because “IIIII’M~ Matt Taven!” But Bravo tags Dean! Dean DROPKICKS Taven! Bennett tags in, Dean DROPKICKS him! The Kingdom regroup, but The Infantry DOUBLE DROPKICK! The Kingdom bails out, The Infantry take aim, but The Kingdom slide in as The Infantry PLANCHA! The Infantry land safe on their feet, trip The Kingdom up, and drag them out to send them both into barriers! Then they send The Kingdom back in, go up to the apron, and STEREO SLINGSHOT SUNSET FLIP! But The Kingdom roll through! JUST THE TIP of the knee for Bravo, and a high stack for Dean! TWO!! Dean finishes the sunset, but Taven breaks it!

The Kingdom drags Dean up, double whip, and POP-UP BOSTON BAYONET! Bennett mocks the salute and the fans boo. Bennett drags Dean up, brings him over and puts him up top. Taven GAMANGIRIS and Dean is in the Tree of Woe! Bennett runs side to side, basement dropkick! Bennett drags Dean to a cover, TWO! Tag to Taven, the fans rally for Dean, but Taven drags Dean up. Dean cradles outta nowhere! TWO!! ENZIGIRI! Taven drops and the fans rally up! Dean crawls, reaches out, but Taven hot tags to Bennett first! Bennett intercepts and facelocks Dean, puts him in the corner, and CHOPS! And CHOPS again!

Tag to Taven, he CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! But Dean fights out of the Kingdom’s corner! Dean ELBOWS Bennett, goes up and over to roll Taven up, TWO! Dean makes his way to the apron but Bennett storms up. Dean mule kicks Bennett away, then RAMS into Taven! Dean slingshots to sunset flip again, TWO! Taven is up, Dean leaps but Taven keeps him from Bravo! Taven throws Dean away, but then Dean slips around Taven to DDT! The fans fire up while both men are down! Dean crawls, but Bennett YANKS Bravo down! The fans boo but Bennett gives Bravo a BOSTON BAYONET! So Dean bumps Bennett off buckles!

Taven runs up but he only gets buckles as Dean goes to the apron! But Bennett is there, fireman’s carry to APRON DEATH VALLEY!! Bennett puts Dean in for Taven to cover, TWO!! Dean survives and Taven grows frustrated. Time is running out, Taven tags Bennett in. Taven climbs up, tags back in, and Bennett suplexes high and HARD! FROG FLOP as Dean moves! The fans fire up as Dean and Taven are down again! They both crawl, they both hot tag! The fans fire up as Bad News & Tattoos rallies on The Kingdom! Bravo dodges Bennett to back drop him! Then he back drops Taven! Bravo fires up, then dodges Bennett to TOSS him out!

Bravo hits the CARLIE CROSSOVER and Bennett falls onto Taven! Then Bravo PLANCHAS them both down! The fans fire up again as Bravo puts Bennett in! Slingshot, somersault, COMPLETE SHOT! Cover, TWO! Tag to Dean and the Infantry gets Bennett up. But Taven trips Bravo! And TOSSES him over the desk! Bennett whips Dean to SPINEBUSTER! Taven returns, he LIONSAULTS! Bennett covers, TWO!! Dean survives and the fans are thunderous! Taven hurries up, BUT TIME’S UP!! The Infantry get their title shot!!

Time Limit Draw; The Infantry earn an ROH World Tag Team Championship match

The fans are disappointed there wasn’t a real end to this match, but they do cheer when The Infantry are named contenders! Bravo gets the mic to shout “YEAH! Hey! You two heard that?! WE have got an ROH World Tag Team Championship match. But the way I see it, why wait? So I say, tomorrow night, you two Spice Girls put those titles on the line, Supercard of Honor, against The Infantry!! And yo, if you ready to see The Infantry as the NEW ROH Tag Team Champs, lemme hear ya say OORAH!” “OORAH!” The fans are ready, Dean & Bravo are ready, but will The Kingdom not be ready for another war like this?


Kyle Fletcher speaks.

