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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (9/3/21)

Will the Prince reign again?



Coverage SmackDown 2021

The Bloodline has challengers coming for their gold!

While Roman Reigns finally defends his title against Finn Balor, the Usos battle the Street Profits, with a SmackDown Tag title opportunity on the line! Will things drastically change for the Head of the Table and his cousins?


  • SmackDown Tag Team Championship Contenders Match: The Usos VS The Street Profits; The Street Profits win and have a future title opportunity.
  • Rick Boogs w/ Shinsuke Nakamura VS Dolph Ziggler w/ Robert Roode; Boogs wins.
  • Cesaro VS Seth Rollins; Cesaro wins, by disqualification.
  • Dominik Mysterio VS Sami Zayn; Zayn wins.
  • WWE Universal Championship: Roman Reigns w/ Paul Heyman VS Finn Balor; Roman wins and retains the title.


SmackDown Tag Team Championship Contenders Match: The Usos VS The Street Profits!

Jimmy & Jey know their Tribal Chief is taking on the Prince tonight, but they need to still hold it down in the SmackDown Tag Team Division! Will Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins turn the tables on the Bloodline to open Memorial Day weekend? Or will the Usos make Roman Reigns proud as he watches intently backstage?

Before the match, the Usos get mics to speak. “The Bloodline is now in your city!” And you know what, Uce? All last week, all Jimmy could think was, “Why the hell would the Street Profits want to stick they nose in some family bidness?” Jey also asks, “Why?” Jimmy says maybe it’s because the Profits are trying to make a name for themselves. Jey still asks, “Why?” Well, maybe the Profits want to prove themselves. Jey says, “No. All they did was disrespect the Head of the Table. What they did was disrespect the Bloodline! If you want to prove yourselves, prove yourselves to the seven-time WWE Tag Team Champions, Jimmy and Jey, the U-SOS!” Because they ARE the ones.

Now the Profits make their entrance! Ford & Dawkins also have mics as the SOLO cups rain down and are just as fired up. But Ford says he and Dawkins feel like fools for embarrassing the champions in front of the Head of the Table~! Aw…! But wait, wait. What are they doing in the ring without their permission slips? Roman didn’t sign anything for them, did he? But the Usos be spittin’ facts. They truly are the ones… about to get their asses whooped here in Jacksonville! DUVAL~! And y’know why? Because the Profits are up, and #WeWanttheSmoke! A lot of shots have been fired, but who hits the mark in this golden opportunity?

The teams sort out, Dawks starts with Jimmy at the bell. Jimmy and Dawkins tie up, go around, and Jimmy headlocks. Dawkins powers out but Jimmy runs him over. The Usos gloat already but Jimmy turns around into a BIG dropkick! Dawkins whips Jimmy to a corner, runs in and hits the CYCLONE! Dawkins talks smack, tags in Ford, and they whip Jimmy for another BIG dropkick! Jey gets in but gets a dropkick, too! Ford is fired up and so is Jacksonville as he builds speed. The Usos save each other, Ford “takes a sip” and then LEAPS! The Usos catch the crossbody and SWING Ford into barriers! The champs are in charge as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Ford fights up as he’s caught in Jey’s chinlock. Jey keeps him from Dawkins by mere fingertips before he CLUBS him down! Jey back suplexes but Ford lands on his feet to ENZIGURI! Both men are down, fans fire up and both men crawl for their corners. Hot tag to Jimmy and he goes past Ford to DECK Dawkins! Jimmy whips Ford to a corner, runs in but Ford goes up so that Jimmy POSTS himself! Ford is still down and Heyman stresses as he watches Roman’s disappointed expression. Dawkins and the fans rally up, hot tags to Dawkins and Jey! Dawkins rallies on Jey, dodges and hurdles but runs into a SAMOAN DROP! Jey covers, TWO!

Jey stalks Dawkins to a corner, stomps a mudhole in, then lets off to HIP ATTACK! Tag to Jimmy and the Usos get Dawkins up top. Jimmy throws hands, he and Jey climb up together, but Dawkins fights back! Dawkins fires off big forearm sand elbows back and forth! Jey falls, Jimmy fights back but Dawkins shoves him away. Dawkins adjusts, leaps over Jimmy, but blocks a superkick! Only to get the DRAGON WHIP! Ford tags in, Dawkins gives Jimmy the THE ANOINTING! Ford is up top, FROM THE HEAVENS! With a turn, even! Cover, Jey breaks it!! Jey fires off hands on Ford, drags him up and POSTS him!

