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Mitchell’s New Japan Cup Results & Report! (3/21/21)

Finally, the 2021 NJCUP finals!!



NJPW New Japan Cup 2021

New Japan Cup 2021 revisits Best of the Super Juniors 2019!

Finally, we arrive at the New Japan Cup Finals! And familiar foes, Will Ospreay and Shingo Takagi, meet again! Will Ospreay slay the Dragon once more?

NOTE: NJPW no longer wants to feed AXS TV now that it is with Anthem and Impact Wrestling. But never fear, I will cover NJPW in the spirit of AXS in providing the most important matches of the show.


  • Six Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS Toa Henare & FinJuice; LIJ wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Bullet Club VS Kazuchika Okada & The Golden Aces; Okada & the Golden Aces win.
  • 2021 New Japan Cup Finals: Shingo Takagi VS Will Ospreay; Ospreay wins and will challenge Kota Ibushi for the title(s) at Sakura Genesis 2021.


Six Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS Toa Henare & FinJuice!

While Shingo Takagi is battling for the cup, Sanada, Bushi and Tetsuya Naito are battling for their own pride! Will they make the Hammerhead and the Impact Wrestling Tag Team Champions tranquilo?

After the LIJ fist bump, the teams sort out, but wait who from LIJ is stepping up? The ref? Juice is game for that but the ref tells LIJ to take this seriously. Finlay steps up, and Naito joins him. The fans rally with the bell and Naito circles with Finlay. They feel out the grapple, but Naito mocks the Juice pump. Fans rally with that, Juice wants in, so Finlay tags Juice in. Juice mocks Naito’s pose, and he circles with him. Bushi attacks! Naito mocks the Juice pump as he clubs Juice over and over! LIJ double whips Juice, Bushi runs in but is put on the apron. Juice elbows Bushi, dodges Naito and mocks him before hitting a hip toss and scoop slam! Juice dropkicks Naito then tags in Finlay.

Finlay clubs up while Juice wrenches an arm, and Finlay drops ax handles. FinJuice double whip, double elbow, and Juice sets Naito up for Finlay’s basement uppercut! Cover, TWO! Finlay drags Naito up to snap suplex then cover, TWO! Finlay clamps onto an arm, Naito gets up but Finlay EuroUppers again! Finlay runs in to uppercut, brings Naito around but Naito blocks the exploder. Finlay knees low then runs but into Sanada’s cheap shot! Bushi runs in to sunset flip Finlay and sit him up for Naito’s basement dropkick to the bad leg! LIJ hits Henare and Juice down, Naito mocks the Juice pump to drop an elbow on the bad leg! Naito pulls hard with the toehold but Finlay endures.

Finlay clubs Naito back as fans rally but Naito keeps on the foot! Finlay scrambles and gets a ropebreak! Naito lets off to continue mocking Juice. Naito stomps Finlay to a corner, brings him up and over and Sanada tags in. LIJ mugs Finlay, Naito still mocks Juice and Juice tells him to stop. Sanada whips Finlay corner to corner, runs in but blocks the boot to trip Finlay up! Sanada ties Finlay up in Paradise! Fans fire up and Sanada encourages them to get louder. Juice wants them to show mercy to Finlay’s bad leg, but Sanada still dropkicks Finlay out of Paradise! Sanada drags Finlay over, tags Bushi, and LIJ splits the wishbone!

Bushi drags Finlay up, bumps him off buckles and CHOPS away! Bushi then pushes Finlay, hops up and leaps to missile dropkick! Bushirooni! Bushi brings Finlay up but Finlay spins out of the fisherman. Bushi kicks low, runs but Finlay hits a DEEP SIX! Both men are down but fans fire up! Finlay crawls but so does Bushi, hot tags to Juice and Naito! Juice rallies on Naito, DECKS Sanada then hits Naito! BACK SENTON! Sanada runs into an atomic drop, Juice fires up and hits a Russian Leg Sweep, to another back senton! Bushi gets in, Juice hits him and runs, to BULLDOG! Fans fire up with Juice, and he gets a third BACK SENTON!

