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AJ’s NWA 73rd Anniversary Results & Review

The second half of the NWA is the 73rd Anniversary of it’s origination! Can Aldis continue his never ending title reign? Does a weakened Kamille lose the Women’s title? AJ let’s us know!



The second half of the NWA is the 73rd Anniversary of it’s origination! Can Aldis continue his never ending title reign? Does a weakened Kamille lose the Women’s title? AJ let’s us know!

AJ is back on the NWA train for the 73rd Anniversary show! After Andrew did an amazing job with Empowerrr, I thought we might as well go back to where my article prowess started with tonight’s show. Kamille has her next opponent in the hot mess Chelsea Green, the Tag Titles also on the line, Mickie James will face off against Kylie Rae, James Storm goes to face for the National Championship and Trevor Murdoch will put his career on the line to see if he can beat the 1000 plus day reign of the “National Treasure” Nick Aldis’ second world title run.


  • Tim Storm vs Crimson vs Thom Latimer – Tim Storm wins via Perfect Storm – ** ¾
  • Mickie James vs Kylie Rae – Mickie James wins via Leaping DDT – ** ½
  • Tyrus, Jordan Clearwater & Sion vs The Pope & The End – Sion wins via pinfall – **
  • James Storm vs Chris Adonis (c) for the National Championship – Chris Adonis wins via pinfall – ***TITLE DEFENSE!!
  • 12 Man Battle Royale – Judias wins last eliminating JTG – ***
  • Chelsea Green vs Kamille (c) for the NWA Women’s Championship – Kamille wins via Key Lock Armbreaker – *** ½ TITLE DEFENSE!!
  • La Rebellion vs Aron Stevens and Kratos (c) for the NWA Tag Team Championships – La Rebellion wins via Mark of the Beast – * ½ – TITLE CHANGE!!!
  • Title vs Career: Trevor Murdoch vs Nick Aldis (c) for the NWA World Championship – Trevor Murdoch wins via Diving Bulldog – ****TITLE CHANGE!!!!!


Tim Storm vs Crimson vs Thom Latimer

Before the bell rings and Crimson being the last man to be introduced to the ring, Jax Dane comes in and attacks Crimson, breaking up the War Kings and delivering a Death Valley Driver on a proped ladderand bashes him with it before leaving.

Thom Latimer has a chair and bashes Storm in the head as he tries to get the quick victory but Storm kicks out and takes it to Latimer now, launching a trash can into Thom’s head after powdering out. The action continues but Storm has the full advantage in and outside of the ring, even pulling a new ladder and propping it up in the entrance way for a future spot. Tim Storm after cutting Thom off, climbs the ladder for some reason and gets the momentum shift in his favor. Thom Latimer gets an extra piece of the railing and props it next to the set ladder as Latimer goes up the ladder and lands a Senton from the ladder to the railing with Storm on.

Crimson comes back to the ring and talks to Storm to check on him and gets to the ring, like a house of fire and takes it to Thom Latimer to take him off his feet and hitting a dropkick with a chair to Thom’s face. Crimson sets up the chairs to hit a Death Valley Driver on them but Tim Storm pulls the ref’s leg to stop the count and now Storm comes in and Thom rolls out as the faces fight it out. After an even trade between the two, get their belts off… well Tim gets the ref’s belt and whips each other until Latimer comes back and double teams him.

Storm comes up behind Crimson and sneak attacks him but Crimson tries to lift him up to use a slam but his ribs are in too much pain and drops Storm instead, getting hit with the Perfect Storm and Tim wins the opening match.

Kylie Rae vs Mickie James

The two go into a Collar and Elbow tie up and go into multiple variants of tests of strength until Mickie uses her veteran tactics to get the advantage. Kylie being her usual naïve self and gets taken for a loop as Mickie keeps up the vet tactics before Kylie gets a little more ruthless and gets a submission off after a roll up back and forth. Mickie breaks out of it and really taking Kylie to school here but Kylie catches Mickie on the top rope.

Each time Kylie looks she can do something, Mickie gets the advantage and experience in before getting a quick burst of offense and landing her Superkick and does three different pin attempts but Mickie kicks out of each and Kylie is getting her anger going. That gets the better of her though as she gets Mickie in the corner and goes to land a Cannonball but hits the corner instead and Mickie hits a Leaping DDT to show that experience is better than youth.
(Aftermath: A masked woman rushes in and beats down Mickie James until she takes the mask off and it’s the IMPACT Women’s Champion, Deonna Purrazzo and hits a Package Piledriver to put Mickie James down as Kylie chase Deonna off.)

