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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (10/21/19)

Raw is refreshed!



NEW Raw coverage

Raw is revving up towards Riyadh!

The Nature Boy, Ric Flair, returns to Raw to name the fifth and final member on his Crown Jewel team! Who will choose to take on Team Hogan?



  • Ricochet VS Drew McIntyre; McIntyre wins.
  • Aleister Black VS Jason Reynolds; Black wins.
  • Sin Cara VS Andrade Almas w/ Zelina Vega; Almas wins.
  • WWE 24/7 Championship Bollywood Blindside: R-Truth VS The Singh Brothers; Sunil Singh wins and becomes the new WWE 24/7 Champion.
  • The Viking Raiders VS ???; The Viking Raiders win.
  • Seth Rollins VS Humberto Carrillo; Rollins wins.
  • WWE 24/7 Championship Bollywood Blindside 2: The Singh Brothers VS R-Truth; The Singh Brothers win and Sunil Singh retains the WWE 24/7 Championship.
  • The OC w/ AJ Styles VS The Street Profits w/ ???; The Street Profits win.


The Architect thought he was done with The Fiend.

He escaped Hell in a Cell, but Bray Wyatt would not let Seth Rollins be. So Rollins went to Bray’s Firefly Fun House, and truly burned it down! But this is still far from over.


Ric Flair is here!

The Nature Boy is in Cleveland just 10 days ahead of Crown Jewel to announce his fifth and final team member! They’re going to Saudi Arabia to kick Team Hogan’s butt! SmackDown saw the Hulkster announce his final members, and he chose some great men. “But they’re nothing like the Nature Boy!” And Flair has the last hand to play. So without further ado, he introduces a man good enough but also badass enough for the Browns, it is… DREW MCINTYRE! The Scottish Stud, Terminator and Psychopath wrapped all in one is Team Flair! Flair helps McIntyre into the ring, “These are some real muscles, boys!” Flair is ready to see McIntyre put Ricochet in the loss column with the Browns. McIntyre takes the mic and says that the first order of business is to grant Flair’s favor. Flair will grab himself a seat to get a front row view. Things will get uncomfortable as McIntyre gives us a preview of what happens to Team Hogan. With that, the One and Only appears, and we have our Crown Jewel sampler!

Ricochet VS Drew McIntyre!

Raw returns as the bell rings. Ricochet leaps on McIntyre but McIntyre pushes him off to elbow him back! McIntyre gets in Ricochet’s face but Ricochet CHOPS and haymakers! McIntyre shoves Ricochet out hard, and then goes to fetch him. Flair likes what he sees as McIntyre rams Ricochet into the barriers! McIntyre puts Ricochet back in and drags him up for a CHOP of his own! Ricochet falls over and Flair is loving it! McIntyre bumps Ricochet off buckles then stomps away. The ref counts but McIntyre stops at 4. Ricochet flounders up and McIntyre SLAPS him down! Fans rally for Ricochet but Flair coaches McIntyre. Ricochet fires off CHOPS but gets DECKED with a single right. McIntyre whips and then back drops Ricochet high and hard! Cover, TWO!

McIntyre keeps his cool as he puts on a mounted armlock and strong chinbar. Ricochet endures and fights his way up. Fans rally as Ricochet fights back, but McIntyre shoves. Ricochet kicks back, then tilt-o-whirls, but into a slam! Cover, TWO! McIntyre puts Ricochet in the ropes to bend him back in a camel clutch. The ref counts and McIntyre lets up at 4, leaving Ricochet gasping for air. McIntyre drags Ricochet up to a corner for another CHOP! Ricochet flops against McIntyre, but McIntyre dead lift suplexes and tosses him! McIntyre grins and Flair approves. McIntyre stomps Ricochet then wraps the armlock back on. Fans rally up again as Ricochet fights up. Ricochet haymakers free, but McIntyre CHOPS him down again! McIntyre brings Ricochet up and scoops but Ricochet escapes! Ricochet rolls off McIntyre’s back to then springboard, but into McIntyre’s arms! McIntyre pops Ricochet up but Ricochet knees out of the suplex.

Ricochet whips, McIntyre reverses but Ricochet goes up and over! Ricochet jump kicks, but then gets an elbow! Ricochet flounders to the floor, but he comes back to dropkick McIntyre off the apron! Fans fire up as Ricochet builds speed and DIVES! Tope senton wipes McIntyre out as Raw goes to break!

Raw returns and McIntyre has Ricochet down in a modified crossface. Ricochet endures, works against the hold and elbows McIntyre off him. Ricochet CHOPS away on McIntyre and has him in a corner. McIntyre BOOTS back, then whips Ricochet corner to corner hard! Ricochet bounces off buckles and hits the mat, McIntyre covers, TWO! McIntyre puts the half camel clutch right on, cranking on Ricochet’s neck with a chinbar.

Meanwhile, Flair is interviewed ringside. Flair calls Hogan out, because they’ll be face to face Friday! They have business to talk about. And watch McIntyre send Ricochet into orbit!

