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Mitchell’s NXT TakeOver: In Your House Results & Report! (6/13/21)

Knock, knock, knocking on NXT’s door~!



NXT TakeOver In Your House 2

NXT is back In Your House, with extra guests!

NXT’s newest tradition, In Your House, is even bigger this year! A FATAL 5 WAY determines who’s on top of the brand! Tick tock, TIME’S UP! But for who?


  • Special Bonus Match – Sarray & Zoey Stark VS The Robert Stone Brand; Sarray & Stark win.
  • NXT North American & Tag Team Championships, Winners Take All: Bronson Reed & MSK VS El Legado del Fantasma; Reed & MSK win and retain the titles.
  • Mercedes Martinez VS Xia Li w/ Tian Sha; Xia Li wins.
  • Million Dollar Championship Ladder Match: Cameron Grimes VS LA Knight; Knight wins and becomes the new Million Dollar Champion.
  • NXT Women’s Championship: Raquel Gonzalez w/ Dakota Kai VS Ember Moon; Gonzalez wins and retains.
  • NXT Championship Fatal 5 Way: Karrion Kross w/ Scarlett Bordeaux VS Pete Dunne VS Johnny Gargano VS Kyle O’Reilly VS Adam Cole; Kross wins and retains the title.


It’s the TakeOver Preshow!

Join Sam Roberts and Justin Barrasso in analyzing, discussing and predicting this nostalgia-filled throwback tradition!


Ted DeBiase arrives!

“Alright, gentlemen, let’s go.” He has extra security holding onto the briefcase that holds THE most lavish title in WWE history, the Million Dollar Championship! THE Million Dollar Man is ready to crown a new Million Dollar Champion with the proof of a true workhorse superstar. Who will win this priceless title and bring the most extravagant prize in pro-wrestling to NXT?


Kyle O’Reilly arrives at the Capitol Wrestling Center.

It’s a nice day for a fight, but then The Way interrupts. Things look to be starting early! Theory shoves Kyle, Kyle shoves Theory, Gargano shoves Kyle and Kyle shoves back! William Regal and security keep this from happening in the parking lot. Will #CoolKyle lose his cool and go after Johnny TakeOver at the bell?


Special Bonus Match – Sarray & Zoey Stark VS The Robert Stone Brand!

Cut for time on the original broadcast, this special deleted scene is part of the director’s cut! The Warrior of the Sun and the rising star team up to shine bright, but will they be able to overshadow Jessi Kamea & Aliyah?

The teams sort out and Aliyah starts with Sarray. Aliyah reaches out for a handshake but Sarray slaps it away! Aliyah swings a punch but Sarray blocks and ROCKS Aliyah back! Sarray whips Aliyah to ropes, but Aliyah throws Sarray down by her hair! Cover, TWO as Sarray slips out. Sarray dropkicks Aliyah down, then adds another! And another! Aliyah tags in Jessi and sics her on Sarray! Sarray and Jessi circle, Jessi pie-faces Sarray as fans duel. Sarray shoves back, Jessi shoves Sarray, but Sarray ROCKS her! Sarray whips, Jessi reverses but Sarray blocks the punch to springboard arm-drag! Sarray arm-drags Jessi again for an armlock!

Jessi fights up to her feet, Sarray wrenches to a wristlock, and Stark tags in. Stark and Sarray double whip Jessi for an assisted shotgun dropkick, and a double elbow drop! Fans fire up for Stark & Sarray, but Jessi knees Stark back! Jessi snapmares, Stark handsprings through then dodges to KICK and KICK and BUZZSAW Jessi down! Jessi avoids Stark’s knee and gets to an open corner. Stark runs in but Aliyah saves Jessi! Stark hits buckles and Jessi reels her in for a BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO, and Jessi rains down rights! Jessi lets off to pace around, then she drags Stark up to whip her into the corner. Jessi hits a BIG splash, and tags in Aliyah!

Aliyah and Jessi work together, assisted HELLUVA KICK! Cover, TWO! Aliyah rains down rights on Stark, covers, TWO! Aliyah shrieks in frustration but Stone says she’s got control. Aliyah bumps Stark off buckles, tags Jessi, and they stomp away on Stark. Jessi drags Stark up, but Stark shoves her away! Jessi CLUBS and AX KICKS Stark! Jessi scoops Stark for a BIG slam! Jessi toys with Stark, waves to the fans and tells Stark to kiss this. Tag back to Aliyah, they work together, tilt-o-whirl SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Aliyah drags Stark to another cover, TWO! Fans rally up and Aliyah drags Stark to the corner. Stark RAMS Aliyah into buckles but Jessi tags in.

Aliyah KICKS Stark, Jessi KICKS Stark down! Cover, TWO! Another try, TWO! Jessi drags Stark up, whips her to ropes, but Stark sunset flips! Cover, TWO! Jessi dropkicks Stark down! Cover, TWO! Jessi clamps onto Stark with an armlock and chinbar. Fans rally as Stark fights up, but Jessi wrangles her down to another cover! TWO, but Jessi is right back on the arm. Fans rally, Sarray reaches out, and Stark throws forearms! Stark reaches but Jessi holds on! Stark ROCKS Jessi, goes under and HEEL KICKS! Jessi falls over and is in a daze as she sits back up. Hot tag to Sarray! Sarray dropkicks Jessi, BOOTS Aliyah, then fires off on Jessi!

Sarray whips Jessi corner to corner but Jessi reverses. Sarray goes up and back to ROCK Jessi again! Sarray reels Jessi in, FISHERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! Jessi KICKS Sarray back, then hurries to tag Aliyah! Aliyah runs in and gets Sarray up, only to get a SOBAT! And GERMAN SUPLEX! Another bridging cover, but Jessi breaks it! Stone is fired up as his team saves itself! The ref reprimands, Jessi goes after Sarray but Sarray throws her out. Fans fire up as Sarray builds speed, Stone stands in Sarray’s way! Aliyah rolls Sarray, TWO and Aliyah bumps into Stone! Sarray BLASTS Stone off the apron with a dropkick and his shoes go flying as he falls over!

Sarray has Aliyah set up, and she builds speed again, DROPKICK OF THE SUN!! Tag to Stark as Aliyah staggers to her feet, SPEAR! Stark hurries while Sarray watches Jessi closely, GO TO STARK!! Cover, Stark & Sarray win!

Winners: Zoey Stark & Sarray, by pinfall

The “rising upstarts” are no rookies! They can hang with the best of ’em and beat all the rest of ’em! Will Stark & Sarray stick together to climb up and go after the best?


Arash Markazi interviews Bronson Reed and MSK.

