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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (5/6/21)

Someone must say good-bye to NXT UK!



Coverage NXT UK 2021

Kenny Williams or Amir Jordan, there can only be ONE in NXT UK!

Kenny Williams goes from Chancer to Scum of the Earth, and Amir Jordan goes from Bhangra Badboy to Bhangra BADASS! But who’s going to LEAVE NXT UK?


  • Ilja Dragunov VS Dave Mastiff; referee stoppage.
  • Trent Seven VS Saxon Huxley; Seven wins.
  • No Disqualifications, Loser Leaves NXT UK: Kenny Williams VS Amir Jordan; Williams wins, Jordan must leave NXT UK.


Ilja Dragunov VS Dave Mastiff!

#UNBESIEGBAR is dealing with an uncontrollable fury, but The Bomber doesn’t mind seeing if they can’t temper that temper. Will the Proper British Heavyweight have the answers to solving Dragunov’s problems?

The bell rings and Dragunov rushes Mastiff to BOOT him! Dragunov CLUBS and fires off forearms on Mastiff, but he headlocks to punch back! Dragunov comes back to waistlock, but Mastiff switches to shove Dragunov down. Dragunov comes back to throw hands, Mastiff ROCKS Dragunov but he rebounds to ROCK Mastiff back! JUMP KICK! Dragunov waistlocks and lifts but Mastiff elbows the back suplex away. Mastiff swings but into a headlock. Mastiff powers out, Dragunov throws another HARD elbow! Dragunov waistlocks again, but Mastiff backs Dragunov into buckles! The ref counts the ropebreak, Mastiff staggers but Dragunov hops on for a body scissors!

Dragunov elbows away on Mastiff’s head, but Mastiff hits a BACKPACK SENTON! BT Sports Studio fires up but then Mastiff says something’s wrong and the ref calls the match?!

Referee Stoppage

Mastiff has a bloody nose, maybe a broken one, and medics come out to check. Replay is used and it was perhaps the elbow Dragunov threw before hopping on Mastiff’s back. Dragunov and Mastiff cool off, perhaps having to try this again next time.


NXT UK hears from one of next week’s Gauntlet participants!

Xia Brookside says she’ll win because she’s worked her way from the ground up these past two-plus years. She will go out there and fight, give it her all, because Kay Lee Ray is not a champion to be proud of. “To be your NXT UK Women’s Champion would be a dream come true. I will fight with pride, passion, but most of all, I will fight for all of you.”


Sid Scala talks with Kenny Williams backstage.

Sid knows Kenny knows the situation, and feels the need to emphasize there’s no real timeline for this match. Whoever loses must immediately leave NXT UK. Kenny knows that, because he asked for this! By the end of tonight, Amir Jordan will be gone, and the Lucky Yin will be here. Sid leaves Kenny to finish his preparations, but is The Chancer really ready for the gamble he’s going for?


NXT UK hears from Stevie Turner.

“Hello, NXT UK, my name is Stevie Turner, and I have a bad habit of taking things to the next level.” NXT UK has some of the best superstars in the WWE today, but they’re all just a little bit two-dimension. Stevie Turner is FOUR dimensional. The future is now, and Stevie won’t stop until she’s beaten everyone on her way to the top. “When you see me wrestle, you will see into the future of wrestling.” Will Stevie Turner defy time and space to take her place at the top of NXT UK?


NXT UK Media catches up with Dragunov.

They ask him what happened out there, but he tells them that Mastiff wanted to help. But Dragunov’s lack of self control has consequences. Especially for those he respects. Dragunov vows he will change, but what will he do to calm the rage inside?


The Gallus boys are… goofing around?

Mark Coffey dribbles the soccer ball, or I suppose football in the UK, and Wolfgang counts for him. He only gets about 5 but NXT UK Media asks if this is some kind of new training method. No, it’s just them showing that even when they drop the ball, Gallus boys get back up. Rampage Brown gets the ball for them and he asks where Joe is. Well if he returns the ball, they’ll tell him. Rampage tosses the ball and says that Joe said, when he’s ready, they’d have a rematch. Where’s Joe? Well not here now. But Wolfgang’s here. Rampage admits the Gallus boys do love a good fight. He loves a good fight, so Wolfie will do. Then it’s made! Will the Last King of Scotland survive the Rampage meant for the Iron King?


