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Mitchell’s WWE Money in the Bank Results & Report! (7/18/21)

Money in the Bank gets Rated R!




The stakes are high and the prizes are big in Fort Worth, Texas!

Fans are back, Money in the Bank is back, but will KofiMania be back? Or will the All Mighty WWE World Champion, Bobby Lashley, bring the hurt?


  • Kickoff Show – SmackDown Tag Team Championships: Rey & Dominik Mysterio VS The Usos; The Usos win and become the new SmackDown Tag Team Champions.
  • Women’s Money in the Bank Match: Nikki ASH wins and is Ms. Money in the Bank 2021.
  • Raw Tag Team Championships: AJ Styles & Omos VS The Viking Raiders; Styles & Omos win and retain the titles.
  • WWE World Championship: Bobby Lashley w/ MVP VS Kofi Kingston; Lashley wins and retains the title.
  • Raw Women’s Championship: Rhea Ripley VS Charlotte Flair; Charlotte wins and becomes the new Raw Women’s Champion.
  • Men’s Money in the Bank Match: Big E wins and is Mr. Money in the Bank 2021.
  • WWE Universal Championship: Roman Reigns w/ Paul Heyman VS Edge; Reigns wins and retains the title.


It’s the Money in the Bank Kickoff Show!

Join Kayla Braxton, Booker T, Jerry “The King” Lawler, John “Bradshaw” Layfield, “birthday boy” Peter Rosenberg, and the live crowd, in discussing, analyzing and predicting all the action set for this great return to fans at a WWE PPV!


Sonya Deville joins the panel.

JBL is upset Rosenberg didn’t offer her a chair but she points out her standing and Rosenberg sitting are the same height. Kayla points out that when it comes to Women’s MITB, every woman that’s cashed in, they win the title. 100% success rate, and every woman who has held the briefcase have become stars. And the winner this year could be THE face of the Women’s Division soon enough. Sonya Deville was involved in a Women’s MITB helping Mandy Rose, but Bayley took them both down. But this is a point that anything can happen tonight. We’ve seen Liv Morgan fight her way in, Carmella was in but got her title match before, anything can happen.

Everything is on the line, Sonya wants to see the women step up, she is hoping Liv shows us something tonight. Booker says that he never won MITB either. It is about sacrifice, the person wanting it most wins. Liv has been putting in work, she might win. Liv is here via video chat and Kayla notes this is Liv’s first MITB ever. What’s going in her head right though? She is so excited! This is the biggest night of her career and she can’t wait to win. Peter asks that with what we saw on an electric Friday night, the fans say, “You Deserve It!” What does that mean to her?

That was so unexpected, but it meant more to her than anything. Liv loves this more than anything ever in her life. She cannot get this feeling anywhere else, so having that love is amazing. Booker says not to put the carriage before the horse, is she too caught up thinking she’s just getting this? She has to have eyes on the back of her head and much more. Liv says she’ll risk it all, there is nothing she won’t do to make sure she’s at the top of the ladder with the briefcase in hand. She has no other option but to win! They all like that and they wish her luck. King knows the song is “I Love a Loser When They Cry,” but he loves a winner when they cry. And if Liv wins, the emotions will pour forth.

The kickoff show returns and Sonya sticks around to talk the Raw Women’s’ Championship. Who does she feel has the upper hand here? Charlotte Flair, one of the most decorated women in WWE, but Rhea Ripley has earned her spot. Sonya says this is about mental strengths and weaknesses. Rhea will take and take and play by the rules for as long as she can, but then she’ll bring out the Nightmare. That is the point to where Charlotte has pushed rhea, and that’s who we see tonight. That is Peter’s concern. Is Rhea good? A nightmare? Caught in Charlotte’s game as the Dirtiest Player in the Game’s daughter? JBL agrees, Rhea is trying to beat Charlotte at her own game, but that’ snot what you do in a match like this.

Kayla knows Charlotte sees something of herself in Rhea, but Booker says Rhea is a work in progress. There will always be someone trying to take your spot, and the Ripper wants to rip Charlotte’s spot away from her. King says how can Booker call the champ a WIP? Well you always get better. Two things you don’t do: don’t let the dog guard the food, and don’t play games with The Queen. Sonya relates to Rhea, she sees the true Rhea. You can get pushed and pushed only so far. Even a nice person can only take things for so long before ripping off the mask and becomes the most passionate fighter. A quick poll: King says Queen Charlotte; Booker says Charlotte; JBL says Charlotte, too; Peter says don’t sleep on The Ripper, Rhea is a top star, she will retain.

Another title from Raw is the tag team titles, and the Viking Raiders get their shot at AJ Styles & Omos. Ivar pinned Styles last Monday, but Omos won his singles debut against Erik. The titles are on the line tonight, and there’s a lot of seize in the ring, not necessarily including Styles. Peter remembers the Great Khali being a dominate force on size and strength, what do you do with such a big man? JBL says you try to take them out of their game, but doubts the Vikings can do that. Booker knows Omos is strong, big, and hungry. You don’t really mess with that guy, especially with a veteran mentor like Styles. King thinks to call MIB, this guy might be an alien.

But King talks to Styles insulting the Viking Raiders. Styles has said they’re stinky barbarians, and King admits they could use a bath. But the Raiders have been away from these titles the better part of a year, they’re hungry. JBL says Styles is the greatest of this era, Omos is a great up-and-comer, but the Raiders are already a great tag team. This could be an instant classic. Quick poll: King says Styles & Omos, as does Booker and JBL; Peter feels that as a fellow former (24/7) champion, he has no choice but to say the champs retain. Will it be as phenomenal as this sweep when Styles & Omos take on Erik & Ivar 2v2?


The Miz and John Morrison crash the panel!

Fans fire up as the Most Must-See duo arrives! Wet guys are the best guys! Get some Drip Stick! Careful, you’re getting Booker’s suit wet. Fans chant for “Johnny Drip Drip!” and Miz is fired up. Booker has no idea what’s going on. Is Miz okay? Yeah, he’s gotta be here for Morrison to get the MITB contract. Well what kind of advice as one of the most decorated MITB winners given to Morrison? Morrison doesn’t need advice, he’s been preparing for this his whole career! MITB changes your whole career, Miz got to go to the WrestleMania main event, so Morrison is doing that tonight! Fans chant, “Miz is Awesome!” and that fires Miz up more.

Any nerves, Johnny Drip Drip? Of course! When you stop getting nervous, you stop caring! Morrison isn’t just hungry, he’s thirsty, for that case! Well let’s go to ringside for the kickoff match! Miz and Morrison head out to prepare, will Morrison be dripping with the MITB briefcase?


Kickoff Show – SmackDown Tag Team Championships: Rey & Dominik Mysterio VS The Usos!

The King of Lucha Libre and his son, the first-ever father-son championship tag team, got cheated in the Six Man Tag last Friday Night SmackDown. But they won’t let the Bloodline completely conquer the blue brand just yet! Will Rey & Dom deny Jimmy & Jey their SEVENTH tag title reign?

Rey & Dom get a very special entrance, with a portal back to the Aztecs, the origins of lucha libre! Then they warp back here to Texas! The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see if the Mysterios draw first blood from the Bloodline!

Dom starts against Jimmy and fans fire up. Jimmy and Dom circle, approach, and tie up. Jimmy puts Dom in a corner, the ref counts, and Dom gets around to throw hands! Jimmy swings on Dom but Dom dodges to fire off haymakers! Dom whips and dropkicks Jimmy down, then dropkicks him again! Dom gets Jimmy up, knuckle locks and CHOPS, then goes up and up, to flying arm-drag! Jimmy gets up but into another arm-drag! Dom has the armlock, Jimmy fights up but Dom tags Rey. Rey kicks the bad arm, the Mysterios double whip and double hip toss! Rey gets a boost from Dom, POWERBOMB SENTON! Cover, TWO!

