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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (9/10/21)

WWE returns to Madison Square Garden!



Coverage SmackDown 2021

Tonight, ladies and gentlemen, it’s SUPER SmackDown!

WWE returns to Madison Square Garden for the biggest night in a long time! Brock Lesnar is back on SmackDown, how will Paul Heyman handle that?


  • 10 Man Tag: Big E, Shinsuke Nakamura, Rick Boogs & The Mysterios VS Sami Zayn, Apollo Crews, Chad Gable & The Dirty Dawgs; Big E, Nakamura, Boogs & The Mysterios win.
  • Edge VS Seth Rollins; Rollins wins.
  • SmackDown Tag Team Championships: The Usos VS The Street Profits; The Street Profits win by disqualification, the Usos retain the titles.


We all remember where we were on that fateful Tuesday morning.

“Thousands of American lives were lost in an unspeakable attack on our way of life. And as we mourned as a nation, our resolve was tested. But we persevered, demonstrating that our strength, our courage and our spirit would not waver.” We honored the fallen and used the light of their memory to guide our way forward. So as the 20th anniversary arrives, we remember that freedom is not free, that our resilience is what unites us and serves as a beacon of hope. So on this day, remember that day, and never forget.


Roman Reigns heads to the ring!

Madison Square Garden is torn on seeing the Head of the Table make his way out, along with Paul Heyman and the Usos. The Bloodline still has the WWE Universal Championship and SmackDown Tag Team Championships and hold those titles high as the pyro goes off. Then they continue down to the ring, hold up the belts again, and have the second round of pyro go off. Heyman fetches a mic for his Tribal Chief as the Usos hold up a finger because #WeTheOnes. “Wiseman.” “Yes, my Tribal Chief.” “When it comes to sports entertainment, WWE runs New York City, right?” “Owns it, my Tribal Chief.” “And who runs the WWE?” “My Tribal Chief, you run WWE.”

That’s right! The Bloodline runs the WWE! Therefore, the Tribal Chief runs NYC! Not everyone is happy with that notion but Roman says HE runs MSG. So therefore, MSG, #AcknowledgeMe. Plenty of fans do but plenty more refuse. The Bloodline soaks it all in, until THE BEAST arrives! Brock Lesnar walks out on stage and stares right at the ring. And then he gets in the ring and gets right in Roman’s face! The Usos step up in front of Roman and fans are losing their minds. Heyman speaks up, trying to reason with Lesnar. “I still, I fail to understand. I have one simple question for you: Of all the championships that we can go after together, why the Universal title?”

Lesnar shuts Heyman up there and has a question for Paul: “Why didn’t you tell Roman I was gonna be at SummerSlam?” OH SNAP! Fans tell Heyman, “You F’d up! You F’d up!” Fox mute censors this as Lesnar simply shrugs and leaves it to Heyman to explain. Heyman defends he didn’t know at all! This is all Lesnar playing mind games. Roman snatches the Universal title from Heyman’s shoulder and leaves! The Usos leave with him and Lesnar has a laugh. Roman’s loyalty is only to those with loyalty to him, and fans chant “SUPLEX CITY!” as Heyman is alone with Lesnar.

Heyman shifts gears to introducing himself, “And for 20 YEARS, I was the Advocate for the reigning, defending, undisputed WWE Heavyweight Champion of the World, BRRROCK! LESNARRR!” Lesnar gets the mic back to say that was great stuff, Paul! That was great! Just like old times! Lesnar smiles, but then says that before Roman officially fires Heyman, “accept my challenge, please.” Challenge…? Lesnar’s shot at Roman Reigns for the Universal title! Heyman tries to reason with Lesnar again but Lesnar says he has five seconds. Five. Four. Three. Two. ONE! Fireman’s carry and- Roman returns to SUPERMAN PUNCH Lesnar! But Lesnar gets up!