NXT UK hears from another Gauntlet participant, Isla Dawn.

“I am an entity like none of these girls have ever seen before.” Isla laughs, but she has proven more wicked than we thought. “Kay Lee Ray has used me as a stepping stone to further herself. And now, she has to watch as her title reign burns. To become the NXT UK Women’s Champion, oh, how good it would be to gain the whole world. And al; I had to sacrifice… was my soul.” Will Isla make the other competitors a sacrifice to her own glory?


NXT UK presents an all new Supernova Sessions!

“Hear me now, live from the moon,” Noam Dar is back and has Sha Samuels as his cohost! It has been brought to their attention that the general opinion of Noam Dar is “overrated.” Dar makes one thing perfectly clear: good, bad or indifferent, Dar doesn’t need validation from any of the dafties! Dar validates Dar! The rest is simply knowledge. So never come at him with such nonsense again. Now, tonight’s guest is making his #SNS debut, this is an exclusive! It’s Nathan Frazer! Wait, wait, no, isn’t that Ben Carter? Nathan/Ben is glad to be back, but both Dar and Sha are confused. Maybe they missed the memo? Be quiet a minute, okay?

Dar says they don’t do reruns here! And Dar has no questions for Ben/Nathan. Sha tells Nathan/Ben to stop stuffing his face with breadsticks. That’s not for him, that’s for new guests, exciting guests. Ben/Nathan apologizes while Dar and Sha take a seat. Well, what does Dar even do? Well okay “Nathan,” what’s so different about you now? Right! He says that “Ben Carter” was actually just a name he gave himself because he didn’t want his parents finding out he was wrestling. Dar and Sha chuckle. Nathan went to the States to play football, soccer for the Americans, he couldn’t let the coaches know he was wrestling, either, so the name just stuck. But he’s in the WWE now so he has nothing to hide! He IS Nathan Frazer.

Dar speaks up and says, “I don’t know about you, Sha, but I do what I want.” Sha agrees, he does what he wants, too. They don’t need to worry about mommy and daddy. But then okay Nathan, what have you learned here in his time in NXT UK? Good question, right? Nathan says it is well-documented that the reason he came to NXT UK was so he could learn the traditional British style. The last few months, Johnny Moss and James Mason have been training him, and now Nathan can blend British style with his high-flyer style, becoming more of a complete performer. It’s been fun. Well, alright. Easy day at the office, huh? Guess they can have some actual fun now. Play the mus-

No, Sha has a question. Alright, fire away, bruv. Sha asks who Nathan Frazer thinks he is. “Y’know what really winds me up?” Sha throws his hat down and gets mad as he says he’s annoyed seeing everyone singing Nathan’s praises. “Oh, Nathan Frazer’s the future~! He’s rebranded himself~!” Sha says Nathan is NOT a true British wrestler, and yet has the nerve to put the British flag on his titantron like he’s Captain Britain! But he’s from the UK- “Oh shut up, you tart!” Sha says Nathan needs to get in that ring with a REAL British Wrestler! Nathan is a fraud, a pretender, and a one-trick pony!

Dar says Nathan likes to talk about what he’s learned, but he hasn’t had the ultimate lesson from the grand master. Dar IS British Wrestling! THEY are British Wrestling! And Sha is right, because Nathan wouldn’t last a minute in there, let alone six three-minute rounds in a Heritage Cup Rules match. Dar is a young legend, and Nathan could never step to him. So that’s a challenge then? Well don’t get ahead- Sha says CHALLENGE ACCEPTED! In that case, Nathan accepts! But wouldn’t it be something if this “rookie” beat the “grand master” of British Wrestling at his own game? BT Sports Studio is fired up as Nathan heads out.

Dar has the music play them off and then he tries to argue it out with Sha, but will Dar’s body have to cash the check Sha’s mouth wrote?


NXT UK hears from another Gauntlet participant, Jinny.

