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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (12/4/20)

Will Roman Reigns acknowledge Kevin Owens?



WWE SmackDown Coverage 3.0

The Prizefighter calls out SmackDown’s Head of the Table!

Kevin Owens was defiant as he told Roman Reigns he’s neither fears nor respects him! Will we see the Tribal Chief put fear into Kevin’s heart?


  • Bayley VS Natalya; Natalya wins.
  • Pat Patterson Tribute Six Man Tag: Daniel Bryan, Rey Mysterio & Big E VS Sami Zayn, Dolph Ziggler & Shinsuke Nakamura; Bryan, Mysterio & Big E win.
  • Buddy Murphy w/ the Mysterio Family VS King Corbin; Corbin wins.
  • Kevin Owens & Otis VS Roman Reigns & Jey Uso w/ Paul Heyman; Kevin & Otis win by disqualification.


WWE and SmackDown mourn the loss of Pat Patterson.

The stars of Friday nights, as well as legends and even Vince McMahon, are on stage. Michael Cole tells us of the loss of the WWE Hall of Famer. “Tonight, we pay tribute to a man who touched our hearts.” An incredible mind, body and spirit have been lost. Please join in a moment of silence for the ten bell salute. #ThankYouPat, you will be missed.


Kayla Braxton welcomes us to the show!

She will have a special in-ring interview in a moment with the man joining his cousin Jey in a match against Kevin Owens and Otis! It is none other than “arguably one of the most, if not the most, dominant superstar of his era, a five-time heavyweight champion, a Royal Rumble match winner, a former United States, Intercontinental and Tag Team Champion,” the Head of the Table, #TheBestoftheBest and THE Universal Champion, ROMAN REIGNS! The Tribal Chief, his Special Counsel, and Jey Uso all head to the ring together, at the pace Roman sets. Fans give thumbs down as Roman holds up the Universal Championship.

Kayla holds the mic to Roman and Roman says she missed part of his announcement. She needs to do it right. Which one did she miss? Heyman says it is the “Reigns-ing, Defending, Undisputed Universal Heavyweight Champion.” Kayla apologizes then asks about Roman’s comments to Jey about his status and perception here on SmackDown. But he is a commanding presence in the ThunderDome, so what happened last week?

Footage replays of Roman grilling Jey about Team SmackDown being swept at Survivor Series. There is no fear, no respect, from the roster or even their own family. Jey of course took this to mean to attack all those who “did them wrong,” from Daniel Bryan to Otis. And Kevin Owens got in Roman’s face about it, and that resulted in a main event match that turned into Jey trying to break Kevin on behalf of Roman. But Kevin would not be broken, and he dealt some damage to Jey!

Back in the present, Kayla asks about Kevin saying he does not fear Roman, but then Roman avoided confronting Kevin himself. Does Roman fear Kevin? Roman laughs that off. “This is probably the biggest thing you’ve ever done in your career,” the most viewed thing she has ever been part of, and she goes and asks stupid questions? There is a man of experience and tenure on commentary in Michael Cole, but they took a chance on Kayla in allowing her this moment. And this is how she talks to Your Tribal Chief? Next question.

Then what about Jey. A lot of the fans are wondering: Is Roman just using Jey as a pawn? Manipulating him even. Manipulating? Stupid words for stupid people. Does he look like someone who manipulates? He is a protector and provider. He just said, he is the Head of the Table. Jey Uso, one half of the greatest tag team in their generation, and what has he done on his own now? Has Kayla not done research and looked at the facts? Heyman went to bat for her because of Talking Smack, and she blows it. Two strikes. Heyman, handle the amateur.

Heyman asks Kayla rather quickly, who over the last five weeks has been main-evented on SmackDown each and every week? “The answer to that rhetorical question is Jey Uso.” How have the ratings been? According to Fox, the highest surge tis entire calendar year. Why? Because of Jey! And is that manipulating? No! Roman has given his entire FAMILY something to aspire to. Roman is a motivator! But wait, here comes Kevin! Kevin has a mic to say, “Last week, I made it pretty clear I don’t fear you. And since we’ve established you don’t fear me, I don’t see the point of waiting for later tonight!” Roman didn’t go to Kevin, so Kevin will go to Roman, and we’ll settle this now! What’s Roman’s response?

