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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (2/25/22)

The Beast, the Tribal Chief, and a contract!



SmackDown 2022

SmackDown solidifies WrestleMania’s Winner Takes All!

Brock Lesnar returns to SmackDown to sign a contract with Roman Reigns! It will be Winner Takes All at WrestleMania, but will the fighting start tonight?


  • The New Day VS Los Lotharios; The New Day wins.
  • Xia Li VS Natalya; Xia wins.
  • Sasha Banks VS Shotzi Blackheart; Sasha wins.
  • Drew McIntyre VS “Happy” Corbin w/ “Mad Cap” Moss; changed to…
  • Drew McIntyre VS “Mad Cap” Moss w/ “Happy” Corbin; McIntyre wins.


Michael Cole is in the ring.

And he introduces the former Raw Women’s Champion, the winner of the 2022 Women’s Royal Rumble, and the Baddest Woman on the Planet, RONDA ROUSEY! Fans in Hershey, Pennsylvania are rowdy for Rowdy Ronda as she makes her way out to the ring. Cole welcomes Ronda while fans chant her name, and Cole says it has been 3 years since Ronda stepped foot inside the WWE ring. Why did she return at the Rumble? Well, main eventing in 2019, she broke her hand. After rehabbing that, she broke her other hand. Then she became pregnant with her daughter. And as soon as she knew her due date, that four months after, she’d come back and earn her second main event. And she did!

But that’s because Ronda’s mom was the first American to win the World Judo Championships while a single mother. While working as an engineer and working towards her PhD. Ronda wanted to set that same example of badassery for her daughter. Cole says her daughter has quite the role model. Ronda’s accomplished so much. She was the first American to medal in Judo at Olympics. She was the first Women’s UFC Champion. She was the first woman in the UFC Hall of Fame. And she was one of three women to main event WrestleMania for the very first time. So with all of those things, how does it feel to finally win the Royal Rumble?

It felt great in the moment, but Ronda doesn’t dwell on the past. She looks to what’s next: the first woman in a long time to tap out Charlotte Flair. She teamed with Naomi to take on Charlotte and Sonya Deville, but with one arm tied behind her back. Ronda did well against Sonya, but with Charlotte it was a different story. We get a slideshow of Charlotte dominating Ronda while she had only the one arm. Ronda is upset seeing that slideshow, but she is even more upset seeing Charlotte arrive in person! Charlotte spins for her pyro and then tells Ronda, last Saturday was a little taste of a welcome back, and it was so much fun!

Charlotte says she showed mercy. She felt sorry for Ronda having just one arm. But it won’t be like that at WrestleMania. That’s because WrestleMania is supposed to be STUPENDOUS~! It will be when Charlotte puts Ronda in the Figure Eight and for the first time in Ronda’s life, she screams for mercy and taps out. Which means Charlotte will remain SmackDown Women’s Champion. But the silver lining or Ronda is that she can go home and work on baby number two! But then SONYA DEVILLE attacks Ronda from behind! Sonya taunts Ronda, but then Charlotte trips Ronda and drags her to the post!

Charlotte SLAMS a leg into the post! And again! That’s Ronda’s surgically repaired leg! Sonya asks Ronda, “Why is it that you’re such a failure?!” She drags Ronda up, but gets TOSSED! Sonya bails out to regroup with Charlotte, and Ronda has a furious look on her face. Will Ronda look to rip into everyone on her way to WrestleMania?


The New Day is cruising!

They ride the ATV Kofi got birthday boy Big E as they head to gorilla. Will they be celebrating even more with another win over Los Lotharios?


Adam Pearce has Sonya watch the film back.

He can’t believe Sonya is getting involved in things. It is his duty to inform Sonya that next week, she goes 1v1 with Ronda Rousey. Upper management has made that match official, there’s no getting out of it now. Will Sonya regret throwing off the jacket and throwing down with the Baddest Woman on the Planet?


The New Day VS Los Lotharios!

Big E & Kofi Kingston got the better of Angel Garza & Humberto Carrillo as they prepared for Valentine’s Day, but then the self-professed lethal lovers loved getting revenge on them. Will Garza & Carrillo be feeling sweet here in Hershey? Or will they just feel~ the power~?