“Your ROH World Television Champion, the Protostar, Kyle Fletcher here. And with Supercard of Honor tomorrow, I think we should have a little chat. See, I’m defending this title against Lee Johnson. And I think we need to talk about-” Wait, Lee Johnson interrupts! And Lee says Kyle has a lot to say, so why not say it to Lee’s face? Kyle says he has no problem with that. Kyle wants to talk about the last time they were in the ring together. Does Lee remember that? That was Survival of the Fittest, and Kyle outlasted five other men. He was in that match for over twenty-five minutes! And he had his hand raised when he won this title.

But Lee was in that match, too! What happened to Lee that night? He was in that match for maybe five minutes. He was the first person eliminated! So what makes Lee think anything has changed? What makes Lee think he is on Kyle’s level? Kyle is The Protostar because he is going to be the Greatest Of All Time some day, and Lee won’t. There is NOT a chance in this entire world that Lee can take this from Kyle. Lee says okay. But he knows that Kyle has been pretty preoccupied with “The Family,” so he hasn’t made it much of a point to actually come to ROH. But while Kyle’s been away, Lee has been here week after week, busting his ass! And he is on a roll!

Now, Kyle is ridiculous if he thinks come Supercard, he’s looking at the same Lee Johnson as he did in 2023. Because he won’t. Come Supercard, Lee will welcome Kyle to the Big Shotty Show. Lee pats Kyle on the shoulder but Kyle shoves him back. Kyle reiterates that there is no chance Lee wins the title off him. But will it only take that one shot for Shotty to hit the mark?


Dalton Castle holds New Boys tryouts.

With Brandon & Brent Tate MIA somewhere in Canada, The Peacock has a line-up of his substitute Boys waiting. Lexi Nair is alongside Castle has he rejects candidate after candidate. Wow, that third one is tall and with great abs. But Castle says no, that’s not what a Boy should have. Wait… These next two are just Johnny TV & Taya in disguise! And not even good disguises, they just put on the feathered masks, nothing else is even remotely Boy like! Lexi tries to tell Castle but he’s too enamored with their dancing. And then surprise! It IS Johnny & Taya! As the shouting begins, Jerry Lynn hurries in to stop it from getting physical!

Jerry tells them all to stand down, and Substitute Boys have to step in! Jerry decides that the only way this can be settle is for Johnny and Castle to have their rematch… at Supercard of Honor! We cut to a later time after Castle  has calmed down, and he says that “John TV has torched everything of mine… My TV title… The respect of my peers… My Boys…! John TV has burned all of these to the ground in hopes to hurt me. But… like a peacock phoenix hybrid, I will RISE from the ashes! Like a PENIX! SUPERCARD! In a Fight Without Honor, I will DESTROY! JOHN T V!!” The rage has boiled over, will The Drip King be evaporated?


Johnny TV speaks.

“See this? This is where they make TV. And I’ve been out here my entire life. Lemme tell you something, no place has broken more dreams than Los Angeles, because if you show up here and you’re not TV Ready, they’ll drink your tears! They’ll say, ‘Hit the bricks, kid, I don’t give a damn about your dreams.’ I’m the kind of guy that ROH has always needed when instead they’ve had guys like Dalton Castle who will never be TV Ready. If I was in ROH five years ago, they’d probably still be on TV. So Dalton, at Supercard of Honor, in our Fight Without Honor, if you think you’ve sunk as low as you can sink, think again, because I am going to do things to you that you didn’t think possible!

“Is there even such a thing as a fight with honor? I’ve been fighting without honor my entire career. Cuz y’know what? Honor sucks!” The stakes have been raised in this grudge match, will either man even survive Supercard?


Lee Johnson VS Nick Comoroto!

We just saw Big Shotty confront The Aussie Arrow, and now he is going to show the ROH World Television Champion just what he can do. Will the win streak continue even this close to Supercard? Or will the Freak Beast, new look and all, prove he should be in the title picture instead?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and the two feel things out. Comoroto corners Lee but Lee dodges to CHOP! Comoroto doesn’t flinch, and he puts Lee in the corner! But Lee dodges to CHOP again! And CHOP again! And then fire forearms! Lee whips, Comoroto reverses but Lee ducks the boot! Comoroto scoops him but Lee slips out the back to CHOP! Lee ROCKS and CHOPS, but Comoroto shoves Lee! Comoroto runs in, but Lee TOSSES Comoroto up and out! But Comoroto skins the cat! But then Lee SHOTGUNS Comoroto out! The fans fire up and Lee PLANCHAS! Down goes Comoroto!

