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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (3/24/22)

The Final Boss is back!



Is this the Dawn of a new NXT UK Women’s Championship reign?

Meiko Satomura is back in action, to defend her NXT UK Women’s Championship against the Wicked Witch, Isla Dawn! Will the Final Boss stay unbeaten?


  • A-Kid & Saxon Huxley VS Die Familie; Die Familie wins.
  • Wild Boar VS Tyson T-Bone w/ Symbiosis; Boar wins.
  • Jordan Devlin VS Danny Jones; Devlin wins.
  • NXT UK Women’s Championship: Meiko Satomura VS Isla Dawn; Satomura wins and retains the title.


A-Kid & Saxon Huxley VS Die Familie!

The Spanish Sensation and the Divine Beast of the Astral Plane certainly make an odd duo, but there is a fine line between genius and insanity. Will these two therefore make the perfect combination to take on Rohan Raja & Charlie Dempsey? Or will Teoman’s presence ringside make all the difference?

The teams sort out and Dempsey starts against AK. They circle, feel things out and knuckle lock. AK rolls back, trips Dempsey, then has the toehold. Dempsey gets his leg free but AK avoids the takedown. They circle again, tie up, and AK gets around, only for Dempsey to wrench to a double wristlock. AK gets up, rolls, handsprings and headlocks. Dempsey powers out to send AK to a corner, but AK goes up and comes back to arm-drag! Then dropkick! Tag to Saxon and fans rally as he clinches. Dempsey shoves Saxon away and the two stare down. They tie up, are in a deadlock, but Dempsey knees low.

Dempsey wrenches to a double wristlock but Saxon scoops and SLAMS! Dempsey scrambles to tag in Raja! Raja runs but into a scoop and SLAM! Saxon clotheslines in the corner, whips corner to corner and then back the other way, and then back again! Saxon keeps Raja going, but Raja reverses, only to run into boots! Raja avoids the elbow drop, tags back to Dempsey, but Saxon scoops for a BACKBREAKER! Saxon runs to drop the elbow! Cover, TWO! Dempsey boots Saxon away but AK tags in. AK runs in, Dempsey ducks and AK ends up in a corner. Dempsey runs in, AK boots him then goes up.

Raja anchors AK but he kicks Raja away. Dempsey gets AK for an ELEVATED BUTTERFLY! Bridging cover, TWO! Dempsey clamps onto an arm, fans rally up but Dempsey rains down elbows on AK’s head! AK endures as Dempsey keeps on the arm for a FUJIWARA! AK endures, pushes and rolls, gets up and wrenches to CHOP! Dempsey staggers, but he trips AK and has a toehold. AK fights up, Dempsey DRAGON SCREW SUPLEXES! Tag to Raja, HALF CRAB and stomps! The fans rally while Raja stomps AK. Raja stomps AK in the corner, digs his boots in, but lets off at 4. AK has the leg! But Raja DECKS him!

Raja drags AK back up to dribble him back down hard! Raja keeps AK from Saxon, back suplex! Cover, TWO! Tag to Dempsey and Die Familie double whip. Raja headbutts AK low, then Dempsey knee lifts him down! Cover, TWO! Dempsey clamps onto AK, brings him away, but AK wrenches out and CHOPS! AK mule kicks but Dempsey blocks for a PERFECT PLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! Dempsey drags AK back up, has the double wristlock again, but AK endures. Raja tags in, Dempsey whips AK into the BIG forearm! Raja covers, TWO! Raja keeps AK away from Saxon while fans rally up again.

Raja whips AK, but AK uses that to dropkick Dempsey! AK goes up and over Raja to tag Saxon! Dempsey tags in but Saxon rallies on Die Familie all the same! BOOT for Dempsey! Dempsey staggers, but Saxon CLOBBERS him at ropes! Saxon whips and hits a THESZ PRESS! Cover, TWO! Fans rally, Saxon goes up the corner and leaps, FLYING CLOTHESLINE! Cover, Raja breaks it! Saxon glares at Raja and Raja wants him to calm down. Saxon is after Raja but Dempsey CLOBBERS Saxon from behind! Dempsey double wristlocks an arm, but Saxon endures. Saxon scoops, but Dempsey keeps on the arm!

Raja tags in, feed but Saxon BOOTS Raja and DECKS Dempsey! Tag to AK! AK fires off on Raja, knuckle locks to go up and up and leaps, DOUBLE TOSS for Die Familie! Raja swings but misses, GERMAN SUPLEX from AK! Fans fire up as AK tags Saxon back in, and Saxon hits a BUTTERFLY BACKBREAKER, and sets Raja up for the SLIDING BOOT! Raja runs to BOOT Raja back down, cover, TWO!! Raja survives and Teoman is frustrated! AK goes up as Saxon Canadian racks. But Dempsey distracts the ref and Teoman trips AK up! Teoman drags AK out to throw into barriers! Raja POSTS Saxon! COMPLETE SHOT! Cover, Die Familie win!

