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Mitchell’s AEW Dynamite Results & Report! (12/22/21)

Happy Holiday Bash, everyone!



AEW Dynamite 2021

Season’s beatings from AEW!

I’m dreaming of a Dynamite Christmas! Here’s an early present from AEW: CM Punk, Sting & Darby Allin take on The Pinnacle’s MJF & FTR!


  • Adam Cole VS Orange Cassidy; Cole wins.
  • Wardlow w/ Shawn Spears VS Shawn Dean; Wardlow wins.
  • TBS Championship Tournament Semifinal: Nyla Rose w/ Vickie Guerrero VS Ruby Soho; Soho wins and advances to the finals.
  • Malakai Black VS Griff Garrison w/ Brian Pillman Jr; Malakai wins.
  • Six Man Tag: MJF & FTR VS CM Punk, Darby Allin & Sting; Punk, Darby & Sting win.


Adam Cole VS Orange Cassidy!

We’re kicking off the festivities with a bang, BAYBAY! But will Cole show Freshly Squeezed it’s all about the boom?

The bell rings, fans rally and duel, and Cole talks trash as he steps to Cassidy. Cole dares Cassidy to cross the line in the sand, and Cassidy… walks around it! And then Cassidy dares Cole to do the same! Cole and Cassidy get face to face, Cole winds it up, “ADAM COLE, BAYBAY!” Cassidy makes Cole put his hands in Cassidy’s pockets! Coles shoves Cassidy, Cassidy dodges to get a headlock and takeover. Cole fights but Cassidy gives him a kiss on the cheek. Cole throws Cassidy away, kicks low and returns the headlock takeover. Cole says, “Don’t you EVER do that again!” Cassidy rolls Cole to a cover, TWO! Cassidy hits an arm-drag! Then he avoids Cole’s arm-drag! Oklahoma Roll, TWO!

Cassidy gets the headlock takeover back and fans cheer the exchange. Cole fights up, brings Cassidy to a knee and slips out the back to hammerlock then headlock. Cassidy returns the favor, steps over the arm, then gets the headlock. Cole throws elbows, then ROCKS Cassidy with a forearm! Cole headlocks, Cassidy powers out to get the headlock. Cole powers out, Cassidy avoids the headlock to get the headlock and takeover! Fans cheer but Cole fights with forearms to Cassidy’s face. Cole gets a headscissor, Cassidy bounces around to pop free, and then he stands up. Cassidy checks his neck, and fans cheer as the two reset.

Cassidy and Cole circle. they tie up but Cole kicks low! Cole wrenches to a wristlock, Cassidy reaches for rope but Cole keeps him away. Cole keeps Cassidy from the ropes again, so Cassidy rolls, handsprings and wrenches back! Fans cheer as Cassidy has the wristlock, then the headlock then the arm-drag! Then he rolls Cole around to a ghost pin, TWO! Cole kicks low, snapmares, and wraps on a chinlock. Cassidy endures, fans rally up, and Cassidy fights up. Cassidy pries free, gets a headlock, but Cole powers out. Cassidy goes up and over in the corner to schoolboy, TWO! Cole swings into a backslide! TWO, but Cassidy whips Cole.

Cole reverses, Cassidy goes up and over again but into a BACKSTABBER! Cover, TWO! Cole throws hands on Cassidy, wrenches and whips him corner to corner hard, and Cassidy bounces off buckles! Cole flexes but fans boo as he wrenches and whips Cassidy again. Cassidy hits buckles, Cole runs in, but Cassidy elbows him back. Cassidy boots Cole, then hops up, only for Cole to ROCK him with a right hand! Cole climbs up to join Cassidy, but Cassidy resists the superplex. Cole CLUBS Cassidy again and again, tries again, but Cassidy shoves Cole down! Cassidy leaps, CROSSBODY! Cassidy keeps moving, he ducks and dodges to tilt-o-whirl and DDT! Cover, TWO!

Fans rally as Cassidy goes to a corner. Cassidy climbs up, but the Young Bucks and Brandon Cutler creep out onto the stage. They head for ringside, but Cassidy LEAPS onto Cutler! No cold spray for you! But here come Best Friends! Trent, Chuck & Wheeler make sure the Bucks and Cutler stay down! Cassidy dodges Cole to DIVE onto the Bucks! The brawling continues up the ramp, but Cole RAMS Cassidy into steel steps! And then AGAIN! Cole is seething, but he brings the kneepad down. Cole lines it up, runs in, but Cassidy moves! The Boom hits steps! Cole clutches his knee and writhes as AEW goes picture in picture!

Cassidy gets up while the ref checks on Cole. Cole is okay to continue, Cassidy brings him up and RAMS him into railing! Cassidy “stalks” Cole, brings him up, lazy fist bumps the kid dressed as Cassidy, and then whips Cole into more railing! Cole flounders, Cassidy refreshes the ring count and even lounges a second before going back outside. Cassidy brings Cole up but Cole whips Cassidy into railing now! Cole walks off the pain in his knee to get in the ring and refresh the count. Cole drags Cassidy up to RAM him back into railing! Cole drags Cassidy up to put him in the ring, and then Cole JAMS his knee into Cassidy’s back. Cole gets the arms for a motorcycle stretch!

Cassidy endures, fights up, powers up, but Cole keeps him from putting hands in his pockets. Cassidy keeps trying, Cole keeps trying to stop him, so Cole throws a body shot! Cole whips, Cassidy ducks and dodges, DOUBLE LARIATS take both men down! Both men stir, a standing count begins, and AEW returns to single picture as fans count along. Both men sit up at 5 and Cole throws a forearm! Cassidy “chops” back! Cole ROCKS Cassidy with a forearm, dares Cassidy to hit him, so Cassidy “chops” again. Cole throws another forearm, Cassidy throws a “haymaker.” Cole throws another forearm, Cassidy “fires off” the shin kicks!

Cassidy powers up for Sweet Shin Music, but he dodges Cole’s clothesline to SUPERKICK! Cole uses 52 Fake Out! But Cassidy rolls Cole up, Cole rolls through, Cassidy SUPERKICKS! Cassidy gets Cole but Cole suplexes for GHOSTBUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Cole is frustrated, he drags Cassidy up, fireman’s carries, but Cassidy fights free! Fans are fired up for Freshly Squeezed but Cole shoves and BOOTS! Then suplexes, STUN-DOG MILLIONAIRE! Cassidy runs in at the corner, but Cole moves! Cassidy goes out and up and FLYING DDT! Cover, TWO!! Cole survives and a new standing count begins!

Cassidy is up at 3 and he drags Cole up, but Cole fireman’s carries! USHIGOROSHI! Then a basement BOOT knocks Cassidy down! Cole wants Cassidy to stay down, but then Cole drags Cassidy to a drop zone. Cole hops up, takes aim, but Cassidy scoots back to stay away. Cole rushes over, but into a cradle! TWO!! Cassidy scoops, MICHINOKU DRIVER! Cover, TWO!! Cole survives again! Cassidy goes to a corner and he puts on the sunglasses! Fans fire up, Cassidy climbs again, hands in pockets, and jumps, into a SUPERKICK! Cole goes up the corner, takes aim, PANAMA SUNRISE!! Cover, TWO!!? HOW?! Cole is shocked, and Greensboro is thunderous!

Cole brings his kneepad back down, sits Cassidy up, but Cassidy ducks the Boom! Alabama lift, BEACH BREAK!! TWO!?!? Cole returns the favor of the shocking survival! Cassidy throws off his armband and fans fire up! Cassidy aims, runs but Cole bails out to avoid the Orange Punch! Bobby Fish rushes down now and gets in the ref’s face about this. But wait, from out of the crowd! It’s KYLE O’REILLY!! AX ‘N’ SMASH!! Bobby bails, Kyle hides, Cole hits THE BOOM!! Cover, Cole wins!

Winner: Adam Cole, by pinfall

The Violent Artist has joined Cole and Fish in AEW, but are they friends or foes? The Best Friends rush back, Cole & Kyle fight them off! Fish helps out, and they’re mugging Trent & Chuck! Bobby & Kyle set up Chuck, Cole SUPERKICKS Chuck down! And then reDRagon gets Trent up for HIGH LOW!! The Bucks return, they’re wondering what’s going on here. Is this the Christmas gift Cole meant? Apparently, but is Cole Elite or Undisputed? Can’t he be both?


AEW has a BIG match set for the TBS debut!

After their ONE HOUR time limit draw at Winter is Coming, we’re getting Hangman Page VS Bryan Danielson II for Dynamite on January 5th! Will TBS see that Dynamite is “The Best Show?”


Tony Schiavone is in the ring!

Nothing like being in the Greensboro Coliseum! But let’s welcome from Virginia, the AEW World Champion, Hangman Page! The Cowboy is here and fans are fired up! Schiavone welcomes the champion, and says in two weeks, the rematch is part of the TBS debut. Schiavone wants to say that last week’s match was one of the greats in AEW history, and Hangman was so close to winning before time ran out. Hangman is handed the mic and he says he’ll stop that all here. After 60 minutes, covered in sweat and blood, his one arm barely hanging on and barely any air in his body, Hangman was handed back the title.

As AEW went to commercial, Hangman managed to get up the ramp, and he looked back at the title. He saw his reflection in it, and thought that it was a bit funny. In his three years in AEW, last week, he’d never felt less of a champion. “So the feeling from last week, the only feeling that I have, is disappointment.” But here comes Bryan Danielson to say, “Wait, wait, wait! Wait. Wait. Wait.” Fans chant, “YES! YES! YES!” but Bryan still wants us to wait. “Entitled Millennial Cowboy still has the AEW Championship around his shoulder, and he’s disappointed. Aww…! Poor cowboy! Let’s show all the people your emotions about how disappointed you are.”

You know who should be disappointed? The AEW fans! Bryan says he kicked Hangman’s ass for sixty minutes, and if anyone should be champion, it should be him! Fans are torn on that one. But Bryan isn’t someone who’s gonna come out and cry about things, or say how sad he is. No. The rematch is January 5th, and Bryan will just kick Hangman’s ass again. But here’s what Bryan doesn’t want to happen. Hangman survived sixty minutes because Bryan’s match with John Silver, he hurt his leg a little, or else he would’ve destroyed Hangman. But Bryan won’t wrestle in front of these idiots here tonight, or next week, or until January 5th!

But here’s another problem: if Hangman Page goes out there on the 5th, and stalls for sixty minutes to escape with the title, we just end up in the same situation, where the rightful champion standing right here empty handed, “and that piece of Cowboy Shit standing in the ring with the title.” But Bryan isn’t here to complain, he is not entitled. He came here with a solution! Here’s what Bryan proposes: January 5th, there are judges, so that if Hangman tries to stall, everyone will see and know that the true AEW World Heavyweight Champion is Bryan Danielson! Fans are chanting no? They don’t want that? Surely these idiots know he won that match!

Hangman says that Bryan’s real creative. Did it take him all week to come up with judges? Because Hangman came up with an Ironman match, Ladder match, Cage match, hell even an Inferno match, and just a match with no time limits. Because Bryan did something that no one’s done: took Hangman past 30, 40 and 50 minutes, out into those deep waters. Bryan tried to hold Hangman under, but the final seconds, the ones that counted, Hangman swam. If Hangman had three more seconds, he would’ve drowned Bryan. But y’know what? If they keep the time limit and they add judges, fine! Give some old guys a payday.

But Bryan better make sure he pays them in advance, cuz they won’t earn it. Hangman’s come way too far for this title. Hangman’s spilled far too much blood for this title! He has given way too much of himself for this title to have some old pricks sit at ringside to tell Hangman he’s not good enough, he’s not a champion, he’s only a B+ player. Because that’s just horseshit. So if the question is, “Can Hangman Adam Page beat Bryan Danielson in less than one hour?” In two weeks, the answer is… “YES!” Bryan says, “How dare you!” Hangman dares Bryan to do more, but enough’s been said! Who will be the title match judges? And will they be needed if we get another time limit draw?


MJF speaks with The Pinnacle.

He didn’t want the cameras here for this, but whatever. MJF thanks Shawn Spears being a great accountabilibuddy, and Wardlow did great with the post-match acquisition of champagne. That should’ve been done way before the match was over, and way before MJF & FTR got attacked by “those three Mid shmucks,” CM Punk, Sting & Darby Allin. Just outta curiosity, MJF’s paying Wardlow a lot of money to protect him, correct? He sure does. Well then they can only blame Punk. This is what Punk does to people. He drives them insane, and has burned every single bridge in his career.

That’s why MJF isn’t worried tonight. #MJFTR isn’t a team, it’s a family! And Punk knows nothing about that cuz he’s a loner. “Much like that emo skateboarding punk and his creepy clown uncle,” those three aren’t going to be able to coexist. Fans might’ve been fooled but not MJF. MJF knows Punk made the save for himself. Everything has to be about Punk, and when it’s not, that’s when the REAL Punk comes out to play. Is that more low hanging fruit? Punk just says that to hide the truth. But here’s the truth: inside the ring, Punk is rustier than the knife Darby uses to skin small animals. The fact is, that fake nice guy mask is slipping off faster than Sting’s Crusty the Clown make-up. And the fact is, when MJF gave Punk the opportunity to shake his hand and walked away, he chose early retirement!

Dax Harwood speaks up, saying FTR had no problems with Punk. But when someone threatens Dax’s position, his livelihood, his family, then there is a problem. The Pinnacle is Dax’s family. You’re looking at the three kings of pro-wrestling! If you wanna be a king, you gotta kill one, and those three don’t have the balls to do it. The Pinnacle is a family, a unified group, the absolute best unit in this world! Cuz when you’re Pinnacle, you’re always on top. But will MJFTR be knocked down from their perch by those they call misfits?


Wardlow w/ Shawn Spears VS Shawn Dean!

Obviously, the accountabilibuddy is with Pinnacle’s War Dog again. Will Spears keep Wardlow from going overboard against the Captain?

The bell rings and fans chant, “Wardlow’s gonna kill~ you!” Wardlow and Dean tie up, and Wardlow throws Dean down! Wardlow reels Dean in and fans know what’s coming! POWERBOMB! That’s one, and Spears wants Wardlow to leave it at that. But fans want “ONE MORE TIME!” so Wardlow obliges! ANOTHER POWERBOMB! Spears says that’s good, but Wardlow gets Dean up for a THIRD POWERBOMB! The Symphony is only getting going! A FOURTH POWERBOMB! Cocky cover, Wardlow wins!

Winner: Wardlow, by pinfall

And then Spears adds on with chair shots! Wardlow rolls his eyes but Spears raises Wardlow’s hand in victory. Spears says it’s time to go, and Wardlow seems very annoyed. When will the Pinnacle’s most powerful member get the respect he deserves?


AEW looks at the Christmas TNT Championship match.

Excalibur says Christmas is a great night for pro-wrestling. Sammy Guevara remembers back to the very first Dynamite, and his match with Cody Rhodes. That was Sammy’s biggest match then, but now tides have turned. Schiavone reminds us that Cody was the inaugural TNT Champion, and he put in the work defending that title. He cut such a frantic pace, but so has Sammy. A win over that former champion could cement Sammy’s reign. But if Cody can become a two-time TNT Champion, and on Christmas night, a night Dusty Rhodes once reigned supreme, it’d be a very special moment. Sammy says, “You think this is gonna be your present? Hell no!” All Cody’s getting is coal and an ass kicking. Will the Spanish God reign on the American Nightmare’s holidays?


Dan Lambert & The Men of the Year are in the nosebleeds.

Lambert quotes Shakespeare, “Heavy is the head that wears the crown.” Kings and queens of yesteryear knew that their position to make decisions over the lives of other people was not just a great privilege, but also a responsibility for justice. Lambert doesn’t expect people here to understand that. Their greatest difficulties are whether or not to download the latest updates on their cellphones, or to turn off the light in the mother’s basement and get outta the house. But to leaders like himself, Lambert knows those words ring true today. He leads the most successful MMA gym on the planet! He knows that every decision he makes must be fair to create a level playing field so the most successful are also the most deserving.

But Tony CONMAN is the flipside to that! Khan uses the buddy system! If you’re his buddy, you’re an EVP and you get every chance to shine. If not, it’s opening match status or backstage vignettes for the rest of your career. Scorpio Sky was one of the first AEW World Tag Team Champions. He’s the only man to pin Chris Jericho twice. Ethan Page has dressed better, wrestled better and won better than anybody since he got here. Yet these two studs are stuck on the sidelines Christmas night watching Cody get yet another title shot, against Sammy Guevara. If that doesn’t prove Lambert’s point, here’s the most blatant example of all of how Khan sets someone he doesn’t like up for failure.

Just look how they’re treating Lambert! “Put yourself in an impossible situation. An utterly hopeless condition. Given an assignment you can never successfully complete! He actually wants me to get you to cheer for Cody Rhodes!” The Men of the Year laugh as Lambert says Cody’s a bigger dick than Lambert! “Newsflash: I don’t give a damn who you cheer for or who you boo. I don’t care if it’s Cody or Sammy standing tall at the end of that match on Christmas night. My only concern is that one of these guys gets the next title match. And when they do, we won’t need any help from the owner of the company to bring that title back to American Top Team!”

Lambert leaves it at that as the Closer and All Ego both claim next. Will either of them be ready for whoever comes out of Holiday Bash Part 2 the TNT Champion?


Schiavone interviews Britt Baker backstage.

Britt says Merry Christmas and wishes us a Happy AEW Holiday Bash. Ew, was that a bug on her chair? They’re never coming back to Greensboro. Schiavone wanted to talk about Battle of the Belts and Britt’s title match with Riho. Britt’s never beaten Riho 1v1. Yeah, well, she’s bigger, stronger and most importantly, the AEW Women’s World Champion, and she also has Jamie Hayter by her side. Uh, Rebel’s here, too. Well, even Hayter lost to Riho recently. Hayter slashes her throat at Schiavone for that comment. Britt says if they’re going to bring up the past, then let’s talk about all of 2021. You can’t bring up this year without calling it the Era of the DMD.

And here’s why: Britt didn’t slide in and take someone’s spot, and she didn’t inherit a throne. In fact, Britt built her own throne and her own kingdom! She’s built the division from the ground up, and she’s a pillar of this entire company! She is the pulse of AEW! And if you think 2022 is going to start with Riho, that little brat who just gets a title match whenever she wants, dethroning Britt, you have another thing coming. Riho should’ve just stayed under the bottom rope at All Out. Britt knows Riho wants a title for Christmas, but Riho’s outta her league. “You’ll shoot your eye out, kid.” Merry Christmas from Yours Truly, Britt Baker, DMD.