The ref reprimands but Jey just POSTS Ford again! The ref calls for the bell!

Winners: The Street Profits, by disqualification (NEW #1 Contenders to the SmackDown Tag Team Championships)

Dawkins returns and CLOBBERS Jey! Jey bails out, Dawkins pursues but Jimmy is there! Dawkins is 2v1 against the Usos, the Usos RAM him into steel steps! But then Ford FLIES in!! He wrecks the Usos into the announce desk! Fans lose their minds as Dawkins helps Ford back up, and the Profits stand tall together on the announce desk!

As for Roman, he is not happy with how this went down. Roman refers to Heyman as “Wise man,” and Heyman replies, “Yes, my Tribal Chief?” Roman wants Heyman to fetch his cousins. Heyman nods and heads out. What will Roman have to say to Jimmy & Jey when they’re all face to face again?

Just as Heyman walks out of Roman’s room and whispers something into his phone, Kayla Braxton startles him. She says between the Usos and the Profits, then Roman VS Balor, “there’s a whole lot going on here tonight.” If he may offer some criticism, Kayla needs to enjoy the moment. We’re on worldwide live television, so- Wait, is that ringtone Brock Lesnar’s theme song?! Is Brock calling Heyman?! Kayla points the phone ringing, and Heyman tells “Mistress of the Obvious” that as he was just saying, there comes a time in everyone’s life- Lesnar’s calling again… Heyman checks behind him before he answers.

“Hi, um… Timing’s a little- No no no, I always love- … Yes. Yes. Well, I don’t have a lot of privacy right here right now…” Heyman promises to deliver the message. But then whoever this is, Lesnar or not, hangs up. Kayla says Heyman is so right. She is definitely enjoying this moment. Heyman storms off but bumps into a janitor. If he wants to take out the trash, start with Kayla. Wait it’s Big E! And he’s laughing up a storm as he holds up his Money in the Bank contract! Is Big E going to be laughing all the way to the bank should this Roman-Lesnar situation come to a head?


Becky Lynch is here!

The Man is back again, and knows just as everyone does that The EST, Bianca Belair, is coming back for the SmackDown Women’s Championship! But what will she have to say about that? We hear from the Lass Kicker, after the break.

SmackDown returns and Becky has a mic. She takes a few more moments to enjoy fans chanting her name before she says, “The Man has come around to Jacksonville!” Last week, during her return as our champion, she walked out to the ring and didn’t get any “You Deserve It” chants but oh well. Wait, the fans here chant it for her. “That’s what I’m talking about!” Maybe she should’ve waited until this week! And she was going on about SummerSlam until practically the entire women’s roster came out. They all want that Becks Rub, but she wanted to focus her attention on Bianca Belair. Bianca is “one hell of an athlete, probably the most athletic woman we’ve ever had in WWE.”

And yes, Bianca is the only other woman to win the main event of WrestleMania. So just imagine how excited Becky was to go toe-to-toe with her at SummerSlam! But now, somehow, in all of this, Becky’s being painted as the “bad guy?” Fans boo that idea, and Becky wants to explain something to the “Esther.” Becky’s return saved SummerSlam. When Sasha Banks went down at the last minute, “the higher powers” called for the biggest name they had, and they called The Man. Becky has been preparing to get her championship back since the moment she left. Bianca wasn’t ready, and that’s on her, not Becky. No one gets to cry about losing too fast when they weren’t ready and Becky was. Just because Becky hasn’t played the game in awhile, doesn’t mean she’s forgotten how to win!

And Bianca can call herself the EST and pretend she’s the best, but we know that’s a lie. Bianca can fool fans with flips and tricks, but you can’t fake experience, and that is why all it took was one flip of a fist to Bianca’s face to end Bianca’s title reign. But speaking of, here comes Bianca! She gets a mic and the fans chant for the EST, which annoys Becky. Bianca tells Becky, “That championship was more to me than just a title. It was a part of me for 132 days, and it etched my name into the WWE history books. So that moment at SummerSlam, it keeps replaying over and over again in my head. So… Let’s talk about it.”

