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Mitchell’s WWE 205 Live Results & Report! (1/10/20)

Look, everyone! It’s TYLER!



NEW 205 Live Coverage

205 Live just got GORGEOUS!

The Cruiserweight Division is fast, furious and FASHIONABLE now that Prince Pretty is here! Will Tyler Breeze be pretty in purple in Evansville?



  • Lio Rush VS Isaiah “Swerve” Scott; changed to…
  • The Singh Brothers VS Lio Rush & Isaiah “Swerve” Scott; Rush & Swerve win.
  • Ariya Daivari VS Jeff Brooks; Daivari wins.
  • Tyler Breeze VS Tony Nese; Breeze wins.


THE Brian Kendrick has a plan for THE New Year.

When Ariya Daivari looked to lose to Danny Burch, The Man with a Plan appeared as a pink-mask luchador to distract everyone. Daivari got away with dirty tactics to take the win, and then Kendrick took credit for creating the modern Cruiserweight Division with his long wrestling legacy. Kendrick dares the new wave to #DoSomething, but will he regret throwing down the challenge?


Byron Saxton joins commentary!

Well, he substitutes in for Tom Philips, who is busy preparing for TakeOver: Blackpool II this Sunday! But Byron is ready to enjoy the fastest moving hour in the WWE!


Lio Rush VS Isaiah “Swerve” Scott!

Speaking of fast, try not to blink or you’ll miss something! The Man of the Hour and the man that exudes smooth go 1v1 on 205 in hopes of heading full speed for the Cruiserweight Championship! Will the Ford Center become Swerve’s House? Or will this still be #Lio5Live?

The bell rings and Swerve circles with Rush. Fans cheer as the two fist bump to show this is respectful. Swerve and Rush approach, Swerve kicks but Rush ducks to whip. Swerve reverses, Rush sunset flips but Swerve slips out! Rush avoids the House Call but Swerve avoids the Come Up! Fans cheer this high-speed exchange and stand-off. Rush grins that he was very close, but they circle again. Swerve and Rush tie up as fans rally. Swerve brings Rush down with a wristlock but Rush fights up. Rush handsprings and spins and rolls to then kip up, but Swerve just stomps him down! Swerve works on the arms, torturing the other wrist. Swerve keeps Rush down and makes it a cover but Rush bridges out. Rush gets up but Swerve wrenches again. Rush uses ropes to rebound and arm-drag Swerve away!

Swerve gets up, things speed up, and Rush redirects again and again. Then Rush suddenly stops, only for Swerve to trip him up! Swerve rolls Rush to the apron but Rush shoulders back. Swerve comes back, Rush handsprings off the apron but Swerve handsprings through the ropes to be right in Rush’s face! Fans cheer as the two stare down on the outside. Rush and Swerve back off to return to the ring, and they go again. But wait, what are the Singh Brothers doing here? Aiden English is just grateful Philips isn’t here to gush over them.

Samir & Sunil dance their way down the ramp to hog the spotlight, which confuses Swerve and Rush. Sunil claps the slate and Samir rolls film, but Rush and Swerve change the script! Swerve and Rush go after the Bollywood Boys with fast hands! They put the Singhs in the ring, but the Singhs bail out! Samir and Sunil regroup and hug it out. Rush gets a mic to say, “Whatever idiotic movie you’re making right now, it’s canceled! But you guys are more than welcome to get in this ring and have a good ol’ fashioned tag match with me and Swerve.” Fans like that idea, but Samir & Sunil aren’t so sure. They’re too focused on their Bollywood production, but referees seem to discuss this change. The refs go to the ring announcer, and it’s announced! General Manager Drake Maverick has made this match OFFICIAL, and for RIGHT NOW!

The Singh Brothers VS Lio Rush & Isaiah “Swerve” Scott!

Samir & Sunil are being prima donnas about all this, but they have to do what the GM says. Will things be a Bollywood ending for the Bollywood Boys? Or will it be a Boscar snub tonight?

Samir & Sunil decide to cut and run, but Swerve goes out after them! Swerve hits Sunil from behind and gets him into the ring. Samir protests but Sunil swings on Swerve. Swerve toys with him, dodging with one hand behind his back. Then Swerve kicks Sunil back. Sunil whips Swerve to a corner but Swerve goes up and over and rolls Sunil to then headscissor him back around! Swerve grabs an arm and brings Sunil over to tag in Rush. Rush kicks then works with Swerve to whip Sunil. They double elbow Swerve down, Rush runs and Swerve gives him a boost for a splash! Cover, TWO! Rush mocks Samir’s camera rolling, but Sunil blocks Rush’s kick. Sunil flips Rush but Rush lands on his feet, for Sunil to SLAP him!

Rush is angry and chases Sunil out of the ring! And around the way! And back in! Samir tags in but Rush hits him first. Sunil knees Rush out of the ring hard, and then Samir LARIATS rush down! Swerve comes over but the Singhs stay back. Samir gets Rush in the ring and covers, ONE, but Samir wraps on a chinlock. Rush endures as Samir grinds him down and Sunil taunts the fans. Rush fights up but Samir wrangles him back down. Fans rally and Rush fights up to throw hands. Samir hits back and tags in Sunil. The Singhs SUPERKICK Russian Leg Sweep Rush down! Cover, but Swerve breaks it up! The ref keeps the peace and Swerve returns to his corner. Sunil snap suplexes Rush, covers, TWO! Sunil wraps on a chinlock of his own and grinds Rush down. Fans boo the Singhs as Samir taunts them.