Roman tries again but gets caught to a fireman’s carry! The Usos return, Jey SUPERKICKS Lesnar! Roman is safe, Jimmy SUPERKICKS Lesnar! The Usos coordinate but Lesnar DOUBLE LARIATS both men! Roman leaves Jimmy to a GERMAN SUPLEX! And then same for Jey, GERMAN SUPLEX! The Garden just became Suplex City and Lesnar dares Roman to do something. Roman instead continues to retreat, the challenge unanswered. Will Roman’s attention be too much on The Beast and make him overlock The Prince at Extreme Rules?


Backstage interview with The Bloodline.

Kayla wants words from Roman and the Usos after what happened, but they storm past. She asks Heyman about the challenge, will Roman answer it? Oh, she hard Brock’s challenge? And how he accused Heyman of knowing what was going to happen at SummerSlam? The Tribal Chief and his cousins have to get ready for the Street Profits, but here Kayla is like a “Jersey girl” ambushing them with inappropriate questions at absolutely the wrong time. Roman will answer the challenge when he finds it appropriate to answer Brock Lesnar.


10 Man Tag: Big E, Shinsuke Nakamura, Rick Boogs & The Mysterios VS Sami Zayn, Apollo Crews, Otis & The Dirty Dawgs!

Just as the King of Strong Style and his rockin’ bard make their entrance, Sami has to get on the mic and interrupt it all. Before this match gets started, Sami wants to say he LOVES New York! He does! That is why as the master strategist, Sami has a very special guest for their corner! It is someone who knows how to win here in MSG, so give a big NYC welcome to… The Atlanta Hawks’ TRAE YOUNG!! And it is legitimately Trae Young, and he is soaking up all the heat! Sami is of course reveling in this as Young stands with Gable and Azeez ringside. The teams sort out and Nakamura starts with Ziggler.

Ziggler waistlock sand shoves Nakamura to then egg him on. Nakamura fires off a strike fest and an AX KICK! Roode runs in, he ducks a kick but not the WHEEL KICK! Otis tags in and he CLUBS Nakamura down! Otis whips Nakamura out of the ring, but Nakamura ENZIGURIS Gable! Azeez steps, Nakamura dares him to do something, but then Otis BLASTS Nakamura off the apron! Gable says that’s what you get from HIS number one guy! Big E and the others storm over but Sami makes sure Trae is safe. Nakamura gets in the ring but Otis stands on him! Otis gets Nakamura up, whips him to a corner, then runs corner to corner to SPLASH!

Otis eggs on Nakamura’s team but the ref keeps the peace. Trae is loving the teamwork from Sami’s group as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Nakamura fights Sami’s headlock. Sami knees low, suplexes but Nakamura slips out to ROUNDHOUSE Sami down! Hot tag to Rey and he SEATED SENTONS Sami! Rey BLASTS Apollo and the Dirty Dawgs, then dodges Sami to run and mule kick. Rey rebounds to hop up, DESTROYER! Cover but Apollo breaks it! Dominik gets in but Apollo ENZIGURIS! Boogs gets Apollo for an EXPLODER, but Otis runs in to CLOBBER Boogs with a back elbow! Nakamura DYNAMIC DROPKICKS Otis out! Ziggler returns to SUPERKICK! Big E gets in to OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Roode gets in to hit a SPINEBUSTER on Big E!

Rey dodges Roode to tilt-o-whirl him to ropes! Fans fire up as Rey dials it up, but Sami trips him up! Sami soaks up the heat, chokes him on the ropes, but lets off as the ref counts. Trae Young gets his shots in! The ref sees that, Trae lets off, but the ref EJECTS him! The Hawk has to go back to the locker room for that flagrant foul! Trae says he doesn’t have to, he’s not a superstar. But other refs come out and escort Trae away. Sami complains but Dom HOTSHOTS him! Rey headscissors Sami to the ropes, Dom tags in then he tags Big E! Father and son give Sami DOUBLE 619’s! And Sami staggers into Big E’s scoop for a BIG ENDING!! Cover, Big E’s team wins!

