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Andrew’s IMPACT Bound for Glory Results & Match Ratings: 10.23.2021

IMPACT decided to do themselves a solid, and AEW a solid by starting the show at 10pm eastern. How did Bound for Glory go this year? Was it…IInspirational?



IMPACT decided to do themselves a solid, and AEW a solid by starting the show at 10pm eastern. How did Bound for Glory go this year? Was it…IInspirational?

We’ve got a bunch of title matches, some solid feuds, a Call You Shot gauntlet and a possible Uncle Rhino reunion! You probably know enough of the stories, so let’s get to the show!


  • Knockouts Tag Titles: Rosemary & Havok (c) vs The IInspiration: The IInspiration wins via Tandem Powerbomb/Neckbreaker – ***TITLE CHANGE!!!
  • Vacant X Division Championship: Trey Miguel vs Steve Maclin vs El Phantasmo: Trey Miguel wins via Meteora – *** ¼TITLE CHANGE!!
  • VBD vs Heath & Rhino: Rhino wins via GORE – ***
  • Call Your Shot Gauntlet: Moose wins via Lights Out – *** ½
  • Impact Tag Team Championship: Bullet Club (Chris Bey & Hikuleo) vs FinJuice vs Good Brothers (c): Brothers retain via Opportunistic Pinfall – *** ¼
  • Knockouts Championship: Deonna Purrazzo (c) vs Mickie James: Mickie wins via Tornado Mick DDT – *** ¾TITLE CHANGE!!!
  • IMPACT World Heavyweight Championship: Christian Cage (c) vs Josh Alexander: Josh wins via Ankle Lock – **** ½TITLE CHANGE!!!
  • CALLED SHOT: IMPACT World Heavyweight Championship: Josh Alexander (c) vs Moose: Moose wins via Lights Out – N/ATITLE CHANGE!!!


Jordynne Grace won the inaugural Digital Media Championship on their countdown show.

Knockouts Tag Titles: Rosemary & Havok (c) vs The IInspiration

Harley Cameron comes out to sing The IInspiration theme song live. It’s very much reminiscent of their IIconics intro, just with a better more early 00s pop music sounding theme song. Early on we see a little bit of the old IIconics shenanigans and the pose.

The IInspiration manage to try and keep Havok at bay, chopping her down and Low Bridging her to the outside which events things out a little. Rosemary catches Cassie with a Falling Powerbomb and goes to Havok. Havok lays out Cassie, but Jess breaks up the pinfall. There’s a bit of a scrum where they all get involved, then the IInspiration get cute and move which causes Havok to crash into the ring post.

Things move to the outside, they take out Havok, Rosemary tries to even things out but after a quick tag and the referee trying to get Jess out of the ring since she’s no longer the legal wrestler, Cassie connects with a vicious knee, then they hit a Tandem finisher and they have an iconic first night!

Vacant X Division Championship: Trey Miguel vs Steve Maclin vs El Phantasmo

After a small worthless cardio spot, ELP has his usual goofy heel antics, a trip, into an agreed upon Chip off on Trey. Then ELP tries to take advantage of things with applying the Purple Nurple to Maclin, but Maclin no sells.

Trey has a spot with Muta Lock transitions, but they are purely spots and not worth the time I’m spending writing it beyond “it looks cool”. Phantasmo goes into Super Carny mode, and he starts doing Springboad moves, rope walk, Cartwheel into Back Rake, goofy exit to the ring, Cartwheel again into another Back Rake on Trey. Then Maclin proves why he’s the glue in this match and just kicks them both, slows down the higher flying offense and pulls off a double power move for a near fall.

Maclin sets both guys in the Tree of Woe for two “In the Crosshairs” spots, ELP eats the Spear and powders, Trey counters, tries to put something together with a Back Handspring, but Maclin Spears Trey mid Handspring. Big moves from everyone eventually leads to Trey being in control a little. Trey misses his first in-ring attack, Maclin comes in to ruin the fun and hit Spicoli Driver. ELP powders, Trey and Maclin both look for a way to get things moving, they go to the corner, and ELP shows back up and pulls off a few flashy moves that leads to a Splash and near fall.