Jey snatches the mic and says “We get down, Uce! We run this show! We accept, easy!” Kevin wants Jey to take a moment because he wasn’t talking to the busboy. He was talking to the Head of the Table. So what does Roman say? If not now, then how about T, L, C? Or not even that! Roman is the Head of the Table, right? “Let’s get a table in there! Let’s get a ladder, let’s get some chairs! Put that title on the line, and you and I settle this like men.” What does Roman say to Kevin’s challenge? Heyman snatches the mic back but Kevin says they could just do this now. Kevin puts the mic down to give Roman a chance.

This is what Kevin wants, right? That’s the best for Kevin, “being on the Island of Relevancy.” But Roman has trained Jey well. They don’t back down from anyone, they do not fear anyone. Roman says Jey already said it, they accept. And Kevin is lucky. If Roman was the man he used to be, he’d whoop Kevin’s ass right now! “But there’s a time and a place for everything. And the time’s not right.” Roman isn’t a savage. He’s a gentleman. “There’s a lady in the ring. Grow up.” Roman, Heyman and Jey take their leave, but Kevin wants to say one more thing. “I just want you to know, you want me to grow up, I’ll row up when you grow up some balls.” Roman says he’s a gentleman, but is acting more like a bitch. Roman shrugs that off, but will he make Kevin pay for that in the tag match main event?


Roman’s party talks backstage.

Jey apologizes, but Kevin was out of line so Jey had to tell him what for all that disrespect! “My bad, I probably overstepped this time, again. My bad.” Roman has Jey calm down. It’s okay. Roman knows Jey meant well. “Just remember: there’s consequences for everything that we do. I love you.” Is this another warning from the Tribal Chief? What will happen if Jey loses again?


And it’s official!

TLC will have a TLC match for THE Universal Championship! Will Kevin #JustKeepFighting until he shuts Roman up and dethrones him?


Bayley VS Natalya!

The Role Model still says SmackDown is HER show, since she was the longest reigning SmackDown Women’s Champion. But the most winningest woman in WWE history wants to show her that’s not the case! Will Bayley have to sink the #BOAT to solidify her legacy?

SmackDown returns, Natty makes her entrance, and Bianca Belair is on commentary. Cole and Corey congratulate her on the win over Natty last week, and the bell rings on this match. Natty and Bayley tie up, Natty headlocks to hit the takeover but Bayley headscissors back. Natty pops free, the two reset, and they circle. Bayley kicks low, wrenches the arm and pulls it through the ropes to wrap it around the rope, then she fires off on Natty’s head! Bayley clubs Natty down, tells Bianca to watch, and then hits the hotshot! Natty tumbles down, Bianca says she is minding her business. Bayley talks trash before going out again and gives Natty a corner dropkick!

The ring count climbs as Bayley talks more trash, then Bayley refreshes the count. Bayley gets at Bianca again but Natty whips Bayley into steel steps! Bianca taunts Bayley to get in so she isn’t counted out, and SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Bayley clubs Natty down. Bayley dodges a discus to SAIDO! Cover, TWO! Bayley grows annoyed and Bayley gets the legs. Natty stops Bayley from stealing the Sharpshooter, to drag Bayley down. Bayley kicks Natty away, then runs to KNEE her down! Natty gets up, Bayley steals the DISCUS! Bayley soaks up the heat from the ThunderDome but Natty O’Conner rolls! TWO and Natty hits buckles! Natty dodges and Bayley knees the buckles, then Natty trips her and gets the SHARPSHOOTER! Bianca claps at Bayley, Bayley taps out!! Natty wins!

Winner: Natalya, by submission

This isn’t an upset because Natty is the #BOAT, Best of All Time! The EST rubs it in Bayley’s face, but when will these two face of to settle who is at the top of the SmackDown Women’s Division?


SmackDown pays further tribute to Pat Patterson.

We celebrate the life of the legend we lost, with Frank Sinatra’s “I Did It My Way,” and Pat’s own karaoke cover of it, playing. The inaugural WWF/WWE Intercontinental Champion, the inventor of the Royal Rumble match, and the architect of countless memories in pro-wrestling history, we will never forget him. Thank you, Pat, for everything.


Pat Patterson Tribute Six Man Tag: Daniel Bryan, Rey Mysterio & Big E VS Sami Zayn, Dolph Ziggler & Shinsuke Nakamura!

With the original 1979 Intercontinental Championship ringside, this match has not only the current WWE Intercontinental Champion but five former ones in one match! But with the chase after that title still going, will this match go a long way to determining The Great Liberator’s next challenger?

