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Adam’s WWE Hell in a Cell 2020 Results & Review

Hell in a Cell doesn’t have a bloated card and we have 3 cell matches to look forward to! Does WWE knock it out of the park?



Another WWE Pay-Per-View, another Andrew pulling rank with the Buccaneers playing right now. When will I ever learn since UWN is running beautifully now? Anyway, with five or… well I guess Six with the 24/7 Title being defended on the kickoff show announced during the weekend. Miz winning a trial with JBL for the Money in the Bank briefcase, three Hell in a Cell matches with one in a special added stipulation in an I Quit Match within the Hell in a Cell. Hopefully TB12 doesn’t distract me too much from the show… oooo Scotty Miller with—oh wait on the three… Chris Godwin with another Touchdown!

Oh uh… right.

WWE Hell in a Cell. It’s… It’s that right now.


  • Drew Gulak vs R-Truth(c) for the 24/7 Championship:  Truth wins via Jackknife Pin- **–  TITLE DEFENSE!!
  • Hell in a Cell “I Quit” Match: Jey Uso vs Roman Reigns(c) for the Universal Championship: Jey Uso quit – **** ½TITLE DEFENSE!!
  • Elias vs Jeff Hardy: Elias wins via DQ – **
  • Otis vs The Miz for the Money in the Bank Briefcase: Miz wins Money in the Bank- ** ½
  • Hell in a Cell Match: Sasha Banks vs Bayley(c) for the SmackDown Women’s Championship:  Sasha wins via Bank Statement- *** ¾TITLE CHANGE!!!
  • Slapjack vs Bobby Lashley for the United States Championship:  Lashley wins via Hurt Lock- * ¾
  • Hell in a Cell Match: Randy Orton vs Drew McIntyre for the WWE Championship: Randy Orton wins via RKO- ****TITLE CHANGE!!!!



Drew Gulak vs R-Truth

So Gulak wanted to have a little fun in the expense of Little Jimmy, doing holds and having him sit on his lap (and no, I’m not joking). Truth actually gets angry and goes after Gulak but, you don’t brawl a technician because he’ll pick you apart which is what Drew Gulak does best. Truth finally getting a head of steam with a little Five Knuckle Shuffle like his childhood hero John Cena and after getting more of a flurry of speed and offense and after a quick scramble, Truth does to a Jackknife Pin attempt to retain his 24/7 Championship.

Jey Uso vs Roman Reigns

Okay… for everyone reading the review and saying, “Really man? Four plus Stars? He did three spears, there was a leather strap involved. That wasn’t a real match.” No… That wasn’t a match in all honesty. It would be about two stars but everyone loves how Bayley and Sasha had a story? This was a God damn amazing story. Jey had an out, he could have quit and none of this would have happened. The entire thing felt like it was legit and each hit told a story. Roman did enough to take Jey down every now and again to make sure that it didn’t go too far. Being stubborn comes with consequences however and Jey wanted to be resilient through and through. Drive by with steps, hell, the Referee wanted to call the match but Roman didn’t want that. People wanted to see this work out and Jimmy going out at the end of it, getting choked out and having Jey quit the end of the match to protect Jimmy. Roman wins, all hail the Tribal Chief. Don’t believe that? The Wild Samoans do because they gave Roman the lei of being Head of the Table.

Elias vs Jeff Hardy

So after Elias sings about Jeff Hardy hitting with the car from the story five months ago, Jeff interrupts him and starts the match. Very typical Jeff and Elias wrestling match, Jeff high risk and Elias with some power to his offense. After an awkward looking Electric Chair Powerbomb and one of Jeff’s better looking Whispers in the Wind, Elias rolls out of the ring to dodge a Swanton Bomb attempt and grabs the guitar. Jeff sees this, stops him and out of frustration, hits him with the guitar. I guess he misheard guitar with car but whatever, feud continues.

Otis vs The Miz

Otis getting his high powered offense and getting his own music so all things are looking big boi in this one right? Oh Morrison is getting involved I guess that this isn’t all Otis. Otis is coming back after getting hit with “It” Kicks, I guess this is Otis’ match because of the… and in the corner with Morrison hitting him with the—WAIT THE REFEREE SAW THAT WAS GOING HAPPEN?! MORRISON IS KICKED OUT?!?!?! Oh my God, Otis might actually win. Oh wait, there we go. Ashes to ashes. Dust to Dust. Tucky hit Otis with the briefcase to prove he is a bust.

Sasha Banks vs Bayley

Sasha taking out her frustration and anger early on, kicking the symbolic steel chair out of Bayley’s hands and outside of the cell. Sasha taking it to Bayley heavy until Bayley begins to target Sasha’s neck more and more, even grabbing her neck constantly from it but Sasha doesn’t give up at all. Spraying a fire extinguisher in Bayley’s face to cause separation, hitting a Meteora to the outside on a table and still fighting to the end. Bayley trying to get innovated with weapons in and out of the ring, taping Kendo sticks together, using them to clothesline and hit Sasha in the throat, it becomes more and more devilish as it goes on. Desperation and frustration, Sasha doing a Bayley to Belly on a Ladder but even then, it’s not even enough to put Bayley away. The chair however, is the end of the match. The chair that signified the injury that Sasha had to the neck… put Bayley away with a Bank Statement, chair wrapped around Bayley’s neck and stomping on the leg to close around Bayley’s neck for the victory.

Slapjack vs Bobby Lashley

I guess we need a little bit of filler since we had a handful of matches named on the card so… sure? Bobby and Shane Th—Slapjack… sorry, will fight for the United States title match but it’s like picking meat off of the bone. Slapjack gets a little offense in when Bobby gets a little too cocky and not care of this fight. Slapjack goes to the top rope and gets caught and launched off. Much like clockwork, Spinebuster and Full Nelson. Lashley retains. The mighty might kneel but, not the Almighty.

Randy Orton vs Drew McIntyre

Randy goes to attack Drew early, both men outside of the cell and beating each other up until Drew throws Randy in the ring and the cell is locked for this to start. Drew since the bell rang is dismantling Orton early on, bashing and breaking Orton’s back on the cage walls. Drew getting his frustration and throwing the steps into Randy but Randy moves, dodges a Claymore attempt and swinging a chair at the leg of McIntyre and digging the steel chair into Drew’s jaw.  Orton with control now and goes for Drew’s jaw, head and neck as he beats and breaks McIntyre down more and more. Orton getting his licks in, breaking and hitting Drew hard but McIntyre gets a new head of steam going to take it to Orton, dropping Randy Orton down with a neckbreaker and attempts a Fireman’s Carry maneuver but, Orton slips out to the outside, getting momentum and tossed through a table set on the outside. More back and forth, more destruction and carnage is dealt and Randy breaks the chain to get the cell unlocked, bluffing a leave but climbing to the top of the cell. Drew sees this and answers to the top of the cell for the Hell to become even more… well… Hell.

Orton swings a pipe at Drew but misses and takes Orton down with a takedown. Orton hits Drew low and proceeds to climb down but McIntyre catches up to Randy, fighting on the side of the Cell until Orton strikes McIntyre’s arms and back to make him lose balance and the champion goes through the announce table. Drew actually begins to crawl away after a while and Randy looks, somewhat confused and impressed with the fact that he is still moving. They get back to the ring, Randy is stalking, coiling and… McIntyre somehow hits a Claymore to counter the RKO after trying to replicate the SummerSlam, backslide finish. McIntyre goes to the corner after, readying the Claymore but Orton watched the Peanuts recently and moved himself to hit the RKO to win his fourteenth WWE Championship with a third Hell in a Cell.


Overall Score: 8/10

Um… this was surprisingly very put together. This was a lovely Pay-Per-View, amazingly done. Nearly heaven-sent… which ironic that it’s Hell in a Cell. Had to throw the joke, so sue me. – Editor’s Note: He thinks he’s Funny

That was perfectly done with the Tribal Chief story, granted the story we made on DWI with Bayley and Banks but it was pretty well done. The only thing that I have to double check is the year because I don’t know if Vince knows. Miz with the Money in the Bank, Randy as the WWE Champion… is this 2020 or 2010? It’s near the same time Miz cashed that in November that year. That is the next month and to be specific, November 22nd which happens to be the same date for Survivor… Series. Foreshadowing?

Ah who knows. I’m a writer for Chairshot, not WWE and we shall see what will happen on RAW and forward.

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Mitchell’s NXT Heatwave Results & Report! (7/7/24)

Feel the heat!



It’s a fiery finale in Toronto!

Toronto is all fired up as Trick Williams, Je’Von Evans, Ethan Page & Shawn Spears are in a Fatal 4 Way for THE NXT Championship! Is someone gonna Whoop Dat Trick before Trick can whoop them?


  • Kickoff Show – Karmen Petrovic & Arianna Grace VS Jacy Jayne & Jazmyn Nyx; Karmen & Arianna win.
  • NXT North American Championship, Wes Lee’s Last Chance: Oba Femi VS Wes Lee; Oba wins, retains the title, and Wes can never challenge him again.
  • NXT Women’s North American Championship: Kelani Jordan VS Sol Ruca; Kelani wins and retains the title.
  • NXT Tag Team Championships: Axiom & Nathan Frazer VS Andre Chase & Duke Hudson w/ Chase U; Axiom & Frazer win and retain the titles.
  • NXT Women’s Championship: Roxanne Perez VS Lola Vice; Roxie wins and retains the title.
  • NXT Championship Fatal 4 Way: Trick Williams VS Je’Von Evans VS Ethan Page VS Shawn Spears; Ethan wins and becomes the new NXT Champion.


It’s the Heatwave Kickoff Show!

Join Megan Morant & Sam Roberts in discussing, analyzing and predicting all the action for this fiery finale to Toronto’s big money weekend.


Backstage interview with Lola Vice.

Sarah Schreiber notes that we saw the fiery face to face with Roxanne Perez last week, and Lola says yeah, everyone saw it. See? She would want a 8×10 of herself, too. But tonight isn’t about emotion, but about her fight for the NXT Women’s Championship. it is the biggest fight of her life. This is for her family, but she left the tears in Florida. She will knockout Roxie and become THE first-ever Cuban American Women’s Champion. Lola thanks Sarah and heads out, but will the Latina Heat set fire to The Prodigy’s reign?



Nathan Frazer has yet to arrive at Scotiabank Arena! Axiom is a bit panicked in the background, because if Frazer doesn’t show up in time for the tag title match, it’ll end up a Handicap Match! Will the Jersey Island Rocket show up and prove his tag partner is wrong about his split focus?


Ridge Holland checks in with Chase U.

Yorkshire Grit had to stay back in Orlando given the controversy he stirred up, but he wants to wish them all luck. And he’s working on something for when they come back, but that’s for Tuesday. He’ll be watching with the wife and kids, they’re all excited to see Chase U win the titles and bring them back home. He is again sorry, but he wishes them luck. They all thank him back, and Thea says bye. Thea can’t help but like Ridgy! Now Duke feels bad for squealing. Chase says there’s no need for feeling bad. They only need to worry about becoming TWO-TIME NXT Tag Team Champions! Chase U gets fired up, will this be a great moment in the university’s history?


Ava Raine joins the panel.

Megan & Sam appreciate the NXT GM taking the time tonight, given there are FIVE title matches on one card. Ava says this is a special night. WWE is coming off an amazing MITB show, and tonight on Heatwave, everyone is looking to impress. That is what they will do, and so who knows? The entire landscape could have completely changed. Sam says there is potential for that to be sure. Five uniquely paired title matches, and of course the main event, the Fatal 4 Way for the NXT Championship. it feels like there’s been a lot of chaos, this main event has evolved from that chaos. Are there any regrets on making this a Fatal 4?

No, Ava stands by that decision, and that is because every single superstar in the match deserves this opportunity. Making it a Fatal 4 gives everyone a showcase for their abilities. It will be an amazing match for the title. Megan thanks Ava for her time and wishes her luck on the big night. Ava thanks Megan & Sam, will this be the hottest night in NXT history?


Kickoff Show – Karmen Petrovic & Arianna Grace VS Jacy Jayne & Jazmyn Nyx!

This isn’t quite the “Canadian Connection” Karmen wanted, but it’s better than nothing. Will “Team Toronto” take down the toxic element that’s growing in NXT? Or will Jacy & Jazmyn ruin the homecoming in the worst way possible?

The teams sort out and Arianna starts against Jacy. The fans rally for Arianna, she ties up with Jacy, and they go around. Jacy powers Arianna to the ropes, but Arianna pushes back. Arianna storms up, they tie up again, go around and end up in a corner. Jacy goes up and then jumps to arm-drag! Arianna staggers up, Jacy CLOBBERS her! Jacy mocks the Pageant Queen, but Arianna says that’s her thing! Arianna runs up, ducks ‘n’ dodges Jacy, then CLOBBERS her! Arianna scoops Jacy to SLAM! Tag to Karmen and the fans fire up. Karmen runs and Arianna feeds Jacy to the DISCUS LARIAT! Cover, TWO!

Karmen clamps onto Jacy but Jacy ROCKS Karmen! Tag to Jazmyn, but Karmen sweeps the legs! Karmen KICKS, KICKS and runs, to BASEMENT BLOCKBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Jazmyn stays in this but Karmen stays on her with a facelock. Karmen whips Jazmyn to the corner, BOOTS her, and Arianna tags in! Arianna runs in to RAM Jazmyn! Arianna snap suplexes, drops an elbow, and covers, TWO! Arianna drags Jazmyn up, facelocks, but Jazmyn fires body shots. Arianna CLUBS Jazmyn, bumps her off buckles, and tags Karmen. The fans rally as Team Toronto is working as a team, and Karmen CHOPS!

Karmen whips Jazmyn, Jazmyn reverses, but she gets a SOBAT! And a BULLDOG! Cover, TWO! Jacy jumps in and talks trash on Karmen, but then Jazmyn sucker punches Karmen! Karmen gets up, waistlocks, but Jacy tags in to NECKBREAKER! Jacy rains down fists on Karmen while fans boo, but Jacy soaks it up. Jacy brings Karmen around, whips, and ELBOWS her down! Cover, TWO! The fans rally up for Karmen but Jacy drags her away. Jacy whips Karmen to the corner, elbows her, then tags in Jazmyn. Jazmyn digs her boot in, lets off, and she DROPKICKS! Tag to Jacy and she blows kisses to Arianna.

Jacy then CANNONBALLS Karmen! Jacy drags Karmen to a cover, TWO! Karmen stays in this but Jacy stays on her with a seated cobra twist! Karmen fights up, arm-drags, and then rolls Jacy up, TWO! Jacy hurries up to whip, but Karmen reverses. Jacy blocks hip toss to roll Karmen and SUPERKICK! Tag to Jazmyn and the toxic twosome DOUBLE SUPLEX! Cover, TWO! Karmen toughs it out but Jazmyn sits her up. Jazmyn KICKS Karmen in the back and clamps on a headscissor squeeze. The fans rally, Karmen rolls to tuck Jazmyn, TWO!! Jazmyn runs up to ELBOW Karmen down! Cover, TWO!

