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Mitchell’s NJPW G1 Climax 31 Results & Report! (10/9/21)

Round 7, A Block!



NJPW G1 Climax 31

Who gets lucky in the A Block’s seventh round?

A Block is led by the Submission Master and Golden Star, but THE IWGP World Heavyweight Champion could rise back up! Will Shingo Takagi soar again?

NOTE: NJPW no longer wants to feed AXS TV now that it is with Anthem and Impact Wrestling. But never fear, I will cover NJPW in the spirit of AXS in providing the most important matches of the show.


  • Zack Sabre Jr. VS KENTA; Kenta wins.
  • Toru Yano VS Yujiro Takahashi w/ Pieter; Yano wins.
  • Shingo Takagi VS Tanga Loa w/ Jado; Takagi wins.
  • Kota Ibushi VS Great-O-Khan; Ibushi wins.


Here are the current A Block standings!

Zack Sabre Jr: 5-1, 10 points
Kota Ibushi: 5-2, 10 points
Shingo Takagi: 4-2, 8 points
Kenta: 4-2, 8 points
Tomohiro Ishii: 4-3, 8 points [has special singles bye]
Great-O-Khan: 4-3, 8 points
Toru Yano: 3-3, 6 points
Tanga Loa: 2-4, 4 points
Yujiro Takahashi: 2-4, 4 points


Zack Sabre Jr. VS KENTA!

The Submission Master is still leading the block, but that could change in an instant! Will the Fang Revived take a bite out of this Dangerous Tekker? Or will ZSJ take the block by making Kenta #JustTapOut?

The two get in each other’s face as ZSJ gets in the ring. ZSJ shoves Kenta back towards the blue corner then goes to the red. ZSJ puts jacket and title belt aside, the bell rings and fans rally up as the two push each other with chests and shoulders. Kenta throws the first forearm but ZSJ gives it back. Kenta hits again so ZSJ hits back. Kenta throws another, ZSJ gives it back! ZSJ eggs Kenta on and fans rally up as the forearms fly faster and faster! ZSJ EuroUppers again and again but Kenta kicks and kicks, into a heel hook! Kenta scrambles and gets the ropebreak! The ref counts, ZSJ lets off and fans cheer as Kenta bails out. ZSJ goes out to BOOT Kenta in the leg! And then STOMP it!

ZSJ drags Kenta around, has a standing toehold, then twists the foot the other way to turn Kenta over. ZSJ lets go to STOMP the back of the knee! The ref reprimands, ZSJ gives Kenta toying kicks. Kenta stands up to SLAP ZSJ! ZSJ KICKS Kenta’s bad leg and Kenta sits down. ZSJ gets in the ring and dares Kenta to bring it. Fans cheer, the ring count starts, and Kenta paces. Kenta lets the count go to 10 of 20 before he gets on the apron, and he takes his time getting in the ropes. ZSJ waits, Kenta returns and SLAPS him again! ZSJ KICKS the bad leg, runs to KICK it again, then drags Kenta around for another toehold! ZSJ has one leg hooked while he puts the other in an ANKLE LOCK!

ZSJ then turns Kenta over, deathlocks the legs and pulls Kenta back into a modified BOW ‘N’ ARROW! Kenta endures as ZSJ has him upside-down and bending back, but then ZSJ lets him down to MUTA LOCK! Kenta endures, pops free, ZSJ has a sleeper but Kenta has the ropebreak! Fans cheer as ZSJ lets off and stomps the bad leg. ZSJ gives more toying kicks then runs, but Kenta kitchen sink knees ZSJ down! And KICKS him in the back! And then the side! And the back again! ZSJ eggs Kenta on so Kenta gives him another KICK to the chest. And another! ZSJ says bring it, so Kenta KICKS him out of the ring!

Kenta goes out after ZSJ, brings him up and around the way to whip hard into railing! ZSJ falls over, Kenta kicks at him again, then gives him toying kicks. ZSJ stands and leans on Kenta but Kenta ROCKS him with a forearm! ZSJ drops down, Kenta glares at El Desperado and Yoshinobu Kanemaru on commentary, then whips ZSJ corner to corner. Kenta might be sending a message to Suzuki-Gun through this as he puts ZSJ back in the ring. Fans cheer and Kenta smirks as he stalks ZSJ. Kenta gives more toying kicks but fans rally up, “Z S J! Z S J!” ZSJ gets to a corner as Kenta gives him more kicks, and ZSJ comes back to EuroUpper! Kenta eggs ZSJ on then rakes the eyes!