The fans fire up and high-five Lee, then he puts Comoroto in the ring. Lee climbs up, but Comoroto rises. Lee jumps over Comoroto, only for Comoroto to run up and ELBOW Lee down! The fans rally up while Lee sputters, and Comoroto sees his new mentor, Jacoby Watts, on stage! Watts nods in approval as Comoroto drags Lee up. Comoroto bumps Lee off buckles, throws body shots from all sides, then UPPERCUTS! The fans chant “Shave Your Body!” but Comoroto says they know they love it. Comoroto goes back to Lee but Lee throws body shots. Comoroto stands Lee up to whip him hard into the buckles!

Lee falls in a heap and Watts nods again. The fans boo but Comoroto stands on Lee’s face! Comoroto scrapes his heel off Lee’s forehead, then drags him up. Comoroto whips Lee to a corner, Lee bounces off buckles, into a scoop and SLAM! Comoroto runs to then JUMP ELBOW DROP! Cover, TWO! Lee survives but Watts still feels confident in his “disciple.” Comoroto clamps onto Lee’s head for a neck wrench! Lee endures, the fans rally, and Lee fights up. Lee throws body shots to get free, but Comoroto scoops. Lee slips free again, Comoroto runs in but is sent into buckles! Comoroto falls back and Lee fires off hands!

Comoroto shoves Lee but Lee ENZIGIRIS! Comoroto wobbles, Lee reels him in, but Comoroto’s too big to suplex! Comoroto suplexes Lee but Lee fights it, to get Comoroto up for ANARCHY! Then a kip up! The fans are thunderous for Lee as he brings Comoroto up. Dragon sleeper, but Comoroto fights with fists from below! Comoroto uses an IRON CLAW to get free, then he short arm LARIATS Lee down! Watts nods again and Comoroto looms over Lee. Comoroto smirks as he says this is it! Comoroto drags Lee up but the fans still tell him to shave. Watts says to ignore them, and Comoroto Alabama Lifts Lee.

Lee fights and sunset flips! TWO! Comoroto gets up, but into a SUPERKICK! Lee then goes up and out as Comoroto run sin, to GAMANGIRI! Lee climbs, but Comoroto grabs him by the neck! Lee throws hands, but Comoroto hits back! Lee HEADBUTTS, but Comoroto still manages to climb! Lee throws more haymakers, then HEADBUTTS Comoroto down! The fans fire up as Lee aims, FROG SPLASH! Cover, Lee wins!

Winner: Lee Johnson, by pinfall

Big Shotty proves he can fly just like the Aussie Arrow, and now he’s got big momentum! Will he take that title from Kyle just like he said he would? As for Watts, he isn’t disappointed, he knows Comoroto still has a long road ahead. But just where is this road leading?


Backstage interview with Griff Garrison & Cole Karter.

Lexi Nari is with the Ivy League MVP and the Diamond in the Rough, and brings up their recent momentum. How do they plan on keeping that going? That’s easy: keep being themselves. They are “two young, handsome, good-looking dudes with all the potential and athleticism in the world,” and Griff has to admit, they’ve gotta thank Mama Maria for it all. Yeah, but where IS she? Oh, good point. Did Maria go to the wrong London? Karter sent her 36 texts to make sure she knew it was London, Ontario. Whoa… Thirty-six?! Yeah. But in steps Serpentico! He was definitely eavesdropping, that stolen mask is still his by the way, and Serpentico couldn’t help but hear…

They have a problem, and see, he knows where Maria is. Griff keeps Karter from pouncing and Serpentico says calm down! That is so rude, man. But hey, Serpentico will let them know where Maria is, IF one of them signs and dates this document. Serpentico holds out the pen and paper, Karter snatches them and quickly signs. Not even checking it? Wow, alright. Then where is Maria?! Serpentico gives them their copy and says sorry, he has NO idea where Maria went. But uh, see you boys tomorrow night! Later, Lexi! #SNAKEMAN heads out, and they just signed for a tag team match! For Supercard of Honor!

Griff sighs and shoves the paper at Karter before storming off. Karter says it’s okay, though, because Maria will be there. Right? Lexi sighs and it seems Karter has much to learn about trusting a snake. But is this where Spanish Announce Project finally gets even with Maria’s baby boys?


