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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (9/21/21)

Is Kushida’s time up?



NXT Coverage 2021

The NXT Cruiserweight Championship takes center stage!

It may be a new era for NXT, but the Cruiserweight Championship still belongs to Kushida! Will Roderick Strong break the reign and take over the division?


  • NXT Cruiserweight Championship: KUSHIDA VS Roderick Strong w/ The Diamond Mine; Strong wins and becomes the new NXT Cruiserweight Champion.
  • Kay Lee Ray VS Amari Miller; KLR wins.
  • Dante Chen VS Trey Baxter; Chen wins.
  • Cameron Grimes VS Joe Gacy; Grimes wins.
  • Elektra Lopez w/ Legado del Fantasma VS Anna Scheer; Lopez wins.
  • 2v1 Handicap Match: Cary Millman & Darren Chiappetta VS Odyssey Jones; Jones wins.
  • Tommaso Ciampa & Bron Breakker VS Pete Dunne & Ridge Holland; Ciampa & Breakker win.


NXT opens with a lot of new stars in the ring.

Carmelo Hayes, Trick Williams, Odyssey Jones, Bron Breakker, Joe Gacy, Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen are waiting as the  NEW NXT Champion walks out! Tommaso Ciampa, Goldie in his arms, fires up the CWC and he joins these new guns in the ring. Fans are fired up for the champ and he says, “908 days, man, and on day 908, I reclaimed my spot at the top of the mountain and took back the title that I never lost in the first place! It has been a long, long journey,” and from neck surgery to tonight, “it was worth every damn second!” This moment here makes it worth it. Ciampa gets to say to each and every man in the ring, fan in the arena and fan at home that once again, Ciampa is YOUR NXT Champion!

Fans chant “Daddy’s Home!” but Ciampa hushes everyone. “I missed you, too.” Ciampa loves what’s going on with NXT 2.0! The energy is contagious, there are fresh faces, and fans like this, too. These young men and women are busting their asses day in and day out, ready to show the world just how damn good they are! Ciampa looks at Melo, “when Melo shoots, he don’t miss.” Odyssey Jones, Bron Breakker, the list goes on and on. Then there’s Ciampa, and we already know he is, was and always will be Mr. NXT! Now they can all give themselves a fresh coat of paint and put on “2.0” but one thing that hasn’t changed is the passion.

Ciampa looks around, Alicia is NXT, Barrett is NXT, and everyone in the ring is NXT! And of course, there’s the fans. They are the heartbeat and the soul of this place! The fans are the reason Ciampa gets to do what it is he does. Ciampa is so damn happy to have fans back and holding the title to represent this brand! With Ciampa holding the title, NXT 2.0 just became THE A-SHOW! So do Ciampa a solid: tell the world, and make them hear you and feel you, “WE ARE! N! X! T!” But here comes Cameron Grimes! “All this energy has got ol’ Cameron Grimes fired up!” And that fire will build with that championship, and he’ll go TO~ THE~ MOON~!

But Joe Gacy asks “Mr. Grimes” that as charitable that would be for Ciampa to give Grimes a shot- LA Knight interrupts. “Lemme talk to ya!” He’s looking at a heap of happy hot garbage when all the incels know they should be chanting “You Deserve It!” to Knight. But Odyssey tells Knight, “Last week, you lost twice in the same day! What’re you talking about, man? Shut up!” But here comes Pete Dunne and Ridge Holland! The Bruiserweight and Northern Grit storm right up to the ring, but they have Briggs & Jensen in their face. “So here we are, NXT 2.0. All these fresh new faces. SO let me give you all a piece of advice that I got: make a name for yourself.”

But Dunne says the problem is, he looks and sees “a bunch of geezers who are scared to throw the first punch.” Ciampa throws a forearm! And a brawl breaks out! Grimes stomps Gacy, Holland goes after Breakker, other superstars rush out to get them some! Hudson is after Trick, Grayson Waller and the Grizzled Young Veterans grab at who they can, and the ring clears aside from Breakker, Ciampa, Dunne and Holland. Ciampa ROCKS then TOSSES Dunne, Breakker does the same to Holland! The champion stands tall, as does the brightest of the new wave. Will they be the ones to give Dunne & Holland the fight they want?

Meanwhile, the women’s division is heating up backstage!