All there have worked so hard to get the titles they have, so why accept a Six Man Winners Take All? Well Reed is feeling stronger than ever, and MSK backing him up makes him unstoppable. Legado del Fantasma have been around together for a year, but they’ve faced them before. Reed will make it hard for Legado to get away with their usual tactics. Santos Escobar has every right to be confident, but he should’ve stayed in his lane. This is Reed’s first defense, but what does it mean to be on the other side of things at TakeOver? Reed feels he represents both his home country but also all those who believed in him.

Then what does In Your House mean to them? And what will they do tonight? This will be bigger than the International Incident. This will be COLOSSAL, #AllNightAndAllDay! Go from kaiju claw to MSK fingers! Nice, Markazi! They might invite him to the beach next time. But will this be a Championship Summer for Reed, Lee & Carter? Or will Escobar, Wilde & Mendoza truly take over?


Markazi also interviews Legado del Fantasma.

One year after becoming a trio, and they’re facing a trio that is in their first match together. They aren’t just going for one title or two, but three. Escobar says his hermanos were there for him when he won the Cruiserweight Championship. They’ve been together on this crazy ride to become the most dominant faction on NXT. This should’ve happened a few weeks ago, but guess what/ Bronson Reed decided he should make a cameo for that match. How amazing that Legado fooled those three into this match. This isn’t a team, they’ve never worked together. But Legado is familia

In Your House means a lot to a lot of fans. What can we expect from Legado tonight? Tonight is a huge night. They will flip two divisions upside-down in one match! And they’ll do it for tradition, lucha libre and each other. The special is “In Your House,” but the champs are in THEIR house! Legado will always look good, but imagine how much better they’ll look with all the gold? Escobar couldn’t say it better himself. Sangre, tradicion, familia, legado. That is what Legado del Fantasma stands for. In Your House is the perfect scenario for them to cement that legado. But will it be so easy against the powerful combination standing before them?


Take a seat, put a seat up, and make yourself at home!

Back by popular demand, it’s NXT TakeOver: In Your House 2021! Big Mami Cool is on a mission to prove her reign is not a house of cards! The Million Dollar Legacy is on the line and hanging high above in a Million Dollar Ladder Match! Four years of bitterness comes to a head as Xia Li looks to “purge” the #RuggedNThugged Mercedes Martinez! It’s an all or nothing Winners Take All for the North American AND Tag Team Championships! And hopefully you have room for more, because it is a FATAL 5 over THE NXT Championship! Kross, Gargano, Dunne, O’Reilly or Cole! Who will be the one atop the mountain?

In the homestretch of these hard times, Dok Hendrix says they will do their jobs and entertain the WWE Universe! There’s no place like home, and there’s no show like In Your House! Naomi Fox hypes up the CWC crowd with the In Your House 2021 theme song! Todd Pettengill is here to host In Your House again, and welcomes the largest crowd in the CWC yet! Speaking of large…


NXT North American & Tag Team Championships, Winners Take All: Bronson Reed & MSK VS El Legado del Fantasma!

It’s just as it sounds and just how it looks! Wes Lee & Nash Carter are joining forces with Auszilla to defend two divisions at once! But will these #MustSeeKaiju be able to crush Escobar, Wilde & Mendoza under their feet?

The introductions are made, all three belts are raised, and the CWC is fired up already as the trios sort out for this colossal start!

Lee dodges Mendoza’s boot, headlocks but Mendoza powers out. Lee runs him over, cover, ONE, Mendoza sunset flips, Lee jackknife covers, TWO! Backslide but Lee slips out to headscissor! Mendoza handsprings through and both men stand off, to which the fans cheer. Things speed up, Mendoza headscissors but Lee handsprings through now! Things keep moving, Le waistlocks and shoves but is put on the apron. Carter tags in, MSK rally but Mendoza dodges to tag Wilde. Wilde runs but into a roll up, ONE! Carter runs into a waistlock and ripcord, Wilde clubs and CHOPS, then goes and handsprings on the top rope to arm-drag!

Wilde does his dance then runs in but Carter dodges to KNEE him, and snapmare roll for a kick. Wilde ducks it to roll Carter, JAWBREAKER! Wilde runs but into a dropkick! Tag to Escobar and fans fire up! Escobar calls out Reed! Reed tags in and Escobar fires up, just to tag out. Mendoza and Wilde even wonder what he’s doing but Escobar says Mendoza can handle Reed. Mendoza runs but into Reed’s tilt-o-whirl! Mendoza lands out, kicks but Reed doesn’t flinch. Reed whips, Mendoza goes up and out and springboard sin, but his clothesline doesn’t even budge Reed! Reed flexes, Mendoza runs and slides under the boot then ducks and dodges, to run into a LARIAT!

Reed looms over Mendoza, fireman’s carries but Mendoza fights free! Escobar tags back in and Mendoza sunset flips. Reed SITS on him but Escobar basement dropkicks! Escobar fires off on Reed, reels Reed in and scoops, but falls over under Reed’s weight! Reed says nice try. Escobar scrambles away and tags out to Wilde. Wilde is surprised like Mendoza was but Reed eggs Wilde on. Wilde runs into a gorilla press and DROP! Reed tags Carter, Carter slingshots to senton! Tag to Lee, Lee knee-boards for a senton! Cover, TWO! Tag back to Carter, Lee WRINGS Wilde out, Carter tags Reed. They give Wilde a HAMMOCK SENTON! Cover, TWO!!

Wilde survives but Reed tags Carter back in. Reed whips Wilde, Carter tags Lee then hops onto Reed. BACKPACK ATTACK to a COLOSALL LEAP FROG! Cover, TWO!! Wilde is somehow still in this but Lee gets him up to RAM him into buckles. Tag to Carter, he and Lee get Wilde up for a snapmare. Carter wraps on a chinlock and squeezes tight. Fans rally as Wilde endures, and Wilde fights up to JAWBREAKER again! Wilde tags Escobar but Carter gets away to get around. Carter shoves, Escobar puts him on the apron then ROCKS him! Escobar builds speed but Carter trips him! Carter drags Escobar out, goes up and up and ARIHARA MOONSAULTS!

Carter sees Legado in the ring, Mendoza gives Wilde a boost to FLY! Direct hit with the super crossbody! But then Lee FLIES onto Wilde! Mendoza FLIES to take out Lee! Escobar hurries over and REED takes aim!? Reed builds speed, and COLOSSAL TOPES EVERYONE!! Escobar hits desk, the CWC is thunderous and Carter gets back in the ring with Escobar. Carter runs in to uppercut Escobar, Lee tags in, but Legado stops the Railgun! Escobar BLASTS Lee while Legado RAMS Carter into barriers! The ref reprimands but Escobar drags Lee up. Escobar taunts Reed and CUBS Lee down. Escobar CHOPS Lee in a corner but Lee hits back!

