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Mitchell’s NJPW WTL x BOSJ Results & Report! (12/11/20)

Who will hold up the trophies tonight?




NJPW’s double tournament event comes to an end!

After nine rounds, we finally have our final match-ups! Who will win World Tag League 2020 and Best of the Super Juniors 27?


  • Six Man Tag: Chaos VS Bullet Club; Bullet Club wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Kazuchika Okada & HenarACE VS The Empire; The Empire wins.
  • SANADA & Shingo Takagi VS EVIL & Yujiro Takahashi; Sanada & Takagi win.
  • Kota Ibushi & Master Wato VS Tetsuya Naito & Bushi; Ibushi & Wato win.
  • World Tag League 2020 Finals: FinJuice VS Guerrillas of Destiny; GOD wins and will challenge for the IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championships at WrestleKingdom 15.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 27 Finals: Hiromu Takahashi VS El Desperado; Hiromu wins and will challenge for the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championships at WrestleKingdom 15.


Six Man Tag: Chaos VS Bullet Club!

Robbie Eagles, Sho and Toru Yano join forces against Chase Owens, Bad Luck Fale and the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion, Taiji Ishimori! But will the Sniper of the Sky and High Voltage help Mr. KOPW 2020 stay strong towards WrestleKingdom? Or will Yano owe a match to the Crown Jewel, Rogue General or Bone Soldier Reborn?

But as Chaos gets in the ring, Bullet Club attacks! Fale keeps Yano in as the bell rings and the others mug Eagles and Sho! The ref reprimands but Fale chases him off. Fans rally but Fale whips Yano to ropes. Yano holds ropes, dodges Fale and goes to slap, but Fale turns around! Yano dodges, rakes eyes and then goes to scoop! Fale too big! Fale clubs Yano, scoops and slams him instead! Yano gets up but Fale is on him with a whip to the corner. Fale runs corner to corner, but Yano dodges, and then goes to the other corner to untie the buckle pad! SMACK! Fale doesn’t flinch. Yano SMACKS again, but still nothing. “CHIKUSHO!” Yano tries to scoop but Fale CLUBS, scoops and SLAMS Yano!

Fans cheer the strength as Fale looms over Yano. Tag to Ishimori and he stomps away on Yano. Ishimori whips Yano at the bare corner but Yano stops himself! Yano baits Ishimori in and Ishimori hits buckles! Yano scoops and slams Ishimori then tags in Sho! Sho rallies on Ishimori, DECKS Owens and dropkicks Fale! Sho runs in and corner clotheslines Ishimori! Ishimori reverses the whip but Sho reverses back to kick, kick and KICK him down! Fans fire up with Sho and he aims, but Ishimori blocks the buzzsaw to CHOP! Things speed up, Sho redirects and SPEARS! Cover, TWO! Fans rally as Sho waistlocks and dead lifts, but Ishimori flails and elbows free!

Sho fires off forearms from all sides! Sho runs, Ishimori BOOTS him! Ishimori runs but Sho side steps to SNAP GERMAN! Ishimori flounders up but Sho whips him, Ishimori handsprings to NEURALIZER! Both men are down, fans fire up and the two go to their corners. Hot tags to Owens and Eagles! Eagles rallies with forearms, Owens shoves and baits Eagles in. Eagles ends up on the apron but he enziguris back! Eagles springboards to missile dropkick the legs out! Fans fire up with Eagles as he gets the leg, spins, but Owens rolls him! Eagles rolls out to mule kick! And kick, and kick, and KICK! Eagles runs to leg lariat Owens to a corner!

Fans fire up even more as Eagles runs corner to corner, to double knee! Then he returns, but Owens boots! SWEEP-1-9! METEORA! Cover, TWO! Eagles keeps focus and fans rally up. Fale and Ishimori go after Sho and Yano while Eagles WARP 4.5- NO, Owens moves and the splash flops! Owens drags Eagles up, reels him in, tucks the arms, but Eagles RANAS! Cover, TWO!! Owens is free and he SUPERKICKS! Rolling fireman’s carry to a pop-up, but Eagles rolls and high stacks! TWO, and Owens JEWEL-

NO! Eagles blocks, but Owens BELL CLAPS out of the backpack! HAMMERLOCK LARIAT! The HEIST! Cover, TWO!! Fans fire up but Owens straitjackets for Fale’s GRENADE!! Bridging cover, Bullet Club wins!!

Winners: Bullet Club, by pinfall

It may not have been the heist of the century, but Owens comes away with a big win for Bullet Club! Will the faction rebound as a whole with WrestleKingdom?

Wait, Yano goes after Fale! He keeps trying to scoop, but Fale scoops him to SLAM him again! Fale stomps Yano and Owens grabs the KOPW 2020 trophy! He hands it to Fale and Fale has Yano look at it as he STOMPS IT! Fale loves breaking other people’s property, doesn’t he? Will the Producer repair the trophy again, even stronger than before?


Six Man Tag: Kazuchika Okada & HenarACE VS The Empire!

The Rainmaker returns, and he is teaming up with Hiroshi Tanahashi and Toa Henare to take on the traitor, Will Ospreay! But of course, Ospreay has Great-O-Khan and Jeff Cobb with him. We already saw the Dominator and Hawaiian Hulk conquer the Ace and Hammerhead, will that happen all over again here?

Again, the Empire doesn’t budge as their opponents make their entrances. The trios sort out and fans clap, “O-KA-DA!” HenarACE show off the muscles as the entrance jackets are put aside. Okada dares Ospreay to step up and give us a WrestleKingdom sampler! Opsreay accepts and they fire off forearms back and forth, faster and faster! Ospreay knees, puts Okada in a corner and CHOPS, CHOPS, CHOPS then stomps, stomps, stomps! Ospreay climbs up to rain down fists but the ref pulls him off. Okada hits back with forearm after forearm! Ospreay knees low but runs into a BOOT! Fans fire up for Okada as he wrenches Ospreay and brings him over.