Backstage interview with Nick Comoroto.

Lexi is now with the Freak Beast but is interrupted by Jacoby Watts. Watts asks if he could have a word with his new friend. Lexi says of course. Watts reintroduces himself, and sees Comoroto cleaned up his face, got new pants, he looks great. But Watts says he is the harbinger of Comoroto’s wrestling salvation. Watts holds the keys to unlocking Comoroto’s full potential! Comoroto needs him, the WORLD needs Jacoby Watts! Watts is the catalyst for this transformation, that will propel Comoroto to new heights. Comoroto just needs to embrace these trials that ail him, for that is the fire that forges his rebirth.

But heed Watts’ words, for it is only by his wisdom and his guidance that Comoroto will rise from the abyss the warrior he was always meant to be. So Watts asks Comoroto, will he join Watts on this journey of transformation? Watts holds out his hand, and Comoroto shakes it. Is the transformation Watts promises become a reality for the Freak Beast?


Smart Mark Sterling’s “Premier Athletes” are on their way back.

Tony Nese, Ariya Daivari & Josh Woods are all working hard in the gym and in the ring, and even have a new team logo. No more fun and games for these three, will they whoop ROH into shape as they take over?


Lexi Nair and Billie Starkz are in the ring.

They wear brand new Minions In Training (MIT) letterman’s jackets, and Lexi welcomes us to the first-ever ROH Women’s World Championship contract signing, presented by MIT! This Friday, April 5th, Philadelphia, Supercard of Honor, Hikaru Shida will challenge Athena for THE ROH Women’s World Championship. And Lexi’s fellow Minion, Billie Starkz, will also be facing Queen Aminata in the finals of the ROH Women’s World Television Championship tournament! Billie gets a mic to say wait, wait, wait. She has a quick question. If Billie wins at Supercard, but Athena loses her match… Does that make Billie the NEW Minion Overlord?

Lexi covers her mic as she hushes Billie and says not to talk like that, but the fans seem to like that idea. Before Billie goes any further with that thought, Athena makes her entrance. Billie says hi to Coach Athena as she shows off her letterman’s jacket before stepping into the ring. Billie apologizes for asking the question, but Athena doesn’t seem too upset. Lexi says Athena has been champion for over 450 DAYS, the longest reigning ROH Women’s Champion ever. The fans cheer that and Athena encourages them to cheer more. She has beaten EVERY “porcelain hussy” that has stepped to her.

But… Hikaru Shida has been AEW Women’s World Champion three-times over, and has a win over Athena. What is Athena’s strategy going into this match? Athena asks what Lexi is doing with this. Who is she talking to? The FBI? The CIA? OPRAH!? Who is she telling these secrets to!? Billie pulls Athena back and tells her to chill, but Athena turns it around on her. Would Billie be chill if she lost tomorrow night? No… THEN DON’T TELL HER WHAT TO DO! Yes, boss. Athena says she’s not afraid of Shida! Who cares that Shida beat her in the past? It’s the past, nobody cares! Right? Right! So no, she’s not afraid.

So Lexi…! Do your damn job and get Shida out here now! Lexi says yes, of course. Please welcome, Hikaru Shida! The fans cheer as the Full Metal Warrior, the Shining Samurai, struts out wearing all red and wielding her kendo stick. Athena calms down as she sits in her chair as Shida steps into the ring. Shida grabs herself a mic to say, “You didn’t think I’d come alone.” Athena asks what that means, and here comes Queen Aminata! The fans cheer as now all the women fighting for gold tomorrow night are here! Aminata joins everyone in the ring and Shida hands her the mic. Aminata tells Billie, “We went through hell to get here.

“And at Supercard of Honor, you and I will be making history. So I hope you’re ready to fight for your life.” Billie says say less! She’s ready, has been ready for a hot minute, and is ready to crush Aminata’s dreams by making herself the first-ever Women’s TV Champ! The fans cheer and Aminata smiles. But Athena says enough about that title. This is about HER and HER title and HER show! She is the Minion Overlord, The Forever Champion, so let’s get this over with so she can go to the mall! Fans boo but Lexi gets the contract over to Athena. She signs with the Koosh ball pen, then Lexi slides the contract to Shida.

