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Mitchell’s NJPW Windy City Riot Results & Report! (4/12/24)

Will the winds of change blow?



NJPW starts a riot!

As NJPW lands in Chicago, the IWGP World Heavyweight Champion, Testuya Naito, defends the title against Jon Moxley! Is The Maniac going to become the face of NJPW?


  • Kickoff Show – Strong Survivor: Matt Vandagriff VS Zane Jay; Vandagriff wins.
  • Kickoff Show – Mina Shirakawa & Viva Van VS Alex Windsor & Trish Adora; Windsor & Adora win.
  • Minoru Suzuki VS Ren Narita; Narita wins.
  • NJPW Strong Women’s Championship: Stephanie Vaquer VS AZM; Vaquer wins and retains the title.
  • NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Championships Fatal 4 Way: El Phantasmo & Hikuleo VS TMDK VS West Coast Wrecking Crew VS #NoFilthyDaysOff; TMDK wins and become the new NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Champions.
  • Shota Umino VS Jack Perry; Shota wins.
  • Mustafa Ali VS Hiromu Takahashi; Ali wins.
  • Riot Rules 8 Man Tag: Team Eddie Kingston VS Team Gabe Kidd; Team Kidd wins.
  • NJPW World Television Championship: Matt Riddle VS Zack Sabre Jr; ZSJ wins and becomes the new NJPW World Television Champion.
  • Nic Nemeth VS Tomohiro Ishii; Nemeth wins.
  • IWGP World Heavyweight Championship: Tetsuya Naito VS Jon Moxley; Moxley wins and becomes the new IWGP World Heavyweight Champion.


Minoru Suzuki VS Ren Narita!

Finally, months after the betrayal, The King of Pancrase gets his chance at teaching #SouledOut Narita a lesson! Will Meanest Man in the World show no mercy? Or will the House of Torture find a way to stack the deck even now?

The Windy City knows “KAZE NI NARE~!” and then Suzuki CLOBBERS Narita! The bell rings, Narita bails out and the fans fire up as Suzuki goes after him! Suzuki stomps Narita, whips him into railing, then storms up to stomp Narita down! The fans fire up for “SU-ZU-KI!” as he whips Narita hard into more railing! Suzuki stomps Narita more, then CHOKES Narita with camera cables! The fans fire up, the ref reprimands, but Suzuki lets go. The fans cheer the “MURDER GRAMPA!” as he gets a chair! Suzuki then stomps Narita, drags him up and puts his arm through railing! The ref reprimands as Suzuki pulls on the arm!

Suzuki lets off, the fans fire up more, and Suzuki drags Narita up. Suzuki brings Narita along, SMACKS him off the apron, and the ref finally starts a ring count. Suzuki kicks away on Narita then shoves him into the ring. The fans cheer and Suzuki drags Narita up. Suzuki whips but Narita flops and flounders out of the ring. The fans boo but Suzuki is amused. Suzuki taunts Narita, but Narita trips Suzuki and whips him into railing! The fans boo as Narita goes into the ring, builds speed, and as Suzuki gets on the apron, Narita BOOTS him back down! Narita stomps Suzuki against railing while the ring count starts.

Narita fires forearms, Suzuki eggs him on, so Narita claws the eyes! Suzuki gets in the ring, Narita storms in to stomp away at the ropes! The fans boo as Narita kicks Suzuki back out, then whips him hard into railing! Suzuki sputters, Narita brings Suzuki around to whip into more railing! Suzuki grabs a bottle of water to SPLASH Narita! The fans fire up but Narita kicks Suzuki, only to slip in the water! Narita puts Suzuki in the ring, stands on him for a cocky cover, TWO! The fans boo but Narita soaks up the heat. Suzuki rises, Narita fires a forearm then runs to BOOT! Suzuki staggers, Narita whips, but Suzuki reverses!

Suzuki runs in to BOOT Narita at the corner! The fans fire up as Suzuki fires forearm after forearm! The fans count and Suzuki goes past ten, and even tells the ref to back off! Narita sits down in the corner but Suzuki fires off more forearms! Suzuki tops it off at TWENTY! The fans fire up, Suzuki drags Narita to his feet, then snapmares Narita to PENALTY KICK! Cover, TWO! Suzuki keeps on Narita with a SLEEPER! Narita fights up, slips around, and has a SLEEPER! Suzuki switches to put the SLEEPER back on Narita! The fans fire up as Narita flails, but Suzuki drops back into body scissors! Narita is caught and the fans fire up!

Narita flails, reaches out, but Suzuki rolls him away from ropes! Narita is fading, the ref checks. The arm drops once! The arm drops twice! Narita comes back at the third and has the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts as Suzuki thrashes around! The ref pries at the hold, but Suzuki holds on! The ref counts again, Suzuki lets go at 4, and Suzuki gets in the ref’s face! Narita breathes again, rises up, and then runs up to KNEE STOMP! The fans boo as Narita goes to get a chair! The ref stops Narita, but Narita wedges the chair into the corner. But Suzuki kicks Narita first! Suzuki whips, follows, then shoots around to the SLEEPER!

Narita wrenches out! Narita whips, Suzuki stops himself, and then Suzuki BOOTS Narita down! The fans fire up as now Suzuki has the chair! The ref says no, the fans boo, and Narita has his push-up bar! Suzuki shoves the ref aside, PUSH-UP BAR SHOT!! Then the DOUBLE CROSSER! Cover, Narita wins!

Winner: Ren Narita, by pinfall

The fans boo because of course the Souled Out son of a gun had to cheat to win, but it’s surprising that he did it all on his own! Suzuki is pissed, he runs back up but the Young Lions keep him away! So the Young Lions are sent into railing for it! Will anyone ever humble Narita’s inflated ego?


NJPW Strong Women’s Championship: Stephanie Vaquer VS AZM!

Having dethroned Giulia in the background of Stardom’s Cinderella Tournament, La Primera feels unstoppable! But will she be able to keep up with the Highspeed Superstar? Or will Stephanie show she’s a real speed demon herself?

The introductions are made, the NJPW belt is raised, and we see who is truly a Strong Star!

The bell rings and the fans rally up already as the two circle. They tie up, are in a deadlock, but then Vaquer uses her height for leverage. AZM digs her heels in to push back, and the fans rally up more. Vaquer gets around to waistlock, sit-down, roll and JAPANESE BRIDGE! TWO, and the fans cheer as the two reset. AZM runs up to kick low, whip, but Vaquer reverses. Vaquer hurdles but AZM comes right back to shove, follow and run up again. Vaquer pops AZM up but AZM slips free to then duck ‘n’ dodge and trip Vaquer up! Then PENALTY KICK! SLIDING KICK! Kip up! The fans fire up with AZM and she gets them even hotter!

AZM gets Vaquer up but Vaquer JAWBREAKERS! AZM blocks a kick, gives a kick, then runs to sunset flip! Vaquer stays up, scuffs AZM and then runs to drop the leg, brother! The fans fire up and Vaquer clamps on a chinlock. Vaquer squeezes tight but AZM endures. The fans rally, AZM fights around, reaches out, but Vaquer drags her by her hair! The fans boo but Vaquer wraps on a headscissors, and she turns AZM over to RAM her into the mat again and again and again! The fans cheer as Vaquer lets off to cover, TWO! AZM stays in this but Vaquer stays calm. Vaquer looms over AZM, then springboard KNEE DROPS!

Vaquer digs her heel into AZM’s head, but the ref counts. Vaquer lets off, drags AZM up and the fans rally up. Vaquer bumps AZM off buckles, sits her down, then goes up to stand on AZM’s face! The ref counts, Vaquer steps off, and she drags AZM up. AZM fires a forearm but then falls over. Vaquer stands AZM up to HEADBUTT her down! AZM drags herself up to fire another forearm! Vaquer HEADBUTTS again! AZM forearms again and again and again! The fans fire up, but Vaquer HEADBUTTS again and again and again! Vaquer runs, AZM gets around and spins her, snap suplex! The fans fire up while both women are down!

AZM stands, whips Vaquer to a corner, but Vaquer stops herself to CLUB AZM! Vaquer whips, runs up, but into a BOOT! AZM fires up, but Vaquer puts AZM’s leg in the ropes! Vaquer has the other leg, to DRAPING DRAGON SCREW! AZM writhes, flops out of the ring, but Vaquer goes to the apron. Vaquer watches like a hawk, but AZM avoids the kick! AZM trips Vaquer to ROUNDHOUSE Vaquer down! Vaquer slumps to the floor, AZM goes up and up and SUPER DIVING STOMPS!! The fans are thunderous as AZM stands tall! AZM drags Vaquer up, puts her in, and then goes back up the corner!

AZM aims and the fans fire up for the MISSILE DROPKICK! Cover, TWO! But into the FUJIWARA ARMBAR! Vaquer reaches out, so AZM traps that arm and pulls the other arm! Vaquer endures as AZM has a mounted armlock! Then AZM YANKS the arm into an ARMBAR! Vaquer clasps hands to fight the hold, then kicks around, ROPEBREAK! AZM lets go and fans rally as she brings Vaquer around. AZM KICKS Vaquer in the side, then drags her into a drop zone! AZM steps on Vaquer before she climbs back up. The fans fire up for the DIVING- NO, Vaquer avoids the stomps to DROPKICK!

