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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (1/28/21)

Who will be left to challenge Gallus?



Coverage NXT UK 2021

The NXT UK Tag Team Division is on display!

The NXT UK Tag Team Champions, Mark Coffey & Wolfgang, are ready and waiting for a challenge! Who wins this massive 4 Way Tag Elimination match?


  • Ben Carter VS Sam Gradwell; Carter wins.
  • Sha Samuels VS Josh Morrell; Samuels wins.
  • NXT UK Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Fatal 4 Way Elimination match: The Hunt VS South Wales Subculture VS Pretty Deadly VS Ashton Smith & Oliver Carter; Pretty Deadly wins and will challenge Gallus for the titles.


Jordan Devlin heads to the ring!

The Irish Ace is still NXT Cruiserweight Champion on this brand, and he gets a mic to speak. “A few months ago, I started this Cruiserweight Championship Open Challenge for one reason: to cement my legacy with this title. When you are The Ace of an entire division, you live your life to a certain standard. So it’s not enough for me that I’m the longest reigning Cruiserweight Champion of all time. I want the most successful defenses. I want to go down in history as the greatest wrestler under 205 this company’s ever seen.” But here comes Trent Seven?! It was a mystery on when we would see him again after the Heritage Cup Tournament finals, but here he is!

Seven says there is no denying that Devlin was speaking the truth. Devlin has cemented a legacy, beaten everyone put in his path, and has had the title for almost a year. All impressive. But if Devlin wants to talk challenges and dominating the Cruiserweight Division, maybe not only does Devlin need a new challenger, but the Division needs someone new. Maybe Trent Seven needs to challenge himself. So here’s a crazy idea. Seven can trim down to 205, and then Devlin puts the title on the line.

Devlin wants to get this straight: Seven is somehow going to get under 205? So then if Seven can ditch those, oh maybe 30 pounds at least, then yeah, he can have his shot. Good luck, big boy. Seven doesn’t appreciate the pat on the bell, and he DECKS Devlin! Seven stands on the belt and tells Devlin, “I’m coming to your league.” Seven vows not just to challenge Devlin but to be the champion! Will the Man from Moustache Mountain be able to climb a new mountain of his own to knock Devlin off the top of his?


The NXT UK Women’s Champion keeps making history.

Kay Lee Ray is the longest reigning champion on this brand, and is currently the longest reigning woman’s champion in all of the WWE! Toni Storm, Piper Niven, Jinny and a few others have tried, but all have failed. KLR called out to the world that she wants the best possible challenger, and she has an answer. The Japanese Joshi scene, European promotions like wXw, the Mae Young Classic, and now, NXT UK! MEIKO SATOMURA is here! The living legend has many calling her the best in the world, and she has had many championships in Japan. Striking, technique, high flying, Satomura can hit you from any angle. And now she is here in NXT UK! Be prepared for the Final Boss!


Ben Carter VS Sam Gradwell!

The British prodigy impressed everyone in his Cruiserweight Championship debut against Jordan Devlin, except for the Thunderstorm! Will Gradwell rain on Carter’s parade in only his second match in NXT UK?

Gradwell has a mic as he makes his entrance, “Decrease the volume, I’m making a speech. First off, well done, Betty Bobs, you finally made it to NXT UK. But despite them flags you’ve got all over those god awful PE shorts, you’re actually from Jersey. This is not NXT Channel Islands, mate! And Jersey’s a place with more cows than people, and does not even feature on an atlas.” But unlike Benjamin, Gradwell isn’t here to be a pretty little fireworks display. He’s here to be the storm that sends Carter back home in a catamaran. “Get on that, you yogurt!” Gradwell gets in the ring and the match begins!

Gradwell and Carter circle, tie up, and Gradwell shoves Carter away. Carter comes back to shove Gradwell, then they tie up. Gradwell wrenches the arm, clamps onto the shoulder, twists the wrist, and stands on Carter’s other hand. The ref notices that, Gradwell steps off to hook Carter with that leg and drag him down. Gradwell looms over Carter as he wrenches, but Carter kips up. Gradwell wrenches and yanks, wrenches again and yanks again. Carter rolls, handsprings and breaks free to dropkick Gradwell down! Gradwell gets up and gets Carter with a headlock but Carter powers out, hurdles up and over, and then dropkicks Gradwell again!

