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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (10/5/21)

Tag teams, unite!



NXT Coverage 2021

The NXT Tag Division is still must-see!

MSK’s ready to be fighting NXT Tag Team Champions, but they’ll focus on fighting alongside Briggs & Brooks against Melo, Trick & Grizzled Young Veterans!


  • Mandy Rose w/ Toxic Attraction VS Ember Moon; Rose wins.
  • LA Knight VS Odyssey Jones; Knight wins.
  • Joe Gacy VS Ikemen Jiro; Gacy wins.
  • Cora Jade VS Virginia Ferry Franky Monet w/ Robert Stone; Jade wins.
  • Pete Dunne w/ Ridge Holland VS Cameron Grimes; Dunne wins.
  • Tony D’Angelo VS Malik Blade; D’Angelo wins.
  • Indi Hartwell w/ Persia VS Mei Ying w/ Boa; Hartwell wins.
  • NXT Tag Team Championships Fatal 4 Way Elimination: MSK VS Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen VS Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams VS Grizzled Young Veterans; MSK wins and retains the titles.


Mandy Rose w/ Toxic Attraction VS Ember Moon!

With Gigi Dolin & Jacy Jayne by her side, the #ToxicGoddess took out the Franky Monet Brand and the NXT Women’s Champion to close out the night last week. But will she open the night with a big win over the Shenom? Or will Ember use a Rose to spark a new Prophecy of Flame?

The bell rings and Ember ties right up with Mandy. Mandy headlocks but fans rally behind Ember. Mandy hits a takeover, Ember headscissors but Mandy kips free to get the headlock again. Ember powers out, runs Mandy over with an elbow, then strikes a pose to mock Mandy. Things speed up, Ember stops but Mandy whips. Ember reverses and hurdles but Mandy SLAPS her! Mandy drags Ember up but Ember howls to fire off forearms! Ember kicks Mandy to a corner, scoops her into the Tree of Woe, then KICKS away on her back! Gigi & Jacy complain, the ref backs Ember off and Gigi & Jacy bail Mandy out of the ring.

Fans boo but Ember keeps her cool. Ember shrugs and builds speed to DIVE! Direct hit in Jacy, but Gigi gets Mandy out of the way! Mandy runs in but into an APRON POWERBOMB! Ember puts Mandy in the ring then shoves Gigi down. Ember goes back to the ring but Mandy CLOBBERS her at the ropes! Mandy drags Ember up, reels her into an inverted GUT WRENCH SUPLEX! Cover, TWO! Mandy puts Ember in the corner, stomps a mudhole then walks it off. Mandy snapmares and wraps on body scissors! Fans rally and duel as Mandy thrashes Ember around. Ember endures, pries at the scissors but Mandy adds a chinlock! Ember uses that to get a cover, TWO!

Mandy lets Ember free to CLUB her around the ring. Mandy brings Ember around into an OCTOPUS STRETCH! Ember endures, Mandy drives elbows into the ribs then digs it in. Ember hip tosses free! Ember wrenches and ROLLING ELBOWS to knock Mandy down! Mandy gets back up but Ember ENZIGURIS! Ember then snapmares Mandy and climbs up top. Ember leaps for a FLYING CODE BREAKER! Ember CLUBS Mandy back down, then goes back up top. Fans fire up for the ECL- No, Mandy gets under and comes back, KNEE FROM A ROSE! Cover, Mandy wins!

Winner: Mandy Rose, by pinfall

Toxic Attraction celebrates as their leader puts Ember out! Will Mandy be the one blazing a trail to the top after what she’s done to top women in NXT?


NXT hears from Legado del Fantasma.

Santos Escobar says, “Decisions, decisions, deciones.” He tells Hit Row has the world buzzing about SmackDown drafting the whole crew. But to him, SmackDown just saved Hit Row’s asses. Joaquin Wilde says, “It’s hard to respect a bunch of wannabe thugs whose deadliest weapons are their words.” Elektra Lopez says she shut B-Fab’s trap so there’s no more games. And Raul Mendoza says it’ll all end when Escobar leaves as North American Champion. Swerve can run to SmackDown like the coward they know he is, or he can prove he’s a man and defend that title. What kind of a man is Swerve? We’ll surely find out soon enough.


LA Knight VS Odyssey Jones!

The Million Dollar Megastar’s mega ego has gotten on everyone’s nerves, but especially on the Breakout Tournament’s runner-up, who got a lot closer to that title contract than Knight did the actual title. But will Odyssey #SoundtheAlarm and make this a bad night for Knight? Or will NXT still be LA Knight’s game even in 2.0, yeah?!

NXT returns as Knight makes his entrance. The bell rings, Knight stays near the ropes as he circles with Jones. Fans are on Jones’ side and Knight wants them to shut up, but he avoids getting cornered by the big man. Jones corners Knight again, Knight escapes and throws a haymaker! Knight gloats but Jones roars! Jones chases Knight, Knight dodges and throws another haymaker, but Jones just tosses him and SPLASHES him in the corner! Then TOSSES him across the way! Knight hobbles up, Jones TOSSES him the other way! Knight bails out and Jones goes out the side. Knight sees Jones storming up and goes around the way.