Tag to Tanahashi, and they double whip. Ospreay holds ropes, throws Okada out then kicks Tanahashi to wrench the arm! Khan tags in, knees low then knees harder! Khan has the arm-triangle already! Tanahashi stays standing, elbows free, and then headlocks. Khan powers out but Tanahashi dropkicks a leg! And again! And again! Khan is down, Tanahashi drags him over and tags in Henare. HenarACE double whip, double elbow, then Tomahawk and elbow drop! And FLEX! HenarACE put Khan in the Double Half Crab! Fans fire up but the ref reprimands. The ref also has to keep The Empire under control, but HenarACE lets Khan go.

Henare drags Khan up to facelock and tag Tanahashi back in. HenarACE mug Khan, Tanahashi fires off strikes but Khan Mongolian CHOPS! And again! But Tanahashi blocks to SHOTEI! Tanahashi runs but into CHOPS! Khan gets a body sicssor takedown to a KNEEBAR! Cobb and Ospreay hit Okada and Henare! They fight outside while Tanahashi endures the leg lock! Tanahashi crawls and gets the ropebreak! Ospreay looms over Okada while Khan stomps and YANKS Tanahashi’s leg! Khan drags Tanahashi over, tags in Cobb, and they stomp Tanahashi more! Cobb looms over Tanahashi, drags him up and scoops him for knees to the ribs!

Cobb carries Tanahashi around for a backbreaker! Khan tags in, Cobb SLAMS Tanahashi down and Khan clamps on with the arm triangle! Fans rally as Tanahashi endures and kicks around to the ropebreak! The ref counts, Ospreay tags in but Khan only lets go at the count of 4. Ospreay drags Tanahashi up to bump off buckles! Ospreay fires off forearms and digs his boot into Tanahashi while talking trash! Fans rally for Tanahashi but Ospreay drags him over. Cobb tag sin but the whole Empire mugs him. Khan DECKS Okada and Henare, then he and Cobb double whip Tanahashi. Cobb whips Khan in for a clothesline! Khan gut wrench suplexes Tanahashi to Cobb, who gut wrench suplexes Tanahashi back the other way!

Tag to Ospreay, the Empire gets Tanahashi up to while Ospreay goes to the top rope. Ospreay missile dropkicks the double back suplex down! Cover, TWO!! Tanahashi survives and fans fire up! Ospreay grins at Okada while he toys with Tanahashi. Tanahashi hits back with forearms but Ospreay ROCKS him with an uppercut! Ospreay run sin but Tanahashi elbows him away! Tanahashi goes up but misses the crossbody! Ospreay aims but Tanahashi catches the leg to a DRAGON SCREW! Fans fire up as both men are down! Hot tag to Okada! Okada fires off forearms on Ospreay then whips but Ospreay reverses, only for Okada to duck and dodge to back elbow Ospreay down! Okada hits Khan and Cobb then dodges Ospreay to back elbow, kick and DDT! Cover, TWO!!

Okada keeps his focus as fans rally up! Okada stalks Ospreay, Alabama lifts, but Ospreay fights that off to throw a BIG forearm! Ospreay runs in but is popped up to the Alabama! Ospreay holds ropes to escape, then he dodges Okada to pull hair, KICK and CLUB Okada down! Tag to Cobb and Cobb waistlocks Okada for a dead lift! Okada elbows out but Cobb ROCKS him! Okada EuroUppers then ducks the forearm to FLAPJACK Cobb down! Fans fire up and Okada tags in Henare! Henare rallies on Cobb, whips but Cobb reverses, only to RAM Cobb! Neither falls so they just RAM and RAM and RAM again! Cobb runs but Henare CHOPS him! Henare runs but Cobb scoops him! Pop-up to the suplex, but Henare slips out!

Henare catches an arm to Tomahawk elbow over and over! Fans fire up as Henare runs but Cobb reels him in! Henare elbows but into an OVERHEAD SUPLEX! Fans fire up for this power on display! Henare is in the corner and Cobb runs in, only for Henare to dodge! Henare fireman’s carries Cobb but Cobb slips off. Henare blocks the kick to ELBOW and HEEL KICK back! Okada DECKS Ospreay and then hits Khan! HenarACE coordinate, Henare fireman’s carries Cobb for a SAMOAN DROP! Cover, TWO!! Tanahashi and Henare watch Cobb rise, and Tanahashi runs, SLING SWEEP! Cover, Ospreay breaks it!

Okada hits Ospreay, throws him out and fans rally up with “HE-NA-RE!” Henare fires up, runs, but into Khan’s BOOT! Khan goes after Tanahashi, Tanahshi waistlocks but Khan rolls to get a KNEEBAR! Cobb throws Henare for the TOUR OF THE ISLANDS!! Cover, The Empire wins!!

Winners: The Empire, by pinfall

Cobb and Khan get the better of HenarACE again! Ospreay rejoins his men and tells them to finish Tanahashi off! Khan has the kneebar again but Okada clubs him away! Ospreay has Khan and Cobb move aside so that he can stand face to face with Okada. Ospreay tells Okada that Okada doesn’t really know who he is. Okada grabs Ospreay but Cobb CLUBS Okada! And they set Okada up for an OSCUTTER! Bea Priestly gets a chair and gives it to Ospreay, who gives it to Khan! They have Tanahashi’s legs isolate and Khan SMACKS them over and over and over with the chair!! Ospreay says Tanahashi is no longer the Ace! Okada is no longer the top of the mountain! Khan says this is THE EMPIRE! Will it only be a matter of time before they conquer all of NJPW?