Winner: Big E, Shinsuke Nakamura, Rick Boogs & The Mysterios, by pinfall

Mr. Mon-E in the Bank and company take the win here in the Garden, and Kayla interviews them in congratulations. Big E says they had one heck of a team, much like this year’s Knicks! But since he is Mr. MITB, Big E can cash in on any champion at any time. So what’s next? Oh you already know! Big E says this might not be the last time you see him out here tonight. Because whether it’s the All Mighty Bobby Lashley or the Tribal Chief Roman Reigns, “If you have what I need, I’m coming for ya neck! And it might be next Monday when I show up on Raw, or it could be any night. But know, if you have what I need, ooooh, you gon’ feel MAH POWAH~!” The top titles are on notice, but who does Big E pull the trigger on first?


WWE honors three charity organizations.

These groups help and support the victims, their families, and the first-responders affected by the tragedy of 9/11. The Feel Good Foundation, 9/11 Day and Tuesday’s Children are all honored as #CommunityChampions in New York.


Bianca Belair heads to the ring!

The EST has a contract to sign! But will she and the WWE get The Man to sit down and accept that? We find out, after the break.

SmackDown returns and Bianca is in the ring with Sonya Deville & Adam Pearce. Pearce says that with Bianca’s signature, they will make the rematch at Extreme Rules official. Bianca takes the contract in hand and says, “Wow. Imagine me coming all this way, standing in Madison Square Garden!” Fans chant “E S T!” but Bianca remembers back to SummerSlam. She was so excited because we all know how great Becky Lynch is. Bianca has the utmost respect for Becky since she is a competitor and a new mom. But what Bianca respected most was that no matter what, The Man would never run from a fight.

“But my, how things changed…” Becky got Bianca at SummerSlam, but she keeps bringing up the 26 seconds is because if they really went toe-to-toe is that the outcome would be different. So Bianca doesn’t respect Becky as much. But Becky can win back some of that respect, while Bianca wins back her title! Bianca signs on the dotted line, and now Becky makes her entrance. Becky has big sunglasses, a bigger jacket, and holds up the SmackDown Women’s Championship as she goes to the ring. Becky takes her seat at the table now, she sees Bianca’s signature, and says “The original WrestleMania main-eventer has arrived.”

Bianca laughs that one off but Becky asks “Esther” how she knew she had her number. The music hit and Bianca was star struck to be facing #BigTimeBecks. So then, that’s just it. “You can be a fan or you can be The Man. Ain’t no shame in buying a ticket and being out there with the regular people.” No, look! Becky said she’d give Bianca the match when Becky was ready. That could’ve been tonight! Maybe. Maybe Becky would win in the Garden in 20 seconds. But now we won’t know. So uh… What if Becky didn’t sign the contract? What does she mean if she doesn’t- Maybe she doesn’t want to. Girl, uh-uh. SIGN THE DAMN CONTRACT. Everyone wants her to sign it so SIGN IT.

MSG chants “SIGN IT! SIGN IT!” and Becky gets defensive. They really want that? Becky was at home, listening to the fans chanting, “We Want Becky!” She came back last minute, no notice, saved everyone’s asses and won in 26 seconds, and this is how they treat her? She left her baby girl at home for these people and they favor the flash in the pan? Becky frowns but the fans are on Bianca’s side here. Bianca and Sonya ask Becky to sign. “Fine! If you can’t join ’em, beat ’em!” Becky will give Bianca the match but it’ll end the same way! Signed, sealed and tossed at Bianca, but she catches it with ease! Becky storms off and fans boo, but is there going to be big time payback at the PPV?


Paul Heyman is trying to explain something on the phone.

He is still defending that he had no idea Lesnar would show up at SummerSlam. But Tegan Nox & Shotzi Blackheart offer him a ride on the TCB Tank MK. III. He doesn’t answer in time so they figure that’s a no and head out. Then Heyman turns around to see Kayla again! She just wants an update on Roman and the challenge given by Lesnar. All Kayla does is nag nag nag, poke poke poke, until she gets something. Here’s an update: The Tribal Chief will witness his cousins defending the tag titles against the Street Profits, and then live, in Madison Square Garden, the Tribal Chief will answer the challenge of Brock Lesnar. Now whether it’s a yes or a no… Don’t you just love a good cliffhanger?