SmackDown returns and the Show-Off makes his entrance. Second, the King of Strong Style, and then Pat Patterson’s favorite, Sami Zayn! The teams sort out and Rey starts with Nakamura. They approach, Nakamura kicks and scoops but Rey slips out to waistlock. Nakamura elbows free, runs Rey over, then speeds things up. Mysterio dodges, tilt-o-whirls and headscissors! Tag to Big E but Nakamura gets away to tag in Ziggler. Ziggler and Big E tie up, Ziggler gets a leg but Big E fights that off. Ziggler waistlocks, Big E swivels the hips to get free, and then he fireman’s carries to toss Ziggler away!

Big E wrenches Ziggler’s arm, tags in Bryan, and Bryan goes up to drop ax handles on the arm! Bryan keeps on that arm with a wrench, then throws a European Uppercut! And again! Bryan wrenches, double wristlocks but Ziggler powers out, but Bryan runs him over! Things speed up, Sami swipes Bryan, Ziggler CLOBBERS Bryan from behind! Sami plays innocent while also telling commentary to tell us he is a “master strategist.” Ziggler taunts Bryan, then whips Bryan to the corner, but Bryan goes up and over. Bryan keeps moving, dodges Ziggler and DIVEs onto Sami! Bryan forearms Ziggler, DECKS Nakamura, then he climbs up top! Ziggler dropkicks Bryan down to the ground! Sami’s team is in control as SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns again and Ziggler rains rights down on Bryan. Ziggler dares Bryan to do something, and Bryan fights back out of the corner! Bryan DECKS Sami, elbows Nakamura but Ziggler kicks low! “I say when we’re done here!” Ziggler whips, Bryan dodges and ducks, DOUBLE CROSSBODIES take both men down! Ziggler and Bryan crawl, hot tags to Nakamura and Big E! Former NXT Champions tie up, and Big E throws Nakamura with overhead suplexes! Then the belly2belly! Fans clap on their screens as Big E swivels the hips. Big E runs and SPLASHES down! But he’s not done there! Big E claps it up, whips Nakamura, but Nakamura reverses. Big E ducks one kick but not the other!

Big E flounders to a corner, Nakamura runs, but into the URENAG-E! Cover, Ziggler breaks it! Ziggler drags Big E up, whips him but Big E reverses to put Ziggler out. Big E runs, but into a knee! Speaking of, Nakamura runs in, but Big E scoops! Sami tags in as Nakamura escapes! Sami runs at Big E, but Big E dodges! Big E runs in but Sami moves and Big E POSTS himself! Rey tags in to springboard sunset flip! TWO!! Sami swings, Mysterio dodges and huricanranas! Sami flounder sup into a wheelbarrow and- BLUE THUNDER BOMB! Sami counters, covers, TWO!! Mysterio survives and Sami is furious! Tag to Ziggler and he runs at Mysterio, but misses the splash! Hot tag to Bryan!

Bryan runs in at Ziggler for a dropkick! And then YES KICKS! Ziggler flounders in the corner but the kicks keep coming! Bryan lets off and drags Ziggler up to put him up top. Bryan climbs up to join Ziggler, stands up and SUPER STEINERS! But Ziggler sunset flips it?! TWO, and Ziggler jackknifes! TWO as Bryan bridges up! Bryan spins Ziggler around to backslide, but Ziggler fights it to the last! Bryan still gets the shoulders down, TWO! YES KICK! Ziggler flounders, Bryan gives another YES KICK! And then another! And another! Ziggler flounders around more, Bryan powers up, but Ziggler dodges the buzzsaw to FAMOUSER! Cover, but Big E breaks it!

Nakamura DYNAMIC DROPKICKKS Big E! Rey seated sentons Nakamura! Sami drags Rey up to throw him into barriers! Sami hurries up and tags in off Ziggler! Ziggler aims, tunes up the band, and Bryan stands. Bryan ducks the superkick to RUNNING KNEE! But Sami rolls Bryan up! TWO, and the YES LOCK is one! Sami endures, reaches around, and gets the ropebreak! Bryan lets go reluctantly but he drags Sami right back up. Bryan whips, Sami kicks him back! Sami kicks again, reels Bryan in, BRAIN BUSTER! Cover, TWO!! and tow a cover, TWO!! Sami escapes, but Bryan cradles! Team Bryan wins!!

