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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (11/22/21)

Survivor Series aftermath!



Coverage Raw 2021

Who is the Face of Raw?

While Raw won the Survivor Series, the WWE World Champion lost. Does this foreshadow Big E’s fall to Monday Night Rollins? Also, who stole the Egg of Cleopatra?!


  • Matt Riddle w/ Randy Orton VS Dolph Ziggler w/ Robert Roode; Riddle wins.
  • Bianca Belair VS Tamina w/ Natalya; Belair wins.
  • Finn Balor VS Seth Rollins; No Contest.
  • The Street Profits VS AJ Styles & Omos; Styles & Omos win, by disqualification.
  • WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships: Rhea Ripley & Nikki A.S.H. VS Carmella & Zelina Vega; Carmella & Vega win and become the new WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions.
  • WWE 24/7 Championship: Reggie VS Cedric Alexander; Alexander wins and becomes the new WWE 24/7 Champion.
  • WWE 24/7 Championship Holiday Blockbuster: Dana Brooke wins and becomes the new WWE 24/7 Champion.
  • 2v1 Handicap: Rey & Dominik Mysterio VS Bobby Lashley w/ MVP; Lashley wins.
  • WWE United States Championship Open Challenge: Damian Priest VS Sami Zayn; Priest wins and retains the title.
  • WWE World Championship: Big E VS Austin Theory; Big E wins and retains.


Vince McMahon sits in his office.

He drums his fingers as he sees the display case is still empty. The Egg of Cleopatra, which is a real thing apparently, was gifted to him by The Rock himself, but it disappeared during Survivor Series! Whodunnit?! The entire WWE roster, from Raw AND SmackDown, is suspect. But they found nothing? He reminds them the value of this $100 million egg, and the sentimental value. Someone STOLE from Vince McMahon! Sonya Deville promises they interviewed everyone, had police search, and no one knows or found anything. Well someone better know something. Because if they don’t, Sonya and Pearce are done! Pearce is sure a superstar did it!

Sonya says they have surveillance footage but it’s very blurry. A bare chest, bare legs, maybe a woman…? Well if someone gives them a lead, Vince will reward that person. Or if they bring that person in themselves, they can get a WWE World Championship match! Vince waits, but will there suddenly be a scramble for the golden egg?


Backstage interview with Randy Orton.

Kevin Patrick says he was hoping to also interview Orton’s tag team partner, who has a match tonight, but Matt Riddle isn’t here right now. Orton knows that, but he knows Riddle. He could get lost in his own house! But it’s not like him to miss a match. Last time Orton saw him, they had beaten the Usos, they were celebrating, and Orton was telling Riddle how that now, finally, with Riddle listening to Orton, no one could stop them. But now we don’t know where Riddle is and… But then Riddle walks in, with a beard and mustache that resembles Orton’s! The hell did he do? Riddle says he was busy doing “Viper stuff.” Sigh…

Riddle wants Orton to know it’s him. Did you know what he had to go through to have the goatee? But he’s doing what Orton said: He’ll be Orton. Riddle does his best to talk like Orton, saying he’ll give Ziggler a painful introduction to the Legend Killer, the Viper, Apex Predator, and the man who has competed in more WWE PPV matches than any superstar in history! Wow, Orton has a lot of sweet nicknames. But Dolph’s gonna be zigzagged into his own personal, bleach blonde nightmare when Riddle hits the three most dangerous letters in all of sports entertainment: The R. K. BRO-

ENOUGH!! Orton said for Riddle to be like him. Not BECOME him! Riddle doesn’t want to be in Orton’s head. Too late, he’s already there! He’s hearing voices! Hit Randy’s music!

Matt Riddle w/ Randy Orton VS Dolph Ziggler w/ Robert Roode!

The Vipe-BRO is ready to take on the Show-Off, but will this match help him come to his senses? Or will Riddle actually do Orton better than Orton does Orton?

Raw returns as the Dirty Dawgs make their entrance. The bell ring, Riddle and Ziggler tie up, Ziggler gets a leg then brings Riddle down. Riddle spins and gets a victory roll, ONE! The two back off and circle. Riddle shoots in, gets a leg and lifts Ziggler up but Ziggler slips around to get a cradle, TWO! The two stand off again and they tie up. Riddle hits a FLYING ARMBAR! Ziggler moves around to a cover, TWO! Another reset and the two go again. Ziggler shoots in to waistlock, they go around but Riddle wrenches on an arm. They end up on ropes, Ziggler elbows Riddle away. Riddle gets up but into Ziggler’s dropkick! Cover, TWO!

