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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (1/29/21)

Who will have the last word before the Rumble?



Coverage SmackDown 2021

SmackDown heads for the Royal Rumble!

Before battling over the Universal Championship, Roman Reigns and Kevin Owens will have a “war of words!” Who will have the last say before it’s Last Man Standing?


  • Bianca Belair VS Bayley; Belair wins.
  • King Corbin VS Dominik Mysterio; Corbin wins.
  • Daniel Bryan VS AJ Styles; Bryan wins, by disqualification.
  • Six Man Tag: Daniel Bryan, Big E & Shinsuke Nakamura VS AJ Styles, Sami Zayn & Cesaro; Bryan, Big E & Nakamura win, by disqualification.
  • 10 Man Tag: AJ Styles, Sami Zayn, Cesaro, The Miz & John Morrison VS Daniel Bryan, Big E, Shinsuke Nakamura, Otis & ???; Bryan, Big E, Nakamura, Otis & Sheamus win.


Daniel Bryan is in the ring!

SmackDown opens with the ThunderDome screens giving the “YES! YES! YES!” fingers as Bryan gets the mic to welcome us to the show. “And welcome to Royal Rumble Weekeeeend~!” Now that we’re so close, as his daughter likes to say, we’re just two sleeps away. The excitement is boiling up. Bryan’s done a lot in his career and he’s proud of it all, but there’s one accomplishment he hasn’t done. There is one mountain still to climb, and that is winning a Royal Rumble match. And winning means challenging the WWE World or Universal Champion at the MAIN EVENT of WrestleMania! “And nobody knows more about how life changing it is to be in the main event of WrestleMania than I do!” And to climb that mountain one more time means getting past 29 other men and winning the Rumble.

But here’s the honest truth. Bryan isn’t sure how many more Mania moments he has left. But Bryan knows that if he wants to accomplish his dream one more time, that means winning the Rumble. And here’s the other thing: The Alpha Academy has Bryan ready! Mental focus, cardio for days, and hips are strong! Whether as #1 or #30, Bryan is ready for anything, which you have to be because it is unpredictable and anything goes! You will see best friends use every fiber of their beings to throw each other out! Bitter enemies will work together to gain an advantage! You’ll see surprises, tricks, and… AJ Styles?! Raw’s Phenomenal One, and the massive Omos, are here!

Styles says we will see him throw 29 others over and out to earn his spot at WrestleMania! Bryan knows both brands are competing at the Rumble, but this is SmackDown, not Raw. Glad to see him, but c’mon. What’s he doing here? Styles says what is he doing in the House That AJ Styles Built? It’s so simple. Omos says it’s the Brand to Brand Invitation! By the way, formal introductions of Styles’ personal colossus. And yes, Brand to Brand! But it’s not a secret that Styles has been a gatekeeper to the Rumble for Raw. Ever since declaring, Styles has seen everyone else copy him. But they have to go through him first! And Styles crushed their hopes and dreams!

Speaking of dreams, Bryan talking about the Rumble, he doesn’t look ready. He has a sports coat and slacks. They may be on other brands, but is Bryan a GM again? It’s almost like Bryan has one foot out the door. Bryan says he doesn’t have a foot out the door anywhere, and certainly not when it comes to this ring. But if Styles wants, Bryan can prove it. They can go 1v1 in a match tonight! Well, that sounds like a challenge. Styles has been getting ready beating people on Raw, so he’d love to get one last warm-up right here tonight. Then Styles shoves Bryan down! Bryan keeps his cool, gets back up, but Omos is right in his face. Or rather, way above his face.

Bryan says if Styles has any guts, he’d have the match without Omos ringside. Styles doesn’t answer but Bryan adds one more thing. With or without Omos, Bryan will still kick Styles’ ass! The challenge has been issued, will we see a phenomenal showdown on the SmackDown before the Rumble?


Backstage interview with Bayley!

The first-ever Women’s Grand Slam Champion and a favorite to win the Women’s Royal Rumble match doesn’t want anyone to skip over the fact Bianca Belair was left down after their obstacle course challenge. But after watching the WWE Chronicle special on Bianca, Bayley has to give her respect for showing strength and charm. However, Bianca ran away from all of her problems for over half her life! DING DONG, HELLO~! Bayley is the biggest challenge she’ll ever face, so Bianca can’t run away from it at the Rumble or here tonight. So when Bayley beats Bianca again, Bianca can crawl into the darkest hole in her life!