Knight gets in the ring, Jones pursues, and he runs Knight over! Jones runs in at the corner but Knight drop toeholds him into buckles! Knight clubs away on Jones’ back, but lets off as the ref counts. Knight chokes Jones on the ropes, lets off again, then chokes him again. Knight CLUBS Jones against the ropes but lets off as the ref counts. Fans jeer but Knight chokes Jones again! Knight goes in and KNEES Jones down! Knight gets in to stomp away on Jones, then runs to drop a jumping elbow! Fans tell Knight, “You Still Suck!” Cover, ONE!! Jones throws Knight off with that kick out and fans love this! Knight kicks, CLUBS and throws more hands, but Jones gets to his feet.

Knight scoops but Jones is so big, Knight falls over! Jones and Knight slowly get up, and Jones counter punches Knight, then DECKS him! And again! Jones whips, CLOBBERS Knight, and he fires up with the fans! Jones stalks Knight, gets him up and hits a back suplex GUT BUSTER! But wait! It’s Andre Chase! He’s yelling at Jones for last week but Jones DECKS him! But he turns around into a NECKBREAKER! Cover, ROPE- NO, Chase pushes the foot back in! Knight wins!

Winner: LA Knight, by pinfall

LA owes a lot to ACU, the Andre Chase University, and that PhD in BS! Will Jones get payback on the punk ass professor? Or will Chase have a lesson plan for that, too?


Backstage interview with Cameron Grimes.

The Carolina Cash Money Caveman says love is in the air. Did you see the #InDex wedding? Beautiful, absolutely beautiful. A bit pricey, but still beautiful. And then Cora Jade and Trey Baxter are having PDA’s in the locker rooms. Grimes is getting jealous. So Grimes is on the search to find himself a lucky lady. But then Pete Dunne and Ridge Holland walk in. The Bruiserweight says there ain’t a woman in the world who’d go even near Grimes. Listen to lover boy Peter! Watch who you’re talking to. Things might be changing around here, but nothing’s changed when it comes to Dunne. He is still the baddest man in NXT! Is Grimes listening?! Yeah, yeah, sure he is.

Then how about you hear this? Bruiserweight VS Grimes! Okay, okay, just excuse him. Grimes walks over to talk to some ladies waiting in the back. Any of them single? Well… NXT cuts away, but is the Million Dollar Caveman about to find himself a Lady Luck?


Kyle O’Reilly talks with Von Wagner in the locker room.

Kyle says that last week was the second time Wagner’s had his back, and he wants to know why. The truth is, Wagner took an opportunity and jumped on it. He doesn’t like Dunne or Holland any better than Kyle does. Wagner respects Kyle’s heart. As far as trust- Kyle stops him there. After the year he’s had, he trusts no one. Let Kyle handle business his way, and stay out of the way. Will Wagner accept that? Or will there be a third time that Kyle needs help from an unlikely ally?


Tommaso Ciampa heads to the ring!

Fans fire up for the NXT Champion, and he’s ready to address the state of the title scene! Who does the Psycho Killer see as a worthy contender? We find out, after the break.

NXT returns to the ring and Ciampa says “Let’s get right to it. On Tuesday night, October 26th, Halloween Havoc returns to NXT! And the champ, well the champ needs an opponent.” Ciampa knows the 2.0 roster is full of hungry men and women, but one man in particular says he isn’t a patient man. He wants to be the flag bearer of 2.0? That’s all fine and dandy, “but in the world we live in, actions speak louder than words. So the question is, who has the balls to come out here and take my NXT title from me?!” Ciampa waits, but here comes that impatient man, Bron Breakker! Bron goes right to the ring and stands face to face with Ciampa.

Bron tells Tommaso Ciampa, “I’ve treated you with nothing but respect since the day that I walked through the door. But I do not give a damn if I’ve been here for four minutes, four weeks or four months. I wanna be the NXT Champion!” And Ciampa wants to fight someone with balls? Bron’s got the biggest balls in the locker room! The match he wants, that the fans want, it happens at Halloween Havoc! Bron VS Ciampa for the title! Ciampa asks if Bron wants to know the difference between them. Bron wants the title. Ciampa NEEDS it. For Bron, the title is just a stepping stone to something bigger and better. For Ciampa, it IS that something bigger and better!

But Halloween Havoc is three weeks away. So as Ciampa sees it, Bron has three weeks to go from intern to a PhD, because CHALLENGE ACCEPTED! Bron is fired up, Ciampa pushes past him to take his leave, but these two meet again soon enough! Will there be gold in Bron’s future? Or just a hard learned lesson?


Joe Gacy speaks.

“While the world stood still when social media platforms crashed, I sat with my voice, the voice of a righteous and inclusive generation. I know one platform that won’t crash, and that is NXT 2.0, where tonight, I use the ring as our safe space. And tonight, we gather in unity to prove that conflict can be resolved peacefully. And yes, there can be two winners.” Is Gacy going to win, lose or draw more attention to his cause after tonight?