But AZM’s right back up! She ROUNDHOUSES Vaquer, then runs, but Vaquer reels her in, BIG back suplex! Both women are down again and the fans are thunderous! The two women slowly sit up and the fans rally again. AZM fires a forearm first, but Vaquer HEADBUTTS! AZM fires another forearm, so Vaquer HEADBUTTS! Forearm, HEADBUTT, then AZM fires a flurry! Vaquer SLAPS AZM! The fans fire up as Vaquer then blocks a slap into an ARMBAR! AZM stacks it, TWO! CROSSFACE!! Vaquer pulls way back on AZM, AZM is fading, reaches out, but Vaquer rolls her from ropes!

AZM kicks around still, ROPEBREAK behind Vaquer’s back! The fans fire up as Vaquer lets go in frustration. Vaquer drags AZM up, ducks the haymaker, then spins her to snap suplex! Cover, TWO! AZM is still in this and the fans fire up! Vaquer goes to a corner, climbs up, but AZM rises! AZM ROCKS Vaquer, but then Vaquer HEADBUTTS back! AZM ROUNDHOUSES back, goes up after Vaquer, and the fans fire up for the SUPERPLEX! AZM positions Vaquer just right, hurries back up top, and DIVING DOUBLE STOMPS!! Cover, TWO!! Vaquer survives and neither Chicago nor AZM can believe it!

AZM drags Vaquer up, “This is Awesome!” as she reels Vaquer in. Vaquer wrenches out, EAT DA FEET! Vaquer runs, AZM follows and tilt-o-whirls, LA MYSTICA! Then the step over, AZM SUSHI ROLL! TWO!! Vaquer escapes the cradle, and AZM hurries to a corner. AZM runs in, but is sent into buckles! HEADBUTT HEADBUTT HEADBUTT!! Vaquer sits AZM down, runs corner to corner, METEORA! Vaquer drags AZM up and tucks her in, but AZM pops free! AZM ducks ‘n’ dodges but into a SUPERKICK! Vaquer runs, but AZM follows again! Tilt-o-whirl but no Mystica! PACKAGE BACKBREAKER!! Cover, Vaquer wins!

Winner: Stephanie Vaquer, by pinfall (still NJPW Strong Women’s Champion)

AZM’s speed was there, but so was Vaquer’s strength! Vaquer keeps her THREE belts, from NJPW Strong to CMLL, but will she be able to hold onto all of them through the Summer?

Well hold on, speaking of, here comes Alex Windsor! She gets a mic to say, “Now I understand that you maybe don’t know who I am, so allow me to formally introduce myself. I am at the top of the UK Women’s Scene. I have conquered Europe, I have overcome Japan. Every single country, every single company I have been to, I have made my presence known. And trust me when I say, it doesn’t stop here. So uh, if you’re up for it, May 11th, Resurgence, you put your NJPW Strong Women’s Championship on the line against Alex Windsor!” The fans are torn on this, but Alex bloody dares Vaquer!

Vaquer looks Alex up and down, takes the mic, and says, “You’re on.” Will Vaquer be able to break the Iron Willed Windsor? Or will Alex prove she’s just as NJPW Strong, if not stronger?


NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Championships Fatal 4 Way: El Phantasmo & Hikuleo VS TMDK VS West Coast Wrecking Crew VS #NoFilthyDaysOff!

The Guerrillas of Destiny have passed on the torch, but there’s a chance the fire could be blown out in the Windy City! Can The Headbanga & Young Guerilla make it through Shane Haste, Mikey Nicholls, Royce Isaacs, Jorel Nelson, Tom Lawlor AND Fred Rosser all at once? Or are we guaranteed NEW Strong Tag Team Champions?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see who defies the odds to win the gold!

Tensions are already running high given the beef between WCWC and their former leader, Lawlor. In this Fatal 4, only two teams are legal at a time, and ELP steps up to start against Hysterical Haste. The fans rally up with the bell as the two circle. They tie up, Shane headlocks, but ELP powers up and out. Shane runs ELP over, drags him back up, and runs, but ELP drops, hurdles, and drops again. ELP DROPKICKS Shane down then handsprings up! The fans cheer but Shane KICKS ELP, whips him to the corner, only for ELP to ROCK Mikey! Shane DROPKICKS ELP down! Tag to Mikey and TMDK double whip.

TMDK DOUBLE ELBOW ELP then SENTON FIST DROP COMBO! Cover, ONE, and Mikey whips ELP. Leo tags in, ELP gets around Mikey and sends him into the UPPERCUT! ELP BLASTS Shane, Leo sends Mikey to the corner to SPLASH! ELP back elbows, then feeds Mikey to Leo’s SIDEWALK SLAM! ELP is up, for the FALLING ELBOW! Then the high five! The fans fire up as Leo aims, but then Rosser tags in! Rosser eggs Mikey on, they RAM shoulders! And RAM again! Rosser runs but Mikey ELBOWS him! Mikey runs, Rosser dodges and ROLLING ELBOWS! Tag to Lawler, the fans fire up, and NFDO RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP TACKLE COMBO!

Rosser BLASTS WCWC, drops a leg on Mikey, then scoops Lawlor to SLAM him on Mikey! Rosser BLASTS Shane, too, but Royce sneaks a tag. The fans fire up as Lawlor and Royce stare down. The two circle, but then ELP tags in off Lawlor! No filthy showdown yet, but then Royce SHOVES ELP into Lawlor, then GERMAN SUPLEXES ELP! The fans boo as WCWC BLAST Leo! Royce RAMS ELP into the corner, stomps a mudhole in, then tags in Jorel. Jorel stands ELP up to CHOP, then CHOPS again! The fans rally up as Jorel winds up, but then he pokes ELP in the eyes! The fans boo but Jorel says he’s smarter than that.

Jorel RAMS ELP into the corner, tags Royce, and then WCWC wrench and DOUBLE ATOMIC DROP! ELP hobbles, Jorel sweeps the legs, and Royce deadlift suplexes! Royce holds ELP up, kicks Shane away, but then Lawlor reaches out to tag in! Royce SLAMS ELP down, but he has to exit now. Lawlor drags ELP up, and clamps on a GUILLOTINE! ELP endures, fights his way up, reaches out, but Lawlor redirects him. Rosser tags in and CLUBS ELP. NFDO double whip to ELBOW ELP down, then Lawlor hooks Rosser up, HALF NELSON FACEBUSTER SPLASH onto ELP! Cover, TWO! Rosser stares down WCWC then gets ELP up.

Rosser kicks and KNEES ELP, then HEADBUTTS! Rosser HIP ATTACKS ELP, runs, but Royce tags in! Royce then knees Rosser low and TOSSES him! Tag to Jorel, WCWC BLASTS everyone else! Then WCWC double wrench and double- NO, ELP slips free of the suplex! ELP go esup and over, slips under, but Royce gets a leg! ELP ENZIGIRIS but then Jorel gets a leg! ELP BOOTS Jorel into Royce! Hot tag to Leo! The fans fire up as Leo UPPERCUTS Jorel! Royce ducks ‘n’ dodges but Leo still BOOTS him! Leo scoops Jorel for SNAKE EYES, and the BOOT! Leo choke grips Royce, but Jorel gets up! So Leo gets him, too!

The fans fire up but WCWC break the guzels to throw hands! WCWC double whip, but Leo breaks the line to DOUBLE LARIAT back! The fans fire up but TMDK attack! They double whip but Leo breaks those lines, only for TMDK to get under! BACK SUPELX NECKBREAKER COMBO! NFDO fire off on TMDK! The fans fire up as NFDO double whip, but Shane JUMP KICKS Rosser and Mikey ELBOWS Lawlor! TMDK pinball Lawlor, get him up, but Lawlor slips free! Lawlor shoves Mikey into Shane, then he and Rosser clamp on, SLEEPER HOLD and CROSSFACE CHICKEN WING! The fans fire up as TMDK endure!

Mikey holds Shane’s hand, but then Leo DOUBLE LARIATS all four men!! The fans are thunderous as Leo gets NFDO, DOUBLE GODSENDS!! Leo SPLASHES Jorel, scoops him, and POWERSLAMS! The fans are thunderous as Leo tags ELP in! ELP and Leo coordinate, tune up, and Jorel stands. But Royce trips ELP! Leo still grabs Jorel, but Jorel STUNNERS! Royce LARIATS Leo up and out! Jorel KNEES ELP, Royce UPPERCUTS, feed to the POP UP POWERBOMB! And then CATAPULT into the fireman’s carry, DEATH VALLEY BACKBREAKER!! Cover, Lawlor breaks it! The fans are thunderous again and Royce is furious!

