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MItchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (2/20/19)

Will Velveteen Dream finally be a champion in NXT?



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The Worlds Collide winner targets the NXT North American Championship! Will Velveteen Dream dethrone “Johnny Jackass” to finally hold gold himself?



  • Aleister Black VS Roderick Strong; Black wins.
  • Mia Yim VS Xia Li; Yim wins.
  • NXT North American Championship: Johnny Gargano VS Velveteen Dream; Dream wins and becomes the new NXT North American Champion.


Aleister Black VS Roderick Strong!

The Embodiment of the End make lasting impressions on Raw and SmackDown, but he returns to his home of NXT to settle things with the Undisputed Era’s Savior of the Backbreaker. Aleister helped Ricochet against the Undisputed Era last week, will we find out why this week?

The bell rings and Aleister circles with Strong. Strong gets the legs and gets Aleister down. Aleister counters with body scissors and the two go around. Strong gets the armlock and toys with Aleister. Aleister arm-drags and runs Strong over! Fans rally for Aleister as he whips. Strong reverses but Aleister rolls off his back to deliver knees, kicks and then another knee! Strong staggers but boots Aleister away. Aleister blocks the next boot to hit a back elbow and German Suplex! Bridging cover, TWO! Aleister keeps his cool but Strong pulls hair. Strong tosses Aleister out, then wrecks him with a dropkick! Strong fetches Aleister and CHOPS him! Then he back suplexes Aleister on the steel steps!

The referee checks on Aleister but Strong clubs and throws Aleister into the ring. Strong stomps the back then drags Aleister up by his hair. Strong hits a fast backbreaker, then puts Aleister in a chinlock. Fans rally up as Aleister endures being bent back. Aleister powers up and fights out with body shots. Strong forearms and tackles Aleister to a cover. Aleister manages to keep a shoulder up so Strong facelocks and grinds Aleister down. Strong pulls on Aleister’s head while fans rally up. Aleister fights his way up and powers Strong to a corner. Aleister rams his shoulder into Strong but his back bothers him. He throws heavy forearms and whips, but Strong reverses hard! Aleister hits buckles, then Strong dropkicks him out of the ring.

Strong keeps on Aleister by ramming him into the apron! Strong puts Aleister in and stomps away. He drags Aleister up to CHOP in a corner! Strong hoists Aleister up top then climbs up to join him. Aleister resists as Strong wants the superplex. Aleister fights back, slips under, and goes to bomb but Strong fights back. Strong slips off and hits another backbreaker! Cover, TWO! Aleister lives and Strong grows frustrated. Strong eggs Aleister on as he pulls Aleister up by his hair. Strong suplexes, but Aleister knees out. Aleister dodges in the corner then runs but into a knee! But he comes back with elbows! Aleister sweeps and knee strikes! Then he handsprings back up, to springboard quebrada! Fans fire up with Aleister as he waistlocks Strong. Strong elbows out, but Aleister blocks and heel kicks! Strong bucks Aleister off but runs into a roundhouse! Brainbuster! Cover, TWO!

Strong survives but Aleister keeps his focus. Aleister lifts Strong with his foot, but Strong pushes away. Strong boots, roundhouses and leaps, but the knee misses. Aleister boots, runs, but into a pop-up gutbuster! Strong runs but into a knee! Strong tumbles out, Aleister goes to the corner. Aleister hops up but Strong stops him. Strong boots Aleister, then torture racks, backbreaker toss at the post! Strong puts Aleister in and covers, TWO!! Aleister still lives and Strong is beside himself. Fans duel as Strong turns Aleister over. Strong wants the legs but Aleister fights him off. Aleister gets the ropes but gets a guillotine catapult! Strong runs in for the Shining Wizard, then hits the back suplex toss! Cover, TWO!! Aleister survives and Strong is furious. Strong drags Aleister up, throws forearms and elbows, then suplexes. Aleister slips out, BLACK MASS! Cover, Aleister wins!