Bianca Belair VS Bayley!

The EST won the “Ultimate Athletic Obstacle Course Challenge,” even after the Role Model rigged it in her favor! But the longest reigning SmackDown Women’s Champion in history is a bit of a sore loser, so now things will be settled in a match! Will Bayley back up all her boasting? Or will Bianca prove she really is the toughest in the WWE?

SmackDown returns and Bayley makes her entrance. The bell rings, Bayley and Bianca circle then tie up. Bianca powers Bayley back, the ref counts, and Bianca lets off. Bayley is frustrated already as she circles with Bianca again. Bayley kicks low, wrenches the arm, then yanks on it. Bianca scoops Bayley with the good arm to slam her down! Bayley goes to ropes, Bianca shakes out the bad arm and the two talk some smack before circling again. Bayley shoots in, waistlocks then clubs away on the bad shoulder! Bayley wrenches, but Bianca reels her in for a suplex! Cover, ONE! Bayley gets away to a corner and Bianca storms over, but Bayley goes to the apron.

The ref starts the ring count, Bayley comes back at 4 and circles with Bianca again. They feel out the grapple, Bayley kicks then clubs away on Bianca’s back! Bayley brings Bianca up to throw her down! Bayley paces, runs and SLIDING LARIATS! Cover, TWO! Bayley keeps her focus and kicks at the bad arm! Bianca backs away but Bayley gets her up for an armbar DDT! Cover, TWO! Bianca gets to the corner, Bayley rushes in but the ref has her stay back. Bayley grabs Bianca’s hair to pull on it and shouts, “DING DONG!” Bianca DECKS Bayley and fires off with hammering fists from the good arm! And then she stomps Bayley down!

Bayley gets to a corner, Bianca whips her corner to corner but Bayley reverses. Bianca goes up, manages a handspring and then RAMS Bayley back! Bianca hammers away again and gets Bayley down but Bayley scrambles to the apron. Bianca backs off, and Bayley hotshots the bad arm! Bayley gets in but Bianca dropkicks her! And kips up! Bianca hits a standing moonsault on Bayley’s back! Cover, TWO! Bayley gets to the rope then out of the ring again while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Bianca hurdles over Bayley then catches Bayley out of the air to put her in a corner! Bayley staggers into a powerbomb lift, for the ALLEY-OOP! Cover, TWO! Bianca keeps her cool as Bayley crawls away to a corner. Bianca runs in and RAMS into Bayley! And again and again and again! The ref counts, Bianca lets off, then runs back in, but into knees! Bayley grabs the arm as she goes up top, for a TORNADO ARMBAR DDT! Cover, TWO!! Bianca survives but Bayley is furious. She shouts at Michael Cole that she’s NOT jealous of Bianca, and reels her in, but Bianca rolls her up! ONE, Bayley KNEES Bianca down! Cover, TWO!!

Bianca survives again but Bayley stands on the bad arm to pull it! Bayley drags Bianca up to CLUB the arm, then hammerlocks the arm to stomp. Bayley goes to the corner, climbs up top, MACHO ELBOW to the bad shoulder! Cover, TWO!! Bianca survives again and Bayley is beside herself! Bianca gets Bayley in a ghost pin, TWO! Bayley hooks the arm, La Magistrol, TWO! Bianca runs in but into a takedown to jackknife, TWO! Bianca manages the bridge, spins Bayley around, but Bayley fights the backslide! Bianca ROCKS Bayley with a forearm, then reels her into the chicken wings. Glam- No! The bad arm gives up!

Bayley is after Bianca, whips her, but Bianca does a one hand handspring! Bianca pops Bayley up to flapjack off buckles! Then a torture rack to KISS OF DEATH! Cover, Bianca wins!!

Winner: Bianca Belair, by pinfall

That was perhaps the biggest win in Bianca’s career! Bianca is definitely the toughest after enduring all the pain in her arm, but can she keep it going against 29 other superstars?

Kayla Braxton interviews Bianca on stage and says this has been a huge week already! How does it feel to cap it all off with a win here? Bianca says Bayley has been trying to make her apologize for being herself but #GirlUhUh. Bianca will never apologize for just doing herself. Bayley isn’t her role model, even though she was a 380 day champion. It’s crazy that Bianca won after everything else that happened, and yes, this IS the biggest win of her career! But she isn’t stopping here. The only thing bigger is winning the Women’s Rumble this Sunday and putting the EST in WrESTleMania!


