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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (12/21/21)

Tuesday Night STREET FIGHT!



NXT Coverage 2021

Big Mami Cool has a score to settle!

This has been a long time coming! Dakota Kai betrayed Raquel Gonzalez and cost her the NXT Women’s Championship, but will she survive Raquel’s wrath?


  • Street Fight: Raquel Gonzalez VS Dakota Kai; Gonzalez wins.
  • The Creed Brothers w/ Diamond Mine VS Grizzled Young Veterans; The Creed Brothers win, by disqualification.
  • Trick Williams w/ Carmelo Hayes VS Dexter Lumis; Lumis wins.
  • Von Wagner VS Edris Enofe; Enofe wins.
  • Elektra Lopez w/ Legado Del Fantasma VS Io Shirai; Shirai wins.
  • Pete Dunne VS Tony D’Angelo; Dunne wins.


Tommaso Ciampa is in the ring to start NXT!

THE NXT Champion holds up Goldie and he has the mic already. Fans chant his name, and Ciampa says, “Listen guys, I got a little bit to get off my chest today. As everybody knows, as the NXT Champion, you are the hunted. Everybody has their eyes on you and that title you hold above your head.” But as NXT Champion, Ciampa’s different from all the others before him. Ciampa does the hunting. And last week, Bron Breakker was the hunted. Bron is probably gonna come out and interrupt, but Ciampa says he doesn’t need to. Ciampa invites Bron to the ring! Ciampa wants to say something to his face. And so, Bron Breakker heads to the ring!

Fans bark as Bron goes to the ring and Ciampa has him skip getting the mic. Ciampa already knows what Bron’s thinking, anyway. Ciampa knows what Bron wants to say: at WarGames, Bron made a statement! Hell, Bron speared Ciampa through a table in the corner, shattered it to pieces, and pressed Ciampa and spiked him to the mat and won! Bron doesn’t just want another shot at the title, he earned another shot! And he didn’t just earn it on any show, it will be on a big stage! Ciampa is thinking New Year’s Evil, Ciampa VS Bron II for the NXT title! Ciampa agrees with all of that. Bron deserves this. Just hopefully, he doesn’t drown like he did the first time.

Ciampa wants Bron to remember that in two weeks, New Year’s Evil, Bron gets his second opportunity. Some don’t even get one, and Bron gets two! Isn’t he special? Bron earned it, that’s why, and we all know it. But remember something. Remember what Ciampa said about jumping into the deep end. At Halloween Havoc, Ciampa exposed Bron’s inexperience both in the ring and in life. There is no replacement for experience and time. Bron has all the tools, we all know that! HE’s super intense, strength for days, but the thing is, Bron is not ready to be champion in Ciampa’s NXT.

We’re talking about THE NXT Championship. Held by guys like Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, Shinsuke Nakamura and Finn Balor. Guys like Tommaso Ciampa. Guys who spent a decade before ever getting to the WWE, then another ten IN the WWE perfecting their craft! But Bron’s had what?  matches? Well Bron’s doing great, no disrespect! Just, not quite enough to be ready for the title, the bright lights, the weight of the world on your shoulders. It’s all too much too soon. Remember Halloween Havoc, one mistake, and it all slipped away. Surely it won’t happen again. Surely Bron won’t make another mistake.

In Bron’s “fantasy world,” nothing is better than New Year’s Evil, Bron leaving as the NEW champion! And if he does, he’ll take it home to the family and they’ll be so proud, put it on the mantle, barking and clapping for “Lil’ Bronny” who did it all by himself. Bron’s a champion~! And then reality hits. Ciampa SLAPS Bron! That reality is staring Bron in the face! It’s the greatest NXT champion of all time! Bron choke grips Ciampa and trophy lifts him!! And then lets him down easy. Bron picks up the belt, grinning the whole time. Bron hands the belt back to Ciampa, and says blood is in the water! The shark is gonna eat Ciampa alive! “See you in two weeks, CHAMP!”

Bron leaves Ciampa sitting and clutching Goldie. Is the Big Booty Nephew going to get the better of Daddy Ciampa to start 2022?


Grayson Waller posts to Instagram.

“No disrespect to AJ Styles, when I was a kid, I loved AJ Styles. Everyone, ‘Yeah yeah, AJ Styles!’ See, people love AJ Styles. But I feel like he’s kinda like that other guy I’ve read of, he’s just hanging on a little bit too long. It’s 2021, AJ. Like, you have money. Get a haircut, lad!” Waller says $20 sorts Styles all out. Tinder would left swipe all over on him. Think about this? The Phenomenal Grayson Waller. At least he doesn’t have a mom haircut! No offense to Waller’s mom, that’s on Styles. But speaking of, Styles is heading into NXT as we speak! Will Styles show the 21st Century Success Story what it takes to be phenomenal?


Raquel Gonzalez enters the arena.

And Dakota rushes Raquel with a road case!! Raquel dodges it, Dakota KICKS her, then RAMS her into spare ladders! Dakota fires off forearms, Raquel staggers away, and Dakota grabs a pipe! Dakota aims and swings, but Raquel blocks to shove Dakota down! Dakota rushes back in, but her huricanrana is blocked and Raquel SWINGS Dakota into spare girders! Raquel stalks Dakota, SMACKS her with a pipe of her own, then they continue further back. Raquel gets Dakota up and LAWN DARTS her into fencing! Raquel goes again but Dakota slips off to shove Raquel into that fencing! Dakota BOOTS Raquel, and BOOTS her again!

