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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (7/13/21)

Will The Way Fall and Pray?



NXT Coverage 2021

The NXT title, the Breakout Tournament, and the Warrior of the Sun!

Johnny Wrestling says Karrion Kross is not on his level, but he has to prove it! Will Gargano finally get THE NXT Championship back?


  • Ember Moon VS Dakota Kai w/ Raquel Gonzalez; Kai wins.
  • Bobby Fish VS Tyler Rust w/ Diamond Mine; Rust wins.
  • Sarray VS Gigi Dolin; Sarray wins.
  • Dexter Lumis VS Santos Escobar w/ El Legado del Fantasma; Escobar wins.
  • NXT Breakout Tournament 2021 Opening Round: Ikemen Jiro VS Duke Hudson; Hudson wins and advances to the next round.
  • Kacy Catanzaro & Kayden Carter VS The Robert Stone Brand; Catanzaro & Carter win.
  • NXT Championship, with Special Guest Referee Samoa Joe: Karrion Kross w/ Scarlett Bordeaux VS Johnny Gargano; Kross wins and retains the title.


WWE and NXT mourn the loss of “Mr. Wonderful,” Paul Orndorff.


Ember Moon VS Dakota Kai w/ Raquel Gonzalez!

The Shenom got to see Shotzi Blackheart take care o’ business on SmackDown, and now she’s a lone wolf again. Will she get back towards the top by getting through Dakota? Or will #CobraKai sweep the leg and show no mercy in the Capital Wrestling Center?

The bell rings, Ember and Kai circle and fans fire up. They tie up, go around, and Ember throws Dakota down to an armlock. Dakota rolls, wrenches back to a top wristlock, but Ember wrenches and gets around to hammerlock. Ember headlocks, Dakota wrenches and headlocks back. Ember powers out, Dakota runs her over, and fans duel as Dakota talks trash. Things speed up, Ember hurdles and Dakota leaps. Ember handsprings through the hip toss to arm-drag Dakota around and get the armlock again! Ember looks to Raquel and Raquel talks some trash while Dakota endures. Ember digs a knee into Dakota’s head but Dakota fights up as fans rally.

Dakota pulls hair to throw Ember down! The ref reprimands, Dakota covers, ONE! Ember gets up but Dakota is on her with a whip to a corner. Ember hits buckles hard, and Dakota goes side to side to BOOT WASH! Cover, TWO! Dakota grows frustrated but she sits Ember up to CLUB her and AX KICK her down! Cover, TWO! Raquel tells Dakota that she’s got this, and Dakota mule kicks Ember back down! Cover, TWO! Dakota looms over Ember, gets her up, but Ember gets around to roll her up! TWO, and Dakota BOOTS Ember right down! Cover, TWO! Dakota grows annoyed but she brings Ember up and wraps her in a straitjacket stretch.

Ember endures and fans rally up. Ember fights up to her feet but Dakota wrangles her back down! Dakota thrashes Ember around, leans on the hold, but Ember fights back up. Ember arm-drags free, catches the kick to a takedown and has a high stack! TWO, Dakota bails out but Ember builds speed. Ember DIVES and sends Dakota hard into barriers! Fans fire up but Dakota shoves Ember into the apron! Dakota throws Ember into the ring but Ember spins to KICK Dakota down! Ember is on the apron and she SLIDING BOOTS Dakota down! Raquel panics as NXT goes picture in picture.

Dakota gasps and sputters, Ember fetches her into the ring, and then stomps Dakota down. Dakota rolls away to ropes but Ember is after her with a choke on the ropes! Ember CLUBS Dakota, runs and slides and blows a kiss, saying ‘This is for Shotzi!” GAMANGIRI! Cover, TWO! Ember scowls but she gets Dakota up to whip her into a corner. Ember runs in to forearm smash, then reels Dakota in. Dakota ROCKS Ember with a right, whips her to the corner, then runs in only to be put on the apron. Dakota drops down to trip Ember up but Ember boots her away. Dakota comes back to BOOT Ember through the ropes! And then spins her into the POST!

The ref checks on Ember as she’s on the floor, and Dakota leaves Ember behind for the ring count. The count climbs, Ember gets up at 5 and in at 6, but Dakota covers. TWO, and Dakota starts to grow frustrated. Dakota drags Ember up and bumps her off buckles. Dakota digs her boot in, the ref counts and Dakota lets off at 4. High stack cover, TWO! Ember crawls, Raquel talks trash and Dakota clubs away on Ember’s back. Dakota wraps on a chinlock, Ember endures, and Ember fights up to throw body shots. Ember arm-drags free again, to then roll Dakota and bridge! TWO, and Dakota CLOBBERS Ember! Cover, TWO!

Dakota laughs as she brings Ember ack up for Kowata kicks! NXT returns to single picture as Dakota kicks Ember down then covers, TWO! Dakota CLUBS Ember, looms over her and pie faces her around. Ember gets up and Dakota throws a forearm! Ember gets mad, but Dakota kicks low and snap suplexes! But Ember kips up! Ember roars, fans fire up and Ember CLOBBERS Dakota! Ember wrenches, back kicks, front kicks and ENZIGURIS! Dakota gets up for Ember to BOOT, NECKBREAKER and BUTTERFLY SUPLEX! Ember kips up again, runs corner to corner and back body blocks! Ember snapmares Dakota, runs and springboards, BIG CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO!

