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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (6/1/21)

Who will be In Your House?



NXT Coverage 2021

Who is heading to TakeOver: In Your House?

NXT STARTS with Kyle O’Reilly VS Johnny Gargano VS Pete Dunne in a #1 Contender’s Triple Threat! Who will punch their ticket for THE NXT Champion, Karrion Kross?


  • NXT Championship #1 Contender’s Triple Threat: Kyle O’Reilly VS Johnny Gargano VS Pete Dunne; No Contest.
  • LA Knight VS Jake Atlas; Atlas wins.
  • NXT Cruiserweight Championship Open Challenge: KUSHIDA VS Carmelo Hayes; Kushida wins and retains the title.
  • Candice LeRae & Indi Hartwell VS Zoey Stark & Zayda Ramier; LeRae & Hartwell win.
  • NXT Tag Team Champions: MSK VS El Legado del Fantasma; MSK wins and retains the titles.


NXT Championship #1 Contender’s Triple Threat: Kyle O’Reilly VS Johnny Gargano VS Pete Dunne!

A main event caliber match is OPENING tonight! Karrion Kross thwarted the Prince, but that doesn’t mean the end is near! Will it be #CoolKyle, Johnny Freakin’ TakeOver, or the Bruiserweight that looks to cancel the apocalypse?

The bell rings and Kyle BOOTS Dunne then tackles Gargano! Kyle grounds ‘n’ pounds but Dunne gets him up to brawl with forearms! Gargano joins in to brawl with Kyle, but then Dunne cuts in. Kyle clinches to knee over and over but Gargano cuts in. Kyle throws Gargano out, but Dunne DECKS Kyle with that forearm! And basement dropkicks him in the head! Dunne gets an arm, twists it from wrist to elbow, and bends the fingers! Dunne hammerlocks then double wristlocks but Kyle back drops to an ARMBAR! Dunne scrambles, Gargano stomps in, but gets caught to a HEEL HOOK! Dunne gets Kyle’s arm for an ARMBAR!

Gargano gets free of Kyle, Kyle pushes Dunne to ropes, and Gargano throws Kyle out! Gargano hobbles and Dunne pounces on that leg! Dunne floats to a headlock and grinds Gargano down. Gargano chinbars, gets up, throws body shots and powers out. Dunne runs Gargano over, things speed up and Dunne side steps but Gargano RANAS! Dunne dodges the arm-drag, hooks up the legs, and fish hooks Gargano’s face! Dunne hammers Gargano, gets the arms, but Kyle returns to KICK Dunne down! Kyle gets Gargano up, Gargano ROCKS him but runs into a BIG knee! Kyle gets Gargano up to wrench and YANK the arm, then wrenches again. Gargano ROCKS, Kyle wrenches, repeat!

Kyle has the arm for an ARMBAR DDT! Kyle throws down hammering elbows and rams his knee into Gargano’s side. Dunne slithers in and gets Kyle’s arm! Dunne has both men stacked, for a DOUBLE FAR ARM STRETCH! He bends both men’s fingers way back, then stacks the hands to STOMP them both! Fans fire up as Gargano and Kyle go to opposite corners. Dunne runs and forearms Kyle, then runs to forearm Gargano. Dunne heads back for Kyle but Kyle dodges. Gargano dodges Kyle to ROCK Dunne! Kyle dodges Gargano to ROCK Dunne! Kyle dodges Gargano again and Gargano uppercuts Dunne! Kyle gets Gargano’s leg, then Dunne’s, DOUBLE DRAGON SCREW!

Gargano bails out so Kyle gets Dunne’s leg for an ANKLE LOCK! Dunne rolls to drag Kyle down, for an ANKLE LOCK! Kyle rolls to throw Dunne out, Gargano DECKS Dunne! Gargano aims at Kyle, GAMANGIRI, ONE FINAL- Dunne stops Gargano by grabbing his rope side arm! Dunne bends the fingers, Kyle gets Dunne’s leg, DRAGON SCREW and HOTSHOT combo! Gargano comes back, he dropkicks Dunne while giving Kyle a TORNADO DDT! Cover, TWO! Kyle is still in this as NXT goes picture in picture!

Gargano gets the bad leg moving as he and Kyle are alone in the ring. Gargano drags Kyle up to a cravat, snapmares and basement dropkicks him in the back! Dunne grabs at Gargano but Gargano kicks him away. Gargano covers Kyle, TWO! The delay might’ve helped Kyle, but Gargano gets him up in a facelock. Kyle blocks the suplex but Gargano throws body shots, to then snap suplex! Gargano goes at Dunne but Dunne shoulders into him! Things speed up, Dunne hurdles then drops then CLOBBERS Gargano! Gargano flounders out and now Dunne is alone with Kyle. Dunne drags Kyle around, digs his face into the mat, and bends the arm way back!

Kyle endures as Dunne twists his wrist and digs into the shoulder! Dunne puts the arm back down and stands on it, but Gargano is there. Dunne DECKS Gargano and kicks him down, then goes back to Kyle! Dunne arm-drags to a wristlock, then headscissors for a squeeze! Kyle endures but Dunne throws elbows. Dunne gets Kyle’s hand and again bends fingers! Dunne lets off the scissors to hammerlock and KICK the arm! Dunne sees Gargano getting up so he goes out to RAM him into boards! Dunne goes back to Kyle but Kyle is up and throws forearms! Dunne DECKS Kyle all the same! Dunne KICKS Kyle in the side, and drops knees on his stomach!