“I don’t care who I face in this Gauntlet. I’m not letting anyone take this opportunity from me. This is MY time, and I am not letting any little girl get in my way of me getting what already belongs to me.” The Spoiled Princess has studied everything KLR does, and vows that this is HER division, and that she was born for greatness. But will the Fashionista be denied the greatest accessory by four other opponents?


Sid Scala speaks to Amir Jordan now.

He also wants to make sure Amir is committed to this stipulation. Once the bell rings, the ban is for good. Amir knows that, and he’s going to do this anyway. Sid leaves Amir to his preparations, but can anything prepare him for the possibility of saying good-bye?


NXT UK hears from Team Subculture.

Flash Morgan Webster’s Mod Life, Mark Andrews’ skater and musician life, and Dani Luna’s punk rock life taught all of them to stand up for who they are, to take risks and refusing to conform to the norm. There was a time when people just like them would’ve fought each other all over the country. “But when it comes to the squared circle, our passion, dedication, loyalty means we are a perfect fit. So hear our call. Whoever you are, and wherever you’re from, join us.” They may have grown out of different subcultures, but now they ARE The Subculture. Are you joining in?


Tyler Bate and A-Kid both watch their rivalry back.

Bate admits to not having watched the February 2020 match back in some time. And A-Kid admits that you can see it on his face, that he just wanted to face Bate because he looked up to him. Bate had a soft spot for AK and they spent time together training and working together. Bate knew AK can get impatient, and that is how AK lost. AK knows that he wasn’t ready to win. He didn’t have the mental strength or the experience. But roughly a year later, in AK’s first defense of the Heritage Cup, he was a different person. The cup was his life, but Bate was ready anyway. Bate admits to being rather hairy and wild looking.

AK admits he got frustrated, and that first fall was where he knew. He wasn’t angry, just trying to figure things out. AK came back, and Bate points to the tornado DDT as the moment he lost and AK saw the doubts. Bate says when he gets frustrated, he has to remind himself that the biggest lessons are in your losses, and that match was the best example of it. This is good motivation for AK, and Bate knows that this isn’t about the physical but about the mental. Neither man will make those same mistakes, and Bate promises to make this cerebral. But AK says that having the cup makes him the better man, and he will still be the better man. With the series tied, it all comes down to the six rounds ahead of them!


NXT UK hears from another Gauntlet participant, Dani Luna.

“Not only am I the strongest girl in this match, but I’m the only girl who understands what real loss feels like. And it’s about time I stand eye-to-eye with Kay Lee Ray at the top.” They faced off before, and after only three matches in NXT UK. Next time will be inevitable. Will the punk rock powerhouse punch her golden ticket?


There is a medical update on Dave Mastiff.

It is confirmed that he did suffer a broken nose from the shot he took from Ilja Dragunov. Mastiff will need some time away, so NXT UK wishes him a speedy recovery.


Trent Seven VS Saxon Huxley!

The Man from Moustache Mountain is feeling refreshed after winning alongside the Big Strong Boy. But now he faces a Divine Beast of the Astral Plane! Will the Seven Stars align and help the Artful Dodger defeat the deranged and dangerous Huxley?

The bell rings and Huxley is barking as he rushes Seven. Seven dodges the boot, circles with Huxley then ties up. Huxley uses leverage to put Seven in a corner. The ref counts, Huxley lets off but then swings, only for Seven to get away. Seven and Huxley circle, tie up, and Huxley CLUBS Seven down! Seven gets up but Huxley throws heavy body shots! Huxley throws forearms against the ropes, then whips Seven to KNEE him low! Huxley whips and KNEES again, then whips to kitchen sink knee Seven down! Seven writhes, Huxley shouts, “What’re you gonna do?!” Huxley stomps Seven, runs, but Seven drops down to leap up!

Huxley catches Seven’s crossbody but Seven fights to make Huxley fall over! BT Sports Studio fires up with Seven as he scoops and SLAMS Huxley, then drops the leg, brother! Cover, TWO! Huxley survives and Seven grows frustrated. Huxley slowly gets up but Seven is on him. Huxley elbows out of the ripcord, whips Seven to ropes, but Seven gets around him. Huxley follows to KNEE Seven up high! Seven rebounds but into a THESZ PRESS! Huxley runs to drop a big elbow! Cover, TWO! Seven survives and Huxley huffs and puffs as he paces around. Seven gets to a corner, Huxley runs in for a BIG corner splash!