Ember keeps her focus as Dakota survives. Ember pushes Dakota around now, brings her up but Dakota boots. Ember blocks but Dakota SCORPION KICKS! Dakota gets to a corner, Ember runs in but misses. Dakota yanks a leg and Ember falls hard! Dakota goes Around the World to BOOT Ember again! Dakota dragon sleepers for the TWISTING DDT! Cover, TWO!! Ember survives and Raquel is shocked! Fans rally up as Dakota gets Ember up again. Ember SLAPS Dakota, Dakota DECKS Ember! Dakota says Ember is nothing without Shotzi, and Raquel repeats that. Dakota climbs, but Ember GAMANGIRIS first!

Ember gets Dakota in position, climbs up to join her, and Ember SUPER STEINERS! Cover, TWO!! Dakota survives and Ember is shocked! Ember scowls and steps on Dakota as she makes her way to the apron. Ember talks trash back at Raquel but Dakota runs over! Ember dodges the shoulder but Dakota dodges the kick! Ember ROCKS Dakota with a forearm and slingshots, but Dakota ROCKS her back! Dakota drags Ember up the ropes, to a fireman’s carry, DRAPING GO TO KICK!! Cover, Dakota wins!!

Winner: Dakota Kai, by pinfall

Just as it seemed Ember’s Law was going to come into effect, #CapKota finds a way to win! But wait, XIA LI is heading to the ring?! And she goes right past Dakota to go after the champ! “You’re in the way of MY destiny!” Raquel says if Xia wants it, she’s got it! But let’s see her show up for it! Raquel “wishes” Xia luck, because this is the closest Xia will ever get to the belt. But will Tian Sha’s living weapon win this title for the glory of Mei Ying?


Backstage interview with Diamond Mine.

Malcolm Bivens says they are open for business, and he explains what this means. “We take, we mold, we build with the best resources…” He looks to Roderick Strong as he says, “The best fighters…” Then he looks to Hideki Suzuki as he says, “With the best coaches…” And lastly, he looks to Tyler Rust as he says, “And with the best prospects.” Bivens says it is all under one roof, one camp, and when you leave, you come out the best you can be. The Diamond Mine is about competition, so it is open challenge time! They want to make money, so- Bobby Fish comes in! He says he’s in as he stares Roderick Strong down! Whoa, whoa, whoa! Fish gets Rust first.

That’s fine, they can all get it as far as Fish is concerned. Strong promises, after Rust is done with Fish, it’s over. Oh is that what Roddy thinks? Fish and Rust is happening, after the break!


NXT hears from Ikemen Jiro.

“I am Ikemen Jiro, and I’m from Tokyo, Japan. ‘Ikemen’ means ‘handsome’ in Japanese. Of course I’m Ikemen! Don’t let my good looks fool you. I’ll still kick your ass!” Jiro was trained by Tajiri and The Great Muta, and so it was his dream to join the WWE. He made that dream come true, and looks forward to fighting the “big guy.” WWE has a lot of big guys, actually, so he’s excited about it! Ikemen promises to win the NXT Breakout Tournament! But will he get through the Duke of Smugness in this opening round tonight?


NXT checks in with LA Knight and his new butler.

The Million Dollar Megastar is bragging, but the “troglodyte” is late. Cameron Grimes finally arrives and Knight says late on his first day is bad form. Yeah, but he showed up. Because before having all this money, Grimes had his word. His word is his bond, so step out of the way while he holds up his part of the bargain. Grimes is going TO~ THE~ broom. No, the only thing he’s doing dressed like that is going to the toilet. Meet Knight out back and they’ll take care of this.

Knight has his personal barber here! He’s not a miracle worker but they can at least clean Grimes up and make him professional. Fast-forward through it all, and Grimes is trimmed and slick! Even Grimes likes it! He didn’t think the gloves were a good choice, but this is great! What? He looks like a penguin! Now time to get to work. Grimes says Knight is just jealous that Grimes makes this look good. Here we go! But what chores will Knight give Grimes to do first?


Bobby Fish VS Tyler Rust w/ Diamond Mine!

The Infamous One wants after the Savior of the Backbreaker but he’ll gladly take on the grunt first. But will Fish be able to get through the Diamond in the Rust to go after his former friend?

The bell rings, the two circle, and fans are on Fish’s side as he has Rust on the ropes. Rust turns it around but Fish knees low. Rust ducks a roundhouse to back suplex high and hard! Rust gets a leg, DRAGON SCREWS Fish, and stalks Fish to a corner. Rust CHOPS Fish, follows him around and wrenches the arm to wrangle him. Rust has a top wristlock, then puts the arm down to stomp it! Fish gets up but Rust throws forearms and CHOPS! Rust snapmares, KICKS Fish in the back, but Fish gets up to throw forearms! Fish snapmares, KICKS Rust, but Rust forearms and snapmares back. Rust wraps on a headscissor squeeze and rolls around but Fish endures.

Fans rally, Fish gets up and out but Rust fires forearms. Fish blocks a kick, hits back with forearms and body shots of his own, then KICKS Rust down! And again! Rust gets to a corner, BOOTS Fish away, but runs into a back drop! Fish gets Rust again for an EXPLODER into ropes! Strong gets on the apron to distract Fish but Fish dares him to get some now. Rust gets up, Fish DECKS him, and Rust bails out. Fish glares at Strong again, Strong says Fish has bitten off more than he can chew. Rust is back and he CHOP BLOCKS Fish! BUZZSAW! Cover, Rust wins!!

Winner: Tyler Rust, by pinfall

Rust may have been a pawn, but Strong baited Fish into a trap! The Diamond Mine surround Fish, but here comes KUSHIDA! The Cruiserweight Champion has a reason to go after Strong for how he attacked from behind, but Strong says “You’re on MY time now!” Will the Time Splitter make that time sooner rather than later?