Escobar clubs away and puts Lee in a corner to whip corner to corner. Escobar runs in to DOUBLE KNEE! Escobar puts Lee up top, CHOPS him, then climbs up to SUPER STEINER! Cover, TWO! Lee lives but Escobar scowls as he pulls on the arm and leg in a modified bow ‘n’ arrow! Lee endures, Escobar drags him up and tags Mendoza. Mendoza taunts Reed before running corner to corner to clothesline Lee! Tag to Wilde, he does the same! Escobar tags in to clothesline! The endless clotheslines continue! Escobar ends the cycle as he gets Lee up for a BRAIN BUSTER! Tag to Mendoza and he tags Wilde. Wilde runs, DOUBLE HIP TOSS SPLASH!! Cover, TWO!!

Wilde fires off hands on Lee and wraps on a chinlock. Lee endures, fans rally up but Wilde CLUBS Lee down! Wilde whips but Lee denies the dropkick! Wilde trips Lee up before he could tag Reed! Lee kicks Wilde way, hot tag to Reed! Reed rallies on Wilde, whips him to ropes and BODY CHECKS him! Mendoza gets in but gets a BODY CHECK! Legado regroups in an open corner, Reed runs in to DOUBLE SPLASH! Reed puts Wilde up top then drags Mendoza over. A double stack for a DOUBLE SAMOAN DROP! Reed drags Wilde up and scoops him for a SWINGING SUPLEX! Reed glares at Escobar, and dares him to tag Wilde!

Fans rally for Escobar but he gets in without a tag! The ref stops him, Mendoza chop blocks Reed! NOW Escobar tags in, and he HITS A MICHINOKU DRIVER?!?! Cover but Carter mule kicks it apart! Wilde tags in, Carter tags in on his end! Carter dodges Wilde, fires off hands but misses the enziguri! Wilde reels Carter in, Carter standing switches. Wilde elbows Carter but runs into a knee! Wilde elbows again,. Mendoza tags in, LEGADO LEG SWEEP GMAANGIRI COMBO! Cover but Lee springboards in and breaks it up!! The fans are electric but Escobar is furious! Escobar grabs the North American Championship, but it isn’t his yet! Reed SPLASHES Escobar through the barriers!!

The straps are down as Lee tosses Wilde out! Carter KICKS Wilde, torture rack, Lee adds on< DOUBLE STOMP BURNING HAMMER!! Mendoza tightrope crossbodies into a SUPERKICK! MSK tags, MUST SEE BLOCKBUSTER!! Tag to Reed, and he climbs up, for the TSUNAMI!!! Cover, MSKAIJU WINS!!

Winners: Bronson Reed & MSK, by pinfall (still NXT North American & Tag Team Champions)

They trusted each other, and they stayed focused on taking out their common enemies! The champions roll on, but are they on to new challenges? Legado is left all over ringside, will they be in any shape to regroup and try again?


Todd Pettengill wants to watch back to the Mae Young Classic 2018.

Wait, he has the tape? McKenzie Mitchell does her best to explain VHS isn’t a thing anymore. The footage is just cued up from the truck. Mercedes beat Xia Li in the Mae Young Classic, and their careers diverged onto different paths. But now they meet again all these years later! Will Tian Sha’s human weapon get back at Mean Ms. Martinez?

Mercedes Martinez VS Xia Li w/ Tian Sha!

The bell rings and the two tie right up. They go around the ropes and FALL out of the ring! Xia is up fast to RAM Mercedes then fire off KICKS! Xia puts Mercedes in the ring, stalks behind her, and runs, but into a back drop! Mercedes roars and storms over to Xia to fore off forearms and CHOPS! The ref counts, Mercedes lets off to scoop Xia into a T-BONE SUPLEX! Xia flounders to the apron but Mercedes is after her. Xia hits back with forearms then turns Mercedes around to cobra clutch against the ropes! With body scissors! The ref counts, Xia lets off at 4, then drags Mercedes to the outside. Xia POSTS Mercedes!

Fans fire up and duel as Xia gets Mercedes back up. Xia RAMS Mercedes into the apron, pushes her into the ring, and then toyingly kicks her. Xia taunts Mercedes but Mercedes hits back. Xia stomps Mercedes into the corner! The ref counts, Xia tops it off with a JUMPING STOMP! Xia then goes outside to again bring Mercedes over. Xia pulls Mercedes into the post! The ribs take a lot of damage before Xia lets off. The ref has a ring count but Xia gets in at 3 of 10. Xia looms over Mercedes, talks more trash, but Mercedes hits her back. Mercedes gets up but Xia is on her again to RAM her into the buckles!

Xia RAMS Mercedes in another corner, then runs side to side to SHOTGUN DROPKICK Mercedes out of the ring! Xia goes out after Mercedes, Mercedes drags herself up but Xia aims. Mercedes dodges and the kick hits post! Xia falls over and clutches her leg! The ring count climbs and is at 5 of 10! Xia stands at 7, drags herself in and gets in at 9! Both women are down, Xia with a bad leg and Mercedes with sore ribs. Mercedes gets up but Xia is after her! Mercedes counter punches, Xia hits back low then KICKS her back! But the bad leg hurts her!

Mercedes fires off haymakers but Xia KNEES Mercedes low! Xia goes after an arm, pulls hair, and whips Mercedes, only for Mercedes to reverses! ROYAL BUTTERFLY SUPLEX! Xia gets to a corner, Mercedes runs in but misses the splash! Xia runs in to go up, and ELBOW Mercedes down! Xia gets Mercedes into a PUMP HANDLE EXPLODER! Mercedes flounders to a corner while Xia grits her teeth and fights through the pain in her leg. Xia runs but Mercedes FLAPJACKS her onto buckles! Xia flounders up now and Mercedes CLUBS her on the back. Mercedes Electric Chair lifts Xia up top and CLUBS away on her back!

Mercedes has the Crucifix, to the AK 47!! Cover, TWO!! Xia survives the modified Cliffhanger, and fans are fired up! Mercedes gets Xia up for KNEE after KNEE after KNEE! Mercedes lines up a shot but Xia rolls under it! Mercedes avoids the roll-up to KNEE her down! But Boa bails Xia out! Mercedes goes out after them but Boa stands in her way. The ref tells Boa to move, but Xia runs in! Mercedes BACK DROPS her! Fans fire up again as Mercedes eggs Xia on! Mercedes gets Xia up and into the ring at 5 of 10! Mercedes drags Xia up and fireman’s carries, but Xia fights! Xia shoves Mercedes, to then SCREW HIGH KICK on the rebound! Cover, XIA WINS!