Seven sits down, Huxley scrapes his boot on Seven’s face over and over! Huxley runs side to side, for a HIP ATTACK! Seven sputters while Huxley goes to the outside. Huxley comes in around the way, to BOOT Seven down to the floor!! Huxley drags Seven up as the ring count climbs, but Huxley scoops and SLAMS Seven! Huxley leaves Seven behind and the count is 6 of 10! But then Huxley goes back outside and aims from the apron. “There he goes! There goes Saxon Huxley!” BIG elbow drop a la Mick Foley right onto Seven! Seven writhes as the ring count climbs again. Huxley gets up at 5 of 10, drags Seven up to put in at 7. Cover, TWO!

Huxley grows frustrated, though it’s hard to tell with all his barking. Huxley drags Seven up, clamps onto his ears, but Seven CHOPS back! Seven fires up to CHOP, but Huxley throat chops! Huxley drags Seven back up to whip him into a corner. Seven dodges the splash, fires up, fakes Huxley out and hits a DDT! Both men are down but Sam Gradwell is on the titantron! “Ello, Moustache Boy. You might be a ‘founding father,’ but how’s it feel to know, that after you’ve made that daft little entrance, after you’ve spun around that daft little towel, after you’ve twizzled that moustache, lost 50 pounds, you still can’t get the job done.” Seven seethes, but he still dodges Huxley’s boot!

Seven wristlocks and ripcords, but Huxley BOOTS the lariat away! Huxley gets Seven up, TWO-HAND SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO!?!? Seven survives and Huxley is fuming! Huxley paces around, stomps around, and aims at Seven. Huxley runs in, but Seven puts the boot on the ropes! CHOP to SNAP DRAGON! Ripcord, SEVEN STAR LARIAT!! Cover, Seven wins!

Winner: Trent Seven, by pinfall

What was that about not getting the job done? Seven may not be a champion, but he isn’t letting the Thunderstorm get him down! Will Gradwell have to put up or shut up against the Man from Moustache Mountain?


NXT UK hears from the fifth Gauntlet participant, Emilia McKenzie.

“I am gonna win this Gauntlet match and prove to everyone that even though I’m the youngest here, I’m definitely the toughest. I’ve already shown Kay Lee Ray what I’m capable of, and she’s already running scared. I’m definitely gonna be the one to end her reign.” When Millie is champion, she will prove to everyone that she IS the best woman wrestler in the UK. Will #SuplexMillie throw everyone else aside to get at the Scary Queen of Scots?


NXT UK Media and referees rush to the women’s locker room!

Xia Brookside has been assaulted by Amale! The French Hope is in a fury as referees drag her away from an already unconscious Xia! She shouts something about how SHE should’ve been chosen for the Gauntlet match! Does this mean Xia won’t even enter the contender’s match now? Has Amale only made things easier for the other four?


No Disqualifications, Loser Leaves NXT UK: Kenny Williams VS Amir Jordan!

A tag team was ended when a friendship was broken. But now, one man’s NXT UK career will come to an abrupt end after what will surely be a brutal battle. Will it be the Lucky Yin that benefits from the rift he tore between them? Or will the Bhangra Badboy be the one to banish the man who betrayed his trust?

The bell rings, Amir and Kenny talk trash at each other, and then they tie up. They go around, Kenny puts Amir in a corner and climbs up to pie face him over and over. Amir shoves him away and the two go again. Kenny puts Amir in another corner, unleashes body shots, but again Amir shoves him away. Amir ROCKS Kenny, counter punches, then rolls him up, TWO! Amir tells him to get serious, because it’s all on the line! Kenny and Amir circle, tie up, and Kenny gets around to CLUB Amir down! Kenny whips, Amir reverses to ROCK Kenny! Kenny DECKS Amir, whips, but Amir reverses again to whip Kenny HARD into buckles!