Ziggler goes after Riddle’s face with fish hooks but lets off as the ref counts. Riddle sees his mustache is gone! Ziggler then pulls Riddle against the ropes! The ref counts, Ziggler lets off, and he takes the goatee! Ziggler whips corner to corner, Riddle goes up and over and comes back with a KICK! Riddle gut wrenches and spins around, to then gut wrench SUPLEX Ziggler out of the ring! Orton applauds and fans fire up as Riddle goes to the ropes. Slingshot, into a SUPERKICK! The Bro is down and Orton checks on him. Roode checks on Ziggler, the Dawgs mock Orton’s pose as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Riddle fires off hands on Ziggler, then turns him around to PELE! Riddle kips up and fans fire up! Ziggler is in the corner, Riddle runs in to forearm smash! Then goes side to side to hit another forearm smash! Riddle tries again but Ziggler elbows him away! Ziggler runs in, but into a POWERSLAM! Riddle hits it just like Orton and fans fire up! Riddle gets Ziggler at the apron and drags him into the ropes! But Ziggler gets in to dump Riddle out! Riddle hurries back in, into a FAMOUSER! Cover, TWO! Fans rally up and Ziggler drags Riddle up for haymakers. Riddle gives them back and now we have a brawl!

Riddle and Ziggler keep going, back and forth! Ziggler kicks a leg, then scrapes laces on Riddle’s face! Ziggler fires up but the fans boo. Riddle blocks the superkick to spin Ziggler and FINAL FLASH! Fans fire up as Riddle hears voices in his head! Orton is amused, Ziggler gets up, RKO!! Cover, Riddle wins!

Winner: Matt Riddle, by pinfall

The Viper is proud, but here comes Roode! Orton kicks Roode down, gives Riddle back the ‘stache, and then he scoops Roode to use the BRO DEREK! RKBRO are on the same page, will they be completely unstoppable from here on out?


Rhea Ripley leads the charge on tearing things up backstage!

She, the Viking Raiders, Rick Boogs, and anyone you can name, is looking for the Egg of Cleopatra! R-Truth says he found it, but that’s a football! Truth accidentally runs into the women’s restroom and rushes back out! “It ain’t in there!”


Becky Lynch is here!

Big Time Becks won big for Raw against SmackDown Women’s Champion, Charlotte Flair, and she did it just how Charlotte would. But now the Raw Women’s Champion is looking to take a victory lap, after the break.

Raw returns and fans are chanting for Becky as she gets the mic. “Brooklyn. Brooklyn, Brooklyn, Brooklyn.” Becky has had some of the biggest moments in her life here. Three years ago, her career skyrocketed as she stood here, she slapped Charlotte Flair across the face. What we saw last night at Survivor Series was a culmination of a decade of love, hatred, friendship and betrayal. Becky came out, wanting to hurt Charlotte. To injure her, to embarrass her, to maim her. Charlotte wanted to do the same, but the fans loved every second of it! They didn’t care who walked out they winner or if they walked out at all.

But of course Becky won! That was never a question. At least, not to Becky. But that’s done, we’re over with that and we’re on to a new chapter. Something fresh and new. Because fans love fresh and new, right? Yeah! So who that’s fresh and new would they like to see on top? Rhea Ripley? Maybe Bianca Belair back on top? Or how about her new #1 contender, Liv Morgan? Yeah, yeah! It’s so funny, because Becky used to put stock in our opinion until she realized we’re all full of crap. Don’t boo! They want fresh and new but we saw 10 women breaking their backs, trying to prove themselves to us, but we had our chants and the wave and sang songs! Yeah, you did!

But hey, look. It hurts Becky to say this, but she actually agrees with them. None of those 10 “superstars” has what it takes to beat Becky, least of all Liv. Oh they like her now cuz she’s an underdog? Cuz she won one big match in four years? You all bitch and moan when Liv loses because she will lose. Not every underdog has its day, Brooklyn. Becky has a death grip on the title! And whether you like it or not, no one is getting the belt off Big Time Becks! Becky throws down the mic and raises the belt. Will this be the image we see until the end of Becky’s career?


Bianca Belair VS Tamina w/ Natalya!

The EST proved she was the toughEST by being the SOLE SURVIVOR for Team Raw! Will she settle things with the Daughter of Superfly to start her road back to the title?

Before the match, Bianca gets the mic to speak. “Yes. Last night, I came all the way back from being 4 to 1! And I was able to do that because the WWE Universe was supporting me, was cheering me on. I was able to show both brands I am the strongest, the fastest, the roughest, the toughest, the quickest, the greatest, and now there is no denying I am the B E S T because I am the Sole Survivor!” So hopefully now Doudrop will stop being so salty. She should find something better to do with her time, like find that golden egg. But please excuse Bianca as she shows Tamina what she showed Team SmackDown, and that is nobody can whoop Bianca!

Tamina makes her entrance, and Natalya accompanies her out since everyone from Raw and SmackDown are here. Will Tamina prove she’s the meanEST in the WWE? We find out, after the break.

Raw returns and the bell rings. Tamina and Bianca tie right up, go around, and Bianca puts Tamina in the corner. Tamina turns it around, kicks low then whips Bianca corner to corner. Bianca goes up and over and handsprings to say, “Kiss this.” Tamina runs in but Bianca jumps over then dropkicks! And then again! Bianca wrenches, kicks low, and reels Tamina in for a suplex! And a kip up! Fans fire up as Bianca whips her hair, then runs to handspring and MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Natty coaches Tamina but Bianca keeps her cool. Fans rally “E S T!” but Tamina shoves her to a corner. Bianca boots her away, goes up and over again, then runs back in to hop up and punch.