But then Heyman turns around into Big E! And Big E smiles and holds up the MITB briefcase. “Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah…!” Roman may be playing mind games but Big E’s strategy is crystal clear. Will the Beast and the Prince need to factor in Mr. MITB?


Edge VS Seth Rollins!

It would seem SummerSlam was not the end of anything but just a turning point! The Rated R Superstar is excited and grateful to be back in MSG, but will The Architect look to #BurnItDown? Or will copying the Hall of Famer only get Rollins beaten by the Hall of Famer again?

SmackDown returns to the ring and Seth Rollins makes his entrance. The bell rings and MSG is fired up to see SummerSlam revisited. Rollins grins as fans chant “EDGE! EDGE!” The two circle, tie up, and Edge wrenches to get a wristlock. Rollins tries to fight it off but Edge powers through. Rollins rolls, handsprings and wrenches back to YANK the arm. Edge backs off and Rollins laughs and smiles. The two circle again, tie up, and Edge gets a headlock. Edge hits the takeover but Rollins keeps his shoulders up. Rollins headscissors, Edge kips out and headlocks. Rollins powers out, things speed up and Rollins dropkicks a leg out!

Edge backs off and seems to wonder what chess game Rollins is after. The two circle again, approach, Rollins is after the leg but Edge steps over to then schoolboy. TWO, Edge counter punches Rollins! Edge puts Rollins in a corner, whips him corner to corner and runs in. Rollins catches Edge but Edge stops the buckle shot in time! And then Edge crouches and aims, but Rollins knows about the Spear! Rollins runs in but Edge gives him a BUCKLE SHOT! Edge then POSTS Rollins and lets Rollins flop to the apron! Fans fire up as Rollins writhes and gets back in. Edge is after the arm but Rollins scrambles to get away. Rollins trips Edge, drags him out and RAMS him into barriers!

Rollins gets Edge back up, puts him in the ring, but Edge hotshots Rollins back! Edge brings Rollins in through the ropes and KNEES away on Rollins’ face! Edge runs but into a KNEE from Rollins! Fans rally and duel as Rollins climbs a corner. Edge gets up but is far away, so Rollins hops down to run and KNEES Edge out of the ring! Rollins builds speed to DIVE! Direct hit at the ramp and Rollins grins as he’s in control! Fans boo as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Rollins THROWS Edge into barriers! And then stands him up to talk trash! “You think you’re better than me!” Rollins ROCKS Edge with a forearm but he hears the ring count hit 5 of 10. Rollins puts Edge in, aims from the apron and springboards in, FLYING KNEE! Cover, TWO! Rollins seethes but he goes back to Edge and stomps away on the arms! Rollins bends Edge’s arm back with a top wristlock but Edge endures. Fans duel as Rollins pulls harder on the elbow and shoulder. Edge fights up but Rollins throws body shots! Rollins gets a leg to DRAGON SCREW! Fans boo Rollins but he scowls and stalks Edge.

Rollins gets the bad leg, stomps away on it, and shouts “It’s MY time! MY TIME!” Rollins tells Edge this is his time, and then stands Edge up. Rollins gets the leg but Edge throws hands! Edge enziguris but Rollins ducks to chicken wing for a GLAM SLAM!! Rollins steals Beth Phoenix’s move and asks Edge how it tastes! Rollins chicken wings again, gets Edge back up, and hits another GLAM SLAM!! Cover, TWO!! Edge survives but Rollins smirks. Fans rally as Edge stands but Rollins kicks low and reels him in! IMP- NO! Edge fights out to kick and reel Rollins in! But Rollins denies Edge the DDT to kick and underhook!