Rey gets Jimmy up to wrench, but Jimmy RAMS Rey into the corner! Jey tags in, Jey runs in to forearm smash! Jey runs, but Rey dropkicks him down! Rey gets Jey up and headlocks but Jey powers out. Jey ducks, Rey comes back but is sent out of the ring hard! The ref counts, Jey snarls and goes out after Rey. Jey puts Rey in the ring, drags him over, and tags in Jimmy. Jimmy drops a headbutt on Rey, then covers, TWO! Jimmy CHOPS Rey, chokes him on the ropes, but lets off as the ref counts, so Jey can get a cheap shot in! Dom is furious but the ref keeps him back. Jimmy grins and swaggers back over to get Rey up. Jimmy headbutts Rey down, then brings him up in a chinlock.

Rey endures, fans rally up, and Rey fights up and fights back. Jimmy headbutts, back suplexes, but Rey lands on his feet! Rey slides under and tags in Dom! Dom forearms then slingshots to FLYING CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Jimmy gets up but into a NECKBREAKER! Dom drags Jimmy over, stomps him in the drop zone, then goes up and up and around to LIONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Dom whips Jimmy to ropes, Jimmy reverses but Dom ducks. Jey is there but Dom dropkicks him! Dom throws Jimmy out to GAMANGIRI! The Usos are both down on the outside and Dom fires the fans up as he climbs. Dom LEAPS, but the Usos both catch him! They SLAM Dom into barriers!

Jey gets Jimmy up and the Usos loom over Dom. Jey refreshes the count, Jimmy backs off and Jey puts Dom into the ring. Dom ends up in the Usos’ corner, Jey runs in and HIP ATTACKS! Fans boo as Jey snarls and talks trash on Dom. Jey chokes Dom, throws down hands, but the ref backs him off. Jimmy gets a shot in, Jey paces, and fans duel. Jey scoops Dom to SLAM him, then drags Dom back over. Tag to Jimmy, the Usos split the wishbone! The ref reprimands but the damage is done. Jimmy sits Dom up for a chinlock and grinds him down. Fans rally up, Jimmy thrashes Dom, facelocks and CLUBS him, then bumps him off buckles.

Jimmy puts Dom up top, ROCKS him with an uppercut, then climbs up. Jimmy fireman’s carries but Dom fights free and SUNSET- No, Jimmy holds on! Dom pushes Jimmy off the corner and Jimmy falls to the floor! Dom hurries as fans rally up. Dom has to boot Jey away first, then he crawls towards his corner! Jimmy gets back in at 6 of 10, crawls after Dom to get a foot, but Dom kicks at him. Jey tags in, but so does Rey! Rey rallies on Jey, Jey mule kicks low! Jey ROCKS Rey with an uppercut, whips to ropes, but Rey duck sand dodges to tilt-o-whirl RANA! Fans fire up as Jey gets to a corner. Rey runs in but is put on the apron.

Rey forearms Jey away, climbs up and leaps, SEATED SENTON! Cover, TWO! Rey keeps his cool, stalks behind Jey and gets him up. Jey switches, Rey elbows the O’Conner Roll away, then springboards back. Jimmy tags in before the SPINNING RANA, and Jimmy SUPERKICKS Rey down! Jimmy whips Rey to pop-up SAMOAN DROP! Cover, TWO!! Rey survives and Jimmy is seething! Jimmy tags Jey and the Usos coordinate. Rey gets up, but Dom trips Jimmy and drags him out! Dom fires off, Jimmy POSTS Dom! Rey rolls Jey, TWO!! Rey keeps moving, and he puts Jey on ropes! Dial it up, but Jimmy intercepts for Jey! Rey still KICKS Jey away, then springboards, into a SUPERKICK!!

Jey drags Rey to a drop zone, climbs up, USO SPLASH!! Cover, TWO?!?! Rey survives and no one can believe it! Jimmy argues with the ref but two is two! Maybe 2.9! “This is Awesome!” and it’s just the KICKOFF! Jey tags Jimmy, the Usos take a corner each, but Dom trips Jey! Jimmy DECKS Dom, Rey gets over but is bumped off buckle! Jimmy rolls Rey, Jey holds him in place?! THE USOS WIN!?!?

Winners: The Usos, by pinfall (NEW SmackDown Tag Team Champions)

Lucky number seven, but it wasn’t luck! It wasn’t paranoia! It was the Uso Penitentiary!! But if it took this to take the titles, will Jimmy & Jey be able to hold onto them?


The Money in the Bank briefcase is opportunity incarnate.

Risk becomes reward, and it all starts here. Two star-studded fields of eight. Ladders as far as the eye can see. And a single prize that can and has been proven to create breakthroughs. SO here’s the million dollar question: when opportunity calls, who will do whatever it takes to answer it? And who will do whatever it takes to keep their gold? A Queen challenges a Nightmare. KofiMania collides with the All Mighty. And the Rated R Superstar wants to break the Head of the Table! And in front of a fired-up WWE Universe, live and in person, it is all about the money money money! Who hits the jackpot with their careers as the ante?


Women’s Money in the Bank Match!

Raw’s Asuka, Naomi, Alexa Bliss and Nikki ASH (Almost a SuperHero), SmackDown’s Zelina Vega, Liv Morgan, Natalya or Tamina. Only ONE can take down the briefcase and have their golden ticket to a title match. Luck will be a lady tonight, and someone gets to be the Miss Fortune for a champion the next 365 days! Who will be the NEW Ms. MITB?

The bell rings and everyone looks to the briefcase, but for only a moment! They rush out for ladders,  Natty throws  Naomi down while Alexa hasn’t done anything but stand on the corner… Liv fights off Nikki and Zelina and now Alexa skips and frolics in the ring. The fans fire up as the other seven are put off, and Alexa reaches a hand up? Asuka hurries to GERMAN SUPLEX Alexa! Zelina BOOTS Asuka, Liv ENZIGURIS Zelina! Natty DISCUS clotheslines Liv, Nikki boots and TORNADO DDT’s Natty! Naomi hits a REAR VIEW, but Tamina SUPERKICKS! Tamina looks up but Alexa jumps on with a sleeper! Tamina throws Alexa off then CLOBBERS her!

Tamina gets a ladder, wedges it in a corner over Alexa, then gets Alexa’s legs for a LADDER GUILLOTINE CATAPULT! Nobody meana than Tamina! Tamina gets another ladder, stands it up, but Liv climbs it?! Zelina keeps Liv from grabbing the briefcase, Tamina shoves the ladder over! SUPERKICK for Vega, forearm for Liv, then a DOUBLE SPLASH for Liv and Vega! They flop out of the ring and Tamina is alone to put the ladder back up. But Asuka stops her from climbing! They shove each other, Asuka bobs ‘n’ weaves and fires off hands! And back hands! Asuka whips but Tamina blocks to reverses. Asuka ducks the ladder to HP ATTACK Natty!

Asuka avoids the ladder as Tamina shoves it, and Asuka goes up to missile dropkick Tamina down! Fans fire up for the Empress as she stands the ladder back up on Tamina! She SLAMS the ladder down to use the rung on Tamina! Fans fire up again as Asuka climbs, but Tamina bench presses the ladder! Liv jumps on to bring it back down on Tamina! Liv hits a CODE BREAKER to Asuka! Liv hurries, fans fire up, but Natty pushes the ladder over! Liv hotshots off ropes on the way down, then Natty hurries to shove the ladder. Liv avoids it but barely. Natty clips Liv, Liv hobbles after her. They tug-o-war over the ladder, but Nikki gets in.

Nikki ducks the ladder but Natty and Liv come back to RAM her! Naomi ends up in a similar situation, she SMACKS and KICKS Tamina, but Tamina catches her out of the air! SAMOAN DROP! Liv and Natty still fight over the ladder, Asuka and Vega drag Tamina out. Vega goes up to FLYING RANA and sends Tamina away! Asuka runs to HIP ATTACK Tamina into barriers! Natty powers Liv into a corner! Alexa throws Natty down with a backbreaker! Alexa crawls up the ladder like a spider, but Liv flails to escape. Natty gets Alexa up for an atomic sit-down, but Alexa just laughs?! Natty hesitates and Alexa drop toeholds her onto the ladder!

Liv runs at Alexa but Alexa throws her down with the STO! FLIPPING SENTON! Fans fire up as Alexa is alone now with a ladder. She starts standing one up, then starts climbing, but so does Vega! They meet at the top and Alexa’s smile scares Vega. Then Alexa starts hypnotizing Vega?! Vega is Alexa’s puppet, and they climb back down! Then Alexa climbs up without Vega, only for Natty to stop her! Rebound BOMB into ladder, then SIT-OUT BOMB! Natty goes up but Vega throws her down! Vega BOOTS Nikki, and wheelbarrows Asuka to a FACEBUSTER! Vega sees Liv up top and kicks her down! Vega uses the ladder as a platform but Liv resists the suplex!

