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Mitchell’s WWE 205 Live Results & Report! (5/14/21)

205 Live’s getting saucy!



Coverage 205 2021

The 205 Live OG are battling more new faces!

The Cruiserweight Division continues to grow, but the 205 Live OG say the new kids have got to go! Will Daivari and Nese each handle their business against the Saint and the Sauce?


  • Asher Hale VS Ariya Daivari; Hale wins.
  • Ari Sterling VS Tony Nese; Nese wins.


Asher Hale VS Ariya Daivari!

The 5 Star Saint suffered a Cave-In against Cameron Grimes in his WWE debut, but he could still turn his fortune around. Will Hale shake off his loss to Mr. GameStonks and get his first win against Daivari Dinero? Or will the Persian Lion feast on this fresh meat?

The bell rings and Hale circles with Daivari. The Capitol Wrestling Center taunt Daivari, “Where is Tony?” since the 205 Live OG usually stick together. Daivari and Hale tie up, go around, and Daivari puts Hale in a corner. The ref counts, Daivari shoves but Hale shoves back. The two reset, circle, tie up, and Hale headlocks. Hale grinds Daivari down, Daivari fights up but can’t power out as Hale holds tight. Daivari back suplexes, Hale lands on his feet and hits a headlock takeover! Fans fire up, Daivari fights up and puts Hale in a corner. Daivari RAMS into Hale, hoists him up top, and climbs up but Hale shoves him away! Hale jumps for a flying headlock takeover!

Fans like the innovation, and Hale grinds Daivari down. Daivari fights up, throws body shots, pulls Hale’s hair, but still can’t get free. The ref reprimands, Daivari tries again and does get free, but things speed up. Hale dodges the clothesline but Daivari hits a kitchen sink knee! Daivari adds a mule kick then a running dropkick! Fans chant “You Still Suck!” but Daivari soaks it up. Daivari scuffs Hale, kicks him, but Hale blocks! Hale scowls, sweeps the legs then fires off strikes! Daivari ends up in a corner, Hale fires off more hands, but lets off as the ref counts. Hale whips Daivari to ropes, and CALF KICKS Daivari down! Cover, TWO!

Hale keeps cool as he stalks Daivari and throws EuroUppers! Hale whips, Daivari holds ropes to bail out, and Daivari wants to be done with this. But Hale goes to the apron for a FLYING KNEE! Down goes Daivari and the CWC fires up! Hale drags Daivari back up, puts him back in, and Daivari wants a timeout! No timeouts, Hale rushes in but Daivari sends him out! Hale gets back up, shoulders in and slingshots up and over. Hale runs but into Daivari’s BIG back elbow! Daivari is furious, he drags Hale up and throws him through ropes. Daivari hooks Hale’s arms and fires off haymakers! The ref counts, Daivari lets Hale flop down, and then whips Hale to ropes.

Daivari catches Hale with a sleeper hold! Fans rally as Hale endures, and Hale fights his way up to back suplex! Daivari holds on! Daivari squeezes tight, fans still rally and Hale fights up. Hale rams Daivari into buckles, and again! And again! JAWBREAKER! Daivari wobbles, Hale fires off hands! Hale runs but Daivari follows, gets around, and gets the sleeper! Hale snapmares free, and gets Daivari for a SPINNING POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO! Fans rally for Hale as both he and Daivari are down. Daivari gets up first, he throws hands on Hale and eggs him on! Hale hits back, we have a brawl of forearms back and forth! Hale gets the edge, Daivari throat chops!

Daivari whips but Hale reverses to LARIAT! And EXPLODER! Daivari staggers into another EXPLODER! Fans fire up with Hale and he runs corner to corner, FLYING FOREARM! Hale reels Daivari in but Daivari wrenches out. Hale wrenches back, ripcord to the NORTHERN LIGHTS, and roll through! ARMBAR! Daivari makes it a cover, TWO! ENZIGURI! Hale reels Daivari back in, TORNADO DDT!! Cover, TWO!! Daivari survives but Hale grits his teeth as he goes to a corner. Hale climbs as fans rally up, but his ribs are holding him back. Daivari gets up and trips Hale up! Daivari has Hale back up top and CHOPS him! Daivari crosses the arms, ICONOCLASM!