Juice rallies the fans, aims at Naito and runs corner to corner to clothesline! Juice keeps going and he CANNONBALLS! Cover, TWO! Juice argues the count, but Naito still mocks the Juice pump! Fans rally up, Juice brings Naito around, but Naito fights the suplex. Naito elbows Juice, Juice runs in but into a TORNADO DDT! And Naito still mocks the Juice pump! Tag to Sanada and Sanada has Juice in a corner. Sanada whips, Juice reverses but Sanada tumbles out then springboards in! Juice blocks the rana but Sanada fights the bomb! Sanada ducks the leg lariat but runs into the SPINEBUSTER! Fans fire up and Juice hot tags Henare!

The Hammerhead drags Sanada up, but Sanada fires off forearms! Henare eggs him on then ROCKS him! Henare whips, Sanada reverses but Henare LEAPING SHOULDER TACKLES! Henare fires off on Sanada in a corner, stomps him down, but the ref backs him off. Henare drags Sanada up, whips corner to corner to clothesline, then SAMOAN DROPS! Cover, TWO! Henare fires up and fans rally as he reels Sanada in. Sanada fights the suplex but Henare powers him up! Sanada keeps trying but Henare gets him up again! Sanada slips out but Henare elbows him. Henare runs into a fireman’s carry!

Sanada throws Henare to the dragon sleeper but he sees Finlay coming. Finlay dodges Sanada’s kick to hit a NECKBREAKER! Naito dropkicks Finlay’s bad leg! Juice runs in but Naito feeds him to Bushi’s CODE BREAKER! LIJ double whips Henare, but he breaks the line to DOUBLE SPEAR! Fans fire up as Henare HEEL KICKS Sanada! Henare fires up, drags Sanada up but Sanada slips out of the Urenage! O’Conner Bridge! LIJ wins!

Winners: Los Ingobernables de Japon, by pinfall

The Cold Skull catches Henare off balance and wins for the team! With Sanada, Bushi and Naito rolling as a trio, will Shingo Takagi make it an LIJ sweep? As for Henare, he’s getting frustrated with himself. Will he ever get past his recent losing streak to break through to the next level?


Six Man Tag: Bullet Club VS Kazuchika Okada & The Golden Aces!

King Switch switches out Fang Revived and the Tokyo Pimp for the Rogue General and the Crown Jewel! But will bringing new pieces to the board change the outcome from yesterday? Or will White again lose to the Rainmaker, NEVER Openweight Champion and Golden Star God of New Japan?

Tanahashi shows off the muscles, Bullet Club Low Sweets, and Tanahashi steps up to take on White. White shows off his muscles, the bell rings and fans rally, “Let’s Go, Ace!” as they circle. Tanahashi and White tie up, are in a deadlock, but White manages to get some leverage to push Tanahashi back. Tanahashi pushes White in return! White ends up on ropes but he turns it around with pulling Tanahashi’s hair. White throws body shots and forearms, then stomps Tanahashi in a corner. White throws more forearms, lets off long enough to whip, but Tanahashi reverses. Tanahashi runs in but White dodges, only to run back into Tanahashi’s elbow!

Tanahashi goes up to CROSSBODY! Tanahashi taunts Bullet Club with the air guitar, then tags in Okada. Okada and Tanahashi double whip White, then double elbow him down! Fans fire up but Gedo protests as fans rally now for “O-KA-DA!” Okada adds his stomp to the beat, brings White up, but White throws body shots. Okada clubs White, snapmares and runs but Gedo takes a swipe! Red Shoes reprimands but White throws Okada out! White hits the Golden Aces down, Chase and Fale go after them while Gedo chokes Okada with a rally towel! White keeps Red Shoes distracted, Bullet Club throws the Aces into railing, and Gedo gets away before he’s caught.

Red Shoes starts a ring count while Bullet Club regroups. The count is 10 of 20 before Okada sits up, and 13 as he gets up and in. White stomps Okada at the ropes, stands on Okada, then tags Fale in. Fale stands on Okada, as does White, and Case even finds a spot to stand on! Red Shoes reprimands and counts, Bullet Club all step off and Fale drags Okada to a cover. Red Shoes refuses, there were too many shenanigans. Fale gets in Red Shoes’ face but then DECKS Ibushi! Fale drags Okada up to CLUB him down, then tags Chase in. Chase and Fale stand on Okada again! Red Shoes reprimands and counts, they step off again, but he also has to keep the Golden Aces back.