Rush endures and fans rally up again. Rush fights to his feet, throws body shots and uses a jawbreaker to get free! Rush staggers but into Sunil’s back elbow! Cover, TWO! Sunil swivels the hips and does a dance to annoy Swerve. Sunil then wraps Rush back up in a chinlock. Fans rally and Rush works towards the corner, but Sunil uses body scissors to roll Rush away. Rush endures and fights up to his feet as fans rally harder. Sunil knees low and whips Rush away. Tag to Samir, and Sunil whips Samir for Samir to whip Sunil, only for Rush to BOOT him down! Rush dodges Samir’s punches to then slide under. Sunil catches Rush but Rush drops down. The Singhs avoid a collision and then grab Rush. Rush slips out of the back suplex to hot tag Swerve!

Swerve dodges Samir and throws BIG hands! Sunil blocks a kick and pushes it away, but it goes into Samir! Sunil grabs at Swerve but Swerve breaks free to ROCK Sunil! Swerve back elbows Samir then snapmares, and elbows Saimr on the shoulders! Samir writhes and staggers but Swerve hooks him up on the ropes to KICK and KICK and KICK! Sunil runs in but gets stacked on top for MORE kicks! Swerve goes up to 9, to ROUNDHOUSE Sunil for the 10th! Samir staggers and Swerve tags in Rush. Rush runs, the COME UP to the HOUSE CALL! Cover, Swerve & Rush win!

Winners: Lio Rush & Isaiah Scott, Rush pinning

It was fast, it was furious, and it was a victory for the MOTH and Swerve! Is this the beginning of a new tag team in 205 Live? At the same time, Swerve says he and Rush aren’t done. Will we get the proper conclusion in the Rush VS Swerve sequel?


Ariya Daivari VS Jeff Brooks!

The Persian Lion continues his New Year Resolution to #Protect205Live from the new wave of superstars coming in. But what he really means is that he’s worried he’ll lose his spot. Will Daivari actually have to work hard to stay on top?

The bell rings and fans cheer on Brooks. Daivari encourages the cheering as he ties up with Brooks, and then he throws Brooks down! Daivari dares Brooks to impress him and #DoSomething. The two circle and tie up, and Daivari throws Brooks down again! “That’s all you got?” Daivari SLAPS Brooks! Daivari drags Brooks up and shouts, “DO SOMETHING!” Brooks ROCKS and CHOPS Daivari back! Brooks whips but Daivari kicks him down hard! Daivari drags Brooks up, for a HUGE urenage! Daivari is furious now, and he drags Brooks up for the hammerlock and LION’S LARIAT! Cover, Daivari wins!

Winner: Ariya Daivari, by pinfall

The 205 Live OG is following the lead of THE Brian Kendrick, and is showing little mercy to his opponents. That’s made clear with a second LION’S LARIAT! Will Daivari and Kendrick continue to “protect” the Cruiserweight Division from those they deem unworthy?


205 Live shares a tweet from Drake Maverick.

“Several weeks ago, Jack Gallagher laid his hands on me, and I was forced to internally suspend him. That suspension has now been lifted. He is now free to return to 205 Live if and when he is ready to act like a ‘Gentleman’ again.” Has Gallagher cooled off from that heated moment? Or will he only return colder than ever?


Tyler Breeze VS Tony Nese!

Prince Pretty is on patrol in the purple ‘n’ orange brand! The most gorgeous Cruiserweight superstar is here, but will it get ugly for him against the Premier Athlete?

The bell rings and Nese circles with Breeze. Nese and Breeze tie up and Nese waistlocks and shoves Breeze. Nese says everyone wants to see him flex, so he does. Breeze pretends to be impressed but oddly enough, there’s a handful of fans for Nese here. But there are more fans for Breeze and they start dueling. Breeze and Nese tie up, go around, and Nese headlocks. Breeze powers out but Nese runs him over with a shoulder. Nese soaks up the heat and things speed up. Breeze hurdles, Nese stops but Breeze dropkicks Nese down! Breeze flexes back at Nese and fans cheer. Nese tells one fan to “sit down before you have a heart attack.” But Nese turns around for Breeze to trip him up and catapult him at the buckles! Nese hits hard but Breeze is on him fast with a snap suplex! Cover, TWO and Nese bails out to the apron.

Breeze walks over, Nese shoulders in then slingshots up and over. Nese waistlocks but Breeze bucks him off, to mule kick back. Nese elbows from a corner, then jumps up and over. Things speed up, Breeze body scissors and rolls Nese up, to then shift to a Half Crab! Nese endures and crawls to get the ropebreak! Breeze lets up and Nese stands, for Breeze to clothesline out of the ring! Fans fire up for Breeze as he goes out to fetch Nese. Breeze clubs Nese on the back hard and fans cheer again. Breeze follows Nese around the way to club harder, then waves to fans. Breeze clubs even harder before putting Nese on the apron. Breeze makes sure everyone is watching, but Nese puts the apron skirt over Breeze’s head! And then Nese dropkicks Breeze down!