Tamina avoids the punches to trip Bianca up! Then SUPERKICK! Bianca staggers into a SAMOAN DROP! Cover, TWO! Natty is upset but Tamina goes after Bianca in a corner with stomps. The ref counts, Tamina lets off, then goes corner to corner to HIP ATTACK! Cover, TWO! Tamina drags Bianca up and clamps on with a neck wrench! Bianca endures, pries at the hands but Tamina holds on tight. Fans rally up, Bianca fights but Tamina CLUBS her! Tamina keeps on the neck wrench, Bianca fights up and fights back! Bianca runs but into a back elbow! Natty cheers but fans boo. Tamina drags Bianca up, whips her to a corner, then runs in, only to get POST!

Bianca BOOTS Tamina into the post, then gets in to torture rack! KISS OF DEATH!! Cover, Bianca wins!

Winner: Bianca Belair, by pinfall

The EST wins again! But then Natty attacks from behind! Natty goes for the legs but Bianca boots her out of the ring! Bianca is upset with the Queen of Harts, but here comes DOUDROP! Piper Niven trips Bianca to then hit the SPLASH!! The EST means nothing to her! Will Piper prove she’s the strongest by making Bianca the flattest?


Finn Balor VS Seth Rollins!

The Prince didn’t last as long as the SOLE SURVIVOR on the Raw men’s team, but will that mean a thing when they go 1v1? Or will the Visionary, the revolutionary, Seth FREAKIN’ Rollins build even more momentum on his way to the WWE World Championship match he is promised?

Raw returns and Rollins has a mic. “Oooh, Brooklyn, give it up for your SOLE! SURIVORRR~! HAHAHAHA! Oh yeah! Last night, right here in this ring, I did what I was born to do! I took this show, I put it over my shoulder, and I led Team Raw to victory~!” He takes a few bows and fans sing his theme for him. Rollins loves it! And the best part? Rollins did it all by himself! The rest of his team were eliminated! Kevin Owens showed the world that he is what Rollins said he was: a liar, a snake and a coward, and he walked out on them. Bobby Lashley, the All Mighty, got counted out? “And Austin Theory, bless his sweet soul, he tried so hard, but he just wasn’t good enough.”

And then Finn Balor… Rollins laughs it up more as Balor got a BROGUE from Sheamus and got pinned on the mat, 1-2-3, no help. But in a few moments, Finn Balor will walk down the ramp, get in the ring, and Rollins will lead by example when he shows Finn Balor a thing or two about what it means to be the best! Because Rollins is a revolutionary. He is a visionary. He is SETH- Interrupted! Finn makes his entrance but Rollins attacks him on the apron! Rollins fires off hands on the outside, clubbing away on Finn! Then he puts Finn in the ring, throws off the jacket, and gets in, for Finn to tackle him!

Rollins kicks Finn away but Finn DECKS Rollins! Rollins bails out, Finn builds speed and FLIES! Direct hit and now Finn takes off his jacket to put Rollins back in the ring. Rollins bails out, Finn goes around the side and runs in, but into a FLAPJACK to the barrier! Rollins then SMACKS Finn off the desk, rams him into the apron, then throws him into barriers! And then Rollins throws Finn over the announce desk, to KNEE him into the barriers! Rollins stomps away on Finn! The ref has him back off, but Rollins goes to the steps! Rollins pulls the steps apart, and uses the top half to RAM Finn down! Fans lose their minds over that one while Rollins looms over Finn.

Rollins puts Finn in the ring, and hits a CURB STOMP!! The match hasn’t even started, and now it might not at all! Rollins storms off to go up the ramp, but then he looks back. Rollins goes back to the ring, and gives Finn another CURB STOMP! Finn’s eyes are glossed over, but then a fan jumps in. Cameras cut to keep on Finn. Rollins is still standing tall, will he use this same viciousness to take the world title from Big E?


The egg hunt is still on!

Speaking of a title shot, everyone is going nuts for the prize that will bring them one! Shanky brings up the rear as everyone, man and woman, wants their golden ticket!

Sami Zayn, meanwhile, talks with Vince personally. Sami heard rumblings that anyone with a lead on the egg gets a title match tonight. Yes, that is true. Well then, Sami knows who took the egg. He should preface that he’s pretty sure. Like 95% sure. So Sami knows something or not? Yes, he does! Then bring that person in! Yes, he’d love to but the thing is, that person isn’t here yet? But Sami promises to bring that person and then he’ll have the match. Shake on it? Just bring the person here. Sami heads out, but is he telling the truth? Or is he just stringing Vince along to get that match?


Kevin Owens is searching around backstage.

Sarah comes over to ask him about how he abandoned Team Raw. What is his response to Rollins? Oh, he wasn’t listening. But he was looking for the egg. Apparently it’s a big deal, he could get a title match out of it. But if Kevin isn’t the one fortunate enough to bring the egg to Mr. McMahon, he can’t wait to see who does. And Kevin has great interest in who walks out tonight as WWE Champion. That’s no lie. Kevin heads out, will he find the grand prize tonight?


The Street Profits VS AJ Styles & Omos!

Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins are here, as well as the red Solo cups, but they also bring out a duffle bag! What’s in the bag? It can’t be the egg, they’d give that to Vince. Maybe we’ll find out, after this phenomenal match!