Ricochet fights up again and throws hands, but McIntyre whips. Ricochet dodges but gets clubbing forearms. McIntyre puts Ricochet in a corner but Ricochet BOOTS back! Ricochet sends McIntyre to the apron but McIntyre climbs up. McIntyre leaps, into Ricochet’s dropkick! Both men are down but fans are fired up! Ricochet rises and Flair grows concerned. McIntyre shakes out the cobwebs but Ricochet bobs ‘n’ weaves with those haymakers. Ricochet runs to forearm, then dodges for the dropkick-flip and enziguri! McIntyre flounders to a corner and fans are thunderous as Ricochet runs in to ram a shoulder. Springboard lariat! Ricochet hist a standing shooting star! Cover, ONE!? McIntyre shocks Ricochet and Cleveland with that kick-out!

Ricochet gets up, runs in to CHOP, then keeps moving. McIntyre follows, misses, Ricochet springboard enziguris! Then, LIONSAULT! Cover, TWO!! McIntyre still survives but Ricochet keeps focus. Ricochet drags McIntyre to a drop zone and heads up top. McIntyre rises and swings, but Ricochet dodges to roundhouse back! Ricochet gets in, but gets popped up! Ricochet comes back with ax handles, to GET ax handles from McIntyre! McIntyre crucifix BUCKLE BOMBS Ricochet, to a dead lift SIT OUT BOMB! Cover, TWO!! Ricochet now shocks McIntyre! Flair himself is shocked, but Cleveland is loving this! McIntyre stands up again to bring Ricochet up. Ricochet is almost dead weight in those underhooks. But he slips out of Future Shock to jawbreaker! He misses the enziguri but not the mule kick on the return! Ricochet drags McIntyre up now, and attempts a fireman’s carry. But McIntyre fights out, and runs, into a SUPERKIKCK! NOW Ricochet fireman’s carries, for a DEATH VALLEY!

Ricochet hurries up top while McIntyre is down! Cleveland is on its feet for the SHOOTING STAR! Cover, TWO!? Ricochet is beside himself, but Flair is jumping up out of his seat! “This is Awesome!” but far from over as Ricochet climbs again. Flair is tense as Ricochet reaches the top. Ricochet 630’s but has to roll through! McIntyre blocks Recoil and TOSSES Ricochet out of the ring! Then McIntyre goes out to toss Ricochet into a post! Ricochet is in bad shape as he stirs under the bottom rope. But McIntyre takes aim from across the way, and Ricochet stands, to get the CLAYMORE!! Cover, McIntyre wins!!

Winner: Drew McIntyre, by pinfall

Flair styles and profiles to celebrate his ace’s victory! Will Drew McIntyre decimate Team Hogan just like the Nature Boy predicts?

McIntyre isn’t done with Ricochet, though! He hauls the King of Flight up to headbutt him back down! And ram him into the post again! And then hit FUTURE SHOCK! But he still isn’t done, he hauls Ricochet out to the apron, and drags him into the inverted Alabama Slam, to the STEEL STEPS! Flair celebrates with his Scottish Terminator! Will the real-life superhero be able to recover? Or must Hogan make a choice for a new fifth man?


Backstage interview with The OC.

AJ Styles, Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson all feel great after what they did to Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins. What is their strategy heading into this match? Strategy? One of the most decorated tag teams in history are going against “rhookies!” Those two don’t need to be handed anything, they need to earn this keep! They don’t deserve the platform as Raw’s hosts when you’ve got the OC being the most charismatic men in WWE! The Street Profits want the smoke, but the smoke is illegal in Cleveland! Styles, that’s not… But Cleveland SUCKS! The Profits claim to have someone to help them? Gallows & Anderson have been doing this for a long, long time, and will give the Profits the beating of their lives! Throw it up, mother lovers! Too Sweet!


Aleister Black speaks.

“I like to think there is a reason to my madness. I like to think that one day, all this strife will provide me with an answer as to, ‘Why?'” But at the same time, Aleister has a “hellfire rage” that claws at him as he speaks, “like a madman dancing in the moonlight.” And it is ready to pick. A. Fight! Who will the Embodiment of the End make #FadetoBlack tonight?


Aleister Black VS Jason Reynolds!

Darkness descends as Aleister rises from below. But will he rise in the ranks while traveling through The Land?

The bell rings, Aleister and Reynolds tie up and Aleister headlocks. Reynolds pulls hair to power Aleister to a corner, but lets up at 4. Reynolds stomps then whips but Aleister goes up and over. Aleister blocks a kick to give a kick! And then another kick! Reynolds hobbles into a sweep! Aleister sits down as fans cheer. Reynolds runs in but misses, Aleister kips up to fires off strikes! Reynolds pulls hair but gets a spinning back elbow! Reynolds flounders to a corner and Aleister is on him, only to get shoved into buckles. Reynolds fires off haymakers and stomps, but the ref backs him off. Reynolds comes back but Aleister is getting angry. Aleister fires forearms and elbows and body shots. Aleister boots to KNEE TRIGGER! Reynolds flounders into the BLACK MASS! Cover, Aleister wins!