Raquel is down and Dakota leans against the fencing. Dakota finds a chair, but Raquel lifts the girder! Raquel RAMS Dakota down with it!! Raquel drags Dakota up, scoops her again, and then SNAKE EYES Dakota off a road case! Raquel stalks Dakota more, even as Dakota pushes things over to block Raquel’s path! Raquel gets through but Dakota starts throwing things! Raquel still keeps coming and BOOTS Dakota down! Raquel clears off a big road case, but Dakota avoids being smashed between it and another! Dakota SMACKS Raquel with a trash can, and then SMACKS her with it again! Dakota laughs as she SUPERKICKS Raquel down!

Dakota hobbles away, Raquel sputters, and referees rush in. They tell Dakota to stop until the match starts, but Dakota tells them to shut up and leave her alone. Dakota sets up a table, but Raquel runs her down with a dolly! Raquel rains down hands, then runs the dolly into the garage door! Dakota hits the steel then flops off the dolly! Raaquel looks for more weapons but Dakota gets up and RAMS her into a scissor lift! Dakota runs away, Raquel hobbles and flounders after her. The refs keep trying to guide this to ringside but they’re outside in the parking lot! Raquel RAMS Dakota into the garage door again! NXT stays with this as it goes picture in picture!

Dakota smacks Raquel off the side of the building! Dakota flees but Raquel is in hot pursuit! Raquel RAMS Dakota into someone’s SUV! Dakota flounders away but Raquel pursues. Dakota gets shoved into the cameraman! Dakota kicks Raquel back, but Raquel shoves her into security railing. Raquel runs in, only to whiff and hit the railing herself! Dakota hobbles away again but Raquel gets back up. Raquel chases after but Dakota kicks her and brings her into the building. Dakota smacks Raquel off another case, then throws forearms. Dakota throws Raquel into a ladder! Dakota stomps Raquel down, but Raquel gets up.

Dakota CLUBS her and throws hands, but Raquel hits back! They’re behind the fan seating! Raquel smacks Dakota off stairs, then throws her into a wall! The wall cracks and Dakota falls over! Raquel drags Dakota along but Dakota hits back. They brawl their way into the ringside area! Fans are definitely surprised to see where they came from. Raquel brings out a ladder from under the ring! Dakota blocks the apron bump to bump Raquel instead. Dakota CLUBS Raquel, fires off more forearms, but Raquel RAMS Dakota into the apron! And again! Raquel RAMS Dakota a third time, throws body shots, then RAMS Dakota in a fourth time!

Dakota falls, clutching her side, but Raquel ain’t done! Raquel stands her up, but Dakota ducks and Raquel hits the post! Dakota forearms and CHOPS on repeat, but Raquel POSTS Dakota! NXT returns to single picture, the match is official!

Street Fight: Raquel Gonzalez VS Dakota Kai!

Raquel SMACKS Dakota with the hood of the announce desk! Raquel puts chairs in the ring, brings out kendo sticks, and throws some at Dakota! Raquel brings out trash cans, then pulls the steel steps apart! Raquel runs but Dakota avoids getting rammed down! Dakota BOOTS Raquel down, SMACKS her off the steps, then CLUBS her on the bakc. Dakota brings Raquel around to RAM into Plexiglas! Fans are going nuts as Dakota takes a seat on the steps to catch her breath. Dakota CLUBS Raquel, and again. Raquel throws body shots, CLUBS her down again, then RAMS her into the apron! Raquel shoves Dakota, then pops her up to the apron! Dakota SUPERKICKS back!

Dakota kicks but Raquel reels her into an Electric Chair! Dakota grabs the corner desperately, and she STOMPS Raquel into the steps! Raquel is dazed on the ground and Dakota is laughing again. Dakota looks under the ring and brings out a TABLE! Fans really fire up now, and Dakota talks to herself to keep going. Dakota gets the table up and into the ring, but Raquel is there to SHOVE the table back into Dakota! Raquel gets in the ring, gets one of the chairs and sits it up. Dakota gets in, she runs into a FLAPJACK onto the chair! The ref checks Dakota, she’s somehow okay to continue, and Raquel sets up that table in a corner.

Dakota comes in but Raquel pops her up! Dakota RANAS Raquel out of the ring! Dakota mule kicks Raquel down, and then brings a trash can over. Dakota puts Raquel in the can, then goes to the apron. Dakota leaps to DOUBLE STOMP the trash can!! Dakota drags Raquel out of the crushed can as fans go wild for “NXT! NXT!” Dakota drags Raquel up, “This is Awesome!” as Raquel powers out! But Dakota catches Raquel for a dragon sleeper! Raquel powers out to POWERBOMB Dakota on the steel steps!! Fans are thunderous as they lose their minds over that one! Raquel drags Dakota up, fans want that “ONE MORE TIME!” Dakota SLAPS Raquel!

Raquel is furious, and she brings Dakota over to CHOKE her against the desk! “I trusted you!!” Raquel puts Dakota in the ring, Dakota KICKS back from the mat! Dakota gets a trash can but Raquel BOOTS her down! Raquel drags Dakota up, gets her up, CHINGONA BOMB onto the trash can!! Cover, Raquel wins!

Winner: Raquel Gonzalez, by pinfall

Ricky Desperado decimates #CapKota, and finally buries her! Raquel shouts, “I am sick and tired of waiting!” Raquel wants her title rematch with Mandy Rose RIGHT NOW! And she isn’t leaving until she gets it! Will Toxic Attraction’s leader accept this challenge?


Tony D’Angelo speaks.