BT Sports Studios fires up but Gradwell reverses the whip. Carter goes up and over and handsprings across the way! Gradwell runs in after Carter but Carter boots him away! Carter hops up, leaps and missile dropkicks Gradwell down! Gradwell gets to the apron to breathe but Carter smirks and keeps his cool. Carter goes over, Gradwell grabs him by his hair, and then SLAPS Carter down! Gradwell CLUBS Carter, stomps him, then gets in his face with trash talk. Gradwell stomps Carter, drags him up and DECKS him with a forearm! Gradwell stands on Carter’s head, the ref reprimands, so Gradwell stomps Carter down! Cover, TWO!

Gradwell is annoyed, but that could just be his general mood. Gradwell drags Carter up, scoops and SLAMS him! Gradwell stomps Carter, slaps him then CLUBS him! Gradwell eggs Carter on, Carter gets to ropes and Gradwell pulls him up! Carter lands on his feet, slips under and rolls Gradwell up, TWO! Carter gets to a corner, boots Gradwell again then hops up. Gradwell gets under the leap and CLOBBERS Carter on the return! Cover, TWO! Carter survives but Gradwell RAMS a knee into Carter’s back! And CLUBS him, too! Gradwell looms over Carter, drags him back up, and butterfly suplexes high and hard! Cover, TWO! Another cover, TWO! Gradwell mounts for the cover, TWO!

Gradwell clamps onto Carter with a chinlock and squeezes tight. Carter endures as Gradwell leans on him, fights his way up, but Gradwell wrangles him back down! Gradwell keeps on the hold, Carter fights his way back up and throws body shots! Gradwell knees low, brings Carter around but Carter hits a jawbreaker! Gradwell grabs Carter by his ear but Carter CHOPS back! Carter dodges, CHOPS, whips, but Gradwell reverses, only for Carter to rally with forearms! Gradwell goes to uppercut, Carter catches it to a backslide but Gradwell swings out. Gradwell blocks the superkick and spins Carter, but Carter DRAGON WHIPS!

Gradwell is sent out of the ring, Carter fires up and DIVES! Direct hit sends Gradwell into the barriers! Carter gets Gradwell back in, catches his breath, but Gradwell rolls right back out. Carter grits his teeth, builds speed again and FLIES! Direct hit at the ramp! Carter drags Gradwell back up, puts him back in, but still has to catch his breath a moment. The ring count is 6, Carter aims and springboards, but into Gradwell’s arms! Gradwell swings Carter but Carter counters to a GUILLOTINE! But Gradwell TOSSES Carter and hits an STO! Cover, TWO!! Carter survives but Gradwell rains down furious forearms!

Gradwell drags Carter back up, fireman’s carries, but Carter fights around to a sunset flip! Gradwell drags Carter back up, Carter dodges and QUEBRADAS, into the ELBOW DROP DDT! Carter goes right up top, leaps, FROG SPLASH!! Cover, Carter wins!!

Winner: Ben Carter, by pinfall

The prodigy wasn’t just impressive, he was victorious! Is this first win just the first of many?


Sha Samuels is spotted backstage talking with Noam Dar.

It isn’t clear what is being said, but perhaps it’s to arrange the next Supernova Sessions. For now, Samuels heads to the ring because he has a match up next!


Sha Samuels VS Josh Morrell!

The East End Butcher is true to himself, so he refused to be Ed Harvey in his NXT UK debut! Will he get a fresh start after that loss to Joe Coffey against #TurboTerry?

The bell rings and Samuels ties up with Morrell. Samuels puts Morrell in a corner, lets off with a mocking pat of the face, and then gets a headlock. Morrell endures, Samuels snapmares him but Morrell slips out to get a wristlock. Samuels ROCKS Morrell, snapmares again but Morrell again slips free to get the arm. Morrell cranks on the wrist, Samuels gets up to knee low and talk trash. Samuels wrenches to ram the shoulder, then he twists the wrist. Morrell rolls, handsprings and cartwheels to wristlock again! Samuels is frustrated so he ROCKS Morrell, then scoops and SLAMS him! Samuels CLUBS Morrell, whips him to a corner, but Morrell goes up and over to arm-drag!