AJ Styles talks with Omos backstage.

But while we can’t hear what’s being said, we do see Cesaro join the conversation. The Swiss Cyborg is going to be in the Men’s Rumble, too, will Styles have to worry about him at some point?


King Corbin VS Dominik Mysterio!

The Wolf King walks to the ring, but that’s when Dominik strikes! The son of Mysterio wants payback in the worst way, but will he get it when SmackDown returns from break?

SmackDown returns and Rey Mysterio has joined commentary for this match as the bell rings. Corbin powers Dom to a corner and rams into him over and over! The ref counts, Dom throws hands to back Corbin back! Corbin powers Dom back again but Dom keeps throwing hands! Corbin throws Dom, but Dom dodges the corner attack! Dom leads Corbin on cat ‘n’ mouse then KICKS Corbin in the ropes, to then slingshot KNEE him out! Dom then slingshots to PLANCHA Corbin on the back! Dom gets back in and dares Corbin to bring the fight! Corbin is furious and he paces as the ring count climbs. Corbin shouts at Rey about this but then gets in to miss Dom and get more hands!

Dom runs, Corbin scoops, Dom wheelbarrows but Corbin makes that a BIG back suplex! Corbin drags Dom up, and hits another back suplex! Corbin glares at Rey, then drags Dom back up. Corbin tells Rey he’s going to “put a dent in your boy’s head” before he DECKS Dom! Corbin looms over Dom, drags him back up, and throws another big haymaker! Dom staggers to a corner, Corbin runs in, but Dom boots back! Corbin just scowls and clotheslines Dom back! Dom staggers to another corner, Corbin runs in but only gets POST! Dom waits, gets up the corner, and goes up to missile dropkick!

Rey coaches from commentary as Dom hits a slingshot senton! Cover, TWO! Dom grows frustrated but he hurries to bring Corbin up for hands. Corbin ROCKS Dom, then whips Dom, but Dom kicks back! Dom runs, wheelbarrows and throws Corbin to ropes! Dom dials it up, 619 BLOCKED! Corbin has Dom in the ropes, yanks him out, but Dom lands on his feet to run and tri again! Corbin blocks the rana to haul Dom up, but Dom still headscissors Corbin into buckles! Dom runs in, goes up, but is sent flying into ropes! Dom flounder sup, Corbin whips, scoops, but Dom hits a TILT-O-WHIRL DDT! Cover, TWO!! Corbin survives and Rey is jumping out of his seat!

Corbin goes to the apron, Dom is catching his breath, but Dom hurries over to springboard. Corbin avoids the dropkick, hauls Dom up and HOTSHOTS Dom hard! Then Corbin reels Dom in, END OF DAYS! Cover, Corbin wins!

Winner: King Corbin, by pinfall

Corbin conquers Rey’s son, then goes after Rey! Corbin scoops him but Rey slips off to POST Corbin! Rey is on the apron and he hits a seated senton! Rey hurries to Dom’s side, and the Mysterios regroup. Will they come up with a game plan that can trump the Wolf King?


Big E talks with Sonya Deville backstage.

The newest WWE official is looking dapper, but can she let him know what his Royal Rumble number is? He slips her… $1. Yes, but an Arby’s coupon is on it’s way! But then The Miz & John Morrison walk over?! They must also be using the Brand to Brand Invitation. And they ask about Adam Pearce. Well after the whole thing of Pearce putting himself in a match with Paul Heyman, certain people pulled certain strings, and Pearce is on a break. Pulling strings to get what you want, how terrible. Okay, guys, what’s going on? Big E asks why these two had to bring their Raw stench to his show.

As Sonya just said, it’s Rumble Weekend! And the Universal Champion, Roman Reigns, and Kevin Owens have a Last Man Standing match for the title. Well, things could get interesting. Really interesting. CHA CHING. Morrison says Miz is playing smart with the prize he took from Otis. Like the stock market. Did you know you could make money betting against stocks? It’s called short-selling, and Morrison’s about to make a fortune off GameStop! Sonya says she has business to take care off, but best of luck to you all at the Rumble. Big E says he likes the social commentary but he has stuff to take care of, too.