Indi Hartwell & Persia walk ‘n’ talk.

It was fun and all but sand gets everywhere. But how was it really? It looked amazing. And where is her man? Oh, he’s away this week. She really wore him out, y’know? Went through two packets! Wow, so 7? 8? 9 and a half! WHOA! Wait, what’s this smoke? Tian Sha?! GET OUT! Okay well that was freaky. Indi’s seen freakier. Well the honeymoon is over, but will Indi still be feeling good now that she’s back?


Joe Gacy VS Ikemen Jiro!

The Handsome One is already in the ring as Gacy makes his way to the “safe space” in the ring. But how does Gacy plan on making two winners in a 1v1 match?

The bell rings, fans chant for “I-KE-MEN! I-KE-MEN!” but Gacy offers a handshake. Jiro takes it and the two circle. They tie up, Jiro headlocks but Gacy powers out. They ram shoulders, neither falls, and Gacy gives Jiro the affirmation that he can knock Gacy down. Jiro runs, but he has to duck Gacy’s clothesline! Jiro comes back and arm-drags Gacy. Things speed up and Jiro RANAS! Gacy ducks the jacket punch and the two stand off. Fans rally for Jiro and Gacy gives Jiro respect. He offers another handshake, Jiro takes it, but Gacy uses that to whip him to a corner! Gacy corner splashes, and Gacy apologizes for the trick.

Gacy stands Jiro up, throws hands, then brings Jiro in for a suplex! Gacy drags Jiro up, whips him to ropes and CLOBBERS him with an elbow! Gacy apologizes again but fans seem divided on his “peaceful resolution.” Gacy scoops Jiro but Jiro sips out for a BACKBREAKER! And an IKE-TWIST! Gacy gets up, clutching his neck, and he gets a JACKET PUNCH! And another! And another! And a ROLLING JACKET PUNCH! Fans fire up with Jiro and he runs corner to corner at Gacy, but into a BOOT! Gacy goes up but Jiro GAMANGIRIS! Jiro goes up to FLYING HEADSCISSORS! Gacy hobbles up, into the IKE- NO! He dodges the kick to handspring LARIAT! Cover, Gacy wins!

Winner: Joe Gacy, by pinfall

Well, wait. Gacy won and Jiro lost. Well, Gacy stands Jiro up and gives him a respectful handshake and hug. Is Gacy practicing what he preaches after all? Is sportsmanship a way to make sure there are multiple winners?

Wait, who is that who stands up in the audience? Gacy is started by him at first, but then he smiles. Is there someone who is willing to stand up and follow Gacy?


NXT hears from Duke Hudson.

“NXT superstar, professional poker player. The two go hand in hand, really. It doesn’t matter if it’s the squared circle or the poker table. If I can play with your mind, then I’ve beaten you before it even begins.” And at Duke’s Poker Room, they don’t discriminate. All money is welcomed, because he’ll take it from you anyway. Whether the belt or the mat, #BetterLuckNextTime.


Cora Jade VS Virginia Ferry!

The youngest star in all of WWE skates down to the ring, and after getting a good couple of wins on 205 Live, is ready for her first NXT match! Except, wait, someone drags Ferry out of the ring?! It’s Franky Monet! And she RAMS Ferry into the steel steps! Then gives her a GLAM SLAM to the floor! Robert Stone is fired up, and he apologizes to Cora, but her new opponent is Franky! The ref allows it, and #CardSubjecttoChange is a thing in NXT 2.0! Will the young star still be able to shine when having to turn on a dime?

Cora Jade VS Franky Monet w/ Robert Stone!

The bell rings, Franky CLOBBERS Cora with a clothesline, then pushes her around. Franky elbows Cora against the ropes, whips then elbows her again! Franky laughs, bumps Cora off buckles and throws elbows. Franky CHOPS Cora, stomps a mudhole, then walks it off. Franky whips corner to corner hard, then runs in to METEORA! The ref counts, Frank lets off while grinning, but Trey Baxter appears! All Heart coaches up his girlfriend, but Franky drags Cora out to dribble her off the mat. Franky gets the legs but Cora kicks her away! Cora crawls for Trey but Franky drags her away into a chinlock stretch! Franky CLUBS Cora down then surfboard STOMPS her while staring Trey down!

Cora goes to a corner, Franky runs in but Cora SHINING WIZARDS! Cora staggers away but turns around into a SPEAR! Franky laughs maniacally and she drags Cora up to chicken wing. But Cora victory rolls! Cora wins!!

Winner: Cora Jade, by pinfall

Even Cora is shocked! Bougie Bad is incredibly mad, but will she be where the #GenerationofJade begins?


Backstage interview with MSK.