Elektra Lopez and B-Fab are jawing, but Amari Miller isn’t backing down from Kay Lee Ray! The shoving begins and turns to scrapping! Security hurries to break this up before it gets any worse, but the brawling continues in the ring, too! Breaker and Ciampa again DECK and eject Dunne & Holland, but then Breakker asks, “Where ya going?” The fans want to see this fight continue, so how about the two bitches grow balls and face Breakker & Ciampa TONIGHT?! Fans like the sound of that! Will NXT General Manager, William Regal, make it happen?


NXT Cruiserweight Championship: KUSHIDA VS Roderick Strong w/ The Diamond Mine!

The Time Splitter and the Savior of the Backbreaker have waited for this long enough, so they’re going to keep the energy of the night going by opening the card! Will the Super Junior still be champion? Or will the Diamond Mine finally strike gold?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who cracks under the pressure!

Strong rushes in but Kushida avoids the knee. Kushida drops down to throw kicks but Strong stays just out of reach. Kushida stands back up, they tie up, fight for control, Strong blocks a takedown to get a takedown, but Kushida fights the lateral press. Strong facelocks, gator rolls, but Kushida gets a toehold. Strong fights back with a chinlock but Kushida fights free of that. Strong wants an arm but Kushida gets away and fans cheer as the two reset. They tie up with knuckle locks and have a test of strength, but Kushida gets a takedown. Strong fights the press so Kushida throws down hands. Kushida still goes in but Strong turns it around with a clinch.

They fight up, Strong headlocks and shifts, but Kushida powers up and out, only for Strong to run him over. Things speed up, Kushida hip tosses to an ARMBAR! Strong fights to get up and make it a cover, ONE! Kushida has a short arm scissor and turns it into an ARM TWIST! Kushida keeps the omoplata, gets the other arm and falls back to SNAP! Strong bails out and is furious as NXT goes to break.

NXT returns and the two clinch again. Strong knees low and puts Kushida in a corner, but Kushida kicks back. Kushida runs in after an arm but Strong turns that to an OLYMPIC- NO! Kushida arm-drags Strong away! Strong comes back but Kushida WRINGS out the arm! Strong gets to his feet, Kushida dodges him to SHOTEI! And SHOTEI! Atomic drop and a whip to a hip toss! Cartwheel basement dropkick! Fans fire up and Kushida winds up, FASTBALL! Strong is down, but he dodges the Penalty Kick to CHOP back! Kushida ends up in a corner, Strong hurries over and puts Kushida up top. Strong climbs but Kushida gets the arm for a KIMURA! FALLING ARMBAR DDT!

Fans are fired up as Kushida and Strong slowly rise. Kushida aims from the corner, PENALTY KICK to the bad arm! Strong staggers about, but he BOOTS back from the ropes! Strong hurries to bring Kushida in, BACKBREAKER, to the OLYMPIC SLAM! Cover, TWO!! Kushida is still in this and Strong grows frustrated. The Diamond Mine coaches him up, fans are rallying and dueling, Strong runs to give forearm after forearm. But the bad arm makes things worse! Kushida kicks, Strong fires off CHOP after CHOP, then another forearm! Back suplex, but Kushida arm-drags out of the slam to get the KIMURA! Not quite the Hoverboard as Strong moves around to change leverage!

But Kushida throws Strong over! Strong keeps moving, he gets up, but Kushida gets the body scissors! HOVERBOARD!! Strong is down, Bivens helps him get the ropebreak!! The ref sees it, he calls it and Kushida lets off. Kushida already suspects Bivens! The ref is busy with Bivens as Kushida runs, but the Creed Brothers drag him out! And Ivy Niles hits a SUPERWOMAN PUNCH! The brothers put Kushida back in for Strong’s KNEE! END OF HEARTACHE!! Cover, Strong wins!

Winner: Roderick Strong, by pinfall (NEW NXT Cruiserweight Champion)

The Diamond Mine might as well have all their names on that belt with all the assists Strong just got! But now that they have a taste of gold, how long until Julius, Brutus and Ivy all get something for themselves?

But wait, here comes Grayson Waller! “Hey, chill, chill. Let’s hear it for the new champ, yeah?” Waller says after what happened to his boy, Drake Maverick, he’s starting to realize that NXT 2.0 is a jungle. But if anyone was built to survive in the jungle, it was Grayson Waller. So instead of just sitting in the back and waiting, Waller’s here to take one. So what does Strong say to a match with him for the title next week? Bivens says, “How dare you interrupt the champion’s celebration?” If we’re talking next week… Oh, gotta check in with daddy first? Bivens mocks Waller’s taunt, then talks with Strong.

Decision made! Next week, Diamond Mine shows Waller why they run NXT! Will Waller be baller and make it a slam dunk on his first try?


