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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (5/8/20)

A final face-to-face before the Universal Championship fight!



WWE SmackDown Coverage 3.0

The final SmackDown before Money in the Bank!

The Monster Among Men dared Bray Wyatt to confront him in person, and that challenge was accepted! What happens when Bray and Braun meet?


  • Mandy Rose VS Sonya Deville; Deville wins.
  • 8 Man Tag: The New Day & Lucha House Party VS The Miz, John Morrison & The Forgotten Sons; Miz, Morrison & The Forgotten Sons win.
  • Tamina & Lacey Evans VS Bayley & Sasha Banks; Tamina & Evans win.
  • Six Man Tag: Baron Corbin & The Artist Collective VS Daniel Bryan, Drew Gulak & ???; Corbin & The Artist Collective win.


Otis checks on Mandy Rose backstage.

Is she okay? Is she ready? Oh she is so ready. Her match with Sonya Deville tonight has been a long time coming. Is there anything Otis can do to help? He just needs to focus on Money in the Bank this Sunday. Mandy’s got this. She gives him a kiss on the cheek then heads to gorilla.

Meanwhile, Sonya is fired up as Ziggler checks in on her. Is she ready? She’s never been more ready for anything in her life. This is five years of beatings she’ll be giving Mandy in one night. Ziggler will be waiting here to celebrate the victory. Just do him a favor and go easy on Mandy’s face. No promises. Sonya pats Ziggler on the back then heads to gorilla. Is the Fire about to burn the Desire to ash?

Mandy Rose VS Sonya Deville!

The bell rings and Mandy KNEES Sonya down! Mandy won’t let Sonya put her hair up or square up! She puts her in a corner to thrash and stomp! The ref has to pull Mandy off and Sonya kicks the bad leg! Sonya kicks Mandy in the stomach, but Mandy dodges to DECK Sonya! Mandy rains down angry hands but Sonya scrambles away. The ref keeps Mandy in the ring and Mandy shouts for Sonya to come back for more. Sonya takes her time going around the way before getting on the apron. Sonya sees Mandy’s shoulder coming and kicks her back in! Chop block to the bad leg, SLIDING WIZARD! Cover, TWO! Sonya grows frustrated with Mandy already and pulls her by the hair. “You think you’re better than me?” Sonya mocks the pain as she stomps the bad leg. She SLAPS Mandy down then stalks her to a corner. Sonya waistlocks to slam Mandy down, and puts on a body scissor!

“Do you really think you’re better than me?! Because you’re embarrassing yourself!” But Sonya is having a lot of fun. She even feels bad as she puts on a dragon sleeper, and CHOPS Mandy in the ribs! Sonya pulls off the fake eyelashes and digs her elbow into Mandy’s chin. “We know you’re literally nothing without your looks, so let’s make you ugly, too.” But Mandy bridges back to a cover! TWO as Sonya lets Mandy go. Mandy staggers up but Sonya kicks the bad leg out! Sonya continues to taunt Mandy as she pushes her around. “You are in MY world, and if you don’t stop embarrassing me, I’m gonna have to hurt you.” Sonya BOOTS Mandy down! Mandy clutches her ribs and shoulders but still sits up. Sonya drags her up, runs, but into Mandy’s LARIAT! Mandy rallies with more clotheslines! She runs and KNEES Sonya out of the ring!

Mandy hurries after Sonya and brings her up at the announce desk. “Who’s the b*tch now, b*tch?!” Mandy bounces Sonya off the desk! She stalks Sonya and drags her up to bump her off steel steps. The ring count climbs but Mandy brings Sonya up to RAM into the steps! Mandy gets some payback but she wants more. The count is at 7 but Mandy tosses Sonya over the desk! Mandy dares Sonya to show her what she’s got! Mandy drags Sonya up and into the ring, then dares Sonya to stand. Sonya rises, Mandy reels her in, and underhooks but Sonya slips out. Sonya catches the knee to a roll up, with tights! Sonya wins!!