Winner: Aleister Black, by pinfall

Reynolds was a tougher fight than Aleister expected, but not nearly enough to stop his streak of salvation through devastation. Will anyone be able to put up a fight against the darkness?


The Authors of Pain speak.

Akam and Rezar are officially signed to Raw. There is no team here hard enough to fight them. Raw didn’t sign AOP to compete. Raw signed AOP to keep them from SmackDown. They weren’t an acquisition, they were kept away. The next chapter of tag team wrestling will be written in blood. And it will be written by the Authors of Pain.


Raw presents King’s Court!

Jerry “The King” Lawler is in the ring, and speaks to the shocking love affair of Lana and Bobby Lashley. Everyone is talking about this scandal, except Rusev. Rusev is King’s guest tonight, to finally open up about what exactly is going on. Rusev makes his way out to the ring, and fans cheer their support. King knows this is hard to talk about, but everyone would agree that what goes on inside a marriage should stay inside that marriage. But Rusev, Lana and Lashley are all public figures, so it was Lana and Lashley that are putting this out there. King isn’t sure how Rusev has withstood all of this. Lana and Lashley have put out “excuses” for their behavior, like Rusev sent too much money home to Bulgaria, how he’s interfered with her modeling career, and has cut her own personal spending budge. Rusev speaks out against the fans going “WHAT?” King wants to know Rusev’s response to Lana’s actions.

“It’s all Lashley’s fault.” Lashley has poisoned Lana’s mind, and for that, he will be CRUSHED. But when it comes to Lana, that Rusev might be a fool, he wears his wedding ring, because he hopes and prays that they can get past this and still have their Happily Ever After. But then Lashley interrupts on the titantron! He and Lana sit together at a fancy restaurant. Lashley was hoping to settle things tonight, but his “woman has needs.” Lashley will 100% satisfy her needs. How was dinner? Delicious. And now they’re on to dessert. She feeds him a sundae, and Rusev looks away. Lana says Rusev must recognize their favorite place. Or no, he wouldn’t, because he would never take her here! But her new man fulfills all her fantasies, as a gentleman. They are in love, and look phenomenal. It may not be New Year’s, but as the saying goes, out with the old, and in with the new.

Fans boo Lashley and Lana, and Rusev comes to terms with what he just saw. King wants to know what is on Rusev’s mind now. Rusev would rather deliver his message personally. He knows where they are! And he heads right there! Fans cheer Rusev on in hopes he can wrestle back his wife!


Sin Cara VS Andrade Almas w/ Zelina Vega!

A rivalry is refreshed now that both luchadors are on Raw! El Idolo got the better of The Man with No Face in the past, but will that all change with this fresh start?

As they make their way out, Zelina has a mic to speak for her and Almas. “Andrade’s music is a siren to let all of you know that your careers are in danger.” And if anyone knows about that, it is Sin Cara. Does anyone in Cleveland even know what that name means? It means, “Without Face.” Well lucky Sin Cara, he will be leaving without a face, and without a victory. As good as Sin Cara is, he will never be ANDRADE~! Almas goes to the ring and awaits Sin Cara. Sin Cara makes his entrance, returning in his classic blue and gold! His mask is slightly modified, but perhaps those wings represent how he is ready to take flight! The bell rings, and this match begins!

Sin Cara and Almas tie up, and Sin Cara waistlocks. Almas elbows out and CHOPS back, then runs, into a dropkick! Almas bails out, Sin Cara DIVES! Direct hit staggers Almas and Sin Cara puts him back in. Sin Cara climbs to leap and crossbody! Cover, ONE, but Sin Cara CHOPS Almas! Humberto Carrillo watches from backstage, the draftee from 205 Live excited to see lucha libre on Raw. Sin Cara whips Almas corner to corner but is put on the apron. He forearms back but Vega goes after his legs! Almas hits Sin Cara down then stomps away! The ref backs Almas of and Vega tells Sin Cara he should’ve stayed off Raw. Almas drags Sin Cara up, whips him to a corner, and blocks boots to turn Sin Cara around for a draping backbraeker to elbow drop DDT! Cover, TWO, and Almas grows annoyed.

Almas scoops but Sin Cara slips out but also falls. Almas stomps him down then throws forearms. Sin Cara fights back, runs, tilt-o-whirls and headscissors! Almas bails out again, Sin Cara climbs, SUPER ASAI!! Another direct hit! Fans are fired up as we go to break.