As Garza & Carrillo make their entrance, they get the Kiss Cam going. And they find a young lady in the front row to give a kiss on each cheek to. But then the New Day makes their entrance and pull up to the announce desk. They high-five Pat McAfee then park by the ring. The teams sort out, Kofi starts with Carrillo. They tie up, Carrillo wrenches, Kofi rolls and handsprings and then trips Carrillo for a SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Fans rally for “NEW! DAY ROCKS!” already as Kofi puts Carrillo in the corner. Tag to Big E, he runs in to RAM Carrillo, then Big E sets up as a step for Kofi to run in, Positivity in Motion!

Kofi then feeds Carrillo to Big E’s LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Big E drags Carrillo up, spins him around and has the cobra twist! Fans cheer as Big E CLUBS the rhythm into Carrillo’s ribs. Carrillo endures, fights free, stomps the foot and knees Big E. Carrillo throws hands, but Big E hits back! Big E CLUBS Carrillo on the back and CLUBS him down! Tag to Kofi, Big E snapmares Carrillo for Kofi to run and leap frog SENTON! Cover, TWO! Kofi keeps on Carrillo but Carrillo kicks back. Carrillo whips but Kofi goes up and leaps to missile dropkick! Kofi runs in but is put on the apron. He ducks to GAMANGIRI, then he tells Garza to stay back.

But Carrillo still dropkicks Kofi down! Tag to Garza, and he whips Carrillo at Big E to knock him down! Then Los Lotharios both go out to RAM Kofi into the apron! Garza throws off the pants as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Kofi has to fight out of the Los Lotharios corner, only for Garza to CLUB away on him! Kofi’s stuck in the Tree of Woe, Garza tags Carrillo and Los Lotharios double basement dropkick! Carrillo drags Kofi to center for a cover, TWO! Carrillo keeps on Kofi with a cobra clutch but fans are rallying up! Kofi fights up and throws body shots, but Carrillo keeps him away from Big E! Carrillo CLUBS Kofi, then sucker punches Big E! Fans boo but Carrillo grins. Carrillo drags Kofi over, tags in Garza, and Los Lotharios hook the legs for a DOUBLE LEG CATAPULT! Garza then holds on for a HALF CRAB!

Kofi endures, fights and moves around, and he kicks Garza away! Kofi then gets up to DOUBLE STOMP Garza down! Fans fire up but Kofi clutches his leg. “NEW! DAY ROCKS!” Kofi crawls, Garza grabs at him but Kofi kicks Garza away. Hot tags to Big E and Carrillo! Carrillo runs into an OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! And another! And then a SIDE Belly2Belly! Big E swivels them hips, runs side to side and BIG SPLASHES! Big E claps, fans clap with him. Carrillo flounders to his feet, Big E scoops but Garza slides in. Big E runs Garza off, Carrillo SUPERKICKS Big E! Tag to Garza and he runs in, into an Urenag-E!

Tag to Kofi, Big E reels Garza into a wheelbarrow, FLYING BULLDOG! Cover, Carrillo breaks it! Big E ducks the roundhouse but not the ENZIGURI! Kofi dropkicks Carrillo! Garza swings but into SO- NO! Garza shoves Kofi out and DIVES! Direct hit and down goes Kofi! Garza hurries to get Kofi up and in, but he also looks at the New Day ATV. He admires it’s fine lines, but Kofi comes back with FLYING AX HANDLES! Kofi puts Garza in, but Carrillo rushes over! Into Big E’s OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Kofi gest up top, but Garza SUPERKICKS the crossbody! Cover, TWO!! Kofi survives!

Garza drags Kofi to a drop zone and goes up top. But then Big E threatens to run over Carrillo! Garza begs for mercy, but Kofi rolls Garza, JUMP KNEE! Tag to Big E, Big E scoops Garza! Kofi is up top, MIDNIGHT HOUR!! Cover, New Day wins!

Winners: The New Day, by pinfall

A big birthday win for Big E & Kofi Kingston! Granted, they threatened Carrillo with more than just torn up Valentine’s cards. But with this, will the New Day make their way back up towards the SmackDown Tag Team Championships?


Rick Boogs & Shinsuke Nakamura go on a road trip!

They’re really just test driving the all new Toyota Tundra TRD Pro! “They gave us the keys!” They explore the great outdoors in Sonoma, California. Nakamura loves surfing and kayaking so they use the GPS to guide the way to the lake. They’re a great team on the land and water! Watch on social media as the adventure continues!


Sheamus & Ridge Holland find The New Day backstage.