SANADA & Shingo Takagi VS EVIL & Yujiro Takahashi w/ Dick Togo!

Speaking of facing traitors, we get a rematch from the round robin! Cold Skull and The Dragon want to get back at the King of Darkness and Tokyo Pimp for that loss, but will they have to keep their eyes open for the Spoiler?

The entrance jackets are put aside as fans clap for “L I J!” Bullet Club gives a Low Sweet and then attack LIJ! Yujiro clubs Takagi, Evil is after Sanada and the bell put sthis on record. Sanada dropkicks Evili out then PLANCHAS him down! Takagi runs Yujiro over and fans fire up! Takagi drags Yujiro up, suplexes up and over, and then brings Yujiro back up. Yujiro rakes eyes! And then he distracts the ref so that Dick can choke Sanada! Evil MULE KICKS Sanada to get him to fall! Evil slaps his former friend and tag partner around as Dick pulls the Spoiler choker tighter. But Takagi goes out after them! Yujiro and the ref pursue as Takagi checks on Sanada. Evil CLUBS Takagi, Yujiro mugs him, and the two put Takagi in.

Yujiro stomps Takagi while the ref is checking on Sanada. Fans rally up but Yujiro drops a leg, an elbow and a headbutt. Cover, TWO! Yujiro tags Evil and Evil stands on Takagi’s head. The ref reprimands and Evil steps away, but Takagi fires off forearms! Evil eggs him on but Takagi hits harder! Evil rakes Takagi’s eyes! Evil whips Takagi to the corner, and surprise! The blue buckle pad is loose! Takagi hits bare buckles as the Bullet Club classic happens all over again. Sanada is still out on the ramp as Bullet Club whips Takagi to a corner. Yujiro runs in to BOOT, Evil runs in to corner clothesline! Then FISHERMAN BUSTER! And bsaement BOOT! Cover, TWO!

Takagi survives but Bullet Club keeps focus since they’ve all but made this a handicap match. But Takagi fires off forearms and CHOPS! Takagi runs but Dick trips him while Evil was in the ref’ sway! Dick drags Takagi up and Yujiro has his pimp cane, but Sanada is back! Sanada clobbers Bullet Club, including Dick! And he fires off on Evil!! Fans are fired up as Sanada shows no mercy to the traitor! The ref pulls him away but Sanada shoves the ref down! Sanada goes out to whip Evil into railing! And more railing! This hot rage is rare for Cold Skull and fans are loving it!

As for Takagi, Yujiro BOOTS him, then runs, into an elbow! JAB! LARIAT! Takagi runs to SLIDING LARIAT! Then a pump handle and torture rack, for LAST OF THE DRAGONS!! Cover, LIJ wins!!

Winners: Sanada & Shingo Takagi, by pinfall

The calm and the fury get even with Evil and Yujiro! But Sanada’s rage is not satisfied, he’s after Evil again! He just rains more fists down! Young Lions try to stop him but get shoved aside! Then Sanada throws them around and kicks them out! Then he goes back for more on Evil! Sanada finally stops and cools off, but then he explodes again! Not even Takagi can stop Sanada! Evil hits back and these two just keep going on the ramp! Dick gets in but Sanada DECKS him! Evil CHOPS Sanada and eggs Sanada on as Sanada keeps hitting back! Sanada kicks Evil, and drags him backstage! Takagi doesn’t even get what happened and he’s Sanada’s teammate. But that aside, LIJ won, will they keep on winning here tonight?

Wait, Cobb returns! He told Takagi before he wants that NEVER Openweight Championship, and now he’s here to tell him again. Cobb picks up the belt, Takagi wants it back, and Cobb hands it over. Cobb won’t let go, though! And he uses it to reel Takagi into TOUR OF THE ISLANDS!! Cobb picks the belt up again and puts it in Takagi’s face, before raising it up high over his head. Will Cobb take this belt for the glory of The Empire?


Kota Ibushi & Master Wato w/ Hiroyoshi Tenzan VS Tetsuya Naito & Bushi!

The Golden Star and the IWGP Double Champion met again just last week as part of the big three-day weekend NJPW had to wrap up the round robins! Los Ingobernables de Japon was strong that night, will the IWGP Double Champion and Death Mask stay strong? Or will the Way of the Grandmaster help Ibushi bounce back before the WrestleKingdom 15 Night 1 title match?

Naito isn’t dressed as fancy as usual, but he just makes up for that by taking even longer walking to the ring. The teams sort out, fans rally with “NA-I-TO!” “I-BU-SHI!” and after the LIJ fist bump, we start with the WK15 preview! Ibushi and Naito approach, circle slowly, and then move back as Naito plays his games. Ibushi keeps his cool, but Naito kicks first! The forearms fly back and forth, faster and faster, and fans rally with them! Naito rakes eyes! The ref reprimands and Naito mocks Tenzan’s chops! Naito whips, Ibushi reverses but Naito sunset flips. Ibushi slips out, Naito ducks the kick to arm-drag, but Ibushi headscissors! Naito pops out but Ibushi dropkicks him down!

