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Mitchell’s NJPW Kizuna Road Results & Report! (7/1/21)

Three 1v1’s before the big 3v3!



NJPW Kizuna Road

Who has momentum going into tomorrow’s NEVER Openweight Six Man title match?

NJPW enters the homestretch of Kizuna Road! In three special singles showdowns, Chaos and #ThirdGen build momentum for their Six Man title match!

NOTE: NJPW no longer wants to feed AXS TV now that it is with Anthem and Impact Wrestling. But never fear, I will cover NJPW in the spirit of AXS in providing the most important matches of the show.


  • YOSHI-HASHI VS Hiroyoshi Tenzan; Hashi wins.
  • Hirooki Goto VS Satoshi Kojima; Kojima wins.
  • Tomohiro Ishii VS Yuji Nagata; Ishii wins.


YOSHI-HASHI VS Hiroyoshi Tenzan!

First up, The Head Hunter and Inari no Mogyu! This is the all important first of three tonight, who takes an early lead?

The bell rings and fans rally as Hashi and Tenzan circle. They approach, tie up and are in a deadlock. Tenzan finds a point of leverage and gets Hashi to the ropes. The ref calls for the break but Hashi turns things around. Hashi fakes Tenzan out with the chop, gives him Okada style shoulder pats, then SLAPS him! Fans cheer the brazen attitude as Hashi backs off. Tenzan rushes Hashi but Hashi kicks him low. Hashi gets a headlock, Tenzan powers up but can’t power out as Hashi holds tight! Hashi grinds Tenzan to the mat, Tenzan fights his way back up, and Tenzan tries again. Hashi still holds on and fans rally up! Tenzan endures the grind, fights up and throws body shots.

Tenzan finally gets free of the headlock, and Hashi rams him with a shoulder! Tenzan doesn’t budge, and he dares Hashi to do it again. Hashi does, and he rams Tenzan again, but neither man falls. Tenzan runs now but Hashi elbows him! Hashi runs but Tenzan runs him over! Fans cheer as Tenzan fires up! Tenzan stomps Hashi, paces around, and drags Hashi up for a headbutt! Hashi drops to a knee, Tenzan gets him back up and headbutts again! Tenzan drags Hashi up for a Mongolian Chop! And another! And another! Hashi falls over and fans cheer as Tenzan eggs him on. Hashi sits up, Tenzan kicks at him but Hashi gets mad.

Tenzan headbutts, runs, but Hashi trips him up and drags him out! Hashi RAMS Tenzan into railing, then walks off the pain in his head from those headbutts. Hashi gets Tenzan up, and whips him hard into railing! Tenzan writhes on the floor and Hashi goes over to fetch him. Hashi gets Tenzan up again to CHOP! Even commentary feels that one! And the next CHOP, too! Hashi puts Tenzan in the ring, stomps him down, then brings him back up. Hashi bumps Tenzan off buckles, CHOPS him again, and again! Hashi throws forearms on Tenzan, the ref counts but Hashi CHOPS to top it off! Fans cheer while Tenzan falls over! Hashi stands on Tenzan’s head as he eggs him on!

The ref counts, Hashi scrapes his sole on Tenzan’s forehead as he lets off, and then Hashi stalks Tenzan. Hashi brings Tenzan up to CLUB him, then CLUB him again! Tenzan growls but Hashi CHOPS him! Tenzan throws CHOPS of his own! Hashi CHOPS, Tenzan CHOPS and runs, but Hashi mule kicks and CHOPS! Hashi fires up and runs, but Tenzan WHEEL KICKS him! Fans fire up as Tenzan fires up, and Tenzan goes back to stomp Hashi. Tenzan brings Hashi up for more Mongolian Chops in a corner! Hashi sits down, Tenzan digs his boot in, but the ref counts. Tenzan lets off at 2, and drags Hashi up to headbutt him! Tenzan whips Hashi corner to corner and SPLASHES!