Liv fires body shots and throws Vega down. Naomi puts Vega in place, and POWERBOMBS Liv onto Vega and ladder! Fans fire up as Naomi is alone with the ladders! Naomi sets the corner ladder up beside the first, but Natty attacks! They brawl, Tamina gets in, the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champion work together only to get a DOUBLE FLYING CHUCK! Naomi gets both for DOUBLE STUNNERS! Nikki RAMS into Naomi, but leaps into her arms, POWERSLAM on a ladder! Nikki writhes but Naomi DROPS THE SPLITS! Naomi climbs the ladder, fans fire up, but Natty drags Naomi down and throws her out! Natty climbs but Vega goes after her!

Vega climbs up onto Natty for a sleeper backpack! Natty still fights towards the top! Vega squeezes tighter but Natty reaches the top! Natty grabs the case, Vega pulls her back, Vega reaches up! Liv gets in and drags them both down!! Ladder topples over while every woman is down somewhere around ringside! Fans rally up as Natty, Vega and Liv stagger. Asuka and Tamina get in, Natty fires hands on Liv and Vega! Tamina clubs Asuka. Asuka kicks Vega, hits Liv, ladders are moved side, and the champs mug whoever comes close. Naomi joins in, it is a chaotic brawl, but Nikki climbs a ladder on the outside?! ALMOST A SUPERHERO CROSSBODY!! She takes EVERYONE out!

Fans fire up as Nikki gets a ladder back in the ring. Nikki stands it up, starts to climb, but Alexa drags her back down! Nikki throws a forearm, Alexa ROCKS Nikki back! Nikki shoves, Alexa spider-womans in the ring, then gets Nikki for a TWISTED DDT!! Alexa climbs all alone now, but Natty drags her down! Natty and Tamina mug Alexa, throw her out, but Natty keeps on Alexa and RAMS her into a barrier! The tag champs get a ladder together to RAM Alexa into the barriers harder! And then they set the ladder on top of her! And another ladder! And another! Asuka and Vega help out, they know to pile on the most dangerous woman in this match!

Fans boo but Natty says Alexa deserves this. But Liv slips past Vega and the others to get the ladder in the center! Liv climbs, fans fire up, but Tamina drags her down, only for Liv to RANA her away! Liv stomps away on Tamina, Natty gets in with another ladder, and Natty DECKS Liv! Natty sets up her own ladder next to the first, but Liv stops Natty from climbing! Liv waistlocks, Natty bumps free but Liv spins her to BOOT her into ladder! Asuka and Vega set another ladder up, Liv throws them away! Body block into Vega, then Liv keeps Asuka from climbing. Asuka misses her hip attack and gets ObLIVion!! Liv is in the clear again and climbs!

Naomi and Liv are on the same ladder, Natty and Tamina go up the other two! Asuka and Vega join in, six women fight and paw at the briefcase! Nikki gets back in, she tips the scales by going up the middle! Asuka fights Tamina, Nikki climbs up everyone and GETS THE CASE!!!

Winner: Nikki ASH (NEW Ms. Money in the Bank)

The others may have doubted her, but that was their mistake! Nikki slips in and snatches victory away from everyone else! She may be almost a superhero, but will she a shoe-in for new champion?


The Bloodline celebrates backstage.

The Usos are feeling great, and Roman is happy for them. Jimmy & Jey offer the belts to him but he says they can hold onto those for him. This has been a long journey. All the pressure, all the tough love, now they’re golden. Jimmy was smart enough to learn from Roman. But let’s not get this confused. This was the easy part. Roman did the heavy-lifting. Who brought Jey back? Roman. And Jimmy… Well, they’re here now, dripping in gold. The Bloodline is gold. This is about reputation. The family is always watching. Now that Roman has given them what they want, they need to get him what he wants.

Jey says Roman knows him, Uce. Roman’s Jey’s Tribal Chief. And that’s from Right hand Man! Jey nudges Jimmy and says he acknowledges Roman as Head of the Table and Tribal Chief. Roman accepts that, and is proud of them. The bring it in for a hug, but will things stay good for the fam with Edge coming for the title later tonight?


Raw Tag Team Championships: AJ Styles & Omos VS The Viking Raiders!

The Phenomenal One and the mountain of a man beside him took these titles their first try! But now, they have to prove they can hold onto these belts against a duo that have held titles in every company they’ve worked for and at every level they’ve been on! Will Erik & Ivar get the gold back for the glory of their Viking ancestors? Or will Styles & Omos make them look like nothing more than “stinky, stupid barbarians?”

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and MITB gets phenomenal!

Erik starts with Styles, but then Styles tags out to Omos. Omos already beat Erik, will he do it again? Erik circles with Omos, but then he smirks and tags out to Ivar. And then the Viking Raiders go after Omos together! But Omos bodies each of them in turn! “This is MY house!” Ivar sits up, Oms mocks him wobbling, and tags in Styles. Styles fires off shoulders in the corner then snapmares him to KICK him! Styles drops a knee, covers, TWO! Styles looms over Ivar, gets him up, but Ivar lifts him and RAMS him into the Viking corner! Ivar RAMS Styles, tags Erik, but many fans chant for Styles. Erik clinches, throws knees, and then SLAMS Styles down!

Tag to Ivar, Ivar scoops and slams Styles, then Erik scoop sand SLAMS Ivar onto Styles! Fans are divided but Ivar covers, ONE! Styles is tough but Ivar bumps him off buckles. Tag to Erik, Erik feeds Styles to Ivar’s knee, and then Ivar feeds Styles to Erik’s KNEE! Cover, TWO! Erik looms over Styles, drags him up, but Styles throat chops! Erik sputters, Styles dropkicks him out! Styles doesn’t tag Omos, he dropkicks Ivar first! Styles now tags Omos, and Omos gives Styles a boost to FLY and RANA Erik?! Fans are thunderous for that truly phenomenal attack! Styles tags back in, fetches Erik into the ring, and stalks him. Styles pulls Erik back into a chinlock and squeezes tight.

Erik endures as fans rally and duel. Erik fights up, breaks free and ROCKS Styles with a right! Styles rebounds but into a BIG back drop! Both men are down, Erik crawls, hot tag to Ivar! Ivar runs at Styles and rallies with big shoulders! Scoop and Sidewalk SLAM! Ivar keeps moving, BASEMENT SPLASH! Ivar fires up and fans fire up with him as he gets Styles up. War Beard scoops but Styles slips out to shove. Ivar cartwheels and LARIATS! Cover, TWO! Ivar gets Styles up, Styles jawbreakers free! Tag to Omos and he rushes in, but Ivar cartwheels and LARITS! Omos stays up!? Ivar goes up top, leaps, but Omos catches him in a choke grip! For a scoop and SLAM!

Omos is fired up and fans duel. Omos runs in at the corner to back body block! Ivar falls over, Omos kicks at him then drags him up to clamp onto the shoulders with claws! Ivar endures as Omos’ massive hands dig into his shoulder but fans rally up. Ivar gets up but Omos throws him down! Styles tags in, he gets Ivar up and taunts Erik before throwing forearms on Ivar. Ivar hits back with haymakers! Ivar kicks low, CHOPS, but Styles throws forearms back. Styles CHOPS Ivar, Ivar ROCKS Styles! Ivar runs and goes over Styles to tag Erik! Erik fires off on Styles, but Styles fires back! Erik ducks the back hand to ROCK Styles!

Erik ROCKS Styles again, whips him to a corner but Styles reverses. Erik goes up and over and runs back in, SHOTGUN KNEES! Erik gets Styles up again, pops him from waistlock to FALL AWAY SLAM! Tag to Ivar, the Viking Raiders whip Styles to a corner, Ivar SPLASHES! Erik uses Ivar as a weapon again, HIP ATTACK! Ivar knocks Omos off the apron then tags Erik back in! The Viking Raiders get Styles up, throw him to a waistlock, SPRINGBOARD LARIAT GERMAN!! Cover, TWO!! Erik seethes as Styles survives but he tags in Ivar. The Viking Raiders coordinate again, Styles fights back and PELES Ivar at the top rope! Styles throws Erik out, hot tag to Omos!

