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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (8/10/21)

Will NXT plunge back into chaos?



NXT Coverage 2021

William Regal presides over the Cole-O’Reilly face to face!

Before the 36th TakeOver event in NXT history, before everything comes to blows, William Regal will TRY to keep the peace between the volatile and violent Adam Cole and Kyle O’Reilly!


  • Dakota Kai VS Sarray; Kai wins.
  • LA Knight w/ Cameron Grimes VS Andre Chase; Knight wins.
  • Gigi Dolin w/ Jacy Jayne VS Amari Miller; Dolin wins.
  • NXT Breakout Tournament Semifinal: Odyssey Jones VS Trey Baxter; wins and advances to the finals.
  • Boa w/ Tian Sha VS Drake Maverick; Boa wins.
  • Ilja Dragunov VS Pete Dunne; Dunne wins.


Ember Moon is NOT medically cleared!

She wanted her revenge on Dakota Kai, but the medics couldn’t allow her to compete. So taking her place against Kai is…

Dakota Kai VS Sarray!

But before the match, #CapKota calls out Raquel Gonzalez! “I hope you’re watching, Mami. Because I’m about to defeat the undefeated Sarray and prove that I am no one’s sidekick. Cuz you’re looking at the next NXT Women’s Champion!” Will Cobra Kai sink her fangs into her substitute opponent? Or will she burned by the Warrior of the Sun all the same?

The bell rings and the two circle. Sarray offers a handshake but Dakota slaps it away! Fans boo but Dakota doesn’t care as she and Sarray circle. They tie up, Dakota gets an arm and wrenches to a wristlock, Sarray fights the hold, wrenches back, then wristlocks. Dakota slips through to wrench and wristlock back, but Sarray rolls, kips up and wrenches! Dakota moves around but Sarray wrangles her to the mat. Sarray hammerlocks, Dakota fights up and throws Sarray down! Dakota slaps Sarray around but that only angers Sarray! Dakota whips Sarray to a corner, Sarray goes up and over and elbows! Sarray stomps Dakota and fans fire up!

Dakota turns things around to throw forearms in return! Dakota whips Sarray to ropes, Sarray reverses and springboards to arm-drag! Sarray kips up, fires up, and kicks Dakota! Sarray reels Dakota in to scoop, carry around, and SLAM her down! Sarray gets the legs, ties them up and drops down as fans fire up again! Sarray bridges back for a MUTA LOCK! Dakota endures, and pulls Sarray’s hair! Dakota drags Sarray down and out of the hold to AX KICK her on the back! Sarray gets to ropes but Dakota gets her up. Dakota bumps Sarray off buckles, digs her boot into the throat, but stops as the ref counts 4. Dakota drags Sarray to a cover, TWO!

Dakota is annoyed but she wants the fans to respect her, their future champion! Dakota clubs Sarray, drags her up but Sarray throws body shots. Dakota CLUBS Sarray down, uses one foot for a cover, ONE! Sarray kicks back but Dakota hammers her at the ropes. Dakota bends Sarray back against the ropes but the ref counts. Dakota lets off, fans chant, “YOU SUCK! WOOP WOOP!” but Dakota drags Sarray up to snapmare and KICK her! Cover, TWO! Dakota snap suplexes Sarray to a cover, but Sarray goes Matrix, only for Dakota to throw her by hair! Cover, another Matrix bridge and Sarray elbows Dakota away. Sarray runs, rolling takedown, ONE! TO THE MUTA LOCK!!

Dakota reaches as Sarray focuses on the legs! Dakota grits her teeth, claws her way around, and gets the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Sarray lets go at 3 and stomps Dakota down! Sarray kicks Dakota to a corner, then stands on Dakota at the ropes! Sarray uses ropes to go up and DOUBLE STOMP! Cover, TWO! Dakota crawls away, Sarray is after her and gets Dakota up, FISHERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! Sarray keeps the fire going while NXT goes picture in picture!

Sarray goes to a corner and climbs up top. Dakota stands, Sarray jumps and missile dropkicks her down! Cover, TWO! Sarray stays fired up as Dakota flounders around. Sarray rallies the fans then dares Dakota to stand. Dakota is in the corner, Sarray runs in and Dakota drop toeholds her into buckles! Dakota stomps away on Sarray then drags her up. Dakota whips Sarray to ropes, Sarray holds those ropes, but Dakota slides and trips Sarray to spin and BOOT her! Dakota then gets in to cover, TWO! Dakota grows frustrated and she takes it out on Sarray’s back. Dakota bends Sarray then SLAMS her head down, and repeat! Cover, TWO as Sarray bridges!

Dakota clubs Sarray to ropes, then drags her up. Dakota chokes Sarray on the ropes! The ref counts, Dakota stops at 4, and she clubs Sarray down again. Sarray gets to a corner, Dakota stands on her in return for earlier, but still lets off at 4. Sarray gets up and throws body shots and kicks, but Dakota ROCKS Sarray with a forearm! Dakota snapmares, covers, TWO! Dakota wraps on a chinlock and squeezes tight. Sarray endures as Dakota makes it a straitjacket stretch and thrashes her about. Sarray fights up, then JAWBREAKERs free! And dropkicks Dakota down! Both women are down and fans fire up!

NXT returns to single picture as Sarray throws forearm after forearm! Dakota stays up but Sarray gets around to GERMAN SUPLEX! Sarray aims from a corner, runs in, wheelbarrow takedown to a cover, TWO! DUBLE STOMPS! Fans fire up more as Sarray paces. Sarray gets Dakota up, waistlocks again, but Dakota resists the lift! Dakota throws elbows, gets free and runs, but Sarray dodges to shove and waistlock, GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!! Dakota escapes but Sarray is firing up! Sarray gets Dakota up, half nelson but Dakota blocks the rest. Dakota elbows Sarray then whips her to a corner. Dakota goes side to side, BOOT WASH! Dakota drags Sarray to a cover, TWO!!