Raw returns and Styles makes his entrance, with Omos right behind him. Omos came out the winner of the 25 Man Battle Royal with a whopping TEN eliminations, but this tag match is about how the Profits got the drop on Styles when it came to the Pizza Hut pizza. The teams sort out and Ford starts against Styles. They circle, Styles kicks low and bumps Ford off buckles. Styles whips Ford to ropes, Ford reverses and then runs to run Styles over! Ford fires up, drags Styles up and Dawkins tags in. They whip, Dawkins runs Styles over, then back suplex SPLASH! Dawkins gets Styles up and tags Ford back in. Another whip, but Styles holds ropes to tag in Omos!

Omos stares the Profits down and they bail out. The Profits talk this over, perhaps coming up with a plan, while Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Dawkins fights out of a headlock. Dawkins runs but into a dropkick! Styles covers, TWO! Styles drags Dawkins up, cranks on the facelock and grinds Dawkins down. Dawkins endures, fans rally up, but Styles CLUBS Dawkins down. Styles swings on Ford but Ford avoids that, and Dawkins kicks low! SILENCER! Both men are down and fans fire up! Dawkins crawls, hot tag to Ford! Ford jumps over Styles, hits Omos then mule kicks and front kicks Styles. Ford hurdles then LEAPING LARIATS Styles down! Ford taunts Omos then drags Styles up, but gets a Phenomenal Blitz! Ford ducks the back hand to back suplex! STANDING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO!

Ford hurries to a corner and climbs up. Styles gets under the jump, Ford comes back but swings in to a back suplex, only to land on his feet! Styles PELES Ford down! Styles reels Ford in, but Ford back drops out of the Clash! Styles crawls to the corner, Omos tags himself in! Ford sees he’s alone with Dawkins still down on the outside. Ford gets loose and runs in, but bounces off Omos! Omos gets him up but Ford fires off CHOPS! ENZIGURI! Omos staggers, but he comes back to LARIAT Ford! Omos roars, “This is MY house!” Ford slowly rises but Omos is waiting. Omos clamps on, but Dawkins gets in so Omos lets Ford go to throw Dawkins out!

Omos looks and finds Ford crawling to ropes. Dawkins gets the duffle bag, and he has a fire extinguisher! Omos pops Ford up in a fireman’s carry, but Dawkins BLASTS Omos in the face!

Winners: AJ Styles & Omos, by disqualification

Styles jumps in, but into a BLAST from the extinguisher! Well, that’s one way to get the smoke! Will Ford & Dawkins look to put out the fire that’s inside Styles & Omos soon enough?


Carmella & Zelina Vega talk backstage.

The Queen admires Mella’s new gear, but Sarah walks over to ask them their game plan for the women’s tag title match. Let’s be honest. The real question is, what is the plan against Rhea Ripley. They are NOT worried about Nikki. Nikki can be fun and has her moments, but they are not scared of the “scrappy little sidekick.” We all know Rhea’s been carrying the team, that Vega & Mella will overpower them with “royal beauty,” and leave Nikki all alone while leaving here with the titles. That is how you prove you are the diamonds of the WWE. Smarts, strategy, and strength. They will be on top, where they will stay once they become the NEW WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions! They head out, but will they learn to not underestimate an Almost SuperHero?


Veer Mahaan is coming.

Who will he strike out with his million dollar arm and ruthless aggression?


WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships: Rhea Ripley & Nikki A.S.H. VS Carmella & Zelina Vega!

Raw returns as the Most Beautiful Woman and the Queen of the Ring make their entrance. The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see if it takes more than good looks to be a team!

Mella starts against Rhea but she has to get her protective mask. Mella’s team puts on the mask, the one she struggled to put on at Survivor Series, and this one is bright red! Rhea goes out to BOOT Mella down! Rhea puts Mella in, glares at Vega, then gets in the ring. Mella runs in but Rhea catches her to LARIAT! And again! And then ripcord HEADBUTT! The mask doesn’t protect from that one! Rhea snapmares and runs to basement dropkick! Mella scurries away to tag in Vega! Rhea doesn’t sweat that as Vega can’t even get the leg takedown. Rhea gut wrenches Vega and TOSSES her to the corner! Rhea then keeps Vega cornered with a shove!

Vega crawls under but Rhea gets a leg! Vega kicks Rhea until she’s free, but then she SLAPS her! Rhea HEADBUTTS Vega, Electric Chair lifts, but Vega fights! Vega tries to rana but Rhea holds her back to pop her up! But Vega turns it to a DDT! Cover, TWO! Vega clubs Rhea, clamps on with a sleeper, but Vega becomes a backpack as Rhea stands up. Fans rally, Rhea RAMS Vega into the corner! Tag to Nikki and she DECKS Vega! Snapmare to NECK SNAPPER to Vega, then a whip to the corner. Vega reverses, Nikki goes up and over and runs, dodges and LARIATS! Nikki whips then SPLASHES Vega! Nikki climbs up to rain down fists on Vega, all the way to 10!

