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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (11/9/21)

There’s grudges all over NXT 2.0!



NXT Coverage 2021

Toxic Attraction is in action!

Io Shirai and KC Squared are aiming for the NXT Women’s and Women’s Tag Team Champions, Toxic Attraction, all in one Six Woman Tag match!


  • Six Woman Tag: Toxic Attraction VS Io Shirai, Kacy Catanzaro & Kayden Carter; Toxic Attraction wins.
  • Kay Lee Ray VS Sarray; KLR wins.
  • Boa VS Joe Gacy; Gacy wins, by disqualification.
  • The Creed Brothers w/ Diamond Mine VS Jacket Time; The Creed Brothers win.
  • Cameron Grimes VS Ru Feng; Grimes wins.
  • Triple Threat: Solo Sikoa VS Grayson Waller VS LA Knight; Sikoa wins.
  • Elektra Lopez VS Erica Yan; Lopez wins.
  • Pete Dunne VS Carmelo Hayes w/ Trick Williams; Dunne wins.


Medical update on Zoey Stark.

As she tweeted out herself today, she tore her ACL and meniscus in Toxic Attraction’s backstage attack. But the bad news for them is that Stark’s surgery went great and she’s already starting rehab. She vows to be back better and stronger, with those three as her prime targets. But for now, she’s cheering on the trio of Shirai, Kacy & Kayden! Speaking of which…

Six Woman Tag: Toxic Attraction VS Io Shirai, Kacy Catanzaro & Kayden Carter!

Mandy Rose leads the way as she, Gigi Dolin & Jacy Jayne show off their titles. But will the new champions find themselves on their heels when the Evil Genius and the TikTok sensations come knocking?

The trios sort out and Mandy starts against Kayden. These two circle, tie up and Mandy waistlocks to SLAM Kayden down. Kayden gets up, shakes that off and fans are dueling hard. They tie up again, Kayden wrenches, trips Mandy and talks some smack to the champ! Mandy shoves her away, they go again, and then break. Mandy sucker punches Shirai just because! The ref is busy with Shirai, but Kayden waistlocks Mandy. Mandy elbows out hard, brings Kayden around and tags Gigi. They mug Kayden, whip and Gigi forearms! Gigi whips, forearms Kayden again, then snapmares her down to KICK her in the back.

Gigi swaggers, mocks Kacy and Shirai, then throws more forearms. Gigi runs, RANAS Kayden to ropes, Jacy tags in and KNEES Kayden down! Jacy slingshots in to NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Jacy mockingly says, “Oh, it’s a party?” She brings Kayden up but Kayden spins through to SLAP her! And CHOP her! Kayden facelocks, Jacy powers out and ENZIGURIS! Kayden goes to ropes, boots back, and Shirai tags in to scoop and SLAM Jacy down! Fans fire up as Shirai handstands to a knee drop! Cover, TWO! Shirai keeps cool as she drags Jacy up, underhooks but Jacy slips out to ROCK her with a forearm! Shirai blocks the boot to DRAGON SCREW Jacy down!

Jacy crawls to enemy territory and Shirai back elbows in! Tag to Kayden, she tags Kacy and they double whip to trip and basement BOOT Jacy! Kacy slingshot sentons! Cover, TWO! Kacy brings Jacy up but Jacy powers her to the Toxic corner! Jacy rams in, tags Mandy, and Mandy kicks Kacy to then scoop. Kacy slips out, shoves and runs to til-o0whirl and headscissor Mandy out! Mandy flounders on the outside, Kacy TORNILLO PLANCHAS! Direct hit and Toxic Attraction hurries to help their leader. Kacy helps Kayden get up for a SUPER CROSSBODY! Down go the tag champions, Shirai spots Mandy on the other side! Shirai runs but Mandy gets in to SPINEBUSTER!

Mandy soaks up the heat as fans boo, and NXT goes picture in picture. Mandy drags Shirai up but KC Squared gets in to stop her. Gigi & Jacy get in but they get double dropkicks! Toxic Attraction regroups on the outside again, fans are all fired up! Things calm down, Kacy dares someone to get in. Mandy does, Kacy gets around her to waistlock but Mandy switches to CLUB Kacy down. Mandy brings Kacy around, wrenches and wristlocks then tries to whip. Kacy digs her heels in to block that, then she gets away! Hot tags to Shirai and Gigi! Shirai drags Gig right down to a CROSSFACE! Gigi endures, flails, claws her way over, but Shirai kicks the rope to roll it back!

Gigi endures, slips out, but Shirai rolls her up, TWO! Gigi gets up but Shirai kicks her low. Shirai throws forearms and a double CHOP! Then another forearm, another CHOP, and she trips Gigi up to dig both boots in, then hit a SWINGING DOUBLE KNEE! Tag to Kacy, she brings Gigi up and goes for the arm. Gigi resists, endures as Kacy grinds the shoulder, and powers up to a waistlock. Kacy switches, Gigi bucks her off, but runs into a drop toehold! Kacy gets a headlock, Gigi fights up and spins Kacy around and around to a facelock. Kacy trips Gigi up to a jackknife bridge! TWO, and Kacy is staring down Jacy! Gigi CLOBBERS Kacy from behind!

