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Mitchell’s WWE SummerSlam Results & Report! (8/11/19)

Toronto hosts WWE’s Biggest Party Of The Summer!



WWE SummerSlam 2019

SummerSlam brings the heat to Toronto!

So much is happening in perhaps the biggest SummerSlam ever! But will Seth Rollins even be able to make it after all Brock Lesnar has done to him?


  • Kickoff Show – WWE Cruiserweight Championship: Drew Gulak VS Oney Lorcan; Gulak wins and retains the WWE Cruiserweight Champion.
  • Kickoff Show – Buddy Murphy VS Apollo Crews; Murphy wins, by disqualification.
  • Kickoff Show – WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships: Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross VS The IIconics; Bliss & Cross win and retain the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships.
  • Raw Women’s Championship Submission Match: Becky Lynch VS Natalya; Lynch wins and retains the Raw Women’s Championship.
  • Goldberg VS Dolph Ziggler; Goldberg wins.
  • WWE United States Championship: AJ Styles w/ The OC VS Ricochet; Styles wins and retains the WWE United States Championship.
  • SmackDown Women’s Championship: Bayley VS Ember Moon; Bayley wins and retains the SmackDown Women’s Champion.
  • Kevin Owens VS Shane McMahon; Owens wins and keeps his job.
  • Charlotte Flair VS Trish Stratus; Flair wins.
  • WWE World Championship: Kofi Kingston VS Randy Orton; Double Count-Out, Kingston retains the WWE World Championship.
  • Finn Balor VS “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt; Wyatt wins.
  • WWE Universal Championship: Brock Lesnar w/ Paul Heyman VS Seth Rollins; Rollins wins and becomes the new WWE Universal Champion.


It’s the SummerSlam Kickoff Show!

Join Jonathon Coachman, Charly Caruso, Beth Phoenix and David Otunga as they recap and predict all the action of tonight!

JBL and Sam Roberts are ringside, too!

The once and former “wrestling god” and Sam are both excited for a certain legend returning, in Goldberg! The Miz wanted at Dolph Ziggler, but given Ziggler’s constant disrespect, Miz took a step back to let a living legend go after the Show-Off. No, it wasn’t Shawn Michaels, it’s GOLDBERG! Is Ziggler next? Or is he going to finally end nostalgia’s influence on the WWE Universe?


Miz joins the panel!

#TorontoIsAwesome, but how awesome was it for Miz to swerve Ziggler like that? Miz always has something up his sleeve. Ziggler was talking a lot of smack, but now he’ll have his chance on this grand stage to back it all up. And whatever is left of Ziggler will have to face Miz tomorrow on Raw! Miz had this idea as far back as Ziggler insulting Goldberg on that Miz TV. Miz wants Ziggler to finally back his words up, if it should be you, make it you! Otherwise, Ziggler isn’t going to win tonight or tomorrow. Ziggler’s bitterness only shows Miz that he’s not motivated enough to work harder and do more than a legend. And if that’s not enough, make the fans beg for more.

Miz hangs around a little longer to talk the WWE World Championship, Kofi Kingston, finally getting to right a wrong against Randy Orton. The Viper doesn’t regret holding Kofi back, and doesn’t regret calling Kofi “stupid.” Beth remembers Kofi going through that, and knows this will only motivate Kofi more. Miz feels that like with Ziggler, everyone needs to take responsibility for their own careers. Orton is at the best he’s ever been, being this motivated and ready. But at the same time, this is the Orton Miz wants to see Kofi finally beat. Otunga even feels Kofi has matured thanks to those years of waiting, and that has only made Kofi more determined. Coach throws things to Sam and JBL, and Sam is just as pumped for this as anyone else. But JBL sees things as just making excuses. Kofi did need this time to mature, because now he’s a global phenomenon! But Orton himself is amazing, so JBL is sure this is going to be a match of modern day icons. Who comes away with this having proven their side right?


Backstage interview with Charlotte Flair.

The Queen is preparing for her showdown with Trish Stratus, but might still be stinging from that literal slap to the face. Charlotte says Trish is revising history to say that women of her era started the (R)Evolution. But no, the legitimate athletes like Charlotte did that. Trish wants that #OneMoreMatch, pining for the glory days. But Trish will bow down to the Queen of ALL Eras! WOO~!


Mick Foley joins the panel!

As one of the targets of The Fiend, what does he feel are Finn Balor’s chances? Well his feel good moment got ruined by Bray Wyatt’s theft of the Mandible Claw that made Mick feel helpless. Mick already made the claw more powerful with Mr. Socko, but the true terror is the nerve hold focusing on nerves under the tongue and under the chin. From the one time The Fiend did that to him, Mick knew he’d mastered it. Mick gives some insight to multiple personas. It keeps the opponent off balance, and more worried about survival than victory. Is Finn going to be worried more about surviving Bray than beating him tonight?


Backstage interview with Kevin Owens.

Even considering his title matches, is tonight really the biggest night in his career? He won’t down play those amazing moments, but tonight is definitely important because he fights to stay in the WWE. Why isn’t Shane McMahon putting up equal ante? Because he IS a McMahon. Shane does what he wants, says what he wants, and has no integrity no matter what. But that doesn’t matter. Kevin gets Shane in the ring. Kevin putting his career on the line was the bait needed to bring Shane into the ring so that Kevin can vent years of frustration and beat the hell out of Shane. The PPV may be called SummerSlam, but this is going to be the Kevin Owens Show. Will Kevin crush Shane so bad he can’t wrestle again? Or is this gamble going to backfire?


The OC find Finn Balor!

Long time no see, Good Brothers. They’re all golden, that’s good. They’ve been running Raw and showing this is their world. And this will continue tonight when the Phenomenal Styles finishes Ricochet once and for all! But hey, Little Brother Balor has The Fiend! Styles has been getting “good luck” wishes, but Finn might need them instead. Now, now, Styles. Luck has nothing to do with this. Finn is ready for the mind games. Yeah, yeah, but look what Bray did to Foley and Angle! So the OC is offering their brother a little bit of help. Shake with a Too Sweet. No? Well he’s got time to change his mind. What will Finn do knowing he has Bray’s darkest dark side coming for him?


Kickoff Show – WWE Cruiserweight Championship: Drew Gulak VS Oney Lorcan!

Perhaps the hardest hitting match tonight, the Boston Brawler won this opportunity through a spectacular Six Pack Challenge! But will he be able to pry the gold from the grip of the gritty Gulak? Or will he only feel the pain and punishment promised by the Philly Stretcher?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we truly kickoff the action!

Gulak shotgun dropkicks Oney right away! Gulak headlocks and wrenches a wrist, but Oney rolls and trips Gulak to a cover. ONE and Gulak headlock takedowns. Oney headscissors but Gulak pops out, to narrowly avoid a chop! Fans cheer the stand-off as the two circle. Gulak and Oney tie up, and Oney powers Gulak back. Gulak turns things around to a waistlock but Oney slips out to another takedown. Oney turns Gulak over for a facelock but Gulak slips out to a hammerlock. Fans rally as Oney resists, but Gulak still gets him in a recliner cover. TWO, but Gulak wrenches the hammerlock harder. Oney rolls and gets up but Gulak wrenches the shoulder. Oney powers Gulak to the corner, but the ropebreak comes at 4. Oney CHOPS away on Gulak’s chest! Gulak gets to another corner but Oney whips him corner to corner and follows close with a clothesline. Gulak returns the favor! Then he scoop slams Oney, legs into ropes! Cover, TWO! Oney catches his breath while Gulak glares down at him.