Fans rally harder for “NXT! NXT!” but Dakota drags Sarray up. She taunts Sarray but Sarray throws forearms. Dakota forearms back so Sarray hits again. The forearms fly faster and faster, turn into haymakers, and fans fire up as Sarray ROCKS Dakota! Dakota wobbles but SCORPION KICKS! Sarray flounders against ropes, Dakota runs but into a DROPKICK! Speaking of, Dakota is on the ropes and Sarray fires up! Sarray runs, SUNLIGHT DROPKICK!! But she’s not done with one, she goes again! Dakota gets out of the way to AX KICK Sarray down!! Both women are down, fans are thunderous, and Raquel Gonzalez has arrived outside!!

Fans are fired up as Sarray rolls Dakota, TWO! Dakota stands but into a wheelbarrow and victory roll! Dakota shoves Sarray away but Sarray rebounds to jackknife! TWO, and both women fire up! Sarray HEEL KICKS Dakota, then HEEL KICKS her again! But Dakota follows Sarray Around the World to BOOT her down!! Cover, Dakota wins!!!

Winner: Dakota Kai, by pinfall

In the blink of an eye, Sarray loses her first NXT match, and it IS to Dakota Kai! But she isn’t done with the Warrior of the Sun! Dakota runs but HERE’S RAQUEL! Dakota runs the other way now! Raquel can’t catch her so she gets a mic to call her out! “DAKOTA KAI! You will never beat Raquel Gonzalez, and you will never have this! If you wanted a chance, all you had to do was ask. Well, chiquita, at NXT TakeOver, you’ll get your opportunity. But at TakeOver, I am going to tear. You. APART!” Former friends turned bitter enemies, will Team Kick’s captain be CRUSHED by Big Mami Cool?


Indi Hartwell prepares for her date!

And both Johnny and Candice can’t stand it. Candice says, “We have done everything for these kids. We bought this house so they could each have their own bedrooms.” But Johnny says they can’t have Indi running away like Austin Theory did. He’s out there, half-naked in the wilderness somewhere, they can’t have this happen. Indi loves Dexter, they’re dating now, Johnny and Candice have to make this work. Ding dong. Dexter’s arrived. Gargano gets the door and the two stare down. Johnny “invites” Lumis in, and Lumis enters.

Indi finishes up her make-up and Candice says everything looks great. But, and Candice doesn’t want to ask, but does she have any- Indi tells Candice to stop worrying. As a former NXT Women’s Tag Team Champion, she’s so strong she doesn’t need protection! That’s not… Sigh.

Meanwhile, Johnny and Lumis are staring down more in the living room, and Johnny asks what Lumis’ intentions are with #IndiWrestling. Not talking, huh? Well then Johnny will Lumis what’s happening tonight: Lumis will take Indi to a nice restaurant, show her a great time, and then bring her up by 10 PM. “And no funny business, okay?!” Indi walks into the room and sees the bouquet of darkened roses Lumis brought. They’re of course for her and she asks what they’re doing. Oh, wait, is it a surprise? Indi loves surprises! She takes him by the hand and they leave. Johnny and Candice reluctantly say, “Have a great time!” but then grumble behind the door.

Johnny tells Candice not to worry, he already has Indi’s phone GPS-tracked! They hurry off to their car so they can follow #InDex! But is there no way they can stop this romance now that it’s rolling?


Hit Row speaks.

An angry Ashante Thee Adonis says, “This all started when Legado started talking real spicy!” B-Fab says they tried to let this go, but then Legado went and jumped Top Dolla and Swerve! Dolla says it’s cuz Legado knows damn well, if they puled up face to face, their teeth would become chiclets. The second Escobar put his hands inside Swerve’s mouth to snatch his grill, he not only disrespected Swerve, he disrespected Hit Row and their culture. Swerve has the luchador mask Escobar used to cheat him once! Here’s Swerve “respecting” Escobar’s culture now. He puts it in the fire! Will this pale in comparison to the fireworks that pop off when Swerve and Escobar meet in a match?


Ilja Dragunov is here!

Just 12 days ahead of TakeOver 36 and his rematch for the NXT UK Championship, the Moscow Madman is here in the CWC to speak! “I’m not a man of big words. Simply because where I come from, and on the path I have been going, words didn’t mean anything. But pain has meant something. The struggle has meant something. The sheer, blind belief in fighting spirit has meant something!” So his strength is not in his mouth, but in his fists! So with his fists and everything else that he is, he will make the “unthinkable” happen.

Dragunov vows that on August 22nd, TakeOver 36, “you will witness chaos! You will witness rage! History will be made, and an unbeatable kingdom WILL fall!” Dragunov will do that by ending Walter’s reign and becoming the NEW NXT UK Champion! However, a former NXT UK Champion arrives! Pete Dunne slowly makes his way into the ring and gets himself a mic in the process. “Beofre you get ahead of yourself, you owe me a big ‘thank you.’ Because without me traveling the world with the UK Championship, putting NXT UK on the map, and carrying the entire continent of Europe on my back,” Dragunov doesn’t get his match, doesn’t get to TakeOver, and damn sure doesn’t get to stand in front of the Baddest Man in NXT.