“Well, well, well, well. Would you look at this?” A new toy, huh? Very nice. But if these two want to show up for Fight Night, they’ll need this ATV to carry their sorry arses out of the building. Right, Ridgy? Too right. The New Day laugh that off and then zoom off. Sheamus is mad and so is Holland. Will the Fella and his protégé be careful they don’t end up as roadkill?


Sam Roberts is here!

And his guests are the SmackDown Tag Team Champions, the Usos! He asks them about tonight’s contract signing. No no no no. There’s no contract signing, Toucan Sam. This is a signing for the BIGGEST match in WrestleMania history! Winner Takes All, Championship Unification. Brock Lesnar has no idea what he’s gotten himself into. Roman’s gonna put that work on Brock, just like the Usos put that work on the Viking Raiders. Smelly Vikings that is. They smell like Sam. They can smell those two coming from a mile away. But Erik & Ivar then jump them! So much for that! Erik & Ivar says, “You smell that?! We want our tag team title shots!” Will the raid not be denied?


Backstage interview with Xia Li.

The Protector is having her SmackDown in-ring debut against Natalya, and she’s been waiting her whole life for this. Xia worked so hard in NXT and dreamt about being here. She’s nervous, but she’s also confident. She is the Protector, and Natty will be the one needing protection! Will the Queen of Harts learn what happens to bullies when Xia’s around?

Xia Li VS Natalya!

SmackDown returns and Natalya makes her entrance. Aliyah, Mansoor, Shayna Baszler and even Drew Gulak are all watching backstage for this one. The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, Natty waistlocks then throws Xia by her hair! Xia gets to the corner but Natty stomps away on her. The ref counts, Natty lets off then pushes Xia around. Natty whips Xia hard to a corner, then brings her around to whip the other way. Xia goes up the corner, leaps over Natty, then comes back to dropkick Natty down! Cover, TWO! Xia gets Natty up to scoop but Natty slips off and DISCUS LARIATS! Cover, TWO!

Natty is upset, she puts Xia in the corner to stomp and SLAP her! Natty then brings Xia out to snap suplex! Natty kicks Xia around, tells fans to shut up, and then she brings Xia up. Xia hits back but Natty CLUBS her down. Natty stands Xia up to wrap her up in a cobra twist! Xia endures, even as Natty SLAPS her in the side. Natty pulls on the stretch but Xia endures, even as Natty adds a leg! Xia elbows Natty’s leg and gets free to arm-drag! Xia blocks Natty, throws haymakers, then blocks the leg to CLUB the leg! Xia throws a back elbow, then JUMP KNEES, and JUMP KNEES again!

Xia sobat kicks Natty to a corner, runs in at the corner, step up and ELBOW to the head! Then a pump handle EXPLODER! Cover, TWO! Natty is still in this, she is the winningest woman in WWE. Natty trips Xia, stomps her then steps through, but Xia resists the Sharpshooter and boots Natty away! Xia gets up, fans fire up with her, and she powers up before she run sin, SPINNING HEEL KICK!! Cover, Xia wins!

Winner: Xia Li, by pinfall

What a powerful strike! The Protector defeats one of the Best Of All Time, will she soon become one of the best in her own right?


Sami Zayn heads to the ring!

The NEW three-time WWE Intercontinental Champion is here, back in his fancy gold leaf tuxedo jacket, because he is going to celebrate his victory! What will the Great Liberator have to say about his vindication? We find out, after the break.

SmackDown returns and balloons have been set up and Sami has the title on a pedestal. Sami has a mic to sing, “Oh happy~ day~!” Because FINALLY, justice has been served! That’s all he’s ever wanted! It’s true what they say: you can’t keep a good man down. “They” have tried everything, Sami was the victim of a massive conspiracy that targeted him and robbed him of the Intercontinental Championship, but look! Look at this set-up! Okay, if he’s being honest, this isn’t what he asked for, the colors don’t match his suit. But the old Sami would’ve said this is part of the conspiracy. Which brings us to the million dollar question.

If Sami recaptured his title, that begs the question: Is there or was there ever a conspiracy? The answer is YES. “They” will persecute Sami any chance they get, but now he knows! No matter what “they” throw at him, Sami can overcome all of it! Show some respect, ladies and gentlemen for YOUR Intercontinental Champion!! Fans choose to boo and give thumbs down instead. But Sami wants everyone to know, he is happy to give Nakamura a rematch for this title, but he is still picking up pieces of his knees that Sami shattered! So sadly, Nakamura isn’t available. But unlike Nakamura, Sami is happy to defend his title against any and all comers!