Raw returns as Almas blocks boots again. But Sin Cara is ready for the spin and he elbows Almas away! Sin Cara then slips out to dodge in the corner, and Almas hits buckles! Sin Cara catches his breath as Vega rallies for Almas. Fans rally for Sin Cara as he counter punches Almas! And CHOPS! Almas shoves, Sin Cara dodges and springboards to crossbody! Sin Cara whips, Almas reverses, but gets a QUEBRADA! Cover, TWO! Sin Cara catches his breath again as fans rally back up. Sin Cara and Almas brawl with forearms, back and forth, but Almas knees low. Almas hits harder then runs, but into Sin Cara’s DEATH VALLEY! Vega shouts at Almas but Sin Cara climbs. Sin Cara is on the top rope, swanton but he rolls through s Almas dodges. Almas drop toeholds Sin Cara into buckles! “SI! SI! SI!” and Almas runs corner to corner, but he misses again! Sin Cara runs, tilt-o-whirl, into a facebuster! Cover, TWO!

Vega is losing her cool as Almas catches his breath. Almas and Vega are on the same page, and he drags Sin Cara up. Almas suplexes, uno amigo. He suplexes again, dos amigos. Vega likes where this is going, and Almas shimmies the shoulders, TRES Amigos! Cover, TWO! Vega is furious, but Almas goes for the next part of Latino Heat’s game plan. Almas shimmies his shoulders again before going up top, but Sin Cara clobbers him! And CHOPS him! Sin Cara and Almas fight on the top rope, and then fans fire up as Sin Cara gets control. But Almas shoves him away and bumps him off the buckles. Almas adjusts but Sin Cara fights back with big forearms. Sin Cara climbs up behind Almas, SUPER SUNSET FLIP POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO!! Vega is panicking, but is still relieved that Almas survives.

Sin Cara keeps moving, he climbs back up, but Almas trips him up! Corner to corner, CIEN SHADOWS! The double knees hit, Almas covers, TWO!! Sin Cara survives and Vega is losing her cool! Almas drags Sin Cara up and throws forearms. Sin Cara throws them back, but Almas runs, only to be tossed out! Fans rally with Sin Cara as he slingshots, for a huricanrana! Sin Cara puts Almas in but Vega is lurking. That allows Almas to hotshot! And then Vega huricanranas Sin Cara!! Fans boo but Almas gets Sin Cara in, hammerlock, LA SOMBRA DDT!! Cover, Almas wins!

Winner: Andrade Almas, by pinfall

El Idolo wins thanks to La Muneca, and they both continue on this rise in the ranks together! Will anyone be able to outsmart this devious duo?


Backstage interview with Humberto Carrillo.

Charly Caruso welcomes him to Raw, and wants to know his reaction to this match. Carrillo has a lot of respect for Sin Cara, but facing Almas is also facing Vega. Carrillo knows Almas is a future WWE Universal Champion, unless Carrillo beats him to it. Carrillo vows he’ll be a great champion, not the kind that plays with fire like Seth Rollins. But is Ultimo Ninja already playing with fire just saying that?


The Street Profits are hype!

Did Angelo hear what the OC said? Sure did. All that stuff, and how they’re all jealous and such. Styles with that soccer mom surfer hair, and throwing up the 90’s symbols. That’s funny, fam. Hey OC, mothers love them more. And they’ll over this more! The Street Profits, Dawkins & Ford, are main-eventing in their first match! Who did Dawkins find? It’s a surprise. Is it someone Ford knows? Like Ric Flair? Nah he’s already at the after party. What about Booker T? Still needs to dial Dawkins. Kurt Angle?! Chill, man. This is just someone who doesn’t like AJ Styles, and he’s just like the Profits. Hit him with the catchphrase: “We want the smoke.” But just who is this man of which they speak?


R-Truth is here!

But he’s having to be very careful. As the WWE 24/7 Champion, anyone could get at him for the title at any time. Truth moves through a storage truck and watches every angle. The coast is clear, so Truth relaxes But then bumps into a Singh Brother! No no, this is the 25th hour, you can’t get it! Don’t worry, Truth, Sami is just here to sing Bollywood classics. Action! Sunil rolls Truth up, Sunil wins!!

Winner: Sunil Singh, by pinall; NEW WWE 24/7 Championship

The Bollywood Boys hurry out of there with the title! “Either I’m seeing double, or there was two of them!” Will Truth catch up to them for a sequel?


The Viking Raiders VS ???

The NEW Raw Tag Team Champions return to show they do not rest on their laurels. But will they gain some momentum before going into the Crown Jewel Tag Team Turmoil to determine the Best Tag Team in the World?

Raw returns as the Major Brothers have a backstage interview. How confident are they as the underdogs against Erik & Ivar? They’re not underdogs, they’re grateful for this huge opportunity. Just like at Crown Jewel, it’ll be a “hyuge” opportunity. They won’t be underdogs anymore, they’ll be winners! Will they get pyro? Time to find out. The answer is no. But will they still win against these war machines?

