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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (2/11/21)

The Final Boss arrives in NXT UK!



Coverage NXT UK 2021

A new force enters the NXT UK Women’s Division!

She’s wrestled around the world and back again, and was even a semifinalist in the Mae Young Classic! Meiko Satomura joins NXT UK!


  • Meiko Satomura VS Isla Dawn; Satomura wins.
  • Amale VS Piper Niven; Niven wins.
  • Tag Team Street Fight: The Hunt Primate & Eddie Dennis VS South Wales Subculture; SWSC wins.


NXT UK has footage from earlier today!

Sid Scala hears a disturbance and hurries over! South Wales Subculture comes out of a room, and Mark Andrews tells Sid that they’re sick of the numbers game! So they just evened the odds, by taking down Wild Boar!! Will the Street Fight even be able to happen? Or will Eddie Dennis have no choice but to settle this grudge like a man?


Meiko Satomura VS Isla Dawn!

The Final Boss is here in NXT UK! And her first opponent is the White Witch of Scotland! Will Dawn’s magic have no effect on the Joshi legend?

The bell rings and Dawn circles with Satomura. They approach, trade kicks, then Satomura blocks a kick to give a kick! Dawn hobbles but comes back and ties up with Satomura. Dawn uses leverage to push Satomura to the ropes, but Satomura turns things around. Satomura lets off, to spinning back kick hard! Satomura headlocks, Dawn powers up and powers out, only for Satomura to reel her back in! Satomura hits a headlock takeover, grinds the hold, then shifts to a facelock. Satomura gator rolls Dawn around, drags her up and throws a EuroUpper! Dawn ducks the buzzsaw but the headlock returns! Kay Lee Ray watches from the VIP section as Dawn elbows free.

Dawn throws forearms and EuroUppers on Satomura, then snapmares to KICK her! Satomura gets right up to KICK and EuroUpper in return! Satomura whips, Dawn reverses but Satomura WINDMILL KICKS! Dawn flounders into more KICKS! Satomura wrenches, trips Dawn up, then wristlocks. Dawn endures, but Satomura KICKS the arm! Satomura drags Dawn up to club the elbow, then KICKS her down! Dawn shakes her head and refuses to stay down. Satomura goes to suplex but Dawn blocks and suplexes back! Satomura fights that off, throws knees, but gets caught to a PERFECT PLEX! Cover, TWO!! Dawn almost beat the Final Boss but she fires off more kicks!

Dawn runs to KNEE Satomura against ropes! Then she runs to METEORA! Cover, TWO! KLR likes what she sees as Dawn drags Satomura to a drop zone. Dawn climbs up, but Satomura gets up to throw forearms! Satomura climbs up, brings Dawn up, and hits a SUPERPLEX! Both women are down but the BT Sports Studio audience is fired up! Satomura rises first, and she kicks, Dawn ducks but the BUZZSAW comes back around! Cover, TWO!! Dawn survives and fights back to hit a SAIDO! Cover, TWO! Dawn is seething as she drags Satomura up. Dawn throws forearms but Satomura gives them back! They brawl to their feet, keep going, and Dawn gets the edge.

Satomura back kicks, EuroUppers, then DDT’s Dawn right down! Satomura runs, HANDSPRING KICK! Satomura drags Dawn up, Dawn breaks free but Satomura KICKS her again! SCORPIO RISING!! Cover, Satomura wins!

Winner: Meiko Satomura, by pinfall

KLR applauds “The Best in the World” and her successful debut! But will she have to worry about the Final Boss being her next challenger?


Rampage Brown and Joe Coffey were asked to meet at the UK Performance Center.

Johnny Saint addressed them via video call. Saint’s been watching both men lately, and he has to say, the only people that want to see them fight more than him and the fans, is these two! So it’s happening! Brown VS Coffey in a “proper heavyweight scrap!” Joe says it was good to see Rampage, and is glad he’s here, but lets him know this is still his kingdom. What happens when the Rampage goes after the Iron King’s throne?


NXT UK hears from Dani Luna.

“There’s a special feeling about walking into a room, knowing that you’re the strongest person there.” The Welsh strong woman’s power got her this far. And if powerlifting ever taught her something, it’s that you don’t stop pushing until you get what you want. Luna is looking to be a better version of herself every day, until she reaches “the very top of the tower.”


