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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (7/1/21)

Big Strong Boy VS… Jack Starz?



Coverage NXT UK 2021

Is it finally Jack Starz’s time?

Tyler Bate shows respect to the longstanding “gatekeeper” of NXT UK, Jack Starz, by giving him a shot at the Heritage Cup!


  • Emilia McKenzie VS Isla Dawn; McKenzie wins.
  • NXT UK Heritage Cup Championship Match: Tyler Bate VS Jack Starz; Bate wins and retains the Heritage Cup.
  • Aoife Valkyrie VS Mila Smidt; Valkyrie wins.
  • A-Kid VS Jordan Devlin; Devlin wins.


Emilia McKenzie VS Isla Dawn!

#SuplexMillie seems to have the attention of the now Wicked Witch of Scotland, and now these two fight for footing in the race to the title! Will Millie survive the new Dawn and make it to the next day? Or will Isla beat her and then her mentor, too?

The bell rings and Dawn stays put in her corner, as if performing a séance. So Millie rushes Dawn in the corner! Dawn fires off hands back, the ref counts and Dawn ROCKS Millie with an uppercut! Dawn waistlocks, Millie bucks her off then basement dropkicks her down! Millie whips Dawn to a corner, comes back and SHOTGUN dropkicks! Millie gets Dawn up fast for a TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT! Cover, TWO! Dawn survives and starts to get angry. She elbows free of a waistlock and uses hair in the snapmare. Dawn kicks but Millie ducks to get another waistlock. Dawn resists but Millie still back suplexes! Dawn gets to the apron but Millie storms over.

Dawn shoulders hard into Millie then hotshots her off the rope! Dawn gets in to stomp away on Millie, then CLUBS her down! Cover, TWO! Dawn keeps focus and brings Millie up by her hair. Millie throws body shots but Dawn stomps her back down! Dawn runs, BASEMENT METEORA! Cover, TWO! Dawn grows frustrated and she drags Millie back up. Millie blocks the suplex to a fisherman cradle! TWO, Dawn throws down fists and forearms! Cover, TWO! BT Sports Studio fires up as Dawn gets Millie by her wrist. Millie throws body shots but Dawn knees her down! Dawn throws Millie out of the ring and then pursues as the ref reprimands.

Dawn runs in to PENALTY KICK Millie from the apron! The ref starts a ring count as Dawn drags Millie up, and THROWS her into the barriers! The count reaches 5 of 10 as Dawn just watches Millie. Dawn run sin but Millie moves, knees hit barrier! Millie puts Dawn in at 7, and fires back forearms and counter punches! Millie boots but Dawn blocks, so Millie ENZIGURIS! And CUTTERS! Randy Orton would be impressed! Cover, TWO!! Dawn survives but Millie keeps her focus. Millie wrenches, fireman’s carries, but Dawn fights free. Dawn shoves Millie to a corner but Millie BOOTS her away! Millie climbs fast, slingshots in, but into a kitchen sink knee!

Dawn drags Millie up, for the DANGEROUS SAIDO! Millie flounders about, Dawn licks her lips and looms over her. Dawn waistlocks, half nelsons, but Millie arm-drags free! Millie dodges and SPEARS! Cover, TWO!! Dawn survives again and BT Sports Studio fires up! Millie fixes her hair, gets Dawn up, but Dawn ROUNDHOUSES her down! Dawn smiles as she listens to the spirits! Dawn slithers up to Millie and holds her head in her hands. It’s as if Dawn is feeling Millie’s life force. Millie wakes up to get Dawn by the arm! Dawn makes it a cover, TWO! Dawn is furious but Millie gets her for a GERMAN SUPLEX!

Dawn flounders, Millie aims again, BLINDSIDE KNEE! Cover, Millie wins!

Winner: Emilia McKenzie, by pinfall

Dawn tried to cast a spell on Millie, or maybe even a curse! But now Dawn will curse the day she targeted the Final Boss’ student! Though, maybe that smile says otherwise… But Millie comes out the victory, will she be the next to challenge Meiko Satomura for the NXT UK Women’s Championship?


Gallus is backstage, playing Rock Paper Scissors.

Mark Coffey gets Wolfgang again, but NXT UK Media comes by to ask them how their friendly rivalry is going. They both say, “Ask the winner,” as both men won their separate 1v1 matches. Well that makes it one each, because Markus beat “The Bitcher” while Wolfie beat “The Thunderclap.” But that’s for now. Mark has an idea and heads off down the hall. Wolfgang can tell he’s up to something with that smile and walk. Wolfgang hurries after so as not to be left behind, but what will happen when one of them wins and the other loses?