Winner: Sonya Deville, by pinfall

Mandy can’t believe it! Sonya stole that one, but this is just the first round! Will Sonya continue to rain down ruin upon the Golden Goddess?


8 Man Tag: The New Day & Lucha House Party VS The Miz, John Morrison & The Forgotten Sons!

AWWWWW~ people at hooome~! These four teams will compete for the SmackDown Tag Team Championships at Money in the Bank! But tonight, Big E & Kofi Kingston team with Lince Dorado & Gran Metalik to settle some scores with the Greatest Tag Team of the 21st Century and the savage Steve Cutler & Wesley Blake. Which side gets the momentum going towards the gold?

The teams sort out and we begin with Kofi and Miz. They circle, tie up, and Kofi wrenches to a wristlock. Miz rolls and wrenches back, but Kofi rolls and handsprings to wrench again. Kofi hammerlocks but Miz elbows out. Miz powers Kofi to the corner and grinds him into buckles. The ref calls for the break and Miz backs off, but Kofi ducks the sucker punch to put Miz in his place! Kofi throws hands on Miz, Morrison and the Sons, and then a brawl breaks loose! All eight men are all over the ring! The New Day and LHP throw Miz and the Sons out. Big E gives Kofi a boost to FLY! Down go Cutler and Blake! Lince and Metalik DIVE onto Miz and Morrison! The champions and the luchadors regroup in the ring while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Blake stomps away on Big E in a corner. He lets up at the ref’s count then runs, but Big E dodges and hurdles to catch Blake! Big E gets the cobra twist on, but Cutler runs in. Big E runs Cutler over, then elbows Blake down. Tag to Kofi and Big E has him leap frog for the leg drop! Cover, TWO! Kofi keeps on Blake and brings him back with a wrench and a whip. Blake reverses but Kofi goes up to dropkick back! Kofi snapmares then tags Big E. Kofi hits a splash, then Big E tags in Lince. Big E runs and runs and SPLASHES! Lince tags in Metalik and gives him a boost for an elevated splash! Lince hits the planking splash, then Metalik adds another splash! Cover, TWO! Blake survives the splash party but Metalik has the cravat. Metalik wrenches and tags in Kofi. Kofi climbs up to drop stomps on the arm! Cover, ONE!

Kofi keeps on Blake and whips again. Blake hits buckles but Cutler saves him from the corner splash! Miz tags in and stomps away on Kofi. Miz glares at Big E but the ref keeps Big E out. Big E coaches Kofi but Miz runs to BOOT Kofi down! Tag to Morrison, they double whip Kofi, and Morrison whips Miz. Miz hits the A-List lariat, then feeds Kofi to Morrison’s ROLLING ALABAMA! Morrison runs, SHINING WIZARD! Cover, TWO! Morrison keeps Kofi down and Cutler tags in. They mug Kofi then stomp away again. Cutler drags Kofi up to whip and elbow hard against ropes! Cutler chokes Kofi on the ropes but the ref backs him off. Jaxson Ryker CLOBBERS Kofi while the ref isn’t looking! Big E protests but Cutler drags Kofi over to tag in Blake. The Sons scrape laces off Kofi’s face, then Blake wraps on a thrashing chinlock. Miz mocks Kofi then Big E while Kofi endures.

Kofi fights his way up and out of the hold, and jawbreakers Blake back! Kofi staggers, but slips out to the apron to swing kick Blake away! Miz runs over into a SUPERKICK! But Blake blasts Kofi off, then DIVES! The low-pe takes them both out but the Sons are still in control as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Miz keeps Kofi away from his corner with a knee. Miz lifts Kofi and Morrison tags in, for a springboard FLYING CHUCK style Hart Attack! Cover, TWO! Morrison stays in Kofi’s way and knees him down. Morrison grounds ‘n’ pounds with forearms, then drags Kofi up to tag in Blake. Blake mugs Kofi with Morrison’s help and then clamps on the cobra twist! Blake digs his elbow and knuckles into Kofi’s ribs, then tags in Cutler. Kofi hip tosses free and manages to arm-drag Cutler. The Sons keep Kofi from Big E but Kofi kicks Cutler away, then dumps Blake out. Kofi dumps Cutler out, but Miz anchors a foot! Miz drags Kofi but Kofi boots him away! Kofi leaps but the Sons yank Big E and LHP off the apron! Cutler throws Big E into steel steps! Kofi catches Miz to hit SOS! But both men are down!

