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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (6/28/21)

Who cashes in on a last chance?



Coverage Raw 2021

Only one spot left on the Raw side of Money in the Bank!

Randy Orton, Drew McIntyre and AJ Styles all get one last chance to go to Money in the Bank on behalf of Monday Night Raw, but who makes the most of it?


  • WWE 24/7 Championship Matchception: Drew Gulak wins and becomes the new WWE 24/7 Champion.
  • WWE 24/7 Championship Matchception 2, We Must Go Deeper: R-Truth wins and becomes the new WWE 24/7 Champion.
  • WWE 24/7 Championship Matchception 3, The Top Keeps Spinning: Akira-Tozawa wins and becomes the new WWE 24/7 Champion.
  • Money in the Bank Last Chance Battle Royal: Matt Riddle wins and takes Randy Orton’s spot in the Triple Threat.
  • Shayna Baszler w/ Nia Jax & Reginald VS Nikki Cross; Cross wins.
  • Asuka & Naomi VS Eva Marie & “Doudrop” Piper Niven; Eva & Piper win.
  • Ricochet VS John Morrison w/ The Miz; Double Count-out Draw.
  • Six Woman Tag: Rhea Ripley, Mandy Rose & Dana Brooke VS Charlotte Flair, Natalya & Tamina; Charlotte, Natalya & Tamina win.
  • Strap Match: Elias VS Jaxson Ryker; Ryker wins.
  • Last Chance Money in the Bank Qualifier Triple Threat: Drew McIntyre VS VS AJ Styles VS Matt Riddle; McIntyre wins and qualifies for the Men’s MITB Ladder Match.


Superstars already fill the ring!

But first, Adam Pearce and Sonya Deville speak to us backstage. “Randy Orton was scheduled compete tonight as part of a Last Chance Triple Threat Match to determine Raw’s final entrant into the Men’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match. However, due to circumstances beyond our control, Randy can’t compete tonight.” As such, we will open with an over-the-top-rope battle royal! The winner enters the Triple Threat in Orton’s place and is one step closer to being Mr. MITB. But Riddle rolls up on his scooter and has a note from Orton that they need to read. They open it up and read the message supposedly from Randy.

“Aloha. I, the Viper, Randy Orton, of sound body and mind, hereby declare that my best friend, Riddle, hither for take my place in the Last Chance Triple Threat match. Riddle is the coolest, most bodacious bro I could ask for, and I would be honored if he were to fight on my behalf. Aloha, the Legend Killer.” Okay, Riddle, first off, half of those weren’t even real words. And also, it makes no sense. Uh, “aloha” means both hello and good-bye. Well this was clearly written by Riddle, just look at the viper doodle! N-NO…! But it isn’t fair to take Orton’s opportunity! What if Orton was just playing games all night, couldn’t wake up even though his alarm went off, and just missed a flight! It’s just not fair to Randy.

Well, sorry, Riddle, Orton isn’t here. Then what if Riddle competed on his behalf? Riddle’s been feeling really bad for what happened. He can even enter the battle royal! Riddle can win it then the Triple Threat so that Orton can be in the match! RKBRO climbing a ladder together! That’d be money for Money in the Bank. Sonya says it’s unconventional, but she’s inclined to say, “yes.” Really? Riddle is anxious, so Pearce says yes! Riddle scoots his way down the ramp and is ready to represent! Can he win one for the Viper?

Money in the Bank Last Chance Battle Royal!

The Bro jump sin the ring with the Viking Raiders, Angel Garza, Mustafa Ali, Drew Gulak, Akira Tozawa, Mansoor, Humberto Carrillo, Shelton Benjamin, Cedric Alexander, Damian Priest, Jeff Hardy, Jinder Mahal, and even his good bro, R-Truth! But while Riddle is already in the MITB match, can he get his tag partner in to join him at the PPV?

The bell rings and brawls erupt everywhere! Tozawa ducks to avoid haymakers while Gulak and Ali try to throw Riddle out already! Riddle slides back in and everyone goes after everyone lese! Riddle is after Ali, Truth is after Garza, Mansoor CLUBS Tozawa, and Benjamin almost has Gulak out! Priest tries to throw Ivar over but Ivar hits him away! Gulak loses grip, Benjamin ELIMINATES him! Mahal goes after Benjamin but Benjamin knock shim away to go after Alexander! Alexander clings to ropes, Priest brawls with Carrillo, Mahal throws Benjamin out to ELIMINATE him! Mahal brawls with Garza, Hardy is after Alexander, and Tozawa clings to ropes.

Manzoor dodges Garza, throws him out and over, but Garza keeps his one foot up! Garza hops his way around the ring, gets back in and goes after Mansoor! Mansoor is on the apron but Ali dumps and ELIMINATES Garza! Ali tells Mansoor to be more careful and never turn your back on anyone! But then Ali throws Mansoor out and ELIMINATES him! “What did I just say?!” Meanwhile, Hardy fights off Ivar, Mahal is after Riddle, and Tozawa is digging hits boots into Truth. Ali and Alexander are after Carrillo together while Mahal gets Riddle over the ropes! Riddle clings to the middle rope then traps Mahal’s arm! Mahal gets away to save himself but Riddle is after him.

Hardy fights off Ivar and Ali but Riddle is after him right after! Truth fires off on Mahal, but Mahal dumps Truth up and out to ELIMINATE him! Tozawa runs at Mahal but Mahal TOSSES and ELIMINATES him! Wait, Gulak comes back and rolls Tozawa up! Gulak wins the 24/7 Championship!!

Winner (of the 24/7 Championship): Drew Gulak, by pinfall (NEW WWE 24/7 Champion)

But Truth sees this and gets his own ref over! LIE DETECTOR! Cover, Truth wins the title!

Winner (of the 24/7 Championship): R-Truth, by pinfall (NEW WWE 24/7 Champion)

He’s got his baby back for the 53rd time!! But then Tozawa CANNONBALLS! Cover, Tozawa wins the title back!

Winner (of the 24/7 Championship): Akira Tozawa, by pinfall (NEW WWE 24/7 Champion)

Tozawa finishes the hot potato by hurrying out of the ThunderDome! Gulak and Truth pursue, but things continue in the ring. Ali throws hands on Riddle, but here comes OMOS?! Omos drags Ivar up and over, Erik rushes over, but Omos has him, too! Mahal helps out, they ELIMINATE the Viking Raiders!! The Phenomenal One’s Colossus TOSSES Erik into barriers! And then TOSSES Ivar into the LED apron! Omos roars, having taught the challengers to the Raw Tag Team Championships a lesson! And the rest of the battling continues as Raw goes to break!

Raw returns and Priest fires hands on Alexander while Mahal still tries to throw Riddle out, and Jeff Hardy is down in an open corner. These are our final five, it seems, and Priest stomps Alexander while Mahal CLUBS and stomps Riddle. Mahal digs his knee into Riddle while Alexander kicks Priest. Priest stomps Alexander again, but then Mahal and Priest stare down as the two tallest left. They talk about how each is going to be Mr. MITB, and then the haymakers start flying! Mahal knees low, throws forearms, but Priest gives them all back! Priest throws Mahal up and over but Mahal holds on! Priest runs in but Mahal ROCKS him! But then Priest SPIN KICKS and ELIMINATES Mahal!

Priest swings on Hardy but Hardy counter punches! Hardy whips, Priest reverses but Hardy knocks Priest down! Riddle runs up but into Hardy’s spin back kick! Hardy atomic drops and leg splitting leg drops Alexander, then adds the basement dropkick! And an elbow drop! Hardy kicks Priest, TWIST OF FATE! Riddle runs back in, but into a TWIST OF FATE! Alexander is up, but he denies the hat trick to throw and ELIMINATE Hardy!! Alexander laughs at Hardy, “I told you I’m better than you at every level, and I just proved it! Go home, to the retirement home!” But then Alexander turns around into a leg sweep and HIT THE LIGHTS!!

Priest drags Alexander up, throws him out, and ELIMINATES him! Now we have just the Archer of infamy and the Bro! They both nod, knowing the strike game the other brings. Priest rushes in, Riddle side steps but can’t shove him out! Priest dodges Riddle now but Riddle keeps from tumbling! They fire off hands, but Priest kicks, kicks and ROLLING ELBOWS! Riddle ducks the haymaker to GERMAN SUPLEX! Priest flounders and Riddle fires up! Riddle runs in and rocks Priest with a forearm! Riddle goes side to side to forearm again! Riddle keeps going, but runs into a WHEEL KICK! Both men are down but the ThunderDome fires up as they rise!

Priest runs in and back elbows! Priest brings Riddle around for a suplex, but Riddle slips to a SLEEPER! Priest flails, reaches, throws Riddle over the ropes, but Riddle holds on! Riddle gets the sleeper again! Priest is being bent against ropes but he has Riddle’s fingers! Riddle climbs up but Priest shifts that to a lawn dart, only for Riddle to slip out! Priest rebounds to LARIAT Riddle down! Riddle is dazed, Priest snarls and gets up! LARIAT into a HANGING TRIANGLE! Riddle drags Priest up and over to join him on the apron! Riddle lets go to get in, and BOOTS Priest! Riddle wants to do this like Orton but Priest avoids the Draping DDT! And the forearm to BELL CLAP!