Kenta whips, another kitchen sink knee! Kenta starts undoing a corner buckle pad! He has learned well from Yano as he whips ZSJ into the bare buckles! ZSJ falls and writhes and the ref reprimands but Kenta just shrugs it off. Kenta drags ZSJ up and whips him back into bare buckles! Kenta stomps ZSJ on his bad back, brings ZSJ up but ZSJ EuroUppers! Kenta eggs him on so ZSJ fires more EuroUppers. Kenta knees low, snapmares and KICKS ZSJ in the back. Kenta stands on ZSJ for a cocky cover but ZSJ kicks out even before the ref starts! Fans fire up for that but Kenta sobats him down! Kenta snapmares but ZSJ bridges up to HALF HATCH and basement dropkick!

Fans fire up as both men are down! They rally up, “Z S J! Z S J!” and ZSJ stands. He drags Kenta up, EuroUppers again and again, but Kenta blocks the snapmare. Kenta throws body shots, ZSJ reverses the whip to drag Kenta down with wristlocks, then he scissors Kenta’s head, NECK TWIST! Kenta writhes and fans fire up again while ZSJ catches his breath. ZSJ drags Kenta up, snapmares again and fakes the kick to NECK TWIST again! Cocky cover, ONE! Kenta gets up, and he ROCKS ZSJ with a forearm. ZSJ comes back to forearm in return. Kenta ROCKS ZSJ again, but ZSJ comes back to EuroUpper! Kenta throws another forearm, ZSJ throws another EuroUpper!

ZSJ dares Kenta to keep going, so Kenta forearms again. ZSJ throws a trio of EuroUppers, Kenta ROCKS ZSJ again, but ZSJ comes back, only for Kenta to POWERSLAM! Fans fire up again as both men are down. Kenta stands, brings ZSJ up but ZSJ EuroUppers! ZSJ runs in but Kenta BOOTS! Kenta hops up and reels ZSJ in, TORNADO HOTSHOT! ZSJ is down, Kenta goes back up! Kenta aims as ZSJ stands, FLYING LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Kenta gets the arm in an omoplata but ZSJ scrambles to the ropebreak! Kenta lets go, ZSJ goes to the apron but Kenta stomps him down. Kenta drags ZSJ up and through the ropes, but ZSJ brings Kenta in for an IRON OCTOPUS in the ropes!

The ref counts, ZSJ lets Kenta go at 4, but then he gets the arm on the apron to STOMP it! Kenta writhes and fans rally back up as ZSJ gets back in. ZSJ digs his elbow into Kenta’s shoulders then isolates the bad arm. ZSJ stands Kenta up to wrench the arm but Kenta throws a forearm with the good one. ZSJ wrenches again but Kenta throws another forearm. ZSJ wrenches, Kenta forearms again and again! ZSJ hits an ELBOW BREAKER, EuroUpper, but Kenta BOOTS! Kenta spins into a boot but URAKENS back! ZSJ wrenches to PELE the arm! Both men are down and fans fire up again. Kenta gets to a corner and drags himself up but ZSJ runs in, only for Kenta to put him in the ropes! BRAINKILLER!!

ZSJ clutches his neck from the draping DDT, and fans rally up as Kenta aims. Kenta runs corner to corner to JUMPING BOOT! ZSJ sits down, Kenta goes corner to corner again, HESITATION DROPKICK! Kenta growls and goes up the corner while ZSJ is still down. DIVING DOUBLE STOMPS! Cover, TWO!! ZSJ survives the coup de grace but Kenta slashes the throat. Kenta fireman’s carries but ZSJ blocks! ZSJ gets around, hooks Kenta up, COBRA TWIST! Suzuki-Gun on commentary is fired up, but Kenta fights his way out to get the omoplata! ZSJ rolls to get the TRIANGLE HOLD! Kenta rolls and pops free to go for the crossface!

