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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (11/26/20)

Trent Seven VS A-Kid, for the CUP!




Who hoists the NXT UK Heritage Cup over their heads?

After two rounds in the tournament, it all comes down to this! Will Trent Seven or A-Kid be the first to put their name on the NXT UK Heritage Cup plaque?


  • NXT Cruiserweight Championship: Jordan Devlin VS Amir Jordan; Devlin wins and retains the title.
  • Jinny VS Isla Dawn; Jinny wins.
  • NXT UK Heritage Cup Finals: A-Kid VS Trent Seven; A-Kid wins and becomes the inaugural Heritage Cup holder.


The Heritage Cup is for those who paved the way.

The future of this brand honors the past of British wrestling and its influence around the world. But who will be the one to carry on the tradition into the future? Whose legacy will be cemented with their name on the gold plaque?


NXT Cruiserweight Championship: Jordan Devlin VS Amir Jordan!

The Irish Ace wants to make it clear: HE is the one true champion of this division, no matter what NXT, WWE or Santos Escobar says! But will it stay that way when the Bhangra Badboy finally takes his shot?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and finally, after EIGHT months, Devlin defends HIS title!

Devlin and Amir circle and tie up. Devlin headlocks, Amir powers out but Devlin rums him over. Devlin hits the headlock takeover but Amir keeps his shoulders up. Amir rolls Devlin to a cover, ONE! Devlin holds on, they get up and Devlin wrenches the bad arm to yank at it. Devlin wrenches again, Amir rolls and handsprings to cartwheel and wrench to wring Devlin out! Amir eggs Devlin on with his dancing, and says “This is the one for me, mate! Yes brother!” Devlin gets up, ties up and knees Amir hard, to then CLUB him down! Devlin drags Amir up, wrenches and whips, then elbows Amir down hard!

Devlin drags Amir back up, chinbars to drive an elbow into Amir’s head, then scoop slams him fast! Devlin drops a knee, covers, TWO! Devlin tries again, TWO! A third time, TWO! Devlin argues the count, but Amir throws body shots. Devlin CLUBS Amir again, then wrenches him to a back suplex! Amir writhes while Devlin seethes. Devlin CHOPS Amir to a corner and then eggs him on. Devlin CHOPS Amir again and Amir staggers away. Devlin CHOPS him again! The ref reprimands about being in the corner but Devlin talks trash. Amir ducks the chop to CHOP back! And again! And again! Amir whips Devlin corner to corner then hits a forearm. Amir runs but into a dropkick!

The BT Studio fans cheer but Devlin rains down rights on Amir. Devlin snap suplexes, covers, TWO! Devlin argues the count again as he brings Amir up. Devlin CLUBS Amir back down but Amir throws body shots! Devlin JABS Amir, and clamps on with a neck wrench. Amir endures, fights against the hold, and fights his way up. Amir throws body shots and CHOPS and Devlin goes to a corner. Amir whips, Devlin reverses but Amir boots him away! Amir runs but into the URENAGE! Standing moonsault! Cover, TWO! Amir survives but Devlin stays clam. Devlin stalks over and throws Amir out hard. The ref reprimands, Devlin fetches Amir and stomps him into the barriers!

The ref starts the ring count and Devlin puts Amir in at 4. Devlin takes his time pacing around the ring and gets in at 7. Devlin goes after Amir with a wrench and he throws Amir down. Devlin stands on Amir’s body, then YANKS the bad arm! Amir clutches his heavily taped shoulder but Devlin wrenches it to an atomic BACKBREAKER! The ref checks on Amir but he says he’s not giving up. Devlin kicks Amir down at the ropes, drags him back up and knees hard and low! Devlin wraps Amir in the cobra twist! Amir endures and Devlin smugly grins and flexes. Devlin digs an elbow into Amir’s ribs then clubs him! Amir fights against the hold, pries free and hip tosses Devlin down! Devlin flounders up and Amir fires off forearms and CHOPS!

Amir whips Devlin, Devlin reverses but Amir LEAPING LARIATS! Devlin flounders to a corner, Amir runs in to splash! Amir whips corner to corner then back drops Devlin! Devlin flounders up, Amir runs in and clotheslines Devlin out! Amir keeps moving and DIVES! Direct hit at the ramp! Amir puts Devlin in, he fires up and BT Sports fires up with him! Amir aims, somersaults and COMPLETE SHOTS! Cover, TWO!! Amir is shocked but he keeps his focus. Amir goes up top but Devlin KICKS him! Amir slumps on the top rope, Devlin CHOPS him then climbs up to join him.