Nikki BULLDOGS Vega down, then gets her up to SWINGING NECKBREAKER! Cover, Mella breaks it! FACEBUSTER! Rhea gets in and chases Mella out! They go around the ring, Vega crawls to cover Nikki, but Rhea breaks it in time! Mella attacks Rhea from behind, and FABULOUS KICKS her out of the ring! Mella goes out to FABULOUS KICK Rhea into a post! But Nikki drags Mella up to the apron! Vega mugs Nikki, chokes her on the ropes, then lets off for Mella to FABULOUS KICK! Vega hops on, CODE RED! Cover, Vega & Mella win!!

Winners: Carmella & Zelina Vega, by pinfall (NEW WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions)

The Queen of the Ring has even more gold now! Will this only add to the growing egos of both Zelina and Carmella?


Vince McMahon is still waiting.

But Sonya comes in, saying they found the culprit! Pearce will bring him in! We’re going to see who the egg thief was, after the break!

Raw returns and Sami Zayn has also returned. he has partial credit for this, as Austin Theory walks in! Vince wants a minute alone with Theory so Sonya and Pearce exit. Why did Theory do this? He knows how valuable the egg is. He just wanted to take a selfie with it. But there was so much security, he couldn’t go to the locker room, he got scared. Vince won’t believe that unless he sees the selfie. Theory has one. Sami says that is disgusting behavior. But then Vince thinks. Theory took a huge risk, went a little afoul of the law. But Vince will drop the charges. What? Really?! Yeah, Theory is reminded of Vince. Theory gets his shot! Really!? Can he get a selfie! Sure.

Sami is furious! How is Theory being rewarded?! The person who brought Vince the culprit was supposed to- SHUT UP! No one likes a snitch, Sami. Sami gets a headache. But will Theory be taking a selfie with the world title after tonight?!


WWE 24/7 Championship: Reggie VS Cedric Alexander!

The slippery sommelier is going 1v1 with PRIMED Alexander in this traditional match, but will Reggie slip away from The Hurt Business?

The bell rings, Alexander swings but Reggie goes Matrix! Reggie smooths out his vest, Alexander fakes Reggie out then ROCKS him on the return! Alexander clubs away on Reggie in the corner, stomps away on him, then lets off as the ref counts. Alexander fires up then stomps Reggie more! Alexander eggs Reggie on, but Reggie throws body shots. Alexander DECKS Reggie with another forearm! Alexander gets Reggie up, suplexes, but Reggie RANAS out of it! Cover, TWO!! Alexander escapes, Reggie hurries to get him up for haymakers and CHOPS! Alexander shoves, then BOOTS the crossbody down! Alexander gets Reggie up, LUMBAR CHECK!! Cover, Alexander wins!

Winner: Cedric Alexander, by pinfall (NEW WWE 24/7 Champion)

But here comes the mob! Alexander runs but DANA BROOKE hits a BLOCKBUSTER! Cover, Dana wins!!

Winner: Dana Brooke, by pinfall (NEW WWE 24/7 Champion)

And all the guys have to hold back. They can’t hit a woman, right? Dana gets to celebrate this big moment! But will she have to worry about the women’s locker room coming for her every waking moment?


The Mysterios talk backstage.

Dominik wants to talk to Rey about something. Last week, when Lashley put Rey in the Hurt Lock, Dom froze up. He apologizes, but Rey tells Dom not to beat himself up. Rey’s been doing this a long time and Lashley isn’t the first monster he faced. Brock Lesnar, Kane, Batista, The Undertaker. But Rey has always held his chin high, ready to fight. Rey can fight his own battles. But tonight, they fight together, and Rey is damn proud of it. Rey fights for him, Dom and the family! The All Mighty should be the one shaking. They’re gonna give him a Mysterio family whooping!


Backstage interview with Dana Brooke.

Sarah congratulates her on being a champion, but how does she plan on keeping this title? Well Dana doesn’t have a lot of time, but she created an opportunity and captured it. That’s how she lives her life every single day, overcoming any obstacle in her way. But she has a target on her back, so it’s time to show the world who Dana Brooke is!


2v1 Handicap: Rey & Dominik Mysterio VS Bobby Lashley w/ MVP!

The Rocky Mountain Machine heads out first, Montel Vontavius Porter once again in his corner. Lashley was only counted out during the Survivor Series 5v5, will he look to finish this one in the ring?

Raw returns and the Mysterios make their entrance. MVP has the mic to speak. “Rey, I want to tell you that I have so much respect for you because you are an absolute icon of this industry. And despite your diminutive size, you have become a giant! But… As a father… You leave so much to be desired, I’m really disappointed in you.” Has Rey even taught Dom that monsters are real? Rey knows they’re real because he’s faced them. But he hasn’t defeated a monster the likes of the All Mighty Lashley. What is Rey gonna do as a father in just a few minutes when Dom is in the Hurt Lock, writhing in agony, crying out, “Papi! Ayuda me!” and Rey is powerless to do anything about it?

Rey’s ego is gonna get Dom hurt. And when they look Angie in the face and say Dom got hurt because of that ego, well… Just give her MVP’s number. Rey is riled up but Dom goes after Lashley first! Lashley shoves him away then runs him over! Lashley glares at Rey but Dom jumps on! Lashley throws Dom off to then hit a COMPLETE SHOT! Lashley goes after Dom at the ropes, brings him up and suplexes, but Dom sips out to ta gin Rey! Dom then baits Lashley into the POST! Rey runs in to shotgun Lashley down! Rey tags Dom back in, the Mysterios go after Lashley with everything, Rey tags in to keep it up!