Priest spins but Riddle blocks the kick! Priest choke grips but Riddle CHOPS! And FINAL FLASH!! Priest falls, Riddle wins!!

Winner: Matt Riddle (will join the Last Chance Triple Threat)

The Bro says his win is Orton’s win, so plays Orton’s music! Orton’s music does play and Riddle does his best Orton pose! The pyro goes off like Orton, will Riddle win again to keep The Viper in the game?


Nia Jax finds Shayna Baszler backstage.

The Queen of Spades is shuffling cards, so Nia asks if she’s getting ready for a game or a match? It keeps her head clear, okay? Otherwise, she’s gonna put her fist through a wall. Or someone’s face. Reginald is a bit worried she looked at him with that line. Nia says it’s fine. Just make sure they’re all on the same page for Shayna’s match with Nikki Cross. Reggie defends he didn’t do anything last week. It’s just that- Shut up, Reggie! Yeah, it’s Alexa Bliss. It’s her fault they’re not in the MITB match. But it’ll be Shayna’s fault if they don’t do something about it. So maybe if Shayna can give Nikki a hard dose of reality, Nikki and Alexa will end up with that stupid doll on a permanent time out.

But as Shayna, Nia and Reggie head out, ALEXA BLISS is seen in the back! Surely she heard all that, but what will she do about it?


What’s that smacking sound?

It’s Jaxson Ryker, practicing his strap strikes on a road case! The “unhinged” Ryker is working himself up to be ready to do that and more to Elias! Will there be no running and no hiding as the Drifter is strapped in and strapped to his former follower?


Backstage interview with AJ Styles & Omos.

Kevin Patrick asks how Styles is preparing for this Triple Threat now that Orton is out and Riddle is in? Well, usually, when you’re supposed to be somewhere and you’re not *cough* Orton */cough*, you automatically lose your opportunity. Tonight’s main event should’ve just turned into McIntyre VS Styles, 1v1! But it’s still a Triple Threat, his chances of winning have “drastically went down.” On top of that, Omos is working overtime to watch his back tonight. Speaking of, Omos went out of his way to affect that battle royal’s outcome by eliminating the Viking Raiders. Styles can tell where Kevin is going with this and doesn’t appreciate it.

Omos says he was simply scouting out the competition for his partner, Styles. Yeah! But since Kevin is so quick to jump on a barbarian bandwagon, tell us all about what happened to Styles last wee! They do have the tape queued up. They play it, and shows that the Raiders went after Omos while Styles VS Ricochet was happening. Omos was sent into the timekeeper’s area, and Ricochet turned a Phenomenal Forearm into a phenomenal Recoil. Ricochet is in the MITB ladder match, hence Styles’ spot tonight in the Triple Threat. So what does Kevin have to say about that? A series of unfortunate events? NO! Styles wants an apology for people being hypocrites!

Don’t give Omos grief over doing the exact same thing the Viking Raiders did last week! But fortunately for Styles, Riddle was in tonight’s battle royal and he’s all banged up. McIntyre’s still not 100% from the battle with Bobby Lashley, and so that means Styles has the advantage. When Styles has the advantage, he wins. That’s why he’s Phenomenal! And when he wins the briefcase, he’ll have a full year to plan out his cash-in and become WWE Champion for a third time. All the while, he and Omos will defend the Raw Tag Team Championships against any and all teams, including those “stinky” Viking Raiders. The tag champs head out, but will it be so easy for them?


Lucha House Party check in with Nikki Cross.

They like her mask. And they wish her good luck in her match. Thanks! Sarah comes by to talk about her new superhero persona, and Nikki is happy to inspire! She’s almost a superhero, and she found something that was always deep down. She just has the courage now to show it. She isn’t the only one, because everyone out there has this feeling deep down inside, in their hearts, that they can do and be better. That’s what this outfit represents! Wonder Woman spin! So bring out that feeling, and go for it! Just look at what she’s done! Nikki is now in the Women’s MITB match! Imagine Nikki, Ms. MITB! An inspiration to kids everywhere! She could even become Raw Women’s Champion!

Nikki slows herself down and takes a breath. One goal at a time. First, her match with Shayna and becoming “almost” a superhero. WAIT! Nikki #AASH! Almost A Super Hero! But will she definitely come away with a win?

Shayna Baszler w/ Nia Jax & Reginald VS Nikki Cross!

Raw returns as Shayna and team make their entrance. The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, Nikki waistlocks but Shayna switches to SLAM Nikki! Shayna floats around, gets a chicken wing to cradle, TWO! Shayna has an arm, Nikki gets up, rolls, handsprings and headlocks. Shayna powers out and runs Nikki over! Shayna runs, things speed up and Nikki CROSSBODIES! Cover, ONE! Nikki headlocks again, Shayna powers up to back suplex Nikki down! Shayna rains down rights, then gets Nikki up to scoop and SLAM! Nikki writhes and gets up, but Shayna NORTHERN LIGHTS! Nikki flounders away, Shayna drags her to a cover, TWO!

Shayna gets frustrated and she shoves Nikki down. Nikki gets to ropes but Shayna KICKS her down! Shayna mocks the almost superhero, and then whips her hard into buckles! Nikki flounders, Shayna wants the ref to ask if Nikki gives up. Nikki doesn’t, so Shayna puts her in a corner for stomps! Shayna fireman’s carries but Nikki scrambles around to a sunset flip! Shayna gets Nikki up, puts her in a corner and runs in, but Nikki dodges! Knee hits buckle, Nikki dropkicks Shayna out! Reggie & Nia check on her, but then Alexa Bliss makes her presence known! Alexa smirks as she walks out on stage and Reggie shields his eyes from her hypnosis!

But then Nikki SUPER CROSSBODIES!! Direct hit on all three and Nikki fires up! Nikki gets in the ring and strike a heroic pose as the ring count climbs! Raw goes to break as Nikki keeps that energy high!

Raw returns again and Shayna throws knees on Nikki in the ring. Alexa is watching from the ramp as Shayna mocks the almost superhero more. Shayna CLUBS Nikki, kicks her, but Nikki fires forearms back! Nikki backs Shayna down, whips her to a corner, but Shayna reverses. Nikki goes up and over but Shayna kicks Nikki’s leg out! Then a KNEE! Cover, TWO! Shayna gut wrenches for a SLAM! Nikki flounders to a corner, Shayna runs in and KNEES Nikki again! Shayna gets Nikki up but stares at Alexa. Shayna hoists Nikki up top while asking why Alexa is even here. Nikki throws hands on Shayna then hits a TORNADO DDT!

Both women are down and writhing as the ThunderDome fires up! Alexa strolls around the way, but Nia is there to meet her. Is Nia resisting the hypnosis? No, she’s a puppet again! Reggie snaps Nia free by turning Alexa around! But then he has to be careful of his own mind! Alexa kicks Nia’s leg out then MULE KICK LOW BLOWS Reggie down, all in one swift motion! Alexa smirks as she leaves, and Shayna is in shock! But Nikki rolls Shayna up, TWO!! Shayna CLOBBERS Nikki for it! Shayna drags Nikki up, gut wrenches but Nikki slips out and waistlocks. Shayna bucks free but Nikki dodges to come back, tilt-o-whirl takedown to a LA MAGISTROL! NIKKI WINS!

Winner: Nikki Cross, by pinfall

Almost A Super Hero definitely got the win! Shayna is at a loss for words! Will this keep happening until Shayna can take care of Alexa? Or will that take nothing short of an exorcism?


Kofi Kingston heads to the ring!

After Xavier Woods got hurt by the Chief Hurt Officer, the New Day’s high-flyer is here to confront Montel Vontavius Porter on why they went that far! Will things stay civil this close to Money in the Bank? We’ll see, after the break.

Raw returns and Kofi has the mic. “There are certain moments in our lives that occur and they change us for the better, or for worse. And I’m not sure how last week has affected me yet. Hearing my brother, my tag team partner, my best friend, Xavier, screaming and writhing in pain, locked inside that cell with Bobby and MVP on the inside, me locked on the outside, unable to do anything for him…” Woods had Kofi’s back like always. But when Woods needed him, Kofi couldn’t do anything for him. A lot of people have disrespected Woods for a long time. A lot of people have thought as Woods as “not up to snuff.”

But after last week, Woods showing the world that he could take it to Lashley inside the cell, we saw what kind of competitor he is. Put some respect on ya boi’s name! Now Lashley won the match fair and square, yeah. But what happened after was not okay. MVP locked the door to the cell, dangled the key in Kofi’s face, as Lashley put Woods in the Hurt Lock and grated his face against steel. That image of Woods’ face, his screaming, his pain, Kofi can’t get it out of his head. It’s like a nightmare. But Kofi knows that he will make Lashley pay, when Kofi takes everything from Lashley, when he beats him at MITB, and becomes the NEW WWE World Champion! “It’s gonna be something.”

But now MVP makes his entrance for the promised face-to-face. MVP, and Lashley’s Ladies. MVP apologizes. He thought he heard Kofi say he was going to beat the All Mighty Lashley at the PPV and become champion? Is that what he heard? That is one of the most ridiculous things he’s ever heard Kofi say! And with Booty O’s and pancakes and unicorns, the New Day says some ridiculous things. But the Hurt Business is looking forward to MITB because they’ll be in front of live fans! As for Kofi, they’re looking past him. Kofi’s a feel good, all that good David VS Goliath stuff, but in reality, he’s no threat.