Winner: Daniel Bryan, Big E & Rey Mysterio, by pinfall

And a win Pat would be proud of! But the fight might not be over! Bryan, Rey and Big E get back in and they stare Sami’s team down. Sami, Nakamura and Ziggler huddle up and decide to rush Bryan’s team! But Ziggler leaves the others hanging! Sami and Nakamura get thrown out, and Ziggler sees he’s all alone… Ziggler says they all go way back, so they should be friends! Ziggler offers a handshake to them all, but when no one accepts, he drops to his knees to beg for mercy. Yes? No? High five? But then Bryan sees the sucker punch coming, and he atomic drops Ziggler! Rey watches, Ziggler end sup on ropes, 619!! To the BIG ENDING! That’s for you, Pat!


Kayla interviews Kevin backstage.

She says he made a “bold choice” to stand up to Roman. Not just tonight in the tag match, but a TLC match at TLC for the Universal title. What is it about Roman that upsets him? What bothers Kevin about Roman is that he used to respect Roman, even looked up to him. As big as a star as Roman was, he never looked down on others. He never needed a private room. “But not anymore.” IT might be Heyman or Roman started seeing himself this way, but it doesn’t matter. Kevin again admits he’s done awful things to people, but he’s trying to make amends. Whether it’s staff, other superstars, without them there is no Kevin.

Kalisto accidentally walks in and apologizes. Kevin compliments him on the fedora. The what? Your hat, Kalisto. Oh, right. Kevin continues to say that Roman is now an “arrogant jackass.” He can’t say what else he wants to say, but it’s all there. Fans chant it sometimes. “You’re a hmm hmm.” Otis comes by and he likes that tune. It’s “A-” No no no. Remember, we’re on Fox. Right, sorry. But Kevin and Otis will talk now about their match.

Otis knows Kevin’s rep as a tag partner is pretty bad, but Otis also knows Kevin’s a “blue collar brawler” like him, too. Not afraid to get dirty. What Kevin’s said about Roman is right. Roman doesn’t respect others. Otis will get his hands on them and bulldoze right through them! Kevin likes that. Fist bump. Oof, that’s a strong fist. Will the Prizefighter and the Blue Collar Workin’ Man put in some work against the Tribal Chief?


SmackDown holds a dual video interview with Sasha Banks and Carmella.

These two obviously can’t have a face-to-face after the blindside attacks both have pulled off on the other. Michael Cole wants to ask Carmella something first but Sasha says Mella has run her mouth enough. Oh riveting! Sasha’s gonna say the usual, right? She’s the boss, the standard, the blueprint, blah blah blah. Yes, and she is the SmackDown Women’s Champion, too! And Mella is “the chick who keeps on attacking me from behind every week because you’re not woman enough to do it to my face.” Mella has Sasha’s attention, let’s settle this.

Cole then asks Sasha about Mella’s comments. Mella has said she used to be like Sasha, from having the title to the admiration of the fans, but was doing everything for fans. Are they more alike than Sasha thinks? Sasha just laughs and says no. Mella wishes she was like Sasha. Oh, a Nicki Minaj wannabe? No thanks. Pff, get new material, Mella, Sasha’s heard that one. Cole says they’ve known each other since training at the Performance Center. Yes, that is a long time. They used to train with each other, that is why Sasha will give Mella her props. A former SmackDown Women’s Champion, the first ever Ms. Money in the Bank. Mella points out she was the first two-time Ms. MITB, did it in a row. Get the facts straight.

Sasha says Mella needed help every time. The guy with no chin, then R-Truth. Mella says she can’t help it if men are obsessed with her. Mella can say it however she wants, but there’s a reason these two haven’t faced 1v1. Sasha is out of Mella’s league. Always have, always will be, no matter how hard Mella tries. Oh is that so? If Sasha wants to get personal, get real, let’s get real. Sasha is jealous of Mella! Sasha’s blood boils because this was Mella’s dream. All Sasha has ever wanted to be was a WWE Superstar. She worked her butt of to be the best. Mella walked in on a whim and it all came easily to her. She skyrockets to the top, with only half the work. Mella held on that SmackDown Women’s Championship longer than Sasha’s multiple reigns combined!