Bianca had come so far, accomplished so much and lost it in 26 seconds. But y’know what? Bianca isn’t afraid to admit she was embarrassed, because how that all went down was embarrassing. She’s still hurt, but she stands in it, because that’s her truth. What she won’t do is build herself up by bringing another down, and she will never make excuses for herself. Fans cheer that sentiment. Bianca says Becky is talking like she knows Bianca, but #GirlUhUh. Becky doesn’t know Bianca! So Bianca will explain this in a way Becky can fully understand as to why Bianca’s the EST.

Bianca showed she was the strongEST beat three women in one match. While Becky was away, Bianca showed us that she’s the fastEST rising star, and she will bounce back because she’s the toughEST. And when Bianca takes back that title, becoming a two-time SmackDown Women’s Champion, Bianca will then be known as the greatEST, and that’s just facts. Becky is amused by this but Bianca continues: Since Becky didn’t give her a rematch, Bianca earned one, just like everything else she’s earned in her career. It isn’t a matter of if but when. So Roman’s defending a title tonight, and Becky is now #BigTime? Then show up, show out and do the same thing tonight!

Fans like that idea! They want to see another title match, and Bianca waits for an answer. Becky looks around, takes a moment to think, and then the fans chant for the EST again. Becky says, “I don’t give a damn what Roman does! NO!” Becky storms off, but she can’t say no forever. The strongEST, toughEST and perhaps greatEST rematch is on the horizon, but will it get extreme?


The Dirty Dawgs head out.

Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler talk things out as they get ready for a match, but Ziggler then spots Toni Storm all alone. Ziggler says he’ll meet up with Roode in a moment, and he talks with the new kid. Toni lives life on the wild side, right? Nice. She gonna check out his match? Yeah, of course. Well he has some pull, he can get her a ringside seat for it. She thanks him for that, and says he’s great. But uh… She’s rooting for Boogs. Oh, okay. Yeah, sure, he’s a nice guy. But see you around? Uh-huh. Ziggler heads out and Toni breathes a sigh of relief. Will we see the Show-Off get ROCKED tonight?

Rick Boogs w/ Shinsuke Nakamura VS Dolph Ziggler w/ Robert Roode!

Speaking of, Boogs introduces himself to Jacksonville, as well as the WWE Intercontinental Champion, King NakamurAAAAAAA~! The rockin’ bard has his first 1v1 match on SmackDown, will having the King of Strong Style in his corner help him win?

SmackDown returns as the Dirty Dawgs make their entrance. Ziggler and Boogs circle at the bell and tie up. Boogs floats to get a leg, Ziggler floats to a waistlock then shifts to a sleeper and body scissors. Boogs fights up, pops Ziggler around to a fireman’s carry and then powers up to a gorilla press! Nakamura and the fans are fired up as Boogs TOSSES Ziggler down! Boogs rocks and air guitars as Ziggler gets up. Boogs kicks, pump handles and scoops, but Ziggler rakes eyes as he slips out! Ziggler jumps for the SATELLITE! Cover, TWO! Nakamura is relieved as Boogs survives, but Ziggler goes to a corner and aims. SUPER-

NO! Boogs blocks, spins, pump handles and scoops for a POWERSLAM! Cover, BOOGS WINS!!

Winner: Rick Boogs, by pinfall

Not only did Boogs beat a WWE Grand Slam Champion, he won in fast fashion! Is this just the beginning of the #BoogsCruise to the top?


Sonya Deville and Adam Pearce find Becky backstage.

Management tells The Man that since Bianca is the #1 contender, she is going to have a title match. Becky agrees, it’ll just be when The Man is ready, so not tonight. Pearce understands that, so the match is going to happen at Extreme Rules! And just so it’s crystal clear, when SmackDown returns to Madison Square Garden, Becky and Bianca are going to sign the contract to make it official. Becky does her best not to get mad and then storms off. Pearce and Sonya both figured she’d react this way, but will Becky find a way to not sign on the dotted line?


Cesaro VS Seth Rollins!