Shida needs a pen and Athena says there’s one in the folder. Shida finds it, signs her part, and the fans cheer as this is now official! Shida then says, “I heard what you said. You’re not afraid of me? Really? You may be able to fool your Minions, but you can’t fool me!” The fans cheer as Shida clings to her title, and Shida says Athena’s losing it. Because Shida is in Athena’s head. Every time Athena closes her eyes, she sees Shida beating her! The fans fire up, but Athena SLAPS Shida! Shida swings, Athena ducks, the kendo stick SMACKS Billie down! So Athena flips the table at Shida! Athena fires off on Shida, so Aminata goes after Billie!

Billie turns things around to put Aminata on the apron, then DECKS her! Billie pulls Shida off of Athena, then storms up on her. Billie stomps a mudhole, and Athena puts the table in a corner! Billie drags Shida up, ROCKS her, then coordinates with Boss Athena. But Aminata gets in to shove them into each other! Billie runs up, swings, but Aminata dodges to HEADBUTT!! And Shida TAMASHIS Athena down! Then snap suplex through the table!! The fans are thunderous as the Samurai and the Queen stand tall! But will they be the ones holding the gold at the end of Supercard? Or will MIT rule ROH from top to bottom?


Eddie Kingston and Mark Briscoe have a sit down interview together.

Prerecorded earlier tonight, Lexi sat with the ROH World Champion and his challenger ahead of their title match at Supercard. It will be in Philadelphia, the birthplace of ROH, on April 5th. Lexi goes to the Sussex County Chicken first and asks if Mark won the title, what would that mean to him? Mark says he wants to lay out the backstory for anyone that doesn’t know. April 5th, the same date the late great Jay Briscoe won his first ROH World Championship. It will be 11 years to the day even. And like Lexi said, Philly is the birthplace of ROH. Mark was there, Murphy’s Rec Center. Not old enough to wrestle, but he was there.

Mark was coming to the ring with his brother, Jay, while he waited until he was old enough to wrestle, but trust him, he would’ve been in there if the state athletic commission would’ve let him. But it all works out now so that, as crazy as it is, things come full circle. We’re back in Philly, 11 years later, and now Jay has gone on to be with The Lord, but he is surely looking down on Mark. Nothing means more to Mark than winning this title and making Jay proud. So it would mean everything, absolutely everything, to win. And those are Mark’s intentions. Then to Eddie, what would it mean to retain this title?

The Mad King says that is a hard question to answer, really. He’s coming off a loss of the Continental Championship. And Chicken would know this seeing Eddie’s dark periods, but “Old Eddie” would go off and find a bottle to drown himself in. But Eddie can’t do that anymore, and he is fighting that. It is kinda funny how, because of Mark, Eddie is fighting that. Because this man deserves Eddie at 100%. This man deserves a world champion that he needs to beat and need to fight, and will bring that fight, will #ManUp. Mark inspires Eddie to keep himself on the straight and narrow. Because Mark knows for a fact Eddie would go, crack a couple bottles open, and try to drown his demons.

But Eddie knows he can’t do that, because of this title. People don’t understand, but the ROH World Championship supersedes even AEW. If not for ROH and this title, there would be no AEW. If not for Lo-ki, Xavier, Homicide, Jay Briscoe, and many other great former champions, this place would not be open. That’s why this title means so much. It has lineage and history, and Eddie is proud to be with this title, proud to be ROH World Champion. Eddie was at an ROH show after he got kicked out of wrestling school. It was 4/20, Eddie Guerrero Appreciation Night. Eddie watched Jay, and that’s when he said ROH is where he wants to be.

Eddie knew ROH was the goal long before AEW opened up. Eddie doesn’t want Mark to take offense because there’s nothing but respect here, because that is what ROH was built on. They both cut their teeth in Philly. Eddie tells the youngsters that they wouldn’t have survived Philly ROH back in the day. But Eddie and Mark did. When you got over in Philly, you were made forever. So they’re both going to go out there, and it hurts Eddie to say it, which is why he wants Mark to know this is with respect. But Eddie can’t lose to Mark. Eddie will not lose to Mark. Eddie loves Mark deep down, and the whole Briscoe family, too. But Eddie will not lose.