AEW looks back on Owen Hart.

To Mark Henry, Owen Hart represented family. Owen taught Mark a lot about how to get into the business. If someone ribs you, rib ’em back. Adam Cole says Owen was very influential. He made Cole appreciate the technical side of pro-wrestling. Cole loved watching Owen and Bret, and then Owen in NJPW. Owen was one of the best. Matt Hardy says Owen’s mark on the industry is showing the smaller, athletic and acrobatic wrestlers are absolutely important to pro-wrestling. 2point0 saw Owen Hart as the coolest guy, it was mind-blowing.

Hardy adds Owen was a groundbreaker, an innovator, and he really opened up the style of pro-wrestling, especially for “smaller” guys, the ones who weren’t 6’8″ and 380 pounds. Eddie Kingston, the way he grew up, a real man takes care of his family. That was Owen Hart. Dusty Rhodes says Owen was an incredible family man, an incredible wrestler and story teller, as well as ribber. One of the all time greats. Mark says Owen will go down as someone who brought fun and life to pro-wrestling. Shawn Spears says everyone should strive to be that kind of person. If you’re as gifted as Owen, and to have a beautiful soul, how much more can you ask for?

Cole says the reason Owen’s legacy will go on is because of how you constantly hear about the kind of man he was. Those who shared a locker room with him tell stories of how wonderful he was, and so it isn’t just about what he did in the ring, but who he was as a person.


TBS Championship Tournament Semifinal: Nyla Rose w/ Vickie Guerrero VS Ruby Soho!

The Native Beast got a first round bye and crushed Hikaru Shida. But the Runaway fought her way from round one against Penelope Ford to then defeat the Galaxy’s Greatest Alien, Kris Statlander. Will Ruby keep that run going? Or will she be eaten alive by this Vicious Vixen?

But while Ruby’s on the ropes waving to the fans, Nyla attacks! The bell rings as Nyla stomps away then throws body shots! Nyla pulls Ruby’s jacket off, stomps her down, then rains down fists! Fans boo, Nyla drags Ruby up and CLUBS her down! Nyla says Ruby’s’ jacket is stupid cuz it can’t even come off properly. Ruby finally gets free of her jacket, and she fires off CHOPS and forearms on Nyla! Ruby stomps a foot, sobats then front kicks, but runs into a SWAT! Nyla stomps Ruby more, then claws Ruby’s face! The ref reprimands and counts, Nyla lets off to bump Ruby off buckles. Nyla TOSSES Ruby corner to corner, then drags Ruby up to whip to ropes.

Ruby tilt-o-whirls through, and has the cording hold! Ruby fires off forearms and elbows, then ducks the clothesline. But Nyla blocks the STO with pure power, to URENAGE Ruby right down! Nyla drags Ruby back up, reels her in, but Ruby fights free to wrench, only for Nyla to CLOBBER her! Nyla drags Ruby back up, throws her out of the ring, and goes out after her. Nyla leaps from the apron to AX HANDLE Ruby down! Nyla fish hooks Ruby’s face to make her look at the camera and puppet her mouth. Ruby fights free to CHOP and CHOP back! Nyla kicks low, but Ruby blocks the apron bump to ROCK Nyla with forearms and uppercuts!

Ruby headbutts Nyla again and again and again as fans fire up! Vickie is furious as Ruby runs in, but Vickie gets Nyla out of the way! Ruby hits steps and Vickie laughs at Ruby’s pain. Nyla gets in the ring while AEW goes picture in picture.

Nyla goes back out to scoop and SLAM Ruby on the floor! Nyla then gets back in the ring to soak up the heat. Ruby writhes, a ring count starts, and it’s already 5 of 10 while Ruby is still down. Ruby drags herself up at and in at 7! Nyla scoops Ruby to SLAM her again! And then Nyla drops a leg! Cocky one hand cover, TWO! Nyla is frustrated, so she takes Ruby’s hand and BITES it! The ref reprimands, Nyla stops, then drags Ruby up. Ruby throws body shots and forearms, then she whips. Nyla blocks with power, whips Ruby to a corner, but Ruby elbows her back! Ruby goes up to headscissors, but Nyla pops her up to an Electric Chair!

Ruby fights back, but Nyla blocks the Poison-Rana to INVERTED ALABAMA SLAM Ruby into buckles! The ref checks on Ruby but somehow she’s okay to continue. Nyla drags her to a cover, TWO!! Ruby lives and Nyla is annoyed. Nyla stands on Ruby’s hand while raining down rights! Cover, TWO! Vickie shouts at the ref but Nyla drags Ruby up to scoop and SLAM again. Nyla runs and SPLASHES onto knees! AEW returns to single picture as Ruby LARIATS! Nyla stays up, so Ruby LARIATS again! Ruby dodges Nyla, blocks a kick to KNEE and SUPERKICK and ENZIGURI! Fans fire up with Ruby as she runs at the ropes, but Nyla blocks the monkey flip!

Nyla bounces Ruby off ropes, but Ruby uses that to TORNADO DDT! Cover, TWO!! Ruby is beside herself as Nyla bails out. Ruby goes to the apron, but Nyla looks under the ring? Nyla gets a chair! But Ruby DROPKICKS it into Nyla’s face! Vickie is upset while Nyla is down on the outside! Fans rally up, Ruby drags Nyla up and into the ring. Ruby climbs a corner, the ref checks on Nyla, and Vickie gets up on the apron to shove Ruby down! Ruby hotshots off ropes, and Nyla hurries to get Ruby draped over them! Nyla goes up, FLYING KNEE! Cover, TWO?!? Vickie is fuming and Nyla is shocked! Ruby clutches her arm, the ref has Nyla stay back.

The ref checks on Ruby but Ruby refuses to quit. So Nyla drags Ruby up to wrench and hammerlock the arm, to RAM it into the buckles! Nyla runs in, but Ruby BOOTS her! Ruby fires forearms with the good arm, and even CHOPS! Nyla CHOPS, then scoops Ruby, but Ruby turns that to a dragon sleeper! Nyla calls to Vickie, the ref is busy with Vickie again! Ruby lets Nyla go and then KICKS Vickie down! Nyla gets Ruby up for a BEAST BOMB!! Cover, TWO?!?!? HOW?!?! Nyla is foaming at the mouth! Nyla drags Ruby but Greensboro is thunderous! Nyla drags Ruby up the corner, but Ruby turns that into a SUPER NO FUTURE!!! Cover, Ruby wins!!!

Winner: Ruby Soho, by pinfall (advances to the finals)

Ruby took on Nyla and Vickie and she still won, with just one arm! But is Ruby just one win away from being the first-ever AEW TBS Champion?


Serena Deeb speaks.

After Hikaru Shida used the loose turnbuckle against Deeb, Deeb asks, “How can you call yourself a winner after what you did to me last week? You cheated your way to another tainted victory!” Shida has never decisively beaten Deeb, and this is far from over! This will go on and on until Deeb finishes her! Next time, Shida will be begging Khan to keep Deeb away from her for good! A bit revisionist from the Woman of 1000 Holds, but is nothing going to hold her back from breaking the Full Metal Warrior?


Malakai Black VS Griff Garrison w/ Brian Pillman Jr!

Talk about a nightmare before Christmas! The Dark Father stained Julia Hart with the dark mist, and the Ivy League MVP is furious over it! Will Griff avenge the Varsity Blond’s two-time cheerleading champion? Or will he be the next soul to Fade to Black?

The bell rings and Griff goes right at Malakai, but gets a ROUNDHOUSE for it! Griff goes down and sits up in a daze. Malakai crouches to talk to Griff, then runs, to go out and target BPJ! BPJ throws off his jacket, he’s ready! But then Griff DIVES and takes Malakai down at the ramp! Griff gets Malakai in, throws forearms, and Greensboro is behind their hometown hero! Griff fires off, but spins into Malakai’s KICK! And another! And another! Malakai then hits body scissor takedown to have the HEEL HOOK! Griff endures, scrambles over and gets the ROPEBREAK! Malakai holds on until 4, then takes his time. Fans rally for Griff and Griff ROCKS Malakai back!

Malakai fires off strikes and then KICKS away in the corner! Malakai throws a forearm then KICKS the leg! Malakai wants the leg but Griff hits back, so Malakai KICKS again. Malakai whips but Griff reverses to send Malakai into ropes! Malakai sputters, fans rally up, and Malakai storms over, into a BOOT! Griff hits a ROLLING ELBOW! Cover, TWO!! Malakai survives that Ivy League level elbow, but Griff gets him up for a back suplex. But Malakai fights that and Griff’s leg gives out! Malakai KICKS that leg, then JUMP KNEES Griff right down! Griff sits up, flounders, but Malakai kicks his arm away.

Malakai lifts Griff with his foot, but then kisses him goodnight before going after that leg! DEEP HALF CRAB!! Griff taps, Malakai wins!

Winner: Malakai Black, by submission

Malakai won’t stop, either! BPJ gets in and shoves Malakai away. BPJ checks on Griff, but turns around into the BLACK MASS!! BPJ goes down, Black has destroyed the Blonds! What more will Malakai do to tear down the shining lights in AEW?


Matt Hardy & Private Party speak.

“Jurassic Express, what an adorable moment you shared with the Lucha Bros.” Marq Quen mockingly says it almost made him cry. But congratulations, Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus are still #1 contenders to the tag team titles. But Hardy wants to see Private Party to take that from them! So for Christmas Rampage, Isiah Kassidy will pound Jungle Boy’s ass, and even injure him! Kassidy pretends to get a phone call, and he says that all he has to do is take JB out, and Private Party are the new #1 contenders. Nice! If JB is injured, that status is DELETED!

Jurassic Express & Christian Cage respond.

Kassidy thinks he’s going to pound JB’s ass? Don’t think so. What is going to happen is that Jurassic Express will wake up on Christmas morning, open their presents, hit the boards real quick, then head to the arena. JB will bring a big lump of coal to shove up Kassidy’s ass! And after Rampage, Kassidy will be spittin’ out diamonds. Christian adds that “those two little dipshits, Private Party can wear as many watches as they want. It will never be their time so long as Jurassic Express is here!” The Hardy Family Office won’t walk away with Jurassic Express’ #1 contender spot, but it is Christmas. They should get something nice, so how about going to AEW Shop and buying some of these limited edition Jurassic Express Christmas shirts? Merry Christmas!


Six Man Tag: MJF & FTR VS CM Punk, Darby Allin & Sting!

Max, Dax & Cash claim they’re family, living legends, and the top guys of AEW. But will they be able to win without using that Dynamite Diamond Ring, those AAA Tag Team Championships or Tully Blanchard? Or is MJFTR just SOL against the Best in the World, the Relentless One & The Icon?

The trios sort out, MJF starts against Punk. Punk’s sporting the Bladerunner surfer Sting face paint from the 90s and fans are fired up as Punk and MJF circle. MJF then tags out to Dax and fans boo. MJF soaks up the heat like he did something great, and Dax circles with Punk. Dax gets to a corner as fans chant for Punk. Dax and Punk tie up, Punk puts Dax back in the corner, but Dax powers his way out to get a headlock and takeover. Punk headscissors, Dax kips free and hits another headlock takeover, only for Punk to headscissor again. Dax kips free again, hits a third headlock takeover, but Punk again headscissors, and again Dax kips free.

Dax shoves Punk, but Punk smirks and shoves back. Dax SLAPS Punk, so Punk SLAPS Dax! MJF & Cash hurry to Dax’s side but Sting & Darby are ready behind Punk. The ref has the teams back off, Punk and Dax tie up again. Dax headlocks, Punk powers out but Dax runs him over. Things keep moving, Punk hip tosses Dax down! And then arm-drags! Punk wrenches the arm, has the wristlock, but Dax ROCKS him with a forearm! Tag to Cash, but Cash runs into a scoop and SLAM! Punk wrenches Cash’s arm, tags in Darby, and Darby grinds the headlock. Cash powers out, drops down, then CLOBBERS Darby with an elbow! MJF dares fans to chant for Darby now!

Cash drags Darby up to ROCK him with a EuroUpper! Cash brings Darby in to scoop but Darby slips out and drop steps to dropkick! Then a deep arm-drag, a wrench and a wristlock! Cash gets away before Darby can tag out. Fans chant, “We Want Sting!” but MJF tags in. MJF dares Darby to tag someone, and Punk gets in! MJF bails out and runs away! They go around the ring, MJF tags to Cash, but Punk is ready! Cash stays back, fans boo, Punk and Cash knuckle lock. Cash kicks the arm, wrenches it and has the wristlock. Punk fights up, pushes through to wrench and wristlock back! Punk points to him, and tags in STIIIING!

Fans go nuts as Sting wrenches the arm and YANKS it! And YANKS it, and YANKS it! Cash kicks back, whips, but Sting reverses to send Cash at the corner. Cash bumps off buckles, Sting sweeps the legs! Sting grabs those legs but Cash bails out to regroup with Dax. MJF joins FTR to talk it out, but Sting storms over. Cash hotshots Sting down! Tag to MJF, MJF CHOPS, but Sting doesn’t even flinch! MJF grins and dusts Sting off, trying to make nice. MJF gives a thumbs up, Sting grabs that arm! MJF reaches out, Sting brings MJF over, but MJF fights his way back! They tug-o-war, Sting short arm LARIATS MJF down! Tag to Punk, MJF scrambles away! The chase is on again!

MJF goes to the crowd! Punk pursues but MJF is hauling ass up the stairs! They go to the back, run around in the concourse, and then return, going down other steps. They’re heading back for ringside, and MJF baseball slides into the ring! Tag to Cash, MJFTR scramble and Punk has FTR in the way. So Darby DIVES and bowls them all over!! Fans are fired up as AEW goes picture in picture!

Darby drags Cash up and puts him in the ring. Punk kicks Cash around, brings him over and bumps him off buckles. Punk fires forearms again and again, then tags Darby. They mug Cash, Darby fires off, then tags Sting. Sting gets to mug Cash now, and he brings Cash around for a BELL CLAP! And CLAWS to the back! Cash goes to the apron, Sting drags him up to suplex back in! Tag to Punk, he stays between Cash and the corner to stomp him down. Punk hits a RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Cover, TWO! Dax gets in to talk trash but Punk keeps Cash down with a cording hold. Punk slaps Cash around, puts him in a corner and climbs up to rain down fists! Punk gets all ten!

Punk hops off to then DECK Cash with a right hand! Cover, TWO! Punk keeps Cash down with a facelock and brings him over. Tag to Darby, they mug Cash more, and Darby fires off knees! The ref reprimands the hair pulling but Darby CHOPS Cash in the corner. Darby cravats and has a standing neck wrench but Cash endures. AEW returns to single picture, Cash reaches out, Dax tags in. Darby throws Cash away to fire off on MJF and Dax! JAWBREAKER for Dax, but Cash FLAPJACK HOTSHOTS Darby! Darby tumbles to apron then to floor, Dax gets Darby up to whip him into railing! MJF stomps away on Darby and then Dax drags Darby up.

Dax suplexes Darby high and hard to the floor, and MJF gloats, “That’s what it’s all about!” MJF puts Darby in for Cash, he tags Dax. Dax drags Darby around to drop the leg, drop the elbow, then drop a headbutt! Dax drags Darby up, tags Cash, and FTR mug Darby with double headbutts! Tag to MJF, he spits water at Punk! The ref is busy with Punk storming in and MJF CHOKES Darby in the corner! Dax adds on, then MJF snapmares Darby to a chinlock. Darby endures, fans rally up and Darby fights up! MJF rakes Darby’s eyes! MJF scoops and SLAMS Darby, then tags Dax. Dax drags Darby up, CHOPS him to ropes, then scoops him to SLAM him again!

Tag to Cash, he steps on Darby’s face! Cash drags Darby up to scoop and SLAM! Tag to MJF, MJF drags Darby up while taunting Punk. MJF scoops to SLAM Darby, steps on his face, and tags Dax. Dax taunts Darby to go tag his partners, and MJF soaks up the heat. Dax scoops and SLAMS Darby again! Tag back to Cash, he stays between Darby and his corner, then taunts Darby to get up. Punk rallies the fans, Cash scoops Darby but Darby makes it a cradle! TWO!! Cash runs in but misses and hits buckles! Darby scoops and SLAMS Cash! Both men are down and fans are thunderous! Hot tag to Sting! Sting rallies on FTR while MJF stays away!

Sting whips Dax corner to corner to bump him off buckles again and again, all three levels! Cash runs in but Sting dodges to then BACK DROP him! MJF runs in, to get a SPINEBUSTER! Sting back bumps Dax, to then STINGER SPLASH Cash! And then one for Dax! Cash runs in but is sent into Dax! Sting holds them back, for Darby to COFFIN SPLASH them both! Punk runs in to SHINING WIZARD them both! Sting then runs in to STINGER SPLASH Dax! Dax flops down, Sting gets the legs! SCORPION DEATHLOCK! But Cash distracts the ref and MJF has Sting for a BULLDOG! Fans boo but Dax covers, TWO! MJF grins while AEW goes picture in picture again.

Dax puts Sting in a corner, throws EuroUppers, but Sting hits back with haymakers! They go back and forth, Sting gets the edge but Dax drop toeholds to then tag in Cash! Cash stomps Sting down, tags MJF, and Cash holds Sting up so MJF can wind up, and rake the eyes! MJF soaks up the heat, then he stomps Sting’s leg! MJF taunts Punk, the ref has to keep him back again, and then MJF CHOKES Sting! MJF covers, TWO! MJF drags Sting over, wrenches, and tags in Dax. They mug Sting, Dax wrenches and wrangles Sting to the mat. Dax thrashes the arm, but Sting endures and fights up. Dax knuckle locks, but Sting fights up, and AEW goes to break.