Daivari hops up, LION SPLASH! Cover, TWO?!? Hale survives and the CWC is loving this! Daivari brings Hale up and tells him he’s not good enough for 205! Hammerlock, but no lariat! Hale O’Conner Rolls and bridges! Hale wins!!

Winner: Asher Hale, by pinfall

Daivari is a sore loser but Hale bails out! The Saint just got a big win over a 205 Live veteran, is this the beginning of Hale taking over the purple ‘n’ orange?


205 Live hears from Bolly-Rise!

Samir & Sunil Singh sit with Chase Parker & Matt Marthel and their Ever-Rise Live cameras, and Sunil claps us in. They’re watching film of someone. This guy’s moves are great but his hair is kinda strange, kinda wild. But not bad, really. Who is this? Arnie? Ari? Him and that Asher, Jiro. Lots of new faces in 205 Live. Jiro? Isn’t that a Greek sandwich? Maybe. Marthel’s “wrestled” a couple of those sandwiches in his time, they’re good stuff. And Samir was holding his own against Ari, that kid’s good.

Marthel asks if the Bollywood Boyz “watch the product.” 205 Live? No, Ever-Rise Live! Oh, duh! They can be the first guests! Lots of new faces there, too. So in about 12 hours from now, 10:30 AM Saturday, make sure to get your fix! Will we see an episode of #BollyRiseLive one of these days?


Ari Sterling VS Tony Nese!

As Bolly-Rise just discussed, The Sauce is another new face, and he already got his first win in WWE over Samir! Will Ari’s second win be over a former Cruiserweight Champion? Or will the Premier Athlete prove 205 Live is still his show?

The bell rings and fans are on Ari’s side as he circles with Nese. The two tie up, Nese wrenches to a wristlock and grinds Ari down. Ari fights up, moves around, and rolls then kips up and flips through to wrench back! Nese powers Ari to a corner, pulling Ari’s waistband to help on that. The ref counts, Nese lets off but then whips Ari corner to corner. Ari reverses, Nese goes up and over with a flip, then shows off with some jumping jacks. Things speed up, Ari handsprings over the back drop then gets a headscissors! Nese ends up in a corner, Ari runs in but is put on the apron. Ari slingshots right back in for another headscissors! Nese staggers up into an arm-drag!

Ari grinds the arm, Nese gets up and ROCKS him with a right! Nese CHOPS, kicks away at the ropes, then stomps Ari down. Fans rally for Ari but Nese scuffs him. Nese drags Ari up, Ari CHOPS back! And CHOPS and forearms and CHOPS! Ari throws more forearms, whips Nese to ropes, but Nese holds ropes and dumps Ari to the apron. Ari counter punches, sweeps the legs and senton atomico! STANDING SKY TWISTER! Cover, TWO! Nese bails out but the CWC is loving The Sauce! Ari aims, slingshots, but Nese anchors his feet. Ari stomps Nese, Nese staggers away and Ari goes out after him. Ari CHOPS Nese, then CHOPS him against barriers!

Ari puts Nese in but Nese puts the apron skirt over Ari! Nese WRECKS Ari with a dropkick, then goes out to THROW Ari into barriers! Nese gets Ari up and back in the ring to cover, TWO! Nese rains down fists, then soaks up the heat. “He doesn’t belong on my show!” Nese drags Ari up just to stomp him down, then drags him by a leg. Ari grabs ropes but Nese yanks him up. Ari lands on his feet to PELE! Fans fire up and Ari throws forearms on Nese. Nese swings but misses, Ari uppercuts then NORTHERN LARIATS! Nese goes to a corner, Ari runs in and forearm smashes! Ari whips corner to corner, Nese reverses but Ari goes up and over to sunset flip! Nese rolls through to spin back KICK! Cover, TWO!!

Nese stomps Ari in frustration! Cover, TWO! Nese drags Ari into the body scissors and puts on the squeeze! Ari endures, fans rally up again and Ari fights the scissors. Ari throws elbows and gets free, but Nese ROCKS him with a forearm! Nese whips corner to corner HARD, and Ari bounces off buckles to hit the mat. Nese drags Ari back up, hoists him up top, and climbs up to join him. Ari fights back with body shots, then slips under. Nese rains down fists to stop the powerbomb, then kicks Ari away. Ari comes back, FLYING DRAGON RANA!! Both men are down and the CWC is thunderous for “205! 205!” Nese staggers up first, but Ari kicks from below.