Eddie will man up, get in Mark’s face as mark will get in Eddie’s, and in the end, all Eddie wants is to have Jay looking down from Heaven, proud of them both, clapping them on because they gave everyone watching 1000%. Not a hundred but a THOUSAND percent of everything they’ve got. ROH is pro-wrestling, they are pro-wrestling, don’t ever forget that. And they will show it, prove it, on April 5th. Eddie loves Mark, but with all due respect, Eddie will not and cannot, for the sake of his own sanity and sobriety, lose to Mark. Mark nods, the two shake hands, and they’re ready. Who comes out of Philadelphia THE ROH World Champion?


Six Man Tag: Top Flight VS Christopher Daniels, Matt Sydal & Jack Cartwheel!

Darius & Dante Martin absolutely snatched away a win from Ricky Starks & “Big Bill” Morrissey, and now they’re set for a Collision with FTR! But will they and Action Andretti prove they’re still good for an ROH World Six Man title opportunity? Or will the eclectic collection of the Fallen Angel, Zen Assassin and Acrobatic Wonder be the ones in pole position instead?

The Code of Honor is skipped as the trios sort out, and Dante starts against Jack. They circle, tie up, and Jack wrenches to wristlock. Dante rolls, handsprings, and wrenches to wristlock. Jack powers up to cartwheel through! Then he breaks free and the fans cheer! Jack dodges Dante, headlocks, but Dante powers up and out. Jack cartwheels through the hip toss to arm-drag! Dante comes back, Jack dodges, but then Dante dodges to waistlock. Jack elbows free but Dante CLUBS him! Dante back suplexes but Jack lands out of it! Jack ducks ‘n’ dodges, Dante hurdles and rolls under! Jack ducks the leg lariat but Dante blocks a kick!

Dante spins Jack but jumps the sweep! Jack cartwheels over the leg sweep, and the fans fire up! The two now shake hands, and then they tag out to Darius and Sydal. The fans rally as they circle, tie up, and go around. Sydal waistlocks, headlocks then hits a takeover, but Darius fights right up. Darius wrenches, blocks an arm-drag, and swings Sydal around to backslide! TWO, but Darius steps over and flips Sydal into a lateral press, TWO! Darius rolls Sydal up, TWO! Both men get up, Sydal ducks ‘n’ dodges to tilt-o-whirl schoolboy bridge! TWO!! Darius stands up, into a JUMP SOBAT! The fans cheer while Darius staggers to the corner.

Sydal tags in Daniels and the fans really fire up! Sydal whips Darius back into the corner, Daniels adds a GAMANGIRI! Then feed to Sydal’s ROUNDHOUSE, and Daniels hits an STO! Sydal adds the STANDING MARIPOSA! Cover, TWO! Daniels brings Darius up, suplexes high and hard, then covers, TWO! The fans rally for the Fallen Angel as he CLUBS Darius again and again, then runs, but Darius gets around to half nelson. Darius spins Daniels around but Daniels uses that to get a headlock. Dante tags in as Darius powers up and out. Darius drops under, Dante hurdles over, then they trip and DDT!

Tag to Action and he storms up to bring Daniels up. Action fires forearms and UPPERCUTS, then a LARIAT! Action grins before the STANDING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! The fans rally, Action brings Daniels over to tag Darius. They double snapmare, KICK and BASEMENT DROPKICK! Darius SPLASHES and covers, TWO! Daniels is tougher than that so Action tags back in. Action and Darius mug Daniels, Sydal protests on the grounds of the tag partner five count, but Action scoops and SLAMS Daniels! Cover, TWO! Action clamps onto Daniels with a chinlock and he grinds Daniels down. The fans rally as Daniels endures.

Daniels fights up, throws body shots, then runs, but into a SUPERKICK! Daniels falls, Action brings him towards ropes so he can run, springboard, and IMPLODER SPLASH onto knees! Daniels gets Action up to DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Now both men are down and the fans fire up! Daniels and Action crawl as their teams reach out, hot tags to Dante and Sydal! Sydal slingshots to DROPKICK Dante, then runs up to KNEE Darius! JUMP KICK for Dante, POP-UP RANA for Darius! The fans fire up and Sydal has the Martins lined up! Sydal KICKS Darius, KICKS Dante, repeat! Sydal fires up, points but fake Darius out, QUESTION MARK KICK!

