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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (9/2/21)

Will the Nezar look right through Frazer?



Coverage NXT UK 2021

The Heritage Cup Contenders Tournament continues!

The Babo wants to instill fear, honor and respect in NXT UK, but he’s going against the fearless British Prodigy! Who takes that big step closer to the Big Strong Boy, Tyler Bate?


  • Nina Samuels VS Blair Davenport; No Contest.
  • Dave Mastiff & Jack Starz VS Dan Moloney & Andy Wild; Mastiff & Starz win.
  • Emilia McKenzie VS Amale; McKenzie wins.
  • NXT UK Heritage Cup Contenders Tournament: Teoman w/ Rohan Raja VS Nathan Frazer; Teoman wins and advances to the next round.


Nina Samuels VS Blair Davenport!

The Leading Lady wants the spotlight, but perhaps she should learn to pick her moments. Will Nina be leaving with a shiner after facing the fearsome new star in the NXT UK Women’s Division?

Speaking of fearsome, Blair doesn’t even let Nina get in the ring! Blair knocks Nina off the corner while she’s posing and then goes out after her on the outside! The ref reprimands but Blair RAMS Nina into the apron! And then talks trash before she THROWS Nina into the barriers! Blair puts Nina in the ring but the ref wants her to let off. Blair doesn’t care, she gets Nina up for a FALCON ARROW! Blair shrugs and then mocks Nina’s posing before he drags Nina back up. Blair sees referees and even Sid Scala rushing out so she lets off of Nina. The refs get Nina out of the ring and Sid tells Blair to calm down and go back to the locker room.

Blair doesn’t calm down nor does she stop! She gets Sid by the wrists for a KAMI-GOYE!! Blair just assaulted the Assistant General Manager! And then she gets Sid up for a FALCON ARROW! NXT UK trainers rush out to tell Blair to stop and leave, and she finally does. But will Blair be facing serious consequences for her brutal actions?


NXT UK has a medical update on Aoife Valkyrie.

Despite her brutal triumph over Jinny, the injury to Aoife’s knee is still substantial, and she will be unable to compete for some time. And of course, the self-proclaimed Queen of NXT UK has thoughts on that news.

Jinny speaks.

“They say no bird soars too high if they soar with their own wings. Unless, someone clips them. To be the best, you must be able to handle the worst, and that is exactly what I did.” Aoife may have won their match, but Jinny is still the woman standing tall at the end. Jinny said she’d destroy Aoife and that Aoife wouldn’t survive. Now everyone has witnessed the fall of the Valkyrie at the hands of Jinny. Will the Fierce Fashionista make good on this momentum by going after the NXT UK Women’s Champion? And when will we see Aoife fly again?


Symbiosis speaks.

Tyson T-Bone says, “NXT UK General Manager, Johnny Saint, has set up a Six Man Tag match next week: Symbiosis VS Saxon Huxley, and two partners of his choice?” Primate says, “Let’s be honest, you aren’t the most popular.” Wasn’t Huxley the one going around shouting, “Here comes Saxon Huxley! Steer clear of him!” Eddie Dennis says Huxley may have beaten him a few weeks ago, but even a broken clock is right twice a day. Symbiosis is greater than the sum of its parts, so “better luck next time,” Huxley! Who will Huxley find that are willing to not only side with him, but stand against Dennis and his cohorts?


Dave Mastiff & Jack Starz VS Dan Moloney & Andy Wild!

This new duo of the Bomber and the Gatekeeper were a successful combination in their tag debut, but now we see if they can repeat the results! Will Mastiff’s size and strength still mesh with Starz’s speed and agility? Or is there something Moloney & Wild have as a combo that can counter them?

The teams sort out, Mastiff starts with Wild and the two circle. They tie up, go around, and Mastiff headlocks. Wild endures the grind, wrenches his way out, but Mastiff holds off the top wristlock to get the headlock back. Wild powers out but Mastiff runs him over! Mastiff keeps going, Wild drops then swings on him, only to end up in a waistlock. Mastiff lets Wild spin himself around for a NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, TWO! Mastiff facelocks Wild, Starz tags in and they mug Wild in the corner. Starz CLUBS Wild, brings him around and throws a low headbutt to the gut. Tag back to Mastiff, he adds his own low headbutt.