The fans rally but Jazmyn tags Jacy. Jacy & Jazmyn go again, DOUBLE- NO, Karmen slips free! Karmen BOOTS Jacy, DUMPS Jazmyn, and then slips under! Jacy grabs a leg to drag Karmen back! Karmen BOOTS Jacy away! Hot tag to Arianna! The fans fire up as Arianna rallies on Jacy, then CLOBBERS Jazmyn! UPPERCUT in a corner for Jacy! ELBOW for Jazmyn! KNEE LIFT for Jacy! BOOT for Jazmyn! Arianna goes up and up and AX HANDLES Jacy down! Cover, TWO! Jacy survives but Arianna brings her up. Jacy JAWBREAKERS but Karmen tags in! Arianna gets Jacy up but Jacy BOOTS! Arianna blocks, Karmen runs in!

DROPKICK HART ATTACK! Cover, JAZMYN BREAKS IT! Arianna grabs Jazmyn, Jazmyn TOSSES her! Jacy avoids Karmen’s boot to throw her down by hair! Tag to Jazmyn and she SWEEPS the legs! Jacy KNEES Karmen down, Jazmyn covers, ARIANNA BREAKS IT! The fans fire up as all four women rise. Arianna dodges Jacy to hit a CODE BREAKER! Jazmyn PENALTY KICKS Arianna! Karmen kicks, Jazmyn gets under and O’Conner Rolls, but Arianna tips it over! Karmen has the cover, TEAM TORONTO WINS!

Winners: Arianna Grace & Karmen Petrovic

Jacy is shocked! She and Jazmyn got got by the home team! Will Arianna & Karmen make this Canadian Connection work all the way to becoming tag team champions?


Axiom is backstage.

He is stressing out and Frazer slides in. Frazer asks how he’s doing. Axiom asks where he’s been! He thought he’d have to go it alone! Frazer says relax, the traffic was nuts, fans were swarming, he couldn’t help it. Axiom says if Frazer isn’t locked in, they are gonna cross the border without belts! Frazer says he IS locked in. Time to show everyone why they’re the best team on the planet. So what’s the game plan? Axiom says ay Dios mio… Do these Undeniable Hard-Hitting Truths stand a snowball’s chance in the Sahara tonight?


Are you watching?

It isn’t hard to find this one, it’ll be the one that’s lit. The gold is going to shine even brighter with these fighting spirits burning bright! It will be a battle of first-evers, best-evers, the up-and-comers, and the ones that have been waiting for a long, long time. But in the end, only those who can stand the heat will rise to the top. There’s a Heatwave in Toronto!


NXT North American Championship, Wes Lee’s Last Chance: Oba Femi VS Wes Lee!

Speaking of “the best ever,” this battle right here will determine just who is THE best North American Champion ever! For Wes, this is it, all or nothing! Will the Cardiac Kid conquer Oba in Canada? Or will his body and his dreams end up crushed underneath The Ruler’s throne?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, as are the stakes, and we see if it’s now or never for one of the best ever!

The bell rings and the fans rally up. Oba and Wes stare down, slowly circle, then Wes KICKS! Oba shakes that off, Wes dodges him and KICKS again. Oba storms up, Wes BOOTS, and KICKS, but Oba catches Wes to DECK him! Wes scrambles up, but Oba corners him. Oba keeps Wes from slipping away and smothers him in the corner. The ref counts, Oba lets off, but Wes BOOTS Oba! Wes dodges Oba, fires fast hands, but Oba shoves him! Oba eggs Wes on so Wes SLAPS him! Wes fires haymakers and body shots! The fans fire up but the ref counts as they’re in a corner. Oba grabs Wes to TOSS him tot he corner!

Oba runs in but Wes dodges! Oba gets stuck in ropes and Wes KICKS away on the legs! Wes SUPERKICKS Oba, springboard, and ENZIGIRIS! Oba staggers toa  corner, Wes runs in but Oba puts him on the apron. Wes slingshots and RAN- NO! Oba stops the rana to put Wes up top! Oba then SLAPS Wes to the floor! The fans fire up as Oba stands tall. Wes grits his teeth, goes back tot he apron and springboards in to MISSILE DROPKICK! Oba stays on his feet, runs in, but Wes dodges. Oba BODY SHOTS Wes, then POPS him up to a fireman’s carry! F 5 THOUSAND!! The fans are thunderous for Oba as he stands tall.

Oba stalks Wes to ropes, drags him back, but Wes grabs the apron skirt. Wes kicks at Oba, Oba lets him go, and Wes hurries up. But Oba SHOVES Wes right out of the ring! Wes stumbles into the desk, and Oba storms out after him. Oba brings Wes around and says this is why HE is the greatest North American Champion now. Oba CLUBS Wes, then whips him hard into the apron edge! The ref checks Wes, he hit that steel pretty hard. Oba leaves Wes behind, letting the ring count handle this. Wes is dazed but moving at 4 of 10. Wes pushes himself up at 5, manages to stand at 7, and he rolls in at 8! The fans cheer and Oba grins.

Oba runs in to UPPERCUT Wes in the corner! Oba then scoops for a BACKBREAKER! Wes writhes, his back was the injury that took him out for months! Oba hauls Wes up to whip him hard into a corner, then RAMS into him! Wes flops down, the fans rally and duel, and Oba looms over Wes. Oba stomps Wes, digs his heel into that lower back, and then stands on Wes like a podium! But then Wes pushes up!? The fans fire up, but Oba STOMPS Wes back down. Oba hauls Wes up to UPPERCUT! Wes wobbles, so Oba DECKS him! Wes flounders around, the fans rally up, and Oba scoops Wes. Oba carries Wes for a BACKBREAKER!

Oba TOSSES Wes away, then paces around. The fans duel as Wes crawls to ropes, and Oba storms over. Oba drags Wes up but Wes fires body shots! Oba CLUBS Wes on the back! Oba whips Wes to a corner, then swaggers his way over. Oba KNEES Wes low, whips him corner to corner, but Wes falls before making it halfway! Oba is amused, and he taunts Wes. Oba hauls Wes up to TOSS Wes! Wes ends up in a Tree of Woe! Oba sets up, runs in, but Wes sits up! Oba POSTS himself! Wes slips to the apron, and he SUPERKICKS Oba into post! Wes then slingshots to sunset flip! Oba stays up, grabs Wes by the neck, and hauls him up.

But Wes handsprings through the shove, Oba sends himself up and out! Wes goes up, out, avoids the sweep, but not the CHOP! Oba swats Wes like a fly and the fans fire up again! Oba pushes Wes into the ring, “This is Awesome!” Oba stalks Wes, but Wes throws body shots! Wes swings, but into a clinch! BACKBREAKER! Oba bends Wes’s back against his knee! The fans rally up as Wes endures, and Wes grabs at Oba’s face. Oba CHOPS Wes down! Cover, TWO! Wes is still in this and now Oba is annoyed. Oba stalks Wes, taunts him, slaps him around, and he drags Wes up by his hair. The fans rally and duel as Wes grits his teeth!

Wes PELES Oba away! The fans fire up and Wes UP KICKS! Oba wobbles, Wes sweeps the legs, then fires hands! Wes runs to SUPER PUNCH! Oba goes to a corner and Wes runs in, to ENZIGIRI! And GAMANGIRI! Oba sits down, Wes SUPERKICKS him! Oba flounders, Wes goes up the corner, TORNADO DDT! Cover, TWO! Oba is still in this and Wes grows frustrated. The fans rally, Oba bails out, and Wes takes aim. Wes DIVES point-blank! Oba staggers, Wes slides back in. Wes DIVES again and Oba hits barriers! Oba staggers around the way so Wes goes back to the ring. Another DIVE and Oba hits the desk!

Oba goes into the ring, Wes follows him. Wes springboards, but the meteora is blocked! So Wes sunset flips it! Oba YANKS Wes right up, POPS him up, but Wes RANAS through! Cover, TWO!! Oba escapes and the fans are thunderous again! The fans cheer on “NXT! NXT!” for making this the opener, and then Wes BOOTS Oba! Wes ROUNDHOUSES, goes up the corner, and METEORAS! Down goes Oba! Wes then hurries to the other corner, Oba staggers to his feet, and Wes springboards, into an UPPERCUT!! Cover, TWO!! Wes survives being taken out of the air again and Oba is growing frustrated.

Oba drags Wes up, fireman’s carries, and then he goes up a corner! The fans are going nuts, but then Wes starts fighting with elbows! Wes stands on the top rope, and SUPER- NO! Oba stops the Steiner to then swing Wes up! But Wes makes it a SUPER FACEBUSTER! And CARDIAC KICK!! Cover, TWO?!? Oba survives and the fans are shocked! Wes is beside himself but Toronto comes alive! Wes goes to the corner again, and he climbs back up. Wes FROG SPLASHES! But Oba has him!? Wes slips free, Oba runs up but Wes DUMPS Oba! Wes BOOTS Oba, skins the cat, and then ASAI MOON- NO, Oba catches Wes again!

Oba hits a SHOULDER BUSTER! The fans fire up and Oba grits his teeth. Oba drags Wes back into the ring, but Wes KICKS him at the ropes! Wes DOUBLE STOMPS Oba down! The fans rally, Wes builds speed and handsprings, CARDIAC- NO, Oba catches him for a back suplex! Wes lands out and SUPERKICKS! Oba staggers, Wes fires hands! Wes runs, handsprings, CARDIAC- NO! Oba again has Wes, for the SHOTPUT BOMB!! Oba roars, the fans fire up, and Oba storms back up on Wes. POP-UP POWERBOMB!! Cover, Oba wins!

Winner: Oba Femi, by pinfall (still NXT North American Champion)

The Ruler remains on his throne, but that was much more than even he expected. However, this is still Wes’s most crushing defeat, because now he will never have another chance until someone else takes this title from Oba. But given how dominant Oba is, will that ever even happen?


NXT Women’s North American Championship: Kelani Jordan VS Sol Ruca!

The top two seeds in the Women’s Combine were definitely at home in the Ladder match back at Battleground. And though The Standout won out, she and the Sol Surfer are still friendly rivals. In fact, they even had a joint workout earlier today, live on Instagram! But will the Gym Princess prove that no one does it like Lani? Or will her reign be washed away by Sol’s wave of momentum?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see if the friendly rivals stay friendly after fighting it out!

The bell rings and the fans rally up as the two circle. They tie up, Kelani snapmares but Sol headscissors. Kelani kips free, the fans cheer as the two shake hands. They circle again, then tie up. Kelani waistlocks, Sol trips her but Kelani kicks her away. Kelani hurdles, Sol leaps over and handsprings back to RANA! Kelani gets up, gets moving, and tilt-o-whirls to RANA! But Solo handsprings through! The fans cheer and even Kelani nods respect. The two feel things out, knuckle lock, then Sol headlocks. Sol hits the takeover, Kelani slips out to headlock back. Solo shoves Kelani away, Kelani goes up and over but then Sol goes up and over!

Sol comes back, Kelani goes up to CROSSBODY! But Sol avoids the flip leg drop! Solo then avoids the leg sweep, and the two stand off. The fans cheer, the two reset again, and they feel things out. Solo drop toeholds, floats to a headlock, but Kelani fights up. Kelani powers up and out, drops down then hip tosses, but Sol handsprings! FACEBUSTER- NO, Kelani handstands then SPLASHES! ONE, and Kelani runs up! Solo stops the arm-drag, but Kelani slips through the hip toss to backslide! TWO! Solo kicks, Kelani ducks, Sol returns the favor! Sol FACEBUSTERS! Cover, TWO!

The fans rally as this action is getting faster! But Sol slows things down as she digs her knees into Kelani’s back. Sol has Kelani in a reverse Bow ‘n’ Arrow! Kelani endures, even as her foot touches the back of her head! Sol lets go to then hook up the legs, grabs the arms, and then yes, ROMERO SPECIAL SURFBOARD! Kelani endures as Sol makes her hang ten! Sol then FLINGS Kelani away, stalks Kelani to ropes, and whips her. Kelani stops herself, KICKS back, and fires forearms! Sol CHOPS back! Kelani ROCKS Sol, CHOPS her, and repeat! Kelani runs up to slingshot arm-drag! Sol staggers up, Kelani ducks ‘n’ dodges to RANA!

The fans fire up as Sol bails out. Kelani hurries to TORNILLO PLANCHA! Down goes Sol and the fans fire up! Kelani drags Sol up, puts her in, then hurries in. Solo runs up, but Kelani spins her around to a FACEBUSTER of her own! Cover, TWO! Sol is tough but Kelani stays focused. Kelani drags Sol to a drop zone, goes up and up, but Sol gets under! Kelani rolls through the moonsault, comes back, but into a SUPERKICK! Sol springboards to CROSSBODY! And then another springboard CROSSBODY! The fans fire up as Sol goes out. Kelani runs up, but into a GAMANGIRI! Sol springboards, 450 LARIAT?! Cover, TWO!!

Kelani shows her own toughness but Sol is really thinking outside the box. Kelani fires a forearm, Sol fires back! The fans rally and duel as the forearms go back and forth! Sol kicks low, KICKS again, but Kelani stops the superkick! Kelani shakes her head, steps over, WHEEL KICK! Sol wobbles, Kelani kips up and reels her in! POISON RANA!! The fans fire up as Sol flops out of the ring! Kelani rises, storms over and tries again, but Sol moves back. So instead of plancha, Kelani ASAI MOONSAULTS! Direct hit at the ramp and the fans fire up for “NXT! NXT!” Kelani drags Sol up, but she did damage to her own body with those moves.

Kelani leaves Sol behind to let the count handle this. Sol rises at 7 of 10, so Kelani goes back out. Kelani wants to win this straight up, but Sol ELBOWS her away! Sol kicks, Kelani blocks, and pops Sol to the apron! Sol PENALTY KICKS in return! Sol then goes up a corner, to GOLDEN TRIANGLE MOONSAULT! The fans fire up as both women are down again! The count is climbing and is now 5 of 10! Kelani and Sol stir at 7, and drag themselves up at 8! They both jump in at 9.5!! The fans cheer as both women stand. Sol fireman’s carries but Kelani fights free. Sol kicks, scoops, but Kelani victory rolls, TWO!