“This is Awesome!” as WCWC CLOBBER Lawlor! But Rosser gets in to stand Lawlor up. The four stare down, and the filthy brawl is on! The fans fire up as the forearms fly back and forth! NFDO DECK WCWC, then they DOUBLE ROLLING ELBOW on Jorel! NFDO aim at Royce, DOUBLE ROLLING ELBOW but Royce ducks! The elbows clash, Royce BOOTS Rosser! Lawlor sweeps the leg then KNEES Royce down! But Jorel SHOTGUNS Lawlor! But he turns around into SUDDEN DEATH! And then EKP DIVES onto the others before GODSEND!! ELP is back on the apron, he climbs up Leo, but Shane sneaks a tag!

SUPER THUNDERKISS, but Shane TOSSES ELP out! Mikey gets Leo, Shane LAST SUPPER on Jorel! TMDK WINS!!

Winners: TMDK, by pinfall (NEW NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Champions)

The Mighty Don’t Kneel, and they don’t let an opportunity get past them! Shane & Mikey have gold, will Zack Sabre Jr. join them later tonight?

Meanwhile, WCWC are pissed! They CLOBBER NFDO for it! Royce POSTS Rosser, then OVERHEAD BELLY2BELLY SUPLEXES to the floor! Jorel beats down on Lawlor, then shouts in his face, “WHY!? WHY!? WHY!?” WCWC gets Lawlor up, reel him in, PILEDRIVER!! MACHO ELBOW!! Team Filthy is truly no more, and then Jorel brings out SCISSORS!! The fans boo as Royce sits Lawlor up! Jorel grabs a handful of hair, and CUTS it away! The fans boo as Jorel & Royce disrespect their mentor as they just cut random pieces away! Jorel shouts, “It didn’t have to be this way!”

The fans tell Royce he’s sick as he EATS Lawlor’s hair! Rosser manages to rise to his feet, but he’s in no shape to fight! WCWC knows that, and Jorel MAKES Rosser eat hair!! The fans are disgusted, but the WCWC leaves. Will they prove they’re truly the filthiest of them all?


Shota Umino VS Jack Perry!

The Roughneck and his mentor, Jon Moxley, got the win over the Scapegoat and Ren Narita just a few days ago at NJPW Sakura Genesis. But now this is a more personal showdown as Shota wants to finally shut Jack up once and for all. Will there be a Paradigm Shift here in Chicago? Or will Perry prove Shota doesn’t know Jack?

As Jack makes his entrance, he has guards in riot gear. The fans are chanting “C M PUNK!” at him, but he came prepared! He has the flag of Chicago draped on his shoulders, then holds it up as he struts around. Then Jack turns around and drops the flag to reveal “CRY ME A RIVER” painted on the back of his jacket! Jack is rubbing it in everyone’s faces as he goes down to the ring, but will Shota make Jack cry?

Jack gets on a corner to soak up the heat, and Chicago sure gives him all he can handle. Though, there are some fans actually cheering “SCAPEGOAT! SCAPEGOAT!” The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, go around, and Jack puts Shota on ropes. Jack lets off clean and that surprises Shota, maybe even confuses him. The two reset, tie up again, and now Shota puts Jack on ropes. The ref counts, Shota lets off with pats on the shoulder, but then Jack SLAPS Shota! Jack bails out while fans boo, and a ring count starts. Jack grabs some water to take a sip, then he SPLASHES the fans! Shota rushes out, but the water trips him up!

Jack and Shota brawl, Shota RAMS Jack into railing, then CLUBS Jack around. Shota puts Jack in, but Jack KICKS Shota down! The fans boo as Jack stomps Shota to ropes. Jack CHOPS Shota, Shota staggers away, and Jack whips, Shota reverses, scoops, DROPS and basement dropkicks! The fans fire up with Shota while Jack flounders to a corner. Shota runs up to CLUB Jack down, then stomps him around. But Jack CLAWS Shota’s face! Jack CLUBS Shota, snapmares, and basement dropkicks to the back! Cover, ONE!! Shota is tougher than that, the fans chant “You Got Choked Out!” “No He Didn’t!” in reference to the All In video.

Jack stalks Shota, stands him up, and facelocks! The GUILLOTINE is a direct shot at #BrawlIn! The fans are torn, but then Jack snap suplexes! Cover, TWO! Jack says okay, he drags Shota up and he whips Shota to a corner. Jack runs up to clothesline, then he stomps Shota down. The ref counts, Jack goes up the corner to soak up the heat. Jack then hops down to drag Shota up. Shota ROCKS Jack first! Jack CLUBS Shota, whips, but Shota ducks ‘n’ dodges to CLOBBER Jack! The fans fire up with Shota and he storms up on Jack again. Shota whips corner to corner, runs in and UPPERCUTS! Then FISHERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!

Not quite perfect but Shota does the Jungle Life dance! The fans sing along, Shota drags Jack up, and then clinches. Jack fights the lift, throws elbows, and he CLAWS Shota’s back! The ref reprimands, but Jack runs up, into a drop toehold! Shota slingshots to APRON DDT! The fans fire up again while Jack flops to the floor! The ring count starts, Shota takes a full lap, then returns to Jack. Shota drags Jack up at 5 of 20, puts him in at 7, and Shota goes up the corner. Fans chant for “LUCHASAURUS!” while Shota MISSILE DROPKICKS! Shota then clinches to EXPLODER! Cover, TWO! Jack is still in this but Shota keeps his cool.

Shota drags Jack back up, dragon sleepers, and hits the TRI- NO, Jack slips free! Jack waistlocks, Shota standing switches, but Jack grabs the ref and then LOW BLOWS Shota!! The fans boo as Jack gets away with that one! Jack then drags Shota out, has him on the apron, DRAPING DDT to the floor! Jack drags Shota up, puts him back in, then brings Shota around to underhook. TIGER DRIVER! Cover, TWO!! Shota survives and the fans fire up! Jack sighs, rises up and hears all the boos. Jack walks around to soak up more heat, then he scuffs Shota. Shota crawls, Jack scuffs him again, but Shota shakes his head.

Jack scuffs Shota more, pie faces him, then eggs Shota on. Shota rises up to fire a forearm! Jack puts his hair back and Shota roars! Jack ROCKS Shota, Shota fires another forearm! Jack ROCKS Shota, Shota staggers around, but Shota comes back to forearm! Jack sighs, then SPITS at Shota! The fans boo more and Shota scowls. Shota storms up on Jack, then ROCKS him! Jack ROCKS Shota, Shota ROCKS Jack, repeat! They go back and forth, the fans strongly on Shota’s side! Shota gets the edge, then UPPERCUTS! Shota eggs Jack on, pie faces him, so Jack SLAPS back! Jack CLUBS Shota, runs, but into a DROPKICK!

The fans are thunderous as both men are down! Shota pounds the mat and rises up, and the fans rally behind him. Shota drags Jack back up, dragon sleepers, and TRIDENT! Cover, TWO!! Jack survives but Shota just fires up again! Shota drags Jack into a half nelson, spin and POP UP KNEE! IGNITION! Cover, TWO!! Jack is still in this but Shota is still fired up! The fans are still with him as he aims from a corner! Jack slowly sits up, Shota kicks low and underhooks, but Jack wrenches out! Shota blocks the superkick to ROCK, ROLLING- SUPERKICK! Jack hops up, POISON-RANA! But Shota’s up to BLAZE- NO, Jack ducks!

Jack runs, into a pop-up! But Jack blocks the uppercut and spins Shota around, for an UNPRETTIER?! Shoutout to Christian Cage as Jack covers, TWO!!! Shota survives and Jack is furiously headbutting the mat! Jack drags Shota up, calls the end, and runs up, GLASSJAW!! Cover, TWO?!? Shota survives the knee shot and Jack is beside himself! The fans chant “G T S! G T S!” Jack lets his hair back down, will he listen to Chicago? Shota is in a corner, Jack aims and runs in, SHINING WIZARD! Another shot at Phil Brooks! The fans are rowdy as ever as Jack flips them off, and he shoves Shota down. Jack says night-night!

Jack takes his time going up to Shota, then brings Shota up to fireman’s carry! Jack flips everyone off before the GO TO- DDT COUNTER!! The fans are electric as Shota aims from the corner! Shota says night-night to Jack! BLAZE BLADE!! Underhooks, DEATH RIDER!! Cover, Shota wins!!

Winner: Shota Umino, by pinfall

The Scapegoat was less fighting the Roughneck and more the specter of the Second City Saint, and perhaps that cost him! Shota brings Jack down tonight, but will he still bring a Paradigm Shift to NJPW?

Wait, Jack gets to his feet and offers a handshake? He suddenly respects Shota now? Shota trusts it and shakes Jack’s hand. Jack raises Shota’s hand in victory, but still flips off Chicago. Is this itself a paradigm shift in Jack’s personality?


Mustafa Ali VS Hiromu Takahashi!

Chicago’s other hometown hero is here, bringing the TNA X-Division Championship AND the DREAMWAVE Alternative Champion with him. The Beacon is shining with gold but he wants to have the Junior Heavyweight Division spotlight on him. Will he do that by defusing the Ticking Timebomb? Or will Hiromu still be the Best of the Super Juniors?

