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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (3/25/21)

On the Road to Prelude!



Coverage NXT UK 2021

NXT UK lets Unbesiegbar and the Thunderstorm loose!

WrestleMania WEEK is approaching, and so is the first-ever NXT UK Prelude! Will Ilja Dragunov shut Sam Gradwell up to finally move forward?


  • Joseph Conners VS Jack Starz; Conners wins.
  • The Hunt w/ Eddie Dennis VS Josh Morrell & Danny Jones; The Hunt wins.
  • Isla Dawn VS Aleah James; Dawn wins.
  • No Disqualifications: Ilja Dragunov VS Sam Gradwell; Dragunov wins.


NXT UK opens with an all new Supernova Sessions!

“Hear me now. Live from the moon,” Noam Dar welcomes us to another edition of his show. As Carol Dweck said, “Becoming is better than being.” The only thing that makes Dar happier than being Dar is becoming the young legend he’s destined to be. The next step is in two weeks, when he takes on “The Big Strong Dafty,” Tyler Bate, in an Number 1 Contender’s Match for the Heritage Cup. Dar vows that “Supernova 11 will not fail.” Speaking of failure, here’s Trent Seven! Dar applauds but Seven isn’t happy with that introduction. Dar hogs the couch and says he invested in a very expensive chair. It has good lumbar support for Seven’s bad back. Seven takes his seat and says Dar sure went to great lengths. Well yeah.

Now, last week, we saw Seven just inches away from becoming NXT Cruiserweight Champion. He literally nearly had the boyhood dream, but then failed. What does it feel like to be a failure? Well, that’s a bit harsh. Seven put himself through a grueling regime to make it that far. These are tough times we live in and- Yes, but let’s be positive. Here at SNS, Dar loves to focus on the positives. Regardless of the outcomes, Seven is now in peak physical condition. What’s the secret? Zumba? Pilates? No wait, Seven is definitely a legs, bums ‘n’ tums kinda guy. Hilarious, Dar, thank you. But Seven will tell us what he did go through. It is the hardest regime he’s ever been through.

At the age Seven is, in the current climate the world is in, it’s been hard. Waking up at dawn, going up the mountain, walking the dogs, counting calories. Five years? No, a couple months. No, Dar meant it’s been five years that Dar has been in WWE. He’s been on every brand WWE has to offer! He is an OG of the Cruiserweight Division revival! Day one on 205 Live, on Monday Night Raw, and yet… Dar hasn’t had a title shot in five years. So then, what makes “an outsider” like Seven- Outsider?! Dar gets mad that Seven is squandering the opportunities given to him on a silver platter! Seven doesn’t appreciate Dar’s tone nor his words!

Outsider? Seven gives Dar a history lesson. Seven is a founding father of NXT UK! He and a handful of people here were in Blackpool four years ago, so don’t tell Seven he’s an outsider when he built this brand! Dar has more important things to worry about, such as one of the other founders in Tyler Bate in a couple weeks. Dar cues the music, and here comes Sha Samuels! Sha tells Seven to settle down and checks with Dar. If Seven has a problem with Dar, he has a problem with Sha! Oh does he? Yes, he does, “you tart!” This is what real friendship looks like. A little lonely on Moustache Mountain, huh? Dar and Sha have each other’s backs.

Well, it has been a long time since Seven and the Big Strong Boy were on Moustache Mountain in that ring. So how about Seven has Bate’s back, “and we’ll have ourselves an absolute dandy!” Seven tells the guys to play HIS music! Sha keeps Dar calm and confident, and Dar shouts this is Supernova 11, not seven! But NXT UK Prelude just got bigger! Will the East End Butcher and the Artful Dodger be a factor in Dar VS Bate?


Sid Scala speaks with Joseph Conners & Jinny as they arrive.

To make sure things are fair between Conners and Jack Starz tonight, he informs Jinny that both she AND Piper Niven are banned from ringside. Jinny tells “Sidney” to watch himself because he’s not the man around here, she doesn’t have to listen to him. Well, he hates to be the bearer of bad news, but these orders come directly from GM Johnny Saint. Jinny says, “Message received, little boy.” But will the Spoiled Princess follow orders and let her (Self)Righteous Knight fight alone?