Gigi chokes Kacy on the ropes while Jacy talks trash. The ref counts, Mandy tags in and they mug Kacy. Mandy talks trash and puts on a body scissors to squeeze Kacy! Kacy endures, Mandy thrashes her around, and NXT returns to single picture. Fans rally, Mandy adds a chinlock but Kacy still endures. Kacy fights, powers back to a cover, ONE! Mandy lets Kacy go but gets a foot! Kacy hops, Mandy reels her in for an inverted gut wrench suplex! Cover, TWO! Mandy wraps on a body scissors squeeze again but Kacy endures. Fans rally and duel, Kacy pries at the hold, and she throws elbows! Mandy keeps hold with the legs but Kacy keeps throwing elbows!

Kacy gets free again, hops on one foot, but lands on her feet out of the suplex! She scurries under, kicks Mandy away, hot tag to Shirai! Gigi tags in but Shirai rallies on her with big shoulders! Shirai scoops and SLAMS Gigi down, then stomps her to a corner. Fans fire up as Shirai stomps a mudhole into Gigi! Shirai drags Gigi back up, but Gigi hits a STUNNER! Tag to Mandy but Shirai rallies on her with shoulders now! And a FLAPJACK! Shirai watches Mandy flounder to a corner, goes corner to corner, SHINKANSEN! Cover, TWO! Gigi hits Shirai just because! The ref reprimands, Shirai goes to the corner, OVER THE MOONSAULT! Cover, Jacy breaks this one!

KC Squared throws Gigi & Jacy out! Fans fire up, Mandy and Shirai crawl around. Shirai reaches out, Mandy anchors a foot. Mandy drags Shirai back, Gigi tags in. Gigi goes for a senton but misses as Shirai moves! Hot tag to Kayden! Kayden rallies on Gigi now, lariats and a DROPKICK! Jacy mouths off but gets kicked down! Kayden whips Gigi into Jacy at the corner, then she hits them with a BIG forearm smash! DYNAMIC KICK for Jacy! Kayden whips Gigi, Gigi reverses but Kayden wheelbarrows to a SUPERKICK! Then a wrench and hook up to a BLADE RUNNER! Gigi is in a daze, Kayden goes up top! But Jacy distracts her! Kacy CLOBBERS her, then Shirai DECKS Mandy!

But Gigi arm-drags Kayden off the top! Wrench and hook up, COBRA TWIST DRIVER! Cover, Toxic Attraction wins!

Winners: Toxic Attraction, by pinfall

The numbers game still works out, as Gigi finds a way to win it for her team! Will the Toxic Era of the NXT Women’s Division continue on and heat up the winter?


Backstage interview with Pete Dunne.

McKenzie wants his thoughts on Tony D’Angelo’s comments. If Tony wants to make a name for himself, he knows where to find Dunne. When Tony’s ready, he can come chat with the Baddest Man in NXT. Trick Williams & Carmelo Hayes walk in, and Trick doubts Dunne’s the baddest man in NXT. But he is the baddest man on Twitter. Melo & Trick are in Dunne’s face, calling him a bum, his mama a bobblehead, and his daddy a boot licker. If you want to fight, strap up the boots and make the ring talk. They’re #BoutItBoutIt. What is he on about? Melo says that maybe Dunne will understand The A Champion better.

What part didn’t he understand? Where Melo said he doesn’t care what Dunne thinks? Or where Dunne can kiss Melo’s ass? How about the part where Dunne breaks their fingers. Go on, get outta here. Trick & Melo head out, will Dunne prove he’s worthy of the A Championship to the A Champion’s face?


MSK’s journey continues.

But they’re tiring out. Wes Lee asks if they’re there yet. Nash Carter knows they’re close. He can sense it. Look look look! “I have moved. You can find me at…” Wait what?! They have to go even further now?! Carter tries to get Lee to accept they still have to see the guru. Fine, fine. But they are NOT walking. Okay, they can get scooters. No way, this place is 420 miles away. They’re flying. Alright, Carter’s fly. Okay no more supplies for him. They also gotta shower, and get changes of clothes. Meet back at airport. Does that mean they join the Mile High Club? Is that what that means? Uh, only one way to find out!


Kay Lee Ray VS Sarray!

Toxic Attraction lingers on the ramp to enjoy their victory, but the Scary Queen of Scots blows right past them. Will KLR use the Warrior of the Sun as a stepping stone towards that NXT Women’s Championship?

NXT returns and Sarray has made her entrance. The bell rings and Sarray offers a handshake. KLR takes it, only to reel her in for a lariat! KLR stomps Sarray around and fans boo. KLR forearms Sarray to a corner, whips her corner to corner and runs in to corner clothesline! KLR laughs as she looms over Sarray, then stands on Sarray’s head! KLR lets off to bring Sarray up and whip. Sarray blocks, slips around and springboard arm-drags! KLR flounders up, Sarray wheelbarrows and rolls to DOUBLE STOMPS! And then BUZZSAWS! KLR gets up, Sarray throws forearms but KLR throws forearms back! KLR winds up to DECK Sarray! Cover, ONE as Sarray goes Matrix!