Ibushi stomps Naito, tags in Wato, and Wato drags Naito up to kick and kick and KICK! Bushi gets in but Wato KICKS him down! Wato goes after Naito, whips him and hurdles to back elbow, back hand and sobat! Fans fire up with Wato as he aims and kicks, but Naito dodges! Naito shoves, kicks and Bushi gets in to sunset flip flop for Naito’s basement dropkick! Bushi hits Ibushi and the ref reprimands while fans rally. Naito goes out to get in Tenzan’s face while Bushi stomps Wato. Naito then gets Ibushi up to whip him into railing! Bushi digs his boots into Wato but lets off as Naito returns. Naito drags Wato up, and throws those Tenzan Mongolian Chops! Fans like that as Naito tags in Bushi.

LIJ mugs Wato then Bushi brings Wato around for the Mongolian Chops, too! Tenzan is mad as Bushi throws more chops then stomps Wato. Bushi snapmares Wato into a chinlock, then a cover, TWO! Fans cheer and Bushi tags Naito in. Naito drags Wato up, dragon sleepers and backbreakers to the leg hook full nelson! Bushi keeps guard but Wato moves around. Fans rally as Wato endures, and Wato gets the ropebreak with a foot! The ref counts, Naito claims he’s stuck, so the ref undoes the hold for him. Naito stomps Wato then brings Wato up. Wato throws forearms, Bushi CLUBS Wato and Naito DECKS Ibushi!

LIJ put Wato in a corner to whip him corner to corner, and Bushi runs in but misses! Wato tilt-o-whirl backbreakers Naito! Bushi runs, into the DREAMCAST KICK! Fans rally up, Wato and Naito are down, but Wato rolls to tag in Ibushi! Ibushi fires up to fire off forearms on Naito! Naito reverses the whip but Ibushi JUMPING KICKS Naito down! Fans fire up as Ibushi runs in but Naito dodges. Ibushi goes up and over, and KICKS Naito down! Standing moonsault! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up more and Ibushi powers up. Ibushi drags Naito up but Naito throws forearm after forearm! Ibushi fires them back, Naito spins Ibushi around, arm-drags him then elbows him down! Basement dropkick!

Fans rally “I-BU-SHI!” “NA-I-TO!” as Naito whips Ibushi corner to corner. Naito runs in, rocket kick and sweep, swinging dropkick! COMBINACION CABRON! Naito drags Ibushi up but Ibushi fights the neckbreaker off. Ibushi blocks a kick, fires a strike fest and then whips. Naito reverses to tornado DDT! Fans fire up as both men are down! Bushi tags in and goes to a corner. Bushi climbs, aims at Ibushi, and missile dropkicks! And BUSHIROONI! Bushi stomps Ibushi, drags him up, but Ibushi swings on him! Bushi spins Ibushi around to DDT! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up as Bushi drags Ibushi up, FISHERMAN SCREW! Cover, but Wato breaks it!

Naito throws Wato out and Bushi drags Ibushi up. Bushi puts Ibushi in the ropes, and hits a DRAPING BACKSTABBER! Fans fire up as Bushi aims corner to corner, runs and CODE- NO! Ibushi denies that and ROUNDHOUSES Bushi down! Naito whips Ibushi, Ibushi reverses and then catches Naito’s leaping forearms! Ibushi spins Naito around for Wato’s springboard uppercut! Naito bails out, Wato builds speed and TORNILLOS Naito at the ramp! Ibushi KICKS and KICKS Bushi, but Bushi blocks to elbow the leg. Bushi runs, into a V-TRIGGER! KENNY~! Ibushi sits Bushi up, KAMI-GOYE!! Cover, Ibushi and Wato win!

Winners: Kota Ibushi & Master Wato, by pinfall

Naito’s team won the Six Man but Ibushi just won the 2v2! But it is only a matter of time before these two face off again. Who wins when it’s just 1v1 for the IWGP Heavyweight AND Intercontinental Championships?


World Tag League 2020 Finals: FinJuice VS Guerrillas of Destiny!

Juice Robinson and David Finlay have appeared in back-to-back finals, but the truly historic achievement is on the other side of facing Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa! Will FinJuice be the third team in a row to go back-to-back as World Tag League winners?

After the Low Sweet, and as Juice warns Jado, the teams sort out. Loa starts with Finlay and fans rally up. They circle, tie up, and Loa pushes Finlay away. Finlay shrugs that off, circles with Loa again and then gets around to a headlock. Loa powers up to carry Finlay to a corner! The ref calls for the break, Loa backs off, but Finlay dodges the sucker punch! Finlay headlocks, holds tight and fans rally up. Loa powers up again to pull hair and rolls Finlay off. Finlay runs into a headlock takeover! Loa grins as he grinds Finlay down but Finlay moves around. Finlay works to get up but Loa holds tight. Finlay throws body shots, powers out and tags Juice.

Loa holds ropes, Tama tags in, and the ref hurries to keep this from turning into a brawl! FinJuice and GOD stare down with dukes up, but they cool off and let it stay as Juice and Tama. Fans rally as they circle, tie up, and are in a deadlock. Tama manages to power Juice back, but then Juice powers Tama back. Tama headlocks, Juice powers out but Tama kicks back! Tama dodges, Jado swipes at Juice and the ref reprimands. Juice and Tama stand off and fans cheer as the ref is telling Jado he is EJECTED! Young Lions grab Jado and drag him away! GOD is furious but this is only fair! Tama goes after Juice for that with big haymakers!

Tama whips, Juice reverses and arm-drags! Juice has the arm and wrenches him to the corner. Finlay tags in to drop ax handles on the arm! FinJuice double kick, run and double BULLDOG! Cover, ONE, but Finlay is right on Tama’s arm. Finlay wrenches, Juice tags in and Juice goes up to drop ax handles! Juice DECKS Loa, FinJuice double whip Tama, and they double hip toss Tama down. Loa runs in but he gets a double hip toss! Finlay basement uppercuts, Juice back sentons! Fans rally and Juice wrenches Tama’s arm, tags Finlay, and Finlay again drops ax handles on the arm. FinJuice whips Tama again, and double- No, Tama fights out!

