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Mitchell’s NJPW Wrestling World Results & Report! (4/14/24)

NEVER give up!



There WILL be new NEVER Openweight Six Man Champions!

Kazuchika Okada’s leaving NJPW meant vacating the NEVER Openweight Six Man titles. Now a tournament will be held in one go to crown new champions! Who NEVER stops until they make it reign?


  • Kickoff Match – Puzzle Presents: Touyuu VS Axe Wang; Touyuu wins.
  • NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Team Championships Tournament: Hiroshi Tanahashi, Toru Yano & Boltin Oleg VS The United Empire; Tanahashi, Yano & Oleg win and advance to tonight’s main event.
  • NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Team Championships Tournament: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS The House of Torture; The House of Torture wins and advances to tonight’s main event.
  • Tiger Mask & Satoshi Kojima VS El Desperado & Shoma Kato; Tiger Mask & Kojima win.
  • HANAKO VS Starlight Kid; Starlight Kid wins.
  • DOUKI VS Kosei Fujita; Douki wins.
  • IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championships: Bishamon VS SANADA & Yuya Uemura; Bishamon wins and retain the titles.
  • NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Team Championships: Hiroshi Tanahashi, Toru Yano & Boltin Oleg VS The House of Torture; Tanahashi, Yano & Oleg win and are the new NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Team Champions.


NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Team Championships Tournament: Hiroshi Tanahashi, Toru Yano & Boltin Oleg VS The United Empire!

The Ace may also be President of NJPW, but that doesn’t mean he’s retired! He wants to get these Six Man titles back, will the Clown Prince and the Hulking Kazakh help him do that? Or will Great-O-Khan, Francesco Akira & Callum Newman conquer the Six Man Division?

The fans rally for “SACHOU! SACHOU!” as he shows off the abs. Then the trios sort out, and while Oleg gets in Khan’s face, we start with Callum and Tanahashi. The fans cheer, the bell rings, and the two circle. They tie up, are in a deadlock, but Tanahashi finds a point of leverage and powers Callum onto ropes. The ref counts, Tanahashi lets off cleanly, and the fans applaud. Callum and Tanahashi reset, tie up again, and Tanahashi headlocks. Tanahashi thrashes and grinds the hold but Callum pulls hair! The fans boo and the ref reprimands, but Callum lets slowly. But then Callum kicks low! Callum whips Tanahashi hard into a corner!

Callum runs corner to corner but into an ELBOW! Tanahashi goes up to CROSSBODY! The fans cheer as Tanahashi air guitars, but Callum gets to his feet in a huff. Yano and Oleg both reach out, but Tanahashi tags Yano. The fans fire up for Yano but Akira tags in. Yano goes to untie a buckle pad! Akira protests but he lets Yano have his fun. Akira then shadows Yano as he turns around. Yano is confused, turns around but Akira stays behind him. Akira then shoves Yano into the corner! Yano loses the pad and Akira dropkicks the legs out! Akira runs, rolls and basement dropkicks! Crowns up and the fans cheer.

Akira drags Yano over, tags in Khan, and Khan puts some stank on the Mongolian Chops! The Empire double whip but Yano holds ropes and tags Oleg! The fans fire up but The Empire mugs Oleg first! They double whip but Oleg holds ropes, to then come in and DOUBLE SHOUDLER TACKLE! Khan gets up but Oleg throws him with a fireman’s carry takeover! Callum runs in to BOOT Oleg, then runs, but Oleg CLOBBERS Callum and sends him flying! The fans fire up as Oleg hauls Khan up, but Khan CLAPS at him, twists an ear and CLUBS it, then clinches for a BELLY2BELLY! Khan then BLASTS Tanahashi and Yano off the corner!

Khan stomps away on Oleg, drags him back up, then Mongolian CHOPS! Oleg staggers, Khan Mongolian CHOPS again! And again! Oleg falls, Khan cocky covers, ONE! The fans rally as Khan hauls Oleg up in a facelock. Khan brings Oleg to the corner, tags Callum, and the Empire mugs him. Callum CHOPS, then tags Akira. Callum bumps Oleg off buckles, Akira CHOPS, then they double whip. Callum runs in to forearm SMASH! Akira runs in to clothesline! Feed to the DROPKICK! The fans fire up with Akira as he and Callum coordinate, back suplex SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Akira drags Oleg up and around to facelock, but Oleg throws body shots.

Khan tags in, he and Akira mug Oleg, and Khan CLUBS Oleg down. Khan drags Oleg up but Oleg ROCKS him! And CHOPS him! Oleg whips, Khan reverses to NORTHERN- NO, Oleg fights the suplex, so Khan RAMS him into the corner! Khan turns Oleg around, CLUBS him, and then climbs up. The fans cheer as Khan sits on his throne! Oleg flails, the ref reprimands but Khan hops down. Khan then HIP TOSSES Oleg down! Cover, TWO! The fans rally, Khan kicks Oleg around then whips. Oleg reverses and lifts, but Khan claws the ear! Oleg lets Khan down but avoids the lariat to DROPKICK Khan down!