KLR throws Sarray down by her hair! KLR stands on Sarray’s head again, then kicks her to the corner. KLR drags Sarray up to whip corner to corner. Sarray reverses, runs in and back elbows! Sarray brings KLR around to whip to the corner, but KLR dodges the elbow this time to stomp her! KLR goes up , and hits an ELEVATED DDT! Cover, TWO! KLR sneers and drags Sarray up to throw forearms. Fans rally and duel as KLR stomps Sarray down, whips her to ropes, but Sarray ducks and dodges to roll KLR up! TWO! But Sarray has a leg for the DEEP HALF CRAB!! KLR is more like a scorpion right now as she reaches for the ropes! KLR drags herself forward to the ROPEBREAK!

Sarray keeps cool as she stomps KLR down. Sarray brings KLR around and fires up to PERFECT PLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! KLR survives but Sarray keeps after her. Sarray stands KLR up, reels her in but KLR fights with elbows. KLR then SUPERKICKS Sarray to ropes! Sarray comes back to HEEL KICK! KLR is down, Sarray goes to the ropes, but KLR dodges the Sunray Dropkick! KLR BOOTS Sarray out of the ring, goes out after her, reels her in to Gory Especial, and KLR BOMB to the desk!! Fans fire up, KLR drags Sarray back into the ring, and she hooks Sarray for another KLR BOMB!! Cover, KLR wins!

Winner: Kay Lee Ray, by pinfall

The vicious streak is still intact, will it lead KLR to another women’s title reign?


Backstage interview with Joe Gacy.

We saw Boa going through “some issues,” but why did Gacy want this match with him? “Every single one of us has to go through changes. We all hide our true feelings by hiding behind a mask.” Gacy sees what Boa is going through, and his heart goes out to him. It just seems that Boa feel she needs to hide his true self. That is a genuine tragedy. No one should have to hide, and hopefully through their match, Boa can see that. The same goes for Harland. Harland shouldn’t have to feel uncomfortable in his own skin. Gacy knows Harland is out there. Wherever he is, he should reach out to Gacy. Gacy is doing this for “us.” Will Gacy break through to Boa in their match? Or will Boa just break Gacy?


Bron Breakker speaks on being part of the WWE UK Tour.

It was an honor for him to perform in England. The fans all around the world made this the greatest time of his life. It was his first performance in front of a large scale crowd, and he got to talk and learn from a lot of big names from Raw and SmackDown. He’s getting that PhD Ciampa was talking about, and is planning on kicking Ciampa’s ass to become champion!


Boa VS Joe Gacy!

Xia Li has moved on to SmackDown, and Mei Ying has suddenly disappeared. Boa is the last piece of Tian Sha standing, but will Gacy’s message of inclusion show him he doesn’t have to do this all alone?

The bell rings, Gacy tries to reason with Boa but Boa kicks his handshake away. Boa kicks more, Gacy dodges, headlocks and holds tight as Boa tries to power out. Boa powers up to power Gacy to ropes, and Gacy lets go. Gacy then sucker punches Boa! Boa scowls, runs in but is put on the apron! Gacy storms over, Boa ROCKS him with a forearm then shoulder sin. Boa slingshots to sunset flip, TWO! Boa dropkicks Gacy down! Gacy wants Boa to wait, but Boa shows no mercy! So Gacy throws him into ropes! And scoops for a BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Gacy throws hands on Boa, then EuroUppers. Gacy drags Boa up to suplex high and hard! Cover, TWO!

Gacy clamps onto Boa with a neck wrench but fans rally behind Boa as he endures. Boa fights up, fans rally, and Boa powers Gacy into a corner! Gacy clamps on again but Boa rams him into buckles then arm-drags him away! Boa blocks the clothesline, then blocks the kick to spin Gacy and KICK him down! Boa clinches to throw knees, then whips Gacy to ropes for a KNEE! And then back the other way for another knee! Boa wrenches, reels Gacy in, BUTTERFLY SUPLEX! Fans fire up as Boa roars and brings Gacy up. Boa whips, Gacy reverses, but Boa BOOTS back! Gacy is down, fans rally for Boa, but then the lights start flickering?

Boa raises a hand, and the power of Tian Sha is building! He choke grips Gacy and has him at the ropes! The ref counts, Boa won’t stop! The ref calls for the bell!

Winner: Joe Gacy, by disqualification

Boa lets Gacy go, and then leaves the ring without a word. Gacy smiles, because he and Harland did it. If by surviving, then yes, he did survive. But what exactly is going on with Boa? Will anyone be brave enough to find out?


NXT shares a Halloween Havoc interview with Kushida & Jiro.

While dressed up as amateur wrestlers to mock the Creed Brothers, they told McKenzie that they are more than ready to “CRUSH the Creed Brothers!” Jiro had a great idea! Since they’re both Japanese wrestlers, their team name should be “Japanese Japanese!” No no no, Kushida doesn’t like that idea. He is about time travel, Jiro is about jackets. They are therefore #JacketTime!

The Diamond Mine is watching this interview while training.