Now, Lashley is enjoying a well-deserved vacation, but he has a message for Kofi: Lashley enjoyed every second with Woods in the cage, and looks forward to embarrassing Kofi. And afterwards, what Lesnar did to Kofi will look like child’s play! Oh, child’s play? All Mighty Lashley, Big Bad Bobby. Kofi isn’t sure Lashley’s that guy anymore. Lashley might be getting a little soft. And that’s coming from a unicorn horn wearing, pancake throwing, hip swiveling guy like Kofi. But let’s look at Lashley’s track record as of late! Hell in a Cell PPV, McIntyre beat Lashley within an inch of his life, and if not for MVP grabbing McIntyre’s leg, Lashley would’ve lost.

Xavier Woods fought with all of his heart, put Lashley through tables and came this close to beating the WWE Champion. And Kofi already beat Lashley once, and knows damn well he can do it again! Lashley is looking more beatable than ever! Each week, a layer of that might is stripped away. Every single week, another layer, to where at MITB, Lashley might be a shell of his former self. He might end up… like MVP! Running around in overpriced suits, hobbling around, desperately grabbing onto some semblance of success. MVP says he does what he does for Lashley because just over a year ago, they started a journey together.

Lashley put in the work, made the sacrifices, and rose to the top, and MVP does the things he does for Lashley because Lashley deserves it! All the respects and accolades! Kofi didn’t deserve it?! He didn’t work hard for his success?! When Kofi was champion for almost six months, he never took a day off! In between shows, Kofi went around the world to show anything is possible! Ghana, West Africa, showing the kids that anything is possible if you believe in yourselves. Then he went back to work to defend the title! MVP has Lashley taking vacations in the middle of his reign? Lashley’s all distracted, he’s got all these ladies, he’s taking his eye off the prize.

And when you do that, you lose and someone else has the prize. And in Fort Worth, that somebody is gonna be Kofi. So to get this right, when Kofi went home as WWE World Champion and basked in the glory of being a hero, feeding his ego, that was hard work? No. MVP makes this clear to Kofi. He respects the optimism. And Kofi’s “court jester” was very optimistic about beating Lashley, too. Not only did that not happen, the extend of Woods’ injuries kept him away from work this week. And the odds of coming back next week are as likely as Kofi leaving MITB as champion. Well, MVP might want to check his odds. Spoilers: Woods WILL be back next week! Woods has heart, is a fighter, unlike MVP, who has been milking a knee injury!

MVP says his knee is legitimately hurt, he is not cleared for combat. If he was, he’d whoop Kofi’s ass! But fortunately for Kofi, MVP isn’t cleared. Kofi rushes out to test that! MVP takes a swing with his cane, but takes the TROUBLE IN PARADISE! Kofi says this is what MVP gets! MVP wasn’t hurt last week, was he? When he went after Woods, he didn’t seem hurt. But NOW, he’s hurt! MVP finally sits up in a daze, but the message has been sent. Is KofiMania 2 returning at MITB? Or will he regret putting the hurt in Hurt Business?


Backstage interview with Eva Marie and “Doudrop” Piper Niven.

Kevin asks Eva about the “disagreement” that happened last week. Great question, Kirwan. See, Doudrop made a rookie mistake last week and clearly was overwhelmed by being at the forefront of the #EvaLution. Poor thing. But we all make mistakes, so Eva requested a rematch so that Doudrop could learn a lesson. Eva will win, and the EvaLution will continue. Eva still doesn’t care about anyone but herself, but will she be the one to learn something?

Asuka & Naomi VS Eva Marie & “Doudrop” Piper Niven!

The Empresses of Glowmorrow were more than ready for Eva, but they did have some trouble with Pip- er, “Doudrop.” But will things be different for Eva now that she’s ready?

Raw returns and Naomi makes her entrance as she joins Asuka. Then Eva and Piper make their entrance, the teams sort out and Piper starts with Naomi. They tie up, Piper powers Naomi to a corner, but she lets off as the ref counts, Naomi boots but Piper catches it to throw it. Naomi rebounds with a k ick! Naomi headlocks, Piper powers out but Naomi sunset flips! Piper stays up to sit down on Naomi! Piper keeps moving, but Naomi avoids the senton! Tag to Asuka and she hurries up top! Asuka leaps to missile dropkick Piper down! Asuka fires up, runs in and HIP ATTACKS Piper! And then reels Piper in for a waistlock! Piper bucks her off, but Asuka ROUNDHOUSES!

Asuka runs and lariats but Piper stays up! Piper shoves Asuka, runs in and SPLASHES in the corner! Piper gets Asuka up with a scoop but Asuka slips out for an ASUKA LOCK?! Piper reaches out while staying on her feet, but she powers free to throw Asuka down! Piper crawls over but now Eva leaves Piper! Asuka rolls Piper but Piper rolls through to SENTON! Piper hurries up as Naomi runs in but Piper runs her over! Piper runs to BASEMENT SPLASH Asuka! Cover, PIPER wins!!!

Winners: Piper Niven & Eva Marie, by pinfall

Piper just beat two former women’s champions by herself!! Eva is clearly shocked and upset that her plan to return the favor backfired! Eva gets a mic to say, “The winner of this match is Eva Mariiiie~!” Still taking all the credit… When is Piper going to learn the real lesson and ditch the #EvaLution?


The Miz and John Morrison cruise around backstage.

Sarah asks what it would mean to Johnny Drip Drip to become Mr. MITB. The Flood Stud is getting moist just thinking about it! Miz promises that Morrison won’t just win the briefcase, he will successfully cash it in. Miz is a two-time Mr.  MITB and has successfully cashed in twice. Miz may not be the fastest, the biggest or the strongest. But…? But he is the smartest tactician! Morrison was going to say that! Miz sees beyond just a few moves. Whenever the situation is right, Miz knows when to strike! But Ricochet asks if they’re sure about that. When did he switch with Sarah?! Oh he was on the way to the ring for his match with Morrison. Is Miz surprised that he got one over on a master like him?

Y-Yes, he saw him! Another aspect of the strategy is to lure others in with a false sense of security> So he let Ricochet take a Drip Stick? Wait, when did he…? SQUIRT! Miz goes for his but Ricochet holds him at… drips tick point? SQUIRT SQUIRT! Will the Guru of Greatness be all wet after this MITB sampler?

Ricochet VS John Morrison w/ The Miz!

Raw returns as the Greatest Tag Team of the 21st Century make their entrance. The bell rings and Miz parks by commentary as the two circle. Ricochet and Morrison approach, test things with kicks, and Ricochet blocks one to get a half nelson.  Morrison backs Ricochet into a corner to fire off elbows, but Ricochet slips free. Morrison boots, Ricochet jumps and ducks and throws body shots! Ricochet ROCKS Morrison, reels him in and SLAMS him for an elbow drop! Cover, TWO! Miz is mad and wants Morrison to make Ricochet pay! Morrison RAMS Ricochet into a corner, fires off the elbows again and trips Ricochet up to then double mule kick!

Miz puts Morrison’s ability over as he kicks Ricochet down and covers, TWO! Ricochet sits up but Morrison has a half nelson and shifts to top wristlock. Morrison drags Ricochet from ropes but Ricochet fights up. Morrison knees low, swaggers about, then DECKS Ricochet! Morrison gets Ricochet up but no Moonlight Drive! Ricochet dropkicks Morrison out of the ring! Miz tells Morrison to get up as Ricochet builds speed, and Ricochet slides to WRECK Morrison with the dropkick! Miz says Ricochet needs to leave Morrison alone, and he blocks Ricochet with his wheelchair! Ricochet JUMPS OVER Miz to RANA Morrison! Miz is shocked and goes for the drip stick!

Ricochet snatches it! SQUIRT SQUIRTH! Miz takes more water damage and then ricochet throws the stick away! Miz shouts that Ricochet is lucky he’s in this wheelchair! Ricochet leaves Miz behind and Raw goes to break!

Raw returns again and Morrison kicks Ricochet around. Morrison throws knees, body shots and clubbing forearms in a corner. The ref counts, Morrison stops at 4, but Ricochet fires hands back! Ricochet ROCKS Morrison with an uppercut, but Morrison fakes Ricochet with the screw high kick to sweep low! Miz likes what he sees as Morrison scuffs Ricochet, then scuffs him again! Morrison is feeling good but Ricochet shoves the scuff away, to get a mule kick! Ricochet gets up in a rage and fires off hands! And CHOPS! Ricochet runs, Morrison goes the other way, but Ricochet dodges the Flying Chuck to CROSSBODY!

Ricochet glares at Miz as he fires up. Miz says Morrison will hurt him, but Ricochet fires hands on Morrison first! Morrison knees low, whips Ricochet but Ricochet rallies with forearms! Ricochet blocks a punch, gives body shots then a KNEE! Morrison wobbles into a fireman’s carry and ROLLING DEATH VALLEY! Ricochet keeps moving to SLIDING LARIAT! Cover, TWO!! Morrison is still tough, but Ricochet gets him back up. Ricochet clinches to throw knees but Morrison gets around to Alabama Lift! ROLLING ALABAMA SLAM! SHINING WIZARD! Cover, TWO!! Ricochet is showing he’s tough, too! And Miz is shocked by it all!