The Swiss Superman and the Savior of SmackDown run it back! Will Rollins be able to move past his loss to Edge by revisiting his past with Cesaro?

SmackDown returns and Kayla interviews Rollins backstage. She asks why Rollins requested this newest match with Cesaro for tonight. Rollins laughs and says because tonight is the perfect opportunity for a new beginning! Rollins watched his match with Edge back at least a million times these last two weeks. Edge is sort of become an inspiration, and Rollins watched every move he made. Heck, Rollins practically watched back Edge’s entire career, and Rollins found what led Edge to victory over Rollins at SummerSlam.

Rollins will use that info to defeat his old nemesis, “Zazaro,” and prove why Rollins IS a visionary, a revolutionary, and like a fine wine he gets better with time~! Rollins will prove again why he is Seth Freakin’ Rollins! Rollins makes his entrance and we see if he can get back into the swing of things.

The bell rings, Cesaro catches Rollins off guard but Rollins headlocks. Cesaro shifts to get a headlock of his own but Rollins powers out. Things speed up, Rollins gets caught for a BACKBREAKER! Rollins bails out and Cesaro goes out the side. Cesaro runs in around the way to EUROUPPER Rollins into barriers! Fans fire up with Cesaro and he even gets a high-five before he pursues Rollins. Cesaro bounces Rollins off the barrier, puts him back in the ring, then headlocks again. Rollins powers out again, things speed back up and Rollins dropkicks Cesaro this time! Rollins gloats and struts around in his fancy new tights before he CHOPS Cesaro. Cesaro scowls so Rollins headlocks.

Cesaro powers out, things speed up yet again, and Cesaro dropkicks Rollins now! Rollins staggers up into a takedown! Cesaro wants to swing but Rollins gets ropes! Cesaro yanks Rollins up to his feet, ducks the Pele then EuroUppers again! Rollins holds ropes as a defense and the ref counts. Cesaro lets off but Rollins gets a cheap shot in! Rollins hits an IMPALER?! Rollins literally uses Edge’s move and covers, TWO! Cesaro gets to ropes while Rollins grins, and SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns, Rollins CHOPS Cesaro in the corner but Cesaro glares at him! Cesaro fires off haymakers, whips Rollins to the corner, but runs into a BUCKLE SHOT! Rollins hurries to the apron and up top, but Cesaro EuroUppers him again! Cesaro climbs up to join Rollins, Rollins resists the superplex and slips underneath to BUCKLE BOMB Cesaro down! Cover, TWO!! Cesaro survives and Rollins is shocked! But Rollins also smiles and nods, knowing he still has to do more. Fans rally up as Rollins stands Cesaro up. Rollins turns Cesaro but Cesaro uses that to hook Rollins’ arms! Rollins flips through the backslide but into a EuroUpper!

Cesaro tries another but swings into an EDGE-O-MATIC! Rollins uses another of the Rated R Superstar’s repertoire, covers, TWO! Rollins still smiles, aims from a corner, and… Is he preparing to Spear? Rollins runs in, but Cesaro pops Rollins up to POWERBOMB him! Both men are down but fans rally up! Cesaro and Rollins stand, the EuroUppers fly! Cesaro hits Rollins from all sides, fires off in the corner, but lets off to whip Rollins corner to corner! Cesaro runs in to EuroUpper, then runs to DISCUS! Cover, TWO! Cesaro grows frustrated but then the fans call for it! Cesaro calls for it, he gets Rollins by the legs! But Rollins twists and victory rolls, TWO!!

Rollins is in a corner and he BOOTS Cesaro away. Rollins runs in, but Cesaro turns the Slingblade around to a SWING! The fans count all the way to 20! Step through but Rollins fights and flails! Cesaro still steps over, SHARPSHOOTER! Rollins flails and quickly gets the ropebreak! Cesaro lets go quickly and watches Rollins slowly drag himself up. Rollins again uses ropes for defense so the ref keeps Cesaro back. But Cesaro sees the cheap shot coming this time and DUMPS Rollins out of the ring! Fans fire up as Cesaro goes outside again, and runs in, into a  CHAIR SHOT!!