Samuels is up fast to CLOBBER Morrell! Samuels kicks Morrell around, rains down rights, then shouts “EAST!” to represent his hometown. Samuels drags Morrell up, knees him low and hard, then elbows him harder! The ref reprimands Samuels pulling Morrell’s hair, Morrell hits back then runs, but into a BIG back drop! Samuels talks trash to the “mug,” then drives in elbows into the neck and shoulder! Samuels stands on Morrell to then PENALTY KICK him in the back! Morrell crawls to ropes, Samuels drops down on him, but the ref has him back off. Samuels talks more trash, drags Morrell up to CLUB him again, but Morrell hits back!

Samuels CLUBS Morrell, whips him, and then catches Morrell’s crossbody to a SLAM! Samuels drops an elbow but misses as Morrell gets to a corner. Samuels runs in but only gets buckles, and Morrell hits a running calf kick! Samuels flounders up into forearms and CHOPS from Morrell! Morrell uppercuts but Samuels pushes him. Morrell cartwheels, dropkicks and then dropsaults! STANDING CORKSCREW! Cover, TWO! BT Sports Studio rallies as both men slowly stand. Morrell whips but Samuels reverses. Morrell goes up an dover with a twist, and hits a hip toss to cover! TWO!! Samuels escapes, Morrell runs but the crossbody misses as Samuels ducks!

Samuels CLOBBERS Morrell with a clothesline! Samuels tells “ya mug” it’s over, and he whips Morrell for a SPINEBUSTER, into the COBRA CAMEL CLUTCH! Morrell taps, Samuels wins!

Winner: Sha Samuels, by submission

Samuels has his first win in NXT UK, showing us why the brand recruited him in the first place! Will he continue to show everyone else why they need to remember his name?


NXT UK Media catches up with Ilja Dragunov at the UK Performance Center.

He alternates on one-arm push-ups, then takes a break. They ask what happened in that match with Jack Starz. Dragunov isn’t sure. Starz chops him hard on the back, and something snapped in him. He didn’t want to hurt Starz but he just couldn’t help himself. It was not the plan but… Gradwell cracks a joke to stay away from the mad man. “We’ve got a loose cannon in the house~!” Dragunov ignores that to say he has to get “back to the point.” Will Dragunov figure what is going on in his mind?


NXT UK Media interviews Rampage Brown.

How is he feeling being here in NXT UK? It’s going great, he’s seeing a lot of new faces and old, all great competition. Gallus comes by and they say hey to Rampage. Been awhile for Rampage and Joe Coffey. Rampage says Wolfgang and Mark know what they’re doing, but how about him and Joe? Joe will take Rampage up on that offer. Will we see the Iron King take on the Rampage in the near future?


NXT UK Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Fatal 4 Way Elimination match: The Hunt VS South Wales Subculture VS Pretty Deadly VS Ashton Smith & Oliver Carter!

Primate and Wild Boar are without the Welsh Dragon, but surely they can still figure out how to go on the attack on their own. Will they be able to get through Flash Morgan Webster, Mark Andrews, Lewis Howley, Sam Stoker and the #ReadyAndForwardAlwaysForward duo? Or will another team move up to go after Markus & Wolfie?

In this variety of Fatal 4 Tag, only two teams are legal at a time, so The Hunt plays it smart and lets other teams start. Andrews and Stoker step up and circle. Then Stoker tags right out to Smith! Smith and Andrews circle now, wary of the other teams. They tie up, Smith wrenches to a wristlock but Andrews rolls. Smith wrenches back, Andrews rolls and handsprings but Smith blocks the arm-drag! Andrews shifts to roll Smith up, TWO! Smith and Andrews stand off, but are wary of the other teams. Andrews and Smith circle again, tie up, and Smith waistlocks to slam Andrews! Andrews fights up, resists the lift and elbows out!