Metalik returns to the apron and rallies for Kofi. Kofi and Miz crawl, hot tags to Morrison and Metalik! The King of the Ropes springboards and crossbodies! Morrison gets up to waistlock but Metalik elbows him off. Metalik springboards and huricanranas, to then SUPERKICK! Metalik runs the ropes and tags Lince in, before hitting a missile dropkick! Lince LEAPS but the Sons catch him. The Sons throw Lince, but Lince lands on his feet like a cat. The Sons double whip, but they get DOUBLE GOLDEN REWINDS! Lince CHOPS Morrison then tags in Metalik. Metalik enziguris then springboards, but Morrison catches the seated senton! Metalik still sunset flip BOMBS! Cover, TWO!! Morrison survives but Lince tags in. SUPERKICK, and alley-oop SPIKE-RANA! Metalik goes up, to moonsault! Lince goes up, GOLDEN SHOOTING STAR! Cover, but the Sons break in!

Cutler throws Metalik out and Blake avoids Kofi. Blake brings Kofi to ropes but Kofi body scissor throws Blake out. Big E returns to scoop Cutler and snake eyes him off Kofi’s kick! Big E scoops Cutler again, but Blake yanks Kofi out of the springboard. Miz throws Big E out and tells the Forgotten Sons to finish. MEMORY REMAINS to Big E! Blake POWERBOMBS Kofi on Big E! But Metalik dropkicks Miz out! Metalik climbs but Morrison enziguris him down! Lince springboard sunset flips, TWO! He avoids the Wizard and rolls up, TWO! Lince runs but Morrison blocks the huricanrana to a fireman’s carry. Samoan Drop and handspring! Then, STARSHIP PAIN! No, Lince evades! He dodges Morrison but Miz tags in. POISON RANA to Morrison, but Miz hits the FINALE! Cover, Miz and team win!

Winners: The Miz, John Morrison & The Forgotten Sons, by pinfall

This was a tag team match tonight, which is why Miz is very congratulatory to Cutler, Blake and Ryker. But two days from now, it becomes every team for themselves. Will the Greatest Tag Team of the 21st Century be able to win without help from the Forgotten Sons?


Backstage interview with King Corbin.

The Money in the Bank is coming, but tonight he teams with “two assassins” in Shinsuke Nakamura and Cesaro to beat down Daniel Bryan and “his stupid coach,” Drew Gulak. Bryan and Gulak got beat so bad last week, and were made to kiss the king’s feet. But who is going to join Bryan and Gulak tonight? Corbin doubts anyone will. Corbin looks past tonight to the MITB Corporate Ladder match. He is already picturing how he’ll torture his opponents in that match. There’s Rey Mysterio. Corbin wants to see how far Mysterio can fly off the roof. If Aleister Black likes hiding behind doors, Corbin will go knocking on every door in the office to find him. Then there’s “that fat idiot,” Otis Dozovic. Otis probably won’t even make it off the ground floor. And if he does, he’ll just clog the elevator shaft like he does his arteries. And then Otis will feel like Mandy Rose: a loser. Corbin can already feel that fresh air from the roof of Titan Towers when he becomes King in the Bank. Will Corbin become a two-time MITB winner? Or will the king be trumped by another?


SmackDown returns to Renee Young in the ring.

She introduces the Charismatic Enigma, Jeff Hardy! Hardy is back on SmackDown and in the ring tonight as he takes up a mic. Renee says we’ve been watching the four part mini-documentary of Jeff Hardy. The rise, the fall, the redemption and the comeback, truly an incredible life story. With all the history and all the titles, what is left for Hardy to prove? He isn’t so sure. Hardy has climbed tall mountains, leapt off of them, and hit some lows. But through it all, he’s back. Those lows taught him how to get back up. But Sheamus is backstage watching this, and talking smack! Hardy knows the WWE Universe is full of survivors. Usually they’re all here cheering him on, but he can hear them none the less. “Hardy! Hardy!” He knows they’ve stuck with him this far, so he hopes they will stick with him for one more good run. Hardy knows he’s not done yet.