Winner: Cesaro, by disqualification

The Architect doesn’t care anymore, he SMACKS Cesaro on the back, JAMS him in the ribs then SMACKS him on the back again! And POSTS Cesaro before putting him back in the ring! Fans boo but Rollins wants to go Rated R himself! He has another chair, but the refs want him to stay back. Rollins doesn’t care, he runs the refs off! Rollins takes the chair and breaks off the crossbar! Rollins is copying Edge’s newest move, the CROSSBAR CROSSFACE! The “Glasgow Grin” makes Cesaro tap but it doesn’t matter because the match is over! Rollins lets go and looks at the stage with wild eyes. “WHERE YOU AT, EDGE?!”

Rollins aims from a corner like Edge before he CURB STOMPS Cesaro down!! Rollins isn’t done, either, as he gets yet another chair! Rollins gets in the ring, refs keep telling him to stop, but Rollins sets Cesaro’s head on top of the chair. But here comes EDGE! And Edge has his own chair! Edge runs Rollins off but Rollins has a wild grin to match his eyes. Rollins dares Edge to do something while slithering away into the shadows. Will Edge get retribution for Cesaro by stopping the Rated R ripoff Rollins is becoming?


Roman talks with the Usos.

Roman needs them all to stick to the script and the game plan. The Usos understand and head out. Heyman sits by Roman and tells his Tribal Chief, “We have a problem.” Roman says there are no problems, he’s about to smash Finn Balor. No, the problem is with Brock Lesnar. Uh, no, Heyman has a Lesnar problem. Roman says he’ll smash Lesnar, too, when the time is right. Heyman says that Lesnar is going to be at Madison Square Garden next Friday for SmackDown. How does Heyman know this? Because Lesnar called Heyman tonight. For the first time in a year, of course, but… Oh so Lesnar’s home watching the show? Apparently! Maybe Fox is big in Saskatchewan!

Wait. How does Heyman know Lesnar’s in Saskatchewan? Heyman doesn’t, maybe Lesnar is in Minnesota. How does Heyman know Lesnar isn’t somewhere here tonight? Oh! Uh… Heyman hurries off to find out, and now Roman is worried about tonight. With Balor in the ring and Big E in the wings, if Lesnar is lurking, does Roman stand no chance of walking out of Jacksonville with his title?


A Rolls Royce pulls into the arena.

And the driver is of course “Happy” Corbin! And he assumes Sarah is the valet. He gives her the keys and tells her not to get any scratches on his “new baby.” That’s not… Will Corbin’s ego ever go back down?


Backstage interview with Edge.

Kayla asks about how Edge said he was done with Seth Rollins, and Edge says he had hoped this was over. That after the defeat, Rollins would move on. But who are we kidding? Both men have been talking about how alike they are, and if Edge had lost the way Rollins did at SummerSlam, Edge would probably do the same things. That means Edge knows the game Rollins is playing, and it is a dangerous one that needs to stop. Otherwise, what happened to Cesaro will keep happening.

Edge tells Rollins directly that he is challenging him to a match for next week on SmackDown. Edge VS Rollins II, Madison Square Garden! Edge burned Rollins down once. When he does it this time, Rollins will NOT be the same! “I told you, this doesn’t end well.” Are we about to see that ugly end in the greatest arena in the world?


Kevin Owens is here!

The KO Show returns to SmackDown, and wouldn’t you know? His guest is Happy Corbin! What will Kevin ask the newly re-wealthy Corbin after the break?

SmackDown returns, Greg Hamilton gives The KO Show its intro, and Kevin says the fans already know that because Kevin’s wearing a tie! That means this is a big deal! Welcome back to the KO Show! And his guest tonight is not someone you’d expect, but there’s a very good reason. So to get to it, welcome out Bar- Er, HAPPY Corbin! Corbin makes his entrance with his new slot machine titantron and dance music, strutting his way to the ring. Corbin hugs Kevin as he enters the ring, which makes Kevin uncomfortable. Corbin gets right on his mic and says he is so excited and happy to be part of the Kevin Owens Show!