Kelani rises, Sol rolls, but Kelani sits on the cover! TWO and Sol sunset flips, TWO! Kelani high stacks, Sol pops her into the sunset, TWO! Kelani has the prawn hold, TWO! Kelani runs up, Sol spins her and fireman’s carries! SWINGING POWERBOMB! High stack, TWO!! Kelani survives that tubular attack, but Sol is frustrated. “This is Awesome!” as Sol puts Kelani up top. Sol climbs up behind Kelani, hooks the arms, but Kelani fights the lift! Kelani ELBOWS Sol down, and adjusts position! 450 SPLASH onto knees!! Both women are down and Kelani is writhing! Solo drags herself up with ropes, runs in at the corner, SOL-

NO! Kelani SPINEBUSTERS Sol! Kelani jackknife bridges, TWO!! Sol stuns Kelani and Kelani storms her way back to the corner. Fans duel, Kelani goes up but Sol stops the split leg! Electric Chair, but Kelani POISON- NO! Sol grabs ropes, and INVERTED ALABAMA SLAMS Kelani into buckles! Now Sol goes up with Kelani, but Kelani fights with fists! The fans fire up as they go higher and higher, for a SUPER POISON RANA!! The fans are losing their minds and Kelani is roaring! She goes up and up and ONE OF A KIND MOONSAULTS! Cover, KELANI WINS!

Winner: Kelani Jordan, by pinfall (still NXT Women’s North American Champion)

These two are friendly rivals, but that just made them both fight harder! And in the end, Kelani was the one who stood tall! Kelani helps her friend to her feet, and surely these two will go another round some day. But will no one do it like Lani?


Gallus speaks.

They warn Tyson & Tyriek that they saw the social media trash talk. The younger stars have no respect. It doesn’t matter how many views or followers you have. It doesn’t matter how high you jump or far you throw, but how hard you go in the ring. And Gallus is miles ahead of them. Did the internet clout do anything for them when they got jumped backstage? No, it didn’t. So see you boys Tuesday. Will Dupont & Igwe get deleted when The Gallus Boys are on top?


Ava Raine talks with Karmen & Arianna backstage.

She congratulates Team Toronto on the win, and they make a good tag team. Arianna says thanks, and is so glad it worked out. If It was Karmen all alone, it would’ve been catastrophic. But Arianna was there to give Toronto what they needed! Karmen says they’re a team, they won together. Oh, Karmen, use your eyes. Arianna was the real MVP out there. And they can’t be teaming anymore, Karmen will just bring Arianna down. Oh, so does Arianna think she’s better than Karmen? Arianna is sure they both know that answer. Ava says she wants to know that answer, and she makes it official: Karmen VS Arianna this Tuesday!

Karmen likes that and heads out. Arianna pouts and says it is so unfair that Ava would pit tag partners against each other. The Pageant Queen’s crazy aside, who will prove themselves the better woman when NXT returns home to Orlando?


NXT Tag Team Championships: Axiom & Nathan Frazer VS Andre Chase & Duke Hudson w/ Chase U!

And speaking of great tag teams, The Undeniable Hard-Hitting Truths have lived by the mantra #NeverSlowDown, but maybe, just maybe, Frazer is living that life a little too much. He’s burning the candle in multiple divisions, but will he burn himself and Axiom out? Or can they overcome the best Chase U has to offer?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see which team holds it together in Toronto!

The teams sort out and Mr. Chase starts against Axiom. They tie up, go around, and Axiom wrangles chase to an armlock. Chase fights up, slips through and waistlocks. Axiom cravats to snapmare, covers, and TWO as Chase bridges up! Chase rolls but Axiom holds onto the cravat! Chase rolls again, headscissors, but Axiom fights around. Axiom scuffs Chase, headstands, then turns Chase over to roll back. Axiom has the legs, then he hooks Chase for a BOW ‘N’ ARROW! Chase pops free to cover, ONE! Axiom sweeps to cover, ONE! Chase sweeps to cover, ONE! Axiom kips up and the fans fire up!

Chase and Axiom circle, feel things out, and then Axiom waistlocks. Chase elbows free, but Axiom BOOTS back! Axiom goes up to flying arm-drag! And DROPKICK! Cover, ONE, but Axiom stays close to Chase. Axiom whips, Chase slips around but Axiom sits down! ONE, Chase sunset flips but Axiom rolls through to stack, only for Chase to roll back and sit on it! TWO!! Chase says that was a #TeachableMoment! Axiom runs up, but Chase dodges to DROPKICK! The fans fire up, Frazer tags in, but Chase arm-drags! Chase arm-drags again! Chase has the armlock now and he grinds Frazer down.

Frazer fights up, puts Chase in a corner and whips. Chase reverses, Frazer goes up and over and handsprings away! Frazer comes back, slips under, but Chase blocks a superkick! But the DRAGON WHIP hits! Duke tag sin, Frazer dodges, redirects, slips around, but Duke throws Frazer off. Frazer tires again but Duke throws him off. Things speed up, Frazer leap but into Duke’s arms! OVERHEAD BELLY2BELLY! The fans fire up for the U~! Duke storms up but Frazer CHOPS! So Duke CHOPS back! Duke hauls Frazer up to then CHOPS again! Frazer is stinging and the fans “WOO~!” Mr. Chase tags in, he and Duke whip, body shot and DOUBLE CLUB! Chase covers, TWO!

Chase DECKS Frazer, YANKS Frazer up but Frazer lands out to PELE! Tag to Axiom, the speed blitz begins! BASEMENT DDT! Axiom covers, TWO! Chase survives and Thea coaches him, but Axiom brings Chase up. Axiom whips, RAMS into Chase, then brings him around for forearms. Axiom whips Chase again, but Chase sunset flips! Axiom rolls through to roll Chase and CLOBBER him! Cover, TWO! Chase is still int his and even Thea is surprised. Axiom clamps onto Chase but Chase fights the chinlock. The fans rally and Chase fights up! Chase hits an ELBOW BREAKER! Axiom shoves to LARIAT!

Tag to Frazer, whip and GAMANGIRI! Then SNAP GERMAN! Then DOUBLE SUPERKICKS! Cover, TWO!! Chase survives and Frazer is annoyed. Frazer CLUBS Chase, clamps on with a chinlock, but Chase again pries at the hold. Chase fights up as fans rally, and he elbows free. Chase runs but Frazer trips him up! Frazer then springboards in, but into a SIDE EFFECT! The fans fire up and Thea is going nuts! Frazer and Chase crawl, the fans rally up, and hot tag to Axiom! He anchors Chase, but Chase fights up. Axiom wrangles Chase again but Chase BOOTS him away! Axiom comes back, ARMBAR TAKEDOWN!

Chase moves around, stacks to a cover, TWO! Axiom picks a leg, has a toehold, and Chase endures again. The fans rally, Chase fights up, and Chase ENZIGIRIS into a KNEEBAR!! The fans duel as Axiom has the legs grape-vined! Chase fights around, the fans rally, and Chase gets a leg free. Chase rolls to send Axiom hard into buckles! Hot tags to Frazer and Duke! The Chase U MVP rallies on both Frazer & Axiom! He breaks a double lariat to DOUBLE LARIAT back! Duke fires JAB after JAB, then flip, flop- NO, Frazer stops that! So Duke JABS away on Frazer! Then flip, flop, “U~” and DOUBLE BIONIC ELBOWS!

The fans fire up with Duke as he kicks Axiom to a corner. Duke goes corner to corner, Axiom goes up and over! Axiom comes back, into an U-RENAGE! Frazer gets up, into a FLAPJACK! Duke then fireman’s carries Axiom to GUTBUSTER SENTON COMBO! Cover, TWO!! Frazer survives for his team and the fans love “NXT! NXT!” for another tag team classic. Duke whips Frazer but Frazer KICKS back! Frazer ducks ‘n’ dodges and DROPKICKS Duke outta the ring! Frazer hurries to build speed again, and he DIVES into a forearm! Duke SLINGSHOT GERMAN SUPLEXES! The fans are thunderous for Duke as he rises!

Duke drags Frazer up, reels him in, Canadian Rack, but Frazer slips free of The River to RANA! Duke hits buckles and Frazer hot tags Axiom! Axiom goes up to FLYING RANA! Duke flounders out of the ring, Axiom sends Frazer to DIVE! Down goes Chase! Axiom DIVES onto Duke! DIVE onto Chase! DIVE onto Duke! The champs have Toronto fired up and they get Duke in the ring. Axiom climbs, and he FROG SPLASHES Duke! Tag to Frazer so that he can springboard and 450 SPLASH!! Cover, TWO!!! Thea almost can’t breath, this is so wild! The fans rally as Axiom goes up, leaps, but into BOOTS! Frazer springboards, Duke gets clear!

Frazer turns around U- NO, Frazer arm-drags free! Then he BOOTS! Frazer skins the cat up top, but Duke ROLLS into the STRATUSFACTION! Duke scoops for a SWINGING SIDE SLAM!! Cover, TWO?!? Frazer survives Duke raising the ante and “This is Awesome!” Duke tags Chase and puts Frazer up top. Frazer BOOTS Duke, Chase UPPERCUTS Frazer! Chase goes up, Duke tags back in. Frazer SHOVES Chase away, Duke ROCKS Frazer! Duke climbs up after Frazer, but Frazer throws body shots. Frazer HEADBUTTS Duke down! Frazer then springboards to MISSILE DROPKICK! Tag to Axiom and the champs hoist Duke up!

The fans fire up but Duke SHOVES Frazer! Axiom GAMANGIRIS Duke! Axiom climbs, Frazer tags. Axiom has Duke up for a SUPER SPANISH FLY!! Frazer is up top for the PHONENIX SPLASH!! Cover, CHASE breaks it, and hits a DESTROYER on Axiom!!! The fans are electric as all four men are down! The teams regroup, “This is Awesome!” as Axiom and Chase tag in. Chase fires a forearm, but Axiom hits back! Chase fires another forearm, so Axiom hits back! The fans rally as the shots keep going! Axiom KICKS and KICKS but Chase CHOPS! Chase runs, Axiom UPERCUTS! Axiom runs, into a BOOT!

Chase fires up, the fans are with him! Chase runs, but Frazer blocks the boot! Chase ENZIGIRIS, but Frazer ducks so Axiom takes the hit! Chase CHOPS Frazer, Axiom clamps on with a SLEEPER! Frazer takes aim, but Chase slips free so the SUPERKICK hits Axiom! Frazer freaks out, Duke DECKS him! Chase rolls Axiom up, TWO?!? Axiom survives and the fans can’t believe it! Thea and Riley can’t believe it, either! The fans are thunderous for “NXT! NXT!” and Frazer SHOTGUNS Duke into steel steps! Chase has Axiom, RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Chase spells it out! C! H! A! S! E! U! What’s that spell? CHASE U~!

Chase goes up a corner? And he CROSSBODIES! Cover, FRAZER BREAKS IT! Chase TOSSES Frazer out, hauls Axiom up, and he underhooks. But Axiom slips free and tags Frazer. Chase ELBOWS Axiom, but Frazer goes up! Chase dodges Frazer, BOOTS him, then goes up and up! But Frazer goes right up after him! Tag to Axiom, SUPERPLEX and roll through CHASE-ING THE DRAGON!! And then Frazer FLIES onto Duke!! The fans are electric as Axiom hits the GOLDEN RATIO!! Cover, Axiom & Frazer win!!

Winners: Axiom & Nathan Frazer, by pinfall (still NXT Tag Team Champions)

It seems Frazer’s split focus wasn’t a detriment. Will Frazer & Axiom keep up this pace and soon take over more than just NXT? As for Chase U, will they have to go back to the drawing board if they want a winning strategy?


NXT Media catches up with Wes Lee.

The reporter asks for a moment of his time, but Wes asks for what. Wes loss! Plain and simple. Tonight was supposed to be him regaining the North American title, and he failed. Wes traveled the world, made best friends, had tag team gold and even had one of the best singles runs ever. This was to be the culmination of all that, him holding the North American Championship, and he failed. Oba Femi was the better man tonight, point blank. Wes isn’t sure what else to say. He just needs time to figure out what is next. What path will the Wes Side walk now that his plans fell apart?


NXT Women’s Championship: Roxanne Perez VS Lola Vice!

The Prodigy has proven herself over and over again, but she’s also puffed up her own ego over and over again. But will there be no stopping her now that she has achieved her ultimate form? Or will nothing stop the rise of the fiery Latina Heat as she fights not just for a dream, not just for history, but for her familia?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and these two are ready to go down in a blaze of glory!

The bell rings and the fans rally. The two tie up, go around, and end up on ropes. They go to a corner, Roxie climbs up on Lola but the ref counts. Roxie lets off, to SLAP Lola! Lola just grins, and Roxie gets worried. Lola shoves Roxie down, headlocks and hits a takeover. Roxie fights up, powers out, bot Lola runs her over! Lola shakes her hips, then gets moving. Lola jumps the dropdown, ducks ‘n’ dodges then hip tosses, only for Roxie to counter! But Lola counters back to an ARMBAR! Roxie hurries to stack it, ONE! Roxie wrenches an arm, YANKS it, then wrenches again to UPPERCUT! The fans rally and duel, Roxie wrenches the arm again.

Lola KICKS Roxie, SLAMS her down, then throws off her armbands. Lola fires knees then TOSSES Roxie aside! The fans fire up as Roxie staggers up. Lola waistlocks, but Roxie fires elbows! Roxie storms up, whips, but Lola reverses. Roxie ducks the uraken! Lola says it was that close! Roxie staggers around the outside, Lola goes out to CANNONBALL! Down goes Roxie and Lola shows off the swivel. The fans cheer, Lola pushes Roxie into the ring, and then Lola storms in, Roxie UP KICKS! Roxie RAMS Lola into buckles, then CLUBS away on her! Roxie CLUBS Lola down, then throws her into more buckle!

Roxie goes corner to corner to SMACK Lola off more buckles! The fans duel as Roxie CHOKES Lola on ropes! The ref counts, Roxie stomps Lola as she lets off. Cover, TWO! Roxie SLAPS Lola more, then goes for a corner. Lola stops that to dribble Roxie’s face off buckles! Lola SMACKS Roxie one more time, rolls her up, TWO! Roxie stands, blocks a kick, and she throws Lola by her hair! The ref reprimands but Roxie storms up on Lola. Roxie pulls Lola back against ropes and THRASHES her! The ref counts, Roxie lets off, then YANKS Lola down. The fans rally, Roxie puts Lola in another corner.

Roxie runs in, and she UPPERCUTS Lola! Then RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP, roll to a cover, TWO! Roxie is losing her cool but she clamps onto Lola with an armlock and chinbar. The fans rally and duel again, Lola endures and fights up. Lola scoops Roxie but Roxie fights that to CLUB Lola. Roxie wrenches, clinches, but no leg sweep this time! Lola KNEES Roxie low! Lola fires body shots and knees, but Roxie rolls her! TWO, and Roxie stands, into a KICK! And a KICK! Lola fires LIGHTNING KICKS! Roxie ends up in a corner and the fans cheer Lola. Lola says she’s a Latina~, and runs in to HIP ATTACK! Lola then drags Roxie out, to AX KICK! Cover, TWO!