No Pedigree as Edge back drops free! Rollins sunset flips, Edge rolls through and Edge goes after legs! Rollins scrambles away to get the ropes, but Edge yanks him up! Rollins lands on his feet but into a PEDIGREE from Edge!! Cover, TWO!?! Rollins survives and he slowly rolls out of the ring. Fans tell Edge, “You Still Got It!” and he’s climbing up top! FLYING CLOTHESLINE! Direct hit on Rollins but both men are down and MSG is thunderous as SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns again and Edge avoids a superkick but Rollins denies an Edge-o-Matic with an arm-drag! Only for Rollins to run into a FULL NELSON SLAM! High stack, TWO!! Rollins narrowly escapes but both men are down again. Edge gets to a corner, climbs up but Rollins springs right up to the top! Edge fights the superplex to SUPER GOURD BUSTER! Edge catches his breath, adjusts position, and leaps, but blocks boots to step through! EDGECUTION! Rollins crawls, reaches, and rolls to throw Edge into buckles! Rollins wants an arm but Edge rolls and high stacks, TWO! CROSSFACE!! Edge has Rollins and rolls him from ropes!

Rollins reaches, gets free but Edge pulls his hair to dribble Rollins’ face off the mat! Rollins gets the ropebreak and Edge has to let go! Edge has wild eyes and drags Rollins up and in. IMPALER!! But Edge doesn’t end it here, he aims from a corner! Edge runs in, but into a SWINGING NECKBREAKER! Rollins aims now, runs in, but Edge pops him up for a SIT-OUT BOMB! Cover, TWO!!! Rollins escapes by the seat of his pants and no one can believe it! Edge gets up first, fireman’s carries Rollins onto the top rope and then climbs up to join him. Rollins falls back so Edge CLUBS him in the chest! Edge sits Rollins up, but Rollins slips under and runs to BUCKLE BOMB!!

Edge flops to the mat and is in a daze. Rollins laughs and grins as he has Edge where he wants him! Fans rally and duel, Rollins runs but Edge SPEARS him outta nowhere!! Cover, TWO!?!? Rollins survives again but Edge is too tired to be upset. MSG fires up as both men slowly sit up. Edge crawls after Rollins and throws hands as they’re still on the mat. Edge then wants the arm but Rollins rolls around. Rollins pulls hair to KNEE Edge then ROLLING ELBOW! Rollins turns Edge again but no neckbreaker as Edge powers through. Rollins tries to get away and they end up cornering the ref! The ref slips away but misses the LOW BLOW!!

Edge staggers, Rollins mule kicks the leg out! Then mule kicks Edge in the face! Edge gets up, into a SUPERKICK! Edge drops back to his knees and Rollins sees the glazed look in his eyes! ANOTHER SUPERKICK! Edge falls over and Rollins seems to be staring into space. Rollins sees Edge sit back up, “WHY! WON’T! YOU! DIE?!” A THIRD SUPERKICK! Edge crawls, into a CURB STOMP!! Rollins revels in the moment before he covers, Rollins wins!

Winner: Seth Rollins, by pinfall

Rollins himself seems stunned that he actually did all of that to Edge! The ref checks on Edge and calls for help. Paramedics hurry out with a stretcher and board, knowing Edge’s bad neck could be the issue. Even management hurries out to check, and Rollins seems at a complete loss for words. Has Rollins come through on his promise to end the Rated R Superstar without even meaning to?


SmackDown returns and Edge is taken to an ambulance.

Rey Mysterio is by Edge’s side as his long time friend, but this could already be the end of Edge’s comeback. Sonya and Pearce then look at Rollins and an interviewer asks Rollins if he realizes what he just did. Rollins is again at a loss for words. “I don’t really know.” His arm hurts, but he isn’t sure how he feels about what happened tonight. Or how he’s supposed to feel. How does everyone else feel? Rollins doesn’t feel anything at all. He leaves, but what does all of this mean for the Architect?


Roman paces as he waits.

The Usos walk in and Roman says, “We the ones, right? We the ones. The Bloodline. That means they want what we have. They want to take it from us.” Roman says they run New York, the Garden and the WWE. So they aren’t going to let anyone have it. The Usos are up next, they promise to get this and make the family proud. #WeTheOnes. But will they be the ones to lose their gold?

As for Roman, he wants Heyman to understand that he saved Heyman from Lesnar. Heyman acknowledges that. But then Roman asks why Heyman didn’t tell him about Lesnar at SummerSlam. Heyman is for once the one at a loss for words, and Roman isn’t sure how to handle that. Is the Tribal Chief starting to feel… worried about his reign?