Oh what’s he gonna do? Do some squats? It’s not a bench press competition! They all laugh it up, and Big E says that’s as funny as these two being over the hill yet thinking they have a chance in the Rumble. Morrison hits first and it’s a 2v1 brawl! Big E hits hard and throws Miz harder! Big E and Morrison still brawl, the referees and officials hurry to break it up! Will there be another surprising Brand to Brand battle tonight?


BREAKING NEWS for WWE Backstage’s Royal Rumble Special!

For the first time ever, WWE Backstage will feature a match! Natalya VS Tamina, the winner is the NUMBER 30 ENTRANT to the Women’s Rumble! Which second generation superstar gets the biggest advantage on Sunday?


Sasha Banks walks backstage.

Kalisto sees her and says hey to the “sexy mamacita,” but then Carmella’s sommelier, Reginald comes by. Is that even his real name? But Reggie is offering her a gift from Mella. She asked him to pick the perfect wine to go with losing a championship. Oh is that so? Oui. Well, Reggie, they may have had their problems, but she admits there’s something she likes about him. Maybe his French accent, or how he finds the best wines for Mella. Does he freelance? Could he help the Boss? Maybe. Then what is the best wine to drink with a broken jaw? Sasha thinks the finest champagne is in order when she crushes Mella’s dreams like a grape! Actually, he needs to take this because he could use a drink. Sasha heads off, will she be drinking the FABULOUS tears of the Staten Island Princess?


Sami Zayn talks Shinsuke Nakamura.

Isn’t it suspicious that guys from Raw are showing up? And Sami isn’t sure what’s going on with Nakamura and Cesaro. Are they splitting up? Nevermind, that’s too personal. But c’mon, they used to be pals, right/ The Artist Collective! Sami has done a lot for Nakamura as the “Great Liberator,” so to be honest, Nakamura should repay the favor and help Sami. Sami needs help getting the Intercontinental Championship back after Big E stole it from him. Big E is against him, Apollo Crews is against him, the entire WWE management is out to get Sami! But this would be good for Nakamura, too! Cesaro’s doing his own thing, and doing great. Nakamura was great a few week sago, but then what? He’ll just float around alone?

The best work Nakamura has ever down in the WWE was with Sami. Nakamura’s debut in NXT was magical, because of Sami. Nakamura’s Intercontinental Championship reign was historic, because of Sami. Everything he’s done here in the WWE is all because of Sami! So can Sami count on Nakamura to watch his back? Nakamura tells Sami that he appreciates everything Sami’s done for him. But he can go to hell! The King of Strong Style leaves Sami alone, but will Sami make him regret that?


SmackDown has Roman Reigns and Kevin Owens via video.

Michael Cole asks the challenger, Kevin, what will be different this time about their WWE Universal Championship match this time so that Kevin can finally win? Kevin says there won’t be any difference. As far as Kevin’s concerned, he beat Roman twice. Those matches had Jey Uso make sure Kevin didn’t win the title. It might happen again this Sunday. But the difference is it is Last Man Standing, and there is nothing anyone can do to Kevin to keep him from getting up again and again, as many times as he needs, until he IS the Last Man Standing.

Paul Heyman says they can stop right here. He doesn’t want to expose Roman to this. Heyman won’t let Kevin talk about the Tribal Chief, the best of the best, the Head of YOUR Table, in that way! Kevin will speak to and of Roman Reigns with reverence and respect! Kevin chuckles and asks Roman if he’s going to let Heyman rehash everything he’s used on everyone else. Wouldn’t be Kevin’s move, but hey. Roman says Kevin wants to make excuses and talk about family. Roman tries to understand what makes Kevin tick so he’ll bring Kevin’s family up. What kind of man was Kevin’s father? Kevin’s father is a great man. Just watch where you’re going, Roman.

Is Kevin’s dad a smart man? Yeah, very smart. And if Roman’s smart, he’ll heed the warnings. Roman needs to think carefully about what he’s going to say. Roman isn’t trying to make Kevin made, he just wants to understand why Kevin doesn’t understand his own limitations. Maybe it’s because his dad didn’t teach him. Kevin isn’t built for this. Kevin isn’t supposed to be here. He’s not a Bishop, Knight, Rook or Queen, he is a PAWN. And Roman is the King! “Everything revolves around me! And you still don’t understand this.” Kevin wants the title but he can’t have it because he is inferior! And this Sunday, Kevin has no chance and it’s not even his fault. Roman doesn’t blame Kevin. Kevin should blame his family. The fact Kevin thinks he has a chance makes him a fool. And that means Kevin’s father is a fool. And if Kevin’s father is a fool, then so was his grandfather.