Lola huffs ‘n’ puffs, scoops, but Roxie sunset flips! TWO, and Lola BODY SHOTS again! Roxie sputters and goes to a corner. Lola runs in, but the boot only gets buckles! Roxie BLINDSIDE UPPERCUTS! Roxie keeps moving, UPPERCUT into a SLEEPER!! Roxie hurries to kick off buckles and roll this back, TWO!! Lola lets Roxie go, Roxie wheelbarrows, but into a REAR NAKED CHOKE!! Roxie rolls to the ropes, then the floor, but Lola holds on! So Roxie RAMS Lola into the desk! Roxie is free, but Loa BOOTS her away. Lola runs up, URAKEN into POST!! Roxie avoids disaster, and then STOMPS the bad arm!

The fans are torn as Roxie brings Lola around, hammerlocks the bad arm, and NORTHERN LIGHTS to the floor! Lola writhes as she clutches that forearm, but Roxie pushes her into the ring. Cover, TWO!! Roxie shows no mercy as she DRAGON STOMPS that bad arm! Then she drags Lola around, isolates the arm, and YANKS it! Cover, TWO! Lola is still in this, despite having the one good arm, but Roxie taunts her. Roxie KNEE DROPS the arm! Roxie then drags Lola from ropes, stands on the arm, mocks Lola, but Lola kicks her! And kicks her! So Roxie KNEE DROPS but misses as Lola gets up!

Lola KICKS, whips, but Roxie reverses. Lola BOOTS back, swings, but Roxie grabs the arm! They go around and around but Lola rolls! Roxie gets the other arm, for a SAIDO! The fans fire up and Roxie steps on Lola to go to the corner. Roxie goes up and up and LIONSAULTS but FLOPS! Lola gets a TRIANGLE HOLD! Roxie stacks, TWO! Roxie steals the URAKEN, but is caught! Lola still URAKENS!! Roxie falls out of the ring, and Lola clutches the bad arm! Lola hurries to go after Roxie, drags her up and into the ring, and hurries to cover, ROPEBREAK! A miscalculation on Lola’s part and Roxie is still in this.

Lola fires down forearms with the left, but Roxie is still holding the rope so the ref counts. Lola lets off, Roxie goes to the apron. Lola grabs at Roxie but Roxie grabs the bad arm! UPPERCUT to the bad forearm! Roxie CLUBS the arm, and then she POSTS Lola! The fans duel as hard as they can while Lola flounders away. Roxie grits her teeth as she storms inside. Roxie KICKS Lola, hops on, but no Pop Rox! Lola KICKS, KICKS and KICKS! Those legs still work! SPIN KICK!! Roxie sputters, Lola lifts her up. Roxie begs for mercy, but then she BLOCKS the uraken! POP ROX!! Cover, TWO?!? Lola survives and Roxie is shocked!

Roxie shrieks, drags Lola by her hair and TOSSES her out! Roxie snarls as she tells Vic & Booker to move! She’s clearing the desk! Vic & Book do as told, and Roxie drags Lola over. Roxie tells Lola she will NEVER be champion! They get on the desk, and Roxie hops on! POP ROX on the desk!! The desk does not budge and the fans lose their minds! Roxie puts Lola in, covers, TWO?!?! Lola is still in this and Roxie is losing her mind! Roxie CLUBS away on the bad arm again and again, then puts on a CROSSFACE!! Lola endures, reaches out, crawls over, but Roxie kicks off the rope! They roll, stand, POP ROX!!! But Lola is right up, so POP ROX AGAIN!!!

Roxie is showing no mercy! A FIFTH POP ROX!!! Cover, Roxie wins!!

Winner: Roxanne Perez, by pinfall (still NXT Women’s Champion)

Lola put up the fight of her life, but it was as Roxie said on Tuesday: Lola is just unlucky that she’s here at the same time as Roxie. The Prodigy is proving herself a woman of her word, will she never, ever lose this title?


Lexis King speaks.

Another Fourth of July to celebrate his heritage of American rock ‘n ‘roll! Creed, White Snake, Metallica! Real music! Not all that beep boop bop techno crap. And speaking of heritage, y’know who has a lot of it? Tony D and that Heritage Cup. Lexis will take that Cup and claim it for his own! The King VS The Don, this Tuesday on NXT!

Tony D’Angelo responds.

The Don says he was in his garden, watering the fruits and veggies, and herbs, and he gets a call from Luca Crusifino. He showed Tony the video of Lexis in a hot tub, talking about him and Eddy Thorpe. And then he brings up Tony, talking about taking away the Cup. Like it’s gonna be easy! Lexis, Tony doesn’t know who you think you are or what you’ve been watching, but Tony IS The Don of NXT. And if Lexis thinks this is a walk int he park, Tony is insulted. But sure, he’ll give Lexis the match. Because then Tony will smack that fake beard off Lexis’ face. Then Tony goes back to the garden to enjoy the fruits of his labor.

The match is made, the Heritage Cup will be on the line! But will The Don have to be careful not to underestimate The Drama King?


NXT Championship Fatal 4 Way: Trick Williams VS Je’Von Evans VS Ethan Page VS Shawn Spears!

Talk about turning up the heat! Cody Rhodes told Trick Willy that a Battle Royal would determine his challenger, and that challenger was The Young OG. But then All Ego had to bring up a technicality, then got himself a win over said #1 contender. Then, The Chair Man had to one-up his fellow Canadian by finding a way to pin Trick! Ava Raine went with the easiest solution of letting them fight it out all at once, making this one of the biggest NXT Championship matches in a long time. Will this still be the Whoop Dat Era? Are things about to get BOUNCY~? Or will a Canadian win the gold here in their homeland?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who overcomes those 25% odds!

The bell rings and fans already chant “WHOOP DAT TRICK!” Je’Von is also fired up, but he and Trick slowly circle with Spears and Ethan. Ethan bails out, he doesn’t want to- WAIT, Je’Von DIVES onto him! Then Trick fires off on Spears! Je’Von CHOPS Ethan, Spears whips but Trick ducks ‘n’ dodges. Trick catches Spears’ leap to SLAM him! Then Trick LARIATS Spears up and out! Ethan SMACKS Je’Von off the apron but Je’Von ROCKS Ethan back! Ethan DECKS Je’Von in return! Spears SMACKS Trick off the apron, Ethan does the same to Je’Von! The Canadians compete against each other, and they SMACK Trick and Je’Von off steel steps!

The fans duel as Spears the hometown boy and Ethan the boy from Hamilton get in the ring. The fans fire up for “TEN! TEN! TEN!” and Spears grins. Ethan also grins, then shake hands. But then they both poke each other in the eye! Trick goes after Spears, Je’Von is after Ethan! They smack and CHOP the Canadians, but Spears trips Trick! Je’Von rebounds to GAMANGIRI! Spears falls to CATAPULT Trick at Ethan for a NECKBREAKER! And now, the match as was intended, Trick and Je’Von stare down. They secret handshake, then Trick ducks a kick! Trick clinches but Je’Von arm-drags free of the Bookend!

Je’Von runs up, gets around, rolls Trick, TWO! Je’Von keeps moving, and he springboards fo ra LFYING SCHOOLBOY! TWO, and Je’Von DROPKICKS! Je’Von bounces around on the ropes to RANA! Then he runs up to sunset flip! High stack, TWO! Trick gets free but Je’Von says it was that close. Trick is annoyed and runs up. Je’Von ducks, dodges, springboards, but Trick gets under to LEPAING LARIAT! Trick scoops Je’Von to SLAM him! Trick drags Je’Von up, whips him, but Je’Von reverses. Trick reverses again, Je’Von bounces but Trick shoves him away, to DROPKICK him down! But Spears returns, with a chair!

Trick dodges the chair, LEG LAIRATS Spears, then LEG LARIATS Ethan! LEG LARIAT for Spears, LEG LARIAT for Ethan! Trick whips Spears, Spears reverses and Trick CLOBBERS Ethan! Trick BOOTS Spears, dodges Ethan then DOUBLE FLAPJACKS the Canadians! Trick kips up but Je’Von springboard! Trick ducks, DOUBLE CROSSBODY on the Canadians! BOOKEND! Cover, TWO! Je’Von survives and Trick is annoyed. Trick shoves Je’Von to a corner, stomps him, call it some tough love to the Young OG. But then Spears DUMPS Trick out! Ethan DECKS Spears, ROCKS Je’Von, and Ethan suplexes Je’Von onto Spears!

Ethan brings Je’Von up to bump him off his boot! Ethan ROCKS Je’Von, puts him up top, and then crosses the arms. Trick runs up, Ethan BOOTS him! ICONOCLASM sends Je’Von into Trick and Spears! Then a DEADLIFT POWERSLAM for Je’Von! Cover, TWO! Ethan is annoyed with Je’Von but he goes to a corner. Ethan climbs as the fans boo, but Spears CHOPS first! Spears CHOPS Ethan again, climbs up, and then Je’Von joins in! Je’Von fights Spears off to go after Ethan, but Trick Electric Chair Lifts Je’Von! Trick kicks Spears, reels him in, but Ethan LEAPS! SHOUDLER TACKLE ELECTRIC CHAIR DDT SUPER COMBO!!! Double covers, TWO!!

The fans fire up as Trick and Ethan rise. Trick shoves Ethan, they fire hands! They go haymaker for haymaker, then Trick ROCKS Ethan! Spears CHAIR SHOTS Trick! And he JAMS Ethan! Je’Von dodges, springboards, into a CHAIR SHOT! Toronto is all fired up for the Chair Man as he wedges said chair into a corner. Spears then drags Je’Von up, fireman’s carries, but Trick makes the save! POP-UP UPPERCUT! Spears wobbles, but he still fireman’s carries! CORNER C4 into the chair!! Cover, TWO?!? Trick survives being the substitute for Je’Von in that situation, but the fans are thunderous. Spears drags Trick up and reels him in!

Spears fireman’s carries again, but Je’Von SUPERKICKS! Ethan is back, too, and he blocks a kick to throw it at Spears! Je’Von SUPERKICKS Ethan! Spears SUPERKICKS Ethan! Je’Von rebounds, Spears SUPERKICKS him! Ethan SUPERKICKS Je’Von! Trick BLOCKBUSTERS Ethan! All four men are down and the fans are loving it! “This is Awesome!” as all four men slowly stir. Trick follows Ethan outside and CHOPS him down! Trick clears off the desk, and the fans fire up again! Trick fireman’s carries Ethan but Ethan fights free! Ethan POSTS Trick, then he Canadian Racks Trick! But Trick slips free to POST Ethan!

Trick ROCKS Ethan again and again, but Je’Von FLIES OVER THE CORNER! Direct hit on Trick through the barriers!! Even Je’Von is dazed and Toronto is losing its mind all over again! Je’Von hobbles into the ring, Spears is up top! Je’Von gets up there to join him, but then Spears fireman’s carries! SUPER C 4!!! Cover, Ethan TOSSES Spears! Ethan covers Je’Von, TWO!!! All Ego is losing his mind! He HAMMERS away on Je’Von, even as Toronto boos. Ethan scuffs Je’Von, drags him to a drop zone, then climbs. But Spears ROCKS Ethan first! Spears CHOPS Ethan, climbs up, but Trick is back!?

Trick gets under Spears, brings him around, but Spears RANAS Trick outta the ring! Je’Von LEAPS up to Ethan, SUPER SPANISH FLY~! And then the O G CUTTER!!! Cover, TRICK BREAKS IT!! The Young OG was moments away from becoming the youngest champion ever, and Trick could not allow it! The fans are volcanic as Trick and Je’Von rise up. Trick and Je’Von throw hands, faster and faster, and the fans fire up! Je’Von SUPERMAN PUNCHES! Trick EDDY GORDO KICKS! Je’Von HEEL KICKS, then dodges the boot! Rebound, into the SPIN KICK! Both men are down and the fans fire up again!

Trick and Je’Von stir, then roll to the apron. They’re on opposite sides of the same corner, and Je’Von has a wild look. Trick is by the desk, so Je’Von climbs, only for Spears to YANK him down! Spears sees the same target, and he goes up the corner! Spears drags Je’Von up, but Je’Von fights with body shots! Spears fires hands on Je’Von and Je’Von flops back. Spears wags his finger, but Je’Von springs right up! Spears is shocked, Je’Von flips him off! SUPER CUTTER!! And then the BOUNCY TWISTER!! Cover, TRICK BREAKS IT AGAIN! Trick hauls Je’Von up to TOSS him out, but J’eVon is on the apron.

Je’Von ROCKS Trick, slingshots, but Trick SHOVES him! Je’Von CRASHES DOWN THROUGH THE DESK!! Trick is conflicted, but it’s what he has to do to retain his title. The fans chant “REST IN PEACE! REST IN PIECE!” Trick lets the hair down to fire back up, and he aims at Spears. TRICK- NO, Spears avoids the shot to step through! SHARPSHOOTER!! Trick endures the iconic Canadian hold, but then Ethan BOOTS Spears down! And he hauls Trick up, Canadian Rack, EGO’S EDGE!! Cover, Je’Von gives Trick the ROPEBREAK! Ethan is PISSED! Ethan drags Je’Von into the ring, and he hammers away on Je’Von’s face!

The fans boo but Ethan’s going from All Ego to All Rage! Ethan says Je’Von brought this on himself! Canadian Rack, but Spears ends up saving Je’Von! Trick runs up, TRICK SHOT on Je’Von! Je’Von bumps into Spears, Ethan storms up, TRICK SHOT for Ethan! But Ethan falls on Je’Von for a cover, right as Spears drags Trick out! ETHAN WINS?!?

Winner: Ethan Page, by pinfall (NEW NXT Champion)

Trick is enraged, Spears is stunned, and no one in Toronto can believe it! It was 25% odds, but this happening feels like one in a million! And now Ethan feels like he won the lottery! Is this the beginning of the All Ego Era?

My Thoughts:

This was not only an AMAZING NXT Heatwave, but probably the best show NXT’s done all year, or even in years. It feels like the “White ‘n’ Gold Era” is giving us that same match quality as “Black ‘n’ Gold” while still giving us fresh characters and story. For one, I think it’s been since Stand & Deliver that we had a preshow match. Karmen & Arianna VS Jacy & Jazmyn was a lot of fun, and it was a great win for Team Toronto. But at the same time, I should’ve figured the team wouldn’t last long and we’re getting Karmen VS Arianna already. The winner of that can definitely consider themselves moving up towards a title shot, as both have been strong characters for some time.

There were also some good promos to set up more matches for Tuesday. Gallus of course want after Tyson & Tyriek, and I still think they should have a tornado tag match or something No Disqualification style so they can all brawl it out. And Lexis going right for Tony D before having a match with Eddy Thorpe, that’s a bit of a head scratcher. But I suppose Thorpe could distract Lexis by blasting some dubstep to annoy him. Honestly, I thought Lexis VS Thorpe was going to be more of a build to the North American Championship, but I suppose we’ll just have to wait and see.

And of course, epic title matches from top to bottom tonight. As I’ve said before, keeping status quo is just fine, so long as we get there in a fun way. Oba throwing Wes around may have been done before but it is still entertaining. And as I was saying on Tuesday, Wes losing here is so he can move on to the top title scene. Kelani VS Sol was one of the best matches this weekend, and that’s just on the creativity alone. They were both bringing out innovative move after innovative move, but I predicted right that Kelani would retain. Sol can now move on to the top title if she likes, and just about anyone can step up to Kelani for her title at this point.