Hiromu shows off a very jacked Daryl Jr. but Ali refuses to accept that thing as alive. Ali gets on a corner for fans to cheer, but then Hiromu gets on a corner and all the fans cheer! The bell rings and the fans rally as the two circle. They tie up, are in a deadlock, and then they break. They circle again, the fans cheer on “TA-KA-HA-SHI!” and he bows to Chicago. Ali gets the fans fired up, but then Hiromu gets the fans really fired up! Ali and Hiromu feel things out, knuckle lock, but Ali brings Hiromu down to wrench. Hiromu slips through, puts the wristlock up and over, using Ali’s own head to break the hold.

Hiromu then wrenches Ali to a wristlock, but Ali rolls, handsprings and wrenches back. Hiromu wrenches, Ali wrenches, repeat! The fans fire up as Hiromu WRINGS Ali! Ali stands, uses ropes to flip through, then wrenches to hammerlock. Ali headlocks, Hiromu powers up and out, but Ali runs Hiromu over! Things speed up, Hiromu drops down, hurdles, but Ali drops on the monkey flip for a cover, TWO! Hiromu sweeps the legs to cover, ONE as Ali goes Matrix! Hiromu rolls Ali up, TWO! The two stand off and the fans cheer. Ali gets Chicago fired up again, then he shoves Hiromu. Hiromu sputters and claims Ali hit him so hard!

The ref has Ali stay back while Hiromu shouts, “Oh my gosh!” Hiromu goes to Daryl Jr. and has him sit in the center. Daryl flops over but Hiromu says Daryl can handle this. Hiromu gets fans chanting for Daryl, but Ali is annoyed by these antics. Ali says fine, he’s gonna mess Daryl Jr. up! Ali circles with Daryl, but then Hiromu slips in! Ali sees that and the fans boo. Hiromu apologizes, but then Ali takes a swing! Hiromu dodges, scoops up Daryl, they duck ‘n’ dodge and then Hiromu says MEOW~! Or no, Daryl says meow! Catch! Hiromu throws Daryl at Ali, Ali catches Daryl and then Hiromu dropkicks Ali’s legs out!

The fans cheer while Ali flounders, and Hiromu picks Daryl Jr. back up. Hiromu shows Daryl to the crowd, the fans cheer, but then Ali runs up! Hiromu dodges to CHOP! Hiromu CHOPS again, then follows Ali around. Hiromu CHOPS again, whips, but Ali holds ropes. Ali bails out but Hiromu pursues, and CHOPS! The fans fire up as Hiromu follows Ali, but then Ali takes a swing! Hiromu counter punches, says “Oh my gosh,” then chases Ali around the ring! Ali suckers Hiromu into a DRAPING DDT to the floor! The ring count climbs, Ali talks trash on Hiromu, then stomps him. Ali drags Hiromu up and in at 9 of 20.

Ali shouts, “What’s my name?” The fans chant for Ali and he goes in to KNEE Hiromu in the back, then clamps on the chinlock. Hiromu kicks around, the fans duel, and Hiromu has the ROPEBREAK! Ali CLUBS Hiromu as he lets off, then whips Hiromu to a corner. Hiromu reverses, runs up, but Ali slips out to ROUNDHOUSE! Ali slingshots for the NECKBREAKER! Cover with a bridge, TWO! Hiromu stays in this but Ali stays on Hiromu with another chinlock. Hiromu endures the squeeze and the fans rally up. Hiromu fights up to his feet, throws body shots, but Ali CLUBS him again. Ali whips Hiromu to a corner, then runs to NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO!

Ali is growing frustrated but he has the fans cheering. Ali sits Daryl up in the corner so he can watch what’s about to happen. Ali of course knows this is a stuffed animal, it doesn’t matter, but he’s still gonna mess Hiromu up. Ali kicks Hiromu around, tells him he’s crazy, but then Hiromu CHOPS! And CHOPS! Ali knees low, runs, but Hiromu follows to RANA! The fans fire up while Ali flounders to ropes. Hiromu drags himself up, they end up in corners, and Ali runs in. Hiromu dodges to clothesline, snapmare and basement dropkick! Ali bails out but Hiromu goes to the apron. FLYING SHOTGUN! Ali is sent into railing!

The fans fire up with Hiromu as he stands back up. The ring count starts, Hiromu goes back to Ali but we reach 10 of 20 before Hiromu gets him up. Hiromu puts Ali into the ring, cover, TWO! Hiromu drags Ali up by his hair, then fireman’s carries. But Ali slips free, runs up, but into a BOOT! Hiromu runs, but Ali ducks, only to swing into a spin and suplex, FALCON ARROW! Cover, TWO! The fans rally and duel again as Hiromu rises. Hiromu stalks Ali, drags him up and fireman’s carries, but Ali fights free again. Ali shoves, runs in, and DROPKICKS in the corner! Ali keeps moving, and he DROPKICKS again!

Ali goes again, but Hiromu LARIATS first! The fans fire up, Hiromu whips Ali to ropes, then scoops him, but Ali tilt-o-whirl DDTS! Cover, TWO! Hiromu survives but both men are down, and the fans rally up. Ali slowly rises, makes his way to ropes and goes up a corner. Ali reaches the top but Hiromu throws body shots and elbows first! Hiromu climbs from the outside, and fans are freaking out as Hiromu aims for the floor! Ali fires body shots to send Hiromu to the apron. But Hiromu UPPERCUTS Ali! Ali backflips, and lands on his feet!! The cameraman almost got an eyeful, though! Ali hurries up to SHOVE Hiromu down!

Hiromu hits railing, and then Ali DIVES into him! The railing is sent WAY back, commentary takes a hit, and the fans are thunderous! Ali is busted open, but he still drags Hiromu up and into the ring, then goes up the corner! The fans rally, Ali aims, 450- NO, he has to roll through as Hiromu moves! Ali comes back, but Hiromu sends him hard into buckles! The fans rally up while the ref checks both men. Ali and Hiromu are both somehow okay, as is Chris Charlton on commentary. Hiromu crawls his way over to Ali, brings him back up to the top rope, and then CHOPS! Hiromu climbs, brings Ali up, but Ali resists!

Ali throws body shots, then he HEADBUTTS Hiromu down! Hiromu staggers to his feet, Ali stands on the top rope, but Hiromu runs up! Ali jumps to SUNSET FLIP POWERBOMB! Ali then skins the cat, takes aim, and 450 SPLASHES! Cover, Ali wins!!

Winner: Mustafa Ali, by pinfall

The X-Division/Alternative Champion is triumphant here in his hometown! And best of all, Ali shows Hiromu respect by shaking his hand. Hiromu wants Ali to shake Daryl Jr’s hand, too, and so do the fans! Ali sighs, goes over to pick Daryl Jr. up, and he shakes Daryl Jr’s hand! The Windy City cheers him on, will Ali become the champion not just Chicago needs, but that the world needs?


Riot Rules 8 Man Tag: Team Eddie Kingston VS Team Gabe Kidd!

The Mad King has lost the AEW Continental Championship and the ROH World Championship, but he is still NJPW Strong! However, this War Dog vows he will take everything from the company that, in his eyes, has all but thrown away its identity. There are no rules holding these teams back, but no one even knows who recruited who! Who drew the hotter hand to take the win here in Chicago?

Well of course Gabe got his fellow War Dog, Clark Connors, as well as The Fang Revived, Kenta, and the LEADER of Bullet Club, #GoatSlayer Rebel, David Finlay! As for Eddie, he’s already bringing a trash can of goodies as he’s got The United Empire’s Jeff Cobb and TJP! The enemies of his enemies are his allies tonight, and then we add HOMICIDE! Eddie’s old friend has come around to F Kidd’s S up! Team Eddie rushes down the ramp, Bullet Club runs up to meet them, the bell rings as the brawl is on! No need for tags or count outs in this match, anyway! Homicide fires off on Kidd while TJP has Connors, Cobb has Kenta and Eddie is after Finlay!

TJP sends Connors into railing, Eddie throws Kenta over railing! Homicide and Kidd brawl, Kidd gets the edge, and Finlay helps out. TJP stomps away on Connors while digging a chair into him, and Eddie grabs the ring bell! Kidd CLUBS Eddie first, then throws hands. Homicide fires off on Finlay, Cobb UPPERCUTS Kenta! TJP brings more chairs, and one is wrapped in barbed wire! Homicide UPPERCUTS Kidd, TJP digs the wires into Connors’ head! Eddie places the bell against Connors’ head and DING! TJP kicks Finlay away, Kidd gets in the ring, and so does Homicide. Eddie joins Homicide, but then the Dogs drag Eddie out!

Homicide runs up, he CLOBBERS Kidd, then goes out to CHOKE Kidd! Finlay wraps a chinlock on Homicide, Eddie CHOPS Connors in the ring! Connors goes to a corner, Eddie fires MACHINE GUN CHOPS! But Finlay CLOBBERS Eddie with a shillelagh! The fans boo but then TJP runs up on Finlay. TJP SOBATS, runs, but Finlay dodges the boot! And he ducks the blood mist! But TJP DROPKICKS Finlay out all the same! TJP runs to WRECK Finlay with a dropkick, then Cobb brings out a TABLE! The fans fire up seeing that, and the Empire gets the table in the ring. The table is put in the corner, then TJP grabs Finlay.