We go picture in picture as Gulak twists Oney into a modified abdominal stretch. He gets that recliner cover again, TWO! Gulak has Oney’s leg trapped, then pulls the other in a modified Crab! Oney endures, even as Gulak claws his head! Oney turns and hammers Gulak off him! We return to single picture as Gulak headbutts Oney down. Cover, TWO! Gulak chinlocks Oney down to the mat, but Oney endures again. Fans build to a rally as Oney fights his way up. Oney pries at the hold but Gulak just locks it up tighter. Oney keeps trying, and starts turning it over! He CHOPS Gulak more! Then throws European Uppercuts! Gulak staggers about but Oney whips. Gulak reverses but Oney hits a blockbuster on the run! Cover, TWO! But the Fury of 205 Live fires up. Gulak bails out but Oney follows. Oney CHOPS Gulak against the barriers, and they end up by the announce desks.

Oney CHOPS more, then brings Gulak to the ring. Oney puts Gulak in but Gulak gets him in the GuLOCK! Oney endures, rolls, but Gulak traps an arm! So Oney uses a leg for the ropebreak! Gulak lets go at 4, and Oney gasps for air. Oney drags himself up, and he goes at Gulak for the half nelson! Gulak slips out but Oney also escapes. Gulak fights off the half nelson, but misses with the lariat. Oney dodges, but then they both take each other down with clotheslines! Fans fire up while both men are down. A standnig count begins, and the two stir at 4. Gulak sits up at 5, followed by Oney at 6. They two stand at 7, and now they brawl! Oney SLAPS, Gulak kicks, and they start going wild with hands! Gulak rocks Oney then starts slapping away on his head and back! But Oney hulks up! Only for Gulak to slap him down! Oney keeps fighting, but into another GuLock! But rolls over! TWO!!

Oney keeps on Gulak with that jaw grip! Oney slaps, slaps and SLAPS! Then EuroUppers! Gulak wobbles but gets another! Oney runs, Half ‘n’ Half standing switch, but Oney blasts Gulak with another EuroUpper! Fans fire up with Oney’s fury, but Gulakg ets to the apron. Gulak pulls the skirt in as Oney drags Gulak back. Oney stomps the hand so Gulak finally lets go. But as the ref handles the skirt, Gulak throat punches Oney! Torture rack, Cyclone Crash! Gulak wins!

Winner: Drew Gulak, by pinfall; still WWE Cruiserweight Champion

Gulak survives Oney’s fury with a cheap shot. Will Oney fight his way back to another chance? Or does Gulak move on to new competition?


Jerry Lawler and Booker T tag in for the second hour panel!

Both Hall of Fame Kings join in, but they’re joined by Drake Maverick. He wants to know about the real story: the WWE 24/7 Championship, and how it is affecting Maverick’s life. Has anyone seen R-Truth? Maverick vows to the fans that he will not leave Toronto without getting that title back! He vows to bring that title home to Renee Michelle, and they can finally consummate the marriage! If only Maverick looked in front of the desk, because Truth and Carmella are chilling with the title and some snacks.

Truth and Carmella come out when the coast is clear, and the block is hot! Want some popcorn, King? No, thanks. The Fabulous Truth were even here last night for TakeOver. But wait, here comes Maverick and a referee! They have a FOOD FIGHT! And then Maverick chases Truth, only for Mella to trip him! Off they go! The chase is on, but will it be Maverick’s night before SummerSlam is done?


Backstage interview with Natalya!

The Queen of Harts returns home to Canada, confused that Becky Lynch says she’s both a good girl but also a traitor for training Ronda Rousey. But instead of dragging her name through the mud, Becky is going to be getting dragged around in the Sharpshooter. And then Natty will have that Raw Women’s Championship.


Kickoff Show – Buddy Murphy VS Apollo Crews!

The Aussie Juggernaut isn’t in the best mood or best condition after getting roughed up by a riled up Roman Reigns. Will he still be able to overcome the rising star in this last-minute match?

The bell rings, and Murphy hits Apollo with a knee trigger! Cover, TWO! Apollo survives that sudden attack, but Murphy throws him into buckles. Murphy stomps a Melbourne mudhole and has fans on his side. Murphy walks the mudhole dry tot hen stomp more. He snapmares and kicks Crews quick, covers, TWO! Murphy drives his knee in then kicks again, cover, TWO! Murphy keeps Crews down with a chinlock, but fans rally up. Apollo fights up and powers Murphy to a corner, then arm-drags him off. Things speed up and the two collide with crossbodies! Both men are reeling from the rib damage but fans rally up. Murphy walks into an enziguri then gets haymakers from Apollo. Apollo mule kicks, boots and clotheslines Murphy down! Apollo kips up and fans fire up as he dropkicks Murhpy!

Murphy rebounds, but slips out of the slam into an arm-drag. Murphy boots Apollo back, then hops up, into Apollo’s Samoan Drop! Standing moonsault, TWO! Apollo keeps his cool and says he’s gonna raise the roof. Apollo waits for Murphy to stand, and he trophy lifts Murphy! Murphy slips out, shoves, but runs into an elbow. Apollo hops up, but gets an enziguri to the back! Murphy tucks Apollo in for SUPERKICK and POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO! Apollo survives and fans cheer as the two stir. Murphy gets up first, though, and fans rally. Murphy drags Apollo up but Apollo throws haymakers> Murphy gives them back, then a strike fest! Stop the foot but miss the knee to get a BOOT! Apollo runs into another knee trigger! Murphy pump-handles but Apollo victory rolls! TWO, and Apollo tosses Murphy out! Apollo slingshots, mule kicks, but his moonsault misses! Murphy sends him into steel steps! Then runs to FLY! Air Aussie takes Apollo down! Toronto cheers as Murphy puts Apollo back in. But Rowan attacks!?

Winner: Buddy Murphy, by disqualification

Big Red won’t let Murphy just claim who attacked Roman Reigns! He throws Murphy all around ringside, into barriers over and over! Murphy slowly stands, and Rowan runs him over with the flying body check! Rowan drags Murphy’s body around, to powerbomb him into a post!! “Keep my name out of your mouth!!” Daniel Bryan simply watches as Rowan leaves Murphy down in a writhing heap. Is this only confirmation that they were the ones going after Roman?


Ladies and Gentlemen: Elias.

Toronto is actually glad to have The Drifter here! And he asks them, “Who Wants to Walk With Elias?!” Toronto does! Elias has been here all week, singing autographs and doing private performances. Toronto is special. He wrote a song, so please silence phones, hold applauds and… Well fans anticipate the third part, “shut your mouths!” The fans cheer instead. Elias begins playing, “You know how I know I’m in Toronto? You people think you’re the center of the universe. You know how I know I’m in Toronto? Because I’ve been here a week, and I want ot leave here in a hearse.” You know how you know you’re n Toronto? These are the people who don’t give up. You know how you know you’re in Toronto? The only thing Elias doesn’t see is a Stanley Cup. You know how you know you’re in Toronto? Elias ain’t got nothing good to say. You know how you know you’re in Toronto? He wants to join Kawhi in LA.

“You think you know me?” And thrash drums means… EDGE!! Toronto’s Rated R Superstar is here!! And he joins Elias in the ring to a standing ovation. And he SPEARS Elias! That’ll shut him up. Will Elias think twice before running his mouth in Canada?


Kickoff Show – WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships: Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross VS The IIconics!

The Goddess and Loony Lass only just won these titles in a Fatal 4 Way on Raw, but now they’ll prove they’re worthy of the belts by taking on the former champions 2v2! Will #BlissCross go to infinity and beyond? Or will the future be IIconic again?

Peyton Royce and Billie Kay have microphones as they head to the ring. “What would SummerSlam be without the longest reigning WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions~?” It wouldn’t be anything. But it’s okay, they’re here. And the Toy Story rejects never pinned them for the titles! So now they’ll take back what is theirs! Because they are still the future, and the future is still #IICONIC! Strike the pose. The teams sort out and we begin with Alexa and Billie.