Samoa Joe visits Karrion Kross.

“Mr. Kross, I’ll be your official this evening. I came here to remind you of a few things. First and foremost, protect yourself at all times. And secondly, obey my commands at all times. Do you understand, sir?” Kross still warms up with jabs to the heavy bag, but Joe BOOTS it out of the way! “I said, do you understand?!” Scarlett keeps Kross calm enough to talk. Kross wants Joe to understand that if Joe screws him over, he will be the one that gets dealt with. Joe will take that as a yes. Joe leaves and Kross throws his boxing gloves off in a huff, but will Kross be able to focus on his opponent tonight?


NXT Media catches The Way as they arrive.

Johnny Gargano, Candice LeRae and Austin Theory all refuse to answer any questions, this is all business tonight. However, Indi Hartwell lingers, and Beth Phoenix asks her details about her and Dexter Lumis. Nothing happened, he was a complete gentleman backstage. But Indi did want something to happen, and surely so did he. But after losing the women’s tag titles, it just wasn’t the right time. Best gives Indi advice: sometimes, just take a chance. Beth heads out and Indi thinks on that advice. Can Indi find a way to make #InDex finally happen?


Sarray VS Gigi Dolin!

The Warrior of the Sun wanted to take on the Lightning From Down Under, but Toni Storm said no, and then got moved over to SmackDown. But that’s no sweat off Sarray’s nose, especially with the brash and hungry young star stepping up to take her on instead. Will Gigi rain on Sarray’s parade in the summer heat?

The bell rings, Sarray offers a handshake, and Gigi takes it. There is respect here as the two circle and tie up. They’re in a deadlock but Sarray wrenches through to a wristlock. Gigi spins, steps through, wrenches back, but Sarray rolls and kips up to wrench again. Sarray hammerlocks, Gigi drops but Sarray headlocks. Gigi fights back up, throws body shots, powers out, but Sarray handsprings over and arm-drags Gigi . Headlock takeover but Gigi headscissors. Sarray kips free and the fans cheer the stand-off. The two circle again, but wait, is that Raw’s Mandy Rose? Why is Mandy back in NXT? Sarray and Gigi shrug that off, Sarray kicks but Gigi kicks back!

Gigi snapmares and KICKS Sarray, but Sarray gets up to egg her on. Gigi ROCKS Sarray with a forearm, then eggs Sarray on! Sarray throws a forearm, dodges Gigi and rolls her up, TWO! Sarray keeps the legs to tie them up, and fans fire up as Sarray gets a MUTA LOCK!! Gigi is stuck, she pries at the hold, but Sarray lets her go to then KICK her down! Sarray gets Gigi up, fisherman but Gigi cradle counters, TWO! Sarray rushes in but Gigi rolls her up, TWO! Gigi seethes, Sarray runs in but Gigi dodges. Gigi comes back to STO! Cover, TWO as Sarray Matrix bridges out! Sarray runs but Gigi ROCKS her! Gigi runs but Sarray dropkicks!

Sarray fires up, runs and hits a DROPKICK OF THE SUN!! Gigi staggers up, Sarray brings her in, SAIDO OF THE SUN!! Cover, Sarray wins!

Winner: Sarray, by pinfall

Still undefeated, and apparently impressive to Mandy. What will the Golden Goddess have in store for Sarray and perhaps other women on NXT?


El Legado del Fantasma speaks.

Santos Escobar says, “Our world is in a constant state of war. There’s winners, there’s losers, and luck plays a fundamental part. Take Bronson Reed, for example. He’s a winner, and he’s lucky.” He got to live happily ever after without taking on Escobar 1v1! But Swerve on the other hand, he is a winner, but he is NOT lucky. He has the one thing Escobar wants: the North American Championship. Joaquin Wilde asks if they heard that “cypher celebration” last week. It was offensive to his ears! Swerve couldn’t stay on beat! Wilde could never dance to that! Escobar would just press the stop button. Mendoza says that Hit Row has no guts and no class.

Speaking of which, Dexter Lumis! He is a loser! Both a loser in love, and in a minute, a loser in the ring. Escobar always ends up on the right side of history! Legado heads out, but will they be silenced by the menacing mute?


NXT hears from Duke Hudson.

“Hey, Duke Hudson here. I’m not perfect, but I’ve gotta be close.” All the way from Adelaide, Australia, towering at 6’5″, 270 pounds with big biceps, a broad back, and “the bets backside in the business,” any more B’s and he’d be making honey. And it all starts with Ikemen Jiro tonight. Yes, Jiro is a risk-taking high-flyer with an odd looking jacket, but Hudson can just punch him in the face. You can call him Duke, or you can call him the Breakout Tournament winner. The other seven don’t have a shot as far as he’s concerned, but will the first one up take him down?


Dexter Lumis VS Santos Escobar w/ El Legado del Fantasma!

We’ve heard from Indi about their #InDex moment, and we’ve heard from El Hijo del Fantasma about this match, but Lumis lets his actions speak for him. Will Lumis get lucky both in this match and in love tonight?