The bell rings and Erik DECKS Ryder, then scoops and gut busters Hawkins! Erik gut wrench TOSSES Hawkins at Ryder! Tag to Ivar, and Ivar splashes Ryder in the corner, to feed to Erik’s shotgun knees! Then Ivar is a human weapon, hip attack! Hawkins drags Ryder out, but Ivar DIVES onto Hawkins! #305Live! Ivar puts Ryder in the ring and tags to Erik. Erik drags Ryder up for big knees, but Ryder jawbreakers back! Ryder knees Erik from a corner then hops up for the missile dropkick! Tag to Hawkins, and they work together to STO Russian Leg Sweep! Cover, TWO! Hawkins stomps away on Erik then rains down rights. Hawkins tags Ryder and the mug Erik at the ropes. Tag again and they have Erik in their corner. Hawkins chinbars and wrangles Erik down. Fans rally up as Erik endures and fights his way up. But Hawkins powers him back to the corner!

Ryder tags in and the Major Brothers mug Erik more. But Erik ROCKS Ryder with a right! Hot tags to Hawkins and Ivar! Warbeard Ivar rallies with a sidewalk slam and SPLASH! Fans fire up with Ivar as he runs corner to corner, but Hawkins gets clear. But then he runs into the seated senton! Cartwheel clothesline takes out Ryder! Tag to Erik, and the Vikings target Hawkins. Scoop slam, and then Ivar is a scoop slam human weapon! Cover, but Ryder breaks it up! Ryder wants Erik to keep his cool, but Erik does anything but. Ace Ten Mao! Erik roars and tags in Ivar. Hawkins attacks, but runs into THOR’S HAMMER! Cover, The Viking Raiders win!

Winners: The Viking Raiders, Erik pinning

The warpath tramples through Hawkins and Ryder and heads for Riyadh! Will the most decorated tag team in all of pro-wrestling today truly become the BEST Tag Team in the World?


Lana and Lashley are still having a good time.

But they are politely asked to leave, given the trouble that may be coming. The manager just wants to avoid any damages. Lashley says Rusev doesn’t have the balls to come here and do anything. The manager is excused, but will Lashley regret insulting Rusev on top of everything else?

Raw returns as Lashley and Lana take their time finishing up. But then Rusev barges in! He pushes past the amnager to get right at Lashley! And the fight is on! Rusev clubs away but security goes at him, but also has to keep Lashley back. Lana shouts for the fighting the security to take Rusev away, but Rusev vows to get Lashley in the end! Lana shouts, “Have fun in jail, Rusev!”


Rey Mysterio is here!

The King of Lucha Libre is officially a Raw superstar through the WWE Draft, but his arm is still in a sling after what Brock Lesnar did to him. Even so, Mysterio is in Cleveland to speak. “What’s up, Cleveland?” Mysterio has been training with Cain Velasquez to prepare him to beat Lesnar for the world title at Crown Jewel! Mysterio takes this moment to simply say to everyone live and at home, “Thank you.” For Mysterio, for Dominick and his family, thank you for the outpouring of love. Fans chant, “Thank you, Rey!” and “You Deserve It!” Mysterio means this not just for what happened to him and Dominick, but for Mysterio almost retiring. The fans’ love has humbled him, so Mysterio wants to tell us all personally, straight from the heart, “you guys are my family!” And that is why we are all going to celebrate at Crown Jewel, when Cain Velasquez wins the WWE Championship and puts another scar on the face of “that bastard,” Brock Lesnar!

But Paul Heyman introduces himself via titantron! There is Rey Mysterio! Come esta? There is a misunderstanding, though. Would Mysterio really say all this is the reigning, defending, undisputed WWE WOrld Champoin was in Cleveland? No, of course not. It’s because Lesnar is on SmackDown. But Heyman can go anywhere because he is just the Advocate here to deliver a message. That message is that Mysterio is like everyone else, “living in this perceptual prison” that says that there is a man who can handle Lesnar. Mysterio thinks Dominick’s godfather, Cain Velasquez, who beat, bloodied and scarred Lesnar, will do it all again at Corwn Jewel. But the reason it won’t happen is because Lesnar has lived with that scar on both his face and his soul for 9 years. FOr those 9 years, Lesnar has been salivating after revenge. And that revenge happens on October 31st, when Mysterio serves Velasquez up like dinner to the Beast.

Mysterio tells Heyman to get this through his “big, thick head!” Cabron, Velasquez will beat Lesnar down! But Shelton Benjamin steps up. Shelton needs to understand something. Mysterio and Dominick get annihilated, and their buddy, Velasquez, defends them to then go after a title? It’s not like that, Shelton. This is about family. Oh it’s a family thing? Well Shelton has a secret for Mysterio: he has a buddy, too. And his buddy IS Brock Lesnar. They were together at the University of Minnesota, Shelton trained Lesnar, and so that makes them family. Mysterio says Shelton has it twisted, but Shelton has it figured out. Shelton will see what happens if he pushes Mysterio around. Isn’t that how this works? Beat up Mysterio, get titles? Maybe a US title. Maybe the Intercontinental. Isn’t that how this works? Where is Mysterio’s buddy, huh? Huh!?