TJP bends Finlay back in a chinlock stretch, then feeds him to Cobb. Cobb picks Finlay up but the War Dogs save Finlay! The fans boo but TJP and Homicide turn things around on the Dogs. Everyone falls out of the ring again, TJP throws down hands on Connors but Finlay pulls TJP’s hair. Homicide has fans move aside so he can TOSS Kidd over railing! Finlay gets in the ring with a chair while Homicide SMACKS Kidd with a trash can lid! Finlay undoes the red corner’s buckle pad, Eddie CLOBBERS Connors with the trash can! Eddie even headbutts the trash can until it’s dented! But Connors CHOP BLOCKS Eddie!

Cobb SMACKS Kenta with the buckle pad, but Finlay CLAWS Cobb’s face! TJP SMACKS Finlay with a kendo stick! The fans fire up as TJP CHOKES Finlay with the stick! Kenta CLUBS TJP, grabs the stick and SMACKS TJP with it! And SMACKS him again! Cobb CLOBBERS Connors off of Eddie! Cobb rains down fists, Eddie SMACKS Connors with the trash can! Finlay has a loose skateboard deck and SMACKS Cobb with it! Eddie crotches Connors on the railing, then CLOBBERS him! Eddie then goes out to the crowd to CLAW Connors’ face, and send him into the railing! Eddie fires hands, Kenta SMACKS away on Cobb with the kendo stick!

Cobb blocks a shot and JAMS Kenta in return! Cobb SMACKS Kenta, Connors hits Eddie back! Connors then crotches Eddie on the railing! Eddie falls over, Connors talks trash on the fans, but TJP drags Finlay around. Homicide and Kidd are brawling in the crowd! Fans count as Homicide rains down TEN fists, then takes a BITE out of Kidd’s forehead! Cobb puts Kenta in the ring, TJP drags Kenta around to trap an arm, and Eddie SMACKS Connors with a stop sign! TJP puts the skateboard on Connors’ back to ride him! Finlay CLOBBERS Eddie to rain down fists! TJP HIP DROPS Connors, then Cobb brings him up.

Homicide and Kidd are still brawling somewhere in the crowd, Cobb keeps Connors down in a corner, and TJP drop toeholds Finlay down! TJP skateboards on Finlay’s back! Finlay powers up to throw TJP off, then IRISH CURSE BACKBREAKER! Eddie grabs at Finlay but Finlay hits him back. Finlay goes out after Eddie, HEADBUTTS him, but the fans rally up. Finlay throws hands, Eddie hits back! Eddie CHOKES Finlay with camera cable! Eddie rains down fists and sits Finlay down. Cobb ROCKS Kenta, then CHUCKS the trash can! Kenta ducks, the can hits post! Eddie and Connors get in the ring, Eddie fires knees.

Eddie hits a BUTTERFLY SUPLEX and Connors writhes. Kidd TOSSES Homicide over railing! But Homicide hits Kidd with the railing! And again! And again! Finlay and Connors mug Eddie, CLAW his eyes, but TJP hurries over to CLOBBER Kidd! Kidd shoves TJP into railing, gets into the ring, but Homicide finds a ladder! The fans cheer as Homicide gets Kidd up, reels him into a corner, and CLAWS Kidd’s back! Then TORNADO- NO, Kidd powers out to LARIAT! “I’m a MAD MAN, y’know!!” The fans boo but Kidd grabs that ladder! Kidd RAMS Homicide low, then equips the ladder like Terry Funk!

Kidd CLOBBERS Cobb, CLOBBERS Eddie, and CLOBBERS TJP as he does the ladder-copter! But then Cobb returns, GERMAN SUPLEX!! The ladder dropped away just in time but Kidd still tumbles out. Connors runs up to SPEAR, but Cobb blocks it! Canadian Rack, but Connors slips free, ducks ‘n ‘dodges and SPEARS!! Down goes Cobb and the fans fire up! Connors grabs the barbed wire off his hat, wears it as a crown of thorns, and then he drags TJP up. The fans tell Connors he’s sick as he BARBED WIRE HEADBUTTS! And BARBED WIRE HEADBUTTS again! Connors fires up, drags TJP back up, but gets BLOOD MIST!!

The fans fire up as TJP then sits Connors in a corner, and digs that wire in! TJP scrubs Connors’ face through the wires! TJP goes side to side for the BARBED WIRE BOOT WASH! Homicide joins in, Connors is fed to an ELBOW! And then speaking of “fed,” Homicide has a FORK! Homicide DIGS the fork into Connors’ forehead!! Kenta runs in, but blocks the fork! URAKEN! Homicide sits back but TJP kicks Kenta. TJP whips, Kenta reverses and BOOTS! Kenta runs to HYDRAULIC DROPKICK Homicide! HYDRAULIC DROPKICK for TJP! Homicide puts TJP up top, climbs up after him, but Cobb CLUBS Kenta!

Cobb drags Kenta back but Kenta fires elbows. Kenta fireman’s carries, but Cobb’s too big! Cobb CLBUS Kenta, but Kenta CROSS COUNTERS! Kenta runs, into a LARIAT! TJP adjusts up top to MAMBA SPLASH, but he has to roll through as Kenta moves! Kenta fireman’s carries! GO TO SLEEP!! But Cobb CROSSBODIES! Finlay returns and SMACKS Cobb with a kendo stick! And again! Finlay whips Cobb into the barbed wire chair wedged in the corner!! Cobb falls out of the ring, but Eddie blocks the kendo stick smack! LOW BLOW! Eddie fires off shots on Finlay!! The fans are thunderous as Eddie even headbutts the stick to break it!

The straps come down, and finally, Eddie and Kidd meet! They LARIAT, CHOP, CHOP and repeat! The fans “WOO~” with every CHOP! Eddie CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS! Kidd BITES Eddie’s forehead! The Mad Man spits, flips everyone off, and Kidd whips Eddie! Eddie stops himself, then clinches! EXPLODER through the table!! The fans are thunderous as Eddie rises, barbed wire in hand! Eddie wraps his hand in the barbed wire, and he aims as Kidd rises! But then the Dogs CLOBBER Eddie! The fans boo as Finlay, Connors and Kenta all beat down Eddie! They get a steel chain to gag Eddie and sit him up!

Kidd storms around as the Dogs hold Eddie open! But Homicide returns and the fans fire up! Homicide fires off shots on Kidd! Kidd denies one cutter, shoves Homicide, but Homicide returns to CUTTER after all! Eddie meanwhile breaks free to fire off hands on Kenta and Connors! Connors hits low, CLUBS away, then he and Kenta mug Eddie. The chain wraps Eddie up, but Homicide gets Kidd up. Only for Finlay to SHILLELAGH Homicide! Feed to Kidd’s HANGING GUILLOTINE, then PILEDRIVER!! The Dogs keep Eddie down while Kidd covers, Bullet Club wins!

Winners: Team Gabe Kidd, by pinfall

The War Dogs worked together to tear down Eddie’s team, and Finlay says they run this! But Eddie still puts up a fight! As do TJP and Cobb! It is chaos as Eddie CHOKES Kidd and Cobb throws hands down on Finlay! Young Lions and refs rush in to stop this, but Eddie and Kidd still throw windmilling haymakers! TJP still wants after Kenta, refs pull him back, and Kidd ROCKS Eddie! TJP and Cobb stand tall as the Dogs fall back. Kidd wants to tear Eddie apart, and Eddie gets a mic! “Hey! HEY! Gabe! Get in, you effing t*at! You effing b*tch! May 11th! May 11th! California! No ropes, Last Man Standing, you effing p*ssy!”

The fans are thunderous as the challenge has been made, and Kidd even gets some last shots in on Eddie! Eddie grabs the ladder but is told to stand down! Eddie gets back on the mic to say, “I’m gonna kill that mother effer!!” The fans are loving this as Resurgence will become violence, but will the Mad Man dethrone the Mad King once and for all?


NJPW World Television Championship: Matt Riddle VS Zack Sabre Jr!

The Original Bro has been taking this title on Ex-BRO-dition to Major League Wrestling, where he even fought some TMDK members in Bad Dude Tito and Kosei Fujita. But now, the original star of this title division has come back to prove The Mighty Don’t Kneel! Will ZSJ have the answer to this Riddle? Or will the Super King prove he’s mightier than The Mighty?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see if “season three” gives way to a reboot!

The bell rings, 15 minutes on the clock, and the fans rally already as the two circle. They feel things out, Riddle goes for a leg but ZSJ flips him around to facelock. They go around, trade waistlocks, then break. The fans cheer as the two reset and go again. They feel things out, Riddle powers his way to a waistlock but ZSJ wrenches to an armlock. ZSJ steps over, headscissors Riddle onto his back, but Riddle moves around, and goes for the ARMBAR! ZSJ clasps hands, bridges up and rolls back, but they’re in the ropes. ZSJ still gets the KNEEBAR, but Riddle stands to pry ZSJ off! ZSJ goes for the leg again, Riddle gets away!