Kevin wants Corbin to take a seat and they do. Corbin wants to say thanks to Kevin. Without Kevin, Corbin wouldn’t be where he is today, back in his $3000 suits, wearing a $7000 white gold Rolex, or have even tried to steal the MITB briefcase and then gone to Las Vegas. He’d still be eating spaghetti outta the can instead of “juicy, tender, A5, Japanese Wagyu beef!” Kevin tells Corbin that he is not putting any of this on him. Corbin says he knows Kevin is mad about the $100. Well Corbin left his wallet in his Rolls, but he knows someone who might have it: Corbin’s special guest. Wait, Corbin’s special guest?

Yes, the social media megastar who went the distance with Floyd “Money” Mayweather! It’s LOGAN PAUL! For the second time in WWE history, Logan Paul is here. Corbin and Logan are fired up to see each other, and Logan says it’s great to see the WWE Universe, and thanks Kevin for having him on his show. Kevin says he didn’t invite him, because he wouldn’t dare subject these poor people to this. But since Logan’s here, Kevin might as well ask him some questions. This little dynamic between him and Corbin is interesting, by the way. “Super cool” how they have their boxing secret handshake thing. But what’s weird is, after Corbin lost to Big E, didn’t Logan call Corbin a-

Whoa, whoa, yes, yes, Logan did call Corbin up, they got to talking, and found out they have a lot in common. They’re all good now. And this past weekend, after Jake Paul won his fight, the brothers and Corbin decided to hang out. Corbin even won a lot of money on that fight! Oh, wow, you guys got to hang out? That sounds like the worst. But it makes sense they’d be buddies. They DO have something in common: one is the most self-centered, egotistical, delusional, useless pieces of trash to ever step foot in a WWE ring, and the other is Baron Corbin. Logan does his best to laugh that off, but asks if Kevin really wants to talk like that to someone who can give him $100?

Honestly, the way Kevin looks, he could use this money a lot more than Logan. Kevin does his best to laugh that off, and says he doesn’t need anyone’s money. What he needs from Logan is for him to turn around, get out of the ring, walk out and never come back to the WWE! Logan shoves Kevin, but then Kevin shoves back! Logan turns his hat around, Kevin’s tie comes off, but then Corbin DECKS Kevin! Kevin gets back up but into a CHOKE SLAM! “You’re not that guy, pal,” Logan says as he drops a $100 down. “You’re not that guy.” Birds of a feather flock together, and these two strutting roosters leave Kevin behind. Will Kevin look to fry these turkeys next time he sees them?


Attention, WWE Universe.

“The Most Beautiful Woman in All of WWE,” Carmella, wants you to enjoy her for your viewing pleasure. But then Liv Morgan walks over and says, “Seriously?” Liv starts laughing at how self-centered Mella is, but will anyone ever bring Mella back down to earth?


Dominik Mysterio VS Sami Zayn!

This rematch from last week is so Dominik can prove he can fly solo without Rey ringside. However, the Great Liberator is ready to show last week will happen again and again to the son of the lucha legend. Will Dom manage to dial it up and make the right calls against the “master strategist” this time?

The bell rings, Sami rushes Dom and puts him in a corner. Dom avoids the cheap shot and Sami smirks. They go again, Dom blocks a kick to wrench an arm to a wristlock. Sami spins through, wrenches, but Dom counters with a wrench back! Dom has the wristlock but Sami throws him down by his head! Sami knuckle locks for the cover, ONE! Another try, ONE! A third, ONE and Dom goes up and up the corner to FLYING ARM-DRAG! Sami comes back to CLOBBER Dom! Sami kicks Dom around, stands him up and throws haymakers. Sami whips, Dom kicks him back, then dodges to RANA! Sami ends up on ropes, Dom dials it up, but Sami bails out!

Sami takes a breather at the ramp, but says, “See you next time, pal.” Sami wants to retreat but Rey is there to keep him contained! And Dom FLIES over the ref to take out Sami! Rey likes that fire and Dom puts Sami in the ring. Dom says he’s fine, so Rey heads to the back. But then Dom turns around into a HELLUVA KICK outta nowhere! Cover, Sami wins!

Winner: Sami Zayn, by pinfall

Sami wins again and he laughs at Rey as he leaves. Rey goes to check on Dom but Dom is again frustrated. Is there something they’re not seeing that’s keeping Dom down?


Sonya Deville excitedly talks with someone on the phone.