Winner: Xia Li, by pinfall

She has avenged her failure in the past! Xia tells Boa to get her something, and he brings out a chair! Boa hands the chair to Xia and Xia aims at Mercedes’ leg! Mercedes kicks Xia’s leg out! Mercedes avoids disaster, but will she go for revenge? Boa shouts to Xia as Mercedes gets the chair! Boa gets in, Mercedes SMACKS him! And then jams and SMACKS Xia! Boa gets back in but he gets another SMACK! Mercedes grins as she now has Xia cowering in a corner. “You wanna take me out? I’m gonna break your back!” Mercedes SMACKS Xia again! Xia crawls to the ramp, but Mei Ying’s anger stirs! Mercedes says she’s not scared! And she SMACKS Xia again!

But Mei Ying gets out of her chair! Mercedes says if she wants to go, then let’s go! Mercedes storms over, but Mei Ying meets her halfway. Mercedes stares Mei Ying down, fans are fired up, and then Mei Ying choke grips Mercedes! She has Mercedes down on her knees, but Mercedes hits back with the chair! Mei Ying stays up, and then choke grips Mercedes again! And TOSSES her into the barriers! Will Mercedes learn to fear the wrath of Tian Sha?


Tommaso Ciampa & Timothy Thatcher speak.

TakeOver: In Your House is not how these two expected them to be represented. They wanted to be the NEW tag champions, but GYV took that away. This Tuesday, they break GYV’s limbs!! GYV wants to scrap in a Tornado Tag and show a side we haven’t seen? Well listen good! Take a look at them. Really look. You are looking at two grown ass men and in precisely 48 hours, they will show the world how dangerous they are at GYV’s expense! BOO! Toothless Timmy & Old Man Ciampa are ready, will Liverpool’s Number One and Mr. Mayhem SSSSOOOOON be recognized as the team that could’ve been the world’s number one, but got ripped in two?


Million Dollar Championship Ladder Match: Cameron Grimes VS LA Knight!

Fortune, fame, status and the ability to get the job done no matter the cost. The man who holds this title embodies that and so much more! Will the Carolina Cash Money Caveman take this title #ToTheMoon? Or will this be both LA Knight’s Game and LA Knight’s Title?

Ted DeBiase walks out on stage with that Million Dollar Laugh, and he has his security bring the guest of honor, THE Million Dollar Championship belt, to the ring. Knight makes his entrance, followed by Grimes. The introductions are made, the belt and its clear briefcase are hoisted high above, and we see who climbs the literal ladder of success to carry on the Million Dollar Legacy!

Grimes and Knight talk trash but the fans chant, “LA SUCKS! LA SUCKS!” Knight shoves Grimes, they tie up and go around! They end up in a corner, then onto ropes and around the way. Knight headlocks, Grimes powers out but Knight runs him over! Fans boo but Knight just dismisses them with a wave of the hand. But Grimes gets a leg, shoves Knight down, and tells him to #KissMahGrits! Knight gets up, Grimes ROCKS him and CHOPS him and ROCKS him again! Grimes whips then CLOBBERS Knight! Knight gets to ropes, Grimes gets him up and KICKS him to a corner! Grimes KICKS Knight in the corner, too!

Grimes keeps Knights on the ropes with haymakers, then whips him to ropes. Knight kicks Grimes away, then grins, before he runs into a RANA! Knight bails out, Grimes has the fans fired up and on his side, but Knight gets a ladder! Knight puts it in, and Grimes is right there to put it aside. Knight shoves Grimes out and Grimes falls onto the ladder as he goes! Knight gets the ladder up and TOSSES it, but Grimes dodges! Grimes gets in, Knight BOOTS and LARIATS Grimes down! Knight soaks up the heat from the “incels” and he mocks the #ToTheMoon catchphrase! Knight gets Grimes up and throws him out of the ring.

Knight hurries to get the ladder again, and puts it in. Knight sets the ladder up, starts climbing, but Grimes meets him at the top! Grimes ROCKS Knight but Knight yanks Grimes down! Knight DECKS Grimes, but Grimes avoids the ladder SLAM! Grimes flounders, ladders tumble, and the two tug-o-war with the main ladder. Knight drags Grimes into the ring, rushes him, but Grimes sends him out! Grimes takes a moment to catch his breath before he sets this ladder up. Knight gets his own ladder, and now we have a ladder fight! They CLASH and CLASH, but both men drop their ladders! Knight gets his up, swings but misses! Grimes BOOTS Knight out and has the ring to himself!

Knight grabs the ladder Grimes wanted to use and we have another tug-o-war! Grimes RAMS Knight into the barriers with the ladder! Grimes goes to the apron and takes aim as Knight flounders up. Knight turns around into a PENALTY KICK! Knight goes down in a heap and fans fire up for Grimes! Grimes goes down to the floor to get another ladder into the ring. Knight grabs Grimes’ hair but Grimes elbows him away. Knight RAMS Grimes into the boards! Grimes flounders up now, Knight SWINGS the ladder into him! Grimes goes down in a heap and Knight grins as he soaks up the heat from the fans.

Knight stomps Grimes down, and then mocks the fans, “You wanna meet him?” He RAMS Grimes into the boards, then bounces Grimes off the steel steps! Knight tells DeBiase that Grimes is NOT Million Dollar material. Grimes gets up to RAM Knight into boards! Things are even now and fans fire up as both men are down on the outside! Grimes gets up, hurries after Knight but Knight pokes Grimes in the eyes! Knight whips Grimes hard into barriers on the far side! The barrier somehow stays up but Knight gets one of the tallest ladders yet! Knight brings it over, makes a ladder bridge, and then he sees Grimes floundering into the ring.

Knight goes in after Grimes, but Grimes counter punches him! Grimes shoulders into a KNEE! Knight aims, slingshots and SHOULDER TACKLES Grimes down! Knight grins, paces about, and fetches a ladder that was still in the ring. Knight leans the ladder up against a corner, then he stands on Grimes’ head on the ropes! There are no disqualifications so Grimes can only suffer! Knight gets Grimes up, but Grimes blocks a ladder smack. Knight body shots, but Grimes waistlocks to GERMAN SUPLEX Knight into the ladder! Grimes is glaring as he RAMS Knight with the ladder! Grimes says here we go, but Knight jumps the low ladder shot!

Knight waistlocks, Grimes elbows and switches but Knight returns the favor. Knight RAMS Grimes into the post, then hits a NECKBREAKER across the ladder!! Grimes’ back gets wrecked but it seems Knight’s arm took damage, too! Fans rally as Grimes stirs but Knight is up and looking for more ladders. Knight finds another towering one and brings that into the ring. Grimes crawls and feebly grabs the ladder but Knight stomps him away. Knight stands the ladder up under the briefcase, but Grimes kicks him from between the legs! Grimes swing kicks Knight, then throws forearms and uppercuts! Knight staggers but RAMS Grimes into the rungs!