Omos goes after Ivar on the corner, MOUNTAINOUS ROCKET LAUNCHER!! Cover, TWO!?! Ivar survives falling from the mountain top, but Omos tells him to get up then. Styles tags in, Omos whips him in but into a SEATED SENTON! Ivar dodges Omos and sends him into buckles! Hot tag to Erik! Erik forearms Omos, tags Ivar, and then forearms again! Ivar knees Omos, feeds him to Erik’s KNEE, then the Vikings together KNEE Omos again! Omos staggers, Ivar runs to clothesline Omos out of the ring! Omos is still on his feet but Erik DIVES! Tope Suicida rocks Omos but he’s still up!? Styles rolls Ivar, TWO!!

Styles boots Ivar, ENZIGURIS, then runs in, but is put on apron! Styles ROCKS Ivar, springboards, but Erik saves Ivar! THOR’S HAMMER!! Cover, but Omos shoves Erik onto it!! Omos saves this by mere milliseconds! Styles and Ivar crawl, “This is Awesome!” as Erik and Omos tag in! Erik runs in to fire off forearms, but Styles HEEL KICKS him! Ivar LEG LARIATS Styles, Omos BOOTS Ivar! Erik KNEES Omos, runs, but into a TWO-HAND SLAM!! Cover, Omos and Styles win!

Winners: Omos & AJ Styles, by pinfall (still Raw Tag Team Champions)

A big save and an even bigger victory, Omos has proven himself worthy of the tag titles! Will these two be even more than phenomenal as Raw Tag Team Champions?


Backstage interview with Drew McIntyre.

The Scottish Warrior is getting ready, but what will it take to win in that stacked Men’s MITB match? Does something seem different to Kevin? McIntyre can’t put his finger on it. Oh wait! Fort Worth, can he get some noise? He does! Kevin, McIntyre is in the position not of wanting to win, but having to win. Last time, McIntyre won the Royal Rumble as fans lost their minds! McIntyre slayed the Beast, Brock Lesnar, and is very proud of being the world champion in the ThunderDome. But he speaks for everyone, if we never go back to ThunderDome, we’ll all be very happy. Being in front of live fans as champion didn’t work out that way, so this is his absolute last chance.

Everyone loves story time, right? Well here’s a story: Tonight in Fort Worth, McIntyre walks in, breaks bones, kicks heads off, climbs a ladder and becomes the NEW Mr. Money in the Bank! Will that story come true, happy ending and all? Or will one of the other seven men get lucky instead?


WWE World Championship: Bobby Lashley w/ MVP VS Kofi Kingston!

After the shocking upset from Monday Night Raw, the Chief Hurt Officer wants to HURT someone. And he even admitted, Kofi was right. Lashley wants to prove he still has that edge, that killer instinct, that utterly dominant violence! Will Lashley make sure #KofiMania2 never happens again? Or is his rage only going to throw him for a loop?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see if the Power of Positivity can hold it down again!

Lashley rushes Kofi at the bell as MVP anchors him! Kofi gets free, sunset flips, TWO! Kofi goes up fast to FLYING STOMP! Cover, TWO! MVP is furious but Kofi facelocks, Lashley back drops hard out of it! Lashley has Kofi in a corner and fires haymakers! Kofi boots but Lashley blocks to reel him in and CLOBBER him! Fans boo but MVP riles them up as Lashley paces. Lashley gets Kofi up to RAM him over and over, then RAM him again! And again! Lashley goes corner to corner, but Kofi moves and swing kicks Lashley! Kofi springboards, into Lashley’s arms! MILE HIGH SPINEBUSTER! Fans boo but Lashley tells them to quiet down.

Lashley looms over Kofi, gets him back up, and scoops him to TOSS him out of the ring! MVP taunts Kofi as Lashley fetches him. Lashley fireman’s carries and POSTS Kofi! Lashley goes back in the ring to let the count finish this. Kofi stirs but Lashley goes out after him again. MVP wants Lashley to punish Kofi, so Lashley fireman’s carries and POSTS him again! Kofi sputters as MVP cheers Lashley on. Lashley gets Kofi up again, puts him in the ring, and drags him back up by his hair. Lashley puts Kofi in a corner but fans rally behind Kofi. The ref counts but Lashley throws back elbows. Lashley throws hands, has Kofi in a corner and throws more elbows.

Lashley paces, goes side to side and ROCKS Kofi with a forearm! Kofi clutches his shoulders, Lashley gets him up for a LIFTING COMPLETE SHOT! MVP says to put the hurt on Kofi, and Lashley looms over Kofi. Lashley watches Kofi flounder up and try to stand, but Lashley gets him for a HURT LOCK!! Kofi flails, reaches, but Lashley won’t even let the ref check on Kofi before a PUMP HANDLE FALL AWAY SLAM!! Lashley snarls as he stands on Kofi’s head at the ropes! The ref counts, Lashley gets Kofi up but Kofi throws hands! Lashley gets him for another COMPLETE SHOT! Lashley rains down fists on Kofi, digs his fingers in, throws more hands, then lets off as the ref reprimands.

Lashley drags Kofi up again, MVP says now they can finish him! Lashley gut wrenches, for the DOMINATOR!! But still Lashley isn’t done with Kofi!? Lashley gets Kofi up again, gut wrenches a second time, for a SECOND DOMINATOR!! Some fans want “ONE MORE TIME!” Lashley paces about, drags Kofi back up, and gut wrenches for a THIRD DOMINATOR!! Lashley hushes the fans but they boo him now as he looms over Kofi. Lashley drags Kofi up yet again, for the HURT LOCK!! Kofi is fading out, he finally taps! Lashley wins!

Winner: Bobby Lashley, by submission (still WWE World Champion)

The wrath of the All Mighty rips Kofi Kingston apart, and the gold stays where it is! Is this also a message that whoever is Mr. MITB should not even consider Lashley a target?


Raw Women’s Championship: Rhea Ripley VS Charlotte Flair!

The Nightmare says anything the Queen can do, she can do better. Charlotte likes the spirit, but she is looking to also crush that spirit and get back to the throne. Will Rhea beat Charlotte at her own game? Or will the Queen put the champion in checkmate?

The introductions are made, the title is raised, and we see who’s the better player once and for all!

Rhea and Charlotte stare down at the bell, but Rhea smirks. Fans rally up as the two slowly circle. Rhea brushes off the fans chanting for Charlotte, then she and Charlotte tie up. They go around, Charlotte puts Rhea in a corner but Rhea powers out. The two break, Charlotte keeps her cool, but then fans chant “WE WANT BECKY!” Charlotte flips the fans off!! Rhea and Charlotte tie up, Charlotte waistlocks but Rhea switches. Charlotte pulls hair to turn things around but Rhea HEADBUTTS! Charlotte SLAPS, Rhea SLAPS back! Rhea blocks the boot, throws Charlotte down, and then says neener neener. Charlotte get sup, Rhea dodges, runs and dropkicks Charlotte down!

Charlotte ends up in a corner, Rhea runs in but is put on the corner. Rhea throws forearms, pulls Charlotte to the apron but Charlotte hits back! They brawl on the edge, Charlotte CHOP but Rhea fireman’s carries! Charlotte fights free, kicks the leg but Rhea dodges the chop block to drop knees! Rhea runs to baseball slide Charlotte to the floor! Rhea goes back to apron for a CANNONBALL, but Charlotte moves! Rhea lands on the floor, gets to barriers, but Charlotte SHOTGUNS her into them! Charlotte puts Rhea in, covers, ONE! Charlotte is annoyed but she looms over Rhea. Charlotte gets Rhea up to EXPLODER her into the corner! And kip up!