So yeah, Mella is not like Sasha. She’s superior in every way, and Sasha can’t stand it. Sasha sees “the hot chick eye candy,” not the “competitor.” Well guess what, Sasha? She is the hot chick that will embarrass Sasha and take her title! What’s embarrassing is that Mella thinks she stands a chance. Mella wants her shot? She has it, 1v1, at TLC! But Sasha promises her this: “You ain’t ever been in the ring with a badder bitch than me!” Mella hangs up on her end, but will Sasha be the one to call her bluff come TLC?


Buddy Murphy w/ the Mysterio Family VS King Corbin!

Though he is accompanied out by Aalyah, Dominik and Rey Mysterio, Murphy has to prove he can win this without their help! Will the former disciple prove he can stand up to the King of the Ring on his own?

SmackDown returns as Murphy gets fist bumps for luck from Aalyah, Dom and Rey. Corbin makes his entrance, and he has back-up! Steve Cutler and Wesley Blake, formerly of the Forgotten Sons, are by the king’s side to cancel out the Mysterios being in Murphy’s corner. The bell rings and Murphy circles with Corbin. They tie up, Corbin powers Murphy to a corner but lets off to then RAM into Murphy again and again! Corbin lets off again, and Murphy elbows back! Murphy leaps into Corbin’s arms and Corbin RAMS him back into the corner! The ref counts, Corbin TOSSES Murphy across the way! Corbin taunts the Mysterios while he stalks Murphy to the apron, and TOSSES him back in!

Corbin drags Murphy around but Murphy kicks him back! Murphy avoids the stop, the hands, and then jawbreakers back! Murphy runs in at the corner but is put on the apron. Murphy shoulders Corbin back then climbs up top! Corbin choke grips Murphy but Murphy fights free! Murphy boots Corbin, leaps, sunset flips, but Corbin stays up! Corbin drags Murphy back up, knees low and hard, then knees Murphy again. Corbin whips, Murphy dodges and huricanranas! Corbin tumbles out, Murphy wrecks him with a dropkick! Then Murphy slingshots out, lands on the apron and dodges a sweep to PENALTY KICK Corbin down!

The Mysterios stare down with the hooded pages, but the ref warns them all to stay back, Murphy goes out, Corbin RAMS him into the apron, then TOSSES him into the timekeeper’s area! A cameraman is part of the collateral and SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns yet again, and Corbin is raining down elbows into Murphy’s shoulder and neck! Corbin finally stops and he stares the Mysterios down. Murphy stirs, Corbin drags Murphy up, whips him to a corner, and then runs in. Murphy dodges, Corbin slides out then in and spins Murphy to a COBRA CLUTCH SLAM! Cover, TWO! Corbin grows frustrated but his pages, Cutler and Blake, move closer to the Mysterios. Corbin taunts Aalyah, “Watch what happens to your boyfriend!” and he rains down rights on Murphy’s head. Corbin drags Murphy up, runs and DECKS him with a right hand!

Corbin grins as his pages nod in approval. Corbin mockingly claps and he sits Murphy back up, to DECK him again! Murphy stirs, sits up and pushes Corbin, but Corbin sits him up again. Murphy dodges the haymaker, kicks a leg out and puts on a sleeper hold! Corbin endures, fights up and powers Murphy to a corner! Murphy lets go, but then climbs back on to be a backpack! Corbin puts Murphy on the top rope, the ref counts, Murphy lets go at 4! Corbin breathes but Murphy CLUBS him down! Murphy adjusts and missile dropkicks Corbin down! Rey coaches Murphy up, Dom and Aalyah cheer him on.

Corbin and Murphy throw hands, Murphy blocks to fire off a strike fest! He stops a foot but misses the knee! Corbin shoves Murphy, blocks his boot but not the next! Murphy goes up and over, Corbin slides out then in, into the KNEE TRIGGER! Corbin flops out of the ring, Murphy hurries out after him, and Murphy puts Corbin in the ring. The pages creep over but the Mysterios are there to back Murphy up. Murphy goes to the apron, swing kicks Corbin away, and Murphy goes up. But then the pages pounce on Rey and Dom! Murphy sees this as Cutler throws Rey into barriers! Murphy stops them from doing the same to Dom, and chases the pages around the ring! They go in the ring, and Murphy follows, but Corbin is waiting with END OF DAYS!! Cover, Corbin wins!!

Winner: King Corbin, by pinfall

The formerly Forgotten Sons are now the King’s Court, and they helped Corbin get revenge on Murphy! But is this battle only escalating into a war?


The Street Profits are fired up!

