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Mitchell’s WWE 205 Live Results & Report! (4/23/21)

205 Live déjà vu!



Coverage 205 2021

No, this isn’t a repeat, this IS a new 205 Live!

This isn’t a rerun, this is a 205 Live Bollywood Remake! Samir & Sunil lost to Nese & Daivari last time, but can they correct things for a happily ever after?


  • The Bollywood Boyz VS Tony Nese & Ariya Daivari; Nese & Daivari win.
  • August Grey VS Ashante “Thee” Adonis; Adonis wins.


Tom Philips is on commentary!

With Adnan Virk now on Raw, Vic Joseph sticking to NXT and Michael Cole solidly on SmackDown, Tom joins Nigel to call the fastest moving half hour in the WWE week!


The Bollywood Boyz VS Tony Nese & Ariya Daivari!

March 26th, these two teams battled and it went the way of the #PremierDinero! But with renewed vigor from #BollyRise pulling through, can Samir & Sunil make this sequel a success?

The teams sort out, Samir starts against Nese and the two circle. Daivari takes a swipe and Nese pounces! Nese throws body shots but Samir hits back! Samir runs but Nese runs him over! Nese gets Samir up, bumps him off buckles and tags in Daivari. Daivari throws hands on Samir, lets off and argues with the ref, then drags Samir back up. Daivari throws Samir to the apron, puts him through the ropes and CHOPS him! Then throws haymakers! The ref counts, Daivari lets off and Samir flops into the ring. Daivari tells the fans to “Shut the hell up!” Samir hits Daivari, Daivari hits back and fists fly until Daivari kicks low. Daivari RAMS Samir into buckles!

Samir clutches his shoulder while Daivari talks trash to Sunil. Daivari drags Samir up, clinches and thrashes Samir around with the modified clutch. Fans rally, Samir fights back but Daivari throws him down! Daivari stomps Samir, tags Nese, and they stomp away on Samir! Nese jumps for a SPLASH, covers, TWO! Nese smothers Samir with a chinlock and cranks on the neck. Samir endures and fans rally back up. Samir fights, Nese shifts to a facelock, but Samir jawbreakers free! Samir runs and leaps but into Nese’s arms! Nese powers Samir back but Samir sunset flips! Nese rolls through but Samir ducks the back kick to roll up! TWO, and Nese dropkicks Samir down!

Tag to Daivari, he drops a big elbow, then drags Samir around for another elbow drop! Cover, TWO! Daivari sneers at Sunil before he drags Samir up. Daivari CHOPS Samir to the corner, brings him around again and whips him to the corner. Daivari runs but Samir dodges and Daivari hits buckles! Nese grabs at Samir but Samir hotshots him away! Samir reels Daivari in, for a TORNADO DDT! Both men are down but the fans rally up! Samir and Daivari stir, slowly sit up, but are in each other’s way. Samir gets around Daivari but Nese YANKS Sunil off the apron! Daivari shakes out the cobwebs, drags Samir all the way over, and tags in Nese.

Nese stomps Samir down, drags him back up, and snap suplexes! Cover, TWO! Nese keeps on Samir with the body scissors! Samir endures the #PremierSqueeze and Nese even adds the chinlock, but Samir elbows the legs. Nese shifts to lean on the chinlock but Samir fights up to fight back! Samir is free but Nese reels him in by his tights! Nese suplexes, Samir lands on his feet for a NECKBREAKER! Both men are down, fans rally up, and Samir reaches for his corner. Nese crawls for his, hot tags to Daivari and Sunil! Sunil rallies on Daivari, and trips up Nese as payback! Sunil shoulders into Daivari, bumps him off buckles, and climbs up to drop ax handles!