Tyrus, Jordan Clearwater & Sion vs The Pope & The End

Tyrus and Parrow start the match up but Tyrus comes in and tags Clearwater in but Parrow just takes it to the little guy and getting demolished, getting the tag to Odinson and The End are looking great, tagging Pope in and getting the fight going on Jordan, beating him down with strikes as the Masked Sion runs in to break it up as Tyrus distracts the ref but Pope goes wild and takes it to the two guys. As The End try to come in, Tyrus comes in and takes it to the Pope and tags Clearwater back in after so Tyrus doesn’t use too much energy. As Clearwater gets cocky and takes Pope into the heel corner, they cheap shot Pope with the ref’s back turned and Sion comes in and they take it to the former TV Champion.

Pope gets some separation and Odinson gets the tag and takes it to Sion in the corner but after the third corner attack was going to be made, Clearwater pulls Sion out of the way and tags Tyrus to take it to Odinson as we get the cheap tags made with the ref trying to calm and control Parrow. The crowd trying to get Pope and The End to get a comeback started and the other’s get frequent tags in but Tyrus is always stops that momentum in some way with his size. Tyrus is going to the top but misses Odinson and Odinson tags in Parrow and hell breaks loose and The End try to end it but the last member of Austin Idol’s group pushes Odinson off the ropes and takes out Pope as Tyrus Heart Punches Odinson in the chaos and Sion tags himself in and pins Odinson instead.

James Storm vs Chris Adonis-

They try to do a collar and elbow but Chris obviously out powers James and gets the early advantage, showing off his strength as James Storm gets sick of it and goes into some holds to stun Chris Adonis but Adonis gets annoyed himself and clocks Storm to break the wrist lock. Storm doesn’t give up though and takes it to the Masterpiece, always one step ahead of what Adonis does and shows the fight he still has in him. Storm looks to have the advantage all the way until the Masterpiece shoves the Cowboy in the post and swings the momentum in his favor. Adonis takes it back to the ring, showboating a bit and lands an axehandle and Russian Legsweep to take the Cowboy down for a nearfall.

The fight continues though as Adonis starts to manhandle the Cowboy, even the trash talking isn’t slowing Chris down as he takes it to Storm in the corner and Storm is Hulking Up… Boozing Up? The bashes in the corners aren’t working anymore as Storm gets fired up and Adonis gets rocked for a quick comeback, the Masterpiece is able to cut it off but goes back to the middle rope Axehandle only to get stopped by the Cowboy and hits a Frankensteiner and An Eye of the Storm only for a nearfall. The Cowboy hits the codebreaker and readies the Last Call Superkick but Adonis catches him and hits a Spinebuster.

After another nearfall, Chris Adonis gets it on the Masterlock on but James Storm rushes to the corner to break it but Adonis catches Storm again into a Master… Slam. I’m calling it a Master Slam even though it’s a Full Nelson Slam but doesn’t get the pin again. Adonis starts yelling at the ref and uses James’ beer to taunt him but James Storm hits the Last Call and would have won if Chris’ foot wasn’t on the rope at the right time. As Storm gets frustrated with the ref, Adonis comes in to steal a win from the Cowboy.

Ric Flair is introduced to the ring next, thanks the crowd and gives a little fun history of his partying and experience, telling everyone that the NWA is alive and won’t let anyone forget the National Wrestling Alliance. He thanks Triple H, Shawn, Vince, and all the NWA Wrestlers he faced over the years and all the fun and experience even more as to what the World Champion was all about. He kind of rambles, kind of repeats himself but who cares? It’s Ric “God Damn” Flair. He thanks everyone for his life and his wrestling career, even taking the coat off and bouncing off the ropes as his final thank you goes to the fans, WWE and especially his home in the NWA.

12 Man Battle Royale

A good amount of talent within the NWA comes in for this match but the notable names being Slice Boogy, Sal Rinauro, Luke Hawx and JTG. Before it starts, we get a 13th Entrant as James Mitchell comes out with Judais (I… I think that it’s Murphy. Not Buddy Murphy… Murphy, the tag team partner of Gunner now Jaxon Ryker from TNA.)