For that matter, Dragunov should count himself lucky. If Dunne had stayed in the UK, he would’ve put Dragunov in his place a long time ago. Dragunov tells Dunne that speaking of big words, Dunne has a lot of them. Dragunov is not here because of Dunne or anyone else. He is here because he did nothing else than giving everything he has and carried his so-often destroyed body straight to the top! Dragunov will make the impossible possible when he beats Walter, not something Dunne can change, nor something he ever did! But that’s in two weeks. How about Dunne shows Dragunov that his words are as strong as his will? Dragunov wants to fight tonight!

Dunne says Dragunov must be as mental as he looks. After tonight, Dragunov won’t even make it to TakeOver! In other words, Dragunov’s challenge has been accepted! Will the Bruiserweight break Dragunov’s spirit or just his body?


Backstage interview with LA Knight and Cameron Grimes.

McKenzie brings up Knight ditching Grimes last week, and Knight says she can’t be serious. “Let me talk to ya. First, put some respect on his name. He is The Butler, okay? And if anybody left anybody hanging, he left me hanging.” Grimes lost, Knight kept saving him, over and over. The people were going nuts for “L A KNIGHT!” It was a madhouse! Knight gave Grimes a chance to make up for the golf course, but then he failed because Grimes is a failure! But Ted DeBiase- Don’t worry about him, Ted’s filling Grimes’ head with delusions. Just like every millennial when they were told, “You’re special~!” NO NO! Ain’t nothing special about The Butler Grimes. Grimes was always meant to be a butler.

But Grimes will find out how to win, because there is only one Million Dollar Megastar, one man who runs this! Whose game is it? Whose game is it, Grimes? It’s L A Knight’s game… That’s right, dummy! Now put the title on his shoulder. Grimes does as told, and he follows Knight out of the locker room. How much more can Grimes put up with?


LA Knight w/ Cameron Grimes VS Andre Chase!

NXT returns and Knight’s opponent is the former (and self-proclaimed) Number One Seed in the Breakout Tournament. Will Knight be teaching everyone a lesson in winning tonight?

The bell rings and the two tie up. Chase gets around to waistlock but Knight throws an elbow. Knight headlocks, Chase powers out but Knight runs him over. Things speed up and Chase hip tosses Knight down! Chase arm-drags Knight, only for Knight to yank him into ropes! Knight kicks and hits the BFT! Knight covers, Knight wins!

Winner: LA Knight, by pinfall

Knight did make quick work of Chase thanks to #BluntForceTrauma, but now he wants Grimes to attend to him. Grimes wipes Knight’s sweat off his brow, but now Knight wants Grimes to shine his shoes! Grimes crouches down, but here comes Ted DeBiase! Grimes is ashamed and Knight is shocked as the Million Dollar Man walks out. DeBiase blows right past Knight to get a mic. “This has gone too far. Cameron, I know you’re a man of your word. But… But I have a lot more for you. You could be doing a lot of other things.” Knight insists Grimes is destined to be a butler, but everyone tells him to shut up.

DeBiase says the one thing Grimes shouldn’t ever be is a butler. He believes in Grimes, and the people believe in Grimes! The fans chant “TO THE MOON!” and Grimes nods. Knight asks DeBiase what he wants, then insists he should go to the back, then says DeBiase better have something important to say or get punched in the mouth again! Fans boo and DeBiase glares at Knight. Grimes keeps the peace, and DeBiase tells Knight, “You need to shut your mouth.” And Grimes, you can be whatever you want to be. Just follow your heart. Be what you want to be, Grimes. And you want to be a champion, right? DeBiase thinks that if Knight puts the title up one more time-

Knight interrupts with “NO NO NO!” He’s won twice, there’s no third! Feed Grimes all the false hope you want, here’s the reality. Grimes can’t win, it’s scientifically proven. But at TakeOver 36, Knight has a deal. Grimes is Knight’s butler. But at TakeOver, they can have another match, but third time ain’t always a charm! And if Grimes somehow wins by the grace of God, then Grimes can have the title! But the bottom-line is, WHEN Knight wins for a third time, Grimes won’t be Knight’s butler, DEBIASE will be! Grimes doesn’t want DeBiase to accept this but DeBiase says he’s a gambling man. His money’s on Grimes, and he’s got a LOT of money! Challenge accepted!

The highest of stakes for the Million Dollar Man, but what else for the most lavish prize possible? Can Grimes win his freedom while securing DeBiase’s? Or will Knight be gloating all the way to the bank?


Gigi Dolin arranges flowers.

Or rather, starts cutting the flowers off their stems… “We are people that are just surviving. You come home every night, driving yourself insane like I do, because you’re never satisfied. Io Shirai, Ember Moon, Raquel Gonzalez, Dakota Kai, unlike you, this isn’t just our job, this isn’t a 9-to-5, this is everything to us. And it’s not just about surviving. It’s about taking notice and running through every top woman in this business. And I’m not doing it alone.” If Gigi isn’t alone, who else is fighting to do more than survive?


Gigi Dolin w/ Jacy Jayne VS Amari Miller!

Aha! So it’s Jacy who Gigi was referring to. They were both seen talking with Mandy Rose backstage, is this somehow related to that conversation?

The bell rings and Gigi circles with Amari. They tie up, Gigi gets an arm then throws Amari by her hair. Amari scrambles away and Gigi grins. They tie up, Amari gets around, waistlocks, hammerlocks, but Gig switches, spins and wrenches Amari to a hammerlock and snapmare! Gigi then pie faces Amari and laughs. Jacy cheers Gigi on as she and Amari go again. Amari waistlocks, Gigi elbows out hard, then Gigi runs, but into a forearm! Amari back elbows, whips and reels Gigi in for a NECKBREAKER! Cover, ONE! Amari scrambles after but GIgi gets away. Gigi is on the apron, she throws Amari down then YANKS the arm against the apron!

