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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (3/29/21)

This is Raw’s brutality!



Coverage Raw 2021

One Raw champion puts out a hit, another signs a contract!

Tonight, the Raw Women’s Champion, Asuka, and Nightmare, Rhea Ripley, sign a contract to make their WrestleMania match official!


  • Sheamus VS Matt Riddle; Sheamus wins.
  • Braun Strowman VS Jaxson Ryker w/ Elias & Shane McMahon; Braun wins.
  • Shelton Benjamin w/ Cedric Alexander VS Bobby Lashley w/ MVP; Lashley wins.
  • AJ Styles w/ Omos VS Xavier Woods w/ Kofi Kingston; Woods wins, by disqualification.
  • Shayna Baszler w/ Nia Jax & Reginald VS Naomi w/ Lana; Naomi wins.
  • Drew McIntyre VS Ricochet; McIntyre wins.
  • Drew McIntyre VS Mustafa Ali; McIntyre wins.


Backstage interview with Drew McIntyre.

He surely knows the deal Bobby Lashley has offered the rest of the Raw roster. Yes, there’s a target on his back, and whoever can take McIntyre out before Mania, they get his spot against Lashley. So what will happen? Attacked by one person, two or three? But think before you jump him: One, is Lashley good for his offer? Two, you better be ready for an old fashion Scottish ass kicking if you try. Has McIntyre just put Lashley’s bounty hunters on notice?


Bobby Lashley and the Hurt Business head to the ring!

The All Mighty WWE World Champion has MVP, Cedric Alexander and Shelton Benjamin following behind. They stand together, mics in hand as MVP says this is an official announcement from the Hurt Business. “We are less than two weeks away from WrestleMania! A spectacular two-night event where the All Mighty WWE Champion, Bobby Lashley, will walk in and out as the champion.” Lashley is currently set to face McIntyre, but allow them to make crystal clear their business proposition: If anyone takes out McIntyre before Mania, they will be rewarded a title match at Mania against Lashley.

Don’t mistake Lashley’s generosity as weakness. They just felt that McIntyre has had his opportunities. They’re trying to give someone else a chance to step up and become a star against the All Mighty! This is the opportunity of a lifetime, so who wants to step up and accept that offer? No one arrives, so MVP says here is who will not be sharing the ring with Lashley. Footage of last week’s 2v1 Handicap replays, where McIntyre defeated Alexander and Benjamin to officially ban them from ringside for Mania! Alexander and Benjamin didn’t think MVP would play that but Lashley says they had the perfect opportunity against McIntyre and couldn’t get the job done!

Don’t even get Lashley started on the Raw Tag Team Championships. They’re tarnishing Lashley’s image, which is why they stepped outside “the family.” Lashley can’t count on them for anything! Lashley worked too long and too hard to get this title, and refuses to associate himself with incompetence! MVP agrees. 2v1 Handicap against McIntyre and they failed miserably. But here’s an opportunity to speak up. Alexander asks what this is about. They could’ve done this privately and yet- Benjamin interrupts and asks if is this just to embarrass them? Lashley wouldn’t be champion without them! They toed the line, had his back, and won’t let MVP talk to him like a child.

Benjamin shoves MVP, Lashley DECKS Alexander but Benjamin THROWS Lashley!! Lashley throws his jacket off and glares at Benjamin. They throw hands, Benjamin rakes eyes but Lashley throws knees! Lashley hits a COMPLETE SHOT! Alexander gets up on the apron but gets backed down by Lashley’s glare! Lashley throws Benjamin out and then picks up his belt. MVP says they should be ashamed. Lashley tells Alexander and Benjamin that as far as they’re concerned, the Hurt Business is OVER! But the hit is still out for McIntyre, and the bounty is still up for grabs! Who will pounce on this chance and look to replace the Scottish Warrior?


Backstage interview with Matt Riddle.

He faces Sheamus tonight for what happened last week, but why does Riddle think Sheamus hit him with the scooter? Riddle wanted to ask questions and maybe Sheamus was having a bad day or just doesn’t have a soul. But Sheamus upset Riddle and Riddle doesn’t like being upset. It’s like having these sweet, tasty Doritos that you’ve been wanting to have all day, and before you even take a bite, BOOM! They hit the floor. Riddle then spots Titus O’Neil and scooters on over to say hey! Riddle wants to ask a question: What if you roasted a pig in the center of the ring at WrestleMania? What? Is Riddle okay? What’s he talking about?

Isn’t Titus part of the WrestleMania roast? No, no, Titus is a WrestleMania co-host, with Hulk Hogan. OH… The co-host of the roast! Bring ice cream. No, that tears Titus’ stomach up. Okay what about Mac ‘n’ Cheese? Or shrimp? Titus heads off, and Sheamus CLOBBERS Riddle!! The Fella mockingly tells the Bro, “see you out there.” Will Riddle now get payback for two cheap shots tonight?


Alexander and Benjamin complain to Adam Pearce.

That ingrate, Lashley, threw these two away like nothing! But Lashley wouldn’t be champion without them! He’s nothing without all of them! Benjamin will take Lashley on tonight, and if there’s something left, give him to Alexander next week! Are they sure about that? Why is he asking stupid questions? Is he protecting Lashley the same way he was protecting McIntyre? Does he have to consult with Lashley the same way he does with Roman? Does he make matches or not?! Where is Pearce’s sack?! Make a match! Alexander and Benjamin storm off, will Scrap Daddy be pressured into another high stakes decision?


Samoa Joe is away but MVP is on commentary for tonight!

He says that if Benjamin and Alexander showed the aggression and initiative they’ve showed tonight against McIntyre, they wouldn’t be in this situation.


Sheamus VS Matt Riddle!