Morrison drags Ricochet to a drop zone, but Ricochet inside cradles! TWO, and Morrison springboards, FLYING CHUCK! Morrison has Ricochet in a drop zone again, STARSHIP PAIN FLOPS!! Ricochet avoids disaster and gets to a corner. Ricochet gets up as Morrison is on the apron. Morrison goes to Eddy Gordo but Ricochet blocks to TRIANGLE JUMP DROPKICK! Ricochet builds speed but Morrison runs away! Morrison avoids the tope but Ricochet SPIRNGOBARDS?! CROSSBODY OVER THE BARRIERS!!!! NO one can believe what they’ve just seen and Miz panics for Morrison! The ring count is 5 of 10 as Ricochet drags himself up! Then we’re up to 8 as Ricochet flops over! It hits 10!!

Double Count-out Draw

Ricochet got closer, but close only works in horseshoes and hand grenades! After that insane crash landing, what will these two do with ladders involved?


Charlotte Flair talks with Natalya & Tamina backstage.

The Queen knows these two haven’t been the most welcoming, but they all have respect. Only these three understand how exhausting it is to uphold family legacies. Only they understand what it takes to lead a division, unlike Rhea, Mandy & Dana. It’s charming that Rhea wants to be just like Charlotte, and Charlotte did try to mentor Dana. And honestly, no one is sure what anyone sees in Mandy. Natty’s already tapped Mandy out once. There’s nothing to be concerned about. Tamina is still upset about the cheap shots last week, so tonight is the receipt. Good! They’re all on the same page! Let’s show that respect isn’t given, it’s earned! Will these three second-generation superstars coexist long enough to take on their rivals?

Six Woman Tag: Rhea Ripley, Mandy Rose & Dana Brooke VS Charlotte Flair, Natalya & Tamina!

Raw returns the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions make their entrance to join Charlotte. Then the #SexyMuscleFriends make their entrance, followed by the Raw Women’s Champion. But the teams don’t sort out, they just brawl! Rhea and Charlotte, Natty and Mandy, and Tamina and Dana, they’re all over the place! Rhea and Charlotte fight on the announce desk! They get back in the ring, keep going, and Rhea tackles Charlotte down for ground ‘n’ pound! Charlotte hits back, Natty gets in to help Charlotte but Mandy gets in to help Rhea! Tamina and Dana join in, they’re brawling all over the ring!

Mandy stomps Charlotte, Rhea throws Natty and Dana shoves Tamina out! The second gen superstars regroup as Raw goes to break!

Raw returns yet again, and the match is happening as Natty has Mandy in a cobra twist. Mandy fights free, arm-drags Natty away, then KNEE- NO! Natty blocks the knee, trips Mandy up and goes for the sharpshooter! Mandy kicks free and hot tags Dana! Dana dodges Natty to handspring and merry-go-round headscissor! Natty staggers up, Dana handspring back elbows in the corner! Dana fires off forearms, then reels Natty in for a clothesline! Cover, TWO! Charlotte tells Natty to get up and Natty ROCKS Dana with rights! Natty whips, Dana reverses but Natty holds ropes and elbows Dana! Tag to Tamina but Dana dropkicks her down! But Charlotte tags in just before!

Dana goes out, dodges Natty and blocks Tamina’s superkick, but Charlotte BLINDSIDES Dana! Charlotte puts Dana in to cover, TWO! Charlotte mocks Dana to go tag her partners but then dribbles her off the mat! Charlotte swipes at Rhea but then drags Dana away. The ref is busy with Rhea as Charlotte throws Dana down and Tamina gets a cheap shot in! Charlotte kicks Dana, tags Tamina in, and stands on Dana so that Tamina can stomp away! Tag to Natty and the tag champs mug Dana. Natty gets Dana up to snap suplex! Cover, TWO! Natty is annoyed but she tags Tamina back in. They mug Dana more, shove her into the buckles, then tag Charlotte in.

Charlotte takes her time bringing Dana up and around to CHOP her! And CHOP her! And CHOP her! Charlotte puts Dana’s leg on ropes but Dana avoids the knee drop! Dana  ROCKS Charlotte, BOOTS her, but Charlotte KNEES Dana back! Charlotte gets Dana up but Dana escapes the scoop to O’Conner Roll! TWO, hot tag to Rhea! The Nightmare rallies on Charlotte with short arm clotheslines! Rhea ripcords and HEADBUTTS to a NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, TWO! Rhea gets Charlotte up again but Charlotte escapes the suplex and rakes eyes! Tag to Natty, Rhea wants after Charlotte but Natty rolls Rhea up! ONE, and Rhea KICKS Natty down!

Tag to Dana, and Dana tags Mandy. They double snapmare and cartwheel to double BOOT! Cover, but Tamina breaks it! Rhea dropkicks Tamina but Charlotte chop blocks Rhea! Dana gives Charlotte a ROLLING NECKBRAEKER! Natty DISCUS LARIATS Dana! Mandy rolls Natty, ONE!! Natty rushes Mandy and lifts her, but Mandy sunset flips! TWO, and Mandy gets around to O’Conner Roll! TWO and Natty has the legs! Natty steps through, Mandy boots her, and Charlotte tags in! Mandy dodges Natty, KNEE FROM A ROSE! BOOT from Charlotte!! Cover, Charlotte and team win!!

Winners: Charlotte Flair, Natalya & Tamina, by pinfall

But Rhea CHOP BLOCKS Charlotte! And then bails out! The Nightmare gets the last laugh because she got even with The Queen! Will things only get chippier come Money in the Bank?


Akira Tozawa’s on the run!

The WWE 24/7 Champion comes across Ryker, who is back to smacking himself with the strap. Ryker doesn’t even care, he lets Tozawa continue on. Truth comes by, sees Ryker, and asks him why he’s doing that. Is Ryker unhappy with himself? Can he… see Truth? Ryker stops and Truth asks if Ryker wants to talk about it. Ryker is preparing for battle. Tonight, he and Elia swill be tied together with this strap. They will be bound together, and there will be nowhere for Elias to retreat. What is Ryker doing, you ask? He is purging himself of weakness and exploring ways to inflict the most pain. Well thanks for sharing, man.

Hey, when Ryker is done, can Truth borrow it? He wants to lassoey Tozawa and get his baby back! Ryker doesn’t respond, so Truth takes it as a “Maybe.” Well look at the time! That’s all for this week! Good talk. Truth heads off, and Ryker continues to test himself with the strap. Is Ryker ready to quite literally whip Elias’ ass?


Strap Match: Elias VS Jaxson Ryker!

The Drifter goes to the ring, and there will be no running away this time. Will he even be able to walk after Ryker gets his hands, and that strap, on him?

Raw returns and Ryker makes his entrance. The strap is fastened around each man’s left hand and the bell rings. Elias jumps right at Ryker! Elias fires off haymakers and body shots but Ryker gives them back! Elias knees Ryker down in the corner, stomps him down, then gets him up to put him through the bottom rope. Elias goes out after and CHOPS Ryker! Elias sees the steel steps, uses the straps to reel Ryker in and send him into the steel! Ryker hobbles up but Elias has the strap wrapped around the post! Ryker is held up and Elias fires off hands! Elias gathers up some slack to SMACK Ryker in the ribs! And again! Elias runs in but Ryker BOOTS him!

Ryker uses the strap to yank Elias into POST! Ryker gets Elias in the ring, then on the apron, to SMACK him with the strap! Ryker gets in, keeps Elias from going too far, and kicks him low so he can SMACK Elias on the back! And again! Ryker whips Elias up and over, then yanks Elias back in, to CLOBBER him! Ryker has a leather fist and he drops it on Elias’ head! Ryker goes to a corner, climbs up, and uses the strap to stand Elias up. Ryker knees, into a SYMPHO-KNEE! Cover, TWO!! Elias almost had Ryker there! Elias snarls as he paces around, and he gathers up some slack. Elias says there was a time he respected Ryker, but Ryker disrespected Elias!

Elias SMACKS Ryker and mocks his pain! Elias SMACKS Ryker again! Elias sits Ryker up to tell him this is what he gets, but Ryker dodges the next smack to kick low and SMACK Elias back! And again! And he whips Elias to a corner, reels him in to whip to the other corner, and then in for a SCRAPBUSTER! Cover, RYKER WINS!

Winner: Jaxson Ryker, by pinfall

Brutal, direct, and quick, Ryker finally gets his vindication! Will he finally be able to walk away from Elias and chart his own path?


Matt Riddle prepares backstage.

Damian Priest walks over and tells Riddle, “Just wanna say, congratulations on your victory tonight in the battle royal. And good luck, Riddle.” Riddle says he’s not Riddle, he’s Randy Orton. And what does Priest want? Uh… Okay, “Randy.” Well if you see Riddle, let Riddle know Priest is looking for him. Priest saw that Burger King has those new Ch’King sandwiches, and figured they could grab a couple. But if Riddle’s not here… Riddle puts his hand out. Priest doesn’t get it, so he turns to leave. Riddle says to wait, and says he is Riddle. This was his lock ‘n’ key game with Randy. Riddle just doesn’t want to let Riddle down.