Charlotte stomps a mudhole into Rhea, the ref counts but Charlotte lets off at 4. Charlotte gets a leg, drags Rhea around and throws her down, covers, TWO! Charlotte sits Rhea up for a thrashing chinlock. Fans rally for Rhea as she fights up, but Charlotte throws her down by her hair! Charlotte shows off with a handspring and BOOT! Charlotte eggs Rhea on, Rhea hits back but Charlotte clubs her. They brawl as Rhea gets up, and Charlotte brings Rhea around to scoop. Rhea slips out, waistlocks, but Charlotte elbows out hard! Fans duel, Rhea elbows Charlotte but Charlotte hits back! Charlotte puts a leg on ropes but Rhea disrupts the knee drop and dumps Charlotte out!

Rhea catches her breath while Charlotte is down. Fans still want Becky but Rhea pursues Charlotte and leaps of steps, CANNONBALL! Direct hit and Rhea fires up! Rhea chases Charlotte back into the ring, swings her around and throws short arm lariats! Charlotte ducks one, breaks free, but Rhea HEADBUTTS again! Rhea snapmares, runs and basement dropkicks Charlotte down! Rhea wants Texas to get loud and they fire up. Rhea cravats to throw in knees, but Charlotte breaks free, only to get a HOOK KICK! Rhea hits a NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, TWO! Charlotte rolls to ropes and fans rally up as Rhea chases after.

Charlotte hotshots Rhea, then gets in to waistlock. Rhea bucks her off, swings, but into a waistlock. Back suplex, but Rhea land son her feet to GERMAN SUPLEX! Rhea gets up, climbs a corner, leaps at Charlotte, but Charlotte catches the missile dropkick to a BOSTON CRAB! Rhea endures, powers out, sits on a corner, TWO! Rhea gets up but Charlotte trips her to step through. Rhea rolls back to a leg clutch cover, TWO! Rhea kicks but Charlotte ducks to BOOT Rhea down! Cover, TWO! Charlotte is a bit surprised but she thinks of what she has to do to win. Charlotte drags Rhea to a corner, goes up top, but Rhea trips her up!

Charlotte staggers, Rhea gets her up on the ropes again and Electric Chair lifts! Charlotte holds ropes but Rhea gets her arms, only for Charlotte to turn and sunset flip! Rhea rolls through, double pump handle and she flings Charlotte into a BIG suplex! Cover, TWO!! Rhea grows frustrated as Charlotte survives. Charlotte slowly rises, fans still want Becky, but Rhea CHOPS Charlotte! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS, CHOPS, CHOPS! Rhea whips, Charlotte reverses and she sends Rhea tumbling up and out! Charlotte fires up, Rhea is on the apron, and Charlotte BOOTS her back down! Charlotte goes up top, fans get on their feet for the SUPER MOONSAULT!! DIRECT HIT!

Charlotte gets up and fans are thunderous as she brings Rhea up again. Charlotte puts Rhea in the ring, then NATURAL- NO! Rhea slips free, trips Charlotte, and ties up the legs! PRISM TRAP! Charlotte endures a leg lock now, but she rolls and drags Rhea to a cover, TWO! Charlotte gets up to get a ROUNDHOUSE from Rhea! Rhea pump handles, RIP- DDT?!? Charlotte counters, covers, TWO!?! Rhea survives and Charlotte is in shock! Charlotte gets emotional, Rhea rolls away, but then Charlotte refocuses. Charlotte and Rhea start throwing hands back and forth and fans fire up! Charlotte CHOPS, and CHOPS, and CHOPS!

Rhea back elbows outta nowhere! Then she dodges a boot but the elbow hits! Feet on the ropes in the cover, but the ref sees it! Charlotte feels foolish for getting caught, but she gets mad at the ref about it! Charlotte backs off, but Rhea KICKS from below! Rhea slaps sense into herself, runs in and RAMS into Charlotte! And again! The ref counts, Rhea lets off and she gets Charlotte up top. Rhea throws hands, Charlotte hits back, they brawl but Rhea ROCKS Charlotte. Rhea climbs, fans fire up, and Rhea gets Charlotte up, only for Charlotte to attack the leg! Rhea tumbles, Charlotte adjusts, SUPER NATURAL SELECTION!?! Cover, TWO?!?!?! HOW?!?! HOW!?!?

The Queen is beside herself as Rhea survives. “This is Awesome!” as Rhea writhes and Charlotte tries to compose herself. Charlotte glares at Rhea, gets a leg, but Rhea schoolgirls Charlotte into buckles! Charlotte falls out of the ring, Rhea gets up and fans rally up. Rhea bumps her head off the mat to fire herself back up, and she gets Charlotte up. Charlotte POSTS Rhea! And then puts a leg inside the steel steps!? Charlotte BOOTS the steps! And again! And again!! The ref reprimands but Charlotte gets in to get the leg! FIGURE FOUR!! FIGURE EIGHT!! Rhea endures but she’s caught, she TAPS! Charlotte wins!!

Winner: Charlotte Flair, by submission (NEW Raw Women’s Champion)

The Queen again defeats the Nightmare when it counts the most! WrestleMania 36, MITB 2021, Charlotte takes a title from Rhea and is back on top! And with the fight it took to get this belt back, will Charlotte keep this crown for a good, long time?


Matt Riddle talks with Shinsuke Nakamura and Rick Boogs.

The Bro talks with his fellow MITB entrant and the rockin’ bard. Riddle digs Boogs’ vibe and can totally shred. He’s like a modern day Shreddy Kruger. Boogs digs that reference, and says he and #Kingsuke dig Riddle’s vibe, too. Boogs wishes Riddle luck, but Riddle wishes Nakamura luck, too. Riddle just wishes his best bro, Randy Orton, was here. Riddle says Orton is one of Boogs’ biggest fans. REALLY!? Well, okay, Orton’s never said that but he and Riddle are best buds so Riddle can tell. Riddle imagines Orton as a king! King Randy! Huge snake with a crown! And then no one would wear pants, because Orton hates pants.

Riddle asks Boogs a favor before they all go out there. Can he play Randy Orton’s theme song? Uh… Boogs has never played it before, so he isn’t so sure. JUST KIDDING! It’s the best song ever! Riddle sings the opening lyrics, Boogs does a cover of Voices, Nakamura rolls his eyes, but he does do the Orton pose. And then Kevin Owens walks in. Kevin has no idea what he’s witnessing, so he just heads to the stage.


Men’s Money in the Bank Match!

We’ve heard from McIntyre saying this is a desperate situation, and we just saw Riddle and the King of Strong Style rock out with Boogs. The Prizefighter shrugs off what he just saw to get fired up! Kevin, Riddle, Nakamura, Ricochet, Morrison (with The Miz rolling in with him), Big E, Seth Rollins, and of course McIntyre himself, are all hungry for that golden ticket in the briefcase. But who will be the most willing to risk their physical well-being to win the prize?

The bell rings and the brawling begins! Kevin is after McIntyre, Big E is after Ricochet, Riddle and Nakamura brawl despite their chat earlier, but Rollins and Morrison bail out. McIntyre switches to Nakamura, Riddle goes after Kevin, Big E is still after Ricochet, but Rollins and Morrison start  to argue about who is the true Drip King of WWE!? Riddle goes to the apron and PUNTS Rollins! Morrison laughs at the Architect, but Ricochet FLIES over Riddle to take down Morrison! Rollins laughs but now Riddle FLOATING BROS onto Rollins! Fans fire up as Kevin runs but Big E CLOBBERS him! McIntyre throws Nakamura out, and look who’s alone in the ring!

Fans fire up seeing Big E and McIntyre stare down. Riddle gets in but he gets an OVERHEAD Belly2Belly from Big E! Ricochet springboards in, gets caught by McIntyre, and McIntyre TOSSES Ricochet out! Big E runs to hit Rollins, McIntyre fires up and fans do, too! The haymakers and forearms start flying, Big E gets the edge and runs, but into an OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! McIntyre runs, Big E gets up to throw him to the apron. Big E runs to SPEAR SUICIDA! Both men crash down, and Kevin gets a ladder in the ring! Nakamura runs in, kicks the ladder down then WHEEL KICKS Kevin! Nakamura gets Kevin for an INVERTED EXPLODER onto the ladder!