The bell rings and Lumis just stares at Escobar. Escobar talks trash, steps to Lumis, but Lumis doesn’t flinch. Escobar throws hands, whips, and runs Lumis over, but Lumis kips right up! Escobar turns around and is startled! Escobar throws a punch, Lumis blocks it! Mendoza distracts and Escobar throws a forearm and knees! Escobar whips, Lumis dodges, ducks and THESZ PRESSES for fast hands! Lumis lets off to scare off Mendoza and Wilde, and then even scares Escobar! Legado regroups and Escobar tells his henchmen to “get ‘im!” Legado flanks Lumis, but wait where did he go?! Lumis trips Escobar up from under the ring! He tries to drag Escobar in!

Legado drags Escobar out and Lumis slithers out after them! Legado freaks out and scrambles up the ramp as NXT goes to break!

NXT returns and Escobar has Lumis down with a double wristlock. Lumis endures, fans rally and duel but Escobar stomps away on Lumis. Escobar kicks Lumis, gets him up, put him in a corner, and CHOP! Lumis winces but Escobar talks trash. “YOU should be afraid of ME!” Escobar CHOPS, Lumis shoves him, but Escobar whips him corner to corner. Escobar runs in to DOUBLE KNEE! Escobar puts Lumis up top, GAMANGIRIS, and then climbs up top. Escobar hits a SUPER STEINER! Cover, TWO! Lumis lives but Escobar covers again, TWO! Escobar grows frustrated and he stomps it out on Lumis. Fans rally as Lumis sits up, Escobar runs and basement dropkicks him down!

Escobar drags Lumis back up, facelocks and puts him in a corner. Escobar throws knees, fans rally and duel as Escobar runs in and clotheslines! Escobar keeps moving, and corner clotheslines again! Escobar gets Lumis up for a snap suplex, uno amigo! Another snap suplex, dos amigos! Escobar gets Lumis up again but Lumis blocks tres! Lumis suplexes, Escobar slips out and hits a BACKSTABBER! Lumis writhes, Escobar runs back in, but Lumis CLOBBERS him! Both men are down and fans fire up! Escobar gets up but Lumis DECKS him! And again! And again! Lumis uppercuts and Escobar goes to a corner. Lumis runs in to clothesline and BULLDOG!

Fans fire up as Lumis looms over Escobar. Escobar staggers up, Lumis baits him in, SIDE EFFECT! But Wilde distracts the ref and Mendoza saves Escobar from The Silence! Lumis glares at Mendoza, but slithers out around the way. Mendoza and Escobar back off, but Wilde YANKS Lumis into the post! Escobar hurries to get Lumis in, reels Lumis in to a fireman’s carry, PHANTOM DRIVER!! Cover, Escobar wins!

Winner: Santos Escobar, by pinfall

Whether or not Lumis is lucky, Escobar is always prepared by having his henchmen by his side! But sneaking up behind them is Hit Row! Swerve and his crew heard what Escobar had to say, so what is Escobar going to do with them here? Escobar and Legado simply walk off. Will it only be a matter of time before Escobar learns just how and why Swerve is #JustDifferent?


Wade Barrett has a sit-down interview with Kyle O’Reilly.

Wade thanks Kyle for joining him, and brings up The Great American Bash. It was an absolute classic, but ultimately, Adam Cole came out the winner. How does that affect Kyle? Well losing is part of what they do and it’s part of life. He looks back and struggled to recognize who he was. Where was Kyle’s killer instinct? Who knows. Kyle’s said in the past that he sold his soul and wants it back, and wonders if he needs it back. Kyle won titles. Sure he did things differently, but it got the job done. So wait, Kyle is saying that in order to beat Cole, he has to do things differently? No, no, he doesn’t need to change. Just get his groove back. That Kyle is still in here somewhere.

Kyle has beaten Cole, but what counts is how well you walk through the fire. They’ll fight again, whether it’s on the sidewalk or in the ring. Kyle can’t let Cole say and do the things he’s done and get away with it. Now, Kyle isn’t just the guy that can and will beat Cole. He is the guy and can and will finish Adam Cole. How, when and where will this finally be settled by these former friends turned bitter enemies?


NXT checks back in with Knight and Grimes.

Knight sets down some ground rules. First, Grimes needs to slow down, and walk a few steps behind Knight. Why? Because he’s a butler! And Grimes will address Knight as either “Mr. Knight” or “Sir.” And his first task as butler is to mow the lawn. This huge field right here? Yes, this whole thing. Grimes says this is nothing! Just wait until he gets on this bush hog here- Whoa, okay, first off, Knight has no idea what a “bush hog” even is. Second, he’s not letting Grimes get the keys to ride that thing. Grimes is using an old fashioned PUSH mower! Knight likes detail, this will get that done.

This big yard, with this little pusher? Grimes is fine, Grammy Grimes used to chase him around with one of these all the time! Fine, just get it done. Gotcha, sir! Grimes sets to work, but just how long will this take?


NXT shares footage from the break.

Indi Hartwell returns the favor from last week, and somehow carries Lumis? Well, for a few seconds, and then falls over on him. The two lock eyes and fans feel the heat. But Candice shoves Indi away from Lumis! The Poison Pixie is like an anti-cupid! Indi and Lumis were so close, but Candice is taking Indi far away. Will Candice have to lock Indi away in a tower somewhere to stop #InDex from happening?


NXT Breakout Tournament 2021 Opening Round: Ikemen Jiro VS Duke Hudson!

The black ‘n’ gold brings back the tournament all about helping fresh faces shine in the spotlight! And starting it off is the Handsome One and the Duke of Smugness, two of the best looking in the bracket! Will there be a bracket buster in the Breakout Tournament already?

