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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (11/4/21)

Will the Final Boss finally be beat?



Coverage NXT UK 2021

The Spoiled Princess goes after the NXT UK Women’s Championship!

Jinny gets her shot at the Final Boss, Meiko Satomura, and the NXT UK Women’s Championship! But will it be game over for the Fashionista?


  • Flash Morgan Webster VS Rampage Brown; Brown wins.
  • Isla Dawn VS Angel Hayze; Hayze wins, by disqualification.
  • NXT UK Women’s Championship: Meiko Satomura VS Jinny w/ Joseph Conners; Satomura wins and retains the title.


Flash Morgan Webster VS Rampage Brown!

The Modfather tried to play his usual games but Rampage wasn’t having it. Will Rampage slap some sense into FMW in the ring? Or will Webster’s tricks pay off with a huge win?

The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, Rampage powers FMW to the corner. The ref counts, Rampage lets off at 2 with a pat on FMW’s head. FMW keeps cool, circles with Rampage and ties up again, but Rampage shoves him down this time. FMW gets up, circles around Rampage, and they tie up. Rampage puts FMW back in a corner, then TOSSES him across the ring! FMW bails out to cool off and fans sing for him. FMW fires up and gets in to SLAP Rampage! Rampage blocks the punch to shove FMW to a corner! FMW dodges to CHOP and forearm! Rampage blocks the whip and throws him into the corner! FMW boots but Rampage blocks, only for FMW to KICK him away!

Rampage swings but FMW boots the clothesline to ENZIGURI Rampage out of the ring! FMW waits on Rampage as he paces around now. Rampage slides in, FMW ducks to headlock. Rampage back suplexes, FMW lands on his feet and waistlocks but Rampage bucks him. Things speed up, FMW hurdles once but gets caught for a SPINEBUSTER the second time! Rampage snarls then POUNCES FMW into a corner! Fans duel, Rampage drags FMW up and CLUBS him on the back! Rampage drags FMW up to then suplex and TOSS FMW across the way! Rampage eggs FMW on, then brings him back up. Rampage trophy lifts for a SLAM!

FMW rolls to the apron, Rampage storms over and drags FMW back in. Rampage says, “You wanna fight with the big boys, huh?” BIG SAIDO!! FMW is dazed face down in the mat but Rampage stands over him. Rampage tries to get FMW up but he’s deadweight. Rampage powers up to gut wrench and swing, but FMW slips into a GUILLOTINE! FMW might’ve been playing possum! Rampage RAMS FMW into buckles and gets free! Rampage runs in but FMW goes up and over and flounders away. Fans rally up, Rampage scoops and swings FMW but FMW uses that to hit a KNEE SMASH, then HEADBUTTS! Rampage staggers to a corner, FMW runs in to dropkick Rampage down!

Rampage flounders now, FMW staggers after! FMW reels Rampage in, underhooks, but Rampage dumps FMW to the apron! FMW GAMANGIRIS back! FMW climbs, leaps, and hits a FLYING RANA! Rampage bails out of the ring but FMW builds speed to DIVE! But the Low-pe is caught and Rampage gets FMW up onto his shoulder! But FMW slips off to POST Rampage! And gets back in the ring to DIVE again! TOPE TORNADO DDT!! Fans fire up for “NXT! NXT!” as both men crash down! FMW gets in at the count of 6, but Rampage is up at 8, and in at 9! FMW is up top quickly to SWANTON BOMB onto Rampage’s back! Cover, TWO!! Rampage survives #ShadowsOverMalice!

Fans rally and FMW fires off forearms and CHOPS and haymakers! Rampage shoves him away but FMW comes back with a KNEE! FMW rains down elbows, brings Rampage up and SLAPS him! FMW runs, into a LARIAT!! Rampage gut wrench deadlifts for the DOCTOR BOMB!! Cover, Rampage wins!

Winner: Rampage Brown, by pinfall

What a fight! The Modfather was definitely game, but he just couldn’t withstand Rampage’s A-Game! FMW still grins and Rampage gives him a nod of respect. Will FMW be more careful the next time he tries to play around? Will this win lead Rampage to a big opportunity in is own right?


NXT UK Media caught up with Tyler Bate.