AEW returns again and Cash has Sting in a cobra twist. Sting endures, fans rally up, and Sting throws Cash off! Cash runs in, DOUBLE LARIATS take both men down! Fans rally, the two men crawl, hot tag to Dax! Dax fires off on Sting in a corner, then whips him corner to corner. Dax mocks Sting and runs in, but into a scoop and SLAM! Sting flounders but Cash helps Dax get back to the corner. MJF tags in to keep Sting from the corner, but Sting hits a BULLDOG in return! Cash grabs at Sting, but Sting falls, head first into MJF’s nuts! MJF writhes in pain, but he manages to tag in Cash. But Sting tags in Punk! Punk jumps in, rallies on FTR, CALF KICK for Cash!

Punk dodges Dax to CALF KICK him! SHINING WIZARD for Cash, SHINING WIZARD for Dax in the other! BULLDOG CLOTHESLINE COMBO! Punk keeps going and he DIVES out onto Dax! Punk then goes to the corner, climbs up top, and CROSSBODIES Cash! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up with Punk as he says it’s time for bed! Punk gets Cash up, but Cash holds ropes! Dax saves Cash and tags, but Punk still fights FTR off with forearms! ROUNDHOUSE for Cash, then a spin and NECKBREAKER for Dax! Cover, TWO! Punk goes back to the corner, but Cash anchors his foot! Punk kicks Cash away, adjusts, but Dax trips him up!

Dax CHOPS Punk, climbs up top to join him, but Punk fights back with body shots! MONGOLIAN CHOPS! Dax fires forearms, Punk gives them back! They brawl up top, Dax wobbles and Punk DECKs him! But Dax gets right back up, Cash tags in! SUPERPLEX and FLYING SPLASH! The Power Play works out, Dax DECKS Sting and Darby! Cash covers, TWO!! Punk survives and FTR is frustrated! Cash DECKS Sting off the apron again, tag to Dax. FTR drags Punk up to double whip, but Punk ducks, and Darby runs in to CROSSBODY Cash and himself out of the ring! Punk O’Conner Rolls Dax, TWO! MJF and Darby CRASH into the timekeeper’s table on the outside!

Dax ROCKS Punk with a right! Punk ROUNDHOUSES Dax down! Fans fire up as both men are on the mat and a standing count begins! Darby crawls from the wreckage, MJF is right behind him. Punk and Dax throw forearm after forearm, then even haymakers! Dax has a busted eyebrow but he’s just firing off more! Punk fires forearms, but spins into a HAYMAKER! Dax runs, into a fireman’s carry! But Dax blocks the GTS, Cash gets in, BIG RIG!! Sting gets in to break the cover! Sting DECKS Cash, but MJF slithers in! MJF kicks Sting, reels him in and smirks, to DDT! But Sting’s right back up while MJF gloats! MJF runs away but Sting YANKS the ropes to jam MJF’s junk!!

Sting brings MJF back in to CHOP and whip to HIP TOSS MJF out onto FTR!! The ref hurries to check on MJF, who hit hard at the railing. But Sting climbs up to aim at FTR! SUPER CROSSBODY onto the Pinnacle!!! Greensboro is losing their minds for the Icon throwing caution to the wind! Sting gets MJF up and in for Punk. MJF flounders, Punk says it’s time for bed! But Dax gets MJF out, and Punk fireman’s carries! G T S, to SCORPION DEATH LOCK! Darby is up top, COFFIN DROP!! Punk covers, Punk’s team wins!!

Winners: CM Punk, Darby Allin & Sting, by pinfall

That was definitely clobbering time! The Best in the World, the Relentless One & The Icon stand tall, but MJF complains on commentary that Punk was the one avoiding him the entire match! MJF says CM Punk is a literal punk and a coward! If that’s so, then when and where will MJF finally back up his words and take on CM Punk?

My Thoughts:

Another great Dynamite, but not much of a holiday related one. Britt’s Christmas party with Schiavone was just that interview, and she was in a comfy armchair with a glass of wine, barely anything else to make it a party. Though I suppose it works in kayfabe as no one else likes Britt. But she had a good promo to hype up her title match with Riho for Battle of the Belts, that is going to be a really good one, but I would think Britt retains. She did have a good point that Riho isn’t always around from how Riho goes back and forth between Japan and the US. We got a great TBS Championship Tournament match out of Nyla VS Ruby, and they did a great job making Ruby’s win a hard earned one.

Speaking of Battle of the Belts, but what is the world title supposed to do if they’re giving us Hangman VS Bryan II on the Dynamite before? Bryan and Hangman had a good promo segment to hype up the rematch, and I do like that Hangman brought up a lot of great alternates for their rematch’s stipulation. Honestly, I forgot until Bryan brought up judges that there were judges at Jericho VS Cody, where Cody lost all rights to challenge for the top title. Will something screwy happen in the rematch to where they’ll give us the third just days later at Battle of the Belts? Or will there be a decisive winner and then they immediately bring up the next contender?

We got an awesome vignette for people to share their feelings about Owen Hart and also plug the Owen Hart Foundation tournaments. I never got a chance to watch him myself, but it’s just as they said: you hear about Owen from those who did know him and can attest to how great he was as both wrestler and person. We got a really good vignette to hype up Sammy VS Cody for Christmas, but I do have to admit Lambert had a good promo to point out the kayfabe of Cody getting stuff just because. Cody really could pile on the heat from the fans by winning on Christmas, and then take on Scorpio and Ethan in consecutive matches and see how fans react to that. It’d be really something if it was either this Christmas Rampage match or the Men of the Year that brought out Cody’s true Heel nature.

We got great stuff all in one segment for the Elite tonight with how Cole VS Cassidy went down. All logical stuff with Best Friends thwarting The Bucks, and then Fish trying it, to then give us the AEW debut of Kyle O’Reilly! For one, this was a given, and I like that we’re already getting this feeling of Cole having to choose between The Elite and the Undisputed Era. Or to put it another way, Cole has to choose between Bullet Club and NJPW or ROH and Future Shock. I really hope this means that when Omega returns, we end up with Elite OG VS Undisputed Era, that is going to be awesome stuff. Also, getting reDRagon back together when WWE dropped the ball in the latter days of NXT 1.0 is a great win for AEW.

We got a good back and forth in the promos from Hardy Family Office and Jurassic Express to hype up some of that, but I would think that’s Jungle Boy’s win. We also got great stuff from Malakai Black and the Varsity Blonds. I almost thought this was going to be where Malakai’s faction started coming together but I guess we’re getting that more for New Year’s Smash or the TBS debut. Deeb had a good promo to hype up the fact that she and Shida are going to be having an extended series of matches. And then we got great stuff out of The Pinnacle. Really good group promo and the passive aggressive disrespect towards Wardlow.

And then of course, we got an awesome Six Man main event, and holy crap MJF taking that bit of a header. Everybody was going pretty hot by the end, but that was the scarier moment in the match. The Faces win, of course, to put it on MJF to man up and face Punk 1v1. I’m also thinking, maybe FTR take on Darby & Sting 2v2. Maybe with the AAA titles on the line? And FTR can even cheat Darby & Sting so that a team signed with AAA can be the ones to dethrone FTR.

My Score: 9.3/10

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AEW Coverage

Mitchell’s AEW Dynamite Results & Report! (7/24/24)

The violent tradition returns!



The word of the day is, “VIOLENCE!”

Blood & Guts returns again, and Team AEW looks to take down The Elite once and for all! Will Swerve, Darby, Mark Briscoe & The Acclaimed stand tall? Or will they be able to stand at all?


  • FTW Championship: Chris Jericho VS Minoru Suzuki; Jericho wins and retains the title.
  • Britt Baker VS Hikaru Shida; Britt wins.
  • PAC VS Beefcake Boulder w/ The Iron Savages; Pac wins.
  • Mariah May VS Kaitland Alexis; Mariah wins.
  • Blood & Guts: The Elite VS Team AEW; Team AEW wins.


Alex Marvez waits in a parking lot.

He is in the hotel parking garage, hoping for a scoop from Will Ospreay after last week’s devastating loss to MJF in the International Championship match. However, Ospreay goes right past Marvez and Marvez hurries after. Marvez asks for a comment but Ospreay says he’ll tell everyone what he has to say, once he arrives at the arena. Except someone slashed his tire! Three guesses who. Ospreay asks if Marvez rented a car. He did. Then hand over the keys! What? O-Okay. Marvez hands over the keys, Ospreay has him carry the luggage, and they hurry to Marvez’s rental. They get in and Marvez asks if Ospreay’s driven in America. NOPE! Uh oh.

Ospreay peels out of the parking garage, hoping to make it to Bridgestone Arena before the show is over! Will he have plenty to say after what the Wolf of Wrestling (or rather, weasel) did last week?


Cheerleaders line the ramp…?

They ask Nashville to give them an M! “M!” Give them a J! “J!” Give them an F! “F!” What’s that spell? M J F! That’s right, the NEW International Champion makes his way out, all smiles as he wears the belt he stol- er, won last week on Dynamite. He of course has them cut his music so he can talk. And he stands in the ring on camera left, with a podium, and something under a black cloth. MJF says, “Ospreay did not hit the Tiger Driver 91 because he is a gutless coward. The fact that you mouth breathers actually thought he could beat me when he couldn’t even beat that shmuck, Swerve, is laughable.”

The fans boo but MJF says by the way, Shane, MJF hasn’t forgotten about his world championship. And MJF is telling you now… The fans tell MJF to STFU first. MJF continues by saying he is just waiting for his moment to pounce. If he were Swerve, he’d pray to God that that moment never comes. See, when the spotlight is on MJF, MJF shines bright like a diamond, baby. He kisses the Dynamite Diamond Ring, the very item that helped him win, and MJF says that when the spotlight is on our “wittle hewo,” Ospreay, Ospreay MELTS. MJF beat Will Ospreay without breaking a damn sweat. Easiest match of his life!

And MJF did it quickly, efficiently, and wrestling analysts are saying it is the most dominant victory of all time. Not his words, all theirs. The fans boo these blatant lies, but MJF says ordinarily, a lot of people would tell Ospreay to burn those brittle as hell indie kick pads and just retire, but that’s not good enough. If it were MJF, he’d take a long walk off a short pier. But lucky for Ospreay, his grandma died recently, right? The fans boo MJF bringing up Ospreay’s nan, but MJF says just dig a grave next to hers. Bro tip: dig it a football field away from the old lady. That fat skank needs all the room she can get!

The fans boo while MJF laughs at his own insult. He then tells the fans to shut up. If Ospreay doesn’t like the facts MJF has to say, then he should come on out here and face him like a man. Oh wait, Ospreay won’t, because he’s worthless. Or because his car got sabotaged and Ospreay’s on his way. MJF says speaking of worthless, let’s talk this International Championship. The fans love this belt because it was held by “workhorses” who would come out here week in and week out, trying to earn their affection by putting in the work. Barf! What a joke. Working hard is for poors like all of the fans. Fans tell MJF he’s an a-hole in return.

MJF says people like this belt because it was held by “international talent.” MJF would have to sit back and watch the fans pretend that anyone outside of our great nation matters to them, and honestly, they’re unpatriotic and treasonous. MJF nods and says he deserves a title worthy of his superior intellect, his superior bank account, and his superior upbringing. This title, much like Daniel Garcia, “Willy Boy” and all these White trash hicks in Nashville, is nothing more than garbage. And down that belt goes into a trash can! The fans boo but MJF goes to his podium. MJF deserves a title that symbolizes the best wrestler in the world, and the best country in the world.

Newsflash: he does not mean that “third world cesspool” of a country known as the United Kingdom. So ladies and gentlemen, please rise for the brand new AEW American Championship! The cloth is taken away to reveal the belt, and it admittedly looks good. Fans chant “U S A! U S A!” MJF says while he appreciates those chants, when he talks America, he isn’t talking “Nasty Ass Nashville.” No, MJF is talking about real America. The only America that matters: the most magical place in the world, Plainview, Long Island, New York!

The fans boo but MJF says God bless the USA, God bless this American Championship, but also God bless your American hero, Maxwell Jacob Friedman. Thank him later. MJF holds up the belt and has red, white and blue streamers fly. There’s even an American flag with 50 MJFs on it! Wait! Ospreay rushes into the ring! MJF goes running, belt in hand and tail tucked between his legs! Ospreay grabs his mic and tells MJF, “You can try your best to feed everyone horse *hit, but we ain’t eatin’ it! I was in that match so allow me to tell everyone what was going through your damn mind at minute 59, when you were breathin’ out your ass, and you can’t stand it!

“And there is no way in your mind you knew that you could beat me. So you reached into your trunks, went past your tiny little d… And you pulled out that diamond ring and cracked it over my skull. You would’ve rather had cheated than admit that a guy like me is on your level.” MJF defends his innocence, but Ospreay tells him that Ospreay has the best news for him. This will put a smile on MJF’s face! Ospreay had a meeting with Tony Khan and Christopher Daniels. And guess what? Ospreay’s getting a rematch! MJF doesn’t understand, but Ospreay says he also has that rematch… on home soil!!

Ospreay tells MJF that Sunday, August 25th, it will be Ospreay VS MJF fort the International Championship at All In!! The fans fire up, MJF says he didn’t agree to that! But that doesn’t matter, he has to do it! Ospreay makes sure to get the International Championship belt out of the trash and clean it off. Who will stand tall at the end of this war in Wembley?


AEW goes backstage.

Referee Bryce Remsburg has the official Blood & Guts coin to determine which team gets advantage for the main event. But when Bryce walks into the room, he finds The Elite standing around Christopher Daniels on the floor! They claim they found him like this. Matthew Jackson also adds that The Elite has their own coin, “AEW” on one side and “Elite” on the other. Matt flips the coin, the ref confirms, Elite wins the advantage! Wait, where is Hangman? Isn’t he supposed to be here? Matt tells the guys relax. They made a deal with Hangman, he’ll honor that deal. Now let’s go get it, boys! Blood & Guts! By the way, Matt was using a two-sided coin.

The EVPs found a way to rig things in their favor, but will having the man-up advantage really help them #ManUp against Mark Briscoe, Darby Allin, The Acclaimed & Swerve Strickland?


FTW Championship: Chris Jericho VS Minoru Suzuki!

The Learning Tree has been champion for 95 days, but not without a little bit of help from his Branches. However, Tony Khan thought ahead, and has decided to prune those Branches by banning Big Bill & Bryan Keith from ringside! Jericho will have to face the Meanest Man in the World all by himself, will nothing save him from being chopped down? Or does The Wizard have one more trick up his sleeve?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who destroys the other “For The World?”

The bell rings and the fans rally as the two circle. Suzuki eggs Jericho on, but Jericho waves hi to the fans. Jericho steps up, he and Suzuki talk some smack, and then Jericho CHOPS! Suzuki shrugs, then CHOPS in return! Jericho CHOPS, but Suzuki smirks. Suzuki CHOPS, Jericho CHOPS, repeat! Suzuki eggs Jericho on more, so Jericho CHOPS! Suzuki CHOPS, Jericho CHOPS, and Suzuki just laughs! Suzuki CHOPS, taunts Jericho, so Jericho CHOPS! Suzuki likes that, and the CHOPS keep going!

The fans fire up and cheer Suzuki with every CHOP! Suzuki eggs Jericho on some more, so Jericho waves “Hi~!” and CHOPS! Suzuki smiles and waves back, to CHOP! Jericho is stinging in pain, but he CHOPS again! Suzuki just grins as he dares Jericho to keep going. Jericho CHOPS, but Suzuki doesn’t flinch! Jericho CHOPS! Suzuki CHOPS, CHOPS, and CHOPS Jericho into a corner! The CHOPS keep going, and the fans fire up! Jericho is stinging, and he steps into the other ring! Suzuki pursues, drags Jericho back, and he CHOPS! Jericho’s chest is already bloody, Suzuki pushes him into the first ring.

Jericho CHOPS, CHOPS and CHOPS! Suzuki just laughs it off and the fans boo Jericho. Jericho gets mad, but Suzuki puts his hands back. Jericho CHOPS, CHOPS and CHOPS, but that just hurts his hand! Suzuki brings Jericho around to CHOP again! And again! Those are high, too! Suzuki CHOPS, Jericho CHOPS, repeat! The fans “WOO~!” as the CHOPS just keep going! Jericho’s CHOPS are slowing down, fans chant “CHOP FOREVER!” Suzuki CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS! Jericho backs away, and Suzuki cheers with the fans! Jericho snarls, talks some smack back, “Are you crazy?!” Suzuki says yes!

Jericho CHOPS, Suzuki grins, repeat. Suzuki CHOPS, Jericho CHOPS, repeat! Suzuki CHOPS Jericho into the corner again, then CHOPS so hard, Jericho falls over! The fans fire up and Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Jericho stands up and Suzuki eggs him on. Jericho says Suzuki has to be insane, and he CHOPS! Suzuki CHOPS, Jericho CHOPS, repeat! They CHOP and CHOP and CHOP, and Jericho gets frustrated. The CHOPS just keep going! Jericho flips Suzuki off then CHOPS, CHOPS and CHOPS! Suzuki CHOPS again and Jericho staggers away to a corner. Suzuki grins, Jericho CHOPS! Suzuki CHOSP, eggs Jericho on, so Jericho CHOPS! Suzuki CHOPS and Jericho staggers. Jericho comes back, the CHOPS keep going, and Suzuki again backs Jericho to a corner. The fans fire up as the CHOPS just keep going!

Jericho sits down in the corner, the ref checks him, and Suzuki fires the fans up again. Jericho’s chest is only redder, but so is Suzuki’s. Jericho stands, CHOPS, but Suzuki CHOSP! The CHOP fest is far from over as they just keep going! Jericho gets the edge, but Suzuki is unfazed! He CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS! Jericho goes to ropes, but he comes back to CHOP, CHOP and CHOP! Suzuki revels in it, but Jericho is tiring out! That’s when Suzuki CHOPS again! Suzuki CHOPS Jericho, Dynamite returns to single picture, and you better believe the CHOPS keep going! Jericho kicks low and fires a forearm!

The fans boo Jericho ruining the fun, but he soaks up the heat. Jericho runs, to LARIAT! Suzuki falls and Jericho celebrates like he’s already won! Jericho then triangle jumps but Suzuki steps back, and CHOPS! Jericho swings, into a HANGING ARMBAR! The fans fire up as there’s no ropebreaks here! Jericho flails, endures, but Suzuki lets go to then drag Jericho out of the ring. Suzuki SMACKS Jericho off the desk! The fans fire up as Suzuki grabs a chair and brings it over! Suzuki JAMS Jericho up, SMACKS him on the back, and Jericho hobbles away. Suzuki grabs a second chair, KICKS Jericho down, then puts Jericho’s hand through the chair!