The bell rings and the two tie up. Hudson waistlocks and SLAMS Jiro down! Jiro gets up and comes back to waistlock. Hudson throws him off with ease but Jiro gets back up. Jiro gets a little jazzy and he cartwheels around Hudson. Hudson gets annoyed, but Jiro baits him into a headlock. Hudson powers up but Jiro’s jacket helps him hold on! Hudson powers out the second time but Jiro handstands handsomely on the top rope! Jiro dodges Hudson, runs but leaps into Hudson’s arms for a pop-up and KNEE, then a HOTSHOT! Hudson keeps going, BIG double ax handle! Fans boo as Hudson gets Jiro up but Jiro fires off body shots!

Hudson pulls the jacket over Jiro’s head and fires off with hands in the corner! The ref counts, Hudson lets off, but Jiro CHOPS! Hudson CHOPS Back! And Hudson’s hands are bigger so that hurts more. Hudson scoops and SLAMS Jiro, then stalks him to ropes. Jiro tries to slap Hudson but Hudson kicks him down. Hudson whips, Jiro sunset flips, but Hudson brings Jiro up. Jiro bobs ‘n’ weaves to JACKET PUNCH! And again! And again! And again! Jiro whips, Hudson reverses but Jiro goes up and over and shouts out Tajiri with the TARANTULA! The ref counts, Jiro lets off at 4, and fires up! The fans fire up, too, as he springboards, but into Hudson’s OVERHEAD Belly2Belly!

Hudson fires hands in the corner, then hits a BIG uppercut! Jiro checks his face but Hudson covers, ONE?! Hudson gets Jiro up, reels him in, crucifix, but Jiro turns Razor’s Edge into RANA! Hudson hits buckles, Jiro rolls him up, TWO! Jiro BOOTS, goes up, and BLOCKBUSTERS! But Hudson bails out to save himself! Jiro WRECKS Hudson with a dropkick then ASAI MOONSAULTS! Jiro hits Hudson but checks his feet. Fans are fired up for “NXT! NXT!” as Jiro manages to get Hudson up and into the ring. Jiro drags Hudson up but Hudson throws Jiro to the apron. Jiro PALM STRIKES, slingshots and RANAS again! Jiro fires off kicks and SUPERKICK!

Jiro runs, but into a SCRAPBUSTER! Cover, Hudson wins!!

Winner: Duke Hudson, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

Hudson snuffs out Jiro’s fire in a flash, and now he’s heading right into round two! Will Hudson tower over the rest of the field and be THE Breakout star?


Backstage interview with Pete Dunne and Oney Lorcan.

They are going to be watching the main event closely, so who do they think comes out of the NXT Championship match with the title? Dunne makes it clear that he doesn’t care who wins tonight. Do him a favor and ask Gargano “Who’s the baddest man around here?” And then remind Kross that at NXT TakeOver, Kross got caught in Dunne’s triangle hold and had no answers for it. Trust Dunne when he says that he’d beat either of them 1v1 because he is the best technician in the world. But Timothy Thatcher comes by and asks, “Well, which is it? Are you the best technician in the world? Or are you the baddest man in NXT?” Dunne asks who’s asking. Ciampa attacks and the brawl is on!

Security rushes in to stop this, but the Bruiserweight and Boston Brawler want after Old Man Ciampa and Toothless Timmy! Will we see these two teams fight it out to at least prove who is the meanest duo in NXT today?


Kacy Catanzaro & Kayden Carter VS The Robert Stone Brand!

With new NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions, the title chase starts again! KC Squared is back and ready to climb after the gold, but Jessi Kamea & Aliyah want those belts to add to their bougie bad life. Who gets one step closer to the new champions, Io Shirai & Zoey Stark?

The teams sort out and Jessi starts with Kacy. They circle, tie up and Jessi BOOTS Kacy to the corner! Tag to Aliyah and Jessi whips Kacy into Aliyah’s boot! Aliyah thrashes Kacy around and tosses her by her hair! Kacy goes to a corner, Aliyah runs in and back elbows! NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, TWO! Aliyah gets Kacy up, brings her over, tags Jessi, and the Brand mugs Kacy. Stone applauds as Jessi scrapes Kacy’s face on ropes. Kacy elbows her away but Jessi grins as she CLUBS Kacy down. Jessi gets between Kacy and Kayden as she AX KICKS Kacy down. Cover, TWO! Jessi gets Kacy up and puts her in the corner again to tag Aliyah.

The Brand mugs Kacy more, Aliyah stomps her down, then tag back to Jessi. The mugging continues with a hard knee to the ribs! Cover, TWO! Jessi gets Kacy up, scoops her but Kacy turns that to a cradle! TWO, and Aliyah tags in! Jessi gets Kacy and brings her back so Aliyah can stomp her. Aliyah whips Kacy into the corner, runs in but Kacy boots her! Kacy runs, Aliyah catches her, but Kayden still tags in! Kacy gets free, Kayden BULLDOGS, then rallies with clotheslines! Kayden CHOPS Aliyah, whips but Aliyah reverses to throw Kayden down by her hair! Aliyah swings on Kacy but misses, and Kacy chases Aliyah! The ref keeps Kacy back as Aliyah goes after Kayden.

Stone wants Aliyah to use a shoe as a weapon but that distraction allows Kayden to roll Aliyah up! Jessi breaks it and whips, but Kayden reverses to send Jessi out! Kacy LEAPS and takes Jessi down! Kayden dodges Aliyah to SUPERKICK! Tag to Kacy, Kayden turns Aliyah and Kacy climbs, 450 SPLASH-BREAKER!! Cover, KC Squared wins!