Superstars discuss the NXT UK Championship match, Walter VS Rampage!

William Regal says “Walter’s an incredibly calculating human being. He’s very smart, very strong.” Fit Finlay knows “Rampage is the type of guy who will do whatever it takes. He will hunt you down, and he will take you out.” Robbie Brookside that Rampage could be Walter’s most difficult challenge. Dave Taylor says these are two bulldozers heading for a collision. Which giant will stand tall at the end of NXT UK Prelude?


Joseph Conners VS Jack Starz!

Jinny & Conners cried foul over the Mixed Tag Match’s ending, and to be fair, they have a point. Piper Niven shouldn’t have been allowed to attack Conners, but that doesn’t necessarily mean Conners would’ve won. Now we see what would happen as these two go 1v1! Will Conners prove he is worthy? Or will Starz get another shocker of a win this close to Prelude?

The bell rings, they tie up, Conners cording holds but Starz facelocks. Conners cranks the hold, wrenches, wristlocks then cravats. Starz fights through, wrenches, but Conners rolls through to get free. BT Sports Studio cheers the exchange and the two go again. Conners full nelsons, Starz breaks free but Conners get an arm to wrench again. Starz feels out the escape, spins but Conners gets back before a dropkick. Conners and Starz circle, tie up again, and Conners waistlocks. Conners spins Starz to wrangle him with a wristlock. Starz gets frustrated but he fights up and uses ropes to flip through! Starz rolls, handsprings and wrings Conners out! Starz whips but Conners reverses.

Starz rolls, steps over, goes after a leg but Conners spins to sit on the cover! ONE and Starz sunsets, ONE! Conners jackknifes, TWO as Starz bridges! Starz spins to a backslide, ONE! Conners staggers but Starz whips, only for Conners to run him over! Things speed up, Conners fakes out Starz’s drop down but Starz avoids the elbow drop! Starz throws EuroUpper after EuroUpper, then dropkicks Conners out of the ring! PLANCHA! Direct hit and down goes Conners! BT Sports Studio fires up as Starz puts Conners in then climbs up the corner. Starz leaps to CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO!

Starz is after a leg, Conners kicks him off the toehold, but Starz RAMS Conners into a corner! The ref counts, Starz lets off at 4, but runs into a STOMP! Conners seethes, has Starz in a corner and fires off clubbing forearms! Conners bumps Starz off buckles, fires off body shots then CLUBS Starz down again! Conners digs his boot into Starz’s head, then drags him up. Starz throws more EuroUppers but Conners reverses the whip. Starz goes up and over but runs into a BACKBREAKER! Conners runs for a SNAP CHANCERY! Cover, TWO! Another cover, TWO! A third cover, TWO! Starz is not giving up and Conners gets annoyed.

Conners drags Starz up, reels him in and CLOBBERS him! Cover, TWO! Conners drags Starz up, but Starz snap suplexes first! BT Sports Studio fires up again as Conners and Starz rise. Conners blocks a boot but Starz counter punches! Conners throws body shots, Starz throws forearms and EuroUppers! Conners staggers as Starz fires off more forearms! Starz ROCKS Conners, then brings him in, but Conners shoves. Conners swings but STarz dodges to shoulder tackle! BASEMENT UPPERCUT! Conners hobbles up into a back drop! Starz runs corner to corner to uppercut again! EXPLODER! Cover, TWO!

Conners clutches his back but is shaking his head. Starz fires up and he brings Conners in to underhook the arms! Conners spins out, fireman’s carries but Starz pops up. Conners shoves him off, Starz switches to an O’Conner roll, TWO! Starz backslides, Conners rolls through, DDT! Conners seethes, looms over Starz then drags him up, and reels him in for the STRAITJACKET NECKBREAKER! Cover, Conners wins!

Winner: Joseph Conners, by pinfall

Conners redeems himself! But does this prove he is worthy of bigger and better come Prelude?


Pretty Deadly speaks.