Sheamus can’t believe this is what we’ve been waiting for this last month. Just as Hardy wonders where he is to interrupt, the Celtic Warrior heads for gorilla. Hardy calls Sheamus out, and here he comes! Sheamus tells Hardy that “If this isn’t the saddest thing I have ever seen in the WWE.” The junkie crawls back asking for one more sip, and yet no one is here to even give him a pity swig. Who does Hardy think still cares about him here? No one will say it to Hardy’s face because he’s a legend, but Sheamus will. Fans love the high-flying maniac from the early days of the TLC match. They love the WWE Triple Crown to Grand Slam Champion who has held every title possible. But they’re tired of this. They’re tired of suspensions, releases, no shows, and all the wasted second chances. Hardy says that for Sheamus to be such a hater, he knows a lot about Hardy.

That’s just the thing, Hardy. Sheamus doesn’t hate him. In fact, he deeply respected Hardy. Sheamus watched the video packages, and those made him realize, “How many false comebacks can one man have before we realize he’s never really coming back?” Hardy wants Sheamus to ask himself that question, “fella.” Yes, very clever, Hardy. But Sheamus isn’t afraid of the hard truth. Everyone knows Hardy’s next failure is around the next corner. Everyone, but Hardy himself. Sheamus’ return is about snuffing out the weakest flames. And Hardy’s is barely burning. Time to put it out. Sheamus heads for the ring but Hardy dropkicks him out! Sheamus throws Hardy to a corner but Hardy boots him away! Hardy hits WHISPER IN THE WIND! And TWIST OF FATE! Hardy throws off the shirt, heads up top, and hits the SWANTON! Hardy roars, because there is still fire inside! Sheamus gets up and shouts at Hardy to not disrespect him! But will the Fella regret disrespecting the extreme?


SmackDown returns with BRAUN!

The WWE Universal Champion grabs a mic to say, “Truth be told, I debuted with the Wyatt Family. But if Bray thinks he created me and I owe him all my success, then he’s even more deranged than he looks.” Bray was threatened by Braun then, and should be even more threatened by him now. The gifts and the puppets are all mind games, but Braun said then and will say it again: if Bray has something to say, say it to his face! Braun waits, and Bray heads out on stage! Bray waves hi and smiles the entire way down the ramp. Bray wants Braun to keep his cool as he enters the ring. “Hi, Braun!” It’s a shame it had to come to this. All Bray wanted was for Braun to say he was sorry. Braun doesn’t owe Bray anything. Not true and Braun knows it. Braun knows that this Sunday, Bray will be sorry. Bray says this is hard for him, and he still cares about Braun. Bray knows Braun. A good creator knows his creation, right? He knows what Braun will say, will do, and what is best for him.

Shut up, Bray. You don’t know a thing about Braun. Bray says Braun needs to come home. Braun doesn’t belong out there with “them.” Bray can show Braun how to be special, just like him! He just needs to remove the burden that is around his waist. Then Braun can come home. “It’s the only thing that’s standing in your way.” Bray needs to get back that title. He needs to get it back. Braun isn’t going to say his catchphrase just to prove a point, Bray. Bray doesn’t know Braun. And at Money in the Bank, it all ends. Oh, silly Braun. Their journey is just beginning. Not to spoil the fun, but here is a taste of things to come. Bray magically produces the Black Sheep mask! Put it on and come back home. Abigail, Mercy and all the puppets want Braun to come home.

Braun tells Bray, “I am home. And I’ve got the Universal Championship.” And on Sunday, Braun will keep it, leaving Bray stuck playing with puppets. Braun waves bye and laughs his way out. Bray says he tried, he really did. Sorry, Braun. What does Bray mean by that? What will Bray do in order to take the “burden” from Strowman?