Kyle sits up and sputters but Dunne stands on his hand. Dunne hooks Kyle’s face, stands him up and throws knees. NXT returns to single picture as the knees keep hitting! Gargano is back again and baits Dunne to the ropes. Kyle gets Dunne with a kitchen sink knee! Kyle BOOTS Gargano, ROUNDHOUSES Dunne, then fires off a strike fest on Gargano! Leg sweep and fans fire up with Kyle! Kyle runs at Dunne to forearm smash against ropes! Kyle wrenches the arm, hits an elbow breaker, but Dunne throws forearms. Kyle knees low and BUTTERFLY SUPLEXES, but holds on, for another! Gargano runs in, he gets a BUTTERFLY SLAM onto Dunne! Kyle covers Dunne, TWO!

Gargano stays by ropes but Kyle KNEES Dunne out of the ring! Kyle runs to SLIDING KNEE Gargano in the ribs! Kyle goes out but Dunne ROCKS him! Kyle fights the X-Plex, goes to the apron, and hits Dunne with a FLYING KNEE! Gargano DIVES onto Kyle outta nowhere! Gargano gets back in to DIVE out onto Dunne! And then does it again to DIVE on Kyle into the boards! The fans are rallying and dueling as Gargano puts Kyle in. Gargano aims, slingshots and SPEARS! Cover, TWO! Kyle keeps this alive and Gargano grows frustrated. Gargano hobbles, gets Kyle up and CHOPS him in a corner! And CHOPS him again!

Fans want that “One More Time!” but Gargano tells them nope. Gargano puts Kyle up top, has the inverted crucifix lift, but Kyle slips off to try a backslide! Gargano holds it off, Dunne KICKS their legs out! Dunne BUZZSAWS Kyle and basement SHOTGUNS Gargano! Dunne STOMPS Kyle’s hands, and another BUZZSAW! Dunne gets Kyle up, LIGER BOMB! Cover but Gargano BOOTS it! Kyle has a prawn hold cover, but Gargano mule KICKS him! Gargano drags Dunne up, but Dunne hits the X-PLEX! Cover, TWO!! Gargano survives and all three men are down as the CWC fires up! “NXT! NXT!” knows how to open a show!

Dunne has Kyle’s arm and wrenches it to a BODY SCISSOR KIMURA! Kyle uses his own tights to block, and then Gargano CLOBBERS Dunne! Kyle CATAPULTS Dunne out! But Gargano rolls Kyle, with tights! TWO, school boy kick into a HEEL HOOK! Kyle twists Gargano’s leg but Dunne BOOTS him! Dunne drops knees on Gargano’s arm! Pump handle, BITTER- DDT!! Gargano scoops Dunne, to LAWN DART him into Kyle! Kyle falls out of the ring as Gargano covers Dunne, TWO!! Dunne survives but Gargano is too tired to be frustrated. The CWC hopes these guys “Fight Forever!” but this has to end somehow!

Gargano and Dunne brawl on the mat, forearms and CHOPS and jabs and elbows! Dunne gets the edge, Kyle returns to fire off KICKS on both men! KICK for Dunne, KICK for Gargano and back again! Gargano ducks the next kick, rolls Kyle, SCHOOL BOY BUZZSAW COMBO on Kyle’s head! Dunne STOMPS Gargano’s hands but Gargano ducks the buzzsaw to ENZIGURI! Kyle gives Gargano AX ‘N’ SMASH! Dunne ENZIGURIS Kyle! Kyle rebounds into a SUPERKICK! But Kyle just rebounds again to DOUBLE LARIAT! All three men are down and the CWC are thunderous! “This is Awesome!” but not over yet!

Gargano goes to the apron, slingshots, but Kyle catches for a GUILLOTINE! Kyle squeezes tight but Dunne gets Kyle for a SLEEPER! Kyle is already fading, and he lets Gargano free! Kyle fights, but Gargano runs in! Tilt-o-whirl and takedown, GargaNO Escape on Dunne!! Dunne flails, claws at Gargano’s fingers and gets free to SNAP them! Dunne gets Gargano up to pump handle, BITTER END! But Kyle climbs to KING KONG KNEE DROP!! Fans are thunderous again as Kyle and Dunne brawl on the apron. They boot back and forth, but Gargano DECKS Kyle! Dunne DECKS Gargano, goes after Kyle but DOUBLE CLOTHESLINES take both men down!

All three men are down again but only Gargano is in the ring. Dunne crawls for the ring, Kyle stands up, ADAM COLE attacks Kyle with a CHAIR! And then he SMACKS Dunne! Gargano DIVES but Cole THROWS the chair into him! Cole rains down fists on Kyle, then DECKS the ref! Dunne gets Cole with a guillotine, but Cole RAMS Dunne into the ref! The ref hits boards and flops over, Cole gives Dunne a BRAINBUSTER to the ramp! And a LAST SHOT to Kyle! Gargano sits up in the ring, Cole gives him a LAST SHOT! Cole just wrecked all three men but William Regal storms in with security!

Cole says he’ll leave, because he already did what he wanted. He tells Regal and the guards to back up and give him space. But then he SUPERKICKS Kyle again! Cole says now he’s going, but he wants Regal to understand NXT needs Cole. What is going to happen to this Triple Threat? We’ll see, after the break.

NXT returns, and Cole still hasn’t left?

Regal and Cole keep arguing, but Ember Moon storms past them to go to the ring! Security drags Cole to the back while Ember gets on the mic to tell Raquel Gonzalez, “Get your big ass out here! You think what you did to Shotzi was funny?! I am not gonna let that slide!” Ember will hold the show hostage if she has to! The NXT Women’s Champion makes her entrance but Regal tells her to stay back. she won’t, and the brawl is on in the ring! Ember SUPERKICKS, front kicks and SUPERKICKS again! ROLLING ELBOW!! Raquel tumbles out but is right back up! Regal keeps this from going any further, but the fans want to “Let Them Fight!”