Winner: Aleister Black, by pinfall

The Dutch Destroyer strikes outta nowhere! Aleister makes Strong #FadetoBlack, but here comes the rest of the Undisputed Era! Kyle O’Reilly runs into a Black Mass! Adam Cole and Bobby Fish tackle Aleister and stomp him out! But here comes Ricochet! The One and Only springboards and crossbodies Cole and Fish! He’s returning teh favor to Aleister as he fights off Cole and Fish. Ricochet clotheslines Cole out and Aleister takes Fish down with a knee! The Undisputed Era regroups and retreats! Will the King of Flight and Embodiment of the End be the end of their era in NXT?


Big news for the Performance Center.

There are a lot of new recruits to the NXT roster, but the Horsewomen look to “welcome” them personally. Shayna Baszler, Jessamyn Duke and Marina Shafir try to bully the new kids in class, but no one lets them intimidate them. It’s only a matter of time before these combustible elements explode!


The EST will not be stopped.

Bianca Belair had a break-out 2018 and was screwed out of being champion by Shayna and the Horsewomen. No one can change that her mind-set is always Un-De-Fea-Ted. But she will not let herself be passed up by the Genius of the Sky, Io Shirai. There’s no gracefully stepping aside. They’ll all have to wait until she’s champion, and if anyone gets in her way, they’ll see why she’s the EST.


NXT announces the 2019 Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic!

A great tradition returns again in two weeks! The winners are promised an NXT Tag Team Championship match against the War Raiders at TakeOver: New York! The first four teams have already selected: The Undisputed Era’s Kyle O’Reilly & Bobby Fish; The Forgotten Sons’ Steve Cutler & Wesley Blake; the European Alliance, Fabian Aichner & Marcel Barthel; and The Street Profits, Angelo Dawkins & Montez Ford! Which other four teams will join them? Find out next week!


Mia Yim VS Xia Li!

The Head Baddie in Charge and the “spicy” martial artist are among the newest stars to join NXT, and they look to prove they’re just as worthy as any woman of an NXT Women’s Championship match. Does Bianca Belair have more to worry about than just the Sky Pirates jumping ahead of her?

The bell rings and they shake hands to show respect. They tie up and Mia pushes Xia to ropes. Mia throws Xia but Xia holds on and then returns the throw. The grapple continues as they stand back up. Mia wrenches through to a hammerlock then a facelock. Fans chant for Mia but Xia puts her against the ropes. Xia whips but Mia reverses and ducks. Xia stops herself to then roll Mia over to a facelock. Mia powers through to wrench Xia. Xia breaks free and swings kicks! Mia backs off fast to avoid those furious feet! Xia cools off and Mia admits those were good. Mia asks for a test of strength, and Xia accepts. They tie up and go shoulder to shoulder. Mia pushes Xia back and mounts for a cover, ONE! She pushes the shoulder down, ONE! Mia pushes the shoulder again, TWO!

Xia hops up, but Mia avoids a monkey flip. Xia rolls Mia up, TWO! They tie up again, monkey flip to sunset flip! Cover, TWO! Xia kicks Mia right in the chest! Xia whips Mia corner to corner but Mia reverses, only for Xia to hop up. Mia gets under Xia and shotgun dropkicks her down! Xia gets to the corner, Mia says BOOM for the cannonball senton! Cover, TWO! Fans applaud this even match-up as Mia waits for Xia to stand. Xia does and Mia throws palm strikes. Xia blocks the kick to fire off palm strikes of her own! She kicks Mia’s legs out to hit the tornado roundhouse! Cover, TWO!

Xia keeps her focus as she goes up the corner. Mia stands and dodges the Rider Kick, to backhand Xia down! Mia drags Xia up, hammerlock for a modified code breaker, aka Protect Ya Neck! Cover, Mia wins!