Kevin knows Roman is still trying to play games. Everyone heard Kevin’s speech about his grandfathers before he kicked Roman’s ass. But both those men are very important to Kevin because they were with Kevin from the start. Kevin will repeat himself one more time: “Watch what you say next.” On Sunday, they’ll be in the same ring. Roman says Kevin still doesn’t understand. Maybe one day Kevin will. Maybe when Kevin meets his grandfathers again, they’ll make him understand. “My God, Kevin, what a disgrace you’ve been to our families. Why did you not acknowledge him as our Tribal Chief?”

Kevin throws his water bottle and says the only thing his father and grandfathers would ever want him to acknowledge Roman as is what he is: A delusional jackass who comes every week, surrounded by Yes Men to whisper in his ear how great he is. Then Roman puts this community theater version of a mafia boss, a cool tough guy, when he’s just hiding the fact that he’s nothing but an insecure bully. When Kevin looks in the mirror, he sees exactly who and what he is, and that is the person his parents, grandparents, wife, kids and the rest of his family would be proud of! And after the Rumble, Kevin will still see that same Kevin, but as UNIVERSAL CHAMPION!

Heyman has the cameras shut off in their room, so Kevin storms off. Will all of that passion help Kevin wipe Roman’s arrogant smile off his face?


Daniel Bryan VS AJ Styles!

“YES! YES! YES,” we are getting the showdown between the GOAT and the Phenomenal One! And to prove to Bryan that he can do this on his own, Styles has Omos go back to the back! But with both men wanting to win the Royal Rumble, will this rematch be a tune-up or a reckless risk?

SmackDown returns and Cesaro joins commentary as the bell rings. The two tie up right away and Bryan gets a headlock to takeover. Styles slips out and the two tie up again. Styles gets a headlock and takeover, we focus more on commentary but Styles gets Bryan to a double knuckle lock cover. ONE as Bryan bridges, and Bryan even supports Styles’ weight! Styles jumps again, Bryan counters with a monkey flip, then rolls back, to bring Styles up only for Styles to flip him back! Styles rolls but Bryan gets the arm to an ARMBAR! Styles uses his foot for the ropebreak and Bryan lets go fast. Bryan gets Styles in a corner, wrenches the arm and hits an elbow breaker!

Bryan wrenches, whips corner to corner, then runs in but into Styles’ boot! Styles goes out but into a drop toehold Bryan PENALTY KICKS the arm! Styles clutches the hand, Bryan is right after the arm and pulls on the arm. Styles endures, Bryan hammerlocks, but Styles fights up to put Bryan in a corner. Bryan digs an elbow but Styles rams his shoulder in! Styles headlocks, Bryan powers out but Styles runs him over! Things speed up, Bryan hurdles and KICKS Styles down! Cover, ONE! Bryan keeps on Styles’ arm with a knuckle lock and twist of the wrist. Bryan wrenches but Styles digs fingers into Bryan’s eyes! The ref reprimands, Styles swings but Bryan dodges to CHOP!

Bryan brings Styles up, whips him to ropes but Styles reverses to kitchen sink knee! Styles brings Bryan up, suplexes, but Bryan fights that off with knees! Bryan underhooks to snap Half Hatch! Bryan gets to a corner, but here comes Sami Zayn?! Sami has his #SAMI signs, and Styles knocks Bryan off the corner! The Great Liberator is working as a great distraction while Styles brings Bryan up to whip him into steel steps! Bryan is in a bad spot as SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns and Styles stomps away on Bryan while Sami “protests” all around ringside. Styles drags Bryan up, CLUBS him down, then brings him back up to suplex. Bryan kicks back, gets to a corner, and then dodges Styles as he runs in! Bryan CHOPS then whips but Styles reverses. Bryan goes up and over and keeps moving to duck and dodge and LEPAING LARIAT! Styles flounders, Bryan runs in to dropkick! Bryan unleashes Yes Kicks, then hoists Styles up top. Bryan climbs up, and hits a SUPER STEINER! Cover, TWO! Bryan grits his teeth while Sami complains, “I will not be silenced!”