Knight takes his tall ladder, leans it against ropes, then stomps Grimes. Knight sets the other ladder on the top rope so that it juts out precariously! Knight wants to take Grimes “to the moon,” and whips! Grimes reverses and Knight COLLIDES with the corner ladder!! Fans are thunderous for Grimes as he gets up and he KICKS away on Knight against the ropes! Again and again and again and again! Grimes is fired up and the fans are, too! Knight staggers but YANKS Grimes down by his hair! Grimes crawls, Knight runs, but Grimes BACK DROPS Knight onto his tall ladder! Knight flops down off the rungs and fans rally up!

Grimes whips Knight out and Knight CRASHES onto the ladder bridge! Grimes shouts, “I WANT THAT GOOOLD~!” He wants the gold LADDER! THE Million Dollar Ladder that’s on the stage! Grimes fetches it, brings that bad boy over to the ring, and wants to do this like the Million Dollar Man would! Fans are fired up as Grimes stands the ladder up, and starts to climb! But as he reaches for the briefcase, Knight climbs up to anchor him! Knight and Grimes brawl at the very top of this ladder, and Grimes bumps Knight off the top! Grimes shoves Knight off, but Knight shoves the ladder over! Grimes HOTSHOTS on the top rope! Knight runs at Grimes, but into a COLLISION COURSE!!

“This is Awesome!” and far from over! Grimes and Knight stir, and while Knight goes to the apron, Grimes goes for the gold ladder. Grimes uses it to stand up but Knight hurries over. Knight stomps Grimes down, gets one of the other ladders, and as Grimes goes to the ramp, Knight shoves the ladder through ropes. Knight then fetches another ladder to SLAM it on Grimes’ back! Knight stands this new ladder up on the ramp, and he brings his other ladder over to wedge it into the other. Knight has a nasty looking bridge, but Grimes DECKS him, then PENALTY KICKS him from the ramp! Knight stumbles all the way to the other side of the ring!

Grimes hurries after Knight, leaning against barriers as he goes. Knight hides behind DeBiase’s security to then sucker punch Grimes! Knight drags Grimes up, whips him, but Grimes climbs a ladder that was nearby! Grimes mule kicks Knight, climbs more, but Knight shoves the ladder over! Grimes leaps to the girder! Grimes climbs up a little more to then SUPER CROSSBODY Knight down!! Fans are electric again as Grimes stands up first! Grimes has the gold ladder, stands it up, and climbs! Grimes paws at the briefcase but Knight drags him back for a POWER- NO! Grimes RANAS Knight out of the ring, then skins the cat!

Grimes hurries over to the gold ladder, shouts, “TO THE MOON!” then climbs again! Grimes has the case, but Knight tips the ladder again! Grimes FALLS THROUGH KNIGHT’S LADDER BRIDGE!! Knight resets the gold ladder, climbs it and grabs the case! He unhooks it, and wins!!

Winner: LA Knight (NEW Million Dollar Champion)

Whose title is it? L A Knight’s title! DeBiase gives this match, and the man who won it, a standing ovation! DeBiase takes the belt out of the case and gives it a kiss before handing it over to Knight himself. DeBiase raises Knight’s hand in victory! Knight is the NEW Million Dollar Champion, and that’s not bragging, that’s just a fact of life, dummy!


Hit Row talk with Todd Pettengill.

Who cares about all of this other merchandise? The merch you should get is Hit~ Row~! Switch things up and get all you’ll ever need this summer to replace your old favorites. But wait, there’s more! Who’s hotta than Top Dolla? Not nada! Except the Hit Row’s theme song, Now You Know. They have it in vinyl


A fight is breaking out backstage!

The Bruiserweight and Mr. Apocalypse are fighting already! Regal separates Dunne and Kross, but will this only explode once the Fatal 5 is under way?


NXT Women’s Championship: Raquel Gonzalez w/ Dakota Kai VS Ember Moon!

Big Mami Cool has proven she can beat some of the best in Io Shirai and Rhea Ripley. The Evolved Shenom wants to show she is on par with some of the best, such as Charlotte Flair and Asuka. Raquel made sure to wreck Shotzi Blackheart first, but that only lit a fire under the Prophecy of Flame. Will Ember Eclipse the champion and hit her where it hurts? Or will Raquel do what she does best and dominate?

The introductions are made, the title is raised, and we’ll see what happens when Ricky Desperado fights Ember’s Law!

Ember dropkicks Raquel right away! Ember runs, ranas and has Raquel in a corner for a back body block! Ember fires off fast hands but Raquel shoves her away. Raquel swings, Ember dodges and boots back. Ember runs but gets SWATTED! Raquel seethes and Dakota cheers her on. Raquel gets Ember up, but Ember avoids the bomb to headscissor Raquel into the POST! Ember goes to the apron, Dakota distracts, and Raquel avoids the knee! Ember hits post, then Raquel BLASTS her into the barriers! Dakota taunts Ember then forearm bumps with Raquel as she fetches Ember. Raquel TOSSES Ember into barriers!

Raquel eggs Ember on, CLUBS her down, then refreshes a ring count. Raquel scoops Ember to put her in the ring, then goes in after her. Cover, TWO! Raquel taunts Ember, “You really think you’re gonna beat me?” Ember hits back but Raquel bumps her off buckles. Raquel throws knees, lets off as the ref counts, then whips Ember hard into the corner! Ember bounces off buckles but Raquel drags her up for a scoop. Ember slips out, tilt-o-whirls but the sunset doesn’t work! Raquel gets Ember up, puts her in a corner, but Ember boots back! Ember hops up, leaps, but the code breaker is TOSSED! Raquel snarls as she YANKS Ember up into a SIDEWALK SLAM!

Raquel steps on Ember, climbs up the corner, and TWISTING VADER BOMBS! Cover, TWO! Ember survives and Raquel is annoyed with her. Raquel looms over Ember, drags her up, and reels her in for a gut wrench. Raquel uses the Canadian rack to torture Ember but Ember endures being bent. Ember pries at Raquel’s grip but Raquel gets it back. Raquel flips and SLAMS Ember, then covers, TWO! Raquel says, “That’s how it’s gonna be?” She taunts Ember in Spanish to get up but Ember kicks back. Raquel gets Ember up, Ember fires body shots! Raquel shoves Ember down, storms over and gets Ember up. Ember kicks back, Raquel yanks her up, but Ember SUPERKICKS!