Gigi gets in, drags her by a leg, but Amari holds ropes. Gigi stomps Amari’s hand, gets her up but Amari throws shots. Gigi ROCKS Amari back, whips her to ropes and ROCKS her again! Gigi whips Amari again to ROCK her again, then back around for a wrench and cobra twist! SPINNING COBRA TWIST POWERSLAM?! Cover, Gigi wins!

Winner: Gigi Dolin, by pinfall

Gigi said she’s not like the rest, and that was definitely not like anything anyone has ever seen! Will Gigi have any more surprises for the NXT Women’s Division?


NXT catches up with #InDex on their date.

They’re at Fresco Cucina Italiana and are ready to order. Indi says they will have the calamari, the mussels, the stuffed mushrooms, the chicken fingers and a large salad. After all, Lumis doesn’t (can’t?) talk. But Indi just loves chicken fingers! She’s so glad they ordered those, that’s like a classic thing, right? “All Heart to Poison Pixie. Do you have eyes on Index?” Wait, who? Did Lumis hear that? “I repeat, do you have eyes on Index? Over.” Indi looks around, but Lumis doesn’t seem to notice. Or is it he doesn’t mind? Indi storms over to a propped-up menu and snatches it away. It’s Candice! “Hey…! Wow, of all the rest-”

Johnny asks Candice on their walkie-talkies if she sees Index. Indi tells Johnny to lave her and Lumis alone, they’re on a date. Candice? No, it’s Indi! Over and OUT. Candice says they’re made, abort the plan! Indi goes back to Lumis, they hold hands, and does even Lumis smile? Is this the beginning of a true American love story?


William Regal, and extra security, stands by in the ring.

“In 12 days, at TakeOver 36, it will be Adam Cole VS Kyle O’Reilly III, the Undisputed Finale!” He now asks both men to join him in the ring. First out is Adam Cole, saying he IS the black ‘n’ gold brand, “always have been, always will.” Cole of course gets in his “BOOM!” and “ADAM COLE, BAYBAY!” before Kyle makes his entrance. Regal continues to speak, laying down the rules of the match: It will be two out of three falls, and each man chooses a stipulation for a fall apiece; if there needs to be a third fall, Regal chooses that stipulation. Regal lets Kyle go first. Kyle says the only reason he isn’t ripping Cole’s head off is because he has respect for Mr. Regal.

But Kyle has been thinking of some crazy stipulations and all the tools he could use to abuse Cole. But that loss at Great American Bash doesn’t sit well with Kyle. So for Kyle’s stipulation, it will be a straight-up singles match with pinfall or submission. Cole almost laughs at Kyle but Kyle says Cole is such a narcissist, losing that standard match will shatter Cole’s ego worse than a chair ever could. Cole says Kyle is so predictable. Of course Kyle goes with this, Kyle is delusional! Kyle continues to live in a world where he sees himself as the better competitor, when for 13 YEARS, Cole has proven time and again that he is better than Kyle at this job in every way!

And speaking of The Bash, Cole won 1v1, fair and square. But Kyle is continuing on the “win” at Stand & Deliver. Kyle knows the one, it was where Cole had him beat but the ref was down. And it was the one that doesn’t even count on their records because it was unsanctioned! Then a few weeks ago, Kyle decides to SMASH Cole’s head into steel steps, making it crystal clear what Kyle really wants. And unfortunately for Kyle, Cole wants that, too! The second fall needs to be a Street Fight! And Cole tells everyone not to even worry about Regal’s stipulation, because it ain’t going to the third! Cole will win in a 2-0 sweep, and will win the Cole VS O’Reilly saga!

Kyle asks Cole if he even understands why Kyle did that. It’s because Cole taught Kyle that. As far as Kyle’s concerned, Cole was asking for it by sharpening the blade and handing it to Kyle. Kyle knows what being human garbage has done for Cole. Kyle may be naïve to think he can be a nice, upstanding citizen while still achieving his goals, “but ain’t that just a kick in the nuts?” Kyle has his priorities straightened. He is literally willing to do anything to put Cole down for good. Kyle doesn’t care. And now that he doesn’t care, he’s the most dangerous man Cole’s ever faced.

Wow, does Kyle hear himself? How much of a MORON can he be? Of course Cole taught Kyle! He’s taught Kyle for 13 YEARS, and for 13 YEARS, Kyle has tried to follow in Cole’s footsteps! For 13 YEARS, Kyle has tried to live up to Cole’s standard, and for 13 YEARS, Kyle has ridden Cole’s coattails. Because whether Kyle wants to admit it or not, but Cole has said it over and over, “You will NEVER be Adam Cole!” Cole is the GREATEST NXT superstar of all time! No one can touch him! No one ever has, no one ever will! Kyle is just a footnote in Cole’s career! So how about Cole teaches Kyle something else, right here and now?

Cole tells Kyle that his biggest problem is that he doesn’t have a killer instinct. Kyle is soft. #CoolKyle is pathetic. Oh he’s taking his jacket off now? Big tough guy wants to hit him? He won’t because Kyle is nothing, and means nothing to Cole! They shove then brawl and security rushes in! Regal knew this would happen, so he’s already naming the third fall here! It will be… IN A STEEL CAGE!! The three stages of Hell have been set, but will either of these two survive them?!


Tommaso Ciampa & Timothy Thatcher speak.

Old Man Ciampa says that Pete Dunne and Oney Lorcan want us to fear them as the baddest men in all of NXT. But a couple weeks ago, they could’ve proven just that against him and #ToothlessTimmy. But instead, they needed help. They needed a third man. Enter Ridge Holland: young, big, blue chipper. The industry chooses people like Ridge Holland, and Pete Dunne chose Ridge Holland, too. Ciampa gets that, he does. But here is what Ridge is not: He is NOT Thatcher, he is NOT Ciampa. These are two men who have traveled the world perfecting their craft, sacrificing, passionate, because THEY chose this industry, and continue to choose it.