Riddle, relax, Priest knew it was you. But to be fair, Priest thinks what Riddle is doing for Randy is cool. Just to be clear, Orton is the one lucky enough to have Riddle as a friend. Aw… Riddle goes back to getting in the mindset of Orton, but will pretending to be The Viper make him as good as The Viper against Drew McIntyre and AJ Styles?


Backstage interview with Drew McIntyre!

Kevin asks if McIntyre can beat Styles and Riddle tonight. A valid question, so here is a valid answer. The Battle of Edinburgh, the Scots VS the English VS the Irish. English were first, outnumbering Scotland 2 to 1, but the Scots won easily. A few knuckle sandwiches and Glasgow kisses, boom, the Brits went back to Queenie. But then the Irish showed up, full on fisticuffs, and one ginger lad was throwing Scots left ‘n’ right, coming face to face with McIntyre. McIntyre kicked Sheamus right in his lucky charms, sent him flying, things were nut! And the grand finale of it all… McIntyre saved Christmas! He did? NO! That question was ridiculous, this whole thing is ridiculous!

McIntyre won’t show his hand. But he will slap Riddle around, kick Styles’ head off his shoulders, then go on to win Money in the Bank! The Scottish Warrior’s last last chance is right here, right now, can he do it?!

Last Chance Money in the Bank Qualifier Triple Threat: Drew McIntyre VS VS AJ Styles w/ Omos VS Matt Riddle!

McIntyre makes his entrance first, with the claymore sword and the pyro, because for him, this is business as usual! But will going about things the same way get him the same result of a crushing defeat? Or can he overcome the Phenomenal One and the Bro roleplaying as The Viper to be one step closer to the briefcase?

Raw returns and the bell rings! Styles hits Riddle, McIntyre hits Styles! McIntyre stomps away on Styles but Riddle fires forearms on McIntyre! McIntyre DECKS Riddle but Styles CHOPS McIntyre! McIntyre gets mad and CHOPS Styles off his feet! McIntyre turns around to whip Riddle in, then runs to ROCK him with forearms! McIntyre stomps Riddle, brings him up to headbutt, then whips him into Styles’ boot! Styles rushes McIntyre but McIntyre clobbers him! McIntyre dead lift suplexes Riddle! Cover, TWO! Styles runs in but McIntyre kicks him and RAMS him into buckles! Styles goes down but Riddle fires off hands on McIntyre! And kicks!

Riddle has McIntyre in a corner, he runs side to side to forearm Styles, then McIntyre! Riddle runs side to side again, but into McIntyre’s clinch! OVERHEAD Belly2Belly for Riddle! OVERHEAD Belly2Belly for Styles! McIntyre scowls even though he has control. Styles slowly gets up but McIntyre is on him with haymakers. McIntyre whips Styles to ropes and TOSSES him with the back drop! Cover, TWO! McIntyre keeps eyes on Styles, aims from the ropes, but Styles avoid the Claymore and throws Styles out! Omos is nearby, but he stays back while McIntyre gets up. Styles aims, slingshots, but has to bail out of the plancha as McIntyre moves! McIntyre sweeps the legs!

McIntyre goes to the announce desk and clears it off! McIntyre even stares Omos down a moment before going back for Styles. McIntyre reels Styles in, gets him up, but Styles gets free of the crucifix to KICK the leg! Riddle flies in to forearm McIntyre down! The Bro sees Styles nearby, and sees the desk! What would Randy Orton do? Riddle gets McIntyre up but Styles throws hands! Riddle CHOPS McIntyre and Styles, but McIntyre throws forearms. McIntyre bounces Riddle off steps but Styles kicks McIntyre’s knee! And then POSTS him! Styles goes back to Riddle and kick shim low to bring him to the desk. Riddle blocks the suplex to throw body shots!

Riddle turns things around, Styles blocks the suplex, but Riddle throws more body shots. Styles powers up but still can’t get Riddle up! Riddle turns things around to suplex Styles up and over to the floor! McIntyre gets Riddle, another dead lift suplex, and to the floor! McIntyre gets up but Styles ENZIGURIS him down! Styles gets McIntyre up, scoops, but Riddle has to help out. McIntyre is a big man, but they both SLAM him through the table!! Everyone is down as Raw goes to break!

Raw returns and Riddle fires off kicks on Styles in a corner! Styles blocks one, puts the leg on the rope then kicks the leg! Riddle hobbles, Styles hurries over, Riddle KICKS him down! Riddle runs, Styles avoids the Penalty Kick to roll up, ONE! Styles blocks another kick to DRAGON SCREW! Riddle roars and writhes but Styles gets the leg for a foot DDT! And then drops an elbow on the knee! Styles has a toehold but Riddle fights with a chinbar. Styles wrenches Riddle’s toes! Styles then gets up to stomp the leg, and stalks Riddle to a corner. Styles throws hands, gets the leg again, but Riddle KNEES free with the other! Styles wobbles and the ref checks on him.

Riddle gets up, Styles is still in this, and Styles dodges Riddle to PELE! Cover, TWO! Omos is annoyed but Styles goes out to KICK and stomp McIntyre back down! McIntyre sits up but Styles kicks him, then throws him down on the wreckage of the table! The ref checks on McIntyre, Styles goes back to the ring and fist-bumps Omos. But Riddle is back up and fires off hands on Styles! Riddle has Styles in the corner, but Styles hits a SPINEBUSTER! Styles gets the leg for a toehold again, then shifts Riddle over for a modified ankle lock! Riddle endures, moves around, and gets the ropebreak! Styles doesn’t have to let go but the tap-out won’t count, so Styles changes position!

Styles has a Half Crab now! Riddle kicks with his free leg but Styles stomps him down! Styles paces, gets Riddle up, and snap BRAIN BUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Riddle survives and Styles is growing frustrated. Styles goes out as McIntyre stirs again and Styles stomps McIntyre down! Styles goes back to the ring but a KNEE catches him in the ropes! Riddle shouts out to Orton, DRAPING DDT! Riddle hears the voices in his head, or maybe just Orton’s voice in his head, as Styles gets up! Styles ducks the RKO to fireman’s carry, and DEATH VALLEY DRIVER!! Cover, TWO!! Riddle still lives and Styles can’t believe it!

Styles gets Riddle up, reels him in, but Riddle fights the Clash! McIntyre is back and he drags Styles out! McIntyre RAMS Styles into barriers, then into apron, then back into barriers! McIntyre goes after Riddle, but Riddle spins him, PELE- NO! McIntyre blocks, gets Riddle up and puts him in the corner! McIntyre fires off windmill haymakers! McIntyre whips Riddle corner to corner then runs in to back elbow! McIntyre gets the legs, brings Riddle out, INVERTED ALABAMA SLAM! McIntyre watches Riddle slowly stir, and McIntyre aims from the ropes again. Riddle stands, but he avoids the Claymore to send McIntyre out!

Riddle catches his breath in the ring, and Styles aims at McIntyre for a SLIDING FOREARM! Styles goes to the ring, Riddle goes TRIANGLE JUMP FINAL FLASH! Styles flops back down, Riddle goes to the apron and he APRON PENALTY KICKS! McIntyre swipes but Riddle jumps it to PENALTY KCIK! SPRINGBOARD FLOATING BRO!! Riddle takes out both Styles and McIntyre and fires up! Riddle has his choice, but he KICKS McIntyre against the post! And again! And again! Styles is up and he gets KICKS, too! Riddle goes back to McIntyre, PENALTY KICK! Riddle runs at Styles, but Styles moves and Riddle kicks steel steps!

The ref checks on him but Riddle says he doesn’t want to stop now! But surely a toe or foot could be broken, the ref has medics rush out. They check on Riddle, help him get up slowly and hop towards the back. Riddle feels awful, he can’t let Randy Orton down! Riddle is still taken away as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns once more and McIntyre throws body shots to fight out of Styles’ chinlock. Styles kicks low, runs and kicks McIntyre, but McIntyre CLOBBERS him! McIntyre rallies, whips, and OVERHEAD Belly2Belly suplexes again! Styles hobbles up into ANOTHER OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! McIntyre aims at Styles, runs in but Styles boots him away! Styles runs, McIntyre dodges the clothesline and hits a NECKBREAKER! McIntyre kips up but his bad leg jams a bit. McIntyre gets Styles up, underhooks but Styles fights free to kick. McIntyre blocks that kick to SPINEBUSTER! Jackknife cover, TWO!

McIntyre is frustrated but he keeps his focus as he and Styles slowly rise. McIntyre gets Styles up, bumps him off buckles, then hoists him up top. McIntyre ROCKS Styles with a right, climbs up and gets Styles up, but Styles slips out to trip McIntyre up! Styles fireman’s carries for an USSHIGOROSHI! Cover, TWO!! McIntyre survives but Styles is too tired to be upset! Styles gets back up, he brings McIntyre up and reels him in, but McIntyre powers out of the Clash! Styles fires off the Phenomenal Blitz, but swings into a scoop, MICHINOKU DRIVER! Cover, TWO!! Styles survives and McIntyre is beside himself!

