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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (9/23/21)

BIG opportunities are on the line!



Coverage NXT UK 2021

Who will be the first challenger to the CZAR of NXT UK?

Wolfgang and Teoman battle in the Heritage Cup Tournament while Rampage, Frazer and A-Kid battle to be the NEW #1 contender to the NXT UK title! Who grabs glory through brutality?


  • NXT UK Heritage Cup Contenders Tournament Semifinal: Teoman VS Wolfgang; Wolfgang wins and advances to the finals.
  • Isla Dawn VS Jinny w/ Joseph Conners; Jinny wins.
  • NXT UK Championship #1 Contender’s Triple Threat: Rampage Brown VS Nathan Frazer VS A-Kid; A-Kid wins and will challenge Ilja Dragunov for the title.


NXT UK Heritage Cup Contenders Tournament Semifinal: Teoman VS Wolfgang!

The Babo is fighting for his family but the Last King of Scotland is fighting for his brothers in arms! Will the Nezar look right through Wolfgang to go after the Scottish Supernova? Or will Wolfgang win one for the Gallus boys?

Speaking of their families and firms, Rohan Raja is in Teoman’s corner while both Coffey brothers are in Wolfgang’s. Will Joseph & Markus be able to keep Raja from tipping things in Teoman’s favor like with Nathan Frazer? The bell rings on round one and the final semifinal begins!

Wolfgang and Teoman circle, BT Sports Studio rallies and Teoman ends up in a corner. He kicks but Wolfgang blocks to ROCK him with forearms and haymakers! Wolfgang keeps Teoman staggering as he hits him more but Teoman hits back! Wolfgang makes him pay for it with a BIG shot, then fires off in the corner. The ref counts, Wolfgang brings Teoman around to ROCK with a EuroUpper! Teoman goes for an arm, wrenches, but Wolfgang scoops and SLAMS him! Teoman goes to a corner, SLAPS Wolfgang, then dodges to SLAP again! Teoman wrenches, wrangles Wolfgang then wristlocks.

Wolfgang fights up, blocks the whip to reverse the whip and Teoman hits buckles in the corner. Wolfgang runs in to corner SPLASH, then he goes up top. Raja distracts with banging on steps and Teoman gets up. Wolfgang hops down and rushes in but Teoman sweeps the legs! And adds a basement dropkick! Cover, ONE! Teoman is after the arm but Wolfgang resists the crossface! Wolfgang fights up, scoops and hits a BACKBREAKER! Teoman hobbles up into a LARIAT! Wolfgang gets Teoman up for a CABER TOSS! Cover, Wolfgang scores!

Teoman: 0; Wolfgang: 1

With a full minute to spare, Wolfgang ends the round! Gallus is fired up for Wolfie as he goes to the corner. Teoman crawls over and Raja helps him refresh. Will Wolfgang make this a fast one?

Round two begins and Teoman is wary of Wolfgang as they circle. Wolfgang’s left arm is still bugging him as they tie up. Teoman throws a forearm, Wolfgang gives them back with interest! Teoman SLAPS Wolfgang again, then BOOTS him! Then CLUBS him from behind! But Wolfgang stays up! He shakes his head and throws EuroUppers! Teoman staggers, Wolfgang whips him to ropes and RAMS him down with a shoulder! Wolfgang watches Teoman get up slowly, runs in but is tossed up and out! The bad arm only gets banged up and Teoman is out after Wolfgang! Teoman wrenches and SLAMS the arm on the apron, then uppercuts it. But Wolfgang DECKS Teoman with one!

Wolfgang gets Teoman up but Teoman grabs the apron skirt. They’re both in at 8 of 10, Wolfgang gets Teoman up. Teoman goes for a leg but Wolfgang CLUBS him down! Wolfgang whips and CLOTHESLINES Teoman up and out! Wolfgang is howling and BT Sports Studio is fired up with him! Another last minute and Wolfgang goes out to fetch Teoman. Teoman is again clutching the apron skirt and then he uses it to put on Wolfgang’s head! Teoman clubs away on the blinded Wolfgang! The ref counts, Teoman stops at 4 but the ring-out count continues! They’re both in at 9 of 10, Teoman goes up top and watches Wolfgang rise. MISSILE DROPKICK at 15 seconds! Cover, TWO!!