Raquel says Ember called her out so she’s gonna get what she gets! And that’s DAKOTA KAI from behind! Kai fires off Kowata Kicks on Ember’s face with those Timberlands! And then a BOOT from those boots send Ember tumbling! Regal realizes the bait ‘n’ switch and now tells both Raquel and Kai to get out of here! Now on top of the NXT Championship, what’s going on with the NXT Women’s Championship?


NXT hears from El Legado del Fantasma.

Santos Escobar says, “Familia is everything. And that’s what we are.” Joaquin Wilde & Raul Mendoza were there for him a year ago when he became Cruiserweight Champion. He will be there for them when they take what is rightfully theirs in the NXT Tag Team Champions. Mendoza says a true warrior doesn’t back down and isn’t afraid of bleeding, especially to become campeones. Wilde says tonight is their coronation, and tonight they follow in Escobar’s footsteps by becoming Leaders of Leaders, Champions of Champions! They will do what they do best: take what’s theirs. But will MSK let them take over so easily?


LA Knight speaks.

“It’s that night of the week! The greatest wrestler alive! Hit that LA jam, dummy!” Knight makes his way to the ring for the LA Knight Show, “let me talk to ya! Live and in living color, everybody’s got a price! And who drew the short stick this week, but the one man that defeated Cameron Grimes two weeks ago. I think his name is Jake Atlas.” But Knight has it on good authority that Ted DeBiase will be watching backstage as Knight drops “this cross-eyed halfwit on his head,” just like he did to Grimes! This is the Mega Star and the only man to carry the Million Dollar Legacy! That’s not an insult, that’s just a fact of life! Will Knight put his money where his mouth is against Atlas after the break?


NXT shares what happened earlier today.

As seen on WWE’s YouTube and other social media, Drake Maverick was simply arriving but Ever-Rise gets in his face about last week. But then Hit Row rolls up and the Ever-Rise boys tease “The Dollar King” and the “Music Boy.” B-Fab teases them back as the “runts,” and Swerve says they’re the clowns of NXT. Adonis wants them to pause, rewind and watch their mouths. Top Dolla says these boys are drinking their own Kool-Aid. Swerve asks what Maverick is laughing at. Well they called him a clown, so Maverick will make them laugh: Swerve needs a new dentist. Swerve says Maverick should run and get help. No need to run, Killian Dain walks up right behind Maverick.

Dain tells Swerve that if he has a problem with Maverick, he has a problem with Dain. Dolla says if Dain’s feeling froggy, then jump. Maverick jumps in but he can’t stop this. Swerve tells Dain to check his little buddy, or they’ll both end up on the hit list. The Hit Row moves on, because they’re here to get money, not mess around with dorks. “Let’s blow this popsicle stand.” Ever-Rise doesn’t get what that line’s about, but will these teams be lining up to take shots at Hit Row?


LA Knight VS Jake Atlas!

NXT returns to the ring and Atlas is already here. The bell rings, Atlas dares Knight to bring it on. Fans are on Atlas’ side as he and Knight tie up. Knight arm-drags but then brags, only for Atlas to roll him up! TWO, and Knight kicks low! Knight throws hands, whips Atlas to ropes, but Atlas gets around to arm-drag Knight back! And dropkick him down! Atlas keeps moving, and springboard arm-drags! Cover, TWO! Atlas keeps on Knight with an armlock, and SLAMS the arm down! Atlas gets Knight up, is after the arm again, and WRINGS Knight out! Cover, ONE! Atlas keeps on Knight’s arm but Knight endures as Atlas CLUBS it!

Atlas hooks the leg to drop a knee! Knight gets up, Atlas CHOPS him then arm-drags! Atlas grinds the arm, Knight fights up and pulls hair! The ref counts, Knight whips but Atlas reverses. Knight sunset flips but Atlas sits on it, TWO! Knight kicks but Atlas blocks to BOOT back! Atlas reels Knight in but Knight wrenches out. Atlas knees and uppercuts first! Atlas gets Knight up, Knight throws hands but Atlas hits back! Atlas runs but into a FLAPJACK HOTSHOT! Knight hits a LEAPING NECKBREAKER! Fans taunt Knight, “You Still Suck!” but here comes the Million Dollar Man! DeBiase is here to see this in person as Knight says he’ll shut Atlas up.

Atlas fires off hands, but Knight ROCKS him! Knight says this is chump change! But then Atlas catches him by surprise with a springboard sunset flip! High stack, TWO! Knight almost got caught, but he scoops Atlas for a FALLING SLAM! Knight gets his ego back as he hits a Million Dollar Fist Drop! Atlas gets to a corner, Knight chokes him on the ropes! Knight lets off as the ref counts, but he KICKS Atlas in the ribs! Knight drops knees, gets the legs and grins as he STOMPS Atlas in the gut! Knight drags Atlas up but fans rally for Atlas as Knight chokes him on ropes again! The ref counts, Knight lets off and KNEES him back down!

Knight slingshots for a FLYING SHOULDER! DeBiase seems mildly impressed, but Knight still has to win. Will Knight do just that after the break?

NXT returns and Knight battles with Atlas for suplex control. Knight knees Atlas low, reels him back in and suplexes, but Atlas slips out! Atlas suplexes but Knight lands on his feet for a NECKBREAKER! DeBiase does like that as Knight gets back up. Knight has Atlas in a waistlock and wants a nelson but Atlas RAMS him into buckles! Atlas flounders up but Knight is after him again! Knight wants the Million Dollar Dream but Atlas arm-drags him away! Atlas runs, ducks and dodges and CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! Atlas fires up and fires off forearms! Atlas whips, Knight reverses and then throws Atlas WAY out of the ring! Atlas hits the ground hard, right in front of DeBiase.