McKenzie asks Wes Lee & Nash Carter how they feel about this sudden change in the main event. It isn’t an 8 Man Tag anymore, but a FATAL 4 WAY for the titles! Nash says it’ll be tough, Wes says they have to keep their heads on a swivel. But GYV walk in and say this is typical MSK. Last week, they called themselves fighting champions, so here we are! The snakes have found loopholes! They’ll pin one of the two other teams because they know they can’t beat Grizzled Young Veterans! Enough of this! Shut up! They can make this ELIMINATION style, too! Briggs & Brooks walk in and say why wait? The brawling returns from last week right here in the backstage area!

Security and refs rush in and try to pull these four teams apart! With things now every team for themselves, who will be the last ones standing with those NXT Tag Team Championships?


NXT returns with a backstage interview with Ciampa.

He issued a challenge for Halloween Havoc, Bron Breakker immediately accepted it. How does Ciampa feel about that? Well, Bron is young, strong and a certifiable blue chipper. But he is going up against a certifiable main eventer, so this is going to be one hell of a match. But then Gacy walks in. Gacy saw Ciampa offer the opportunity to anyone with the balls to step up to him. That’s oddly specific and toxic energy. Gacy realizes Ciampa must be feeling the strength of privilege as champion, but Gacy speaks for a voice struggling to be heard. They speak through him, and they would love to be included in an opportunity for the title.

Ciampa sees what Gacy’s up to. If Gacy wants his shot, he has to beat Ciampa next week. If Gacy wins, he can join the Halloween Havoc title match and make it a Triple Threat. But no hugs. Ciampa promises that the ring next week won’t be a safe space for Gacy.


Raquel Gonzalez storms into the CWC!

Will Big Mami Cool look to hunt down and trample Mandy Rose for what happened last week?


Pete Dunne w/ Ridge Holland VS Cameron Grimes!

The Bruiserweight called the Million Dollar Caveman out, but now it’s time to put money where mouths are! Will Dunne make this a Bitter End for Grimes? Or will there be a Cave-In in Dunne’s future?

The bell rings and the two circle. Grimes gets a leg but Dunne counters with a facelock. Grimes wrenches out to a wristlock, Dunne rolls and kips up to then handspring and WRING Grimes out. Dunne traps the arm and SNAPS it back. Dunne then grinds the arm, digs a knee into the shoulder, but Grimes kips up. Grimes snapmares free and RANAS Dunne down! Grimes tells Dunne to #KissMuhGrits but Dunne trips him up! Dunne floats to a lateral press but Grimes slips out to arm-drag him down! Fans rally as Grimes has Dunne down in an armlock, but Dunne kicks, gets up, and powers out to speed things up. Dunne hurdles, drops and CLOBBERS Grimes with a clothesline!

Fans boo but Dunne shrugs as he bends Grimes’ fingers. Dunne isolates the arm to STOMP the arm! Dunne keeps after that arm and wraps it around ropes. The ref counts but Dunne stomps Grimes to the corner. Dunne wrenches, wrangles Grimes to the mat, then digs his knuckles into Grimes’ head. Dunne traps the one arm, bends the other and even bends the fingers. Grimes fights but Dunne throws kicks. Dunne wrenches but Grimes throws forearms! Dunne WRINGS Grimes out again! Then basement dropkicks Grimes in the back! Grimes flounders to ropes, Dunne wrings Grimes’ arm and bends the elbow, but Grimes throws body shots!

Grimes forearms but Dunne ROCKS Grimes! Grimes ends up in the corner but h e dodges Dunne’s enziguri! Grimes runs and rallies with big forearms! Fans chant “TO THE MOON!” as Grimes hits a running BOOT in the corner! Dunne flounders, Grimes goes up and Grimes CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! Grimes grits is teeth, drags Dunne up with a deadlift but Dunne elbows out of the waistlock. Dunne runs in to ENZIGURI! He shoves Grimes down to KNEE DROP on the arm! SNAP GERMAN! Dunne stomps the feet and BUZZSAWS Grimes down! Cover, TWO! But Dunne has the ARMBAR! Grimes hurries up, makes a cover, ONE and they roll together!

Grimes kicks, Dunne ducks, Grimes flips back to DEAD LIFT GERMAN! Bridging cover, TWO!! Fans fire up as Grimes snarls and gets to his feet. Grimes drags Dunne up, SUPER FOREARMS, then roundhouse, but Dunne ducks to ENZIGURI! Dunne goes after a buckle pad? That’s to distract the ref! Ridge Holland drags Grimes out, but KYLE goes after Holland! Kyle fires hands, Dunne goes out and THROWS Kyle over the desk! But Grimes PENALTY KICKS Dunne from the apron! Grimes puts Dunne in, runs but Dunne sends him into ropes! Pump handle, BITTER END! Cover, Dunne wins!

Winner: Pete Dunne, by pinfall

The Bruiserweight still wins out, but Kyle tackles Dunne! Holland drags Kyle up to HEADBUTT him in the back! Holland stomps Kyle, drags him up and scoops. Dunne ROUNDHOUSES Kyle before the NORTHERN GRIT DRIVER! Fans boo but Dunne just shrugs. With Holland on his way to SmackDown in a few weeks, will he and Dunne make sure to put everyone in their place these next few weeks?


NXT hears from Hit Row.