Teoman hurries at the last ten seconds! The crossface turns into Wolfgang’s cover, TWO!! And that’s the round- Wait, Wolfgang gets an uppercut in!!

Teoman: 0; Wolfgang: 1

Raja protests and the ref warns Wolfie, but he stands down. Teoman makes it back to his corner and the ref calms Raja down. Wolfgang gets his refresher and Joe tells him to keep on Teoman, just like he’s been doing, and he can finish this. Round three begins, Teoman rushes in but Wolfgang dodges to fire off JABS and HAYMAKERS! Wolfgang shoves, Teoman SLAPS and CHOPS, breaks the guard to CHOP again! Teoman wants a leg but Wolfgang CLUBS him! Wolfgang shoves Teoman, kitchen sink knee! Wolfgang runs for a SENTON! Raja gets on the apron, the ref reprimands him but Mark tells Raja to stop it or else. But Teoman dropkicks Wolfgang’s leg in the distraction!

Wolfgang crawls, Teoman DOUBLE STOMPS him on the back! Teoman STOMPS the arm, PENALTY KICKS it, then takes aim. BASEMENT FOREARM! Cover, Teoman ties it up!

Teoman: 1; Wolfgang: 1

Round three is done in quick fashion, and now Wolfgang is feeling on the defensive. Will round four finish this off to set the tournament finals?

Round four begins and the two tare down, each clutching a limb. They feel out the grapple as best they can with one arm each, but Teoman kicks low. Teoman wrenches, CLUBS the left arm, wrenches it again and hits an ELBOW BREAKER! But Wolfgang LARIATS with his right! Wolfgang gets feeling in his bad arm but Teoman SHOTGUN dropkicks it! Then a sunset flip, but Wolfgang PUNCHES! Wait, that was his bad arm! High stack, TWO!! Teoman wants the arm again! He puts it on the ropes and wrap sit, right in the face of Gallus! Teoman lets off as the ref counts, but he paces around. Teoman stands on the arm but Wolfgang avoids the stop! BIG EuroUpper!

Teoman staggers up and Wolfgang LARIATS again! Wolfgang hits another corner SPLASH, then pushes Teoman down. Wolfgang goes up, FLYING DOUBLE AX HANDLES! But the bad arm slows him down! Raja barks on the apron, Joe barks back, but Mark trips Raja to DECK him! Teoman is pissed now, but Wolfgang brings him around to fire off hands. Wait, the bad hand! Teoman whips but Wolfgang reverses! Teoman handsprings but Wolfgang goes perpendicular, to SPEAR Teoman out of the air!! Cover, Wolfgang wins!!

Winner: Wolfgang, by pinfall (advances to the tournament finals)

With 45 seconds left in the fourth, Wolfgang takes down Teoman! Now it’s a battle of Scotsmen as this Gallus boy takes on Mr. Supernova 11! Who wins it all to then go after Tyler Bate and the cup?


Blair Davenport sends another message.

This time it’s just a video recording. “Hi, Sid. This is Blair Davenport. Y’know, the one that you suspended? You can punish me all that you like, but bad things will continue to happen. So you’d better think smart. Reinstate me.” Will the Assistant NXT UK General Manager take these words seriously and bring Blair back? Or will he refuse to give in to the gritty goth’s demands?


NXT UK Media catches up with Subculture.

Dani Luna, Mark Andrews & Flash Morgan Webster all have new cans of spray paint, so what’re they up to? They’re hoping to get some content of their own made, so why not work together? But then Sam Gradwell walks by and he mockingly says, “Morning, Subculture. It a bit, yogurts!” Subculture brushes that off, but then they turn the corner and see Gradwell’s defaced their mural with “Y O G” right on it. They can fix it, but can they make sure Gradwell doesn’t try it again?


NXT UK Media also checks in with Jordan Devlin.