Tag back to Starz, he throws in a forearm then snapmares Wild. Starz runs to uppercut Wild in the back! Cover, TWO! Starz keeps Wild from Moloney but Wild DECKS him! Moloney tags in, spins Starz for a backslide, ONE! Starz goes after Moloney but Moloney wrenches Starz’s arm for a standing armlock. Moloney wrenches, wristlocks and back drops Starz for a cover! ONE, but Moloney keeps on the arm. Starz fights up, Moloney shifts to a cording hold, but Starz throws body shots. Starz goes up and around to headlock, but Moloney powers out. Starz runs Moloney over with a leaping shoulder tackle! Starz adds on a dropkick, then puts Moloney in the corner.

Tag to Mastiff, he clinches Moloney for a scoop and SLAM! Mastiff runs, Starz tags in, Mastiff BACK SENTONS! Starz SLINGSHOT SPLASHES! Cover, TWO! Starz keeps on Moloney but Moloney waistlocks. Starz switches, Moloney bucks the O’Conner Roll, and Wild jumps in! The ref and Starz each see Wild, and Wild backs off before getting hit. Moloney runs up to dropkick Starz down! Cover, TWO! Moloney drags Starz up, tags Wild in, snap suplex to cover, TWO! Wild drags Starz up and around to throw big haymakers! Starz hits back and we have a brawl! Starz fires off EuroUppers but Wild counters!

Starz blocks the backslide, turns it around, but Wild spins him for an OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Cover, TWO! Wild clamps onto Starz with a neck wrench, then a shoulder claw. Starz endures, fights up, and throws body shots! Wild knees low, whips Starz into the corner, then runs in, only for Starz to BOOT him! Starz fights out of enemy territory, but runs into a toss! Wild goes to boot but Starz slides under! Starz dropkicks Wild into the corner! Hot tags to Moloney and Mastiff! The Bomber rallies on Moloney, then fireman’s carries for a ROLLING SENTON! Moloney sputters and staggers to a corner, Mastiff runs in to SPLASH!

Mastiff whips Moloney corner to corner hard, and Moloney bounces off buckles into a back drop! Wild runs in but Mastiff back drops him, too! Tag to Starz and Mastiff hauls Moloney up. Mastiff all but tosses Moloney into the Tree of Woe, then Starz runs the ropes to build up speed. Starz finally runs at Moloney for a FLYING HEADBUTT! Moloney is hit out of the Tree and Starz tags Mastiff! INTO THE VOID!! Cover, Mastiff & Starz win!

Winners: Dave Mastiff & Jack Starz, by pinfall

They may just be 2-0 but this is a HUGE win streak already! Starz and Mastiff are fired up, are they going to take the NXT UK Tag Division by storm?


NXT UK hears from Pretty Deadly.

Sam Stoker & Lewis Howley are on their official Pretty Deadly TikTok account, for a “water fountain photoshoot.” They pose, making sure to point at their NXT UK Tag Team Championships, and then countdown to what might be The Routine from Friends…? But they’re interrupted by Gallus walking by. Mark Coffey says, “What are the chances? It absolutely disgusts me that you two are the champions.” Brother Joe Coffey adds that these titles are more than just fashion accessories.

Pretty Deadly scoff at that, but then Mark shoves Lewis into the water! It isn’t that deep, but Sam is worried about Lew’s hair and leather pants. The Coffey Brothers laugh their way out, but are they coming for the tag titles together now?


Next week, relive TakeOver 36!

Specifically, watch as UNBESIEGBAR finally dethrones The Ring General! Long live the CZAR of NXT UK!


Emilia McKenzie VS Amale!

While Meiko Satomura has dared the entire NXT UK Women’s Division to step up their game and step up to her, there is one who has already had her shot but refuses to give up. The French Hope wants another go, but she has to get through the Final Boss’ top student first! Will #SuplexMillie make sure Amale has no hope of reaching Meiko again?