Hell, let’s get real! Thatcher & Ciampa DEFINE everything that is GOOD, that is JUST, that is PURE about this industry! But Ridge wants to enter this world and make a name for himself? Hell, let’s party! Ridge Holland VS Tommaso- Thatcher puts a hand on Ciampa’s shoulder and says, “Please, sir, with all due respect, Ridge Holland VS Timothy Thatcher.” Alright. Class is in session! What painful lesson will the Northern Grit learn from Professor Thatcher?


Imperium speaks.

“We are here to protect the purity of our sport! By any means necessary-” Wait, MSK interrupt! Payback from last time as they even pretend to be Imperium. “What is wrong with our division?” “Interrupting opponents to have a message said.” “Rude!” “Childish!” They can’t hold in their laughter any longer, and throw off the “ImperiuMSK” jackets. That’s more like it! But Imperium, all that stuff you’re spewing about MSK’s reign being meaningless is crazy! Don’t they understand that MSK is the IV drip in this division, bringing it to life?

So if they want to be next in line for a title opportunity, if they want this work, if they want to risk it, if they want this two-piece side o’ the biscuit…!! Just let them know. They’re fighting champions. MSK All Night and All Day. With the challenge thrown out, will Barthel and Aichner choose to respond with action?


NXT Breakout Tournament Semifinal: Odyssey Jones VS Trey Baxter!

It’s been quite the journey, but there’s just one more step before the finals! Will Odyssey’s epic continue? Or will #AllHeart be enough to see him through to the other side?

The bell rings and the two circle. They approach, Baxter gets around but Jones breaks the waistlock to throw Baxter down. Baxter grins as he sits up and Jones likes the fighting spirit. They circle but as fast as Baxter is, Jones is big and has him cornered. Back suplex but Baxter lands on his feet! Baxter tries a schoolboy but Jones stays up! Baxter shifts but the sunset flip doesn’t work any better. Jones brings Baxter up with both hands, throws him but Baxter rolls! Fans fire up as both guys enjoy this. Baxter says toro toro, but Jones says that’s child’s play! Jones eggs Baxter on so Baxter runs and forearms! Jones stays up, Baxter fires off and throws fast hands!

Baxter goes to run but Jones reels him in and back suplex TOSSES him! Fans fire up with that showing of strength, and Jones storms in at the corner. Baxter slips out and ROUNDHOUSES Jones back, then springboards, but into Jones’ hands! Jones TOSSES Baxter across the ring and fires up! Fans rally for “OD-Y-SSEY!” as he gets Baxter up. Jones gut wrenches with one arm, but Baxter sips out to a sleeper hold! Jones stays up, throws Baxter off hard, then drags Baxter up. Baxter ENZIGURIS, but Jones stays up! Baxter ENZIGURIS again and is free. Jones storms in, gets caught in the ropes, tiger feint to the leg!

Jones staggers, Baxter springboards in and dropkicks a leg out! BASEMENT DDT! HEEL KICK BUZZSAW! Cover, TWO!! Baxter keeps moving while Jones is still down, leaps but Jones dodges! Jones SPLASHES Baxter in a corner, then swinging URENAGES! Cover, Jones wins!

Winner: Odyssey Jones, by pinfall (advances to the Breakout Tournament finals)

Baxter’s heart was all in, but his body just wasn’t big or strong enough! Jones’ odyssey continues, will he be THE Breakout superstar?

Samantha Irvin interviews Jones at ringside, congratulating him on officially making it to the 2021 Breakout Tournament. How does he feel? “Well first thing’s first, WHAT UP, NXT UNIVERSE?!” And they have no idea how excited he is to be going to the finals and finally have his breakout moment. “Look, Mama! I made it!” After waiting a whole year in the back, will Jones finally be a star?


Tian Sha speaks.

Boa says, “Disobedience will NOT be tolerated.” Mei Ying blows her dragonbreath! Who will be next to burn at the hands of Tian Sha?


NXT returns, outside Mr. Regal’s office.

McKenzie Mitchell says Mr. Regal has big news towards next week’s episode, and then Kushida walks out through Regal’s door. Malcolm Bivens is telling Regal that he will not regret this decision. Bivens also seems to be scouting as he looks at the two towering security guards. He hands them his Diamond Mine cards, and tells McKenzie that now Regal has news for her. Bivens leaves, Regal walks out, and he thanks McKenzie for being here. He just finished signing the papers, and next week will be huge.

First, MSK VS Imperium for the NXT Tag Team Championships! Second, after Bivens’ “convincing” argument and Kushida saying he wants a challenger, it will be Kushida VS Roderick Strong for the NXT Cruiserweight Champion! That IS big news! Will much of NXT’s golden landscape change this close to TakeOver?


NXT shares Mandy Rose’s tweet.

“Congratulations Gigi Dolin on your victory! It sure seems like the advice is already paying off.” There’s even a winking emoji, and an @ to get Jacy Jayne in on the tweet. What is the Golden Goddess working on in the background of the black ‘n’ gold?


Boa w/ Tian Sha VS Drake Maverick!

Xia Li may have failed to dethrone Raquel Gonzalez, but there are more titles for Tian Sha to take in NXT. Will Boa begin his own journey to the top of the men’s division? Or can Rockstar Spud halt his progress before it begins?

