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Mitchell’s WWE Money in the Bank Results & Report! (5/10/20)

Prepare to climb the corporate ladder!




Money in the Bank: In Your Office!

Six men and six women prepare to climb to corporate ladder! Who reaches the roof, takes down the briefcase, and becomes 2020 Mr. & Ms. MITB?


  • Kickoff Show – Jeff Hardy VS Cesaro; Hardy wins.
  • SmackDown Tag Team Championship Fatal 4 Way: The New Day VS Lucha House Party VS The Forgotten Sons VS The Miz & John Morrison; The New Day wins and retains the SmackDown Tag Team Championships.
  • MVP VS R-Truth; changed to…
  • Bobby Lashley VS R-Truth; Lashley wins.
  • SmackDown Women’s Championship: Bayley w/ Sasha Banks VS Tamina; Bayley wins and retains the SmackDown Women’s Championship.
  • WWE Universal Championship: Braun Strowman VS Bray Wyatt; Strowman wins and retains the WWE Universal Champion.
  • WWE World Championship: Drew McIntyre VS Seth Rollins; McIntyre wins and retains the WWE World Championship.
  • Money in the Bank Corporate Ladder Match: Otis becomes Mr. MITB, Asuka becomes Ms. MITB.


It’s the Money in the Bank Kickoff Show!

Join Scott Stanford and Peter Rosenberg in discussing, analyzing and predicting everything that’s about to happen on the most unique Money in the Bank PPV we’ve ever had!


Renee Young, Booker T and JBL join the show via video!

What are the predictions for the Women’s MITB winner? Booker gives JBL a quick shout out as the soon to be Hall of Famer. That ring is in the mail! But when it comes to these women, Shayna Baszler is a wrecking ball, and she is going to be the one to win that contract. JBL says it is an honor to be with King Bookah and Renee the Queen of Canada. To his pick, JBL was in Japan back in the day, got himself a traditional symbol of honor that is a samurai sword. He is using that as his way of saying Asuka is winning! Renee thinks Lacey Evans is winning because she is hungry for another shot at the SmackDown Women’s Championship.


Backstage interview with The New Day!

The odds may not be in their favor in tonight’s Fatal 4 Way, and the Forgotten Sons could come out of nowhere to win this. Big E says there are more people in this match than Earl Thomas’ Air BNB. The Forgotten Sons may be here but they ain’t scaring Big E and Kofi. This isn’t Texas Chainsaw Massacre, the Nightmare on Elm Street, or Up! Wait, Disney Pixar’s Up? Big E doesn’t like balloons. But what is before us is a challenge, and The New Day don’t run! Whether it’s a regular, a Triple Threat, a Fatal 4 or a Pancake on a Pole, ya bois always gonna come out on top. And why is that? BECAUSE~! New! Day Rocks!


WWE shares Tamina’s video.

The Samoan steamroller has a reputation of “being mean.” But that’s not the case at all. She’s just misunderstood. Tamina tries to play nice but it never seems to work out. Like that time Lana was her manager, or all those other times she beat up someone. Come this Money in the Bank, Tamina is breaking the mold, and Bayley’s jaw, to become the NEW SmackDown Women’s Champion. If you don’t like that, you can go f*BEEEP* But just so you know, there’s nobody meana than Tamina.


Kickoff Show – Jeff Hardy VS Cesaro!

The Charismatic Enigma restarts the comeback, but the Swiss Cyborg wants to stop it before it begins. Will Cesaro end the “good run” before Sheamus even gets a chance to?

The bell rings and Hardy ties up with Cesaro. They go around, Cesaro headlocks but Hardy powers out. Cesaro runs Hardy over and covers, TWO! Cesaro drags Hardy up, headlocks again, but Hardy pries at the hold. Hardy can’t get away before Cesaro drags him down and digs in on the chin. Hardy reverses the headlock to his own, but Cesaro powers up and out. Hardy runs Cesaro over but things speed up. Cesaro goes to hip toss but Hardy reverses with one of his own. Hardy hits a BIG atomic drop, then a full nelson spin to snapmare and neck snap! Cesaro bails out but Hardy goes out the other side. Hardy lines up a shot, runs and uses the steps, to fly! Into Cesaro’s arms! Cesaro TOSSES Hardy into the barriers, then dumps him over! Cesaro leaves Hardy behind and goes to the ring. The ring count climbs past 5 but Hardy gets up. Hardy drags himself up and over the barriers, and gets in the ring at 9.5! But Cesaro stomps away on him at the ropes!

Cesaro digs his heel into Hardy’s head! The ref backs Cesaro off but he drags Hardy up to choke him on the ropes! The ref counts again and Cesaro lets off, to run and body slide! Hardy is down and Cesaro goes up the ropes. Cesaro leaps to elbow Hardy back down! Cover, TWO! Cesaro wraps Hardy up in a half straitjacket, and uses a free hand to smudge the face paint. Hardy endures as Cesaro leans on him, but fights his way up. Cesaro knees Hardy down then whips him corner to corner. Hardy reverses hard and hits a clothesline! Hardy kicks but Cesaro blocks, only to get the spinning back heel! Cesaro staggers about, Hardy dropkicks him off the apron! Hardy pursues, whips, but Cesaro reverses HARD! Hardy goes right into the LED aprons chest first! Cesaro whips Hardy back into the LED to go after those ribs! He puts Hardy back in the ring and climbs up the ropes. Cesaro drops a leg and covers, TWO! Hardy toughs it out but Cesaro looms over him. Cesaro STOMPS Hardy right in the ribs!

Cesaro drags Hardy up and hits a neck snap of his own. Cover, TWO! Cesaro drags Hardy up and throws European Uppercuts. Hardy rebounds to forearm back, but Cesaro gives more EuroUppers! Cesaro drags Hardy up, whips him to ropes, and catches him into a cobra twist! Cesaro stretches Hardy and clubs away on the ribs. He unzips Hardy’s mesh shirt to club him harder. Hardy endures, and hip tosses free! Both men are down but Cesaro is up first to CLOBBER Hardy! Cesaro hammers away with elbows and forearms, then covers, TWO! Hardy refuses to lose, but Cesaro keeps his eyes on Hardy. Hardy flounders but Cesaro drags Hardy up to his feet. Cesaro suplexes high and hard, then covers, TWO! Cesaro grows annoyed with Hardy, and he clamps on with a smothering chinlock. He cranks on Hardy’s neck and adds an arm into the hold.