Amir stalks Kenny, drags him up, and whips Kenny into more buckles. Kenny flops to the apron, Amir drags him to center for a cover, TWO! Amir drags Kenny up, Kenny wrenches the PELE the bad arm! Kenny goes after that arm, brings Amir around and puts him through ropes. Kenny wraps the bad arm in the ropes and CLUBS away on it! Kenny hops up to kick Amir over and over! Kenny lets off to run and dropkick Amir in the back! Cover, TWO! Amir toughs it out but Kenny knocks him down with a straddle attack! And then another! Kenny sits Amir up for clubbing crossface forearms, then mounts the arm! Amir resists, Kenny brings him around and whips him out of the ring.

Kenny goes out after him, and brings Amir up to wrench and WRING the arm out! Amir writhes from hitting the floor shoulder first! The ref checks, Kenny grabs the timekeeper’s chair and brings it over! Amir stands up for Kenny to JAM him in the stomach and SMACK him on the back! Amir writhes his way back to the ring and Kenny says this is what he gets. Kenny gets the toolbox from ringside! Kenny dumps its contents out as he gets in the ring, but Amir goes after him with body shots! Kenny headbutts low, CLUBS Amir over and over on the back, until Amir is on the mat! Kenny then gets Amir up to SHOVE him into buckles!

Kenny hoists Amir up top, then CLUBS him and drags him into the Tree of Woe! Kenny then fetches something from the toolbox. It’s a spare crossbar! Kenny brings chair and bar over and takes a seat first. Kenny wants Amir to listen to him a second: “I always hated your guts!” Amir is going to find out just how scummy Kenny can be! Kenny goes after Amir’s mouth with the bar!! Amir holds him off, hits back and knocks Kenny down! Amir drags himself out of the Tree, builds speed and DIVES! Direct hit and Kenny hits barriers! BT Sports Studio is fired up as Amir hobbles over to Kenny. Amir drags Kenny up, whips, but Kenny reverses to POST Amir, bad shoulder first!

Kenny isn’t done there, though, and he smirks as he starts pulling up floor mats! Kenny exposes BT Sports Studio’s concrete floor, then BOOTS Amir down! Kenny drags Amir over by a headlock, but Amir fights off the headlock driver! Amir back suplexes, Kenny holds the apron skirt to resist! Kenny ROCKS Amir then RAMS him into barriers! Kenny runs in but Amir TOSSES him up and over! Kenny tumbles and hits the floor out there! Amir climbs up the barrier to FLYING AX HANDLE Kenny down! The ref checks on Kenny but Amir CLUBS Kenny on the back! They throw hands, brawl closer and closer to the trons, but Kenny shoves Amir away.

Kenny retreats but Amir pursues and CLUBS him by the tech area! “EVERYTHING’S ON THE LINE!!” Amir clubs away, bumps Kenny off road cases, and BOOTS him down! Amir brings a road case around, and RAMS it into Kenny!! Kenny goes tumbling away but Amir pursues! “This is what you wanted!” Amir CLUBS Kenny, throws body shots, and then whips him into more trunks and cases! Kenny crawls towards a table while Amir clutches his bad arm. Amir storms over, Kenny uses a FIRE EXTINGUISHER! The blast gets Amir right in the face! Kenny reels Amir in, BACK SUPLEX THROUGH THE TABLE!!

Kenny laughs, even as he clutches his own ribs, because of the wreckage Amir writhes in. Amir tells the ref that he isn’t quitting, this is his career here! Amir gets up but Kenny throws him to ringside. Kenny puts Amir in the ring, aims from a corner, and runs to PENALTY KICK! Cover, TWO!! Amir isn’t done yet and Kenny grows frustrated. Kenny goes to a corner and exposes a buckle! Kenny brings Amir over but Amir blocks the buckle bump to ROCK Kenny! Amir sunset flips, TWO!! Kenny escapes but Amir whips him at the corner! Kenny stomps himself, SHOVES Amir into the steel, then hits the WHEELBARROW FACEBUSTER!! Cover, TWO!?!?