The Celtic Warrior already didn’t like The Bro before, but after the frustrating losses, Riddle is getting on Sheamus’ last nerve. Will Sheamus make sure to put the Bro in Brogue, or rather the other way around?

The bell rings and Sheamus goes right at Riddle in a corner! The ref counts, Sheamus headlocks but Riddle gets to a waistlock. Riddle puts Sheamus in a corner, Sheamus powers out and gets Riddle down to a cover, ONE. Riddle waistlocks, Sheamus fights up and throws Riddle down to get a chinlock. Riddle fights up, goes for a Triangle but Sheamus makes it a cover, TWO! Sheamus CLUBS Riddle, puts him in a corner and throws hard body shots, then stomps Riddle down. Sheamus throws Riddle with a headlock takeover, Riddle fights but Sheamus digs his fingers into Riddle’s face. Fans rally, Riddle fights up, and Riddle throws body shots.

Riddle powers out but Sheamus runs him over! Sheamus goes to run but Riddle anchors a foot. Sheamus stomps Riddle, runs but into a leap! Riddle gets around to a sleeper and body scissors! Sheamus rolls but he can’t throw Riddle off! Riddle squeezes tight, Sheamus fights up, and Sheamus puts Riddle in a corner. The ref counts for them to break, Sheamus gets a string of back elbows in! The ref backs Sheamus off, but Sheamus drags Riddle up to CLOBBER him! Sheamus stomps Riddle, stands him up, and CLUBS him back down. Sheamus CLUBS riddle again, Riddle hits back! They brawl back and forth, Sheamus ROCKS Riddle then whips him. Riddle kicks back! And kicks again!

Riddle hits a KNEE! Sheamus is in ropes, Riddle dropkicks him out to the floor! Riddle keeps moving, goes up and out and PENALTY KICKS from the apron! Then he SPRINGBOARD FLOATING BROS! Both men are down on the outside as Raw goes to break!

Raw returns and Sheamus has Riddle down with fish hooks in the mouth! Sheamus lets off and stomps Riddle down. Sheamus brings Riddle up to throw haymakers but Riddle gives them back! They brawl again, Riddle gets the edge with forearms and palm strikes! Riddle runs but Sheamus scoops for a BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Sheamus is annoyed but he CLUBS Riddle back down! Sheamus drags Riddle up, reels him in to CLUB him in the back, then CLUB him down again! “You’re a disgrace to that title! You hear me?!” Sheamus fireman’s carries Riddle to the ropes but Riddle counters to a gut wrench! Sheamus fights the bomb off, turns around, and boots Riddle away!

Sheamus adjusts, Riddle comes back with a forearm and a CHOP! Riddle climbs up, brings Sheamus up, but Sheamus hits back and shoves him down! But Riddle is right back up! SUPER BELLY2BELLY!! Both men are down and MVP says that’s one of those moves where you can’t be sure who got the worst of it. Riddle and Sheamus slowly sit up, Sheamus stands first but Riddle eggs him on. Riddle fires off more fast hands, boots then spins Sheamus for the PELE! Sheamus staggers to a corner. Riddle kips up and runs in to forearm smash! Then side to side for another! BROSPLODER! Riddle aims and fires off Bro Kicks!

The ref has Riddle let off at the ropes, but Sheamus catches Riddle to Alabama lift! Riddle sunset flips, Sheamus rolls through, PENALTY KICK and BROTON! Cover, TWO!! TRIANGLE HOLD! Sheamus flails, make sit a cover, TWO, to a dead lift POWERBOMB! But Riddle still has the Triangle Hold! Sheamus reaches, drags himself over, ROPEBREAK! Riddle lets go at 4, heads over but Sheamus ROCKS him! Riddle kicks but Sheamus catches it to drag him up and over, APRON WHITE NOISE!! Cover, TWO!??! Sheamus can’t believe Riddle survived! Sheamus hurries to Alabama lift and ALABAMA SLAM! Cover, TWO?!!? Riddle is still in this and Sheamus is stunned!

Sheamus gets up, aims from a corner, pounds his chest but Riddle hits a FINAL FLASH! Inside cradle, TWO!! Sheamus blocks Riddle’s knee to KNEE him back! Cover, Sheamus wins!!

Winner: Sheamus, by pinfall

The Fella just pinned the United States Champion! He gloats but Riddle dumps him out! Riddle is still furious, and vows Sheamus will get what’s coming to him! Will Riddle be watching for Sheamus after all the sucker punches and cheap shots?


Shane McMahon walks with Elias and Jaxson Ryker backstage.

Kevin Patrick comes by to ask Shane what he plans to reveal in his “exposé” of Braun Strowman tonight. No, but he appreciates Kevin being a good reporter. Know that we’re going to learn some very interesting things about Braun. Enlightening, even. Shane O’Mac, The Drifter and the follower head to the ring to reveal those very things!


Drew McIntyre encounters AJ Styles and Omos.

There’s not a chance he’s turning his back on these two. Lashley’s offer is not one they can refuse. Wow, Lashley’s gotten into McIntyre’s head. Unlike McIntyre, these two have bigger plans for Mania. They’re a lot more realistic. Styles would love to see Omos smack McIntyre off the ground, but these two will embarrass the New Day and become the NEW Raw, Tag, Team, CHAMPIONS~! Plus, Styles has to be ready for his match with Xavier Woods. But surely their paths will cross again. Fine. McIntyre shouts to the shadows to dare anyone to take Lashley up on that offer! Will there be any takers?


Shane, Elias and Ryker are in the ring.

Though he’ll face the Monster Among Men on Night One of WrestleMania, Shane is here to address the elephant in the room, and he doesn’t mean Braun. No, he means the accusations that given his amazing athletics last week, his leg injury was a lie. Now those who think that don’t know anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, or adrenaline. Adrenaline was what gave him the pain relief that helped him get away and not be further injured. Shane is now 100% and will defeat Braun in the middle of the ring at WrestleMania.