Hardy endures this modified clutch, fights his way up and fights back with elbows and body shots. Jawbreaker! Cesaro staggers back but Hardy is down. Cesaro comes back with hands but Hardy counter punches! They brawl and Hardy whips. Cesaro reverses but Hardy runs him over! Hardy hits an atomic drop to the leg splitting leg drop! Basement dropkick added on, cover, TWO! Hardy’s back and legs are slowing him down but he gets to his feet. He kicks Cesaro low but no Twist yet! Cesaro shoves free, but walks into an elbow. Hardy goes up, but Cesaro trips him! Cesaro climbs up behind Hardy, clubs him on the back, then brings him into a gut wrench! Hardy resists and elbows free, and down goes Cesaro! Cesaro gets up for WHISPER IN THE WIND! Cover, TWO!! Cesaro survives but both men are down. Cesaro clutches a knee while he sits up. Hardy is on him but Cesaro throws a EuroUpper! And another! And another, but into the backslide! Cover, ONE, and the two roll.

Cesaro gets up, spins Hardy around, but Hardy dodges! Kick, TWIST OF FATE! Cover, TWO!! Cesaro survives again and Hardy can’t believe it! Hardy stands up again, drags Cesaro back up and scoops. Powerslam! Hardy heads to the corner, climbs up top, but Cesaro UPPERCUTS first! Cesaro climbs, SUPER GUT WRENCH SUPLEX! Cover, TWO!?! Hardy still lives and Cesaro is furious. Cesaro drags Hardy up and reels him in. But no Neutralizer as Hardy back drops out! Cesaro LARIATS! Cover, TWO! Hardy rolls away to the apron and staggers to the ramp. Cesaro goes out the side and runs in, to EuroUpper Hardy against barriers! Cesaro whips, Hardy reverses, and Cesaro smashes into steel steps! The knee takes the hit, and Hardy tight rope walks the barriers. Hardy leaps to body check Cesaro! Hardy puts Cesaro in, climbs up top, SWANTON BOMB! Cover, Hardy wins!

Winner: Jeff Hardy, by pinfall

The comeback has begun! But that was a hard fought victory for Hardy! Will it only get harder from here knowing the Celtic Warrior will want his turn?


Booker, Renee and JBL return!

How do they see the Corporate Ladder match working out? Well they’ve all been to the WWE HQ and seen all the great features of the “shrine to this business.” JBL won’t give anything away, but he will say Titan Towers is very secure. Seems the locks will be left off tonight. And it’s a bit of a maze, so maybe there should be a map. But JBL’s choice is Aleister Black as Mr. MITB. Booker’s favorite moment at HQ was JBL giving that “weather report” during the blizzard. But as a fan of Bruce Lee and the Game of Death, going floor by floor, who knows how this MITB match will feel. Booker is ready to see AJ Styles turn it up and win. Renee agrees, Styles could be a favorite for being back so soon. But who wouldn’t want to see Otis do the Caterpillar on a ladder? Not JBL or Booker. Baron Corbin might also have an edge, but no previous experience really applies. Expect the unexpected, like what Macho Man used to say. JBL does agree with Booker’s idea of The Game of Death, this could be wild.


The most unique Money in the Bank EVER.

The risk is worth the reward. “Welcome to WWE Global Headquarters.” Proceed to the elevator. Going up to ultimate chaos. Incredible odds, unpredictable opponents, and never-before-seen obstacles. This ride and this building will force you to ride through every floor, go through every opponent, and put everything on the line. The climb up the corporate ladder starts now. Who is going up? And who is going down?


SmackDown Tag Team Championship Fatal 4 Way: The New Day VS Lucha House Party VS The Forgotten Sons VS The Miz & John Morrison!

AWWWW~ people at home~! The EIGHT-TIME champs are already risking a lot in this eight man, four team title match! Will they beat the odds and beat three teams in one night?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, every team takes a corner. Two men must start, so we start with Kofi and Gran Metalik. Metalik and Kofi tie up, Metalik waistlocks but Kofi standing switches. Metalik headlocks then wrenches to a wristlock. Kofi rolls, handsprings and wrenches back. Kofi sweeps then splashes down, cover, ONE! Metalik is up and circles with Kofi again. They tie up, Kofi wristlocks and wrenches but Metalik handsprings and wrenches back. Metalik arm-drags then kips up to show off. Miz and Morrison talk trash but Metalik headlocks Kofi. Kofi powers out and things speed up. Kofi hurdles and elbows Metalik down! Metalik gets up but Kofi is right on him. Kofi whips but Metalik huricanranas back! Kofi rushes in and Metalik kicks back. Metalik runs but into a mule kick! Kofi runs but Wesley Blake tags in!

Blake throws Kofi out, sucker punches Big E then sucker punches Lince Dorado! Blake drags Metalik up to throw uppercuts then tags in Cutler. The Sons drag Metalik up to double backbreaker! Then they go after Miz & Morrison, but those two get clear. The Sons whip Metalik but he springboards to below them both down! Morrison tags in and kicks Metalik in the ribs! Morrison drags Metalik up and whips but Metalik reverses. Metalik dropkicks Morrison down in the corner, then climbs up top. Miz runs over but gets a boot. Morrison rocks Metalik first and brings him up, for a SUPER SPANISH FLY ONTO EVERYONE ELSE!! All eight men are down, but Jaxson Ryker checks on his guys. Metalik puts Morrison in, and springboards for a splash! Cover, TWO! Metalik almost had this one, but it’s not Lucha Time yet.

Morrison ROCKS Metalik, Cutler tags in, and Metalik leap frogs over Morrison, Metalik rocks Cutler then mule kicks Morrison, but Ryker trips Metalik up! Cutler stomps away and then BOOTS Metalik down! Cutler drags Metalik up, whips and elbows him down. Cover, TWO! Cutler stomps Metalik then drags him up. Tag to Blake, and Blake runs for Cutler to hip toss him onto Metalik! Cover, TWO! Blake kicks Metalik around and brings him up, just to elbow and dropkick him down! Cover, TWO! Blake and Big E talk smack but Blake clamps onto Metalik. Blake thrashes Metalik around in the chinlock but Metalik endures. Metalik fights up, throws body shots, but Blake elbows and elbows away. Tag to Cutler and the Sons both sucker punch The New Day! Cutler hurries up top and Blake lifts Metalik. Metalik huricanranas Blake out, then boots Cutler! Metalik hops up to tornado DDT! Morrison tags in off Cutler, but Metalik hot tags Lince! The Golden Lynx springboards to hit Morrison, then knocks Miz off the apron!