Alexa and Billie tie up and Billie headlocks. Alexa stomps Billie’s feet to turn the headlock around. Billie powers out then pulls hair, so Alexa trips Billie! Alexa has her Buzz laser pose! Billie ignores the non-existent not-weapon, only to fall for Alexa’s dropkick! Tag to Peyton, and Alexa drop toeholds her down! Tag to Nikki, and they double whip Peyton in. Alexa whips Nikki in for the splash, then the bulldog! Nikki Rex climbs up top, leaps and crossbodies Peyton down! Cover, TWO! Nikki waistlocks but Peyton elbows out and rolls Nikki up. TWO, tag to Billie. Nikki runs in but gets a hotshot to heel kick! Billie covers, TWO! Billie rains down rights on Nikki then covers again, TWO! The IIconics are furious as they tag. They double wrench, kick and kick Nikki down. Billie mocks Nikki then Peyton wraps on a thrashing chinbar.

Nikki endures and fans rally up. Nikki fights her way up but Peyton pulls her hair! Tag to Billie, and the IIconics double knee Nikki down. Billie shouts at Alexa before clubbing Nikki down into the chinbar. Fans rally but Billie rakes Nikki’s face! The referee reprimands her, but Billie holds onto Nikki’s arm. Nikki fights up again, but Billie knees low. Billie gut wrenches Nikki down to a cover, TWO! The IIconics are shrill as they tag back in. Peyton kicks Nikki down then pushes her around. Peyton clubs Nikki then kicks her over. Nikki reaches for Alexa but Peyton clubs and stomps away. Nikki gives her a jawbreaker back! Peyton keeps Nikki from Alexa, but Nikki gets free, double facebusters take them both down! Peyton and Nikki crawl, hot tags to Billie and Alexa!

The Goddess rallies on Billie! STO, Insult2Injury! Alexa kicks Peyton back out, then mocks the IIconic pose, only to get a BOOT! Cover, but Nikki saves it! Every Kick Begins with Kay, but this win isn’t IIconic yet. Tag to Peyton, but Alexa reverses the bulldog. Alexa kicks Billie into Nikki’s sleeper! Alexa ducks the heel kick, but Peyton gets her in a Gory Bomb! Cover, TWO!! Alexa survives and Peyton is losing her cool. Fans rally as Peyton throws a tantrum worthy of Alexa herself. Alexa boots but is blocked, DIVINE RIGHT! Alexa goes up top, time to fall with style! But BIllie distracts, only for Nikki to go after her. TWISTED BLISS! Cover, Bliss-Cross wins!

Winners: Alexa & Nikki, Alexa pinning; still WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions

It seems for Alexa and Nikki, they have a friend in each other. Will they keep this reign going through Raw’s advertised match with Asuka and Kairi?


Welcome to the North.

The biggest party of the Summer. The struggle, the sacrifice, and this is just the beginning. This will not be easy. Nothing that matters ever is. These once-in-a-lifetime moments are what you need to grab hold onto and never let go. But who will hold onto their titles? Who will hold onto their legacies? And who will show the world who they are?


Raw Women’s Championship Submission Match: Becky Lynch VS Natalya!

The Man and the Queen of Harts used to be good friends. But differences over this title tracing all the way back to Ronda Rousey has caused a rift between them. Now the claws are out and the fire is lit, who makes the other give up in a battle of Disarm-Her and Sharpshooter?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we begin this heated opening match!

Becky and Natty stare down as the fans duel. They circle and Becky SLAPS Natty! Natty SLAPS back! Becky tackles Natty to a corner and fires off furious fists and stomps! Fans fire up with the Lass Kicker, but Natty comes back with big hands! Natty hits the Discus lariat! Becky gets to a corner and pushes Natty away to then send her into buckles. Becky throws uppercuts and a mule kick, then the jump kick! Becky throws Natty with the Becksploder! Fans duel, with Becky having the stronger support. Becky snap suplexes Natty to an armbar! Natty counters with a grip but gets caught into a Triangle Hold! She powers up and short bombs, but Becky holds on! Becky keeps the hold and they roll. There are no ropebreaks in this match, but Natty uses them for leverage!

Natty gets Becky up but Becky slips around to a deathlock! Natty endures, but she grabs Becky’s head. Becky slips out and wants her signature, but they tumble outside! Becky has a guillotine on the apron, but Natty rams her into barriers! Natty then trips Becky up to swing her around into the barriers! Fans fire up with Natty as she looms over Becky. She rams a knee into Becky’s legs! “You like that?!” Natty slaps Becky then stomps her, then puts her in the ring. Natty sweeps the legs and has Toronto on her side now. She fires off furious fists and stomps in the corner, but Becky slaps back! Natty drags Becky up to snap suplex her into ropes! Becky clutches her legs, but Natty is on her with a grounded dragon screw! Natty chokes Becky on the ropes, but there are no disqualifications, either.

Natty clubs Becky down then kicks her in the ribs. Becky still has fans so Natty tells those fans to shut up! Natty throws hands on Becky but Becky throws hands back. Becky even throws knee strikes, and more uppercuts. Becky hobbles, but is put on the apron. Natty shoulders out, misses, but catches Becky’s kick! Natty hotshots the leg, then throws Becky into the post! Natty climbs up to have the ropes help in a Sharpshooter! Becky screams from this elevated modification! Natty pulls but Becky claws at the skirt and post. Becky gets a leg free and escapes, even though she tumbles to the floor. Natty hurries after Becky, then warns the commentary. But it’s Becky who throws Natty into the desk! Becky then throws Natty into the steel steps, arms first! Natty clutches her elbow while Becky rests her leg. Fans duel as Becky drags Natty back in.

Becky climbs the corner, but Natty climbs up to join her! They go all the way up, for a SUPERPLEX! Both women are down, but there are no counts or covers for this match. Natty stirs, slowly followed by Becky. The fans rally back up as Natty stands first. Natty targets the legs but Becky kicks her in the face! Natty kicks back, runs on Becky, but Becky blocks the dropkick! Becky STEALS THE SHARPSHOOTER! Natty endures her family’s own move, and fans are thunderous both ways! Becky sits but Natty crawls for ropes! Natty rolls to send Becky into buckles! Natty is free, and Toronto agrees, “This is Awesome!” Becky boots back then dodges the Discus, only for the jump kick to be countered! Natty STEALS THE DISARM-HER!!

Becky endures her own hold as her arm is pulled way back. Becky rolls and gets to the ropes, but that doesn’t matter with no ropebreaks! Natty pulls but Becky rolls again to get the legs. Natty pushes off the Sharpshooter, to GET the Sharpshooter!! Fans are thunderous all over again as Becky endures. Becky crawls but Natty drags her away! But Becky keeps fighting, to pull herself all the way out to the apron. Natty keeps pulling, but Becky claws at the skirt. Natty drags Becky away, and works to reapply the hold, only to get caught in the Disarm-Her!! Becky has her own hold now, and pulls with all her might! Toronto duels as Natty endures. Natty taps, Becky wins!

Winner: Becky Lynch; still Raw Women’s Champion

This opener turned up the heat, but it was Becky who survived the flames! Will The Man continue her reign as Summer gives way to Fall?


Backstage interview with Trish Stratus!

Toronto’s own Six-Time Women’s Champion put her passion into that slap. How is she feeling about having fans, friends and family in the audience? Nervous, excited, but not at all afraid. Her light shines brightest under the spotlight. The hardest part has been waiting for this match to happen. Charlotte Flair acts like the women of today are that much better than the previous generations. Pioneers seem to be taken for granted these days. Charlotte will see how lucky she is to be in this generation and not Trish’s. Trish will prove to everyone that not even the Queen could walk a mile in the boots of the Queen of Queens.


Goldberg VS Dolph Ziggler!

The Show-Off has shown very little respect for the legends that have “limped out” to the ring. Ziggler wants to put the nostalgia out of its misery, but will he be the one left in the past?

Before Goldberg makes his entrance, Ziggler grabs a mic to speak. “You are looking at the best thing that could happen to this show. You are looking at the best thing that could happen to WWE. You are ALL looking at the best damn thing that has ever happened to pro-wrestling!” We’ve all seen legends come and go, but “ol’ DZ” is still here stealing the show! Ziggler wouldn’t be surprised if Goldberg didn’t show up tonight. He doesn’t really “show up” for matches. And Goldberg Fears Ziggler! Ziggler DARES- Well, Goldberg IS here, and he makes his entrance now. Fans echo his name as he walks the halls, and as he comes through the pyro! Goldberg hits the ring, and we begin!