Winners: Die Familie, by pinfall

The Babo didn’t let his brothers in arms down, and he made sure they won out! Will these three do whatever it takes to take over NXT UK?


NXT UK Media catches up with Amale.

What are her thoughts on tonight’s big title match? Meiko VS Isla is going to be very interesting. But then Xia Brookside swoops in and greets Amale in French. Sorry for interrupting but she had a great idea. They should have a rematch! Amale is right, she is inspiring, and they could both learn so much from each other. So what does Amale say? Amale says she’ll see what she can do, and then says something in French, and Xia says she’s so excited, too! Amale heads out, Xia says thanks, and the reporters want to ask Xia some questions, but she tells them no, they need to go away, she is busy.

But then the camera spies on Xia making a phone call around the corner. “Hey, Daddy. It’s time.” What is Xia planning? And just how bad will it be for the French Hope?


Wild Boar VS Tyson T-Bone w/ Symbiosis!

Eddie Dennis shrewdly convinced Sid Scala to pit his minions against the returning Wild Boar before they ever face off in the ring. Will Wild Boar get through T-Bone to then take on Primate and be that much closer to vengeance?

Boar’s music hits and Symbiosis watches the ramp closely. But to their surprise, Boar rushes in from the crowd side! Dennis runs away, Boar dodges Primate and ROCKS T-Bone! Boar hits Primate, too, then fires off on T-Bone! T-Bone pushes Boar away and bails out, and fans are fired up for “BOAR! BOAR! BOAR!” Symbiosis regroups, Dennis tells Boar to stay back, and he even uses Primate as a shield! T-Bone gets in the ring, the bell rings and T-Bone says to focus on him! Boar and T-Bone tie up, T-Bone puts Boar in a corner and again tells Boar to focus on him. T-Bone throws a punch but Boar dodges to fire off haymakers!

The ref counts, T-Bone shoves Boar away bot Boar is right after him again! Boar wants Dennis to watch closely, but T-Bone pushes him away again to DECK him with a right hand! Dennis tells T-Bone to get Boar, but Boar headbutts back! And drops a SENTON! Fans rally up for Boar while T-Bone bails out. Primate stays as Dennis’ shield while Boar slides out of the ring. Boar glares at Dennis, but T-Bone CLOBBERS Boar from behind! T-Bone RAMS Boar into barriers, then drags him up and into the ring. Dennis coaches T-Bone, and T-Bone gets in, but Boar is right after him! T-Bone blocks the kick, puts that leg on ropes and KICKS it!

Boar clutches the leg, as that was the injured leg that kept him out of action for so long. T-Bone BOOTS Boar down, then drags Boar up to CLUB and KICK! T-Bone gut wrenches for a Canadian rack, and he RAMS Boar into the corner! Fans boo but T-Bone runs in to KNEE Boar! The ref reprimands and backs T-Bone up, but Dennis wraps Boar’s leg around the bottom rope! T-Bone runs in to STOMP the bad leg! Boar shouts in pain but he refuses to let this match end like this! T-Bone drags Boar up for a BIG suplex! Cover, TWO! Fans rally for Boar but T-Bone clamps onto Boar’s neck and drags him up.

Boar throws body shots! And a JAWBREAKER! Boar glares at Dennis, fires haymakers off on T-Bone, then runs in, but into a scoop! Boar fights but T-Bone still FALL AWAY SLAMS him! Boar tumbles to the far corner, T-Bone runs corner to corner, and SPLASHES! T-Bone snapmares Boar, kicks him around, then drops an elbow! Cover, TWO!! Boar is still in this but Symbiosis coaches T-Bone. T-Bone puts Boar into the corner, runs in again, but Boar dodges! And SHOVES T-Bone into buckles, before the GERMAN SUPLEX! Boar then gets T-Bone for a SINGLE LEG SUPLEX! Fans fire up and Boar RAMS T-Bone into the corner!

Primate gets on the apron but Boar DECKS him! Boar avoids the cheap shot, wrenches and SATELLITE DDT’S! Cover, Boar wins!!

Winner: Wild Boar, by pinfall

Dennis runs for the hills! Boar pursues, the hunt has only just begun! Primate tries to get T-Bone back up so they can hurry and help Dennis, but will the Wild Boar catch his prey?


Ilja Dragunov speaks.