The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, Amale puts Emilia in a corner but the ref counts. Amale lets off with a push but Millie comes back for more. Millie trips Amale, has a toehold, but Amale kicks and turns. Millie turns that into a deathlock and pulls on the legs. Amale elbows back and pulls hair but the ref reprimands. Millie elbows Amale, shifts to a facelock then shoots the half, but Amale gets up before a cover. Millie facelocks, Amale wrenches out to a headlock, but Millie powers out only for Amale to run her over. Amale kicks Millie, runs, but Millie shotgun dropkicks her down! And then Millie adds a clothesline! Amale gets up into Millie’s SWINGING NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO!

Amale gets to a corner but Millie is right on her with forearms. Millie brings Amale around, CLUBS her to another corner then fires off more forearms. Millie bumps Amale off buckles, whips her corner to corner but Amale reverses. Amale runs in but Millie slips out to the apron. Millie shoulders in but Amale gets her with a knee! Amale runs then BOOTS Millie down off the apron! Amale goes out after Millie, dragging her up and CLUBBING her down. The ring count climbs but Amale puts Millie in at 5 of 10. Cover, TWO! Millie gets away but Amale stomps a mudhole in the corner! Amale drags Millie up to whip her out then back in, and adds a big corner clothesline! Cover, TWO!

Amale grows annoyed with Millie but Millie hits back. Amale CLUBS Millie, cravats for a snapmare then wraps on a chinlock. Millie endures, fights up and throws body shots. Millie back suplexes high and hard! Cover, TWO! Millie grits her teeth, fixes her ponytail and waistlocks Amale. Amale resists the suplex and elbows out hard! Amale throws Millie down by her hair! Cover, TWO, and Amale loses her cool as she rains down rights! The ref has gloves on and has Amale let off but Millie staggers up and away. Amale pursues, whips her to ropes, then LARIATS Millie down! Cover, TWO! Amale taunts Millie and kicks her, but Millie hits back!

Amale CLUBS Millie down then puts on a grounded cobra clutch. BT Sports Studio rallies up, Millie fights up and throws elbows! Amale ripcords Millie out for a shoulder tackle! Cover, TWO! Amale keeps grinning despite being frustrated and she SLAPS Millie down! Amale drags Millie up but Millie turns suplex into small package! TWO, Amale CLOBBERS Millie with an elbow! Cover, TWO! Amale isn’t grinning anymore as she clamps onto Millie for more of the cobra clutch! Amale thrashes Millie around but Millie endures! Millie fights up, Amale ripcords again but Millie dodges to reel Amale in for a backslide! ONE, but Millie goes right to La Magistrol, TWO!

Amale denies Millie her cutter! Amale is just as surprised, and she hurries back after Millie, only for Millie to BOOT her from below! Millie gets up, runs in at the corner, but into a back elbow! Amale boots but Millie blocks, so Amale boots with both feet! Amale roars as she SHOTGUN dropkicks Millie! Millie is in the corner, Amale is shrieking as she runs in to BOOT WASH her! Amale drags Millie out and reels her in, but Millie schoolgirls out of it! The cover is deep, and Millie wins!!

Winner: Emilia McKenzie, by pinfall

Amale is furious! She can’t believe she just lost to Meiko Satomura’s student! Will the French Hope finally give up and wait for another to defeat the Final Boss? Or will this loss just send her over the edge?


NXT UK has a medical update on Sid Scala.

He has a neck brace for the physical impact Blair Davenport’s knee had on him, and is being checked for a concussion. What will NXT UK management decide in terms of Davenport’s future on the brand?


NXT UK Media catches up with Oliver Carter & Ashton Smith.

Carter is actually happy to see a cameraman here. He wants everyone to see this big surprise. Saxon Huxley is waiting for them in their locker room!? Smith is surprised, alright. Carter is fired up to trash stuff with Huxley but Smith has no idea what’s going on. Carter says, “We know you’re mad! We know you’re mad at what Symbiosis did. And we’re here to back you up!” Wait, that’s what this is about? So what does Huxley say? “You can count on Saxon! You can count on Saxon!” Carter repeats that to Smith, and Smith already dreads what this means. But Ready and Forward, Always Forward! Huxley knows that catchphrase already, but is this team-up going to be more backward than forward? Smith also tells Carter if Huxley does the shoulder slapping again, it’s on him.