“GOLD~BERG!” echoes out in Toronto as the two circle. Ziggler and Goldberg get face to face, but Ziggler backs up, to SUPERKICK Goldberg down! Cover, ONE! Ziggler wants Goldberg to get up, he does, SUPERKICK again! Cover, ONE! Ziggler is still fired up, but he gets a SPEAR! Goldberg says that was one. He looms over Ziggler as Ziggler flounders and writhes. Goldberg brings Ziggler up and brings him in, for the suplex… and JACKHAMMER! Cover, Goldberg wins!

Winner: Goldberg, by pinfall

And that’s all the icon needed to teach Ziggler a lesson! Will Ziggler think twice before running his mouth again?

Guess not, because Ziggler trash talks Goldberg, saying Goldberg doesn’t have the guts to actually fight him. Goldberg marches back to the ring as Ziggler flounders back to a corner. Fans cheer Goldberg on as he gets back in the ring. Ziggler drags himself up, but Goldberg is ready. Ziggler heads over, and gets another SPEAR! Is Ziggler done trying to prove a point?

Nevermind, Ziggler’s talking again. “Anybody can get lucky twice!” Ziggler knows Goldberg doesn’t have the balls, and never did. It’s why he was a joke in this business and Ziggler’s the best! “I will never be defeated! I will never stay down! I’m the best thing going today-” Goldberg returns! Ziggler’s mouth may not stay down, but Goldberg swats the mic away and has to haul him to his feet. Goldberg pats Ziggler on the back, to then SPEAR him again! Is the third time the charm for shutting Ziggler up?


The New Day check on Kofi Kingston.

Kofi reps the Raptors, as Big E frames it as Viper VS “Oh So Black Mamba!” The Raptors have a good luck charm for Kofi, and it’s the man who “wants all the dip on his chip.” It’s DRAKE! Wait, no, that’s Drake Maverick. Well, close enough, right? Maverick is ready for some sick rhymes. But also where is Truth? That was clearly a lie. No one is appeased, this is a waste of time, Maverick has more important things to do. But he’s keeping the unicorn and the chains. Well that’s fine. But in seriousness, this is a decade in the making! Kofi will show Orton he failed to hold Kofi back! Kofi proves beyond a shadow of a doubt NOTHING holds him down! The New Day is FIRED UP! But will the Viper put the flames out with just one RKO?


WWE United States Championship: AJ Styles w/ The OC VS Ricochet!

The Phenomenal One wanted the Machine Gun and Doc Gallows to get their edge back, but they helped him get his back, too. It all started with slaps, then escalated to ambushes and sneak attacks! But now, Styles and Ricochet go one more time, can the One and Only regain the title?

Wait, in the foreign correspondent tables, the British table… “Shania Dwayne” and “D’Wayne Gretski” look familiar… And Drake Maverick comes looking for Truth! By the time he reaches the British table, Dwayne and D’Wayne are gone!

Back to the match at hand, introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we begin this battle of WWE (DC) Titans!

Styles throws hands but Ricochet counter punches and CHOPS. Ricochet whips and CHOPS, then does it the other direction. Styles uses the ropes as defense, and then he tries a sucker kick. Ricochet blocks to swing Styles into a punch! Ricochet runs out and fakes Styles out! He dodges Anderson, hops over Gallows and huricanranas Styles! Ricochet puts Styles in the ring then takes aim, but Styles gets all the way to the other corner. Ricochet runs in but misses, still landing on his feet on the second rope. But Styles chop blocks and topples Ricochet up! Ricochet gets caught up, too, so Styles stomps a mudhole into that knee. Styles backs off at the ref’s count and Ricochet frees himself. Ricochet hobbles but Styles sweeps the leg!

Fans duel as Styles pushes Ricochet around. Styles stomps the bad leg again, then brings Ricochet up. Ricochet hits back with forearms, but Styles just kicks the bad leg out! Ricochet clutches the leg and writhes but Styles grins. Styles grabs the bad leg and jams the knee into the mat! Fans still duel as Styles drops elbows on the leg. Styles puts the leg in a toehold but Ricochet fights back. They stand and Styles ducks the enziguri the smash the knee again. Ricochet grits his teeth in pain as he crawls away. Styles looms over Ricochet while the OC mock Ricochet’s pain. Styles kicks the bad leg and Ricochet goes to the apron. But Styles grabs the leg to wrap it in the ropes! Styles lets up at 4 but is still grinning as he goes after Ricochet again. Styles hooks the leg but Ricochet fights back with forearms. Ricochet misses the enziguri again but comes back with the heel kick!

Both men are down but fans rally up. The OC coach Styles as Ricochet uses the ropes to stand. Ricochet counter punches Styles, then backs him down to whip. Styles reverses but Ricochet breaks free to manage a headscissor! Ricochet hobbles in but is put on the apron. Ricochet bumps Styles off buckles then kicks him away! Ricochet manages a springboard on ONE leg, to hit the flying lariat! Cover, TWO! Ricochet grows frustrated, but he refocuses and brings Styles up. Ricochet wants a fireman’s carry but Styles fights out. Styles swings, Ricochet spins him and hits a jumping neckbreaker! One-leg standing Shooting Star! Cover, TWO! Styles is still in this and Ricochet’s bad leg is slowing him down. Ricochet still gets up and drags Styles to his feet.

Fans rally as Ricochet knees Styles to a drop zone. Ricochet climbs but Styles is back up. Styles goes at Ricochet but Ricochet sunset flips! TWO, and Styles kicks the bad leg out! Ricochet hobbles up but Styles kicks him out! Fans duel hard as ever with the OC lurking. Styles wrecks Ricochet with the dropkick! The OC applaud while Styles takes his time getting Ricochet up. Styles puts Ricochet in and drags Ricochet up. He wants the Clash, but Ricochet slips out. Ricochet elbows back, but runs into the USHIGOROSHI! Cover, TWO!! The OC grow annoyed with Ricochet but Styles is most frustrated. Styles goes back to Ricochet and drags him up. He wants the Clash again but Ricochet rams him into a corner! Ricochet rolls away to the far corner, but Styles runs in, only to be put on the apron. Styles slingshots back in but gets hands from Ricochet.

Ricochet runs into boots, and Styles bumps him off buckles. Styles runs in, but Ricochet boots him away. The somersault is stalled by the bad knee, but he still dodges and enziguris! Cover, TWO! Fans rally back up and Ricochet gets to his feet. Ricochet drags Styles up and wants a suplex, but Styles resists. Ricochet throws forearms and tries again, but the bad knee stops that. Styles rolls Ricochet to a Calf Crusher! Styles pulls back hard and deep, but Ricochet reaches back to bounce Styles off the mat. And into an ANACONDA VICE! Styles punches but Ricochet wrenches! Styles fish hooks and Ricochet lets go! Ricochet rolls away but now Styles has to check on his arm. Styles throws a punch but misses. Ricochet boots and Northern Lights! Float over to a dead lift twisting suplex! Cover, TWO!! Styles survives and Ricochet is beside himself!

Fans rally and Ricochet drags Styles into a drop zone. Ricochet wills himself to a corner, but he has to fight off the OC! Moonsault wipes out big Doc Gallows! Ricochet returns to the corner, but Styles is up to trip him up! Ricochet gets crotch’d and now Styles turns Ricochet around. Ricochet fights back and Styles falls! Ricochet stands, but has to mule kick Anderson away. Styles revives as Ricochet stands, to counter the Phoenix Splash INTO STYLES CLASH!! Cover, Styles wins!

Winner: AJ Styles, by pinfall; still WWE United States Champion

The OC helps Styles out time and again, and he stands tall with the title! The Club is still golden, but will they be able to continue helping each other out? And what of Finn Balor later tonight?