Anyone who is brave enough to step foot in the ring with Sami, he has no problem with them. But with business taken care of, let’s party! But here comes Johnny Knoxville! Hershey erupts as Jackass Forever’s very own is here! Sami says, “Okay okay okay, hahaha.” Ladies and Gentlemen, Johnny Knoxville. They cheered for him, so now what the hell is he doing here? Well Sami crashed Knoxville’s celebration, so he’s returning the favor. How’s Sami doing? He’s doing great, actually. it’s great to have Knoxville here. But they can catch up later. So respectfully, Sami asks Knoxville to turn around and get the hell outta here!

Now, wait, didn’t Sami throw out a challenge for anyone brave enough? So then, let’s do it! Sami is beside himself while fans are cheering Knoxville on. Apparently, Knoxville doesn’t learn. But Sami will tell him again. He has no problems saying it: Knoxville doesn’t belong! He doesn’t belong in the same ring as Sami! But Sami knows Knoxville is just trying to get under his skin and in his head. It’s actually working! But Sami sees through Knoxville and it wont’ work. What’s the matter, Sami? Don’t you wanna be a fighting champion? Or do you not have the balls? Fans chant, “No Balls! No Balls!”

Sami drops the mic, so Knoxville drops his. The two go face to face, Sami says he should drop Knoxville here, but he won’t. He’s better than that. Fans cheer for Knoxville as Sami goes to take his leave. But then Sami sucker punches Knoxville! Sami rains down fists! Fans boo and Sami lets off. Knoxville gets up but Sami puts him in the corner! HELLUVA KICK! “The gloves are off!” Sami gets in Knoxville’s face but referees have him back off. Sami gets loose to HELLUVA KICK again!! Sami holds up the Intercontinental Championship, but will he have no choice but to accept Knoxville’s challenge?


WWE celebrates Black History Month and honors Titus O’Neil.

Titus O’Neil founded the Bullard Family Foundation, which hosts programs every year to help children, such as the Back to School Bash. In 2021, they donated 30 THOUSAND backpacks full of school supplies to help under resourced students. Titus’ work also led him to support a Tampa Bay school, and it was renamed the Thaddeus M Bullard Academy at Sligh Middle Magnet School. Then the foundation helped the school build gardens. Titus is also in the Boys & Girls Club of America Hall of Fame.


Adam Pearce confronts Sami backstage.

Sami says he didn’t start it, but he is sorry for overreacting. It’s just that Knoxville gets under Sami’s skin so badly! Pearce gets it, because Sami’s giving him a headache after Sami left Knoxville laying and busted up! Ricochet walks over and says he knows there’s a lot of stuff going around, but he overheard that open challenge. Ricochet’s stepping up. Well okay, take a number. Pearce says ricochet is on to something. Maybe we should make it for next week: Sami VS Ricochet, Intercontinental Championship. Ricochet thanks Pearce for that, and tells Sami No Balls he’ll see him next week. Will the One and Only be the one and only challenger Sami faces when he loses this close to WrestleMania?


Sasha Banks VS Shotzi Blackheart!

The Boss is back! She’s the standard, the blueprint, and a former women’s champion, but will she be feeling #LEGIT on the road to WrestleMania? Or will she be welcomed to the ball pit by the wild child tonight?

But before things get going, Naomi makes her way out! She hands out some glow sticks before she joins commentary. The bell rings, Sasha and Shotzi circle and then Shotzi pie faces Sasha as a way to welcome her back. Sasha gets a n arm and drags Shotzi down! Shotzi slips out, pulls hair, but Sasha CHOPS Shotzi! Sasha then dodges, tilt-o-whirls and suplexes! Una amiga! Sasha gets Shotzi up for dos amigas! But Shotzi blocks the third to suplex and hang Sasha out to dry! Sasha flops down, Shotzi stomps away on her! The ref counts, Shotzi lets off, and then she covers, TWO! Shotzi is annoyed, and she pushes Sasha around.