ZSJ fights, scoots, rolls, pops free, and omoplata! Then he traps Kenta’s other arm! Not quite the Jim Breaks Special, and Kenta still endures! ZSJ tries to keep Kenta back but Kenta reaches out, ROPEBREAK! ZSJ has to let go but fans are fired up! Fans rally back up as both men are down and stirring. ZSJ drags Kenta up, reels him in, but Kenta blocks the scoop! Kenta throws body shots, wrenches and fireman’s carries, but ZSJ slips off to trip Kenta! Body scissor, JAPANESE CLUTCH! TWO!! ZSJ hurries to hook the legs, and he STOMPS both knees! Kenta writhes and ZSJ catches his breath as fans rally up again.

Kenta stands, ZSJ KICKS the legs out! ZSJ fires the fans up again and runs, but Kenta gets up to BUSAIKU KNEE! Both men are down again and fans rally back up. Kenta drags himself up the ropes, goes to ZSJ and runs in, but ZSJ catches knee to a HEEL HOOK! Kenta endures, reaches, but ZSJ shifts the grip! Kenta crawls and gets the ROPEBREAK! ZSJ lets go but fans are thunderous now! ZSJ drags Kenta up, hooks the bad leg around the ropes and then runs side to side to SHOTGUN the leg! Kenta falls and grits his teeth as he clutches the leg. Fans still rally, ZSJ eggs Kenta on, and then he runs to PENALTY KICK, but Kenta blocks!

ZSJ throws slap after slap, Kenta SLAPS then DISCUS LARIATS! Kenta fires up, sits ZSJ up but ZSJ ducks the buzzsaw to waistlock and drag Kenta down. But not to get a cover, he rolls Kenta sideways to tie up the legs in a KNEE LOCK CALF KILLER! Kenta rolls but ZSJ rolls with him, Calf Slicer and a heel hook, but then ZSJ puts it over the shoulder! ORIENTEERING WITH NAPALM DEATH!! Kenta fights and moves around, fans rally, and Kenta gets the ROPEBREAK! Fans are thunderous again as Kenta survives! ZSJ is too tired to be frustrated, but he does give kicks from the mat. Kenta sits up and is annoyed as ZSJ toys with him more.

The two stand, and ZSJ stomps Kenta’s leg. And again! And again! Kenta growls as ZSJ keeps kicking and dares him to bring it! ZSJ kicks and kicks but Kenta blocks to fireman’s carry! ZSJ gets out, arm-drags, EUROCLUTCH! TWO!! Kenta narrowly escapes and Suzuki-Gun on commentary is shocked! ZSJ throws a EuroUpper, ducks the Uraken and fires off SLAPPING shots! Kenta CROSS COUNTERS, then fires off more slapping shots in return! Kenta DECKS ZSJ with that last one! Kenta brings the kneepad off, drags ZSJ around, fireman’s carries and GO TO- NO! ZSJ blocks for an ANKLE LOCK! Kenta SLAPS away but ZSJ TWISTS the foot more!!

Kenta moves around, ZSJ keeps him from ropes, fans rally up again, and Kenta rolls ZSJ into the bare buckles!! Fireman’s carry! GO TO SLEEP!!! Kenta pushes ZSJ over to the cover, Kenta wins!!

Winner: Kenta, by pinfall (gains 2 points; ZSJ earns 0)

The Fang Revived refused to give up, and now he has just taken down the top of the block! Is there suddenly a new pecking order in the G1?


Toru Yano VS Yujiro Takahashi w/ Pieter!

The Clown Prince couldn’t slay The Dragon and Tokyo Pimp was made to submit to ZSJ. With time counting down to the finals, who starts their last minute run at the top right here?

Yano wants Yujiro to exit the ring as he makes his entrance, but Yujiro instead BOOTS Yano right down! Yano gets up and Yujiro builds speed as the bell rings. Yujiro DIVES to take Yano out at the ramp! Fans fire up as Yujiro gets up and grabs Yano’s special red chair. Yujiro takes off the advertisement, sits it up on the ramp, then pours out Yano’s bag of tricks. And yes, there were plenty of cuffs and wrist tape rolls in there. Yujiro uses tape to tie up Yano completely! He’s wrapping him like a mummy! Yujiro makes Yano take a seat and then BOOTS him down! Fans cheer but the ring count is climbing! Yujiro goes in at 10 of 20 and leaves Yano to the count’s mercy.