And they’re laughing and having a good time. Swerve says Santos is actually right, the WWE Universe is buzzing about Hit Row right now. But y’know who they ain’t buzzing about? Legado! Top Dolla can’t believe they think Hit Row is running away. Los estupidos. They ain’t runnin’ from nothing. They’re running to money! Ashante Thee Adonis points out SmackDown chose Hit Row. Everything they do is a mood. Act your age, Legado. And Swerve is so sick of this. Parking lots, in the ring, and Legado keeps making mistakes. But hola, chica. Lopez hung in the No DQ match but she didn’t win. Next time, B-Fab won’t be so nice.

So if Escobar wants to challenge Swerve’s manhood and his title reign, then challenge accepted. That way, Swerve can win and Escobar won’t see this title except on Friday nights. And if you didn’t know, now you know!


NXT shares footage from the break.

After getting beat down by Dunne & Holland, Von Wagner went out to the ring to check on Kyle. Kyle accepted that help, but will these two be able to turn things around on Dunne & Holland?


Tony D’Angelo VS Malik Blade!

It’s a double debut for NXT 2.0 tonight! The Chicago Italiano is here to bring the “family business” to pro-wrestling. Will he be too thick for Blade to cut through in his move up from 205 Live?

The bell rings and the two circle. D’Angelo talks some smack and then ties up with Malik. Fans fire up for Malik, Tony wrenches to a headlock and talks more trash. Malik powers out but Tony holds on tight. Malik pries the hold apart, Tony holds on tighter, and fans are rallying and dueling. Malik rolls Tony up, TWO! Malik throws body shots, Tony CLUBS him on the back! Tony headlocks but Malik powers out, only for Tony to run him over! Tony talks more smack, Malik gets up and the two go again. Tony blocks the takedown for a facelock, then shifts to a headlock. Tony grinds the headlock, Malik powers up and powers out.

Things speed up, Malik leaps but into Tony’s BACKBREAKER! Tony talks more trash, puts Malik in the corner and RAMS him in the back! But Malik BOOTS him back! Malik runs but Tony DECKS him! Tony drags Malik up by his ear, saying he’s gonna teach Malik a lesson his mama should’ve taught him a long time ago. But Malik fires off haymakers! Tony dodges but Malik dropkicks him out! Tony leads Malik on a cat ‘n’ mouse then TACKLES him down! Cover, TWO! Tony is annoyed but he wraps on a waistlock for a rear bearhug. Malik endures, fans rally and duel, and Malik fights up to his feet. Malik throws elbows, Tony shoves him into the corner hard!

Tony BOOTS Malik into buckles! The ref reprimands but Tony slaps Malik around. Tony facelocks, throws some body shots, then spins Malik around for a modified cobra twist. Malik elbows free, ducks and dodges then LEG LARIATS! Fans fire up, Malik goes corner to corner to A-LIST LARIAT! Tony staggers, Malik climbs, CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Another try, ONE! Tony gets up and wants a timeout? There’s no timeouts in wrestling! But Tony uses that to sucker Malik into a buckle! Then a BIG Belly2Belly! Tony paces around, says Malik’s down, and gets him up for a NORTHERN LIGHTS! Roll through and FISHERMAN NECKBREAKER! Cover, Tony wins!

Winner: Tony D’Angelo, by pinfall

Bada bing, bada boom! With wins like that, will Tony be untouchable here in NXT?


Backstage interview with Trick Williams & Carmelo Hayes.

It is official: tonight’s tag match is an NXT Tag Team Fatal 4 Way ELIMINATION match! Their thoughts? First, Melo wants to say, “D’Angelo? Forget about it!” You saw it all earlier, Trick & Melo came out on top of that scrap. And somehow, they’ve finessed their way into a title match without the contract. Melo don’t miss, Trick don’t but kiss. They’ll strap up the boots and make the ring sing, cuz they #BoutItBoutIt. Say it again for the people in the back. They bout it bout it! You’re looking at future champs, and that’s all there is to it. Will Melo sink this one from down town with the assist from Trick?


Indi Hartwell w/ Persia Pirotta VS Mei Ying w/ Boa!

The weird encounter backstage apparently raised the ire of Tian Sha’s dragon lady! Will she ruin #IndiWrestling’s return to the CWC?

NXT returns as Indi & Persia make their entrance. Indi shouts out #SexyDexi before getting in the ring with Mei Ying. The bell rings and Indi is very wary as Mei Ying stands up tall. Indi approaches but Mei Ying shoves her away. Indi tries again but Mei blocks and throws her down! Indi gets up, dodges Mei Ying and waistlocks, but Mei wrenches free and WRINGS Indi to then stomp her down! Indi gets up at the ropes, dodges Mei and manages a headlock, but Mei powers out and they ram shoulders. Neither falls so Indi runs again. She rams Mei but Mei RAMS her back! Indi falls over from that shot and sits up gasping for air.