The fans fire up while both men are down. Hot tag to Tanahashi! The fans fire up as Sachou rallies on Khan with FLYING FOREARMS! Then he BLASTS Callum and Akira off the apron! Tanahashi runs in at the corner, but blocks Khan’s boot! DRAGON SCREW! The fans fire up as Akira runs in, and gets a DRAGON SCREW! Callum steps in, but Tanahashi gets his leg! Tanahashi waves bye before the DRAPING DRAGON SCREW! The fans fire up with Tanahashi and he waits on Khan. Khan rises, Tanahashi runs in, but Khan sidesteps and TOSSES Tanahashi! But Tanahashi skins the cat! Only for Khan to waistlock!

Tanahashi fires elbows, but Khan ducks the shotei to HITSUJIGOROSHI into MARINE! Both men are down and the fans rally up! Khan and Tanahashi crawl, hot tag to Callum! Callum runs up to whip Tanahashi, but Tanahashi reverses. Callum stops himself, comes back, but into a spin, TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT! The fans rally as Tanahashi crawls, hot tag to Yano! The fans fire up with Yano, he whips Callum at the bare corner! Callum stops himself, Yano runs in, but Callum dodges so Yano hits bare buckles! Callum runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges, and BOOTS Yano down! The Prince of Speed shows why that’s the case!

The fans fire up with Callum as he goes Around the World for a DROPKICK! Snapmare and PENALTY KICK! Cover, TWO!! Yano survives, but Akira DROPKICKS Oleg down! Khan joins in, The Empire gets Yano up. They mug Yano in the corner, whip him corner to corner, then Khan runs in. Khan clotheslines, Akira clotheslines, and Callum runs to trip and STOMP Yano down! Cover, TWO!! Yano stays in this and the fans rally up again. Callum scowls and drags Yano to a drop zone. The Empire brawls with Tanahashi and Oleg while Callum climbs. The fans fire up as Callum aims, SHOOTING STAR, but he has to land out as Yano moves!

Tanahashi returns to dropkick Callum’s legs out! Khan BOOTS Tanahashi! Oleg scoops and SLAMS Khan! Akira dodges Oleg to ENZIGIR! The fans fire up, Akira runs and RANAS, but Oleg blocks it! Oleg swings Akira around to Shake, Rattle and- SUPERKICK from Callum! Tanahashi returns again, Callum ducks the shotei but then Tanahashi ducks the heel kick! SHOTEI! Yano rolls Callum up, Yano’s team wins!

Winners: Hiroshi Tanahashi, Toru Yano & Boltin Oleg, by pinfall (advance to the main event)

The Ace, the Joker and the Rook snatch the win and are now in the title match! Will this hot hand take the pot? Or will they be trumped by the winner of the next match?


NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Team Championships Tournament: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS The House of Torture!

Shingo Takagi is once again NEVER Openweight Champion, but he, Yota Tsuji & Bushi are looking to add to the LIJ trophy case. But Evil, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Sho want to make up for their losses, will they find redemption through this tournament? Or will everything be tranquilo in Taiwan?

Sho gets the mic to say he hates being here in Taiwan, so he wants to win, get the titles, and get outta here as fast as he can! The fans boo but Sho just taunts them all. He tells LIJ to get out here already, so LIJ makes their entrance. Takagi shows off that he cleaned up that NEVER Openweight belt from all the black spray paint Evil defaced it with! The fans cheer Takagi, Yota and Bushi in turn, and LIJ fist bump. But the House attacks! The fans boo but the bell rings, and Kanemaru has Yota in the ring. Evil KNEES Takagi, then steps on the NEVER Openweight title! Sho DECKS Bushi, Kanemaru whips Yota, but Yota comes back to run Kanemaru over!

Yota runs to SPLASH, cover, TWO! Yota keeps cool and he brings Kanemaru up. Yota reels Kanemaru in, suplexes, but Kanemaru fights it! Yota ROCKS Kanemaru, ROCKS him again, and then again! Yota runs but Sho is there! The fans boo but Kanemaru CLAWS Yota’s eyes! Kanemaru whips Yota to the corner, and surprise! Evil takes the blue buckle pad away! Yota hits bare steel, then the House BLASTS Bushi and Yota! The fans boo but Kanemaru drags Yota up. Sho SMACKS Bushi off apron, Kanemaru TOSSES Yota, and then Sho and Kanemaru stomp away. The fans boo more, but then Evil whips Takagi at the edge of the stage!

Takagi stops himself by flailing and wobbling! The fans are relieved he stays safe, but then Evil CLAWS Takagi’s back! Sho puts Yota in the ring, Kanemaru covers, TWO! Kanemaru tags Sho, Sho scuffs Yota around and taunts him. Yota rises up, fires a forearm, but Sho eggs him on! Yota fires another forearm so Sho CLAWS Yota’s eyes! Sho throws Yota out then gets in the ref’s face, Evil JAMS Yota with a chair! The fans boo but Evil taunts them. The ref has to keep LIJ from going after The House, and Evil puts Yota in for Sho to cover. ROPEBREAK! Sho is upset but he steps on Yota’s arm. Tag to Kanemaru, he and Sho DOUBLE KNEE DROP!