Bryan wrenches Styles to an elbow breaker! Styles blocks the kick to DRAGON SCREW! Bryan crawls but Styles hobbles over. Styles stomps Bryan, throws forearms, then wraps the leg around the ropes. The ref counts but Styles enziguris Bryan! Styles runs to KICK the leg! That inner thigh shot was a close one, and Sami tells everyone to show their support for #SAMI, Stand Against Moral Injustice. Styles gest the leg for a CALF CRUSHER! Bryan endures, drags himself and Styles over, and gets the ropebreak! “Now you do your job properly, huh, ref?!” Sami says the ref didn’t do that for him when Big E “stole” the IC title.

Styles goes after Bryan in a corner but Bryan BOOTS Styles away! Styles runs back in but Bryan puts him on the apron. Styles ROCKS Bryan, springboards, but Bryan catches him to a BUTTERFLY SUPLEX! And the ARMBAR!! Styles moves, Bryan rolls him to the YES LOCK!! Styles scrambles more, reaches over, and gets the ropebreak! But here comes Big E! The Intercontinental Champion is here to see Sami’s “protest” in person, but Sami doesn’t want a fight. Sami is being peaceful. Big E gets that, but then CLOBBERS Sami anyway! Big E drags Sami up to throw him over the announce desk! Cesaro almost got hit and is upset with Big E. Big E shoves Cesaro, and they brawl!

But then Bryan DIVES onto everyone!! Styles avoids being hit and he puts Bryan in! Bryan counter punches Styles, throws haymakers, but Sami attacks Bryan!!

Winner: Daniel Bryan, by disqualification

Sami rains down fists on “this piece of crap,” and Cesaro drags Big E in, too! They’re brawling, but here comes NAKAMURA! Wait, which side is the King of Strong Style on? He goes after Sami with an ENZIGURI! And then a heel kick for Styles! But what about his tag partner, Cesaro? Sami CLOBBERS Nakamura, so Nakamura hits him back! Nakamura, Bryan and Big E throw out Styles, Sami and Cesaro! The Swiss Cyborg asks what the heck as SmackDown goes to break!


Six Man Tag: Daniel Bryan, Big E & Shinsuke Nakamura VS AJ Styles, Sami Zayn & Cesaro!

SmackDown returns and a match has been made out of the battle lines drawn! Which of these Royal Rumble participants go in with major momentum?

Cesaro whips Nakamura, Nakamura throws Cesaro down but Cesaro dodges the sliding kick to hit a basement EuroUpper! Nakamura goes to a corner and Cesaro whips him corner to corner! Cesaro runs in, Nakamura dodges to KICK! Nakamura runs but Cesaro boots, only for Nakamura to catch it and spin Cesaro sideways! Nakamura KICKS Cesaro, runs side to side and hit a SLIDING GERMAN! Nakamura gets back in to cover, ONE!! Nakamura drags Cesaro over, Big E tags in, and Big E throws big body shots! Cesaro EuroUppers and knees back, then CLUBS Big E on the back! Tag to Sami and they mug Big E as Sami jabs and jabs!

Sami rains down fists on Big E, clubs and elbows away on him, then says HE is still champion! Things speed up, Big E hurdles and CLOBBERS Sami down! Cover, TWO! Big E drags Sami up, headlocks and tags in Bryan, and they mug Sami in return. Bryan CHOPS Sami, tags Big E back in, and they double whip Sami for a double hip toss! Big E pushes Sami down to cover, TWO! Big E keeps Sami from his corner to throw more body shots! Big E wrenches, tags Bryan back in, and Bryan climbs up to drop ax handles on Sami’s arm! Bryan brings Sami up, wrenches, whips, but Sami kicks him away! Sami CHOP BLOCKS a leg!

Bryan is down, Sami tags Styles in, and Styles continues where he left off with Bryan, ash e SWINGS the bad leg into the post over an dover! Bryan clutches that leg as Styles finally stops and SmackDown goes to another break!

SmackDown returns again and Cesaro drags Bryan up into a one legged SWING, to the HALF CRAB! Bryan endures, but Styles tags in and stomps the leg down! Styles has the leg for a DDT! Styles keeps on that leg with a knee breaker! Tag to Sami and Sami pushes Bryan down to rain down right hands! Sami taunts Big E and the ref has to keep him back. Sami brings Bryan back up to bump him off buckles. Sami hoists Bryan up top, throws hands, then climbs up to join him. Bryan resists the suplex, throws body shots, then headbutts him down! Bryan adjusts, leaps, and hits a missile dropkick! Both men are down and fans rally on their screens as they crawl!