At this point, Malcolm Bivens is furious and he has them turn the video off. “Look at these Milli Vanillies impersonating world class athletes! While these dweebs were pretending to be at ComicCon, the NXT Cruiserweight Champion was beating Odyssey Jones as if Odyssey owed him money.” And maybe he does. But Julius & Brutus, you need to bring that same energy tonight against Jiro & Kushida. Because it’s Diamond Mine FOREVER. Will Jacket Time be over before it barely begins?


Backstage interview with Solo Sikoa.

A huge debut for him last week, but then Grayson Waller walks in to interrupt. Does Solo remember his debut at Halloween Havoc? Grayson gave him the intro but then Solo threw him out. Well Grayson heard LA Knight talking trash, saying Solo’s called that cuz he gets no girls. LA Knight walks in now and says Grayson’s spreading lies. Knight knows everyone knows that if he says something, he says it to your face! He’ll call out Grayson for wearing a jacket four sizes too big to the ring, and that Solo should put on shoes. Solo says he’s from the streets, where they handle issues like men. Three men enter, one man leaves.

Wait, three? Grayson got dragged into this by Knight, but Knight says this is Grayson’s fault! But will they both lose to the Street Champion of the Island?


The Creed Brothers w/ Diamond Mine VS Jacket Time!

Julius & Brutus already ruined the in-ring debut of this team over on 205 Live, but now it’s time for some payback! Will the Time Splitter and Handsome One make this their time to shine?

The teams sort out, Jiro and Julius start. Julius shoots in, picks Jiro up, spins around and TOSSES him down! Julius rains down hammering hands but Jiro gets a leg guard up. Julius drags Jiro over and tags in his brother. Julius feeds Jiro to Brutus for a SPINEBUSTER! Brutus stalks up to Jiro, waistlocks again, but Jiro drops and trips and handsprings to show off the jacket. Brutus gets mad, he gets another waistlock but Jiro headlocks. Brutus powers out, the two ram shoulders, Jiro ducks the punch to return with a shoulder tackle! Brutus doesn’t budge! Jiro counters to a wrench and wristlock, tag to Kushida for an ax handle on the arm!

Kushida wrenches to an ELBOW BREAKER! Brutus shoots in to fireman’s carry takedown! Brutus brings Kushida up, tags Julius, and Julius scoops for an EXPLODER! Julius brings Kushida around for a HALF HATCH! Julius tags Brutus in, they double whip Kushida to ropes, but he handsprings to DOUBLE BACK ELBOW! Hot tag to Jiro! Jiro unleashes JACKET PUNCHES on Brutus! Then the DISCUS JACKET PUNCH! Julius storms in but into a JACKET PUNCH! Kushida gets in, he and Jiro handspring kick the brothers down! Fans fire up as Jacket Time stands tall and NXT goes to break!

NXT returns and Kushida hits an AX HANDLE on Julius! Kushida KICKS and KICKS and whips, Julius reverses but Kushida CROSSBODIES! Brutus runs in but into a WHEEL KICK! FAST BALL for Julius! Then PENALTY KICK to the arm! Fans fire up as Kushida gets the arm but Julius powers him to ropes. Jiro tags in, Jacket Time double whips and handspring basement dropkick! Fans fire up as Jiro goes up to SWANTON! Cover, Brutus breaks it! Kushida throws Brutus out, Jiro powers up and runs in, but Julius ducks the slash! And throws the jacket at Kushida! But Jiro DECKS Julius! Jiro runs but Strong holds the ropes down! Jiro tumbles out to the floor!

Jiro staggers back up and into the ring, Julius gets him up for a GUT WRENCH POWERBOMB! Cover, The Creed Brothers win!

Winners: The Creed Brothers, by pinfall

Diamond Mine works together, but ODYSSEY JONES goes after Strong! He throws Strong into the ring, gets in and fights alongside Jacket Time! They clear out Strong and the Creed brothers and fans are fired up! Jones may be too big to be a Cruiserweight Champion, but will he at least make sure things are fair and square from now on?


NXT Media catches up with Toxic Attraction.

The champions are heading out but they already know what this is about. They want to congratulate the champs on their win tonight, right? If not, then get used to it, because they will be holding the titles for a very long time. You’ll have to pry them off their hot, dead bodies. Toxic Attraction is THE attraction. And KLR, if you think that stare down intimidates Mandy, think again. And if you think you’re next in line, take a number. As far as the tag champs, no one is next because no one on the roster is even worthy- Wait, who is this pulling up? Raquel Gonzalez! She tells Mandy to keep that title warm for her, she has something else to take care of first.

Raquel Gonzalez pulls into the arena!

Big Mami Cool storms right into the ring and gets a mic. “While Mandy is holding onto my title, I came out here tonight because I have one thing on my mind. DAKOTA KAI! Get your ass out here!!” Dakota does as asked, and is laughing as she does! “It felt so good to hit you with that shovel. Watching you lay there, motionless-” BLAM! Cora Jade is after Dakota! She has her own vendetta given how Dakota almost crushed her! Raquel walks up as refs separate the two, and Dakota scurries away. Cora almost swings on Raquel, and Raquel says she gets it. They both want a piece of Dakota, but Raquel goes first. Cora says alright. They fist bump on it, but will there even be anything left of #CobraKai after Ricky Desperado gets through with her?