Tag back to Dom, fans fire up as Dom fires off! Tag back to Rey, he fires off and rams his shoulder in. But Lashley powers Rey up and runs, but Rey sunset flips! Lashley drags Rey up, whips him to a corner but Rey goes up, only to get caught for a POWERSLAM! Lashley stalks Rey, gets a half nelson but Dom missile dropkicks Lashley out of the ring! Then PLANCHAS! But Lashley catches Dom, pops him up to a fireman’s carry, but Rey DIVES! Direct hit and down goes Lashley! The Mysterios regroup and stand tall as Raw goes to break!

Raw returns again and Lashley chokes Dom on the ropes! The ref counts, Lashley lets off, but MVP SLAPS Dom! Lashley kicks and gut wrenches Dom to the DOMINATOR! Cover, TWO!! Dom survives but Lashley throws him out of the ring. Rey coaches Dom, Lashley goes out and looms over him. Lashley drags Dom up, fireman’s carries and he POSTS Dom this time! Rey hurries over to check on Dom as the ring count climbs. The count is passing 5 of 10, Rey can only coach Dom, but Lashley goes out after Dom again! He RAMS Dom into barriers! The count is climbing again, Lashley drags Dom up at 5 and then puts him in the ring at 8.

Lashley stalks Dom to a corner, Dom slowly gets up and Lashley taunts him. “Hit me, kid. Hit me!” Dom throws body shots but they do nothing and Lashley CLUBS Dom down. Lashley drags Dom up to shove, but Dom kicks, only for Lashley to block! Dom ENZIGURIS! Lashley staggers, but he kicks Dom back! Another gut wrench, but Dom lands out of the slam to basement dropkick! Fans fire up as Dom tags in Rey! Rey dodges, KICKS and forearms, then runs to slide under. Rey BOOTS Lashley, springboards to QUEBRADA, but Lashley catches him! Dom tags in and gives Rey a push for the TORNADO DDT! Cover, TWO!

Dom drags Lashley up, throws hands, runs and kicks then tags Rey. Dom sunset flips and Rey missile dropkicks him down! Cover, TWO! Rey hurries to tag Dom back. Lashley gets up, the Mysterios bait him in to drop toehold onto the ropes! They dial it up, DOUBLE 619!! MVP panics while Dom goes up! Rey tags in before Dom FROG SPLASHES! Rey is up top now, FROG SPLASH!! Cover, TWO!! Lashley survives and MVP says that’s why he’s the All Mighty! Rey tags Dom, Rey whips Dom in, but Lashley puts Dom on the apron. Rey runs in to a SPEAR!! But Dom leaps, into Lashley’s arms! HURT LOCK!! Dom is a rag doll, but he taps! Lashley wins!

Winner: Bobby Lashley, by submission

The Mysterios had heart as always, but the Rocky Mountain Machine shows no mercy! Is this enough for Lashley t


Backstage interview with Big E.

The WWE Champion had one hell of a match with Roman Reigns, but was he blindsided by the news that he’d be defending his title tonight? Well last night, Big E let a lot of people down. You can’t blame Heyman or the Usos, that was on Big E. But there is no wallowing in self-pity, Big E has his hands full. Quite literally, he was hungry. There’s Seth Rollins and Kevin Owens to worry about, but now he has a match with Austin Theory. The kid is young and brash, but he is talented. Big E can assure us that after retaining his title tonight and leaving the beautiful Barclays Center, he will feel pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty good. Big E heads out, will he keep the title picture just the way it is?


Backstage interview with Liv Morgan.

She thanks Kevin Patrick for having her here, and he congratulates her on being #1 contender to the Raw Women’s Championship. It is bittersweet. Raw won last night, but she was- Becky interrupts. They need to get the story right. The story is that Liv again underdelivered. A team full of winners, and thankfully Bianca pulled it out for Raw. But Liv did nothing. It takes Becky back to Money in the Bank. Everyone was rooting for Liv, she got up to the top of that ladder, inches away from grabbing the briefcase, but then someone else came along, outshined her, Nikki A.S.H. got the briefcase and cashed in to get the title, the very one Liv will never hold. Liv’s pretty sure she held it up last week.

Becky wants Liv to know something. Becky does autograph signing every week and she lets the little kiddies hold the belt. That doesn’t mean they’re champions. But the thing is, Liv, Becky told her she’d be champion and Liv told everyone, so Liv’s embarrassed Becky, embarrassed the friends who aren’t even here anymore, and her family. Aw, is Liv gonna cry? That’s embarrassing. Crybaby Liv~! Liv DECKS Becky with a forearm! Liv is seething but she walks away. Becky gets up in a huff, but maybe this is the Liv Becky’s been wanting to see?


WWE United States Championship Open Challenge: Damian Priest VS ???

The rage within cost the Archer of Infamy his match against Shinsuke Nakamura, but he doesn’t seem too bothered by that. Will he keep the Damian within in check to hold onto the title? Or will this hometown anti-hero be caught off guard by someone here tonight?

