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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (4/26/22)

Time to settle some scores!



Lyons, Legado and Solo, oh my!

Before NXT Spring Breakin’, there’s some business to take care of! Will Nikkita Lyons shut Lash Legend up once and for all before going after Natalya?


  • Nikkita Lyons VS Lash Legend; Lyons wins.
  • Tony D’Angelo VS Xyon Quinn Von Wagner w/ Robert Stone; Wagner wins.
  • Nathan Frazer VS Guru Raaj; No Contest.
  • Kayden Carter & Katana Chance VS Yulisa Leon & Valentina Feroz; Carter & Chance win.
  • Six Mixed Tag: Legado del Fantasma VS Josh Briggs, Brooks Jensen & Fallon Henley; changed to…
  • 3v2 Mixed Handicap: Legado del Fantasma VS Josh Briggs & Fallon Henley; Legado wins.
  • Solo Sikoa VS Trick Williams w/ Carmelo Hayes; Solo wins.
  • The Viking Raiders VS Malik Blade & Edris Enofe; The Viking Raiders win.
  • Mandy Rose w/ Toxic Attraction VS Roxanne Perez; Mandy wins.


Nikkita Lyons VS Lash Legend!

The ladies start it off as they look to put this to rest! Lyons was the target of Lash lashing out, but she’s gonna hit right back! Will Lyons get another big win on her rise to the top? Or will Lash prove there’s only one legend in the making around here?

Lash doesn’t even wait for the bell! As soon as she’s in the ring, she rushes Lyons! But Lyons is ready and the brawl is on! The ref has the bell rings, Lash whips but Lyons dodges to kick and kick and KICK! Lyons waistlocks but Lash elbows free, only to get a HEEL KCIK! Things speed up, Lash CLOBBERS Lyons with an elbow! Lash talks trash, runs, but Lyons is ready and sidesteps. She dodges Lash again, but Lash ducks the leap. Lyons still comes back for a THESZ PRESS! Lyons rain down fists, Lash tries but can’t get her away! They scrap all the way to ropes, and the ref calls for the break.

Lyons lets off, but Lash TOSSES Lyons out! Lyons hits the floor hard, and Lash mockingly asks if she’s okay. Lyons gets up and on the apron, Lash back body blocks her back down! Lash soaks up the heat, goes out to bring Lyons up and says she’ll never be as good as her. Lash then RAMS Lyons into steel steps! Lash lounges on the apron as she drags Lyons up by her hair. The ref counts, Lash gets in at 6 of 10, but then Lyons HOTSHOTS her back! Fans fire up and Lyons gets in, only for Lash to trip her! Lash gives back that ground ‘n’ pound, then throws in knees! Lash tosses her hair while fans chant, “You Suck!”

Lash mounts, Lyons sunset flips! TWO, but Lash HIP ATTACKS Lyons down. Fans fire up for Lyons but Lash bumps her off buckles. Lash then scoops to SIDEWALK SLAM! Cover, TWO! Lash grows frustrated but she sits Lyons up and traps the arms. Lash has a neck wrench but Lyons endures. Fans rally, Lyons fights to get an arm free but Lash knees her in the back. Lash keeps on the neck wrench but Lyons fights up and arm-drags free! Lash comes back, but Lyons blocks the boot! Lyons fights up, throws the foot down but Lash elbows her. Lyons KICKS and KICKS and KICKS! Lyons throws knees, then snap suplexes Lash down!

Lyons roars, she waistlocks, GERMAN SUPLEX! Lash flounders but Lyons CLUBS her to a corner. Lyons runs in to forearm smash! Lyons fires off more shots, the ref counts, but Lyons climbs up to CLUB Lash more. Lash turns that around into a POWER- NO! Lyons RANAS Lash away! RUNNING GAMANGIRI! Cover, Lyons wins!

Winner: Nikkita Lyons, by pinfall

But then NATALYA attacks Lyons! She and Lash stomp Lyons down, both of them against Lyons taking their spotlight! But then CORA JADE appears! She SMACKS Lash with her skateboard! Natty keeps on Lyons, Cora talks trash to Lash, but then Cora turns around to see Natty. Cora swings, misses, and Natty trips her! But Lyons BOOTS Natty down! Lyons helps Cora up and they stare Lash and Natty down. Will Legend and the BOAT have to admit they’re not the alphas anymore?


Tony D’Angelo walks around backstage.