Now, Shane has been doing some homework, and something he’s discovered is something that goes way back. One thing was very interesting and it gave him insight into “young B-B-B-Braun.” Going back to Braun’s Fifth Grade report card, he got STRAIGHT D’S! From Social Studies to Math to English and even GYM! Though maybe that’s a bit harsh. The letter grade is one thing, but these teacher comments are another. Braun is disruptive, instigating fights, aka a bully. He has a lack of basic problem solving skills and looked to be held back. He fell behind his classmates and needed summer school. Doesn’t seem like Braun’s improved over any of these.

In summation, a picture is worth a thousand words. Therefore, the last image is Braun in a dunce cap, and “2+2 = 5 I’M NOT STUPID!”  Elias starts to feel bad for Braun. Ryker get sit, though. It is cliché, but true: big guy, tiny brain. Shane knows he will outwit Braun, as will Ryker here tonight. But at the end, maybe what Braun needs is a “big ol’ warm hug from all of us.” They will give it to B-B-B-Braun. But BRAAAUN~ makes his entrance and Shane looks worried, because there’s a good chance someone’s gonna #GetTheseHands!

Braun Strowman VS Jaxson Ryker w/ Elias & Shane McMahon!

Raw returns, the bell rings and Braun shoves Ryker down, drags him up then TOSSES him across the way! And TOSSES him again! Braun goes out and starts the Strowman Express! Shane runs away, Braun goes into the ring, and he choke grips Ryker to power him to a corner! Braun fires off heavy hands, big elbows, and brings Ryker up to HEADBUTT him down! Elias distracts Braun, then Shane distracts the ref! Braun runs them both off but Ryker attacks! Ryker fires off hands, Braun puts him in a corner but Ryker boots back! Ryker runs and chop blocks a leg out! Ryker keeps going, BULLDOG!

Ryker fires up, goes up the corner and wants Braun to stand! Ryker leaps, ax handles Braun, but Braun comes back to BOOT him down! Ryker bails out, Braun goes out, and the Strowman Express starts down the track to CLOBBER Ryker! Braun puts Ryker in, storms after him and runs in to SPLASH! Braun shouts, “This is your fate, Shane! You made this bed, and you’re gonna lay in it at WrestleMania!” Scoop and MONSTER SLAM!! Cover, Braun wins!

Winner: Braun Strowman, by pinfall

And the chase is on again! Shane runs away, Elias hurries after Braun and KNEES Him down! Elias and Shane attack 2v1, stomping and dropping knees! Braun EXPLODES out! Shane runs away, but Braun gets a mic! “Where’re you running off to, Shane? You think I forgot? You accepted my challenge for a match at WrestleMania. Maybe you forgot you told me I could pick any match that I wanted.”

And Braun’s been thinking and has made up his mind. They’re going to have a match where the goons can’t get involved in, and where they’ll end these weeks and weeks of Shane running for his life! “There’s nowhere to run, there’s nowhere to hide. At WrestleMania, you’re gonna Get These Hands in a STEEL CAGE MATCH!” Shane’s bullying has finally come back to haunt him! Will Shane survive being inside the steel with the Monster?


Raw presents an all new Dirt Sheet!

The Miz and John Morrison are already in the ring, dressed for the red carpet that isn’t there, and give their introductions. If you’re wondering why Morrison’s hair is so high, it’s because it’s full of secrets. But it’s no secret that The Miz is the Most Must-See WWE Superstar. Tonight might be the most anticipated episode of the Dirt Sheet ever as #JohnnyDripDrip and MC M I Z have the world premiere of “Hey Hey, Hop Hop,” the hottest beat to drop since Despacito and Mo’ Money Mo’ Problems! Just call him Notorious M I Z. Is that the VMA’s calling?

“Hey, John, do you know who was nominated for a VMA last year?” “Bad Bunny.” “Correct. And do you know who didn’t win a VMA last year?” “Bad Bunny.” “Correct!” He won a Grammy, though. That’s not how this gag works. It goes, “Hey, John. Do you know who is going to lose to me at WrestleMania?” “Bad Bunny.” COOOOOORRECT. And speaking of, Miz will address last week. He thought he made it absolutely clear that Bunny doesn’t belong here when he smacked him with a guitar. Miz thought he solidified his stance when he challenged Bunny to this Mania match. But then Bunny accepts? And then has the cajones to return the favor and hit MIZ in the back?!

Miz gets it, it’s tit for tat, but Miz was trying to teach Bunny a lesson while Bunny was trying to hurt Miz! He’s got some bold cotton balls. This is far from over! Miz promises to pay back Bunny at Mania for every ounce of ridicule, every shred of disrespect and every splinter of wood that was in his back. Didn’t Bunny also call Miz- Yes, but let’s focus on the positives! Such as Miz being the only TWO-TIME Grand Slam Champion in the WWE, and will still be the backbone of the WWE after Bunny’s 15 minutes of fame are over. Plus, they shot an absolutely awesome music video! They took a few days in San Juan, Puerto Rico, put the hop back in hip hop, and celebrated with Pina Coladas.

So without a moment further, here is the WORLD PREMIERE of Hey Hey, Hop Hop! Miz and Morrison start the video with the introduction they just gave, and away they go. Stock footage of fans, photoshopping themselves onto Madison Square Garden and Tokyo Square, and wearing bunny suits. Johnny Drip Drip and MC M I Z have sweet rhymes and nasty lucha. They also add in Miz hitting Bunny with the guitar several times. Miz and Morrison dance along with themselves in the present. They and the fake fans in the video are the only ones cheering. Miz gets emotional as he practices his acceptance speech for the Grammy’s.