Chase University is back in session.

Andre Chase welcomes another class to talk about mental toughness. “Two words that can mean the difference between success and failure.” From the classroom to the ring to even real-life, Chase U makes winners. Show of hands, who in here is a winner? EVERYONE should get their hands up. Everyone needs to visualize success and have mental toughness. Anything can throw you off at any time. Once you lose your mental toughness, you’ve lost the game. A student speaks up, and asks if that mic issue took Chase off focus and things went south? Another student defends that Chase was just trying to teach us how to show guts. He was doomed from the start, really.

Chase walks up to the second student, and says this guy has it right! He was going to say that very thing to the first student, Gabriel, the “dumbass.” How dare you come in here, half asleep with your head up your ass and question CHASE’S mental toughness. Get out of here! Quit lollygagging! And thank you, other student. Any further questions?


The Grizzled Young Veterans are on a trip of their own.

James Drake asks Zack Gibson where they’re even going. He’s starving! So he’s hungry, yeah? Good! That’s why they’re here. Gibson leads the way and they’re going to start urban training? Drake pretends to be hurt, they wait for someone to come along and help. Gibson asks to borrow their phone to make a call, but instead accesses the chump’s money app and then order some food, boom! Free lunch for them! Yeah, good idea. And it works out, too! But what does this have to do with training? If you can distract a complete stranger, you can distract a ref. Cheers, lads! Will GYV have many good days ahead with their #ScammyWham?


Cameron Grimes VS Ru Feng!

The Carolina Cash Money Caveman may have even more money now after his big win in Duke’s Poker Room. But will he win big again against his towering opponent?

The bell rings, they circle, and fans chant “TO THE MOON!” Grimes gets a leg, Feng kicks him away but Grimes ducks under the roundhouse to snapmare Feng down. Grimes taunts him with, “You can kiss mah grits~!” Feng gets up in a huff but Grimes ROCKS him, CHOPS him, then whips him to ropes. Feng kicks back, sobats Grimes off his feet, and strikes a martial arts pose. Feng whips Grimes to a corner hard and Grimes bounces off buckles. Feng clamps on a cobra twist and digs a claw into Grimes’ ribs. Duke Hudson walks out to watch Grimes, but Feng gets just as distracted. Grimes hip tosses out, gets to a corner, and goes up and over to dodge Feng!

Grimes rallies with big forearms! Fans fire up with Grimes, he hits a JUMPING BOOT in the corner! Feng staggers, Grimes goes up and leaps, BIG CROSSBODY! But Grimes ain’t done there! He stares Duke down, smiles and shouts, “TO! THE! MOON!” CAVE-IN!! Cover, Grimes wins!

Winner: Cameron Grimes, by pinfall

That’s another winner’s check for Grimes, but Duke steps closer to the ring. Duke tells Grimes, “Last week, you came into my poker room. You sat at my poker table. Played with my chips, my cards. The whole time, you were in your own little word, not even paying attention.” Grimes was flirting with the ladies and playing with his beard. Duke doesn’t know how but Grimes won. Was it dumb luck? Or did he dupe Duke? What? Grimes laughs and says yeah, he did won. Duke was there, Grimes was there, everyone saw it. Grimes beat Duke! “Wasn’t it so much fun?” No it wasn’t! You stupid little hick! Duke lost a lot of money!

But never again, will Duke lose to “someone who looks like an ugly, filthy, rotten troll living under a bridge!” Hey, what’s with the name calling? First easy money, and then hick and toll! But that’s okay, Grimes has been called a hick before. Maybe because he’s a little hairy. Maybe because he’s a little smelly. And maybe because he’s a little grimey. But Cameron Grimes holds it down! IT doesn’t matter if it’s in the ring or at the poker table. And it doesn’t matter if it’s at Wall Street! Grimes holds it down! Now, Grimes may like to play dumb, but last week, he played Duke. SO it was a hustle?!

Duke says no one out hustles him! He will NOT let this go! Grimes has no idea what losing to someone like him does to someone like Duke! So therefore, next week, in the ring, in front of all these fans, Duke Hudson VS Cameron Grimes, Poker Showdown. Grimes says, “You’re on!” Another round of cards? Will Grimes sweep Duke 2-0 now that both men are taking the game seriously?


Triple Threat: Solo Sikoa VS Grayson Waller VS LA Knight!

The Street Champion of the Island caught both the 21st Century Success Story and the Million Dollar Megastar off guard for Halloween Havoc, and now he’s looking to show both of them up again! Will that work out in his favor? Or will two opponents at a time be too much for Solo?

The bell rings, Knight and Waller argue with each other. Solo gets impatient and ROCKS Waller with an uppercut! Knight says that’s what Waller gets, but then Solo uppercuts Knight! Solo throws hands, Waller hits Solo from behind! Waller and Knight end up working together as they stomp Solo, and then they bring him up to double whip. Solo ducks their clotheslines to DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE back! Solo rains down fists on Waller, then runs to drop a headbutt! Waller flounders, Solo brings him up and Waller JABS! Solo runs, Waller ducks then hurdles, then dodges but Knight dumps him out! Knight DECKS Waller, smirks, but Solo gets Knight by his hair!