SmackDown Tag Team Championships: The Usos VS The Street Profits!

In a way, Jimmy & Jey let Angelo Dawkins & Montez Ford get this opportunity when the Usos got disqualified in their previous match-up. However, that doesn’t mean they’ll let the Profits take their gold. That’s just fine by Dawkins & Ford, though, because they’re ready to take these titles back and become repeat SmackDown Tag Team Champions! With Roman watching, will the Bloodline do the family proud? Or is comeback season a go for the Profits?

The introductions are made, the titles are raised, and it’s a golden main event once again in the Garden!

Ford starts with Jimmy and dropkicks him down right at the bell! Cover, ONE, but Ford gets Jimmy in a corner to throw heavy hands! Ford backs up to run in but Jimmy puts him outside. Ford counter punches and ROCKS Jimmy, but Jey runs over. Ford BOOTS Jey down but Jimmy BLASTS Ford off the apron! Jimmy builds speed and DIVES! Direct hit into the barriers and Jimmy says, “You don’t want no smoke!” The Usos regroup as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Ford tags in Dawkins. They whip Jimmy and Dawkins runs him over! Then the Profits combine, back suplex SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Dawkins keeps on Jimmy but Jimmy ROCKS him with an uppercut! Jimmy RAMS shoulders into Ford, tags in Jey and Jey hits a BIG forearm smash! Jey pushes Dawkins to a cover, TWO! Jey scowls and whips but Dawkins dodges and hurdles to whip and dropkick Jey down! Dawkins gets Jey up with an arm wrench and YANKS the arm. Dawkins wrenches again, YANKS the arm again then whips. Jey reverses and CLOBBERS Dawkins with an elbow! Dawkins goes to a corner but Jey tags in Jimmy.

The Usos drag Dawkins out to split the wishbone! Jimmy covers, TWO! Jimmy CLUBS Dawkins in the chest, tags to Jey, and they mug Dawkins. Jey brings Dawkins around, talks trash on Ford, but then misses the leg drop! Dawkins gets up to clothesline Jey out! Jimmy runs in but into Ford’s GAMANGIRI! Dawkins clotheslines Jimmy out, tag to Ford and he FLIES! Ford takes down both Usos and is fired up! But here comes Roman and Heyman! The Tribal Chief is not satisfied watching this backstage, and he’s surely not happy with how things are going. He and Heyman still make their way down the ramp as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns as Roman watches from the ramp and Jey shoves Dawkins. Dawkins rebounds off ropes, Jey fireman’s carries, but Dawkins gets free to hit the ANARCHY! Both men are down, crawl for their corners, hot tags to Jimmy and Ford! Ford goes up to CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Ford DECKS Jey, CLOBBERS Jimmy, but Jey returns to back suplex! Ford lands on his feet to kick, kick and ENZIGURI! Ford hits Jey so hard, Ford’s own shoe comes off! Ford tosses it to the crowd for a free souvenir, but Jimmy whips Ford to a corner! Ford goes up and over and Jimmy hits buckles! Ford handsprings on one shoe and dropkicks! Ford keeps moving, BLOCKBUSTER! Cover, TWO!!

Jimmy survives but Roman is stoic. Fans chant, “ONE SHOE! ONE SHOE!” for Ford as he gets Jimmy up. Jimmy ROCKS Ford with a right but Ford ROCKS Jimmy back! Ford blocks the kick, ducks the dragon whip and tags Dawkins! Dawkins gets Jimmy up while Ford climbs, DOOMSDAY BLOCKBUSTER!! Cover, TWO!?! Jimmy survives and Dawkins is shocked! Roman is moving from stoic to annoyed but Dawkins drags Jimmy back up. Dawkins underhooks again but Jimmy fights out to HEADBUTT! Jey tags in, Dawkins dodges Jimmy to DECK Jey!