Suzuki grabs the first chair, he’s going to do Jericho like Jericho did Shibata! CON-CHAIR-TO on the arm! Jericho clutches his hand and Suzuki grins. The fans are thunderous, they want that “ONE MORE TIME!” Suzuki does one better and he bends the fingers! Suzuki brings Jericho over to the railing so fans can get a better look! Suzuki lets off, Taz sure loves this, and Suzuki eggs Jericho on. Jericho CHOPS, but that’s the bad hand! So Jericho CHOPS with the left! Suzuki ROCKS Jericho with a forearm! Suzuki puts Jericho in the ring, then grabs the bad hand to twist and wrangle Jericho into a FUJIWARA ARMBAR!

Suzuki bends the fingers again, Jericho suffers while he reaches out futilely for ropes! Jericho rolls, but Suzuki bends the fingers even more! Jericho CLAWS Suzuki’s face! The fans boo but Jericho hits a CODE BREAKER! Cover, ONE?!? Suzuki roars as he rises up and Jericho is shocked! Nashville is thunderous as Suzuki glares at Jericho. Jericho scowls back, and the forearms start flying! They go back and forth, Nashville still behind Suzuki. The two stand, Suzuki ROCKS Jericho, but Jericho hits back! And again! And again! Suzuki ROCKS Jericho and Jericho leans against ropes. Suzuki whips Jericho, follows him, shoots around, for the SLEEPER!

Jericho flails, but Suzuki spins him! But Jericho trips Suzuki! WALLS OF JERICHO! The fans boo as now Suzuki endures! Suzuki powers his way around and throws hands from below! Suzuki then BOOTS Jericho away, shoots around again, SLEEPER! Jericho flails, Suzuki spins him and reel shim in! Gotch hold, PILE- NO, Jericho fights free, and LOW BLOWS! The fans boo but it isn’t cheating this time! JUDAS EFFECT!! Cover, Jericho wins!

Winner: Chris Jericho, by pinfall (still FTW Champion)

It may not have been as extreme as other FTW Championship matches, but it was gritty, brutal and even downright nasty! But while Jericho holds up the belt, Suzuki rises to his feet! The Murder Grandpa snatches Jericho into a SLEEPER! And then the Gotch hold and PILEDRIVER!! The fans fire up as Suzuki stands tall, but here come Keith & Bill! No more ringside ban, and they beat Suzuki down! The fans boo as Bill & Keith CHOKE Suzuki! But wait! Here comes Shibata!! The Wrestler is 100%, and he also slides in from the crowd side! Shibata CLUBS Keith, CLUBS Bill, then ducks ‘n’ dodges Bill, to bait him into a DUMP to the outside!

Keith ROCKS Shibata, fans boo, but Shibata whips to kitchen sink knee! Shibata throws off his shirt, but the Branches go running! They regroup with The Learning Tree, will The Wrestler make them all pay for everything they’ve done?


Backstage interview with Willow Nightingale.

Renee Paquette is with the NEW CMLL Women’s World Champion, congratulates her on that win, and asks what it means to have that title on her shoulder. Willow says she’s traveled the world and… Stokely Hathaway walks over. Stokely says hi, then Kris Statlander attacks! The Galaxy’s Greatest Traitor beats Willow down, drags her back up, and smiles as she fireman’s carries Willow, for an F5 onto road cases! The Babe with the Power writhes, and Stokely says Willow knows why they’re here. Kris holds up the title and Stoke says next week on Dynamite, they have a Title Eliminator match for the CMLL Women’s World Championship.

Stokely asks Willow what she thinks, but Willow is in too much pain. Stokely says okay, she’ll let them know. Kris drops the belt onto Willow, but will Willow drop Kris when these two have it out in the ring?


Backstage interview with Bryan Danielson.

It was earlier today that The American Dragon shared a conversation he had with Doc Sampson. Bryan knew that to be All In ready, he needed to do this, eat that, but this week, Doc told Bryan that his neck is fixable, so they need to keep it that way. Bryan says he’s good, he’ll work hard, do his best, and just enjoy the moment. Wembley Stadium! How awesome is that, right? But then in steps Jeff Jarrett! Double J tells Bryan that he was over there with RJ City, and he just wants to say this: Bryan knows better than anyone that Jarrett was crushed not to have won The Owen Cup. But in hindsight, Bryan overcame the odds Jarrett didn’t, and Bryan was the perfect guy to win.

Bryan has a date with destiny, and Jarrett couldn’t have been more proud to be in Calgary than to have been there when Bryan raised the cup. Bryan thanks Jarrett, and Jarrett says Bryan has Wembley in the crosshairs. And he’s facing a champion in Swerve Strickland, who knows exactly what he needs to do, is dialed in and focused on keeping that title. Jarrett knows Bryan needs to rest up physically, but there’s also a lot of mental recovery to get done. Bryan can sit on the fence, maybe even have one foot out the door, or even make an excuse. But Jarrett wants Bryan to know that if he’s going All In, then he better go All In.

A lot of people believe in Bryan. Jarrett is at the top of that list. The Last Outlaw leaves and Renee asks where all that sits with Bryan. Bryan says a lot of that is true. He has work to do. Bryan thanks Renee for the time and heads out. What will The American Dragon do to prepare himself inside and out for The Realest AEW World Champion, Swerve Strickland?


Britt Baker VS Hikaru Shida!

The DMD returned to AEW at Forbidden Door, and has since then been calling out The CEO for a TBS Championship! But the Shining Samurai, a former THREE-TIME AEW Women’s World Champion, is not letting Britt just have what she wants! Will Shida stake her own claim to Mercedes Mone’s gold? Or will Britt prove herself more than worthy with a big return victory?

The bell rings, the fans rally up, and the two circle. They tie up, go around, and Shida powers Britt to ropes. The ref counts, Shida lets off but Britt avoids the forearm! The fans duel, “Let’s Go, Shida!” “D M D!” The two tie up and Britt wrenches to a hammerlock. Britt snapmares then ghost pins, TWO! Shida staggers up and Britt runs up to headlock. Shida fights the takeover, lifts Britt, but Britt fights the suplex. They end up in a corner, Shida stomps then whips. Britt stops herself, slips around to roll Shida, TWO! Britt hurries to clamp onto arms! Shida fights but Britt rolls her to another ghost pin, TWO! Shida has a cover, TWO!

Britt headscissors, Shida rolls free and then slips away. The fans cheer the standoff and the two reset. They approach, Shida kicks low and TOSSES Britt out. Shida storms out after Britt, but the two brawl. Shida KNEES low, RAMS Britt into railing, then brings her around the way to make her sit in a corner. Shida climbs up to rain down fists! The fans fire up and count, Shida goes all the way to TEN! Shida fires up, the fans fire up, and then Shida brings Britt back into the ring. Shida then puts Britt on the apron, gets space, and runs in to KNEE LIFT! Shida roars and the fans fire up more while Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Britt sputters, Shida drags her in and stomps her. Shida paces while Britt slowly sits up. Shida digs her knee into Britt against ropes, but the ref counts. Shida lets off, drags Britt up again, and CLUBS her on the back. Shida then scoops, carries Britt around, then SLAMS her down. Cover, TWO! Shida clamps right on with a CAMEL CLUTCH! Britt endures being bent back, and she reaches out for ropes. Shida pulls Britt around but Britt still has the ROPEBREAK! Shida lets off in frustration, and she SLAPS Shida around. Shida drags Britt up to bump her off buckles, then bumps her off buckles again.

Shida brings Britt around and RAMS her into buckles! Britt falls back, Shida sits on her to cover, TWO! Shida’s cover was a little cocky so she puts Britt in the corner. Shida goes up but Britt shoves her back. Britt catches Shida for a BUCKLE SHOT! Shida sputters, Britt snarls, and both slowly sit up. Britt storms up to stomp Shida, then drags her up. Britt CLUBS Shida, ROCKS her, then reels her in. Shida fights the suplex, to CORNER SUPLEX Britt! Britt slumps off the buckles while Dynamite returns to single picture. The fans rally, Britt bails out, and Shida goes up the ropes. Shida says she’s gonna give Britt another bloody nose!

But then Britt rolls in and CLUBS Shida down! Britt waistlocks, but avoids an elbow. Britt runs to NECKBREAKER DROP! Britt whips, Shida reverses but Britt SLINGBLADES! And with some torque! Britt brings out her glove and puts it on! The fans fire up, Britt spells it out, “D! M! D!” But Shida runs up! Britt ROCKS Shida, fires off more shots, then storms up, into a KNEE! Shida hops around Britt to GERMAN SUPLEX! Shida holds on, rolls Britt and has the ARMBAR! Britt scrambles around, but Shida flips her over and facelocks. Gator roll and roll back into a GUILLOTINE! Britt endures, so Shida KNEES her down!

The fans fire up and Shida goes up the corner. Shida METE- NO, Britt dodges and SUPERKICKS! Britt runs but Shida dodges the stomp! Britt ripcords, but Shida stops the forearm to ROCK Britt! Shida runs, but into a SUPERKICK! Shida drops to her knees but so does Britt and the fans are thunderous! Britt drags Shida up and reels her into an Alabama Lift, Shida sunset flips, jackknife bridges, TWO! Britt has the cover, TWO! Shida prawn holds, TWO!! Britt narrowly escapes and Shida is pissed! Shida hammers away on Britt’s head, then drags her up. Shida reels Britt in, FALCON- NO, Britt fights out and wrangles Shida down!

Britt wants the arm, Shida fights around, and Shida has the ROPEBREAK! Britt lets go, the fans fire up, and Shida sees her kendo stick! Shida resists temptation, storms up on Britt, but Britt ripcords and ROLLING ELBOWS! Then a TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT! Cover, TWO!! Shida survives, but Britt clamps on! RINGS OF- NO, Shida powers out, blocks a superkick, then QUESTION MARK KICKS! Shida reels Britt in to FALCON ARROW! The fans are thunderous, Shida takes aim, KATA- NO, Britt fireman’s carries for a takeover, and has the RINGS OF SATURN!! Shida flails, but ends up in LOCKJAW!! Shida TAPS, Britt wins!

Winner: Britt Baker, by submission

Add another classic into this storied rivalry! But wait, here comes The CEO to rain on Britt’s parade. Mone has a mic to say, “Wow. Britt, that was very impressive. What a strong victory over a former champion. Now, Britt, I know that you want a shot at this at All In. And what would be hotter than The CEO VS The DMD? So let’s get to it! Because I know that you and everybody here is waiting to hear my answer. And that answer is… NO.” The fans boo but we should’ve known she’d say that. Britt dares Mone to step inside, but wait, who is that?! Is that KAMILLE!? Formerly of NWA Power, but now here in AEW, doing Mone’s dirty work!

Kamille hauls Britt up, and marches around with her for a TORTURE RACK! Britt can only suffer the thrashing, before the TOWER HACKER BOMB! Kamille stands over Britt and Mone stands by her side. The CEO has signed a powerful insurance policy, will no one ever take the TBS Championship from her?


The Patriarchy speaks.

Holding all three belts, Christian Cage says, “Nashville, you haven’t earned the right to see Christian Cage in person, so I’ll be conducting my business from the bowels of the arena. Now this past Saturday on Collision, The Patriarchy triumphed when we walked out the brand new Trios Champions. And this Friday on Rampage, my son, Nick, is entered in the Royal Rampage, and he’s going to walk out as the brand new #1 contender to the World Heavyweight Championship.” Now, Nick has earned the right to speak, so Christian gives him the floor. Nick says first, the AEW Trios Championships. And soon to be, #1 contender…

Nick spots something, and he asks Kip Sabian why he keeps seeing Kip around. Kip doesn’t know what Nick’s talking about, but Nick says he saw Kip last Saturday while The Patriarchy was headed to the ring, and now Kips right here. What’s his deal? There is no deal. Oh, is that so? Well, Nick knows Kip is also in the Royal Rampage, so Nick will throw Kip’s ass out. And by the way, no one cares that Kip’s dad died. Be a man and suck it up. Nick leaves but will Kip make Nick care when Nick has a Superbad time on Friday?


PAC VS Beefcake Boulder w/ The Iron Savages!

Speaking of #1 contenders, despite Will Ospreay wanting his rematch at Wembley, The Bastard is still THE #1 contender to the International/American Championship. Will Pac show his full power against this powerhouse? Or will sippin’ sauce and livin’ hoss be enough for Boulder to bulldoze The Bastard?

The bell rings and Pac steps right to Boulder. Boulder flexes, but Pac SOBATS! Pac facelocks, but he can’t suplex Boulder! Boulder suplexes Pac, but Pac slips free and kicks Boulder to a corner. Pac BOOTS Boulder, runs corner to corner, but Boulder CLOBBERS Pac! The fans boo but Boulder storms his way to a corner to go up and MOONSAULT! He FLOPS as Pac dodges! Pac UPPERCUTS, then goes corner to corner to SHOTGUN! Pac stomps away on Boulder, the ref counts, but Pac digs his boot in! The ref counts, Pac lets off, and Pac seethes. Pac goes out to then climb a corner while Boulder staggers up.

Pac MISSILE DROPKICKS and down goes Boulder! The fans fire up and Pac storms over to Boulder. Pac reels Boulder in, and he actually suplexes Boulder, for a BRAINBUSTER!! Cover, Pac wins!

Winner: Pac, by pinfall

Pac says this is HIS ring, and he scrapes Boulder out of it. But what is he to do if he wants to be part of Wembley and that International/American Championship fiasco?


Team AEW speaks.

Swerve Strickland tells Nashville, “Whose house? The spirit of AEW is on the rise tonight. And I asked these young gentlemen, these warriors, last week if they were ready to get violent. And quite frankly, we’re going to show The Elite what that’s all about. All while led by yours truly, the AEW World Champion-” Darby Allin tells Swerve to shut up. Swerve’s the leader? He’s going to go around telling everyone he’s leading them? He ain’t leadin’ nothing! This isn’t about Swerve, but about getting even with The Elite. Swerve and Darby won’t see eye to eye, not tonight or any night. Oh, okay, that’s what this is all about?

Well, when it’s all said and done, if Darby wants to get violent with Swerve, then Swerve would be more than happy to. Max Caster asks if “Sneaky Swerve” will be happy to get violent with him. Does he wanna get violent with the Best Wrestler Alive? The Acclaimed remembers what Swerve did to them. Hell, Caster will get violent with Darby, too, he doesn’t like Darby’s weird ass. Anthony Bowens says that’s right! They don’t care about the petty differences between Darby and Swerve. This is about The Acclaimed getting the AEW World Tag Team Championships back and eliminating The Young Bucks.

Swerve says they choose now to get like this? This is what they wanna do? Mark Briscoe steps in to mediate. Simmer down, boys. They gotta let the past be the past. Mark feels like the man that fell out the boat, because he ain’t in it. But tonight, put all that behind them! Tonight, they are Team AEW! And The Elite, we know your game plan! It’s divide and conquer, so we cannot allow that to happen! Tonight, stand united! And all the entitled and pompous ones worldwide will know that they ain’t safe! The violent people are here! They’re coming, baby! It’s on!! The team rallies behind The Chicken, but will they be able to stand together so they can stand tall tonight?


Mariah May VS Kaitland Alexis!

No longer Toni Storm’s protege, understudy or anything of the sort, “The Glamour” that is the Queen of Harts is preparing to tear the AEW World Championship away from the Leading Lady. So will she make an example of Tennessee’s own? Or will she be upstaged by an upstart, just like Toni Storm?

The bell rings and Mariah SHOTGUNS Kaitland down! The fans fire up, Mariah fires off in the corner, but the ref counts. Mariah shoves Kaitland out of the corner, goes up the corner, and then MISSILE DROPKICKS! Kaitland flounders, Mariah smirks and drags her up, to CLUB away on her like she did Toni Storm’s bloody forehead! Then she kisses Kaitland goodnight, also like she did Storm. Then Mariah runs to KNEE Kaitland, and fireman’s carries for MAYDAY! But Mariah isn’t done, she wants to have some fun. Mariah drags Kaitland into the corner, strikes a pose, then hits the SWEET HIP MUSIC!! And then, STORM ZERO!! Cover, Mariah wins!

Winner: Mariah May, by pinfall

As she’s been doing for months, anything Storm can do, Mariah feels she can do better. Wait! Storm is here?! But then Mariah laughs, because she again pulled one over on us. WAIT! The ringside medic pulls off a wig and reveals she’s Toni Storm!! The fans are thunderous and Mariah senses something is wrong. Mariah turns around and sees Storm staring daggers! The two fire off haymakers and the fans erupt! Refs rush out here, fans boo, but the refs and security pull the two apart! Nashville wants to “LET THEM FIGHT!” but we’ll see plenty of that in Wembley Stadium. Storm gets a mic and shouts, “ARE YOU PREPARED TO DIE!? BECAUSE I AM!!”

Security does everything they can to keep Storm back. Is Storm’s Summer blockbuster going to be a revenge story a la Kill Bill?


Blood & Guts: The Elite VS Team AEW!

As Dean Malenko narrates, this isn’t just any normal grudge match. This is for the heart and soul of AEW as these ten men step into two rings and four walls of unforgiving steel. “Blood will be shed, but who has the most guts? Submission or surrender, who will survive?” The Elite has the advantage, and is almost completely golden as The Young Bucks have the tag titles, Kazuchika Okada has the Continental Championship and Jack Perry has the TNT Championship, but will gold matter when everything is about to be stained a crimson red?

First out for The Elite is the Scapegoat, Jack Perry! He even brings a chair with him because he isn’t taking any chances. Who will meet him from Team AEW? We find out, after the break.

Blood & Guts returns and Darby Allin makes his entrance! Fitting as the Relentless One wants after that TNT Championship. And also fitting is that Darby’s once again got thumbtacks all over the bottom of that skateboard! But Jack SMACKS Darby right at the cage door! The fans boo but Jack soaks it up while he goes out after Darby. Jack CLUBS Darby, hauls him up, and BOMBS him into the side of the cage! Jack drags Darby along, CLUBS him down again, then goes to fetch steel steps. Jack pushes the steps against railing, then brings Darby up. Jack whips Darby hard into the steps, and Darby tumbles up and over railing!