NXT hears from Tony D’Angelo.

He talks about the years spent on the docks, watching his uncles make some handshake deals. Some “business arrangements,” if you will. The family made many investments up and down the Atlantic, and his Uncle Paulie always told Tony, “There’s two things we take seriously: business, and family.” When it comes to sports, they were dead serious. Add a new item to that list: Tony’s success in the WWE. D’Angelo is on his way, will any wise guys try to start something with him?


NXT hears from Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen.

Big bad Briggs first met Brooks at Johnathan’s Pub the same night Briggs lost in the Breakout Tournament. Briggs was just trying to blow off some steam. He got three deep when some idiot, aka Brooks, bumps into him and so they start swinging. They got black eyes, loose teeth, and there’s still some blood somewhere on the bar. Brooks’ hands are like bricks, so Briggs learned to respect him. Brooks says if you can knock him onto a pool table and beat him down off it, you’ve got his respect, too. From where these boys are from, you throw hands, shake hands, and become friends. They love to fight and love to drink.

In the 2.0 era, it doesn’t matter if it’s a street fight, bar fight or dog fight, you fight these two, you’re in for a bad night. If you start something, Briggs & Jensen are going to end it! Will they fight until they end up contending for the tag titles?


Kay Lee Ray VS Amari Miller!

The Scary Queen of Scots isn’t letting that confrontation with the new girl go, and now it’s going down in the ring! Will KLR show Amari and everyone else in the NXT Women’s Division why she was NXT UK Women’s Champion for so long?

NXT returns and Amari makes her entrance. The all star athlete from KC, MO is all smiles now, feeling the vibe, but will she learn why KLR is a killer? The bell rings, Miller dodges KLR then eggs her on as she fires forearms. KLR shoves Miller away but Miller elbows back. Miller reels KLR in for a NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Miller gets KLR up and whips, but KLR reverses and ROCKS Miller with a forearm! KLR whips, dropkicks Miller down, then stomps Miller around. KLR covers, ONE! KLR drags Miller up, CLUBS her down, then gets her up again for a GOURD BUSTER! KLR scowls as she kicks Miller to a corner.

KLR eggs Miller on now, drags her up to CLUB her down again, and fans rally up. Miller throws body shots, KLR CLUBS her again. KLR brings Miller around, but Miller jawbreakers free! KLR blocks the heel kick to the Gory Especial, GORY BOMB! Cover, KLR wins!

Winner: Kay Lee Ray, by pinfall

And that is why KLR is here in NXT prime! Will she keep climbing the ranks until she’s the one facing Raquel Gonzalez for the title?


Backstage interview with Bron Breakker.

McKenzie asks Bron about his huge tag team match alongside Ciampa. How is he feeling? Oh, tonight’s huge! He’s getting in the ring with the top three guys in the world! Bron heard what Ciampa said, and those words hold a lot of weight. Ciampa walks over to say it’s sink or swim. Ready to get in the deep end, big fish? Hell yeah! Bron’s ready to kick some ass! And who better to do it with than the champ? Bron gives Ciampa a smack on the shoulder, but will he watch where his eyes drift in regards to Goldie?


Xyon Quinn walks into the CWC.

He talks with a few female superstars about their training, and they ask him the next time he’ll be in the ring. He’s hoping very soon. They note how good he looks in the ring and he thanks them. He gets the door as a gentleman, but someone tries to cut them off. Quinn has the guy wait, ladies first. Chivalry’s dead, bro. Yeah? Quinn SMASHES the guy into the door! Quinn is a gentleman but also a warrior, will this be a lesson to everyone else?


Dante Chen VS Trey Baxter!

The first Singapore superstar in the WWE makes his debut as the 2.0 era ushers in more new names! But will #AllHeart rain on the parade as he still tries to make a name for himself?

The bell rings and Chen ties up with Trey. They go around, Chen powers Trey to a corner and fans duel. Chen lets off, Trey BOOTS him and then gets around to a BACKBREAKER to HALF ‘N’ HALF! Trey hurries to a corner and up top, but Chen anchors a foot. Trey kicks at Chen but Chen holds on. Trey gets Chen to let go but has to leap over him. Chen turns around into a cradle, TWO! Chen dead lifts Trey for a SIT-OUT CRADLE DDT! Cover, Chen wins!

Winner: Dante Chen, by pinfall

Trey may be all heart but Chen won in the blink of an eye! Will this young star take NXT by storm?


NXT has a message from “Chase University.”