Daniel Bryan and Drew Gulak find Otis backstage.

They ask him how Mandy is doing. She’s upset, but she’ll be okay. Good. Did Otis hear what Corbin say about him? No, he was with Mandy. What did he say? Well, let’s take a walk and talk about it. Could The Dozer be the third man joining Gulak and Bryan against Corbin tonight?


Tamina & Lacey Evans VS Bayley & Sasha Banks!

The Samoan steamroller is ready to strike this Sunday, especially after the SmackDown Women’s Champion and The Boss tried to take her out last week. The Sassy Southern Belle joins her in this fight, will they shut up the nasty mean girls with a Woman’s Right?

Tamina starts for her team but Bayley and Sasha “argue.” They want to play rock-paper-scissors, but Tamina clobbers them both! Tamina backs off and waits on the “role models,” and a ring count begins. Sasha and Bayley talk and Sasha slides in. Tamina rushes her and Sasha scurries away, but Tamina senses Bayley’s sneak attack! Just like last week, Tamina grabs Bayley by the head, and throws her to a corner. Bayley elbows back, slips under Tamina to boot her away, but Tamina grabs Bayley by the hair! Tamina whips but Bayley dodges and holds ropes. Tamina still keeps her from Sasha, and scoops to slam her down! Bayley writhes and Lacey mocks the pain. Tamina hits a corner splash but Bayley hops on for a sleeper! Tamina rams Bayley into buckles but Sasha tags in. Tamina goes after them but they both dodge, and Bayley chop blocks! Sasha KNEES in then hammers away!

Sasha rams Tamina in the corner but lets up at the ref’s count. Bayley tags in and the best friends stomp away on Tamina. Bayley grinds her boots in but lets up at the count. She digs her knee in now and tags Sasha. Sasha and Bayley drags Tamina up to crisscross but Tamina sends them into each other! Tamina fireman’s carries but Bayley saves Sasha. They decide to bail out and cut their losses. But Lacey is on the ramp and blocks their path. Sasha swings but Lacey elbows her down! Bayley is alone now, and Tamina drags her into the ring by her hair! Bayley hotshots Tamina away, then hurries up top. She leaps, into an UPPERCUT! Bayley flops out of the ring and Sasha checks on her while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns as Sasha whips Lacey to a corner. Sasha runs in but Lacey dodges and knees back! Lacey knees Sasha over and over between the ropes but lets up at 4. She sweeps the legs then slingshots for the elbow drop! Lacey goes up top, but Bayley distracts her from the moonsault! Sasha trips Lacey up and Lacey ends up in the Tree of Woe! Sasha runs in to basement dropkick Lacey down! Cover, TWO! Sasha drags Lacey up to jam her knee into Lacey’s head. Tag to Bayley and they double whip Lacey for double elbows! Cover, TWO! Bayley looms over Lacey and stomps her down. Bayley chokes Lacey on the ropes but counts along with the ref. She lets up at 4 and Sasha sucker punches Lacey! Tamina protests but Bayley tags Sasha in. Bayley bumps Lacey off buckles, then the best friends crisscross Lacey into the corner.

Sasha tags Bayley back in, and they drag Lacey up again. Lacey fights back with body shots and back hands! But Bayley and Banks club Lacey down! They double whip again, and hip toss but Lacey lands on her feet. Hot tag to Tamina, but Bayley and Banks knock her off the apron! Sasha leaps, but Tamina catches her! Tamina SLAMS Sasha into barriers! Bayley hops on for another sleeper, but Tamina throws her off! Tamina drags Bayley up and into the ring, and rallies with clotheslines and headbutts! Bayley flounders but Tamina runs in, big corner splash! And another toss! Tamina runs corner to corner, HIP ATTACK! Tamina puts Bayley in a drop zone and heads up top. Sasha interferes but gets punched away. Bayley punches Tamina but Tamina headbutts her back! Tamina adjusts, leaps, but onto knees! Bayley wants commentary to talk her up, and she hits the BAYLEY2BELLY!