Maclin goes for Mayhem for All, Trey comes off the top with a Meteora, but Maclin drops ELP and catches Trey. Puts him down, eats a kick from Trey and then from ELP. Trey tries to Roll-Up ELP, but he kicks out. ELP goes for his Low Blow Punch, but Trey was wearing a cup. Buzzsaw Kick, deadlift Brainbuster, into Meteora, and Trey wins his first title in Impact Wrestling.

I suppose we’re supposed to care for the feel good aspect for Trey since they want him to be a babyface, but he’s just unlikable and pointless in the ring. So the story they want to tell, I suppose good for him, he’s still an awful spot wrestler with no psychology.

VBD vs Heath & Rhino

VBD come out cocky, Heath comes out first, and before they can even announce his partner, VBD attacks. Rhino is nowhere to be seen but Heath still wants the fight. Heath gets the best of Deaner, but Doering really beats on him.

Nice camera work helps the Running Crossbody from Doering look amazing. So Doering beats on Heath, brings Deaner back in, but Deaner misses the Headbutt and Heath has his moments. Heath lays out Deaner, they are both laid out, and then we hear Rhino’s music. Rhino comes out, asks for the tag from Heath, kills Deaner, Rhino and Heath both take out Doering, and the GORE on Deaner.

Decent match with a story that people will actually enjoy. I got kids Heath and Uncle Rhino, really resonated with the IWC. Let’s see if there’s a solid payoff, but this is a story that people will probably enjoy.

Call Your Shot Gauntlet

Chris Sabin is first because he was runner up in the battle royale on IMPACT!, but number 2….is ROCKY ROMERO! I always appreciate Rocky, and the fact these two guys are experts at the 90s/early 00s Junior style, this will be a great opening few minutes. Number 3 is…Madman Fulton. This is an interesting dynamic. Rocky and Sabin thankfully start working together, but number 4 is Rohit Raju, so he’ll have a plan. Seeing Rocky here makes me realize that Rohit would be amazing in New Japan.

The heels decide to work together, and then Tasha Steelz is next up. Rohit stops Tasha and wants her to help beat on the two downed Babyfaces. So that’s a great way to keep Tasha alive and in character without the size discrepancy seeming awkward. Rohit eliminates Rocky, and it’s a 3 on 1 against Sabin. Rachael Ellering is 6, so she’ll probably go after Tasha…yup. Rohit almost gets thrown out, but he stops himself. Fulton gets thrown against the ropes and Rohit starts losing his balance and grabs Fulton’s dreads to stay up. But as he’s pulling the hair, Sabin grabs the legs, Rohit manages to grab the rope and slide in as Fulton gets tipped over, partially because of Rohit’s handywork. Savannah Evans is next, so Tasha has her enforcer. Rachael takes out Savannah, but then Rachael gets eliminates by Tasha. Johnny Swinger is 8. Swinger slides in and tries to put some moves on Tasha. But Tasha isn’t amused by Swinger being…Swinger. Melina is number 9! It’s nice to see Melina since when we saw her before and around Empowerrr, she’s become a much better wrestler. Melina and Tasha go back and forth, Swinger tries to seduce Melina or something, but it’s not appreciated.

10 is…WAIT, the Kiss Demon is 10! I haven’t seen Dale Torborg in years, so I can only assume it’s still him. Swinger actually helps The Demon into the ring, because he thinks its Gene Simmons. So he asks for his autograph. The Demon signs it, “You’re Dead” and eliminates Swinger. Brian Myers is 11. Sheesh, it is one of those ‘only in Las Vegas’ type moments with The Demon showing up. Matt Cardona continues to follow Brian Myers places, so he comes out at 12. Laredo Kid in at 13, so that should mix up the styles in the ring. It’s been a while, but Melina eliminates Tasha, and then Myers eliminates Melina. Pfft, he’s such a dweeb.