Andre Chase welcomes students to day one of a place of higher learning. They’ve chosen his course to get ahead in the careers. The first lesson is on Odyssey Jones and how he failed to get ahead by losing the finals of the Breakout Tournament. Roll film. Chase didn’t take kindly to Jones embarrassing him at the #InDex Wedding, but look at how embarrassing this weak cover was. Carmelo Hayes easily rolled Jones up, and there is the face of a loser. Chase teaches the fundamentals: a lateral press with all the weight on the shoulders. Lights, please, there’s a question. Didn’t Jones beat Chase in the first round?

What’s your name again? Steve. Well, Steve, who did you ever beat?! WHO THE F DID YOU EVER BEAT!? Get the F out of here! Don’t you disrespect him! Chase throws chairs around, is class going to be canceled?


NXT has a medical update on Kyle O’Reilly.

His ribs are reinjured and he will be week to week on whether or not he can compete.


NXT also has an update on Triple H!

The Game tweeted himself that he has been “blown away by the outreach and support from so many people.” HHH is recovering, doing well and so very grateful for all the love in his life, especially from the NXT crew. Also, Steph and the girls loved the snacks they sent. HHH hopes to see us soon, and we hope to see him again, too.


NXT returns and Joe Gacy is in the ring.

“Tonight, this ring is a safe space. NXT 2.0 is full of conflict, from the smallest microaggression to the most heinous grudges. This is a place where we settle our differences.” Gacy comes to us tonight with a mindset of conflict resolution, where he doesn’t need to use “male privilege” to get what he wants. Gacy understands that life isn’t fair. But he believes we can achieve unity and tolerance for us all. Gacy can be the man that will show us we can achieve peace in this safe space. That starts tonight!

Cameron Grimes VS Joe Gacy!

The Carolina Cash Money Caveman is ready to take 2.0 #ToTheMoon, but will he have to resolve this conflict he started with Gacy? Or will Gacy’s old wild man antics find their way back to the surface?

The bell rings, the two circle and grapple. Grimes gets a leg, Gacy facelocks but Grimes wrenches and has a wristlock. Gacy powers Grimes to ropes, lets off with the ropebreak, but Grimes ducks the sucker punch! Pacifist, huh? Grimes arm-drags Gacy down, grinds the armlock, and wrangles Gacy down. Gacy headscissors, Grimes kips free and says #KissMahGrits! Gacy laughs that off, but then swings on Grimes again. Grimes waistlocks but Gacy bucks the O’Conner Roll, only to run into a BOOT! Fans fire up as Grimes runs in but into a boot from Gacy! Gacy whips Grimes in, corner splashes to a BIG Urenage! Gacy works to keep his cool but fans rally for Grimes.

Gacy wraps on a chinlock, grinds Grimes down, but fans rally up behind Grimes. Grimes fights up, throws body shots, then powers out. Gacy runs in but only gets buckles, Grimes runs to rally with forearm smashes! Grimes eggs Gacy on but Gacy dodges, handsprings and LARIATS! Cover, TWO! Grimes survives and Gacy is surprised. Gacy fires up, gets Grimes up but Grimes evades the powerbomb to ROUNDHOUSE! Gacy comes back to BOOT! Grimes stays up so Gacy runs to forearm smash! Gacy keeps moving, but runs right into a CAVE-IN! Cover, Grimes wins!

Winner: Cameron Grimes, by pinfall

Gacy didn’t find peace or victory tonight and Grimes has the momentum he wants! But then Gacy stands up, and offers a handshake. Grimes says no thanks, so Gacy hugs him! Gacy leaves it at that, is he going to keep preaching conflict resolution while Grimes goes for the gold?


NXT hears from Von Wagner.

“Last week didn’t go my way. You can either bitch ‘n’ moan, or you can put in the work.” He’s an unconventional man with unconventional methods. His journey in NXT has only just begun, will this towering man find his way back up to the top of the mountain?


Elektra Lopez w/ Legado del Fantasma VS Anna Scheer!

Santos Escobar, Joaquin Wilde & Raul Mendoza accompany Elektra to the ring. Despite the scuffle with B-Fab in the back, that beef’s being put on the back burner for now. Will Anna be the one paying the price for the fire B-Fab’s lit inside Lopez?