Shotzi runs, SENTON against the ropes! Cover, TWO! Fans rally as Shotzi stands Sasha up. Sasha resists the suplex and waistlocks to O’Conner Roll, ONE! Sasha is in a corner, Shotzi run sin but into DEADLY NIGHTSHADE! Then METEORA! Naomi cheers Boss Time, and Sasha runs in, BASEMENT CODE BREAKER! Sasha wants Shotzi to get up, BACKSTABBER to BANK STATEMENT! Shotzi taps, Sasha wins!

Winner: Sasha Banks, by submission

Naomi applauds and says bye to commentary so she can join Sasha in the ring. Naomi looks at Sasha, and says, “I just wanna say, you’re looking at the next WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions!” Sasha likes that, and they fist bump! Is Team BAD back in business? Will they dethrone Carmella & Queen Zelina on the Grandest Stage of Them All?


Backstage interview with Mad Cap Moss & Happy Corbin.

The Happy Folks are facing Drew McIntyre again, the man who nearly ended Moss’ career at Elimination Chamber. It was no laughing matter as the Inverted Alabama Slam could’ve ended up a piledriver. McIntyre also used Angela the sword to scare of Corbin, though he almost beheaded him instead. Corbin is somehow able to laugh? “Now that was using your head!” Oh, sorry. But Moss has the strongest neck ever. Otherwise things could’ve been a real disaster. Now, can’t say the same about tonight because Corbin VS McIntyre is a Mania level match that happens here on SmackDown.

McIntyre is off his rocker! He tried to take Corbin’s head off with a sword! You do not get to disrespect an undefeated powerhouse like Happy Corbin and get away with it. And you don’t get to do that to his friends, either. Tonight, Corbin shows McIntyre who the real warrior is, and that’s no joke. Will Corbin help Moss feel much better? Or will he be feeling just as battered and bruised after tonight?

Drew McIntyre VS Happy” Corbin w/ “Mad Cap” Moss!

SmackDown returns as the Happy Folks make their entrance. Corbin wants a mic before the match, and he tells McIntyre, this is a WrestleMania caliber match. Is McIntyre sure he wants to be embarrassed in Hershey, Pennsylvania? “Just look around. These people are pathetic. And y’know, nothing would make me happier than stomping you into a pulp, but speaking of things that make me happy, my man, Mad Cap Moss. That man is tough as nails. That man is an inspiration. That man landed on his head and neck and continued to fight.” Corbin wants Moss to stand up on the apron to show the people how great he really is!

Fans boo Moss as he gives himself thumbs up. Y’know what? Moss, you should take this match! You deserve a rematch! What? After what happened to his neck? Yeah, he’s got this! It’s only McIntyre. What? Corbin is chickening out? Moss rushes into the ring but McIntyre sees the sneak attack coming! But that leaves him open to Corbin’s sneak attack! The Happy Folks mug McIntyre! The ref reprimands but Corbin applauds what he and Moss did. But it seems the switch is still happening! Can Moss redeem himself from Elimination Chamber? Or will he end up getting hurt worse than before?

The bell rings, Moss runs in and RAMS into McIntyre! Moss would be more fired up if not for his sore neck. Moss stands McIntyre up, only to get a GLASGOW KISS! McIntyre storms up, blocks the boot, and Moss fears what’s next! Inverted Alabama and Corbin freaks out! McIntyre throws Moss into the ropes and Moss scrambles to regroup with Corbin. McIntyre says it’s only a matter of time. Will Moss want to get back in that ring? We’ll see after the break!

SmackDown returns and Corbin cheers as Moss has McIntyre down in a chinlock. McIntyre endures, fans rally, and McIntyre fights up to throw body shots. McIntyre CHOPS Moss, then whips him corner to corner. Moss BOOTS McIntyre down! Corbin says to keep on him, and Moss builds speed to run McIntyre over! Cover, ONE!! Corbin tells Moss to keep on McIntyre and Moss stomps away on McIntyre in the corner. Moss drags him up, whips him corner to corner but McIntyre reverses. Moss goes up but McIntyre BOOTS him outta the air! Corbin coaches Moss as he and McIntyre get up.

McIntyre seethes, and he ROCKS Moss with a haymaker. Moss gives it back, they brawl, Moss kicks low to fire off forearms! Moss whips corner to corner but McIntyre comes right back to LARIAT! McIntyre starts to rally, he whips Moss to ropes for an OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Then he clinches for another! NECKBREAKER! McIntyre kips up and fans fire up! McIntyre counts down already, but Corbin gets on the apron to distract him! Moss pokes McIntyre in the eye! Moss POSTS McIntyre! Then DDT! Cover, TWO!! Moss is beside himself and Corbin is speechless! Moss slaps McIntyre around, rains down angry fists, then shouts, “You can’t kill Mad Cap!”