Tag to FMW, Andrews dodges Smith and FMW sunset flips! Smith stays up but Andrews dropkicks him down to the cover! TWO, and Pretty Deadly distract by simply switching positions on the corner. Smith knees low, CLUBS FMW hard, then tags in Carter. Carter rushes FMW but into an arm-drag! FMW clamps onto the arm, brings Carter up and Andrews tags in. Carter reverses FMW’s whip but FMW becomes a step for Andrews to go up and RANA Carter! Carter is up, Andrews dodges and dropkicks Carter down! Lewis Howley tags in to cover Carter! TWO, and Howley tags right back out to Andrews. Gallus watches from the VIP box as Carter sweeps Andrews’ legs!

Smith lines up with Carter, Silly String SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Gallus have a laugh as Smith tags in. Carter feeds Andrews to Smith’s suplex! Cover, TWO! Smith keeps on Andrews, drags him up and whips, but Andrews holds ropes to boot back! Andrews forces the tag on Howley! Howley and Stoker protest but they have no choice. And SWSC leave him high and dry! Smith CLOBBERS Howley, Howley flounders but he can’t tag Carter in, he’s Smith’s teammate! Smith CLOBBERS Howley again! Howley flounders up, Smith KICKS the leg out! SWSC stay away again and Smith CLOBBERS Howley again!

Howley looks over, The Hunt ROARS at him so he scrambles away, into a scoop! Howley slips out, shoves, and now Primate tags in! Primate ROCKS Smith, goes after Howley with hammering fists, then roars at SWSC! Stoker grabs at Howley but not in a way to tag! Primate drags both Pretty Deadly in! Wild Boar gets in to grab Stoker, DOUBLE GERMAN SUPLEXES! The ref tries to restore order but Primate throws Howley to SWSC! The Hunt dares their rivals to fight them, so Andrews tags, but both he and FMW get in! The ref tries to keep things orderly but the brawl is on! Primate fires off on Andrews, and Boar rams FMW into Howley in the corner!

Smith tags in off Andrews, Stoker returns but Boar DECKS him! FMW ROCKS Boar, Howley clubs FMW, Carter and Smith go after Primate, but Andrews gets involved, too! Andrews throws Carter out, Howley throws FMW out, Smith whips but Primate reverses and Smith clotheslines Howley out! Smith turns around and Primate CLOBBERS him! Cover, TWO! Primate drags Smith up for a BIG back suplex! Tag to Boar, The Hunt double HEADBUTT, then Boar covers, TWO! Boar drags Smith up, throws forearms, Smith hits back but Boar rams low. Boar pushes Smith in, Primate tags in and they mug Smith in the corner.

Primate CLUBS Smith, hammers him down, then drags him up to scoop and SLAM! Gallus are goofing around with popcorn as Boar tags in and is Primate’s weapon in the back suplex senton! Boar stares SWSC down, covers Smith, TWO! Boar headbutts Smith low, then again! Boar RAMS Carter off the apron, then goes back to Smith, but Smith back drops Boar! Boar lands bad on a leg and Gallus notes that. Howley tags in, but he runs into another of Smith’s back drops! Smith tags in FMW and he hits a running arm-drag! Triangle dropkick for Stoker! RUDE BOY BLOCK for Howley! Cover, TWO! Stoker distracts the ref, FMW takes a swing, Howley knees low!

Tag to Stoker, Pretty Deadly double suplex FMW but Andrews makes the save! SWSC hits double dropkicks on Pretty Deadly! Primate runs in but he gets dropkicks! SWSC take aim and DOUBLE FLY! They take Primate and Pretty Deadly down, then put Stoker in. SWSC coordinates but Howley trips FMW up! Stoker shoulders and uppercuts Andrews back, then whips him corner to corner. Andrews elbows Stoker away, hops up the corner but Stoker ROCKS him with a right! Stoker climbs up but Andrews resists the superplex! Smith sneaks up as the two brawl, tags in off Stoker, and then joins in for a TOWER OF DOOM!

All three men are down and BT Sports Studio fires up, as does Gallus! Howley tells Smith to finish Andrews but Andrews tags Howley in! Howley has no choice but to stomp Smith down! Howley drags Smith up, CLUBS him, then runs to BLAST FMW! Smith reverses the whip and then throws hands. The Hunt have FMW, Howley and Smith struggle at the ropes but Stoker saves Howley. Carter SUPERKICKS Stoker down to join the others! Howley holds ropes as Smith tries to suplex him, so Carter climbs up, and uses Howley as the springboard for the SUPER MOONSAULT onto everyone else!!