The bell rings and Lopez takes her time with her jacket. She circles with Scheer, then kicks hard and CLUBS her down! Lopez CLUBS Scheer, runs and runs her over, then runs to do it again! Lopez drags Scheer up, throws her by her pigtails, then tells her, “You are nobody!” Lopez throws Scheer down by her hair, then looms over her. Lopez scoops and SLAMS Scheer, but Scheer throws forearms back! Scheer runs and leaps, but into Lopez’s arms! SWINGING SIDE SLAM! Lopez hauls Scheer back up to snap suplex! Roll through, wrench and BLUE THUNDER BOMB! Cover, Lopez wins!

Winner: Elektra Lopez, by pinfall

Scheer felt the sheer dominance of Lopez, but Escobar gets a mic to speak. “Class. Elegance. Sophistication. Fuego! And raw power to command silence and respect. And all of this under the umbrella of one word: familia!” Escobar tells Lopez that she completes Legado del Fantasma. Lopez takes the mic to speak now, saying, “What I did here tonight was just a little taste of what the First Lady of Legado del Fantasma, Elektra Lopez, La Madrina, is going to unleash on B-Fab and NXT 2.0.” Fans like the sound of that! Lopez tells B-Fab that she can keep talking, “but we all know that that’s all it is.” And if B-Fab doesn’t like, then she can get her skinny ass out to the ring!

But speaking of Hit Row, here they come! But B-Fab isn’t with the boys. She rushes in from the crowd to scrap with Lopez! Lopez turns things around but B-Fab comes back! Hit Row and Legado separate the two but fans want to “Let Them Fight!” B-Fab says it’s cool, but then she fires off on Lopez again! Hit Row and Legado get B-Fab and Lopez to back down, but this has to explode some time! When will these two finally get to have it out in the ring?


Cora Jade checks in on Trey Baxter.

She gives him a big hug and asks what’s wrong. What, she didn’t see? Well how long have they been together? He knows she still loves him. Chen came in looking like a superhero but whatever. Chin up, Trey. Then she gives him a big kiss to cheer him up. Trey does have a reason to smile, and then thinks on “superhero.” Will #AllHeart show he can be super in the 2.0 Era?


The Franky Monet Brand walks backstage.

Franky and Jessi want Rob Stone to stop jabbering as they head for Mr. Regal’s office. As they round the corner, Raquel Gonzalez is in their way. The NXT Women’s Champion says she already took care of this. They finally get their match next week. Aw, well, in that case, enjoy your last week, Chingona. La Wera Loca is ready, but then someone new walks by. She congratulates Franky on her big title match, but it won’t be as big as her talk show’s debut! Lashing Out with Lash Legend begins next week, and that is something to talk about. Wait, who and what now? Will #BougieBad feel like lashing out against Ms. Legend?


2v1 Handicap Match: Cary Millman & Darren Chiappetta VS Odyssey Jones!

Sound the alarm! Though he called out the Million Dollar Megastar, and though Andre Chase has been barking at him, Jones is more than ready to step up his game against two young and hungry opponents. Will it be a two-for-one special on squash tonight?

The bell rings, Jones is fired up and fans are fired up with him. Cary & Darren flank Jones, get an arm each, but he blocks the double whip to double shoulder tackle them! Darren & Cary regroup, coordinate, and circle with Jones again. Cary gets a leg, Darren gets a headlock, but Jones TOSSES Darren away, then drags and throws Cary! BACK SPLASH for Cary, FRONT SPLASH for Darren! Fans fire up but Chase walks out and talks trash. Jones says he’ll break Chase soon enough, but he gets Darren up first. Cary CLUBS Jones and Darren goes after the leg! They mug Jones but Jones shoves them both away! Darren & Cary come back, Jones breaks the clothesline to DOUBLE CROSSBODY!

Jones is feeling it and the fans are fired up, too! Jones gets Darren up, scoops him, and gives him a SHOUDLER BREAKER! Darren ends up in a corner but Cary jumps on for a sleeper! Jones just RAMS Cary into Darren! Jones has them both stacked on the mat, and Jones goes to the corner to climb up! DOUBLE FROG SPLASH! Cover, Jones wins!

Winner: Odyssey Jones, by pinfall

Chase may have to rethink his classes, because we just saw one be greater than two! Chase gets in with a chair, but Jones blocks it and the chair falls apart! Jones steps and Chase bails out! Will Chase’s big brain tell him that he can’t take on all that power?


Grayson Waller talks with other superstars backstage.

Baller Waller is feeling good about his chances against Strong, and they tell him these chances don’t come along very often as it is. But then Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams walk in, and Melo says he would congratulate Waller, but he wouldn’t mean it. His Breakout Tournament contract guarantees that even if Waller won the title next week, he could lose it in the same night to ya boi, Melo. So we’ll just wait and see. Right, Trick? Yeah, keeping the options open! Waller says Melo can go ahead and do that. Waller heads out, will he be ready to pull a double header just in case?