Tama ducks the leg lariat, shoves Finaly into Juice and tags in Loa! Loa DOUBLE LARIATS FinJuice down! Loa whips Finlay, back drops him high and hard, then kicks Juice to whip and back drop him, too! Fans cheer the feat of strength as Loa brings Finlay back up for a snap suplex! Uno amigo, then the back suplex to BOMB! Cover, TWO! Loa grows frustrated but fans rally up. Loa drags Finlay to a cover, ONE! Loa wraps a chinlock on, Finlay endures and works his way up. Loa puts Finlay in the corner, Tama tags in and GOD mugs Finlay. They double whip, body shot, body shot and neckbreaker! Cover, TWO!

Tama is frustrated and he drags Finlay around for clobbering forearms to the chest, and an elbow right to the head! Fans rally for Finlay as Tama paces. Tama headbutts Finlay to the corner, tags Loa, and GOD double suplexes Finlay hard! Cover, TWO! Finlay reaches for Juice but Loa stays close. Loa dares Finlay to tag Juice but Finlay pie faces Loa. They slap each other and then Finlay throws forearm after forearm! Loa just fires up and DECKS Finlay with one! Loa runs corner to corner, Finlay elbows him first! Finlay hurries, but he dodges and tosses Loa first! Tama drags Finlay back but Finlay kicks him away! Loa trips Juice off the apron! The tag is denied!

Loa gets in, he drags Finlay up and fireman’s carries for a SAMOAN DROP! Tag to Tama, Loa puts Finlay in the corner, and Tama taunts Juice. Juice rallies the fans up and Tama goes back to Finlay. Finlay fights out of the corner with forearms and elbows! Finlay EuroUppers Tama but Tama gets around to back suplex. Finlay lands on his feet, dodges Tama and tags in Juice! Juice rallies on GOD, then gives Loa a SPINEBUSTER! Tama runs in to get a full nelson SLAM! PLANCHA for Loa! Juice shakes the hands of the trophies then goes back to the ring. Juice runs in and corner clotheslines Tama! Then he runs to LEAPING LARIAT!

Juice climbs up as fans rally, and he leaps at Tama for a BIG crossbody! Cover, TWO!! Tama survives and fans fire up more! Juice tags Finlay, FinJuice has Tama in a corner, and Juice runs in to corner clothesline! Finlay EuroUppers, Juice scoops Tama, for an ELBOW DROP BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO!! Tama survives again and fans rally up more! Finlay tags Juice, FinJuice drags Tama up again, and Juice builds speed, only for Loa to SPEAR! Finlay drops Tama but Loa shoves him into Tama’s TONGAN TWIST! GOD regroups and brings Juice up. They double atomic FACEBUSTER, then cover, TWO!

GOD keeps cool and coordinate again in opposite corners. FLYING HEADBUTT, and FROG SPLASH! Cover, TWO!! Juice survives now and GOD is furious! Fans rally up as Loa brings Juice up. Tama steadies himself while Loa runs Juice into the corner! Tama runs in but Juice dodges the splash! Finlay EuroUppers Tama in the corner! Loa CLOBBERS Finlay but Juice LEG LARIATS Loa! Tama dropkicks Juice but Finlay IRISH CURSE BACKBREAKERS Tama! Loa scoops Finlay for an OKLAHOMA STAMPEDE! Fans are thunderous as Loa drags Juice up. Juice breaks free and shouts, “EAT S*IT!” as the LEFT HAND O’ GOD hits Loa!!

All four men are down and fans fire up again! The ref checks on them all and Loa stirs. Loa and Finlay get out while Juice and Tama go to opposite corners. Juice runs and CANNONBALLS Tama! Fans fire up as the straps come down! Juice pumps up as Tama flounders around, JAB! JAB! JAB! Juice pumps up again, but Tama ducks the left, only to get the RIGHT HAND O’ GOD! Juice reels Tama in but wait, Jado is returning! The ref tells Jado to stay back, but he doesn’t see Loa have a kendo stick of his own! Loa SMACKS Juice, and SMACKS him again! Tama rolls Juice up, but Finlay breaks the cover!!

Tama swings on Finlay, Finlay runs into Loa’s lethal combination, and CROSSFACE! Tama has Juice in the SHARPSHOOTER! They used these holds to send a message just earlier this week! Fans rally as FinJuice endures double submissions, and Juice crawls for ropes! But Tama drags him away! Tama sits DEEP, Juice grits his teeth and powers up! Juice crawls again to the ROPEBREAK! Tama and Loa let FinJuice go, and fans are thunderous again! Loa throws Finlay out and Tama is furious, but Jado is back to coach them up. Jado calls for the finish and GOD drags Juice up. They get him up, MAGIC KILLER!! Cover, TWO!?!? Juice survives and shocks everyone!

Jado calls out the other move, and GOD drags Juice up again. Loa grins as he pcks Juice up and RAMS him into a corner. Tama hits a corner splash, Loa climbs up and Tama suplexes Juice up to him. SUPER- STEINER!!! Juice counters and Finlay goes after Tama! No stunner, but no Gun Stun as Finlay shoves Loa into Jado! PRIMA NOCTA STUNNER! Finlay aims at Loa in a corner, runs in and EuroUppers! Then ACID- No, Loa powers out, BOOTS and suplexes, but Finlay suplexes first! LAST CALL BRAIN BUSTER! Fans are thunderous again as Finlay helps Juice get up! Finlay hoists Tama up, Juice runs, and HART ATTACK! Cover, TWO?!?!