“Roderick Strong. Strong. That’s a word that I really admire. Because that’s what I needed to be since my very first day in NXT UK. This is the way how I became Unbesiegbar, and the way I became NXT UK Champion. Roderick, we both have the same mindset. We know that diamonds are made under pressure, and I’m sure there’s no one out there who can put me under pressure the same way as you do. It will be my honor to collide with you in the ring. But the Czar is a diamond who doesn’t crack under pressure.” The challenge has been answered, and in two weeks, we will surely Dragunov and Strong collide in an NXT UK Championship instant classic!


NXT UK Media catches up with Kenny Williams.

But the Scum of the Earth seems oddly jittery right now as he tells them to call him later. He doesn’t have time for this, he can’t find his car keys. And when he gets outside, he sees his car all opened up and a mess. This is what he figured. Good jokes. Here’s the keys. But now he needs to find his tires… Someone is messing with him, and he will find out who! Then they will pay for this. A car horn spooks Kenny, and the reporter asks if this might have to do with that note in his locker from last week. Kenny tells them to get out of his face. But will this person pranking Kenny continue to get under his skin?


Jordan Devlin VS Danny Jones!

The Irish Ace wants to get back to his former glory, but that means getting back to a title. Will Devlin use Raving Danny Jones as a stepping stone towards that goal?

The bell rings and they circle. Fans duel, and that annoys Devlin. He and Jones knuckle lock, but then Devlin kicks low and throws haymakers! Jones CHOPS back and sends Devlin staggering! Devlin CHOPS back, fires forearms, then CHOPS again! Jones sits down and Devlin rains down forearms! Devlin gets Jones up, whips, and CLOBBERS him with an elbow! Devlin JAMS his knee into Jones, then CHOPS him again! Devlin bumps Jones off buckles, throws more forearms then stomps him down. Jones turns it around to CHOP and CHOP and stomp a mudhole! Fans fire up for Jones but Devlin kicks back.

Devlin KNEES Jones down, then looms over him. Devlin brings Jones up to ROCK with a forearm, then ROCK him again. But Jones roars and CHOPS, then EuroUppers. Jones clinches but Devlin throws body shots. Devlin headlocks and grinds Jones, but Jones throws body shots back. Jones powers out, things speed up, but Devlin ducks, rolls, hurdles and drops, to then kitchen sink knee Jones hard! Fans boo as Devlin snarls and Jones writhes. Devlin stands on Jones’ head, taunts the fans taunting him, then he YANKS Jones’ arm! Fans rally up, Devlin drags Jones back up to short arm LARIAT! Cover, TWO!

Jones is still in this but Devlin shakes his head. Devlin kicks Jones but Jones throws a body shot! And another, and another! Jones fires off, throws big forearms, and fans rally up behind him! But Devlin blocks to DECK Jones! Devlin drags Jones up, ROCKS him again, then eggs Jones on. Devlin SLAPS Jones, “What you got?” Jones stands up but Devlin throws a forearm. Jones is snarling and he ROCKS Devlin back, then DECKS him! And then spins Devlin around to wrench and hammerlock, to a SLEEPER! Ripcord, ENZIGURI! Devlin staggers and fans are fired up for Jones! Jones runs in, SHINING WIZARD, to EXPLODER! Cover, TWO!

Fans fire up as Jones looms over Devlin. Jones clamps on a SLEEPER! Devlin endures, pries at the hold, but Jones turns around to throw Devlin over his back! And into a double chicken wing cradle! TWO!! Devlin goes to the corner, and he slips out as Jones runs in! Jones’ knee hits buckles, and then Devlin SLINGSHOT CUTTERS! Fans boo but Devlin gives thumbs down. Devlin drags Jones up, BRAINBUSTER! Cover, Devlin wins!

Winner: Jordan Devlin, by pinfall

Jones showed the fire of a Welsh dragon, but Devlin extinguished that fire! He then has the camera come closer to tell us a secret. “It’s a badly kept secret. I am so far ahead of this roster, they couldn’t see my arse if they had a set of binoculars. I don’t care who’s running around with the title. There is only one ace, and you’re looking at him!” Devlin says everyone knows it, but will he run into someone who can prove him wrong?


NXT UK hears from Moustache Mountain and the hottest tag team under the sun.

Trent Seven tells Ashton Smith that in their first-ever singles match against each other, Seven will ensure to win for Moustache Mountain. They will not have two losses in a row. But Oliver Carter says he got Tyler Bate, and y’know what? Ashton will get Trent, too. Ashton says it is his time. Trent will be desperate, but these two have been preparing. They’ve been studying everything. And they know Trent knows that they have his number. This match will force Moustache Mountain to accept that Smith & Carter have earned a tag title rematch.