But here come Bad Bunny and Damian Priest to respond! Congrats! They actually enjoyed that. It was really… How to say it? Entertaining? Sure. But Priest is glad Miz found time to relax and goof off. Because he won’t be laughing when Bunny handles him at Mania. Bunny won’t say anything else but that at Mania, Bunny says it in Spanish and Miz demands to know what it means in English. He’s going to make Miz his bitch!! Miz and Morrison storm out, but Priest is in the way. Feeling real bad behind your boy, huh, Bunny? Priest moves aside and Bunny ROCKS Miz with a right haymaker!

Priest and Bunny get in the ring and dare Miz to bring it! Morrison keeps Miz back, but Bunny throws the Dirt Sheet set out! Priest and Bunny dare the would-be rappers to bring it, then they take the poster for the music video and bend it up! Morrison says Bunny just signed his death warrant! Will Miz make this the Most Must-See crossover of all time?


Randy Orton speaks.

“I have been privileged throughout the course of my career to go toe-to-toe with some of the greatest talent that this industry has ever offered. Legends like Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair, legends like Shawn Michaels and Triple H, legends like The Undertaker, Kane, John Cena, it’s a very long list.” But none of those men compares to The Fiend. Just a few months ago, Orton did what he had to do to get rid of The Fiend once and for all. he chose to light the match, drop the match and watch the Fiend BURN! “No man could have survived that. But that’s the thing now, isn’t it?” Orton didn’t realize that The Fiend isn’t a man, but much, much more! The Fiend is sick and twisted, sadistic, and an abomination from HELL!

Orton thought Alexa Bliss’ premonition that The Fiend would return was an elaborate game. But the “match” at Fastlane wasn’t that at all! It was a trap! The entire time,. Alexa knew that she had The Fiend’s heartbeat in the palm of her hand and could bring him back. At least now, thank you, God, that Orton knows what he’s dealing with! So for the final time, at WrestleMania, Orton isn’t facing a man but a “sick and twisted, sadistic abomination!” Lucky for Orton, “we were both cut from the same cloth.” That means Orton will do what he has to do and knows how far as he must go to get The Fiend out of his life once and for all!


Shelton Benjamin w/ Cedric Alexander VS Bobby Lashley w/ MVP!

Adam Pearce made a match, and he is giving the Gold Standard his chance to show the Rocky Mountain Machine what he’s made of! Will Benjamin tear down the All Mighty World Champion and let Alexander handle the scraps next week? Or will Lashley simply steamroll one before he bulldozes the other?

Raw returns, the bell rings, and Benjamin fires off on Lashley with haymakers! Benjamin knees low, clubs Lashley, but Lashley shoves him away. Lashley scoops Benjamin but Benjamin slips off to waistlock. Lashley elbows free, Benjamin gets around and SLAMS Lashley down. Benjamin grinds Lashley but Lashley fights up. Benjamin throws Lashley down again, Alexander coaches him and Benjamin throws knees in! Benjamin clamps onto Lashley, waistlocks again, but Lashley pries free. Benjamin clubs Lashley, runs but Lashley follows to get Benjamin for the COMPLETE SHOT! Lashley rains down fists, paces, and drags Benjamin up to throw out of the ring.

Lashley paces, Alexander coaches Benjamin but Lashley goes out to get Benjamin. Lashley fireman’s carries Benjamin to POST him! Benjamin writhes, Alexander is furious but Lashley glares at them both. Lashley drags Benjamin up to throw him in and stalks him. Lashley runs corner to corner to RAM into Benjamin! Alexander swipes at Lashley, Lashley gives chase! Alexander goes up the ramp and MVP says that’s pretty funny given Alexander wanted a piece of Lashley. The ring count is past 5 of 10, Lashley returns but runs into PAYDIRT!! Cover, TWO!! Lashley survives and MVP says Alexander has only angered Lashley.

Lashley gets up, throws haymakers but Benjamin gives them back. Benjamin rams Lashley into the corner, fires off hands, then runs in to KNEE Lashley! Benjamin fire sup, runs corner to corner, and KNEES Lashley again! But Lashley hits an ALL MIGHTY SPINEBUSTER! Lashley drags Benjamin up to rain down more fists, then whips him for another ALL MIGHTY SPINEBUSTER! Lashley watches Benjamin slowly get up, and puts on the HURT LOCKER!! Benjamin is a rag doll, Lashley wins!

Winner: Bobby Lashley, by submission

The Rocky Mountain Machine has a head of steam going towards WrestleMania Weekend! Will PRIMED Alexander only get the same next week? Or will he reconsider and withdraw his request?


AJ Styles and Omos encounter The New Day backstage.

Styles asks what this is all about. This is for the game they’re going to play tonight! Some icebreaker things to see if Styles and Omos are meshing as a team. No, Styles and Woods are going to fight. Is he scared? Is he chicken? BAWK BAWK! NO HE’S NOT! Let’s play your games! Styles and Omos will beat them at these games, then beat them in the ring! Yeah no. But first, game night! Let the games begin, BABYYYY~! Cards, charades, all sorts of stuff! Styles says that’s fine. He and Omos can make the New Day look even more ridiculous! But will game night be less than phenomenal for the challengers?


WrestleMania has MORE matches!

For Night One, Braun VS Shane is now officially a Steel Cage Match! And then on Night Two, Sheamus gets another match with Matt Riddle, for the WWE United States Championship!


The New Day present game night!

“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the NEW~ DAY~ Game~ NIIIGHT~!” This is where team skills will be put to the test against some friends! Woods introduces the Phenomenal AJ Styles, “and his extremely large counterpart,” Omos! Boooo~! Boo. Styles and Omos make their way to the ring, Woods apologizes but says he loves the mauve shirt on Omos. Kofi wants Styles to calm down and says that we’re on the way to WrestleMania, so it is important for a tag team to be on the same page, a well-oiled machine. There is a line-up of games ready to prove who (who who who) is the better team.