Yano is still down at 15 of 20! He manages to stand at 17 and undoes the tape to get in at 19! Yujiro stomps Yano down, then copies him by undoing a corner buckle pad! Well Yano’s tricks are all well known, it isn’t that hard to copy. Yujiro struggles with that last bit, though, so he gives up on that to stomp Yano down. Yujiro then tries to untie the other neutral corner pad. This one was easier to figure out and then he goes to Yano. Yano kicks and facelocks, but Yujiro BITES his hand! Yujiro whips Yano into bare buckles! And now Yujiro unties Bullet Club’s favorite blue corner buckle pad! Half the corners are bare and the ref reprimands.

Yujiro brings Yano up and whips him into the blue corner! Yano bounces off more bare buckles, and now Yujiro undoes the red corner! Three corners are bare and Yujiro goes to Yano again. Yujiro whips Yano and Yano hits bare buckles again! Pieter is happy to see this as Yujiro covers, TWO! Yujiro keeps cool as he brings Yano up again and throws him out of the ring. Yujiro then pursues, Pieter sneaks the pimp cane to him and distracts the ref. Yujiro gets some space then runs in at Yano, CANE SHOT! Yujiro drops the cane and Pieter leaves the ref alone as Yujiro drags Yano up. Yujiro puts Yano in and covers, TWO!

Fans rally but Yujiro stomps Yano down. Yujiro knees Yano low, and again, then stands him against ropes. Yujiro backs up to BOOT! Yujiro then runs but into an atomic drop! Yano says it’s time for payback, and he whips Yujiro. Yujiro reverses, Yano stops himself and then dodges as Yujiro runs in! Yujiro gets bare buckles, Yano rolls him up, TWO! Fans fire up and Yano goes to low blow but Yujiro blocks! Fireman’s carry but Yano slips out. Yujiro dodges the clothesline, kicks low and then shoves Yano into bare buckles! But the ref won’t let Yujiro low blow! Yano learns that was the plan and he rakes Yujiro’s eyes! Clinch and Belly2Belly suplex!

Fans fire up with Yano and he runs, into Yujiro’s LARIAT! Pieter is happy again and Yujiro drags Yano up. Fisherman BUSTER! Cover, TWO! Yujiro fires up and fans rally as he brings Yano up. Yano avoids Pimp Juice, shoves Yujiro into the ref, and LOW BLOWS! But Yujiro holds onto the ref as Yano rolls him up! The ref goes down and can’t count the cover! Yano would’ve won if not for that! Yano tells the ref to get up already, but Yujiro LOW BLOWS Yano! Both men are down and feeling real sore as fans rally up. Yujiro staggers up and hobbles over to Yano to bring him up and throw him out. Yujiro gets some of Yano’s cuffs and gets them on Yano.

The ref sees this and reprimands but Yujiro brings Yano to railing! Yano fights free, and goes under the ring?! Pieter and Yujiro look around but they don’t find Yano. Yujiro shouts for Yano to get out from under the ring, but then he goes under after him! The ref looks for both of them, Pieter wonders where they’ll come out from, and a ring count starts. What are they even doing under there? We’re at 10 of 20 but we still have no signs of them. Wait, Yano gets kicked out from under but he hurries into the ring at 15! Yujiro is the one who ended up cuffed?!? Yujiro is stuck outside, Yano wins!!

Winner: Toru Yano, by count-out (gains 2 points; Yujiro earns 0)

Pieter is in shock! Tokyo Pimp got caught and the provisional Mr. KOPW 2021 gets away with it! Will Yano continue to find new ways of skirting the rules to victory?


Shingo Takagi VS Tanga Loa w/ Jado!

The IWGP World Heavyweight Champion is not out of the running, but his chance at history could be ended if he isn’t careful. Can the Silverback go Ape Shit and slay the Dragon in the seventh?