Tama survives and fans are fired up as FinJuice tries again! Finlay drags Tama to the top rope, climbs up to join him, and Juice is on the other corner. SUPERPLEX! To FROG SPLASH! Cover, TWO!??!? Power and Glory wasn’t enough!?! But Finlay keeps Juice focused! Thumbs up, thumbs down! Juice drags Tama up, brings him to a corner and Electric Chair lifts. Finlay goes up but Loa shoves him down! Tama falls off and the ref keeps Loa out. Jado is in but Juice takes the kendo stick from him! Wait, is that KENTA?! BRIEFCASE SHOT!! Wasn’t Kenta supposed to go to America!? Tama drags Juice up and Loa is up top again! SUPER POWERBOMB!!! Cover, GOD WINS!!

Winners: Guerrillas of Destiny, by pinfall (World Tag League 2020 winners)

This is certainly Bullet Club’s win as the Fang Revived had a part to play in this! Kenta still has his shot at the IWGP US Championship, and as Loa and Tama hold up the WTL trophies, they have their shot at the IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championships! They all celebrate with a picture and a Low Sweet, but will they celebrate even bigger when all those belts come back to Bullet Club?


Best of the Super Juniors 27 Finals: Hiromu Takahashi VS El Desperado!

The Timebomb and Rogue Luchador both have a win over the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion, Taiji Ishimori, in BOSJ 27, but Desperado beat Hiromu in their own head-to-head match. But what sweet irony that these two must face each other again in the finals! Who gets the more important win and then hold the trophy over their head?

The bell rings and fans are fired up already as the two stare down. They slowly circle, approach and tie up. They’re in a deadlock, Desperado gets around to waistlock but Hiromu pries the hold apart. Hiromu wrenches to a wristlock but Desperado rolls and wrenches back. Desperado twists the wrist, hammerlocks the arm, but Hiromu reaches back to headlock. Hiromu hits a takeover, Desperado the headscissors, but Hiromu pops out and fans cheer! Hiromu and Desperado reset and circle again. They approach, tie up, Desperado shoots after a leg, Hiromu facelocks to block, but Desperado rolls and facelocks back. Desperado floats, Hiromu slips out, Hiromu waistlocks, but Desperado gets the arm to crank into a hammerlock.

Hiromu reaches back again to headlock, Desperado bridges over but Hiromu holds on to grind him down. Desperado rolls it to a cover, ONE and Hiromu keeps on the headlock. Desperado pulls hair but Hiromu wrenches on the headlock. They stand up, Hiromu hammerlocks and wrangles Desperado down, but Desperado gets to ropes. Red Shoes calls for the break, and Hiromu lets go, only to stand on Desperado’s head. Hiromu gives a toying kick but Desperado gets up to shove Hiromu. Desperado CHOPS, Hiromu CHOPS, repeat! Faster and faster, and the fans rally up! Back and forth, CHOP for CHOP, “ORYA! ORYA!” CHOP! CHOP!

Hiromu taunts Desperado but Desperado pokes him in the eye! Desperado runs, Hiromu follows and ranas, but Desperado blocks and STRETCH MUFFLERS! Hiromu scrambles to ropebreak, but Desperado won’t let go right away. Desperado stands on Hiromu then taunts him. Hiromu gets up, fans rally and the two go forehead to forearm. Hiromu fires forearms, then ROCKS Desperado. Hiromu runs but Desperado uses Red Shoes as a shield! Hiromu shoves Red Shoes away but Desperado dropkicks the legs out! Desperado drags Hiromu up to throw him out, then follows to whip him into railing! Desperado taunts Hiromu, has media move aside, and he whips Hiromu into more railing!

Hiromu slumps down, Red Shoes tells Desperado to get this in the ring, and Desperado goes in while Red Shoes checks Hiromu. Hiromu is okay to continue, but Desperado undoes a buckle pad like Yano would. Fans rally as the ring count climbs to 10 of 20. Hiromu is up, takes a few extra counts, and is in at 15. Desperado stomps Hiromu, and whips him to the bare corner! Red Shoes reprimands but the damage is done! Desperado drags Hiromu up to whip him back in! Desperado laughs and mocks Hiromu’s pain, then back suplexes high and hard! Desperado “apologizes” to Red Shoes as fans rally up.

Desperado stands on Hiromu’s head, scrapes his heel off him, then drags him back up. Desperado snap suplexes then covers, TWO! Fans rally for Hiromu again but Desperado drags him back up. Hiromu CHOPS back, and CHOPS, but Desperado scoop slams him! And drops a splash on the bad leg! Then drops knees on the leg, too! Desperado hooks the leg up for a knee breaker, then paces. Desperado mocks the “HI-RO-MU!” clapping, stands on the bad leg and mocks Hiromu’s pain. Hiromu pushes Desperado away but Desperado throws Hiromu out. Desperado scoops and slams Hiromu to the floor! Hiromu clutches his ribs and Desperado gets a chair.

Red Shoes checks on Hiromu so Desperado leaves the chair behind. Desperado grabs the bad leg and SMASHES the knee into the floor! Fans rally up for Hiromu and Red Shoes reprimands Desperado. Desperado goes in, a ring count starts again, and Hiromu slowly rises. Hiromu manages to stand at 11, hobbles around and gets in at 14. Desperado drags Hiromu around and drops another splash on the leg! Cover, ONE, but Desperado drops down on the leg! Desperado ties up the legs in the Butterfly Deathlock! Desperado taunts Hiromu as he puts pressure on the legs, but Hiromu CHOPS him! But Desperado just leans back and adds more pressure that way!