Trent is finding his inner Zen and chi thanks to Tyler Bate, he still isn’t sure where it all comes from, but it works. Trent will try and do anything he has to in order to keep the tag titles. But Ashton says there is no way Seven wins because this means that much to him! Ashton won’t let himself down, he won’t let Carter down, he will prove to everyone they deserve this opportunity. Moustache Mountain may have won but Smith & Carter picked themselves up, took a look around, and what did they say? Ready And Forward, Always Forward!


NXT UK previews the coming Heritage Cup Championship match.

Mark Coffey has known Noam Dar for over a decade, and Noam Dar hasn’t changed. He’s still overconfident. But Noam Dark says Mark confuses things. He isn’t cocky, he’s confident in the work he’s put in as champion. The work that Mark has seen live in person. Dar made target practice out of Wolfgang and pieced up big brother Joe. Mark says he doesn’t need to learn from his own mistakes, because he learns from other people’s. Twice now, Mark has seen how Dar operates. Dar says there are levels to this, and he’s at the tippy top. Now, the driver wants to step to him?

Oh, Mark’s just a driver now, is he? Well this driver will run Dar right over on route to claiming that cup! Mark hasn’t had a loss in singles matches, or had a loss in British Rounds matches. So Mark isn’t letting this slip away. Dar says congrats, this is it. This is as big as Markus is gonna get. So enjoy it. Dar will hit him with that toxic left foot and it’ll be over. Will the Scottish Supernova complete the sweep on Gallus? Or will this Gallus Boy be on top?


NXT UK Women’s Championship: Meiko Satomura VS Isla Dawn!

The Final Boss has been unstoppable since coming to NXT UK, but the Wicked Witch of Scotland has built up momentum by taking treasures from her targets. Then Isla seemed to get even stronger when she let them all go. Will Isla become THE unstoppable force in NXT UK? Or will Meiko still be the Best in the World?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and the two circle. Isla pie faces Meiko, then pie faces her again. But Meiko blocks the punch to fire off forearms and kicks! Meiko KICKS and forearms Isla against ropes, but Isla slips through to get a dragon sleeper in the ropes! The ref reprimands and counts, Isla lets go at 4. Isla laughs while fans boo. Isla CLUBS Meiko on the back, snapmares and uppercuts her in the back! Fans rally up, Isla runs but Meiko ducks the kick. Meiko grabs a leg but Isla kicks her away. Isla boots but Meiko blocks it! Meiko ROCKS Isla and uppercuts! Isla ducks the buzzsaw but not the ENZIGURI!

Meiko kicks Isla down, drops elbows, then kicks her around. Fans rally as Meiko drops an elbow. Cover, TWO! Meiko drags Isla up but Isla RAMS her into a corner! Isla digs her forearms in, but Meiko turns it around to give those back! The ref counts, Meiko lets off to ROUNDHOUSE Isla! Isla stays up leaning against the corner, but Meiko runs corner to corner, only to miss! Isla ROCKS Meiko from the apron, then HOTSHOTS her down! Isla is laughing as she drags Meiko out of the ring! Isla stomps Meiko, drags her up and throws her into barriers. Isla KNEES Meiko against the barriers, then puts Meiko in the ring at 6 of 10. Cover, TWO!

Isla talks to herself or whatever spirits she hears, and she drops an elbow! Isla gets in Meiko’s face, pie faces her down, then CLUBS her! Isla KNEES Meiko in the back and digs it in before clamping on the chinlock! Meiko endures, kicks forward, grabs at Isla but Isla shrugs her off. Isla JAMS her knee in again while fans rally up. Meiko fights up, pries the hold apart, and she back elbows. Isla PUMP KNEES Meiko down! Isla runs to stomp Meiko down! And then she KNEES Meiko in the side! Fans rally but Isla hits a METEORA! Cover, TWO! Meiko survives and Isla is furious! Fans rally as Meiko grits her teeth.

Isla drags Meiko up, but Meiko elbows away the back suplex! Isla ROCKS Meiko, reels her in, but Meiko throws knees! Meiko ROCKS Isla, Isla ROCKS Meiko! Meiko fires off more forearms, then runs, to CLOBBER Isla! Fans fire up, but Isla gets up to KNEE Meiko again! Meiko gets up, but Isla BOOTS her! Meiko is against ropes, Isla storms up and whips her, only for Meiko to WHEEL KICK! Isla stays up, Meiko ROUNDHOUSES her down! Fans rally and Meiko drags Isla up to reel her in. SAIDO! Cover, TWO!! Isla survives but Meiko won’t let off! Meiko drags Isla up, KICKS her back down, then drags her again.