Kanemaru drags Yota up, whips him to ropes, then kitchen sink KNEES him down! Cover, TWO! Gene Blast stays in this for his team but Kanemaru stomps away. Kanemaru then scuffs Yota, taunts him, but Yota just gets mad! The fans rally for Yota as Kanemaru gives him more kicks. Yota stands to ROCK Kanemaru, ROCK him again, and ROCK him again! But Kanemaru CLAWS eyes! Tag to Evil, the ref is again told to stop LIJ, and Evil CHOKES Yota with a House of Torture shirt! Evil shoves Yota down, covers, TWO! Another cover, TWO! Another cover, TWO!! Evil is furious with the ref but Yota’s tougher than all that.

Evil stands Yota up, wrenches and whips Yota to a neutral corner. Evil runs in, blocks a boot, but Yota reels him in for the STOMP! The fans fire up while both men are down again! Yota and Evil crawl, hot tag to Takagi! The Rampaging Dragon runs up but Sho & Kanemaru drop away. So Takagi runs Evil over, scoops him and SLAMS him, but Evil avoids the senton! Sho & Kanemaru get in to stomp Takagi, double whip, but he holds ropes! Then DOUBLE PUMPING BOMBERS! But Evil CLAWS Takagi’s eyes! Evil runs, but into the ELBOW! JAB! YUKON LARIAT! The fans fire up as Takagi gets Evil back up.

Takagi suplexes high and hard, then covers, TWO! Evil is tougher than that, but Takagi then says in Taiwanese, he’s not done! But Takagi still uses Japanese for “TOKI GA KITA! <THE TIME HAS COME!>” The fans fire up with “OI! OI! OI!” Then he fires down HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS on Evil! Takagi runs, but Evil uses the ref as a shield! Takagi moves the ref aside, but Evil blocks the kick, gives it to the ref, and mule kicks Takagi down! The standard formula works out, and Evil tags Sho. Sho laughs as he runs up in the corner, clothesline! Then he brings Takagi around, wrenches, kicks, KICKS and SUPER- NO, Takagi blocks the superkick!

Takagi JABS, then YUKON feints to DDT! The fans fire up again and Takagi encourages them to get louder. Takagi hurries over, tag to Bushi! Bushi fires forearms on Sho, runs, but Kanemaru gets a cheap shot in! Bushi falls, Kanemaru steps in, he and Sho double whip Bushi to ropes. Bushi gets under the double elbows and shoves Kanemaru into Sho! Then Bushi DOUBLE RANAS! The fans fire up, and Bushi BLASTS Evil for good measure! Sho swings, Bushi spins him, DDT! Cover, TWO! Sho stays in this for the House but the fans rally behind Bushi. Bushi brings Sho to a corner, whips corner to corner, but Sho reverses.

Sho runs up, Bushi dodges, Yota STINGER SPLASHES! Takagi clotheslines, then feeds Sho to Yota’s V-TRIGGER! Sho wobbles, Bushi BACKSTABBERS! Cover, TWO!! Sho survives the onslaught but the fans rally for Bushi. Bushi drags Sho up, but Kanemaru runs in to BOOT Bushi down! Takagi JUMP KNEES Kanemaru! Evil whips Takagi into bare buckles! Evil mule kicks Yota, whips him, and Yota also hits bare buckles! Bushi dropkicks Evil’s legs out! Bushi drags Sho up, reels him in, but Sho breaks free and CLAWS the eyes! Sho runs, into a dropkick to the legs! Bushi SMASHES the knee, then ties the legs up! RIVERA!!

Sho endures, flails, but Kanemaru gets his whiskey! Evil distracts, Kanemaru WHISKEY MISTS! Sho is free, he has his Torture Tool! WRENCH SHOT!! Sho drags Bushi up, reels him in and tucks the arms, SHOCK ARROW!! Cover, The House wins!

Winners: The House of Torture, by pinfall (advance to the main event)

Like always, The House finds a way to cheat their way to success! Will The King of Darkness and his pawns find a way to trump Team Go Ace? Or will Sachou get to personally punish this faction for all their nefarious deeds?


DOUKI VS Kosei Fujita!

Japones Del Mal and the Ichiban Young Punk each staked their claim to the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship, to the point that Douki left with the belt! If possession is nine-tenths of the law, then who will be the de factor champion after tonight?

The moment Douki’s on the apron, Fujita dropkicks him down! Fujita then builds speed and FLIES! Direct hit on Douki and the fans fire up! Fujita drags Douki up, puts him in the ring, then springboards to SWANTON BOMB! The bell rings, Fujita covers, TWO! Fujita runs to PENALTY KICK! Cover, TWO! The fans rally as Fujita waistlocks and deadlifts Douki, but Douki throws elbows. Fujita ducks to CHOP, then he runs, only for Douki to do the splits! Fujita tumbles out, Douki builds speed and DIVES! Direct hit in return and the fans fire up again! The ref checks both men, they’re both okay to continue.