They ask him his thoughts on the accidental way he lost the Heritage Cup last week. Bate says he just wants to get his Zen on, but Trent Seven finds him and wants to apologize about the mishap. Bate says it happened and he forgives Seven. Seven thanks Bate and hugs it out. But on a more positive note. Seven talked with Johnny Saint, and he has allowed Moustache Mountain to sneak right into what was the Triple Threat #1 Contenders match, and it is now a Fatal 4 Way! So he- er, they can get back on track, and Moustache Mountain can finally become NXT UK Tag Team Championships. Bate likes the sound of that, and they head out together. Will everything be right for the Big Strong Boy and Artful Dodger soon enough?


NXT UK Media interviews Sid Scala.

Tonight’s a big main event, is he excited? Absolutely! Meiko VS Jinny for the NXT UK Women’s Championship- But before he can expound on that, Xia Brookside walks in and she asks to face the winner of tonight’s title match. Sid isn’t sure how to say this. But her recent matches haven’t really- But Meiko said the women have to step up and take their opportunities, and that’s what she’s doing! He appreciates that, but there is a long list of other- BUT THAT’S NOT FAIR! And then she goes to her phone? She’s making a call… To her dad! She’s complaining to Robbie Brookside about this?! Is Xia turning into NXT UK’s Veruca Salt?


Isla Dawn VS Angel Hayze!

Eye of newt and a dead man’s thumb, something wicked this way comes! But the Wicked Witch is still gathering power, will she clip a debuting Angel’s wings to grow even stronger?

The bell rings and Dawn circles with Hayze. They tie up, Dawn uses a wrist in Hayze’s face to put her on the ropes, then she lets off as the ref counts. Hayze comes back, Dawn dodges and then ROUNDHOUSES her right down! Dawn drags Hayze up, whips but Hayze sunset flips! Dawn stays up but Hayze avoids the fist drop! Hayze throws hands, whips, but Dawn reverses to put her in a corner. Dawn runs in, Hayze goes up and around to roll up, TWO! Hayze runs in again but the crossbody is caught for a POWERSLAM! Dead lift and a wicked grin before the FALL AWAY SLAM! Dawn laughs and she STOMPS Hayze to a corner.

Dawn CLUBS Hayze on the top of her head, drags her up and bumps her off buckles. Dawn kicks Hayze, the ref reprimands, Dawn pushes Hayze in and KICK again! Dawn CLUBS Hayze, fans rally up, and she SNAP SAIDOS Hayze right down! Hayze writhes, Dawn slithers up, and Dawn pulls hair as she bends Hayze back! The ref has had it, and he calls it!

Winner: Angel Hayze, by disqualification

Not quite how a debuting star wants to win, and certainly not how Dawn wants to lose! Dawn drags Hayze up, fireman’s carries, and SWINGING SIDEWALK SLAM! Dawn grins and Hayze crawls away. Will Dawn gather more and more power until she’s undeniable?


A-Kid is all the rage back home.

Despite his loss, the incredible showing he had truly solidified young Carlos Ruiz as the Spanish Sensation. But Sam Gradwell watches all the media coverage and is annoyed. Has anyone else seen this? “Flashy little Spanish boy getting all the attention. Is it supposed to be impressive? I’ve been to Spain. It’s too hot, my phone got nicked.” That means “stolen” in UK slang. But if you want to see a real competitor, the Thunderstorm, Sam Gradwell, is right here. Will Gradwell try and rain on A-Kid’s parade?


Subculture regroups backstage.

Mark Andrews and Dani Luna are a bit concerned just looking at the welts on Webster’s back. This is getting kinda dangerous. NXT UK Media ask if FMW is okay after that match. Surprisingly, yes. He knows his team is concerned, but there was a moment where there was doubt. FMW is sure he’s close to a breakthrough to the next level. But Stevie Turner walks in and says, “Next level? The only thing that’s next level around here is Stevie Turner. Look at me, and look at you.” She wouldn’t expect any of them to understand what it is to be Four Dimensional, so she’ll tell them: Two levels above and two steps ahead of Andrews, Webster and especially Dani.