But she’s not done there, she stomps Tamina into a stomp zone. Bayley goes up top, for the MACHO ELBOW!! Cover, TWO!?! Tamina survives and Bayley is furious! Bayley wants commentary to watch this. She hooks the arm, but Tamina fireman’s carries! Sasha kicks a leg out, but the WOMAN’S RIGHT takes Sasha out! Bayley knees Lacey out hard, but turns around into a SUPERKICK! And then the SAMOAN DROP! Cover, Tamina and Lacey win!!

Winners: Lacey Evans & Tamina, by pinfall

Tamina has pinned the SmackDown Women’s Champion again! Will she be able to do it a third time at MITB? Will Lacey climb the corporate ladder to become the Lady in the Bank?


Backstage interview with Carmella and Dana Brooke.

Dana got an upset over Naomi, but will lightning strike twice. Well no one, not even her good friend Carmella, thought she could do it. But Mella apologized, because Dana did. Dana is just teasing. But no one knows what to expect in this unique MITB match! Dana has the same chance as anyone, and the risk is worth the reward. Mella’s win, however, was marred by controversy because of the grudge between Mandy and Sonya. Mella doesn’t want to talk about that, she just knows she won. As a former Ms. MITB, does this give her an advantage? Mella sure thinks so. This match may be the most unique MITB ever, but being a former winner accounts for something. It’ll be every woman for themselves, but that’s just fine. Mella will climb the ladder and grab the contract again, and remind us all why #MellaIsMoney. Bold words with one of her opponents right next to her. Will Mella really get a three-peat? Or will a new star shine from atop Titan Towers?


SmackDown hears from “The Messenger.”

“Are you watching?” Footage from the women’s tag match replays. Bayley and Sasha arguing. Big E hitting the Big Ending on Miz during the SmackDown Tag Team Championship singles Triple Threat. “Are you listening?” Mella and Dana arguing about the Women’s Tag Team Championships while also going for the Women’s MITB match. “Because I am. The thing about anger is, you can always hear it before you see it.” The Messenger presents a voice mail, but with warped voice! “I’ll tell you one thing. Payback is coming, and it’s coming real soon.” The truth will be heard. Who said that? And who is payback coming for?


Six Man Tag: Baron Corbin & The Artist Collective VS Daniel Bryan, Drew Gulak & ???

Clearly the alliance between the Wolf King, the King of Strong Style and the Swiss Cyborg has grown stronger in the absence of The Great Liberator, Sami Zayn. But will it be strong enough to propel Corbin towards the MITB contract? And did Otis agree to be the third man? We find out, after the break.

SmackDown returns as Bryan and Gulak make their entrance. Corbin holds up his scepter as a reminder of what he did to Gulak a couple weeks ago. But Corbin’s team gets impatient waiting for the third man. The third man IS Otis! The “fat idiot” won’t let that slide! Will Otis help Gulak and Bryan stretch and crush Corbin and the Collective this close to climbing the corporate ladder?

The teams sort out and Bryan starts against Corbin. Bryan dropkicks Corbin right at the bell! Corbin swings back but Bryan kicks and kicks. Corbin trips Bryan up to stomp him down, then turn him for a Boston Crab! Bryan rolls through to trip Corbin for some ground ‘n’ pound! Bryan then kicks the leg and brings Corbin to the corner. Gulak tags in, Bryan turns Corbin like a neckbreaker, but it’s really to expose him for a headbutt! Corbin throat chops Gulak back! Corbin stands Gulak up but Gulak throws big forearms in return! Gulak runs and shotgun dropkicks Corbin out! The Wolf King backs away but Gulak waits patiently. Corbin slides in to tag Cesaro. Cesaro runs into a takedown and cover, ONE! Cesaro headlocks but Gulak powers out, only for Cesaro to run him over. Cover, ONE, but Cesaro headlocks. Gulak powers out and things speed up, and Gulak leaps, into Cesaro’s arms! Cesaro tilt-o-whirls but Gulak slips out to shove and scoop for a SLAM! Cover, TWO!