He spots the cameras and tells us paizons that he was supposed to face “Run it straight” Xyon, but he’s got a hangnail, or stomach ache, or whatever excuse. Doesn’t matter. Now Tony D’s facing the “silver tongued” Von Wagner. All Tony knows is, after getting through with Mr. Excitement, he’ll be sleeping with the fishes. Escobar knows what that’s like, right? The Don is very confident, but will he enter Wagner’s World?


Diamond Mine meets in the dojo.

Roderick Strong is disappointed. They have to be realistic about this. Recently, they’ve been struggling, and that is something he will not tolerate. This group is too good to crumble like his last group did. Julius and Brutus missed the NXT Tag Team Championships twice, yet they’re sitting around like they’ve made it to the mountaintop! And Ivy, she is dominant but- Brutus speaks up. They didn’t get pinned at Stand & Deliver, and they defeated three of the teams in the Tag Gauntlet. It was those scumbags, Pretty Deadly, who robbed them. Well good for them. But the only thing Strong hears is excuses! If you have to beat four, you gotta do it! Be ready for anyone at any time!

So next week, Strong set up a big time tag team match for next week with former world tag team champions and no strangers to NXT! Okay, who is it? Bivens wants to know, too, since Strong did this without telling him. Oh, it’s a good thing they asked, because they just arrived. It’s the VIKING RAIDERS! Erik & Ivar are ready, will the Creeds be?


Tony D’Angelo VS Von Wagner w/ Robert Stone!

The Don says he runs NXT but Robert Stone claims this is Wagner’s World. Who will back up their words with actions? And who will have to eat their words through a straw?

The bell rings and the two circle. Tony and Von tie up, Von shoves Tony away and then gloats. Tony smiles and tie sup with Von again. Von powers Tony to a corner and bumps him off the buckles, then backs off to talk trash. Tony keeps his cool with another smile, and they go again. Tony gets around and he shoves Von! Then he SLAPS him! Tony says this is his ring! They circle, go again, Tony waistlocks but can’t lift. Von breaks free and smirks while Tony gets annoyed. Tony and Von go again, Von waistlocks to SLAM Tony down! Von says this is his ring and his world, but Tony resets with him again.

Tony gets a leg, Von gets to ropes! Von shoves Tony away but Tony comes back for the leg. Von CLUBS away on Tony, then put shim in a corner to RAM his shoulder in again and again! Von shoves Tony around, fans rally and duel. Von whips and CLOBBERS Tony, then stalks him to a corner. Von brings Tony around but Tony fires haymakers! Von scoops, Tony slips off to fire off more shots! Von knees low, CLUBS Tony on the back, then CLUBS him again. Von whips Tony to ropes, Tony ducks and dodges to kick and reel Von in. Von blocks the suplex, throws haymakers, then puts Tony on the ropes to choke him!

The ref counts, Von lets off at 4 and Tony sputters. Von stalks Tony again, brings him up and around to whip to ropes. Tony ducks and dodges again, then suckers Von into a drop toehold! Tony BOOTS Von out of the ring! Stone tries to keep Von calm but Von runs into the ring and into an atomic drop! Tony then clotheslines Von right back out! Von tumbles to the ramp and Tony pursues, but Von drags him out to RAM him into the apron! And then APRON BACK SUPLEX! Stone is fired up as NXT goes picture in picture.

Von snarls, the ring count climbs, and Von gets back in. Von headbutts Tony down, drops an elbow, then repeats. Tony flounders to ropes, Von brings him up and puts him in the corner. Von whips Tony hard into the corner to clothesline! Von whips Tony the other way, another clotheslines! And then a short arm LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Von keeps on Tony with a chinlock. Tony endures as Von grinds him down and leans on the hold. Tony fights up, fans rally, and Tony throws body shots. Von shoves Tony, but Tony sunset flips! TWO, and Tony dodges a lariat, only for Von to scoop and FALL AWAY SLAM!

Von snarls again while Tony writhes on the mat. Von stomps Tony at the ropes, then drags him up for a snapmare. Von CLUBS Tony in the back and wraps the chinlock back on. Tony endures, fights up and throws elbows, then he throws haymakers. Von reverses the whip, Tony ducks and dodges, into a KNEE! Cover, TWO! Von grows frustrated but he sets Tony down to drop an ax handle! Then it’s right back to the chinlock. Tony endures all over again, fights back up, and JAWBREAKERS free! Tony gets to a corner, Von storms over but Tony kicks and fires off haymakers! Von CLUBS Tony back down, and it’s back to the chinlock!