Chase clubs and KNEES Okada, then snapmares for a chinlock. Okada endures, fans rally up, but White taunts Okada. Okada throws body shots, Chase shifts to a cravat and Fale tags in. Bullet Club mugs Okada, but Okada tries to scoop Fale! Fale’s too big! He CLUBS Okada, and then scoops Okada, but Okada slips out to try again. Okada still can’t scoop Fale, Fale CLUBS him again. Fale whips Okada to a corner, runs in but Okada dodges! Okada gets Fale on the third time with the scoop and SLAM! Fans fire up but Okada drops to his knees, that took a lot out of him! Fale tags White, White stomps Okada and sucker punches Ibushi! White knees Okada, runs, but Okada BOOTS him down!

Okada and White crawl for their corners, hot tag to Tanahashi! Tanahashi hurries after White with a flying forearm! Tanahashi DECKS Chase, boots White then brings him around for fast strikes! Tanahashi scoops and slams White into the drop zone! Fans fire up as Tanahashi hops up, SUNSET SENTON! Cover, ROPEBREAK! Tanahashi keeps his cool as fans rally up, “Let’s Go, Ace!” Tanahashi runs but White gets around. Tanahashi switches, White switches, repeat and repeat, and repeat, and repeat, until White grabs Tanahashi’s hair! Tanahashi breaks free, White kicks low and DDT’s! Fans rally up again as both men are down.

Tanahashi goes to an open corner, White goes to the opposite. White runs in to EuroUpper, then he gets Tanahashi up for BLADEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Gedo is upset but the fans cheer as Tanahashi is still in this. White boots Ibushi into railing before he double guns over Tanahashi. White drags Tanahashi up, fireman’s carries, but Tanahashi fights free. Tanahashi blocks a kick, White throws forearms and blocks Tanahashi’s leg to elbow it. White reels Tanahashi in but Tanahashi hits TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT! White crawls, tags in Chase, and Chase runs at Tanahashi to forearm in the corner, then reel him in for a short arm lariat! Cover, TWO!

Chase drags Tanahashi up, fireman’s carries, but Tanahashi slips off. Chase throws back elbows, but Tanahashi SHOTEIS! Hot tag to Ibushi! Ibushi fires up and the fans join in as he whips Chase. Chase reverses but Ibushi GAMANGIRIS! Fans fire up for the STANDING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Ibushi and fans fire up again, and Ibushi drags Chase. Chase swings but Ibushi fires off a strike fest. Chase dodges to fire off his own strike fest! Ibushi dodges the Jewel Trigger to ROCK Chase, but Chase comes back to LARIAT! White hits Tanahashi and Okada, Fale gets in and Bullet Club whips Ibushi to a corner.

White runs in to uppercut, Fale runs in to splash! Snapmare for Chase’s SHINING WIZARD! Cover, TWO!! Ibushi survives, Gedo is upset but Chase fires up! Chase reels Ibushi in but Okada BOOTS him down! Fale runs Okada over, but Tanahashi dropkicks Fale’s legs! White kicks but into a DRAGON SCREW! Tanahashi gives Chase a SLINGBLADE! Ibushi powers up, V-TRIGGER! Kenny~! Ibushi sits Chase up with the wristlocks, KAMIGOYE! Cover, Ibushi’s team wins!

Winners: Kazuchika Okada & The Golden Aces, by pinfall

NJPW’s Big 3 can’t be beat! White is upset about that and forces the Young Lions to give Chase ice packs. Tanahashi backs White down, but White says he’s still coming for that NEVER Openweight Championship. Will the Switchblade have a better shot at cutting down The Ace when it’s 1v1? As for Ibushi, he decides to join commentary for the main event! He wants to see who he’ll be facing at Sakura Genesis for himself!


2021 New Japan Cup Finals: Shingo Takagi VS Will Ospreay!

On one side, The Dragon overcame the Rainmaker, the Fierce Warrior, Fang Revived and the King of Darkness. On the other, the Commonwealth Kingpin conquered Ikari no Mogyu, the Submission Master, the Cold Skull and the Celtic Prince. The BOSJ 26 final is revived, but the Takagi and Ospreay now aren’t the Takagi and Ospreay then. Will Takagi make this a very different match from two years ago? Or will the ungovernable be conquered by the United Empire?