As for Melo and Trick, the #ToxicAttraction of Mandy Rose, Gigi Dolin & Jacy Jayne walk by to say hey. Well, damn! They fine! And they’re heading to gorilla position!


NXT hears from Ikemen Jiro.

The Handsome One welcomes us to his #Ikemansion! His collection of jackets and other merchandise is just the beginning. “When you think of Japanese superstars, you think of Strong Style. But when you think if Ikemen Jiro, you think of Style Strong!” A lot of people asks what “ikemen” means, and it means “handsome man.” Jiro is a handsome man, and a handsome man needs handsome jackets! From fruits to floral to shadowy black, Ikemen Jiro is always in style. But will his strong style get him closer to the always fashionable Cruiserweight Championship?


Toxic Attraction goes to the ring!

Mandy leads the way, we’ll hear from this newest trio in the NXT Women’s Division after the break.

NXT returns and Mandy speaks first. “When I came to NXT 2.0, I came here to be your gift, your golden goddess. I realized that this division was in desperate need for a woman like me! A woman that you people will never be with, but love to look at.” Then it took a little turn. Where were the fans when her face was battered and beaten?! What did they do!? NOTHING! It’s disgusting, really. The fans ridiculed her! She was a gif replayed over and over, just yesterday’s news. But that’s when she realized that they treated her the way they were treating Gigi & Jacy. The only difference, these two don’t give a damn about what the people think!

All the guidance and advice she can give, in return Gigi & Jacy showed that behind her beauty, a beast is ready to be unleashed! This is what the future of the women’s division in NXT 2.0 looks like! They’re ready to take over their precious “greatest women’s division of all time,” with these two baddies by her side. Gigi, your turn. “The pain of my past has always fueled my aggression.,” Gigi knew that if they could bring that out of Mandy, nothing would stand in their way. But they also needed Mandy’s guidance. “Because chaos without direction is just an accident waiting to happen.” Mandy’s experience gave them purpose. And that makes them unbeatable and will lead them to the top!

Mandy dares fans to go, “What?” if they don’t think they’re the hottest things alive. Jacy says they’re more than just the prettiest faces in the crowd. And if you thought for one second that they were going to sit in the back and wait like the rest of these broads, you’ve got another thing coming. “What Toxic Attraction wants is the NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships!” Io Shirai, Zoey Stark, you’ve got an ass kicking waiting for you! And trust Jacy when she says you don’t want to keep them waiting. Speaking of which…

Backstage interview with Io Shirai & Zoey Stark.

McKenzie knows they were listening in, so what are their thoughts? Shirai doesn’t like Gigi & Jacy, so if they want a shot, they’re on! Uh, shouldn’t this be a conversation between the two of them first? As a team? Does Stark disagree? No, but it’s the principle of the matter. So Stark likes Toxic Attraction? No, Shirai knows she doesn’t. Then okay, match made. But Persia walks in and says Gigi & Jacy aren’t the only ones who want a chance. When Indi is back from her honeymoon, the two best friends are ready to go for the gold. So uh, good luck against Toxic Attraction. Stark and Shirai wonder what’s up with that, but will they make it through the thorny Gigi & Jacy first?


NXT is going to be BIG next week!

Not only is there the NXT Cruiserweight Championship match, Strong VS Waller, and the NXT Women’s Championship match, Gonzalez VS Monet, but the NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships ARE on the line! Shirai & Stark will take on Gigi & Jacy, but will they make it through to take on the best friends, Indi & Persia? Plus, after all the jawing and jumping, B-Fab VS Lopez finally happens under No Disqualifications! Who will be left standing to have the last laugh after these ladies go all out?


Tommaso Ciampa & Bron Breakker VS Pete Dunne & Ridge Holland!

The Psycho Killer and the biggest and brightest new star are ready to take the fight to the Bruiserweight and Northern Grit! But will they prove they’re not just a couple of “geezers” against the self-proclaimed baddest men in NXT today?

NXT returns and Bron makes his entrance, quickly followed by the champ. Ciampa and Dunne start and the hands fly at the bell! Ciampa headlocks, Dunne powers out and things speed up. Ciampa sees the knee coming and he backslides but Dunne rolls through. Ciampa underhooks, Dunne wrenches out to get a takedown. Ciampa boots Dunne away and trips Dunne, but Dunne boots back. Ciampa ducks the enziguri, Dunne avoids the knee and fans fire up as the two stand off. Fans rally and duel but Ciampa and Dunne back down to tag in Breakker and Holland. Bron circles with the big man and they tie up. Bron shoves Holland away and is fired up!