Solo drags Knight up to hip toss him into the ring! Knight staggers, Solo clinches for knees, then whips him to ropes, Waller dumps Knight out now and smirks, but Solo grabs onto Waller! Waller hotshots Solo, gets in and brings Solo around, but Solo blocks to suplex! Knight hits Solo down! Knight gets Waller to work with him again to DOUBLE SUPLEX! Knight rains down fists, fans duel for Solo and Waller but leave Knight out. Waller rains down fists, Knight runs to drop an elbow! Waller won’t be outdone, he shows his elbow drop! Fans chant “LA SUCKS!” but Solo ROCKS Waller! Knight splashes Solo, Waller adds a clothesline! Knight runs in but Waller puts Solo up top.

Knight pulls Waller down, but Waller returns the favor. They argue, but sort it out and both go up after Solo. Solo slips down to get them both for SUPER POWERBOMBS! Fans fire up with Solo, and Solo ROCKS Waller, CLOBBERS Knight, then fireman’s carries Waller. He BOOTS Knight down then hits the SAMOAN DROP! Knight and Waller end up in opposite corners, Solo HIP ATTACKS Waller! Then HIP ATTACKS buckles as Knight moves! NECKBREAKER! Knight fires up but fans boo. Waller gets Knight for cravat knees! Mule kick to Solo but Solo throws Waller out. Knight CLOBBERS Solo! Waller gets in with the SLINGSHOT STUNNER!

But Solo SUPLEXES Waller out of the ring!! Solo goes up top to FLYING SPLASH onto Knight! Cover, Solo wins!

Winner: Solo Sikoa, by pinfall

That was a big win for Solo, but he acts like that was expected of him! Will Solo defy all expectations and head for a title?


Backstage interview with Indi Hartwell & Persia Pirotta.

These two were so close to winning the tag titles, but what’s next? Persia says they were fingertips from the titles, as was Indi. She touched the titles like she does Sexy Dexi. No, pull back. Too much. Tony D’Angelo walks in and tells “Mrs. Lumis” he was hoping to find her hubby. But seems he and the “bahdest man,” Pete Dunne are all ducking Tony like his cousin, Andy, ducks metal detectors. But sorry to say this, but when he’s done pummeling Dexter next week, Indi will be back on the market. Speaking of, he got this at the docks today. A gift for Dexter. He’ll get the message. You ladies take care of the kids. Wait, a dead fish? Will Lumis have a message of his own to send to Tony?


El Legado Del Fantasma is heading to the ring.

And Elektra Lopez hopes Xyon Quinn is watching. She’s in action after the break, who will she look to break to get ahead in the women’s division?


Tommaso Ciampa was also part of the WWE UK Tour.

Ciampa defended the NXT Championship and won against Sami Zayn and Bron Breakker. That is the responsibility, that is the job, and there is no better man than to represent this brand than him. He’s looking around at some of the best young stars today, and then he sees Bron Breakker. Breakker is growing, learning, getting better. But there is nothing that Bron Breakker or anyone else can do to make up for 17 years of experience. It isn’t sink or swim, jumping into the deep end. You’re in there with Tommaso Ciampa! Will Ciampa be the one true measuring stick in NXT?


Elektra Lopez VS Erica Yan!

Legado Del Fantasma’s leading lady takes on newcomer Erica Yan, who we saw debut on 205 Live. Will Elektra make it so Erica wants to stay on 205 Live?

The bell rings, they tie up, Lopez powers Erica right to a corner! Erica turns it around, but lets off cleanly. Lopez smirks, but runs into an arm-drag! She blocks the next one, brings Erica up to throw her down! Erica gets up but Lopez LARIATS! Lopez stomps away on Erica, drags her up by her hair, talks trash and then puts her in the ropes to choke her! The ref counts, Lopez lets off to go outside and talk some smack. She SLAPS Erica down, then gets in to bring Lopez up and suplexes hard! Float over and then a wrench, to a BLUE THUNDER BOMB! Cover, Lopez wins!

Winner: Elektra Lopez, by pinfall

Fast and furious to say the least, Lopez gets another win for Legado. She then gets the mic to say, “What La Madrina wants, La Madrina gets. And what I want right now… is Xyon Quinn.” The Fighting Gentleman obliges and heads right to the ring. He stands face to face with Legado, and Lopez says he turned a lot of heads last week. Especially hers. He was very impressive. How would he like to join Legado Del Fantasma? Fans are divided on that, but Quinn gets the mic. “Elektra. You really are amazing. But I just can’t get down with Legado. I’m sorry.” Wilde gets mad, shoves Quinn, and then Quinn CLOBBERS Wilde and Mendoza!

Quinn throws off his jacket, DECKS Wilde right out of the ring! Mendoza runs in but is TOSSED out onto Wilde! Quinn is left with Lopez, blocks both her slaps, and then twirls her around! Lopez shakes free of his embrace, and then keeps Legado from going after him. Will La Madrina have to accept some things just don’t go her way? Or will she find a way to make Quinn join up?