Takagi has a sword with him! He’s reminding Ospreay of his old entrance as “The Assassin.” After the sword and coats are put aside, the bell rings and fans fire up already. Takagi and Ospreay stare down, then approach. They feel out the grapple but Ospreay stays back. Ospreay uses a leg guard as he scoots on the mat but Takagi keeps his distance. They tie up with collar ‘n’ elbow, and Takagi powers Ospreay to ropes. Ospreay turns things around, Red Shoes counts and Ospreay lets off, just to fire off kicks! Ospreay headlocks, but Takagi throws body shots. Takagi wrenches to a headlock but Ospreay pulls hair. Ospreay headlocks, Takagi powers out and also pulls hair!

Ospreay throws a forearm, runs to boot but Takagi rebounds to run Ospreay over! Ospreay kips right up and even Takagi claps for that. Ospreay forearms, Takagi forearms, repeat and fans rally up. Ospreay gets an edge but spins into a half nelson! Ospreay slips out, Takagi elbows, but Takagi runs into the tiger wall kick! Takagi ducks the enziguri and gets Ospreay’s legs for a wheelbarrow GERMAN! But Ospreay lands on his feet and runs! Springboard, OS- NO! Takagi throws Ospreay away to deny the cutter and fans fire up! Takagi grins and says that was a good one. Fans rally as the two reset. Ospreay and Takagi approach again, Ospreay shows knuckle lock but that’s to bait Takagi in for SLAPS!

Ospreay throws a forearm, an uppercut, but Takagi fires back with headbutts! Takagi has Ospreay in a corner, whips him corner to corner but Ospreay goes up, only to get caught! Takagi pulls but Ospreay holds the ropes! Takagi goes after the nose, then gives Ospreay SNAKE EYES! Ospreay clutches his nose, Takagi throws Ospreay out and then follows. Takagi whips Ospreay into railing! Takagi elbows away on Ospreay’s arm then BOOTS it against railing! Red Shoes reprimands but fans cheer. The United Empire watches closely as Takagi drags Ospreay up and into the ring. Takagi throws Ospreay’s arm on the mat, then gets him up for a wrench.

Ospreay throws forearms with the other arm but Takagi grabs the nose! Bea Priestley protests, Red Shoes counts and Takagi lets go, just to grab the nose with his other hand! Red Shoes counts again but Takagi lets go, to then grab the nose with both hands! Red Shoes slaps Takagi’s hands away but that just hurts Ospreay’s nose! Red Shoes apologizes and Takagi whips Ospreay to ropes. Takagi knees Ospreay, runs and runs Ospreay over! Fans fire up but Bea grows worried as Takagi drags Ospreay. Ospreay kicks him but Takagi drops a knee. Takagi goes to suplex but Ospreay blocks. Ospreay swings but into a spin, suplex, but Ospreay STUN-DOG MILLIONAIRES!

Ospreay whips, Takagi reverses but Ospreay handsprings to NEURALIZER! Both men are down but fans fire up as Takagi bails out. Ospreay hurries after, making sure his nose isn’t bleeding. Ospreay brings Takagi up to whip him into railing! Takagi’s back is a target so Ospreay whips Takagi back the other way into more railing! And then RAMS him into the railing right by commentary! Ospreay peels the tape off Takagi’s back before hitting a RAILING BACK SUPLEX!! Takagi goes down in a heap and Red Shoes checks on him. Fans rally up but Ospreay leaves Takagi behind and at the mercy of the count. Takagi stirs at 5 of 20, slowly rises but doesn’t stand until about 13.

Takagi looks at Ibushi on commentary for a moment before going to the ring at 17! Ospreay stomps Takagi, drags him up, and CLUBS him hard on the back, then KICKS him! Ospreay stands on Takagi’s back but Red Shoes counts, and Ospreay steps away at 3. Fans rally for Takagi, Ospreay drags him up and digs his knee into his back! Ospreay runs to basement dropkick Takagi’s back! Cover, TWO! Takagi grits his teeth but Ospreay drags him up. Ospreay scoops Takagi for a BACKBREAKER! Cover, ONE!! Takagi’s back arching from the pain might’ve helped him there. Fans rally up as Ospreay is after Takagi with EuroUppers.