Ember fires off more kicks then ENZIGURIS! Raquel wobbles and Ember runs, but the lariat isn’t enough! Raquel reels Ember in but gets another SUPERKICK! ROLLING ELBOW takes Raquel down! Ember fires up and hops on, for a CODE RED! Cover, TWO!! Ember gives shoutout to Shotzi but Raquel is too tough for that! Dakota coaches Raquel but Ember is after the leg! Modified figure four, and then a pull of the hair and hook of the face for a modified Queen Angelito stretch! Dakota helps with the ropes and Raquel gets the ropebreak! The ref reprimands but still counts Ember, and Ember lets go at 4.

Dakota gets Raquel out of the ring, but Ember builds speed to DIVE! Direct hit and Raquel hits desk!! Fans are thunderous for Ember as she scares Dakota off. Ember fetches Raquel up and bounces her off the desk! Ember glares at Dakota again, then gets Raquel into the ring. Ember runs and BASEMENT COMPLETE SHOTS! Cover, TWO!! Raquel lives but Ember keeps her focus. Ember climbs but Dakota distracts! The ref reprimands but Raquel gets up top in an instant! SUPERPLEX! Cover, TWO!! Raquel can’t believe it but Ember still lives! Raquel sits Ember up, brings her around, and hooks her up, CHINGAN- NO! Victory roll, TWO!!

Ember gets up and Raquel BOOTS her down! Cover, TWO!! Ember is still in this and fans rally up. Raquel fumes as she drags Ember back up. Raquel suplexes, holds Ember up but Ember hits STUN-DOG MILLIONAIRE! Raquel wobbles after Ember, Ember ROCKS her with a forearm! Ember wants the corner but Raquel keeps her away. Ember hits a JAWBREAKER, climbs up the corner, and leaps, FLYING CODE BREAKER! Ember hurries back to the corner, and to the very top! Raquel rises, Ember aims, ECLIPSE!!! Cover, Dakota puts Raquel’s leg on the rope!! The ref sees only the ropebreak but Ember knows better.

BUT SHOTZI IS HERE! Shotzi chase Dakota to RAM her into barriers! Shotzi fires off hands on Dakota, Dakota runs away to the ramp! Shotzi catches up to her, and they brawl right up to the house! Dakota gets tossed into the potted plants! Shotzi chases Dakota backstage while Ember stalks Raquel. Raquel kicks to avoid the leg lock, but Ember POSTS her! Ember goes out to join Raquel and climbs up top. Ember gets Raquel in position, for a TORNADO DDT TO THE RAMP! Ember drags Raquel’s dead weight to the ring but that is on easy task! Cover, TWO!! Raquel survives again, but Ember’s rage is boiling up.

Ember climbs a corner again, Raquel stands back up, ECLIP- NO!! Raquel shoves Ember away, scoops her, tilt-o-whirl, and back around, to SNAKE EYES! Ember staggers into a waistlock, pop-up, CHINGONA BOMB!! Cover, Raquel wins!!

Winner: Raquel Gonzalez, by pinfall (still NXT Women’s Champion)

The “human insurance policy” that is Dakota Kai comes through again! Ember would’ve had this if not for her, and Raquel will have to make it up to her. Will anyone be able to get past #CobraKai to take this title from Big Mami Cool?


Todd Pettengill is having a hard night.

All the “you’re old” jokes and someone even took his Walkman! But at least he gets to play Karate Fighters! With Dexter Lumis? So, Lumis, how’s the love life lately? Not the thing to say, Todd! Lumis grabs Todd’s action figure and Todd declares Lumis the winner. Will Lumis do better in all things love and warfare?


The Great American Bash is coming back!

Get ready for Tuesday, July 6th, as the black ‘n’ gold celebrates the red, white ‘n’ blue!


NXT Championship Fatal 5 Way: Karrion Kross w/ Scarlett Bordeaux VS Pete Dunne VS Johnny Gargano VS Kyle O’Reilly VS Adam Cole!

It doesn’t matter when the time is tolled, everyone pays the toll. So why waste time crossing off the defiant challengers one by one? Doomsday comes for FOUR contenders at once! But will Kross have to admit his time is up? Or can he thwart the Bruiserweight, Johnny TakeOver, #CoolKyle and Adam Cole BAYBAY all at once?

Gargano walks by the madness that is Shotzi and Dakota brawling, with Raquel standing with Dakota. He shrugs that off and makes his way to the ring. Then Kyle makes his entrance, followed by Dunne, then Cole, then lastly the champion himself, Karrion Kross. The introductions are made, THE belt is raised, and we see who will #FallAndPray!

The bell rings and all five men look to each other. Dunne spokes Cole and Kyle BOOTS him! Dunne and Gargano brawl, Kyle is after Cole on the outside! Dunne throws Gargano out and has Kross to himself now! They tie up, go around, Kross shoves Dunne away but Dunne KICKS his leg! And again! Kross blocks a kick, shoves, but Dunne leaps for a guillotine! Kross grins as he powers through to SNAP SUPLEX! Dunne rolls out of the ring and Kyle rushes in, having dealt with Cole. Kyle and Kross test the waters with kicks while feeling out the grapple. Kyle fires hands but Kross clinches to shove and BOOT Kyle! Kyle stays up to BOOT back!

Kyle kicks, Kross blocks and ROUNDHOUSES Kyle! Kross waistlocks, Kyle blocks to drop toehold! KNEEBAR!! Kyle has Kross caught but Kross powers up and pries Kyle off for a GERMAN SUPLEX! Kyle bails out, Gargano slingshots and kicks! Gargano taunts Kross, fires off boxing elbows, then tilt-o-whirls to go for the arm! Kross resists, powers up, and tosses Gargano, only for Gargano to chop block! Kross choke grips, Gargano kicks the leg and gets free to rolling elbow! Kross stays up but Gargano RANAS! Gargano runs in at the corner but Kross catches him for an EXPLODER! Cole gets in and dropkicks the leg out!

Cole fires off forearms on Kross then pie faces him. Cole talks trash, Kross waistlocks but Cole breaks free to PELE! Cole runs, Dunne trips him and traps him in the apron skirt! Dunne, Gargano and Kyle mug Cole! But Kross storms over to drag Cole up and TOSS him into the ring! Kross runs at Cole in a corner for a clothesline! And elbow! And DISCUS! But Kross turns around into Dunne’s forearms! Kross BOOTS Dunne, BOOTS Gargano, and BOOTS Kyle! Dunne gets up, but gets a NORTHERN LIGHTS! Roll through, Dunne and Gargano work together, but Kross DOUBLE BACK DROPS them! Kross gets Kyle for a POINT-BLANK LARIAT! Cover, TWO!