NXT WarGames is coming!

Sunday, December 5th! Get ready for it!


Backstage interview with Kyle O’Reilly.

McKenzie points out his loss to Legado last week, but also the controversy of the ref not seeing Wagner’s feet in the ropes. Well, that was a mistake, but that’s okay. Kyle’s made mistakes in his career. And things are uncertain. Should he stay a singles competitor or go all in with Von Wagner? Well, there’s something special here, so they’ll go for the tag team titles. But speaking of, Imperium walks in and are chuckling at the idea of Kyle wanting the tag titles again. But then Wagner walks up and asks if they have a problem. With them? Not even on their best day. Imperium backs down, but will Kyle & Von force their hand?


Pete Dunne VS Carmelo Hayes w/ Trick Williams!

The Bruiserweight may not have Ridge Holland by his side, but he doesn’t mind proving what he can do on his own. Will he break it to Carmelo that he isn’t the top guy in NXT?

NXT returns once again as the North American Champion and his best bud make their entrance. The bell rings, Dunne goes right at Melo and BLASTS him into the corner! Dunne stomps a mudhole in, lets off as the ref counts, but Melo comes back ot kic klow. Dunne powers out of the headlock and CLOBBERS Melo with a clothesline! Melo takes a moment ot catch his breath and even Trick is stunned. Dunne hammerlocks, chinbars and wrangles Melo down to the mat to stomp away on his head! Dunne then bends the pinkie! And the rest of the fingers! Then he isolates the arm to STOMP the hand!

Dunne drags Melo up, whips Melo to ropes but Melo rolls off his back to mule kick, front kick and dodge to spinrgobard lARIAT! Fans fire up as Melo rains down hands. Fans chant, “Whoop That Trick!” even though this is Melo and Dunne, and Melo KICKS Dunne’s arm! Dunne wrenches Melo to KICK the arm in return! Melo writhes, Dunne gets the arm again and wrenches. Melo pulls hair, pushes Dunne away, but runs in to be put on the apron. Dunne gets the arm to wrench and ELBOW BREAKER! Melo drops and Trick checks on him, but Dunne slingshots in! Dunne goes for the arm but Melo SMACKS him off the apron!

Melo brings Dunne around, but Dunne blocks to APRON X-PLEX! Trick is freaking out for Melo as Dunne looms over him. But wait! Lumis appears outta nowhere! And he’s… joining commentary?! What will Lumis have to say, if anything at all, while NXT goes picture in picture.

Dunne DECKS Melo and he flops to the ropes. Dunne goes after Melo but Melo bails out. Dunne pursues, and SMACKS Melo off the announce desk! Dunne and Lumis stare down but neither says a word. Melo CHOPS Dunne, Dunne CHOPS Melo and put shim on the apron to CLUB him in the chest! Dunne slides in, stalks Melo, gets the legs, and hooks Melo up to then pull on Melo’s hair. The ref reprimands, Dunne goes for the arms, and he wants the surfboard. Dunne pulls back, and again, but can’t get Melo up so he just STOMPS the knees. Dunne then turns Melo back over, ties up the legs, but Melo crawls to a ropebreak. So Dunne KICKS that arm!

Dunne drags Melo up, CHOPS him, but Melo grabs at Dunne’ s leg. So Dunne wrenches the arm and pulls back on it! Trick coaches Melo but Dunne pulls on the other arm! Dunne pulls on the fingers, traps the arm, and has Melo in a modified Rings of Saturn! Melo endures so Dunne lets him go to STOMP his head! Dunne drags Melo back up, Melo throws body shots then forearms, but Dunne DECKS him again! NXT returns to single picture and Dunne again traps Melo’s arms. Fans rally for the Bruiserweight, Melo endures, and then Dunne gets a leg. Dunne SMASHES the knee into the mat again and again and again!

Dunne lets Melo go just to loom over him, then KICK him in the side! Melo kicks back from below but Dunne eggs him on with a glare. Dunne drags Melo up to kick, run and KNEE Melo down! Melo flounders, Dunne aims from a corner, but Melo dodges the boot to CODE BREAKER! Both men are down and fans fire up! Melo crawls to a cover, TWO! Dunne gets to ropes, “This is Awesome!” as Melo rises. Melo runs in but Dunne BOOTS back. Dunne runs, Melo slips under and fireman’s carries, TKO KNEE SMASH and a LARIAT! Melo fires up, Dunne crawls to a corner. Melo whips, Dunne reverses but Melo ducks under the roundhouse to pump handle and back suplex! Cover, TWO!

Fans argue the count on Melo’s behalf but Dunne was a long-time United Kingdom Champion for a reason. Melo runs in but misses in the corner, Dunne GAMANGIRIS him down, then drops knees on the bad arm! RUNNING FOREARM! Dunne reels Melo in, SIT-OUT POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO! Melo is showing his own toughness and Trick coaches him up. Fans fire up, Dunne watches Melo rise. ENZIGURI! Melo rebounds to BOOT! Dunne checks his chin, Melo springboards again, into the HEAVY RIGHT! Dunne fire sup, but Melo suplexes to a CUTTER! Cover, TWO!! Dunne is still in this and Melo grows frustrated!