Raw returns and Apollo Crews has made his entrance. Azeez introduces himself, and he demands the fans to stand and applaud this Nigerian hero and soon to be the savior of the WWE United States Championship! “His Excellency,” Apollo Crews is given the mic, and he tells “Mr. Priest, or should I say Damian.” Because lately, he’s had this split personality. Priest is ashamed of who he truly is. But as for Apollo, he has embraced his heritage, found his true self, and that is why when he fights Priest for the title, he will decimate Priest! Crews is more powerful than ever as a Nigerian warrior, and he will show Priest is not fit to be champion!

Priest tells Apollo that maybe he hasn’t realized, but he’s in New York. Fans fire up for that one. Priest asks if Apollo hears that. Out here, if you wanna run your mouth and tell your world about how you found yourself, start a podcast. Or just a thought, just shut up and fight. Now, if Apollo wants to get to know the real Damian Priest, then let’s just throw down for the title. Oh, funny guy. Yes, they’re in Priest’s hometown. But for them to fight, that would not be fair. So Apollo is answering no to the challenge. So here comes Sami Zayn! First, the world sees that Sami is right about the WWE conspiracy against him goes all the way tot he top when Vince denied Sami his title opportunity!

But when one door closes, another one opens! Apollo and Azeez aren’t accepting the challenge, that’s not the smartest thing, but that’s just an opinion. But if they don’t want it, then Sami happily accepts! Sami will not leave empty handed! Tonight, he walks out the NEW United States Champion! Azeez and Apollo take their leave, the title is raised, and the Great Liberator looks to liberate that title from Priest!

The bell rings but Sami bails out, only for Priest to give chase. Priest keeps Sami from getting in and he ROCKS him with a right! And then another! And then another! Priest puts Sami in, but Sami bails right back out. Priest gives chase again, keeps Sami from running away but Sami elbow shim! And EXPLODER into the barriers! Sami has Priest down and out while Raw goes to break!

Raw returns and Sami covers, ONE! Sami wraps on a chinlock to grind Priest down. Priest endures, fights up and throws body shots. Priest is free, he fires off KICK after KICK then a ROLLING ELBOW! Sami goes to a corner, Priest runs corner to corner and back elbow! Priest runs, dodges, BELL CLAPS then ripcords, but Sami gets around to BLUE THUNDER BOMB! Cover, TWO! Sami drags Priest to a drop zone and hurries up the corner. But Priest gets up to KICK Sami down! Priest drags Sami up but Sami resists the superplex and rakes Priest’s eyes! Sami sunset flips to the SIT-OUT BOMB! Cover, TWO! Priest survives and Sami is frustrated.

Sami drags Priest up but fans chant, “SAMI SUCKS!” Sami throws hands on Priest, but Priest ROCKS Sami, then ROCKS him again! Then ROCK Shim with another! He blocks Sami’s boot to scoop and dragon sleeper, but Sami slips out to roll up and high stack! TWO, and Priest is up to WHEEL KICK! Sami staggers, leans on the ropes, but Priest runs in to fire off hands. Priest whips, Sami holds ropes and bails out! Priest drags Sami back up to the apron but Sami hotshots him! Sami then chokes Priest on the ropes! The ref counts, Sami stops at 4, then Sami grabs the title belt. Sami puts it on his shoulder but he hasn’t won it yet. Sami pie faces Priest, but that only sets Priest off!

Priest BOOTS Sami, runs at the corner and fires off haymaker after haymaker! Choke grip to the SOUTH OF HEAVEN CHOKE SLAM! Priest roars, drags Sami up to hit the RECKONING! Cover, Priest wins!

Winner: Damian Priest, by pinfall (still WWE United States Champion)

Sami doesn’t get anything for the night other than beat up! Will the Archer of Infamy continue to shoot down opponents and hold onto the title?


Backstage interview with Austin Theory

For the first time ever, he’s in a WWE Championship match! That’s so awesome! He even got a selfie with Mr. McMahon! Who else can say that? But what’s cooler than that is that Theory will become the youngest WWE World Champion in history. He just go here, he isn’t trying to sound cocky, Big E’s done a lot. But did you see what Theory did for Raw? And then Big E was a big loser. Theory is the future, we know that, and the future is now! Vince knows it! Big E is gonna learn that soon, when Theory takes a selfie as the NEW WWE Champion!

WWE World Championship: Big E VS Austin Theory!

The champion is out first, and he tells the title itself that nothing’s taking it from him. Will Big E prove Theory is only the next champion in theory?

Raw returns and Theory makes his entrance. But then Seth Rollins also appears! The Visionary switched out jackets but he still swaggers around. The introductions for Big E and Theory are made, the title is raised, and Rollins sits by commentary to watch and see who he’ll be targeting with that title contract!

Big E gets Theory for a wiastlock but Theory switches and headlocks,. Big E powers out, Theory rolls Big E up, ONE! Theory gloats, then he SLAPS Big E! Big E ROCKS Theory then fires off at the ropes! Big E fires off in the corner, too! Big E reels Theory in for a back elbow, and then another, and then another! Theory flounders, Big E whips and CLOBBERS him! Big E drags Theory to the apron, CLUBS him again and again and again, then goes up to take aim. Big E runs in to SPLASH Theory down! Theory sputters as he gets in, but now Kevin Owens makes an entrance! This catches Rollins by surprise, too! Kevin did promise he’d be watching, but he wants to watch ringside?