Doth Montez’s eyes deceive him? Does King Corbin have plans? Anything can happen in the WWE! But even tonight in the main event, Kevin and Otis could get even with the Head of the Table, Roman, and his cousin, Jey! So many questions! Can you trust KO? Can Jey make it up to Big Uce? Who knows, but uh, KO has a history. Yeah but Otis doesn’t want that smoke. And is Roman mad at Jey or not? Dawkins says it’s very confusing. This is a different Roman, thinking he’s Jordan. Not saying what’s up to the homies, and not even coming to Marty’s party.

But then Robert Roode interrupts, saying it’s “funny” how the Profits will talk about everyone else’s business, except the fact that Ziggler and Roode beat them and should be champions. Cesaro comes in and knows the Profits haven’t been around for more than a cup of coffee, but Cesaro-Shinsuke is the S Tier team here. AKA Number one. Do they have titles? Nope! These four argue, but will the title chase be settled in the ring soon enough?


Kevin Owens & Otis VS Roman Reigns & Jey Uso w/ Paul Heyman!

The Prizefighter doesn’t fear the Tribal Chief, and the Blue Collar Brawler is HANGRY to get after #MainEventJey! But will they both get what they want in this tag team grudge match? Or will they be made to acknowledge the Head of the Table is the Universal Champion?

SmackDown returns as Jey makes his entrance first, followed by… No one? Is Roman no-showing the main event what he meant by “consequences?” That’s harsh. But Jey still goes into the ring and takes on Otis to start! Jey and Otis tie up, Otis throws Jey down hard! Otis throws big haymakers to swat Jey around the ring! Jey flounders, Otis drags him up and bumps him off buckles! Otis CLUBS Jey, Jey fires forearms back! Otis CLUBS Jey again, then TOSSES him across the ring! Otis stalks Jey but Jey throws forearms! Jey ROCKS Otis, runs, but Otis DISCUS LARIATS Jey down! “OH YEAH~!” Not quite Macho Man but that lariat was savage!

Otis drags Jey up, whips him to the corner, and Kevin taunts how Jey has no one to tag. Jey dodges, Otis POSTS himself! Kevin tags in and he goes after Jey with forearms meant for Roman! Kevin lets off, drags Jey up and whips him corner to corner. Jey reverses, Kevin rebounds off buckles into a SAMOAN DROP! And now Roman arrives! Roman waited until Kevin was vulnerable for even a moment, and he’s here to stand by his cousin. Kevin enziguris Jey back! Roman is already disappointed but Otis is fired up as both men are down. Jey crawls over, but ROman doesn’t even wait for a tag to SUPERMAN PUNCH Otis down!

The ref reprimands, Roman goes out and stalks Otis. Roman bumps Otis off the apron, and then off the announce desk! And then POSTS him!! Roman takes out the anger he has for Kevin on Otis as he RAMS him into steel steps! And then he takes the steps apart, and JAMS Otis with it! And again! And again! The Tribal Chief shows no mercy to the Dozer! Kevin goes after Roman and hits him back! Kevin bounces Roman off the desk, but Jey DIVES in to take Kevin down! The Bloodline’s blood is boiling as SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns once more, Otis was taken away but Kevin fires off on Roman! Kevin kicks and whips but Roman reverses to LEAPING LARIAT! Roman drags Kevin up, pushes him around and wrenches him to tag in Jey. Jey and Roman mug Kevin, then feed Kevin to a BIG uppercut from Jey! Roman takes his time exiting and Jey talks trash on Kevin. “That’s your problem, Kevin Owens! You talk too damn much!” Jey hammers away on Kevin in a corner, then lets off at the ref’s count. Jey gets in Kevin’s face as he claws his face! The ref counts again, Jey lets off and Jey goes to the other corner. “You gotta get this! Now I gotta get you!” Jey paces, “UCE! OH!” But Kevin avoids the hip attack! Kevin comes back to CANNONBALL!

Both Kevin and Jey are down and Roman literally facepalms at his cousin’s bravado. Jey gets up, swings on Kevin but Kevin counter punches and CHOPS! And forearms, and CHOPS! Kevin whips, Jey reverses, Kevin kicks him away but Jey uppercuts! Kevin rebounds to LARIAT! And back senton! Kevin whips Jey but Jey holds ropes to uppercut back! Jey swings, into Kevin’s spin and kick and DDT! Cover, TWO!! Roman is getting upset with Jey but Kevin hears that. Kevin dares Roman to handle his business instead! Kevin runs at Jey but gets another elbow. Jey runs into Kevin’s SAMOAN DROP! Roman seethes as Kevin talks more trash! “Get in the ring!”