Nakamura gets the ladder up as Kevin bails out. Riddle kicks Morrison around but Morrison RAMS Riddle into apron. Morrison gets in to KICK Nakamura’s leg and then DECK him with a right! Morrison climbs but Nakamura gets up to shove the ladder! Morrison flips through to land on his feet! Morrison steadies the ladder but Nakamura pushes him into a corner with it. Morrison reaches through to poke Nakamura in the eye! Morrison goes up the corner, up the ladder, and leap frog TORNILLOS onto Nakamura! Fans fire up as Johnny Drip Drip uses that parkour power! Morrison gets the ladder up, climbs it as fans chant, but Nakamura moves the ladder around again.

Nakamura climbs, throws body shots and forearms on Morrison, then climbs up to get a ESCALATED TRIANGLE! Rollins springboards in to KNEE Nakamura down! Morrison also falls, and the drip warriors stare down again. Fans chant “DRIP! DRIP! DRIP!” and they make an alliance! They stomp away on Nakamura, get the ladder up and RAM Nakamura with it! Then they RAM Big E off the apron! And RAM McIntyre! And Riddle! Riddle flounders, Rollins feeds him to Morrison’s fireman’s carry, SAMOAN POP on the ladder! Riddle writhes and flounders, clutching that elbow! The drip bois get the ladder on the ropes but Ricochet fires off hands!

Ricochet CHOPS Morrison, haymakers Rollins, but Rollins shoves Ricochet, and the drip bois double BACK DROP Ricochet onto the ladder! Ricochet writhes away but Big E gets a ladder of his own into the ring. Rollins intercepts, Morrison dropkicks the ladder to jam it into Big E! The drip bois high five but Kevin drags Rollins out! Morrison saves Rollins with a kick! Rollins and Morrison stomp Kevin down, then they clear off the announce desk! Rollins SLAMS the hood down on Ricochet, then Morrison SHINING WIZARDS Kevin! The drip bois get the ladder up and make a bridge. Fans want tables but they’re getting a bit more than that here!

Rollins has Morrison fetch Kevin but Kevin hits back! Kevin throws Rollins into ladders, hobbles into the ring, but Rollins hobbles and chases him down! Rollins clubs Kevin down, Morrison KICKS Kevin in the leg! And then switchblade kicks Kevin for good measure. Rollins and Morrison get a ladder but Kevin boots it first! Kevin QUEBRADAS the ladder?! It flattens Morrison and Rollins, and fans fire up! Kevin sits the ladder up on its side, then drags Rollins up to reel him in. Morrison saves Rollins again by hitting Kevin with a forearm! Rollins gets Kevin in position, he and Morrison DOUBLE SUPLEX Kevin for a FALCON ARROW on the ladder!!

Morrison says that’s the power of drip! The drip bois kick Kevin out of the ring, but McIntyre sneaks up behind them! McIntyre fires off haymakers and CHOPS! He CHOPS Morrison off his feet, then CHOPS Rollins off his! McIntyre windmill haymakers and stomps Morrison and fans fire up with him! McIntyre gets Morrison up, fireman’s carries, but Rollins ROCKS McIntyre! Morrison ROUNDHOUSES, Rollins DREAM SMASHER ELBOWS! McIntyre is down on a ladder, the drip bois push him around into position, and Morrison goes up top. Rollins holds McIntyre down for Morrison’s FLYING KONG ELBOW?! It was a clipping blow and double-edged!

Rollins has the ladder and he RAMS McIntyre down for good measure! But then he RAMS Morrison! No more drip bois, just Seth Freakin’ Rollins! Rollins stands the ladder up, climbs up all alone, but Big E and Ricochet pull him down! They and Nakamura mug Rollins, Riddle hits an RKO on Rollins!! That’s for you, Randy! But now everyone goes for the ladder! Riddle boots Big E, Nakamura ENZIGURIS Ricochet! Riddle pushes the ladder down but Nakamura gets a strike fest! Riddle dodges the ax kick to give his own strikes, then spins through one of Nakamura’s kicks, only for Nakamura to block the Pele! DOUBLE ROUNDHOUSES stagger both men!

Riddle reaches out, but here comes McIntyre with a DOUBLE CLAYMORE!! Big E is stalking McIntyre, and he runs in, only for McIntyre to spin him around into a FUTURE SHOCK DDT! McIntyre has cleared a path, but here comes Ricochet! McIntyre blocks the rana, pops Ricochet to an Electric Chair, but Ricochet fights! POISON- NO! McIntyre blocks the inverted steiner and has the inverted ALABAMA SLAM into a ladder!! Ricochet flops out of the ring and again, McIntyre’s path is clear. Fans are torn, but McIntyre builds speed?! To FLY!! Down goes Ricochet, Riddle, Morrison, Nakamura and Big E!

Fans fire up as McIntyre gets in, but Rollins runs over! McIntyre avoids an attack to GLASGOW KISS! McIntyre aims, gives us the countdown, CLAYMORE!! Direct hit and NOW McIntyre has a clear path! He sets the ladder up under the case, climbs up, but here comes VEER! And SHANKY! Jinder Mahal’s minions are getting revenge on McIntyre over the Modern Day Maharaja’s motorcycle! Veer & Shanky mug McIntyre as fans boo and they shove him out of the ring, for Jinder himself to JAM a chair into him! And SMACK McIntyre on the back! Mahal keeps McIntyre going up the ramp with more chair shots! SMACK after SMACK as McIntyre is down!

Veer & Shanky drag McIntyre away for Mahal, but back in the ring, Riddle has the ladder up! Riddle climbs, but Ricochet is at a corner! Ricochet tightrope walks and SPRINGBOARDS to the ladder! Ricochet fires off hands, knocks Riddle down, then reaches out! But Riddle pushes things over, Ricochet jumps to the rope and SPRINGBOARD SWANTONS onto everyone else!! Fans are thunderous and even Riddle is shocked seeing that! Riddle sets the ladder quickly but Ricochet is back! Ricochet climbs, Riddle clubs him, they brawl up top! Riddle has a double wristlock but Ricochet rakes Riddle’s eyes! Ricochet tries to suplex but Riddle resists!

Rollins sets another ladder right next to the other, and climbs up while Riddle and Ricochet brawl! Big E yanks Rollins down to throw him away! Big E gets Riddle for an Electric Chair but Riddle fights free, to RKO AGAIN! Riddle gets Ricochet, ANOTHER RKO! The Viper’s spirit is strong in the Stallion, only for Rollins to CURB STOMP it out!! But Nakamura fireman’s carries Rollins for a GO TO SLEEP!? Nakamura climbs the ladder Rollins set up, Morrison climbs the other one. DRIP STICK SQUIRT SQUIRT! Morrison smacks Nakamura’s head off the ladder and down he goes! Morrison climbs but Kevin yanks Morrison down! Kick and STUNNER!

Kevin hobbles back up but Nakamura drags him back down, STUNNER! Ricochet returns, he gets after Kevin, Kevin gets him a STUN- NO! Ricochet runs, but into a POP-UP POWERBOMB! Kevin hurries up the bigger ladder, reaches out, but Rollins attacks the bad leg! Kevin slides down, Rollins has him in position, POWERBOMB through the ladder bridge!!! Fans lose their minds as referees check on Kevin! Rollins hurries to his ladder, gets it centered, “This is Awesome!” because Big E returns! Big E grabs at Rollins but Rollins transfers to the other ladder. Big E clubs away on Rollins’ back, scoops him, SUPER BIG ENDING!!! Big E climbs, fans are going nuts, BIG E WINS!!

Winner: Big E (NEW Mr. Money in the Bank)

Everything is bigger in Texas, and that goes for the BIGGEST moment in Big E’s WWE career! Big E wins this contract the very first time he gets at it, and now things could be changing BIG time!


Seth Rollins is backstage, very upset.

The Architect refuses to accept this loss, and Kevin Patrick comes by to interview him. It was a valiant effort- Effort? EFFORT?! That wasn’t good enough!! This was Rollins’ destiny! DESTINY! He should be Universal Champion, but it got stolen from him! He was robbed! Rollins shouldn’t have needed to be in the MITB match in the first place! He should’ve been in the main event tonight! But Edge stole that from Rollins…! Rollins says, “Change,” over and over and over, and then says he needs a new plan. Rollins says whoever wins tonight, he’s not waiting. “I’m next in line. I’M NEXT IN LINE!!” If that’s the case, then will it be Tribal Chief or Rated R Superstar Rollins steps to?