Gulak keeps focused and heads up top. Cesaro stands but Corbin distracts the ref. This allows Nakamura to shove Gulak off the top, into Cesaro’s European Uppercut! Cesaro drags Gulak around to dead lift gut wrench suplex! Cover, TWO! Tag to Nakamura and he drags Gulak up. Nakamura snapmares and stands on Gulak for Bad Vibrations! Nakamura drops a knee but misses! Gulak tags in Otis! Nakamura boots Otis but Otis just powers up! And again! Otis runs Nakamura over, and again! Otis hits Corbin and Cesaro down, then scoops Nakamura. Nakamura slips out and waistlocks, but Otis standing switches to SLAM Nakamura down! Otis pumps and thrusts, to hit a big corner splash! Nakamura is in the drop zone, and Otis starts up the Caterpillar! ELBOW! But Cesaro runs in, only to get a flapjack! Bryan and Gulak take care of Cesaro by throwing him out! The Goat, the Stretcher and the Dozer stand tall while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns once again, and Corbin has Bryan down in a half nelson chinbar! Bryan endures and fights his way up. Bryan fights free and kicks the leg. He forearms Nakamura but Corbin ROCKS Bryan back. Corbin back suplexes but Bryan lands on his feet to dropkick the leg out! Cesaro tags in and he BOOTS Otis down! Cesaro taunts Gulak but Bryan dodges to tag Gulak in! Gulak boots Cesaro then BOOTS him down! Gulak fires off hands and stomps Cesaro to a corner. He stomps and stomps until the ref counts 4. Gulak blocks a boot to hit an EXPLODER! Gulak fires up and goes corner to corner, but Cesaro puts him up top fast. Cesaro hits a EuroUpper, but Gulak boots again. Gulak flips and arm-drags Cesaro into a RINGS OF SATURN! Cesaro endures, frees one arm, then powers up. Cesaro lifts Gulak for an AIR RAID! Cesaro elbows Gulak away and Corbin tags in.

Gulak clotheslines Cesaro out, avoids Corbin and fires off again. Gulak has the dragon sleeper but can’t complete the hold. Nakamura dynamic dropkicks in! Otis runs Nakamura over! Cesaro kicks but Otis just powers up. Otis gyrates and jiggles but Cesaro boot shim again. Otis dumps Cesaro out! “OH YEAH~!” But Corbin throws Otis up and over! Gulak rolls Corbin up, TWO! Gulak drags Corbin up but Corbin hits low. Corbin rams Gulak into a corner, but Gulak boots back. Gulak hops up and leaps to hit a FLYING LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Nakamura and Cesaro POST Otis! Bryan flies and KNEES Cesaro! Nakamura ROUNDHOUSES Bryan! Nakamura distracts Gulak but Gulak still dodges Corbin, only to run into DEEP SIX! Cover, Corbin and the Collective win!!

Winners: Baron Corbin, Shinsuke Nakamura & Cesaro, by pinfall

But they aren’t satisfied with just winning. Cesaro and Nakamura drag Gulak up and Corbin has his scepter! But Bryan uses a KNEE PLUS to take out Corbin! Otis drags Nakamura out while Cesaro throws Bryan. The brawl continues outside, and Bryan hip tosses Cesaro over barriers! Otis tosses Nakamura out to join him, and the brawling moves towards the production area. Gulak runs, hops up and LEAPS to bowl the Collective over! Otis and Bryan keep on them, as does Gulak. They all go backstage, leaving Corbin alone on the ramp. Corbin realizes this, and decides to test out a ladder. He puts it in the ring and sets it up as a preview of Sunday. Corbin climbs, singing his own praises, but Bryan returns! Bryan clubs Corbin off the ladder and throws body shots! He gives Yes Kicks over and over in the ring, but Corbin throws Bryan into the ladder!