Knight gloats and soaks up heat on the top rope. A ring count climbs and Knight says this is what the Million Dollar Legacy looks like! Atlas gets up at 7 and in at 9 of 10! Knight stomps Atlas, CLUBS him down, but fans chant “To The Moon!” for Grimes. Knight is annoyed and he rains down fists on Atlas. Knight goes to the corner, climbs up and tells the incels to watch this. Knight leaps into Atlas’ body shot! Fans fire up and DeBiase seems disappointed in Knight there. Knight runs at Atlas but gets a JAWBREAKER! Atlas waistlocks and spins Knight for a LARIAT! Atlas fires off haymakers, and here comes Grimes!

Grimes talks up up DeBiase as Atlas KNEES and ROLLING ELBOWS Knight! BRAINBUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Grimes says DeBiase should reconsider and let him have the Million Dollar Legacy. Atlas aims at Knight, brings him around and fireman’s carries but Knight slips free to cravat knee! Atlas stays up, and turns Knight’s clothesline into a fireman’s carry, ROLLING DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! PENALTY KICK, STANDING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO!! Grimes says that was close! Is DeBiase sure Knight is the right guy? Atlas goes up, but Knight ROCKS him first! Knight climbs, but Atlas ROCKS him! Knight comes back, leaps to the top, and grins but Grimes distracts!

Atlas trips Knight up! Knight lands on his pawn, Atlas aims and CARTWHEEL DDT!! Cover, ATLAS WINS!!

Winner: Jake Atlas, by pinfall

Grimes laughs at Knight’s loss, but it isn’t quite the Million Dollar Laugh. Knight glares at Grimes and Grimes says he’ll wait DeBiase’s call. DeBiase leaves without Knight and Knight desperately flounders after. Has Knight just missed out on a major endorsement?


Kyle, Gargano and Dunne are all in the trainer’s room.

Oney Lorcan checks on Dunne while Austin Theory talks with Gargano. Oney tells the camera to get out of here. All we need to know that if not for Cole, Dunne would be #1 contender already. Austin hears that and says that it would be Gargano a #1 contender! Because that’s the way it is! They start fighting now! Security keeps these two apart, but the bigger question is, what happens with the NXT Championship match?


Backstage interview with Ted DeBiase.

He just saw Knight lose, so who is he considering for the Million Dollar Legacy now? Well, Knight dropped the ball. Grimes showed that it takes not only mind but brawn together. Cole storms past DeBiase to go right to gorilla! What is he doing back in the building?! And what the hell is he going to do now!?


Next week, Poppy returns!

The Grammy nominee is ready to rock NXT again next Tuesday!


NXT returns and Cole is in the ring with a mic.

“Two years ago to the day, I became the NXT Champion! And whether NXT wants to admit it or not, whether Regal wants to admit it or not, you’re looking at the REAL #1 Contender!” Cole’s been gone two months, and for those two months, he watched as everyone tried to live up to his legacy! Surprise surprise, everyone’s failed! Cole took out THREE of NXT’s best, in one night! So what does that mean, boys ‘n’ girls? Ol’ Adam Cole BAYBAY wants the title back!

Which brings him to Karrion Kross. People think Kross is a monster but Cole sees through him: He’s a big, overrated muscle head who doesn’t deserve to be in the same ring as him! You think it was a mistake Cole had the title for 403 DAYS? You think that- Wait, here comes Kross and Scarlett! Kross goes right to the ring, gets himself a mic, and tells the “little man” that his motives tonight are understandable. But the title isn’t Cole’s. And no matter what he says, Cole will never change things in the grand scheme. Because when Kross signed with NXT, Cole was no longer special and he knows that. We can talk about it here.

But hey, humor Kross! Tell him a story, entertain him, Mr. Cole! Oh Cole would happy to, Mr. Overrated! But the truth is, Kross is never going to be Adam Cole BAYBAY. This brand has done everything in its power to make KROSS feel special! Cool music, the lights, the fog, the girl. But what do they do to make Cole feel special? They ring the freakin’ bell!! Even on Kross’ best day, he couldn’t lace Cole’s boots! Kross can’t hang with Cole and isn’t on Cole’s level! And anyone who watches pro-wrestling can see it! If we are talking special, Kross is NOT special, COLE is special. Kross is just someone who has Cole’s property!

Regal walks out and tells Cole that he knows what’s going on and it won’t work! Cole won’t weasel his way into a 1v1 for that title! But Kross tells Regal to shut up! Kross doesn’t care what Regal thinks, or what Cole thinks. This is about what Kross wants. And what he wants at TakeOver… is EVERYONE!! WHAT?! Kross wants Kyle, Gargano, Dunne AND “this gas station weasel” Cole!! Kross promises that no matter what Cole thinks he can do until then, he’s not avoiding disaster. Cole says Kross will regret it. He’s a different animal. The fans want this match, Regal is smirking already, and the match is made!! Cole leaves the ring, to tear up the desk!

“I RUN THIS SHOW, KROSS!” Kross can kiss the title good-bye, because Cole runs this! Always has, always will! And then he throws water at Kross and Scarlett. “See you soon, punk!” Things were heated before tonight, it is about to get downright explosive at TakeOver! The biggest match ever for this title, but who comes out the most powerful champion NXT has ever had?


Backstage interview with The Way’s Candice LeRae & Indi Hartwell.

Indi is wearing noise cancelling headphones while McKenzie notes the major news we just heard: Poppy’s back! And then there’s- Whoa, whoa, whoa, McKenzie. The NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions are right here, but you want to talk about that idiot, Kross, who of course is going to lose to Gargano, by the way. And Poppy? Really? Why do we keep bringing her back? To pull a Bad Bunny? Pff, grow up, kids. Right, Indi? Indi? Candice takes the headphones off. The music playing is an 80’s power ballad? Let’s go, Indi. C’mon. The song is hard to hear but clearly it relates to the pain in Indi’s heart. Is there still hope for #InDex?