NXT UK Heritage Cup Championship Match: Tyler Bate w/ Trent Seven VS Jack Starz!

The Big Strong Boy has been exceptionally Zen lately, and it has brought him to the top of the British Rounds Rules Division. But it has also helped him see those worthy of praise and respect. One of those is Jack Starz, the man who first took on Walter in NXT UK! Starz has come a long way from that day, but is tonight the night that he reaches the top? Or is there still something missing before Starz can shine?

The introductions are made, the cup is presented, and the moment of truth is upon us!

Bate and Starz circle right away, tie up, and Bate headlocks to a takeover. Starz headscissors, Bate kips free and the two stand off. Bate and Starz go again, collar ‘n’ elbow but Bate wrenches to a wristlock. Starz rolls, rolls and rolls to get free! BT Sports Studio likes the technical skill as the two go again. Starz is showing initiative but Bate gets a cording hold. Starz facelocks but Bate powers through to a top wristlock. Starz hooks a leg, grinds a forearm into Bate’s face, but Bate cranks the arm again. Starz powers out and arm-drags but Bate arm-drags back to keep the armlock! Starz moves around, fights up, and facelocks again.

Bate still cranks, so Starz goes up and around! But Bate gets the arm again to arm-drag Starz back down! Starz grits his teeth and endures the hold as we reach one minute in the first round. Starz fights up, facelocks again, Bate still wrenches the cording hold but Starz goes up again to headscissor! Bate stays up and powers Starz off for a SLAM! Starz endures, fights back to that facelock, and then up and around to reverse the cording! Starz uses ropes tp flip, then whips Bate as we hit 30 seconds Things speed up, Starz avoids the dropkick to SUPERMAN CLUTCH! TWO, but Starz dropkicks Bate! Bate wobbles into a headlock, powers out, we hit 10 seconds as Bate hits a dropkick! Cover, TWO! Another try, the bell rings first!

Bate: 0; Starz: 0

A great first but now both men rest, rehydrate and reset for the second round! A new three minutes and Starz fires a EuroUpper! Bate headlock punches back! Starz EuroUppers again, then blocks a punch to give another EuroUpper! Bate wobbles but sobats back! Bate whips, Starz reverses, but Bate goes up and under and then baits Starz to a double knuckle lock. Bate uses that to step over, get around, bait Starz with a foot, then leap frog just to slide back under, for a trip up! Bate uses body scissors for a O’Conner Roll, Bate gets the point!

Bate: 1; Starz: 0

The second round goes by in a flash and Bate has the lead! Starz knows he’s behind the 8-ball now but he keeps his cool. Will Starz stay alive as the third round starts?

Starz and Bate circle, tie up, and Bate cravats. Starz drops to a knee to go for a leg but he can’t quite get it. Starz goes back up, pries at the hold, powers out to a snapmare but Bate still holds on! Bate cranks the neck, Starz fights up, and Starz powers out! Bate goes up the corner, turns around into Starz’s snapmare, and stands up for Starz to ram shoulders! Starz keeps moving and runs Bate over with shoulder tackle after shoulder tackle! Bate hits back but Starz rebounds to EuroUpper! Bate staggers up into a BIG back drop! Starz fires up at the two minute mark but he misses in the corner! Bate ROCKS Starz with a EuroUpper, runs corner to corner, but Starz follows to ROCK Bate with a EuroUpper!

Starz gets Bate for a BUTTERFLY SUPLEX! Cover, TWO! Starz sighs and keeps focus on Bate at a minute-thirty. Bate gets the fireman’s carry for the AIRPLANE SPIN! Starz slips off!? And then STEALS the Airplane Spin! Starz takes Bate for a ride then a POP-UP UPPERCT! Schoolboy and it’s deep, TWO!! Starz keeps moving, Bate backslides him, ONE but La Magistrol, but Starz makes it his cover! Starz gets the point!!

Bate: 1; Starz: 1

Not only does Starz stay alive, he’s brought this back to square one! Bate and even Trent Seven are surprised by that, but they commend Starz’s savvy. Another refresher and we enter round four!