“YES BOY~!” The NEW NXT UK Tag Team Champions said they were going to do it, and they did it! Lewis Howley brings up what his mum used to tell him. “Oh, Lewis. You always think you’re right.” Well guess what, mum? He IS always right! He and Sam Stoker were right! But in the spirit of proving others wrong, they will hold the first of their many successful title defenses! They shall usher NXT UK into the Era of Pretty Deadly! It will be an endless era! Amir Jordan, Kenny Williams, they’re great and all, but they’re not Sam and Lewis. And who are they? “Side plate check~!” They’re Pretty Deadly! But are these boys overestimating the Lucky Yin and Bhangra Badboy?


Piper Niven checks with Starz backstage.

He’s sorry. Don’t be! Piper doesn’t want him to be down on himself. A loss is a loss. Big whoop. She loses, too. “Chin up, butter cup.” Where’s the bright Jack Starz she knows? But they can get back to it tomorrow. Time in the Performance Center and the ring, he’ll be back on top of his game. Sounds good. She told you! Starz & Pipes, the dream team. They’ll figure this out. Fist bump and hug. Will Starz finally shine after Piper helps him lighten up?


The Hunt w/ Eddie Dennis VS Josh Morrell & Danny Jones!

The Wild Boar was put out to pasture, and now Tyson T-Bone joins Primate and the Welsh Dragon! Will this bigger, badder pack of animals tear into Turbo Terry and Raving Danny Jones?

The teams sort out, Morrell starts with T-Bone. Morrell dodges, gets a headlock, but T-Bone powers out to put him in a corner for big forearms and haymakers! T-Bone brings Morrell out to TOSS him across the ring! T-Bone whips Morrell hard to the corner, tags Primate in, and Primate whips T-Bone in for a back body block! Primate runs in to clothesline, then he hauls Morrell up for an EXPLODER! Primate drags Morrell up, tags in T-Bone, and they double headbutt! T-Bone drags Morrell back up, and gets him up for a HUGE Overhead Belly2Belly! Morrell ends up in his own corner, Jones tags in but runs into T-Bone’s knee! T-Bone CLUBS, and then back suplexes Jones! Cover, TWO!

T-Bone drags Jones over, tags in Primate, and Primate springboards for double ax handles! Primate wrenches, clubs the arm, YANKS on the arm, and pushes Jones around to then club and yank the arm again. Primate whips Jones to a corner, runs in but Jones boots back! Jones runs but into a back drop! Cover, TWO! Primate clubs Jones, stands on his arm then tags T-Bone. Primate stomps the arm, T-Bone sits Jones up to jam his knee in over and over! T-Bone then wraps on a smothering chinlock to rain down crossface forearms! Cover, TWO! T-Bone dribbles Jones’ head off the mat, tags Primate in, and they haul Jones up for a double scoop SLAM! Cover TWO!

Primate scowls but BT Sports Studio rallies up. Primate hauls Jones up to a suplex, but Jones slips out to hit a BACKSTABBER! Hot tag to Morrell! Turbo Terry runs in, Primate pops him up and tosses him, but Morrell flips and lands on his feet! Morrell goes up the corner, Primate runs in but Morrell jumps and flips over! Morrell gets going, rolls off Primate’s back and dropkicks him down! STANDING SKY TWISTER! Cover, TWO!! Morrell gets Primate up, but Primate counters the wrench to a torture rack! Morrell lands on his feet out of the toss, dodges the clothesline and runs, but into a BIG elbow! Cover, TWO!! Morrell survives, Primate sits him up to KNEE him down!

Tag to T-Bone, T-Bone hauls Morrell up and hits a BACKBREAKER! Then a FALL AWAY SLAM! Cover, TWO! Morrell is proving to be tougher than Dennis expected, but T-Bone TOSSES Morrell out! T-bone gets in Jones’ face so that Primate can scoop and SLAM Morrell! Primate puts Morrell in, T-Bone covers, TWO!! Morrell goes to a corner, T-Bone runs in but Morrell elbows him away! T-Bone comes back but Morrell boots him! Morrell runs in, slides under, but T-Bone gets the leg! Morrell boots him away, hot tag to Jones! Jones dodges T-Bone to dropkick Primate! Jones fires off on T-Bone with forearm sand EuroUppers, then an enziguri!

T-Bone wrenches, kicks a leg out then KNEES Jones down! T-Bone drags Jones up, Dennis says to finish this! T-Bone scoops, tags Primate, and OKLAHOME STAMPEDE to DIVING HEADBUTT! Cover, The Hunt wins!