Fans fire up as the front row catches Darby in their laps! Jack soaks up the heat, stalks Darby into the crowd, and CLAWS Darby’s back! They now bring the fight around to the back of the floor level! They brawl, keep moving, and the fans fire up as they get to see more of the fight up close! Darby has fans move so he can push Jack all the way back to the railing! The fans fire up as Darby then LARIATS Jack back to ringside! Darby hops the railing, stalks Jack, and he drags Jack into the ring. The fans fire up for “A E DUB! A E DUB!” and the cage closes. But Jack SMACKS Darby with a trash can!

Jack dumps out the can, brings out bright yellow cable, and he learned this one from Rush! Jack CHOKES Darby with the cord, then wedges the can into a corner. Jack stalks Darby, stomps him, then hauls him up to LAWN DART Darby into the trash can! Darby flops back and Jack grins. Jack soaks up more heat from Nashville, then brings the trash can back into the corner. Jack RAMS Darby’s head into the can, RAMS him again, then punches the can out and CHUCKS it at the cage. Jack riles the fans up, then soaks up the heat again. Jack goes back for Darby, taunts him, but Darby SPITS at him!

Darby then fires forearms on Jack, but the countdown is here! Darby CHOKES Jack with that yellow cable, but Jack DECKS him! And here comes Nicholas Jackson! One of the EVPs has a chair of his own, and a heavy metal suitcase! Jack CLUBS Darby, Nick waves to cameras, and then coordinates with Jack for a BACKBREAKER LEG DROP COMBO! The fans boo but The Elite soak up the heat. Jack sets up the chairs, Nick brings Darby over, and together, Jack & Nick double suplex, only for Darby to fight free! Darby whips Nick, Nick reverses but Darby goes up the ropes! Only for Nick to SHOVE him into the steel!

Darby slumps down the side of the cage, and Nick SUPERKICKS him into it! Nick then goes up and out to the apron to PENALTY KICK! Darby is stuck between ring and cage, Jack says the kick was good, and Blood & Guts goes to picture in picture.

Nick & Jack coordinate, and they wedge the trash can up against Darby. Jack runs to DROPKICK the can into Darby! Nick & Jack both soak up the heat, then they stomp Darby around. They drag Darby up, whips and drop toehold him onto the chair, face first! Jack stands on Darby’s neck while Nick takes a seat. They’re in no rush, after all. They LASH Darby with the yellow cable! Then CHOKE him with it! Darby suffers but Nick lets him go. Jack JAMS Darby up with a chair! Nick isolates Darby’s leg and Jack JAMS it! Darby writhes and flounders away but Nick puts the leg around ropes and pulls! Darby can again only suffer!

Nick stomps Darby, Darby goes to the apron but Nick stands on the bad leg. Darby flails but can’t get loose, and then Jack clamps on a chinlock! Jack stretches Darby backwards against the ropes, and then Nick lets off. Blood & Guts returns to single picture, and the countdown is here! The Elite stomps Darby, but here comes Mark Briscoe! The ROH World Champion storms his way down to the ring, and he rallies right on Nick & Jack! Mark CHOPS away on Nick, BOOTS Jack, then ROCKS Nick with haymakers! Mark whips, Nick reverses, but Mark uses the chair to LEAPING LARIAT Jack in No Man’s Land!

Both Mark and Jack take a tumble into the second ring and the fans fire up! Mark fires up with Nashville, but Nick goes up and up and springboards, but into Mark’s EXPLODER! The fans fire up again, and Mark stomps Jack in a corner. Darby finds his skateboard, and he brings it along with him. Mark goes looking for goodies, and he brings a ladder out! Darby DUMPS Nick back tot he first ring, fires forearms, and Mark puts the ladder in a corner. Mark & Darby double whip Nick hard into the ladder! Nick flops around, ends up upside-down, and Mark goes after Jack. Mark CHOPS, Darby SLAMS the ladder onto Nick!

Mark whips Jack corner to corner, Jack reverses, but Mark goes up and over the ropes. Mark ROCKS Jack in return, then hurries up a corner! Mark aims at Nick, SWANTON on the ladder!! The fans are thunderous as Mark just shrugs that off! Nick writhes, clutches an arm, and Darby goes after Jack. Mark JAMS Nick with the ladder, wedges it in, and runs to BACK BODY BLOCK! Mark sandwiches Nick with the ladder, then Nick and ladder fall forward. The ladder gets Nick right in his bucks! The fans fire up as Darby JAMS Jack with a chair, and Mark hits a BRAINBUSTER on Nick! Mark finds that trash can and CHUCKS it at Nick!

The countdown finishes up again, and The Elite sends out Matthew Jackson! The other Buck is here, bringing a title belt and a second suitcase. What’re in those boxes anyway? Matt tosses his to Nick before he runs up on Mark. Mark ROCKS Matt, but Nick CLOBBERS Mark with the case! Darby runs up, kicks Nick, but Matt fakes Darby out! DDT on the briefcase! The case cracks open from the impact! Matt dribbles Mark’s face off the steel, and Mark’s busted open! The fans boo as Nick has Jack watch the cases. Matt scrapes Mark off the steel like a cheese grater, and then the Bucks sit Mark up top.

Matt stomps Darby, brings him up, and BUCKLE BOMBS him into Mark’s back! Then NORTHERN LIGHTS, for the Polar Express! The fans boo but Jack winds up. Matt CATAPULTS Darby into a CASE SHOT! Nick climbs up, and Matt gut wrenches Darby into a Canadian Rack. DOUBLE STOMP DOMINATOR COMBO! Then somersault for a DRAPING BACKSTABBER on Mark! The fans boo but The Elite soaks it all up. Jack stomps away on Mark in the corner, Matt TOSSES Darby to the second ring. Matt puts Mark over there, too, but the countdown returns. Jack SMACSK Mark with a case, but Team AEW sends… BOWENS!

The Five Tool Player storms down to the ring and he goes right for Nick! LAIRAT after LARIAT, then a ROLLING ELBOW! Bowens LARIATS Nick into No Man’s Land! Matt runs up but Bowens dodges to Rock Paper Scissors SUPERKICK! Jack runs up, into a kick! Bowens KICKS and FAMOUSERS! But Matt CHUCKS a case at Bowens! Mark BOOTS Matt, UPPERCUTS him, then scoop SLAMS him! The fans fire up as Mark climbs up a corner! But Matt trips Mark up onto his giblets! Darby fires off on Matt, runs, but into a LARIAT! The Bucks coordinate, and Matt brings Darby up. Matt gut wrenches, Nick jumps up, but Mark SUPER CUTTERS Nick!!

The fans are thunderous, Darby slips around and hits a SCORPION DEATH DROP! The fans are thunderous as Darby has his skateboard! Mark holds Matt in place, for the SKATEBOARD STOMP!! The tacks get left behind in Matt’s arm!! Bowens BUSTS open a toolbox, and he finds scissors~! Darby sends Jack to him, Bowens SCISSOR STABS Jack in the forehead!! Not what you’d think scissoring meant but here we are! Darby ROCKS Nick, Bowens STABS away on Jack’s head! And then he opens the scissors, to go after Jack’s mouth?!? The fans tell Bowens he’s sick, and Jack’s about to look like The Joker soon!

Mark JAMS Matt with crutches, but the countdown returns. The Elite send out The Rainmaker! Bowens storms into the first ring to meet Okada, who is bringing that Rainmaker Drive street sign. Okada and Bowens stare down, then Okada swings! SMACK for Bowens! SMACK for Briscoe! Darby kicks low, runs, but into a SMACK! Okada sets the sign down, reels Mark in and gut wrenches, TOMBSTONE onto the sign!! Mark’s crimson mask only grows as Okada stands him up, ripcord and middle finger, for a LOW BLOW! Mark staggers, Nick holds up a chair, and Okada DROPKICKS the chair into Mark!

The fans boo but Okada grins. Matt wants someone to check his arm, and Jack works to get those tacks out of there, while Blood & Guts goes picture in picture.

Nick has his own crimson mask forming but he helps Okada beat down on Team AEW. Jack also has a crimson mask from all that violent scissoring. Nick uses a hammer to CHOKE Mark, and Okada CHOKES Bowens with a chain! The Bucks look and behold, they find a table! They put that in the ring, Okada keeps Bowens down and Jack stomps Mark. The Bucks bring the table all the way into the second ring, even as the brawling continues all over. Jack JAMS Mark with a chair, Matt scoops to SLAM Bowens on the table. Okada scoops Bowens and SLAMS him on the table! Matt punches away on Mark, then digs his boot in.

Nick stomps Darby, then Matt mocks the crane stance before he BOOTS Mark down. Nick SHINING WIZARDS Darby, then SHINING WIZARDS Mark! Nick soaks up the heat, Matt rains down fists on Darby, and Okada CLUBS Bowens in No Man’s Land. Jack joins in to mug Bowens, and then the Bucks SMACK Mark with the toolbox itself! Nick mocks the fans rallying, but Mark ROCKS Nick! Mark fires off fast hands, but Matt storms over to stop him. Matt and Mark brawl now, Okada joins in, but Mark fires forearms and chops! Okada doesn’t flinch! Mark CHOPS again, Okada ROCKS and BOOTS and fires off on Mark!

Blood & Guts returns to single picture yet again, and the countdown is back. Team AEW sends Max Caster! He has a mic, but not for rapping! Platinum Max dodges Okada to MIC BOP him! Caster then takes off his chain so he can CHAIN FIST Nick! And CHAIN FIST for Matt! And then one for Jack! Caster whips Nick hard into steel! And he SMACKS Jack with a chair! Caster goes up a corner, aims at Okada, and the fans fire up for Caster’s FLYING CHAIR SHOT!! The fans are thunderous as Caster then goes looking for things. Bowens SMACKS Okada for himself, and Darby CHOKES the Rainmaker for good measure.

Caster brings out a board covered in barbed wire! The fans fire up as Caster places that down, then he and Bowens bring Okada up. DOUBLE SUPLEX- NO, Jack & Nick make the save! The fans boo but Nick fires off on Bowens, Jack is after Caster! Jack TOSSES Caster, The Bucks whip Bowens into a corner. Then they DOUBLE HIP TOSS Bowens onto the barbed wire board! Bowens writhes and rises up, only for Matt to scoop SLAM him on the board!! The fans are cringing, but Matt brings out a second barbed wire board! Matt presses that down onto Bowens for the world’s most violent sandwich! Nick then climbs up, to SWANTON BOMB!!

The fans lose their minds while Bowens writhes from being turned into a violent panini! But wait, now Okada has brought out something. It’s a mysterious black bag! And out pours so many thumbtacks! Okada shoves those tacks into Caster’s mouth! Then The Bucks pump up their special edition Reeboks! Jack holds Caster in place for the DOUBLE SUPERKICKS!! Caster sputters, coughing up tacks, and Nick says, “Yo, listen! He ain’t rappin’ anymore!” The countdown returns, and The Elite is complete now that Hangman Page is here! At least, he should be here. The Bucks wait, but The Black Hat isn’t coming?

Darby and Mark fight back on Jack and the Bucks! Okada fights with Caster but Mark goes after Okada! Darby COFFIN SPALSHES Nick, COFFIN SPLASHES Matt, repeat! Then Darby sends Nick into Matt, to then feed Nick to Mark for a CORNER EXPLODER! Mark BOOTS Jack, Caster stands to stand on Nick’s neck! Bowens wraps barbed wire around his leg!? Caster opens Nick up, Bowens goes up, and despite the pain he’s causing himself, he still BARBED WIRE ME TIMBERS!! Nick experiences his own painful scissoring, and the fans are thunderous for “A E DUB! A E DUB!” while Mark puts the barbed wire boards aside.

The countdown is back, and that means Swerve is now here! Prince Nana gets everyone dancing as the AEW World Champion makes his way out, but NOW Hangman is here! Hangman CLOBBERS Swerve from behind with a chair! Swerve is his only target so now Hangman has a reason to fight! Hangman fires fists on Swerve, then brings out handcuffs!! Hangman cuffs Swerve to the side of the cage! Swerve tries to fight back but Hangman fires hands! Mark fireman’s carries Matt but Matt CLAWs Mark’s eyes! Matt is free, and Okada SHOTGUNS Mark into the barbed wire boards! Mark is already bleeding from one side, will he be bleeding from his back now?

Hangman cuffs Swerve’s other arm to the cage, Swerve is defenseless! But Nana hurries to fight Hangman! Hangman DECKS Nana, and then snatches the title belt. Hangman says Swerve has never deserved this title, it should never have been Swerve’s! Then Hangman CLOBBERS Swerve with the belt! Hangman fires hands on Swerve, and says he will eat Swerve alive! Hangman just hammers away with haymakers. The Bucks DOUBLE POWERBOMB Mark onto barbed wire! But then Matt gets a mic to shout at Hangman, “What are you doing?!” Hangman, look at Matt! They had a deal! And a deal is a deal, Hangman!

Last time, The Bucks suspended Hangman and he sat at home. But now, if Hangman doesn’t get in the ring, he is FIRED. Hangman hears that, and he leaves Swerve behind to step into the ring. Nick locks the cage so no one else can get in or out. The refs say no, all ten men have to be inside first. Matt says who cares? He’s an EVP, just do what he says! The bell rings so that Blood & Guts can “officially begin.” Jack goes after Bowens, Hangman argues with Matt, but Okada steps in. The Cowboy and the Rainmaker argue, and Okada shoves Hangman! But then Darby and Mark rush up! Darby jumps on Hangman while Mark fires hands on Matt!

Caster rises up, he CLUBS away on Okada! Bowens turns things around on Jack! Mark rains fists on Matt, Swerve fights and he already has one arm free. Swerve works to get the other arm free, but Blood & Guts goes picture in picture.

Caster JAMS Nick up with the Rainmaker Drive sign, Mark SMACKS Hangman with what’s left off a barbed wire board, but Nick CHUCKS trash can at Darby! Mark CLUBS away on Hangman, Okada JAMS Bowens with a crutch, and Hangman fights up. Matt runs to SHOTGUN the trash can into Caster’s head! Nick brings that can around to SMACK Darby with it. Okada CHOKES Bowens with the crutch while The Bucks taunt Swerve. Mark and Hangman brawl, Bowens SMACKS Okada with the crutch! Mark fireman’s carries Hangman for a DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Mark then hurries up a corner! FROGGY-BOW, onto knees!

Mark writhes, The Bucks continue to taunt Swerve, but Bowens scoop SLAMS Okada onto Hangman! Matt whips Caster to a corner, sends Nick in, but Caster TOSSES Nick! Matt runs in but Caster TOSSES him, too! But then the Bucks DOUBLE GIRI Caster! Okada Alabama Lifts Caster for a REVERSE NECKBREAKER! Jack FROG SPLASHES! Jack bounces off the cover, but The Elite keep Caster down. Blood & Guts returns to single picture one more time, and  Bowens fights back. The Bucks knock him over, and wait! Jeff Jarrett is storming out here?! Karen, Sonjay & Lethal try to stop him, but he and his guitar are going to ringside!

Wait, here comes Brandon Cutler to stop Jarrett. The EVP’s little sidekick says don’t even dare getting involved! But wait, here comes Daddy Ass! Billy Gunn grabs Cutler, tells him to “SUCK IT!” then ROCKS him with a right! Jarrett adds the SMASH HIT! Cutler falls, and both Billy and Jarrett free Swerve! The cuffs are tricky, though, but Nana brings out bolt cutters! Team AEW fights The Elite, and the cuffs are off! Nana hands Swerve the bolt cutters to start making a hole in the cage itself! The fans fire up as Swerve is in and he deals out LARIATS for every member of The Elite! DROPKICK for Okada, then an UPPERCUT!

Swerve snapmares Okada, goes up, and FALLING UPPERCUTS! Nick attacks but Swerve slips around to BACKBREAKER, and POWERBOMB into Matt! Jack runs up but Swerve hip tosses him down! Then gator roll and deadlift into the BRAINBUSTER! There are still some tacks on the mat, too! But now, Hangman and Swerve lock eyes. The fans are losing their minds seeing these two head for No Man’s Land. Both men step inside, and they fire off haymakers! The fans erupt again as Swerve gets the edge with shots high and low! But Hangman dodges one to LARIAT Swerve into the second ring!

Hangman aims, slingshot and BUCK- NO, Swerve catches the lariat to arm-drag Hangman, shift around, but Hangman kicks free of the armbar! Hangman has a piece of board, and he DIGS the barbed wire into Swerve’s forehead! Swerve pushes the board back, and Darby hops onto Hangman for CODE RED! Okada FLAPJACKS Darby! Okada looks around, The Elite regroup with him, and they DOUBLE SUPERKICK Mark! But Mark rebounds to DOUBLE LARIAT The Bucks! Jack GERMAN SUPLEXES Mark! Swerve somersault COMPLETE SHOTS Jack! Okada stomps Bowens but Bowens hits back!

The fans are thunderous as The Acclaimed regroup. They clear some space, and Swerve brings a staple gun! Swerve stalks Hangman and wants to bring this back to Texas Death! Hangman fights off the stapler, and Nick LOW BLOWS Swerve! Matt finally opens that metal briefcase, and inside are more staple guns! The Elite is armed and dangerous now! Swerve stands his ground but that’s 4v1! Jack STAPLES Swerve from behind, and then so does Nick! Matt and Okada join in, they staple Swerve from all sides! The fans boo, but Swerve is laughing?! The fans say they’re all sickos! Nick runs up, Swerve blocks his staple attack!

Matt kicks, Swerve blocks that, and he makes Nick STAPLE Matt! Then Swerve makes Nick sit on the top rope, then STAPLES his forehead! Jack runs up, into a BACKBREAKER and STAPLE! Okada DROPKICKS Swerve, ripcords, and gives a middle finger! So Swerve STAPLES that finger!! Hangman slingshots, Swerve dodges, BUCKSHOT hits Okada!! Then Swerve STAPLES Hangman in the cheek!! Then HOUSE CALL!! The fans are thunderous as Swerve went John Wick on everyone, and Blood & Guts goes to picture in picture one more time!