Gallus is in shock, mostly because Carter clips off the apron! Smith finally hits the FALCON ARROW on Howley! Cover, but Stoker drags Smith away! Stoker saves his team in this and Smith is in shock! Smith drags Howley back up, throws a forearm, then tags out to Carter. Stoker is there and he BOOTS Smith! Carter SUPERKICKS Stoker, Howley ROCKS Carter, but Carter comes back to SUPER FOREARM! Primate tags in and springboards, into a SUPERKICK! Howley HELL STAB UPPERCUTS Carter! Howley runs at Andrews but Andrews enziguris from the apron! Andrews gets in but Boar CLOBBERS him! FMW HEADBUTTS Boar, Primate LARIATS FMW!

All eight men are down and Gallus is fired up! The ref checks on everyone but Smith tags in. Smith throws forearms on Primate but Primate hits an EXPLODER! Tag to Boar, The Hunt runs at Smith to clothesline and CANNONBALL! Boar tags Primate back in, fireman’s carry, but SWSC drags Boar out to RAM him! Smith Electric Chair lifts Primate, Carter tags in, Carter springboards for a DOOMSDAY CUTTER!! Cover, Carter & Smith ELIMINATE The Hunt!! Gallus is eating this up while they’re eating up the popcorn! Extra referees are needed to take The Hunt away because Boar is furious! Howley attacks Carter from behind and stomps him down!

Howley DECKS Smith, DECKS Andrews and swings on FMW before he CLUBS Carter down! Howley drags Carter up, CLUBS him again, then scoops him for a SLAM! Cover, TWO! Howley drags Carter up, whips him to the Pretty Deadly corner, but Carter hits Stoker first! Carter goes up and over Howley but Howley sits on the cover, only for Carter to go Matrix! Hot tags to Smith and Stoker! Smith rallies on Pretty Deadly with big arms and shoulders! Smith gut wrenches Stoker to a BIG suplex! Stoker staggers into Smith’s grip, for a pop-up to the fireman’s carry! Stoker slips out, waistlocks, Smith switches and O’Conner rolls, TWO! Howley UPPER-

NO! Smith blocks the strike and drags Howley up to CLOBBER him! But Stoker rolls Smith up! ONE, Smith high stacks, TWO!! Carter tags in, baits Stoker into Smith’s BOOT! Another combo, BACK DROP 450!! Cover, TWO!! Stoker survives and Howley hurries in. Carter sees Howley, Stoker shoves Carter to then tag out to Andrews! Andrews runs into Carter’s scoop but he wheelbarrows to a BULLDOG! Tag to Smith, Andrews fires off haymakers and CHOPS! Smith reverses the whip, Andrews elbows back and FMW tags in! Smith gets Andrews in an Electric Chair but FMW runs in to KNEE TRIGGER Carter! SWSC hit Smith with TOAST AT 2 AM!! Cover off the Poison Rana Knee Trigger, SWSC ELIMINATE Smith & Carter!

And that means South Wales Subculture and Pretty Deadly are our final two! FMW and Stoker stare down, but Howley tags in and Pretty Deadly rush FMW! Stoker gets a leg and Howley BOOTS FMW down! Howley throws big knees into FMW and puts him in the corner for EuroUppers! Tag to Stoker, Howley RAMS into FMW and Stoker runs in to UPPERCUT! Cover, TWO! Stoker keeps FMW from Andrews with a whip back into the corner, and Stoker stomps and punches away! Tag to Howley but FMW fires off on Stoker with CHOPS! Howley throws FMW into the corner, but FMW dodges and ducks to hot tag Andrews!

Andrews CHOPS away on Pretty Deadly, but Howley kicks low. Pretty Deadly double whip, Andrews slides under to DOUBLE PELE! Andrews CHOPS and CLUBS Howley, whips but Howley reverses, only for Andrews to 619 Stoker in the arse! Howley runs into a shoulder, and Andrews slingshots up and over to victory roll, STOMP 182! Andrews springboards, gets on Howley’s shoulders, HURICANRANA! Cover, TWO!! Howley survives, Stoker DECKS FMW, but Andrews drags Howley up. Andrews forearms and CHOPS, Howley shoves but Andrews wheelbarrows. Howley throws Andrews off but Andrews ROCKS Stoker!