Tenzan fires up as he calls his shot, and he suplexes Hashi for a BIG suplex! Cover, TWO! Tenzan gets annoyed but fans rally up. Tenzan stands Hashi up, whips him to another corner, then runs in to clothesline! Hashi sits down, Tenzan stomps him, then goes out to the apron and climbs up the corner. Tenzan drags Hashi up by his hair, for CALF BRANDING! The knee-drop bulldog has Hashi down, but Tenzan stomps him for good measure. Fans rally, Tenzan drags Hashi back up, and CHOPS him down! Cover, TWO! ANACONDA VICE!! Hashi scrambles around and gets the ropebreak! Fans cheer and the ref counts, Tenzan lets go in frustration.

Tenzan gets up and eggs Hashi on. Tenzan stands Hashi up, headbutts him again, then CHOPS him! Hashi falls over so Tenzan gets him up for another headbutt! Tenzan stomps Hashi at the ropes, runs, but Hashi gets up to kick low! Hashi throws forearms, whips but Tenzan reverses, only for Hashi to hit HEADHUNTER! Tenzan is down after the blockbuster but he crawls to a corner while Hashi goes to the other. Tenzan gets up but Hashi runs in to CHOP! Hashi mule kicks, turns Tenzan, for the HEADBUSTER! Cover, TWO! The neckbreaker is not enough, but Hashi gets right on the BUTTERFLY LOCK! Tenzan endures, fights up, and chops away on Hashi’s back!

Hashi throws a forearm, Tenzan hits back! Hashi forearms again, Tenzan hits back! They continue back and forth, then Hashi CHOPS! Tenzan Mongolian Chops! And again! Hashi CHOPS, Tenzan Mongolian Chops! They repeat, and Tenzan brings Hashi to his knees! Tenzan headbutts, runs, but Hashi kicks again! Tenzan CLUBS Hashi, headbutts him, then runs, but Hashi rams shoulders! And headbutts! Tenzan headbutts Hashi down! FALLING HEADBUTT! Cover, TWO! ANACONDA VICE AGAIN! Hashi endures, turns it and has a cover! TWO!! Tenzan still has the hold and cranks way back on Hashi’s bad arm!

Hashi fights, sitting up and slipping around, only for Tenzan to hit an Anaconda URENAGE! Cover, TWO!! Hashi survives and is free, but fans fire up for both men! Tenzan stands and says he’s going to go up top! Tenzan climbs, aims and leaps, but Hashi avoids the Diving Headbutt! Tenzan flops off the mat and slowly sits up. Hashi also rises, and Hashi fires up as he runs! LARIAT! Tenzan stays up so Hashi runs again! Tenzan blocks but Hashi CHOPS! Tenzan HEADBUTTS! Hashi falls, Tenzan staggers, but Tenzanruns, into a LARIAT! Cover, TWO!! Tenzan lives but Hashi fires up, SUPERKICK! Hashi sits Tenzan up, runs, METEORA! Cover, TWO!!

But Hashi sits Tenzan up for the BUTTERFLY LOCK! Fans rally as Tenzan endures and fights to his feet! Tenzan throws body shots but Hashi wrangles him back down! Tenzan taps, Hashi wins!

Winner: Yoshi-Hashi, by submission

The crucial first point belongs to Chaos! But with the other match-ups still to come, will the NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Champions stay strong on Kizuna Road?


Hirooki Goto VS Satoshi Kojima!

Secondly, the Fierce Warrior and the King of Cozy Style! We saw Chaos score first for his trio, but now we see if #ThirdGen can get on the board! Will it be 2-0 or 1-1 after this all important second match-up?

The bell rings and fans rally up again as these two circle. The two tie up and are in a deadlock, much like the previous match. They push each other but Kojima puts Goto on ropes. Kojima lets off with a sharp pat on the shoulders and fans cheer as they go again. Goto and Kojima tie up again, Goto headlocks, but Kojima throws body shots. Goto cranks the headlock, Kojima powers out but Goto runs him over! Goto runs, Kojima drops but rams shoulders! Goto stays up, waistlocks, but Kojima elbows back and wrenches to a hammerlock. Kojima shifts to a headlock, Goto puts him on the ropes, but Goto lets off, to kick low! Goto CLUBS away on Kojima, but lets off as the ref counts.