Chaos gets going but Judais is wreaking shop in the ring as more and more chaos ensues. Rush Freeman is the first eliminated as the fighting continues. The Heartthrob goes right after and Sal Rinauro is fighting off elimation as we start thinning the herd here slowly as Sal keeps nearly eliminated along with Captain Uma and they go to fight until Uma gets punched by Plunket and eliminated as we get a super Suplex spot as Rudo, Slice Boogie and Marsche gets hit with the suplex. After some more fighting, Marshe Rocket, Plunket and Sal Rinaruo all get eliminated as the bodies are falling from the match as more and more fighting continue, JTG and Mims tries to Suplex El Rudo and Judias goes for the Tower of Doom Spot as Luke Hawx gets hit by the bodies crashing as we get more and more eliminated with El Rudo getting knocked down and down to five. Hawx, Judias, Slice Boogie, Mims and JTG as Slice gets some offense on everyone until Slice gets eliminated by Hawx.

Now that there are four, Mims and JTG fight each other as Hawx and Judias gets some fun started until Judias catches Mims and eliminates him as JTG and Luke Hawx start to talk and plan to take Judias out. He goes to the top and axehandles Hawx so hard he goes out of the ring and now it’s JTG and Judias.
JTG has a good amount of offense going and dodging a big boot attempt and JTG tries to eliminate him but gets caught with another chokeslam. JTG now on the verge of getting eliminated but Judias’ strength is keeping him winded and with a good amount of hits going on to get the win but one last hit from the top, eliminates JTG.

Chelsea Green vs Kamille-

The bell rings and Kamille goes for the power but Chelsea answers back with a takedown of her own but it’s never enough as every new move Chelsea Green does, Kamille locks in a Full Nelson multiple times until landing a Bubba Bomb into a Lotus Lock. Green rolls and stacks up Kamille as they break it and go for multiple variantions of roll ups, Jacknife, Backslide, La Magistal to try to get a quick victory until we go into more fighting and Kamille gets the advantage with her power and keeps the offense going, Gutwrench Suplex, Samoan Drop, then going to club her with punches and blows but not stopping the Hot Mess. No matter what happens, Kamille is continuing her assault, attacking the arm and wrist of Chelsea Green, slamming and stomping it in the mat as Chelsea is… well disarmed with no pun intended. Chelsea though, ever resilient and breaks out of a Tourture Rack attempt and breaks things even with a cutter.

The two women go back to fighting where Chelsea is getting a head of steam now, taking Kamille off her feet and goes to the top and gets a nearfall on the champion, needing to go for more but Kamille stops the momentum and goes for… a leaping leg lariat (wonder if that was for a Broski) but now readying the spear attempt after, missing and getting caught with a German Suplex. As soon as Kamille pops up out of it, she lands the Spear on Chelsea but with the pin, Green gets the foot on the ropes. Green goes for the Unprettier, gets caught and Kamille grabs the arm in a Key Lock and goes for the submission victory on the Hot Mess.

La Rebellion vs Aron Stevens and Kratos-

Instead of the normal La Rebellion theme, we hear some gunshots and the LAX Theme as Konnan accompanies them to the ring to be a possible game changer.

Bestia and Stevens start it off and Stevens gets the first offense started and hits the Elbow on Bestia and Mecha Wolf gets taken down too as Kratos goes to roll them back in before Konnan can talk to them and gets a tag in as Kratos goes in to take it to Bestia who hasn’t gotten a break at all or separation until Stevens is in and gets a poke in the eye. As everything breaks down in the corner, a three on one against Stevens at this point as Konnan takes cheap shots too on Stevens as the champions are on the losing end on this one it seems as Stevens gets beaten down. The ref keeps getting distracted and Stevens gets cheap shotted left and right no matter what.

Stevens still getting worked in the ring, not able to get a tag at all as the challengers get frequent tags and beaten down, triple teamed more and more as Kratos keeps getting taunted to distract the ref but when Stevens finally gets a separation from everyone, Mecha Wolf comes in and pulls Kratos down as they keep Stevens down, not able to get the muscle in but Stevens gets one more chance to get Kratos in and does as he comes in like a house of fire, manhandling both men and taking it to them. Kratos lands a Samoan Drop as Mecha Wolf breaks it up and takes out Stevens one more time as Kratos looks like he is going to destroy as he catches Bestia with an Enziguri on the top and hits the Falcon Arrow to another break. Stevens returns to the ring and they go for a Doomsday Device but more interference happens and the champions are looking in bad shape as La Rebellion finishes it with the Mark Of The Beast.

Trevor Murdoch vs Nick Aldis-

Trevor Murdoch comes out with a Harley Race style jacket as he walk around to high five and gets the fans behind him for possibly the last time.