Devlin brings Amir up, but Amir fights off the Spanish Fly, to sunset flip! Devlin holds on so Amir shifts to an Electric Chair, and VICTORY BOMB! Cover, TWO!! Amir hurries right back to the top rope! SWANTON, onto knees!! Amir flounders about, Devlin trips him up to get the legs! CLOVERLEAF!! Amir taps, Devlin wins!!

Winner: Jordan Devlin, by submission (still NXT Cruiserweight Champion)

The gold stays with the Ace! But will Devlin be able to force NXT to acknowledge he is the one true champion?


NXT UK Media catches up with Rampage Brown in the UK Performance Center.

He has his first win, but what’s next for him here? Well he’s ready for anything this brand has to offer. Rampage hears Saxon Huxley coming. Huxley says, “Nice to see you, Rampage Brown.” Huxley keeps saying Rampage’s name as he heads off, and Rampage finishes his sentence, “no matter how crazy.” Rampage is ready to run wild, but is he going to run into an even wilder road block first?


NXT UK hears from Noam Dar.

“Is it the best being the center of the universe? Obviously. It’s bloody brilliant being me!” And do you know what’s even better? Dar is getting his own talk show! Why should you watch #SupernovaSessions? First reason: Dar. Second reason: Dar does whatever he wants. And he will interview whoever he likes, as the center of the WWE Universe. Supernova Sessions, coming soon.


Eddie Dennis and The Hunt arrive.

NXT UK Media asks about what happened with Mark Andrews and Flash Morgan Webster, but Dennis prefers not to comment. But then South Wales Subculture pounces on Primate and Wild Boar! FMW tackles Boar over a table and Andrews SMACKS Primate with a trash can! Security hurries in to separate these four but this fight is not going to end here! Will The Hunt become the hunted before the year is over?


Jinny VS Isla Dawn!

The Fierce Fashionista interfered in the Falls Count Anywhere NXT UK Women’s Championship match last week, and that is why Kay Lee Ray still reigns. But will the White Witch curse the Spoiled Princess for what she’s done?

The bell rings and Dawn circles with Jinny. They tie up, Dawn headlocks but Jinny pries at the hold. Dawn clamps on tighter but Jinny pulls hair. The ref reprimands but Jinny headlocks back. Dawn powers out, things speed up and Dawn knees low and hard! Dawn snapmares, CHOPS Jinny on the back, KICKS her down then drops knees! Cover, TWO! Dawn drags Jinny up and runs but Jinny ducks the kick to kick back! And then ROLLING LIGER KICKS Dawn to a corner! Jinny stomps a fashionable mudhole but Dawn hits back. Jinny just stomps harder! The ref counts, Jinny stops and Dawn hits back again. Jinny CLUBS Dawn down, pulls hair and CLUBS Dawn again!

Jinny talks trash right in Dawn’s face! “You think you deserve to be in the ring with me?! Do you!?” Dawn shoves Jinny but Jinny wrenches and hooks her up for an IRON OCTOPUS! Dawn endures, stays on her feet and gets her way to the ropebreak! Jinny claws Dawn’s arm before she drags Dawn away to a chinbar! Jinny talks more trash but Dawn pries at the hold. Jinny shifts to a Mouse Trap, TWO! Dawn hits back with body shots but Jinny ROCKS Dawn with a right! Jinny wrenches Dawn to kick away on her face! The kicks turn into stomps, but Jinny brings Dawn back up. Dawn slips through and dodges to ROUNDHOUSE Jinny down! Dawn fires up to KICK Jinny to ropes, and KICK her at the ropes!

The ref counts, Dawn lets off to run, and KNEE Jinny into ropes! Dawn snapmares Jinny for a BASEMENT METEORA! Dawn isn’t done there, she wrenches Jinny up for a SAIDO! Cover, TWO!! Jinny survives but Dawn grits her teeth. Dawn drags Jinny up by her hair now, underhooks the arms but Jinny anchors a leg. Jinny gets that leg and throws Dawn into her knee! Dawn flounders from Jinny’s fashionable version of the Head Shot, and then Jinny runs in at the corner. Dawn goes up and around to TARANTULA! Jinny endures and the ref counts, Dawn lets go at 4! Both women are down but the BT Studio fans fire up!

Dawn climbs the corner, Jinny stands and gets under the leap! Dawn rolls through, blocks a kick but not the mule kick! Jinny stands on Dawn’s leg to grab the other for a standing toehold and STOMP! STF! Dawn taps, Jinny wins!