Moss builds a lot of speed, but runs into a CLAYMORE! Cover, McIntyre wins!

Winner: Drew McIntyre, by pinfall

Corbin is stunned silent again! McIntyre beats Moss again, is his battle with Corbin inevitable?


Backstage interview with Ronda Rousey.

Ronda is getting a 1v1 match with Sonya next week, what are her thoughts? Well, for all the times Sonya ambushed Ronda, as well as bullied Naomi, Ronda’s gonna show her what happens when an authority figure steps outta line. Short and simple but far from sweet, will Sonya be nothing but sour and sore after Ronda gets both her hands on her?


Roman Reigns heads to the ring!

The Tribal Chief, the WWE Universal Champion, added Goldberg to the list of legends he’s defeated in his 544 day reign. But despite all the hard work put in to detour Brock Lesnar, Brock Lesnar is still coming for him and his title! The Bloodline heads together to the ring, we’re going to have a contract signing for perhaps THE BIGGEST WrestleMania match of all time! Title VS Title, Winner Takes All, CHAMPIONSHIP UNIFICATION is put on paper, after the break.

SmackDown returns as Roman holds up his title for the second round of pyro. Roman, Heyman, the Usos, Adam Pearce, a table, and security guards all all in the ring. Roman is handed a mic by his Special Counsel, and Roman says, “Hershey, Pennsylvania. ACKNOWLEDGE ME.” Fans are torn but the mic is handed back to Heyman. “Ladies and gentlemen, we have come to a point in history where there is no way to embellish or exaggerated the enormity of the main event of this year’s WrestleMania. What we are facing right now is the single biggest match in history. The biggest main event on the biggest WrestleMania of all time.

“Bigger than Hulk Hogan VS Andre the Giant. Bigger than Stone Cold Steve Austin VS The Rock. Bigger than the night I conquered the Undertaker’s Undefeated Streak at WrestleMania, and to be fair, Brock Lesnar, I will give you half credit for that.” WrestleMania Sunday will be main evented by YOUR Tribal Chief, Roman Reigns, solidifying his GOAT status against the Beast, the Conqueror, the now and maybe not by then WWE Heavyweight Champion of the World, in a title VS title, champion VS champion, Winner Take All TITLE UNIFICATION Match! So… Now we get down to the business at hand.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the contract signing for the biggest WrestleMania match of all time. These security guards are here tonight to protect Brock Lesnar from his own impulsiveness, and to protect Brock Lesnar from his Tribal Chief, Roman… Reigns. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what they call a cliffhanger.” Because we’re going to break!

SmackDown returns and BROCK makes his entrance! Roman frowns while Brock, with his cowboy hat and the WWE World Championship, circles the ring. Brock then hangs his hat up on the corner post before getting in the ring and taking his seat at the table. Roman smirks while Brock grins and fans cheer. Fans chant for “Suplex City!” as Brock gets a mic for himself. “Mr. Acknowledgement, and Mr. Dick. Allow me to introduce myself as your NEW! Reigning! Defending! WWE Heavyweight Champion of the WORLD~! BRRROCK! LESNARRR!” And Lesnar admits he has to contain himself. “impulsive?” Sure. Very much so.

But if they think that for one second, these skid mark guards are gonna stop him from jumping the table and kicking Roman’s ass, and Heyman’s ass, they’ve got another thing coming. The only thing stopping Lesnar from doing all that is Lesnar! And this contract. Lesnar will sign his part, because at WrestleMania 38, he’ll kick Roman’s ass AND Heyman’s ass, and you can bet your asses he’ll get paid for it! Pearce hands Lesnar the contract, Lesnar picks up the pen and signs on the dotted line, then TOSSES the contract at Roman. Heyman says he has had it with Lesnar’s disrespect! It was just business before, but now it’s getting personal!

Heyman says this is the biggest match in WrestleMania, but it won’t be a unification match because Lesnar won’t even make it to Mania as champion! Lesnar will lose his world title next Saturday in Madison Square Garden! Heyman then hands Roman a pen, and Roman signs his part of the contract. Pearce takes the paperwork away and Roman says Lesnar must be a confused little farm boy. That world title is Roman’s title and Lesnar doesn’t even realize it because Roman’s gonna smash him at Mania. And it isn’t even Lesnar’s fault. This is ROMAN’s show! This is ROMAN’s ring! This is ROMAN’s cameraman!