“It’s been said that being honest is a dangerous thing. Tony D must be the most dangerous man in NXT, because I was honest with yous from the beginning. And I backed up everything I said I would do. I smacked around everybody that’s stepped to me. This guy, that guy, it doesn’t matter. I fear nobody. Especially you, Pete Dunne.” Tony walked in, found “The baddest man in NXT,” earned his way into WarGames, and then bounced Dunne around the cage. Dunne’s the baddest man? How bad was he when Tony took his mouthpiece away? What’d Dunne do? Nothing. Dunne wants to snap Tony’s fingers? Two can play at that game. But will Tony D end up facing a Bitter End?


NXT returns and Raquel’s still waiting.

Raquel dares “Mamacita” Mandy to show up. But instead of Mandy, it’s Cora Jade who walks out! Cora congratulates Raquel on her great win tonight. Cora knows Raquel called out Mandy. And as much as Raquel wants her title back, and as much as she deserves the rematch, as much as she wants it, Cora wants Mandy and Toxic Attraction to pay for trying to rip her arm out of its socket and end her career. The only way to kill Toxic Attraction is cut the head off the snake and take the title off her. And yeah, Mandy doesn’t want to face Cora with the title on the line.

Raquel says Cora’s got guts, we all saw her jump off the cage and do the Swanton through the table. They went to war and came out on the other side together. But the title is every woman for herself. Raquel hasn’t been the same since Halloween Havoc and Mandy stole that title. Raquel took care of one big problem tonight, and there’s only one thing left to do. So it doesn’t matter if it’s enemy or friend, Raquel will go through anyone to get that title back! Cora says, “Not if I get there first.” Mandy says, “Ladies, ladies. Shh. The champ is talking. And enough with this whining.”

Raquel, you were NXT Women’s Champion for quite some time before Mandy got here. And Cora, honey, don’t even try to hang that trashy jacket on that fluke victory. Mandy says this isn’t just about the title. They’re envious of her for what she’s done for the division and the brand. But since she’s in the holiday spirit, at New Year’s Evil, it will be a Triple Threat match for her NXT Women’s Championship! In just two weeks, Mandy kills “two ugly birds with one stone.” And don’t worry, she’ll make it official. And because Mandy’s full of surprises, they not only get this title match, but they get a nice ass kicking! Gigi Dolin & Jacy Jayne attack from behind with those kendo sticks!

Raquel fights off Jacy but Gigi kicks Cora out. Toxic Attraction mug Raquel, then they double whip her through the table! Fans boo but Toxic Attraction soaks it all in. Will Raquel and Cora look to break the sidekicks before going for the head of the snake?


Joe Gacy & Harland speak with commentary.

Gacy tells, “Mr. Joseph, Mr. Barrett, thank you for this time. It has been put upon Harland’s heart to publicly apologize for his actions last week. Harland is a very sensitive man, and he is far too shaken up to speak on this. But you can see the look of regret written all over his face.” Can you…? They apologize, but given what Harland has been through, THE Brian Kendrick has to understand that he triggered Harland, and brought him emotionally back to a point where people didn’t love him as Gacy does. They don’t condone violence, but Mr. Kendrick put his hands on Harland and used offensive language.

Kendrick called Harland a freak, while they were only doing what they were told in leaving the arena. One could argue that Mr. Kendrick only has himself to blame. Gacy isn’t here to make that argument, but hopefully everyone will learn and grow from this unfortunate event. Gacy thanks us for our time. Will there be any more crocodile tears from Gacy as Harland continues in NXT?


James Drake watches workout videos.

He asks Zack Gibson if he’s seen what the Creed brothers have posted to Instagram. Gibson doesn’t care what those dweebs do, they have their match now. But look at they’re throwing 315 pounds like it’s nothing! And then the back flips! Gibson says if there’s one ting he hates, it is a cocky, arrogant team like the Creeds. Uh, yeah. So what does Gibson have planned? The Creeds are great athletes, but GYV isn’t going to win with muscle. They’re going to win with brains. Nice! Gibson will talk details on the way to gorilla. Will the Grizzled Young Veterans SSSSOOOOON be recognized as the team that cracked the code on Julius & Brutus Creed?


Persia Pirotta finds Indi Hartwell backstage.

Persia just found out their match for tonight got postponed. Why? But then Waller walks in. Indi says he’s the worst! He’s a DOUCHE! Indi won’t forgive her for what he did to Johnny! Hey, now, calm down! That hurts Waller’s feelings. Surely they don’t mean that. They’re all Aussies, they should have each other’s back. Persia tells Waller to be less worried about them, and more concerned with how AJ Styles is coming to NXT. That’s what he gets for running his mouth! Like he’s scared. Indi, move on. Waller kicked “Papa” out of NXT. But watch as the Grayson Waller Effect is the way of the future. Persia keeps Indi from mauling Waller, but will someone teach Waller a lesson?


The Creed Brothers w/ Diamond Mine VS Grizzled Young Veterans!

The teams are already in the ring, and Julius and Brutus are already fired up. Will they get back on a winning track after how Gibson & Drake cost them their undefeated streak?

The teams sort out, Gibson starts with Julius. They tie up, Julius trips Gibson, waistlocks, but Gibson gets to ropes. Julius avoids the back hand, they tie up again, and Gibson headlocks then hooks a leg. Julius fights the takedown, Gibson whips him to ropes, then things speed up as Gibson hurdles. Julius turns hip toss into fireman’s carry takedown! Tag to Brutus, Julius arm-drags Gibson and then gut wrench SLAMS Brutus on top of him! Bivens likes what he sees as Brutus drags Liverpool’s Number One up. Tag to Julius, feed to the fireman’s carry takeover, then feed back to Brutus’. Gibson hits ropes, Julius grabs the leg, but Gibson kicks him away!