Winner: Jinny, by submission

The new mean(er) streak in Jinny was no lie! Jinny downs Isla Dawn, will the Spoiled Princess rise up to become NXT UK’s queen? Jinny also calls out Piper Niven, “I hope you enjoyed watching that from the hospital, sweetheart.” Will Piper the Viper make sure to respond in kind soon enough?


NXT UK Media interviews Sid Scala.

As we approach the finals of the Heritage Cup, how does Scala feel? He and Johnny Saint are “over the moon.” But then Alexander Wolfe knocks on the door and barges in. Joe Coffey challenged him to a match and Wolfe will give Coffey that. On one condition: The Gallus boys are banned from ringside. Scala accepts those conditions. But to keep it fair, the rest of Imperium is banned from ringside, too. Wolfe stares intensely at Scala, but accepts the terms. Who will win between Iron King and Hatchet Man when things are truly 1v1?


BREAKING NEWS for next week!

Wolfe VS Coffey isn’t the only grudge match going down! After the confrontation just earlier tonight, The Hunt and South Wales Subculture will finally have it out in the ring! Will Primate and Wild Boar face the consequences when they finally face the friends they betrayed?


NXT UK Heritage Cup Finals: A-Kid VS Trent Seven!

The Spanish Ace trumped the Modfather and the Scottish Supernova. The Artful Dodger overcame the Chancer and the Bomber. But now, a battle of generations begins! Will A-Kid be the kid to raise the cup? Or will Seven win the big one he so desperately needs to win?

The cup is present, the introductions are made, and whether it takes one round or all six, someone is putting their name down in the history books!

A-Kid and Seven circle as the first three minutes count down. Seven puts AK on the ropes but wrenches. AK gets away and the two reset. They tie up, Seven powers AK to ropes but AK turns it around. AK lets off clean and they reset again. They knuckle lock, AK rolls and wrenches then gets a foot for a takedown. AK headlocks, Seven headscissors but AK pops out. BT Sports Studio cheers as the two reset. AK gets a leg, Seven blocks the takedown to POWERBOMB! High stack, TWO! Seven cartwheels to show off a bit as he and AK reset yet again. AK shoots in again to take Seven down and get a headlock.

Seven keeps his shoulders up, pushes AK with forearms to get the headscissors, and holds tight as AK tries to kick free. AK manages to scuff Seven with his foot, then moves around to turn Seven over. AK ties up the legs but he wants an arm. Seven resists but AK digs his forehead into the back. Cattle Mutilation but we’re under a minute! Seven turns over so AK settles for a motorcycle stretch. Seven endures, powers up, and turns things around on AK at 30 seconds, only for AK to turn it right back around! AK digs his forehead in again but Seven powers against the hold. Ten seconds, AK cartwheels and ties up with Seven again! They go around in a deadlock, but time is up as they drop to the mat!

A-Kid: 0; Seven: 0

The ref keeps them from continuing, but they do show a sign of respect to each other before cooling off in their corners. After the 20 second break, we being round two!

Seven and AK approach and circle. They tie up with knuckle locks, AK tries to trip Seven but Seven stays up. Seven bends AK back but AK bridges through. Cover, TWO as AK brings one arm up. Seven pushes it back down, TWO as AK brings the other arm up. Seven powers it back down, AK bridges! Seven uses his whole body, AK still bridges up! Seven tries to slam down on AK but AK still powers his way up! AK brings Seven down to stand on one foot and then shift to get back into the motorcycle stretch. Seven moves around but AK pulls him down to pull on the arms! Seven keeps his shoulders up, then moves around to turn things around, only for AK to wrangle him back down!

Seven turns AK again, but AK uses his feet to drag Seven back down! A minute left in this round, Seven rolls but he manages to kick AK away from the EuroClutch! The two show respect again, but then tie up. AK rolls Seven to go after a leg! AK has a partial kneebar but Seven pries at AK’s grip! There’s 30 seconds left as Seven turns only to be caught deeper! Seven rolls and rolls but 15 seconds left! Ten seconds, Seven pries at the hold more, but he brings Bop up, to BANG! Time is out before AK can retaliate!

A-Kid: 0; Seven: 0

Seven got away with a last second shot, but now there’s 20 seconds to cool off and reset. AK is watching eagerly, and now we’re into round three!