NXT UK hears from Aoife Valkyrie.

“Despite everything, despite my success, flying has become a struggle. To hear the birds, you have to become part of the silence.” But there’s a shadow of doubt nesting in Aoife’s mind. They make her feel so heavy. The time has come for her to take her chance. But what if she falls?


NXT UK shares Meiko Satomura’s thoughts from after her match.

First in Japanese, and then in English, Satomura promises to make NXT UK her home, and tells KLR that she’s ready for her! Is the battle of the Final Boss and the Scary Queen of Scots going to happen sooner rather than later?


NXT UK presents an all new Supernova Sessions!

Noam Dar welcomes us back and says, “live from the moon,” it’s another Supernova Sessions. Dar’s therapist tells Dar that it is important for Dar to share his emotions and tell us all how “Baby Supernova” feels. Pffft, the therapist also says that feelings aren’t facts, yet whenever he feels like the best, it’s a fact! Dar shouts to Alan to get his therapist on the phone and FIRE her! Dar’s perfect the way he is! But for now, Dar is honored to welcome tonight’s guest, one of the best on the planet and a lifelong pal, the East End Butcher, Sha Samuels! Sha makes his way out and hugs with Dar. They have snacks, the 5K Ultra Hi-Def, but Sha doesn’t like the “guest chair.”

You’re right, that chair is for idiots! Sha is a superstar, just like Dar, so they get to sit together on the Supernova Sofa! Dar and Sha feel like New York! Who would’ve thought? They would’ve thought! Dar and Sha are where they are supposed to be! But what riles Sha up, what gets on his nerves, is that half the roster wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for Sha’s hard work! And then when Sha finally gets signed, they wanna name him “Ed Harvey?” He’s SHA SAMUELS! Dar calms Sha but Sha says it isn’t okay. Sha didn’t grind for 18 years just to be treated like a joke! Dar knows it hasn’t been all champagne and scales, but a long hard road.

Dar was on that journey with Sha, but let’s talk about the good times. There has been some champagne, and here’s a story! Picture Sexy M, Blackpool City Center- Sha says Dar can NEVER tell that story in public. Right, sorry. But enough about the past, let’s go to the future. Dar is a big deal in NXT UK. He has a lot of sway. Whatever Sha wants, Dar can make it happen. But Sid Scala interrupts to say Dar can’t just go making matches. This is meant to just be an interview show. Sha asks where Saint is! Sid is the help who sweeps up and makes the tea! Dar explains Sha that this is Sid! Sha claims he was just having a laugh.

But Dar admits he does get ideas above his station, but they can’t deny that Sid and Saint owe Sha for that name change stuff. Dar says Sha exemplifies the heritage of British wrestling, but he has to keep Sha calm as he negotiates an idea. Picture this: Sha Samuels VS A-Kid for the Heritage Cup Championship! Even tonight! Sha’s ready! But where’s A-Kid? In Madrid with his trousers up? Where is A-Kid?! Sid says there was a mistake made and they do owe Sha, but he and Saint will discuss the idea. Dar says that’s good, so Sid should go make that call. Time is money! Bye-bye now!

Sha and Dar are excited, and Sha has a story to tell now! Dar’s first European weekend in Amsterdam- NO! NO! Mama Dar watches the show! That’s all for now! Will Sid give Sha the match with A-Kid?


NXT UK hears from Nina Samuels.

The Leading Lady heard what Xia Brookside had to say, “and you will be delighted to know that I accept your request for a rematch.” But it has to be on Nina’s terms! Nina has arranged an “oh so special” stipulation. The loser… Or rather, when Brookside loses… she becomes Nina’s personal assistant for an entire month! And then all will be right with the world when Brookside has to carry Nina’s bags. Will Xia make sure to write a happy ending to this sequel?


NXT UK hears from Trent Seven.

“I know I’m probably the oldest fighter on the roster, but I still know there’s a part of me that can change, that can adapt, that can become better.” Those are the words Seven said on December 17th. Seven now says that it is an important thing to find that motivation, that spark to get going. Things are tough at the moment, there are a limited amount of outlets right now, and Seven is lucky to have the UK Performance Center. Seven feels the pounds coming off while he also gets stronger. Plus, it is just something to do right now. Even the process of lifting weights and using energy, the adrenaline pumping, he feels good.