Playing games is going to prove who is the better team? Well, Styles & Omos are already the better team in the ring, so they’ll play along. First up is charades! You get a clue, act it out silently, and hopefully your partner gets it. Kofi goes first and the New Day has 15 seconds. BEGIN! Kofi’s clue: A Thousand Miles by Vanessa Carlton. The piano fingers and distance hands work out. Styles can’t believe it! Well Woods loves that song! Styles takes his turn, 15 seconds and… GO! Styles’ clue: The Lion King. He does cat paws and a crown, then waving. Omos isn’t sure. Time’s up! Lion King, man! Crown, cat! But he didn’t get it~!

That moves to round two! Pick another clue and use it for Pictionary! Woods will draw on the paper, Kofi will guess. Woods’ clue: Rocket Ship. He draws a box, triangle, circle, and a moon. ROCKET SHIP!! WOOOO~! Styles volunteers to draw, even though it’s Omos’ turn. But Omos just stays put so Styles goes again. Styles’ clue: The Sun. He draws a circle with lines, and Omos is still confused. It’s the sun! Is Omos not trying? Well it’s a clean SWEEP~! Get the brooms! Omos shouts, “ENOUGH!” He isn’t here for games! To be champions, all they have to do is win at WrestleMania! Omos will show them BOTH what he is capable! And Styles will show Woods what he’s capable of right now!

Woods says HE will show STYLES what he is capable of! But thank you for watching the first-ever New Day Game Night! Styles throws things around in a fit, but he’ll be looking to throw hands with Woods after the break!

AJ Styles w/ Omos VS Xavier Woods w/ Kofi Kingston!

Raw returns and the bell rings. Woods and Styles circle, tie up, and Woods wrenches to a wristlock but Styles ROCKS him with a right. Things speed up. Styles hurdles then drops to dropkick Woods down! Styles taunts Kofi, drags Woods up and whips him to ropes. Woods ducks, dodges and slides to ROLLING ELBOW! Omos is annoyed as Woods throws EuroUppers on Styles. Woods bumps Styles off buckles, CHOPS him, then has him in another corner for a bump and CHOP! Kofi has his play by play but Styles blocks the bump to bump Woods! Styles whips, Woods reverses but Styles reverses back! Styles runs in but misses and hits buckles! Woods CHOPS Styles off his feet! Cover, ONE!

Woods drags Styles up but Styles knees low. Styles whips, Woods reverses and sends Styles out! Woods DECKS Styles off the apron, Woods builds speed, but Omos stands in the way! Styles gets away and back in the ring to turn Woods around! Woods blocks to dropkick Styles out the other way! Woods builds speed to FLY and take Styles out at the ramp! Kofi and the fans are fired up while Woods slides in to mockingly wave at Omos, and Raw goes to break!

Raw returns as Woods throws haymakers on Styles. Woods whips, Styles reverses but Woods comes back with a leaping forearm! Woods rallies on Styles, ducks a clothesline to LEG LARIAT! Woods fires up, brings Styles around but Styles reverses to back suplex. Woods lands on his feet and pops Styles up for a back drop! Cover, TWO! Woods keeps his cool as he drags Styles up and pushes him into the corner. Woods hoists Styles up top, throws hands, then climbs up to join him. Woods clubs Styles, brings him up, but Styles slips under to trip Woods up! Styles fireman’s carries to an USHIGOROSHI! Cover, TWO!! Kofi coaches Woods but Styles is furious!

Styles drags Woods up, reels him in, and calls his shot! Woods RAMS Styles into the corner, reels him in, and hits a TORNADO DDT! Cover, TWO!! Woods kicks Styles, drags him to a drop zone and goes to a corner. Woods climbs slowly, Omos drags Styles out of the ring to safety! Woods sees that, runs over but Omos blocks the kick to TOSS Woods into the ring!

Winner: Xavier Woods, by disqualification

Kofi leaps at Omos but Omos catches him! And military presses Kofi to TOSS him over the barrier!! Just like when he tossed Woods with that choke slam! Styles drags Woods up, bumps him off buckles and fires off hands! Omos runs in to back elbow Woods HARD! Styles says he and Omos will be champion, and they’ll “get it done!” Styles feeds Woods to Omos’ POP-UP SPINEBUSTER!! The gigantic Omos stands on Woods’ chest, and Styles “counts the pin.” Will we see this happen at WrestleMania in Omos’ massive debut match?


Raw returns to Alexa’s Playground.

She hums Pop Goes the Weasel, then says, “Don’t you just love Jack-in-the-Boxes?” This may look and sound like a normal one, but she’ll let us in on a secret: “it’s so much more. Did you know, centuries ago, these used to be called Devil in the Box?” They had spells written all over and there were weakened spirits inside. That’s what happened at TLC to him. Randy Orton burned The Fiend alive, and then believed he was gone forever. But he was wrong. The Fiend was just weakened and trapped. Trapped inside the Fiend in a Box. “But you can’t trap evil forever. All he needed was time. And now he’s just salivating at the idea of standing across from Randy Orton at WrestleMania.”

Orton’s biggest mistake used to be playing with fire. But now, Orton’s mistake is thinking he understands what’s next. He doesn’t. But Alexa will give us Fireflies a teeny, tiny little hint. “At WrestleMania, the Legend Killer dies.” The camera backs up, and The Fiend has been sitting beside Alexa this whole time! Will the Fiend chase the Viper around until it’s POP goes Randy Orton?


McIntyre storms into the locker room!