The tag team championship match was amazing, again giving this era of NXT that Black ‘n’ Gold vibe. They did a good job of making the dysfunction in Axiom & Frazer more about their timing than their attitudes, and them winning despite all that also adds to the Chase U story. Ridge wished them luck but he wasn’t there to tip the scales, that is why they lost. Ridge’s surprise for their return was probably meant to be a party, but now it could turn into a swerve where Ridge turns on Chase U for not appreciating his help, something petty like that. As for Axiom & Frazer, I really want Frazer to talk with Axiom about how they can be a Two Man Power Trip, adding to their tension.

Tonight was certainly Lola’s best match so far, she and Roxie did such a great job in both action and storytelling. Great detail that Lola hurt her hand, but also that she still toughed it out. Roxie hitting a total of FIVE Pop Rox bombs adds to both Lola’s toughness and Roxie’s viciousness. And for those who wanted Giulia to show up tonight, she probably confronts Roxie on Tuesday while Roxie goes on and on about how she’s better than everyone. And then what an epic Fatal 4 Way. All four men got that shine, especially Je’Von for being the youngest and newest to this. And what a brilliantly executed finish where Ethan wins only because Trick miscalculated. “The Face in the Chase” is always a thing, and All Ego is going to make for one downright obnoxious Heel champion.

Also, I didn’t put it in the report because I wasn’t even sure why it happened, but that Joe Hendry tease right at the very end… That’s some sneaky stuff, NXT. I thought he was gonna come out in person, but no, it was just that blip. We’re of course getting more NXTNA crossovers, and I almost want them to bring back Worlds Collide just for that. Great American Bash is also coming back, maybe we get Hendry VS Ethan?

My Score: 9.2/10

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Mitchell’s WWE Money in the Bank Results & Report! (7/6/24)

High risk, high reward!



The stakes are raised in Toronto!

While six men and six women compete for Money in the Bank contracts, Seth Rollins has Damian Priest put his World Heavyweight Championship AND Judgment Day membership on the line! Will The Punisher lose it all all in one night?


  • Men’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match: Drew McIntyre VS Jey Uso VS Chad Gable VS LA Knight VS Andrade VS Carmelo Hayes; McIntyre wins and is the 2024 Mr. Money in the Bank.
  • WWE Intercontinental Championship: Sami Zayn VS Bron Breakker; Sami wins and retains the title.
  • WWE World Heavyweight Championship, Title VS Faction: Damian Priest VS Seth Rollins; turns into…
  • WWE World Heavyweight Championship Money in the Bank Cash-In Triple Threat: Damian Priest VS Seth Rollins VS Drew McIntyre; Priest wins and retains the title.
  • Women’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match: Iyo Sky VS Lyra Valkyria VS Zoey Stark VS Naomi VS Tiffany Stratton VS Chelsea Green; Tiffany wins and is the 2024 Ms. Money in the Bank.
  • Six Man Tag: Cody Rhodes, Randy Orton & Kevin Owens VS The Bloodline; The Bloodline wins.


It’s the Money in the Bank Countdown Show!

Join Michael Cole, Wade Barrett, Big E & Jackie Redmond in discussing, analyzing and predicting all the high stakes action here in Toronto!


Michael Cole interviews Seth Rollins.

Cole said it has been a few eventful months while Rollins was away. Rollins says you are always a bit nervous coming back, but he was welcomed with opened arms. Don’t get him wrong, he enjoyed his time off with his family, but there’s nothing like the energy from the fans. That is where Seth comes alive. Cole asks how the family is feeling. Becky Lynch has stepped away from WWE after losing the title, taking care of their daughter, how is The Man feeling? She’s great. Rollins can’t speak to Becky’s future, her plans, but she and the little one are great. Their daughter is now three years old and running the show.

Cole says this is an emotional weekend WrestleMania was. Walk us through the night one main event and that great tag match. It was cold, first of all. Then there was this bigness, but also Rollins felt at home, that he was where he was mean tot be. Adrenaline got him through the night, the result wasn’t what they wanted, but it set the table for night two. Yes, and less than 24 hours, Rollins kicks off Mania, has to turn right around from his grueling tag match. How was his mindset for such a big match? Rollins remembers sitting, and while Mania has been two nights for awhile, he has never had to go back to back before.

Usually there is this breath you take and you go, “Whew, we did it.” But then he realized no, he had to come back the next night. it was going to be an uphill battle for sure. Cole says many times it is back to back nights, but Mania is where you leave it all out there. And doing that in the main event of one and the opener of the other, why’d Rollins choose to do that? Rollins says he had a duty to the World Heavyweight Championship, to give it a presence at Mania, and he wasn’t about ot vacate. And there’s always a puncher’s chance you win. McIntyre could’ve made a mistake, but he didn’t until after.

But why get in the business of The Bloodline? Why does Rollins do that? Rollins says it felt important. To move things forward, they needed to end Roman’s reign. Rollins was willing yo sacrifice his own well-being to do some good. And fortunately, he was right. Then fast-forward to the end of that night two. Roman’s obsession with Rollins cost him. How did that feel? It was a catharsis. If Rollins could just tip the scale, get a chair in there, that’d make Roman lose his focus and Cody could win. A bittersweet story for Rollins, but at least Cody got to #FinishHisStory. There might’ve been envy there, but Rollins was very happy for Cody.

And after that, for the first time in 12 years, Rollins felt he could rest. He got the surgery and he was okay. The interview will continue so stay tuned.


Backstage interview with Sami Zayn.

Cathy Kelley says it’s already been quite the week for the Great Liberator. He had a great night on Thursday with his comedy show, but now he must gear up for his Intercontinental Championship match against Bron Breakker, how is he handling having to deal with such different undertakings? Sami says it has been hard. The last ten days even have been difficult. These are really different things to prepare for. A comedy show takes one mindset, it was a lot of fun, but now he has to prepare for the lion’s den. Sami is aware of the physical threat Bron poses. But the comedy show is done, it is almost time, adrenaline is kicking in with some nerves, too.

Sami doesn’t wanna sound overconfident, but he doesn’t see him leaving his home country without this title. Cathy thanks him for his time, and sends it to Jackie Redmond.

Backstage interview with Bron Breakker.

Jackie says Bron has been a wrecking ball since coming to Raw, but perhaps going into this match, Sami has the experience edge. What is his response? Bron says of course Sami has that advantage, he’s been all over the world for quite some time. But Sami’s never been in the ring with an athlete like Bron. Someone among the top athletes to ever live on this planet, will be here in Sami’s home country. That’ll just make it sweeter when Bron takes that title and becomes the NEW Intercontinental Champion. Jackie thanks Bron for his time, will Sami’s 90 day reign come to a fast yet brutal end?


Shawn Michaels joins the panel!

The fans fire up for HBK and Cole says HBK has a huge weekend, too, as NXT Heatwave is tomorrow night. NXT and Toronto have had a great relationship, and DIY even won the WWE Tag Team Championships here last night. HBK says Heatwave is big, all title matches. Trick Williams is setting a new standard as he defends the NXT Championship in a Fatal 4 Way against Toronto’s own Shawn Spears, another Canadian in Ethan Page, and the Young OG, Je’Von Evans. Roxanne Perez defends her NXT Women’s Championship against Lola Vice. Plus, the NXT Tag Team Championships and both North American titles are also on the line.

Cole notes how impressive Oba Femi is, and HBK says that is proof that the NIL system is working. Oba has been doing this for just a year, but he is already so impressive, so dominant, and is only getting better. HBK loves Wes Lee, Wes was a fantastic champion, but he has his work cut out for himself against such a behemoth as Oba. Things are only heating up in Toronto, will we see someone melt under the spotlight?


Backstage interview with Jey Uso.

Cathy Kelley is with Main Event Jey Uso and says this is his first MITB match. Monday, Jey said he was confident he’d walk away with the contract, how would that change his trajectory? Big time! He could get his first singles title. But tonight is the night. No more talk. He’s gonna snatch the YEET-case and become Mr. Mon-YEET in the Bank! YEET! Jey is ready to win it all, will he pull it off?


It’s part two of Michael Cole interviewing Seth Rollins.

Cole has The Visionary talk now on El Campeon, Damian Priest. The two of them have one thing in common, in that they’re the only men to cash-in during WrestleMania. How would Rollins rate Priest’s performance since wining the world title? Rollins remembers his first run. It is very different imagining your first run and then actually having that run. Is Priest just a transitional champion? Who knows if there’s such a thing. Yes, McIntyre believes in such things but he’s also a bitter, bitter man. Priest has done well, but when you look at the title defenses against Jey Uso and against Drew McIntyre, Priest needed help. Priest may not have wanted the help, but it is what it is.

Priest has done an admirable job but Rollins feels very confident going into MITB. So much so, there is the gentlemen’s agreement: Rollins loses, he can no longer challenge while Priest is champion; Priest loses, he must leave Judgment Day. Rollins says he sees potential in Priest. But many times, you have to step out on your own, away from what is safe and comfortable, to reach that potential. Rollins knows from coming in with The Shield, it is great o have those you can depend on. But that legacy is not your own. Priest needs to create his own legacy. Win, lose or draw, Priest learns something about himself, he will learn to stand on his own two feet.

Speaking of legacies, Cole wants to talk Rollins’ legacy. The World Heavyweight Championship for Rollins meant fighting every single night. He’s come back and reset. Has he reexamined what he wants now? Let’s be honest, this could be his final big run. Rollins chuckles and says he feels he’s just hit his prime. But yes, there is more behind him than ahead of him. He has thought about his legacy, and he is back to win that world title to add to his legacy and build upon everything he’s done. Then what if he doesn’t beat Priest tonight? He hadn’t thought that far yet. He feels very confident in himself, he really does.

He’s lost as many titles as he has won. If he can’t, then he reevaluates and figures out how to move forward. But he put that pressure on himself because that is when he does his best work. Winning gives us Rollins VS Gunther at SummerSlam. That is a dream match for Rollins, he hopes that is everyone’s dream match, and Rollins has wrestled just about everybody. If and when Rollins gets his title back, he will be very excited to face Gunther at SummerSlam. Cole thanks Rollins for his time and wishes him luck in moving that legacy forward. Will The Visionary, The Revolutionary, Seth Freakin’ Rollins, find a way to #BurnItDown once again?


Backstage interview with Tiffany Stratton.

Cathy says The Center of the Universe has defied expectations as a new superstar, but is she at all concerned about the other five competitors tonight? Tiff says she is most certainly NOT concerned. The others should be worried about her as the most gifted superstar, and that will be on full display when she climbs the ladder, grabs the briefcase, and makes it Tiffy in the Bank. Tootles. Tiff heads out, Cathy spots LA Knight and hopes for an interview. Will WWE have to accept that it is #TiffyTime?

Backstage interview with LA Knight.

Cathy has caught up with The Mega Star and says even Knight feels Jey Uso is the favorite going into this. But does that change Knight’s confidence in himself at all? First and foremost, LEMME TALK TO YA! Here’s the thing. MITB is upon us, you talk about last night, Knight saying Jey is a favorite. Knight has eyes and ears, but he knows the fans will go “YEAH!” and yeah, they’ll “YEET!” The fans are pulling for both of them neck and neck but that doesn’t matter. Knight walked in, told us on day one, even last night, the fans can say this and that, the superstars can say this and that. But Knight has been MONEY since day one!

He’ll get that briefcase because no one else can, with everybody saying “L! A! KNIGHT! YEAH!” Confident as always, will we soon see a Mega Star in the Bank?


Trish Stratus is here!

Toronto’s own gets a hero’s welcome and she has the mic to say she isn’t really sure what to say. Other than, you’re welcome. It is so good to be home! And she is so excited that she gets to be the one to welcome us all to a night that will change WWE forever. Welcome to Money in the Bank! And singing the Star Spangled Banner, many who have given Trish many a great introduction, WWE’s own Samantha Irvin. A wonderful job from Samantha, and to sing O Canada, the Ontario native, Ryland James. Another wonderful job, and now, time for the show!


WWE presents: “The Heist.”

“Okay, here’s how the story goes so try and keep up. And I mean all the way up. Cuz up here is what everyone wants. And to get it, it’s more than just a classic smash ‘n’ grab. You gotta battle your way up, fly your way up, climb your way and crash your way. Do anything your way, past five other superstars. Cuz you get this, and you might get one of these. And lemme tell ya, everyone wants one of those. But be careful, because everyone will wanna piece of you, too. So stay sharp, stay focused, because one wrong step, and it’s a one way ticket to Oh… My… God! Whoever said money isn’t everything never had the money.”


Men’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match: Drew McIntyre VS Jey Uso VS Chad Gable VS LA Knight VS Andrade VS Carmelo Hayes!

The Scottish Terminator is pissed that CM Punk screwed him over at WrestleMania and then again at Clash at the Castle, so he will destroy everyone in his way! Will McIntyre get this briefcase and cash in later tonight? Or will someone else take advantage of McIntyre’s rage and take the prize for their own?

The bell rings and the brawl is on! Knight is after Melo, Andrade is after McIntyre, Jey is after Gable! Andrade ROCKS McIntyre, McIntyre GLASGOW KISSES back! McIntyre rushes Jey, Jey dodges, then Jey and Knight DOUBLE LARIAT McIntyre out! The brawling continues, Melo whips but Knight reverses. Melo KICKS Knight, runs, but into a POP-UP POWERSLAM! Jey gives Gable a POP-UP NECKBREAKER! The fans fire up with “YEET!” and “YEAH!” as these two stare down. They circle, the fans rally up, but Gable and Melo put ladders in. So Knight WRECKS Gable with a dropkick! Jey DIVES onto Melo!

The fans fire up as McIntyre brings Andrade around to RAM him into barriers! Jey and Knight get in to tug-o-war over the ladder. McIntyre gabs the other and CLOBBERS both men! Then he CLOBBEWRS Gable! Then he CLOBBERS Melo! McIntyre grins, stands the ladder up, and he climbs! But Gable hurries up after him! Gable throws body shots, McIntyre hits back. They brawl up top, McIntyre SMACKS Gable off the top rung! But Gable grabs an arm! HANGING ARMBAR!! McIntyre holds on, Andrade SPRINGBOARD LEG DROPS! Gable and Andrade land hard on the mat and the fans lose their minds already!

Andrade takes the ladder to CLOBBER McIntyre! And he CHUCKS it at Knight! Knight writhes, Andrade stands the ladder up, and now El Idolo climbs, only to be met by H1M! Melo and Andrade brawl, Andrade climbs, but Melo springboards, FADE AWAY JUMPER! Direct hit because Melo Don’t Miss! Melo then stomps Andrade around and SMACKS him off a ladder. The fans want tables but Melo in his Raptors inspired gear soaks up the heat. Melo runs, springboards, but Andrade catches him! SPRINGBOARD SPANISH FLY on the ladder!! The fans are thunderous and losing their minds again while both men writhe!