Nese goes out to fetch Breeze now, giving back those clubbing forearms. Nese fires up but fans boo as Nese bumps Breeze off the apron. The ring count climbs to 5 before Nese puts Breeze in. Cover, TWO, but Nese keeps his cool. Nese stands Breeze up to CHOP to a corner, but fans still boo as Nese stomps a mudhole into Breeze. Breeze is down and the ref backs Nese off, but Nese just soaks up more heat as he flexes. Nese goes back to Breeze to bring him up, but Breeze rolls Nese! ONE, inside cradle, ONE! Nese waistlocks and shoves Breeze but Breeze sunset flips, only for Nese to slip out and mule KICK! Cover, TWO! Nese drags Breeze into the body scissors! Breeze endures the squeeze from Nese as fans rally up. Nese pulls Breeze’s hair to taunt him but the ref reprimands.

Breeze continues to endure and fights against the hold. Nese shifts to a facelock but Breeze gets up to jawbreaker free! Fans cheer as Breeze boots Nese! Then rallies with forearms! Breeze mule kicks and runs to dropkick! Nese wobbles and Breeze whips, but Nese reverses to slide and pump handle! Nese lifts, Breeze slips out and chicken wings, but Nese breaks free to back suplex. Breeze lands on his feet to enziguri! Nese flounders out of the ring but Breeze builds speed, only to run into an enziguri from Nese! Breeze flops out of the ring, Nese LARIATS him down at high speed! Nese drags Breeze up and in and covers, TWO! Nese won’t let up, he rains down angry left hands! Nese glares and drags Breeze to a drop zone. Premier Lionsault FLOPS! Breeze wraps Nese up, sideways backstabber! Cover, TWO!! Nese survives and crawls to a corner.

Breeze shakes the doubt away as fans rally up behind him. Breeze goes to Nese but Nese puts him in the corner and up top, SHORYUKEN! Nese climbs to join Breeze but Breeze slips out to tuck Nese in! SUPERKICK! Nese flops down and Breeze covers, TWO! Nese still lives and Breeze grows frustrated. Breeze gets up and fans fire up again as he stalks behind Nese. Breeze chicken wings and turns Nese but Nese gets a ropebreak. Breeze lets go but Nese throat chops! And then bulldog hotshots! Triangle jump LIONSAULT! Cover, TWO!! Breeze lives and Nese is furious! But the fans are fired up for Breeze as he and Nese slowly rise. Nese says “You don’t belong on MY show!” The ref backs Nese off in the corner and Nese argues with him. Nese whips Breeze out and back around, and almost into the ref! Breeze stops himself, Nese rolls him up, TWO!!

Breeze KNEES outta nowhere! And waistlocks, to German Suplex! But Nese lands on his feet, and dropkicks Breeze down! Prince Pretty gets wrecked and ends up in a corner. Fans rally but Nese has his target. Nese runs side to side, but into the SUPER MODEL KICK! But then he flops out of the ring! Breeze missed his window and can’t believe it. A ring count begins but Breeze slowly fetches after Nese. Breeze drags Nese into the ring and hurries up top. Nese leaps up but Breeze shoves him back down! Breeze leaps, but FLOPS as Nese gets clear! La Magistrol GETS BLOCKED!! Breeze wins!!

Winner: Tyler Breeze, by pinfall

Prince Pretty snatches one away from the Premier Athlete! Nese is furious but that was fair and square. Will Breeze use this momentum to strut his way to a fashionable Cruiserweight Championship match?



My Thoughts:

A good episode that at least held the audience’s attention better than previous episodes. I was hoping Drake Maverick’s tweet from today was indicating more from him and Jack Gallagher, but apparently it wasn’t for this week. Maybe next week. And I was hoping more from THE Brian Kendrick this week, but the recap video seemed enough. Ariya Daivari beating down jobber Jeff Brooks, aka the guy who swerved Rusev a restraining order that one time, was apparently good enough progress in the story since Daivari was borrowing “Do something!” Actually, Miz and Ziggler brought that into WWE first when they started a short feud, but since that didn’t go anywhere, nice to see these guys using it.

Rush VS Swerve was off to a great start, but it was actually pretty clever to give us them against the Singh Brothers outta nowhere, too. That match was pretty good, and of course Rush and Swerve win, but I also like that Swerve wants us to keep in mind those two can have a rematch sometime later on. When these two get a full match, that will be great stuff, but I also wouldn’t mind seeing Rush and Swerve be a team in the NXT Tag Team Division in 2020. And I was actually pretty pumped for Breeze being back in the Cruiserweight Division but I just knew it was going to be Nese in that match with him. This sadly shows, once again, how gutted the Cruiserweight Division ended up thanks to the previous WWE Draft. It was still a solid match, fans love Breeze, and while not forgetting Fandango, Breeze having a story for the Cruiserweight title could be really great for 205 Live.

My Score: 8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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