Devlin’s challenge of dropping 30 pounds, and mocking his stomach, is what pushes Seven to go after the Cruiserweight Division goal of 205 or less. Seven wants the title, that’s the whole reason this all works. It is tough, but Seven will push himself, and the reward comes when he beats Devlin to become the new Cruiserweight Champion.


Amale VS Piper Niven!

The French Hope returns, ready to represent her country in her pursuit of the NXT UK Women’s Championship! But Piper the Viper just wants another shot at her archenemy in Kay Lee Ray! Will Piper’s road back block Amale’s own path to the top?

The bell rings and Piper circles with Amale. Amale talks trash in French, then SLAPS Piper! Piper SLAPS Amale back! And clobbers her with Polish hammers! Piper hip tosses Amale, then runs to BASEMENT SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Piper kicks Amale to a corner, stomps away, but the ref backs her off. Joseph Conners creeps out to remind her who cost her against Jinny. Piper tells Conners to leave or she’ll remind him of it, too! But Amale goes after Piper and bumps her off buckles! Amale runs in to hit a splash, then she fires off forearms! Amale sweeps the legs and runs side to side to BOOT WASH! Cover, TWO!! Piper survives and Amale is shocked!

Amale is after Piper, clubs her then pushes her around, but Piper throws body shots back! Piper swings but into Amale’s hooks! Piper fights off the exploder and she HEADBUTTS Amale down! Amale ends up in a corner, Piper runs in to CANNONBALL! Piper hoists Amale up, PIPER DRIVER! Cover, Piper wins!

Winner: Piper Niven, by pinfall

Piper keeps her eyes on Conners, and he mockingly applauds her victory. Will Piper get her revenge on him and on the Spoiled Princess soon enough?


Sid Scala shares highlights from the NXT UK Tag Team Championship contract signing.

Gallus’ Mark Coffey & Wolfgang sit down with Pretty Deadly, Lewis Howley & Sam Stoker, and they all signed on the dotted lines. Their match will take place in two weeks, on 2/15/21! Pretty Deadly says they’re in Gallus’ head, but Gallus says Pretty Deadly are just overstaying their welcome. Pretty Deadly feels unbeatable and those gold belts will be on the waists of the golden boys! But will Gallus Boys still be on top?


NXT UK looks closer at Ben Carter.

The British Prodigy of Pro-Wrestling has already made a huge impact on the WWE, but he’ll be back next week to do it all over again!



It seems Sid and Saint only needed to talk it over a little bit, and now the match is happening! Sha Samuels WILL challenge A-Kid for the Heritage Cup Championship, and it is happening NEXT WEEK! Will the East End Butcher prove he represents the UK best, even under British Rounds Rules?


Tag Team Street Fight: Primate & Eddie Dennis VS South Wales Subculture!

Even without the Wild Boar, the war will rage on! But the Welsh Dragon doesn’t even wait to be in the ring! He and Primate are attacking Flash Morgan Webster and Mark Andrews backstage! Primate pummels FMW and Dennis has already slammed Andrews through a table! Dennis shouts, “You thought there wouldn’t be consequences, huh?!” Dennis throws Andrews into the wall, then he and Primate RAM a road case into him! And again! Primate BOOTS FMW down then drags him over to gorilla! Then CLUBS him to ringside! Dennis follows and says it’s a bad day to be prey! Primate tosses FMW around, kicks him down, then roars at the ref! The ref says this isn’t even a match yet!

Primate puts FMW in the ring, Primate and Dennis follow, and the bell rings! FMW dodges and Primate POSTS himself! FMW fires off on Dennis but Dennis shoves him away. FMW boots Dennis then comes back to tilt-o-whirl, ETON RIFLE! Cover, TWO!! FMW staggers over to a corner but Primate returns! FMW kicks Primate down, leaps over Dennis then dropkicks him out of the ring! FMW throws off his jacket and glares at Dennis as he gives chase. But FMW sees Primate’s sucker punch coming, dodges and KNEES him down! But Dennis LASHES FMW with his belt! Dennis LASHES FMW again! And again! Dennis tells Primate to get FMW up, and he does, with a scoop slam!