Sam Beale is next at 14, he was just cut from Wrestler School. So as he comes in, Myers gives him an order, and Sam listens. Hopefully he gets a babyface moment later in the match and screws Myers, but he’s playing lackey at the moment going after Cardona. Rich Swann is number 15, so it’s not the worst number to draw. Myers tries to berate Beale, and Beale dumps out Myers! Ace Austin drew 16, even though Fulton was eliminated a while ago.

Demon tries to take it to Ace, but he’s too quick, catches Demon, rocks him and then gets low bridged, so Ace eliminates The Kiss Demon. Moose is 17 and charges in on Rich Swann. Sam Beale tries to sneak attack Moose, but Moose no sells and just throws Sam out into a pile of people. Eddie Edwards has 18. Alisha is 19 and brings two Kendo sticks with her. Moose meets her on the ramp, tries to stop her, but Eddie gets Kenny, so Kenny and Kendra start lighting up Moose. Massive Cassidy is last, but he gets met with Kendo Stick shots. Alisha gets picked up by Cassidy and tossed. Eddie holds on to the rope on the apron, but eats a massive boot and is out. Rohit tries to recruit Moose and Morrissey, but they just toss him.

Sabin gets rid of Ace, Fulton slides in, hits the End of Days on Sabin, Moose and Cassidy drop Sabin out. Cardona, Rich Swann, Moose and Morrissey are the final four. Morrissey has Swann on his shoulders, Moose eliminates them both. Moose and Cardona are the last two. Cardona turns Moose inside out, goes for an Avalanche Radio Silence, but Moose ducks, and comes out of the corner with the Lights Out. MOOSE WINS THE Call Your Shot trophy!

Impact Tag Team Championship: Bullet Club (Chris Bey & Hikuleo) vs FinJuice vs Good Brothers (c)

FinJuice have the early control and most of the fun. Juice is very audible, telling the referee he has the tag rope, calling the Oklahoma Roll in a comedic loud way, Randy Savage Double Axe Handle and a ‘high impact maneuver’. Chris Bey staggers Juice and he falls back to the Brothers so LG tags in and Bey tags in Hikuleo.

So we get the monster mash for a minute, as Leo gets the best of things, brings in Bey, but before anything can happen Finlay blind tags Bey and ruins any Bullet Club momentum. Finlay was getting rocked for a while until he brought in Juice. Juice was on fire, beating on Bey, landing the Juice Box for a near fall and being generally dominant. The big wipe out spots happen, FinJuice look to finish things in classic fashion. A little Power and Glory, but Karl Anderson lightly tags himself back in, so he chucks Juice out after they hit the tandem move, he pins Bey and retains.

Knockouts Championship: Deonna Purrazzo (c) vs Mickie James

Mickie starts before the bell, and goes to town. She’s jawing at Deonna about coming to her house, and stays aggressive all the way up the ramp. Deonna counters Mickie around the ramp and then starts dragging her back to the ring by the hair. Deonna starts to dominate, as they get back in the ring for the bell to officially ring, and Deonna stays on the offensive. Mickie can’t get a move in edgewise. Deonna rides her into the ground, throws her outside, and gets back on her. Mickie just can’t figure out an opening, Mickie even tries a Frankensteiner, but Deonna blocks it and Powerbombs Mickie.

Deonna talks shit to Mickie, they strike, simultaneous Crossbodies leave both women down, and then Mickie finally starts getting some stuff put together. Mickie hits her Frankensteiner, pulls out a desperation Mickie DDT, but can’t cover right away, so Deonna kicks out. Some more back and forth, Deonna lands a rope assisted Queen’s Gambit, but Mickie kicks out.

Deonna goes for a chair to protect her title, but the referee stops her. Deonna manages to pull the referee into the way of Thesz Press, so the referee bump gives Deonna and idea. She goes to the chair again, Mickie hits the Mick Kick into the chair, but only a near fall. Deonna gets vicious, goes after the left arm more brutally ripping Mickie off the top rope by her arm but she gets cocky. Deonna wants to rub it in, so she mocks Mickie by attempting the Mick DDT, Mickie spins out, Mick Kick, Tornado Mick DDT, and Mickie wins!