Loa and Jado Low Sweet and Takagi puts aside the jacket and world title. The bell rings and fans rally up as Takagi and Loa approach. Loa rams Takagi with a shoulder, then fires off forearms in the corner! Fans rally but Takagi turns things around and he fires off forearms in return! Takagi tops it off, Loa goes forehead to forehead with Takagi, so Takagi throws another forearm. Loa roars and forearms back, but Takagi brushes it off. Takagi throws another forearm, Loa nods and throws another. Takagi forearms, Loa returns it, again and again as fans rally up. They build up speed, drop the guard and just keep going!

Loa gets the edge, eggs Takagi on, and Takagi forearms, knees and headlocks! Loa powers out and the two ram shoulders, but neither falls. Loa and Takagi fire up, Loa runs and they ram shoulders again. Loa dares Takagi to try, and Takagi runs, but Loa drops. Takagi then stops at the ropes to fake out the hurdle, and he runs Loa over with a shoulder! Fans cheer and Takagi brings Loa around for an elbow drop. And another! And BACK SENTON! Cover, TWO! Takagi wraps on a rear bearhug to keep Loa down. Loa fights up, Takagi straddles and body scissors. Loa endures the squeeze, Takagi CLUBS him on the back, but Loa crawls and reaches out to get the ropebreak.

Takagi lets Loa go to stomp him down, but Jado coaches Loa up. Fans build to a rally, Takagi puts Loa on the ropes to knee low. Takagi throws another knee, whips Loa to ropes the knees him again. Takagi runs but into Loa’s DROPKICK! Fans fire up while both are down, but Loa gets fans rallying up. Takagi goes to ropes, Loa runs in but Takagi puts him on the apron. Takagi ROCKS Loa, runs but Loa holds the ropes down and Takagi ends up on the apron with him! Loa CLUBS Takagi, brings him up but Takagi stops that to fireman’s carry. Loa fights that and they start throwing forearms on the apron’s edge. Loa gets the edge with his forearms, then APRON BACK SUPLEXES!

Fans fire up and Jado coaches Loa up while Takagi writhes on the apron. Loa catches his breath, and drags Takagi to the floor. Loa leaves Takagi behind as fans rally up, and a ring count begins. Loa wants it to go faster, then he gets impatient and goes out after Takagi. Loa CLUBS Takagi on the back, then CLUBS him against railing. Loa puts Takagi back into the ring then slingshot sentons! Fans fire up as Loa STANDING MOONSAULTS! Cover, TWO! Loa argues the count but Red Shoes says it’s fair. So Loa CHOKES Takagi! Red Shoes counts, Loa stops at 2 and drags Takagi up into a sleeper. Takagi endures and fights up to throw body shots.

Takagi is free and he snap suplexes! But Loa is right up! Loa roars and runs Takagi over with a shoulder! Fans fire up while Loa paces around. Loa drags Takagi up, fireman’s carries and RAMS Takagi into a corner. Loa RAMS his shoulder in more, then lets off to stand Takagi up. Loa throws forearm after forearm, but Takagi headbutts! Loa headbutts back! Loa applauds Takagi’s fighting spirit and he stands Takagi up to whip corner to corner and clothesline! Then a whip out then in for another clothesline! Loa nods and brings Takagi up to scoop, OKLAHOMA STAMPEDE! Cover, TWO! Loa keeps on Takagi with a trap of the arm, and the OG KILLER CROSSFACE!

Takagi endures and fans rally up as Loa pulls back! Loa pulls back even further but Takagi fights and moves around to get the ropebreak! Red Shoes counts, Loa lets off at 3, and fans rally up as Takagi rises. Loa reels Takagi in but Takagi fights the clinch with elbows. Loa kicks low, runs, but Takagi ELBOWS! JABS! YUKON LARIAT! But Loa stays up? So Takagi JABS again, YUKON feint to the DDT! Fans fire up again as Takagi stands. Takagi drags Loa up, whips him to the corner then runs in but blocks the boot. Takagi clotheslines through! “Mada mada!” Takagi goes to suplex but Loa blocks! Takagi powers up and suplexes Loa high and hard! Cover, TWO!