Amir survives and Kenny can’t believe it! Amir throws the tape off his arm, it’s only annoying him. Amir goes to the apron, Kenny scowls as he goes after him. Kenny drags Amir up, Amir throws body shots! Amir wants to suplex Kenny to the bare concrete! Kenny lands on the apron to save himself, and the two brawl! Kenny BOOTS Amir, reels him in to a waistlock, but Amir holds ropes for dear life! Amir elbows Kenny away but Kenny lands on his feet. Kenny chop blocks Amir and brings him in! Amir fights off the powerbomb, the two wobble, and Amir kicks Kenny low! Amir reels Kenny in, aims for the concrete, and SNAP SUPLEXES Kenny onto it!

The ref checks on both men, that was still double-edged for Amir! The two are somehow okay to continue, and Amir gets up first. Amir drags Kenny up, telling him this is what he wanted! Amir shoves Kenny in, climbs up a corner, and SWANTON BOMBS!! Cover, TWO!!?!! Somehow, Kenny survives, but Amir says that’s fine! Amir looks over and grabs the chair. Amir sits the chair up and says this is what Kenny wanted! “This is what happens to scumbags!” Amir dribbles Kenny’s head off the chair! BT Sports Studio fires up with Amir, and Amir sees the bare buckle. Amir climbs up that corner, but Kenny THROWS the chair!

But Amir catches it, and throws it back! Kenny dodges and hits ropes to trip Amir up! Amir lands bad on the bare buckle, and Kenny sets the chair down. Kenny drags Amir over, FULL METAL HEADLOCK DRIVER!! Cover, Kenny wins!!

Winner: Kenny Williams, by pinfall; Amir Jordan must LEAVE NXT UK

The Scum of the Earth celebrates ruining the life of someone who wanted to do things the right way! Where does The Chancer go from here? BT Sports Studio applauds Amir’s valiant effort as the emotions wash over him. Where does the Bhangra Badboy literally go now that he can’t stay in the place he called home?

My Thoughts:

A very good episode, and with some surprising moments. I didn’t think the heavy hitting match of Dragunov VS Mastiff would be so hard hitting that it couldn’t actually finish. But it does seem to work out in Dragunov’s story, and could be used to feed his next match or feud. We got good promos from all of the Gauntlet participants, but I could not have foreseen someone taking out one of them. Seems a shame it’s Xia Brookside but at the same time it was totally going to be Brookside, she was being pushed as a frontrunner. Xia VS Amale is going to happen on the side, there could be a substitute or it could just be four participants now, but the winner is going to be a Face, so it’s either Dani or Millie.

Seven VS Huxley was a very good match, even with Gradwell trying to distract. That makes it all work for the story building between Seven and Gradwell, which is going to be a great match. Bate and A-Kid had a great vignette to hype up their rematch, and this is going to be the best British Rounds/Heritage Cup match in NXT UK yet. I can’t be sure which way it goes. Supernova Sessions was great, especially because Dar pointed out the strangeness of Ben Carter being Nathan Frazer, but Nathan did a good job explaining that he’s been Nathan all along and “Ben Carter” was the stage name. Dar VS Nathan in British Round rules is going to be really good, and could act as a contender’s match for the winner of Bate VS A-Kid.

I like that NXT UK is taking their time building to Joe Coffey VS Rampage Brown now, and Rampage VS Wolfgang is going to be a very good match that Rampage will of course win. I like that we got some last promos from Kenny and Amir, to see if either one wanted to back out and reconsider. Of course neither was going to, and that No Disqualification match (which again was more like No Holds Barred because of no count outs) was very fitting of the build. It coming down to the bare buckle was also fitting given the last time these two faced off.

Williams winning to stay and send Jordan away is surprising, but I suppose it works out in some way. Williams as a Heel has more potential for feuds because there are quite a few Faces in NXT UK. Amir Jordan will at least be on 205 Live to freshen it up, maybe even on NXT once he gets some traction. This match helped give Amir some edge before getting serious on NXT and 205 Live, and I could see him at least getting into some good feuds with Tony Nese, Ariya Daivari, maybe even Swerve’s new crew he started. Both Kenny and Amir have possibilities, only time will tell who comes off more the Shawn Michaels, or if they’re more like the members of the Shield, each having equal success.

My Score: 8.2/10

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!


Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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