Shelton corners and taunts Shelton, but wait. Here comes Velasquez!! And he stares daggers at Shelton like he did Lesnar! Velasquez gets in the ring and Shelton goes right at him! But Velasquez pulls him off the leg, to then single-leg SLAM Shelton! And throw fast hands! And then waistlock to slam Shelton again! Velasquez clamps on a sleeper, but Shelton taps out and retreats! Mysterio tells Shelton that’s what he gets, and dares him to come back for more. Will this be how Velasquez manhandles Lesnar at Crown Jewel?


Backstage interview with Seth Rollins.

The WWE Universal Champion and The Fiend are going to places no one expected. The Fiend perhaps has gotten inside Rollins’ head, but maybe Rollins got inside Bray’s head. That’s how Rollins found the Firefly Fun House, after all. Rollins knows The Fiend is different. There’s an aura that is inexplicable. Once you step inside the ring with The Fiend, you’re changed forever. Rollins looks off into the distance, and sees something. He goes to see Humberto Carrillo, and heard all of what he said. Yes, Rollins burned down the Fun House. He didn’t want to do it, but he had to. That’s what a champion does. It isn’t about being popular, it is about doing what’s right. Rollins would burn down the Fun House again if he could.

Rollins also knows Carrillo wants to be champion one day. Rollins admires that, and welcomes him to Raw. How about having a match against the champion tonight? And up next. Carrillo smiles, he’s ready for this challenge!


Riyadh Season begins!

The opening parade to celebrate even had a WWE inspired float! And The Undertaker himself road along as a mobile ring had wrestlers show off their ability!


Seth Rollins VS Humberto Carrillo!

The Architect admires the ambition of Ultimo Ninja, and wants to see for himself if the draftee out of 205 Live has what it takes! Will Carrillo win big on his first night on Raw? Or will Rollins continue to #BurnItDown on the way to Crown Jewel?

The bell rings and Carrillo rolls Rollins fast! ONE, but he arm-drags Rollins all around! Rollins backs away to slow things down, and Carrillo grins. Rollins and Carrillo circle and tie up, and Rollins waistlocks to a headlock takeover. Carrillo headscissors but Rollins rolls to turn Carrillo. Rollins slips out to float into a chinlock, but Carrillo gets the roepbreak. Rollins lets up and the two reset. They tie up and Carrillo wrenches to a wristlock. Rollins rolls and handsprings to wrench and trip to a Half Crab! Carrillo gets another ropebreak, and Rollins backs off. Rollins and Carrillo go again, tie up, Carrillo headlocks but Rollins powers out. Carrillo shoulders Rollins but neither budges. Rollins dares Carrillo to try again, and things speed up. Carrillo dodges to springboard arm-drag Rollins to a corner! Carrillo runs in, but Rollins pops him up. Carrillo lands on ropes, springboards for a crossbody! Cover, TWO!

Rollins backs off but Carrillo whips. Rollins reverses to ROCK him with that right! Rollins throws Carrillo out and DIVES! With some stank on it! And then he rams Carrillo into barriers! Then snap suplexes him to the ramp! Rollins leaves Carrillo writhing as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again, and Rollins has Carrillo down in a mounted armlock. Fans rally for Carrillo as he endures, but Rollins drops knees on the arm. Rollins tells Carrillo he’s out of his league as he CHOPS him against ropes. Rollins then whips and DECKS Carrillo with a forearm! He wants Carrillo to get up, but he forearms and whips. Carrillo holds ropes, forearms back, but his kick is caught! Carrillo dodges the clothesline but misses his kick to get a CHOP to the back! Rollins lifts Carrillo but Carrillo slips out, ducks the punch and hits a jawbreaker! Carrillo springboard enziguris Rollins down! Rollins is dazed, Carrillo handspring arm-drags Rollins up and out! Then Carrillo FLIES! Direct hit with the Fosbury Flop! Carrillo puts Rollins in, climbs up top and leaps for a missile dropkick but whiffs! Rollisn suplexes to a Falcon Arrow! Cover, TWO!!

Rollins grows annoyed but keeps his cool. Fans chant, “We Want Wyatt!” but Rollins goes to a corner. Rollins aims as Carrillo slowly rises. Springboard flying knee hits! Cover, TWO!! Carrillo is showing his toughness, and Rollins can’t help but smile. Rollins watches Carrillo on the mat before putting him in a corner. Rollins runs corner to corner for a big forearm smash, then keeps moving, to run into a huricanrana! But he blocks it, for a buckle bomb! Carrillo staggers, into a SUPERKICK! Cover, TWO!! Carrillo still lives! Rollins chuckles, he didn’t expect this out of the new kid. Rollins goes to ropes and stomps, “BURN IT DOWN!” Fans chant along, Rollins aims at Carrillo, but Carrillo avoids the stomp to roll Rollins up! TWO, and Rollins turns into a BOOT! Rollins dodges on kick but not the second! BIG DDT from Carrillo! Carrillo puts Rollins in a drop zone, MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO!!

Carrillo can’t believe how close and yet so far he was from pinning the Universal Champion! Carrillo resets Rollins in the drop zone, tries again, but gets BOOTS! Rollins gets up, mule kick to CURB STOMP! Cover, Rollins wins!