Lince keeps moving and QUEBRADAS! Cover but Miz drags Lince off. DROPSAULT! Cover, TWO!! Morrison flounders but puts Lince on the apron. Lince kicks back then springboards to DRAGON-RANA!! Cover, Blake breaks it! Kofi tags in to clobber Blake! FLYING CHUCK from Morrison! Morrison tags in Miz and they drag Kofi up. They double back suplex but Kofi lands on his feet, to DOUBLE STOMP! Cover on Miz, TWO! Kofi keeps moving and Penalty Kicks Miz down! Then he hits the NEW~ DAY~ Boom Drop! Kofi claps up but Ryker glares at him. Miz blocks Trouble in Paradise but Kofi denies the figure four! Cutler tags in, but so does Big E! cutler clotheslines Kofi out and goes right at Big E in the corner! He drags Big E up for a rain of rights, but Kofi tags back in! Kofi kicks Cutler, Big E has Cutler up, DOUBLE STOMP BOMB!! Cover, TWO!?! Cutler survives and Kofi can’t believe it!

Kofi tags Big E back in, and Big E scoops Cutler. Morrison shoves Kofi down! Blake tags in and they have Big E, but then Miz tags in! MEMORY REMAINS!! But Morrison hits a shining wizard! FINALE for Blake! Morrison tags in, STARSHIP PAIN!! Cover, Lucha House Party breaks it! Miz goes after Lince then Metalik. Metalik enziguris back, Lince SUPERKICKS! Morrison kicks Lince low then whips. Lince handsprings, GOLDEN REWIND! Metalik tags in off Morrison, but Morrison boots Lince. Metalik hits a SUPER STEINER! Big E stirs but Metalik is on him. Big E shoves, Lince tags in. Metalik escapes the big ending and Lince enziguris! Double enziguri! Big E is down, Metalik tags back in. BIG SPLASH from Lince, springboard MACHO ELBOW from Metalik! Cover, the Forgotten Sons break it! Cutler and Blake throw Metalik out hard then go back to Big E. The Sons drag Big E up, double whip, but Big E holds ropes. Big E dumps both Sons out then gives Kofi the BOOST! Kofi takes out Blake but Cutler POSTS Kofi!

Big E clobbers Cutler then builds speed. But Ryker dumps Big E out! No disqualifications in a Fatal 4, but the ref EJECTS Ryker! The Sons are furious but LHP DOUBLE SPRINGBOARD and take out the Sons, Miz and Morrison! Metalik crawls back to the ring just as Big E enters. Metalik springboards, but Big E rolls the crossbody over! Kofi gives Lince TROUBLE IN PARADISE! BIG ENDING!! Cover, The New Day win!!

Winners: The New Day, by pinfall (still SmackDown Tag Team Champions)

Chaos opens the night, but the gold stays with Kofi and Big E! Will any team find a way to end the eighth reign?


Lacey Evans speaks.

“Now this may be my first Money in the Bank Ladder match, but it is just the match I was made to win.” Lacey is US made, and by the US Marine Corps. That is where she learned the key to victory is proper preparation and a well-laid plan. She has studied the weaknesses of her opponents, and has memorized the WWE HQ layout. She is ready to fight her way up to the roof, climb the ladder, and become Ms. Money in the Bank. So Bayley, that means the Woman’s Right is ready any time Lacey wants. But will it even be Bayley that has the belt by the end of tonight?


Backstage interview with Drew McIntyre!

The world champion gives a big Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers of the world. And tonight is his first WWE Championship title defense since WrestleMania. McIntyre beat Brock Lesnar (and Big Show), but now must face a man that has defeated Lesnar: Seth Rollins. Many think McIntyre is an underdog champion, but McIntyre doesn’t see it. He knows that at first glance, he is Goliath. And everyone knows Rollins is one of the most talented and decorated of all time. But here’s the thing: there’s this thing called heard. There’s also passion and desire. McIntyre has worked his life to get the title. Rollins’ biggest problem is his mouth. So McIntyre is going to close that mouth in Claymore Country, by breaking that jaw.


MVP VS R-Truth!

Montel Vontavius Porter returns to MITB but not the way he’d hoped. But even so, he hopes to be THE MVP very soon. Will Truth show him #WhatsUp tonight?

Before the match, Truth asks the WWE Universe at home to make some noise! Yeah, that’s what he’s talking about. What’s up?! Well Truth has always been a bit loopy. Will that hold him back or help him out tonight? MVP makes his entrance and gets a mic. He doesn’t like that Truth tried to do the pose with him. Truth isn’t going to teach MVP how to ball. MVP taught the WWE about ballin’ so what can Truth teach him? Truth can teach MVP how to be BALLIN~! Two points right there. Then, BALLIN~! Three points! Truth says he can score six in one! BALLIN~! If Truth don’t get his fake Young Thug, offset Future wannabe mug out of MVP’s face… Truth is trying to help MVP help him help MVP. MVP says he’ll help Truth, alright.

But wait, Bobby Lashley comes out to the ring? He’s not scheduled here, because he also missed out on a spot in the MITB match. Lashley gets in the ring and takes a mic from MVP. “I’ve got this one.” That’s what’s up. MVP tags out, so to speak, and now Truth has a Rocky Mountain to climb!

Bobby Lashley VS R-Truth!

The bell rings and Truth doesn’t understand why only MVP gets the night off. Truth accidentally slaps Lashley as he turns to show “the whole big world” to him. Lashley glares and Truth apologizes. Truth dodges and wants Lashley to cool off. He hasn’t even taken his jacket off! Truth throws the jacket off, then tries to oldest trick in the book. But Lashley catches Truth and fires off in the corner! Lashley RAMS Truth over and over, then digs his forearms in. Lashley runs to RAM again! Truth flops down and Lashley is seething. Lashley drags Truth up to TOSS him across the ring! Truth writhes but Lashley watches him get to a corner. Lashley runs corner to corner, but runs into boots! Truth runs into Lashley’s SPINE BUSTER! Lashley toys with Truth, drags him up, and suplexes him. Lashley holds Truth up but Truth slips out! Truth kicks low, runs and misses the scissor kick. SPEAR!! Cover, Lashley wins!

Winner: Bobby Lashley, by pinfall

MVP’s substitute just taught Truth a lesson in self-awareness. Will Truth think twice before crossing paths with Lashley?


Baron Corbin speaks.

“WWE Universe, it feels good to be your king.” Look at all the amazing things he’s accomplished! He rid the world of Elias, beat the crap out of Drew Gulak, and handled the “desperate and needy” Daniel Bryan. Corbin’s team won on SmackDown, and he stood tall on the ladder. But the best is yet to come, because tonight he claims his second MITB victory. Now this year’s match is like no other before it, because it happens at WWE HQ, and the contract is on the roof! Even someone as brilliant as Corbin isn’t sure what to expect. But what he does know is that the risk IS worth the reward of having everyone now refer to him as King Money in the Bank. Corbin puts on his crown, but will he really have the treasure to go with it?