Douki sits up first, the ring count starts and Douki POSTS Fujita! Fujita falls over, Douki drags him up, and then DDTs to the floor! Douki slides in at 10 of 20, leaving Fujita to the count. The count reaches 15 before Fujita sits back up! Fujita flounders around at 17, 18, but springs in at 19! Douki drags Fujita up, CLUBS him, then stalks him to ropes. Douki CLUBS Fujita again, drags him up, and turns him for a NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! The fans rally and Douki keeps on Fujita with a chinlock. Fujita endures the knee digging into his back, reaches out, and kicks around. The fans rally more as Fujita keeps moving forward, to the ROPEBREAK!

Douki lets off in frustration, then drags Fujita back up. Fujita fires forearms but Douki eggs him on. Douki then knees low, and DDTs! Cover, TWO! Fujita is still in this and the fans cheer again. Douki whips Fujita but Fujita holds ropes to block! Douki tries again, knees low, then whips. Fujita reverses, CHOPS, but Douki HELL STABS! Douki runs, but into the WHEEL KICK! It was only a grazing blow but enough to knock Douki down! The fans rally up and Fujita hurries after Douki. Fujita fires a forearm, an UPPERCUT and a CHOP! Fujita whips corner to corner then runs in, to CHOP! Fujita snapmares Douki, then goes up, out and waits.

Douki slowly rises, Fujita springboards in, MISSILE DROPKICK! Cover, TWO! Douki shakes his head, he’s tougher than that. Fujita drags him up, reels him in, and suplexes high and hard! Fujita keeps moving, PENALTY KICK! Cover, TWO! Fujita grows frustrated but he drags Douki up. Fujita waistlocks, goes to ropes, but Douki bucks the O’Conner. Fujita CLUBS Douki, brings him back, but Douki fights the lift. Douki switches, spins Fujita around and drops down, ITALIAN STRETCH 32! Fujita scrambles, reaches out, ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer as Fujita escapes by a literal foot! Douki lets go in frustration and the fans rally.

Douki turns Fujita to Gory Especial, but Fujita fights free! Fujita arm-drags Douki away, then runs up, but into a BOOTS! Douki goes to the apron, RAMS into Fujita, then slingshots for DAY- NO, Fujita stays up, pops Douki around, but Douki sunset flips! Fujita rolls through, rolls Douki and hooks the legs up, REGAL STRETCH! Douki endures and the fans rally up! Douki claws at the mat but Fujita has those legs trapped! Douki still fights but Fujita pulls way back! Douki doesn’t give in, he gets the ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer while Fujita lets off in frustration. Fujita drags Douki up, spin him, but Douki fights the lift!

Douki throws elbows, runs, but Fujita reels him in! Douki kicks free but then Fujita ducks the enzigiri! Fujita waistlocks to deadlift, but Douki wheelbarrows! Victory roll, TWO! Douki goes for the full nelson! Fujita fights, so Douki shifts for the Bow ‘n’ Arrow Rack! Douki spins and spins, REINEDA! And then ghost pin, TWO!! Fujita escapes, but ends up in the ITALIAN STRETCH!! Douki pulls and Fujita is already red in the face! Fujita reaches out, Douki rolls him away from ropes! ITALIAN STRETCH!! Fujtia is fading! The ref checks, but Fujita gets a second wind! Fujita kicks around, reaches out, but Douki pulls!

Fujita’s fading again! The fans rally harder as Fujita gives one last kick, to the ROPEBREAK! Douki lets go and the fans cheer! Douki rises, goes to the apron, and takes aim for DAYBREAKER!! Cover, TWO?!? Fujita survives and Douki is furious! The fans rally, Douki gets the legs and turns Fujita over. Wheelbarrow, lift, but Fujita fights the rest! Fujita fires elbows, waistlocks, GERMAN SUPLEX! Douki tumbles away and the fans fire up while both men are down. Fujita rises, the fans rally, and Fujita brings Douki up. Douki ENZIGIRIS, but Fujita ENZIGIRIS! Fujita runs, but Douki ELBOWS! Douki runs but Fujita BOOTS then HEEL KICKS!

But Douki stays up! Douki runs up to LARIAT! But then Fujita rises!! Both men run, and Fujita LEG LARIATS! Douki crawls to ropes, Fujita runs in, STRADDLE ATTACK! Fujita roars, the fans fire up, and Fujita deadlift GERMAN SUPLEXES! Bridging cover, TWO!! Douki survives but Fujita stays on him! Suplex, but Douki fights free, wrenches, hammerlocks, rolls, then drags Fujita up into Gory Especial! DODON NO JUTSU! Backslide cover, TWO! Douki just hops over Fujita to hook him up again! SUPLEX DE LA LUNA!! Bridging cover, Douki wins!!

Winner: Douki, by pinfall

And “still” IWPG Junior Heavyweight Champion, at that! If Douki can put on a match like that and pull off the victory, will nothing stop him from becoming the Best of the Super Juniors?

Oh no, Sho attacks! He wants his belt back! The fans boo as he stomps away on Douki then picks up the belt. To be fair, Sho is still the actual champion, but he takes aim with the belt! Douki dodges to ENZIGIRI! Then he reels Sho in for the torture rack, and swings for the SIDEWALK SLAM! The fans fire up as Douki takes the belt back! The Murder Machine tried and failed to take the belt back, will he also fail to stay a champion through the Spring?


IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championships: Bishamon VS SANADA & Yuya Uemura!

Hirooki Goto & Yoshi-Hashi only just got these title back, but they’re fighting champions so they’re already putting them on the line! Will it be lights out in Taiwan? Or will the Cold Skull & Heat Storm bring gold back to Just5Guys?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see if Chaos still reigns!

The teams sort out and Hashi starts against Yuya. The bell rings and the fans rally for Yuya as the two circle. They tie up, Yuya wrenches to a wristlock, but Hashi spins, wrenches back, and then hammerlocks. Yuya switches that onto Hashi, but Hashi drop toeholds. Hashi floats to a headlock but Yuya pops out the back to hammerlock again. Hashi rolls, headscissors, but Yuya fights that off to keep the headlock. Hashi keeps his shoulders up, fights to his feet, then rolls Yuya to get his own headlock. Yuya headscissors, Hashi kips free and the fans cheer! Hashi and Yuya circle again, feel things out, knuckle lock, but then Yuya shoots around to headlock.

Yuya grinds the hold, Hashi powers up but can’t power out as Yuya holds tight! Yuya grinds Hashi to the mat but Hashi endures and fights back up. Hashi throws body shots, powers up and out, but Yuya RAMS shoulders! The fans cheer as the two stare down. Yuya runs, RAMS Hashi again, but Hashi gets in Yuya’s face. Yuya shoves, runs, but Hashi ELBOWS! Hashi runs, but into a hip toss! And arm-drag! Yuya DROPKICKS Hashi, then BLASTS Goto for good measure! The fans fire up and Yuya goes back for Hashi. Yuya drags Hashi up, CHOPS him, then CHOPS again. Yuya whips, Hashi holds ropes, then BOOTS back!

Goto gets in, he and Hashi run Yuya over! Bishamon coordinate, ZANMAI! Sanada storms in but Goto kicks low! “SE NO!” and they DRUM away on Sanada’s back! The fans fire up with Bishamon, and Goto stomps Sanada to a corner. Hashi has Yuya in the opposite, then they whip. Sanada & Yuya reverse to send Goto and Hashi into each other! DROPKICKS send Bishamon out, then STEREO PLANCHAS take them down! The fans fire up and Sanada encourages them to get louder. The fans oblige and Sanada brings Goto up. Yuya brings Hashi up to CHOP! And CHOP! Hashi fires a foraerm, but Yuya eggs him on.

Hashi fires more forearms, then CHOPs! Yuya CHOPS Hashi down! The fans fire up, but the ref says to get this in the ring. Yuya drags Hashi up and puts him in. The fans applaud and Yuya storms in after Hashi. Yuya drags Hashi up, ROCKS him with a haymaker, then CHOPS again! And CHOPS again! Yuya CHOPS Hashi in the corner, CHOPS him again, but Hashi CHOPS back! Yuya knees low, then CHOPS Hashi down! Tag to Sanada and the fans rally up. Sanada drags Hashi up, reels him in, and Sanada CLUBS Hashi on the neck. Sanada CLUBS Hashi again, but Hashi throws body shots! Sanada CLUBS Hashi down, then stomps him at the ropes.

The ref reprimands and counts, Sanada stops, then drags Hashi back up. Sanada knees Hashi into the corner, whips corner to corner, then runs in, but blocks a boot! Sanada trips Hashi, and ties him up for Paradise! The fans fire up and Sanada encourages them to get even louder. The fans cheer Sanada on as he then runs to DROPKICK Hashi out of Paradise! Sanada then drags Hashi up and around, reels him in, but Hashi fights the suplex! The fans rally as Sanada powers up, but Hashi still fights it! Hashi goes to suplex but Sanada slips free! Sanada blocks the superkick to CLUB the leg! Snada runs, Hashi dodges, BLOCKBUSTER!

Sanada flounders and Hashi crawls, but Yuya jumps in! Yuya drags Hashi up but Hashi SPIN BACK KICKS! Hashi crawls, hot tag to Goto! Goto runs in at a corner to clothesline Sanada! Then he runs corner to corner to clothesline Yuya! Sanada kicks and whips, then he sends Yuya in. Goto dodges Yuya, CLOBBERS Sanada, then kicks Yuya! Goto snap suplexes Yuya onto Sanada! The fans fire up and Goto brings Sanada up. Fireman’s carry, but Sanada flails free! Goto elbows free of the waistlock, then kicks and whips. Goto runs in, but Sanada BOOTS him! Sanada QUEBRADAS, but Goto gets under!

Goto runs up but into a fireman’s carry! Goto slips free, Sanada throws more elbows! Sanada runs, Goto follows, but Sanada ELBOWS! STANDING MOONSAULT, but Sanada lands on his feet as Goto moves! Then Sanada basement dropkicks! The fans fire up while both men are down! Sanada and Goto stir, and Sanada crawls for his corner, hot tag to Yuya! Yuya storms up on Goto, brings him up and reels him in, SAIDO! Cover, TWO! Goto stays in this but Yuya stays calm. Yuya drags Goto up, underhooks the arms, but Goto fights the lift! Yuya still tries, but Goto lifts Yuya to back drop him! The fans fire up while both men are down!