Stars rushes in, catches the rolling kick, and wants a Boston Crab! Bate resists with everything he can, but Starz steps over! FULL BOSTON CRAB! Bate is caught in the center, and he claws his way over! Bate powers up, Starz sees how close he is, and then drags Bate back! Starz sits deep on the hold, but Bate manages to slip through and turn to TOSS Starz! Starz comes back, Bate dodges the uppercut, Bop and BANG! But then BOP comes in after all! Starz wobbles, Bate runs, REBOUND LARIAT! Bate aims again, Starz stands, ROLLING KICK! Bate gets Starz right up, underhooks, TYLER DRIVER ’98! Cover, Bate wins!!

Winner: Tyler Bate, by pinfall (still NXT UK Heritage Cup Champion)

And it’s the Big Strong Boy with a minute and 40 to spare in the fourth! But give credit where credit is due, Starz forced Bate to turn it up a notch! Is this a sign that Starz is on the precipice of greatness?

Oh wait, Mark Coffey comes out? He applauds Bate’s victory, and Wolfgang trails behind. Mark congratulates Bate and then BOPS him!? Gallus loves stirring up trouble, but is this Mark’s playful way of saying he wants next?


Pretty Deadly have a photoshoot.

#SidePlateCheck! But Sid Scala walks in to talk to them about the offer they made to Subculture for an NXT UK Tag Team Championship match. That is a great idea, management was thinking of making it for next week. Whoa, no, no, next week isn’t good. If Subculture want the title match, they have to earn it. Earn it! Then in that case, there will be that opportunity. Mark Andrews VS Lewis Howley, and if Andrews wins, Subculture gets their tag title match. Lewis laughs that off but Stoker is very serious. Will the high-flying, stage diving, skateboard riding, always grinding #MANDREWS earn himself and The Modfather another shot at the titles?


Meiko Satomura is here!

The NEW NXT UK Women’s Champion is back to not only celebrate her victory, but to address the division she now reigns over! “Three weeks ago, I finally beat Kay Lee Ray. I am now NXT UK Women’s Champion. And this makes me very happy. NXT UK is now my home! And I-” Wait, Nina Samuels interrupts. The Leading Lady is always a scene stealer, and she says, “No, your eyes are not deceiving you. The Nina Samuels Show is here before your very eyes.” And what’s even better is that she is here to congratulate Meiko! She and KLR put on a hell of a show, and Meiko showed why NXT UK is the place to be. Better than that, here she is, standing before us as NXT UK Women’s Champion! Bravo, Meiko, bravo!

But now, on to why Nina is here. It’s no secret that NXT UK needs more Nina. But more importantly, Meiko Satomura needs more Nina. Because in order to live up to KLR’s legendary reign, Meiko needs a true mega star like Nina as her first challenger. Then Nina can really put Meiko on the map. No one realizes how much- Amale attacks Nina from behind! And bounces her off the apron! The French Hope already got mad at Xia Brookside for “taking” her spot, and Amale says no one needs Nina. The world needs hope! Amale will be that hope, and she says she is sick of seeing the same girls every week. She isn’t here to congratulate anyone. She’s here to take HER opportunities!

Amale vows SHE is Meiko’s next challenger. It doesn’t matter if Meiko is the Final Boss, because Amale isn’t here to play games. In that case, Meiko DECKS Amale! “Enough talking! You get the match!” Amale grins as she gets what she wants, but will she get what she deserves at the hands of the Best in the World?


NXT UK shares interview footage from after last week’s show.

NXT UK Media asks Rampage Brown how he felt after that insane Triple Threat with Ilja Dragunov and Joe Coffey. But then someone knocks on the door, and Rampage looks over. Joe Coffey comes in, sputtering a bit as he sits next to Rampage. “Well that settled nothing.” Rampage and Joe chuckle, and then Joe pats Rampage on the shoulder. When will these two have their tiebreaker singles match that was put on the backburner?


Blair Davenport signed, but what’s next?

“I have wrestled all around the world. I have sacrificed everything to get to where I am today. I have given up friends, I have given up family, to master what I do. Did you really think that I wouldn’t end up as part of the greatest women’s division on earth?” Blair Davenport has arrived in NXT UK, will she look to establish an empire here?


Aoife Valkyrie VS Mila Smidt!

The winged warrior is ready to fly again, and she “welcomes” a new face to the roster. Will Mila quickly learn what it takes to be in NXT UK? Or, does she already have it?