The fans cheer the technical exchange as the two reset. They circle, the fans sing for “OH~ Zack Sabre Jr~!” ZSJ pops Riddle up and drops him down into the ARMBAR! Riddle holds that off so ZSJ floats to a HEEL HOOK! Riddle endures, ZSJ eggs him on, and he pushes on the hold. Riddle rolls and rolls and rolls and also gets a HEEL HOOK! They duel with heel hooks, ZSJ kicks Riddle away, and the fans cheer the newest standoff. ZSJ and Riddle reset, feel things out, and ZSJ snapmares. Riddle avoids the Penalty Kick, trips ZSJ but ZSJ kicks him away. ZSJ avoids a Penalty Kick and the fans cheer again.

ZSJ and Riddle circle, feel things out again, and knuckle lock. Riddle shoots around, gut wrenches and SUPLEXES! Riddle rolls back, drags ZSJ up, GUT WRENCH PLEX! The fans are torn but Riddle smiles all the same. Riddle runs to BROTON but into an ARMBAR! Riddle scrambles, ROPEBREAK, but ZSJ has the DISARMER! The ref counts, ZSJ lets off and the fans fire up with him. ZSJ kicks Riddle, kicks again, but then Riddle blocks. Riddle stands up, ZSJ avoids the sweeps and SLAPS Riddle back! Riddle CHOPS ZSJ down! The fans are torn again while Riddle scowls now. ZSJ rises, and Riddle KICKS!

Riddle eggs ZSJ on, KICKS him again, and KICKS him again! Riddle kicks ZSJ around, then stands him up to KICK! ZSJ eggs Riddle on now, blocks that kick, and SNAPS a toe! Riddle falls over, ZSJ gets the foot and bends the toes back to SNAP! Then he twists the other foot all around, and STOMPS the leg down! Riddle bails out as we pass five minutes, and the fans are all fired up! Riddle hobbles up and into the ring, ZSJ is on him and snap suplexes! ZSJ gets the foot, hooks the leg, then twists the other foot! ZSJ turns Riddle over, ties the legs up, and has the BOW ‘N’ ARROW! Then ZSJ throws Riddle away!

Riddle storms up to CHOP! And forearm! ZSJ UPPERCUTS! Riddle goes to a corner, ZSJ runs in, but into a HANGING ARMBAR! The ref counts, Riddle lets go and ZSJ falls back. Riddle adjusts his shorts, goes up the corner, and leaps, FLYING KNEE into a HALF CRAB! ZSJ shifts to lean on that hold, STF, but Riddle has the ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer this technical exchange, ZSJ brings Riddle up, but Riddle gets around to GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! ZSJ is still in this but Riddle BROTONS! The fans are torn but Riddle is having fun again as he goes up top. Riddle aims for the FLOATING- NO, he has to bail out as ZSJ moves!

ZSJ runs up, TRIANGLE HOLD! And he fires off ELBOWS! ZSJ squeezes with the legs but Riddle powers up to deadlift, and POWERBOMB! ZSJ sits up, FLASH KNEE! Cover, TWO! ZSJ survives, but Riddle crosses his arms to mock the fans. Riddle KICKS ZSJ, KICKS him again, and again! Riddle runs side to side to forearm SMASH! Then again, but ZSJ dodges to go up, around and TORNADO DDT! Into a GUILLOTINE!! ZSJ has the body scissors, too! ZSJ flails, endures, fights up, and he lifts ZSJ to then power through into a suplex! ZSJ slips free to SLEEPER! Riddle flails, throws ZSJ off, and ARMBAR!

ZSJ clasps hands to fight the hold, but Riddle works on breaking it. ZSJ lets it go so he can shift and have the ARMBAR! Riddle clasps hands but ZSJ pulls fingers! ZSJ has the ARMBAR, but Riddle shifts into the leg guard to fire shots! The ground ‘n’ pound favors Riddle, but then ZSJ catches him to a TRIANGLE HOLD! Riddle deadlifts, but ZSJ slips free to ZACK DRIVER! Cover, TWO!! We pass ten minutes, time is on Riddle’s side! ZSJ goes to the corner, runs up, but Riddle catches Penalty Kick into the HALF CRAB! Riddle pulls on the leg but ZSJ flips Riddle off as he endures! ZSJ reaches out, even as Riddle pulls way back!

Riddle lets go to deadlift but ZSJ PELES the arm! Riddle still gets ZSJ for a GERMAN SUPLEX! Then Riddle goes up top, FLOATING BRO! Cover, TWO!! ZSJ survives and the fans fire up! Riddle is stunned, that move almost never fails! Riddle has fans chanting “BRO! BRO! BRO!” for him as he aims, and KICKS! KICKS! And SLAPS, to then KICK! KICK! And CHOP! Three minute warning, Riddle just toys with ZSJ, but ZSJ kicks, KICKS, blocks, CHOPS, CHOPS and CHOPS! Riddle wobbles ZSJ grabs a leg, but Riddle JUMP KNEES! Riddle hurries to haul ZSJ up, ripcord and FINAL FLASH!

But Riddle’s not done with ZSJ, he gets the gut wrench and tuck, BRO- VICTORY ROLL! And EURO CLUTCH!! TWO?!? Riddle escapes, but ZSJ KICKS! Then he runs up, into a FLASH KNEE!! Two minute warning, Riddle runs, but ZSJ catches him in to a ghost pin! ZSJ wins!!

Winner: Zack Sabre Jr, by pinfall (NEW NJPW World Television Champion)

ZSJ goes from the first-ever champion to the first-ever TWO-TIME NJPW World TV Champion! Riddle is mad with himself and storms off. Is Riddle going to find a way to some other title opportunity in NJPW? Or will he come back for another try?

As for ZSJ, he gets the mic to say, “Alright, Chicago, what’s up, mates? Are we having a lovely time or what? Are you having a lovely time?” Chicago sure is! ZSJ says his year hasn’t gone well. He wanted the world title, but he had to get his baby back! Did she miss him? Also, he needs industrial cleaner, he doesn’t trust the last champion. But it’s been a minute, so this is usually where ZSJ goes talking about challengers, but he won’t bother, he’s tired, it’s straight to the pub. But he will defend this title in the US very, very soon. Cheerio, everyone, buh-bye. Wait! Someone is not letting ZSJ get away that easily, because here comes Cobb!

The fans cheer as The Imperial Unit makes his way back out here, and he steps in to the ring with ZSJ. Cobb looks at the title he’s come close to taking on multiple occasions, and ZSJ sets it down at his feet. ZSJ says not today, though, he’s tired. Cobb and ZSJ shake hands to agree on it, so when and where will we get this sequel? Wait, ZSJ tries to scoop Cobb! Cobb says nope and he scoops ZSJ! ZSJ slips away, bails out, and gets the mic back. “Hawaiian Jeffery, please may I have my championship back? And I promise, I’ll give you a championship match, just not today, I’m tired.” ZSJ also compliment’s Cobb hair.

Cobb hands the belt over, ZSJ thanks him and heads out. ZSJ is back on top of the NJPW World TV Division, but will he end up the first man to lose this title twice?


Nic Nemeth VS Tomohiro Ishii!

The Showoff is basically showing off now, saying he isn’t going to defend his IWGP Global Heavyweight Champion until he faces Hiroshi Tanahashi. Is he really looking past the Stone Pitbull like that? Or will Ishii not give Nemeth a choice on who has next?

The bell rings and the fans rally as the two circle. They feel things out, tie up, and they’re in a deadlock. Nemeth uses his height for leverage but Ishii gets around to waistlock. Nemeth switches and hooks Ishii up in the COBRA TWIST, but Ishii slips right out to waistlock. Nemeth switches, tries for the Cobra Twist but Ishii slips around again. Ishii lifts, Nemeth hooks a leg to fight it, and he switches to wrangle Ishii to a cover. TWO, they end up in ropes, and the ref has them both separate. The fans cheer as the two reset. They tie up, are in another deadlock, but Nemeth uses his height as leverage to put Ishii on ropes.

The ref counts, Nemeth lets off, but Ishii CHOPS! Nemeth CHOPS back! Ishii CHOPS again! Nemeth CHOPS again! The CHOPS go back and forth as fans “WOO~,” but then Nemeth throws a forearm! Ishii fires a forearm in return, they go back and forth and Nemeth gets the edge. The fans fire up but then Ishii ROCKS Nemeth again and again. Ishii runs, RAMS Nemeth, but Nemeth stays up. The fans fire up as Nemeth ROCKS Ishii, runs and RAMS him! Ishii rebounds to CLOBBER Nemeth! The fans fire up more while Nemeth flounders. Nemeth slowly rises, Ishii brings him up and bumps him off buckles.