Big E is distracted, Theory runs in, Urenag- NO! Theory slips out, elbows Big E, hooks the legs, AOI SHOUDOU! Cover, TOW!! Theory sees Big E go out and WRECKS him with a dropkick! Rollins shouts at Kevin about being out here but Kevin says this is a great match to watch up close! Will the Prizefighter keep things honest as he watches ringside? For now, Raw goes to break.

Raw returns, Theory fires off forearms, then runs to basement DDT! Cover, ONE! Rollins is anxious with Kevin so close but Kevin just watches the match. Theory slaps Big E around, throws more forearms, but Big E just powers up! Theory runs into an OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! And another! Theory runs, Big E side steps to SIDE Belly2Belly! Big E swivels the hips, runs and BIG SPLASHES! Big E claps it up, fans clap with him, “NEW! DAY ROCKS!” Theory slips out of the scoop, baits Big E in and drop toeholds him into buckle! Somersault SHOTGUN! Cover, TWO! Theory grows a bit frustrated, he brings Big E up and fireman’s carries, but Big E fights free!

Big E whips Theory up and out, then runs but into a knee! Theory gets in, runs in but into the Urenag-E! Cover, TWO! Rollins is getting mad but Kevin just watches as Big E goes out after Theory to put him back in the ring. Big E glares at Rollins and backs him up before he goes to the apron. The ref is busy with Theory, Rollins CHOP BLOCKS Big E! Theory somersault BLOCKBUSTERS! Both men are down, but Kevin throws Rollins into the ring! Rollins is mad at Kevin, they argue, Theory is distracted seeing these two about to throw down. Theory turns around into a BIG ENDING!! Cover, Big E wins!

Winner: Big E, by pinfall (still WWE World Champion)

But Rollins and Kevin are getting heated. They shove each other, but Big E CLOBBERS them both! Big E TOSSES Rollins over the desk, puts Kevin in the ring, but Kevin runs away! Rollins returns but Big E gets him for a BIG ENDING, too! Rollins gasps and sputters as he flops out of the ring. Big E doesn’t care who is coming for him, he’s ready for everyone! Will Big E make sure neither of them gets what he has?

My Thoughts:

A good Raw to follow up Survivor Series, but they really puffed up the whole egg thing. There were possibilities they could’ve explored with this but it just ended up a vehicle for the world title story, and not even in a way that really added much. Though it does seem Vince really likes Theory. That was quite the protected loss for Theory with Kevin and Rollins inadvertently distracting him. It just doesn’t really do a whole lot for the build we’ve been getting. If it was going to fuel the world title story, then Kevin should’ve been the one to give Vince the egg back and get the shot here tonight. Kevin and Big E could’ve given us an awesome main event with Rollins doing his great character work ringside, and somehow, someway, Big E wins so that it is still him and Rollins for #WWEDay1.

Rollins himself has a lot of momentum, with Sole Survivor status at Survivor Series and then the beat down on Balor to “cancel” their match. I hope Finn gets to circle back around for a feud with Rollins, regardless if Rollins the title off Big E. Also holy crap that fan jumping the barriers and going after Rollins. What makes morons think they can go after wrestlers and not get beat up and arrested? Moving on, Priest had a good US title match with Sami, though the fans got a bit bored at a point. I figured Priest was retaining with Sami being a SmackDown superstar, but also, they’re setting up Priest VS Apollo for #WWEDay1.

RKBRO had a great string of moments tonight. Riddle impersonating Orton, him winning against Ziggler with an RKO and Orton hitting Roode with a Bro Derek, these two are becoming a great tag team. Styles & Omos are building a good feud with the Street Profits, but this is going to make for an interesting blow-off. The fire extinguisher was to what? It got them disqualified, but was it just for a pun on smoke and fire? Rey & Dom still get destroyed by Lashley, though they had a really good match. I’m kinda hoping Rey & Dom stick together so that they can face teams like Styles & Omos or even RKBRO. I’d love to see Rey taking on Styles or Riddle in and out of tag matches.

I was actually pretty pumped to see Alexander get the 24/7 title off Reggie so dominantly, and then what a surprise for Dana Brooke to take it off Alexander. The Women’s Division finally gets a turn with the title, I just wish WWE didn’t release so many of them.  I am not shocked Vega & Mella won the tag titles, but I’m disappointed it wasn’t all that long of a match. Vince continues to give minimal effort in the women’s tag division, and here it was. Maybe Bianca should find a tag partner. She’s great, WWE sees that, maybe the tag division would get that boost the same way it was strong when Sasha & Bayley were champs.

But at the same time, Bianca VS Piper is going to be a lot of fun. Becky has a very good promo, and I like that she pointed out the fans not caring enough about the Women’s 5v5 last night. I also like how she got in Liv’s face and then Liv slapped her for it. Liv is probably going to have her best singles match against Becky, and still lose.

My Score: 8.3/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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