Winners: The Hunt, by pinfall

Bigger and badder for sure, and Dennis is happy to see these results. Will Primate & T-Bone tear into the NXT UK Tag Division and take those titles for their own?


NXT UK Media checks in with Williams & Jordan.

How are they preparing for their tag title match next week? Doing good! This is two and a half years of absolute efforts to get this! Pretty Deadly are facing a new Jordan and new Williams! And when they win the titles, they’ll dance all around BT Sports Studio! They get back to it with the headlocks and hook grips, but will they be able to grind down Stoker & Howley their first go of it?


Isla Dawn VS Aleah James!

The White Witch has been dabbling in some darker rituals lately, but what will happen if she goes too far? Are we going to see what effect it is having on her as she takes on her bright and bubbly opponent?

The bell rings and Dawn circles with James. They tie up, are in a deadlock, and Dawn shifts to get a wristlock to a wrench. James handsprings, wrenches, and has the wristlock. Dawn spins but James wrenches again. James uses an elbow to hook Dawn and get her down. Dawn fights up, wrenches back and WRINGS James fast! Dawn brings James up to whip to a corner, then runs in but James goes up and over to sunset flip! TWO, and James dropkicks Dawn to a corner! James runs in to clothesline, then comes back, but Dawn dodges and ROUNDHOUSES! Dawn rains down furious fists, and drags James up to CLUB her!

Dawn whips, kitchen sink knees James, then runs to PENALTY KICK! High stack cover, TWO! Dawn clubs away on James’ head then rains down more fury! Dawn drags James up, but James gets her for a small package! TWO, and Dawn KNEES James down! Dawn drags James up for a SNAP SAIDO! James writhes, Dawn rains down more fists, then hauls her back up into double underhooks. Dawn hooks a leg and has a modified butterfly stretch! James endures, Dawn pulls harder, but James powers through and gets free! James fires forearms but Dawn ROCKS her! Dawn whips, James goes up and springboards for a SHOTGUN dropkick! Cover, TWO!

Dawn goes to a corner but she sputters for air. James runs in, Dawn puts her on the outside but James forearms! James springboards and CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! Dawn staggers up, James fires up and runs in, wheelbarrow but Dawn hits a HOTSHOT! Dawn stomps James in the corner, drags her up and fires forearms and body shots! The ref counts, Dawn reels James in for another SAIDO! Dawn drags James up, spins her around, HALF ‘N’ HALF! Call of the Quarters! Bridging cover, Dawn wins!

Winner: Isla Dawn, by pinfall

A powerful win, but clearly something wicked this way comes! Is the Dawn only going to get darker from here on out?


Nina Samuels speaks.

“You’ve come at a fantastic time. Because the time is over! I am no longer going to be Xia Brookside’s assistant!” Xia Brookside comes by and says there is actually a little more time on their deal. Nina will have to clean the bathroom. Not Xia’s, but the MEN’s bathroom! Oh no… Nina gets to work, though honestly it could’ve been much worse. Nina finishes up, hair a mess, and now her time as Xia’s assistant is over. Will this be the end of it between the Leading Lady and her obsession with Brookside?


NXT UK Media finds Isla backstage.

After her win over Aleah James, something seems to be bothering Isla. She clutches her head, but Kay Lee Ray walks by and wonders what is going on. KLR says if we had seen more of whatever that was at the start of NXT UK, maybe Dawn would be in KLR’s position right now. Dawn glares at KLR and the lights start to flicker. KLR excuses herself before things get any weirder. Is the creeping darkness within Dawn be coming for the Scary Queen of Scots’ crown?


No Disqualifications: Ilja Dragunov VS Sam Gradwell!

The Moscow Madman has started to live up to that nickname the last few months, given how a slap to the back triggered his rage. The Thunderstorm loves to get on people’s nerves but he may have pressed the wrong buttons here. Will Gradwell regret pushing Dragunov too far?