Ishii CHOPS Nemeth and Nemeth falls over. Ishii eggs Nemeth on, Nemeth stands, and the fans rally. Nemeth fires forearms, but Ishii CHOPS him down! The fans rally behind Ishii as he looms over Nemeth. Ishii drags Nemeth up to suplex high and hard! Cover, TWO! Ishii kicks Nemeth around while egging him on. Ishii slaps Nemeth around, the fans rally, and Nemeth fires body shots! Nemeth kicks, DROPKICKS, and Ishii falls! The fans fire up while both men go to corners. Ishii stands, Nemeth runs in, STINGER SPLASH! And then NECKBREAKER! Nemeth drops ELBOW after ELBOW, then winds up for the JUMPING ELBOW! Cover, TWO!

Nemeth is a little annoyed but Ishii is tougher than that. Nemeth reels Ishii in, but Ishii fights the lift! Ishii powers up and back drops Nemeth away! The fans fire up while Nemeth staggers to his feet. Nemeth fires hands but Ishii just scowls. Nemeth looks around as the fans say he messed up, but he still throws hands! Ishii doesn’t budge, then he just DECKS Nemeth with one shot! The fans fire up while Nemeth flounders to a corner. Ishii storms up, brings Nemeth up to the top rope, and climbs. Ishii brings Nemeth up to the very top, for the STALLING SUPERPLEX! The fans are all fired up while both men are down!

Ishii rises, looms over Nemeth, then drags him up. Ishii reels Nemeth in, but Nemeth fights the lift now! Nemeth wrenches, and jumps on, SLEEPER! Ishii has Nemeth as a backpack, but he shifts around to put the SLEEPER on Nemeth! Nemeth flails, gets around, OLYMPIC SLAM! The fans fire up while both men are down again! Nemeth rises while the fans rally. Nemeth runs up, but Ishii denies the satellite DDT with a throw! Ishii runs up but Nemeth UPPERCUTS! Ishii ROCKS Nemeth, but Nemeth SWATS the lariat to SATELLITE DDT! Cover, TWO! Ishii survives and the fans fire up while Nemeth is a bit surprised.

The fans rally as Nemeth watches Ishii rise. Nemeth kicks low, runs, FAM- NO, Ishii turns the leg drop into a POWERBOMB! The fans fire up again and Ishii headbutts the buckles to fire himself up! Ishii runs but Nemeth ducks to HEADBUTT! And FAMOUSER! Cover, TWO!! Ishii survives and the fans fire up again! Nemeth is beside himself, but rises as the fans rally again. Nemeth goes to a corner, Ishii staggers to his feet, and Ishii runs in! Nemeth BOOTS Ishii, runs up, and LARIATS! Ishii just roars! Ishii ROCKS Nemeth but now Nemeth roars! The fans fire up with Nemeth, but then Ishii LARIATS him down! Cover, TWO!!

Nemeth survives and Ishii growls in frustration. Ishii sits Nemeth up while fans chant “This is Awesome!” Ishii runs but Nemeth ducks the sliding lariat! Ishii blocks Nemeth’s superkick, then ENZIGIRIS! The fans fire up again while Ishii aims from a corner! SLIDING LARIAT! Cover, TWO!! Nemeth survives again and Ishii grows further frustrated. Ishii fires back up and the fans are with him as he drags Nemeth up. Ishii suplexes, but Nemeth fights it! Nemeth wrenches, HEADBUTTS, but Ishii still whips! Nemeth reverses, but Ishii bucks the Danger Zone! Only to turn around into a SUPERKICK 101! Cover, TWO!!!

Ishii just gets an arm up and Nemeth’s shock is clear on his face, even with his hair over his eyes! The fans fire up again as both men slowly rise. Ishii winds up but Nemeth ROCKS him first! Then GERMAN SUPLEXES! But Ishii rises right up! Ishii staggers, but he avoids Danger Zone to STEAL DANGER ZONE!! The fans are thunderous as Nemeth staggers up, into the LARIAT!! Cover, ONE?!?! Nemeth shocks everyone as he kicks it into another gear! Ishii rises, into the SUPERKICK 101!! Cover, ONE?!?!? Now Ishii shocks everyone! “This is Awesome!” as both men are down, catching their breaths.

Ishii and Nemeth go to corners, then they run in! DOUBLE LARIATS collide but neither man falls, and then Ishii HEADBUTTS! Nemeth rebounds to HEADBUTT, but then they DOUBLE HEADBUTT! Ishii BATTERING RAM HEADBUTTS!! Cover, TWO!?!? Nemeth survives that shot, but Ishii roars as he rises up! Ishii slaps himself to get back in this! Ishii drags Nemeth up, reels him in, suplexes, but Nemeth slips free, DANGER- NO, Ishii clinches! Nemeth slips free, ROCKS Ishii, SUPERKICK 101! Then he dodges Ishii to DANGER ZONE!!! Cover, Nemeth wins!!

Winner: Nic Nemeth, by pinfall

Nemeth is a Wanted Man, and this is why! He took Ishii to the Danger Zone, proving that hanging with NJPW isn’t Mission: Impossible! But will Nemeth prove he’s a Top Gun when he finally gets his dream match with President Tanahashi?


IWGP World Heavyweight Championship: Tetsuya Naito VS Jon Moxley!

The Uncontrollable Charisma has finally been back on top of NJPW since WrestleKingdom, and he even just defeated his Los Ingobernables de Japon teammate, Yota Tsuji, just a week ago at Sakura Genesis. At the same time, The Maniac put out the challenge that same night, and Naito said okay! Will Naito continue to keep NJPW tranquilo? Or is there truly about to be a Paradigm Shift in the world of pro-wrestling?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see if the winds of change start to blow!

Moxley paces as Naito takes his time with his entrance attire, and Naito tells Moxley to tranquilo. Naito really takes his time with his pants, and is finally ready. The bell rings and the fans fire up already! Naito looks around but Moxley keeps his eyes right on Naito. The two slowly circle while the fans rally and duel. They approach but Naito dodges, and the fans cheer while Moxley keeps cool. They go again, and again Naito avoids Moxley’s grip. Naito again says tranquilo, and they circle. Moxley flips Naito off, the fans are torn, but Naito doesn’t even flinch. The two circle, tie up, and Moxley puts Naito on ropes.

The ref counts, Moxley lets off, but Naito SPITS at Moxley! Naito kicks low, TOSSES Moxley out, but gets Moxley with the fake out and tranquilo pose! The fans cheer while Moxley seethes. Moxley snarls, storms in, but Naito slips away to the outside. The fans cheer as Naito continues to troll Moxley, but then Moxley rushes out to fire off forearms! Moxley whips Naito into railing, then fires more forearms! Naito hits back, Moxley headlocks, and then he SMACKS Naito off the timekeeper’s table! The fans rally as Moxley goes up and over the railing to get Naito back up. The ref reprimands but Moxley ROCKS Naito!

Moxley SMACKS Naito off the table, SMACKS him off it again, then brings Naito around. The crowd moves aside as Moxley fires hockey scrum punches. Moxley then whips Naito, but Naito reverses and Moxley hits railing! The fans fire up, Naito checks his face, then he takes a seat to relax. The fans cheer, but then Moxley BOOTS Naito down! Moxley drags Naito up, brings him around, and back to ringside so he can POST Naito! Naito falls, the fans are torn, but Moxley paces around. Moxley storms back up on Naito, drags him up, and puts him in the ring. Moxley stalks Naito to the ropes, then stands on Naito’s face!

The ref counts, Moxley lets off to grab a hand, and Moxley SNAPS fingers! Moxley reels Naito in, PILEDRIVER! Cover, TWO! Naito’s still in this but Moxley paces again. Moxley waits on Naito to get up, then KICKS him! And ROCKS him! And ROCKS him, and ROCKS him again! Then Moxley KICKS a leg! And KICKS the leg, and then KICKS the leg out! Cover, TWO! Naito is still in this but Moxley eggs him on. Moxley paces around, drags Naito up and then CHOPS! Moxley KICKS, CHPOS, but Naito SPITS! Moxley KICKS, ROCKS, but Naito SPITS! Moxley fires off ELBOW after ELBOW, then whips, but Naito sunset flips!

Moxley rolls through, steps through, FIGURE FOUR! Naito endures, the fans rally, but Moxley talks trash even as he puts on pressure! Naito powers the main leg up but Moxley powers it back down! Naito sits up, SPITS at Moxley, but Moxley puts on more pressure! Naito fights around, turns things over, but Moxley slips free to get the legs again. Moxley SPITS, then he turns Naito over into a TEXAS CLOVERLEAF! Naito endures, the fans rally, and Naito fights his way around. Moxley drops down into a modified STF! Naito again endures, moves around, reaches out, and has the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Moxley lets go at 4.

Moxley eggs Naito on, talks more trash, then PENALTY KICKS! Naito sits up and shakes his head. Moxley KICKS again, but Naito again sits up. Naito even smirks as he annoy Moxley. Moxley KICKS but Naito blocks! Naito CLAWS the eyes, but Moxley kicks low! Moxley suplexes for a BRAINBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Moxley CHOKES Naito, the ref counts, but Moxley lets off. Moxley storms around, the fans rally, and Naito stirs. Moxley goes to the apron, then climbs a corner. Naito rises, Moxley leaps, Naito BODY SHOTS! Naito ENZIGIRIS, Moxley drops to his knees, but Naito still has to catch his breath.