Winners: Kayden Carter & Kacy Catanzaro, by pinfall

The #HightlightReel gets another one, and KC Squared moves on! Will this win get them closer to the Evil Genius and Rising Star(k)?

As for the Brand, Stone tries to console Aliyah but she shoves him away! This is technically his fault, after all. He doesn’t understand why she’s upset, and she says she’s helped him more than Stone has ever helped her! Aliyah doesn’t need him or anyone, and then she SLAPS Stone! And then fires off hands on Stone in a corner! And knees! Fans fire up for Aliyah taking a stand, and Stone flounders about until Aliyah KICKS him in the side! Fans want that “One More Time!” so she kicks him AGAIN! Aliyah is happy with herself, and walks out on both Stone and Jessi.

Franky Monet swaggers in and talks with Jessi. Stone tells Jessi to go, and she leaves with Franky. Is this the end of The Robert Stone Brand once and for all?


Samoa Joe visits Johnny Gargano.

Johnny, Candice and Theory are all waiting to welcome Joe to their private room. Joe says, “Mr. Gargano, I am going to be your official tonight. A couple things to remember: One, protect yourself at all times; Two, obey my commands at all times.” That’s so easy! Gargano is a law abiding citizen, and he will even leave The Way backstage. All Joe has to do is count to three, and Gargano will do the rest. Theory asks if Joe wants to hang out while they wait. The Way has these awesome new T-shirts! They can get one for Joe! Joe just leaves. That’s fine, this is a big night for everyone. But as Joe exits, he crosses paths with Dunne. Will there ever be more than just stare downs between them?


NXT checks in with Knight and Grimes once more.

Knight returns and what is this? Grimes is in his swimsuit at poolside, having lemonade! Wait why is he still wearing the gloves and cowboy boots? But it’s about time Knight got back! Where is Grimes’ uniform and who is that kid mowing the lawn? Grimes says he is a man of his word. He will still be Knight’s butler, but he’s also a billionaire! Grimes knows how to delegate! Good job, kiddo. Knight tells Grimes to stand up and Grimes says, “Yes sir.” Knight says he doesn’t care how rich Grimes still is, when Knight tells Grimes to do something, Grimes is to do it! Not some kid, not someone else. Okay, okay.

The kid, Noah, finishes up the work and Grimes thanks him. Now how much did he promise? Two, three, five hundred? Grimes is thinking five hundred. But Knight says it’s ZERO hundred, because the kid was not invited. Knight has a no kids policy! Great job, kid, but get out of here. Noah kicks Knight in the shin then runs off! Knight is furious but Grimes notices the money fell on the ground. Grimes will take care of that, and he uses the rake to scoop up the money, and bump Knight into the pool! Knight splashes down in his leather vest and jeans and says Grimes did this on purpose! Grimes says he didn’t, and asks if Mr. Knight wants a towel.


Adam Cole is here!

Cole goes to the ring, BAYBAY, and gets a mic. “My GOD does it feel good to say, ‘I told you so.'” Cole told the world that he was better than Kyle O’Reilly, and then proved it at the Great American Bash. Cole proved that he is the greatest superstar in the history of the brand! Cole proved that Stand & Deliver was not just a fluke, but that it doesn’t count because for all the idiots out there, “unsanctioned” means it isn’t on the record. And Cole heard Kyle’s “pathetic” interview earlier. “Losing’s just a part of what we do.” Yeah, if you’re Kyle O’Reilly, it is. But also how Kyle went through the fire. Sure did, and he got burned by ol’ Adam Cole Baybay.

If Cole were Kyle, he’d highly reconsider wanting a rematch. They both know Cole will just embarrass him again. But enough about Kyle, Cole is sick and tired of that guy. Cole wants to talk about Samoa Joe! Big Bad Joe who snuck up from behind to put Cole in the clutch! Joe who stood by as Kyle tried to rip Cole’s knee from its socket! He’s more like COWARD Joe! Joe is “nothing more than an overpaid security guard in a suit,” and he doesn’t scare Cole. Cole would ask Joe to face him but he won’t. There’s no one man enough to go toe-to-toe with Cole! But wait, here comes Bronson Reed!

Reed says “You gotta love the confidence.” Cole is a master of mind games, and of manipulating someone with something to lose. But Reed lost the NXT North American Championship, so he has nothing to lose! So Cole, right here, right now, all eyes are on Reed! And people must wonder what Reed’s next move is. Many see Cole as NXT’s golden boy, but Reed sees him as a golden opportunity! So Baybay- Cole SUPERKICKS, but Reed blocks it! Reed spins Cole, Cole duck sand dodges but runs into Reed’s body check! Cole goes running and says Reed will pay for that! And now Joe comes out! The NXT Enforcer looks at Cole, and Cole stays put.

Joe goes into the ring, and he’s ready for the main event! Cole storms off, Reed takes a moment before he exits, and after the break, we see if Karrion Kross can keep up with Johnny Freakin’ Wrestling, or if doomsday comes for The Way!


NXT Media catches up with Robert Stone, Jessi Kamea & Franky Monet.

They ask if, after beating Stone up and storming off, Aliyah is still part of the Robert Stone Brand. Franky says that they won’t have to worry about Aliyah anymore. Mandy Rose returns, and says the brand looks to be under new management. She heads off, but what does any of this mean for the future of the NXT brand?



After the confrontation tonight, the Diamond Mine has their first tag team match together! Strong and Rust take on Fish and Kushida, will the Infamous and the Time Splitter get even with their common enemies? And, after the challenge was issued and accepted, it is made official! Raquel Gonzalez defends her NXT Women’s Championship against Xia Li! Will Ricky Desperado be able to deny Tian Sha their destiny?