But the OC isn’t done with Ricochet! Gallows drags him up and with Anderson, MAGIC KILLER! Is this the last time these three beat down Ricochet just because? Or will things only get more Too Sweet?


The Street Profits are having fun.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today” for the 32nd SummerSlam. It has been LIT! GOLD~BERG~! But in Jurassic Park, #WeTheNorth! And how about Alexa and “mah girl” Nikki retaining their tag titles? Is that so? Real talk, Nikki, @ your boy on the ‘Gram. He’s shooting his shot. But wait. It’s… RIC FLAIR~! What up, boys? Stylin’, Profilin’, Nature Boy is ready to get down! WOO~~! What more goes down during the biggest party of the summer?


SmackDown Women’s Championship: Bayley VS Ember Moon!

The Hugger was given the right to choose her opponent, and she chose the War Goddess! However, these two have turned a friendly rivalry into a game of one-upping the other. Will Bayley come to regret choosing Ember for her contender? Or will she deny an Eclipse in Toronto?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we begin this match to prove who is worthy!

Bayley and Ember circle and tie up. Bayley headlocks and takeovers but Ember gets up. Bayley just throws Ember again, and again. Ember headscissors but Bayley pops out. Bayley blocks an arm-drag to get a fireman’s takedown. But Ember sweeps the legs! Ember forearms and kicks but Bayley jumps the sweep. Bayley headlocks again, but Ember fights back. Ember powers out but Bayley whips and clothesliens Ember in the corner. Bayley runs but Ember follows to back elbow! Ember runs but Bayley follows to knee! Bayley runs but Ember follows to handspring forearm! Ember runs and springboards for a crossbody, TWO! Ember grins as she has Bayley down. She kicks Bayley in the back and then brings her up for knees to the stomach.

Ember runs again to shotgun dropkick Bayley to ropes! Ember splashes down for a cover, TWO! Fans duel as Ember knees Bayley in the back. Ember turns Bayley around and clubs away before putting on the Bow ‘n’ Arrow. Bayley endures and works on the hold. Fans rally and Bayley fights her way up. Ember powers Bayley to a facelock but Bayley fights with body shots. Ember knees low then whips, but Bayley reverses. Bayley has Ember on the apron, but Ember denies the hotshot! Ember gets in and runs, springboard but she flops! Bayley knees Ember on the run! Then a clothesline folds her up! Cover, TWO! Ember escapes the stacked cover, but Bayley keeps her cool. Fans rally up as Bayley brings Ember around. Bayley suplexes Ember onto the rope and clubs away! Then she drags Ember in for a hanging suplex! Cover, TWO!

Bayley keeps her cool as she brings Ember to a corner. Ember fights back but still gets buckles. Bayley stomps away, and fans sing for her as she throws body shots. Ember kicks Bayley away, then puts Bayley on the apron. Ember SUPERKICKS Bayley then ROCKS her with a right! Ember runs, but Bayley blocks the dive! Bayley sees the floor below, but Ember fights for life. Ember is free, but Bayley yanks her into the ropes! Bayley hotshots Ember in the corner! Ember flops into the ring, but Bayley hauls her up top. Bayley puts Ember in a Tree of Woe, and goes corner to corner for a springboard elbow! Cover, TWO! Ember still lives, but Bayley keeps her focus. Bayley drags Ember around, hooks the legs, and has an Inverted Crab! She has a hard time holding both legs, but she still leans hard on Ember’s back! Ember clubs an ankle and Bayley hobbles away. Then Ember reaches up to headscissor Bayley into ropes! Bayley gets up and elbows Ember down! Ember dodges the elbow drop to SUPERKICK again!

Both women are down but Bayley rolls away to be safe from the cover. A ring count begins, but Ember runs, only to dive into Bayley’s forearm! Bayley gets a new count and heads up top. Ember rises to club that bad ankle again! Ember climbs up and has Bayley for a SUPER STEINER! Then underhhooks and Canadian rack, twisting code breaker! Cover, TWO!! Ember’s new move wasn’t enough to end Bayley, and she’s growing frustrated. Ember refocuses and drags Bayley up. Bayley elbows back, and fights off the German Suplex. Ember fights off the belly2belly, but runs into boots. Bayley hops up again, but Ember yanks her off into a POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO!! Bayley still lives and Ember is moving from frustrated to furious.

Bayley grabs Ember’s leg but Ember kicks Bayley off! Ember goes to a corner and climbs up top, because she wants to end this. Bayley hurries over and grabs Ember, SUPER BAYLEY2BELLY!! Cover, Bayley wins!!

Winner: Bayley, by pinfall; still SmackDown Women’s Champion

The Eclipse was eclipsed out of nowhere! And Bayley earns her win to keep this title! What is next for the Huggable champion as we move into Fall?


Kevin Owens VS Shane McMahon!

The Prizefighter admits this is a risky gamble, but it is the only move he could make to lure the Best in the World into this fight. Can Kevin win to keep his job and shut Shane’s tyranny down? Or is this the last Kevin Owens Show ever?

Naturally the Canadian crowd supports Kevin over Shane. Shane takes a moment to say something. “Ladies and gentlemen, to ensure that this is a fair contest, and this is called right down the line, allow me to please introduce to you the special guest enforcer,” ELIAS! The Drifter returns, and no one is surprised given Shane’s abuses of power over the last few months. Shane has Elias promise to be fair and unbiased, but we all know it’s a farce. The bell finally rings, and Shane bails out. Kevin chases after but Elias is in his way. Shane gets back in and a ring count begins. Kevin leaves Elias behind at 5, but he does keep his eyes on Shane’s henchman. Shane bails out again and taunts Kevin. Kevin chases again, but Elias trips him! Kevin gets pissed but Shane just gets back in the ring again. The count passes 5, Kevin is in at 8. Shane sucker punches Kevin into a corner!

Shane throws hands but Kevin gives it all back! The ref counts and Kevin lets up at 4. To then DECK Shane with a big right! Kevin goes corner to corner, CANNONBALL! Toronto is fired up for the Prizefighter as he clotheslines Shane out! Kevin waits for Elias to check on Shane, and then runs, only for Elias to be a roadblock. Kevin goes out but Shane sucker punches him, and tosses him into barriers! The referee checks on Kevin for a moment, and sees he’s okay to continue. The ref starts a new count, and Kevin crawls at 6. Kevin is in at 7, but Shane throws those jabs and kicks. Shane eggs Kevin on as he kicks away. Shane backs off at 4, but fans say, “Shane You Suck!” Shane throws hands but Kevin gets shots in. Kevin covers up as Shane throws hands, then he throws hands back! Shane knees Kevin low over and over, then clubs away on Kevin. Russian Leg Sweep, cover, ONE!

Shane throws hands but fans let him know “You Can’t Wrestle!” Kevin rocks Shane again, but Shane comes back with more hands. Kevin forearms but Shane throws hammer fists. Shane whips but Kevin reverses, to pop up. Shane slips out to DDT! Cover, TWO! Shane keeps his cool, and jokes around with Elias. Shane wants to be the new Hitman, as he goes for the Sharpshooter! Kevin kicks free of it, then pops Shane for the powerbomb! But Elias argues with the ref!? Kevin argues with Elias but Shane rolls Kevin up! TWO, and Kevin clobbers Shane! Kevin is losing his cool over Shane’s power abuse. Elias throws a chair in!? Elias dares Kevin to do something, and so does Shane. Kevin really wants to, but he knows better than that. Shane SLAPS Kevin, and Kevin really, really wants to! But he won’t. Kevin suckers Elias and Shane in, Shane hits Elias! SUPERKICK!