She’s excited for how big next week’s episode is! The SmackDown Women’s Championship contract signing! The return of Brock Lesnar! But Naomi walks over to try and talk to her. Sonya impatiently asks Naomi what she wants. Naomi says last week, Sonya said she’d think over Naomi’s return to SmackDown, so does she have any plans? Sonya apologizes, it slipped her mind. Let’s try again next week. Sonya goes back to her phone call, but will Naomi make sure SmackDown makes time for the former champion?


WWE Universal Championship: Roman Reigns w/ Paul Heyman VS Finn Balor!

Kayla asks The Prince about how he’s just moments away from this big title match. Any final thoughts? For five years, Balor’s been asked the same thing: What would’ve happened if he didn’t get injured in 2016? Tonight, Balor answers that question. Balor takes aim at the Reigns-ing, Defending, Undisputed, Uncontroverted, Universal Heavyweight Champion, does he hit the mark to get back the title he never truly lost?

But before Roman even makes an entrance, the Usos jump Balor! The fans boo as the Usos mug Balor and then RAM him into steel steps! They haul Balor up and RAM him into barriers! The Usos then pull the steps apart to RAM part of it into Balor! And again! And again! Fans boo as the Usos drag Balor up and into the ring for more! Jimmy climbs, Jey keeps an eye on Balor, but here come the Profits! They run the Usos off but the damage is done! The ref checks on Balor but here comes the Tribal Chief to make his lengthy entrance. Roman certainly assumes this is going to still happen, but we find out after the break!

SmackDown returns as Roman is finally in the ring and his second round of pyro goes off. Medics finish checking on Balor as he refuses to let this chance slip by him again. The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and though the pawns played their part, we still must see if the king can defeat the prince!

The bell rings and Balor is shielding his ribs. Roman goes right after them and puts Balor in a corner, to then TOSS him across the way! Roman storms over, stomps a mudhole into Roman, but he lets off as the ref counts. Roman intimidates the ref but Balor gets to his feet. Roman returns to throw haymakers then bumps Balor off buckles. Roman brings Balor around to bump off more buckles, and Roman takes a moment to soak up the heat before throwing point-blank lariats! The fans count all the way to 9, the ref counts 4 and Roman lets off. Roman runs but into a dropkick to the legs! Balor grits his teeth while Roman staggers up, and Balor KICKS away on the legs!

Balor KICKS Roman to a corner, gets a leg, but Roman headbutts free! Roman checks his knee, gets Balor up to whip, but Balor SLINGBLADES! Balor aims from a corner but runs into an uppercut! Roman seethes as he stands over Balor. Roman stands Balor up for an URENAGE! Cover, TWO! Roman is annoyed this isn’t done as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Roman locks ‘n’ loads! Balor staggers up, Roman runs in, but Balor dodges the punch to CHOP! Roman shrugs it off then runs in at the corner. Balor BOOTS Roman, fires forearms then whips Roman to ropes. Roman leaps, Balor gets under but Roman uppercuts again! Balor PELES as he falls! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Fans rally while Heyman stresses and Balor is up first. Balor grits his teeth, moves around to get those ribs right, and he fires off hands on Roman! Roman tries to punch back but Balor punches first! Roman knees low, checks his face, then looms over Balor.

Roman gets Balor right up but Balor slips out of the bomb to takedown and DOUBLE STOMP! Fans fire up with Balor as he aims from a corner again. Roman sputters as Balor runs in to CHOP! Balor RAMS his shoulder in again and again and again into Roman’s ribs to even things up! Balor goes corner to corner again, dodges Roman to mule kick and whip. Roman reverses and sends Balor out hard! Roman takes a breath before he takes his time pursuing Balor on the outside. Balor trips Roman up and has him caught in the apron skirt! Balor fires off hands, then climbs up to stomp away on Roman!

The ref counts, Balor lets off at 4 and then builds speed! Balor FLIES and takes out Roman! Balor puts Roman in, climbs up top, COUP DE GRACE misses! Roman returns to SUPERMAN PUNCH! Cover, TWO!! Balor defies Roman by surviving and Roman is seething again! Roman starts talking to himself again while Balor checks his jaw. Fans rally up as Roman aims from a corner. Roman says this is going to end it! “OOAH!” But Balor KICKS Roman and cradles! TWO!! Roman escapes and fireman’s carries but Balor slips out! ELBOW DROP DDT! Cover, TWO!! Roman narrowly escapes there but Balor is fired up! The fans are thunderous as Balor aims, SHOTGUN DROPKICK!