NXT Championship, with Special Guest Referee Samoa Joe: Karrion Kross w/ Scarlett Bordeaux VS Johnny Gargano!

Mr. Apocalypse and NXT’s first-ever Triple Crown Champion finally go 1v1 for THE title, with Joe making sure things don’t cross the line. Will Kross make The Way #FallAndPray? Or will Johnny Wrestling prove why he is now, then and forever Mr. NXT?

The introductions are made, Joe raises the belt, and we finally see who is the superior superstar!

Gargano sucker punches Kross before Joe can ring the bell! Joe tells Gargano to let off but Kross TOSSES Gargano into the corner! The bell rings as Gargano dodges and stomps away! Gargano climbs up to rain down fists, but Kross caries Gargano across the way to stomp a mudhole in the other corner! Kross reels Gargano in, spins him around and EXPLODERS! Kross dusts off his hands as he looms over Gargano. Fans chant for “Johnny Wrestling!” as Kross KICKS Gargano in the side. Kross gets Gargano in a corner and throws forearms! Kross digs his forearm in, Joe counts, and Kross lets off at 4. Kross snap suplexes Gargano, then paces around as Gargano writhes.

Kross taunts Gargano, “is this all you got?” Kross waistlocks, Gargano slips under and calf kicks Kross out of the ring! Gargano WRECKS Kross with a dropkick, then SUPERKICKS from the apron! Gargano CANNONBALLS and takes Kross down! Joe wants this back in the ring but fans fire up as Gargano paces around the ring. Kross gets up and BOOTS Gargano right down! Joe gets mad as he tells Kross to get this in the ring. Kross gets Gargano up but Gargano throws forearms! Kross forearms back, a ring count begins, and Gargano baits Kross into running into steel steps! Gargano gets Kross up, throws more forearms, and Joe lets off the count as this continues.

Kross grabs Gargano with both hands to SLAM him on the announce desk! NXT goes picture in picture as Joe reprimands Kross. Kross steps back, other refs check on Gargano, and Gargano slowly stirs. Kross goes to the ring, waves bye to Gargano as the ring count climbs. Gargano sits up at 4 of 10 but Joe gets his mic checked by the other ref. Gargano gets up, Kross gets him in the ring and covers, ONE!! Kross keeps his cool, gets Gargano back up, and wrenches to hammerlock and throw body shots! Gargano falls to a knee, Kross aims and runs in to stomp Gargano down! Gargano gets to ropes but Kross chokes him with them! Joe counts, Kross lets off at 4.

Kross stomps Gargano to a corner, digs his boot in, but lets off at 4 again. Joe reprimands, Gargano fires off hands on Kross! Kross knees low, whips corner to corner, and Gargano tumbles up and down! Kross smirks as Gargano writhes, and Kross shows off his agility just to make a point to the fans. Kross snapmares Gargano, wraps on a chinlock and grinds Gargano down as NXT returns to single picture. Fans rally up, Gargano fights back and throws forearms. Kross knees low, runs in but gets a BOOT in the corner! Gargano elbows Kross away, then dodges Kross, and Kross POSTS himself! Scarlett checks on him and Kross manages to get out of the corner.

Gargano runs in to clothesline, but Kross stays up! Gargano goes again, another clothesline! Kross roars, choke grips, but Gargano breaks free to ROLLING ELBOW! Kross stays up, scoops, but Gargano slips off to ENZIGURI! Kross is in a corner, Gargano runs in but is put on the apron, Kross runs, into the SLINGSHOT SPEAR! Cover, TWO! Kross sputters and scrambles out, but Gargano builds speed! DIVE and direct hit into barriers! Fans fire up as Gargano gets Kross back in the ring. Gargano aims, slingshots, but no final beat! Kross turns it into a NORTHERN LIGHTS! Roll through to dead lift suplex! Cover, TWO! Fans are thunderous as Gargano survives!

Kross stalks Gargano to a corner, drags him up, but Gargano holds ropes to deny the suplex! Kross puts Gargano up top and CLUBS him on the back! Kross climbs, Joe counts the ropebreak but Kross says they’re doing this the hard way! Gargano fights off the suplex to make it a CROSSBODY! And then BUZZSAW! Kross stays up so Gargano BUZZSAWS again! Gargano powers up but Kross LARIATS first! Kross scoops Gargano for an OKLAHOMA- DDT!! Gargano counters, covers, TWO!! Gargano gets up slowly but the fans are thunderously behind him! Gargano fires off forearms but Kross choke grips. Gargano gets free again, but Kross ROCKS him first!

Gargano rebounds but into a CHOKE SLAM! Kross gets Gargano up, “I own you!” Kross runs but into a SUPERKICK! And then another SUPERKICK! Gargano runs, tilt-o-whirls, gets the arm, but Kross makes it a SLEEPER! It isn’t quite the Krossjacket, Gargano rolls back to get GargaNO ESCAPE!! Kross endures, Scarlett shouts to him, and Kross powers up! Kross pops Gargano around to spin and spin and SLEEPER! Gargano flails, reaches, fades, but gets a second wind! Gargano reaches out, for the ROPEBREAK! Kross doesn’t let go so Joe pulls him away from Gargano! Kross laughs it off, stares down with Joe, but goes after Gargano on the outside.