McIntyre crawls back in, but so does Jey. The fans “YEET! YEET! YEET!” as McIntyre glares at Jey. They circle, clear some space, and the fans taunt McIntyre with “C M PUNK! C M PUNK!” The brawl is on as Jey and McIntyre fire hands! “YEET! YEET!” McIntyre shoves, swings, misses, and Jey SAMOAN DROPS! The fans fire up as Jey gets moving, and he SPEARS McIntyre! Gable returns, Jey mule kicks, UPPERCUTS, then kicks again. Gable blocks but the DRAGON WHIP hits! Jey hurries to grab a ladder, and he leans it in a corner. Jey fireman’s carries Gable gut Gable slips free to GERMAN SUPLEX!

The fans boo but Gable storms over to McIntyre. Gable deadlift GERMAN SUPLEXES the bigger man! Melo is back, but Gable gets around, shoves, and catches the springboard! CHAOS THEORY!! The fans are torn but then Andrade waistlocks Gable. Gable elbows free, sees Jey’s ladder, and he GERMAN SUPLEXES THE LADDER ONTO ANDRADE!! The fans chant “YOU STILL SUCK!” but Gable sets the ladder up. Gable climbs, but Knight hurries in! Knight YANKS Gable down, RAMS him into a corner, and stomps a mudhole, “YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!” Knight just stomps and stomps, “YEAH~!” then he goes side to side, but Gable dodges the knee!

Gable gets the leg to DRAPING DRAGON SCREW! The fans boo while Knight writhes, but Gable puts the ladder aside. Gable grabs a second ladder, and he runs in! Knight dodges, the ladder hits post! Knight then bumps Gable off buckles, NECKBREAKER on the ladder!! Both men writhe and fans again lose their minds! Melo drags Knight out of the ring to fire haymakers, but Knight gives those back! Knight ROCKS Melo, KNEES him, then SMACKS him off the desk! Knight dribbles Melo off the desk, “YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!” Knight clears the desk, brings a ladder around, and makes a ladder bridge to the apron!

Knight ROCKS Melo, brings him in the ring, and hoists Melo up! Melo slips free, and he hits the FIRST 48! Knight falls over, Melo sees the ladder standing up, and he hurries up! Gable slips in to CLUB Melo! “This is Awesome!” as Gable then brings that shorter ladder over. Gable sets that one up but Melo kicks Gable. Melo climbs his ladder, Gable CLUBS him again! Gable climbs, and he grabs a leg for an ANKLE LOCK! Melo endures, reaches out, but Andrade climbs from the other side. Gable CLUBS Melo, SMACKS him off rungs, then hurries to intercept Andrade! They brawl up top, and Gable SMACKS Andrade off the rungs!

Andrade tumbles down but McIntyre YANKS Gable down! And he SMACKS Gable into the short ladder! McIntyre puts that ladder in a corner, brings Gable around, and lifts to POWERBOMB Gable onto the ladder! McIntyre then CLAYMORES Andrade right outta the ring!! McIntyre climbs, but here comes Jey and Knight! Jey YANKS McIntyre down, Knight grabs a ladder. McIntyre GLASGOW KISSES Jey, Knight JAMS McIntyre with a ladder! Jey SUPERKICKS, Knight hits B F T!! Knight then puts McIntyre int he drop zone for the USO SPLASH! The fans cheer as Knight and Jey work together!

But now, Jey and Knight climb up, racing to the top! The fans duel between “YEET!” and “YEAH!” as the two throw hands! “YEET!” “YEAH!” “YEET!” gets the edge, then touches the briefcase! But Knight ROCKS Jey!” “YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!” But Melo tips the ladder! Knight and Jey fall to HOTSHOT off ropes! Melo then FLIES to take down Gable! Melo hurries back up, and he aims at Jey! NOTHING BUT NET! It was a close clip on Jey’s head but it was good enough! Melo hurries up the ladder now, but Andrade hurries with one of his down! Andrade YANKS Melo down, SMACKS him with a ladder, then puts that ladder through ropes for a new bridge!

The fans anticipate crazy stuff is about to happen, but Andrade climbs. Melo climbs, too! Knight pursues, Andrade SMACKS Melo off the rungs, but Knight shoves Andrade! Andrade ends up giving Melo a SUNSET FLIP POWERBOMB onto the ladder bridge!! The fans are losing their minds all over again and Knight shoves both Andrade and Melo aside! Knight climbs and the fans are thunderous! But Gable returns and he waistlocks Knight! Knight elbows free, but Gable YANKS him down by a leg! Knight spins Gable, B F- NO, Gable waistlocks! Knight fights free again, but Gable HOTSHOTS him!

Gable SMACKS Knight off the ladder, to then BELLY2BELLY SUPLEX Knight up and out and onto the first ladder bridge!! Knight falls, and Gable sees he’s all alone! Gable climbs! He touches the briefcase! But Jey TIPS the ladder! Gable holds onto the hook!! Gable dangles like a fish, but loses his grip and FALLS! Jey is there to SPEAR!! The fans are thunderous with “YEET! YEET! YEET!” Jey brings the ladder over, climbs up again, but that briefcase is swinging! Jey waits for it to come back, grabs it, but McIntyre CHUCKS A LADDER at Jey!! Jey falls, and gets a CLAYMORE!!! The fans are going nuts as McIntyre climbs!

McIntyre grabs that case, unhooks it, AND WINS!!!!

Winner: Drew McIntyre (2024 Mr. Money in the Bank)

Just as Jey was fingertips away, he gets terminated! McIntyre has completed part one of his plan, will part two come true when Drew targets Seth Rollins and Damian Priest later tonight?


WWE Intercontinental Championship: Sami Zayn VS Bron Breakker!

The Great Liberator is no stranger to being an underdog. At WrestleMania, Sami had to face Der Ring General, a man who was unstoppable for 667 DAYS, but Sami stopped him! However, the Big Bad Booty Nephew also has a win over Gunther under his belt. Does that mean Bron will take this belt from Sami? Or can the underdog find a way to survive this hungry dog?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who has true strength!

The bell rings and the fans rally for Sami as he circles with Bron. The fans sing “OLE! OLE OLE OLE~!” and then the two tie up. Bron TOSSES Sami away and the fans are torn between booing and barking. Bron waits on Sami and Sami gets up. They circle again, feel things out, and they knuckle lock. Bron gets around to waistlock and SLAM, and he barks at Sami. Sami stands back up, he and Bron reset and circle again. The fans rally, Bron taunts Sami that the fans can’t help him. Bron offers a free shot, so Sami SLAPS Bron! Bron scowls, shoots in, and he RAMS Sami into a corner! Bron RAMS into Sami again and again!

The ref counts, Bron tells him to shut up, then he storms upon Sami. Sami fires off haymakers! Bron shoves Sami, runs in, but into an ELBOW! Sami goes up to AX HANDLE Bron down! The fans fire up and Sami stalks Bron to ropes. Sami CHOPS, fires forearms, then whips Bron to ropes. Bron reverses, Sami stops himself, then Sami TOSSES Bron out! Sami goes to the apron and aims, for the ARABIAN PRESS! Down goes Bron and the fans fire up! Sami drags Bron up and in, stalks him to a corner, and CHOPS! Bron is stinging but Sami brings Bron around to UPPERCUT! Sami wrenches and whips, but Bron ducks ‘n’ dodges!

Bron builds speed and he CLOBBERS Sami! The fans fire up and Bron snarls. Bron stalks Sami, then he rains down fists! The ref checks Sami but Sami stands on wobbly legs. Sami flops back down, Bron hauls him back up. Bron clinches to OVERHEAD BELLY2BELLY! Sami flops on the Prime logo and the fans rally, but Bron smirks as he stalks Sami. Bron bumps Sami off buckles, does it again and again, then digs his knee in. The ref counts, Bron goes side to side, and he KNEES Sami down! Bron mocks the “Ole Ole Ole,” but the fans boo. Sami staggers up, Bron storms over, but Sami CHOPS! And CHOPS!

Bron runs up, Sami clinches but Bron fires knees. Bron then OVERHEAD BELLY2BELLY SUPLEXES! Cover, TWO, but Bron does push-ups! That Steiner attitude is shining through, but Sami still ELBOWS Bron! Sami goes up, leaps, but Bron catches him! Bron waistlocks, Sami fires more elbows and the fans fire up! Sami just HAMMERS away on Bron, then knuckle locks to CHOP! Sami goes up and up and TORNADO DDTS! Cover, TWO! Bron stays in this but Sami keeps his cool. The fans rally up for Sami as he rises, and he fires forearms on Bron. Bron wobbles, Sami fires more shots, then whips. Bron reverses but Sami goes up and over!

Sami LARIATS Bron up and out of the ring! The fans fire up again and Sami hurries out after Bron. Sami brings Bron around to CHOP! Bron sputters, the ring count starts, but Sami whips. Bron reverses, Sami goes up the barriers, QUEBRADA, but Bron catches Sami! Bron aims but Sami slips free, Bron hits POST! The fans fire up as we pass 5 of 10. Sami slides in, the count is 7, but Bron rolls in at 8. Sami drags Bron up to TOSS him back out! Bron flops to the floor but Sami goes out the side. Sami aims, runs in, DAREDEVIL- LARIAT from Bron! Both men are down on the outside and fans bark it up again!

The ring count returns, and Bron sits up at 4 of 10. Bron drags Sami up and in at 5, then vows to end this. The fans boo but Bron takes aim. Sami stands, Bron runs in, but Sami BOOTS him! Sami reels Bron in for a BLUE THUNDER BOMB! Cover, TWO!! Bron stays in this and Sami is beside himself! Sami snarls, drags Bron up, but Bron RAMS him into a corner! Sami CLUBS Bron, Bron fires body shots, then Bron puts Sami up top. Sami fires hands all the same, then reels Bron in. Bron powers out and UPPERCUTS! Bron gets space, runs up, goes up and up, SUPER STEINER! Cover, TWO! Sami survives and the fans fire up!

Bron grits his teeth, clutches a knee, he had his own hard landing. “This is Awesome!” as Bron huffs ‘n’ puffs. Bron throws down fists, then he stalks Sami to ropes. Sami gets out of the ring, the ref has Bron back up, but Bron goes out the side. Bron wants to try this again, and he runs in around the way! But Sami hurdles! Bron stops from hitting steps! Bron hurries after Sami to SMACK him off the desk! Bron goes to the apron, and he FLYING LARIATS Sami over the desk! The fans bark it up while both men are down. The ref checks Sami, he is somehow okay to continue, and Bron hobbles over to drag Sami back into the ring.

Bron shakes out a leg, and he drags Sami up by his neck. Trophy lift and- NO, Sami kicks free! Sami goes to a corner, clinches Bron, CORNER EXPLODER! The fans are thunderous as Sami goes to the other end, and he takes aim! Sami runs up, into a JUMP KNEE from Bron!! Bron hauls Sami back up, POP-UP POWERSLAM! And now the straps come down! Bron aims, Sami stands, but Sami BOOTS Bron again!! Sami has Bron in a corner, goes corner to corner, HELLUVA KICK!! Cover, SAMI WINS!!

Winner: Sami Zayn, by pinfall (still WWE Intercontinental Champion)

Another heroic win from behind by Sami and Toronto celebrates! Will Sami continue to knuckle up and knock off powerful opponent after powerful opponent?


Trish Stratus is back!

The host of MITB stands on stage and the fans again cheer. “As your hostess with the mostess, I have a question for you guys: Are we having fun?” The fans cheer again! Trish says a lot of special things have happened already tonight, and she’s had a lot of special things happen here in this very arena. Two-time Women’s Champion, retirement match, a match against Charlotte Flair. And there was the one time when she was a mystery partner for a certain someone. Who was that again? Oh yes, please welcome the SIXTEEN TIME WWE CHAMPION, JOHN CENA!! The fans go nuts as yes, THE John Cena is back in Toronto!

Cena holds up the towel, and it now says, “The Last Time is Now.” Cena nods, because it is the hard truth. But he still runs and slides into the ring like always! The fans are thunderous, hitting those triple digit decibels, and Cena gets a mic. Cena says they are in a singing mood here tonight! It sounds like Toronto showed up to sing. The fans chant for “CENA! CENA!” Oh, course correction: they came here to make some noise! But why is Cena here? Well, he is officially announcing his retirement from the WWE. The fans boo, they don’t wanna hear that! Cena says he hears a mixed opinion out there right now.

There are a lot of questions, too, right? Like, why here? He wants to talk about that, why it is Toronto. And Canada in general. And just Canadians in general. See, Cena’s been doing this a long time. Over TWO DECADES. Cena has seen waves of prosperity like we have right now. WWE is the hottest ticket in town, no doubt. But he has also seen tremendous hardship. No one knows your name, no one wants to be your friend, and only the most hardcore fans stand by your side. So in all those years, one of the most important and impressive things Cena has learned, is that whether the WWE Universe is hot or cold, Canadians always show up.

The fans cheer that! Cena says they need to make that noise for themselves, because they built this to what it is today, which makes this the perfect place to say what he’s gotta say. But then, why now? Because it is Money in the Bank! The ultimate symbol of opportunity! And this farewell doesn’t end tonight. It is filled with opportunity! Raw makes history when it moves to Netflix! Cena’s never been part of that, that is history, and he will be there! And along with that historic first, there will be unforgettable lasts. The 2025 Royal Rumble will be Cena’s last. The 2025 Elimination Chamber will be Cena’s last.

And Cena is here to announce that yes, WrestleMania 2025 in Las Vegas will be Cena’s last WrestleMania. He knows, that is a lot to take in. A lot m ore questions out there, so he is telling us now, he kicks off tonight’s press conference to field any and all questions having to do with his retirement. Do not miss that. But in the theme of opportunity, he takes advantage of this opportunity here. He wants to say, “Thank you.” The fans chant “Thank You, Cena!” Cena smiles, and says what an incredible gesture. He thanks them back. Thank you for letting him play in the house that they built for so many years.

Cena thanks us all for always giving our voice, because it is loud, and our honesty because it is brutal. And most of all, thank you for allowing him to be here tonight. Let the whole world know that they are planning something unforgettable, including a return to Toronto to kick some ass! SO… If you are watching at home or are one of the insanely loud Toronto fans, or if you’re a WWE Superstar, if you want some and hurry up and get some! The last time is NOW! Cena has given us his deadline, how epic will his in-ring finale be?


Judgment Day hangs out in the clubhouse.

Finn Balor tells El Campeon that tonight is MITB, and that means one thing: Time to PUNISH Seth Rollins! Priest agrees, and tells the guys that McIntyre or not, everyone stays out of this. No one gets involved. And that includes Finn. Finn says they’ve got him. Priest heads out to handle business, and Finn mutters, “Whatever you want, boss.” Will Priest return to the clubhouse still El Campeon? Or will he be the one punished for betting it all?