Kevin hurries up top while Shane is down, SWANTON! But that’s not all, he goes up the other side! FROG SPLASH! Cover, but Elias drags the ref out! The fans boo but an official can’t disqualify an “official.” So Kevin CANNONBALLS onto them both! Kevin is enraged and he goes to Shane in the ring. And he sees the chair…! Kevin picks the chair up, and with no referees around… But Elias drags Kevin out! Kevin fights Elias off, then JAMS and SMACKS him with the chair! And again! And again! Kevin wears that chair out on Elias’ back! Then he whips Elias into the timekeeper’s area! Kevin has the chair, he sees Shane, but the true referee returns! Kevin stops himself, but as the referee puts the chair outside, Kevin LOW BLOWS Shane! Kevin smirks before hitting a STUNNER! Cover, Kevin wins!

Winner: Kevin Owens, by pinfall; keeps his job

And the KO Show stays in the WWE! Shane tries to stack the deck every time, but Kevin knocked this one down like a house of cards! Will Kevin be celebrating come Raw and SmackDown this week? Or will this only open a new can of worms?


Charlotte Flair VS Trish Stratus!

We have had amazing generational match-ups before, like Hogan VS Rock or Rock VS Cena, but now, we have Flair VS Stratus! Will The Queen of Queen City prove she is THE Queen of All Eras? Or is she still not on the level of the #QueenofQueens, the legend that blazed the trail?

The bell rings and Trish stares Charlotte down. Trish and Charlotte both smirk as they approach. Charlotte and Trish circle and tie up. They go around and Toronto sings the Canadian national anthem for Trish. Charlotte shoves Trish then throws her into a corner. Charlotte laughs but Trish comes back with a kick! Trish runs and Thesz Presses! Charlotte gets up but Trish tilt-o-whirl arm-drags, into a springboard huricanrana! But Charltote trips Trish to the Figure Four! Trish slips out to headscissor Charlotte again! Toronto tells Trish, “You Still Got!” Charlotte shakes her head, she doesn’t care what fans think. Charlotte and Trish circle, and Charlotte kicks Trish back. Charlotte brings Trish in to lift, but Trish arm-drags Charlotte out of the ring! Trish wrecks Charlotte with a dropkick, then aims from the apron. Trish leaps for a big Thesz Press and fast hands!

Fans fire up with Trish as she drags Charlotte around the way. They walk up the steps but Charlotte trips Trish up! Trish hits steel then the floor! Charlotte soaks up the heat while the ref checks Trish’s nose. Trish is not bloody, but Charlotte says “That easy!” Charlotte puts Trish in the ring and then brings her back out to throw into barriers! Trish goes down in a heap and Charlotte says she’s having fun. Charlotte puts Trish back in again, then takes her time stalking Trish. Charlotte kicks Trish while she’s down then bounces her off the mat. She bounces Trish again, then pulls her back into a deep chinlock. Trish endures the knee in her back and Charlotte pulling on the arms. Fans rally and Trish gets an arm free, but Charlotte pulls hair! Charlotte uses the hair to throw Trish on the mat again. She drags Trish back up, and throws her with an exploder! Charlotte kips up and fans “WOO~!” but then Charlotte mocks Trish’s pose.

Charlotte toys with Trish then pulls her against ropes. She lets up at 4 to “WOO~!” right at the ref. Charlotte says it’s still too easy, but Trish crawls to a corner. Charlotte drags Trish around, reels her in for a back suplex, but Trish counters with a crossbody! Cover, TWO, and Charlotte DECKS Trish! Charlotte drops a knee on Trish’s head, then takes time to insult the fans. Charlotte toys with Trish, and starts stomping and slapping Trish in a corner. Fans boo but Trish trips Charlotte up! Trish throws hands and puts her in the corner! Trish stomps away, then climbs up to rain down rights! Charlotte pushes Trish to the outside, then BOOTS her down to the floor! A ring count starts, but Trish stirs. Charlotte mocks Trish, holding the ropes open for her. Trish sits up and the count restarts. Charlotte keeps egging Trish on, but Trish is up at 5. The moment she’s in, Charlotte’s on Trish with elbows and knees!

Charlotte stomps Trish down hard! Charlotte steps on Trish as she heads up top. Moonsault FLOPS! Trish steps in for a tornado complete shot! Fans fire up as Charlotte and Trish rise. Charlotte is on Trish but Trish shoves her away. Trish SLAPS Charlotte, but Charlotte kicks out a leg. Charlotte whips Trish but Trish reverses to CHOP! Tirsh gives Charlotte some Flair medicine, then puts some stank on it! But Charlotte boots again! Charlotte hops up, but Trish goes for Stratusphere. Only for Charlotte to block! Trish sits up and the two start trading slapping rights! Trish sits up, but Charlotte blocks again, only to still get Stratusphere! Cover, TWO!! Charlotte survives, but Trish keeps her cool. Trish drags herself to ropes and fans rally. She takes aim, but Charlotte ducks the Chick Kick! Trish bucks Charlotte off only to get another BOOT! Cover, TWO!! Charlotte is shocked that Trish survives.

Charlotte drags Trish around and goes after the leg. She spins through, but gets caught in a cradle! TWO, and Trish victory rolls, to STEAL the Figure Four! Charlotte endures her own hold, but then Trish bridges to steal FIGURE EIGHT!! Charlotte endures her other signature hold, but Trish can’t hold the bridge. Charlotte reaches and gets the ropebreak! Trish lets Charlotte go but the damage has been done. Trish runs in, but Charlotte kicks her leg out. Charlotte stands as fans say “This is Awesome!” Charlotte runs in but Trish dodges! Trish has the headlock, runs at the ropes, STRATUSFACTION! Cover, TWO!!! Charlotte survives and Trish is furious. Trish and Charlotte glare as the fans again cheer.

The two start slapping and chopping back and forth! They stand and CHOP, and CHOP, and Trish gets an edge! Charlotte runs into the jackknife bridge, TWO! Charlotte’s boot misses, CHICK KICK HITS! Cover, TWO!?! Trish isn’t sure what she has to do to end this. But she waits for Charlotte to stand, but the BOOT hits first! Charlotte has the legs, Figure Four! Trish endures, but Charlotte bridges to HER Figure Eight! Trish can’t last any longer, Trish taps! Charlotte wins!!

Winner: Charlotte Flair, by submission

Charlotte doesn’t need someone to pass a torch to her, she takes it for her own! The Queen of All Eras ascends to a new throne, but will she now be seeking a 10th title reign?

Fans show their love and respect by chanting “Thank You Trish!” Trish gets up and strikes her famous pose once more! Is this truly the last time we see Trish in the ring?


Seth Rollins prepares for his match.

And to check on him, it’s BRET HART! The Hitman himself encourages Rollins, and Rollins appreciates that. Will Rollins be able to slay the beast again when his ribs are so wrecked?


WWE World Championship: Kofi Kingston VS Randy Orton!

AWWWWWW~ Toronto~! This rivalry comes full circle from roughly 10 years ago. Back then, The Viper was just The Legend Killer, and he thought the not-Jamaican superstar was “stupid” for thinking he could compete at a world title level. But now, nothing is going to hold #Kofimania back! However, will he still be stopped by the three most dangerous letters in pro-wrestling today?

The introductions are made while Kofi and Orton jaw at each other, the belt is raised, and we begin this long-time-coming match-up!

Orton and Kofi circle, and Orton mockingly offers a pancake. Kofi slaps the flapjack away, getting serious now. Orton shoves, Kofi shoves, and they tie up. Orton puts Kofi in a corner but Kofi turns it around. Orton turns it back on Kofi but Kofi headlocks. The two get chippy and the ref manages to back them off. Orton throws the pancake at Kofi as fans duel, “Kofi’s Stupid!” “Randy Sucks!” Kofi and Orton tie up again, and Orton backs Kofi into a corner again. Orton throws EuroUppers and headbutts and Kofi staggers away. Orton whips Kofi corner to corner but Kofi comes back with a clothesline! Kofi is fired up as he goes to Orton with headbutts of his own. Kofi CHOPS Orton, and then whips Orton corner to corner. Orton reverses but Kofi goes up and leaps with ax handles!