Mei stomps Indi, claws her in the corner then double CHOPS her down! Mei stalks Indi, drags her up and clamp claws into the shoulders! Indi endures, fights up, but Mei digs her nails in deeper! Fans rally as Indi fights up. Indi throws body shots, a haymaker, but Mei just snarls. Mei spins Indi, ripcord and STRAIGHT PALM STRIKE! Indi flounders to ropes, but staggers into the THROAT STAB! They tumble out of the rings as Mei continues to torture Indi! She POSTS Indi, then runs in, but Persia takes the shot for her! Indi POSTS Mei Ying, puts her in the ring, and climbs up for the SAVAGE ELBOW! Cover, Indi wins!

Winner: Indi Hartwell, by pinfall

Persia and Indi get away, but Mei Ying sits up like the Deadman! Indi kisses her wedding ring, is Dexter somewhere watching and celebrating, too?


Lash Legend talks with some fans.

If y’all thought the premiere was good, next week on episode two, Lashing Out is gonna spill some real hot tea that’ll make Urban Meyer look likes child’s play. But Tony D’Angelo walks in and says if she really wants some eyes on her show, have him as her very first guest. Well, she’ll think about it. And she loves him in that new Sopranos prequel. Anyways… Lashing Out was so hot on the internet, she’s why Facebook and Instagram shut down! Will Lash Legend look to break the internet all over again?


Malcolm Bivens properly introduces Diamond Mine.

He will introduce us to each individual member and explain just what makes them special and why you should fear them. First up, their coach, Hideki “Hachiman” Suzuki! He teaches everyone how to be better versions of themselves. Hailing from Japan, he has blessed every continent with his presence and has left bodies in every single corner. He’s won more titles than Tom Brady, and he could kick Tom Brady’s ass. Hachiman says “Diamond Mine has just begun to climb the mountain called NXT. Keep an eye on us.”

Next, their newest member, Ivy Nile. She is half human, half Pitbull and has the greenlight to knock out every single woman in NXT. The star of the Titan Games, a mixed martial artist and a fitness competition veteran. More chiseled than Adonis (of myth, not Ashante Thee Adonis; but maybe him, too). She knows Bivens saw something in her. She is more powerful than ever. And don’t tell anyone but these two are Bivens’ favorites: the modern day embodiments of #RuthlessAgression, Julius & Brutus, the Creed Brothers. Division I athletes, All Americans and national champions. When you win as much as they have, you just stop counting. You can try to, but you won’t keep up.

And of course, last but not least, the centerpiece of Diamond Mine and the NXT Cruiserweight Champion, Roderick Strong. This group is special. They have taken him to new heights, and the title proves that. If you get in their way, you will regret it! #DiamondMineForever!


Raquel Gonzalez is here!

The NXT Women’s Champion apparently didn’t find Toxic Attraction in the back, but will she call them out to the ring? We find out, after the break.

NXT returns and Samantha Irvin is in the ring with Raquel to congratulate her on retaining the title last week, but brings up Toxic Attraction’s attack. Raquel stomps Sam there and says, “Message received. Toxic Attraction has been making headlines. But Mandy, has all that hair-dye seeped into your brain? Do you know who you jumped last week?!” Mandy’s made waves for what? A month? Raquel’s dominated the division for almost a YEAR. This title is not a fashion accessory, chicita. This means you’re the best female in the best division in the BUSINESS. If Mandy thinks Sarray busted her up with a dropkick, mi amore, touch the title again and you will be posing for a body cast!

As for her little- Oh speaking of! Here comes Toxic Attraction! Mandy tells Raquel to please stop. Mandy used to admire Raquel’s strength, tenacity and ambition. And say “What?” again if you don’t think she’s the sexiest woman alive! Fans still go “What?” so guess that means they don’t. But Raquel, now Mandy sees her as just desperate. “A desperate champion that knows her title reign is coming to an end.” And these idle threats simply fall on the floor. So just know Toxic Attraction is taking over. Not even the “unstoppable’ Raquel will slow them down. But it’s not Raquel’s fault! Gigi says Mandy is championship material! As are her and Jacy. Raquel can’t help but stare in awe!

Raquel can’t help but stare in awe at the stitches Gigi has in her head from Raquel bashing her with the title! Gigi storms up but Jacy laughs the insult off. Clearly, they can add jealousy along to desperation. And if Raquel has been living under a rock, which it looks like she has… They’re all over Raw AND SmackDown! They’re the faces of NXT 2.0 now! And soon enough, they will be holding all~ the gold in NXT! They’re not just Toxic Attraction, they’re THE attraction! Mandy and Jacy join Gigi in flanking the ring again, just like last week. Shall they have some fun? Ladies, if you will. Raquel is ready just like last time, too, and asks who wants stitches this time.

But wait! Here come Io Shirai and Zoey Stark! The NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions won’t let Toxic Attraction do what they want! As such, Toxic Attraction step back and back away from a fair fight. When will they throw down with the champions for their crowns?


Wagner talks with Kyle in the back.

Kyle ices his shoulder and Wagner says next week, it’s them against Holland & Dunne. Whether Kyle likes it or not, Wagner’s the only one watching Kyle’s back. Will Kyle let himself trust again in order to get even with his enemies?