Dennis LASHES FMW again! FMW fights up, tears at Dennis’ shirt but Primate CLUBS him down again! Primate bumps FMW off the apron, then TOSSES him over the barriers! Primate hops over the barriers to claw at FMW’s face! Dennis follows and tells Primate to pick FMW up again. Primate stands FMW for Dennis to slap around. The Supernova Sessions set is still there and they start brawling that way! FMW body shots Dennis but Primate CLUBS FMW down! Dennis and Primate bring FMW around the way, beat him down, but wait! Andrews is up on the scaffolding, and he SUPER MOONSAULTS onto them all!!

BT Sports Studio is in shock as all four men are down on the floor! Primate and FMW kick at each other, FMW hits Dennis, Andrews gets up and goes after Primate. Dennis and FMW brawl by the ThunderDome style screen wall, and Andrews stomps Primate. FMW CHOPS Dennis, Andrews CHOPS Primate, and then SWSC throw haymakers! Dennis and Primate body shot and knee in return, and Dennis throws FMW into barriers! Primate clubs away on Andrews’ chest over and over and over! Dennis drags FMW up but FMW body shots back! The brawling continues, Andrews gets Primate down to rain down rights! Dennis scoops FMW, aims for a post but FMW slips off to POST Dennis!

FMW hurries to the apron, Andrews CHOPS Primate, FMW CANNONBALLS onto Dennis! Primate whips Andrews HARD over the barriers! Primate then springboards off the barrier to CLOBBER Andrews! We’re finally ringside as Primate drags himself up and Andrews crawls. The ref checks on Andrews, he has some blood in his mouth, but Dennis is bringing out chairs! Primate storms around and grabs a chair for his own! Andrews and FMW hurry and get their own chairs! Everyone has a chair, they all get in the ring, and they chairs clash like swords! Andrews JAMS Dennis, Primate SMACKS Andrews, FMW SMACKS Primate, Dennis JAMS FMW!

Dennis swings low on Andrews, he jumps over and SMACKS Dennis down! Primate thrusts at Andrews but Andrews dodges and SMACKS him down, too! Dennis JAMS Andrews’ bad leg! FMW uses his HELMET to guard a chair shot then SMACK Dennis!! Cover, TWO!! Dennis survives but FMW checks on Andrews. Primate clobbers FMW and hammers away! Primate drags FMW up to back suplex, but Andrews lands on his feet! FMW SLAPS, CHOPS, but Primate avoids the back hand! FMW puts his hands up to fake Primate out, and HEADBUTTS him down! But Dennis has a kendo stick and SMACKS the Modfather down!! Andrews hobbles up and Dennis says, “It’s always you!”

Andrews slides under the kendo strike to PELE Dennis! Andrews fires off haymakers and CHOPS! Dennis kicks the bad leg again! Andrews clutches the knee, Dennis drags him up, suplexes but Andrews STUN-DOG MILLIONAIRES! Andrews crawls his way to a corner, climbs up top, but Primate KENDO STRIKES Andrews down! Andrews again clutches his leg as Primate and Dennis regroup. Primate drags Andrews up for Dennis, and hits a SHIN BREAKER! Dennis gets a chair, sets it down, drags the bad leg over, and SMASHES the knee on it!! Primate stomps away on the leg! Primate stands on the leg for a CALF CRUSHER!!

Dennis gets in Andrews’ face to taunt him, but Andrews just SLAPS Dennis over and over! Primate lets Andrews go but how is Andrews’ leg even still there? Dennis grabs Andrews’ leg, and puts it in the chair! Primate hits FMW down, hands Dennis another chair, and Dennis says, “This is for a DECADE of you using me!” But FMW grabs the chair from Dennis! Enziguri for Dennis, then the RUDE BOY BLOCK for both Primate and Dennis! FMW rallies with lariats, then baits Dennis into a BOOT! FMW goes up to missile dropkick Dennis down! Primate clubs and whips but FMW reverses to send Primate out! FMW triangle dropkicks Dennis down!

FMW runs to the other side, triangle jumps again, but Primate CLOBBERS him! Andrews hobbles and runs, to SUNSET FLIP!? Primate holds ropes, but FMW KNEES him down into the BOMB!! But this has to end inside the ring, and Primate and Dennis are both down on the outside! SWSC drags Primate up, Dennis slithers into the ring to grab a kendo stick, but SWSC takes those away from him! And now he’s right where they want him! Dennis begs for mercy! There is no mercy here!! They kendo stick SMACK away on Dennis over and over and over! The sticks start to break! Dennis writhes in stinging pain, and now SWSC look to add on!