Dani says Stevie can two-step all she wants, all Dani needs is three seconds. Stevie smirks and leaves, and Andrews tells Webster to look after himself more. Will the Modfather take it easier from now on?


Ilja Dragunov is here!

Fans cheer to see their NXT UK Champion back in BT Sports Studio! He goes to the ring and gets a mic to speak, but takes a moment to embrace the fans chanting, “Unbesiegbar!” Dragunov says, “I am the champion. I’m YOUR NXT UK Champion!” Fans cheer for that one. “And I wish words could express the feeling of coming from being completely, entirely destroyed, to the point of overcoming something that nobody expected me to overcome!” Fans chant for him again, and he continues to say that this feeling of just coming home, giving his son a kiss and seeing his smile, because he realized that his father is a champion now, this feeling of getting rid of the self-doubts that he had, just as everyone else does, and the feeling to know that he was right all the time, no weakness is relevant if you put everything you have into your strength!

“And now… Now I’m the face, I’m the will, I’m the spirit of all of you! And I’m ready to put this brand on another level!” Fans like the sound of that, too! Dragunov knows all he has to do to do that, he has to step into this ring and fight like his whole entire life depends on it! But that means next level competitors. “Thank you, A-Kid, because that’s exactly what you are. You pushed me. You left me no air to breath. You forced me to deliver my very, very best. What a first title defense that was!” And Dragunov can’t watt for the next. His will is always hungry. “Long live the Czar!” But wait! Here comes Rampage Brown! Seems his match with FMW wasn’t enough!

Rampage has a mic and gets in the ring with Dragunov. “Ilja, you are the man right now. You beat Walter, you took A-Kid to his limits. But me and you. We’ve got some unfinished business. I would love to be the next man to fight you for that title.” Fans like the sound of that, and Dragunov says, “Y’know, Rampage. You are not the first giant tried to take me down. You’re no bigger than the last one. But I respect you. And to fight you sounds like a great idea to me.” Dragunov offers a handshake, Rampage takes in, then he reels Dragunov in for a LARIAT! Rampage doesn’t need his respect, just his title. Rampage has just fired the first shot, will Dragunov make sure to shoot the last one?


Meiko Satomura and Emilia McKenzie head to gorilla.

But on the way, they already cross paths with Jinny and Joseph Conners. Jinny tells Satomura, “Enjoy your last night of being The Final Boss.” But then Blair Davenport walks in and wishes them both luck. And just so you know, it doesn’t matter who wins this match, because she’s back, and you’re all on notice. “See you later. Have fun!” Will the champion still be the champion to then worry about the gothic terror?


Rohan Raja sits with Teoman.

He asks The Babo what he thinks about Gallus. Teoman says, “Believe it or not, but I’m starting to look forward to our fight.” Raja says he is, too. But what’s funny is, they’re calling this Family VS Family. They both laugh, because they are family. Gallus is not. Teoman feels sorry for them. But in all seriousness, what about Joe? What about Joe? Do not worry about him. The Eye is always watching. Does Teoman have a way of thwarting the Iron King?


NXT UK Media catches up with Nathan Frazer.

They’ve seen him watching a lot of matches, what is he doing exactly? It’s tape study, mate. Watching Mark Andrews’ matches, and watch that. The standing backflip 450? Like, what? Though, Frazer’s pretty sure he could pull that off. Subculture walks in and they see him watching Andrews’ match. Learning from the best, huh? Yeah, but also kinda scouting. Frazer would love to test himself against one of the best. Well Andrews is up for it whenever he is. Frazer’s excited to hear that, and now tape study is over. On to talking to Mr. Saint! Who wins between two of the highest flying high flyers?


NXT UK Women’s Championship: Meiko Satomura VS Jinny w/ Joseph Conners!

The Final Boss was the one to finally dethrone the Scary Queen of Scots, and has defeated a handful of challengers so far. She and the Spoiled Princess crossed paths in the gauntlet match that would lead Meiko to the title, but can she win again when both women are 100%?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and once again, someone tries to be the new Best in the World!

