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Andrew’s NWA Empowerrr Results & Match Ratings: 8.28.2021

Mickie James put this all into motion, and NWA made it happen! But, how was the execution? 3 title matches should make for a hell of a show!



So with a spoonful of gimmick and a spoonful of spite, Mickie James spear headed this idea for an all women’s pay-per-view. The NWA decided to back it in a package with NWA 73, and now let’s see what we got.

We’ve got some inter-promotional stuff with AEW, AAA and Impact represented. Melina’s trying to prove herself against IMPACT’s Virtuosa, Layla Hirsch fights the uphill battle against the Brickhouse Kamille and the NWA Women’s Tag Tournament finals are all tonight!

Three big title matches, a number one contender’s battle royal and who knows what else is in store. Did Mickie call in any favors from friends? Who might show up?

Let’s check it out!


  • Kylie Rae vs Chik Tormenta vs Diamante: Diamante wins via Code Red – * ¾
  • Semi-Finals for NWA Women’s Tag Titles: Hell on Heels (Renee Michelle & Sahara 7) vs The Hex (Allysin Kay & Marti Belle): Hex wins via HEXecution – ** ¾
  • Semi-Finals for NWA Women’s Tag Titles: The Freebabes vs Red Velvet & Kilynn King: Kilynn King wins via Kingdom Falls – *** ¼
  • Impact Knockouts Championship: Deonna Purrazzo (c) vs Melina: Deonna retains via Orienteering with Napalm Death – *** ¾  
  • Finals for NWA Women’s Tag Team Championship: Red Velvet & Kilynn King vs The Hex (Allysin Kay & Marti Belle): The Hex win via AK-47/Running Boot Tandem – *** ¼TITLE CHANGE!!!
  • NWA World Women’s Championship: Kamille (c) vs Legit Layla Hirsch: Kamille retains via Spear – ****
  • 10 Woman Women’s Invitational: Chelsea Green wins via Unprettier – ***



To kick off the Mickie James comes out with what sounded like a bullet pointed sales pitch, but she got taken by the moment and when the crowd fed into the appreciation, it was nice to see Mickie pivot and just be very honest. Velvet Sky on commentary was choked up for a while afterward. It’s kinda nice to hear the real emotions.

Kylie Rae vs Chik Tormenta vs Diamante

NWA versus Triple A vs AEW is how the show kicks off the wrestling tonight! After a triple Grecco Roman Knucklelock, we see a slightly delayed Double Superkick to send Tormenta to the outside, and then we see some Arm Drags of different flavors, but the timing seems suspect. This opening volley is really staggered and not fluid at all. Diamante can’t even pull off a Sattelite Russian Leg Sweep on Tormenta without a small hiccup.

Things finally seem to smooth out when Kylie grabs Diamante into a Samoan Drop, but Tormenta German Suplexes Kylie. Then we also get a Tower of Doom spot, where Tormenta holds on and goes for the pinfall on Diamante. This match started to pick up rhythm a little, but Kylie was late to a backslide attempt spot on Tormenta so that looked a little awkward.

Kylie hits the Kylie Special on Diamante, causing Diamante to powder, Tormenta is perched on the top rope, takes entirely too long, Kylie dodges. Kylie transitions a Crucifix into Smile to the Finish; but Diamante throws a weapon into the ring to distract the referee, takes out Kylie and then Code Red on Tormenta, and AEW wins.

Hell on Heels (Renee Michelle & Sahara 7) vs The Hex (Allysin Kay & Marti Belle)

The early on Hockey Fight goes the ways of Hell on Heels, until Allysin comes back in and evens things out. When people get back to corners, Marti and Allysin use frequent tags just to continuously stomp on Renee. Sahara 7 finally breaks things up and Renee pops out angry.

After the Heels get the tag, a nice tandem Rocket Launcher style move into Renee Superkicking Marti’s teeth through her head. Either the Heels are always scrappy or the palpable anger leads to thinking there might be a small level of stiff strikes.

Jesus, this definitely felt like more of a fight than choreographed wrestling we’ve become accustomed to lately. Even if some moves weren’t hit clean, the tension was there and the blind side aspect of some of the strikes helped to keep this match flowing. Yes it wasn’t really pretty, even though all the competitors are, it was heavily effective.

The Freebabes vs Red Velvet & Kilynn King

So the Freebabes are Jazzy Yang (Jimmy Wang Yang’s daughter), Miranda Gordy (Terry Gordy’s daughter) and Hollyhood Haley J (daughter of Amazing Maria). Kinda interesting to see a whole unit of second generation women’s wrestlers.