Gibson get sup, Julius waistlocks but Gibson gets to a corner. Julius whips him corner to corner, Drake gets there to cushion Gibson from the buckles, and Gibson CLOBBERS Julius! Gibson ROCKS Julius, tags Drake, and holds Julius out for Drake’s FLYING AX HANDLES! Cover, TWO! Drake drags Julius up, wrenches the arm and whips him into buckles. Drake runs in to back elbow and tag Gibson. Gibson clotheslines, then feeds Julius to Drake’s calf kick! Cover, TWO! Gibson drags Julius up, Julius blocks the snap suplex but Gibson throws body shots. Julius snap suplexes Gibson! Gibson anchors a leg, Drake tags in and stays between the Creeds!

Drake ROCKS Julius with forearms but Julius hits back! Drake headlocks, Julius powers out and Brutus tags in. Feed to Brutus’ waistlock SLAM, then Brutus KNEES Drake. Julius KNEES Drake, Brutus pushes Drake around. Brutus dead lifts Drake for a gut wrench POWERBOMB! Cover, Gibson breaks it! Brutus chases after Gibson, Drake pushes Brutus and tags Gibson! Gibson KICKS Brutus, Drake CLOBBERS Brutus from behind! Gibson sets Brutus up, Drake PLANCHAS for the BACKBREAKER ELBOW DROP! But then Jacket Time appear and set up their own commentary!? Fans are loving this, but what will Kushida & Ikemen Jiro have to say while NXT goes to break?

NXT returns and it seems Jacket Time count as Japanese commentary now. Gibson has Brutus down in a cobra clutch but Brutus fights up. Drake tags in, Gibson ripcords Brutus and Drake DECKS him! Drake wraps on a chinlock and he grinds Brutus down to the mat. Drake talks trash, Brutus endures, but now Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen show up. The good ol’ boys say hey, but Drake is upset. Brutus fights up, Drake shifts to a facelock. Brutus powers up and gets closer to his corner, Jiro and Kushida seem to laugh about something, and Brutus is ever closer! Brutus THROWS Drake away and tags in Julius! Julius rallies on GYV! CHOP BLOCK for Drake!

Julius BLASTS Gibson off the apron and dropkicks Drake down! Tag back to Brutus, they fire up and get Drake for the gut wrench handoff and POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO!! Drake survives but Brutus drags him right back up. Drake fires forearms, Gibson sneaks a tag. Again Jacket Time is amused as Gibson drags Brutus out! Brutus DECKS Gibson, Drake DIVES onto Brutus! Gibson hopes Jacket Time saw that! But then Julius rushes over! Brutus gets Gibson up, Jacket Time don’t want them ruining the desk! They all argue, GYV shove Creed Brothers into Jacket Time, and it’s a BRAWL!

Winners: Creed Brothers, by disqualification

Briggs & Brooks want in on the brawl, too! It’s a four team frenzy!! Fans are going nuts for “NXT! NXT!” as the referees manage to break this all up!


Backstage interview with Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams.

We’re moments away from Trick’s first singles match and it’s against Dexter Lumis, is there any concern or fears? Melo says Trick is fearless. He’s taken down dudes three times his size in the streets. You must have Trick mistaken for dudes like Roderick Strong, “THE” champion of NXT. Talk about someone who’s scared. Trick says he’s no punk you put in the trunk! He’s Tricky B. Williams, and the B stands for, “Baby, if you don’t know, you better ask somebody!” And here’s another thing. Lumis walks around with eyes wide and thumbs up like it’s all good. If Lumis puts that thumb up, he’s gonna be walking with that thumb up his ass!

But then Lumis appears on the television screen behind them! Trick sees it and freaks out! Melo also gets spooked, but he tells Trick not to worry about it. This is just mind games! But does that mean Lumis has already won before the match has even started?


Io Shirai & Zoey Stark are both in the NXT Medical Facility.

Stark says her knee is feeling great, and she thanks Shirai for joining her in rehab. Well, Shirai was here for her weekly massage, so it just worked out. Legado Del Fantasma walk over and say the ladies are gonna have to wait. Uh, no, Stark sat down first, they’ll have to wait. But top athletes take top priority! Shirai shouts at Legado in Japanese, they shout back in Spanish. Elektra Lopez walks in to stop the arguing. Everyone knows Shirai is crazy. Just look at her, ranting and raving. But Lopez isn’t afraid of her. Shirai says in Japanese, “You will be.” Stark says Shirai was totally sticking up for her. Shirai actually likes her~! No she doesn’t. Will Shirai at least be honest when she takes the fight to Elektra?


Trick Williams w/ Carmelo Hayes VS Dexter Lumis!

NXT returns to the ring and both men are already there. Will Tricky B. put up or shut up?

The bell rings, Trick paces and fans chant, “Whoop That Trick!” Trick tries to step to Lumis, but Lumis doesn’t flinch. Lumis then steps and Trick falls over! Melo coaches Trick up and Trick throws a boot! Lumis blocks, brings Trick forward and then shoves him down! Trick scrambles again and Melo calms him back down. But then Lumis slithers over and scares Trick out of the ring! Lumis slithers after him, they go around the corner, and Trick gets back in. Lumis gets in, ducks and dodges and THESZ PRESSES for fast hands! Lumis then runs to drop ax handles! Luims clamps on with a neck wrench, Trick endures, Lumis has his fingers in Trick’s face!