Takagi fires the fans up with “OI! OI! OI!” and they clap along. Takagi gets up, his ribs bothering him. He drags Loa up, reels him in but Loa blocks the back suplex. Takagi keeps trying but Loa pries the hold open. Loa wrenches, kicks, kicks and ENZIGURIS! But Takagi comes back, only to swing into a BLUE THUNDER BOMB! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up but Loa is shocked! Fans rally again, Loa brings Takagi up and reels him in, but Takagi blocks the bomb. Takagi back drops Loa away and comes back to get around, SAIDO! Loa gets up, ducks the lariat and EXPLODERS! But Takagi’s up in the corner, DOUBLE LARIATS collide! Loa comes back to LARIAT Takagi down!

Loa storms back over to Takagi, gets him up, SIT-OUT POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO!! Takagi is still in this and Jado is frustrated on Loa’s behalf. Fans rally up and Loa slowly gets up. Loa drags Takagi up, scoops and aims, but Takagi gets the ropes and sits on the top rope. Takagi drives elbows into Loa’s shoulder, shoves him away, but Loa PELES back! Loa then goes up top to join Takagi, and brings Takagi up onto his shoulder! SUPER POWERSLAM!! Cover, TWO!! Takagi survives and Loa can’t believe it! Fans rally up hard as ever for “TA-KA-GI! TA-KA-GI!” as Loa aims from a corner. Takagi stands, Loa runs in, but Takagi blocks the spear to fire off knees!

Loa kicks back, scoops again, but Takagi slips out the back and runs, SLIDING LARIAT! Both men are down and fans fire up again! Loa gets to a corner, Takagi aims from the other, Takagi runs in to clothesline! Takagi then hoists Loa up top, climbs up to join him, and the two brawl up top. Loa throws forearm after forearm but Takagi holds on to headbutt again and again! Takagi brings Loa up to the very top, for a SUPERPLEX! Both men are down but fans fire up again! Takagi still isn’t done, he gets himself up and wants Loa to stand. Loa rises, Takagi runs, PUMPING BOMBER! But Loa stays up!? Takagi brings Loa around to POINT-BLANK PUMPING! But Loa just fires up!

Loa BOOTS, shouts, “Not today!” He runs but into a clothesline! Takagi runs, into a SPEAR! Loa hurries to get Takagi up and in a corner. Loa gets Takagi up but Takagi RANAS, only for Loa to block! Loa swings Takagi back up, but Takagi RANAS out after all! Takagi fires up and runs in to PUMPING BOMBER! Both men are down and fans are thunderous! Takagi fires up and brings Loa around. Pump handle but Loa blocks the lift! Loa CLUBS away, Takagi fires forearms in return. Loa forearms back, Takagi gives Loa more. Loa hits back and eggs Takagi on. Takagi fires off boxing elbows, but Loa just fires another! JAB from Takagi, but Loa HEADBUTTS! Both go down again!

Fans rally back up and Loa roars as he fires himself up. Loa drags Takagi up, scoops him, but Takagi fights and flails to get a dragon sleeper! Takagi puts Loa in the ropes, TAKAGI DRAPING GTR! Then pump handle and torture rack, LAST OF THE DRAGONS!! Cover, Takagi wins!

Winner: Shingo Takagi, by pinfall (gets 2 points; Loa earns 0)

The Dragon still soars! With this fifth win, Takagi’s G1 run is still alive! Will he be the third top champion to make it all the way?


Kota Ibushi VS Great-O-Khan!

The Golden Star is rising while the Dominator is falling! Will Ibushi shine bright as he pursues the top spot in the block? Or will Khan redeem himself in the name of the United Empire?

The bell rings and the two circle. They feel out the grapple as fans build to a rally, “I-BU-SHI!” Khan goes for legs, Ibushi holds him off and they end up on ropes. Khan lets off quickly and cleanly, and the two reset. Ibushi tries testing jabs and then a KICK! Khan got his guard up but he still staggers back. Khan goes to a corner to reset and the two circle again. Khan kicks, Ibushi shrugs it off to give one back. Khan tries a kick and elbow but Ibushi stays back. Ibushi and Khan feel the grapple out, clinch against ropes, and Ibushi pushes Khan away. Fans cheer the exchange as the two reset again. Ibushi and Khan each try testing kicks and strikes but neither backs down.