Desperado taunts Hiromu as he crawls for ropes, and Hiromu gets the ropebreak. Red Shoes calls for the break, Desperado lets up but “GOMEN!” he drops a knee on the knee! Fans rally for “HI-RO-MU!” and Hiromu CHOPS Desperado! Desperado eggs him on, kicks the leg, then suplexes. Hiromu slips out but the leg jams! Desperado runs, Hiromu manages to follow and RANAS Desperado down! Fans fire up as both men slowly rise. Hiromu gets to a corner, Desperado runs in and CHOPS! Desperado whips, Hiromu reverses and corner clotheslines! Hiromu runs to basement dropkick Desperado down!

Fans rally up, Desperado and Hiromu slowly rise, and Hiromu hobbles to ropes. Desperado runs in, Hiromu BOOTS him, and then DRAPING HEADSCISSORS Desperado! Hiromu lets go at 4, to drag Desperado out in a wheelbarrow, to SLAM him down on the floor! Fans are thunderous as both men are down on the outside! Hiromu gets up first and goes to the apron. Desperado stands, Hiromu runs and SHOTGUN dropkicks Desperado into railing! Fans fire up with Hiromu as he gets his bad leg moving. Hiromu drags Desperado up and into the ring, then drags him up to a suplex, FALCON ARROW! Cover, TWO!

Hiromu keeps his cool as he tries to get his bad leg moving. Hiromu stands, drags Desperado up and fireman’s carries, but Desperado slips out! Desperado runs in but Hiromu boots him! Hiromu runs, but into a lift! Hiromu fights the spinebuster off, but runs into a back suplex! Hiromu fights that off, too, but Desperado reels him into a SHIN BREAKER! STRETCH MUFFLER! But Hiromu rolls and throws Desperado off! Fans fire up as Desperado goes to a corner. Desperado runs at Hiromu, but into an OVERHEAD SUPLEX! Desperado hits the corner and falls down! Fans fire up again as both men slowly stir. Hiromu stands first and hobbles around.

Hiromu drags Desperado up, fireman’s carries, but Desperado blocks. Hiromu still gets Desperado up but Desperado fights against it. Hiromu tries again, gets Desperado up but the leg gives out as he tries to pop him up further. Desperado aims, runs, but blocks the superkick to LOCO MONO! Hiromu SUPERKICKS after all! Hiromu runs, Desperado dodges but Hiromu SUPERKICKS again! Both men are down, but Hiromu is getting up as fans fire up! Hiromu hobbles back to Desperado, drags him back up, fireman’s carries again, and CORNER DEATH VALLEYS! Hiromu brings Desperado back up, RUNNING DEATH VALLEY!

Fans fire up and Hiromu drags Desperado up one more time! Fireman’s carry, spin, but Desperado sunset flips, and STRETCH MUFFLERS! Desperado gets the arm, NUMERO DOS!! Hiromu endures, reaches, crawls, and gets the ropebreak! Desperado cranks harder until Red Shoes counts 4! Fans fire up as both men are down. Desperado roars in frustration as he drags Hiromu back up. Desperado reels Hiromu in, Guitarra- No, Hiromu escapes! But the leg jams again! Hiromu tumbles out of the ring and Desperado waits for him to rise. Desperado builds speed to- No, Hiromu gets in so Desperado stops! Hiromu comes back to sunset flip, but he can’t hold on and just hits the floor!

Hiromu hurries back up, grabs Desperado in a waistlock, but Desperado scrapes him off! Hiromu hits railing and Desperado hurries back after him. Desperado whips Hiromu into the railing! Hiromu is down in a slump, and Desperado grabs one of the Junior Heavyweight Tag belts? Red Shoes tells him to drop it, Desperado tells him to shut up and then tosses the belt away. But Desperado grabs that chair from before! Desperado SMACKS the bad leg with the chair! And again, and again, and again! Red Shoes comes back out and Desperado throws the chair away. Fans rally up as hard as they can for Hiromu while Desperado tries to drag him up.

Desperado mockingly asks how Hiromu’s supposed to continue. Desperado stomps the bad leg! Desperado drags Hiromu up and puts him in. Desperado gets the leg for Stretch Muffler, but Hiromu kicks him away! Desperado stomps the leg again! Fans still rally but the Stretch Muffler returns! Hiromu kicks and rolls, but Desperado is on him with GUITARRA DE ANGEL! Cover, TWO!! STRETCH MUFFLER!! Desperado tortures the leg, Hiromu crawls and reaches, but Desperado drags him away, into NUMERO DOS! Hiromu endures more, reaches with his one free hand, and fans are thunderous as they rally!

Hiromu claws, Desperado cranks and rolls, then gets BOTH arms! NUMER DOS MAX!! But Hiromu powers up with his abs?! Hiromu hits a DESTROYER!! Both men are down again and fans are thunderous! Hiromu and Desperado slowly stir as Red Shoes checks on them. Hiromu is up first and he hobbles around before steadying himself. Hiromu heads for Desperado, drags him up by his mask tassels, and then fireman’s carries. Desperado slips out and shoves Hiromu into Red Shoes! And LOW BLOWS!! Desperado grins as Hiromu and Red Shoes are down! Desperado hobbles over and drags Hiromu up. Hiromu breaks free to LOCO MONO Desperado?!? Hiromu used Desperado’s right straight against him!

Hiromu hobbles back over, drags him up and pulls at the mask! Not the fancy new inverted mask! Hiromu’s ripped the top half of it off!! Desperado’s hair is exposed as Hiromu kicks and slaps him around. Desperado glares right at Hiromu as he gets up. And he just throws the rest of it away?! Desperado shows the face of Kyosuke Mikami!! And he starts throwing hands on Hiromu! Hiromu throws them back and it’s just a brawl! Desperado fires off but Hiromu tackles him to fire back! The brawling continues, Desperado rakes eyes, and then Hiromu SLAPS him down!! Hiromu drags Desperado back up, Desperado LOCO MONOS!