NXT hears from Christian Casanova, now Carmelo Hayes.

Hayes impressed so much at the WWE Performance Center, that NXT is allowing him to answer Kushida’s Open Challenge for the Cruiserweight Championship! “Walking in the door and being given this opportunity, it’s humbling.” But he’s going to make an impression on the world, and why he is THE Generational Talent. You won’t ever see another him. His ability is once in a lifetime, and in his humble opinion, we’re looking at the NEXT NXT Cruiserweight Champion. Hayes may have gotten people to notice him, but will he be able to make NXT acknowledge him?


NXT hears from Tian Sha.

Xia Li tells Mercedes Martinez, “Something I will never forget is how you tried to embarrass me.” It as the Mae Young Classic, and Xia’s first match ever. Mercedes tried to bring shame to her name and disgrace her family! She feels sick thinking back to that. She’s been waiting for this moment for FOUR YEARS! “Now I am a true warrior, and you stand in the way of my destiny!” Mercedes, at TakeOver: In Your House, Xia will HURT YOU! For the glory of Tian Sha, will Xia Li slay her dragon?


Those headphones are still playing the power ballad playlist.

But someone comes by to pick them up. It’s DEXTER LUMIS! He listens to what Indi was listening to. And he starts to tear up! Is #InDex still possible?!



Not only has the Fatal 5 been approved, but Cameron Grimes VS LA Knight is happening! Will this Million Dollar Grudge Match help DeBiase decide who to pass the legacy on to?


NXT Cruiserweight Championship Open Challenge: KUSHIDA VS Carmelo Hayes!

NXT returns to the ring as Hayes makes his entrance. This is quite the debut for this young and insanely confident superstar, but will he learn the difference between him and the Super Junior?

The introductions are made, the title is raised, and the Time Splitter puts the new kid to the test!

Fans rally as the two stand off and slowly circle. They tie up, Hayes gets around to roll Kushida up, ONE! Hayes says he’s taking the title, but Kushida just keeps focus. They circle. Kushida calls for a test of strength, and Hayes accepts. They knuckle lock, go shoulder to shoulder, and Kushida pushes Hayes down. Hayes tries a monkey flip but Kushida prevents it. Kushida gets Hayes up but Hayes goes up and over to sunset flip! TWO, but Hayes gets Kushida in a headlock. Hayes hits a headlock takeover, Kushida fights up and powers out. Things speed up, Kushida hurdles but Hayes leaps and hurdles to mule kick! Hayes arm-drags Kushida around then dropkicks him down!

Fans duel as Hayes looms over Kushida. Kushida hits back, CHOPS and has Hayes in a corner. Kushida CHOPS again, whips him, but Hayes reverses. Hayes runs in but Kushida boots him! Kushida swings but Hayes gets around to roll and EDDY GORDO! Fans cheer that move as Hayes covers, TWO! “Melo! Melo!” has fans but Kushida has just as many. Hayes gets Kushida up but Kushida wrenches and headlocks. Hayes tries but can’t power out as Kushida holds on tight. Kushida grinds but Hayes powers up to power out. Kushida handsprings and back elbows Hayes down! Kushida powers up and watches Hayes, then runs in at the corner.

Hayes dodges and ducks the boot to put Kushida in ropes for an ENZIGURI! Kushida is in the ropes, Hayes springboards for a DRAPING LEG DROP! Kushida is in a daze as Hayes drags him to a cover, TWO! Hayes grows frustrated but he still has the champ reeling as NXT goes to break.

NXT returns as Hayes throws haymakers on Kushida. Hayes KNEES him low and hard, bumps him off buckles, then paces around him. Hayes gets Kushida up to whip him, but Kushida holds ropes. Kushida puts Hayes outside, runs and handspring kicks him down! Hayes hits boards! Kushida aims from the apron, Hayes gets up, Kushida FLYING KNEES the arm! Kushida drags Hayes up and around to put in the ring. Kushida climbs the corner, Hayes gets up again, and Kushida FLYING- NO! Hayes dodges to SUPERKICK! Kushida stays up but Hayes fireman’s carries. TKO KNEE SMASH! Hayes runs, springboards, FLYING SLINGBLADE! Hayes has to crawl to the cover, TWO!!

Kushida survives the #SpringBlade and the two slowly sit up. They throw forearms back and forth, Hayes CHOPS, but Kushida snarls. Hayes CHOPS but Kushida stays up! Kushida KICKS and KICKS and KICKS but Hayes eggs him on, to get a SHOTEI! Kushida powers up, but Hayes dodges again, to tilt-o-whirl FACEBUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Fans are fired up while Hayes tries to figure out what he has to do. Hayes says he NEEDS this, and he runs, but Kushida turns the tilt-o-whirl into a hip toss! Cartwheel basement dropkick! FAST BALL! PENALTY- NO! Hayes avoids the kick, waistlocks, they trade standing switches, but Kushida gets the arm!

Hayes grits his teeth and shakes his head. He wrenches, dodges a clothesline, and springboards, into a FAST BALL! PENALTY KICK to the arm! Kushida gets Hayes’ arm for the HOVERBOARD!!! Hayes endures, flails, reaches, but he taps! Kushida wins!!

Winner: Kushida, by submission (still NXT Cruiserweight Champion)

What a debut for the newest recruit to the Cruiserweight Division! Kushida shows his respect to Hayes, Hayes shows respect back. Who will be next for the Time Splitter and the title? Will Hayes climb his way back up to try again some day?