Red Velvet starts things off with some quick attacks and her “stirring it up” taunt. King comes in and the more exciting action is the Hoss battle. Cause much like her father, Miranda is a thick enforcer, so King’s height is neutralized a little bit. King does pop me when she hits the Pump handle Power Slam (The Meltdown from Wrath in WCW). It was a good show of power from King since she did it to Gordy, but Miranda kicked out of the tandem attack afterward and asserted her power.

Hollyhood distracted from the outside and did a great job as the annoying little cute manager style of heel. But this was a really solid match. Great tandem moves, easy logic and tag team psychology of trying to keep Red Velvet isolated. Velvet managed to roll toward King, she got grabbed, spin kick to free herself from Gordy and then we get King back in. Yang takes Velvet out of the ring, runs back to the corner to try and take advantage of the numbers advantage; but King counters, then hits Kingdom Falls on Yang for the win.

Gail Kim comes out and immediately hits the self-deprecating angle to the promo saying “talking wasn’t always my thing”, which yeah…Gail is a great wrestler but her promos were always kinda sus. Taryn Terrell and some back up comes down to basically tell Gail she can leave since NWA is Taryn’s place. Taryn and her little crew are about to beat down Gail, but Awesome Kong hits the ring! Her and Gail stare each other down, but then Kong backs up Gail and kills Taryn’s crew.

Gail runs off Taryn, Kong stalks Gail behind her and tells Gail to get back in and grabs the microphone from her. She pokes fun with the “I’m not much for words”, and then shows more of the personality we all know from shoot interviews. They have a really sweet moment, Kong says something like if she’d get off the couch for anyone, and it’s Gail. She does say she’s done, but I think she meant with what she had to say not retiring. Gail and Kong active together would be awesome though.

Impact Knockouts Championship: Deonna Purrazzo (c) vs Melina

Melina comes out in a golden outfit and veil, they even have some paparazzi come out for the lower budget MnM entrance. Deonna comes out and she’s in black and leopard print. It’s a little funny that I’ve seen some people make jokes about both being able to the tell the two apart, and they wear very similar outfits.

The early scrap is very even. Melina hits a quick Thesz Press, focuses mostly on strikes and bounces Deonna’s head off the turnbuckles. It isn’t really until Melina goes to the top rope and jumps, where Deonna catches her and hits a nice Jacknife Powerbomb counter. Deonna sets the pace and starts torquing the arms of Melina and focusing body parts. Melina tries to kick back while in the corner, but Deonna catches the foot and gives her an icy glare and drops the ankle over her shoulder. Deonna hits the “WOO” and goes for a Figure Four, but Melina gets to the ropes. Spinning Toe Hold from Deonna keeps the focus and the old school references going, but Melina manages to roll her up to force Deonna to break the submission.

After posting herself, Melina fires up, Deonna finds her way back in, but Melina is incensed. Double Knees across the middle ropes in the corner from Melina, matchbook cover, and nearly a 3, but only nearly. Melina goes for the Irish Whip, Deonna stops it, Russian Leg Sweep, roll through and then Deonna’s sadistic side is there. No Fujiwara…Tequila Sunrise!

Melina hits a Roundhouse Kick, Deonna Pumpkick, but Melina can’t pull of the Last Call. Then her knee gives out on her as she tries to run the ropes and Deonna attacks the injury. The referee stays on Melina trying to see if she’ll quit or have to be saved from herself, but Melina won’t let the referee call for the bell. Melina fights through, it gets a little rough at times while she sells and tries to fight. Almost catches Deonna after Moonlight Drive but she can’t cover immediately so only a near fall.

Primal Scream attempt, Deonna counters, Fujiwara, then Melina fights to the ropes, Venus de Milo…and Melina keeps fighting so Deonna grabs the bad leg, pulls back on the while keeping the arm barred, and Melina is forced to submit.

MadUSA comes out for commentary during the Finals of the NWA Women’s Tag tournament.

Red Velvet & Kilynn King vs The Hex (Allysin Kay & Marti Belle)

King and Kay have their power battle very similarly to how King and Gordy did. Kay lost the power fight pretty quickly and then she was beat on for most of the match. King showed off her power and Velvet showed off great agility and athleticism. Kay almost pulls back a comeback, but Red Velvet counters the Piledriver attempt with a Bell Clap…but with her thighs, transitioned into a Stunner, but then she hits the ropes and gets caught by Allysin in a Spinebuster.