Melo hears someone chirping at him and looks to the perch to see Diamond Mine! Roderick Strong, Malcolm Bivens and even Ivy Nile are taunting the North American Champion. Trick fihts up, throws elbows, but Lumis ROCKS him with an uppercut! Lumis whips Trick but Trick hurdles over and dropkicks Lumis down! Trick stomps and CLUBS Lumis, the ref counts as they’re in the ropes, but Trick dribbles Lumis! Trick throws Lumis out, Melo talks trash to Lumis and Roddy. Wait, where’d Roddy go? Bivens and Niles play innocent, Trick runs but Lumis traps him in the apron skirt to SUPERKICK! Melo dares Lumis to make a move, Lumis gives a thumbs up!

Strong snatches the North American title off Melo and starts throwing hands with him! They end up brawling past the fans and into the back. Lumis ROCKS Trick with an uppercut, gets in, but Trick kicks the rope to jam Lumis! Trick rains down fists, drags Lumis up and scoops for a SLAM! Cover, TWO! Trick drags Lumis up, throws more body shots, then scoops again for another SLAM! Cover, TWO! Trick wraps on a chinlock and he grinds Lumis down. Fans rally as Lumis endures. Lumis fights up, throws body shots but Trick throws him down! Cover, ONE! Trick clamps on another chinlock, and squeezes tight! Lumis still fights up, and then arm-drags free!

Trick staggers up and Lumis DECKS him! And again! And again! Trick goes to a corner, Lumis runs in and clotheslines, then BULLDOGS! Lumis reels Trick in for a BIG back suplex! And a kip up to the leg drop! Trick flounders, Lumis adjusts the gloves and he fires off hands in the corner! Lumis stomps, the ref counts and Lumis lets off. But then Trick slips off his shoe! Lumis ducks that to hit the SIDE EFFECT! Into the SILENCE!! Trick is passing out, Lumis wins!

Winner: Dexter Lumis, by submission

Lumis pats Trick on the head, having tucked him in for the night. But then WALLER attacks Lumis with a chair!! “I told you! I’m taking out the best in NXT, one by one!” Waller checks off another member of The Way, but here comes AJ STYLES! Waller takes a seat and waits for him, is he just waiting to get a phenomenal whooping?


Pete Dunne speaks.

“No one else in NXT 2.0 is like me. I just turned 28 years old, and I have 15 years experience. Former NXT Tag Team Champion, Dusty Classic winner, a record-breaking UK title run. And I’m far from done. These NXT 2.0 guys, they’re young, they’re hungry, but I’m the same age, and I’m more hungry. I’m not gonna let one of these geezers stand in my way. Tony D’Angelo, you might think you got one up on me at WarGames, but look what I did to ya last week. And that’s just the beginning. Deep down, you know what I’m the baddest man around here. And tonight, I make sure you never forget it.”


NXT returns and Waller has a mic.

“That’s it?” Styles pulls in and doesn’t walk out? Waller can’t stand when WWE Superstars get inducted in the Hall of Fame, they thank the locker room, they thank their mom, their dad, their cat, their dog, and for some dumb reason, they thank “the pathetic WWE Universe.” Like they matter! Do you know what Waller will do when he gets inducted? He’ll say “You’re welcome! I told you so!” the moment Waller showed up on NXT, he told us and then proven that he is THE NXT Superstar! When Waller’s music hits, the crowd- Styles’ music hits and the fans go wild! Styles goes to the ring, gets a mic for himself, and fans chant his name.

Waller says, “Ladies and gentlemen, the Phenomenal A~ J~ Styles~! You’re welcome. That’s the Grayson Waller Effect.” He brought Styles to NXT! Yeah, shut up already. Fans chant, “SHUT THE HELL UP!” at Waller but he says it’ll take more than that. So Styles tells him to shut the hell up. But this is THE Grayson Waller? The one everyone’s talking about, the biggest JACKASS in NXT! Styles saw that video, the talking trash. Feel good, Waller? Fell popular now? Oh he’s real popular. HE went from, “That kid has potential,” to THE superstar! So much, he got the attention of this hall of famer. But why is Styles here? Because he wants to be the veteran that helps the new guy?

NO! Waller says Styles’ meal ticket just left him! Styles needs a new tag partner to keep him relevant, right? Waller appreciates the offer, but he’s more of a singles guy. What’s funny is, Waller talks about relevant but he calls Styles out just to get that rub. And Styles’ seen Waller’s matches. His gloves, one elbow pad, looks pretty familiar. Is it Waller or Styles in the ring? Listen, Waller. Styles will give it to you, you have potential and you’re cocky. Styles appreciates that. But a future Raw superstar? Bron Breakker, sure. Tony D, even. Melo, yeah! But Waller…? The jury’s still out on that one. Waller’s problem is that he’d rather look good and lose, then look bad and win.

Waller says he always looks good. Didn’t you see WarGames? He jumped off the cage, took out LA Knight, and carried his team to the victory! Oh, yeah, wins and losses. But didn’t he say he doesn’t care about that? It’s about swipes ‘n’ likes, right? Waller did say that. But Waller’s confused why Styles has this attitude when his insurance policy isn’t here anymore, and he’s in Waller’s ring. If you don’t know what he does to guys like Styles, but Waller could end him. Then do it! Waller’s had three weeks and he thinks he’s a superstar? Try being phenomenal for over 20 years! Styles dares Waller to do what he says! Waller takes off the shirt and accessories, but then bails.

Fans boo and Waller says, “Hey. I’m gonna let Omos get you first. I’ve got next.” Waller thinks he’ll be able to handle Styles after what Omos does on Monday. Will even a less than 100% Styles be more than the 21st Century Success Story can handle at his best?


Diamond Mine speaks.