Ibushi pushes the aggression but Khan kicks back. Ibushi tries a combo but has to guard quick as Khan comes back with his own. They keep working on each other’s guard, then they clinch again. Khan gets a takedown, Ibushi holds off the lateral press so Khan goes after an arm. Ibushi blocks the double wristlock so Khan drives in elbows. Ibushi rolls to avoid the armbar, and now he has the top mount. Ibushi tries but Khan holds off the armbar and they end up in ropes. Khan backs away and fans cheer the exchange. Ibushi stands and dares Khan to bring it. Khan keeps cool and he circles with Ibushi again. They go back to testing the waters with kicks and hands but still can’t get in.

Khan grabs a leg, drags Ibushi down, but Ibushi keeps his hands together as Khan wants the armlock. Khan goes for the lateral press, Ibushi keeps moving around, so Khan tries for the katagatami. Ibushi gets an arm in, slips around and waistlocks but Khan rolls to drop toehold. Ibushi gets up, gets around but Khan slips away. Fans cheer as the two stand off and reset again. Ibushi and Khan circle, Khan tries jabs and Ibushi tries kicks, then they switch it up. Khan throws palm strikes but Ibushi brushes those off, and has his guard up for the back hand. Ibushi tries but Khan catches his backhand to a clinch. They go around and Ibushi gets a judo throw!

Fans cheer but Khan holds off the lateral press. Ibushi tries a top mount but Khan CHOPS in the gap. Ibushi stays on Khan but Khan slips out the back to tie up the legs. Khan then shifts to get the arm but Ibushi rolls, only to end up in a headscissor. Ibushi kicks around, gets up and tries to stack Khan up but Khan throws in some elbows. Ibushi hops over, floats back to a mount but Khan gets a ropebreak. Red Shoes calls for it and Ibushi lets off slowly. Khan lets Ibushi back off and fans cheer the sportsmanship. Ibushi waits on Khan now but Khan uses a leg guard to advance. Khan kicks, gets up and tries again but Ibushi dodges.

They feel things out again, Khan kicks but Ibushi comes back with kicks of his own. The two get in closer, Ibushi wants legs but Khan sprawls and throws body shots from above. They end up on ropes and Khan sits back as Red Shoes calls for the ropebreak. Ibushi lets off and Khan rolls away to get space. Fans cheer, and the chess game begins again. Fans rally as the two circle. Khan tries a sideways stance for his kicks but Ibushi avoids them. Ibushi kicks but Khan catches it to SLAM Ibushi down! Then Khan drops for a HEEL HOOK! Ibushi endures, uses his free foot to scuff Khan but Khan turns things over for more leverage on the leg. Ibushi crawls around and gets the ropebreak!

Khan lets go and gives Ibushi space now, and even dares him to bring it. Ibushi takes a second, and the two approach while kneeling on the mat. Khan tries straight shots but Ibushi guards. Ibushi tries back, Khan throws more, and the two circle around as they stand. Khan ends up in a corner, he stays along the ropes and gets around to get the head and arm! Ibushi stays up, but Khan hits an STO! Ibushi is caught, Khan leans his weight on the katagatami, and fans rally up. Khan thrashes but Ibushi endures and fights around. Ibushi kicks and gets to a ropebreak! Khan puts more pressure on before letting go at 4. Khan then has his knee on Ibushi’s face! Red Shoes counts, Khan walks away at 4.

Khan drags Ibushi and has the double wristlock while sitting on Ibushi’s head. Khan throws some toying body shots and then digs his elbows into Ibushi’s legs. Ibushi endures as Khan shifts the grip for a top wristlock. Khan CHOPS Ibushi, pulls at the arm, but Ibushi fights with his free arm. Khan slaps and chops him around, then stands up to kick Ibushi in the back. Khan throws more kicks but Ibushi eggs him on. Khan kicks again, toys with Ibushi a bit, but Ibushi kicks back from the mat! And KICKS! Ibushi stands to KICK and Khan falls over! Ibushi gets the other leg, ties them up, FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK! Khan is furious as he flails and Ibushi adds pressure!

Fans rally as Khan grits his teeth. Khan grabs at Ibushi, Ibushi pushes up for more leverage! Khan pries at the legs, tries to turn things over, but Ibushi smacks his own leg to keep the hold on! Khan flounders and reaches, and gets the ropebreak! Fans fire up as Ibushi lets go and drags Khan away from the ropes. Ibushi tries again but Khan boots him away. Khan hits a judo arm-drag, and then prepares his fist. Ibushi stands up, into a STRAIGHT RIGHT!! Both men are down after that iron fist as Khan clutches his leg. Fans rally up, Khan gets to his feet and shows off some footwork. Ibushi stands up into a THRUST KICK! Cover, TWO!