NXT UK hears from the final two Heritage Cup Contenders.

“Nobody embodies honor, prestige and heritage quite like Sam Gradwell does.” And he’ll tell us about someone who knows nothing about that, and that someone is Wolfgang. Wolfgang says, “Sam Gradwell, after that little mark ya left on me, do you know how many times I’ve asked for a rematch against you? And it just so happens to be in the Heritage Cup Tournament.” Gradwell says that in their previous match-up, Wolfgang broke so many of Gradwell’s ribs. Where is the honor and technical wrestling there?

But Wolfie knew Gradwell would recover just in time to step into the ring with him again. Gradwell is either very brave or very stupid, and Wolfgang’s definitely leaning towards one of those. Gradwell says when they face off again, “and that catchy Gallus music hits, and ya make your doggy noises, coloring yourself the Big Bad Wolf,” Gradwell will show Wolfgang’s just a “big bad yogurt.” Gradwell will beat up on Wolfgang in the BT Sports Studio for all six rounds if he has to.

Wolfgang wants Sam to look in his eyes and see the “constant state of reckless abandon!” When they meet in the ring again, Gradwell won’t have to worry about his ribs. Wolfgang’s gonna break everything in Gradwell’s body by the end! The fourth and final opening round match looks to be a slugfest already, how will the semifinals of this tournament shape up?


NXT UK Heritage Cup Contenders Tournament: Teoman w/ Rohan Raja VS Nathan Frazer!

We know one half of the semifinals in Noam Dar VS Kenny Williams, but now we start work on the other half! The Babo wants the honor and respect associated with the Cup to be synonymous with his family, but the British Prodigy wants to show he’s already synonymous with British style wrestling! Who makes it through these first few British Rounds to make it to the tournament’s second?

The bell rings on round one and the two stare down. Both men smirk as they start to circle, and then the tie up. They’re in a deadlock until Teoman finds some leverage. Frazer blocks that to push Teoman back, but Teoman shifts weight to drive Frazer into the mat! The collar ‘n’ elbow is still on, Frazer fights his way up and throws Teoman down. Teoman keeps the collar ‘n’ elbow and also fights up, and the two are in a deadlock again so they break. Frazer and Teoman each catch their breath before they tie up again. Teoman gets an arm, wrenches to a wristlock but Frazer rolls, only for Teoman to wrangle him down hard!

Teoman works on the wristlock, then the elbow, but Frazer fights up again. Teoman wrangles him back down and twists the arm more, then digs a knee into Frazer’s face. Frazer moves around, Teoman pulls on an ear but the ref reprimands. Frazer works up to his feet, Teoman wrenches the arm again but Frazer uses ropes to flip through! Only for Teoman to wrangle him down again! Teoman digs a claw into the shoulder then pulls the ear again. BT Sports Studio rallies up as we approach the last minute of the round, but Teoman wrenches the arm and keeps Frazer grounded. Frazer endures as Teoman pulls the arm all the way to the fingers!

Teoman wrenches, Frazer stands, rolls and handsprings around to then wrench and WRING Teoman out! Teoman hurries to his corner as we reach 30 seconds and the ref keeps Frazer back. But then Teoman SLAPS Frazer across the face! Frazer scowls and DECKS Teoman! Then CHOPS and CHOPS and ROCKS and CHOPS him again! Frazer CHOPS Teoman against ropes, we’re at 10 seconds. Teoman kicks, throws hands with Frazer, but Frazer whips and dropkicks, right before the bell!

Teoman: 0; Frazer: 0

Frazer lets the action stop here for the 20 second break. Teoman is upset but that dropkick was still within the time limit. Raja helps Teoman refresh, and the second round begins.

Teoman rushes at Frazer and corners him, then whips him out. Frazer dodges the boot to CHOP and fire off haymakers! Teoman hits back, we have a brawl! Teoman choke grips but Frazer throws hands! Frazer whips, Teoman reverses but Frazer ducks and dodges and BLASTS Teoman with a forearm! Teoman bails out and Raja checks on him, but Frazer grins as he has Teoman on the defensive. Frazer builds speed and DIVES, but only gets Raja! Raja shoved Teoman out of the way in time, and Teoman comes back to RAM Frazer into the barriers! And throw him into steel steps! Teoman puts Frazer in the ring for the BASEMENT FOREARM! Cover, Teoman gets the fall!!