Bivens is pretty sure Melo didn’t like the “gift” they gave him. That is what happens when you disrespect them! Diamond Mine is about respect and money! HELL YEAH! They want the big paydays and the big money matches. So at New Year’s Evil, Mr. North American Champion talkin’ all that trash, you go 1v1 with THE champion, Roderick Strong, TITLE VS TITLE! What’s Melo say? Strong says Melo has two weeks to find his balls. Merry Christmas you ho, ho, ho!


Shaman Bro Riddle leads MSK on their journey.

He tells Wes Lee & Nash Carter that a scooter is like a tag partner. A good one is dependable, durable and both wheels must face the same direction or they’ll just fall off. And in the end, a scooter is like a journey to the destination. Mind blowing! Lee won’t lie, all those clues leading them to him, Lee wasn’t sure it was gonna pan out. But Carter was there for Lee, and it was a beautiful journey. Carter says he’s gonna cry. But yeah, the scooter is like a partner. If one wheel is shaky, depend on the other one to get you where you’re going. But Riddle says MSK is teaching him so much in return. He can’t wait to share all this with Randy.

But speaking of Randy, let’s spread some holiday cheer. Check out the bag, stallion. The theme song plays, and they bring out the newest RKBRO merch! Christmas came early, bros! The only thing left to do is call out Imperium next week! And Riddle’s coming with them, bros! REALLY!? Dude, he wouldn’t miss it for the world. Now let’s ride! The stallions ride through the streets for the #BestDayEver! Nothing can go wrong now! OH SHIIIII- They get hit by a van?! MSK wakes up!?? They had the same dream!? No more supplies, guys. Dump- Wait. RKBRO hat? It wasn’t a dream?! And Riddle finds them! Ready to call out Imperium? YEP! Then let’s ride! It’s a Christmas miracle!

But uh, safety first. Look both ways before crossing the street. Okay now let’s go! HIYAH! Will MSK get their shot at Imperium in time for New Year’s Evil?


Von Wagner VS Edris Enofe!

After viciously kicking Kyle O’Reilly out of NXT, Von Wagner wants to rip and tear and crush all those in his way! Will the Excellence of Execution simply be the next on Wagner’s warpath?

The bell rings and Enofe dropkicks Von again and again! Von staggers up, Enofe jumps but into Von’s arms! Von SLAMS Enofe down, but then Robert Stone appears on the ramp. Is he scouting again? Enofe cradles Von, TWO!! Stone looks disappointed. Von CLOBBERS Enofe, then looms over him. Von drags Enofe up to rain down fists over and over! Enofe checks his jaw, Von gets him up to throw knees! Von reels Enofe in, gets him up but Enofe sunset flips! ENOFE WINS!!

Winner: Edris Enofe, by pinfall

Stone is very disappointed, clearly meaning he wanted Von to win. But then Von CLOBBERS Enofe at ringside! Von puts Enofe in, he looks at Stone, and then gets in the ring. Von reels Enofe in, OLYMPIC SLAM! Von is seething as he looms over Enofe, and then he drags Enofe around. Von gets Enofe up for a short arm LARIAT! Fans boo but Von talks trash to Enofe. Von then gets out of the ring and storms past Stone. Stone smirks, perhaps liking what he saw there. Will the Robert Stone Brand rebuild with the vicious and violent Von as its foundation?


Backstage interview with Imperium.

McKenzie is sure Marcel Barthel & Fabian Aichner saw what MSK & Riddle were saying. Barthel, in impeccable German, says, “Why are we talking about MSK? We ripped their hearts out and shattered it into a thousand pieces, and now they’re trying to pick up the pieces, trying to figure out why things happened they way they were destined to in the first place.” Aichner adds in Italian, “Riddle can try to guide MSK to enlightenment, but if you remember, we are the ones that drove them out of town when we became champions the first time, okay?” Um, sorry, she doesn’t know those languages. But does MSK pose a threat to them?

A threat? Barthel says, in English now, that while MSK may have found a shaman, Imperium as a general. Does that mean WALTER is coming to NXT 2.0?!


Elektra Lopez walks and talks backstage.

“Tonight is the biggest match of my career. But am I nervous? Not in the least. I’m about to go destroy the legend, Io Shirai.” But Xyon Quinn is lurking in the back! Will the Gentleman Fighter make sure Legado keeps this fair and square?


Elektra Lopez w/ Legado Del Fantasma VS Io Shirai!

NXT returns and Lopez is already in the ring. Shirai makes her entrance and fans fire up for the Evil Genius of the Sky! The bell rings and the two tie up. Lopez throws a knee then scoops and SLAMS Shirai down. Shirai gets up but Lopez runs in at the corner to back elbow! Shirai staggers, Lopez runs in but only gets buckles! Shirai ROCKS Lopez, trips her up and stomps her down! Shirai then steps on Lopez to swing and- Lopez BOOTS her away! Lopez CLOBBERS Shirai, then she pushes SHirai to ropes. Lopez chokes SHirai against ropes, lets off as the ref counts, and she grabs Shirai’s hair to thrash her around! The ref reprimands and counts and Lopez stops at 4.

Lopez drags Shirai up but Shirai throws a forearm! Lopez gives it back, so Shirai fires off more forearms! Shirai runs, Lopez pops her up for a SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Lopez wraps on a chinlock and grinds Shirai down. Fans rally and Shirai fights up, but Lopez squeezes tighter! Shirai fights up again to snapmare free! Shirai runs Lopez over, then runs again to dropkick her down! Fans fire up and Shirai hits a 619! Lopez falls, Shirai goes up the corner! Missile dropkick! Fans fire up as Lopez goes to a corner. Shirai runs in, SHINKANSEN! Cover, TWO! Shirai keeps cool and she steps on Lopez to go to the corner. Shirai goes up and up but Legado distracts!