WWE Universal Championship: Roman Reigns w/ Paul Heyman VS Edge!

The Reigns-ing, Defending, Undisputed, (Mostly) Uncontroverted Universal Heavyweight Champion, The End All Be All, Center of the WWE Universe, THE Main Event of ALL Sports Entertainment… fears Edge! Roman will never admit it, it is not on a win-loss record, but Roman has tapped out to Edge’s brutal crossface every single time Edge clamps it on! The Tribal Chief refuses to accept the truth, but will the Rated R Superstar make Roman acknowledge him?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and the 1v1 Edge was refused at WrestleMania 37 finally happens in Fort Worth!

Fans are fired up already as Roman and Edge stare down. They slowly approach, Roman talks some trash, fans duel and that annoys Roman because it should just be about him. Edge just soaks it all in as he and Roman circle. They tie up, go around, and Roman powers Edge to a corner. The ref calls for a ropebreak, Roman lets off with a pie face. Edge keeps his cool as fans boo and Roman talks smack. Edge and Roman circle again, fans fire up again, and they tie up again. Edge powers Roman back to a corner now, and then Edge returns the pie face! Roman seethes but stays focused as he and Edge reset. Fans are strongly behind Edge now and that annoys Roman more.

Roman and Edge tie up again, Edge waistlocks but Roman works on an escape. Edge gets Roman on the mat, rear mounts, and slaps him around! Roman seethes as Edge says, “I can do this all day.” Edge and Roman circle again, they tie up again, and Edge waistlocks to a headlock. Roman powers out and runs Edge over with a shoulder! Edge bails out and Roman talks a lot of trash. Fans are fired up both ways as a ring count begins. Edge takes his time, the count is 8 of 10 when he returns. Then Edge bails right back out to give himself another 10 count. Edge returns at 6 this time, and fans rally as Edge and Roman circle yet again.

They tie up, Edge wrenches, hits elbow breaker after elbow breaker, then an ARM JAMMER! Edge wrenches again, but Roman ROCKS him with a right! Roman gets Edge up to headbutt him, then CLUBS him in the corner. Roman gets Edge up again, bumps him off buckles, then digs his palm into Edge’s face before he gives those point-blank lariats! The ref counts, Roman lets off, but then comes back. Edge blocks a lariat to wrap the arm around ropes! Edge CLUBS the arm, and his target is clear! Edge POSTS Roman, then takes him to the other corner to POST him again! Edge goes after the arm and gets Roman down but Roman bails out fast! No crossface just yet!

Roman paces, using the count to his advantage now. Heyman coaches Roman as we pass 5 of 10, and then Roman gets in at 7. Heyman says to teach Edge what fear is, but Edge forearms Roman! Roman forearms back, Edge forearms again! They go back and forth, Roman gets the edge but Edge BOOTS the arm! Edge runs to KNEE Roman out of the ring! Roman gets up but Edge comes in around the way, only to run into a SAMOAN DROP! The ring count climbs again, we’re at 5 of 10 as Roman gets up. Roman gets in at 6, then exits at 8 to go after Edge. Roman POSTS Edge, then goes back into the ring. Now Roman will let the count take care of Edge!

Edge sits up at 6 of 10, gets up at 8, and slides in at 9! Roman is annoyed and he stomps Edge down. Roman gets Edge up, knees him in the side, then stomps a mudhole into him at the corner. The ref counts, Roman digs his boot in, but lets off at 4. Roman glares at the ref as the ref reprimands him, but Roman gets Edge up to throw him back out. Roman follows, bumps Edge off steel steps, then drags him up again just to smack him back off the steps. Roman puts Edge in, covers, TWO! Roman is furious so he rains down forearms on Edge! Edge can’t even get a guard up as Roman throws headbutts! Fans rally and duel again as Roman lets off.

Roman talks trash as he paces around, and he drags Edge. “You’re trying to take my money, huh?” Roman POSTS Edge! Fans duel harder than ever and Roman can’t believe fans are booing him when he’s winning! Roman gets Edge out of the corner, makes fans look at him, and says, “This is what happens when you get in here with the Head of the Table!” Roman POSTS Edge again! Fans boo as Roman swaggers around, then he snap suplexes Edge! Cover, TWO! Roman clamps on the inverted cravat to crank Edge’s neck! Edge endures as Roman leans all his weight on him. Fans rally up, Edge pries at the hold, and he fights up off the mat!

Roman tells Edge not to do this, but Edge pries the hold open! Roman just shifts to a sleeper! Roman thrashes Edge down to the mat, and Roman says, “I could lay on this sumbish all night long!” Roman squeezes tight but Edge still endures. Fans rally up, Roman throws his weight down on Edge, and Edge starts to turn red in the face. Roman doesn’t want fans to clap but they clap! They rally up, Edge gets a second wind, and the fans fire up! Edge stands, throws body shots and is free! Edge runs but into an uppercut! Edge goes down and ends up on ropes! Roman goes out to the apron, takes his time going down the steps, and builds speed to DRIVE-BY DROPKICK! “OH YESSIR!”

Roman pushes Edge into the corner, covers, TWO! Edge is still in this and Roman is growing frustrated. Roman goes to a corner as Edge flounders his way to the other, and Roman locks ‘n’ loads! Roman aims at Edge as he stands, SUPERMAN- NO! Edge ducks to backslide! TWO!! DOUBLE BOOTS take both men down! And yet Heyman is the one stunned! Fans fire up again as Edge and Roman stir. A standing count begins, it reaches 5 of 10, but Roman sits up at 6. Roman gets up, Edge follows, we’re at 9 as both men are on their feet! Edge throws a forearm, Roman rebounds to give it back! Edge rebounds to give another, but so does Roman!

Edge, Roman, Edge, Roman, then Roman gets the edge on Edge again! Edge dodges the uppercut to get an EDGE-O-MATIC!! Cover, TWO!! Edge sighs and gets back to ropes. Fans are thunderous as Edge rises, and he snarls as he looks at Roman. Roman staggers up, Edge CLOBBERS him! Roman boots from a corner, runs, but Edge hits a FLAPJACK! Then an IMPALER!! Cover, TWO!! Roman survives #Edge-ecution, and fans are hoping these two “Fight Forever!” at this rate. But someone has to win, Edge gets up and stalks Roman to a corner. Edge CLUBS Roman, ROCKS him with a right, then puts him up top backwards.

Edge climbs up behind Roman, but Roman elbows Edge down! Edge is on the apron, Roman catches his breath but Edge goes up to SMACK Roman off the post! Roman ends up in a Tree of Woe! Edge hurries back in as Heyman protests, and Edge stomps a mudhole into Roman! The ref counts, Edge lets off at 3! Roman falls out of the Tree but Edge gets him for an STF!! Roman endures a form of the crossface, pries at the hold, but Edge clamps it on tighter! Roman crawls, drags himself and Edge along, Heyman stresses out, but Edge shifts to a FULL CROSSFACE! The arm is caught, Roman shows fear in his eyes again! Roman scoots, reaches, and gets the ROPEBREAK!

Edge holds until the ref counts 4, and both men are down again. Edge slithers to a corner as he watches Roman. Roman slowly rises, Edge wants his target! Edge runs in, SPE- NO! GUILLOTINE!! Roman catches the Spear but Edge still RAMS Roman into a corner! Roman lets go, but then just shifts to the other arm! Roman cranks back on the Guillotine but Edge endures! Edge reaches, but he’s turning red again! Edge gets a third wind and he powers Roman OUT of the ring! They tumble and hit the floor and a ring count begins. Roman and Edge stir as we reach 5 of 10. Roman gets in at 6 to refresh the count, and he aims at Edge.

Roman runs in, but Edge dodges! Roman spears himself through barriers!! Edge hurries back to the ring and has the ref stop counting. Edge goes back out to fetch Roman because he has to win this in the ring but he SPEARS Roman through more barriers!! Heyman is freaking out, as are the fans, and Edge drags Roman up. Edge fireman’s carries Roman to the ring and gets him in at 8 of 10! Edge drags Roman back to center, covers, TWO?!?! Roman barely survives and no one can believe it! Edge sits up as fans are electric! Edge stands, brings Roman up, reels him in, but Roman resists the DDT! Roman ROCKS Edge with an uppercut, then runs, SPUERMAN PUNCH!