Backstage interview with Bayley and Sasha Banks.

Just as the “role models” are headed to gorilla, Kayla asks them about that coming match. Obviously they want to talk about how dominant Tamina is, but Bayley has business to take care of. Kayla brings up how Sasha’s failure to stop Lacey Evans allowed Tamina to pin Bayley. Does Bayley blame Sasha for the loss? NO! Bayley does NOT blame Sasha. Bayley is going to still win because she is SmackDown’s most dominant champion ever! So they’ve got to go. The strange thing is, Sasha didn’t actually speak for herself there. Will actions speak louder than words in mere  moments?

SmackDown Women’s Championship: Bayley w/ Sasha Banks VS Tamina!

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and this intense encounter begins!

The two circle and Bayley wants Tamina to pay attention to her. Bayley slaps and pushes Tamina around, wanting to see angry Tamina. Nice won’t win titles! Bayley throws body shots and punches, but Tamina blocks the whip! Tamina whips Bayley and clobbers her from behind! Bayley staggers up to a corner but Tamina stomps her down. Tamina whips corner to corner but Bayley goes up and hops on for a sleeper hold! Tamina rams Bayley into buckles until she’s free. She suplexes Bayley hard, then covers, TWO! Sasha coaches Bayley and Bayley complains Tamina had the tights. Tamina catches Bayley and clubs her on the back. She puts Bayley up top and pie faces in return. Tamina dares Bayley to be cocky now. Bayley stays up top and Tamina backs off. Tamina dares Bayley to come back for more and Bayley slowly climbs down. Bayley and Tamina approach, but Tamina kicks low to scoop slam hard! Bayley bails out and Tamina waits for her to return. Sasha distracts Tamina and Bayley trips Tamina up!

Bayley drags Tamina to a corner and SLAMS a leg against the post! Sasha taunts Tamina as Bayley SLAMS the leg again! The ref tells Sasha to stay back but Bayley gets in the ring. Bayley stomps Tamina down then throws forearms. Bayley tells commentary to call her a role model, as she dropkicks the leg against the apron! Then Bayley smashes the leg on the apron edge! Sasha applauds as Bayley goes back in and covers. TWO, but Bayley looms over Tamina. Bayley grabs the bad leg and stomps it! Tamina clutches her knee but Bayley knees her in the back. Bayley starts going after the arms now, and then drops an elbow. Cover, TWO! Sasha is annoyed with the ref and Bayley looms over Tamina again. Bayley drags Tamina up but Tamina throws hands! Tamina uppercuts and Bayley falls back! Bayley staggers into a headbutt! Bayley goes to a corner, Tamina runs in and corner splashes!

Tamina hobbles but fires up! She comes back, to HIP ATTACK! Bayley is in a daze as she staggers up. Tamina SUPERKICKS, but into a KNEEBAR! Bayley knew it was coming and she has Tamina’s leg! Tamina endures, rolls, and gets the ropebreak! The ref counts and Bayley lets go at 4. Bayley drags Tamina by the bad leg and stomps again. She throws forearms on Tamina at the ropes, but Tamina pushes her down. Tamina hobbles, into a KNEE! Fireman’s carry, but Tamina’s weight topples Bayley over! Both women are down and Sasha is panicking. Bayley crawls towards a corner but Tamina goes after her foot. Bayley kicks Tamina until she lets go. Bayley bails out and regroups with Sasha before going after Tamina with fury! She slams Tamina on the apron then clubs her across the neck. “Ten years my ass!” Oh but Happy Mother’s Day. Bayley SLAPS Tamina, then asks for water. Sasha takes Corey Graves’ bottle, and Bayley sips. Then she SPLASHES Tamina with water!

Tamina is enraged! Tamina grabs Bayley by her head, and throws her into the ropes, to then LARIAT! Sasha is freaking out as Bayley flounders up. Tamina throws her into the ladders at ringside! Tamina drags Bayley up to throw into the ring then stalks up behind her. Fireman’s carry but Bayley flails and gets to the apron. SUPERKICK sends Bayley down! Tamina catches her breath before fetching Bayley. Tamina’s rage is still burning, and she TOSSES Bayley over the announce desk! The ring count climbs but Tamina drags Bayley up. Tamina throws Bayley into more barriers, then puts her in the ring. Tamina climbs up to the top rope, SUPER- No! She saw Bayley’s boots coming and uses those to throw Bayley up. SUPERKICK, SAMOAN DROP!! But Sasha slides in! The ref stops her short and Tamina glares at her. Sasha slides back out, but Tamina pursues! Tamina chases Sasha around the way, grabs a foot, but Bayley runs in! Tamina scoops Bayley but Bayley hits the crucifix! Cover, Bayley wins!!

Winner: Bayley, by pinfall (still SmackDown Women’s Champion)

But Tamina doesn’t care! She has the fireman’s carry again! But Sasha chop blocks and KNEES Tamina down! The Boss has courage now that the match is over, and she gets the belt for her best friend. Will Sasha continue to watch Bayley’s back now, then and forever?


Seth Rollins speaks.

“Drew McIntyre knows who I am. Drew McIntyre knows what I am capable of. And most importantly, deep down in his heart, Drew McIntyre understands that it is MY destiny to defeat him tonight to become the WWE Champion.” In spite of all that, McIntyre is still willing to step into the fire with Rollins. Rollins admires that courage. So much so, Rollins will do McIntyre the favor of his life. Rollins will unburden McIntyre. This is not McIntyre’s industry, company or show to lead into the future. That duty is Rollins’ and his alone. So when Rollins beats McIntyre tonight, it will not be just for McIntyre’s good, but it will be for the greater good. The WWE Universe needs Rollins as champion, and Rollins needs to be the Monday Night Messiah. Will Rollins burn down Claymore Country to rebuild his own legacy?


WWE Universal Championship: Braun Strowman VS Bray Wyatt!

The Monster Among Men must revisit his past with the Eater of Worlds. Bray wants to rewrite the story between him and The Black Sheep, just as he did with John Cena. But will he get the happy ending he’s always wanted? Or will Braun refuse to play his games?

The introductions are made and this is indeed Firefly Fun House Bray that takes on Braun tonight. The belt is raised, and this horror story turned fantasy finally comes full circle!