Gargano is at the barriers, Kross DRIBBLES him off them! “You remember this, right? Time to go, Johnny!” Gargano flops over, Joe tells Kross to get in the ring but Kross says up his! Kross pulls steel steps apart, but Joe goes out to snatch those from Kross! Joe isn’t letting Kross do what he wants, but dares him, “All you gotta do is jump.” Speaking of, Gargano DIVES for a TORNADO DDT! Gargano puts Kross in, ONE FINAL BEAT!!! Cover, TWO!?!? Kross survives, dodges a superkick, DOOMSDAY FOREARM! And then Kross reels Gargano in, POWERBOMB! Dead lift and ANOTHER POWERBOMB! And then ANOTHER POWERBOMB! And then a fireman’s carry, to DOOMSDAY SAIDO!!

Kross isn’t done with Gargano, he winds up the hands of time. Gargano manages to get up, Kross grins, DOOMSDAY FOREARM!! Cover, Kross wins!

Winner: Karrion Korss, by pinfall (still NXT Champion)

Joe hands Kross the belt and raises Kross’ hand in victory, but only for a short time. Joe dares Kross to do something if he feels like it. Kross says for Joe to take the ref shirt off first. Scarlett is the one who keeps this from going down, until Joe isn’t looking! Kross gets Joe in the Krossjacket! Fans boo as Joe works to escape the hold, but the body scissors are in! Kross mockingly shouts, “Unless provoked, Joe! You brought this on yourself!” Joe is out and Kross finally lets him go! Will Kross make himself into the tyrant of NXT? Or will he have to answer to the authority above even Samoa Joe?

My Thoughts:

A great episode of NXT, but I have to say, a handful of things got completely ruined because Vince McMahon just insisted on getting new faces for his SmackDown Women’s Division. No Tegan for Candice to feud with, no Toni Storm for Sarray or Raquel Gonzalez, the knee jerk reaction from Vince is causing a ripple effect in NXT and it sorta sucks. You know who’s a team that should’ve been moved up to RawDown? Kacy Catanzaro & Kayden Carter. 1) You can still do name shortening and it’d probably be fine. “Kacy & Kayden, Catanzaro & Carter” whatever, it works better than “Shotzi & Nox.” 2) THEY DIDN’T HAVE STORIES TO STILL GET TO!

Also, I don’t understand why Mandy Rose is hovering around, she has a tag partner in Dana Brooke so why is she apparently scouting out things? Sarray VS Gigi was good but I feel like Gigi wasn’t ready for some of the moves Sarray was throwing around. Even just that headlock takeover was rough. Ember VS Dakota was a great match, but it was mostly just filler after losing some pivotal players. But I will say, this worked out great for Xia Li. They’re kinda just rushing to her getting a title match, but she and Raquel can have a great match. Raquel surely retains now and then we build to whatever SummerSlam TakeOver we’re getting with whoever is next.

I do like that the Robert Stone Brand finally hit the wall, but why is Aliyah leaving? Did we not see Franky trying to recruit both her and Jessi away from Stone? Is this a sign that Aliyah is going to go to Raw just because, the same way we’re just suddenly getting Storm, Nox & Shotzi on SmackDown? I mean, Aliyah’s been in NXT forever, but I feel like she almost didn’t need to go to RawDown. With Franky managing her instead of Stone, maybe she could’ve built herself up to be a tag title contender. Now she’ll just be fodder for someone else. Maybe Franky finds someone new to take Aliyah’s place. And again, why was Mandy talking with them when she’s on Raw?!

The first 2021 Breakout Tournament match was great stuff from Jiro and Hudson. For just a moment, I thought Jiro was going to pull it off in that sweet space nebula jacket, but Hudson finishing it right off in that Boss Man Slam/Winds of Change scrapbuster was a great way to suddenly finish this off. Dunne had a good promo, but I like that Thatcher and Ciampa get in his face. That’s going to be a great tag match, but the point of it is a bit uncertain. If Ciampa & Thatcher had the tag titles, yeah, okay, they want to be fighting champions and are picking fights with the toughest people they can find. But now, it’s just a really good scrap to perhaps build contenders up? I guess that’s fine.

Legado had a good promo, Escobar VS Lumis was a really good match, and Legado keeps getting that Heel Heat from cheating to make sure Escobar wins. Hit Row coming out to confront them was good, and I definitely look forward to a big Six Man Tag before Swerve VS Escobar for the North American Championship. I would love if Hit Row helps Swerve win to stick it to Legado for all the times they cheated Swerve. We got a lot of great stuff out of Grimes and Knight, and I had a feeling Grimes was going to find a way to make this annoying for Knight. Grimes enjoyed being a butler, enjoyed mowing the oversized lawn, and found a way to kinda Tom Sawyer it. The rake bumping Knight into the pool was clever, and I can’t wait to see what’s next.

We also got a good interview promo from Kyle, a good in-ring promo out of Cole about Kyle, and I like that Reed is stepping up to him. They had a good brawl and Joe showing up was a good segue to the main event. Joe had good segments with both Kross and Gargano throughout the night, and of course his presence added something to the title match. There was a lot of great interaction and tension between Joe and Kross, but in a way, that just made it seem like Gargano was just a formality. Though I suppose that was what this was all along, but it might not have felt it in a normal match.

Either way, Kross retains, goes after Joe, and probably takes on Joe for SummerSlam TakeOver in Joe’s in-ring return. Maybe Joe wins to become the first ever THREE-time NXT Champion and allows Kross and Scarlett to move on to RawDown like some have been thinking. Otherwise, Joe gets added to Kross’ legacy, that I personally wouldn’t want to see but would understand why they did it.

My Score: 9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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