Yuya goes to a corner, Goto crawls to ropes. Goto stands, runs up, but Yuya ELBOWS him! Yuya runs, Goto follows and LARIATS! Both men are down again and the fans rally! Goto crawls his way over, hot tag to Hashi! The fans cheer as Hashi fires off a forearm, body shot and CHOP! Yuya falls, the fans fire up, and Yuya goes to a corner. Hashi runs up to CHOP! Hashi whips to CHOP! Then he mule kicks, turns Yuya, but Yuya fights the neckbreaker! Yuya whips, Hashi reverses but Yuya CLOBBERS him! The fans fire up as Yuya kips up, and Sanada jumps in. They get Hashi up in a corner, and whip corner to corner.

Yuya runs in to CHOP! Sanada runs in to ELBOW! Sanada feeds Hashi to Yuya’s arm-drag! And then they DOUBLE DROPKICK! Hashi roars as he rises, but then a DOUBLE BOOT takes him down! Cover off #Just2Boots, TWO! Yuya is a little annoyed but Sanada keeps Goto out of the ring. Yuya drags Hashi up, underhooks, but Hashi fights the lift! Hashi wrenches out, Yuya ducks the lariat and waistlocks, but Hashi RAMS him into buckles! Goto runs in to clothesline Yuya! The fans fire up as Goto BLASTS Sanada off the apron! Bishamon fires up, they bring Yuya around, feed to the fireman’s carry, and FIERCE FLASH!

The fans fire up with Bishamon as Hashi calls for the finish! Goto dragon sleepers, Hashi grabs the legs, but Sanada CLUBS Hashi! Goto pushes Yuya aside but Sanada kicks him to whip him. But Goto reverses to fireman’s carry! But Sanada slips free! Only to run into HIDDEN GAP! And then they get Sanada up! But Sanada kicks free of Hashi! Goto fights Sanada’s suplex, Hashi gets the legs, but Sanada kicks free of Magic Killer! Sanada then puts Goto up for MAGIC SCREW! The fans fire up again as Hashi runs in! Sanada ducks, feed to Yuya’s UPPERCUT! DOUBLE CHOP! ENZIGIRI! Cold Skull & Heat Storm watch Hashi rise, SHINING WIZARD!

The fans fire up as Yuya brings Hashi back up, underhooks, and BUTTERFLY BOMBS! Cover, Goto breaks it! Sanada TOSSES Goto out and leaves it to Yuya! Yuya roars, goes to a corner and climbs up, to CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO!! Hashi survives and the fans fire up again! Yuya grits his teeth and roars! Yuya drags Hashi up, reels him in. Yuya traps the arms, but Hashi fights the Deadbolt! Yuya CLUBS away on Hashi, then tries again. But Hashi CHOPS! Yuya PELES! Yuya gets Hashi back up, swings him around, but Hashi LARIATS! Both men are down and the fans rally even harder! Hashi and Yuya stir, and head for each other.

Yuya gets in Hashi’s face, but Hashi fires a forearm! Yuya fires back! Hashi fires another, so Yuya HAYMAKERS! Hashi throws another forearm, Yuya fires another haymaker, repeat! They go back and forth, pick up speed, and the fans rally harder and harder! Hashi gets the edge, then CHOPS! Yuya roars, but Hashi DOUBLE CHOPS! Hashi roars, runs, but into a DOUBLE CHOP from Yuya! Goto returns but Yuya dodges! Feed to Sanada’s DROPKICK! Sanada & Yuya double whip Hashi to a corner, then Yuya runs in. Hashi dodges, dropkicks Sanada’s leg, then he sends Yuya into Sanada! SUPERKICK!

Yuya staggers, Hashi brings him around, and Hashi fires forearm, body shot and CHOP! Hashi runs, but Yuya spins him around! DEAD- NO, Hashi fights the suplex and Goto LARIATS at the ropes! Then spin and tuck, KARMA ROLL! Bishamon wins!!

Winners: Bishamon, by pinfall (still IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions)

Yuya can’t believe he got caught, but he did! Goto & Hashi


NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Team Championships: Hiroshi Tanahashi, Toru Yano & Boltin Oleg VS The House of Torture!

Ace-sachou and the Clown Prince bring back the high school “Yankee” bad boy look as they prepare to face some real punks! Will they and big bad Boltin tear down the House? Or will the King of Darkness make sure Everything is Evil again?

The introductions are made, but then the House attacks! They TOSS Tanahashi aside, then TOSS Yano, and Evil CLAWS Oleg’s face! Sho digs a chair into Tanahashi’s leg! Red Shoes is so busy with Sho that he misses Kanemaru’s WHISKEY BOTTLE SHOT on Oleg! The fans boo but the match hasn’t started, there’s nothing Red Shoes can do about any of this! Kanemaru & Evil then mug Yano on the outside, and use spare wrist tape to hogtie him! The bell finally rings as Sho puts Tanahashi in the ring, and Sho CHOKES Tanahashi! Red Shoes reprimands, Sho steps off, but Kanemaru stomps away on Yano!