Kyle survives and every other challenger is down! Kross snarls as he drags Kyle back up. Kross reels Kyle in, Kyle slips out and fires off kicks! Kyle gets the leg, Kross blocks the takedown and hits a SAYANAGI! Kross gets Kyle up but Kyle escapes the bomb to fire off a strike fest! KICK after KICK, then leg sweep! Kyle BOOTS Dunne! And KNEES Gargano! And kicks Cole, to fire off knees! Kyle wants to hurt Cole as much as he does anyone, and he grounds ‘n’ pounds with elbows and palm strikes! Cole blocks the armbar, but Dunne gets Kyle for an ARMBAR! Cole gets away, Kyle rolls but Dunne hammerlocks!

Gargano gets after Dunne but Dunne adds him to the hold! FINGER TORTURE! But Kross gets Dunne up to POWERBOMB him into Gargano and Kyle! And then Kross shouts, “YOU!” at Cole! Cole dares him to bring it! They’re not done and they’re fighting on the ramp! Kross catches Cole and gets him up! Cole rakes eyes and escapes! Gargano CHOP BLOCKS, and Dunne PENALTY KICKS Kross! Kross goes after Gargano but Dunne BOOTS him! Gargano SUPERKICKS Kross, then Gargano and Dunne RAM Kross through the front door!! The CWC fans lose their minds as all three of those men are down!

Cole returns to the ring, and that means going after Kyle! Cole runs, SHINING WIZARD! Fireman’s carry, for an USHIGORISHI! Cover, TWO! Kyle survives and Cole smirks. Cole goes to a corner and climbs up. Gargano returns and Cole punches him away! Kyle ducks under the Sunrise but into a GAMANGIRI! Cole dodges Gargano to clothesline Kyle but Gargano ENZIGURIS Cole! Gargano has Kyle and Cole in the corner, the Tree of Woe trapping them both! Gargano stomps a mudhole, then goes corner to corner, into Dunne’s roll up! TWO, and Dunne shifts to pump handle! BITTER- FINAL BEAT!

Gargano scoops Dunne to LAWN DART him into Cole and Kyle!! Gargano covers Dunne, TWO!! Gargano can’t believe it as the Bruiserweight survives! The fans rally and duel in all sorts of directions as Gargano throws hands on Dunne. Gargano stomps and kicks Cole, no love lost there. Gargano calls upon the DIY powers but runs into a fireman’s carry! Cole BOOTS, Kyle CLOHTESLINES! Cole BOOTS Kyle, Dunne ENZIGURIS Cole but DOUBLE CLOTHELINES take out Kyle and Dunne! Cole crawls to cover Gargano, TWO!! The CWC is thunderous as all four men stand back up. Kyle and Cole brawl, Gargano DECKS Dunne!

Cole hits, Kyle hits back, repeat, faster and faster! 52 FAKE OUT! Then SUPER- NO! Kyle blocks to an ANKLE LOCK!! Cole kicks him away, Kyle yoyos into KROSS’ arms! Kross RAMS Kyle into the barrier, then gives Cole an EXPLODER! Kross tosses Cole so he can join Kyle, and then he CATCHES Gargano’s tope! TWO HAND SLAM on the apron! Dunne jumps but into Kross’ arms! Kross TOSSES Dunne onto Cole and Kyle! Kross puts Gargano in the ring, reels him in and scoops, for a pop-up to the fireman’s carry, and an F5 HUNDRED! Cover, TWO!! Gargano survives! Kross is surprised by Gargano’s superhuman heart.

Cole returns but Kross ROCKS him! Gargano kicks and kicks Kross, and uses Cole to boost for the TORNADO DDT! Kross bails out, Cole is in a corner, and Gargano DIVES onto Kyle! Kyle hits announce desk, Gargano CANNONBALLS Kross from the steps! Gargano gets in to TOPE TORNADO DDT Dunne!! Fans love “Johnny Wrestling!” but Cole SUPERKICKS him! Then BLINDSIDE SUPERKICKS! Then LAST- NO! Gargano ducks the wizard to get the GargaNO Escape! Cole does escape, though, but Gargano boot shim away. Cole puts Gargano on the apron, Gargano slingshots into a SUPERKICK!

Cole goes up, PANAMA- NO!! Gargano makes it a CRUNCHY!! Cover, TWO!!! Fans are loving this as all five men are down! Dunne rises and gets back in the ring, as does Kyle. Gargano is in the middle of the ring, he sees he has targets in the corners. Gargano runs to clothesline Dunne, then goes for Kyle. Kyle dodges, ROCKS Dunne, but Gargano schoolboys Kyle! DOUBLJE KICK from Gargano and Dunne but Dunne ENZIGURIS Gargano! Gargano and Cole get Dunne with a SUPERKICK POISON RANA! Kyle and Gargano get Cole with SUPERKICK FISHERMAN BACK SUPLEX! Bridging cover, Gargano STOMPS it apart! “This is Awesome!” and it’s still going!!

Kross returns and unleashes clotheslines on each and every corner! Kyle dodges and lariats but Kross stays up! Dunne tries, no. Cole tries, no. Gargano tries, YES! Everyone trades forearms, DOUBLE CLOHTESLINE for Cole! Kyle fires off on Gargano and Dunne, Dunne hits back, Kyle yoyos! Gargano SUPERKICKS, Kyle yoyos for a DOUBLE LARIAT! Kross runs in, runs through the roundhouse and CLOBBERS Kyle! Fans are electric as all five men are down! The rally builds and Kross stands first. Kross talks Kyle, reels him in and GERMAN SUPLEXES! Kyle flops away but Kross gets Cole for a GERMAN SUPLEX!

Kross stalks Gargano, GERMAN SUPLEX! Kross soaks up the heat as he embodies The Beast and he stalks Dunne! GERMAN, but Dunne lands on his feet to BUZZSAW! PENALTY KICK from Kyle! Kross bails out, Gargano SUPERKICKS Kross on the apron! Cole SUPERKICKS Kross, too! Kross leans on ropes, and though they’re enemies now, Cole and Kyle remember back to their Undisputed Era days! DOUBLE POWERBOMB onto the announce desk! The desk does not break but perhaps Kross’ back just did! Cole and Kyle join Gargano and Dunne in the ring, and the fists start flying!! Fast and furious all four ways, DOUBLE SUPERKICKS take out Gargano and Cole!

Kyle and Dunne get each man in a GUILLOTINE! Double submissions, who gives in first? Kyle and Dunne spare Cole and Gargano to fire off on each other! Fans duel as Kyle ROCKS Dunne! Kyle KNEES Dunne, gets him up, but Dunne turns suplex into BODY SCISSOR KIMURA!! Kyle throws body shots, gets free and drags Dunne down! Dunne turns that into a TRIANGLE! Kyle gets Dunne up, Gargano SLINGSHOT SPEARS them both!! Cole throws Gargano out, gets Kyle up, GHOSTBUSTER!!! Cover, TWO!?!? Kyle survives and Cole can’t believe it! Dunne returns, Cole gets him up, and he throws forearms. Dunne CHOPS back and we have a new brawl!