Kojima comes back to run Goto over! Fans fire up as Kojima makes the pecs dance. Goto bails out, Kojima goes out after him, and throws clubbing elbows at the railing. Kojima kicks and CLUBS Goto, then whips him hard into railing! Fans cheer and Kojima stomps and forearms Goto down. Kojima digs his knee into Goto and pushes Goto into the railing! The ref goes out to reprimands Kojima but Kojima tells him to shut up! Kojima lets off, brings Goto up and whips him again, but Goto reverses to send Kojima into railing! Goto runs in but Kojima boots him back! Kojima rushes at Goto but Goto dodges, and Kojima clotheslines the post!

Kojima leans against the apron but Goto attacks! Goto goes after the bad arm with clubbing elbows! Goto then whips Kojima hard into the railing! The ref starts the ring count as Kojima falls back. Goto gets Kojima up, wraps the bad arm around railing and BOOTS it! Goto gets Kojima back in the ring and then stomps him down. Kojima gets up but Kojima CLUBS him. Goto wraps the bad arm around ropes and pulls! The ref reprimands, counts, but Goto lets go at 3, to go after the arm again! Goto also throws elbows in! The ref backs Goto off, fans rally up, and Goto brings Kojima around to wrench and wrangle Kojima to the mat for a cording hold!

Kojima endures, Goto shifts the angle, but Kojima reaches up to headscissor. Goto shrugs that off so Kojima reaches and gets a ropebreak! Goto lets off but brings Kojima up to CLUB and whip, then elbow Kojima down! Cover, TWO, but Goto gets a a double wristlock! Kojima endures again but fans rally up. Goto shifts to an ARMBAR! Kojima clasps hands to block, but Goto pulls harder! Kojima sits up and moves around but Goto holds on! Kojima scoots around and gets another ropebreak! The ref counts, Goto lets off clean this time, and Goto looms over Kojima. Goto stomps Kojima and eggs him on before clubbing him again.

Kojima throws forearms but Goto wrenches and uppercuts the arm! Kojima clutches the elbow, Goto CLUBS him on the back again! Goto gets Kojima for a BIG back suplex! But Kojima is right back up!? Kojima back suplexes Goto! Fans fire up for “KO-JI-MA! KO-JI-MA!” as he stalks Goto to a corner. Kojima stomps, CHOPS then whips corner to corner. Goto reverses, runs in but Kojima dodges to CHOP! MACHINE GUN CHOPS! Goto turns it around to fire off forearms! Kojima turns it around to fire off more CHOPS! Goto ROCKS Kojima but Kojima CHOPS Goto! Goto sits down, stinging from that one!

Kojima whips Goto corner to corner, runs in and forearm smashes! Snapmare, and Kojima fires up! Kojima climbs to ELBOW DROP! Cover, TWO! Goto survives but fans rally behind Kojima! Kojima stands Goto up and fires off forearms, then a ROLLING ELBOW! Kojima runs, Goto follows and LARIATS! Fans rally as both men are down, and Kojima sits up first. Goto grits his teeth and glares at Kojima as he gets him by the hair. Goto forearms Kojima to a corner, whips him corner to corner, then runs in to MURAMASA! And BULLDOG! Cover, TWO! Fans still rally as Kojima survives, but Goto gets him back up. Goto fireman’s carries, but Kojima fights free!

Kojima waistlocks, Goto elbows free, and Goto clotheslines Kojima in the corner! Fans fire up with Goto as he climbs up now! Kojima ROCKS Goto first! Kojima CHOPS, climbs, but Goto fights back with body shots! Goto headbutts Kojima down! Goto adjusts, but Kojima LARIATS Goto off the top!! Goto tumbles to the floor and fans fire up again! A ring count starts as both men are down! The count is already 10 of 20 before Kojima goes out to fetch Goto. Kojima gets Goto up at 14 and puts him in to finish this in the ring! Fans cheer the sportsmanship as Kojima covers, TWO! Goto is still in this but Kojima keeps his cool.