Both men go to opposite corners, and McIntyre runs in, but into a chop block! Styles hurries to get a leg, McIntyre fights to his feet but Styles rolls him! CALF CRUSHER!! McIntyre endures as Styles pulls back as hard as he can! But wait, is that Riddle hobbling back out? His foot is heavily wrapped but he’s somehow making it here! McIntyre dribbles Styles, Riddle gets him for a BROMISSION! Styles fights free, going after the bad thighs! Riddle still kicks, rolls Styles, BROMISSION! McIntyre stomps the hold apart, gets Riddle up nd throws hands. Riddle spins McIntyre to PELE! McIntyre tumbles out, Riddle is up but Styles springboards, PHENOMNEAL- FINAL FLASH!

RIDDLE HITS AN RKO!?!? Cover, Omos drags Styles out! Omos saves Styles from taking the loss! Riddle turns around into a CLAYMORE OUTTA NOWHERE!! Cover, McIntyre wins!!

Winner: Drew McIntyre, by pinfall (qualifies for the Men’s MITB Ladder Match)

Styles survives thanks to his massive insurance policy, but he and the Bro still lose as the Scottish Warrior snatches victory from the jaws of defeat! Will McIntyre add that briefcase to his list of accolades?

My Thoughts:

Wow, Raw was surprisingly great again this week. There were still more recaps than needed, but we got a lot of good stuff even with that. For one, a great promo segment with Kofi and MVP, though I will note Kofi might’ve been too hyped because he had stammered a little here and there. But Kofi pointing out things like Lashley taking it easy, having MVP help him, all good points. Kofi knocking MVP down with the Trouble in Paradise was great, too. Things are really ramping up, but it feels like Lashley is still winning at MITB, even if KofiMania 2 happening would be a great way to get fans to react.

Speaking of MITB, everything going into tonight’s Triple Threat was interesting but all around exciting stuff. Whatever reason Orton couldn’t actually be here, using it to further things on various fronts was great. The battle royal got a lot of action and story going at once, such as Mansoor being tricked by Mustafa Ali, all the 24/7 Championship chaos on the outside, and Omos screwing over the Viking Raiders. Riddle being in that match and then winning it for Orton was great stuff. Riddle made the Triple Threat an awesome match, though it was going to be that with Orton, too.

But Riddle taking the loss makes sense. Styles had Omos so he wasn’t going to lose, but he also wasn’t going to win because of the coming Raw Tag Team Championship match. The story of RKBRO is going to circle back to the tag titles, too. Priest’s promo with Riddle backstage was good, and I hope this cues Orton to try and appreciate what Riddle was doing for him. Orton was going to lose his opportunity by default without him, Riddle at least tried to get it, there’s no shame in losing here. And I suppose by default, McIntyre was going to win, but also because why wouldn’t Raw choose McIntyre? I don’t think McIntyre wins the MITB match because of all the other great choices, but him trying is also a great bit of the story.

Ricochet, Morrison and Miz had a great promo segment together, and then Ricochet VS Morrison was an awesome match. And the way they got to Double Count-out was awesome, I’ve never seen a move like that to the outside. Those guys are going to be the highlights of the ladder match because of what they can do. Elias VS Ryker as a strap match was so quick, it was like filler. Ryker was of course going to win and get past Elias, but it just doesn’t feel like a blow-off if it happens so fast. Also, Ryker wearing yellow and red, I hope this isn’t a sign Vince is going to try and make Ryker the new “I’m a real American~” Hogan. Not that I’m not patriotic, it’s just that it doesn’t need to be done with an Easter Egg to Hulkamania.

We got pretty good stuff out of Shayna, Nia, Nikki and Alexa. Nikki coming up with her nickname and catchphrase was great, she had a good match with Shayna, but of course Alexa gets involved with the puppetry. Her taking out two with one leg was great, though. Nikki wins to build momentum towards the MITB match, but no idea who is winning this with SmackDown still determining their spots. The limited roster didn’t really do Asuka or Naomi any favors. I get Eva is to get Heel Heat while fans rally behind “Doudrop” Piper Niven, but Piper ditched her last week. Why are they teaming again? Why isn’t Piper getting in Eva’s face about her name? This is bad pacing along with exposing WWE not caring for their RawDown Women’s Division like NXT does for theirs.

The Six Woman Tag was a much better segment with the promos and the brawling before the match, as well as the match itself. Charlotte, Natty & Tamina win to get momentum, but it is interesting that Rhea gets the cheap shot on Charlotte. I feel like Rhea, Dana & Mandy might win their matches, because who else is there to defend the titles against for Natty & Tamina? SmackDown has almost no one, but Asuka and Naomi can stick together to challenge whoever after MITB. Of course, the WWE Draft is coming, there’s at least two women’s tag teams going from NXT to RawDown to salvage the main roster tag division, which is sad because these belts should’ve been on all the shows outside of when Bayley & Sasha Banks had them.

My Score: 8.4/10

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AEW Coverage

Mitchell’s AEW Rampage Results & Report! (7/26/24)




Who will be waiting in the wings for the AEW World Champion?

In the wake of Blood & Guts, twenty men compete in the Royal Rampage battle royal! But who will stand tall at the end as the next #1 contender?


  • Fatal 4 Way Tag: Private Party VS The Righteous VS The Outrunners VS Rush & Kyle Fletcher w/ Don Callis; win(s).
  • Lance Archer VS ???
  • Kris Statlander w/ Stokely Hathaway VS Leila Grey; wins.
  • Royal Rampage: ??? wins and will challenge for the AEW World Championship at AEW Grand Slam.


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; Knight wins.
  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: The Bloodline wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.


Nick Aldis is on the phone.

He has a lot going on, but he’ll call back. The Bloodline steps up, and Aldis says sorry, given their actions last week with Cody Rhodes & Kevin Owens that gave Tonga Loa an eye injury, Loa is not cleared to compete. So unfortunately, The Bloodline must forfeit their spot in the tag team gauntlet. Tama Tonga asks what Aldis just said, but Aldis says he heard just fine. Forfeit? They ain’t forfeiting nothing! Solo Sikoa has Tama stand down. And he appreciates Aldis’ concern, but The Bloodline is not forfeiting. Understood? Loa is part of The Bloodline, but so is Jacob Fatu! So instead, it will be Tama Tonga & Jacob Fatu in that match. If that’s okay with Aldis.

Aldis says it is, actually. They’re still in. Solo tells Fatu to bring those titles back home. Solo wants all the titles on SmackDown. The Samoan Werewolf steps up to replace The Silverback, will any of the other teams survive that match now?


LA Knight heads to gorilla.

And he tells the cameras, “LEMME TALK TO YA!” The Mega Star says we’re making a pitstop before SummerSlam. Santos Escobar couldn’t remember how many times he’s been dropped on his head by Knight, so Knight will be the professor, class is in session, and we’ll teach Santos some history. Then in Cleveland, Logan Paul isn’t learning math, he isn’t learning statistics or English. But he will be taught what it’s like to get his keister kicked in by the Mega Star! YEAH! And no matter what class, the curriculum is always the same, with everybody saying… L! A! KNIGHT! YEAH!! Knight makes his way out, will he be rolling into SummerSlam? Or will Santos pass the test?

LA Knight VS Santos Escobar w/ Elektra Lopez!

The bell rings, Santos runs up but Knight dodges to JAB! JAB! JAB! Santos headlocks, Knight powers out but Santos runs him over. Things speed up, and Knight hip tosses! And then arm-drags! Knight has the armlock, the fans rally, but santos fights up. Santos pulls hair, the ref reprimands, but santos puts Knight in a corner. Santos whips, Knight reverses to WRING the arm and drop a leg on it! Knight wrenches and YANKS the arm again and again. “YEAH! YEAH!” Knight whips, then ELBOWS Santos down! The fans fire up with Knight and he RAMS Santos into a corner. Knight climbs up to rain down fists!

Fans “YEAH!” all the way to seven times before Santos YANKS Knight down! Santos kicks and stomps Knight in the corner. The fans boo but Lopez mocks Knight’s “yapping.” Santos CHOPS LARIATS Knight! Santos CHOP LARIATS again, then reels him in for a snap suplex! Santos stands up, brings Knight up to SLAM him down, then he steps through for a SHARPSHOOTER! Knight scrambles to the ROPEBREAK! Knight then stands to fire off haymakers! Knight whips, and he LARIATS Santos down! Knight brings Santos up but Santos drop toeholds him into ropes! Santos distracts the ref and Lopez SLAPS Knight!

Santos runs in to 619! A shot taken at Rey Mysterio, and Santos soaks up the heat while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Santos DOUBLE KNEES Knight in a corner! Cover, TWO! Santos is annoyed but he clamps on a cobra clutch. The fans rally as Knight endures. Knight fights up, throws body shots, then runs, to SWINGING NECKBREAKER! Knight whips, Santos reverses and scoops for a BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Santos is annoyed again and he stalks Knight to a corner. Santos says this is not Knight’s game, it’s Santos’s! Santos rains down fists in the corner but lets off as the ref counts. Santos soaks up heat, but Knight ELBOWS him back! Knight whips Santos hard to a corner, then SHOVES him in!