Sami grabs Bryan’s leg, Bryan gets free, hot tags to Big E and Cesaro! Cesaro runs into an OVERHEAD SUPLEX! Styles springboards into an OVERHEAD SUPLEX! Cesaro gets up for a BELLY2BELLY! Big E runs, but Cesaro springboards to FLYING EUROUPPER! Cover, TWO! Cesaro drags Big E up and in, but Big E back drops out of the Neutralizer! Cesaro lands on his feet but runs into the Urenag-E! Cover, TWO! Big E fires up and claps it up, but here come The Miz & Morrison!? The Greatest Tag Team of the 21st Century stare Big E down but they have to get through Nakamura! They go after him, then go after Big E!!

Winners: Big E, Daniel Bryan & Shinsuke Nakamura, by disqualification

Sami joins in as Miz ‘n’ Morrison mug Big E! FLYING CHUCK HART ATTACK! Miz rains down fists, but here comes OTIS!! The Blue Collar Brawler finally gets a chance at payback for what Miz did to him all of 2020! Otis CLOBBERS Morrison, TOSSES Miz, then blocks a kick to TOSS Morrison! Otis runs to DISCUS Morrison! Morrison and Miz end up in the same corner, and Otis SPLASH SANDWICHES them! Both Miz ‘n’ Morrison are down, and Otis hits a DOUBLE CATERPILLAR ELBOW! But SmackDown goes to break, what will we get when it returns?!


10 Man Tag: AJ Styles, Sami Zayn, Cesaro, The Miz & John Morrison VS Daniel Bryan, Big E, Shinsuke Nakamura, Otis & ???

What a wild development! But after adding a LOT of extra weight to this match, who finally comes away with massive momentum for the Men’s Rumble?

The bell rings and Bryan starts with old rival, Miz, and they fire off fast hands! Miz gets Bryan down but Bryan trips Miz up! Bryan rains down fists, but Miz gets a leg and hits a DDT on the foot! Miz stomps away on the leg, drags Bryan up and whips him out of the ring! Miz goes after Bryan, and gives the leg a SHIN BREAKER to the desk! Bryan flops down, Miz BOOTS him, then Miz talks trash to Otis and Big E as they come over. Miz puts Bryan in the ring, has the leg, and steps through for a FIGURE FOUR! Bryan endures, Miz talks trash, but Bryan drags himself around. Miz keeps on the hold, Bryan grabs at Miz’s head and throws hands! Bryan punches his way out of the leglock!

Miz tags Sami and Sami drags Bryan up to BLUE THUNDER BOMB! Cover, TWO!! Bryan survives, even after everything he’s been through tonight! Cesaro tags in to drop an elbow! Cover, TWO! Cesaro dead lift suplexes Bryan, holds him up then SLAMS him down! Cover, TWO! Tag to Morrison, he stomps Bryan’s leg then rains down forearms! Morrison stomps Bryan more, drags him up, then tags Miz in. The Greatest Tag Team mug Bryan together, then Miz tags Styles in. Styles and Miz split the wishbone! Miz mocks Bryan’s pain and Styles grins as he drags Bryan up. Bryan hits Styles back with body shots, but Styles CLUBS Bryan!

Styles bumps Bryan off buckles, throws forearms, then whips him to ropes. Bryan ducks and dodges but DOUBLE CROSSBODIES collide! Both men are down, their teams fire up and reach out. Sami coordinates his team and they all go over to trip up Bryan’s team! Miz stomps Nakamura, Cesaro RAMS Big E into barriers and Morrison stomps Otis! Sami tags in and he gloats as he circles Bryan like a vulture. But wait! Is that SHEAMUS?! It seems this is meant to be a 10 man after all!! Sami is distracted, Bryan ROUNDHOUSES him down! HOT TAG TO SHEAMUS! The Fella rallies on Sami, then DECKS Miz! Sheamus clobbers Sami in the corner, then runs to KNEE LIFT!

Miz runs in but gets a PUMP KNEE and then Sheamus clotheslines Miz out! Sheamus headbutts Morrison and gives him Beats of the Bodhrain! Sami rolls Sheamus up, TWO! Sheamus gets Sami for the IRISH CURSE BACKBREAKER! And then the CLOVERLEAF! Sami endures, but Morrison gets in to HOOK KICK Sheamus down! Otis scoops Morrison for a SWINGING SLAM! Cesaro DOUBLE STOMPS Otis! Big E scoops Cesaro for a BIG ENDING! Miz gives Big E the FINALE!! Nakamura hits a DYNAMIC DROPKICK, but Sami gives Nakamura a BLUE THUNDER BOMB!