Lopez YANKS Shirai down and Shirai hits buckles on the way! But here comes Quinn! Legado rushes over but Mendoza gets ROCKED and TOSSED! Wilde gets popped up for a FLAPJACK! Quinn then brings out some mistletoe?! Quinn is a lover and a fighter, so he’s offering Lopez an early Christmas kiss. Lopez walks over, but then SANTOS ESCOBAR yanks Quinn down! Only for Quinn to send him into steel steps! Shirai hits a SHOTEI on Lopez! Then Shirai goes up top to hit OVER THE MOONSAULT! Cover, Shirai wins!

Winner: Io Shirai, by pinfall

Lopez sits up and looks at Quinn, and then at Escobar. Which is stronger: Lopez’s loyalty to Legado? Or the feelings in her heart?


Carmelo Hayes speaks.

“Hey, Roderick Strong, you want to smoke with Melo? Well I got so much smoke that you gon’ choke, because I am the A Champion. And in 2021, when I shot, I didn’t miss. And going into 2022, we gon’ keep it the exact same way.” New Year’s Evil will be Roddy’s Christmas present because Melo will give him that match! But Melo will be the one walking out with two titles! They’ve talked the talk, but will Melo be the one walking the walk?


THE Brian Kendrick speaks!

“Hey, Joe, I wanted to thank you for that attempt at an apology for Harland throwing me down the stares the other week. And it seems to me that you think I owe Harland an apology.” Kendrick is going to do something about that. Kendrick resigned as a coach, and then signed a waiver with NXT. So Harland, if you want that apology, get it in the ring next week! THE Brian Kendrick is back as a wrestler, will he remind everyone why he is the Man with the Plan?


It’s official!

Wade Barrett will preside over a championship UNIFICATION contract signing next week for Strong VS Melo! Who becomes the first dual Cruiserweight and North American Champion in NXT?


Pete Dunne VS Tony D’Angelo!

The Bruiserweight has been wrestling for over half his life, while The Wise Guy only just got to NXT. Will Dunne show Tony D why you don’t run your mouth to the baddest man in NXT? Or will Tony say Dunne can fuhgedaboutit?

NXT returns and Dunne makes his entrance. The bell rings and Dunne circles with Tony. They tie up, Tony wrenches to a wristlock and then slaps Dunne around. But Dunne wrenches, hammerlocks, and wrangles Tony to the mat. Tony avoids the stomp and then wants Dunne to relax. They tie up, Tony wrenches to a wristlock again, but Dunne rolls, handsprings and wrenches through again. Tony gets the ropebreak, the ref counts, Dunne lets off. Tony sucker punches Dunne down! Tony taunts “Petey Poppins” then gets a headlock. Dunne powers out, things speed up and Dunne swings, into the CROTCH LIFT SUPLEX! Fans fire up for Tony while Dunne writhes.

Tony taunts Dunne more, kicks at him, then drags Dunne up. Dunne KICKS the leg, CHOPS Tony to ropes then KICKS again! Dunne CHOPS and then jumps on for the GIULLOTINE! But Tony powers out to BACK DROP Dunne away! Tony stomps Dunne, talks trash, but Dunne CHOPS back! And CHOPS and CHOPS and wrenches the arm! Tony fights the Kimura to waistlock and HIGH ANGLE GERMAN! Fans rally and duel, Tony brushes himself off. Tony stalks Dunne to ropes, waistlocks again, GERMAN , but Dunne lands on his feet! Tony is too busy gloating, Dunne BUZZSAWS him to the apron! Then GAMANGIRIS him off!

Dunne goes to the apron to drop KNEES on the arm! Tony clutches his elbow and Dunne just glares as NXT goes picture in picture.

Tony leans against the announce desk, but Dunne grabs him by his ponytail! Tony ends up peeling the cover off the announce desk, but Dunne STOMPS Tony’s hand on the apron! Dunne gets in the ring to refresh the count, and he shrugs. Dunne gets Tony up and wrenches the arm to bend the fingers into the ELBOW BREAKER! And then another one! Dunne wrangles Tony down, hammerlocks that arm, and then grabs the other. Dunne digs his forearm into Tony’s ear and even pulls on it! The ref reprimands, Dunne lets off to torture the fingers! Dunne then clamps onto the arm and pushes it way back. Dunne then STOMPS the hammerlock’d arm!

Dunne paces around Tony like a shark with blood in the water. Dunne gets Tony up to wrench the arm, whip, but Tony reverses and CLOBBERS him with an elbow! Tony throws knees into Dunne’s ribs, but Dunne kicks Tony down! Dunne DOUBLE STMOPS Tony at the ropes! Dunne isolates the arm again and pulls on the other! Tony endures, NXT returns to single picture, and fans rally up as Dunne tortures Tony again. Dunne digs elbows into the ribs, then lets off to drop knees on the bad arm again! Tony writhes, Dunne kicks him around. Dunne kicks Tony all around, wrenches the arm again and then pulls the ponytail. The ref reprimands, Dunne kicks away on Tony’s face!

Dunne drags Tony around, stands him up, and CHOPS him! Tony is getting mad now and he’s taking the CHOPS! Dunne ducks the haymaker but Tony TACKLES Dunne! Fans fire up and Tony runs in at Dunne to clothesline in the corner! NORTHERN LIGHTS! Roll through, but Dunne stops that there and has the hand! Tony tries to get away but Dunne has the TRIANGLE HOLD! Dunne squeezes tight, gives short range headbutts and even some hammering hands. Tony fights up, deadlifts, and hits a T-BONE SUPLEX! Cover, TWO!! Dunne isn’t done yet, this is why he was such a dominant NXT UK Champion!