Trick coaches Melo up again, Melo fires himself up, and he drags Dunne up to throw a forearm! Fans hope they “FIGHT FOREVER!” as Melo throws more forearms. Dunne SLAPS Melo, but Melo tilt-o-whirls for a fast takedown, into a GargaNo Escape?!? Melo’s copying Johnny’s over the shoulder chicken wing, but Dunne fights free of that! He JAMS Melo’s fingers into the mat! Dunne has blood in his mouth, drags Melo around for Kowata Kicks, then stands him up. Melo ROCKS Dunne with a forearm, but Dunne waistlocks to GERMAN SUPLEX! Trick slithers in but Dunne STMOPS his hands! STOMPS for Melo, BUZZSAW! But Melo whips Dunne into the ropes!

Dunne sputters, the ref keeps Melo back, but Trick has his shoe! But Lumis DECKS Trick! No more cheating for Trick! But Johnny Gargano slithers up from under the ring! He spooks Melo, Dunne gets him for a BITTER END! Cover, Dunne wins!!

Winner: Pete Dunne, by pinfall

The Way just helped the Bruiserweight get one over on Melo! And Gargano gives Lumis a thumbs up on the teamwork. But will this only complicate the title picture for the A Championship? Will Melo wish he’d miss just this once?

My Thoughts:

This was a pretty great NXT here, especially for the 2.0 era. The Six Woman Tag being the opener was a surprise, but I suppose it was fine. Shirai is a great wrestler, Kacy & Kayden are getting there, but Toxic Attraction clearly only have the titles for story reasons and Vince reasons. Mandy is doing well in the wrestling style she’s using, and Gigi probably just needs reps with these opponents because she was good as Priscilla Kelly. Jacy Jayne is certainly eager, but she keeps trying moves she’s not ready for. Her tope botch before Halloween Havoc, her sloppy slingshot this match, she’s the weak link of Toxic Attraction.

Raquel had a great bit that played off Toxic Attraction, though, and I like that both she and Cora want after Dakota Kai. I don’t see Dakota getting a teammate, but I feel like this is leading to Cora hanging around Raquel. After all, WWE cut her boyfriend, Trey Baxter, so she doesn’t have that story anymore. KLR also had a good match with Sarray, but again I’ll say Sarray has been pushed out of the way because of 2.0. Mandy calling out KLR definitely nods to those two being the title match, and I really hope they don’t do KLR dirty. KLR really should follow behind Rhea Ripley in being a woman who was both NXT UK and NXT Prime women’s champion.

I like that MSK’s journey continues just to make a nod that they need to go 420 miles. At this rate, it has to be someone like Rob Van Dam as their guru. GYV having their own on-the-town promo was pretty funny. It’s definitely a nod back to the bad reputation Liverpuddlians have, and plugs how they are going to get even sneakier as Heels now. Kyle O’Reilly is continuing to drop off from where he was just before 2.0 Era, I really don’t feel he and Wagner should be the ones to dethrone Imperium. Creed Brothers VS Jacket Time was good, but it should’ve been obvious Strong was going to help them cheat. Jones joining in sets up a big Six Man Tag, that’ll probably be Diamond Mine’s loss.

I find it interesting that this was where NXT looked to do both Boa’s story and Gacy’s story in one go. Boa apparently has the powers of Tian Sha, I have no idea where they’ll go with it but maybe he recruits people to make up for losing Mei Ying and Xia Li. As for Gacy, I do think the concept of him losing but gaining strength is fitting of this gimmick. I hope Chase University becomes a faction, too. That mysterious student who defended Chase and Chase accepted definitely needs to be a member, and they can add some more as they go, even if they become a jobber squad. Grimes gets a good win, but I’m a bit disappointed they’re having a poker rematch. I thought the next step would be a match, but maybe they’ll try and do this new card game more serious and dramatic.

I like that we got some video promos from Bron and Ciampa since NXT was part of the UK Tour. Still doesn’t seem to make NXT the third brand on par with RawDown but whatever. Solo Sikoa is building pretty fast, taking down Knight and Waller all by himself. Xyon Quinn is clearly starting something with Legado, but I don’t think we need more strange romance angles in NXT. With WarGames returning, I have a feeling Quinn gets allies to take on Legado. Hell, let’s go 3v3v3. Walter shows up, he and Imperium take on Legado and then Quinn, Wagner & Kyle. There can even be tag title contender stakes on the line at the same time, even if it’s unofficial.

Meanwhile, I am very happy they’re building the North American Championship scene back up again. Melo loses to Dunne but Lumis and Gargano were involved, and then we have Tony D’Angelo calling out Lumis. You could definitely make a big Six Man Ladder Match for that title like back in the day. Melo, Dunne, Gargano, Lumis, D’Angelo, maybe even Trick in there as Melo’s insurance, or one of the other fast rising stars like Solo or Gacy, that would be a pretty good match right there. There’s hope for 2.0 yet, if they can just iron things out and use this influx of new talent properly.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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