He’s done waiting for someone to step up! He’ll get them to step up now! No one wants to? That’s disappointing. A few years ago, a young McIntyre would’ve gone after him the second he got here! Anyone gonna tweet and get trending? Is that how you guys get something going today? McIntyre tells Braun he should’ve been a five-time world champion by now! Why isn’t he?! Step the hell up! Braun says McIntyre doesn’t have to worry. After he tears Shane apart, and if McIntyre gets the title back, Braun will be first to come find him.

Anyone else then? WrestleMania is here, dammit! McIntyre wants Humberto Carrillo to step up and do something! Anyone! Riddle says he’s stuffed after fighting Sheamus. Those matches are like full Thanksgiving meals. But Angel Garza gives it a try! He clubs McIntyre but McIntyre ROCKS him then throws him into a couch! McIntyre asks if anyone is taking this serious! Drew Gulak thinks about it, and McIntyre says he’s seen the posts, begging for replies. GLASGOW KISS!! Ricochet is there, and McIntyre knows he wants his opportunity. Take it.

Ricochet says Lashley’s word doesn’t mean a thing to him. They’ve known each other a long time. If McIntyre wants a fight, then alright. McIntyre respects that. See you in the ring, Ricochet. Will the One and Only still prove himself, Lashley’s bounty or not?


Shayna Baszler w/ Nia Jax & Reginald VS Naomi w/ Lana!

With the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships without challengers for WrestleMania, the Queen of Spades takes on The Glow to see if she is worthy! Will Naomi take the fight to Shayna and earn a golden ticket for her and Lana?

Raw returns, Dana Brooke & Mandy Rose have joined commentary as Naomi makes her entrance. The bell rings, Shayna and Naomi circle then tie up. Naomi waistlocks, Shayna backs her down but the ref counts. Shayna lets off but ROCKS Naomi with an elbow! Naomi boots but is blocked so she comes back with an enziguri! Naomi whips, Shayna reverses but Naomi goes up only for Shayna to KICK her arms out! Nia cheers Shayna as Shayna wrenches the arm to hammerlock and STOMP the arm! Dana feels Naomi’s pain as Shayna fires forearms on Naomi. Shayna wristlocks, keylocks and grinds Naomi down. Naomi endures, fights up, and throws body shots to then enziguri again!

Naomi PENALTY KICKS, then NECK SNAPPERS! Shayna staggers up into a BUBBA BOMB! Rolling clutch, TWO! Naomi bridges, TWO! KIRAFUDA KTLUCH! Naomi rolls to a cover, Shayna slips out to go for an arm but Naomi hits a leg split leg drop! Cover, TWO! Naomi goes up, Reggie distracts her! Lana runs in, Reggie handsprings away from her! Shayna has Naomi in the Tree of Woe but Naomi fights free while Nia glares at Lana. Lana goes to slap but gets scooped! Nia wants the table, Lana slips off and shoves Nia into Mandy! Dana goes after Lana for that! Reggie panics as Dana fireman’s carries Lana around.

Lana kicks Dana away, is on the apron, Shayna BOOTS her down! Naomi rolls Shayna, and WINS!!

Winner: Naomi, by pinfall

The Ravishing Glow took advantage of the chaos and got the win! Will they be the ones heading for Mania to shine in the spotlight?


Asuka and Riddle cross paths.

Is everything okay, Bro? Yeah, he’s just a bit sore and beat up. But at least he gets to fight Sheamus at Mania! And he’s got his scooter back! Nice! She likes? Yeah! Do people in Japan like scooters? Oh, yeah, they’d love it. Riddle spaces out, apologizes, and heads off again. Will Riddle get his head right before facing the Fella again? And speaking of title matches, Asuka heads for gorilla, because she has a contract signing to get to!


Adam Pearce is in the ring.

He officially introduces the Raw Women’s Championship match contract signing, and first introduces the challenger, Rhea Ripley! This time last year, Rhea was showing up on Raw as NXT Women’s Champion and getting Charlotte Flair to challenge her. Now, she is the challenger stepping up against the Empress of Tomorrow! And now, the Empress herself, Asuka, makes her entrance! Both women take their seats at the table and Rhea likes to point out that Asuka is the current Raw Women’s Champion. Asuka laughs at Rhea’s little joke, because she IS the Raw Women’s Champion. “And you are overconfident.”

Rhea admits she is overconfident, but on her first night to Raw, she was confident enough to step to Asuka for a match. Now, she’s confident enough to tell Asuka that she will WIN at Mania and take the title! Rhea signs her part, pushes the contract to Asuka, and Asuka signs her part. And then in Japanese then English, Asuka tells Rhea that her confidence is borrowed, not earned. Rhea has talent, but she has to learn that she is NOT READ- Rhea DUMPS the table onto Asuka! But wait, why are Nia and Shayna returning?!

Rhea stands over Asuka, grabs a mic, and as Nia says, “I don’t know what’s worse: Rhea Ripley having the audacity to request a championship at WrestleMania, or Asuka for accepting her challenge.” Shayna says both are bad. But Rhea’s new, Asuka’s the one who should be ashamed. After everything Shayna’s down to Asuka, she should know better. Shayna and Nia have dominated the ENTIRE Women’s Division for an entire YEAR! Where is THEIR Mania match? Shayna showed she could kick Asuka’s teeth out. And as for Rhea, Shayna can’t wait to give her a hard dose of reality. Rhea asks what’s stopping them?

Well if the Empress of Yesterday can pull herself together, how about she and Rhea step into the ring with Nia & Shayna next week? Then Nia can show Rhea what *stomp* brutality really is. Rhea answers on behalf of Asuka that they ACCEPT! Asuka is shocked, but Rhea just wants to fight! Will Rhea regret getting ahead of herself? Or is she going to earn that confidence she has?


MVP finds Ricochet backstage.