MSK talks backstage.

Wes Lee tells Nash Carter that Legado been talkin’. Talking about warrior spirit, giving up blood, sweat and tears to get an opportunity at MSK’s NXT Tag Team Championships. But honestly, when have they been doing it? They just use backhanded tactics to get MSK’s attention! Just like in that Six Man! Exactly. That isn’t happening tonight. Tonight, MSK gonna beat the brakes off these boys! Odale, vato, Lee is feeling it! Because no matter what Legado does, MSK is NOT walking out without the titles. Everyone will hear, “And still! NXT Tag Team Champions, M! S! K!” That’s all night, and all day! The Must-See Kids are fired up for this must-see main event!


Franky Monet finishes up with the make-up department.

The reviews for her world premiere last week are in! “The Franky Monet debut was perfect!” YAAASS~! “Franky Monet picks up a quick win in impressive debut, I’m hyped.” YASS~! “Franky Monet killed her debut, welcome to the La ERA of Franky Monet!” Gurrrl~! Oh, and she’s just getting started.


Candice LeRae & Indi Hartwell VS Zoey Stark & Zayda Ramier!

The Way is feeling great, as they are the NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions and are hoping Gargano gets THE NXT title back in the near future. But first, Candice & Indi Wrestling are taking on a new duo. Will they put #ZNZ to sleep? Or will this be a happily ever after for the two upstarts?

The teams sort out, Indi and Zayda start and tie up. Indi throws Zayda down then drops an elbow! Indi scoops Zayda, SLAMS her, and tags Candice so she can NECK SNAPPER! Cover, TWO! Candice is already annoyed and gets Zayda up to bump her off buckles. Tag to Indi, but Zayda fights back. Indi stomps her then puts her through ropes to ROCK Zayda with an uppercut! Candice tags in before Indi BOOTS Zayda down! Candice covers, TWO! Candice sits Zayda up for a neck wrench but fans rally up. Zayda fights, gets to her feet, but Candice throws her down! Cover, TWO! Candice wraps on a sleeper and grinds Zayda down.

Zayda gets up, rolls Candice up, TWO! Candice CLOBBERS Zayda then tags Indi. Indi BOOTS Zayda down before she can reach Stark! Indi gets in Stark’s face, drops elbows on Zayda, but Zayda gets up to ENZIGURI! Both women are crawling, hot tag to Candice! Candice drops elbows on Zayda! Then sucker punches Stark! Zady gets up to fire off on Candice, but Candice shoves her away. Zayda SUPER WOMAN PUNCHES Candice down! Hot tag to Stark! Stark rallies on The Way with big lariats! HEEL KICK to Indi! Stark fires up, handsprings and ENZIGURIS Candice! Cover, TWO! Stark tags Zayda, they combine for a wheelbarrow SPLASH! Cover, Indi breaks it in time!

Indi gets up and dumps Stark out hard! Zayda runs but Candice CLOBBERS her again! Tag to Indi, The Way coordinates, WICKED STEP SISTER and IMPRESSIVE ELBOW! Candice DIVES to take out Stark while Indi covers, The Way wins!

Winners: Candice LeRae & Indi Hartwell

That was a #WickedSavage combination, and are rolling towards TakeOver! But who will meet them In Your House for a golden opportunity?


Mercedes Martinez speaks.

“So Tian Sha wants to mark me as their next victim. News flash! I’ve been a marked woman my entire career! Xia, you’re not the same girl I faced at the Mae Young Classic. You’re more badass, you’re dangerous, and I get it, but so am I. You say I’m standing in your way of your destiny? No, you’re standing in MY way back to the women’s title. So listen real close, chaquita.” Mercedes beat Xia at MYC, so she’ll run THROUGH her at TakeOver! Is there no fear as Mercedes and the frightening Xia are headed for a collision course?


The Diamond Mine is opening soon!

This is they key to realize your potential. Pressure makes diamonds, but who will shine in NXT?


Backstage interview with Ember Moon.

How is she feeling after the confrontation earlier tonight? How is she supposed to feel? Happy and jumping for joy? No, she’s livid. But what she can’t wrap her head around is that Raquel is one of the most dominant women’s champions in NXT history, and yet consistently uses her lackey, Dakota, to fight for her! But Ember says that’s fine. She will get Raquel where it hurts her the most. Ember gets revenge on the insurance policy, and then goes In Your House to take what matters most to Raquel and become a TWO-TIME NXT Women’s Champion! Raquel thinks she’s unstoppable, but hell hath no fury like Ember’s Law! Will #CobraKai regret riling up the Evolved Shenom?


NXT Tag Team Champions: MSK VS El Legado del Fantasma!

Lee & Carter made an impact debuting and WINNING the Dusty Cup and eventually taking these titles for their own. But Escobar accompanies the “technical assassin” and “death from above” to the ring. Will his presence be a factor in this big money main event?

The introductions are made, the titles are raised, and we see if MSK can deny Legado their crowning achievement!

The teams sort out and Lee starts with Wilde. Wilde and Lee circle, show off some agility, and tie up. Lee waistlocks, Wilde pries the hold, but Lee SLAMS Wilde down. Lee gets Wilde up but Wilde arm-drags him! Lee sweeps, covers, ONE! Wilde sweeps but Lee handsprings through to headlock! Wilde gets up, but he can’t power out as Lee holds tight! Lee rolls to get back to a better vantage point, but Wilde back suplexes! Lee lands on his feet, headlocks again, but Wilde throws him by his hair! Wilde drags Lee but Lee BOOTS him to the corner! Lee runs in, is put outside but Carter tags in! ENZIGURI, then Carter runs in, but Wilde slides out of the way!