Nese runs but into a Manhattan Drop! As does Daivari! Sunil runs to WHEEL KICK! Cover, TWO! Daivari survives but Sunil CHOPS and throws haymakers! Sunil whips, runs in but Daivari BOOTS him! Daivari puts Sunil up top, climbs up to join him but Sunil shoves him away! Sunil leaps for a FLYING CLOTHESLINE! Cover, TWO! Daivari knees low, staggers over and tags in Nese. Nese throws forearms on Sunil, whips him to ropes, but Sunil holds ropes and boots back! Tag to Samir, the Bollywood Boyz coordinate! BOLLYWOOD HART ATTACK! Cover, TWO!! Nese survives the EuroUpper Spinebuster, but Sunil tags back in! Daivari runs in but into DOUBLE SUPERKICKS!

Samir tags back in, the brothers coordinate again, BOLLYWOOD BLAST!! Cover, Daivari drags Samir out of the ring! Daivari brings Samir around but Samir POSTS Daivari! Sunil leaps to CLOBBER Daivari! Samir gets in but gets a PREMIER KNEE!! Nese puts Samir in the corner, and goes side to side for ANOTHER PREMIER KNEE!! Cover, Nese & Daivari win again!!

Winners: Tony Nese & Ariya Daivari, by pinfall

The same match-up, the same result! Nese & Daivari seem to have the Singh Brothers’ number, will they ever be replaced as the top 205 Live OG?



El Legado del Fantasma pounced on Kushida after his successful title defense, but MSK came to his rescue! And now, we get a Six Man Tag for this Wednesday! Will the NXT Tag Team and Cruiserweight Champions finally put Santos Escobar, Joaquin Wilde & Raul Mendoza in their place? Or will three challengers earn two title opportunities in one match?


August Grey VS Ashante “Thee” Adonis!

#RetroAG may not be perfect, but he’s been running pretty hot! A win over Daivari, a win over Nese, and a win over Adonis in the last month puts him at 3-1! But now he and the Braggadocios One run it back! Will it be a remix or a brand new take for August and Adonis?

The bell rings but Adonis takes his time with all his fashionable entrance gear. Grey stays cool, then he and Adonis circle. They tie up, fans rally for Grey but Adonis puts him in a corner. The ref counts, Adonis let soff but snatches the zebra bandanna to slap Grey around with it! Grey and Adonis tie up, they go around and Grey wrenches to a wristlock. Adonis fights through it to wrench Grey to a wristlock. Grey handprings and snatches the bandanna back to slap Adonis with it! Adonis rushes in, Grey waistlocks but Adonis bucks him to run him over. Things speed up, Grey leaps but into Adonis’ arms! Grey fights free to roll Adonis, TWO! Adonis gets up and blocks a kick to trip Grey up.

Adonis rolls Grey to his feet to whip him to ropes. Grey ducks and dodges but Adonis CLOBBERS him with a back elbow! Adonis RAMS his shoulder into Grey in the corner again and again, but lets off as the ref counts. Adonis wants the ref to relax a bit, but then he hurries after Grey. Grey catches Adonis for another roll up, TWO! Grey CLOBBERS Adonis with an elbow now, then covers! ONE, but Grey clamps onto Adonis’ arm. Adonis fights up, Grey brings him around but Adonis clamps onto Grey’s shoulder. Grey arm-drags Adonis down to an armlock now, and cranks the shoulder. Adonis fights up, Grey still keeps on the shoulder, and keeps Adonis from ropes.

Adonis pulls hair, the ref reprimands and Adonis lets off but they’re at the ropes. Grey is in the ropes, Adonis YANKS him into the ropes, then dumps him out of the ring! The fans say, “You Still Suck!” as Adonis dusts off his hands. Grey is down as the ring count climbs, and it gets to 5 of 10 before he gets in. Adonis CLUBS Grey down, rains down fists, then kicks Grey around. Adonis JAMS his knee into Grey’s back, then brings him around to KNEE him in the ribs! Grey goes to ropes as he grimaces, but Adonis brings him up to CLUB him on the back. Grey throws body shots but Adonis ROCKS him with a right. Adonis mockingly says he can’t hear the fans, and then he kicks Grey to a corner.