They go again, Holland waistlocks, spins Bron and EuroUppers! Holland headlocks, Bron powers out but Holland runs him over! Holland headlocks again but Bron pries free of the hold to headlock back. Holland powers out but Bron runs him over! Bron stays fired up, he sees the drop down and waistlocks to a roll and SLAM! And then a dead lift and SLAM! Dunne runs in, Bron hurdles then catches Dunne for a POWERSLAM! Fans fire up but Holland ROCKS Bron with a right! Holland whips, Bron reverses and clotheslines in the corner! Tag to Ciampa and Bron whips Ciampa in for a big clothesline! Ciampa feeds Holland to Bron’s atomic drop, then adds a BULLDOG!

Ciampa brings Holland around to a chinlock and he grinds Holland down. Holland endures, fights up and throws body shots. Ciampa CHOPS back, whips but Dunne tags in. Holland reverses to SPINEBUSTER then Dunne adds a basement dropkick! Dunne glares at Bron, gets Ciampa up and grinds the arm, then he drops knees on the shoulder. Dunne bends the arm at the elbow, twists the wrist and tortures the fingers! Ciampa endures but Dunne isolates the arm to drop knees again. Dunne keeps punishing Ciampa’s arm from elbow to finger to then stomp Ciampa in the ribs! Dunne wrenches but Ciampa throws forearms! Dunne wrenches, snapmares and hooks up the arm for a SNAP!

Dunne keeps after Ciampa’s left arm, pulling on the hand and elbow. Another wrench, then Dunne ROCKS Ciampa with a forearm! Tag to Holland, Dunne DECKS Bron, but Ciampa shoves Dunne into Holland! Ciampa slides to trip Dunne up, then he dodges Holland to BOOT him! Ciampa RAMS Holland into steps, then he TOSSES Dunne over the announce desk! Ciampa claps and pats himself on the back and fans cheer along, but Holland POUNCES Ciampa over the desk! Northern Grit storms in to get Ciampa back up and around into the ring as NXT goes to break!

NXT returns once again and Dunne gives Ciampa some Danielson Stomps! Fans boo but Ciampa kicks from below! Dunne staggers and tags Holland, and Holland drags Ciampa. Ciampa kicks but Holland spins him for clubbing crossface forearms. Holland hauls Ciampa up but Ciampa fights the suplex. Ciampa fights again, tries to suplex, and it happens on the second time! Fans fire up for Ciampa’s strength as he and Holland are down! Hot tags to Dunne and Bron! Bron rallies on Dunne with big shoulders, then he dodges Holland to hit a BIG shoulder tackle! Bron shoves Holland away, clinches Dunne and Belly2Belly suplexes! Then he clinches Holland for a BIG Belly2Belly!

Fans fire up with Bron as he brings down the straps! Bron gets Dunne in a STEINER RECLINER!! Dunne endures but Bron bends him back! Dunne gets his arms free, slips out the back and gets Bron’s fingers! Dunne JAMS the fingers into the mat! Then he bends them back even more, isolates the arm and STOMPS it! Tag to Holland, and the boys get Bron up for a ROUNDHOUSE to ALABAMA SLAM! Cover, Ciampa breaks it! Fans are thunderous as Dunne goes after Ciampa and they fire off big forearms! Ciampa KNEES Dunne, runs in and clotheslines Dunne in the corner! He keeps going but Dunne ROCKS him with a right! Ciampa comes back to forearm!

Ciampa keeps going, Dunne sidesteps but Ciampa still ROCKS him with a forearm! But then Holland gets Ciampa for an OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! But Bron does the same, giving Dunne an OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Fans fire up as Bron and Holland lock eyes again. They stand off, fire up and fire clotheslines point blank on each other! Again and again and again, but then Bron ducks and runs, DOUBLE CLOTHESLINES take them down! Fans fire up for “2 point 0! 2 point 0!” Ciampa sees Dunne getting in and takes away Holland’s Billy club! But Dunne ENZIGURIS Ciampa out! Bron gets Dunne, trophy lifts, but Holland HEADBUTTS Bron down!

Holland goes out to get his club as fans chant, “This is Awesome!” Wait a minute! Is that Kyle O’Reilly!? He snatches the club away to SMACK Holland with it! Kyle puts Holland in while the ref was busy with Dunne! Ciampa gets Dunne for WILLOW’S BELL! Bron gets Holland up in the trophy lift! POWERSLAM!! Cover, Bron & Ciampa win!