Kofi mule kicks and punches Orton in a corner, but the ref counts. Orton thumbs Kofi in the eye! The ref reprimands Orton but he doesn’t care. Orton stalks Kofi and whips him corner to corner. Kofi boots Orton back, then hops up again, only for Orton to shove him out to the barriers! Kofi crashes and burns but Orton slowly follows him. Orton drags Kofi up and yanks on the arm. He bounces Kofi off the announce desks as fans duel again. Orton refreshes the ring count, before dropping Kofi on the desk with a back suplex! Orton smirks as he looms over “stupid” Kofi. The ring count climbs and Orton puts Kofi back in the ring. Cover, TWO! Orton stomps away on Kofi’s limbs, a move he’s learned in the last 10 years. Orton pulls Kofi against the ropes, pulling on his hair. The ref counts but Orton lets up at 4. Orton drags Kofi up to EuroUpper him out of the ring.

Orton then goes out to fetch Kofi, and whip him at steel steps! But Kofi leaps over to leap back with more ax handles! The ring count starts again and Kofi kicks Orton around. Kofi puts Orton in the ring, but Orton rolls out the other side. Kofi goes to the apron and takes aim, but his leap misses! Kofi just hits the ground, and Orton clobbers him with a clothesline! Orton brings Kofi back over, back suplex for the American announce desk! Kofi writhes while Orton walks around. Orton brings Kofi up for EuroUppers against the Spanish desk. Orton puts Kofi back in, cover, TWO! Orton keeps his cool, because he’s in control. He looms over Kofi as fans duel again. Orton drags Kofi up to grind him into buckles. The ref counts and Orton lets up at 4, to then hoist Kofi up top.

Orton throws punches before climbing up. He stands Kofi up on the very top, but Kofi resists! Kofi fights back, but Orton headbutts. Orton tries again, but Kofi still holds the superplex off! Kofi clubs away on Orton’s back, and Orton drops down. Kofi punches Orton away, and leaps for a tornado DDT! Both men are down but Kofi crawls for a cover, TWO! Fans build to a rally and the two men stand. Kofi CHOPS Orton off his feet! And again! Kofi dropkicks Orton down, but he keeps moving. Leaping lariat! Fans fire up with Kofi as he runs and “NEW~ DAY~” Boom Drops! Now Kofi calls Orton “stupid!” as he aims from the corner. Fans clap along as Orton stands. But Orton blocks the Trouble in Paradise to the back2backbreaker, a classic move! Cover, TWO! Orton grows annoyed as Kofi survives.

Kofi goes to the apron, but Orton smirks as he walks over. Orton mocks the New Day claps, then drags Kofi through the ropes. Kofi knows this move, though, and tosses Orton out! Kofi hurries to a corner, climbs up high, and TRUST FALLS! He takes Orton out, but doesn’t stay down! Kofi drags Orton into the ring, then heads up top again. Orton stands and Kofi leaps, crossbody hits! Cover, TWO! Kofi feels how close he was, but he’s still not done. Kofi drags Orton up but Orton shoves him away. Kofi spins out but the kick is blocked! Orton drags Kofi through the ropes, for the draping DDT! But Orton won’t stop there, either. He hears the voices in his head! Orton wants Kofi to stand so much, he’s salivating. Kofi does flounder to his feet, and Orton goes, but Kofi backslide counters! TWO, TROUBLE misses! Kofi slips out and kicks Orton away! Crossbody, RKO!!

Orton smiles and laughs even though he hasn’t made the cover. Kofi rolls to the apron and onto the floor, and now Orton isn’t laughing. Orton goes out to fetch Kofi, and now fans have agreed they love “Both These Guys!” Orton spots Kofi’s family, and Kofi does, too. Kofi throws fast hands but he ignores the ring count!

Double Count-Out

Kofi doesn’t care, he just wants to unleash his fury! Kofi throws Orton into steel steps! And then goes under the ring to bring out a kendo stick! Kofi SMACKS away on Orton’s body! He has Orton staggering all around the ring as he hits him over and over! The stick breaks but Kofi still keeps after Orton! Kofi has lost his cool, but he’s going to end this now! Orton slowly gets up, his body stinging from the kendo strikes. Kofi spins, TROUBLE IN PARADISE! The Viper has been slain, but has this settled anything between Kofi and Orton?


Finn Balor VS “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt!

The Extraordinary Man has his own inner Demon, but it seems that the Eater of Worlds was hiding one of his own. Firefly Fun House was a surreal experience, but the terror Bray has put into legends and superstars is real. Can Finn stare fear in the eye and survive? Or will he be the Fiend’s first in-ring victim?

Speaking of Firefly Fun House, “LET. HIM. IN!” The lights go down, and then a lantern is inside the mouth of a disembodied Bray Wyatt head!? Because The Fiend has shed the old new Face of Fear for an even more frightening one! Finn is at a loss for words, as that puts even his Demon’s entrance to shame. But he works up the courage to get back in the ring, and this fight finally begins!

Finn is wary of the Fiend, but the Fiend grabs him first! The Fiend headbutts then stomps Finn, then finally takes off his jacket. The Fiend whips and runs Finn over with a headbutt! Finn flounders to a corner, but The Fiend is on him with big hands. The Fiend hears the fans chant “Yowie Wowie!” He whips Finn corner to corner but Finn goes up and over, but there’s the return of the Spider Walk! Finn runs in but gets caught! Finn fights free but The Fiend clobbers him down! The Fiend laughs before grabbing Finn for a sickening neck wrench! Finn is barely stirring, but The Fiend throws him down with an urenage!

The Fiend looks Finn in the eye, before looking at his own hands. The Fiend laughs more as he tries to keep his head on straight. He drags Finn up, for the Sister- NO, Finn slips out to Slingblade! And shotgun dropkick! Finn fires off furious kicks, but the Fiend shoves him away. Finn trips Fiend up for double stomps! Finn aims again, but The Fiend is up, to get another shotgun dropkick! The Fiend flops down and Finn climbs up, COUP DE- MANDIBLE CLAW!! The Fiend smothers Finn into the mat and makes it a cover, The Fiend wins!

Winner: The Fiend, by pinfall

Finn may be extraordinary, but not even that is enough for Bray’s new form. And then The Fiend teleports to the stage! Is this only the beginning of something truly wicked?

Fans can’t help but feel “That was Awesome!” However, Finn would disagree being on the other end of that debut. Will Finn be back to match monster with monster? Or does he need time to recover, both physically and mentally?


WWE Universal Championship: Brock Lesnar w/ Paul Heyman VS Seth Rollins!

The Architect used an ingenious plan at WrestleMania 35 to take the title, but it infuriated The Beast. The Beast would have a plan of his own when he hijacked the Men’s Money in the Bank match. And after some mix-ups, some bluffs and some threats, the Beast in the Bank would cash-in at Extreme Rules to take the title back. But apparently, that wasn’t enough for Lesnar to feel he taught Rollins a lesson. German Suplexes, F5’s onto chairs and then onto a stretcher’s frame, Lesnar would not leave Rollins be until his ribs were in horrible shape. Can the Beastslayer overcome and #BurnItDown? Or will Toronto forever be THE Suplex City?

Introductions are made, with Heyman of course taking the duties of introducing the “Seth-Stomping, Rib-Breaking, Ultimate Conquering Sultan of SummerSlam, YOUR reigning, defending, undisputed Universal Champion, BRRROCK! LLLESNARRR!” With that, the belt is raised, and we finally begin the main event!

Lesnar and Rollins circle, and of course Rollins guards his ribs. But even then, Lesnar kicks him there and rams his shoulder in! Lesnar then hauls Rollins corner to corner to ram him into buckles! He knees Rollins’ ribs HARD, and lets him hit the mat. Lesnar throws his shoulders in more, but lets up at 4. Rollins SUPERKICKS! But then he runs into a German, only to land on his feet?! CURB STOMP!! Cover, TWO!! Lesnar almost lost right there! Lesnar bails out while Rollins and Heyman are both shocked. Rollins gest to the apron, runs and knees Lesnar down! Rollins keeps moving as Lesnar hurries back in. Rollins aims and SUPERKICKS, into a German! But he again lands on his feet! SUPERKICK! SUPERKICK! CURB- No, fireman’s, F5!! But Lesnar goes the other way of Rollins and they’re on opposite sides of the ring. Fans already feel “This is Awesome!”