These fans are ROMAN’s people because the acknowledge him! Roman gets fired up and he gets out of the ring. The commentary team is HIS team! They brag and talk about HIM! That sign saying WrestleMania is HIS because he IS WrestleMania! Roman is this show, eh runs the show, everyone works for him! Including the security in the ring. The eight guards all turn their attention on Lesnar. But Lesnar throws the table at half of them! Then he beats the crap outta the others! SUPLEX for one! ARMFCHAIR for another! Lesnar gets the table back up to RAM half the guards out, then RAM the other half!

Lesnar picks up one guy that’s left, for an F5!! There’s still one more guard still in the ring, he gets a GERMAN SUPLEX! Heyman is stunned and Roman looks worried! Whoever it is facing Lesnar in MSG better be careful or he’ll just be a warm-up for WrestleMania!

My Thoughts:

This was actually a very good SmackDown to follow Elimination Chamber and last Monday Night Raw up with. Well, there was the weak point of the very confusing audibles called in the McIntyre match. First, it was advertised as McIntyre VS Moss on Then it was removed from and then given to us on the show as McIntyre VS Corbin. And then Corbin, foreshadowing that this is meant for WrestleMania, swaps Moss back in. Why not just have it out as the promo backstage and then it’s still McIntyre VS Moss no matter what? Moss of course loses and now it’s obvious that we’re getting McIntyre VS Corbin.

Another weak point: another short women’s match. Shotzi VS Sasha could’ve been much better, but whatever, WWE just wants to get to the point of it: Sasha and Naomi are reuniting as a tag team. I hope they take those titles off Mella & Vega. For one, SmackDown needs another turn with those belts. For another, Naomi’s put in the work, she deserves to have more on her list of achievements. I just hope it’ll actually be a good match worthy of titles. Xia Li also had a short match with Natty, but it was a strong showing and win for her. Fans got kinda bored in the middle but they fired up seeing that awesome heel kick of hers. Maybe Natty comes back for a rematch that ups things.

In a bit stronger part, Ronda had a good segment with Charlotte and Sonya, and I would think we’re going to get a good match out of Ronda VS Sonya, though I’m sure Charlotte will try and interfere.  The tiebreaker for New Day VS Los Lotharios was another great match, but wow, Big E threatening to run Carrillo? That was so over the top I laughed out loud seeing it play out. Sheamus & Ridge seem to be starting something with New Day, but I’m really hoping something makes Ridge break off from Sheamus at this point. Ridge deserves to be on his own more in a parallel to Austin Theory than a parallel to Boogs.

Speaking of, Boogs & Nakamura do get a nice little Toyota product plug segment, getting that easy paycheck. Maybe Nakamura & Boogs will recommit to the tag division to try and get those titles. I like that the Viking Raiders turned things around on the Usos. A little surprising the tag titles are on the line next week, but I suppose it means the SmackDown Tag Team Champions can take on someone else for the “most stupendous” WrestleMania ever. Sami had a really good segment with Knoxville, and him defending against Ricochet next week is probably just to pump Sami up before he undoubtedly faces Knoxville. Knoxville’s a nice guy and all, I’m sure he’ll surprise us like he did at the Royal Rumble, maybe do some great spots, but Sami should win, even if he blatantly cheats.

And of course, a great final segment with the contract signing. Great promo work from everyone, especially Heyman’s smooth cue to a commercial break. And while this one ended up like most contract signings, i.e. in a huge fight, it was awesome to see Lesnar just decimate eight mere mortal men and scare the crap out of Heyman. Since Bobby Lashley won’t be ready for March 5th, I can’t be sure who they put up against Lesnar that would even come close to a challenge.

But either way, Lesnar is definitely winning at MSG, and he is definitely going to WrestleMania, and then who knows. It could go either way, especially now that it’s unification. The newest Undisputed WWE Champion (probably called the Undisputed Universal Champion) is going to end up on some power level WWE has never seen because Lesnar and Roman have dominated in a way no one ever has. I wouldn’t say Vince has written himself into a corner, but he hasn’t done himself any favors focusing on two guys and acting like everyone else is just there.

My Score: 8.3/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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