The bell rings, Maverick rushes in but into kicks! Boa BOOTS Maverick down then dares him to come back. Maverick dodges his boot, kicks the other leg, then keeps kicking! Boa THROAT CHOPS! Maverick sputters and scrambles away but Boa runs in. Maverick BOOTS Boa, CHOP BLOCKS him, then runs. Boa STRAIGHT PALM STRIKES Maverick in the chest! Boa snarls and stalks Maverick. Fans rally for Maverick but Boa stomps Maverick’s hand! Boa wrenches Maverick, knuckle locks and wrenches! Boa has Maverick on his knees and he KICKS Maverick down! Boa wrenches, knuckle locks, KICKS him more, and is toying with Maverick.

Boa wrenches, lifts Maverick with one arm, then SLAMS him down! Boa stands on the arm, digs his heel in, but Maverick pushes him away. Boa drags Maverick up, lifts him again, but Maverick hops onto his shoulders! Maverick spins and RANAS Boa to a corner! Maverick runs to dropkick Boa’s legs out, then keeps going! Fake out and redirect to another dropkick! Boa bails out, Maverick goes to a corner and climbs up, to SUPER SENTON!! Direct hit and both men are down! Fans fire up as both men writhe! Boa drags himself into the ring while Maverick shakes out his arms. Maverick drags Boa back out at 5 of 10 and SLAMS the leg on the apron!

Boa clutches his leg and the ref checks him. Maverick turns around, and GETS SMOKE IN THE EYES! Mei Ying appeared ringside and now blinds Maverick with her dragonbreath! Maverick flounders into the ring, into a ROUNDHOUSE!! Boa covers, Boa wins!

Winner: Boa, by pinfall

Boa redeems himself for past failures, with help from Tian Sha’s fearsome leader. Will he now be the face of their conquest?


NXT checks back in with #InDex.

Indi says Lumis is too funny! Indi feels like she could talk to Lumis all night! How was the food? She’s stuffed, but always has room for dessert. Oh, he’s got a little something. She gets it with her napkin. Here’s a cake for the two lovebirds~! Wait, that voice…? And then the waiter asks her, in a very NOT Italian accent, “You such a beautiful young lady! Why’a you date crazy man?” Johnny! Y-You mean Jonbo! Yes, he is Jonbo the wa- STOP! No, he show you- She snatches the toupee and the mustache. Well, fine! But Lumis better be paying for dinner! And y’know what? No cake for you! This is Johnny’s cake now! Indi says that’s their cake, they really did order one!

The two tug-o-war over the cake, and of course it goes FLYING into Lumi’s face! Lumis glares at Johnny through frosting and Johnny says, “See you at home!” Johnny runs away and Indi says she always has room for dessert. She wipes a piece off his face and eats it up. Then she leans in, as does Lumis, and Indi covers up the camera so we don’t see the kiss!


NXT looks closer at the coming war: Kross VS Joe.

The NXT Champion says, “Good evening. I have had a lot to say for a very, very long time. There are certain people who would’ve never stepped into a ring with me if they knew what my true intentions were. Everything needed to fall into the right place, at the right time. And that time and place… is now.” Kross wont’ deny that he enjoys hurting people. But someone needed to cause this suffering and chaos. And that someone was him. Regal started to doubt himself because of Kross, until SAMOA JOE returned to NXT! Joe speaks now, “Many people asked me, ‘After the injury, why’re you coming back?'”

To Joe, he isn’t returning. “‘Coming back’ is reserved for people who think they’re gone.” For Joe, it was about rebuilding. Kross says Joe is acting like Superman, here to save the day. Joe got to be enforcer, slapping around those who have big mouths. And none bigger than Kross while he’s been NXT Champion. Kross doesn’t bye that “crap.” Does anyone know the real Samoa Joe? He’s really just like Kross. Joe likes to hurt people, and nothing is wrong with that. #UnlessProvoked happened pretty quick. Comparing Kross and Joe is like saying a housefire is a hurricane. Both are dangerous, but one is just that much more.

Kross says, “Sure. But I resent the fact that he’s here pretending like he wants to change things. Samoa Joe just wants to control things.” Kross knew what Joe was all about from the first time they locked eyes: “He’s just another opportunist.” Joe is getting what he wanted, though: a second chance. Joe says it’s not even about the title. “I’m there to f*** him up.” Kross VS Joe, TakeOver 36. They each vow to put the other down, “by any means necessary.” When Joe goes out, so will the past of NXT. Because in the end, everyone pays the toll. Tick-tock. Neither man is going to back down, but they will meet face to face in next week’s go-home episode!


Ilja Dragunov VS Pete Dunne!

The Moscow Madman isn’t just ready for this, he was born for this! Will #UNBESIEGBAR show that even the Bruiserweight DOES NOT know violence like he knows violence? Or will Dunne break Dragunov like he does fingers: in a snap?

The bell rings and the CWC are thunderous already as these two tie up! They go around, Dunne uses a chinbar to wrangle Dragunov, then he cranks the arm. Dragunov rolls, gets up, but Dunne wrangles him again. Dunne has a grounded cording hold, Dragunov rolls through and gets up to roll, fireman’s carry takeover, then cover. ONE, Dragunov has an arm and wrenches it on the mat. The two fight up, Dunne hooks a leg to resists the snapmare, then he bends fingers! Dragunov endures, Dunne shifts to a toehold and then shoot the half. ONE, and the two stand off. Fans keep rallying as the two circle again.

Dunne and Dragunov approach, Dragunov gets a leg and trips Dunne. Dragunov digs his knee into an arm, then traps the other. Dunne headbutts from below, pulls on both ears and then drop toeholds. Dunne ties up the legs, stands on them, then drops back to pull on the deathlock! Dunne gives toying jabs then shifts to a headlock. Dragunov fights up, throws Dunne with a takeover, then shifts to grind the headlock. Fans cheer, Dunne gives quick hammer fists, but then fights up to power out. Things speed up, Dunne leaps and KNEES Dragunov down! Then he KICKS Dragunov in the back! And then another! Dragunov gets mad but Dunne SLAPS him down!