But just as Dragunov gets in, Gradwell throws his jacket at him as a blinder! Gradwell clobbers Dragunov and stomps him down! The bell rings to get this on record and Gradwell hammers away! Dragunov hits back, throws the jacket away but Gradwell STO’s! Cover, TWO! Gradwell stomps Dragunov, digs his boot into him at the ropes but Dragunov shoves him away. Gradwell whips, Dragunov slides to a stop and ROCKS Gradwell to hit a fireman’s carry takeover! Dragunov KNEES Gradwell in the ropes and Half Hatch Suplexes him! Gradwell gets up for the jumping KNEE! Gradwell bails out, Dragunov checks his face, but Gradwell gets a chair! Dragunov BOOTS Gradwell down first!

Dragunov gets the chair for his own and Gradwell asks for mercy. Dragunov throws the chair away to stomp Gradwell down! Dragunov throws Gradwell in, Gradwell bails out and goes under the ring to get more chairs. Dragunov runs around the way to CLOBBER Gradwell and deny him a weapon! Dragunov puts Gradwell in, waistlocks, but Gradwell throws elbows! Gradwell throws Dragunov off, dodges the haymakers and headbutts low! Gradwell throws Dragunov but Dragunov tiger feints for the CONSTANTINE SPECIAL! Dragunov puts Gradwell in a drop zone and climbs up, but Gradwell flounders away to the adjacent corner.

Gradwell taunts Dragunov that he can’t jump this, but then Dragunov goes COAST2COAST!! Direct hit and Gradwell flops out of the ring! Dragunov watches him and runs around the way, but Gradwell has the ring bell! Gradwell CLANGS the bell into Dragunov’s arm!! Dragunov clutches that arm but Gradwell gets spare electrical cord to LASH Dragunov on the back! And again! And then he puts it in Dragunov’s mouth to thrash him around! Gradwell then YANKS Dragunov down!! Now Dragunov clutches his jaw, but Gradwell gets in Dragunov’s face. “Behave yourself! Behave yourself!” Gradwell throws Dragunov into the ring, brings a chair in, and dares Dragunov to get up.

Dragunov throws forearms but Gradwell JAMS him with the chair! And then BUTTERFLY SUPLEXES him onto the chair! Cover, TWO!! Dragunov writhes but Gradwell tells him to get up. Gradwell undoes buckle pads, leaving two buckles bare. But Dragunov blocks the buckle bumps, turns things around, and uses a Mouse Trap to get Gradwell down for the rain of elbows! Dragunov rolls to facelock and he CRANKS on the Guillotine! But Gradwell powers up to hoist Dragunov onto the top rope! Gradwell throws forearms, climbs up, but Dragunov fights back. Dragunov powers through the pain in his arm to GOURD BUSTER Gradwell to the mat!

Dragunov adjusts, Gradwell throws a pad at him! Dragunov blocks that, but Gradwell trips him up! Dragunov is on the apron, Gradwell uses a ROLLING ELBOW to launch Dragunov into barriers! Gradwell grins as he goes out after Dragunov, but then scowls as he drags Dragunov up for a CLUBBING forearm! Gradwell CLUBS him again, then throws a hand, into a takedown! Dragunov knees low, bumps Gradwell off the apron and LARIATS him against it! Dragunov gets up, pulls the steel steps from the corner, and lifts the top half! Gradwell panics and asks for mercy but Dragunov doesn’t want to show it! Gradwell apologizes?!

Dragunov shows mercy now, but Gradwell gets a chair to JAM him again! “Idiot!” Gradwell swings but Dragunov goes Matrix to dodge it! Dragunov ENZIGURIS Gradwell into barriers! Dragunov drags Gradwell into a GERMAN SUPLEX! Dragunov holds on, drags Gradwell back up, for ANOTHER GERMAN! Dragunov drags Gradwell up again but Gradwell grabs the apron skirt to resist! Gradwell wants mercy but Dragunov just goes after that arm, and unleashes CHOPS to Gradwell’s neck! Dragunov KNEES Gradwell low, and again, and again! Dragunov shows double chop but Gradwell guards and again begs for mercy. “I’ve got a son, too! I’m a dad, too!”

Gradwell admits he went too far but he wants mercy. But he again suckers Dragunov in and kicks a leg out! Gradwell hauls Dragunov up to DEATH VALLEY DRIVER onto the steel steps!! The ref checks on Dragunov as he writhes and screams in pain! Gradwell drags himself up, gets Dragunov up and puts him in the ring. Cover, TWO!! Dragunov survives all the damage done and Gradwell can’t believe it! Gradwell goes back out to get a chair and slides it in. He also gets a few more chairs and slides them in. Gradwell takes the five chairs, makes them a pile, and drags Dragunov back up. Gradwell SLAPS Dragunov, fireman’s carries, but Dragunov fights it off!