The Irish Ace doesn’t respond to the knocks on the door, but then the door opens and GALLUS is inside Devlin’s private locker room. They’re partying for Wolfie’s win, and Devlin storms in. What’re they doing in HIS room!? Oh, it’s lovely, and his coffee maker does a great dark roast. After all, they’re the Coffey Brothers! They throw Devlin out of his own room, and Devlin says he’s gonna go tell Johnny Saint! Will tattling on the Gallus boys really get Devlin anywhere?


Isla Dawn VS Jinny w/ Joseph Conners!

The Wicked Witch of NXT UK has decided to go after the pretty Spoiled Princess, and her little Righteous Knight, too! But will Isla take something from Jinny’s collection? Or will Jinny be a splash of cold water on Isla’s delusions?

The bell rings and Jinny steps right up to Isla. Isla “apologizes” for last week then laughs about it, so Jinny fires off forearms! Isla hits back, CLUBS Jinny, and still laughs, until Jinny kicks her low. Isla gets the leg, stomps away on it, then stomps Jinny. Isla drags Jinny up but Jinny throws forearms. Isla throws forearms back, CLUBS Jinny down again, then swings again. Jinny knees low, ROCKS Isla then whips but Isla reverses. Jinny elbows back, bumps Isla off buckles then stomps a mudhole in! The ref counts, Jinny stops, and Conners shouts, “That’s what you get!” But Isla turns it around to fire forearms on Jinny in the corner! And a BIG EuroUpper!

Isla snapmares Jinny for an uppercut to the back! BT Sports Studio boos as Isla pulls hair but Jinny shoves her away. Isla rebounds to run Jinny over! Things speed up and Jinny CLOBBERS Isla with an elbow! Cover, TWO! Jinny rains down on Isla as BT Sports Studio rallies up. Conners taunts Isla more as Jinny puts Isla in a corner with force. Jinny whips corner to corner but Isla reverses and Jinny hits buckles hard! Isla pulls hair, sits Jinny up, but Jinny ducks the buzzsaw to get the leg! Trip up to a KNEE! Cover, TWO! Conners coaches Jinny as she stomps away on Isla. “Treat her like Valkyrie!” Jinny drags Isla into a leg lock but Isla gets the ropebreak!

Jinny lets off as the ref counts, but Isla throws her into ropes! Then KNEES Her in! Isla is gleeful as she drags Jinny back up for EuroUppers! Isla bumps Jinny off buckles, throws more forearms, but Jinny shoves her away. Isla KICKS Jinny down, kicks her to a corner, then KICKS her again and again! Conners coaches Jinny but Isla KICKS her down again! Jinny goes to the apron, Isla follows her out and reels her in. Jinny pulls hair to throw body shots and forearms! Isla drops down, Jinny takes a breath, but Isla trips her! Jinny hits apron face first then hits the floor! Isla drags Jinny up to THROW her into barriers! Isla puts Jinny in at 6 of 10 but Conners asks her what the heck!

Isla grabs Conners’ hands and goes into a trance! Conners has no idea what’s going on, he gets away, but Jinny grabs at Isla from the apron! Isla ROCKS Jinny, gets back in the ring, and KICKS a knee out! METEORA! Cover, TWO!! Jinny survives and Conners is relieved! Isla drags Jinny around, aims from a corner, and Conners says Isla is “Gone” mentally. “What is your problem?!” Jinny trips Isla up! Jinny has Isla in the ropes, THE MAKEOVER!! Cover, Jinny wins!

Winner: Jinny, by pinfall

The constant barking of Conners saves Jinny from certain disaster! But Isla’s eyes haven’t left watching the two of them. Will there be no running from the curse of Isla Dawn?


NXT UK Media again catches up with Subculture.

Dani Luna gets her squats in, and Andrews agrees, she’s the physically strongest female in NXT UK. Maybe even one of the strongest in all of the WWE. Xia Brookside walks over to applaud Dani, and then brings up how Meiko Satomura challenged the entire roster to go out and take opportunity. These two have never faced each other, so what does Dani say to a match? Sure, if Xia’s sure. Of course she is. Dani has the strength, but what about the speed? Andrews and Webster do agree, Xia’s pretty speedy. But then they help Dani take her bar up a notch. Will the Punk Rock Powerhouse raise the bar after flying with Brookside?