Ospreay whips corner to corner hard, and Takagi bounces off buckles to hit the mat. Ospreay drags Takagi back up, snapmares him and wraps on a body scissor. Takagi endures but Ospreay squeezes and even throws clubbing shots. Takagi tries to reach back but Ospreay sits him up for more forearms. Fans rally, Ospreay becomes a backpack but Takagi fights up. Ospreay CLUBS Takagi on the back again! Ospreay whips corner to corner, Takagi barely makes it there. Ospreay grins as he runs in but Takagi dodges. Ospreay boots, back, goes up and out and PIP PIP CHEERIO! Cover, TWO! Ospreay grows annoyed with Takagi, but he gives Takagi Kowata Kicks!

Fans rally up while Takagi eggs Ospreay on. Ospreay gives more Kowata Kicks but Takagi blocks, spins and shoves to elbow, JAB and feint the lariat for a DDT! Fans fire up as Takagi gets back up. Takagi drives elbows into the shoulder over and over, runs but Ospreay ducks the sliding lariat! Ospreay kicks but Takagi ducks. Osperay elbows and handsprings gaain, but into Takagi’s arms! Takgai pops Ospreay up to a fireman’s carry for a DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Fans fire up as Takagi clotheslines Ospreay out of the ring hard! Ospreay sits up, Bea checks on him, but Takagi goes out to pursue. Bea shields Ospreay but then Ospreay BOOTS Takagi! Takagi grabs Ospreay’s nose!

Bea grabs Takagi’s hair but Takagi shakes her off. Takagi glares at Bea and the Empire but Ospreay POSTS Takagi! Jeff Cobb and Great-O-Khan give Takagi some space, and Ospreay gets a table! Ospreay sets the table up, Red Shoes reprimands him, but Ospreay brings Takagi around. Ospreay tries to lift but Takagi resist. Ospreay tries to suplex but Takagi switches positions! Ospreay switches them back, they go around, Takagi grabs the apron but Ospreay whips him. Takagi reverses< Ospreay goes up and over then forearms back. Ospreay jumps up but Takagi catches him! Ospreay desperately fights so Takagi gives him SNAKE EYES on the apron!

Takagi bumps Ospreay off the apron again, then goes up to join him. Takagi calls his shot, “ON THE TABLE!!” and fireman’s carries, but Ospreay fights. Bea drags the table away! Ospreay ROCKS Takagi, runs but Takagi jumps over! Takagi runs but Bea is again a shield. Ospreay hits Takagi, springboards bot Takagi gets under. Ospreay handsprings again but into a torture rack, for another SNAKE EYES! Takagi runs, Ospreay boots the lariat away, then SUPERKICKS! Ospreay runs, ducks the lariat but not the POP-UP BOMB! Cover, TWO! STF!! Takagi has the crossface right on Ospreay’s nose but fans rally as Ospreay endures!

Ospreay crawls, getting his leg free, but Takagi pulls back as strong as he can on the crossface! Ospreay still gest the ROPEBREAK! Takagi lets the crossface go to get a FUJIWARA! Ospreay again gets the ropebreak, so Takagi lets go to drag Ospreay up. Gory Especial to NOSHIGAMI! Cover, TWO! Takagi keeps his cool as fans rally up. Takagi brings Ospreay up, reels him into the pump handle, but Ospreay resists. Takagi throws knees, Ospreay slips out to full nelson, but Takagi breaks that! Takagi elbows, ducks the hook kick but runs into the tiger wall kick and ENZIGURI! Takagi rebounds to LAR- Ospreay slips through and gets Takagi up!

Takagi slips out of the bomb, Ospreay LARIATS back! Both men are down and fans fire up more! Ospreay drags Takagi up, reels him into a dragon sleeper, for SAVING GRACE! Cover, TWO! Takagi survives and Ospreay grows frustrated as fans rally up. Ospreay and Takagi go to opposite corners, and Ospreay wants Takagi to stand. Takagi gets up, Ospreay runs in, but Takagi gets under the boot! Takagi fireman’s carries Ospreay to the top rope! Ospreay fights but Takagi tries to make it a pump handle! Ospreay still gets up and around, rains down fists, but Takagi shoves him away! Ospreay flips to land on his feet, then triangle dropkicks Takagi back!