Swerve revels in the energy from Nashville, then he goes up top. KILL- NO, Hangman avoids the stomps! Swerve goes out after Hangman as Hangman crawls out through the hole in the cage! Swerve BOOTS Hangman, they brawl up the ramp and then to the stage! Swerve brings Hangman around into a SLEEPER! They go around the back of the tunnel, and then FALL OFF THE STAGE! They crash down through spare tables!! Matt hurries out of the cage and up the ramp, asking what the heck, but Bowens is in pursuit! Bowens ROCKS Matt, ROCKS him again, and brings him back to the ring. Caster and Nick join in, Nick SMACKS Caster with a trash can lid!

Nick SMACKS Bowens with a trash can lid! Nick goes to his brother’s side, and the Bucks go grab a table! They bring that table around to the side while Darby fires hands on Jack. The Bucks set up two tables side by side on the outside here. Mark brawls with Okada, and Blood & Guts goes to break.

Blood & Guts returns and tables have appeared in the ring, but The Bucks have constructed a double decker on the outside! Bowens has been put in between all those tables, and Nick says it’s time! Nick climbs up, Matt holds Bowens down, but Caster CLUBS Matt! Caster whips Matt into barriers! Bowens climbs up after Nick now and Nick panics! Nick kicks away on Bowens, CLUBS him, but Bowens hits back! Nick SMACKS Bowens off steel! And again! Bowens wobbles, but Nick SMACKS him again! Bowens falls through all the tables!! The fans lose their minds again and Nick gloats from way up high.

But wait, in the ring! Mark kicks Okada low, underhooks, and JAY DRILLER!! Matt returns inside but Mark kicks him, for a JAY DRILLER!! Jack is up, but even he gets a JAY DRILLER!! Nick returns, but Mark has him, too! JAY DRILLER!!! Darby puts Jack on a table, and Mark fires hands on Matt. Mark puts Matt on a table, Darby SMACKS Jack with a kendo stick! Mark goes up, FROGGY-BOW on Matt through the table!! Darby goes up, to then climb the truss and even Spider-Man up to the beams up above! Darby hangs over Jack like a bat, before a SUPER DUPER COFFIN DROP!!! Jack writhes while fans lose their minds all over again!

Caster returns into the ring, he brings the case over, and he opens it up. This one has handcuffs!? Caster hands those over to Mark, and Mark uses those to cuff Jack to the steel! Caster keeps Matt down, then he hands a kendo stick to Mark! Mark SMACKS Jack! Jack refuses to give up so Mark SMACKS him again! Mark wants Jack to say it, but Jack shakes his head. So another SMACK and the kendo stick breaks! Jack SPITS in Mark’s face! Darby has a mic to say if Jack’s not gonna quit, then let’s get the party started. The fans fire up hearing that, and Darby goes looking under the ring. Darby goes way under there…

Mark meanwhile HEAD SHOTS Jack with his own Scapegoat chair!! Jack sputters, but he refuses to give in! Mark tells Jack to just say it. Jack refuses, so Mark aims at Matt, who is also cuffed. Mark says you hit the EVP, you’re good as done! Caster SMACKS Okada off steel, and Darby returns with an OIL CAN AND LIGHTER!! The fans are losing their minds, Mark is also panicking, but Darby storms right up to Jack. Darby douses Jack with gasoline, a throwback to Anarchy in the Arena! Darby smirks as he says he is gonna light Jack on fire if he doesn’t quit. Jack doesn’t think he’s serious, but he should remember back to Anarchy in the Arena…

For that matter, Darby wants a TNT Championship match at All In! Agree to that, or Darby lights Jack on fire! Mark is freaking out, but Jack is defiant to the end! Matt talks with Darby, saying that as an EVP, he can make this happen! Matt says if Darby wants the match, then it is done! But let’s stop, this has gone too far! Darby says hell no. Matt has to say it, or Jack’s lit on fire. Matt says fine! The Elite quit! The Elite quit!! The bell rings, Team AEW wins!!

Winners: Team AEW, by surrender

Darby smiles at Jack and points to the All In sign. The Scapegoat was saved by The Bucks, but will he be able to survive the Relentless One in Wembley? Or will Darby once again be the Face of TNT?

My Thoughts:

A great Dynamite here, and I appreciate that since it was Blood & Guts night, they kept it to more matches than talking, and even then we had fewer matches since Blood & Guts itself was the whole second hour. Good opening promo stuff with Ospreay and MJF, but I’m a little torn with what MJF is up to. Converting the International Championship into the American Championship is what NJPW just did with the United States Championship becoming the United Kingdom Championship becoming the Global Championship, it just needs Moxley being in here. But I do have to admit, the American Championship looks so good, I kinda want MJF just to establish that since AEW loves having a ton of belts anyway.

And another complicated detail is that Pac is #1 contender to said American/International Championship. Will he have to use his title shot at Battle of the Belts this weekend? Or will he “talk with Tony Khan” and make things a Triple Threat, so that Pac essentially takes the Moxley role? Either option seems a shame for Pac, because he isn’t winning the title in either scenario. No title ever changes hands on a Battle of the Belts special, and I recall Moxley taking the loss to Finlay in that Global Championship story so Pac would probably take the loss in this International/American Championship story.

Jericho VS Suzuki was a great match, especially with how many chops were thrown. They didn’t even need to go as extreme as FTW Rules allow because everyone loved the chop-a-thon. Jericho winning made sense, and I’d say Suzuki being able to get back up doesn’t make sense after he got hit by Judas Effect, but it was of course to bring out Bill & Keith. And then Bill & Keith were for bringing Shibata out and Shibata getting some semblance of revenge. Jericho VS Shibata for the FTW Championship one more time could be a great Battle of the Belts match, though, so I hope they do it.

Great match from Britt VS Shida, and of course a great win for Britt. Mone showing up was a given, as was her refusing to face Britt. Kamille showing up was a great surprise, and she’s already jumping right into a great story being Mone’s muscle. I have a feeling Britt will have to beat Kamille to get her shot at the TBS Championship. Really good promo from Willow, Stokely and Kris in that it was just an ambush by Stokely & Kris. Willow VS Kris as an Eliminator will be great stuff, and I have a feeling Kris wins that to then set up the title match, possibly for All In to keep the Forbidden Door vibes going.

Great promo segment Bryan and Jarrett, and I like Jarrett encouraging Bryan to make sure he’s 100% for All In. Great stuff with Mariah May and Toni Storm, especially the double swerve for Storm to make her appearance. This adds some great heat to their title match, and I still can’t be sure who wins. Good promo from The Patriarchy, and with the Royal Rampage returning to set up a world championship match for AEW Grand Slam in late September, just about anyone can come out of that the winner. It probably won’t be Nick Wayne or Kip Sabian, though. Though, Nick does have beef with Swerve so it isn’t completely impossible.

And great promos to hype up Blood & Guts. The Elite beating up Christopher Daniels was an interesting detail, but of course The Elite cheats by having a rigged coin. Mark Briscoe helping iron out the dysfunction in Team AEW was good stuff, too, because Darby and Swerve also have beef that dates back a long time. Blood & Guts itself was awesome, and this was certainly one of the grittier Blood & Guts matches. Good use of references back to other hardcore matches, from the Rainmaker Drive sign to the staple guns.

Though admittedly, B&G requiring a submission or surrender kinda forces them to drag stuff out. Many times, a pin would’ve surely won, but doing away with pins means no one has to worry about being too tired to kick out or missing a cue to break up a cover. That aside, Swerve and Hangman taking each other out with that stage spot was not expected, but I did appreciate the dysfunction between Hangman and the rest of The Elite beforehand. Hangman and Okada should definitely have it out for the Continental Championship at some point, though.

Jack VS Darby for the TNT title at All In was a given, but Darby threatening immolation was an unorthodox way to get there. And I feel like there’s going to be dysfunction now between Jack and the Bucks. Jack’s whole thing is sacrifice, yet Matt wasn’t willing to watch him be burned head to toe just for a match. Jack could use this to become even darker and crazier than The Bucks ever were and he could go rogue from The Elite.

My Score: 9/10

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AEW Coverage

Mitchell’s AEW Collision Results & Report! (7/20/24)

Can the Collision Cowboys keep the gold?



The World Trios Championships are up for grabs!

Jay White’s hurt, the Bang Bang Gang was stripped, but Juice Robinson & The Gunns will fight to regain the Unified AEW & ROH World Trios Championships! But can they stop The Patriarchy from taking over?


  • Darby Allin VS The Beast Mortos; Darby wins.
  • Skye Blue VS Hikaru Shida; Shida wins, by stoppage.
  • Rey Fenix w/ Alex Abrahantes VS Tony Nese w/ The Premier Athletes; Fenix wins.
  • Roderick Strong VS Tomohiro Ishii; Roddy wins.
  • Holo.grm VS Gringo Loco; Holo.grm wins.
  • Lumberjack match: Thunder Rosa VS Deonna Purrazzo; Deonna wins.
  • Vacated Unified AEW & ROH World Trios Championships: The Bang Bang Gang VS The Patriarchy; The Patriarchy wins and are the new Unified World Trios Champions.


Darby Allin VS The Beast Mortos!

The ESports Stadium in Texas fires up as The Relentless One is back in action! He’s getting ready for Blood & Guts this Wednesday, but will he be red hot going into Dynamite? Or will he not get past the beast standing in his way?

The bell rings and the fans rally up. Darby circles with Mortos, they tie up, and Mortos powers Darby to a corner. The ref counts, Mortos lets off and the two reset. They circle, tie up, and Darby slips around to waistlock. Mortos just throws Darby right off! The fans are torn, but Darby keeps his focus on Mortos. They feel things out, tie up, and Mortos headlocks. The fans rally for Darby but Mortos SWINGS him into the takeover! Darby keeps his shoulders up, moves around and stands up, to then power up and out. But Mortos runs him over! Mortos soaks up the heat, things speed up, and Darby hurdles.

Darby then ducks ‘n’ dodges to SHOTGUN! Mortos bails out, Darby DIVES and direct hit at the ramp! The fans fire up and Darby hobbles up. Darby drags Mortos up and gets some space, to COFFIN SPLASH him against railing! The fans fire up with Darby, he refreshes the ring count, then brings Mortos around to SMACK him off the apron. Darby goes up the apron, runs and leaps, but Mortos catches him! Mortos SWINGS Darby into steel steps! The fans boo but Mortos eggs Darby on. Mortos drags Darby up, puts him in the ring, and he tells the fans to hush. The fans boo instead, but Mortos stands on Darby’s legs!

Mortos pulls Darby’s arms and pulls him back into the ROMERO SPECIAL, to then FLING him into buckles! The fans boo more but Mortos paces. Mortos drags Darby up, and he CLAWS Darby’s face! The ref counts, Darby fires body shots! Darby fires forearms, then runs, but into a SUPER DUPER POP-UP SAMOAN DROP! Cover, TWO!! Darby survives and the fans rally behind him. Mortos is frustrated by that, and he stand Darby up. Mortos gorilla presses but Darby slips free! Darby O’Conner Rolls, TWO! Springboard and SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Mortos is still in this and he goes to ropes.

Darby storms up and fires forearms and CHOPS! Darby whips, Mortos reverses, and Mortos catches Darby’s Coffin Drop! Darby fires elbows, shoves him away, but Mortos comes back! Sunset flip, but Darby sits on it! Mortos pushes up but Darby rolls him to a cover, TWO! Darby clamps on with a SLEEPER! The fans rally, Mortos fights up, and Mortos runs to BACKPACK CANNONBALL! Both men are down, but Mortos huffs ‘n’ puffs as he rises up. The fans rally for Darby as Darby flounders in the corner. Mortos brings his kneepads down, runs in, but Darby dodges! Mortos tumbles up and out, no cameramen harmed in the fall!

Darby goes up to SUPER COFFIN DROP! Down goes Mortos again and the fans lose their minds! Darby drags Mortos back up, puts him in the ring, and then climbs up. But Mortos HEADBUTTS Darby down! Mortos builds speed to TORNILLO TOPE!! Direct hit and the fans are thunderous again! They cheer on “A E DUB! A E DUB!” for giving them this opener. The ring count starts, Mortos drags Darby up and puts him in the ring. Mortos storms in, runs up, and he SPEARS Darby inside-out! Cover, TWO!! Darby survives and the fans fire up! Darby crawls, Mortos hushes fans again, but they just boo.

Mortos drags Darby up but Darby CHOPS! Mortos UPPERCUTS Darby right down! The fans boo as Mortos flexes, and he eggs Darby on. Darby slowly rises, Mortos kicks him, so Darby CHOPS again! Mortos DECKS Darby again! Mortos soaks up the heat, blows snot at Darby, then eggs Darby on. Darby slowly rises up, and he fires fast hands! Darby hops on, CODE RED! Cover, TWO!! Mortos survives but the fans rally up. Darby crawls away to a corner, rises up, and the fans rally behind him. But Mortos runs up to UPPERCUT first! Darby wobbles up top but Mortos goes up after him! Mortos brings Darby to the very top, but Darby fights back!

But then Mortos lifts Darby and SUPER GORILLA PRESS SLAMS him!! The fans lose their minds again, Mortos drags Darby to a cover, TWO!! Darby survives again and the fans rally hard as ever. Mortos drags Darby up to suplex him up top! Mortos ROCKS Darby, then climbs up to join him. Fireman’s carry, but Darby fires elbows! Darby turns things into a SUPER CRUCIFIX DRIVER!! Darby goes up while Mortos flounders, COFFIN DROP!! Cover, Darby wins!

Winner: Darby Allin, by pinfall

Both men were relentless tonight, but it’s Darby who survives their Collision! Will Darby be even more dangerous when he steps inside the double ring, double cage that is Blood & Guts?

Darby gets a mic to have his music cut. He says people tell him to slow down, or else he won’t be able to walk when he’s 30. Well, he is 30 now, and he feels wonderful! The only thing is, Darby doesn’t take the night off. Darby doesn’t forget being a dishwasher. He’d rather get kicked in the face any night of the week than go back to that. And we’re getting ready for Blood & Guts, and it’s very fitting that Darby’s finally in one. If anyone saw Sting’s final match, they saw Darby’s guts hanging out! He has a scar on his side that looks like Harry Potter’s forehead, and it stings every day. The fans cheer that!

Darby wants to talk the EVPs for a second, The Young Bucks. What sucks about them is that they never come to Collision, they never advertise the shows on the news or radio. It is Darby! AEW is Darby’s baby now! And he will stop at nothing to make sure everyone knows! Darby wouldn’t be here if not for The Bucks, that’s no secret, but man, they suck so bad now. And Jack Perry… Oh, Jack Perry. TNT Champion? No, that title means everything to Darby, and he will stop at nothing until the belt is around his waist again. So All In is around the corner… If Jack has the balls, let’s play! Darby is ready for Blood & Guts, see you Wednesday!


The Acclaimed speak.

Max Caster says, “Yo! Listen! The Elite, Blood & Guts next week, Team AEW is about to stomp on those tiny little nuts.” Billy Gunn tells Caster to just stop right there. That is not what the match is about. It is not about Bowens being The Scissor King, or about Caster being a rapper. It is about being the best wrestlers alive, and about being a badass! They need to bring this fight to The Elite! Time to nut up or shut up! Daddy Ass is fired up for his boys, and that fires them up! Bowens & Caster are ready to get serious, will they make The Young Bucks pay for playing games with them?


Skye Blue VS Hikaru Shida!

To be the best, you gotta beat one of the best, and that is why Chicago Skye called out the former THREE-TIME AEW Women’s World Champion! Will Skye use this Collision to build momentum? Or is she just going to give Shida her own rebound victory towards a title?

The bell rings and Skye BOOTS Shida down! Skye bumps Shida off buckles, stomps a mudhole in, then lets off. Skye brings Shida around to bump off buckles again, then stomps her more. Shida hits back, but Skye ROCKS her for it. Skye brings Shida around again, but Shida breaks free to ROCK Skye! Skye fires another forearm, but so does Shida! They go back and forth, faster and faster, then Shida fires off a flurry! Shida ROCKS Skye, fires up, then catches Skye to spin her. Skye ELBOWS Shida first, then runs, but into a KNEE! Shida runs but Skye SHINING WIZARDS at the ropes! Skye snapmares and runs up, but Shida blocks!

Shida spins Skye, ducks the spin kick and rolls Skye up! Skye rolls through but Shida DROPKICKS her out of the ring! The fans fire up and Shida watches Skye go around the way. Shida goes up and CROSSBODIES! Down goes Skye and the ref has Doc Sampson check. Shida gets herself a chair while she waits, and the fans fire up while Collision goes picture in picture.

Shida paces while Skye is checked out. That fall really rocked her, maybe even beat up a leg. Shida paces, then goes back into the ring to wait. Shida keeps the fans fired up, but it doesn’t look good for Skye. Shida checks with the ref, and it seems the match has been called! Shida wins by default!

Winner: Hikaru Shida, by medical stoppage

A real shame for Skye, as she was the one who wanted this fight. But Shida is still moving on, will she be waiting on the champions after All In?


Lancer Archer is going nuts backstage!

He is beating up and throwing around prospects left and right! One guy walks in, sees what’s going on, and turns right around, only for Archer to grab him and CHUCK him into the garage door! “It seems everyone has forgotten who the Murderhark Monster is! Everyone’s forgotten just what I can do. And it’s time to remind you all!” Archer CHUCKS a trash can into another guy, #EverybodyDies! Who else will be unfortunate enough to face Archer’s wrath?


Chris Jericho speaks.

“Hi, guys~! And hello, Minoru Suzuki. We’ve been waiting a long time for this match, haven’t we? For four years, I’ve been thinking of Suzuki VS Jericho. For four years, I’ve been wanting this match in the Tokyo Dome, or on Dynamite. And now, this Wednesday, the match comes true. It’s a dream match for sure. First time ever! But for you, Minoru, it’s gonna be a nightmare. Get ready for some night sweats and night terrors just thinking what I’m gonna do to you, and even worse after the match. They talk about Blood & Guts this Wednesday. This match is gonna be far more violent than that.

“They call you The Murder Grampa, one of the most violent men who ever came outta Japan. Well, Suzuki, if there’s anybody that can match you blow for blow, experience for experience, match for match, it’s me. So Suzuki, I can’t wait to teach you a few very valuable lessons. And one of them is gonna be you should’ve never turned down The Learning Tree when I asked you to be my partner, and you never should’ve come to the ring during TV Time last week on Dynamite. Suzuki, this is it, one for the ages. Like I said, first time ever, Jericho, Suzuki, Learning Tree VS the most violent man in Japanese history, I can’t wait.