Dunne kicks Dragunov, drags him up, wrenches the arm but Dragunov breaks free. Dune ducks one but not the LEFT LARIAT! Dragunov waistlocks and drags Dunne up, GERMAN SUPLEX! Dunne lands on his feet and Dragunov actually likes that! Dunne rushes in, Dragunov goes Matrix! Then he PELES Dunne to a corner! Dragunov runs in to KNEE Dunne at the corner, then HALF HATCH SUPLEXES! Dragunov goes up the corner, leaps, and KNEE DROPS Dunne in the chest! Cover, TWO! Dunne is still in this but Dragunov knows he’s tough. Dragunov goes up the corner, Dunne rushes up top to get him, and has a wristlock!

Dragunov throws body shots, then CHOPS! Dunne falls back, Dragunov leaps, but into a BIG forearm!! Dragunov flounders out of the ring as NXT goes picture in picture.

Dunne smirks and shrugs while a ring count starts. Dunne goes out to fetch Dragunov, drag him up and around the way, and wrenches the hand and arm to hammerlock against the steps! Dunne STOMPS the arm, then jumps to DOUBLE STOMP Dragunov’s chest! Dunne leaves Dragunov behind with the count getting higher, but Dragunov gets in at 9! Dunne stomps, Dragunov kicks, so Dunne steps through to a modified deathlock! Dunne adds a bit of a toehold into it, but Dragunov endures and even shouts at Dunne. Dragunov pries at Dunne’s grip but Dunne jumps up to STOMP him down! Dunne goes after an arm again, standing on the hand.

Dunne drops knees right on the shoulder! And then bends the arm back, trapping it in his legs, then digs a knee into the shoulder. Dunne stands up to drop more knees! Dunne reaches over Dragunov to get his other arm, and he digs his elbow into Dragunov’s ribs! He even pulls Dragunov’s nose and ear before standing up to STOMP the other arm! Dragunov writhes but he can’t clutch either arm! Dunne sits Dragunov up and punches him right in the forehead! Dunne gets Dragunov up, wrenches an arm and grinds Dragunov down towards the mat. NXT returns to single picture as fans rally up. Dunne digs in knuckles wherever he can, but Dragunov manages a scorpion kick!

Dunne is more annoyed than hurt, so he TWISTS the arm, and kicks Dragunov down! Dunne gives Dragunov more toying kicks but Dragunov starts to grin. Dragunov eggs Dunne on, Dunne gives more kicks but Dragunov stands up. Dunne boots, Dragunov LARIATS! Dunne stays up to ROCK Dragunov, “THIS IS AWESOME!” as Dragunov LARIATS again! Dunne ROCKS Dragunov, Dragunov LARIATS Dunne, repeat! Dragunov gets the edge and CLOBBERS Dunne! Dragunov swings a big hammer fist but Dunne blocks it! Dunne has the arm between his feet and TWEAKS it! But Dragunov rebounds and LARIATS Dunne again! Dragunov keeps moving, ANOTHER LARIAT!

Dragunov is still going, but Dunne BOOTS him! Dunne shoves Dragunov to ropes, CONSTANTINE SPECIAL! Dragunov came back with the 619 clothesline and fans are thunderous for “NXT! NXT!” as these two rise. Dragunov gets Dunne’s arm, wrenches and knuckle locks to then CHOP and CHOP and CHOP Dunne down! Pump handle, but Dunne gets the arm and wrenches to a double wristlock! Dragunov fights through that to cobra twist and rains down elbow after elbow! Then the Gotch lift EXPLODER! Cover, TWO!! Fans chant for “NXT! NXT!” as Dunne and Dragunov stand again. Dragunov storms over but into a BOOT! Dunne runs in but Dragunov goes Matrix!

But Dunne KICKS an arm out! Dragunov is down, Dunne gets his fingers and bends! But Dragunov slips through and CHOPS Dunne off his feet! BACK SENTON! Waistlock, but Dunne slips through to FUJIWARA! But Dragunov rolls and stands, hooks a leg for a takedown and a rain of elbows! Dunne pulls Dragunov’s hair! And gives Dragunov knees right to the forehead! Dunne shifts over to the FUJIWARA! But Dragunov resists so Dunne floats to the other arm, FUJIWARA! Dragunov rolls, but into a TRIANGLE! He makes it a cover, ONE! Again, ONE! Dragunov shimmies out to drop an elbow, but Dunne knees him in the face at the same time!

Dunne again gets Dragunov into the TRIANGLE HOLD! And it’s on tight! Dragunov doesn’t stop, he DEAD LIFT POWERBOMBS Dunne! High stack cover, TWO!! FOREARM DROP!! Cover, TWO!?! Dunne survives that desperate shot and the fans are electric in the CWC! Both men are down but the fans hope they “FIGHT FOREVER!” because “THIS IS AWESOME!” Dragunov waistlocks, Gotch lifts, but Dunne pulls fingers again! Dragunov slips through to BACK HAND! But with the bad hand! Dunne stops both hands then BUZZSAWS! Whip, Constantine- No! The arm can’t hold Dragunov up! BUZZSAW and FOREARM!