Bray laughs but Braun just stares him down. Bray wants Braun to take it easy, but Braun shoves him to a corner! The time for talk is over. “Well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.” The two tie up and Braun backs Bray down to ROCK him with that right. Braun whips and runs Bray over but Bray just laughs as he goes back to a corner. Bray forgot how strong Braun is. Braun says he’s not the boy he was when they met. The two circle and tie up again. Bray kicks low, uppercuts and headlocks. Braun powers out and runs Bray over again! Bray winces as he bails out. Braun shows no mercy as he goes out and throws BIG hands! Braun bumps Bray off the steel steps and Bray is dazed, but still laughing. But then Braun POSTS Bray hard! Braun looms over Bray as the ring count climbs. Braun drags Bray up and puts him in the ring at 6. He follows and runs corner to corner, for a big corner splash!

Braun roars as Bray flops and flounders back out of the ring. Bray crawls but Braun goes back out. The Strowman Express is on the tracks, but Bray sends him crashing over the announce desk! Bray used Strowman’s strength against him! Bray goes back to the ring to refresh the count and catch his breath. Braun drags himself up and back to ringside but Bray is watching with a big smile on his face. Wait, Huskis the pig boy is here?! Huskis is cheering Bray on as Bray gives Braun a DDT to the floor! Bray drags Braun up and into the ring, and runs to LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Bray drops a back senton fast! Braun flounders out of the ring now and Bray smiles again. Bray pursues Braun now and hammers him at the timekeeper’s area. Bray RAMS Braun into steel steps! Braun is in a daze and Bray is emotional. “Look what you made me do!” Bray doesn’t want to hurt Braun but he puts him in the ring. “I’m sorry.” The spider walk returns! Bray drags Bruan up but Braun CHOPS him!

Braun runs into a boot and Bray hops up. Bray reels Braun in, for a tornado DDT! He drags Braun up fast, for SISTER ABIGAIL! Cover, TWO!?! Braun survives and Bray is stunned! But Bray also manages to smile and laugh in disbelief. Braun gasps and Bray shouts, “I know!” Bray watches Braun stand up, and he has an evil glare on his face. A kiss good night, but Braun clamps on! CHOKE SLAM!! Bray is writhing again and Braun is floundering about. Bray gets to a corner and Braun runs in for a big corner splash! Braun keeps moving, and hits another splash! THen he throws Bray out of the ring! The Strowman Express is on the tracks again, and he RAMS Bray into barriers! Braun is furious as he drags Bray up again. Braun puts Bray in the ring, but Bray BOOTS Braun back out! Both men are down but it’s Braun on the outside. Champion’s Advantage means this count will only help Braun.

But Braun has put on the black sheep mask?! Bray is so happy to see THIS Braun is back! “I told them!” Bray asks if Braun understands what this means. Braun tears off his shirt, and Bray says this time will be “perfect.” Braun kneels beside Bray and they both praise the buzzards. Bray stands, laughing all the way. “I told them, Braun. I told them.” Braun stands with Bray, and they hug it out. Mercy, Abby and the other puppets show themselves. But wait, Braun takes off the mask?! Did he not fall for the trick? Braun STOMPS the mask, scoops Bray up, and hits the MONSTER SLAM!! Cover, Braun wins!!

Winner: Braun Strowman, by pinfall (still WWE Universal Champion)

Braun says he told Bray that he wasn’t getting in Braun’s head! Bray didn’t create Braun, Braun did this all on his own! After defying his inner demons, will the Monster Among Men ever be slain? Unless… Will Bray give “him” a turn in these dark mind games?


The Messenger speaks!

“You want to know who I am? I am everywhere. I see everyone. I hear everything.” He is the truth, and no one is safe. He’s in. Every video camera in the WWE Universe acts as his eyes, but we will soon hear the truth.


WWE World Championship: Drew McIntyre VS Seth Rollins!

We have heard from both the Scottish Stud and the Monday Night Messiah tonight. But now, their actions will decide the fate of Monday Night Raw, and by extension, the WWE itself! Will Claymore Country lead the resistance against Rollins’ delusions? Or is destiny becoming reality before our very eyes?

The introductions are made, Rollins has a far more grandiose entrance theme now, and the belt is raised. The bell rings, and the fight for Raw’s future begins!

McIntyre and Rollins circle and tie up. McIntyre powers Rollins to a corner but lets up as the ref calls for the break. He lets Rollins come out and the two go again. Rollins waistlocks but McIntyre hooks a leg. Rollins shifts ot a headlock but McIntyre lifts him up. Rollins holds on but McIntyre powers out the second try. McIntyre runs Rollins over and Rollins bails out. Rollins takes his time pacing around the ring before returning. The two circle and tie up again, and Rollins goes for a leg. McIntyre blocks the takedown and facelocks. Rollins works on the hold and reverses to a wrench. Rollins hammerlocks but McIntyre steps through to wrench and headlock. Rollins powers out but McIntyre runs him over! And again! And then clotheslines Rollins out! Rollins gets up but McIntyre is waiting. McIntyre says he’s even going to let Rollins have a breather, because he’s enjoying this. Rollins comes back and circles with McIntyre again.

The two tie up, McIntyre powers Rollins back again but Rollins uses that to put McIntyre in the corner. Rollins throws a cheap shot then more, and a CHOP! He whips but McIntyre reverses. McIntyre stays clear of Rollins going up and over, to CHOP him down! McIntyre throws hands then whips corner to corner hard! And then even harder the other way! Rollins tumbles up and back into a CHOP! McIntyre won’t let up, he dead lift suplexes! Cover, ONE, surprisingly. McIntyre rocks Rollins with a right then CHOPS Him in a corner! Rollins staggers but McIntyre scoops him. Rollins slips out an dropkicks a leg out! McIntyre shoves Rollins but Rollins dodges to dropkick the leg again! Rollins throws McIntyre into a post! McIntyre flops out to the floor and Rollins takes aim. Rollins builds speed and DIVES! Direct hit and McIntyre goes down just in front of the desk! Rollins drags McIntyre up and into the ring, then grabs a leg. Rollins wants to turn McIntyre but McIntyre powers him away. But Rollins comes back with a SLINGBLADE! Cover, ONE!

Rollins goes after the bad leg again, and turns McIntyre for a Half Crab! McIntyre endures as Rollins sits on the hold! McIntyre claws his way towards ropes, but Rollins shifts to an STF! Rollins cranks on the crossface but McIntyre endures that and the leg lock. McIntyre powers up, reaches, but Rollins shifts to a full crossface! Rollins cranks back on the neck but McIntyre refuses to stop crawling! He gets the ropebreak! Rollins holds on all the way to 4, cranking with each moment! McIntyre is on the apron so Rollins scrapes him off. Rollins aims again and builds speed, to DIVE! Another direct hit! McIntyre is down again and Rollins goes to the apron. Rollins says this isn’t about McIntyre, but he’ll still end him. McIntyre stands, Rollins leaps, FLYING KNEE! Rollins refreshes the count again as McIntyre flounders about. Rollins goes back to the barriers but McIntyre staggers away. Rollins springboards off the barriers, for ANOTHER flying knee! Again Rollins refreshes the count, and he clears off the announce desk!