WWE World Heavyweight Championship, Title VS Faction: Damian Priest VS Seth Rollins!

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, as are the stakes, and we see who can truly stand on their own two feet!

The bell rings and Priest swings! Rollins dodges, mule kicks, then fires hands! Rollins reels Priest in but Priest wrenches out to choke grip! Rollins breaks free to CHOP, CHOP, but Priest TOSSES him to a corner. Priest runs in, Rollins dodges to CHOP, and CHOP, but Priest shoves him. Rollins ELBOWS Priest, suplexes, but Priest knees free. Priest suplexes to BROKEN ARROW! The fans fire up while Rollins hobbles. Priest fires body shots and haymakers, then ROCKS Rollins in a corner. Priest reels Rollins in, FLATLINER! Cover, TWO! Priest seethes but he waits on Rollins. Rollins stands, Priest runs in, and he ELBOWS int he corner!

Rollins sputters, Priest keeps moving, and he ELBOWS Rollins again! Priest goes again, but Rollins SLINGBLADES! The fans fire up as Priest staggers around. Rollins runs and LARIATS Priest up and out! The fans fire up more and Rollins takes aim. Rollins dares McIntyre to try something now. Rollins then builds speed, and he DIVES! Priest is hit into the desk, Rollins gets going again, another DIVE! Priest hits desk yet again and the fans fire up! Rollins goes one more time, and he DIVES! The hattrick is complete and Priest tumbles over the desk! The fans are thunderous and Rollins rises up.

Rollins drags Priest up and into the ring, springboards, but Priest gest under. Rollins ducks the roundhouse, schoolboy to SUPERKICK! Priest falls over, Rollins goes back tot he apron. Rollins springboards to SWANTON BOMB! Then he goes to the other side, to LIONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Priest survives that string of attacks and the fans rally again. Rollins waits on Priest, and he mule kicks! Front kicks! ROLLING ELBOW! Turn and DREAM- NO, Priest ducks that elbow to DIRTY DEEDS! A shoutout to Rollins’ Maniac friend, but even he’s paranoid about McIntyre. Priest choke grips, SOUTH OF- RANA!! Cover, TWO!!

LARIAT from Priest and the fans fire up again! Priest watches the ramp but McIntyre isn’t falling for it. Priest gets Rollins up, Canadian racks, but Rollins slips free! Priest runs up, Rollins dodges, Priest goes up to leap, but into a POWERSLAM! And a PENALTY KICK! Rollins hurries up top, and he FROG SPLASHES!! Cover, TWO! Priest survives again but Rollins keeps his cool. Rollins waits on Priest, then storms up. Rollins winds up to ROLLING ELBOW! Then the turn and mule kick! Rollins then DREAM SMASHER ELBOWS! Priest flounders, Rollins runs up, but Priest puts him on the apron! Rollins ROCKS Priest back!

Rollins climbs, but Priest UPPERCUTS! Priest has Rollins stuck up top, and he sits Rollins up. Priest ROCKS Rollins, climbs up, but Rollins slips under! Rollins brings Priest off the corner to RUNNING BUCKLE BOMB!! Rollins keeps moving, but Priest pops Rollins up! LAST RIDE!! Cover, TWO!! Rollins survives and Priest is frustrated, but he also keeps an eye on the ramp. No McIntyre yet, so Priest drags Rollins up with a facelock. Priest ROCKS Rollins, the fans rally, but Priest ROCKS Rollins again. Priest eggs Rollins on, Rollins huffs ‘n’ puffs and rises up, and Priest pie faces him. Priest slaps Rollins around and the fans boo.

Rollins fires back! The fans fire up as the forearms go back and forth! Rollins fires a flurry, but Priest roars! So Rollins SLAPS him! Priest is pissed, and he KICKS the superkick! Then he KCISK and KICKS and KICKS Rollins from all sides! Priest winds up, but Rollins SUPERKICKS! Priest rebounds to SPIN KICK! Rollins rebounds, into a SPIN KICK! Priest choke grips, SOUTH OF- NO, Rollins pops free! Rollins has the underhooks, but Priest back drops free! But Rollins is right up! CURB STOMP!! Rollins hurries to cover, TWO?!? Priest survives and Rollins can’t believe it! “This is Awesome!” as Rollins refocuses.

Rollins tells Priest to get up now, prove he’s the man around here. The fans sing “WHOA~, OH~, OHHH~!” Priest rises, Rollins RAMS him into a corner, but then Priest gut wrenches Rollins to the Canadian Rack! RAZOR’S EDGE! Cover, TWO!! Rollins survives and Priest is beside himself! Priest storms around while Rollins stirs, and then Priest goes up a corner! Rollins ROCKS Priest first! Rollins HEADBUTTS Priest, climbs up, and goes to the very top rope! But Priest fights free and BELL CLAPS! Rollins falls, staggers back up, and he hurries right back tot he top! SUPER DUPER PLEX! And roll through, but Priest knees free!

Priest suplexes, Rollins knees free! Rollins FALCON ARROWS! Cover, TWO?!? Rollins and the fans all thought that was it but somehow, Priest got that shoulder up! And NOW McIntyre shows up!! The Scottish Terminator is activating part two of his plan as he storms down to the ring! And yes, time to cash in and make this a TRIPLE THREAT!!

WWE World Heavyweight Championship Money in the Bank Cash-In Triple Threat: Damian Priest VS Seth Rollins VS Drew McIntyre!

McIntyre is shouting for this to happen, and the bell rings! Rollins SUPERKICKS first! But then McIntyre slips free of the Pedigree to FUTURE SHOCK!! McIntyre kips up, loads up, and aims at Rollins! “THREE! TWO! ONE!” PRIEST LARIATS FIRST!! Priest TOSSES Rollins, brings down the straps, and he grabs McIntyre! SOUTH OF- NO, McIntyre pops free, and BOOTS Priest! McIntyre drags Priest in, but CM PUNK ATTACKS!! The fans are losing their minds as Punk beats down McIntyre and gets him out of the ring! Punk SMACKS away on McIntyre with a chair!! And then he CHOKES McIntyre with a cable!!

Punk HAMMERS away on McIntyre, then has the chair again! Another SMACK to McIntyre’s back! The fans are thunderous as Punk has made McIntyre pay for that attack in Chicago! Punk glances at the world title, and decides to pick it up. Punk brings that around to the ring, and he CLOBBERS McIntyre in the ring!! Punk sits with the belt and watches as Priest staggers up. Priest finds McIntyre, choke grips, SOUTH OF HEAVEN!!! Cover, PRIEST WINS!

Winner: Damian Priest, by pinfall (still WWE World Heavyweight Champion)

WrestleMania, Clash at the Castle, and now Money in the Bank! Three times McIntyre has tried to become World Heavyweight Champion, and all three times, he lets CM Punk get the better of him! The problem is, Priest’s win means this is also Rollins’ loss! El Campeon has a clear path to SummerSlam now, still leading Judgment Day forward. Will Gunther have his work cut out for him in Cleveland? And speaking of this being Rollins’ loss, he is pissed at Punk! Will Punk have two dangerous men aiming for his head now?


Women’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match: Iyo Sky VS Lyra Valkyria VS Zoey Stark VS Naomi VS Tiffany Stratton VS Chelsea Green!

The Evil Genius was last year’s Miss MITB, and we saw her take down The EST to become WWE Women’s Champion. Will it be even sweeter this year when she could go after Bayley? Or will history be kept from repeating itself when someone new brings down that golden ticket?

The bell rings and the fans rally up. Then everyone but Chelsea go out to get a ladder. The Hot Mess tries to jump for it but no, that’s why ladders are involved. Everyone else brings a ladder in, so Chelsea steals one form Iyo! Chelsea DECKS Iyo, sets that ladder up, and the fans cheer. Naomi RAMS Tiff down, Zoey brawls with Lyra, and Chelsea starts to climb! But Chelsea’s not good with heights… Chelsea hops down, and then tries to touch the briefcase with the ladder! Naomi gets up, Chelsea RAMS her down! Zoey gets up, Chelsea RAMS her down! But Iyo MISSILE DROPKICKS the ladder into Chelsea!

Zoey gets the ladder, but Tiff attacks! Iyo kicks Tiff back, puts the ladder in a corner, and she brawls with Tiff. Iyo tells Tiff off in Japanese, but Tiff fires forearms! Toronto is on Tiffy Time as she whips, but Iyo redirects, handsprings, but Tiff dodge! Iyo talks trash, Tiff checks her watch, and Tiff swings. Iyo blocks, whips, but Tiff avoids the ladder, only for Iyo to SHOTGUN her into the ladders! Iyo fires up, runs in, METEORA into the ladder! Iyo says tootles to Tiff, but Lyra hops in! Lyra dodges Iyo, pops her up, and BACK DROPS her into the ladder! The ladder falls on Iyo and Lyra but Lyra gets out of the mess.

Lyra gets Iyo up, uses the corner, but Iyo stops the tornado! Lyra is on the ropes, and she pushes off to TORNADO DDT anyway! Lyra then suplexes Iyo, FISHERMAN SUPLEX on the ladder! Iyo writhes, Lyra gets the ladder for her own and stands it up! The fans rally for Chelsea but she’s still down on the outside. Lyra hurries to WERCK Chelsea with a dropkick! Lyra finishes setting up her ladder, but Zoey SPRINGBOARD MISSILE DROPKICKS! Down goes Lyra, but Zoey brings her up. Zoey wrenches, SUPERKICKS, and HALF ‘N’ HALF SUPLEXES! Lyra staggers up, into a LARIAT! Zoey says see ya, and then she brings Lyra up.

Lyra RAMS into Zoey, fireman’s carries, but Zoey fights free. Zoey shoves, Lyra springboards, but Zoey catches her! And then Zoey pops Lyra up, to SAMOAN DROP on a ladder! Lyra clutches an arm, Zoey pushes her onto the ladder, then she goes to the apron. Zoey SLINGSHOT SENTONS, and while she hits Lyra, she almost takes her own head off! Naomi runs up to THESZ PRESS Zoey onto the ladder! Naomi fires fast hands, then she puts Zoey and ladder at center. Naomi goes side to side, for the SPLIT LEG DROP! The fans fire up as Naomi then puts Zoey and ladder in the drop zone, SPLIT LEG MOONSAULT!

The fans rally up as Tiffy gets in! Tiff waistlocks, Naomi ELBOWS Her away! Naomi whips, Tiff cartwheels and Alabama Lifts, to ALABAMA SLAM Naomi onto ladder! The fans fire up for Tiffy Time as she gets a ladder up. But Iyo grabs the other end! Tiff RAMS Iyo into a corner, RAMS her again, and Iyo is wedged in the corner! Tiff walks up the ladder, goes to the top rope, and she aims to SUPER SWANTON onto Zoey, Lyra AND Naomi! The fans are thunderous as all four women are down on the outside! And now Chelsea is back! She sets a ladder up, and it is the tallest of all! Chelsea fires herself up to climb up!

The fans rally, but Iyo SMACKS Chelsea with a ladder! Chelsea falls down, and then Iyo SMACKS her again! Chelsea flops and Iyo talks more trash. Iyo climbs, but Lyra YANKS her down! Lyra hurries up, but Iyo shakes the ladder! Iyo drags Lyra so that she’s into a Tree of Woe on the ladder! Iyo STOMPS away on Lyra from above! Lyra is limp, Iyo climbs up, but then Lyra revives! Lyra sits up, SPIDER GERMAN SUPLEX!! Zoey BOOTS Lyra outta the Tree!! The fans say “This is Awesome!” as Zoey crawls back to the ladder. Zoey positions it just right, climbs up, but Tiff runs in! Tiff climbs, she and Zoey brawl at the very top!

Naomi has a ladder now, and she sets up right next to them! Tiff and Zoey ROCK each other, Naomi YANKS Tiff down to KNEE her in the face! Zoey goes for Naomi, Naomi kicks Zoey away. Naomi tries to climb but Tiff and Zoey pull each ladder! Naomi starts doing the splits! Zoey BOOTS Tiff, but Naomi fires hands while in the splits! Then SPLIT LEG DDT!! The fans are thunderous and Naomi has a clear path! Naomi climbs, but Tiff hurries after her! Tiff CLUBS Naomi’s legs, drags her down, and then TOSSES her out! Naomi hits a ladder on the floor! Tiff says it’s time, but Naomi drags her out to THROW her into barriers!

Naomi catches her breath, the fans rally up, and Naomi looks under the ring. Toronto wants tables, so Naomi brings out a table! The fans love Naomi as she gets a second table! Chelsea CLUBS Naomi, RAMS her into steps, then stomps away! Chelsea and Tiff work together because it’s table time! They set one table up, making sure it is just right. Then they get the second table, and again make sure it is just right. But Zoey has the ladders up! Lyra and Zoey race up the rungs, but they slap and forearm each other! Iyo SPRINGBOARDS to a ladder! They all meet at the top, so Chelsea and Tiff hurry to join in!

They brawl, a ladder bridge is established, and we know from the men’s match how those work… Chelsea SLAPS, Iyo SLAPS, they brawl! Iyo SMACKS Chelsea off a buckle but Chelsea ELBOWS back! Cheslie runs, but Iyo FLAPJACKS her off the bridge! Zoey trips Tiff, to CATAPULT her into a bridge! Lyra is up at the top of a ladder! Zoey hurries to drag her back down but Lyra kicks her away! Zoey hurries up again, and she hooks Lyra for a POWEROBM onto a ladder bridge!! Ladder and Lyra flop down and the fans lose their minds! And now Zoey goes back up! But Naomi ROUNDHOUSES her first!

Naomi SMACKS Zoey off ladders, then she climbs! But here come Chelsea! The fans fire up as Chelsea YANKS Naomi down, CLUBS her, but Naomi BOOTS her away. They both hurry up ladders, Chelsea SMACKS Naomi off rungs! Chelsea looks down, wobbles, but she hooks Naomi up to UNPRETTIER on the bridge!! Both women flop down and the fans are thunderous! But Zoey returns and has a clear path! Zoey hurries to climb, and reaches out! Iyo climbs up to CLUB Zoey! Iyo grabs the case, but so does Zoey! They fight over the case, but Iyo bends Zoey’s fingers! Zoey ROCKS Iyo, and then reels her in! But Iyo fights the suplex!

Iyo SMACKS Zoey off the top, drags her up and over, and she SUPER PILEDRIVERS down on the ladder bridge!! The fans absolutely lose their minds, and then they really go nuts as Chelsea returns!! Chelsea positions the ladder, climbs it fast, and reaches up! CHELSEA- NO, Tiff SHAKES the ladder! Tiff climbs up, they argue, but then Tiff SHOVES Chelsea! Chelsea falls down through the tables!! The tables Tiff & Chelsea set up! Tiff takes the briefcase and WINS!!

Winner: Tiffany Stratton (2024 Miss Money in the Bank)

Just as Chelsea got over her fear of heights, she was sent crashing down to Earth quite literally! Tiffany is now The Princess in the Bank! But will she use this golden ticket to truly become The Center of the Universe?