Murdoch goes to give the jacket to his family but Aldis takes chase and attacks Trevor until Trevor fights back and they go into the audience with the bell not ringing yet as they take it to the people. Trevor bashes Nick Aldis to the wall and back to the barricade, draggin Aldis’ head into the metal before Aldis comes in and pokes Trevor in the eyes to give him a payback, fishhooking Trevor’s eyes as they slug it out all the way up into the stage ramp. Aldis tries to do a DDT to the hard wood stage but officials come out to stop them as they continue. Aldis slams Trevor down as now Billy Corrigan comes out and tells Aldis to get in the ring or lose his championship as Aldis dares him to try it before slamming Murdoch one more time and going back to the ring, keeping the attack going until both men gets in the ring.

Aldis demands the bell to be rung and it does but Trevor Murdoch gets some of a breather going and takes it to the champ until Aldis takes Murdoch off his feet with an Angle Slam (I think he did the Main Event Mafia taunt too) before doing a Lou Thez Press to get a pin and a nearfall on Murdoch as the fight continues and Murdoch makes a comeback by launching Aldis off the top and goes to do the Diving Bulldog but gets caught. Nick Aldis catches it to attempt a Figure Four but Trevor rolls Aldis in a pin and does a Figure Four himself before the champ can get out of it with a rope break. Murdoch tries to get more done with the offense but Aldis side steps and dodges a spear attempt as Aldis comes back after and puts an Abdominal Stretch on, pull on Trevor’s beard and holding the top rope as the ref doesn’t see it, after the third attempt, the ref kicks Aldis’ hand off the rope and Murdoch takes down Aldis.

As Aldis gets up, he argues with the ref about the Stretch hold and they get into a shoving contest until Murdoch gets up and tries to clothesline Aldis but Nick dodges again and we get a ref bump and Aldis takes it to Trevor Murdoch in front of his family outside before Aldis pulls the table cover outside and sets it up near the ramp, putting Trevor Murdoch on top of it as Aldis slowly goes to the top rope to land an Elbow Drop to the outside and drives his arm through Murdoch and the table. Aldis rolls Murodch back in and a new referee comes in and counts a pin as Murdoch kicks out again. As Aldis looks in confusion, he gets a kick to the stomach and Trevor Murdoch lands a CODE RED TO THE CHAMPION. He doesn’t go for a pin, trying to get his breath from the damage as the corwd rallies behind him and Aldis cuts Murdoch off as he gets to the top.

Aldis carries Murdoch after the stop on the top and lands a Tombstone Piledriver to Trevor and goes to the other side for another Elbow Drop and gets another nearfall. Aldis goes back to the top but Murdoch catches him and lands the Superplex as he tries to pin him and gets a nearfall of his own. He’s now has to get the Bulldog off now as Aldis moves out of the way and as Trevor falls, he applies the King’s Lin Cloverleaf for a godo amount of time until Murdoch grabs the bottom rope to break it and we go back to the slugfest as neither men gets an advantage until Nick Aldis gets hit with the Piledriver for Harley and the Bulldog to end the One Thousand plus Day Reign of the National Treasure!
(Aftermath: Ric Flair walks down to congratulate Murdoch along with Trevor’s family comes in to celebrate with him with the World Championship Victory. Flair comes in and says, “Trevor is a Champion. The World Champion and Harley would have been proud.” Trevor then takes to the mic and says thank you to everyone that supported him and he will represent the Championship with the best of his ability.)

Final Thoughts:

The NWA Man is back and had some ups and downs to it so let’s start with the bads in my opinion. I was always told if the Television Champion is on the card, they have to defend it. I know NWA isn’t on Television at the moment but still… We do things out of tradition in the NWA. That’s more of a gripe in my book but the other thing that was bad to me was if you have Americans fighting with Triple A wrestlers, it’s not going to be a fun match. It was a damn near eye sore to me but, it was a given when the LAX music hit and Konnan came out that they would win whether the match was good or not.

Onto the two goods now. First, that women’s match. Kamille has shown that she has learned and done a lot of training because she has looked a lot better since the last time I covered NWA programming. She saw the damaged arm of Chelsea Green and targeted it heavily, even winning with a Key Lock to make Chelsea Green tapped. The other thing was how that NWA Championship match went. It looked like the old NWA where the heel will cheap shot the face and go all over the arena before the bell, going into the crowd and doing every old school cheap trick you can find to win from Aldis but the teachings of Harley Race kept Trevor going, the good ol’ boy getting the win the clean and fair way. I can’t say more other than that was truly an NWA way to end the night.

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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