Teoman: 1; Frazer: 0

Raja did what any “brother” would do, though more like a pawn in Teoman’s game. Either way, the first point goes to Teoman and now Frazer has to recover quickly! Will Frazer be able to turn things around in round three?

Teoman is of course confident as he dares Frazer to bring it, then he kicks Frazer’s leg out! Teoman kicks Frazer around, toying with him, then wrenches the arm. Frazer throws forearms and has Teoman wobbling! Teoman still WRINGS Frazer’s arm out then KICKS it! Another basement forearm! Cover, TWO!! Frazer survives and keeps this going but Teoman talks trash. Teoman kicks Frazer around, drags him up and wrenches the arm again to whip Frazer to a corner. Frazer goes up and headscissors Teoman out of the ring! Teoman flounders and Raja is worried but Frazer runs in to baseball slide! But Teoman traps Frazer in the apron skirt!

Teoman fires off forearms and haymakers on Frazer as he’s stuck! The ref reprimands and counts while BT Sports Studio boos and jeers The Babo. Teoman lets off, puts Frazer in at 7 of 10 and follows him at 9. Teoman winds up his arm to ROCK Frazer in the ribs! Frazer sputters and gasps as Teoman taunts him. We’re in the last minute of round three as Teoman still toys with Frazer. Another kick, then DOUBLE STOMPS to the back! Teoman aims from the corner again, but Frazer dodges the basement forearm! Frazer CLOBBERS Teoman with a forearm of his own! Frazer hurries to a corner, climbs up and takes aim, but has to leap over Teoman as he runs in!

Teoman goes up the corner but Frazer uses the ropes to triangle dropkick him first! Teoman wobbles up top as we are under 30 seconds! Frazer climbs up from the outside at 20, gets in position and hits a SUPER STEINER at the 10 second mark! But Frazer is too slow to the cover, the time is up before a count!!

Teoman: 1; Frazer: 0

Talk about being saved by the bell! Raja calls to Teoman to help him get to his corner. Frazer is frustrated by how close he was, will the fourth round be his?

Teoman drags himself up to his feet and Frazer is right there with forearms! Teoman hits back and we have another brawl! Frazer, Teoman, back again, but Teoman wobbles! Frazer ROCKS him again, then keeps on him. Teoman wrenches the arm to throw uppercuts into the triceps! Then Teoman tries to wrangle Frazer for the crossface but Frazer keeps moving! Frazer RAMS Teoman into a corner! Teoman clubs back and the ref counts the ropebreak. Frazer lets off and Teoman manages to BOOT him in the opening! Frazer flounders, Teoman takes aim from the top rope. Teoman leaps to blindside missile dropkick! Cover, TWO!! Frazer still lives and that frustrates Teoman!

BT Sports Studio rallies up as Frazer and Teoman rise. Teoman reels Frazer into a waistlock but Frazer elbows free. Teoman staggers but he comes back for another try. Frazer resists the lift, slips out and under and then dodges Teoman for a SNAP SUPLEX TO CRADLE?! FRAZER GETS A FALL!!

Teoman: 1; Frazer: 1

Teoman protests and so does Raja, because they aren’t even sure what Frazer just did! But now things are all tied up and basically square one as we enter the fifth!

Teoman and Frazer rush each other, Frazer hits a SLINGBLADE! Frazer gets Teoman back up for an ANARCHY SUPLEX! Cover, TWO!! Teoman survives but Frazer keeps his focus. BT Sports Studio fires up as Frazer works on his next move. Frazer gets Teoman up, reels him back in, but Teoman wrenches out to uppercut the arm again! Teoman whips, Frazer reverses, Teoman handsprings?! But Frazer dodges the back elbow to QUEBRADA into a dragon sleeper! Only for Teoman to slip right out and HALF HATCH FALCON ARROW! Cover, TWO!!! Frazer survives, Teoman shakes his head in disbelief, and there’s still a minute and 45 seconds!