After all this time, MVP is glad to see Ricochet is thinking like a businessman and take Lashley up on the offer. Ricochet explains to MVP this isn’t about Lashley’s offer. At the end of the day, Lashley AND MVP are both full of it. Tonight is for Ricochet. Ricochet doesn’t know when he’ll get another opportunity, but he will beat McIntyre because he knows he can! See you around. Will the One and Only still do the Hurt Business’ dirty work for them?

Drew McIntyre VS Ricochet!

The Scottish Stud goes to the ring first, still looking around to see if anyone else wants to cash in. Will he be able to focus on the King of Flight if his head’s on a swivel?

Raw returns and Ricochet makes his entrance. The bell rings and Ricochet fires off hands but McIntyre tosses Ricochet! Ricochet boots McIntyre, runs and ducks, but still gets LAUNCHED with a back drop! McIntyre looms over Ricochet, brings him up, and CHOPS him! McIntyre keeps Ricochet from falling over to then OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Ricochet flops to the apron, McIntyre storms over and drags him back up. McIntyre ROCKS Ricochet with a right, Lashley watches backstage as McIntyre OVERHEAD- Wait, Ricochet lands on his feet! Ricochet dodges McIntyre, runs and tilt-o-whirls to headscissor McIntyre into buckles!

Ricochet fires off hands, then KNEES McIntyre down to a knee! Ricochet runs, goes up the corner, and leaps to ENZIGURI! Cover, ONE!?! McIntyre shocks Ricochet and shoves him away. Ricochet dumps McIntyre out, McIntyre gets to his feet and drags Ricochet out! McIntyre DECKS Ricochet, whips him but Ricochet goes up and up, to walk the barriers and come back with a DROPKICK! MVP actually cheers Ricochet on as he gets in the ring. McIntyre hurries in, Ricochet puts him in a drop zone. Ricochet hurries up top, but McIntyre avoids the 450! Ricochet rolls through and comes back, into a CLAYMORE!! Cover, McIntyre wins!

Winner: Drew McIntyre, by pinfall

The Scottish Warrior wasn’t taken out by Ricochet, and starts to dare anyone else to step up, and MUSTAFA ALI chop blocks from behind! Ali has no Retribution behind him but he stomps away on McIntyre! Ali fires off hands, the ref pulls him away but McIntyre throws Ali out! Ali flounders back up and McIntyre dares Ali to fight him! Will McIntyre have another match again?!


Drew McIntyre VS Mustafa Ali!

Raw returns, and he is! But it’s already underway and Ali SLAMS McIntyre’s leg against the post! And then dropkicks the leg into the post! Ali wants to do more damage but McIntyre kick shim away. McIntyre hobbles, Ali runs in and avoids the scoop to chop block again! Ali drops elbows on the leg, stomps it, then shouts, “This is what I deserve!” Ali KICKS McIntyre’s leg, Lashley is still watching, and McIntyre DECKS Ali. McIntyre gets in but Ali dropkicks the leg out! Lashley doesn’t look satisfied and he leaves. Ali is still after the leg, clubs McIntyre on the back and puts the leg in the ropes. Ali pulls but McIntyre CHOPS Ali away! McIntyre storms over but into another basement dropkick! Cover, ONE!!

Ali is still after the leg! McIntyre grabs for ropes, Ali holds on but McIntyre kicks him away. Ali skins the cat to get back up. Ali climbs to the top rope and SPLASHES the leg! McIntyre writhes, Ali covers, TWO!! Ali grows frustrated, and tells MVP he’s getting that opportunity! MVP loves the initiative. Ali throws haymakers on McIntyre and rains them down! Ali glares, runs, but into an OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! McIntyre seethes and runs in to OVERHEAD Belly2Belly Ali again! McIntyre hobbles over, throws haymakers and CHOPS, then stomps Ali to bring him up, and OVERHEAD Belly2Belly again! McIntyre demands Ali stand, but Ali kicks the bad leg! Ali goes up and leaps, into a GLASGOW KISS!

McIntyre counts down from the corner, and CLAYMORES! Cover, McIntyre wins again!

Winner: Drew McIntyre, by pinfall

That’s two in a row in one night, but then he dares anyone else to step up!? How about Lashley?! McIntyre demands a mic, gets one, and shouts, “C’mon, Lashley. I know you’re back there watching. Everybody tried, and everybody got their ass kicked by Drew McIntyre!” Lashley needs to man up, get out and finish McIntyre himself! McIntyre demands Lashley grow balls and show up! Lashley makes his entrance, MVP says this isn’t good. Will we get WrestleMania a couple weeks early?! We find out after the break!


Raw returns as Lashley and McIntyre stare down.

McIntyre says, “I guess it makes sense why you came out here. I was so focused on the match, I never even noticed MVP behind me.” Lashley could send anyone, play whatever trick she wants, but he can’t prevent the inevitable. Lashley VS McIntyre for the WWE World Championship is happening at WrestleMania! Lashley says he never needed anyone’s help. Did McIntyre forget what Lashley did to him at Elimination Chamber? He almost ended McIntyre’s career! And in hindsight, Lashley should’ve. But Lashley promises that the mauling then will pale in comparison to what’s happening at Mania! McIntyre’s time is up! This is the ALL MIGHTY ERA!

Well, Lashley’s fired up. McIntyre likes that. But Lashley beat McIntyre at Chamber, that’s true. There’s no one as big, bad and dangerous as Lashley. If McIntyre didn’t exist, Lashley would be THE  man in the WWE. But going after McIntyre like this, it only proves he’s afraid of McIntyre! Lashley pushes McIntyre, they brawl, and Lashley tackles McIntyre! McIntyre kicks Lashley away, runs into a clinch and gets knees, but he fights free with elbows! GLASGOW KISS and a BOOT! Lashley falls out of the ring and McIntyre shouts, “Is that all you got? You better bring more than that at WrestleMania, you son of a bitch!”