Backstage interview with Trish Stratus.

Jackie Redmond is a big fan, and it has been electric here. What does Trish make of the crowd? Trish says it is because the fans are so great. Tiff says shouldn’t they be talking to her, the NEW Miss MITB? Maybe “Trishy” should be saying something to her? Never mind, Tiff is already the talk of the internet and her win has gone viral. Trish says don’t get ahead of yourself, and don’t be too arrogant. It is what happens when you cash in that determines if you’ll be a Hall of Famer, like Trish, or just another flash in the pain. Tiff says isn’t it a shame that Trish’s time is long gone? And Tiffy Time has only just begun. Tootles!


Six Man Tag: Cody Rhodes, Randy Orton & Kevin Owens VS The Bloodline!

The American Nightmare, The Viper & The Prizefighter all know what it is to fight The Bloodline that is the Samoan Dynasty in WWE. However, that was all with Roman Reigns in charge. Solo Sikoa claims that HE is the Tribal Chief, the Head of the Table, and the one calling the shots from now on. But will Solo, “Right Hand Man” Tama Tonga, and “Samoan Werewolf” Jacob Fatu really dominate SmackDown and the WWE? Or will Cody, Randy & Kevin #JustKeepFighting until this tyranny is gone for good?

The fans sing along with Randy’s theme, but also with Cody’s, “WHOA~ OH~!” And even as the singing continues, Kevin just glares at The Bloodline. Orton coaxes Kevin to go to the corner, and he does. The fans chant “We Want Roman!” and Cody taunts Solo with how he’s champion instead. The teams sort out and Cody starts, and he waits as Solo puts the ula fala aside. The Bloodline raises their fingers to the sky, and then Solo steps in. The fans tell Solo off, not that he cares, and he circles with Cody. They feel things out, but then Solo tags in Tama. The fans boo but what did they expect? Tama steps in, and he circles with Cody now.

Cody and Tama tie up, go around, and Cody puts Tama on ropes. Tama puts Cody in a corner, the ref counts, and the two let off. They circle again, tie up, and Cody waistlocks to headlock. Tama powers up and out, but Cody slides under to then kick low and RHODES UPPERCUT! Cody brings Tama around, but Tama fires hands! Tama whips Cody to a corner hard, then runs in, but into a BOOT! Cody then runs up, and BULLDOGS! The fans cheer and Cody glares at Solo. Cody brings Tama up to wrench and he tags in Kevin. The fans fire up as Kevin HAMMERS away on Tama! The fans fire up more as Kevin stomps a mudhole!

The ref counts, Kevin lets off, and the fans are thunderous as Kevin goes back for more! Kevin lets off, but then goes back for even more! The ref counts, Kevin drops a KNEE on Tama! Then he tells Jacob to “SUCK IT!” Kevin drags Tama up, tags Cody back in, and they mug Tama. Cody keeps Tama from his corner, punches him right in the head, and then suplexes. Cody holds Tama up, the fans fire up, and Cody GOURD BUSTERS! The fans fire up because now Orton reaches out. Cody nods and winds up to tag in Orton! The fans fire up for the Apex Predator as he fires hands on Tama! Orton has Tama in a corner for more fists!

Orton UPPERCUTS, then he climbs up and rains down fists! The fans count along, Orton goes all the way to nine, then winds up so that an UPPERCUT can be TEN! The fans fire up as Tama flounders. Orton brings Tama up but Tama pokes Orton in the eye! Tag to Jacob, and the Werewolf taunts the Viper. These two dangerous men circle, the fans rally, and Jacob runs in! Orton TOSSES him out, then gets him in the ropes! DRAPING DDT! The fans are thunderous, but Jacob is right up!? Orton turns around, hears those voices, but then looks up at the Werewolf. Jacob snarls as Orton stands back up.

Orton runs, but into a SAMOAN DROP! And a solid one! Orton sits up, into a SUPERKICK! Jacob is all fired up but the fans boo as he drags Orton back by his legs! Solo tags in, Jacob stomps Orton, and Solo swaggers. Solo smirks at Cody and Kevin, goes back for Orton, and the fans tell him off again as he HEADBUTTS Orton! Solo fires hands on Orton in the corner, but he lets off to soak up heat. The ref argues with Solo, then with Kevin, because Tama and Jacob are mugging Orton! The fans continue to chant for Roman but Solo stomps away on Orton. Solo lets Orton crawl forward, and he dares him to reach for Cody.

Solo CLUBS Orton, puts him on the ropes to CHOKE, and he says HE is Tribal Chief. The ref pulls Solo back but that lets Jacob BOOT Orton down! The fans boo more but Solo drags Orton over. Tag to Tama and he slingshot SENTON! The fans rally as Tama paces, but he clamps onto Orton and throws down hands. Kevin gets the fans more fired up but Tama keeps throwing hands on Orton. Orton hits a BIG back suplex right back! The fans rally and Orton crawls over. Hot tag to Kevin! The fans fire up as Kevin dodges Tama, BLASTS Solo, DECKS Jacob, and then fires hands on Tama! The fans are thunderous as Kevin just stomps away against ropes!

The ref counts, Kevin lets off, and he DECKS Jacob again! Kevin whips Tama, Tama reverses but Kevin KICKS back! And LARIATS! The fans fire up, Kevin sees Jacob stand so he DECKS him again! CANNONBALL for Tama in the corner! Tama flounders into the drop zone so Kevin goes up, and SWANTON BOMBS! Cover, Jacob breaks it! Jacob HEADBUTTS Kevin again and again! Jacob drags Tama over, tags in, and then he hammers Kevin more. FALLING HEADBUTT! The fans boo but Jacob looms over Kevin. Kevin sits up, Jacob HEADBUTTS again! Jacob whips Kevin hard into the Bloodline corner!

Tag to Solo and fans boo again. Solo and Jacob stomp Kevin some more, then Solo just stands over Kevin. The fans again tell Solo off but he keeps Kevin from his corner. Kevin fires hands, reaches out, but Solo holds on! Kevin fires more haymakers, but Solo whips Kevin hard into the corner. Kevin falls, the fans boo, but Solo stomps away. Solo drags Kevin onto the ropes to CHOKE him, and fishhook him! And Jacob gets another cheap shot! Even Tonga Loa joins in! The fans boo but The Bloodline gets away with that. Solo drags Kevin up but Kevin SLAPS him! And SMACKS him! And fires more hands!

Kevin CHOPS, Solo UPPERCUTS! Kevin falls back into a corner, but Solo HEADBUTTS away on him in the corner! The ref reprimands, Solo lets off, and Solo runs back in, to HIP ATTACK! The fans boo but Solo tags in Jacob. Jacob runs in and HIP ATTACKS! The speed alone is insane! Jacob HEADBUTTS Kevin again and again, and then he drags Kevin up. Kevin fights with body shots, and a CHOP! And a haymaker! Kevin runs, but Jacob CLOBBERS Kevin! Tag to Tama, and he rains down fists and stomps and even more fists! Tama is rabidly tearing into Kevin, but then Kevin grabs Tama’s leg. Tama kicks free and rains down more shots!

The fans rally with ‘FIGHT, OWENS, FIGHT!” Kevin does fight, even as he is cornered! Jacob tags in, The Bloodline mugs Kevin, and Jacob keeps Kevin from his corner. Solo tags in and he adds on fists! The fans boo but Solo sucker punches Cody! Cody falls, Solo grins and runs in, but Kevin DUMPS him out! The fans fire up and Kevin crawls for his corner! Orton reaches out, but Jacob gets in! The ref stops Jacob, so it’s Loa who YANKS Orton down! Loa sends Orton into barriers and fans boo! The Infamous Silverback gets away with another one, and Solo stalks Kevin. Solo punches away in the corner, but Kevin just eggs him on!

The fans fire up and Kevin SLAPS Solo! Solo ROCSK Kevin, they brawl fast and furious! The fans love it but the ref counts as Solo hammers away in a corner! Solo lets off, runs corner to corner, but Kevin dodges the hip attack! Solo staggers, Kevin crawls, and Cody rises up! The fans cheer but Solo anchors Kevin’s leg! Jacob tags in and drops an elbow! Jacob sits Kevin up in a smothering chinlock, but Kevin endures. Kevin twists Jacob’s nose, but Jacob throws hands! Jacob HEADBUTTS again and again, and he has Kevin in a corner. The fans boo as Jacob goes corner to corner and runs in again, but Kevin dodges! The SPLASH hits POST!

The fans rally up as hard as they can and Kevin crawls! Jacob also crawls, hot tags to Solo and Cody! Cody fires hands on Solo, whips, but Solo reverses. Cody ducks ‘n’ dodges to CLOBBER Solo! Cody then goes up and over in a corner, and SNAP POWERSLAMS! The fans fire up with Cody and he springboards, to BEAUTIFUL DISASETER KICK! Cody keeps moving, Tama gets in, Cody dodges to springboard and CODY CUTTER! Jacob gets up, Cody LARIATS him back down! Cody then builds speed to DIVE! Direct hit on Solo! Cody goes back in, the fans rally as he gets moving, and he DIVES! Loa takes the hit for Jacob!

Loa hits desk, Jacob UPPERCUTS Cody! Jacob HAMMERS Cody down, runs in, but Cody TOSSES Jacob over barriers into the medics! Cody gets into the ring, Solo SPEARS him!! Cover, TWO!! Cody survives and the fans fire up again! Solo is stunned but the fans are loving this! Cody and Solo rise up, and Solo fireman’s carries. But Cody slips free to kick low! Cody reels Solo in, underhooks, but Solo powers out! Solo swings, Cody doges, Solo DECKS the ref!! Cody dragon sleepers, CROSS RHODES!! But no ref means no cover! Orton and Kevin see this, too, so Cody says hurry up! Kevin climbs a corner, to FROG SPLASH Solo!!

The fans fire up as Orton slides in, and he hears those voices! RKO for Solo!! The would-be Tribal Chief is in a bad way, but Cody goes to the desk! Cody clears it, Orton drags Solo over. The fans fire up for “TABLE! TABLE!” as Kevin joins in. Cody says they’ll do Solo like The Bloodline did Heyman! “OOAH~!” But then Jacob LEAPS in to hit Cody! SUPERKICK for Kevin! SUPERKICK for Orton! Jacob runs in, Kevin moves, the ref takes the SPLASH! Kevin SUPERKICKS Jacob! Jacob stays up so Kevin SUPERKICKS! And SUPERKICKS! Tama runs up but Kevin gives him a STUNNER! Kevin SMACKS Jacob with the giant Prime bottle!

Kevin goes up to the barrier, FROG SPLASH on Jacob through the desk!! The fans are electric and Kevin rises up! Kevin brings Tama up and into the ring, “This is Awesome!” Kevin stalks Tama, drags him up, and reels him in! But LOA LOW BLOWS! Kevin falls, the Guerrillas stand together, but Orton gets in! RKO for Loa!! Tama turns around, but into an RKO!! Solo is back! SAMOAN SPIKE for Orton!! Cody is back, SAMOAN- NO, Cody ducks it to CROSS RHODES!! Cody holds on and he drags Solo up, for another CROSS RHODES!! Cody drags Solo up yet again, but Jacob goes up and up to WHISPER IN THE WIND!

Jacob has Cody up, for an IMPALER DDT!! The Werewolf helps his Tribal Chief to his feet, and they get Cody to his feet. Jacob sets Cody up for Solo and Solo tells Cody that he will be champion! SAMOAN SPIKE!! Jacob shoves the ref in, he counts the cover, The Bloodline wins!

Winners: The Bloodline, by pinfall

Cody, Randy & Kevin did #JustKeepFighting, but this more brutal, more ruthless, more remorseless Bloodline still dominated. Solo is adorned with the ula fala once again, but now that he has pinned THE WWE Champion, will Solo soon be adorned with the title?

My Thoughts:

An incredible night for Money in the Bank, and so much has been set up not just for SummerSlam but for even beyond that in some cases. For one, John Cena with not just the surprise appearance, but a surprising announcement. Like Bryan Danielson in AEW, Cena has given us his notice of retirement. One last year for Cena, I never thought I’d see the day. Well okay it had to happen at some point but it’s still surreal. If he chooses to be in the Royal Rumble match itself, he’ll surely have a good showing, but I can’t be sure he wins it. Same for Elimination Chamber. Though, maybe he’ll just focus on building dream 1v1 matches for each event, going big for his retirement match in Vegas.

Great Intercontinental Championship match for Sami and Bron, and the go-home math from Raw of course indicated Bron was losing. However, I’m rather surprised it was so clean cut. I would’ve thought they’d want to protect Bron with either controversy or a “Dusty Finish.” But instead, Sami straight up stops the powerhouse and moves on to SummerSlam with this title. Maybe Bron forces a second match, maybe Sheamus gets a shot to see if he can finally complete the ultimate WWE checklist. Oddly enough, John Cena’s never had that Intercontinental Championship either, and Cena helped get Sami going on main roster… Sami could return the favor by helping see Cena off into the sunset…

Great stuff in both Money in the Bank Ladder matches, but I feel I need to plead with the entirety of pro-wrestling when it comes to ladder matches. Between the two tonight in WWE and then AEW having the TNT Championship ladder match, these ladder matches are getting scary. I really thought Lyra broke her arm tonight when she landed awkwardly on the ladder, and then I thought Zoey concussed herself when she landed awkwardly right after. In the Women’s match, I had been saying that story wise, Tiffy having the briefcase while palling around with Nia Jax made a lot of sense. But hearing Toronto be so fired up for Chelsea, I kinda wanted her to win. Tiffy Time is happening, we can’t get away from it, and there’s a chance Tiffy picks the bones of Bayley after Nia does a lot of damage.

Speaking of which… Great stuff in the men’s match, also still painful to watch, but I knew the go-home math had it right. Jey and Knight stood tall last night, so they weren’t getting it. Therefore, McIntyre winning the briefcase was the logical move. And while Rollins VS Priest was going great, the ref did basically save Priest from that kickout botch, and then we go with a Triple Threat so that CM Punk could once again screw McIntyre over. As redundant as it was, a lot of people figured that’s where the story was going so why not just do it. But I do appreciate that they’re doubling down because now we can circle back to Rollins hating Punk, and maybe we get a Triple Threat or something for SummerSlam.

And now with no Mr. MITB, the top champions are safe, and we got a great Six Man Tag main event. Jacob is big, Jacob is fast, Jacob is strong, he should get a title for himself at some point. But with it technically being 4v3 because of Loa, Bloodline of course won. I will say, Loa needs to work on his cliche Heel tactics. His low blow started as a punch to Kevin’s butt and then became a proper low blow, but hey, a dirty win for the Heels was of course happening. Solo gets his pin on Cody, he’ll be getting his title shot at SummerSlam, and then maybe, just maybe, Roman Reigns returns to confront Solo over this claim to the Head of the Table.

My Score: 9.2/10

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