But Edge falls into the ref! Heyman points that out to Roman, and they both look at each other. Roman looks back at the downed ref, and now the door is wide open! Roman goes out of the ring, looks at what’s around, and takes the timekeeper’s chair away. Roman breaks off the crossbar, just as he did Friday, and as Edge has done time and again! Roman brings the crossbar to the ring, saying he’s going to teach Edge a lesson about fear! Fans boo as Roman creeps up on Edge. Roman tells fans to shut up but they boo harder. Roman gets Edge, but Edge holds off the crossbar! Edge throws elbows, haymakers, and then HEADBUTTS!! SO MANY HEADBUTTS!!

Heyman tries to shout to the WWE officials and medics helping the ref about this but they leave as Edge puts on THE CROSSBAR CROSSFACE!!! Roman’s eyes are full of fear again as his mouth is full of metal again! But here come the USOS! But behind the Usos are the Mysterios! Jimmy & Jey get in but are pulled right back out by Rey & Dom! Revenge for the tag titles as Dom SEATED SENTONS Jimmy and Rey RANAS Jey! The Mysterios run the Usos off, Roman is fading!! If only there was a ref! But then Roman gets a second wind, but wait, something’s coming in from the crowd! It’s ROLLISN! SUPERKICK to Edge!! The Architect wants next, but why did he stop Edge?!

Rollins storms off, having gotten some payback on Edge. Roman crawls, Edge stirs, but there’s still no ref to call anything! Roman says he never gives up! The Bloodline owns everything! “I’ve got the juice!” Roman fires himself up as fans boo, and Roman lets out the battle cry, “OOOAAH~!” Roman runs in, but Edge SPEARS him first!!! Cover but where’s a REF?!?! This is a five count! Here’s a ref, the count now, TWO!??!! This was Edge’s if not for Rollins!! Heyman is the only one elated about this! “This is Awesome!” and somehow still not over! Edge goes back to a corner, he watches Roman flounder, and ten Rollins returns?! Edge BOOTS Rollins, Roman SPEARS Edge!! Cover, Roman wins!!!

Winner: Roman Reigns, by pinfall (still WWE Universal Champion)

And it is all thanks to the Architect!! Rollins may have wanted next, but he made sure it wasn’t the Rated R Superstar! Roman draws ever closer to one full year as champion, is he going to make it there now?

And then Rollins goes after Edge to vent with furious fists! Fans boo as Rollins stomps away, then Rollins and Roman lock eyes. Rollins tells Roman that this is all thanks to him! This isn’t Roman’s show! But then Edge goes after Rollins! Edge throws Rollins out of the ring, then into barriers! And then over barriers! And then they brawl in front of the fans! They fight to the back and Roman finally gets to celebrate in the ring. Heyman fetches a mic for Roman and hands it over. Fans boo as Roman looks to address the WWE Universe. “Now the whole world can acknowledge me!” BUT WAIT! IS THAT JOHN CENA?!?!

Fort Worth practically explodes as Cena is back! Cena says he missed us all, and he gets in the ring! Cena gets to run the ropes and throw his hat again for the first time in over a year! Roman and Heyman are the only ones not happy about this. Cena steps closer, and closer, and looks at the Universal Championship. Then with his hand gesture says, “You Can’t See Me!” Fans are thunderous for the return of the 16 time world champion, but is he planning on making the 17th universal?

My Thoughts:

What! A! Night! Alright, not everything was perfect, and there was an entire rant I had in real-life about the Peacock having those damn technical difficulties as the Men’s MITB was about to start. But I can’t hold the errors of that overrated streaming service against the WWE, this show was awesome. And you know it’s awesome when the kickoff match gets a “This is Awesome!” chant. The Usos VS Mysterios was great stuff, and the Mysterious had an amazing entrance with the “portal,” but I am utterly shocked that the Usos won. I thought Jimmy’s DUI was going to get in the way, but there was that oddly humorous little allusion to it when Roman was talking with the Usos. Maybe there’s something going on that’s under wraps since it is technically a personal issue.

The Women’s MITB opening was a great move, because it teased a cash-in, though not getting one tonight was a bummer. It was a great match, and I like that the others buried Alexa under ladders to keep her down. Though, it was also like the perfect set-up to her using Fiend powers to teleport and be in the ring. Fans were really behind Liv, but I just knew from Friday that the math wasn’t in her favor anymore. Still, she seemed almost legitimately emotional in the kickoff and after the match, you do have to feel for her. But Nikki winning it by simply getting up and over everyone was the most creative way to win any ladder match period. Nikki’s been on a great roll, even if it was all quick pin wins, and she is going to have a lot of fun with that briefcase.

Speaking of that women’s title match, Rhea VS Charlotte here might’ve topped their WrestleMania 36 match. Charlotte still has Rhea’s number and wins again, but that’s part of why I was hoping for some kind of same night cash-in from Ms. MITB. I suppose Charlotte will build to a SummerSlam match with someone while Nikki just waits in the background. With pieces moving all over the place because Vince is impulsive, no Mandy & Dana to challenge Natty & Tamina, and that also makes you wonder what Nia Jax & Shayna Baszler are going to do. I honestly feel like this could be an opening for Shayna to get back up after the Lily debacle, but Alexa could also move up, eventually pitting her and Nikki against each other again.

The Raw Tag Team Championship match was very good, Omos is really coming into his own. He isn’t just a big guy who lumbers around and relies too much on how he’s the big guy, he is actually doing some stuff in there. For that reason, it’s why he and Styles are champions at all, and they get a great win over the Viking Raiders. Then, I was a little surprised the world title went before the men’s MITB, I would’ve thought they’d want maximum MITB tease, but guess they figured to put that more on the Universal title. At the same time, I don’t think we’ve ever gotten a case where on MITB PPV night, a (Heel) champion insisted they go before the respective MITB match to avoid a cash-in.

This wasn’t that, and Lashley VS Kofi was brutal because Lashley was destroying Kofi. I feel like it would’ve been a better match if, y’know, Kofi got to give Lashley a fight. Yes, it was pretty apparent from the math that Lashley was winning, but why is it that Kofi was only strong during KofiMania at WrestleMania 35? Lesnar squashes him, Kofi gets more tag titles, but then can’t even put a dent in Lashley tonight. But we got an awesome Men’s MITB to make up for some of that. The lead in with Boogs and Riddle was great, I loved that Rollins and Morrison first argued then teamed up over their shared dripocity, and naturally, Mahal and his guys keep McIntyre out of the running.

There was a lot of great innovation in the Men’s MITB, some slightly really rough stuff, but Ricochet got to do some amazing stuff, too. Big E winning is amazing, and apparently there are rumors of a New Day/unicorn design for the briefcase already in the works so that is great. When a superstar gets to customize the briefcase, you know something special- Well, okay, Damien Sandow got to customize his briefcase and then he got buried like a chump by Cena. But for the most part, a custom briefcase is a sign of big things so hopefully that’s how it is for Big E.

Then the Universal Championship was another epic from Roman and Edge, a lot of great story beats borrowed from previous encounters, but they did one sloppy ass job with that ref bump. And also getting a new ref out there, but I suppose how else was “The Deal” supposed to be used? Can’t crossbar crossface someone in a normal match, that’s a DQ, so the WWE had to look like a bungling management system for a minute to make it work. I like that the Usos were thwarted by the Mysterios, and I hope we get a rematch of those two on the way to SummerSlam, if not AT SummerSlam.

Rollins costing Edge was a given but it does contradict with how he said he didn’t care. He obviously did care, he didn’t want Edge winning. Roman wins, Edge and Rollins fight, and those two will go on a detour for SummerSlam so that JOHN CENA can be Roman’s next opponent! A little disappointed we never got “Cena breaks out of Firefly Funhouse” as a story arc, but screw it, WWE isn’t even using Fiend right now because they’ve hit another Vince creativity anomaly or something. But I think there was continuity in that the outfit Cena wore tonight was the same one he wore in the Firefly Funhouse Match, so that’s something.

Roman VS Cena 2 for SummerSlam is going to be great, and it’s already a great story: Roman’s dominance as Tribal Chief or Cena’s historic 17th top title reign, something’s gotta give.

My Score: 9.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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