Corbin tosses Bryan out of the ring and resets the ladder. Corbin climbs again, but here comes Otis! Otis throws hands on Corbin, then takes the ladder for his own. Otis runs and RAMS Corbin in the corner! Now the Dozer resets the ladder and begins the climb. Wait, a rung breaks! And then the next rung! Otis grows frustrated with this weak ladder, but Corbin throws him into it! Corbin POSTS Otis and Otis tumbles out of the ring. Bryan puts in another ladder! Corbin stomps Bryan down, then goes to boot. Bryan blocks to hit a dragon screw! Bryan sets up the new ladder, climbs up top, but Corbin tips the ladder over! Bryan hotshots himself on the ropes! Corbin throws Bryan out onto Otis! Corbin again climbs the ladder, pulls the briefcase off the clip, and sits victoriously above the others. Will this be the scene we see at the end of Sunday? Or is Corbin tempting fate and fortune?

My Thoughts:

A great episode for SmackDown, especially considering it is a go-home. Mandy and Sonya opening was great, especially with us being able to hear all the trash talk Sonya was spitting. We wouldn’t be able to get this level of quality with fans around, so I’m glad Sonya was able to take advantage. They really do need to extend the feud to Extreme Rules so that the true blow-off match can be the most intense thing we’ve seen from SmackDown in a long time, especially for the Women’s Division. The women’s tag match was really good, but given the usual math, Tamina winning again means she isn’t winning on Sunday. In the end, we’re probably still getting Sasha VS Bayley. Dana and Mella have a decent promo together, but I’m still thinking Raw takes the Women’s MITB. However, I am curious as to how “The Messenger” has added Mella and Dana to the mix of a duo that could turn on each other. I feel like that’s a red herring, and the same goes for Sasha and Bayley. It’d be too easy to say Dana and Mella split given MITB is coming, and it’s just a waste if it’s about Sasha and Bayley. I’m not even sure WWE knows how this story goes.

The Hardy-Sheamus segment was alright. It was obvious Sheamus was going to interrupt, and even Jeff knew that. The brawl was alright but Sheamus didn’t really sell the Swanton as much as he should have. Much like Sonya and Mandy, I think Sheamus and Hardy should wait until Extreme Rules for a blow-off. They keep making this out to be Jeff’s final run, so having a match at Extreme Rules would be fairly fitting. The 8 Man Tag was really good, and for just a moment I thought LHP was going to take this one. But instead, the Heels do with Miz & Morrison pinning. Again, given the usual WWE math, that means Miz & Morrison aren’t winning. I don’t think LHP or Forgotten Sons is going to take it in this case, either, and the New Day can get a win where the Forgotten Sons are left out and can stay strong. At the same time, I wonder if Ryker will get even more involved than he did tonight to also skew the math.

Bray and Braun had a pretty good face-to-face tonight. The puppets chiming in was good, and they did just enough to tease Braun was considering it. But Braun resists, only for Bray to still have the last word. I hope this means Bray doesn’t even care about the win at MITB now and he’s going to focus on teaching Braun what happens when he says no to Bray. Then Extreme Rules can be Monster VS Fiend in a brutal match, and maybe then Bray gets the title back. The Six Man Tag and ending segment were both great, and I’m actually a little surprised it wasn’t Elias as the third man. At the same time, Elias basically survived an attempt at murder, it should take him longer than this to recover. I do hope Elias shows up at WWE HQ to screw Corbin over. Corbin’s team wins and Corbin stands tall after the brawling to hold the briefcase. This means he is most certainly losing. Now, while I am thinking Raw has Ms. MITB, it’s hard to picture SmackDown with Mr. MITB.

Eliminating Corbin because he stood tall, Bryan either becomes a two-time winner or Otis shoots up the power rankings to win. Bryan with the briefcase could be a way to circle back to Bryan and Bray, but this assumes a lot based on what we have now. It has been reported that Roman Reigns is perfectly fine to return, but it is just a concern for his newborn twins that keeps him home. Whether Roman returns or things stay with Bray and Braun, I feel like Bryan might revisit his declared cash-in date move from almost a decade ago. I’d love if the champion he was challenging brings that up to keep Bryan honest to his word this time. WWE is using continuity here with Bray and Braun, I think they can make it work with Bryan, too.

My Score: 8.4/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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