So with the main event upcoming, my bias is showing a little. I enjoy Josh Alexander, but with Moose wining the call your shot, I’d personally like to see Christian retain tonight, but Moose cash that in immediately if that’s within the rules. I don’t remember if it’s supposed to be a legit match or if it’s like a briefcase, but Moose should be the one to bring the title home.

IMPACT World Heavyweight Championship: Christian Cage (c) vs Josh Alexander

Early on this is the clash of styles so to speak. Josh focused on keeping a deliberate pace and trying to out wrestle Christian. Since Christian came in with his shoulder taped, Alexander had some focus on the injured area, but also hunted for his bread and butter Ankle lock early on. Christian’s major game plan really seemed to be using veteran savvy and Alexander’s inexperience in the moment to his advantage.

Every times Alexander put a few things together, Christian could keep it simple and normally have a counter. One of my favorite spots being Josh pulls off the Chaos Theory German Suplex, but Christian kicks out, then as Josh is getting back to his feet, Christian stays seated an simply kicks Josh’s legs out from under him and going for a Rear Naked Choke. Which forced Josh to counter it into a pinfall attempt, just to make sure the pinfall got broken.

Josh went for big spots, occasionally he let his emotions get the best of him and seemingly rushed his advantage, and Christian made him pay. So it played into the story well. They fight toward the corner, Josh manages to drop Christian, go for a Moonsault, but missed! Christian tries the Killswitch, but Josh fights it off, Christian charges into the corner and Josh moves, but Christian hits the banged up shoulder. Ankle Lock attempt to drag Christian down, but Christian fights. He crawls to the ropes, but Josh pulls him back, he tries to turn, but Josh won’t relent, Christian tries to reach out or press up with the bad arm, and can’t lift it. Josh keeps the Ankle Lock in, steps on Christian’s good hand, Chrisitan can’t move himself with the injured arm, and taps out.

Josh is overcome with emotion, Matt Striker on commentary seems choked up, Josh’s eldest son and wife come into the ring to celebrate…but off camera Moose slid into the ring and called his shot! Josh tries to get his family out of the ring, but his wife shields the kid in the corner, Josh turns as the bell ring, LIGHTS OUT, and Moose is the new-new IMPACT Champion!

I mean…not EXACTLY how I wanted it, but I’ll take it. Moose being champion is all that matters to me.

Overall Score: 8.25/10

Stories were paid off, feel good moments, villainous moments and titles changes hands. All in all, what else can you ask for in a show? Plus there wasn’t a “bad” match on the entire card. The main event did a great job at making Josh out to be a hero, but then Moose became an even bigger villain than he already was. ESPECIALLY with the added effect of doing it in front of Josh’s wife and small son.

Mickie being champion again is a great reset in a way, Deonna already lapped the field and if she retained than they’d have to call Manami Toyota, Mayu Iwatani, Arisa Nakajima…or someone credible from other countries to challenge her. Plus everyone loves Mickie, and she can still go, so it’s not like it was putting the title on an old vet for no reason. The IInspiration also do a great job at making their debut matter, and maybe being able to breathe some life into the rather lame Knockouts Tag Division.

Good Brothers are gonna Good Brother, but I’m assuming this is just a slow roll to get the Guerrillas of Destiny over to Impact for their big Bullet Club blow off. Digital Media whatever…I don’t know what they’re gonna do with that, I don’t have high hopes…but it’s unique I guess. Oh and Trey Miguel finally won something. I mean…someone prolly likes him…like his mom from last year’s storyline probably likes him. Maybe a title reign can help him figure things out since he won’t be the underdog anymore, but I really don’t have faith in his ability to make a match make sense.

My unbridled disdain for Trey Miguel aside, it was a really solid show. The last two matches were great, the main event proves that Josh Alexander should be in the running for Wrestle of the Year. Any of his matches that have gotten time, have been fantastic. Chris Sabin, Jake Something, Christian Cage; just a few of the matches that come to mind that were awesome with him this year.

Here’s to looking forward to what they do next!

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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