Yano calls for help but Oleg is down and the House mugs Tanahashi! The fans boo but the House soaks up the heat. They stomp Tanahashi more, but Red Shoes reprimands. Evil and Kanemaru split the wishbone, and then Kanemaru CLUBS Tanahashi. But Tanahashi fights back with forearms! The House mugs Tanahashi again! Red Shoes reprimands, there has to be a 1v1! Kanemaru stays the legal man as he drops elbow after elbow on the bad knee! Tanahashi endures the toehold, so Kanemaru shifts to drag him over. Tag to Evil, he and Kanemaru split the wishbone again! Tanahashi writhes but Evil drags him around.

Evil stomps away on the bad leg while Sho keeps Yano and Oleg down on the outside. Evil has Tanahashi on ropes but the fans boo. Evil CHOKES Tanahashi, Kanemaru and Sho join in, and then Evil covers. Red Shoes refuses because of all the shenanigans. Evil stomps Tanahashi drags him from ropes to cover, TWO! Wait, who rings the bell? That’s Sho of course, and the fans boo. Red Shoes and Sho argue, and Sho acts like that was all Abe-san. Red Shoes knows better than that, so the match continues. Evil tags Sho, Sho stomps Tanahashi around, then Sho drags Tanahashi by the leg to DDT the foot!

Tanahashi writhes, Sho tags Kanemaru, and Kanemaru storms up to get the bad leg. Kanemaru SMASHES the knee! Kanemaru eggs Tanahashi on, stomps the bad leg, but Tanahashi glares at him defiantly! The fans fire up as Tanahashi rises, and he fires off forearms! But Kanemaru claws the eyes! Kanemaru runs, Tanahashi blocks the boot to DRAGON SCREW! The fans fire up, Tanahashi crawls, and Yano’s free of the tape! Hot tag to Yano! The fans fire up as Yano goes to untie a buckle pad! Shiro is free and Yano throws him to Kanemaru! Red Shoes reprimands Kanemaru, Kanemaru defends his innocence, but Yano SLAPS Kanemaru on the head!

Yano whips Kanemaru but Kanemaru reverses! Yano stops from hitting bare buckles, Kanemaru runs in, but Yano sends him into the bare buckles! Roll-up, TWO! Yano stays fired up and the fans join in. Yano gets Kanemaru up but Kanemaru body shots, elbows and runs! But Yano atomic- NO, Kanemaru CLAWS the eyes! So Yano CLAWS the eyes! Yano runs, but Evil trips him! Sho stomps Oleg down, Evil drags Yano out, and Evil CLAWS Yano’s eyes! Red Shoes reprimands, but Evil and Kanemaru distract him so Sho can CHOKE Yano with a chair! Sho then drags Yano up, puts him in the ring, and Evil takes off his shirt.

Red Shoes says no, he doesn’t trust Evil with the shirt. Red Shoes confiscates the shirt, but Evil has a tag rope! Evil CHOKES Yano with the tag rope! The fans boo as Evil gets away with that one! Cover, TWO! Yano is still in this and Evil is upset with Red Shoes! Evil drags Yano up, wrenches, and YANKS the arm, to then CLUB it! Tag to Sho and he runs up to wrench Yano’s arm and bend the fingers! Sho wrenches again to ELBOW BREAKER! Yano falls but Sho tags Kanemaru. Sho pulls on the bad arm while Kanemaru goes up, and Kanemaru AX HANDLES the arm! Kanemaru wrenches the arm, YANKS and YANKS and wrangles Yano!

Kanemaru isolates the arm with atop wristlock, and STOMPS it! Then Kanemaru hits an ARM WRINGER! Kanemaru stomps Yano, BLASTS Tanahashi, then tags Sho. They get Yano up, Kanemaru wrenches the arm and Sho climbs, to AX HANDLE! Sho grins while Yano writhes, and Sho stomps Yano around. Sho bends the fingers, twists the wrist, then gets Yano up to wrap his arm around ropes. Red Shoes reprimands and counts, Sho lets off but distracts Red Shoes so Kanemaru can bend the arm! Evil tags in, he storms over, and he bumps Yano off buckles. Evil then TOSSES Yano out, and gets in Red Shoes’ face again!

Sho CHOKES Yano with the chair, then Kanemaru drags Yano up. Kanemaru wrenches and hammerlocks the arm to POST it! Sho then puts Yano in while Tanahashi protests. Red Shoes tells Sachou to stand down, and Evil covers. Red Shoes is late to the count, TWO! Another cover, TWO! Another cover, TWO!! Yano is still in this and Evil is furious! The fans cheer, though, and Evil drags Yano up. Yano pulls hair! Evil kicks low, whips, but Yano reverses for the hair-pull takedown! The fans rally up, hot tag to Oleg! Oleg CLOBBERS Evil, BLASTS the House, then scoops Evil to SLAM him! Oleg runs to SPLASH! Cover, TWO!