Dunne drags Dragunov up, pump handles, but Dragunov slips through! Gotch lift, but Dunne victory rolls to an ARMBAR! Dragunov bridges to relieve pressure, but Dunne has the arm stuck! Dragunov rolls back?! Waistlock, Gotch lift, SUPLEX!! Bridging cover, TWO!?!? More like 2.7, but that’s still not 3! Dragunov goes to a corner, climbs up top, SUPER SENTON!! It just clips Dunne but Dragunov isn’t stopping here, anyway! Dragunov aims from the corner, “UN! BE! SIEG!” Walter?! The NXT UK Champion finally makes his presence known, just as Dragunov has this in his grasp. Dragunov kicks Dunne out of the ring and dares the Ring General to do this now!

But Dunne gets Dragunov in the pump handle! Dragunov fights the lift, switches and shoves Dunne into ropes, to then JUMP KICK him down! Dragunov resets, TORPEDO MO- FOREARM!! Pump handle, BITTER END!! Cover, Dunne wins!!

Winner: Pete Dunne, by pinfall

That was definitely a bitter end to this match, as the Ring General threw Dragunov off his game. Walter gets in the ring, stares down with Dunne a moment, but then Dunne shrugs and leaves. Walter drags Dragunov back up and SLAPS him down! And then wraps on the SLEEPER! But Dragunov still has life as he arm-drags Walter away! Walter rushes to his feet, and into TORPEDO MOSCOW!! Walter underestimated Dragunov’s fighting spirit here tonight, will he do the same at TakeOver? Will there finally be a NEW NXT UK Champion?

My Thoughts:

Another great episode for NXT, and though TakeOver isn’t for two weeks, this episode felt like the go-home. For one, we got a lot of big matches set up for next week. The NXT Tag Team and NXT Cruiserweight Championships are on the line since TakeOver is bringing in the NXT UK Championship and now the Million Dollar Championship. MSK had a good payback promo on Imperium, and of course Kushida will defend against Strong. It was a clever detail that Bivens gave his card to those really big security guards. On one level, Diamond Mine should have always been recruiting, even after their members were revealed. On another, they need new members because Nick Da Prick Khan decided to throw Tyler Rust away despite him being in the Diamond Mine story.

Knight had a good promo and a fast match, DeBiase returns again and of course helps motivate Grimes into going after the Million Dollar Championship one more time. This has to be the time Grimes wins, and the next phase of NXT can have Grimes as the fun-loving, money-spending, title-defending Million Dollar Caveman headed TO~ THE~ MOON~! Hit Row has a short but strong promo segment. Swerve VS Escobar for the North American title just needs to be declared already since we know that’s happening, and then they can go all out to finally settle this score that goes back to their days fighting over the Cruiserweight title.

We got a great pseudo-Prime-Target for Kross VS Joe, and Kross’ line about NXT’s past being done hits differently when you factor in all the talk and concerns about NXT. I will worry about NXT only when/if those things come to pass. All that aside, Kross VS Joe, Sleeper VS Sleeper is still more exciting than Lashley VS Goldberg, Spear VS Spear. Kross may not be a great in-ring guy, but at least both guys are in their prime, and neither guy is resorting to intimidating a teenager. Jones VS Baxter was a really good match for how quick it went. I already sensed the Breakout Tournament becoming The Big Hoss Tournament, so Jones winning makes sense. Hayes VS Hudson could still go either way, giving us a great tournament finals either way.

It was good to see Boa get himself a win, but I hope this isn’t NXT dumping Xia Li. Yes, her heel kick legitimately knocked people out, but the first time it happened, they should’ve realized how strong her heel kick was. Then they should’ve said, “Let’s book matches where that kick never comes into play again.” At the same time, Xia Li is still recovering from rib injuries suffered during her match with Raquel Gonzalez, but Boa’s promo made me think she was out of Tian Sha completely.

Everything with #InDex and The Way was well done and very funny. I’m still betting on Mixed Tag: InDex VS The Way, and THAT is the make-or-break for both the romcom and The Way as we know it. Johnny acknowledging that Theory’s missing is also a good sign, maybe Theory comes back home after the InDex saga wraps. Ciampa and Thatcher have a good promo, and I do like that Thatcher wants to take on Ridge Holland first. Gigi Dolin had a good promo, but the transition messed up the beginning so I don’t think I got those first few words right. But Jacy Jayne at ringside for Gigi’s match, and Mandy’s tweet right after, confirms another trio is forming.

Dakota VS Sarray was a great match, just as Dakota VS Ember would have been. I almost thought Raquel was going to interfere with the match but her getting there just after Dakota wins was still a good call. Raquel has a strong promo in response, and because Dakota is so devious on top of being skilled, I really feel that match could go either way.

Cole VS Kyle III is apparently following in the footsteps of Cole VS Gargano in that is Two Outta Three Falls, or rather an unofficial Three Stages of Hell. Tonight’s Cole-O’Reilly face-off was good, but it was definitely more because of Cole than Kyle. There was one flaw, though: Cole says Kyle has no killer instinct, but this is after the Unsanctioned match and that chain-wrapped knee drop, and after Kyle gave him the brainbuster to the steps. Cole even brought that up himself, so it just seems like a weaker part of his argument.

But at the same time, Kyle choosing a singles match is a weak move from both him and the booking team. Kyle could have at least spiced it up by saying it’d be a Submission Match. And personally, I was hoping Regal would up things a bit more than a Steel Cage match. Yes, NXT Cage matches are far better than RawDown Cage matches, but there’s still that cliché of “Now they can’t escape each other!” when it’s not needed. Cole and Kyle want to settle this, it’d be weird of NXT to write it as “And now Cole turns chicken.” Last Man Standing or I Quit would’ve better escalated things on a proper scale with Cole saying “Street Fight.” Standard match becomes Street Fight, dropping the disqualifications and ring counts, then LMS/I Quit drops pinfalls and submissions and it comes down to sheer will of character.

My Score: 9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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