Meiko and Jinny circle, tie up, and the two are in a deadlock, but Jinny manages to push Meiko back a step at a time. They end up on the ropes, Jinny lets off but Meiko ducks her clothesline! Meiko KICKS Jinny in the leg but Jinny walks it off. They tie up again, Jinny again powers Meiko back but Meiko turns it around. Meiko lets off, but then KICKS and KICKS the leg! They tie up a third time, fans sing “Meiko’s gonna kill~ you!” as she gets around to hammerlock. Meiko uses that to wrangle Jinny down and then she drops a knee onto that arm. Jinny fights up, elbows back, spins through and wrenches Meiko’s arm to YANK it!

Jinny has a wristlock, Meiko rolls to club Jinny’s leg then wrenches to a wristlock of her own. Meiko KICKS the leg, then rolls to WRING Jinny’s arm! Meiko gets the arm again but Jinny fights up and pulls hair. The ref reprimands, Jinny uses a chinbar to wrangle Meiko down and then she goes after an arm. Jinny twists the wrist and claws all the way to the elbow! The ref reprimands, Jinny shifts to a cording hold. Meiko endures, Jinny wrenches the arm more, but fans rally up. Meiko fights up, Jinny throws her down by her hair, then YANKS the arm back! Conners likes that but Millie coaches her mentor up. Jinny WRINGS the arm out again, covers, ONE!

Jinny clamps on with a facelock but Meiko fights up to put her in a corner. The ref counts the break, Meiko KICKS and ROCKS Jinny, then hits a headlock  “cross button” takedown! Fans rally, Jinny headscissors, but Meiko holds onto the headlock! Jinny pulls back as hard as she can and gets free of the headlock, and then squeezes tight. Meiko bridges up but Jinny CLUBS her in the chest! Meiko fights up and around, Jinny tries to keep her down but Meiko pops out and now has Jinny’s legs caught for a Butterfly Stretch! Jinny throws a forearm but Meiko CLUBS her in return! Meiko shoves Jinny down then pushes on the legs. Jinny sits up to throw a forearm but Meiko hits back!

Jinny throws another forearm, then uses a facelock to throw Meiko up and over! Cover, TWO! Jinny gets an arm and wants a double wristlock but Meiko gets to ropes. Jinny wraps the arm around the ropes to throw knees and a SLAP! Jinny eggs Meiko on so Meiko fires back with forearms and kicks! Meiko KICKS Jinny in the side, and again, but Jinny blocks one to a DRAGON SCREW! Conners is there to talk trash, “How’s that feel?!” Meiko tells him to shut it, then she DECKS Jinny! Jinny kicks Meiko’s bad leg then reels her in for a LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Millie and the fans rally for Meiko but Jinny stomps away on the bad leg.

Jinny gets the leg and works to turn Meiko over but Meiko resists! Meiko kicks with her free leg and Jinny staggers away. Jinny swings but into a wrench and wristlock. Meiko KICKS then sweeps the leg! KNEE DROP! Cover, TWO! Meiko drops down to a CROSSFACE! Jinny endures, gets her arm free, fights up, but Meiko holds on. Jinny RAMS Meiko into buckles, then isolates the bad leg to go after it! Jinny kicks the leg out, drags Meiko back up and whips her corner to corner. Jinny runs in but into a BOOT! Meiko manages to go up the corner and leaps, but Jinny ROCKS her out of the air with a forearm! Cover, TWO!

Jinny drags Meiko by the bad leg, GROUND DRAGON SCREW! Jinny SLAMS the bad leg, Meiko kicks back, but Jinny stomps her down. Jinny has the leg again, HALF CRAB! Meiko endures and keeps moving to keep Jinny from sitting, but Jinny drags her away from ropes! Meiko rolls through and kicks Jinny away! Fans rally, Jinny storms over and throws a forearm. And KICKS the bad leg! Jinny eggs Meiko on as she KICKS again. And even SLAPS Meiko! Meiko SLAPS Jinny back! And again! And from all sides! And then KICKS away on the leg, and throws forearms! Meiko fires up, so do the fans! Jinny reverses the whip but gets a WHEEL KICK for it!