Carter bronco busts buckles, Wilde CLOBBERS Lee! Legado fires up and the fans are dueling as Wilde bumps Carter off buckles. Tag to Mendoza, they stomp mudholes into Carter and Escobar is very amused! Mendoza CHOPS Carter, then BOOTS him down! Tag to Wilde, Legado double whips Carter to double back elbow! Mendoza uses Wilde as a weapon, GOURD BUSTER SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Wilde gets Carter up to DECK him with an uppercut! Wilde scrapes his soles off Carter, runs and BASEMENT CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! Wilde keeps on Carter with a chinbar and armlock. Fans rally, duel and Carter fights up to JAWBREAKER free!

Hot tag to Lee, he runs in and MSK fires off strikes on Wilde! Kick to ENZIGURI to DOUBLE STOMPS! Cover, but Mendoza breaks it! Carter KNEES Mendoza down, Wilde RAMS Carter into buckles! Wilde does his dance, but into Lee’s HANDSPRING PELE! All four men are down and the CWC fires up! The ref checks on everyone, but here come the Grizzled Young Veterans! These two claim they’re here to watch, but Ciampa & Thatcher get to them first! Ciampa clubs away on Zack Gibson while Thatcher is after James Drake’s EYE! These four go up the ramp and to the back while the teams in the ring reset.

Lee dodges Wilde and dumps him out of the ring! Lee BOOTS Mendoza at Carter and Carter dumps Mendoza out! Carter goes up and out and up again to MOONSAULT Mendoza down! Lee FLIES to hit Wilde! Fans go wild as NXT goes picture in picture!

MSK puts Wilde in, Lee climbs up top and leaps! Lee has to bail out of his 450 as Wilde moves, but Wilde returns for Lee to arm-drag him down! Lee grinds the armlock, Wilde claws at him but Lee digs a knee into Wilde’s head. Wilde gets up to throw hands but Lee just cranks the arm harder! Wilde endures, Lee steps through to La Magistrol! TWO, and Lee arm-drags again! Wilde seethes as he endures another armlock. Wilde fights up, pulls Lee’s hair, and uses that to whip, only for Lee to wrangle Wilde back down. Wilde fights up, glares at Lee and throws more haymakers. Lee grinds the arm even more, then KICKS it! And DECKS Wilde!

Lee gets Wilde to the MSK corner, tags Carter, and Lee snapmares Wilde for Carter’s slingshot senton! Cover, TWO! Wilde crawls for his corner but Carter stops him with a facelock. Carter shifts to go after the arm and continue where Lee left off. Carter drops knees on Wilde’s arm, then whips him to the corner for a EuroUpper! Tag to Lee, MSK mugs Wilde and Lee keeps Wilde cornered for more body shots and a BOOT! Lee brings Wilde around but Wilde throws Lee into buckles! Wilde bumps Lee off more buckles, tags Mendoza, and Mendoza RAMS his shoulder in again and again! Mendoza snapmares Lee to stomp him down, then sits him up for a cobra clutch!

Lee endures now as Mendoza leans on the hold. Carter and fans rally up as Lee fights. Lee throws hands, NXT returns to single picture, and Mendoza knees low and hard. Mendoza bumps Lee off buckles, CHOPS him, and then whips him corner to corner. Mendoza runs in but Lee BOOTS him back! Lee hops up, Mendoza handspring GAMANGIRIS! Lee tumbles and Mendoza drags him into the ring to cover, TWO! Legado is frustrated but Mendoza stomps Lee down. Mendoza drags Lee up, bumps him off buckles and tags Wilde. Legado double whip Lee to double SPINEBUSTER! And split the wishbone, to basement dropkick sandwich! Cover, TWO!!

Wilde fires off on Lee with furious fists! Escobar likes that as Wilde taunts Lee. Wilde gets Lee up, snapmares him, and KNEES him in the back. Wilde clamps on a chinbar and armlock but Lee endures. Mendoza talks trash from the corner but Lee fights up. Lee throws body shots and even punches Wilde’s legs. Lee throws forearms, runs, but Wilde CLOBBERS him with an elbow! Wilde covers, TWO! Wilde pushes Lee to the ropes, tags Mendoza, and Mendoza slingshot sentons. Mendoza stomps Lee, tags Wilde back in, and Wilde slingshot SPLASHES! And hits a LIONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Legado is furious but the CWC is fired up!

Tag to Mendoza, he digs his boot into Lee, but lets off as the ref counts. Mendoza CLUBS Lee down, taunts Carter, and drags Lee up. Mendoza gets Lee up but Lee turns bomb into DDT!! Both men are down, fans are dueling, and both men crawl. Hot tags to Wilde and Carter! Carter rallies on Wilde, headbutts and uppercuts then KICKS and ENZIGURIS! Wilde flounders, Carter fires up and SHINING WIZARDS in the corner! Snapmare roll, SUPERKICK for Mendoza and PENALTY KICK for Wilde! Tag to Lee, MSK coordinates, PUSH SAULT! Cover, TWO!! Fans rally and duel as Escobar stresses. Lee gets Wilde up but Wilde JAWBREAKERS!

Wilde runs in but only gets buckles! Mendoza sneaks a tag, Lee ENZIGURIS Wilde to then BACK SUPLEX! Mendoza tightrope MISSILE DROPKICKS! Mendoza gets Lee up for ANARCHY!! Cover, TWO!!? Lee survives and no one can believe it! Mendoza powers up and “This is Awesome!” Mendoza sucker punches Carter, runs and clotheslines Lee! Wilde tags in and clotheslines! Mendoza tags in and clotheslines! The cycle continues, Wilde tags back in and puts Lee up top! Mendoza tags back in, Wilde climbs, SUPER STEINER POWERBOMB COMBO!! Cover, TWO??!?! How does Lee keep doing this?!