Dawkins runs, dodges Jimmy and hurdles, into a SUPERKICK from Jey! Cover, TWO!! The Usos are frustrated and Roman certainly isn’t any happier. Jimmy wants in, Jey tags him. The Usos wait for Dawkins but Ford drags Jey out! Jey whips Ford into barriers but Dawkins rolls Jimmy, TWO! Jey SUPERKICKS from the floor, Jimmy SUPERKICKS again! Tag to Jey and he goes up top, USO SPLASH!! Cover, TWO?!?! Roman himself is stunned, he was raising his fist in victory for his cousins! Roman’s eyes are darting around the ring but fans say “This is Awesome!” as it continues! Jey fires himself up and gets Dawkins up by his shirt.

Jey talks trash but Dawkins ROCKS him! Ford tags in and Dawkins ROCKS Jey again! Jimmy tags in, Dawkins blocks a kick but gets the DRAGON WHIP! Jimmy is up top, USO SPLASH onto knees! Jimmy is down, Ford comes in FROM THE HEAVENS!! Cover, Roman slides into the ring! Roman gets Ford for a GUILLOTINE!!!

Winners: The Street Profits, by disqualification; The Usos retain the titles

Roman squeezes the air out of Ford and the fans boo hard as ever! Ford fades out, the Usos throw Dawkins into barriers! The Profits are down because #WeTheOnes who impose their will. Roman gets a mic to say he ducks no man! If Lesnar wants this, he’ll get this! Roman will smash Lesnar once he’s smashed Finn Balor! But wait, the lights go out! That heartbeat…! It’s getting faster as the smoke is swirling…! A deep breath and it’s DEMON BALOR!! For the first time in years, and certainly the first time in Madison Square Garden, Finn unleashes his dark side! And that dark side goes right to the ring to stand in front of the Bloodline! Will the Demon be the one to exorcise Roman’s reign of terror at Extreme Rules?

My Thoughts:

What a great episode, and with only three matches! That 10 Man Tag was very much a WWE move, getting a lot of people in on it, and also bringing in another guest star fans would love to hate on. Trae Young did well enough, making sure to hold onto Rey and then get caught by the ref. The Faces winning made a lot of sense with Big E on the team. Big E had a great promo here to put even Raw’s Bobby Lashley on notice, but also another great moment with Heyman backstage. Raw might’ve even changed their plans just to keep us wondering if Big E will cash in on Lashley, since the WWE World Championship is on the line when I was pretty sure the Raw Tag titles were supposed to be first…

The contract signing for Becky and Bianca was pretty good, with Becky of course playing up that she has to be the Heel in this. It’s still rather forced as far as timing but Becky herself is saying her lines smoothly because she’s still that good. Maybe winning at Extreme Rules and moving on to a different opponent helps Becky go back to Face to face a Heel like Carmella or Zelina Vega. We got a great rematch of Edge VS Rollins with perhaps a somewhat out of nowhere but still very impactful finish. Rollins wins with brutality but also perhaps some fear towards what he himself was capable of, in a bit of a reference back to last year when it was Extreme Rules time. Rollins going into this colder, emotionless state is an intriguing next step for his character arc.

Then of course, the main story of Heyman being caught in the middle of Roman and Lesnar was great stuff. A lot of good intrigue on if Lesnar was just messing with everyone about Heyman knowing or if he was serious and Heyman is trying to cover his own ass. Lesnar being one of the few men in WWE who can take the fight to just about everyone, he gets a great Face moment beating up the Usos and scaring off Roman like that. The Usos VS Profits was an awesome tag team match but of course Roman ruins that so the Bloodline saves face. And of course, you gotta love that Balor brings back the Demon.

Now, WWE could really get some excitement back if a lot of wild stuff happens at Extreme Rules. Whether it’s Demon Balor being what defeats Roman or Big E cashing in, or even both, those could be things that get buzz going for the WWE again. But because it’s Vince and his team, I’m thinking none of that happens and Roman wins so he and Lesnar can fight for the title in, of all places, Saudi Arabia with the Crown Jewel event making a return this October. I do have a fantasy booking plan that has Heyman just wash his hands of both Roman and Lesnar to go with Big E so that he can pounce on whoever comes out of Roman VS Lesnar the winner as sweet revenge on them both.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!


Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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