Adonis snapmares Grey, lines up a shot and KICKS Grey in the back! Cover, TWO! Grey grits his teeth and fans rally up for him. Adonis tunes that out to drop a big elbow! And another! Adonis kisses the bicep but Grey senses the third coming. THat was a feint, but then Grey dodges the knee drop! Grey elbows Adonis from the corner, throws haymakers and CHOPS, then brings Adonis around to whip. Adonis reverses and AirDrop dropkicks Grey down! Grey flounders to ropes, Adonis seethes as he stalks behind him. Adonis brings Grey up, snapmares him down and wraps on a chinlock. Adonis thrashes Grey around, Grey endures and fights as fans build back to a rally.

Grey is up, Adonis turns him for a takedown, and he has a chinlock that’s almost like THE Brian Kendrick’s Captain’s Hook! Grey fights up before it locks in, then he powers out and catches Adonis to a sleeper! But Adonis counters with a BIG back suplex! Both men are down but Adonis crawls to a cover, TWO! Adonis is right back on Grey with a chinlock! Ariya Daivari returns to watch this, and Grey throws body shots. Adonis and Grey throw hands, Grey CHOPS and ROCKS and waistlocks, but Adonis blocks the lift. Adonis elbows free, Grey ducks and hurdles and LEAPING ELBOWS! Grey hits a RUNNING NECKBREAKER!

Fans fire up with Grey but Grey sees Daivari “cheering” him on. Grey clotheslines Adonis in a corner, whips but Adonis reverses, only for Grey to make it a BULLDOG! Grey hurries up top, tightrope CROSSBODY! Fans fire up again as Adonis flounders up. Grey reels Adonis in, throws him out and builds speed. Adonis dodges the baseball slide, DOUBLE CLOTHESLINES take both men down! Daivari apparently coaches Grey on, or perhaps eggs him on. Grey puts Adonis in because he doesn’t want a count-out win. Grey almost doesn’t get in before 10 because Daivari is jawing at him! Grey says he’ll do this his way, but Adonis FLAPJACK HOTSHOTS! LONG KISS GOODNIGHT!! Cover, Adonis wins!!

Winner: Ashante “Thee” Adonis, by pinfall

Daivari shouts that this is what Grey gets for not listening to him, but it was because Grey even acknowledged Daivari that he lost! Adonis benefits for Daivari Dinero investing his time in Grey, will Adonis be the one heading for something bigger? Daivari says Grey is wasting his potential on playing to the fans, “Your pride got in the way! You blew it!” Will Grey start doing things Daivari’s way? Or will he get Daivari out of his way once and for all?

My Thoughts:

A good episode of 205 Live, and how sneaky of them to announce news for NXT as a reason to make this episode more relevant. Honestly, they could try a little harder to integrate this show with NXT since that is where the Cruiserweights go now, and these announcements and recaps are alright, but we need to start seeing these bigger Cruiserweight stars on the brand again. If there’s a contender’s match, have the champ join commentary or even just be ringside. But the matches we got were still good. I’m a little surprised the Bollywood Boyz lost again, but Nese & Daivari do deserve to get momentum enough to get their foots in the door on the NXT Tag Division. They probably won’t be up there with Grizzled Young Veterans or MSK, but they should at least be on NXT as Jobbers to the Stars.

Daivari’s story with Grey continues as Grey has another good match with Adonis. Naturally, Daivari is the reason the tables turn and Adonis wins this time. Adonis was part of the handful of Cruiserweights that were on NXT not too long ago, maybe he gets back there over the summer? Grey will definitely have another match with Daivari in a blow-off that can help launch Grey back on NXT, too. I’d be remiss if I didn’t also consider COVID concerns could be part of it, and they are essentially isolating 205 Live’s cast and crew from the main NXT cast and crew, from having a new ring announcer to recycling the same superstars to even putting Tom Philips here now that Raw has a new formation. As those concerns ease up, I’m sure NXT can start planning better crossover between the shows.

My Score: 8.1/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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