Mendoza rains down furious forearms to make Lee pay for defying them! Lee hits back, but Mendoza ROUNDHOUSES Lee out of the ring! The ref check son Mendoza and his mask, Escobar RAMS Lee right into steel steps! Escobar gets away with it as he goes back to his sat, and Wilde tags. Legado coordinates for the GAMANGIRI LEG SWEEP! Cover, but Carter breaks it in time!! Escobar is furious! But Bronson Reed shows up outta nowhere to SQUASH Escobar against boards!! Fans are fired up but Legado is in shock! MSK hits Mendoza with the RAILGUN DROPKICK! Wilde runs into the MUST-SEE HART ATTACK!! Cover, MSK wins!!

Winners: MSK, by pinfall (still NXT Tag Team Champions)

That wasn’t just must-see, that was colossal! Escobar tried to screw over the champions to help his team, but that only got him steamrolled by the North American Champion! Will Reed make sure Escobar gets more than that when they finally meet 1v1? And while MSK still have the tag titles, will they still reign In Your House?

My Thoughts:

Another great NXT, but what a twist on that opener! I thought the Triple Threat was first just so it had time to breathe, but it was really to set up Cole’s return and him screwing them all over, not just Kyle. Cole and Kross having that confrontation felt like a worked shoot. They might not like each other that much backstage, and a Fatal 5 Way helps make it so they don’t always have to fight each other. Plus, this is just a huge match to really get a lot out of the way at once. Cole and Kyle can battle to settle their grudge, but Cole of course doesn’t have a lot of kayfabe love for Gargano or Dunne, either. And I assume Cole loses so that he can move on to RawDown (hopefully SmackDown not Raw).

Kross won’t completely clear out his contenders since he’d have to pin just one, and I bet that’s Cole to send him off. Then he can use the rest of the year to go through the list, from Dunne to Kyle to Gargano. Actually, the order might have Kyle go last so that his 1v1 match with Kross could be Kyle’s crowning achievement where he finally gets the NXT Championship. Also, it’s of note that the segment with Lorcan and Theory, I almost thought we were going to get a weird proxy Triple Threat, Lorcan VS Theory VS Fish to represent Kyle. Fish could two birds one stone by going after Lorcan and helping out his friend.

There was a lot of great chaos at the opening, too, going from Cole attacking to Ember calling out Raquel. Dakota of course is the one to attack, she’s like a weird gatekeeper for Raquel right now. Ember is definitely beating Dakota to face Raquel at TakeOver, I bet Dakota gets involved but then Shotzi goes after Dakota, and Raquel uses all that to win. Raquel is still building her reign so she isn’t going to lose for quite some time, and adding Ember to the list of accomplishments is going to be big for her. Sarray is still building her strength, she’ll probably be ready for an NXT  Women’s Championship match by year’s end, and she will at least take Raquel to her limits.

LA Knight VS Atlas with DeBiase and Grimes having a part to play was a good segment. I almost thought DeBiase was going to consider Jake Atlas for the Million Dollar Legacy. Honestly, that’s still not out of the realm of possibility, even with Grimes VS Knight happening for TakeOver now. The winner will think he’s earned the legacy, but then DeBiase swerves them and says Atlas is the Million Dollar Muscle of El Monte or whatever. Speaking of swerve, Swerve and Hit Row had a good segment with Ever-Rise, Maverick & Dain. If Hit Row had a fourth male superstar, I could see a big 8 Man happening, but maybe Dain stands down so it’s a 3v3, then Dain takes Swerve on 1v1.

Mercedes VS Xia being on TakeOver is big. I really thought that match was going to be something to make the go-home bigger, but this makes the feud bigger. That could go either way, but I’m leaning towards Tian Sha/Mei Ling having a part to play so that Xia wins and the feud extends over the summer. The Way VS Zayda & Zoey was a good match, but of course The Way wins to stay strong. #InDex having their moment with the headphones was nice. I have a feeling whatever tag title match is happening next, Dexter shows up with a big, romantic picture of him and Indi, that distracts her and costs The Way the titles.

The NXT Cruiserweight Championship being defended tonight was a great surprise, and it’s extra surprising that it was a brand new superstar to step up to Kushida. Carmelo Hayes definitely had a great showing, and he has a bright future ahead of him, but naturally Kushida wins. At some point, 205 Live needs to be integrated into NXT better so that other new guys (Ari Sterling, Asher Hale and Ikemen Jiro) get a chance to get some real attention from fans. Hell, we hardly get much of August Grey on NXT anymore, why not let Retro AG answer an open challenge? I bet he could give Kushida a good match.

I’m a little confused, though. The Diamond Mine is still not here yet, but is it a faction or a place? “Opening soon” would mean the latter, but then who runs it? That person or people would still have to debut. And it honestly sounds like a knockoff of Thatcher’s Thatch As Thatch Can class, which I feel like could’ve kept doing even though he’s Face alongside Ciampa. Thatcher & Ciampa stopping GYV was great stuff to add to the tag title main event, which was awesome all by itself. The CWC still love Legado, but MSK keeps the belts. I like that Reed showed up to counteract Escobar and further their North American Championship build, and MSK is open to face GYV or Ciampa-Thatcher next.

I’m thinking the go-home announces that match on top of a lot of others still not accounted for. Though we’re already at five matches with Grimes VS Knight, Mercedes VS Xia, and the three major titles (NXT Champion, NXT Women’s Champion, NXT North American Champion), so maybe this is where it stays. NXT is good about keeping TakeOvers to a manageable length of time, so two grudge matches and the three title matches works for a good three-hours-or-less special, especially with that Fatal 5 being a massive match by itself.

My Score: 9.3/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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