Kojima drags Goto up, cravats, but Goto fights with body shots! Goto ROCKS Kojima but Kojima forearms back! Goto forearms again, Kojima hits back, and the brawl continues! Fans rally as they build up speed! Kojima ROCKS Goto now, keeps throwing forearms, then runs. Goto follows, Kojima dodges but Goto dodges! DOUBLE LARIATS collide! The Cozy Lariat wins out as Goto falls over! Kojima drags Goto up, cravat for the COZY CUTTER! Cover, TWO!! Kojima takes off the elbow pad, but he runs into a fireman’s carry! USHIGOROSHI! Both men are down but fans rally up again! Goto snarls as he rises while Kojima writhes.

Hashi has appeared ringside to cheer on his tag partner. Goto drags Kojima up but Kojima falls over! Goto stomps him, gets him back up, but Kojima swings! Goto blocks to wrench, SOUTHPAW COZY LARIAT!! Cover, TWO!! Goto still lives but Kojima is too tired to be frustrated. Kojima rises, powers up the right arm, and builds speed, but Goto boots him! Goto blocks the lariat, dragon sleepers, but Kojima fights through! Goto uses the facelock for REVERSE GTR! Fans rally back up and Goto drags Kojima back up! Suplex to DRAPING GTR!! Cover, TWO!?! Kojima still lives and fans fire up again! Hashi coaches Goto and Goto fires himself back up.

Kojima stands, Goto powers up, but Kojima blocks the kick to CLUB the leg! Kojima runs, but Goto ducks! Kojima keeps going, Goto dodges again, but the COZY LARIAT still takes Goto out!! Cover, KOJIMA WINS!

Winner: Satoshi Kojima, by pinfall

That was definitely a battle! And with it, tonight’s three match series is tied! So who then comes out of tonight with the momentum for tomorrow’s title match?


Tomohiro Ishii VS Yuji Nagata!

Last but certainly not least, the Stone Pitbull and Blue Justice! This match felt like it might’ve happened one way or another, but now it is the last step before the NEVER Openweight Six Man Championships! Who wins this all important third and final round?

Hashi is now in Ishii’s corner as the bell rings, and Ishii immediately fires off on Nagata! Nagata gives it all back and now we have a back and forth! Nagata gets the edge, runs but Ishii dodges the boot. Ishii runs, Nagata dodges the lariat, then dodges another. Nagata feints a dropkick, but Ishii sees the basement dropkick coming! Nagata avoids the sliding lariat, Ishii avoids the buzzsaw, and the two stand off as fans cheer. Fans rally as Ishii and Nagata stare down. They tie up and are in tonight’s third deadlock. Nagata has leverage but Ishii is sturdy. Nagata gets Ishii on ropes after a third attempt, but Ishii turns it around. Ishii lets off, but then SLAPS Nagata!

Nagata shrugs that off and grapples with Ishii! Takedown to ARMBAR! Ishii scrambles, clasps hands, but Nagata pulls them apart again! Ishii moves around, clasps hands, but Nagata shifts to get a leg, then goes right after the arm again! Ishii gets a ropebreak, and Nagata lets off fast. Nagata stomps Ishii, brings him up, and YANKS the arm. Nagata knees Ishii against ropes, and again, then whips. Ishii reverses and SPINNING POWERSLAMS! It was almost a snap suplex or toss, but fans fire up as Ishii rises. Ishii storms over to Nagata, kicks him around, but Nagata gets mad. Ishii CHOPS Nagata but Nagata eggs him on. Ishii CHOPS again, but Nagata grits his teeth.