Sami turns around and sees Sheamus in a corner. Sami runs in, into a BROGUE!! Cover, Sheamus and team win!!

Winners: Sheamus, Big E, Shinsuke Nakamura, Daniel Bryan & Otis, by pinfall

But Miz and Morrison mug Sheamus anyway! Styles adds on, too! But here comes BRAUN!?!? The Monster Among Men is back!! And he’s tearing off his shirt so he can tear into some meat! The Strowman Express hits Styles, then Sami, then CHOKE SLAMS Cesaro! Sami gets up, Braun scoops him for a MONSTER SLAM!! And then one for Cesaro!! The Miz and Morrison have run far away, so Braun TOSSES Cesaro, scoops him again, and hits ANOTHER MONSTER SLAM!! Are 29 other men about to #GetTheseHands in the Rumble?!

My Thoughts:

Well, this wasn’t the best go-home, but that ending was wild! Bryan VS Styles was a great idea all alone, but then things escalated twice. Teddy Long would be proud, to be honest. Six Man Tag then a 10 Man Tag with a mystery tenth man was a clever way to feature as many superstars before the Rumble as they could. They didn’t give things enough time to breathe so that we could learn it was a 10 Man and not a big Handicap Match, though it was that until the last moment. I wonder why they didn’t have the space… Oh right, all the recaps we didn’t need! I left those out because we didn’t need them. But if they spent less time on those, maybe we could’ve had Sonya explaining to us herself that she set up a 10 Man and then was scrambling to find a 10th man.

The Faces win, but Sheamus gets the finish because he isn’t really being seen as a favorite to win. And then Braun making a surprise return was great stuff, honestly, because it really was a surprise, and he got to bulldoze everyone and is right in the Rumble with momentum and perhaps a shot at winning it. But I will say, there were a LOT of Brand to Brand Invitation users this time, with Braun, Sheamus, Miz, Morrison and AJ Styles showing up. I have a feeling much of this was because COVID concerns that naturally kept McIntyre away from the ThunderDome may still be in effect for some SmackDown stars. To be honest, the Brand to Brand worked out for more than just ratings grabbing tonight.

I also like that we’re getting some story integration and progress when it comes to Sami, Nakamura and Cesaro. Nakamura and Cesaro ended up on opposite ends of the chaotic tag match scene tonight, foreshadowing that they are splitting and possibly feuding. Would love for them, Sami, Apollo, Big E and one other to have an Intercontinental Championship match for Elimination Chamber in the Chamber. After all, depending on how things go in the Rumble, SmackDown might win and the Universal title will already have a challenger for Mania. Roman, Heyman and Kevin had a really good promo segment together, but Kevin getting the last word makes it clear he won’t be the Last Man Standing. Maybe Roman cheats, maybe Roman just beats the hell out of Kevin from the bell, but I’m thinking Kevin does keep getting up after some devastating spots.

Sasha Banks had a decent segment, and I’m pretty confident she retains at the Rumble. WWE Backstage is coming back as big as they can, by actually having a match as part of the show! Natalya VS Tamina for the 30th spot is a fine way to get eyes on the returning talk show, but I feel like it would’ve been just fine to have that match here tonight to bring this go-home up a level. We only got two matches in the first 75 minutes! Corbin VS Dom was alright, but Corbin wins again because apparently whatever plan it is they have/had for Rey to introduce Dom to someone to train him can’t happen yet! Not even by video chat! And what happened to Buddy Murphy and “the Knights of the Wolf King” anyhow?!

Bayley VS Bianca was much better but that is only one match. It was great for Bianca to win, it is clear she is going to be big on main roster in 2021, but I wonder if it’s through the Rumble. She’s standing tall tonight and that usually doesn’t mean winning is in the immediate future. But she will definitely have something, perhaps a SmackDown Women’s Championship Contender’s win at Elimination Chamber. And I really like how it could be WrESTleMania. The word “wrestle” gets spelled a lot and yet those three letters get taken for granted, so that was a really clever thing to point out.

My Score: 8.3/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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