Rollins stands on the desk, saying this is HIS kingdom. He leaps for yet another flying knee! McIntyre is down in a heap but Rollins goes back in the ring. The ref reprimands Rollins for bending the rule this far, and demands he let this get back in the ring. Rollins allows it, shouting that this is not about McIntyre. This is about Rollins and his duty. Rollins builds speed again, and DIVES, into McIntyre’s arms! McIntyre TOSSES Rollins up and over the desk! Rollins screams in pain, perhaps remembering his bad times out here from WrestleMania. McIntyre and Rollins both stagger up and towards the ring. They both get in at 3, and Rollins hurries over. McIntyre powers Rollins into a corner, then overhead suplexes him again! McIntyre whips and throws Rollins a third time! Rollins gets up, runs but into a BOOT! McIntyre hobbles but still goes up top. Rollins stands and McIntyre flying ax handles him down! And still manages a kip up!!

McIntyre dares Rollins to stand, but Rollins just runs to the apron! McIntyre grabs him but Rollins hotshots back! Rollins enziguris then springboards, but McIntyre dodges. SPINE BUSTER! Jackknife cover, TWO! McIntyre grits his teeth, not through with Rollins yet. McIntyre looms over Rollins and dares him to stand. Rollins slowly stirs, and McIntyre underhooks. Rollins slips out to kick the bad leg! And throw forearms! McIntyre swings but Rollins dodges to PELE! And SUPERKICK! Cover, ONE!? Even after all that, McIntyre is up at one?! Rollins hurries up top and frog splashes! Cover, TWO!! Rollins can’t believe McIntyre survived! But this is a battle of two men that slayed The Beast, Brock Lesnar, so it shouldn’t be a surprise. Rollins goes to the apron and seethes as he hobbles over to the timekeeper’s area. He takes a chair and brings it to the ring! The ref tells Rollins to leave it behind, and Rollins throws it aside. Rollins runs, but no stomp as he gets the GLASGOW KISS!

Rollins still sends McIntyre to the apron, but McIntyre goes up top. Rollins trips him up! McIntyre hits buckles and Rollins climbs up. Rollins drags McIntyre up but McIntyre headbutts Rollins down! McIntyre adjusts but Rollins is right back on him! SUPERPLEX! And roll through, to FALCON ARROW! Cover, TWO!! McIntyre still lives but Rollins is too tired to be angry. Both men slowly get up and Rollins aims from a corner. Rollins runs, but misses the stomp again! McIntyre spins him around, for FUTURE SHOCK!! Cover, TWO!?! Rollins survives and shocks McIntyre now. McIntyre beats some life into his bad leg, and he gets himself up. He stalks after Rollins and brings him up in a corner. McIntyre puts Rollins up top and CHOPS! McIntyre climbs up and hammers away with haymakers. Then from the very top, McIntyre lifts Rollins. Rollins trips McIntyre up and haymakers McIntyre into the Tree of Woe! Rollins stands on the bad leg, but McIntyre STILL sits up to SUPER GERMAN SUPLEX Rollins away!!

Rollins flounders to the other end, and the countdown begins. SUPERKICK! CURB STOMP!! Cover, TWO!?!? Rollins can’t believe it! Rollins denied the Claymore but could not finish it with his best move! McIntyre is in a daze as he fights his way up. Rollins says it’s time to end this. CURB- NO! GLASGOW KISS! SUPERKICK! CLAYMORE!! Cover, McIntyre wins!

Winner: Drew McIntyre, by pinfall (still WWE World Champion)

Incredible! McIntyre denies Rollins his “destiny,” proving that it wasn’t destiny at all! Will Claymore Country continue to conquer every contender?

Wait, Rollins sits up. McIntyre returns to him, to offer him a handshake out of respect. Rollins stands, and McIntyre says that if Rollins is worthy to be a leader, he’ll shake hands. Rollins does shake hands, very surprisingly. Does this mean Rollins will allow McIntyre to be Raw’s leader?


Backstage interview with R-Truth.

After his loss to Bobby Lashley instead of MVP, Truth… still thinks he beat MVP. MVP lost a lot of weight, from what Truth remembers. Truth should be on Cloud 9, but he has no one to celebrate with. Because his “Baby,” the WWE 24/7 Championship, isn’t here. Truth says that if he doesn’t want to be lonely, then he’s going to do something about it. He’s getting his baby back, baby! So it doesn’t matter where he took the WWE 24/7, 48-7, 7/11, I-95 South, 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue, Championship, Truth is gonna sack you, TOM BRADY! He means Gronk, right?


Money in the Bank Corporate Ladder Match!

Six women and six men are going to battle up all the floors of Titan Towers at the same time! Who makes it all the way to the roof to become Mr. and Ms. Money in the Bank?

The women start in the lobby by the elevators while the men start in the company gym. But wait, where is Asuka? Did she get lost on the way to HQ? But then, she’s already up on the balcony! She’s getting a head start, that’s not fair! But the bell rings and all hell breaks loose in the gym! Otis is on Styles, Mysterio goes after Aleister and Bryan brawls with Corbin! And of course Asuka LEAPS onto all five other women! Things are much more even in the lobby after that, but Asuka is laughing her way back up to her feet. Asuka dances and gets the elevator started. Hurry, hurry, hurry! The Empress of Tomorrow presses the buttons and the door closes just in time! Asuka’s head start is growing with every second, but the others hurry to the stairs.

Meanwhile, Aleister scrapes Mysterio’s face off the bars of a stair master. Mysterio boots back and then elbows. You can hear the others brawling as Aleister kicks Mysterio out of the air! Corbin knees Bryan low and throws big haymakers. Bryan swings on the chin-up bar to dropkick Corbin. Corbin grabs a loose weight and THROWS It! Bryan gets clear and the weight smashes the mirror! That’s bad luck. Otis haymakers Styles as Styles throws trash at him. Bryan clobbers Corbin and sits him down in a chair. Styles throat chops Otis and clubs him on the back. Aleister kicks Mysterio but Mysterio headscissors him into equipment! Styles goes to bump Otis off the paper towel dispenser, but Otis blocks to bump him first! Otis is pumped up as he’s ready to pump some iron. He brings the bar and sets it down on Styles! Styles is stuck and Otis heads off to the next floor. Styles begs Mysterio help him, but Mysterio says, “That’s loco.” The others get a head start on the Phenomenal One as they run down the hall!