The bell rings and Aoife circles with Mila. They tie up, Mila gets a leg and Aoife hops around. Aoife rolls free and the two go again. Aoife gets a fireman’s carry takedown to a cover, ONE! Mila goes after a leg, Aoife sprawls and blocks with a facelock, they roll, and Mila fights up to wrench free. Mila goes for a leg, gets a fireman’s carry takeover of her own, and covers, TWO! Aoife steadies herself but Mila is after her already. Mila facelocks but Aoife WRINGS her arm! Aoife wrenches, YANKS, repeat, then uppercuts the arm! Aoife cranks on the arm, Mila endures and BT Sports Studio rallies. Mila whips, Aoife comes back to hurdle and dropkick!

Mila gets up but Aoife arm-drags her down! Mila fights up as Aoife has the armlock, and Mila puts Aoife in a corner. The ref counts, Mila lets off but Aoife elbows her down! Aoife is after the arm but Mila uses that for a judo throw! And then a Belly2Belly! Cover, TWO! Mila keeps on Aoife, gets her up, but Aoife RAMS her into a corner! And then rams her shoulder in! Aoife whips, Mila reverses and runs in to monkey flip out of the corner, but Aoife handsprings through! Aoife ROCKS Mila with palm strikes and kicks! Aoife whips, Mila reverses to clinch and OVERHEAD Belly2Belly, with a bridge!? Cover, TWO!! Aoife escapes and Mila is furious!

Mila and Aoife slowly rise as BT Sports Studio rallies again. Mila gets Aoife up, Jinny watches from the stage, and Aoife fires off knees and kicks! HEEL KICK and down goes Mila! Aoife hurries to the top and aims at Mila, but she also glares at Jinny. PERIPETEIA!! Cover, Aoife wins!

Winner: Aoife Valkyrie, by pinfall

Aoife stares down with the Spoiled Princess. Will Jinny be the mountain Aoife must soar above before getting to the gold?


Kenny Williams speaks.

“You wanna know what the most resilient creature in the animal kingdom is? It’s not the young lion, brazen bull, the proud peacock. Who’d wipe every single one of ’em away?” The only thing that survives, scratches and claws to the surface is the cockroach. Williams looks at Nathan Frazer, and that is a young lion. Frazer wants to be the brightest star in the NXT UK Universe. But next week, Frazer will wipe himself out, and all that will remain, the only thing that survives, is the Scum of the Earth! Will Kenny the cockroach creep up and conquer the British Prodigy by simply outlasting him?


NXT UK Media interviews Trent Seven.

The questions are almost over but then Eddie Dennis walks in, claiming he has a question. Oh does he now? Dennis asks, “How does it feel to be, what do they say? Always a bridesmaid but never a bride?” Oh, okay, go on. Well, Seven lost the Heritage Cup tournament to A-Kid, and then lost to Dennis at TakeOver, and even after losing all that weight, he still lost to Jordan Devlin. Oh, so glad Dennis is a fan. And so glad Dennis remembered TakeOver: Blackpool II, because who won after that one? Seven with the Birminghammer off the announce table, through a different table, to the floor, smashing Dennis’ shoulder into about 150 thousand pieces!

Dennis backs up as Seven steps forward, and Seven says to never interrupt him while doing media. Get out, man! Seven apologizes tot he reporters and asks them to continue. But there will be a continuation between the Welsh Dragon and Artful Dodger when we get to see them go 1v1 again, next week!


A-Kid VS Jordan Devlin!

The Spanish Ace upset the Irish Ace by not paying attention to the sign on the door. But while both men are without the prizes that defined their recent runs, neither is backing down. Will there be no excuses around what happens as these two have their long awaited rematch?

The bell rings, AK and Devlin circle, feel things out, and tie up. AK waistlocks but Devlin wrenches an arm to wring AK. AK rolls through, rolls free, and BT Sports Studio cheers as they reset. They feel things out, knuckle lock, and Devlin uses that to wrench and wrangle AK to the mat! Devlin goes for the top wristlock but AK fights up to his feet. Devlin wrangles AK back down, has the top lock, but AK bridges and moves around to headscissor! Devlin is frustrated, but he moves around. Devlin gets up to pop out and has a headlock, but AK headscissors again! AK squeezes tight, holds onto an arm, but Devlin moves up around again.