Ospreay climbs up, gets Takagi up, for a SUPER SPANISH FLY!!! Cover, TWO!?!? Takagi survives and Ospreay can’t believe it! Fans are thunderous while Takagi clutches his back. Ospreay powers up, watches Takagi rise, and he springboards, but the Oscutter gets caught to the Gory Especial! Ospreay fights free but Takagi HEADBUTTS! JABS! YUKON LARIATS! Fans fire up with Takagi as he glares at Ospreay. Ospreay glares back and fires forearms, but Takagi gives boxing elbows! Takagi goes to about a dozen, but Ospreay swings! Takagi swats it but Ospreay HOOK KICKS! Ospreay runs, but Takagi dodges to PUMPING BOMBER!

But Ospreay lands on his feet?! And springboards to OSCUTTER!!! Cover, TWO!!!! Takagi survives and fans are thunderous again! Fans rally up as both men slowly rise. Ospreay crawls after Takagi but Takagi manages to roll out of the ring. Ospreay aims as Takagi rises, but Takagi avoids the plancha. Ospreay mule kicks, and uses the corner, SUPER OSCUTTER, TO THE FLOOR!!! Fans are thunderous again over that risky move! Red Shoes checks on both men, Bea has Red Shoes move away so that Ospreay can drag Takagi up. Ospreay wants the table again! Ospreay brings it around, drags Takagi up, punches him onto the wood, and then goes to the apron.

Ospreay climbs up the corner, Red Shoes sees what’s happening but he can’t get Ospreay to stop! SUPER 450 SPLASH THROUGH THE TABLE!!! Ospreay clutches his own ribs, he may have done as much damage to himself as he did to Takagi! Red Shoes checks but somehow Ospreay’s okay to continue! Ospreay tells the Empire to help him, he needs to get in the ring. Cobb gets Ospreay in and now it’s on Takagi! Red Shoes starts the ring count, Takagi stirs but he doesn’t move and it’s past 10 of 20! Takagi slaps himself so he can wake up a bit. Takagi gets moving at 15, borrows Ibushi’s towel to wipe the sweat at 15, but it’s 18! Ibushi tells Takagi that and he scrambles in at 19.5!!

Ospreay springboards to COAST2COAST Takagi down!! Ospreay keeps moving, gets up top again, and SHOOTING STARS!! Cover, TWO!?!?! Takagi survives and no one can believe it! Ospreay desperately tries to drag Takagi off the mat as fans are thunderous again. Opsreay pulls off the elbow pad and goes to the corner! But Takagi flops over, denying Ospreay a target! Red Shoes checks on Takagi but he tries to keep Ospreay back, too. Red Shoes asks if Takagi is alright but Ospreay starts slapping Takagi around! Ospreay drags Takagi up to underhook, but Ospreay doesn’t have the strength for a lift! Ospreay gives more Kowata Kicks as fans fire up, but that wakes the Dragon!!

Takagi glares at Ospreay, Ospreay boots but Takagi doesn’t even flinch! Ospreay boots again and again but Takagi is storming over! Is he a zombie dragon!? Ospreay kicks and kicks but Takagi fires off forearms and boxing elbows! And point-blank clotheslines!! Takagi runs, but Ospreay gets him to a fireman’s carry! LONDON HAS FALLEN!! Ospreay turns Takagi for the DREAM- NO! Takagi catches Ospreay to the half nelson! Ospreay slips out, spins, kicks, but into MADE IN JAPAN!!! Cover, TWO!?!??! Ospreay survives and now Takagi is shocked! Fans are moving from thunderous to electric! Ospreay stirs, Takagi aims from a corner, PUMPING BOMBER!!

But not just that, Takagi gets Ospreay up with the pump handle torture rack! But Ospreay turns that into a crucifix takedown! Cover, TWO!!! Ospreay runs into a pop-up, fireman’s carry, but he fights that off! Takagi slips free of that and POISON-RANAS OSPREAY!?! Ospreay wobbles around but falls to his knees as fans fire up again! Takagi brings Ospreay up, runs and runs to- SPANISH FLY!??! Cover, TWO!! Takagi flounders about but he’s still in this! Ospreay aims, ROUNDHOUSE! ROLLING ELBOW! ROLLING DREAM SMASHER!! Wait, HIDDEN BLADE!! Underhooks and… STORMBREAKER!!!! Cover, OSPREAY WINS!!!