Mysterio hears someone in the bathroom, and it’s Brother Love! “I looove~ you!” Bryan is in the lead but Corbin and Aleister are fast behind. Corbin catches up while Aleister boots Otis back. They brawl in the hall and Aleister BOOTS! Corbin wants the elevator to get going but Bryan bumps him off the wall. Aleister ROUNDHOUSES Bryan and a door opens! Otis and Bryan get inside but Aleister joins in. They brawl inside the elevator! Mysterio catches up but they’re already gone.

Back to the women, Carmella trips Shayna but then Lacey blows past them both. Mella catches up at the door, and the two have made it to the second floor. They and Shayna brawl to catch the elevator, but that’s the men coming in! The brawl gets even crazier now, and Asuka just hides in the corner of the elevator. Shayna throws Lacey into a wall and Asuka sneaks past. Shayna sees her and hurries after. The men still brawl and stomp each other, Aleister keeping Otis down. But as Bryan and Corbin are still busy with each other in the ropes, Aleister moves on. Otis cheers Bryan’s YES Kicks on, but then Bryan kicks Otis! And kicks and kicks and kicks! Bryan leaves Dozer and the Wolf King down to hurry after Aleister. Wait, is that Doink? Or Doink Junior perhaps? Dana Brooke has caught up to the others and argues with Shayna about where Asuka went. Mella wipes both Dana and Shayna out, but then Nia appears! Mella SLAPS Nia, but Nia picks her up to RAM her into a boardroom!

Nia headbutts Mella while Shayna bumps Dana off the door. Shayna throws Dana over the table but then Nia stares Shayna down. Shayna fires off forearms but Nia barely flinches. Nia ROCKS Shayna back, but then Dana uses a CHAIR! The chair shot takes Nia out, and Dana spots a briefcase. No, Dana, that’s just a prop. Dana thinks she’s won THE MITB briefcase, but Stephanie McMahon appears to set her straight. They’re destroying the conference room. Does Dana NOT remember that they have to go to the roof? And please clean Nia up, she’s drooling on the carpet. Gross. Dana feels like a fool, but then Mella uses a framed picture of her MITB win to SMASH Dana! Mella moonwalks her way out of the boardroom and heads into the WOMAN’S RIGHT! “Ya nasty.” Lacey heads off to catch up to Asuka.

Styles frees himself from the weight trap and dares Mysterio to show himself. Instead, Styles finds a big poster of Mysterio’s (Marvel) Mysterio entrance. Styles vows to find “Rey Rey” and punch him like he does the poster. He walks the halls and looks around every corner. Styles finds more locked doors than anything. But then, a poster of the Undertaker spooks him. The Boneyard still haunts Styles, so he hurries off to find Rey. A door finally opens, but… it’s Taker’s room!? Styles flashbacks to that night. And then Aleister ROUNDHOUSES him into the room! And locks him inside! Will Styles survive his living nightmare?

Paul Heyman is having a feast all to himself? Only for the superstars all to barge in. The men and the women end up in each other’s way and they argue. Heyman introduces himself, but Dana bumps into him! A sandwich goes flying into Otis, and he blows a gasket! “FOOD FIGHT!!” And he starts by hitting Heyman with the macaroni platter! Everyone is stunned silent, but then the food starts flying! Chips, salad, dip, whatever is near! Shayna puts Mysterio in the KIRAFUDA KLUTCH! And then Mysterio ends up the middle of a Nia-Otis SANDWICH! The King of Lucha goes down while Aleister and Bryan brawl in the background. Dana and Mella smack Lacey around, and Heyman is just shielding himself with his plate. Dana knocks Mella into Nia and Nia turns her wrath on Dana. Nia grabs Dana and throws her up against the soda machine! Mella FABULOUS Kicks Nia once, but then gets caught for a POWERBOMB through the buffet table!!

The Irresistible Force stares down Dozer. The literally biggest superstars in this match leave it at this, and head for the next floor. Otis is in the kitchen now, and he digs into whatever is out. Oh, pie! But then, Johnny Laurinitis wheels up? “People power.” Nah, PIE power! Down goes Johnny Ace! And off goes Otis, looking for stairs. A janitor is cleaning up the break room as Asuka runs in. Asuka asks him where to go in Japanese but he doesn’t understand. The other women show up and Asuka throws the mop at them! Then Dana comes in and SLIPS on the wet floor. That’s gonna hurt for awhile. Asuka ROUNDHOUSES Shayna and Lacey ROCKS her with a right! Nia shoves Lacey then tosses Shayna! Asuka just worries about getting to more stairs. Nia is right after her but Lacey crawls her way up.

Meanwhile, Bryan and Aleister are brawling their way down the halls. Aleister whips Bryan into a wall but Styles returns to ROCK him! Bryan throws hands on Styles and Styles bumps him off a desk. Bryan throws Styles through a doorway and Styles flounders up. They brawl more, but wait, wait, wait! This is VINCE MCMAHON’s office! And he’s here right now!! Vince shouts at them to get out. They blame each other but both Bryan and Styles make sure to set the chairs back where they were. Styles and Bryan leave and shut the door. Vince sanitizes his hands just to be safe. Styles tells Bryan he was a wimp, but Bryan points out Styles put the chairs back. Styles throws hands! Bryan throws hands back and their brawl returns to the hall. Corbin returns to RAM his scepter into Bryan! And into Styles! Aleister hits Corbin but Corbin ROCKS Aleister! Corbin drags Bryan up to throw him over a boardroom table, but Styles comes back with haymakers. Corbin bounces Styles off counters and throws him into framed PPV posters! “I’m going to the roof!”

Finally, the superstars have reached the very top of Titan Towers. Now the true ladder match can begin. Nia shoves Asuka down and then puts her in the ring. Nia drags Asuka up but Asuka back kicks. Lacey runs in to LARIAT Asuka, but Nia headbutts Lacey down! Nia scoops Lacey and trophy lifts her up, for the drop! Then she throws Lacey out of the ring before fetching a ladder. Nia puts the ladder in the ring and stands it up. She climbs up the ladder, but Asuka gets in and stops her! Asuka drags Nia down to fire off palm strikes! Nia blocks the back hand to BASH Asuka off the ladder! WOMAN’S RIGHT!! Lacey adjusts the ladder and climbs, but Asuka returns to stop her, too! Lacey lands hard on the mat and now Asuka has a clear path. Asuka sees Nia getting up so she shoves the ladder down onto her! Asuka resets the ladder and begins her climb, but Lacey gets up. Lacey bumps Asuka off the ladder over and over again! Lacey throws Asuka aside and climbs up.