Devlin turns AK, gets the legs tied up, and then a half nelson to a float. AK slips through, has the arm, pushes Devlin to a cover, ONE! The two stand off again and BT Sports Studio is loving it. AK and Devlin go again, knuckle locks but Devlin kicks low and CLUBS AK down! AK trips Devlin, has the leg, but Devlin kicks free with the other leg. They reset, AK mule kicks to test the waters but Devlin stays up. They knuckle lock, AK rolls, trips Devlin again, floats right to the headlock and grinds Devlin to the mat. Devlin tries to fight up but AK shifts to keep on the headlock. Devlin still gets to his feet, and he powers AK to a corner. AK stops himself, kicks back, hops up and FLYING arm-drags!

AK runs, Devlin catches the legs but AK uses that body scissors for a takedown! Seated cover, TWO to the sunset flip! ONE, AK is ready with the leg guard and knuckle locks! AK balances Devlin, kicks him away, then springs up! Devlin slips under?! Devlin throws AK back over, monkey flips, rolls, but again AK balances him! AK springs up again, but Devlin puts him on the ropes to SHOVE him down! AK crashes and burns by the barriers! Devlin taunts AK as he goes out to fetch AK. The ref counts, Devlin scoops and SLAMS AK at 3 of 10, then returns to the ring at 5. The count reaches 7 before AK stirs. AK hears the count and hurries in at 9.9, only for Devin to drop an elbow! Cover, TWO!

Devlin grows annoyed with AK, stands him up, shoves him to ropes and then CLUBS him in the back! Devlin then reels AK in for a BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO! Devlin argues the count but keeps on AK. He does a little fancy footwork but AK KICKS him in the leg. Devlin DOUBLE STOMPS AK down for it! Devlin sits AK up, wrenches the neck, but AK endures and fights his way up. Devlin knees AK in the back, knocks him back down, then brings him up by his tights. Devlin shoves AK to ropes and CLUBS him again! And then another back suplex, but AK lands on his feet to shove and dropkick! Both men are down and BT Sports Studio fires up!

AK runs in to GAMANGIRI In the corner! Devlin is in the ropes, AK is after him, and AK wrenches the arm for an ELBOW BREAKER! Devlin is on the apron but he slingshots in for a CUTTER! Both men are down again and fans rally back up. Devlin stands first, he looms over AK, and brings him up. Devlin whips AK to a corner, AK comes back to arm-drag and kip up to a dropkick! Devlin staggers, AK gets a leg and FISHERMAN SUPLEXES! Bridging cover, TWO! Not quite perfect but AK keeps on Devlin with a facelock. AK drags Devlin into a GUILLOTINE! Devlin endures, fights up, and powers through to suplex!

AK slips out, O’Conner Rolls, TWO as Devlin slips out to his own O’Conner! TWO, AK kips up and NORTHERN LIGHTS! Then a STANDING MOONSAULT onto knees! Devlin saves himself at the last second, but AK comes back! Devlin gets him for an URENAGE! Now Devlin STANDING MOONSAULTS into a TRIANGLE HOLD! AK not just saves himself, he catches Devlin in a trap! AK drags Devlin deeper down, but Devlin moves around and gets a ropebreak with a foot! AK lets go in frustration but he keeps hold of Devlin’s head and arm. AK stands Devlin up to throw forearms, but Devlin elbows back. AK kicks Devlin in the face!

Devlin staggers up into a kangaroo kick! AK wants a sleeper but Devlin snapmares free! AK comes back, gets around, SLEEPER! Devlin fades, flails, turns red, but AK’s arm can’t hold on! AK drags Devlin back up and runs, into a SPANISH FLY!! The Irish Ace hits a Spanish Fly on the Spanish Ace! But then AK snaps back to attention and gets Devlin’s arm! Omoplata, but AK wants the other arm, too! Devlin resists but AK keeps reaching! Devlin moves around in the modified Rings of Saturn, another ropebreak! AK lets go in further frustration, but he brings Devlin back up. AK ROCKS Devlin with a forearm, but Devlin throws a haymaker!

AK ROCKS Devlin again, but Devlin stands to ROCK AK! AK ROCKS Devlin, and again! Devlin wobbles, AK stands him up for another shot! Devlin comes back with forearms and CHOPS! AK bobs ‘n’ weaves to avoid Devlin’s strikes, SUPERMAN PUNCH takes down Devlin! Cover, TWO?!? Devlin survives and shocks BT Sports Studio! AK grits his teeth and looks at Devlin, who sits up in a daze. Devlin gets to ropes, AK runs in and KICKS the arms! Devlin swings, AK dodges to ROCK, then SNAP GERMAN SUPLEX! AK holds on, drags Devlin back up, but Devlin reaches out for ropes. AK still gets him up, DEAD LIFT GERMAN! And AK still holds on!