NXT UK hears from Charlie Dempsey.

“People who step in the ring with me, they can expect to be broken down. I’m gonna grind away at them, do proper damage to their joints, and make them hurt and make them suffer. I’m going to accomplish that win with proper holds, just like the old school competitors of the past. Despite being inspired by the past, this is gonna be new to a lot of you, and I’m going to show you something that you’ve never seen before.” Charlie Dempsey makes his debut in the ring next week!


Trent Seven talks with Oliver Carter and Ashton Smith.

They seem to get into an argument about something, but then Seven says The Book End is clearly inferior to The Rock Bottom. Smith agrees with Seven but Seven says it isn’t Carter’s fault. It’s because he’s young. It’d be like comparing Smith & Carter to Moustache Mountain. Whoa now! See, now Smith’s on Carter’s side. Well, the tag division is heating up, so maybe we finally see it: Moustache Mountain VS Carter & Smith. If they fancy it, that is. Well if he wants to have a go… But check with Tyler Bate first. No, no, Tyler’s neck deep in it, wind sprints and all that. He’ll be fine shining up the cup, but see you boys next week. Yeah, cool cool. They all fist bump on it, but Carter gets the last word: “Hottest tag team under the sun, Book End wins.”


BREAKING NEWS for next week!

After egging Joe Coffey on only to taste his own medicine, Jordan Devlin gets a match with the Iron King! But will this be the one time a King trumps an Ace?


NXT UK Championship #1 Contender’s Triple Threat: Rampage Brown VS Nathan Frazer VS A-Kid!

A punishing powerhouse, a prodigious hybrid and a former Heritage Cup Champion all go for the same goal of being Ilja Dragunov’s first challenger! Will Rampage get to battle UNBESIEGBAR 1v1 after their own Triple Threat from over a month ago? Will Frazer finally reach the heights he’s been after? Or will El Nino Anonimo look to chase history once again?

The bell rings and the three stare down as BT Sports Studio fires up already. They slowly circle, Rampage almost daring both AK and Frazer to try something. But AK and Frazer decide to attack together! Rampage fights them both off, BOOT for Frazer and BIG forearm for AK! He CLUBS them, DECKS AK and kicks Frazer out! Frazer and AK steady themselves and flank the ring. Rampage’s head is on a swivel but he still can’t watch both at the same time. Frazer and AK both get in together and dodge clotheslines! AK goes after the arm, Rampage stays on his feet even as Frazer CLUBS him! Frazer also realizes a cover or submission out of this loses for him, so he SHOTGUNS Rampage away!

Frazer runs to SHOTGUN Rampage again! AK GAMANGIRIS, and then DOUBLE DROPKICKS sends Rampage out! AK and Frazer stare down, and then things speed up! Frazer dodges a kick, AK dodges a punch to rebound and arm-drag! Kip up to dropkick but Frazer deflects! AK sputters from the landing but Frazer gets him up to CHOP! Frazer whips, AK reverses, Frazer goes up and over and keeps going! He slides under, sidesteps then hurdles to keep AK moving, to then dropkick him down! AK bails out, Frazer sees Rampage get in and Rampage dares him to try that with him. Frazer kicks but Rampage blocks to flip him! Frazer lands on his feet, ends up in a corner, but elbows back!

Rampage rushes back in, Frazer goes up and over, runs the ropes to duck and dodge but runs into a BIG back drop! Frazer writhes from the hard landing but AK is on the apron. Rampage dares AK to do something, so AK does! AK step-in springboards as a feint, but Rampage ducks the jump kick, only for AK to kick away at the legs! Rampage blocks one, grins and TOSSES AK to a corner! Rampage runs in, AK dodges to GAMANGIRI but Rampage eggs him on. AK SLAPS Rampage, dodges and springboards to dropkick a leg out! Frazer gets up, AK KICKS Rampage, Frazer BOOTS! KICK, BOOT, repeat, then AK DECKS Frazer with a super punch!