Teoman clutches his back, drags Frazer up to his feet, but Frazer runs Teoman into the ropes! They both fall out, but Frazer lands on the apron while Teoman hits the floor! Frazer grits his teeth and dares Raja to watch this! Frazer DIVES and hits Teoman tot he ramp! Raja is furious and Frazer eggs him on before going back to Teoman. Frazer puts Teoman in at the minute mark. Frazer aims, springboards and MACHO ELBOWS!! Cover, TWO!?! Frazer can’t believe Teoman survives, but he hurries to put him in another drop zone! Frazer goes up, Raja barks at him, but Frazer still PHOENIX SPLASHES! Only to FLOP! The distraction gave Teoman time to evade!

Teoman clamps onto Frazer with a dragon sleeper, SOMERSAULT INVERTED DDT?!?! What?!! Cover at 20 seconds, Teoman WINS!

Winner: Teoman, by pinfall

A 2-1 victory late in the fifth round, and the one moving on is the man with the evil eye! At the same time, if it wasn’t for his brother in arms, Rohan Raja, maybe it wouldn’t have gone this way. Will Teoman’s family continue to help him all the way to the Heritage Cup itself?

My Thoughts:

What a great episode this week! For one, I could not have guessed Blair Davenport would assault Sid Scala. Not even a male Heel has gone that far, so that’s pretty big for her character here. I feel like a kayfabe financial fine is one of the ways they will go with this, as I don’t see them kayfabe suspending their newest star. Especially after Aoife Valkyrie seems to be shoot hurt to where she needs time to recover. That is a shame for Aoife and I hope she’s recovered well in real life and is already back to work. I say that cuz these episodes are recorded in batches, remember? Also, good promo from Jinny to follow up on that story.

I like that for NXT UK fans, they’re already getting an encore of Walter VS Dragunov. I didn’t make a TakeOver 36 article so I can’t just copy-paste, but I’m not sure if I’m going to do a full Play By Play work-up of that. I will definitely get the insight parts that I’m sure Walter, Dragunov and maybe some other NXT UK stars will give us, but who knows about the match. I have a week to think on it, too, so we’ll all just have to wait and see.

Meanwhile, we got a great second match for Mastiff & Starz, those guys are already a great combination in the string of moves they’re putting together. They are definitely going to take a nice slow burn path to the tag titles and that will make their team feel very organically over. That, and there’s already a great next feud for Pretty Deadly in not just Gallus, but the Coffey Brothers. Didn’t I just say last week that Joe Coffey’s next move could/should be teaming with his brother? I am so happy to see NXT UK saw it that way, too, and I can’t wait to see the Coffey Brothers work together in the ring again. Also, that “TikTok” promo was hilarious, Pretty Deadly could easily turn Face at some point and still be just as good.

Millie VS Amale was a very good match, and I am definitely in favor of Millie winning to basically thwart Amale’s title hopes. Not because I have something against Amale, but because she is going a great job at being this furious, frustrated Heel right now, and that definitely motivates her to do something more extreme next time. We got a good group promo from Symbiosis to set up the coming Six Man Tag, but I did not expect Carter & Smith to be the ones to answer the call. Symbiosis has history with Subculture so I expected them, but I also thought Mastiff & Starz teaming up with Huxley would help their build but also touch on the history between Starz and Huxley. But Carter and Smith had a great interaction with Huxley so I look forward to that trio working together, win or lose next week.

Gradwell continues to be a great talker, Wolfgang shows his own promo chops, their video to hype up next week’s Heritage Cup Contenders match definitely succeeded. Tonight’s Frazer VS Teoman British Rounds main event was awesome stuff and definitely must-see, just on the new and unique ways of fusing moves into new moves. Pretty sure no one outside of Frazer would’ve come up with that “snap cradle” and no one outside of Teoman would’ve modified the inverted DDT in that way. Another Heel into the next round is interesting, but Tyler Bate himself is strongly Face so maybe the entire semifinals is Heels so that we really can’t call it one way or another. That in itself is a brilliant  move from NXT UK, I can’t wait.

My Score: 8.7/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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