Andrews kicks but Howley blocks it and puts the leg on the ropes! Stoker holds the leg and Howley KNEES it! Andrews falls over, the ref reprimands but Stoker tags in. Stoker drags Andrews up, torture racks, and spins into a SWING! Then he has the bad leg for the HALF CRAB! Andrews endures, crawls, but Stoker drags him away! Andrews turns over, kicks but Stoker steps through! FIGURE FOUR! Andrews endures all over again, keeps his shoulders up, flails, but Howley runs in to intercept FMW! But FMW uses that to rana Howley onto Stoker!! Andrews is free but all four men are down! FMW checks on Andrews then goes back to his corner.

Andrews clutches the bad leg, drags himself over but Stoker gets the leg to bring Andrews up! Howley suplexes but Andrews hits STUN-DOG MILLIONAIRE!! Hot tag to FMW! The Modfather goes up, for the SWANTON BOMB onto Stoker’s back!! Cover, but Howley breaks it! Andrews goes after Howley and throws him out! Andrews shakes out the bad leg to slingshot RANA Howley to the ramp! Stoker rolls FMW up, TWO!! FMW sends Stoker out onto Howley! Tag to Andrews, FMW climbs up and SWANTONS onto Pretty Deadly!! Andrews builds speed as the ref shouts at all of them, Eddie Dennis appears and JAMS Andrews with a chair!! Dennis defies the ringside ban!

FMW only sees the aftermath, and Howley trips him off the apron! The ref reprimands but the damage is done! Pretty Deadly regroups and tags, then brings Andrews up. HART ATTACK NECKBREAKER! AKA Spilt Milk! Cover, Pretty Deadly wins!!

Winners: Pretty Deadly, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contenders to the NXT UK Tag Team Championships)

The Headmaster uses Pretty Deadly as pawns again in his pursuit of revenge on Mark Andrews! But at least it benefitted Stoker & Howley this time! The pawns are promoted to challengers, but the champions go to the stage! Joe Coffey is raising a glass, or rather paper cup, to toast HIS boys as Mark and Wolfgang tell Pretty Deadly to be ready! Will Gallus boys still be on top against the “dandy highwaymen” that just stole the show?

My Thoughts:

A really good episode for NXT UK, top to bottom! I’m very surprised Trent Seven has a direction already, I almost thought he was going to wait until closer to WrestleMania season. Though, I suppose NXT UK doesn’t have to go by that calendar. Seven wanting to drop down to join the Cruiserweight Division is even more surprising, but that alone could be a reason Seven isn’t in matches for some time because he’s still working off those pounds. I could see this being somewhere between Buddy Murphy having to keep his weight down on 205 Live and Matt Hardy way back in the day doing crazy things to work off the weight.

I knew Carter VS Gradwell was going to be the match-up this week and it was very good. Carter of course wins but Gradwell does a great job making him look good. Also commentary did great to plug some other hilarious things Gradwell says, it just makes me feel Gradwell needs to be something within the next year. I would love to see a Heritage Cup match between Gradwell and A-Kid, I feel like Gradwell could come up with some great stuff in his promos. Then, though the news was known for a few weeks, Meiko Satomura joining NXT UK not just as a veteran backstage but in the ring is incredible. Satomura VS KLR is a given, and it is going to be great.

Dragunov had a good promo, and Gradwell’s cameo probably means he’s next to feel that beserker wrath, which sounds awesome. Then we got just an amazing main event with the Fatal 4 Way Tag Elimination match. I am really surprised The Hunt went out first, but it worked in story, and it was perhaps also an audible out of concern for Boar’s leg. He really did land awkwardly on it out of the back drop, but it didn’t take him right out of things. But at the same time, I should’ve seen Eddie Dennis being able to interfere with the match in a very sneaky way. SWSC VS The Hunt rematch should happen down the line, but I also like that we’re getting Gallus VS Pretty Deadly after all. It was foreshadowed heavily for weeks, so we might as well do it and see what happens.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!


Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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