Winner: Seth Rollins, by pinfall

It was a valiant effort, but Rollins extinguished Carrillo’s fire with his own! Rollins takes a moment collecting his thoughts, and then goes back to Carrillo in the ring. Rollins looks at Carrillo, and offers a handshake. Carrillo accepts it, as he at least won Rollins’ respect. Will Carrillo rise up and get another try one day?


R-Truth has a referee by his side.

And they spot a Singh Brothers! Truth sneaks up and rolls him up! but that’s Samir!! Sunil has the belt, and the Singh Brothers get away! “So there ARE two of them!”


The OC w/ AJ Styles VS The Street Profits w/ ???

The Phenomenal One and his Good Brothers welcomed Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins to “the fam,” with fists and stomps! But the fam rolls deeper than that, and now the numbers will be even. Who is it backing Ford & Dawkins up in their Raw main-event debut? The OC come out first to see this mystery man for themselves. “Hey, hey, Profits! Where’s this third person you said had your back?” Did they not find anyone? Were they lying? Or maybe this guy’s invisible! Or no, he’s IMAGINARY! Or is the truth that they just couldn’t find someone after what The OC did to them? The OC even cue up the footage so we can see it again. This mystery man doesn’t show themselves, but this match must happen either way! The OC head to the ring, and we’ll see this main event debut after the break.

Raw returns again as the bell rings. Ford starts against Anderson but Anderson kicks low to bump Ford off buckles. Ford throws forearms and stomps, then whips Ford corner to corner. Ford goes up and over and trips up Anderson to rain down rights! Anderson gets away but gets a dropkick! Ford shoulder shimmies to taunt Gallows, and then Dawkins feeds Anderson tot he ring. Ford dropkicks Anderson down then rains down more rights! Anderson gets away and regroups with Styles and Gallows. Anderson gets back in but gets a kick! Ford tags Dawkins and the Profits work on Anderson to run him over. Back suplex splash from Ford, but Anderson scrambles away. Tag to Gallows, and Big LG stands against the Curse of Greatness. Gallows whips, Dawkins dodges and shoulders Gallows down! Dawkins fires off big hands in the corner! But Gallows uppercuts and ROUNDHOUSES back!

Gallows drags Dawkins up to bump him off buckles then throw body shots of his own. Gallows rocks Dawkins with an uppercut, then grinds on the arm. Styles likes what he sees, and even snatches one of the headbands to wear for himself. Dawkins endures and Cleveland rallies up, and Dawkins fights back with forearms! Gallows knees low and uppercuts Dawkins back. Tag to Anderson and the OC mug Dawkins. Gallows runs in but Dawkins boots him down! Dawkins tags in Ford, and Ford speeds up to hurdle and clothesline! And then he hits Gallows for good measure! Ford fires up but Styles distracts. Anderson attacks then throws Ford out hard! YAKUZA KICK from Gallows! Anderson is on the apron, he hits a leaping knee! Ford is in trouble in OC territory as Raw goes to one last break.

Raw returns once more, and Gallows grinds on Ford’s arm. Ford fights his way up but Gallows clubs him back down. Styles likes what he sees as Gallows clamps onto Ford’s face. Ford endures and fights his way back up, to throw haymakers! Ford reaches but Gallows holds tight, and then Gallows knees low. Gallows whips Ford but runs into a boot! Ford hits Anderson away, but can’t get past Gallows! Gallows swings Ford around for a Fall Away Slam! Ford ends up back in OC territory and Gallows runs in to kick him in the ribs! Tag to Anderson and Anderson drags Ford to a cover, TWO! Anderson rains down rights over and over, then covers, TWO! Anderson clamps on with a chinlock, but fans rally up. Ford feeds of the energy and fights to his feet, but Anderson clubs him back down! Tag to Gallows, and the OC mug Ford.

Gallows whips Ford but Ford kicks back! Ford runs in but double clotheslines take both men out! Gallows and Ford crawl for their corners as Cleveland rallies up. Hot tag to Anderson, and he grabs Ford. Ford escapes the back suplex, rocks Gallows, and then flounders. Anderson runs in but is sent out! Ford hurries for his corner, but Anderson gets in, just to miss! Hot tag to Dawkins! Dawkins rallies on Anderson with big lariats and an uppercut! He dropkicks Gallows out, then dodges Anderson to pounce him into Gallows! Then he hits a bulldog! Fans fire up with Dawkins as he gives Gallows a cyclone splash! And then one for Anderson! Tag to Ford, Ford climbs up, but Gallows saves Anderson from the Electric Chair. Dawkins throws hands but so does Gallows. Dawkins clotheslines Gallows out, but Gallows drags Dawkins out! Styles shoves Ford down in the distraction! SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO!!