Desperado roars, drags Hiromu back up and reels him in to underhook! Hiromu fights off Pinche to wrench and HEADBUTT! Both men are down again and fans are electric! Hiromu rises first, has a wild smile on his face, and he drags Desperado back up! Fireman’s carry, but Desperado fights out, only for Hiromu to spin, VICTORIA!! Hiromu fires up, drags Desperado into a dragon sleeper suplex, but Desperado slips out to EL ES CULERO! Cover, TWO!?!? Hiromu escapes and Desperado is FURIOUS! Desperado glares at Hiromu from the corner, runs out at him, and LARIATS collide! Hiromu roars but Desperado kicks the bad leg out!

Desperado powers up but Hiromu SUPERKICKS! Desperado flops over, Hiromu gets up and fans are electric all over again! Hiromu runs as Desperado rises, but Desperado spins Hiromu, only for Hiromu to fireman’s carry! CORNER DEATH VALLEY to the BARE buckles!! Fans are erupting as Hiromu drags Desperado back up! Fireman’s carry, spin and TIMEBOMB!!! Cover, TWO!?!?!?! HOW?!?!? How is Desperado in this?!? Hiromu can’t even figure that out! Hiromu gets up, grins another wild grin and drags Desperado back up. INVERTED FALCON ARROW! But that isn’t enough, as Hiromu drags Desperado back up, to TIME BOMB 2!!!! Cover, Hiromu WINS!!

Winner: Hiromu Takahashi, by pinfall (Best of the Super Juniors 27 winner)

An utter, undeniable EPIC! Hiromu gets revenge on Desperado, and has his second-ever BOSJ trophy! Hiromu gets a mic already and he shouts, “OI, DESPERADO! Me and you, we’ve got plenty more still to come. Until we both have to retire, we’re going to be fighting forever. I won this time, but I’ll see you again.” With that, Hiromu lets Desperado leave, and he holds the trophy close to his heart! Hiromu holds it up, even as he rests on the mat and cries tears of joy. Fans clap for “HI-RO-MU!” as he catches his breath and sits up.

Hiromu again has the mic to say, “I got something I want to do here. There’s somebody I want to fight. Ishimori! I want you for that IWGP Junior… No, that’s not what I want to say…” Hiromu says that before he takes Ishimori on for the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship, there’s a match he wants. It’s been eating away at him. He tells NJPW America’s Super J Cup to get ready! He wants that tournament’s winner! “I’m waiting!” Hiromu wants after the OTHER Junior Heavyweight tournament winner! Because that way, NJPW can go back to where it was, for those who were born to wrestle and do nothing else!

We fans give them strength, power and energy! When fans clap and applaud, that gives THEM strength, power and energy to do that! That connection with fan and wrestler that puts NJPW where it is today. Hiromu says whatever happens next, he LOVES the Junior Heavyweight Division and he LOVES NJPW! So everyone, both here and around the world, living this very moment, they’ll make this even more, more, more, MORE, MORE, MORE FUN!!! Will Hiromu get that match with the Super J-Cup winner at WrestleKingdom before facing the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion?

My Thoughts:

What an event! The matches before the tournament finals were all really fun, and I think the biggest development was Sanada so angrily going after Evil. I sense a singles grudge match for one of the WrestleKingdom nights so that those two can finally have things out. New Japan Cup, G1 Climax, World Tag League, and here for the final night, all have built upon the previous for a great match for them at WK15. The Empire wins because surely Okada is winning at WK15 against Ospreay, but I like that Cobb returned to make sure Takagi understood the challenge he’s issued. I bet that is the trade-off: Ospreay loses to Okada, but Cobb gets a belt for the faction. Or it could go the other way, who knows.

The finals matches were both great, but WTL’s was just a touch weaker. That is not to take away from it, there was great stuff between FinJuice and GOD. But one thing that did hurt it was that GOD had Kenta show up and help them win. I suppose this does make for good story, though, as Bullet Club is going to be seeking more belts to build themselves back up. Fale crushed the KOPW 2020 trophy so he and Yano are probably having a match. Kenta is surely getting after Moxley at some point to get the IWGP US Championship. GOD are after the tag titles and Ishimori still has the Junior Heavyweight Championship. All those prizes are pretty solid for them to be holding onto as we possibly get another Bullet Club Civil War.

And of course, the main event, the best match of the night and the entire WTL X BOSJ event, Hiromu VS Desperado again, on a level worthy of both the trophy and the title! That was just so amazing, lots of story because of how often these two have faced each other even just this year, both before and after the lockdown. Desperado had great inverted color scheme gear, and how bold to have it be made just so Hiromu could rip half the mask away. And then what an amazing move from a luchador to say “Screw it!” and just go without his mask! I wonder if this is a sign of some kind of change in Desperado’s overall look, but maybe it was just to give a great moment here tonight.

Hiromu winning is great, and I am pleasantly surprised to hear him call out the eventual Super J-Cup winner. I wonder if Hiromu is going to make that match his night one so that he isn’t resting while Ishimori gives Desperado his owed title match. The idea would be, BOSJ 27 VS Super J-Cup 2020, only the winner gets their title shot at WK15 night 2, bringing both trophies to that title match. And therefore, it is possible that we have Hiromu holding up both trophies and wearing the title to end his night as THE BEST Junior Heavyweight wrestler in NJPW today.

My Score: 9.4/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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