AK brings Devlin back up, Devlin gets ropes and bucks AK! AK handsprings back, into a HEADBUTT!! AK falls back, Devlin falls out of the ring! Devlin staggers up but AK builds speed and DIVES! Tope suicida hits and Devlin hits barriers! Both men are down on the outside, BT Sports Studio fires up, and a ring count starts. AK stands at 3 but sits back down. AK gets Devlin up at 5, then puts him in at 6. Devlin rubber bands the bottom rope into AK! AK falls, Devlin goes back out and hobbles about. The ref tells them both to get in but Devlin angles the steel steps. Devlin gets AK up, wrenches then whips, but AK reverses! Devlin leaps over in time, and KICKS the steps into AK!

The ref reprimands but the ring count is 6! Devlin refreshes it, pushes the top half of the steps aside, then brings AK over. SHIN BREAKER to the steel!! AK collapses in a heap, Devlin looms over him and puts him back in the ring. Devlin walks around to soak up the heat from the BT Sports Studio fans, and he gets AK up. Ripcord but AK leaps over to SUNSET BOMB! AK can’t hold the cover from the bad leg, but he aims from a corner now! Devlin gets up, AK runs in, but Devlin blocks to tie up the legs! CLOVERLEAF! AK grits his teeth, pulls his hair, and fights for the ropes! ROPEBREAK! Devlin drags AK away, but AK turns and drags Devlin down!! OMOPLATA! RINGS OF SATURN!!

Devlin endures as AK tries to use his bad leg, but that just hurts AK! Devlin moves, but AK switches to an armbar! Devlin flips that to get both legs in a deathlock! AK’s leg goes waaaaay past 90 degrees!! AK can’t take it, he taps out!! Devlin wins!!

Winner: Jordan Devlin, by submission

Devlin won’t let go! AK tries to smack Devlin, but the ref has to pull them apart! The Irish Ace is sadistic, did he just sideline the Spanish Sensation? Medics check on A-Kid while Devlin gloats and stands over him. Will Devlin’s arrogance and aggression carry him through to new gold?

My Thoughts:

A very good episode for NXT UK here. I thought the Heritage Cup would open, but Millie VS Dawn was very good to open instead. Millie winning makes sense, she needs to stay strong, and it works for Dawn to actually be alright with losing because maybe her powers will grow stronger. The Heritage Cup was a great match, a great showing for Starz, but of course Bate wins. This could fuel something in Starz, maybe even a Heel turn at some point. Markus Coffey essentially challenging Bate to a match, Heritage Cup or not, is a good move for the Gallus friendly rivalry, and I really like the idea of Bate VS Mark flat out.

Mark Andrews VS Lewis Howley 1v1 is going to be a lot of fun, and I’m pretty sure Andrews wins to give us Pretty Deadly VS Subculture for the tag titles. Meiko had a good promo, Nina had a good promo, and Amale had a good attack on Nina and then short promo to give us Meiko VS Amale. Amale did have a good point about seeing the same girls. There is more depth to the NXT UK Women’s Roster than it seems and so it is good that Amale is moving up a bit. Blair Davenport turning out to Bea Priestley is quite a great surprise, and partially explains her exit from NJPW. Blair/Bea is going to make some big waves, she might even go from NXT UK to NXT prime rather quickly.

Aoife VS Mila was a very good match for Mila’s debut, but naturally Aoife wins. It was also fitting to see Jinny show up and stare down with Aoife. Those two will feud, but I wonder if Jinny will go from talking down to Mila to recruiting her to build her faction. Dennis and Seven had a good promo segment together, their rematch next week will be a lot of fun. We got an interesting but also very good Kenny Williams promo. The visuals were interesting, with colors changing and Kenny himself sort of warping, but I figured he was building to “cockroach.” Frazer VS Williams will be great, and I feel like this might mean Frazer wins just to throw this all in Williams’ face.

Nigel McGuinness had it right on commentary, this main event was basically TakeOver worthy. At least as the great opener that fires fans up, because that’s what these two put on. Devlin winning was a bit of a surprise, but what a vicious way for him to do it! How did AK’s leg bend like that?! Devlin winning definitely puts it on AK to make a strong comeback, and they might give us an even stronger match, on par with a TakeOver middle-of-the-card match.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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