“We’ll see you on, Wednesday, Suzuki, you’re not gonna like it. Thanks, guys!” The Learning Tree has been rather delusional these days, but has he reached a new level with this? Or does he have something up his sleeve to help him survive Suzuki?


Rey Fenix w/ Alex Abrahantes VS Tony Nese w/ The Premier Athletes!

The Immortal Firebird just won big last night on Rampage alongside Penta El Zero Miedo, but there’s no slowing down with him! However, “Smart Mark” Sterling has everyone stop so his client can say something very important. Nese takes the mic, even as fans boo, and Nese says “When they said everything is bigger in Texas, I’m gonna be honest. I thought they were talking about the cars, the houses. But the reason why they say that, now i can see, is because all of you are terribly, terribly FAT!” The fans boo but Nese says yes, it upsets him, too. But it isn’t entirely their fault. It is not. It’s because they haven’t had real athletes to look up!

Who’re they looking up to? The under-500 Texas Rangers? So, Nese’s lawyer, THE GREATEST lawyer in pro-wrestling, Sterling has made a contract to give a lucky individual an opportunity. But more importantly, it gives every single piece of trash here tonight to see what a real athlete looks like! But here comes Fenix! Will he make Nese regret flexing on Texas?

The bell rings and the fans rally for “LUCHA! LUCHA!” Fenix and Nese circle, feel things out, and they tie up. Nese wrenches, wristlocks, and grinds the arm. Fenix moves around, uses ropes to flip through, and then he wrenches to wristlock back. The fans rally as Fenix twists the wrist, but Nese fights up. Fenix HEADBUTTS the arm, but Nese fights up again. Fenix wrenches, Nese rolls, and then Nese throat chops! The fans boo and the ref reprimands, but Nese SOBATS Fenix to run and BOOT! And WHEEL KICK! Cover, TWO! Fenix is still in this, but Nese soaks up the heat. Nese stalks Fenix but the fans chant “You Still Suck!”

Nese CLUBS Fenix with crossface forearms, taunts the fans, then he drags Fenix up. Fenix knees free, ducks ‘n’ dodges, then springboards, but the ropes give out! Cover, TWO! Nese drags Fenix by his leg, stomps away, and Fenix crawls away. Nese stalks Fenix, stomps the leg more, then brings him up. Nese CHOPS, Fenix CHOPS, repeat! The fans “WOO~!” as the CHOPS keep going! Fenix fires up and he CHOPS! Nese falls back against ropes while Fenix eggs him on! Nese kicks low, whips, but Fenix reverses and DROPKICKS! Nese bails out, Fenix gets the bad leg moving, and he builds speed, only for Sterling to save Nese!

Fenix slides out, glares at Sterling, then ROCKS Nese! Daivari steps up but that’s a distraction. Same for Josh Woods! The ref reprimands, Nese blocks the superkick to then SUPERKICK back! Fenix falls, Nese slides into the ring, and that lets the Premier Athletes mug Fenix! The fans boo but the ref misses it all as Collision goes picture in picture.

Fenix clutches his leg, drags himself up, and Daivari talks trash on the fans. Nese AX HANDLES Fenix, but then Fenix shoves Nese. Nese ROCKS Fenix, CHOPS him again, but Fenix just CHOPS back! Nese kicks the bad leg, then whips Fenix hard into railing! Fenix falls over, Nese flexes while soaking up heat, and he goes back for Fenix. Nese puts Fenix in the ring, stomps him, then paces around. Nese drags Fenix up, TOSSES him up, and the Premier Athletes mug Fenix again! Fenix tumbles away to the ramp while Abrahantes protests, but that just lets even Sterling get his shots in! Fenix storms up on Sterling and he runs away as Collision goes to break.

Collision returns and Nese covers, TWO! Fenix is still in this, but Nese pushes him around. Fenix CHOPS back! Fenix eggs Nese on, Nese SLAPS, so Fenix CHOPS! Nese fires a haymaker, talks trash, but Fenix fires body shots. Nese stands Fenix up to CHOP him back down! Nese drags Fenix to a cover, ONE! Nese is annoyed but he drags Fenix up. Fenix CHOPS, and CHOPS, and CHOPS, CHOPS, CHOPS! Nese throat chops! The ref reprimands, but Nese HOTSHOT BULLDOGS! Then he slingshots to roll Fenix up, TWO! Nese deadlifts to a POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO!! Fenix survives and the fans fire up!

Nese and the Premier Athletes are frustrated but the fans rally behind Fenix. Nese drags Fenix up, pushes him to a corner and he fires haymakers! The fans boo but Nese sits Fenix down. The ref counts, Nese lets off, and Nese brings down the kneepads. Nese goes side to side, but Fenix somersaults to SPIKE-RANA! Cover, TWO!! Nese survives, but Fenix BOOTS him! Fenix runs in to JUMP SOBAT! Nese wobbles, Fenix brings him around to wrench, but Daivari gets on the apron! Fenix runs Daivari off, but Nese runs in! Fenix DUMPS Nese out onto Daivari! The fans fire up and Fenix builds speed to FLY! Down go ALL the Premier Athletes!

The fans are thunderous for “A E DUB! A E DUB!” while Sterling panics. Fenix rises, and he puts Nese in. The fans rally behind Fenix as he climbs. Fenix reaches the top rope, but Sterling gets on the apron! So Fenix tightrope walk PENALTY KICKS him down! But Nese rolls Fenix! SOBAT HEEL KICK! Nese goes up and up and PREMIER 450! Cover, TWO!! Nese is furious that Fenix survives but the fans are thunderous! Nese drags himself over and brings Fenix up. Nese pump handles, lifts, but Fenix slips free and SUPERKICKS! Nese leans against ropes, Fenix goes up, tightrope PENALTY KICK! Fenix goes up to FROG SPLASH! Cover, Fenix wins!

Winner: Rey Fenix, by pinfall

It was practically 4v1 but Fenix still wins out! Will this momentum help Fenix head after whatever championship he wants after All In?


Tony Schiavone is in the ring.

He welcomes us back to the ESports Stadium, and welcomes in two men AEW loves, it’s FTR! The fans fire up as Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood make their way out, having made their return just last week to help Tommy Billington against The Don Callis Family. FTR joins Schiavone in the ring and he brings up that big return to stand up to the Don Callis Family. Thankfully they did, so he asks their thoughts. Cash says if you ask him, Dynamite Kid Tommy Billington has one of the brightest futures in wrestling today, and they weren’t gonna let the Don Callis Family walk all over him.

But Cash also wants to talk FTR. It is no secret that the past two years has been the greatest run in their careers. The fans cheer that! Schiavone says the fans agree with Cash, and Cash says he thinks so, too. But while this was something Cash didn’t wanna talk about, when FTR was told they had time to talk tonight, he figured he should get it off his chest. It is no secret that Cash has been going through personal stuff that has dragged his name through the mud, is a cloud over his head, and he has had more stress than he could ever tell us all. Every single night, when he came out here, that was his escape.

This is where Cash could forget all that other crap, even when it wasn’t true. Every week, night after night, the fans helped Cash get through that. All that out there didn’t matter to him! It only mattered that he wrestled every match like it was his last, because he didn’t know if it was gonna be his last. So it isn’t a secret that Cash is a hot head, but it won’t happen outside this ring. Now the only people FTR has their eyes set on are The Young Bucks! So maybe, just maybe, time to go Buck Hunting!

Dax tells Schiavone that 2022 and 2023 were good times for FTR fans. FOUR world tag titles, THREE incredible matches with The Briscoes, and 58 MINUTES with Bullet Club Gold in Calgary. And the cherry on top: Beating the Bucks in front of 80 THOUSAND people in Wembley Stadium. But now, this is the present, and their win-loss record isn’t so great. Back in April, Dax had a serious back injury that he thought he wasn’t gonna come back from. But what really bothered him was The Bucks leap-frogging FTR as the best tag team in the world, and that didn’t sit well with him. The fans boo, they don’t like it either.

Dax says six weeks ago, he was sent home to rehab. He watched Collision, Dynamite and Rampage, all in hopes that “our EVPs, our fearless leaders,” would take this tag division back to the top and take it to the Promised Land. Dax was so let down. In six weeks, we haven’t seen The Bucks defend their titles. The fans boo that, too. Dax says maybe, just maybe, this is a big mistake. But starting next week, here in Arlington, Texas, FTR’s road to the AEW World Tag Team Championships begins. FTR starts their road back, and it ends at Wembley Stadium at All In!

And Dax knows sometimes he is rough to deal with, a little abrasive. But if you’ll give him a little grace, a little love, he promises FTR will give you all every bit of passion, love, tears, sweat and whatever else, so that they will become the THREE-TIME AEW World Tag Team Champions! The fans chant for “F T R! F T R!” and Dax tells The Bucks, “This whole thing’s for you. Top Guys, Out!” Just as AEW starts on the homestretch to All In 2024, FTR want to hit it out of the park! Will they get their shot at Matthew & Nicholas? Or are they overlooking The Acclaimed and their own shot at the gold?


Backstage interview with Hikaru Shida.

Lexy Nair is with the Shining Samurai and brings up the match tonight. Shida says stop, stop, stop. She came here for a fight, is still looking for a fight, and she wants to fight! Shida wants a fight… with DOCTOR BRITT BAKER!! Welcome back, by the way. And now Britt just wants to be TBS Champion? Get in line! Or does Britt not remember that Shida made her bleed once before? Shida will do it again this Wednesday on Dynamite: Blood & Guts! There could be a lot more blood than TBS bargained for, but will Shida make sure All In’s card is subject to change?


Roderick Strong VS Tomohiro Ishii!

The Savior of the Backbreaker will challenge Mark Briscoe for the ROH World Championship next Friday at Death Before Dishonor, right in this same building! However, he’s up against #BigTime Ishii, someone he’s also been itching to fight. Will Roddy be more than ready for the Sussex County Chicken? Or will the Stone Pitbull take a big bite out of him first?

The bell rings and the fans rally for “I-SHI-I! I-SHI-I!” as he circles with Roddy. They tie up, go around, and Ishii puts Roddy on ropes. The ref counts, Ishii lets off slowly, but Roddy CHOPS! Ishii doesn’t even flinch! Ishii eggs Roddy on, so Roddy CHOPS! Ishii CHOPS, Roddy CHOPS, repeat! The CHOPS keep going, a lot like they did just last night on Rampage. Ishii CHOPS, eggs Roddy on, so Roddy CHOPS again! The CHOPS just speed up now! The fans fire up as they go CHOP for CHOP again and again! Roddy then KNEES low, runs, and RAMS Ishii! Ishii stays put to CHOP again!

Ishii runs, Roddy CHOPS but Ishii just keeps moving, to run Roddy over! The fans fire up as Roddy flounders to a corner! Ishii eggs Roddy on, storms up, but Roddy BOOTS him! Roddy fires forearms but Ishii leans into them! Ishii corners Roddy like that! Roddy fires more and more and more forearms, but Ishii doesn’t budge! Roddy sees he’s stuck, the fans tell him he messed up, so Roddy uses ropes as defense. Ishii doesn’t go anywhere, so Roddy tries more forearms! Ishii DECKS Roddy! Roddy staggers back up but into Ishii’s facelock. Ishii suplexes high and hard! Cover, TWO! Roddy bails out to the apron but Ishii storms over.

Ishii TOSSES Roddy into the ring, Roddy staggers back up. Roddy waistlocks, Ishii throws him off! Ishii dodges the Strong Knee, but Roddy fires more forearms! Roddy runs, RAMS Ishii, but Ishii ROCKS him again! And CHOPS him! Roddy dodges but Ishii CLOBBERS him again! The fans fire up while Roddy bails out. Roddy hobbles, Ishii watches, and Roddy rolls in. Roddy bails out, but Ishii pursues! Roddy kicks low, bumps Ishii off the apron, but Ishii returns the favor! Ishii pushes Roddy in, but Roddy comes back to WRECK Ishii with a dropkick! Ishii hits railing, Roddy brings him around for an APRON BACKBREAKER!

The fans are torn while Ishii flops to the floor, and Collision goes picture in picture.

Roddy pursues Ishii, drags him up, and pushes him into the ring. Roddy stomps Ishii around, scuffs him and digs his heels in. The ref counts, Roddy lets off, and Roddy drags Ishii up. Roddy reels Ishii in to BACKBREAKER! Ishii writhes, Roddy huffs ‘n’ puffs, and Roddy sits Ishii up. Roddy CLAWS Ishii’s face, then CLUBS him down. Roddy stomps Ishii, covers, TWO! Roddy keeps Ishii down with a double wristlock, but Ishii endures. Ishii fights up, fireman’s carries, but Roddy slips free. Roddy kicks Ishii low, stomps him to a corner, then digs his boots in. Roddy lets off to soak up heat, then he storms back up to CHOP!

Roddy ROCKS and CHOPS Ishii, then fires more hands. Roddy brings Ishii in for a suplex high and hard! Cover, TWO! Ishii stays in this, but Roddy stays on him with a chinlock stretch! Ishii endures, fights up, and he carries Roddy as a backpack! Roddy CLAWS Ishii’s face, and has a SLEEPER! Roddy brings Ishii back down into body scissors! Ishii endures as Collision returns to single picture, and the fans rally up. Ishii stands, throws elbows but Roddy knees low. Roddy ROCKS Ishii, CHOPS him, then runs. Ishii scoops to SNAP POWERSLAM! Both men are down and the fans fire up!

Roddy flounders away to ropes, drags himself up, and he goes back to Ishii. Roddy fires a forearm but Ishii fires back! Roddy gets the edge but Ishii just glares at him! Roddy fires more shots but Ishii leans into them again! Ishii corners Roddy all over again! Ishii then CHOPS, CHOPS, and ROCKS! Ishii CHOPS and ROCKS Roddy over and over, but gets in the ref’s face as he counts. Ishii whips, Roddy reverses and ROCKS Ishii back! Roddy fireman’s carries, Ishii slips free, GERMAN SUPLEX! Roddy tumbles to a corner and Ishii growls as he rises. The fans fire up and Ishii runs in to LARIAT!

Ishii brings Roddy around, puts him up top, and then climbs up. Ishii brings Roddy up to stalling SUPERPLEX! The fans are thunderous while Ishii crawls to the cover, TWO!! Roddy survives and the fans fire up! Ishii rises, he brings Roddy up and in, but Roddy fights the lift! Roddy back drops Ishii away! Ishii rises, runs in, but Roddy BOOTS him! ENZIGIRIS! And then fireman’s carry, for the GUTBUSTER- NO, Ishii blocks that! Ishii runs, Roddy avoids the sliding lariat! Ishii swats a lariat, Roddy ducks the headbutt, but Ishii comes back to HEADBUTT after all! The fans fire up again as Ishii storms around.

Ishii runs, Roddy gets around to OLYMPIC SLAM! And roll through to fireman’s carry! GUTBUSTER DROP! Cover, TWO!! Ishii survives, the fans fire up, but Roddy drags Ishii up again. Roddy suplexes, but Ishii fights it! Ishii wrenches, LARIATS, then runs. Roddy dodges to fire boxing elbows! And a BOOT! Ishii swings, Roddy dodges and CHOPS! And CHOPS! And STRONG- NO, Ishii stops the knee to ENZIGIRI! Roddy wobbles, Ishii runs, into the STRONG KNEE! Ishii SOUTHPAW LARAITS! Ishii runs again, to LARIAT Roddy inside-out! Cover, TWO!! Roddy survives but Ishii roars!

Wait, here comes The Kingdom! The fans boo, the ref tells them to stay back, but then Roddy LOW BLOWS Ishii, and STRONG KNEES!! Cover, Roddy wins!

Winner: Roderick Strong, by pinfall

Matt Taven & Mike Bennett help Roddy avenge their loss last night on Rampage, but they also haul Ishii up. Roddy slaps Ishii around, talks smack, but here comes Mark Briscoe & Kyle O’Reilly! The Conglomeration runs The Kingdom off, but this fight only has six more days to wait! Will Roddy be ready to #ReachForTheSky? Or will Blood & Guts make things a lot easier for him this Wednesday?


Holo.grm VS Gringo Loco!

After weeks of mystery, it is time to see this newest star in action! His name may be Hologram, but he is no illusion! Will he show just how real he is now that he’s All Elite?

The bell rings and the fans rally up. Hologram runs in, Loco leaps up and over. Loco runs in, Hologram dodges, then jumps up to stand on Loco! Hologram backflips, runs, then titl-o-whurl RANAS! Hologram kips up, then knuckle locks to CHOP! Hologram goes up and up and jumps onto Loco, but Loco swpins him! So Hologram just uses that to tilt-o-whirl RANA again! The fans fire up and Loco bails out. Hologram runs to fake Loco out, then WRECK him with a dropkick! Hologram skins the cat, builds speed and FLIES! Direct hit and down goes Loco! The fans fire up and Hologram gets Loco up and into the ring.

Hologram goes up, dodges Loco and GAMANGIRIS! Hologram slingshots and pops up, to RANA again! Loco ends up in a corner and he’s getting frustrated. Hologram runs in but Loco sends him hard into buckles! Loco storms up to stomp Hologram, then brings him around to CHOP! The fans “WOO~!” and Loco whips. Hologram KICKS, runs, but Loco gorilla presses! Loco DROPS Hologram, STANDING MOONSAULTS, covers, TWO! Loco is annoyed but he drags Hologram to a drop zone. Loco goes up and up and SKY TWISTER FLOPS! Hologram adjusts his kneepads, dodges Loco, but Loco corners him again!

Hologram jumps over the kick, dodges the lariat, and is on the apron to slip through the ropes! Hologram slingshots up and over, strikes a pose, and now Loco is really frustrated. Loco runs up, but Hologram BOOTS hm! Hologram goes up and up, and QUEBRADA SNAP SUPLEXES! Loco bails out, Hologram goes up and up to SUPER FLYING RANA!! The fans are thunderous for Hologram and his “LUCHA! LUCHA!” Hologram puts Loco in the ring, stalks him, and then spins to HEEL KICK! Then a torture rack, for an AIRPLANE SPIN BLUE THUNDER!! Cover, Hologram wins!

Winner: Holo.grm, by pinfall

A powerful debut for Holo.grm and his #PortalBomb! Will this transformation from musketeer to futuristic warrior be just what he needs to become the best in the world?