Winner: Will Ospreay, by pinfall (2021 New Japan Cup winner)

The Commonwealth Kingpin may no longer be the Assassin but he STILL slays the dragon!! But don’t say history repeated itself, because this was a far bigger fight than BSOJ 26! Ibushi himself is out of breath having just watched this! But now he knows who he faces in just two weeks at Sakura Genesis! Ospreay is presented with the NJCUP trophy and holds it high over head! The Empire joins their leader in the ring to celebrate this moment together. Ospreay then gets the mic to speak. “With a torn rotator cuff, and a broken nose, I told you all I was gonna win the New Japan Cup, and I WON THE NEW JAPAN CUP!!” Fans cheer because that is all true.

They’re clapping now but Ospreay knows they doubted him! “The British Junior can’t get it done with the heavyweights!? I just dominated the Heavyweight Division, baby!!” And like he said, the United Empire is a force to be reckonened with! He won the NJCUP, and two things have happened now, leaving one more. “Ibushi. C’mon.” He wants Ibushi to respond, so Ibushi gets off commentary and brings the belts! The Empire stands down and Ospreay allows Ibushi in.

Ospreay says Ibushi’s been getting a lot of heat for what he’s planning to do. Taking the IWGP Intercontinental and Heavyweight Championships, unifying them into THE IWGP World Heavyweight Championship. Some people like, some people don’t. Ospreay tells fans to stop, he didn’t ask for an opinion. But he gives his: he agrees with Ibushi. Ospreay doesn’t care about history, legacy or lineage. What Ospreay cares about is being number one. And as much as Ospreay hates to say it, “Ibushi is number one.”

Ospreay wants Ibushi to know something. Ospreay NEEDS the title(s). More than anything, Ospreay needs the title(s), and will do anything to take it away from Ibushi to put it on HIS shoulders! Ospreay loves this more than anything! This is Ospreay’s destiny, to be IWGP WORLD Heavyweight Champion! Ospreay loves this more than anything or anyone. Sorry, Bea. OSCUTTER TO BEA?!?! Cobb and Khan stand in Ibushi’s way and everyone else is stunned silent! Ospreay does his best to contain himself after what he did to his girlfriend, and then he leaves without another word.

If this is what Ospreay is willing to do to someone he loved, what will he do to someone who holds what he “needs?” Can Ibushi stop the United Empire from conquering NJPW?

My Thoughts:

Well DAMN. So, great event obviously, though obviously I skipped Suzuki-Gun beating Young Lions, The Empire beating the old guys, and in a slight shock, Yujiro Takahashi gets the win for Bullet Club over Yoshi-Hashi. I wonder if Bullet Club in some formation challenges Chaos’ Goto-Ishii-Hashi for the NEVER Openweight Six Man titles. LIJ VS Henare & FinJuice was good, especially playing off Finlay’s foot getting messed up yesterday against Ospreay. But I figured Henare would take the loss since LIJ pinning the Impact Wrestling Tag Team Champions would complicate this crossing of the promotions a bit too much at the moment.

The semi-rematch of Okada, Tanahashi & Ibushi VS Bullet Club was very good, very fun, but of course the Faces win. Okada wasn’t as bummed this time but he still let the Golden Aces celebrate without him. White is still staying out of the actual math so White VS Tanahashi for NEVER Openweight Championship can still go any which way. Ibushi being on commentary was perfect for the final moment after a truly epic, match of the week level Ospreay VS Takagi. There was so much story in it, from both their BSOJ match two years ago to how each man had a target and the other used moves that would specifically go after those targets. Plus, that 450 table spot was wild, and I was surprised Ospreay and Takagi could do Spanish Flies.

Ospreay winning wasn’t even near as shocking as his winner promo. Saying he actually agreed with Ibushi and wanted to do the same about NJPW having a true world title was a bit of a surprise, but then the real shock was what he did to Bea. That was literally a Randy Orton move right there. The United Empire really could take over NJPW, from Ospreay having THE world title on top of his Rev-Pro British Heavyweight Championship, and then Cobb and Khan could easily get in on the IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championship scene. They’re still just a trio, or rather are back to a trio since Bea will surely be kayfabe breaking up with Ospreay, so making a GOLDEN United Empire wouldn’t be so difficult, and could definitely happen over the summer.

My Score: 9.4/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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