SWSC goes out, looks under the ring, and bring out a TABLE! They put the table in as Dennis apologizes. It’s too late for that, Dennis! FMW stomps Dennis, then helps Andrews put the table up and in a corner. Andrews kicks Dennis down, he and FMW mug Dennis with forearms and haymakers. They bounce Dennis off the wood then set him n the table. FMW climbs the corner with Andrews, but Primate is returning! Andrews hurries over to DECK Primate, then he slingshots! Primate avoids whatever Andrews was after and Andrews hesitates from his bad leg. Primate gets Andrews for a HUGE German Suplex!

Dennis saves himself from the table, but FMW still SWANTON BOMBS over it! Cover, Primate breaks it! Primate clubs FMW down, FMW CHOPS back and fires off over and over! Dennis goes after FMW but he CHOPS away! Primate OVERHEAD SUPLEXES FMW into buckles!! Dennis shouts for Primate to set the table up and Primate stands it up in a corner. Dennis drags FMW up to the crucifix, but Andrews returns to save FMW! Andrews DECKS Dennis, slingshots but leaps into Primate’s SPEAR!! Dennis grits his teeth as he gets up and sees FMW is still stuck up top. Dennis CHOPS FMW on the back, brings him to the crucifix, SPLASH- STEINER!!

FMW counters the bomb to a rana, Primate runs but Andrews sends him CRASHING THROUGH THE TABLE!! The referee hurries to clear the wreckage and check on Primate. SWSC climb up corners and take aim at Dennis and Primate! SHOOTING STAR and 630 SENTON at the same time!! Cover, SWSC wins!!

Winners: South Wales Subculture, by pinfall

“Brutal” doesn’t even cover this! This was wild, this was vicious, this was a war! Is this the last Flash Morgan Webster and Mark Andrews have heard of Dennis and The Hunt? Are they finally getting away from their past to head for the future?

My Thoughts:

Such a good episode! Great, even! Satomura VS Dawn was a great match, but of course it was only so long. Satomura VS KLR is going to be a great match, too, but it’s really interesting how this works. Is KLR’s reign going to include defeating such a powerful opponent? Samuels VS Brookside the rematch has a stipulation, but sadly not the one I was hoping. It is a conditional for story so I am pretty sure Samuels wins to make Brookside follow her around for promo segments. I don’t want that, that doesn’t give us anything fun on the other side. It should go both ways, and it should still be a No Disqualification match with the luggage as the main weapon.

Amale VS Piper was good but naturally Piper won. The interesting detail was Conners being ringside, indicating we will get another go around of Piper and Jinny. I wonder if Piper gets a tag team partner so that it can be a mixed tag match for someone to get revenge on Conners on Piper’s behalf. Aoife had a good promo, and the visuals make me wonder if she’s going to get more of the supernatural elements in her character. The Supernova Sessions segment was good, Dar and Sha must be shoot best pals because their chemistry was automatic. And Sha VS A-Kid will be pretty good for A-Kid’s newest defense, but I feel like it’d be slightly hilarious if for a minute, Sha didn’t realize the British Rounds rules were in effect. There’s also a good chance Dar will try to help Sha, which could help or hurt.

We got a good vignette from Trent Seven, but I’m a bit disappointed we only got a slideshow of the tag team contract signing press conference scene. Though what the heck are those outfits from Pretty Deadly? That tag match is going to be pretty good though, but I can’t see Gallus losing just yet. Though maybe they are, and Pretty Deadly are going to be Heel champions to freshen things up. The Street Fight was amazing stuff! The storytelling of Boar being taken out before the show, then the battling backstage and to the ring, it was all good stuff.

I almost thought the Heels were winning this and that would’ve been a bit disappointing, but SWSC finds a way to pull it off, and it was awesome! I’m expecting Pretty Deadly VS SWSC for the tag titles in the Spring, maybe as a way to make WWE Network being absorbed into NBC Peacock be a big deal. That first NXT UK episode aired here in America having a big card would be the perfect way to do that.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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