Cole blocks a kick but ducks and the ENZIGURI hits Gargano! Dunne goes up and up into DOUBLE USPERKICKS! Cole throws Gargano out again, covers Dunne, TWO!! ONE FINAL BEAT for Cole!! Gargano covers both Dunne and Cole, TWO!!! Wait, DOUBLE GargaNO Escape?!? But Kyle gets in to KNEE Gargano down! Kyle saves Cole and Dunne but also his own chances! Fans are hoping these guys “Fight Forever!” at this point but it has to end somehow. Kyle and Gargano brawl, Kyle KICKS but Gargano jumps the sweep to BUZZSAW! Gargano runs into a KNEE! Kyle KNEES Gargano again, gets him up, BRAIN BUSTER!!

Kyle roars and goes to a corner. Kyle climbs, Cole SHOVES him down! Cole climbs, aims, PANAMA SUNRISE!!! Cover, Dunne drags Cole off! For a BRAIN BUSTER to the FLOOR! But Kross rises?!?! Dunne dares him to get in the ring then! Fans are fired up for the Bruiserweight but Kross grins as he gets in. Dunne fires off fast hands from all sides! Kross puts up a guard, then gets under Dunne to GERMAN SUPLEX! Dunne gets back up?! And side steps to SNAP GERMAN! Pump handle, BITTER END!!!! Cover, TWO?!?!? Dunne doesn’t question it, he just puts on a TRIANGLE! And throws elbow after elbow after elbow!

Kross is fading, Dunne wants to keep on, but Cole, Gargano AND Kyle break it up! They save Kross just to save their own chances! “This is Awesome!” is an understatement as everyone resets. Dunne STOMPS hands, and BUZZSAWS Kyle, then BUZZSAWS Gargano! Cole goes to low blow but Dunne blocks it! Dunne has the fingers, but Kross has Dunn AND Cole! DOUBLE DOOMSDAY SAIDO!!! Cole stagger sup into the APOCALYPSE ELBOW!! Kross vows to end this now, and he has Dunne for the KROSSJACKET!! Dunne is fading, but he gets a second wind! Dunne has the fingers! Dunne SNAPS ‘EM!! But ONE FINAL BEAT FOR DUNNE!

Kross gets Gargano in the KROSSJACKET! Gargano fights, uses the corner, pushes back and has a cover!! TWO!?!? KROSSJACK- NO! Gargano is moving around, Kross is on him, but LAST SHOT SHINING WIZARD!! Kyle gives Cole AX ‘N’ SMASH!! Kyle aims at Kross as he climbs, KING KONG KNEE DROP!!! Cover, Cole SUPERKICKS Kyle!! And SUPERKICKS Gargano! And SUPERKICKS Dunne! Cole aims at Kyle, for- NO! Kyle ducks, trips Cole, HEEL HOOK! Cole kicks and kicks but Kyle just adds that other foot! DOUBLE HEEL HOOK!! Cole flails, shouts “NO!” and KROSS gets Kyle with a KROSSJACKET!!! Cole is still caught, Kyle could still do this! But Kyle is fading, too!!

Kyle lets Cole go and Kross smothers him!! Kyle is OUT, Kross wins!!!

Winner: Karrion Kross, by submission (still NXT Champion)

Kyle falls right at the finish line and Kross takes the win! The chaos and the carnage was Kross’ bread and butter, and now he solidifies his place atop the NXT mountain! Is there no end to the apocalypse


Backstage interview with William Regal.

As he heads for the door, McKenzie wants Regal’s thoughts on In Your House 2021. Regal walks out to the parking lot. It has been seven years since he became GM of NXT, and he’d never seen such bedlam and madness. “I think it’s time for a change.” What? What does he mean by that? Where is Regal going?!

My Thoughts:

WHOOOOA! What an amazing TakeOver! Best one of the year so far, as far as I’m concerned. The only thing that would’ve made it better is if the Peacock didn’t suck from having no livestream pause and skip-back abilities. That Six Man Tag was amazing, but I am 111% sure I missed some details at the beginning because of no pausing or replaying. I am so glad that Reed & MSK won, and not just because Escobar’s Heel heat borders on Go Away Heat with me. Though c’mon, he literally used the chicken shit strategy in that match, how can you be okay with that? Reed annihilating him through a barrier was the best, though. Reed VS Escobar 1v1 has to happen next before Hit Row moves in.

Mercedes VS Xia Li was very good, and it makes sense for Xia to win. Mercedes beating her and Boa up is fine because then we got interaction between Mercedes and Mei Ying. I am definitely hoping Mei Ying’s first match, aka Karen Q’s return to the ring, is against Mercedes in a great match that doesn’t rely on the supernatural stuff. WWE Raw isn’t doing the best with supernatural characters fighting without their powers, so NXT can show them a thing or two here. The Million Dollar Ladder match was awesome stuff. Knight wins so that that the Face can chase, and Grimes proving he has the fortitude to come back will be great for his character over the summer.

We got a really good promo from Ciampa & Thatcher to hype up their tornado tag with Grizzled Young Veterans, though I feel like it could’ve been put in the preshow. That match is going to be great stuff, though. The many Todd Pettengill moments were great, though, especially with Hit Row and Dexter Lumis. We got another great Women’s Championship match in Raquel VS Ember, but I just knew Dakota would get involved and Shotzi would return to go after her. Shotzi VS Dakota has to be set for this Tuesday already. To be fair to my judgment of Escobar, I should question if Raquel really needed help to retain the title if she’s to stay strong. Maybe her next challenger can be someone she actually does defeat on her own.

Everything with the NXT Championship Fatal 5 tonight was great. The parking lot confrontation of Kyle and The Way, then the backstage one with Dunne and Kross all keeps with how the go-home was chaotic and tense. The Fatal 5 itself was an amazing match, really giving us every bit of story between the five, and I am really surprised Cole didn’t take the loss here. It was great drama for all the multi-submissions, and for Kross taking the win away from Kyle like that. I wonder if we’re getting reverse psychology: Kyle takes the loss so that he’ll be the one to take the title from Kross one day.

Regal implying he’s stepping down as GM is the big shocker, though. All the stuff tonight and last week does lend towards why his character would feel that way, but I’m not sure how to feel about that. Who could possibly replace Regal after seven years? Now that is an end of an era.

My Score: 9.7/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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