BREAKING NEWS for next week!

Battle of the Belts returns for the 11th edition, following live after Collision! What championships will be on the line as AEW continues towards All In?


Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs speak.

Kevin Von Erich says it is so great to be here in Texas with his sons and his friend. This is a great night. Kevin remembers working with Dusty, and he learned so much from him. There will never be another like him. Wrestling is changing, there are a lot of differences. Dustin knows, he’s been here a long time, so he can be a real benefit to Marshall & Ross. Dustin thanks Kevin, and says he watched Kevin for years, learned so much from his own father, and he is sure the storm has arrived. One of the greatest wrestling legacies right here in Texas! The Von Erichs, the Rhodes, together for the first time since 1978!

Dustin looks forward to this, and promises that if they listen and watch, they’ll head down a path that is already great. They’ve seen this trio in action before, so believe him when he says, Dustin’s got your back. Will Dustin & The Von Erichs make a natural fit here in AEW?


Mark Briscoe speaks.

“Now here we are in the Dog Days of Summer 2024, it’s hot as balls outside, and lemme tell you what else is heating up, the schedule for the ROH World Champion. Got a busy week next week. Next Friday, right here in Arlington, Texas, it’s ROH Death Before Dishonor, Mark Briscoe, Roderick Strong, for the ROH World title!” Mark tells Roddy that they’ve known each other a good long time now, came up in the game together. But Mark warns Roddy, Mark’s gotten wiser since last time. He’s gotten tougher since the last time! So Roddy better be ready! That’s Friday!

But after Friday, one thing’s for certain is that two days ago it was Wednesday! And let’s talk about Wednesday! Blood & Guts! Nashville, Tennessee! Team AEW VS The Elite. Let’s explain something to The Elite: pro-wrestling runs parallel to society in so many ways. And The Elite is the perfect example of what is wrong in the world today. They’re powerful, privileged, and they think they can step on the little man, step on the grind. But Team AEW represents the grind worldwide! Bring yo’ ass, because Mark will be disappointed if they don’t bring the fight! Let’s get violent, baby! RARARARA!


Lumberjack match: Thunder Rosa VS Deonna Purrazzo!

La Mera Mera has been daring The Virtuosa to just bring the fight so they can settle this, and she finally got Deonna to accept this fight! With the AEW Women’s Division surrounding the ring, will there be no running and hiding for Deonna now? Or will she still find a way to snatch away this win right out from under Rosa’s nose?

The bell rings, the two run up and start throwing hands! The fans fire up while the lumberjacks egg them on. Rosa puts Deonna on ropes, wrenches an arm, then whips. Deonna holds ropes to stop, and she bails out, but nope, Trish Adora and a few others are right there. However, Marina Shafir and Diamante are also there, they have the others stay back so Deonna can get herself in the ring. Deonna runs up on Rosa, Rosa dodges to mule kick. Rosa runs, DROPKICKS Deonna, and the fans fire up. Rosa stomps Deonna, runs and SENTONS! Cover, TWO! Deonna bails out, but is surrounded by Abadon, Leyla Hirsch, Rachael Ellering and more!

Deonna runs back into the ring, Rosa stomps her again. Rosa CHOPS Deonna to a corner, CHOPS her in the corner, and then whips corner to corner. Deonna reverses, runs up but Rosa mule kicks! Rosa goes up and up to CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Rosa is annoyed but she drags Deonna up. Deonna fires body shots, whips Rosa OUT, but Ellering and friends are there to help Rosa up. But Deonna gets Rosa in the ropes for a DRAPING DDT! Deonna soaks up the heat but she doesn’t have that many fans at ringside. Deonna stomps Rosa out, Ellering and friends are there to help Rosa, but Deonna stomps her again.

The fans rally for Rosa but Deonna runs in, Rosa dodges, and Deonna finds herself surrounded again! Ellering CLOBBERS Deonna and the fans fire up! Taya gets upset, but Ellering does her job of putting Deonna in. However, Taya crosses the line by grabbing Rosa’s feet on the apron! Rosa kicks her away while the other lumberjacks are arguing! Rosa goes up, but Deonna SLAPS her first! Deonna climbs up after Rosa, and she aims for the lumberjacks! SUPERPLEX onto the lumberjacks! The fans fire up as all 20 some odd ladies are down, and Collision goes picture in picture!

Taya and Diamante check on each other, being sometimes teammates and friends. They find Deonna and Rosa in the pile, get them in the ring, and Deonna stalks Rosa. Rosa fires body shots but Deonna fires a forearm! The forearms go back and forth, harder and harder, then Deonna KNEES low! Deonna throws Rosa by her hair, then soaks up the heat. Deonna taunts Rosa, drags her up, and wrenches an arm to YANK it! Deonna wrenches and YANKS the arm again, and then WRINGS it out! Rosa writhes, Deonna covers, TWO! Rosa snarls but Deonna stays on her and that arm. Deonna top wristlocks and wrangles Rosa down.

Rosa endures, even as Deonna endures. The lumberjacks rally the fans, and Rosa fights up to arm-drag free! Rosa runs up to wheelbarrow, victory roll and STOMP 182! Cover, TWO! Deonna toughs it out, Rosa drags her up, and Rosa fireman’s carries. Deonna fights with elbows, then shoves Rosa away to BOOT her down! Deonna storms around, drags Rosa up, and Collision goes to break.

Collision returns, Rosa fights the straitjacket but Deonna puts it back on her, for a BACKSTABBER! Cover, TWO! Rosa survives, Deonna TOSSES her out! And Taya is right there to slap her around! Diamante joins in, but Adora and the others stop the lumberjacks. Rosa DECKS Camron Bra’Nae (formerly NXT’s Amari Miller)! Diamante runs up, brawls with Rosa, but Rosa ROCKS her! Rosa HOTSHOTS Deonna, fires forearm son her, and the fans fire up! Rosa has Deonna on ropes, the ref counts, but Rosa lets off to run and DROPKICK! Deonna sputters and the fans fire up! Rosa drags Deonna up, fireman’s carries, and spins into the DEATH VALLEY! Cover, TWO!

Deonna survives and shocks Rosa! The lumberjacks rally, the fans fire up, and Rosa vows to end this. Rosa scoops Deonna but Deonna somersault clutches, into an ARMBAR!! Rosa fights, stacks Deonna, TWO! Deonna BOOTS Rosa! But Rosa ROUNDHOUSES! Deonna returns, catches the lariat, for an EXPLODER! Cover, TWO! The fans rally up again as Deonna and Rosa rise. Deonna reels Rosa in, Gotch Holds, but Rosa slips free to tuck Deonna! Deonna fights the lift, wrenches out, and she wrangles Rosa into the FUJIWARA ARMBAR! Rosa fights around, rolls through, but Deonna keeps the arm!

Rosa has the ROPEBREAK and the ref counts. Deonna lets off, drags Rosa up but Rosa TOSSES her out! Deonna and Rosa brawl at the ropes, the lumberjacks watching closely. Rosa fires a flurry, but Deonna HOTSHOTS the arm! Taya high-fives Deonna, but Ellering gets in Taya’s face. Rosa runs to SPEAR Deonna onto the lumberjacks! Another wild wipeout and the fans are thunderous! Rosa drags Deonna up to RAM her into steel steps! Rosa then stalks Deonna, but Diamante & Taya CLOBBER Ellering! The fans boo but Rosa drags Deonna up and into the ring. Rosa sees Diamante but Diamante fires hands first!

The fans boo but Leyla goes after Diamante, payback for ROH’s Lights Out match! Deonna is in the ring, the count is climbing, and it is getting chaotic on the outside! Red Velvet is after Billie Starkz, a preview of their ROH Women’s World TV Championship match, and then Taya sneaks Deonna a spare turnbuckle bar! Deonna CLOBBERS Rosa!! The ref misses all of this as Deonna covers, Deonna wins!!

Winner: Deonna Purrazzo, by pinfall

Well, call this one a team effort as Taya even raises Deonna’s hand in victory! Deonna hurries away before Rosa knows what hit her, but will Rosa ever get her revenge?


The Patriarchy heads for gorilla position.

Christian Cage is ready to lead his family to victory, but watching in the background is Kip Sabian. Will Mr. Superbad have something to say about AEW’s “Father of the Year” becoming a champion?


BREAKING NEWS for Collision!

Be ready on August 1st as we’ll have a special Thursday Night Collision! Still at regular time of 8 PM Eastern on TNT, tickets on sale now!


Vacated Unified AEW & ROH World Trios Championships: The Bang Bang Gang VS The Patriarchy!

Juice Robinson & The Gunns didn’t like that AEW management stripped them of these titles just because Jay White got hurt, but they were at least given this title opportunity to win the titles back. Will Rock Hard Robinson, Fully Cocked Colten, and… Austin make The Switchblade proud? Or will Christian Cage and his “sons,” Nick Wayne & Killswitch/Luchasaurus triumph together?

The introductions are made, the belts are displayed, and only one trio can leave with them after tonight!

Fans chant for “JUICE! JUICE! JUICE!” and they cheer as he rips off the shirt! The trios sort out and we start with Austin and Nick. Austin fires up, the fans are with him, and the two tie up. They go around, Austin digs in his heels to then wrench, wristlock, and headlock. Nick pries free to headlock back, but Austin powers out. Nick pulls hair, mocks the finger guns, then reels Austin back in for a takeover. Austin headscissors, Nick kips free but roles reverses as Austin hits a takeover but Nick headscissors. Austin kips free, blocks the arm-drag and he whips Nick for a hip toss. Nick flips through, Austin shoves him away then dodges to hip toss and QUICK DRAW!

The fans fire up while Nick scrambles away! Austin stares the Patriarchy down, so Christian tags in! The fans boo but then Austin points to Juice. The fans chant for “JUICE! JUICE! JUICE!” again so Austin tags him in! The fans fire up as Juice and Christian stare down. They circle, but then Christian tags out to Killswitchasaurus. The fans boo but now the dinosaur steps into the ring. The two tie up, Juice puts Luchasaurus in a corner and CHOPS! And CHOPS! Luchasaurus just steps up to Juice. Juice CHOPS again, and again! Luchasaurus swings, Juice dodges to kick, but Luchasaurus blocks to CHOP Juice down!

The fans boo but Luchasaurus stands Juice up. Juice BITES Luchasaurus’ hand! Juice stomps a foot, CLUBS away on Luchasaurus, then runs. Christian gets a cheap shot in! And a HOTSHOT! HEADBUTT from Luchasaurus! The fans boo more but The Patriarchy soaks it up as Collision goes picture in picture.

Luchasaurus drags Juice up to fire off hands in the corner! The ref counts, Luchasaurus tags Christian and Christian fires hands. Christian talks trash right in Juice’s face, but he lets off to talk smack on the Gunns. Nick CHOKES Juice in the distraction! Christian storms up, Juice fires body shots in return! Christian CLUBS Juice for it! Christian stomps away on Juice, rains down fists, but The Gunns coach Juice up. Christian drags Juice up, tags Nick, and they mug Juice. Nick whips Juice to ropes, then UPPERCUTS him down! Nick pushes Juice to a cover, ONE!! Juice is tougher than that but Nick drags him up.

Nick bumps Juice off buckles, tags in Luchasaurus, and they mug Juice. Luchasaurus puts Juice on ropes to CHOP him down! Luchasaurus CHOKES Juice on ropes, lets off as the ref counts, and Luchasaurus stalks Juice to a corner. Luchasaurus whips corner to corner, runs up and YAKUZA BOOTS! Cover, TWO! Luchasaurus drags Juice up, bumps him off buckles, then tags Nick. Nick drags Juice out to snapmare, then he scrapes his soles on JIuice’s face! Nick runs to KICK Juice in the back! Nick sucker punches Austin, then scurries away. Collision returns to single picture as Juice THROWS Nick away!

The fans fire up while Nick and Juice crawl, hot tag to Colten! Colten rallies on Nick, then dodges Luchasaurus to DROPKICK him! Colten swings on Christian but Christian gets away. Colten runs to STINGER SPLASH Nick! Colten keeps moving, and he hits the crossover NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Colten drags Nick over, tags in Austin, and Austin bumps Nick off buckles. Austin fires hands, ROCKS Nick, then runs corner to corner and back again, only for Nick to dodge! Austin’s splash sends him tumbling up and out to the floor! Colten checks on his brother but Nick smirks. Nick goes out to fetch Austin and puts him in the ring.

Austin flounders, Nick stomps him around, then covers, TWO! Nick drags Austin over, tags Christian, and they CLAW Austin’s back! The ref reprimands but Christian CHOKES Austin on ropes! The ref counts, Christian lets off, and Christian taunts Colten. Christian drags Austin up to snapmare, then he ELBOWS Austin in the head. Christian CLAWS Austin’s face, tags Luchasaurus, and they mug Austin. Luchasaurus CHOPS Austin in the corner, brings him around, and wrenches for a BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO! Austin is still in this but Luchasaurus drags him back up. Luchasaurus puts him in the corner but Austin BOOTS!

Austin ELBOWS Nick, glares at Christian, but then goes up and over! Hot tag to Juice! Juice CLOBBERS Nick, scares Christiani off, but Nick kicks. Nick goes up and up, but Juice avoids the cutter! JAB! JAB! JAB! “JUICE! JUICE! JUICE!” LEFT HAND O’ GOD! And a SENTON! Cover, TWO! Nick survives but Juice drags Nick up. Juice whips, Christian gets Nick out of th ering to safety. But Juice PLANCHAS them both down! The father and son take a fall, Juice puts Nick in. But Luchasaurus grabs Juice! Colten & Austin CLOBBER Luchasaurus first! They then whip Luchasaurus hard into railing! Luchasaurus tumbles up and over!

Nick is in the ring, Juice LARIATS him in the corner! The fans fire up as Juice goes corner to corner for a CANNONBALL! Juice drags Nick up, reels him in, suplex and JACKHAMMER! Cover, Christian breaks it! But Austin is there! And Colten, too! Christian is surrounded! Christian tries to run for it but he gets reeled into a BIG atomic drop! Austin ROCKS Christian! Colten ROCKS Christian! Juice DECKS Christian! The fans fire up as The Guns DOUBLE LARIAT Christian and themselves out of the ring! Nick sneaks up on Juice, but Juice blocks the low blow! Nick’s being a bad boy, Juice reels him in!

Juice FALLING POWERBOMBS Nick! High stack, TWO!! Nick survives and Juice is beside himself! Juice drags Nick to a drop zone, goes up the corner, but Nick anchors him! Luchasaurus returns to grab Juice, for a SUPER CHOKE SLAM!! Nick goes up and up and tags Christian, so he can ARIHARA MOONSAULT the Gunns! Christian is up, to FROG SPLASH Juice! Cover, TWO?!? Juice survives and Christian is furious! The fans are thunderous but Christian hauls Juice up. Nick runs in, but Juice DUMPS Nick out hard! Christian CLUBS Juice for that, brings him to Luchasaurus, but then Juice ducks! The HEADBUTTS his Christian!

Christian staggers, Juice reels him in, JUICE IS LOOSE!! Cover, NICK BREAKS IT!! And with just nanoseconds to spare! Austin drags Nick out, they brawl! Colten intercepts Luchasaurus, but Christian pokes Juice in the eyes! Christian chicken wings Juice for the KILL- NO, Juice spins that around on him! But then Christian grabs the ref! Mother Shayna MACES Juice!! Christian turns Juice around, KILLSWITCH!! Cover, Patriarchy wins!

Winners: The Patriarchy, by pinfall (NEW Unified World Trios Champions)

Christian promised his family they’d have championships together, and it would seem his promise came true! The lights flicker, but they stay up. Was that just a glitch? Or is there something Christian is overlooking?

My Thoughts:

A great Collision here to start the “Road to Wembley” series in the ESports Stadium. The stage and ramp look great, but this new theme song they’re using instead of Elton John is not a good song. It has like marching band drums but still tries to be rock ‘n’ roll, they need to scrap it and try again. That aside, Darby VS Mortos was a great opener, and Darby of course won to bring momentum into Blood & Guts. Good promo from Darby to officially challenge Jack Perry for the TNT Championship, you can bet that’s happening. A shame for Skye Blue getting hurt tonight, but taking a crossbody from that high up is hard to judge. Hopefully the injury isn’t too severe. But good promo from Shida after to call out Britt, that’ll be a great match for Dynamite.

Great match from Fenix and Nese, and great win for Fenix, even if that was the extent of things. Great debut for Hologram/Holo.grm, formerly Aramis in AAA. He got to show a lot of what he can do, and even then I think there’s even more in his arsenal he held back. Great match from Roddy VS Ishii but I should’ve figured Taven & Bennett would show up to help Roddy win. Mark and Kyle running out there was logical, and no Cassidy was curious. It subtly builds that new moodiness to Cassidy, given he was in his more negative, dark denim and Pixies song mood on Dynamite. But great promo from Mark to hype up Blood & Guts as well as Death Before Dishonor.

Likewise, great promo from The Acclaimed with Billy making them get serious. Angry Acclaimed could make for some interesting stuff, especially if they kept it up towards their title match. Speaking of, FTR had a great promo but them setting a goal for another match with The Bucks at All In, I guess I was right to think that was the plan all along. Battle of the Belts 11 is coming so maybe that’s where we get Bucks VS Acclaimed? If that’s the case, then it feels like a given that Bucks win to go on to All In, which is a shame for The Acclaimed. Very good promo from Jericho to call out Suzuki, though I don’t think it added anything. They’re maybe leaning a little too hard into Jericho always needing TV time no matter the show, but whatever.

Good promo from Dusty & The Von Erichs, but did they really need to wait until AEW was back in Texas to get that trio going again? Well, given who the new trios champs are, I wouldn’t mind seeing Dusty & The Von Erichs going after The Patriarchy, especially with the obvious “Christian can bring up Dusty” promo waiting to be used. The trios championship match was great stuff, and they did a really good job making us think Bang Bang Gang was gonna win. But being Heels, Christian & The Patriarchy of course won via cheating. The flickering lights were a very subtle nod to The House of Black, but I would’ve preferred just a full tease, maybe just The House applauding from the tron and saying they’ll see Christian soon. And with Kip Sabian watching backstage, I feel like maybe Kip is the third man while Buddy Murphy is away.

My Score: 8.8/10

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