Ishii CHOPS and Nagata falls over, only to sit up again! Fans cheer the grit, but Ishii slaps Nagata around. Nagata gets up to throw a forearm but Ishii doesn’t flinch. Nagata throws more forearms, and more forearms, but Ishii CHOPS him back down! Ishii does have to steady himself after that, feeling those forearms after all. Fans rally “I-SHI-I!” “NA-GA-TA!” Ishii sits Nagata up to KICK him in the back! Ishii sits Nagata up again to KICK him again! Nagata gets mad and glares at Ishii, but Ishii KICKS him a third time! Ishii asks what’s up, and Nagata gets up. Ishii CHOPS him again, then CHOPS again! Nagata roars, Ishii CHOPS!

Fans continue to rally, “I-SHI-TA! NA-GA-I!” (I was long?) as Ishii looms over Nagata. Nagata gets up but Ishii CHOPS him again! Ishii puts Nagata in a corner to CHOP! Nagata eggs him on so Ishii CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS! Nagata sits down but still glares defiantly! Ishii CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS! Red Shoes has Ishii back off to make sure Nagata didn’t get chopped in the throat. Nagata grits his teeth, and Ishii eggs him on! Nagata tells him to shut up and bring it, so Ishii CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS again! And again! And again! Nagata is turning red in both face and chest but he just keeps taking CHOP after CHOP after CHOP!

Nagata sits down again, fans rally again as the spot on his chest is turning purple! Nagata stands up, Ishii whips but Nagata reverses and runs in to kitchen sink knee! Nagata takes a moment with the stinging in his chest while Ishii clutches his stomach. Ishii sits up but Nagata gives him a KICK! Ishii shakes his head, and Nagata KICKS again! Ishii drops down this time and Nagata dares him to sit up. Ishii does sit up, and Nagata KICKS him again! Nagata stalks Ishii to a corner, whips him corner to corner, and runs in to BOOT! Nagata reels Ishii in but Ishii blocks the lift! Nagata elbows Ishii then BUTTERFLY SUPLEXES! Cover, TWO!

Fans still rally, Nagata brings Ishii up, but Ishii suplexes instead! Nagata seethes as he sits up, and Nagata brings Ishii up for forearms. Ishii hits back, Nagata ROCKS him! Ishii tries to hit back but Nagata ROCKS him again! Ishii is slowing down, so Nagata DECKS him! Fans rally, Nagata sits Ishii up to KICK him in the back! But Ishii scowls as he gets to his feet! Ishii SLAPS Nagata dizzy! Nagata staggers to a corner, Ishii starts to feel the damage now but he leans against ropes. Fans rally up, Nagata gets up in a corner, but Ishii is there to CHOP and forearm! CHOP, forearm, CHOP, forearm, on repeat! Ishii stops only because his back bothers him, but fans still rally.

Ishii stands Nagata up, whips him corner to corner, but Nagata comes back! Ishii deflects the boot to GERMAN SUPLEX! Fans fire up as both men stir. Hashi coaches Ishii and Ishii goes after Nagata in a corner. Ishii hoists Nagata up top, climbs up to join him, and gets Nagata up! Nagata fights, but Ishii gets him over for the SUPERPLEX! Ishii crawls to the cover, TWO!! Blue Justice still lives and fans fire up again! Ishii keeps his cool while catching his breath, and then he fires up as he stands. Ishii waits on Nagata to rise, and then Ishii runs, but Nagata boots him! Ishii spins, but into a takedown! CROSSFACE!

Fans rally as Ishii endures and Nagata pulls back! Ishii fades but Nagata pulls back even harder! Ishii crawls, reaches, but Nagata rolls him away from the ropes! Nagata pulls back harder, wanting Ishii to quit before he passes out! Ishii endures, reaches, and gets the ropebreak with a foot! Nagata lets Ishii go and fans rally up again! Nagata drags Ishii up, and BUZZAWS the arm! Ishii clutches it, and Nagata KICKS him again! And again! Ishii leans against ropes, Nagata brings him back up by the bad arm and wrenches to an ELBOW BREAKER! Ishii falls to his knees but Nagata gets him back up! Another wrench, but Ishii headbutts free!