Winners: Bron Breakker & Tommaso Ciampa, by pinfall

The young stud stands tall alongside the champion! Bron has the belt, though, and he hands it over to Ciampa. Ciampa pats him on the shoulder, but it’s clear what Bron is hungry for. How long will he have to wait before he has his chance at the championship?

My Thoughts:

NXT 2.0 is now, for both better and worse, very much like its siblings, Raw and SmackDown. I sigh deeply seeing how Josh Briggs goes from “I hate people so I beat the hell out of them” to “Haha, I like to drink and fight cuz I’m Southern!” I sigh very deeply seeing Joe Gacy go from “I’m wild and violent!” to “Let’s all get along in this safe space, everyone.” And I groan seeing that the Andre Chase University catchphrase is now becoming a segment for him to try and roast his feud rival while getting roasted by “students.” It’s Vince and team having to slap tropes and cheesy characters onto people, skipping the call-up process to just ruin things here and now.

Tony D’Angelo is also just a grating stereotype a few years too late to be relevant to The Sopranos. I know The Many Saints of Newark being released revitalizes The Sopranos franchise, but c’mon, Vince. No. Just no. But at least we’re getting something out of Xyon Quinn, even though he’s only been in two matches, one of them on 205 Live. Quinn being a gentleman but also a badass is very action movie trope, but I guess he’s getting to stand out somehow. Dante Chen squashing Trey Baxter was a bit of a two birds, one stone thing, though maybe not in the way I would’ve done this. Chen VS Trey could’ve easily been a surprisingly good match to better build both men, but hey, I guess Trey has to be down in the dumps for his girlfriend to comfort him with a big kiss.

Kay Lee Ray squashes Amari, Toxic Attraction’s promos was a standard “We’re Heels because fans don’t care, so we don’t care about the fans!” so yawn. If they could’ve skipped that and just kept it to Mandy wanting to mentor the kind of female superstars she feels should be running the division, that would’ve been better to me. But again, they going after the tag titles was obvious, and it did give Shirai and Stark a quick little bit to show their dysfunction is still strong. I also like the initiative Persia is taking on behalf of Indi, and I feel this could be the new wrinkle in The Way’s happy family life when it was Indi & Candice who were a team.

Kushida VS Strong was an awesome opener, but of course Diamond Mine helps Strong cheat to win. Props to Waller stepping up with Drake Maverick gone from NXT again and him needing something to do. And with that comes some smart crossover with Carmelo Hayes putting Waller on notice because of the Cruiserweight Championship being on his radar. I hope Hayes isn’t just saying he could cash in that night. I think it’d be a great way around NXT not being in on MITB if the Breakout Tournament contract can be for any time, anywhere. Lopez squashes Tesha Price, renamed Anna Scheer here because duh, it’s the WWE, they aren’t going to acknowledge AEW.

Escobar and Lopez have a good promo, we get a decent scrap between B-Fab and Lopez but it could’ve been a bit wilder if the guys all fought each other. No DQ is great for B-Fab and Lopez, but when are we getting Swerve VS Escobar for the North American Championship already? And talk about a match that needs a stipulation. Swerve and Escobar have done quite a bit in their long rivalry, these two could probably go Last Man Standing or I Quit with this one. Odyssey squashing two dudes was alright, but a bit of a let down after he called out LA Knight. But I guess there’s no easy way around also having Chase on his case, so Jones has to handle him first.

What a great night for Bron Breakker, though. He’s definitely got some kind of rocket strapped to him, as he got to stand tall with Ciampa at the start of the night to call out Dunne & Holland. Then they had a really great tag match for the main event, and though it was apparently his own choice not to be “Rex Steiner” a la his dad and uncle, Rick & Scott, him using the Steiner Recliner of course got fans to mark out just a little. Bron getting the pin here is just further proof he’s going to be facing Ciampa for that title, but I feel like it’d benefit Bron’s build if he doesn’t succeed right away.

Let Bron come really close to winning but he loses, probably from a “miscalculation” or “rookie mistake,” and then he builds up through the North American Championship scene. We got a video from Von Wagner that detailed much of the same for him, so that is the route these two big 2.0 frontrunners should go. We know who they are, we’ll see their journey through the next year or so, and when they’ve really shown themselves to the fans, then they can take up the torch from the “1.0 guys.”

My Score: 8.7/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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