Winner: Mia Yim, by pinfall

But before Mia can celebrate, the Horsewomen rush the ring! Mia fights Shayna, but Jessamyn and Marina help outnumber her! The Horsewomen club and stomp Mia, but here come the young stars of NXT! Lacey Lane, MJ Jenkins and Jessie Elaban take the fight to the Horsewomen, but the Horsewomen win that fight! Shayna rocks MJ with a big running knee! Mia comes back for more while Marina throws Lacey into steps and Jessamyn roundhouses Jessie down. Marina and Jessamyn go back to stomping Mia out, then they sit her up for Shayna. Shayna tells Mia to start respecting the Horsewomen, but Mia says there’s nothing to respect! Shayna runs and hits Mia with that same stiff knee! Fans boo as the Horsewomen stand tall. Will anyone stand a chance of stopping the Horsewomen’s stampede through NXT?


Candice LeRae checks on Johnny Gargano backstage.

How is Mr. Wrestling feeling before his title match tonight? He’s ready. But Candice says Gargano knows what he needs to do. He does. But then Tommaso Ciampa appears. Ciampa says if Gargano needs him, he’ll be there. Gargano says he won the North American Championship on his own, so no, he doesn’t need Ciampa. He’ll just do what he does best: be Johnny Freakin’ Wrestling. Gargano and Candice leave, but Ciampa says he’ll still be watching. Will Ciampa help Gargano, even when he doesn’t need it?


Exclusive interview with Matt Riddle.

The Original Bro was also part of the Arrival series on WWE’s YouTube channel, and he was very much himself with his flip-flops and casual attire. Was there ever a thought to go the more conservative or formal? Not at all. A long time ago, someone told Riddle that it’s better for someone to tell you to tone it down than to raise it up. Riddle knows if he ever does reach that point, someone will tell him.

For his rivalry of Kassius Ohno, Riddle is glad to have gotten rid of the obnoxious Knockout Artist. Ohno was harshing everyone’s good time. Riddle can focus on what’s important now. Riddle had a great match with Drew Gulak, and that’s only the beginning. The King of Bros wants any title he can get at, and nothing will stop him. Watch the full interview on WWE’s YouTube to learn more about Riddle, what he’s done, and what he plans on doing next.


NXT North American Championship: Johnny Gargano VS Velveteen Dream!

From Johnny Wrestling to Johnny Venom to Johnny TakeOver, there was one title Gargano always wanted: Johnny Champion. Gargano finally has a title all his own, but now the Patrick Clark Experience comes to take it away. Will Gargano lose his title so soon after winning it? Or will he deny the Dream his own dream here tonight?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and the fans are divided even before the bell. Dream and Gargano circle fast as Dream lunges and slides. He still keeps away from Gargano’s grip as they go around. Gargano drop toeholds and brings Dream down. He floats and rolls but Dream returns the favor. They end up by the ropes and Gargano has Dream back off. Dream dares Gargano to come back and they circle again. They tie up and Gargano wrenches to a hammerlock. Gargano shifts to a facelock but Dream rolls. Gargano keeps Dream but Dream rolls to try and make it a cover. They roll through and Gargano rear mounts. Dream slips out and gets an armlock on Gargano. Fans duel and rally as Gargano works on a counter.

Gargano gets his arm free and pulls Dream into another hammerlock. Dream resists but Gargano gets the free arm and brings Dream over. It’s a cover, TWO! Dream gets up and reverses through to a wrench and wringer. Ciampa watches from the rafters while Gargano reverses back. Dream rolls and handsprings to wrench, but Gargano wrings him out. Dream cartwheels through the SLAPS the spit out of Gargano’s mouth! Fans are fired up as Gargano baiils out to compose himself. Dream dares Gargano to return but Gargano takes his time. Gargano checks his teeth and they’re all there. Gargano returns to the ring and circles with Dream. They tie up again for a test of strength. Dream gets a headlock and grinds Gargano down.