Balor climbs as Roman is in a drop zone! COUP DE GRACE HITS!! Cover, TWO!?! And Roman does the “inadvertent” low blow, just as he’s done to Kevin Owens and other challengers! Roman rains down furious forearms on Balor and Heyman himself has a bloodlust on his face. Roman drags Balor up into the GUILLOTINE! Balor flails, reaches out, but Roman squeezes ever tighter! Balor is fading, fans are freaking out, the ref calls it!

Winner: Roman Reigns, by submission (still WWE Universal Champion)

The fix was already in with the Usos doing their part, but the Tribal Chief always finds a way to win. Though Roman notices the lights change red for just a moment, reminding him of Brock Lesnar’s entrance. Will the Head of the Table be able to rest easy knowing The Beast is coming back in seven days?

My Thoughts:

A great episode and a lot of great set-up for the Madison Square Garden “Super” SmackDown we’re getting next week. For one, Vince’s newest obsession of “championship contenders match” returned arbitrarily just to let us know, we’re getting Usos VS Profits for those titles at the next PPV. Which is why, though it was a disqualification, the Usos lost. The Usos were also so obviously going to be a part of the main event, but it was a good move that it was before the match so we can’t actually claim “interference.” Roman VS Balor was still a great main event, but clearly with Lesnar set to come back for the Fall, Roman was going to retain. Balor’s not getting the Universal title back in a WWE still so tightly in the clutches of Vince’s iron fists.

As for the story of Lesnar’s return, Heyman being caught in the middle reached new and even funnier levels with that phone call from Lesnar and Kayla rubbing it in. I fully expect Heyman to kayfabe faint or have a heart attack when Roman and Lesnar are face to face again with him also in the ring. The two monsters he’s made over the last decade and they both expect him to be on their side, that cannot be good for Heyman’s health. Meanwhile, Becky VS Bianca happening at Extreme Rules is going to be great. They had a great promo segment tonight, where Becky is still talking like a Heel but being cheered like a Face, and Bianca is just purely Face. While Cena sniping the SummerSlam contract signing was kinda BS, I fully expect someone to try and pull that here because now a precedent has been set.

I am pleasantly surprised with how Boogs is taking over now with live fans around to cheer him on. He got a lot faster of a win than I expected against Ziggler, but at the same time Ziggler’s been on the “jobber to the stars” downside for a long time lately. Also, uh, Heyman flirting with Sonya Deville and Ziggler flirting with Toni Storm… Is SmackDown doing this as like inside jokes or something? Anyway, not a whole lot out of the women’s division tonight, other than Liv being annoyed by Mella’s narcissism and Sonya again snubbing Naomi. In Naomi’s case, I am totally expecting her to try and use her relationship to The Bloodline to pull some strings and go over Sonya’s head.

Rollins VS Cesaro was a very good rematch, especially with Rollins outright using Edge’s moves. The rematch is happening next week to make MSG SmackDown greater, but I fully expect their blow-off to be Extreme Rules IN the Extreme Rules match at this point. They both had chairs, we can’t get any less than No DQ so why not just go full on with the PPV’s namesake? As for this Happy Corbin stuff, I can’t actually cringe and groan the entire time while still trying to watch, but they’re really trying to make us all do that by bringing in Logan Paul again. Maybe Kevin gets a tag partner for some celebrity match so Kevin can get after both Corbin and Logan at the same time.

I’d suggest Sami but it seems he’s still working with the Mysterios. This is strike two, I’m thinking after a third loss where Dom is accidentally distracted by Rey is when Dom snaps and at least shoves his dad down. It already feels in kayfabe that what Dom needs to do is break free from his dad and be himself, not just “Rey’s son.” Again, kinda hoping they reference Eddie Guerrero here, even with the Guerreros mostly working with AEW, but continuity being what it is, I feel like it’d be worse if Dom doesn’t get to reference that stuff again. Plus, what a way to counter an opportunist like Sami than to reference Latino Heat “Lie, Cheat & Steal” through Dom.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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