Fans rally and duel, Tony drags Dunne up to throw body shots over and over! Tony reels Dunne in for more shots, then brings Dunne around to HALF HATCH Dunne into buckles! Tony fires up now, then he runs in, but Dunne dodges! Tony hits buckles, Dunne GAMANGIRIS Tony! Tony snapmares Dunne to drop knees on the elbow then run and DECK Tony with a forearm! RUNNING GAMANGIRI! Cover, TWO! Dunne keeps moving, PENALTY KICK! And DANIELSON STOMPS! Dunne tops it off with one big JUMP STOMP! Fans are thunderous as both men are down! Tony crawls to ropes, Dunne stalks up behind him. Dunne snarls as he wants Tony to stand.

“This is Awesome!” as Tony throws a forearm. Dunne gives it back, and they brawl on their knees! Tony hits, Dunne hits back, repeat! Dunne grabs Tony by the face and SLAPS him! Then STOMPS the hands, and BUZZSAWS! Dunne gets Tony up and yet Tony suplexes for a FALCON ARROW! Cover, TWO!! That was as close as it could’ve been! Fans duel as hard as they can as Tony crawls to a corner. Tony goes to the apron, but he’s up to something over there. Dunne gets to ropes, Tony has the CROWBAR from WarGames!! But Dunne dodges that and drags Tony down! FUJIWARA ARMBAR!! Tony endures, Dunne pushes as far back as he can, then BENDS the fingers!!

But Tony fish hooks Dunne’s mouth! Tony wants the mouthpiece! He throws that away, and RAMS Dunne’s mouth into buckles! Tony gets Dunne up, but Dunne fights the fisherman to BEND fingers! SNAP!! Pump handle, and BITTER END!!! Cover, DUNNE WINS!

Winner: Pete Dunne, by pinfall

And that’s how you get it done in NXT! The Bruiserweight just shrugs, because he proved himself right all along. But Tony tries to get after Dunne! Dunne DECKS him, kicks him out of the ring, but gets thrown into the announce desk! Tony isn’t done, BADA BOOM with the fisherman screw! “I’m Tony D!” Fans boo as Tony gets the crowbar! Tony takes the crowbar and puts it in Dunne’s mouth!! And he RAMS Dunne into the desk! “This is what happens when you try to get one on Tony D!” Tony uses the crowbar to SMASH Dunne’s fingers!! Dunne writhes as he clutches his busted hand, has Tony D just broken through to a new level in NXT 2.0?

My Thoughts:

A great episode of NXT that set up a lot for New Year’s Evil, and it made 2.0 feel a bit more like 1.0 again. Ciampa had an intense opening promo and Bron was pretty effective letting Ciampa talk for him and rile him up before sparing him a body slam. This could end up Bron’s moment to literally start the new year as the new champion, or something happens that still costs him the gold. Raquel VS Dakota starting as a backstage brawl was a great move, and I like that she was so fired up, she wanted to wrestle again in a title match right after. Cora was a bit awkward in her promo, I feel like she didn’t hit the right cadences with her lines. But Mandy of course set them both up for an attack from Gigi & Jacy. Pretty sure we’re getting Raquel & Cora VS Gigi & Jacy as the tune-up to the Triple Threat.

I like the little bit of kayfabe of Persia & Indi have a match cancelled/postponed. They should’ve chalked it up to Dakota and Raquel brawling and taking up time, that would’ve been a great little bit. But I also like that there is a lot left to Waller and The Way. Indi was furious, and then after Lumis’ match, Waller goes after him. Styles is showing up in NXT, too, to give Waller an established RawDown guy to showcase against, but I’m sure the real blow-off will be Lumis avenging himself and Gargano against Waller. I also like that Strong and Melo brawled on the side of that to set up a match. I’m just very disappointed it’s going to be a unification, where the Cruiserweight title is surely going to cease to exist, regardless of who wins.

I liked the bit in the medical area establishing how that works for the superstars in kayfabe. Shirai is definitely what in Japan (and by extension, the anime-manga community) is known as “tsundere” for Zoey Stark right now. Lopez VS Shirai was good in multitasking: it gets Shirai going again in singles competition, and Quinn advances story with Legado. And I just knew THE Brian Kendrick was returning to action to take on Harland and/or Gacy. That’ll be a good match, but I’m curious when Gacy’s group will add another member. For that matter, when is Stone gonna get his third stable going? Von Wagner will definitely benefit from having a manager talking for him the same way Bivens talks for the Creeds.

We are getting quite a lot in the tag division and I really like that. Jacket Time having their own commentary table was great, the tag match turning into a brawl was fine because this is surely going to be the four teams fighting in a contender’s match. Though we might end up with an 8 Man first, Briggs, Brooks & Jacket Time VS Creed Bros & GYV. Y’know, like we were supposed to get that one time with the tag champs included but then it just became a tag title match. The MSK vignette this week was pretty good, and I like that Imperium teased Walter showing up. A Six Man of Imperium VS Riddle & MSK is already awesome, seeing Walter and Riddle meet in the ring will be reason enough to watch.

And of course, that main event. That was definitely Tony’s longest and best match in NXT, and Dunne winning was the right move. Of course, that also set it up so Tony could be the sore loser and brutalize Dunne’s hand. This is far from over for those two guys, and I would love if they had a rematch on New Year’s Evil that was like No Disqualification or something. That could act as an unofficial contender’s match to whatever singles title, but probably the unified midcard title(s).

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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