The OC can’t believe their misdirection didn’t work! Anderson drags Ford up and throws him out to join Dawkins. The ref keeps Anderson in, but that allows Styles to get Ford. The ref sees that and warns Styles! Styles lets go, but he is still EJECTED!! And… Here comes Kevin Owens! KO was the third man?! STUNNER for Styles! Ford runs to FLY over Anderson to take out Gallows! Dawkins is legal, SPINEBUSTER! Tag to Ford, who goes back up top, WORLD STAR FROG SPLASH! Cover, The Street Profits win!!

Winners: The Street Profits, by pinfall

What a surprise! The Prizefighter made sure the Phenomenal One got what was coming to him! And the Profits profit as they get a huge win for their Raw debut! Will this party last the whole week?



My Thoughts:

Just as SmackDown made a big rebound after the less than impressive WWE Draft, Raw also springs back up! A great development is that R-Truth failed to regain the WWE 24/7 Championship! So many nights, Truth gets that back in the final hour, but having to deal with two Singh Brothers apparently threw him off. I’m sure the Singh Brothers will have some great promos with that title given their Bollywood gimmick, and I would love if Truth followed them to 205 Live this Friday to try and take the title back. Then we got a good plug for the Crown Jewel story tonight, with Ric Flair coming out to announce McIntyre joining the team. But Flair really needs help reining in his promos, he was all over the place, though to hilarious fashion.

McIntyre VS Ricochet was incredible, and it makes sense for McIntyre to win to bring some momentum to the team. That attack to Ricochet after, though, hard to be sure if this is to replace Ricochet last minute, or to give him Face points for toughing it out and still going through with the Crown Jewel match. Aleister Black still does great in his promo tonight, but no idea why he had a squash match tonight. And with a jobber who doesn’t quite job as hard as you’d expect. I feel like he should’ve at least squash someone more established, though I can’t be sure who. At the very least, he is in a holding pattern until we’ve gotten past Crown Jewel so that he can start on a feud towards Survivor Series.

The Viking Raiders have a pretty fun match against Hawkins & Ryder, and AOP have another great promo, I really hope to see those two teams face off after Crown Jewel. The Tag Team Turmoil is coming, and it would be a great for WWE to let Viking Raiders, fka War Machine, be the best tag team today. And then AOP can test that in their feud for the titles on the way to Survivor Series. King’s Court being the vehicle for the Rusev-Lana-Lashley story was fine, and the whole thing with that tonight was okay. Obviously WWE made that restaurant Lana and Lashley were in, and cheaply. I wonder if Rusev and Lashley will end up cancelling out in the Crown Jewel Team Hogan VS Team Flair match so that it quickly goes 4v4. Those two should probably settle this feud on the way to Survivor Series, I’m just not sure how the story is going to go to get Lana back on Rusev’s side. Maybe Lashley beats Rusev down so savagely, Lana cries and shields Rusev.

The Mysterio-Shelton-Velasquez segment was also just okay, it was clearly just to keep the story with Lesnar going when Lesnar is locked into SmackDown, and even then isn’t going to be around as often. Almas VS Sin Cara was a great match, though it seems Sin Cara can still botch a bit. Vega keeps helping Almas win, and who knows if anyone ever figures out how to cancel that out. Carrillo did alright in his promo but way better in his match with Rollins. I almost thought Rollins was going to go Heel there, but he managed to hold it back. Fans were disappointed The Fiend didn’t show, but I bet his resurrection of the Firefly Fun House on SmackDown will make up for that. Carrillo may no longer be lined up for a Cruiserweight Championship story, but I bet he’ll get going just fine on Raw. I would love to see a match of Carrillo against Almas or Sin Cara, or both, for that matter.

The Street Profits were great as always, and their match with The OC was a great debut. I just wish their mystery friend was handled battler. Kevin Owens VS AJ Styles for the US Championship will still be good, but given things like Raw being in Cleveland, being on USA and his reality series still going, The Miz would’ve been a better choice. Cleveland would’ve exploded, he’d be back on Raw for the connection and as the trade for Bliss-Cross instead of “picks in next year’s draft.” Miz has always been tied to the Intercontinental Championship, which might be why he’s on SmackDown with Shinsuke and Sami to keep up their rivalry from a few weeks ago, but Miz could still build himself by getting another United States Championship reign. Also, given how they sent Kevin out only once Styles was ejected was also weird. Why not just introduce the guy and then he and Styles could end up brawling?

And one thing that was really confusing, though it didn’t necessarily take away anything, was that there was absolutely no women on the show! That is so weird that there wasn’t even a promo from Becky Lynch or a possible challenger, or even Charlotte hanging out with her dad for a minute. But in a weird way, this was a bit like a prep for how Crown Jewel won’t have any women on the show, either. I just hope this further foreshadows the SmackDown after Crown Jewel being a substitute for Evolution, with a lot of Women’s Division action and story being progressed. Bayley VS Nikki Cross for the title, Asuka & Kairi Sane visiting to defend their Women’s Tag titles, midcard stories developing, like Dana Brooke wanting to get back on TV or seeing if Lacey Evans is back to Heel or trying to be Face again. It would mean a lot to everyone not in the Saudi Arabia if Fox and SmackDown did that.

My Score: 8.4/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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