Knight stomps a mudhole, “YEAH! YEAH!” Knight goes corner to corner to KNEE Santos down! Knight whips, Santos reverses but Knight ducks the lariat to kick and DDT! Cover, TWO! Santos stays in this, Lopez coaches him, but Knight is on him first. Knight lifts Santos to a torture rack, but Lopez slides in! The ref stops her, that distracts Knight, and he lets Santos down. Lopez backs off as Knight storms over, and Knight goes back for Santos. Santos ELBOWS Knight! Santos runs, but into a POP-UP POWERSLAM! The fans fire up while both men are down! Lopez again gets on the apron but the ref tells her to stop.

And here comes LOGAN PAUL! ONE LUCKY- NO, Knight dodges to LARIAT! Logan falls, but Santos SUPERKICKS! Santos brings Knight around, fireman’s carry, PHANTOM- NO, Knight slips free to B F T! Cover, Knight wins!

Winner: LA Knight, by pinfall

But then Logan CLOBBERS Knight after all! The fans boo as the Maverick stomps away on Knight! Logan drags Knight up, but Knight RAMS him into a corner! Knight stomps away on Logan now, “YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!” Knight runs corner to corner, but Santos KNEES Knight down! The Emperor helps the champ up, and they beat Knight down together! Then Santos drags Knight into the drop zone for Logan as he goes up top. Logan FROG SPLASHES Knight! The fans boo but Logan soaks it up. Logan leaves Knight down and out, but will Knight be the one leaving The Land with the gold?


Backstage interview with Naomi.

Byron Saxton asks her why she thinks Blair Davenport initially showed her respect, only to then attack her from behind. Naomi doesn’t know the issue with Blair is, because she hasn’t even done anything to the newbie! But Blair is playing mind games, which won’t work. Naomi has something for Blair, though. Not only will Naomi make Blair #FeelTheGlow, but she’ll respect it! And then in step Jade Cargill & Bianca Belair, and they say that’s right! Blair is a Lame, and she gets what is coming. Just like Alba & Isla will. Speaking of, Bianca & Jade are gonna call out the champs-for-now and handle business.

Naomi says go handle it, then. The StrongEST Duo heads out, will they be able to get that rematch with the wicked witches?


Backstage interview with Logan Paul.

Byron catches up with The Maverick and asks him what happened. Logan says that’s an appetizer for SummerSlam, the first course of a three course meal. Logan will whoop Knight, in his hometown, in front of his friends and family, everyone he knows and loves. Plus, he got off the phone with “Mr. Cleveland” himself, and there will be a surprise homecoming planned just for Logan. Then can we get an idea of what- Nope! Silly question. But tune in next week, it’ll be a great night.

Logan promises Knight that he won’t just be facing the US Champion at SummerSlam. Knight will be facing the pride of Cleveland, the ultimate underdog turned top dog, and Knight ain’t ready for that. YEAH! Logan is more confident than ever, but will that make things that much sweeter when LA beats Cleveland’s own in his hometown?


Jade Cargill & Bianca Belair head to the ring!

Just as promised, they’re here to call out the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions. Bianca & Jade get the mics, and The EST says she loves the fans and would stay her all day, but she’ll cut to the chase. Alba & Isla have been ghosting Jade & Bianca ever since winning at Clash at the Castle. Alba & Isla said they’d be here tonight, right? Right. And they’d bring the titles, right? Right. So where they at? The StrongEST Duo looks around, and tell the champs to stop duckin’ ‘n’ dodging. Come to the ring with the belts, and get these hands. The music hits, but then Alba & Isla hit from behind! The Unholy Union beat down the former champs!

Alba digs her boots into Jade, then CLUBS her down. Isla drags Bianca up but Bianca fights free! Bianca spins Isla, torture racks, but Isla lands safe on the apron! Only for Bianca to DECK her! Jade then grabs Alba, and hoists her up to THROW her out onto Isla! And in heels! The fans fire up while Alba & Isla regroup and retreat. Will there be no running from the storm that is coming for them?


B-Fab talks with the Street Profits.

It’s time to do this. It’s their moment, their time. And in steps Terence Crawford! The boxing champ is here, and he shakes hands with everyone. B-Fab says The Profits may not be Crawford, but tonight, they will be whooping feet! And from Ford to Crawford, Black Airforce Energy, go do your thing on August 3rd. Crawford appreciates that. But for real, he’ll be watching them, too. Good luck out there. They hug it out, Dawkins is ready to turn up! Will the Profits be up and win their golden tickets to the titles? Or will taking on five other teams be a tall order even for them?


Tiffany Stratton looks at her Money in the Bank briefcase.

It is being held together by colorful tape after what Bayley did to it last week. Nia Jax walks over and says don’t worry, she’ll get Tiff a brand new briefcase that will be perfect for her. And Tiff could cash in on Bayley tonight, but Nia has that guaranteed match at SummerSlam, and Nia would hate Tiff dropping the title so soon. Tiff says she’d never do that to Nia. Besides, Tiff just wants to get revenge. Nia says she thought so. Tiff still pouts over her busted briefcase, but will she and The Queen of the Ring bust up Bayley and Michin in return?


WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet!

Johnny Gargano & Tommaso Ciampa are still champions after facing A-Town Down Under a second time, so now it’s on to something new. Six teams are going to compete until only one team stands tall, who survives to go for the gold this summer?

The first team out? The newest combo of Baron Corbin & Apollo Crews, who are ready to #BurnTheShips and sink the competition! Their opponents? Legado del Fantasmo’s Angel Garza & Humberto Carrillo! Will they look to add to the legacy and finally grab those tag titles?

Baron Corbin & Apollo Crews VS Angel Garza & Humberto Carrillo!

The bell rings and Legado just attacks! The ref reprimands, the fans boo, but the cousins stomp away on Corbin. Angel stays in to stand on Corbin, Berto RAMS Crews into steel steps! Angel then runs up, but Corbin dodges and SPLASHES! Corbin reels Angel in for a short arm LARIAT, then he reels him in for an ELBOW! Then a SIDE EFFECT! Cover, TWO! Corbin stands Angel up but Angel CHOPS! Tag to Berto, and Angel sidesteps so Berto can GAMANGIRI! Roll-up, SUPERKICK, and Corbin tumbles out! Berto DIVES and down goes Corbin! Legado stands tall while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Berto drags Corbin up, manages a fireman’s carry, but Corbin fights free with elbows. Corbin ducks a buzzsaw but not the ENZIGIRI! Berto runs corner to corner but Corbin TOSSES him into buckles! DIY are watching backstage, hot tags to Angel and Crews! Crews rallies on Legado, mule kicks and BOOTS Angel, then dodges Angel to LEAPING LARIAT! The fans fire up with Crews as he kips up! Angel takes a swing, Crews gets under to GERMAN SUPLEX! Crews holds on, and he GERMAN SUPLEXES again! And GERMAN SUPLEXES again! Angel flounders, fans fire up, and Crews goes corner to corner to SPLASH!

Crews pushes Angel out of the corner, goes up top, and FLYING- KNEE from Angel! Angel underhooks to TIGER BACKBREAKER! Cover, Corbin breaks it! Berto runs up to LARIAT Corbin up and out! But Corbin drags Berto out to RAM him into steel steps! Angel KNEES Crews, reels him in, WING- NO, Crews slips free! Corbin sneaks a tag, Crews BOOTS! END OF DAYS! Cover, Corbin & Crews ELIMINATE Legado! But no time to rest, here come the Street Profits!

Baron Corbin & Apollo Crews VS The Street Profits!

Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins take their time stepping up to the ring, and Ford starts against Crews. They circle, Crews kicks then whips. Ford goes up and over then handsprings away. Ford smiles, Crews smiles, and things speed up! Crews handsprings over Ford’s dropdown, then he hurdles! Crews drops then DROPKICKS Ford, and he brings Ford back up. Crews suplexes, holds Ford up, but Ford slips free to back suplex! High and hard for Crews, Dawkins tags to cover. TWO!! Crews is somehow still in this, but Dawkins brings him up. Dawkins whips, Crews goes up and over and keeps moving. Crews jumps the dropdown then whips.

Crews hurdles., Dawkins handsprings, and DOUBLE LARIATS take both men down! Hot tag to Corbin, hot tag to Ford! Ford fires hands on Corbin, but Corbin UPPERCUTS! Ford falls to the apron, but he RAMS back in! Ford slingshots, into a HAYMAKER! The golden gloves hit hard, and then Crews says let’s do it! Corbin runs, Crews TOSSES him out onto the Profits! The fans fire up as the Wolf flies, and SmackDown goes back to break!

SmackDown returns again and Corbin has Ford up top! Ford fights with body shots, then he HEADBUTTS Corbin down! Corbin hurries to his feet, and gets under Ford’s leap! Corbin BOOTS Ford, goes up, and he FLYING LARIATS! B-Fab panics but Corbin hauls Ford up for a POWERBOMB! Flip over, but then Ford ENZIGIRIS! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Corbin and Ford crawl, hot tags to Dawkins and Crews! Dawkins rallies on Crews, but Crews avoids the splash! Crews comes back to SPLASH! Crews runs, but Dawkins ducks to ENZIGIRI! Crews comes back to ENZIGIRI!