After Marti gets tagged in, she brings amps up the pace on King, but King tries to lay out Marti. Tags in Velvet, Velvet misses the Frog Splash. Allysin comes back in, attempts HEXecution, but King stops it. Allysin goes for AK-47, King tries to get involved, but Allysin uses Velvet as a weapon. Marti is back in, tandem Running Boot/AK-47, and the NWA team is the victorious!

MadUSA hits the ring to present the belts, and honestly MadUSA was a nice addition to commentary. Helped fill out legitimate color instead of whatever Velvet Skye is supposed to be doing.

NWA World Women’s Championship: Kamille (c) vs Legit Layla Hirsch

This match hit the gas at the right time. Kamille dominated so much of this match. Layla had small flurries where she’d have to throw her entire body at Kamille or catch her, but Kamille never really took too many steps back. Layla hits a Corkscrew Avalanche German Suplex from the corner and that’s when we start to see Layla make some believers. Layla worked over Kamille’s arm for the Cross Arm Breaker, Leap Frogged the first Spear attempt and rattled the champion with V Triggers. Big haymakers, hunting for the arm and even kicking out of the Torture Rack Bomb kept Layla going strong.

Kamille gets dropped to a knee, Layla rushes for a Shotgun Dropkick, but Kamille catches her like a baby and literally just chucks her. Layla lands a little funny, but when she gets up, she gets flattened with a Spear and Kamille retains. Very impressive match and Kamille looked exhausted after the match.

10 Woman Women’s Invitational

Should be noted the only way to eliminate people is Pinfall or Submission.

Chelsea Green and Kiera Hogan start off the Battle Royale style match for number 1 contender for the Kamille’s title. First 30 seconds or so is just both women locked in a collar & elbow tie up, even dropping down with the gator roll as they stay connected. Bianca Carelli is the third entrant, which yes, is Santino Marella’s daughter.

After Carelli hit with a few okay Judo/power moves, we get one of the worst roll up situations I’ve ever seen. Like it was just messy, awful, and lost. Thunder Kitty is next, whose gimmick is apparently that she’s a 100 year old wrestler. Jennacide is next, with Taryn escorting her down. Bianca is the first eliminated by Jennacide, and that’s probably for the best. Bianca is attractive, but she’s greener than goose shit. Lady Frost is sixth. Jennacide eliminates the century old wrestler. Frost decides to not go into the ring, and the camera work decides to shit the bed. There is too much time focused on Frost and not the ring action. Whoever is in control of which camera to go to, sucks. Kiera and Chelsea smartly start to team up on Jennacide. Debbie Malenko is…wait…fu-what? Debbie Malenko?! Jamie Senegal is next up!

The good thing Malenko brought, beyond legitimacy and experience…she got Lady Frost in the ring! Frost hits a beautiful Yang Time, and then Debbie Malenko locks in the STF to get Frost to tap. Malenko puts Chelsea in the Surfboard, but Kiera Hogan pins Debbie while she’s in mid move to eliminate Malenko. Masha Slamovich is next to last. Slamovich hits the Spinning Heel Kick, Chelsea hits a Curb Stomp and Jamie Senegal with a Back Handspring Shining Wizard takes out Jennacide.

Tootie Lynn is the last entry. Masha eliminates Jamie. Another Tower of Doom, which has Slamovich float through on Kiera and eliminates Kiera ( Boo, Boo Wendy, Boo Wendy Testaburger). Tootie counters Masha’s Powerbomb with a Hurricanrana and Slamovich is eliminated! Home town hero versus one of the favorites. Chelsea wins after an Unprettier!


Overall Score: 7.75/10

Chelsea Green has a good chance at taking advantage of the weakened Kamille, so that makes the NWA 73 card a little more interesting. As for the show, aside from the God awful mess that was the first match, the rest of the show was a really good night of wrestling. Different styles of matches, a lot of classic wrestling, fun moments with women that wrestling fans know and it wasn’t over burdened with outside talent going over.

Marti Belle got to fulfill her promo dream of being the first OFFICIALLY recognized Dominican champion, Melina put on a hell of a match against one of the best wrestlers out there today and Kamille showed vulnerability in a David and Goliath style match that went from paint by numbers to really awesome at just the right point. Also being the long time TNArmy member that I am, Taryn with her new makeshift Dollhouse against Gail was nice, and then Awesome Kong showing up made it better. Hopefully Kong still has a little left in the gas tank, because she got one of the biggest pops all night.

The only real awful parts were the first match and the first like…60% of the Invitational, but the last bit definitely over performed. I went in with tempered expectations and I came out thoroughly entertained. Damn good job Mickie James, Jazz, MadUSA and Gail Kim.

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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