AK swings on Rampage but he ducks the buzzsaw to POUNCE AK to a corner! Frazer dropkicks Rampage’s leg out, then runs, into a CHOP! Frazer is floored and Rampage runs in to POUNCE Frazer into AK! Rampage drags Frazer from the corner and TOSSES him across the way! Rampage goes back to AK but AK throws body shots. Rampage ROCKS AK with a forearm, then TOSSES him into Frazer! Both smaller men are down, Rampage gets Frazer up to URENAGE! Rock Bottom or Book End, you decide! Cover, TWO!! Well, Rampage did his best Rock or Booker, but he hasn’t won yet. Rampage DECKS AK off the apron then goes back to Frazer.

Rampage puts Frazer in a corner hard, stands him up and CHOPS! Frazer grits his teeth as he falls against ropes, but Rampage stands him up to put him up top. Rampage CHOPS again, climbs up to join Frazer, then throws down big hands. Rampage gets Frazer up in a fireman’s carry, but Frazer fights free! AK joins in and he KICKS Rampage’s leg! Rampage falls to the mat, Frazer hops down to the apron. Frazer springboards back up but AK KICKS his legs out! Frazer falls hard to the mat, too, and AK goes after Rampage with a TRIANGLE HOLD! Rampage endures, fights up and he POWERBOMBS AK onto Frazer! Rampage continues to literally use his opponents against each other!

All three men are down as BT Sports Studio fires up. AK bails out, Frazer writhes but Rampage rises. Rampage reels Frazer in to gut wrench, but Frazer slips out to an ELBOW DROP DDT! Frazer drags Rampage to a drop zone, climbs up top again, but AK CLUBS him on the back! AK climbs up, Frazer elbows him away, then adjusts, only for AK to CLUB him again! Frazer sits down on the top, AK climbs up to waistlock, SUPER GERMAN- FRAZER LANDS ON HIS FEET! AK is shocked, but he runs in to be tossed out! Frazer WRECKS Rampage with a forearm, then DIVES onto AK! Frazer keeps going and he FLIES out onto Rampage!

BT Sports Studio fires up as Frazer sees AK coming in! Frazer ROCKS AK with a forearm before the dive, then gets in to duck, dodge and QUEBRADA! Frazer gets AK in the dragon sleeper, but here comes Rampage! Frazer BOOTS him first, then brings him in, DOUBLE DDT COMBO! All three men are down again and Frazer covers AK, TWO!! BT Sports Studio rallies up, Frazer crawls towards one side while AK goes to another. Rampage sits up, Frazer follows. Frazer throws a haymaker on Rampage, then another on AK! Frazer keeps AK staggered but Rampage keeps rising. Rampage blocks the scoop and HEADBUTTS! Rampage blocks AK’s superkick to send it into Frazer!

AK comes back, he headlocks but Rampage gets him and Frazer for a DOUBLE BACK SUPLEX! Rampage crawls and covers AK, TWO!! Rampage sits up, brings AK back up and ROCKS him in the back with a forearm! Rampage waistlocks, AK pries free to an ELBOW BREAKER! And PELE! Rampage flounders, Frazer runs in but AK CHOPS him! Knuckle lock, up and up and FLYING HEADSCISSOR ARM-DRAG COMBO! Rampage flops out, Frazer gets up. Frazer dodges, QUEBRA- NO! AK slips into the ropes with Frazer for a SNAP GERMAN SUPLEX! Frazer flounders around as AK climbs up top, for a BIG CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO!!

AK doesn’t stop here, “This is Awesome!” as AK waistlocks Frazer in a rear bearhug. Frazer fights, AK drags him up but Frazer pries the hold. AK regrips, Frazer bucks him at the ropes. AK kips up to a NORTHERN LIGHTS, rolls through to an ARMBAR!! Frazer claps hands, AK uses his own head for leverage, but Rampage returns! But AK drags him down to the omoplata! AK CLUBS the arm, wants the other arm, but Rampage rolls to high stack! TWO, dead lift into a POWERBOMB!! Frazer SUPERKICKS Rampage down!! All three men are down again as BT Sports Studio is thunderous! Frazer goes to ropes, AK goes to the far side and Rampage finds a corner as they all recover.