AK rushes Seven and DROPKICKS, but only gets the water bottle! Seven CHOPS AK, and CHOPS, and CHOPS! AK is in the corner, Seven fires off more CHOPS! AK BOOTS back, throws forearms and CHOPS of his own! Seven blocks to CHOP back! AK KICKS, Seven CHOPS! KICK, CHOP, repeat! Seven eggs AK on as they keep going back and forth! Seven staggers and AK KICKS more! Seven blocks the next, to CLUB the leg and CHOP, but AK PELES! AK and Seven stagger about AK runs in to PENALTY KICK! Cover, TWO! PENALTY KICK AGAIN! Seven is stinging, AK is fired up! AK watches Seven rise, and he DYNAMIC DROPKICKS!! Cover, A-Kid scores!!

A-Kid: 1; Seven: 0

This could make all the difference! We’re halfway through and A-Kid has the lead, will he keep Seven from making a comeback?

Round four stars and AK hits the ENZIGURI he wanted to hit last round! Cover, TWO!! Seven survives and shakes his head but AK wraps up the arms. Seven moves around, AK shifts to a chinlock and grinds him down. AK looks to be working on just tiring Seven out but Seven fights against the hold. Seven refuses to lose, AK throws elbows, but Seven keeps fighting. AK has the arms but Seven powers up with his legs. AK shifts to focus on a FUJIWARA! Seven endures more, rolls around but into a standard ARMBAR! Seven fights rather than clasps hands but AK has the triangle hold now. Seven rolls around, gets free, ripcords but AK ducks the lariat to get a takedown! ARMBAR!

We’re at a minute left already as Seven clasps hands. AK headbutts the grip, pulls on the arms, Seven rolls to a cover, TWO! AK has the triangle again but Seven keeps fighting. Seven dead lifts AK at 30 seconds but AK tries to drag him back down! They rock back and forth at 20 seconds, but Seven powers up for a POWERBOMB! Ten seconds but Seven can’t make the cover! Seven sits up slowly but the round ends!

A-Kid: 1; Seven: 0

AK and Seven won’t let go of each other’s wrists but the ref tells them to break. They finally do, but that means they’ve wasted part of their precious 20 second rest time! They use whatever time is left to reset, and we go to round five!

AK and Seven circle and feel out the grapple. AK gets a leg, drags Seven down but Seven facelocks. AK rolls but Seven holds on! They get into ropes, the ref calls for a break but Seven and AK stand up first. Seven cranks on the facelock but AK pries free to waistlock. Seven uses the ropes to buck AK off but AK kips up. Seven fakes him out, but AK NORTHERN LIGHTS! AK has the wrists, drags Seven up, Seven DDT’s! Cover, TWO!! Seven grows frustrated and there’s only two minutes left. Seven sees AK go to the corner in a daze. Seven gets up, runs in and CLOBBERS AK with that clothesline! AK is stuck on the top rope from the impact, but Seven uses that to torture rack!

AK fights and we have a minute left! AK is on the top rope, he adjusts while Seven staggers, but Seven CHOPS a leg out! Seven climbs up behind AK and CHOPS away on his back! Seven goes up even higher, but AK fights back! Under 20 seconds but Seven CHOPS away! Seven drags AK up, for a SUPER BACK SUPLEX, that AK makes a crossbody!! But the time runs out before the cover count can finish!!

A-Kid: 1; Seven: 0

If there was even one more second on the clock, A-Kid would’ve won in a sweep! But Seven was saved by the bell, with the sixth round as his last hope!

A-Kid and Seven have reset but with barely any time to rest. Seven rushes AK, dodges his kick and rolls up, TWO! AK kicks but misses again, CHOP and SNAP DRAGON SUPLEX! Seven scoops for EMERALD FLOSION DRIVER! Cover, TWO!! Seven is growing frustrated and desperate as he grabs at AK, and AK cradles him! TWO!! Seven gets up, CHOPS AK then reels him in, for the SEVEN STAR LARIAT!! Cover, TWO!?! Seven keeps going, pedal to the metal, and he drags AK back up! Torture rack, for the BIRMINGHAMMER!! But Seven crawls to the cover, ROPEBREAK!! AK survives but Seven won’t stop!

Seven drags AK up, but AK is dead weight after taking that torture rack driver! Seven knows time is bleeding away as he demands AK get up! AK kicks out of the lift, but Seven LARIATS again!! But there’s only a minute left as Seven covers, TWO! Seven can’t waste time arguing the count, but he gets caught to an omoplata! Seven rolls around, covers, SEVEN TIES IT UP!!