Oleg stays cool and he deadlifts Evil! Sho & Kanemaru attack, they reel him in, but Oleg fights the double suplex to DOUBLE SUPLEX them! The fans fire up as Oleg deadlift GUT WRENCH PLEXES Sho! Then he deadlifts Kanemaru for Shake, Rattle and THROW! The fans fire up as Oleg fires forearms on Evil, then gut wrenches. But Evil CLAWS the eyes! Red Shoes reprimands but Evil reels Oleg in. Oleg fights the fisherman to clinch and OVERHEAD BELLY2BELLY! Cover, TWO! Evil survives but Oleg hauls him back up! Fireman’s carry, but Evil slips free! Evil shoves Oleg at Red shoes, then LOW BLOWS!

Fans boo but The House BLASTS Tanahashi & Yano! The House then gets Oleg up, whips him to a corner, Sho forearm SMASHES! Kanemaru ELBOWS! Evil clotheslines! Snapmare and the set-up! Yano gets in but Red Shoes is distracted! Kanemaru DICK CHOPS! Cover, TWO!! Oleg survives and the fans fire up! Evil is shocked, but he vows to end this now! The fans boo but Evil drags Oleg up, spins him around, EVERYTHING- NO, Oleg fights free! Evil knees low, runs, but Oleg CLOBBERS him! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Oleg crawls his way over, hot tag to Tanahashi! The fans fire up as The President BLASTS the House!

Tanahashi keeps going to CLOBBER Evil! Tanahashi fires forearms and body shots, then he scoop SLAMS Evil into the drop zone! Tanahashi goes up, for the SUNSET SENTON! Cover, TWO! Tanahashi stays cool as the fans fire up. Evil wants mercy but Tanahashi runs to SLING- NO, Evil ducks it, and whips Tanahashi into bare buckles! Tag to Sho and Kanemaru BLASTS Yano! Sho & Kanemaru double whip, Sho runs up to forearm smash! Feed to Kanemaru’s basement dropkick! They DOUBLE SMASH the knees! Sho clamps on the KNEEBAR!! Tanahashi endures, the fans rally, but Yano stomps Sho!

Kanemaru CLAWS Yano’s eyes and TOSSES him out! Evil gets in with the chair! Red Shoes stops Evil but Sho sneaks his Torture Tool! The Murder Machine wants to do this like he did to LIJ! Sho lines up the shot, but Tanahashi ducks! But WHISKEY MIST is there! Roll up, OLEG BREAKS IT!! The fans fire up as the House goes after Oleg! They TOSS Oleg, then they intercept Yano! They double whip, Yano holds ropes to taunt them! Yano ducks Kanemaru, shoves him into Evil, then shoves Red Shoes aside so he can DOUBLE LOW BLOW! Sho staggers up, winds up with the wrench, but Yano dodges!

SHOTEI from Tanahashi, then he SLINGBLADES Sho down! Oleg returns and he hauls Sho up! Oleg fireman’s carries Sho, and hits the ROLLING SENTON! Tanahashi is up top, HIGH FLY FLOW!! Cover, Team Go Ace wins!!

Winners: Hiroshi Tanahashi, Toru Yano & Boltin Oleg, by pinfall (NEW NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Team Champions)

A huge victory for The Ace of the Universe, for the Producer, and for the Young Lion! Oleg goes right from new kid on the block to a champion alongside two living legends! The House regroups, will they ever learn their lesson?

As for the new champs, Yano presents Oleg with his own high schooler blazer! It might be a couple sizes too small, but Yano still helps Oleg get it on! Oleg smiles as he is presented one of the belts, and is truly part of the club! Yano gets Shiro the buckle pad to join in on the photo op! And of course, they do the squat! Tanahashi-sachou then gets the mic so that he may speak. “Long time no see, Taiwan! Thank you very much, xièxiè.” Fans applaud his use of Mandarin! Tanahashi continues to say that NJPW hasn’t been able to visit Taiwan in some time, “but we’ll be back a lot from now on!” The fans love the sound of that!

Tanahashi vows to “keep NJPW fired up in Taiwan,” and that they’ll see them again very soon. “And finally… Taiwan, ASHITEMAAASU~!” The fans cheer and once again, the bad boy champs squat for the photo op. Will this unique trio lead the way into a brighter future for not just NJPW, but for the entire Wrestling World?

My Thoughts:

A great event for NJPW’s return to Taiwan, though things went about how you’d expect as far as results. Great stuff in the non-title matches, and really great win for Douki over Fujita. Douki giving Sho a taste of his own medicine with the theft of the belt is great, I hope Douki literally holds onto the belt until the final round of the Best of Super Juniors. Great tag title match from Bishamon VS Sanada & Yuya, with a great win for Bishamon. I figured Yuya was taking that pin, but he and Sanada make a pretty good team, maybe they’ll try again.

And great stuff in the NEVER Openweight Six Man tournament, but I had a feeling it was going to be Tanahashi’s team winning in the end. At least, once it was them against House of Torture, it was certainly clear. It wasn’t even that Tanahashi is President of NJPW. Evil wasn’t gonna just get a belt to replace the NEVER Openweight title, and Takagi wasn’t gonna be Mr. NEVER right away, so why not put these belts back on Tanahashi and a team he now leads. Great honor for Oleg as he hasn’t even gone from Young Lion to established guy with a gimmick. Oleg’s shown he can have fun and goof around, I think he’ll be a great third man to Tanahashi & Yano.

My Score: 8.7/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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