Frazer drags himself up, runs over at AK but AK BOOTS him! AK hops up top, Frazer trips him up! Payback from earlier and now Frazer climbs up. Frazer stands AK up, Rampage joins in and gets Frazer in an Electric Chair. Frazer fights, AK adjusts, but Frazer slips down to send Rampage into AK! Rampage is tasting some of his own medicine, and Frazer manages to scoop and SLAM Rampage down!! Frazer hurries back to AK and climbs up top! Frazer brings AK all the way up, SUPER FALL AWAY POWERSLAM!! Cover, Rampage barely breaks it in time! Rampage hurries to CLUB Frazer and throw down ax handles! AK gets over to get a SLEEPER!

Frazer hits Rampage from below then gets away as Rampage stands with AK as a backpack! AK shifts position to a GUILLOTINE! But Rampage powers out of that, only for Frazer to SUPERKICK!! Cover, TWO!!! Frazer can’t believe how close he was but BT Sports Studio is still fired up! AK is out of the ring, Frazer hurries to get Rampage back up. Rampage ROCKS Frazer, runs in but into boots! Frazer goes up, out and springboards back in, into a POWERSLAM! Rampage hauls Frazer up, DOCTOR BOMB!! Cover, AK drags Rampage into a SLEEPER!! AK has the body scissors in and squeezes tight but Rampage manages to stand! Rampage uses ropes to throw AK over, but AK gets back in!

Rampage suplexes, AK slips out and SUPERKICKS!! Rampage falls, AK DEAD LIFT GERMAN SUPLEXES Frazer! Frazer staggers up into the DYNAMIC DROPKICK!! Cover, AK wins!!

Winner: A-Kid, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contender to the NXT UK Championship)

The studying, the training, the experience, the determination and the toughness of the young man from Madrid all came through for him! A-Kid is now challenging The Czar of NXT UK, but will his limitless potential be able to match UNBESIEGBAR?

My Thoughts:

Another great episode for NXT UK! As Heritage Cup/British Rounds matches go, Teoman VS Wolfgang felt very fast paced. Four rounds that went really quick, and it made a lot of sense for the Coffey Brothers to turn Raja’s distractions around on Teoman. We’re going to get a great tournament finals out of Dar VS Wolfgang, but I feel like this guarantees Dar wins to take on Bate for the cup. NXT UK showed us they can think outside the WWE box with Dar VS Williams as Heel VS Heel, but Bate being Face surely means Dar is the Heel he’s defending against. Meanwhile, Bate & Seven taking on Smith & Carter sounds like a really fun match to keep things moving in the tag division.

I wonder if NXT UK knew they ended up scheduling two Subculture promo segments for the same episode. But Gradwell picking on Subculture clearly sets up any number of matches between him, Andrews and Webster. Then we get the obvious set-up for Xia VS Dani, and that should be a very good match. Isla VS Jinny was a very good match for tonight, and Jinny winning works for both women, actually. Jinny is staying strong while her feud with Aoife Valkyrie out with injury, and Isla seems to be building strength through losing. She might still take something of Jinny’s and add it to her collection, but I can’t be sure what the endgame is for her.

I really expected Blair’s video to show someone she randomly beat up, but maybe she’s planning on doing that next week when Sid continues to keep her suspended. Charlie Dempsey’s promos have great messages, but his delivery leaves a bit to be desired. He sounds more bored than menacing, so hopefully he can find some fire to put behind his in-person promos. As for the main event, that was incredibly exciting. Rampage showed his power, Frazer and AK showed their speed and agility, but also some great creativity in this. For a moment, I thought Rampage was winning this, but AK has been getting quite a push ever since the inaugural Heritage Cup tournament. Dragunov VS AK is going to be great for Dragunov’s first defense, and I would think Dragunov wins to build his reign.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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