Meiko hobbles up, Jinny sits up, Meiko KICKS her down! Jinny flounders up and Meiko KICKS her again! Conners coaches Jinny, Jinny eggs Meiko on and Meiko KICKS her again! Meiko runs, HANDSPRING KICK! Cover, TWO! Meiko goes to a corner, climbs up, but Jinny KICKS the legs out! Meiko is stuck in the ropes, THE MAKEOVER!! Cover, TWO!! Meiko survives and Jinny is shocked! Jinny drags Meiko back, has the leg again, HALF CRAB! And Jinny sits deep on it right away! Conners and Millie are both shouting to their partners and fans are fired up! Meiko throws elbows but Jinny sits as deep as possible on that Crab!

Meiko drags herself and Jinny over, everyone’s going nuts! ROPEBREAK!! Jinny lets off and Conners says “She’s yours!” Jinny drags Meiko up, reels her in for the ripcord, but Meiko dodges the heel kick to KICK and KICK Jinny down! Meiko drags Jinny and fires up as she climbs! FROG SPLASH!! Cover, TWO!! Jinny survives but Meiko drops down on Jinny’s bad leg for an STF! Jinny endures, crawls and gets a ROPEBREAK! Meiko lets go, gets her bad leg moving, and waistlocks. Jinny holds the rope so Meiko KICKS the arm! Conners gets on the apron but Millie gets up there to APRON CUTTER!! But Jinny kicks Meiko, ripcord and LIGER KICK! Cover, TWO!?!?

Meiko survives and Jinny is furious! Jinny drags Meiko up, ripcords again but Meiko elbows free to PELE! Jinny staggers into Meiko’s fireman’s carry and DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Cover, TWO!! Jinny is still in this but Millie is as fired up as Meiko! “This is Awesome!” as Meiko aims from the corner! SCORPIO RISING!! Meiko isn’t done there, she fireman’s carries for another DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Cover, Meiko wins!

Winner: Meiko Satomura, by pinfall (still NXT UK Women’s Champion)

And that is why she’s the Final Boss! As tough as the Fashionista fought, there’s still that much more inside Meiko Satomura! Is there anyone in NXT UK that can ever hope to defeat the Best in the World?

My Thoughts:

A great episode for NXT UK and a lot of great stuff set up for the coming weeks. Rampage Brown has a great opening match with Webster, and I like that this is feeding into a story for Subculture where FMW is being rather reckless and they’re just worried about him. Meanwhile, Dragunov has a good promo, and Rampage steps to him for a challenge. That is going to be a really good match and another great win for Dragunov’s reign. As for A-Kid, clearly Gradwell wants after him, that’ll be a really good match, too. Andrews VS Frazer is going to be really good, really exciting, a lot of innovative moves to be sure.

I like that there was a bit of anxiety in Seven’s behavior when talking with Bate. He wants Bate to be okay with him before they both go for the tag titles again because it seems to be the one thing Seven knows he can get, because he doesn’t have to do it all by himself. I would definitely want to see that but because it’s a Fatal 4 Way tag, I feel like they’ll end up be away from the decision. I don’t want Bate VS Seven but I feel like that’s where they’re steering this. With this week’s promo, not only is Xia Brookside turning Heel, she’s going to be the spoiled second gen superstar she tried not to be, and I think she could really pull it off.

Teoman and Raja did good with their promo, but I feel like they were mistaken. Gallus is more of family since Joe and Mark are brothers. But clearly, the third member of Teoman’s group is going to debut very soon, still no idea who it’ll be. Dawn VS Hayze was really good, just on how Dawn ended up losing because of disqualification. Much like how it felt like Bray Wyatt/The Fiend was getting stronger in losing, I feel like they’re doing that with Dawn here. She’ll oddly get to a level where she can defeat just about anyone, despite what her record shows, and she could end up giving Meiko one hell of a match.

Stevie Turner clearly set up a match with Dani Luna, and Blair is somehow going to be next for the title. And speaking of one hell of a match, Jinny gave Meiko one here tonight. I feel like Jinny is in one of those spots where the only reason she’s not champion is because they have these other big stars on the roster. But Meiko moving on past her means moving on to Blair, maybe having Dawn lurking in the background. No idea who wins the title off Meiko.  Maybe Xia’s build towards that starts here, she can be the whiniest, weaseliest Heel and she cheats all over the place to screw Meiko out of the title.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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