Meiko goes to a corner with Isla in the drop zone. Meiko goes up top, FROG SPLASH onto knees! Isla snarls, slaps herself around, then runs to DROPKICK Meiko down! But Isla isn’t done, she drags Meiko up, PERFECT PLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!! Meiko escapes and Isla is furious! Isla drags Meiko up to CLUB her, then KICK her down! Isla goes up the corner, but Meiko ROCKS her first! Meiko climbs up, CLUBS away on Isla, but Isla thrwos body shots! They brawl up top, Isla shoves Meiko down! Isla adjusts, leaps, but Meiko gets under! Isla rolls through, but runs into a PELE! Meiko fireman’s carries, DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Cover, TWO!!

Fans fire up for “NXT! NXT!” as Meiko gets back up. Meiko drags Isla up but Isla breaks free! But Meiko sobats and DDT’s! Meiko runs, but the handspring kick misses! Isla hurries as Meiko clutches the leg, BUZZSAW! Isla snarls, drags Meiko back up, fireman’s carry. But Meiko fights off to wrench and hammerlock, into a headscissor cradle! Meiko wins!!

Winner: Meiko Satomura, by pinfall (still NXT UK Women’s Champion)

Isla can’t believe it! Her powers were still not enough to overcome the Final Boss! But Isla still wants the belt! She and the ref tug-o-war over it, and Isla gets the belt! Meiko gets mad now as Isla clutches to the title she doesn’t rightfully own! Isla escapes through the crowd and into the shadows of the night! Will Meiko have to beat Isla down again to get that belt back?

My Thoughts:

A very good episode for NXT UK, but a bit of mildly disappointing news. It’s great that we’re getting Dragunov VS Strong for the NXT UK Championship, but I wish it was going to be at Stand & Deliver and not just a post WrestleMania episode. But at the same time, if Strong isn’t winning the title, I suppose it’s best to have that match here on NXT UK. Strong is of course over there as of these tapings, it’s more efficient to get that match done instead of having Dragunov fly to the States again just for the one night. But it doesn’t even sound like NXT UK is planning Prelude 2022, just having big matches on whatever episodes to make them into big episodes.

We got great promo stuff hyping up next week. Seven, Smith and Carter all had good stuff going into Seven VS Smith. As I said last week, that match could go either way, and we’d still get a tag title match for post-Mania. Seven wins, they’re tied, the title match is the tiebreaker. Smith wins, well then he and Carter went 2-0 and of course they get the title match. Either way, it’ll all be great, and we’ll see a great tag title match. Mark Coffey and Noam Dar had a good promo, they’re going to have a very good Heritage Cup match, and I could see it going either way, but they might keep the cup with Dar since he’s doing such great work.

Xia is getting her tiebreaker with Amale, and it sounds like Robbie Brookside’s friend is going to arrive to coincide with that. Chances are, that friend is the reason Xia wins, and it becomes the classic Heel wrestler & manager duo story for Xia for the next stretch of programming. And Kenny Williams has someone messing with him now, but I’m surprised he isn’t assuming this is Sam Gradwell. Maybe Gradwell isn’t quite so sneaky, so could it be… Amir Jordan? Is he going to return after Kenny banished him from NXT UK with that blow-off win a year ago? That would be pretty clever.

A-Kid & Saxon VS Die Familie was a good match, fans really love Saxon, but of course Teoman helps his guys win. Maybe A-Kid is heading to Stand & Deliver through next week’s Triple Threat match on NXT, and maybe he’ll be there full-time after this since he’s clearly just midcard fodder in NXT UK now. Wild Boar got a really good return match against T-Bone, and of course he wins. He’ll surely have the same against Primate, and then he surely gets his shot at Dennis, only to be cheated. And if the timing is right, maybe Subculture can return, Andrews & Webster have beef with Symbiosis still, and they can make amends with Boar.

Devlin got a really good match out of Danny Jones, and his promo essentially calling out everyone on the roster is a sign that he’ll end up with a big match in the coming weeks to go with the WrestleMania season. No idea who, but I bet it’ll be awesome, and probably a big win for that person. And then we got a great, pretty fast and aggressive NXT UK Women’s Championship match, great stuff from both Meiko and Isla. It was a bit obvious most of the crowd noise was BT Sports Studio pretending to be ThunderDome, as many shots of the crowd were just bored faces. There was a corner of the crowd that actually was into this, as they should be. Meiko wins, of course, but good twist that Isla literally steals the title. Meiko will definitely have to give Isla another match, and I’m sure Meiko wins again.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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