Lesnar pulls at the rib tape, and uses it to swing and throw Rollins to a corner! Lesnar stomps Rollins and says it’s “Punishment Time, B*tch!” Lesnar throws Rollins with a German Suplex, and this time Rollins lands on his shoulders! But Lesnar holds on, for another German Suplex! And then he drags Rollins up by his hair, just to give him a third German! Rollins bails out but Lesnar won’t leave him be. He throws Rollins with another German Suplex! Lesnar takes his time bringing Rollins back up and into the ring. Rollins flounders but Lesnar is right on him. Lesnar laughs as he waistlocks and Germans again! Rollins bails out again, but Lesnar still stalks him. Lesnar brings Rollins up, but Rollins shoves him into the post! And again!

Rollins hurries to get Lesnar into the ring, then takes aim. Rollins springboards, flying knee hits! But Rollins knows this won’t be enough, so he climbs again. Flying- GERMAN! Lesnar let Rollins fly into a corner again! Both men are down as Lesnar catches his breath and shakes out the cobwebs. Fans duel as Lesnar goes bare knuckle. He stomps and snap suplexes Rollins! Rollins gasps for air given those bad ribs, but it’s only going to get worse. Lesnar rams Rollins into the corner, then brings him out for a rear bearhug! Rollins endures the squeeze, reaches for ropes, but Lesnar just clubs him back down! Lesnar has Rollins on the ropes and chokes him. The ref counts and Lesnar lets up at 4 to toss Rollins down. Heyman mocks Rollins’ pain while Lesnar looms over him again.

Lesnar drags Rollins up to tackle him into a corner! Lesnar gets a running start, but only gets post! Rollins grits his teeth as he runs, to dropkick Lesnar down to the announce desk! But Rollins keeps moving, to DIVE! He topples Lesnar down, but that’s not enough! Another DIVE and another hit! Rollins wants it again, and DIVES, to be caught! And rammed into a post! Both men are down, Rollins’ plan having backfired! Lesnar stands first and fans build to a rally. Lesnar clears off the Spanish announce desk! But he turns into a SUPERKICK! Lesnar ends up on the desk, and Rollins hurries up top! Rollins LEAPS to FROG SPLASH Lesnar through the table!! Both men are down and fans are losing their minds! The referee checks on both men, but they’re somehow okay to continue.

Both men get up and drag themselves to the ring. The referee hasn’t counted, so both men are safe. Rollins gets up top again, to Frog Splash onto Lesnar again! But he bounces off, and takes aim from a corner! Rollins wants Lesnar to sit up just enough, CURB STOMP AGAIN! Cover, TWO!?! Lesnar still lives?! Heyman is relieved while Rollins is shocked. But Rollins still has fire inside, and he stomps. Fans chant “Burn It Down!” for Rollins as he aims again. Rollins runs, but into a fierman’s! F5- NO! SUPERKICK! A THIRD CURB STOMP!! Cover, Rollins WINS!!

Winner: Seth Rollins, by pinfall; NEW WWE Universal Champion

The Beastslayer hath slain the Beast AGAIN! And this time, with NO controversy! He didn’t need to low blow, he didn’t need to misdirect. He did it with broken freakin’ ribs, because he is Seth Freakin’ Rollins! Does this finally end things between him and Brock Lesnar?



My Thoughts:

For the trepidation and fears going into SummerSlam, this SummerSlam actually did great! I was glad we got some WWE 24/7 Championship shenanigans here and there, though not as much as I expected. The Cruiserweight Championship was good, but still not quite a 205 Live level match. If only they could find a way to put this title in the main show again. It seems they felt the need to shoe-horn in Murphy VS Crews even though Roman Reigns ended up nowhere on the show, which is somewhat a shame. But it does further some things, like Rowan going after Murphy but Bryan not really disapproving. I feel like this is the end of Murphy’s part in the story, and then things can build for Roman, Rowan and Bryan on the way to at least Clash of Champions in September, with or without Face Samoa Joe getting involved.

They definitely shoe-horned the Women’s Tag titles in, and it didn’t help they also advertised a Women’s Tag title match for Raw already. But the match itself was still a lot of fun, so it was okay for it to just be a formality against IIconics. I was really surprised to see the Raw Women’s Championship Submission Match start the main show, and I thought for a moment it was because Natty was actually going to win to make Toronto explode. The reaction would’ve been a great reason why, but naturally, Becky toughs it out and wins. Fans still love Becky so it didn’t sour anything per se, and it was such a great match anyhow, only diehards for Natty would’ve seen this as a bad thing. Also great to see Bret Hart have a cameo, it seems presenting AEW’s title didn’t hurt his standings with Vince.

The Goldberg-Ziggler match was great because it wasn’t just what we expected it to be, it was so over-the-top that it was actually hilarious. The match itself was classic Goldberg squashing his opponent, so that’s fun. But then Ziggler being so punch drunk (or rather Spear Drunk) that he kept egging Goldberg on to get more Spears, that was all amazing. But at the same time, this really needs to be the last time for Goldberg, because this kind of stuff is all he can really do anymore. On the flip side, WOW that Flair-Stratus match. THAT is how you use a legend/part-timer, because she let the younger star go over. Charlotte and Trish were so good in this match, so it’s great that Charlotte goes over to elevate her legacy. Bayley VS Ember was a great match, too, and it really worked for Bayley to intercept Ember’s finisher with her own. Chances are, Bayley circles back to Charlotte, but now it’ll be the Charlotte that beat Trish to give us an amazing match for Clash of Champions, regardless of who wins.

Ricochet looked great in the Nightwing cosplay, and he had another great match with Styles. It works out fine that the OC interfered and all that, because that counter of Phoenix Splash into Styles Clash was just so awesome. I’m not sure if Ricochet gets another chance at Clash where Gallows & Anderson are busy with their own match, or we start fresh with the other superstars. I would love to see Cesaro go Face for this match, or Strowman since he’s strong enough to overcome numbers. And while the OC offered Finn help, I was hoping he was going to surprise us with Demon. But no, still keeping Demon in the back pocket. All-white clad Balor puts up a good fight against The Fiend, who had an insanely good (and creepy) entrance, but Fiend wins because he just had to win. Fiend VS Demon at/in Hell in a Cell will be great, if Fiend racks up a win streak leading into that.

I’m actually surprised Shane didn’t stack the deck more against Kevin, but they still did a great job with how they handled it. Kevin gets to beat down Elias and get away with cheating Shane, but I feel like this will only escalate towards Survivor Series and Team Shane VS Team Kevin. I thought it would be Team Roman, but now it’ll be Kevin, since Roman has Bryan and Rowan. Kofi VS Orton was pretty good, but it did seem odd it was a Double Count-Out draw. I suppose it keeps both men strong and we can get a Clash of Champs rematch, but it was great to see Kofi tee off on Orton. I wonder if their CoC rematch is No DQ so we can get more of this.

And then we all worried what Lesnar VS Rollins was going to be this time, but WOW! They somehow handled this exactly right! All the Heel Heat Lesnar had built up really pays off for how Rollins was evading and countering, but of course Rollins still gets thrown around plenty. Something about it worked out the way it needed to, especially the announce desk splash spot, and this might have just corrected the awkward course Rollins was going. Hopefully with Heyman working Raw now, this momentum stays with Rollins so that fans care again. I would think Lesnar, mostly in character, wouldn’t want a non-Big-4 match, so maybe we can truly, truly start fresh for Rollins with any number of superstars who have just been waiting for a chance.

My Score: 8.7/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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