Khan drags Ibushi back up, tackles him back down and rolls to a CALF KILLER! Ibushi throws elbows and forearms and slapping strikes! Khan CHOPS, Ibushi SLAPS, it’s a close range slap fight! Khan ROCKS Ibushi, he falls back, and Khan clamps on to drag Ibushi up. Khan throws body shots and knees as he puts Ibushi in the corner. Khan CLAPS away on Ibushi’s neck but Red Shoes has him let off. Khan lets off with a SLAP, and Ibushi’s expression changes. STRAIGHT SHOT from Ibushi! And fast hands from all sides! SOBAT! Is this KOWAI Ibushi?! “YAO~!” BOMAYE!! Cover, TWO!! Khan survives but Ibushi fires up with the fans!

Ibushi waistlocks and drags Khan up. Ibushi full nelsons but Khan breaks it to victory roll and KNEEBAR! Ibushi endures as Khan pulls and twists the ankle! Ibushi pounds the mat as he crawls, but Khan gets up to shift to a deep ANKLE LOCK! Ibushi still endures and fans rally up! Ibushi stands and ENZIGURIS! Khan staggers, Ibushi gets up to STRAIGHT SHOT! Khan comes back, into a KNEE!! Ibushi is down but Khan flounders about and the fans are thunderous! Ibushi sits up and vows to end it here! Ibushi gets the wrists, Khan has a bloody nose, KAMI- NO! Khan avoids the knee, reels Ibushi in, but Ibushi wrenches to ROUNDHOUSE! Cover, TWO!!

Ibushi can’t believe how close that was! But he brings the kneepad down now and he drags Khan back up. Ibushi has the wrists, KAMI- IRON CLAW?! The claw blocks the knee?! Khan lifts Ibushi by his leg but Ibushi ENZIGURIS with the other! Ibushi fires up again, drags Khan back up and BARE KNEE KAMIGOYES!! Ibushi falls on the cover, Ibushi wins!!

Winner: Kota Ibushi, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Khan earns 0)

Khan may be great, but on this night, the Golden Star is greater! Khan’s chances of being a contender are dashed, but can he be a spoiler to the Dragon in the next round?

As for Ibushi, he catches his breath and gets the mic. “Great-O-Khan! You’re a fun one. Everyone, that was fun, right?” Ibushi tells “O-Khan” that he was glad to see Oka back in the ring again. But Ibushi just earned his sixth victory in this year’s G1, and is that much closer to his fourth finals appearance in a row. “And like I always say… Whatever happens, I won’t back down, I won’t lose, and I won’t betray you!” The Golden Star is staying true to his words, but can he keep winning in the homestretch?


Here are the current A Block standings!

Kota Ibushi: 6-2, 12 points
Kenta: 5-2, 10 points
Zack Sabre Jr: 5-2, 10 points
Shingo Takagi: 5-2, 10 points
Tomohiro Ishii: 4-3, 8 points [ELIMINATED] [won special singles bye]
Toru Yano: 4-3, 8 points [ELIMINATED]
Great-O-Khan: 4-4, 8 points [ELIMINATED]
Tanga Loa: 2-5, 4 points [ELIMINATED]
Yujiro Takahashi: 2-5, 4 points [ELIMINATED]

My Thoughts:

Another very good round for the G1 Climax, with ZSJ VS Kenta being a great match before intermission again. Kenta winning was quite the surprise but it now adds to the battle for the block. Yano and Yujiro was pretty good and that finish was hilarious, but of course both guys are out so this was more an entertaining filler. Takagi VS Loa was great, as Loa again gets to really bust out some stuff, but of course Takagi wins to keep things going towards him making history. Ibushi had an awesome match with Khan, especially with the use of martial arts training and technical wrestling throughout. Ibushi wins to keep his own historic streak possible, and gets his No Naito Bye so round 8 is all about seeing who from Kenta, ZSJ and Takagi loses.

My Score: 9.1/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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