The fans rally as Naito smirks and rises up. Naito brings Moxley around to fire forearm after forearm! Naito whips, atomic drops, and then runs to ELBOW Moxley down and basement dropkick in the back! Naito whips corner to corner, runs up, JUMP KICK! He can’t get up and over so he ELBOWS then NECKBREAKERS! Cover, TWO! Naito clamps on a cravat for a neck wrench on the mat! Moxley endures, the fans rally, but Naito thrashes him around. Moxley fights up, he drags Naito up and he DUMPS Naito to the apron! Naito gets up but Moxley fires a forearm! Naito gives it back, they go back and forth!

The fans rally as the shots keep going, faster and faster! Naito ROCKS Moxley but Moxley BOOTS Naito! Naito wobbles, Moxley goes out to the apron, but Naito fights the half nelson suplex! Naito fires elbows, gets free, but Moxley ELBOWS back! And then APRON DDT! Naito flops down to the floor while the fans fire up! Moxley leaves Naito behind to mock the tranquilo! The fans are torn but Naito stirs. Naito slowly crawls, the fans rally up, and Naito stands. Naito shakes out the cobwebs, flounders into the ring, and Moxley drags Naito up. Moxley TOSSES Naito out, then builds speed to DIVE into a chair?!

The fans fire up as Naito sneaks that one! The ref checks Moxley but he’s somehow still in this! Naito goes up to the apron and brings Moxley up, for an APRON NECKBREAKER! Moxley flops down while Naito leaves him behind. The ring count starts, Moxley stirs at about 3 of 20. Moxley turns over, he’s busted open! Naito counts along as we pass 10 of 20, then reach 15! Moxley rises at 17, staggers about, and slides in at 19.9!! The fans fire up and Naito is actually annoyed. Naito drags Moxley up, reels him in, and TORNADO DDTS! Moxley sits up in a daze, the crimson mask already complete on his face!

Moxley staggers back to his feet, Naito runs in, but Moxley KING KING LARIATS! Both men are down and the fans fire back up! The ref checks both men, especially Moxley with that blood, but they’re both okay to continue. Moxley sits up as we pass 15 minutes, a quarter of the allotted hour time limit. Moxley says he’s not gonna be taken alive! Not tonight! The fans fire up with Moxley as he is ready to Die Hard! Moxley fires a haymaker, Naito gives it back! Moxley throws another, so Naito SPITS, then ROCKS him! Moxley ROCKS Naito, Naito ROCKS Moxley, so Moxley SPITS! Naito SPITS, and the forearms fly again!

The fans are thunderous as this gets fast and furious! Moxley fires a flurry, then winds up to run, but Naito gets around! Waistlock, but Moxley switches, to a SLEEPER! Naito RAMS Moxley into buckles, gets free, but the CURB STOMP OUTTA NOWHERE! Cover, TWO!! Moxley hurries to clamp on, REAR NAKED CHOKE!! Naito flails but the body scissors are on! Blood pours off of Moxley’s head, will he give out before Naito does? The fans rally as Naito endures and fights around! Moxley uses that to get the BULLY CHOKE!! Naito fights to his feet, Moxley keeps a SLEEPER! The fans continue to rally as Naito flails!

Naito pries at the hold, then drops, victory roll! TWO!! Moxley stands, Naito wrenches and fires the heavy elbows! Again and again, and then the wrench, tilt-o-whirl, but Moxley slips free! CUTTER!! But that’s not all! DEATH RIDER!! Cover, TWO?!? Naito survives Moxley’s best shot and the fans are thunderous! Moxley snarls, the fans rally and duel, and Moxley wipes the blood from his eyes. Moxley underhooks Naito again, but Naito slips around to DESTINO!!! TWO!!! Moxley survives Naito’s best shot now! But Naito is just as confident about trying again! DESTI- NO!! Moxley slips free to ROLLING ELBOW! ROLLING ELBOW! DEATH RIDER!!! Cover, TWO?!?!?

The fans are electric as Naito survives another shot! But Moxley won’t let up, he KING KONG LARIATS again!! Cover, ONE?!?!? HOW?!?! Naito staggers about, but into a DEATH RIDER!!!! Cover, MOXLEY WINS!!!!

Winner: Jon Moxley, by pinfall (NEW IWGP World Heavyweight Champion)

Chicago cannot believe it, but they are loving it! From WWE World Champion to AEW World Champion to now NJPW’s IWGP World Champion, this is history being made before our eyes!! The Maniac makes himself a modern legend, but what does this mean for Naito? Is Naito’s destino simply that he cannot last?

As for Moxley, he does push-ups just to show he has more in that tank! He sets the title down on the lion logo then gets the mic. Moxley says a quick prayer while the fans say, “You Deserve It!” Moxley gets the mic on to say, “Arigato gozaimasu, Chicago! Holy s*it… This was a treat for everybody here that might not ever get a chance to fly across the ocean and NJPW, an authentic NJPW wrestling show live and in person. And it was special to be a part of it here, and there’s nowhere better to have done it than right here in Chicago.” The fans cheer that!

Moxley says he’s wrestled in every building in Chicago, big, small and tiny, and the fans have been with him every step of the way. He thanks them for being here to make it special, as he now stands atop the effin’ NJPW mountain!! The fans fire up for Moxley again, “Thank You, Moxley!” Moxley says he’s just getting started, so he has a message for everyone in NJPW and around the world. First order of business as the King of NJPW is to pick who’s coming at him first! Mox calls the shots, and the long list of Japanese legends he’s defeated over the last five years is really something, but that’s the easy stuff.

Moxley won’t run or hide from the Young Lions, the young and hungry stars of NJPW! He won’t sit atop a mountain and be scared of the hungriest hunters in the game. So stepping up first, this will be the final exam for #SHOOTER!! The fans fire up, but then in runs REN NARITA! PUSH-UP BAR ATTACK!! The fans boo as Narita stomps away on Moxley! Narita gets the mic while he CHOKES Moxley to tell “Shooter, no no no. I’m next challenger, mother effer!” Narita stomps away, but then here comes The Roughneck! Narita turns tail and runs, the fans cheering “SHOOTER! SHOOTER!” Narita laughs as he retreats, but Shota helps Moxley sit up.

Moxley manages to glare at Narita through the crimson mask, and Shota gets the mic for him. Moxley says, “What the heck, man? Narita! You just graduated from being a Young Boy… to being a dead man!” Moxley just said he isn’t gonna run and hide, so if Narita wants a fight, he’ll get a fight! Will The Maniac tear apart that Souled Out SOB? Will Shota get to have his match with his mentor sometime after that?

My Thoughts:

A great event for NJPW, and I did not think they’d have so many changes to the title landscape. Well, Vaquer retained but that’s because she only just got that belt off Giulia. And good on Windsor to step up, though I’m not sure she’ll take that title, either. Anyway, great Fatal 4 Way that also referenced the story between Tom Lawlor and Team Filthy falling apart. Great win for TMDK here, and rather surprising because I didn’t think ELP & Leo would be losing those belts. I wonder if ELP & Leo go back to the heavyweight titles for the Summer.

And then quite the surprise that ZSJ won the NJPW World TV title back. TMDK is taking over, and maybe this move was because Riddle is more an MLW wrestler than a NJPW wrestler. ZSJ VS Cobb the third time around is going to be awesome, great trilogy, and maybe Cobb wins this time. United Empire needs some positives in their post Ospreay era. Cobb and TJP did really good in helping Eddie and Homicide against what ended up being less Team Gabe Kidd and just Bullet Club War Dogs or whatever. Good win for Bullet Club here, and setting up a NO ROPES Last Man Standing for the NJPW Strong Championship is going to be awesome stuff.

Great non-title matches, too. Narita cheating Suzuki to win, but Shota winning despite Jack trying to cheat is good stuff for the Reiwa Musketeer rivals. Great fun in the Hiromu VS Ali match with Daryl Jr, aka El Hijo De Daryl cuz he had a little lucha mask. Great win for Ali, too, but he isn’t scheduled for the Best of the Super Juniors so maybe this was so Chicago gets a win. And then great match of Nemeth and Ishii with Nemeth getting a great win to keep his momentum up while waiting on a match with Tanahashi.

And of course, an awesome main event from Naito and Moxley. I should’ve known Moxley was gonna bleed, but I was NOT expecting Moxley to win the title. Great for Moxley personally, but I’m surprised NJPW made this move. Is Moxley going to bring this title to Dynasty AND Double or Nothing? Well, I suppose Moxley could tell us as much on Dynamite, but this is all still really surprising. I’m not gonna say I agree with Gabe Kidd’s claims NJPW is letting AEW get their way, but it certainly seems like NJPW is hoping AEW helps them with the American audience.

That stuff aside, Narita and Shota being winners works for them stepping up to the world title. Narita probably won’t win, but maybe Shota proves the student has surpassed the master. Might be a bit of NJPW fast tracking their new neo new musketeers, but it’s not like other companies haven’t done that.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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