Dante swings but Sydal goes Matrix! Sydal then slips around to fireman’s carry and tuck, AIR RAID CRASH! Cover, TWO! Dante stays in this but Sydal calls to his corner. Sydal brings Dante up but Darius gets up to ENZIGIRI! Dante runs to LEAP and sunset flip! Cover, TWO! Sydal escapes, Darius SUPERKICKS! Top Flight double whips, but Sydal KICKS and HEEL KICKS in succession! Hot tags to Action and Jack! Jack ducks a haymaker, Action ducks a haymaker, Jack ducks an enzigiri! Jack waistlocks to deadlift, but Action elbows free! Only for Jack to reel him in! Action still lands out of the back suplex!

Action runs, tilt-o-whirls and RANAS, but Jack cartwheels through! The fans are thunderous, Action runs up but Jack ducks the spin kick! Jack comes back to SUPERKICK! Then scoop and CARTWHEEL POWERSLAM! Cover, Darius breaks it! Sydal gets in to KICK Darius’ leg! Sydal KICKS Action, he and Jack double whip, but Action handsprings to DOUBLE BACK ELBOW! Action kips up, the fans fire up, and Action runs to tilt-o-whirl DDT! Cover, but Daniels stomps it! Daniels then COMPLETE SHOTS Action! Dante kicks Daniels, whips him but Daniels reverses. Darius helps Dante go up and over, and then Dante helps with the TORNADO DDT!

Sydal JUMP KNEES Dante! Darius ELBOWS Sydal, to WALL WALK PELE! Action is back and he builds speed to FLY out onto Sydal & Daniels! The fans fire up again and Darius CHOPS Jack! Top Flight double whips Jack, but he handsprings, scarecrows and ducks the lariats! Jack dumps Darius, dodges Dante and ENZIGIRIS against ropes! Jack runs, but Dante goes up and over, Darius GAMANGIRIS! SUPERKICK! STEP-IN COMPLETE SHOT! Action springboards to 450 SPLASH!! Cover, Top Flight wins!

Winners: Top Flight, by pinfall

London, Ontario is flying high with Action, Dante & Darius! And bigger than that, Daniels, Sydal & Jack still show respect with a Code of Honor handshake. Will this win help make the Sight to See, Angel Dorado & Air Wolf the first choice for facing Bullet Club Gold for the gold?

My Thoughts:

A really good ROH, especially as a go-home to Supercard of Honor, but I still have to question quite a bit of things. For one, what an absolute mess they’ve just made of Dalton Castle’s story. They cut The Boys as part of the recent round of cuts. First real actual round of cuts, I believe, and it’s like they didn’t even realize there was still a story involving them going on in ROH. Then, Castle’s promo segment with Johnny & Taya was really just a montage of a full skit and we weren’t even getting their audio, it’s just Ian Riccaboni talking over it. Now, Castle and Johnny getting their own promos to add to it made up for it, but why not just give us that it’s a Fight Without Honor in the main promo skit? And at this point, no idea how that match is going to go because The Boys ain’t coming back.

And I must again question the order of segments. The Six Man Tag was a really good match but this was a moment where a match didn’t need to close us out. Either of the promo segments that went before it should’ve closed us out. Eddie and Mark having a very genuine moment within their promo was really good stuff, and the women’s title contract signing was great for the energy it gave the crowd, so it’s really just what note they wanted to end on. Eddie VS Mark feels dead even in the math, but Aminata and Shida stood tall, so I guess Athena and Billie are winning? Anyway, I skipped the filler but I skimmed them and I can tell you those matches were still good. Well, Nyla squashed Alexis, Anna was of course beating Nikita and Uno actually gave London Lightning a good showing.

Great little promo moment from Lee Johnson and Kyle Fletcher, and great win for Lee over Comoroto. That was two birds with one promo as Lee has momentum going into what will surely be a loss to Kyle, and now Comoroto has more of a reason to side with Jacoby Watts in this self-important evangelist parody Watts is portraying. And great opening tag match, I am so glad we finally got someone surviving the Proving Ground time limit. Now if Tony Khan was really connecting dots, Wardlow needs to play into the finish. He could interfere, champion’s advantage could be used, or he could cost them. Either way, Adam Cole told Wardlow what to do, so Wardlow can decide to follow orders, or he could turn on The Undisputed Kingdom. Just something happen.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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