Ari reaches, Nese drags him from ropes, but Ari Eddy Gordo kicks! Ari handsprings, builds speed and CLOBBERS Nese with a body block! Nese goes to the apron, Ari throws more hands, then runs to WHEEL KICK Nese to the floor! Nese staggers back to his feet, Ari takes aim, for the MOON-SAUCE! It gets a bit messy there but Ari still hits Nese down! Ari drags Nese back up and puts him in. Ari slingshots, into a SHORYUKEN! Nese drags Ari into position and he goes up top! PREMIER 450 FLOP!! Ari gets Nese for the Oklahoma Roll, TWO! Nese swings but Ari throws counter punches! Ari CHOPS and CHOPS but Nese back kicks!

Nese reels Ari in but Ari GOURD BUSTERS, then runs to SOMERSAULT AX KICK! Cover, TWO!! Nese survives and Ari is beside himself, but fans rally back up. Nese goes to the apron, Ari heads over, and Ari goes to suplex. Nese slips in, O’Conner Roll, TWO! KNEE right to the head! Nese Alabama lifts Ari, for the CRUNCHY!! Cover, TWO!?!? Ari survives and shocks Nese! The CWC is thunderous again as Arin sits up. Nese pulls Ari up by his purple ‘n’ orange hair, and talks trash. Ari throws a hand, and though weak, it pisses Nese off! Nese fires off hammering hands, but Ari KNEE TRIGGERS! Ari reels Nese in, for a FALLING POWERBOMB! Jackknife cover, TWO!!

Nese survives but Ari gets himself to a corner. Ari climbs, Nese gets up! Nese climbs up, he and Ari brawl up top! Ari sends Nese down with body shots, then adjusts, but Nese somersaults over! Ari SLAPS the Shoryuken away! Ari leaps, Nese gets under, CORNER GERMAN SUPLEX! PREMIER KNEE!!! Cover, Nese wins!!

Winner: Tony Nese, by pinfall

Nese says “This is MY show!” He also says Ari did great, but he’ll never be greater than The Premier Athlete! Will The Sauce come back for more and be even hotter the next time Nese tries him?

My Thoughts:

Another great 205 Live with another two great matches with new faces. Asher Hale (Anthony Henry, I believe) getting a win here is great, it establishes that on some level, he isn’t a jobber. He might be a Jobber to the Stars for NXT but maybe, just maybe, NXT and 205 Live meld together equally, not just one-sided, and Asher Hale becomes a solid midcard name. Him winning with an O’Conner Roll Bridge was good, it doesn’t really hurt Daivari, and perhaps it gives Hale more time to figure out what his finisher will be. As Henry, he used a Frog Splash and a Texas Cloverleaf, but those are seen just about everywhere, so he definitely needs time to see if a flashier signature move can be upgraded to finisher status.

I like that we got original content in between the matches with Bolly-Rise having a film study session of sorts while also plugging Ever-Rise Live on social media. I’m also thinking that with them name-dropping the other new guys, we’ll see more matches of Bolly-Rise, either as tag teams or individuals, against them. I would love the charismatic character driven classic of Ikemen Jiro and either Ever-Rise member, but especially Marthel since he’s basically the mouth of the group. Ari VS Nese was awesome, another main event that felt like a throwback to 205 Live’s early days. Nese winning makes sense, on a level that #PremierDinero needs to stay strong since Daivari just lost.

I feel like there needs to be story for Nese and Daivari where Daivari is starting to feel like last place among the 205 Live OG. Nese had a title, he won tonight, he might even have more wins the last month compared to Daivari. Daivari should be forced to see that all he has going for him is being a 205 Live OG, and maybe he gets bitter and jealous and breaks up with Nese. But at the same time, Nese wasn’t the best as a Face, and I doubt Daivari would be better as a Face, either, so maybe a third party needs to come in to throw all these things in Daivari’s face and that is the feud.

My Score: 8.3/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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