A-Kid: 1; Seven: 1

We’re tied as round six ends, but that means… OVERTIME!? Trent Seven forces a round seven, now it’s sudden death with NO TIME LIMIT! What does each man even have left as we now start from square one?!

The bell rings and AK SLAPS Seven! So Seven SLAPS AK! They both SLAP each other! AK throws haymakers and KICKS, Seven staggers but AK KICKS again! AK runs into a LARIAT!! Seven crawls for a cover but AK flounders away! AK goes to the apron but Seven slowly pursues. Seven kicks at AK but AK grabs the foot. Seven kicks with the other foot, then both men stand. Seven CHOPS, AK kicks! Seven CHOPS and AK flounders against ropes! AK gets up and BOOTS Seven! Seven holds on to ropes, but AK brings him around, but Seven hits EMERALD FLOSION to the FLOOR! Both men are down and the ref checks on them. The ref calls for them to get in and a count begins.

Seven drags himself up first at 2. The count reaches 5 before Seven stands. BT Sports Studio is buzzing as AK flounders around at 7! Seven is in, AK hears 9 and bolts into the ring! AK is in at 9.9!! Seven grits his teeth in frustration as he sits up. A-Kid is in a daze as Seven stalks up behind him. Seven drags AK up by an arm, and has a half straitjacket! Ripcord to SEVEN STAR LARIAT!!! But Seven says that’s not enough!? Seven drags him back up, AK flounders but Seven torture racks! BIRMING- NO! AK lands and SUPERKICKS!! Seven is against ropes, DYNAMIC DROPKICK hits again!! AK has to crawl to a cover now, but Seven drags HIM into the omoplata!

Seven fights against his own bad arm to get AK’s other arm but AK uses his own leg to block! AK turns things around to omoplata Seven! Seven resists, AK chinbars him into the crossface! Seven elbows back and reaches out, AK grabs at the arm more! AK catches Seven to the RINGS OF SATURN!! Seven endures, refuses to quit but AK uses his leg to hook the arm!! Seven quits, AK WINS!!

Winner: A-Kid, by submission (inaugural winner of the Heritage Cup)

Despite how much Seven’s spirit wanted it, his body wouldn’t let him do it! And now, El Nino Anonimo is the history maker! Sid Scala brings the cup to the ring, and that makes the moment even more real. Seven hobbles over and takes the cup from Scala, so that he can be the one to give it to A-Kid! There is still so much respect between Seven and A-Kid, and that is also what this trophy is about! A-Kid raises the cup as the streamers fly! Is this just the beginning of the legend that is the Spanish Ace?

My Thoughts:

What a great episode! For one, we got a really good but fairly fast NXT Cruiserweight Championship match. Devlin of course retains but Amir looked strong as singles wrestler there. Between NXT, NXT UK and 205 Live, I am hoping we get a Triple Threat of Escobar, Devlin and current contender Curt Stallion, just so everything is settled at once. Whoever wins is the one true champion of the Cruiserweights. Of course, the way to get to it is by having Escobar and Devlin argue over who is facing Stallion as the challenger, and then Stallion says he’ll face them both, and it is approved by both William Regal and Johnny Saint.

Jinny VS Dawn was a good middle match, but naturally Jinny wins so that she goes strong into a feud with Piper. I was kind of hoping there would be another Triple Threat situation here, since Jinny and KLR weren’t exactly getting along until Piper gave Jinny that Michinoku Driver to a chair. But maybe KLR returns the favor and helps Jinny beat Piper, and then those two face off for the title as a way for KLR to “thank” Jinny for the Falls Count Anywhere match.

We got a lot of great set-up for next week, too, with the true 1v1 of Coffey and Wolfe that will be a slugfest, and then the even bigger battle of The Hunt VS SWSC. Those are both going to be big for contender races, I can feel it. Which probably means Coffey wins, and the Hunt has Dennis help them screw over SWSC. Gallus are all Faces, so a Heel tag team is going to challenge them first. Walter is Heel and he could have a rematch with Coffey just to bide time while someone else is built up *cough* Rampage */cough*.

The Heritage Cup finals was BRILLIANT! That is exactly how the finals of a British Rounds tournament should go. Not just all six rounds but an overtime, and y’know what, for Seven’s story being so strong about needing to win, it obviously means so much for A-Kid to win. If anything, that was the whole point of Seven being in this match. He and A-Kid were incredible together, he made A-Kid look like a million bucks, and obviously put him over to be a historic first holder of the cup. I cannot wait to see who will challenge for this unique prize and how this first reign of sorts goes.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!


Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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