Raquel talks with Shirai and Stark backstage.

The champ appreciates the help from the champs, but she didn’t need their help. Well it kinda looked that way to them. Shirai says she dislikes Toxic Attraction way more than she dislikes Raquel. Stark keeps the peace and says that they ARE the champions here. But Persia & Indi walk in to remind Shirai & Stark that Toxic Attraction aren’t the only ones the champs should worry about. Indi points at the belt, Shirai slaps that finger away. Raquel lets them talk this out and heads off. Stark asks if Shirai remembers how they got the belts. Oh right, that’s from beating Indi! Yeah, but Persia says there’s fresh blood in the water now.

Shirai says the only gold they will ever wear here are on Indi’s finger, and on Persia’s ears. Stark likes that sick burn and the champs head out. But will the Aussie besties best the champions when they finally get in the ring together?


NXT Tag Team Championships Fatal 4 Way Elimination: MSK VS Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen VS Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams VS Grizzled Young Veterans!

Briggs & Brooks make their entrances first but this match is all about who is last in the ring! Will the tag division still be must-see? Or will Wes Lee & Nash Carter be completely boxed out of the decision before the night is over?

NXT returns and GYV make their entrance. Zack Gibson & James Drake join Briggs, Brooks, and even Melo & Trick who are already in the ring. MSK now make their entrance, confident despite this being the biggest challenge of their reign. The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and in this kind of Fatal 4, only two teams are active. As such, Lee steps up for the champs and Liverpool’s Number One starts with him. Fans are fired up already as Gibson and Lee tie up. Gibosn waistlocks, trips Lee then knuckle locks. Lee pushes up from the cover to then sunset flip, ONE! Gibson runs into a takedown and cover, ONE! Lee avoids the sweep and headlocks!

Gibson powers out but Carter tags in! MSK Blitz, topped off with the DOUBLE STOMPS! Carter knuckle locks, CHOPS and goes up to FLYING ARM-DRAG! Gibson wants things to slow down, and Melo tags in. Melo has the fans on his side but things speed up in the ring. Melo rolls off, boots then ENZIGURIS! Melo runs to springboard SLINGBLADE! Fans fire up as Melo tags his boy, and Trick runs with him to DOUBLE STOMP Carter down! Trick gives Melo the assist for the springboard LEG DROP! Trick covers, TWO! Carter shoves him away, Brooks tags in. Brooks and Trick fire up and talk trash, then Trick SLAPS Brooks!

Trick says he’d punk Brooks’ ass out, but then Brooks fires off haymakers on Trick’s punk ass! Trick blocks, spins, and body shots! Then UPPERCUTS! Then runs, to LEAPING LARIAT! Fans fire up with Trick, then tag to Melo. Melo BOOTS Brooks, runs, but into a BIG atomic drop! Tag to Briggs, he and Brooks DOUBLE SHOULDER! Tag to Trick, he gets DOUBLE BOOTS! Briggs stays clear of GYV’s corner as James Drake swipes at him, but he and Brooks then DOUBLE HIP TOSS GYV in! Brooks ‘n’ Briggs SPLASH Trick and Drake, then SPLASH Melo and Gibson! They fire up and then things calm down. Briggs tags Wes in to let him “do the flip!”

Lee takes advantage of this and FLIES out onto Melo ‘n’ Trick! Fans fire up, Lee “welcomes’ Trick to the division and throws him in! Hot tag to Carter, he gets Trick up, MUST-SEE BLOCKBUSTER! Cover, MSK ELIMINATES Trick & Melo! One team down, three to go! MSK watches both opposing teams closely as NXT goes to break.

NXT returns and fans chant, “WE WANT MELO!” but are getting Gibson putting Lee in a corner. Lee hits back with body shots, but he runs into a scoop! Lee slips off, reaches out, but Gibson keeps him from the other teams to CLOBBER him! Gibson DECKS Carter, tags in Drake, and GYV gets Lee up. Feed to a clinch, Gibson goes up, MISSILE DROPKICK COMPLETE SHOT! Cover, TWO!! Lee lives and GYV is frustrated. Drake drags Lee up, tags Gibson, and they wrench and whip Lee for a DOUBLE LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Gibson scowls and looms over Lee. Gibson pushes Lee around while talking trash, then throws a forearm to put Lee back in the corner.

Gibson CLUBS Lee, ROCKS him with a right, then tags in Drake. They double whip, but Lee holds ropes to BOOT Gibson down! Drake blocks Lee’s path to Carter, but Lee waistlocks and swings around to tag in Carter after all! Carter rallies on GYV and fans fire up! Carter CHOPS Drake, whips but Drake reverses. Drake hurdles but Carter YANKS him out of the air, and then DEADLIFT GERMAN SUPLEXES! Drake flounders to a corner, Carter runs in and KNEES him, to a rolling snapmare and PENALTY KICK! STANDING SHOOTING STAR! Cover, Gibson drags Drake out! Carter goes to the corner and SUPERKICKS Gibson into Drake! Then ARIHARA MOONSAULTS!