Ishii throws elbows with the good arm, but Nagata DECKS him with one! Fans rally again but Red Shoes checks on Ishii. Ishii is still conscious, so the match continues. Hashi coaches Ishii but Nagata gets him up first. Nagata hoists Ishii up top now, and climbs up to stand Ishii, for the EXPLODER OF JUSTICE!! Cover, TWO!! Ishii survives and the fans fire up again! Nagata gets Ishii up, runs, and PENALTY KICKS! Nagata doesn’t stop there, he gets Ishii up, but Ishii blocks the back suplex! Ishii headlock punches, throws clubbing elbows, but Nagata KNEES him down! Nagata looms over Ishii and fans fire up as Ishii rises! Nagata aims and kicks, into a lariat! Ishii HEADBUTTS Nagata down!

Fans fire up while both men stir on the mat. Ishii gets to ropes and drags himself up. Nagata sits up, grits his teeth and pushes up off the mat. Ishii wobbles back to Nagata, but Nagata throws forearms! Ishii throws them back, so Nagata throws more! Ishii throws elbows, Nagata SLAPS Ishii! Ishii SLAPS back! Both men stagger, but they come back and Nagata SLAPS Ishii again! Ishii SLAPS back, so Nagata SLAPS again! It is a SLAP fight! Ishii staggers to ropes and falls over! Nagata eggs him on, Ishii gets mad, and Ishii comes back for the SLAP fight to continue! Nagata is getting the better of Ishii but Ishii doesn’t back down! Ishii starts giving SLAPS as soon as he takes them!

Wait, Ishii staggers again, and Nagata keeps on him from all sides! Ishii ENZIGURIS outta nowhere! Both men fall over and fans are fired back up! Ishii roars, headbutts buckles to fire up, and runs at Nagata! Nagata catches him for an EXPLODER! But both men rise, and Ishii LARIATS! Cover, TWO!! Nagata survives again and fans are thunderous! “NA-GA-TA! I-SHI-I!” Ishii sits up, perhaps a bloody lip, and he crawls over to Nagata. Ishii sits Nagata up, builds speed, SLIDING LARIAT! Cover, TWO!!! Ishii is furious but he powers up again! Ishii gets Nagata up, reels him in, suplexes, but Nagata fights free! Ishii comes back, into a WHEEL KICK!

Both men are down again but the fans haven’t given up yet! Nagata pushes himself back up, Ishii gets to a corner, and Nagata runs in to JUSTICE KNEE!! Ishii falls down but Nagata drags him back up! Ishii flops over, Nagata covers, ROPEBREAK! Ishii saves himself but Nagata drags him back up. Nagata reels him in, suplexes, but Ishii knees free! Ishii wrenches, headbutts, but Nagata ENZIGURIS! Nagata waistlocks and uses ropes for a SNAP GERMAN SUPLEX! Fans are thunderous again as Nagata gets Ishii up. Nagata suplexes to THUNDER DEATH DRIVER!! Cover, TWO!?!? Ishii survives Nagata’s own brainbuster and the fans are thunderous again!

Nagata gets back up, gets Ishii back up, and reels him in, but Ishii slips out of the back suplex! Ishii blocks the urenage to suplex, for HIS BRAINBUSTER!! Cover, ISHII WINS!!

Winner: Tomohiro Ishii, by pinfall

The Stone Pitbull takes down Blue Justice and Chaos wins the night, 2-1! And with his actions speaking for him, Ishii heads backstage to prepare for tomorrow. But with as much as this took out of both men, will this victory prove pyrrhic in the end?

My Thoughts:

A pretty good event though still with some filler in the first half. This was also a shorter event in total, with it essentially coming in at two hours after taking out intermission and not worrying about the post show interviews. Having three separate singles matches of the NEVER Openweight Six Man Champions and their challengers was a great idea, as was having all three being after intermission. Each match was very good, naturally building in quality from the first to the last. I knew with Hashi winning, Kojima would win to keep things interesting. Ishii VS Nagata was great stuff, especially for Nagata who is getting up there. Chaos winning 2-1 would make you think #ThirdGen wins, but as far as I can tell, NJPW doesn’t usually let math dictate the terms so it could go either way.

My Score: 8.3/10

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!


Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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