Gargano tries but can’t power out. Dream squeezes harder, but Gargano fights out with body shots. Gargano powers out but Dream runs him over. Fans cheer as things speed up, but Dream drops down to look Gargano in the eyes. Dream baits Gargano in as he slithers out, then SLAPS Gargano again! Dream climbs up top and leaps for big ax handles! Cover, ONE! Dream stays on Gargano as he swivels the hips. Dream dropkicks Gargano to a corner, then drags him back up for forearms. Gargano staggers to another corner but Dream forearms him stiff in the back. Gargano CHOPS Dream back, then CHOPS again. He whips Dream corner to corner but Dream boots him away. Dream hops up but Gargano yanks him right off! Dream flounders and Gargano kicks him in the ribs!

Gargano drags Dream up for haymakers. Gargano bumps Dream off buckles then snapmares him out for a dropkick! Cover, TWO! Gargano eggs Dream on now, and avoids Dream’s attacks from the mat. Gargano haymakers Dream down then stalks him to a corner. He stands Dream up and rams his shoulders in. Fans duel and rally again as Gargano CHOPS Dream again. Gargano CHOPS, Dream haymakers, and now they brawl! Gargano rocks Dream with haymakers, then grinds his boot into Dream’s neck. The ref counts and Gargano backs off at 4. Gargano drags Dream up and turns him for a neckbreaker. Cover, TWO! Gargano toys with Dream then stomps him down. Gargano drags Dream around as he toys with him more.

Fans rally up while Gargano traps an arm and pulls Dream back with a chinbar. Dream endures as Gargano twists his arms around from wrist to shoulder! Gargano makes it a cover, TWO! Dream scrambles away to a corner but Gargano wraps the arm around the ropes! Gargano lets go at 4, but he pulls Dream back against the ropes in a motorcycle stretch. He lets up at 4 again, to put Dream in the corner for another CHOP. Fans rally as Gargano swings again. Dream dodges and throws haymakers! Dream whips corner to corner but Gargano reverses, sending Dream out hard! Gargano soaks up the cheers and jeers while Dream crawls on the outside. Gargano fetches Dream as fans duel. He throws haymakers and brings Dream around the corner. Gargano puts Dream in front of the front row as he CHOPS again and again!

Gargano puts Dream back in the ring and soaks up the cheers. He returns but Dream throws hands. Gargano haymakers Dream again, then wrenches the arms into a modified abdominal stretch. Fans rally up and Dream pumps up to break free. Dream throws hands on Gargano, but Gargano dodges to ripcord, only to get a spinebuster! Both men are down but fans fire up again. Fans duel as Dream and Gargano slowly stand. Dream hits Gargano, Gargano hits back. Gargano hits Dream but Dream throat chops. Dream elbows and haymakers Gargano more, gaining speed! Dream whips but Gargano reverses, only for Dream to kick him away. And boot! Dream clotheslines Gargano out of the ring, then climbs up high! Dream leaps for big ax handles! He puts Gargano in again, ducks the Penalty Kick, but Gargano denies the sidewinder. Gargano rolls Dream but Dream rolls through, Famouser! Cover, TWO!

Ciampa still watches from the shadows as Gargano gets to a corner. Dream throws forearms and hoists Gargano up top. Dream rocks Gargano with an uppercut, then climbs up to join him. Fireman’s carry but Gargano sunset flips through! Dream denies the powerbomb but Gargano dodges the punches to SUPERKICK the legs out! Gargano drags Dream out, and hits a DRAPING sidewinder! Cover, TWO!! Dream survives and Gargano grows frustrated. Gargano staggers over to Dream but Dream throws haymakers. They brawl again as fans duel. Gargano gets Dream in a back suplex but Dream lands on his feet! Dream shoves Gargano to a corner and runs in, they collide head to head! Both men fall but fans rally up.

Dream and Gargano stir and head for each other. They stand and Dream knees low. Dream whips but Gargano reverses again. Dream tumbles to the apron and haymakers Gargano away. Gargano gets to the apron and SUPERKICKS Dream back in! Gargano slingshots, but into a haymaker! Dream goes back to the apron and drags Gargano up. Fireman’s carry, but Gargano fights out. Gargano swing kicks Dream down, then runs to DIVE! He rams Dream into barriers then puts him in the ring. Slingshot spear gets a knee! Oklahoma Roll, TWO! SIDEWINDER!! Cover, TWO!! Dream doesn’t let that frustrate him, he just climbs up top. Purple Rain Maker misses! SUPERKICK! Cover, TWO!! Both men are down but the fans are thunderous for “NXT! NXT!”