Roman does get in, Jey sneaks up but Kevin is ready and ROCKS Jey with an uppercut! But then Kevin turns around into Roman’s uppercut! The ref reprimands but Jey SUPERKICKS! Jey heads up top, takes aim, but Roman tells him to get down to tag out? “This is my show. I finish the show. Get down and tag out.” Jey listens to Roman, dragging Kevin over. But Kevin throws hands and DECKS Roman! Kevin blocks the kick, gives a kick and a STUNNER! Cover, Roman breaks it! The ref says to stop, but Roman puts on the GUILLOTINE! The ref calls for the bell!!

Winners: Kevin Owens & Otis, by disqualification

But Roman still puts Kevin to sleep with the guillotine hold! And then Jey fetches chairs for Roman! They each have one, and the Bloodline circles Kevin. The ref tries to stop them but Roman SMACKS Kevin, Jey SMACKS Kevin, and repeat! Even Heyman is horrified! Roman wants Jey to make Kevin understand, and Jey puts a chair on Kevin’s chest! Jey climbs, FULL METAL USO SPLASH! Jey takes almost as much damage as Kevin but it was clearly worth it. But then Roman SMACKS Jey!?! “What do I have to tell you ever time?!” Roman hates repeating himself, and he just keeps hitting Jey!

Roman takes the title from Heyman and puts it on Kevin’s chest. “You trying to split me and my family up?! You want my attention!? You have the whole world watching!” This is what Roman is going to teach Kevin! Kevin wants to try to take the family from the top, over a title! Kevin is trying to make Roman out to be a monster! Roman says this is just the beginning. Roman will take Kevin’s manhood, his livelihood, and then he will make the entire Owens family fear Roman! Roman holds his title up overhead, showing the Tribal Chief is in fact a tyrant with an iron fist. Will he use that fist to crush everyone underneath him?

My Thoughts:

WOW! What an episode for SmackDown! For one, so much great stuff to pay tribute and honor the memory of Pat Patterson. It was a great idea to feature Intercontinental Champions of past and present in one great Six Man Tag. The Faces go over because I’m thinking that’s what Patterson would’ve wanted. Bryan got the quick pin win on Sami, so maybe they have one more go for the title, but Big E also has a new solo entrance so maybe he’s not too far behind. I would love if there was another big match to determine who challenges Sami next, another way to honor Pat before the year is out. There’s definitely going to be something at TLC, that just makes sense.

I will say the gripe from tonight was that we didn’t get as much as we should have out of the Women’s Division. Bayley VS Natty should’ve been bigger than it was, since a good portion of time was used up with a commercial break. But it would make a lot of sense if Bayley VS Bianca was next week, and then Natty is on commentary, and then all three compete in a Triple Threat to name a contender for the title match at Royal Rumble. Sasha and Mella had a good back and forth on their “war of words” promo segment, and a match is being made for TLC obviously. Maybe it’s a Ladder match to reference Mella winning the Women’s MITB.

Corbin VS Murphy was a pretty good match, even with it being overbooked on purpose. I was moderately disappointed that Corbin’s back-up were the returning Wesley Blake and Steve Cutler, but at the same time, this is to separate them from the old Forgotten Sons gimmick that got tainted by controversy around Jaxson Ryker’s social media. It does make for interesting continuity, though, since Blake and Murphy finally meet again after all this time. I suppose this is as good of a Six Man situation as anything, with Corbin, Cutler and Blake going against Murphy and the Mysterios. It can still result in the winning side coming out strong towards the Intercontinental and/or Tag Team titles.

Then THE story was once again on fire! Roman was fitting the condescending role perfectly, just as Kevin then framed later in his interview. Speaking of which, did Kalisto legitimately not know Kevin’s interview was in that area? That moment seemed legitimately awkward, and this is live television, after all. This episode was recorded live, right? Because I’d think they’d just edit that part out or something. Anyway, the promos were great, the character work was great, the match was amazing! Roman tried to turn Otis into ground beef or something! And then after basically throwing the match to get after Kevin, Roman prove he is just cold-blooded now, beating up Jey almost as bad because Jey got ahead of himself again. This Tribal Chief Samoan sociopath Roman is a true highlight of 2020.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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