The fans fire up with Cres, but Dawkins catches him for a FALL AWAY SLAM! Cover, Corbin breaks it! Ford runs up, Corbin DECKS him! Corbin runs in at the corner, but Ford dodges and Corbin POSTS himself! Dawkins runs at Crews but Crews DUMPS him out! Ford and Crews stare down, then they both build speed! They both FLY out onto the other’s partner! The fans are thunderous, Crews puts Dawkins in, and then Crews goes up top. “This is Awesome!” as Crews FROG SPLASHES but has to roll through! Dawkins DECKS Crews with a big right! Tag to Ford, and Dawkins brings Crews up.

Dawkins whips, pop-up, REVELATION! Cover, Profits ELIMINATE Corbin & Crews! Corbin & Crews put up a valiant effort, but the Profits move on to face… #YESBOY! Pretty Deadly!

The Street Profits VS Pretty Deadly!

Kit Wilson & Elton Prince run up, run in, then Elton bails out! Kit rolls Dawkins, TWO! Kit hurries to cradle Dawkins, TWO! Kit tries a roll-up again, with tights! TWO, and Dawkins FLAPJACKS Kit down! Kit flounders, Dawkins tags Ford. The Profits double whip,. then CLOBBER Kit! DIY likes that, and then the Profits hit a BACK SUPLEX SPLASH! Elton runs in, but he gets a DOUBLE FLAPJACK onto Kit! Ford covers Kit, TWO! The fans rally, Ford CLUBS Kit, then brings him up. Kit RAMS Ford, swings, but into a back suplex! Elton tags in and Kit slips free. Ford kicks and suplexes, but Elton CHOP BLOCKS Ford!

But Elton miscalculates, Kit still takes a BRAINBUSTER! Elton stomps Ford around, drags him to a cover, TWO! Elton pushes Ford to the corner, Kit tags in, and they stomp away on Ford’s leg as Elton holds it down! The ref counts, Kit UPPERCUTS Ford, then he tags Elton. Now they stomp the leg while Kit holds it! The ref reprimands, Kit lets off and Elton ROCKS Kit with a right. Pretty Deadly say “YES BOY~!” They sing it, even, still pitching their musical. Tag to Kit, but Ford fights with body shots and elbows! Elton blocks a kick, hands it to Kit, and Elton KNEES Ford’s hamstring!

Ford grits his teeth, clutches his leg, but Kit cravats to CHOKE him against ropes. Kit lets go, Elton DECKS Ford, and Kit basement dropkicks! Kit drags Ford around for a HALF CRAB! Ford clamps onto the ROPEBREAK! So Kit DDTS the leg! The fans rally for Ford but Kit taunts Dawkins. Kit then sucker punches him! Kit goes back to Ford, the ref stops Dawkins, and Kit stomps away on Ford’s leg. Kit pulls on the foot, but Ford resists the turnover! Ford kicks at Kit again and again, but Kit still steps over! Ford fights and BOOTS free! Elton tags in, but hot tag to Dawkins! Dawkins rallies on Elton, then whips.

Elton reverses but Dawkins hurdles and UPPERCUTS! The fans fire up with Dawkins and he aims at a corner. Dawkins runs in to CYCLONE SPLASH! ENZIGIRI! Cover, TWO! Elton survives but the fans rally up. Dawkins whips Elton, Elton grabs ropes and BOOTS, then tag to Kit. Dawkins ROCKS Elton and whips, but Elton reverses. Hurdle and DDT! Kit covers, TWO! Dawkins survives, Pretty Deadly seethes, but Kit tags Elton. They run UPPERCUT after UPPERCUT, then Elton RAMS Dawkins so Kit can UPPERCUT again! Fireman’s carry, ASSISTED GUT BUSTER! Cover, Ford breaks it!

The fans are thunderous and Kit is furious! Kit whips but Ford reverses and TOSSES Kit out! Elton DUMPS Ford out! Dawkins ROCKS Elton! Ford tags, Dawkins lifts Elton, BLOCKBUSTER DOOMSDAY!! Cover, Profits ELIMINATE Pretty Deadly! But here comes The OC’s Gallows & Anderson! We hit the halfway point of this gauntlet, will the Profits survive? Or are things about to get Too Sweet? We find out, after the break!

The Street Profits VS The Good Brothers!

SmackDown returns as Karl Anderson JUMP KICKS Ford! Then Luke Gallows SPLASHES in the corner! Anderson snapmares, covers, TWO! Ford survives but Anderson stalks him to ropes. Anderson CHOKES and CLAWS Ford, but he lets off as the ref counts. Anderson snapmares Ford, clamps on a chinlock and he grinds Ford down. Ford endures, reaches out, and the fans rally. Ford fights up, throws body shots, and pries the hold open, but Anderson kicks low! Anderson CLOBBERS Ford, covers, TWO! Ford is still in this but Anderson drags him up. Anderson whips Ford to the corner hard, then tags Gallows.

The Good Brothers mug Ford, then Gallows runs to LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Gallows stands Ford up to scoop and SLAM him! Tag to Anderson and Anderson covers, TWO! Anderson brings Ford up and around to scoop and SLAM! Cover, TWO! Anderson clamps on a neck wrench, and even pulls on Ford’s ear! The ref reprimands, Anderson lets go, and fans rally up. Tag to Gallows. the Good Brothers mug Ford more. Gallows then brings Ford around, snap suplexes, and covers, TWO! Gallows HAMMERS away with elbows, then clamps on a chinlock. Ford endures, the fans rally up, but Gallows leans all his weight on Ford.

Ford fights up to his feet, throws body shots, but Gallows CLUBS him down. Gallows scoops Ford, but Ford swings around to DDT! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Both men crawl, hot tag to Anderson! Anderson whips Ford to an open corner, runs in, but Ford TOSSES him out! Anderson slips apron and falls to the floor! Gallows runs up but Ford DUMPS him out! Hot tag to Dawkins! Dawkins builds speed and he FLIES onto The Good Brothers! Dawkins avoids hitting the desk and the fans are thunderous! Dawkins roars, puts Anderson in, and then runs, but into a SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO!!

Anderson is frustrated but he tags Gallows. The Good Brothers haul Dawkins up for a fireman’s carry. Anderson runs but Ford trips him! Dawkins rolls Gallows up, PROFITS ELIMINATE GOOD BROTHERS!! The fans fire up and yet… That leaves The Bloodline for last. As if this team wasn’t dangerous enough, the Profits are practically running on fumes at this point! Can Ford & Dawkins survive? Or will they fall victim to the Samoan Werewolf and Good Bad Guy? We find out, after the break.

The Street Profits VS The Bloodline!

SmackDown returns again and Tama beats Dawkins down in a corner! The fans chant “SOLO SUCKS!” but Tama tags Fatu. They DOUBLE HEADBUTT Dawkins down, then Fatu drags him up. Fatu bumps Dawkins off buckles, runs in and SPLASHES! Tag to Tama, and he runs up, gets a boost from Fatu, BIG CANNONBALL! Dawkins goes down but the fans chant, “WE WANT ROMAN!” Solo soaks up that heat while Tama CHOKES Dawkins on ropes. The ref counts, Tama lets off, and Solo CHOKES Dawkins now! B-Fab protests but Solo gets away with that. The Bloodline raise their ones, then Tama tags Fatu.

The mugging continues, and Fatu HEADBUTTS Dawkins down. Solo says that’s right, take them out. Fatu CHOKES Dawkins then HEADBUTTS! The ref backs Fatu off but that lets Solo get a cheap shot in! Fatu BITES Dawkins’ fingers! Fatu then stomps him around, and he runs corner to corner, but Dawkins dodges! Fatu’s splash gets him stuck on the ropes! Solo is upset as Dawkins crawls for his corner! Fatu slumps back, the fans rally as hard as they can, hot tags to Tama and Ford! Ford LARIATS, LARIATS then dodges to SPINEBUSTER! Tama flounders, Ford SUPERKICKS Fatu! Ford drags Tama up but Tama slips around to back suplex!

Ford lands out! Ford kicks, KICKS and- NO, Tama ducks the enzigiri! Tama CLUBS and whips but Ford reverses! Ford runs up, but Tama puts him on the apron! Ford ROCKS Tama, climbs up and CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! Tama stays in this, and DIY is intrigued. Ford hurries up the corner again, but Tama ROCKS him! Tama goes up to get Ford, SUPERPLEX! Cover, Dawkins breaks it! Fatu runs in but Dawkins TOSSES him back out! Tama runs to slip and trip Dawkins up! The Bloodline mugs Dawkins, but Ford FLIES over the corner!! Down goes everyone! Ford rises and the fans are thunderous again!

Ford puts Tama in, climbs back up, and Solo is stressing out! FROM THE HEAVENS, but Tama moves! Fatu tags in, Ford hobbles up, into a LARIAT! Fatu DIVES onto Dawkins and takes him out! Fatu returns for Ford, but Ford dodges and runs, but into the POP-UP- DDT!! Ford takes Fatu… NO, Fatu is rising! POP-UP SAMOAN DROP!! Fatu then puts Ford in the drop zone, BEST MOONSAULT EVER!! Cover, Bloodline wins!

Winners: The Bloodline, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships)

Replacing Loa wasn’t a detriment, it only made the team stronger! And now that they’re targeting the tag titles, will The Bloodline dominate under Solo Sikoa like they did under Roman Reigns?



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