Dragunov steps through, KNEES Gradwell again, and spins, into a kick from Gradwell! Gradwell whips but Dragunov reverses, and Gradwell hits the exposed buckle head first!! Dragunov fireman’s carries to hit a BACKBREAKER! Gradwell flounders onto the chair pile! Dragunov climbs up, leaps, but Gradwell moves and the senton hits nothing but steel!!! Gradwell crawls back over, covers, TWO!! Dragunov barely powers out of it and Gradwell can’t believe it! Gradwell scowls as he stalks after Dragunov to the bare buckle corner. Gradwell looks to trigger him, but he thinks better of it.

Gradwell turns Dragunov around to CHOP him in the chest! He eggs Dragunov on but Dragunov boots him back! Gradwell runs in, the CHOP hits the back!! Dragunov flips the switch and he fires off, then SPINEBUSTERS Gradwell into steel! Dragunov hammers away, steps on the chair to keep Gradwell from using one, and PENALTY KICKS him! Then SMACKS him with the chair! And again! And again! And again!! Dragunov sets the chair back with the others, brings Gradwell around, pump handle SLAM onto the steel! Dragunov rains down ax handles and haymakers! Gradwell is unable to fight back, Dragunov wins!!!

Winner: Ilja Dragunov, by referee stoppage

Dragunov still wants Gradwell to fight, but there’s no more fight in the Thunderstorm this week. “TALK NOW! TALK NOW!” Gradwell can’t even do that! Dragunov’s rage subsides for now, but are we still only seeing the tip of the iceberg?

My Thoughts:

What a great episode! Opening with Supernova Sessions was different but it worked out great because we’re getting a bit more of Dar VS Seven indirectly, and having Sha and Seven back up Dar and Bate is going to be a lot of fun. I almost thought we were going to get Dar & Sha VS Moustache Mountain for the go-home next week, but maybe we’ll at least get Seven VS Sha. Conners VS Starz was a really good first match, Starz is moving up from just being a Jobber, but who knows if he’ll really get anywhere. Piper checking on him was a nice touch, she isn’t just going to win with him then ditch him.

Pretty Deadly and Williams-Jordan had good promos to set up next week’s NXT UK Tag Team Championship match, but I am thinking Pretty Deadly retains because of the slowly building story between Jordan and Williams will finally move to the next chapter. Williams will try to cheat, Jordan will disapprove, that costs them somehow. Nina Samuels apparently has her last segment as Xia’s assistant, and again it was disappointing. A gross men’s bathroom that was barely even gross? There are so many ways to fake a nasty bathroom, but did they just not want Nina to legit gag during a promo? There was so much more I think they could’ve done with this but oh well.

The new Hunt may or may not be improved, but T-Bone definitely fits in with Primate. Morrell and Jones looked really good for still losing, but I think this new Hunt should squash some people before struggling with opponents. Dawn VS James was very good, especially Dawn’s change in aggression. KLR interacting with her indicates a feud is starting but I feel like it’s a little too late for even a spookier Dawn to stop KLR after KLR beat Toni Storm, Piper Niven and Meiko Satomura. I feel like Dawn and Aoife Valkyrie should start a program instead, so that we can get supernatural VS supernatural, White Witch VS Valkyrie bird-person. Prelude should at least have a contender’s match to determine who faces KLR later.

The No Disqualification main event was awesome, but really more of a No Holds Barred match since there was no ring count ever. That aside, it was great stuff for just using chairs and the things ringside. That bell to the arm spot, WOW. Gradwell trying to beg for mercy after finding he was in a bad situation was good the first time but they didn’t need to do it again. Or rather, they should’ve left it until the “I’m a dad, too!” moment and let that be the one time Gradwell suckers Dragunov in. How they got to Berserk Dragunov was very clever, and Dragunov got to just whoop on Gradwell after that. All in all, this story is going perfectly for Dragunov, I can’t wait to see what’s next.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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