But then KING CORBIN attacks from behind?! SmackDown’s Wolf King is here and he brawls with McIntyre! Back Suplex SLAM! And then another! Corbin drags McIntyre up, eggs him on, but McIntyre rams him to a corner, and OVERHEAD Belly2Belly suplexes! McIntyre is furious, and he runs at Corbin, but into DEEP SIX! Corbin lets Lashley pick the bones and put on the HURT LOCK!! MVP says, “Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you, the All Mighty WWE Champion.” This is a Mania preview! Lashley throws McIntyre down, Corbin tells him to do that again, so Lashley does!

McIntyre is a rag doll as Lashley leans on the hold! Lashley drops McIntyre, and MVP says, “Ladies and gentlemen, this is the Hurt Business.” Lashley makes McIntyre stare at the title belt. This is WAR! McIntyre crawls, but Lashley looms over him. Lashley hauls him back up and again puts on the HURT LOCK! McIntyre can only fade back out with Corbin shouting in his face, “How do YOU like it, Drew?!” The Rocky Mountain Machine finally lets McIntyre go, but will he be able to do this against McIntyre at Mania when it’s just 1v1?

My Thoughts:

A pretty good episode, but something just seemed to hold it back. The handling of Lashley putting the hit out on McIntyre was probably what didn’t blend well from last week to this week, especially with throwing the Hurt Business changing members. Benjamin and Alexander were let go and very upset about that, but wanting matches with Lashley seemed off. I was expecting Benjamin and Alexander would try to cash in on Lashley’s offer to the locker room and go after McIntyre first.

What was also off was McIntyre getting impatient about people going after him under Lashley’s offer. I know McIntyre’s return angle centered around wanting the superstars to step up and be sharks, but why let Lashley’s bounty on his head make him get jumpy like that? He gets in people’s faces, throws Carrillo, fights Garza, hits Gulak, then has matches with Ricochet and Ali, all considerably quickly. Seems like they’re trying to jam in a month of build into two weeks when all they needed was to bring up the Elimination Chamber attack like they did near the end. Have a face to face get physical, then debut Corbin as the new replacement in the Hurt Business.

Which is also confusing, actually. Is Corbin going to finally get rid of the King of the Ring gimmick? Is he being traded to Raw and someone will eventually be sent to SmackDown? Was this Brand to Brand Invitation without having time to say so? Maybe next week’s go-home helps with that, or even this week’s SmackDown. But either way, it all seems like we’re being rushed because somewhere along the way, Vince had an idea of how to build this feud of Lashley and McIntyre, didn’t think it through and is just filling in the gaps as quickly as he can.

Another thing that seems clunky is having a copypasta of WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions facing the brand’s top champion and her challenger. I liked the contract signing promos from Asuka and Rhea, and even Rhea being the first one to throw something, but we didn’t need Nia and Shayna coming out and goading Rhea into accepting a match for her and Asuka. Shayna and Nia wanting a Mania match should translate them to going to Adam Pearce, and he’ll make up some huge tag contender match for the go-home, Dana & Mandy VS Naomi & Lana, maybe even use Brand to Brand so Natalya & Tamina can join in, the Heels of Natty & Tamina taking the loss for I would think Naomi & Lana, given how Naomi won against Shayna because of multi-team chaos.

Riddle’s promo with Asuka was weird, too. I think he flubbed his lines and just had to bail because there was no time. Seems a shame, really, I felt like something was there. Sheamus VS Riddle was a great match, and of course it was leading to a US Championship match for Mania. That match will be on par, if not better, and could go either way. Sheamus might need the win more since he’s been on the losing end for a bit more, and Riddle hasn’t exactly had the strongest run as it is, either. Maybe Vince just has no idea what to do with Riddle past “Bro…!” and his behavior that comes off as annoying to other superstars.

Shane’s mockery of Braun was the usual doofiness WWE tends to bring to these kinds of things. Promos like this, with the fake pictures made up just for the promo and put on the titantron just aren’t hitting the mark like they used to, and honestly should just be stopped. Braun of course wins against Ryker, but again has the train sounds for his “Strowman Express” spot. Then him choosing a Steel Cage match was just an awful choice. Is it an unwritten rule that no one can ever remember the THOUSANDS of times when a cage match has NEVER stopped interference? It is just a guarantee that someone on Shane’s side will show up and help him against Braun, which sucks.

We got good promos from Orton and Alexa, and I’m hoping Alexa’s “hint” was the very subtle way of saying we are getting a Firefly Fun House match, as it’s not what Orton expects. It can start as a slug fest, they go backstage, and then things get trippy with the Firefly Fun House stuff where Orton loses and, like John Cena, is blinked out of WWE existence so he can take some time off or something. Then one day, unlike Cena, we get a puppet that is so clearly meant to be Orton joining Alexa in her playground.

I think the best stuff tonight was with the New Day, Styles and Omos. New Day have their game night idea, Styles literally plays along but Omos doesn’t. Omos is almost coming off the alpha of the two because he’s staying serious and focused. Woods VS Styles was a good match, and I’m a little surprised Omos got involved to get Styles disqualified. But Omos catching and throwing Kofi to then help Styles beat Woods down was pretty good. Omos is definitely going to be what makes or breaks the match, both in reality and in kayfabe. Omos did good with the power moves, he was able to run well for that corner body block, and I’m going to assume his finisher is the two-hand slam. It’ll come down to if Omos can keep up with the New Day once it’ll be a fair match, and he could be what costs him and Styles for making some kind of rookie mistake, which could be a good wrinkle in the story for him and Styles.

My Score: 8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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