But Asuka returns again! Lacey kicks Asuka away but Asuka won’t stop. Asuka clubs Lacey and then climbs again. Lacey returns to drag Asuka down, but she still goes up! Nia rises, Lacey falls onto her!! Asuka flounders down a couple rungs but she stays up. Asuka climbs again, but here comes Corbin! Corbin climbs up but they’re confused as to which briefcase is which! Asuka SLAPS and BOOTS Corbin down and grabs at the white briefcase. She takes it off the hook, and is MS MONEY IN THE BANK!!

Winner: Asuka; becomes Miss Money in the Bank

But of course this is only half of this Corporate Ladder match! The men are still competing, even if Corbin got slapped by the Empress. Otis appears and has a clear path! Otis remembers the structural difficulties of the ladders on SmackDown, and it seems they still apply here. Corbin returns and clobbers Otis! He throws hands on Otis in a corner of the ring, then brings the ladder over. Corbin RAMS Otis with the ladder then drops it down. Corbin runs in but Otis dodges! Down goes Corbin, and here comes the CATERPILLAR! The elbow flattens Corbin but BLACK MASS rocks Otis!! Aleister has the ladder, but Mysterio catches up to springboard seated senton Otis! Mysterio and Aleister fight over the ladder, but then decide to climb it at the same time. They fight up top and Styles returns! Styles tips the ladder over and both Mysterio and Aleister crash down!

Corbin drags Mysterio up, and throws him OFF THE ROOF?! Then Corbin does the same to Aleister! But, from the sound of it, they actually fell on something just below. Back in the ring, Styles has the ladder set up but Bryan pursues! Corbin drags Bryan down and Otis grabs at Styles. Styles reaches for the briefcase while Corbin POSTS Bryan! Otis gets Styles down but Styles PELES! Styles runs but is put on the apron. He forearms Otis away then springboards, PHENOMENAL FOREARM take Otis down! Styles goes back to the ladder and climbs up again. Corbin climbs up on the other end, and stops Styles from grabbing the briefcase. Styles hits Corbin but Corbin hits Styles. The two grab at the briefcase at the same time, and Styles takes it off the clip! They both have it, but it’s about who comes off the ladder! Wait, is that Elias?! He uses his guitar to SMASH Corbin! Corbin falls, Styles fumbles the briefcase, and Otis catches it!! OTIS WINS!?!

Winner: Otis Dozovic; becomes Mr. Money in the Bank

What luck! Otis wasn’t up top on the ladder, but he was in the right place at the right time! And his celebration causes the ladder to fall over and send Styles flying! “Yo, Mandy! I did it!” Otis has a guaranteed shot at the WWE Universal Champion, but will Strowman ever see him COMIIIIN~?

My Thoughts:

What a wild MITB! Yet, the status quo was kept when it came to the titles. But I’m not as upset about that since the matches were all great. I predicted the SmackDown Tag and Women’s titles were staying with the champions, but that Fatal 4 Way was hectic in a good way, and I liked the tease of Tamina almost pulling it off. Sasha helped Bayley retain and get away from Tamina in one piece, but I’m thinking “The Messenger” is ready to expose that friendship for what it is. Meanwhile, I have no idea what’s going to happen with the SmackDown Tag Division, unless Forgotten Sons are getting a 2v2 opportunity for Backlash. By the way, very disappointed that Backlash is next and not Extreme Rules. I was hoping many stories, namely from SmackDown, were going to get Extreme Rules based payoffs but maybe that happens in July this year.

The kickoff match of Hardy VS Cesaro was pretty good for Hardy’s first match in this newest return. I was a bit worried Cesaro legitimately got hurt from that Whisper in the Winds, but he’s just a great seller. I’m surprised Sheamus didn’t come out to ruin Hardy’s celebration, and maybe even tease The Bar reuniting since it seems like The Artist Collective isn’t really getting to do much right now. Maybe Sheamus just joins the Collective or even hijacks it from Sami Zayn and Baron Corbin. Lashley subbing in for MVP is an interesting turn in both their stories. I was hoping MVP recruited Ricochet and Cedric Alexander, but MVP working with Lashley could be great for both of them. Truth’s promo about getting the 24/7 title back was hilarious, but Truth is always amazing at comedy. I can’t wait for that first social media match in Tampa.

Strowman VS Wyatt and McIntyre VS Rollins were both great world title matches. Braun and Bray had such great story elements in their match, such as the puppets and the black sheep mask appearing. I almost thought Braun had become Bray’s human puppet, but it was pretty great for Braun to have shrugged that off. And watching Bray at the end of that match, clearly the next step is to see if Braun can beat The Fiend at Backlash. Rollins and McIntyre put on the better pure match, but I do like that they made a story beat out of the tope suicida hat trick. Rollins didn’t just spam it, he made points of using them, only for it to fail right at the end. McIntyre wins and who knows what that handshake at the end means for Raw going forward.

Last but certainly not least, the Corporate Ladder match. It didn’t start how I pictured in my mind, but then it went above my expectations while still meeting some plot points I was hoping to see. Though it did paint Dana as a bit forgetful. They were told for weeks that this would be a match that ends on the roof. Why would she think the briefcase was in that random conference room? Also she did that wet floor spot so well I thought she might’ve legit cracked her head on the floor. The food fight chaos was pretty great. Shayna gets some points for getting Mysterio in her signature submission and almost choking him out. Shayna gets a bit of a raw deal being left behind with Dana and Mella, though. But in the end, I knew Asuka was getting that briefcase. Shayna doesn’t need a shortcut, it works better for her if she takes the long route to the title this time. While Becky Lynch has been advertised for wanting to confront Ms. MITB, I think Asuka will choose to take her time with her cash-in. Becky and Nia should finally have a feud to revisit the origins of “The Man.” That would be pretty good for Backlash, and then Asuka can just bide her time.

On the men’s side of things, I like that Vince got to have a part to play. They also got all the cameos from legends like Brother Love, John Laurinitis and “Doink the Clown.” And they also had the only people thrown off the roof! I’m pretty sure Mysterio and Aleister will return tomorrow on Raw, but I’m sure for kayfabe’s sake they’ll have bandaged something. I did not think they were going to modify the WrestleMania SmackDown Tag Team Championship ending. But what a great surprise that Otis actually won! This keeps the math on Corbin accurate since he jinxed himself on SmackDown. The only question is now, will Otis really pull off a cash-in? They do have a whole year to figure it out, but I just hope they don’t Mr. Kennedy this and have someone like Ziggler goad Otis into putting the briefcase on the line.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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