Fans fire up as Carter takes out both GYV! Carter puts Drake in the ring but Gibson anchors Carter’s foot! Carter kicks Gibson away but runs into a waistlock from Drake. Carter elbows, Drake whips and Gibson tags in, but so does Brooks! GYV get Carter to jump, into a TICKET TO MAYHEM! Cover, but Carter’s no longer legal! Briggs storms in to shove Drake out! Gibson realizes who is behind him too late, and turns around into Brooks’ ROLLING HAYUMAKER! Brigs choke grips, he and Brooks combine for a CHOKE BOMB!! Cover, Briggs & Brooks ELIMINATE Grizzled Young Veterans! And now, it’s just them and the champs!

Lee makes sure Carter is okay and then he squares off with Brooks. Lee rushes in and punches low, then fires off palm strikes and KICKS! DROPKICK! Brooks wobbles, Lee runs but Brooks CLOBBERS him with an uppercut! Tag to Briggs, Brooks gets Lee up and Briggs runs, BOOT RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Cover, TWO!! Lee survives and Briggs can’t believe it! Fans fire up for MSK as Briggs drags Lee up. Briggs CLUBS Lee, tags Brooks, “This is Awesome!” as Brooks ‘n’ Briggs whip. DOUBLE CHOKE SLAM!! But Brooks ‘n’ Briggs ain’t done, they get Lee back up. CHOKE- NO! Carter tackles Briggs outta the ring! Lee RANAS Brooks down for a cover, MSK wins!!

Winners: MSK, by pinfall (still NXT Tag Team Champions)

The big bad hosses can’t believe how close they were to the titles! They get the belts, but they show respect to the champs by handing the belts to them. Have MSK finally gotten the division to see them as the champions they are? But wait, IMPERIUM attacks from behind! Marcel Barthel & Fabian Aichner are furious they weren’t anywhere near this match, and they give Carter a SPINEBUSTER to PENALTY KCIK! They stack Lee and Carter, Briggs ‘n’ Brooks run Imperium off! Will the Impeccable German & Pride of Italy get their shot at the gold? Or will MSK make another team respect their champions?

My Thoughts:

A great episode for NXT, especially for this 2.0 era. We got some good stuff out of the women’s division, with Mandy VS Ember opening the night in a fast but strong match. Raquel and Toxic Attraction have a good segment, especially with Shirai & Stark stepping in. Though, I feel like pacing and order of events is screwed up in the typical RawDown way. Toxic Attraction should’ve called out the champs before facing them, but with NXT having to rebuild their women’s tag division, there wasn’t really any other team to fill the gaps. Six Woman Tag should happen just because, and then we can see Indi & Persia get into the ring as a team along the way.

That random moment with Tian Sha turning into a match was very RawDown, but I bet that means Mei Ying ruins things for Indi & Persia. If only Xia Li was staying in NXT. Tian Sha as a women’s team would’ve been really good for this brand. Maybe Indi & Persia have their first match as a team against KC Squared. Even though Indi was a former champ, Persia still has to show her skills. Though, like that seems to matter when Briggs & Brooks, as well as Trick & Melo, got to be part of a title match when they’d yet to have tag matches anywhere. The main event was great all the same, but I’m both a bit surprised and disappointed it was Briggs & Brooks who made it to the end.

At the same time, MSK retaining to be attacked by Imperium, it makes sense that other Faces were still present to help MSK out. MSK VS Imperium is going to be great, who knows who wins there. Now we just need to see Walter be full-time in NXT 2.0 and he goes after the top title. Yes, Ciampa is facing Bron Breakker at this year’s Halloween Havoc, but I really hope Ciampa isn’t losing Goldie so soon after getting her back. Bron did great in his promo, at least, and he is still so very much “Rex Steiner” despite going in a different direction with his name. Gacy wants after the title, too, which is natural.

Gacy had a very good match with Jiro, and apparently that was Parker Boudreaux staring at him from the audience. Gacy will have a good match with Ciampa but I wonder if Boudreaux (Harland in NXT, I believe) gets involved in any way. Dunne VS Grimes was a good match, Kyle going after Holland makes sense, and then Wagner being there to help Kyle also makes sense. Wagner seems a little bland in delivering his promos but maybe he’s just getting comfortable on screen. Their match with Dunne VS Holland could even be Holland’s good-bye since he’ll be going to SmackDown cuz Vince wants that Yorkshire BEEF.

D’Angelo VS Malik was a really good match, and the fans really loved it because Malik is a local guy and for whatever reason, they’ve taken a liking to “Ey, oh, ey!” Tony. But Lash Legend did have a good Sopranos burn. We got quite the promo vignette out of Diamond Mine, and good promos from Legado and Hit Row. Escobar is definitely taking the title off Swerve but I hope they have an awesome match in the process. Swerve losing on the way out is fitting wrestling tradition, and that can make him hungry on SmackDown to go after the Intercontinental Championship. Escobar can then have a fresh run with a title, taking on just about anyone left in NXT 2.0.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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