Gargano sits up first and gets himself to a corner. Gargano climbs but Dream hurries after. Dream drags himself up but Gargano headbutts Dream down. Dream rocks Gargano with a haymaker! He sits Gargano up and hops up to join him. Dream fireman’s carry, but Gargano fights back with elbows. Gargano can’t escape from the SUPER Dream Valley Driver!! Cover, TWO!? Gargano’s superhuman heart still lives! Full Sail gives this a standing ovation because “This is Awesome!” Dream hurries back to the corner and back up top. He aims at Gargano but Gargano rolls out of the ring. Dream just leaps anyway, but into a SUPERKICK! Gargano shoves Dream into steps! And then snap suplexes Dream onto the ramp!

Gargano drags Dream back into the ring, and slingshots, for the DDT! Cover, TWO!? Dream has heart to match Gargano’s! The fans love “NXT! NXT!” as both men slowly stir. Gargano sits up first and drags Dream up. Gargano throws left hand lariats that stagger Dream again and again. But Dream still SUPERKICKS! But Gargano comes back with a clothesline! Gargano aims from the corner, but Dream dares him to do it. Gargano runs in but into a fireman’s carry! He slips out, SUPERKICKS, but then tilt-o-whirl, DREAM VALLEY! Dream rolls through for a second! Then he hops up fast, PURPLE RAIN MAKER!! Cover, Dream wins!!

Winner: Velveteen Dream, by pinfall; NEW NXT North American Champion

Dreams come true for Velveteen Dream! He won the inaugural Worlds Collide tournament, and turns it into a championship! Will Dream take this title all the way to TakeOver: New York?

As for Ciampa, he slips away into the night. Will the Black Heart tell Johnny Wrestling “I Told You So” the next time they meet?



My Thoughts:

An incredible night for NXT! Aleister VS Strong was good, and it was logical for the tables to be turned when the Undisputed Era attack this time. Ricochet and Aleister run the Undisputed Era off, so I’m thinking whatever program is building is about Ricochet and Aleister VS Adam Cole and Roderick Strong in a tag match. We know that the Dusty Rhodes Classic is back and O’Reilly and Fish are reunited as reDRagon. I’m not even sure it matters what other teams are participating this year, it’ll be reDRagon who goes after the NXT Tag Team Championships. Therefore, I think the Ricochet & Aleister VS Cole & Strong tag match might be used to determine challengers for the NXT Championship and North American Championship.

The NXT Women’s Division had a good showing tonight. I appreciated the backstage video of the Horsewomen trying to bully the new class of recruits. It’s been Shayna’s thing since she showed up and bullied Dakota Kai, so it makes sense Jessamyn and Marina follow her lead. Mia VS Xia was a solid match, and glad to see Mia’s move finally has a name. Of course the main thing was the Horsewomen trying to make an example out of her. Good to see more of Lacey Lane, MJ Jenkins and Jessie Elaban on NXT TV. Hopefully we see more of those three and other Mae Young Classic participants to freshen things up. Bianca Belair also puts forward her statement of wanting a second shot. Perhaps NXT will have another huge contender’s match like back during Asuka’s days. It’d be a good way to disguise an obvious result.

Everything connected to the North American Championship was great. Ciampa wanting to support Gargano, Gargano not wanting him around, and then Ciampa watching from some secret little spot, all great character work. Gargano VS Dream as a match was practically TakeOver worthy itself! So much story and action in this match, and a well-deserved victory for Dream. In relation to the Undisputed Era wanting all the titles, Dream VS Cole already happened so give me Dream VS Strong. Cole can move up to the NXT Championship against Ciampa. There’s a lot still to happen on the Road to New York, so I’m thinking all four members of the Undisputed Era will have a match for TakeOver.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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