Von thrashes Tony around and NXT returns to single picture. Fans rally and duel as Tony fights up yet again. Tony throws more elbows, then he backs Von into a corner. Tony gets free, he elbows Von again. Tony runs, but Von scoops for a SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Von grows frustrated but he waits on Tony to get up. Fans rally, Von drags Tony into a fireman’s carry. Tony elbows free and shoves Von, to then OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Von flounders up and rushes Tony, but Tony ducks the lariat to Belly2Belly again! Stone stresses but Von throws haymakers. Tony gives them back and fans rally and duel as they go back and forth!

Tony gets the edge, but Von shoves. Tony rushes in to TACKLE Von! Tony rains down fists, Von shoves him away. Tony gives Von some body shots, then hits an EXPLODER! Fans fire up and Tony gets back up. Tony runs but into a LARIAT! Von says he’ll end this, and he brings Tony back up. Fireman’s carry, but Tony slips off! But Von fights the fisherman, only for Tony to ROCK him! Tony storms after Von but Von dumps him out! Tony tumbles off the apron, but then Legado shows up! Wilde & Del Toro/Mendoza are still upset about the thing with the fish, but Tony’s Wise Guys show up to get in their face!

But wait! Escobar CLOBBERS Tony with a crowbar to the leg!! The ref missed all of that and now the ring count is climbing! Stone tells Tony to just stay down! Tony tries to get up, the ref keeps counting! It’s 8 of 10, but Tony shoots in at 9! Only for Von to BOOT him down! Cover, Von wins!

Winner: Von Wagner, by pinfall

Give a huge assist to Legado for their distraction and drive-by assault! Will The Don have a response when Legado is in their match tonight?


Persia & Indi welcome Roxanne Perez.

They want her to know she was amazing last week in her debut, taking down one of the NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions. She thanks them and it means a lot coming from them. Was she nervous? Oh, so nervous. But then Toxic Attraction come walking in, and Jacy Jayne says it smells like trash in here. It’s Roxie. Mandy says Roxie got lucky, don’t go putting her in the Hall of Fame. And the only reason Roxie won was cuz “Pajama Dork” destroyed the Toxic Lounge. Uh, a win is a win, isn’t it? Okay, honey, Mandy will tell you right now, time to wake up from this dream you’re living. Gigi says it’s a snore.,

Well Roxie will prove it isn’t a fluke! Oh, so now she’s ready? Mandy knows what Roxie’s up to. She wants her chance at THE NXT Women’s Champion. Well she will teach Roxie the difference between someone who is champion and someone who dreams of becoming one. Toxic Attraction heads out, but Persia & Indi assure Roxie that she’s got this. Will Roxie prove to everyone, especially Mandy, that dreams do come true?


Briggs, Brooks ‘n’ Fallon talk backstage.

They’re all fired up, ready to finally beat the hell outta Legado! It ain’t just the boys, Fallon has been waiting for this! She is tired of Lopez, of Legado, and it is time to take care o’ business! And oh she cannot wait to punch Lopez right in her mouth! Brooks is ready to stick his Alabama boot right up some- Oh, hello. Sophia Cromwell walks by and Brooks takes off his hat to be a gentleman. She rolls her eyes, and Briggs wants Brooks to focus. Not on her, on the match! Right, sorry! Head in the fight! They’re fired up again, but will Brooks stay on target against Legado?


BREAKING for Spring Breakin’!

After that throw down after Lyons VS Lash, we have a tag match! Lash & Natty VS Cora & Lyons! Will we see the Queen of Harts change the future? Or will this new wave sink the BOAT?


Andre Chase & Bodhi Hayward join the student section.

Chase U is ready to watch and take notes of this next match!

Nathan Frazer VS ???

The British Prodigy moves over from NXT UK to see how much higher he can fly. But will he be like Icarus and fly too close to the sun? Or can he maintain altitude and soar towards title contention?

Wait, Frazer’s opponent, Guru Raaj, is attacked by Grayson Waller! Waller takes a mic and gets in the ring to tell the “little English flop” that no one cares about him! If Frazer and his Wonka haircut take one more step, this is gonna get embarrassing. This is Waller’s NXT! He doesn’t need Sanga! He does what he wants, when he wants! Fans chant, “Grayson Sucks!” but Waller sees Chase U mouthing off. He didn’t forget them interrupting! Here’s a joke for ya: Chase U is a scam! Waller went to a Chase U tailgate, and their sorority sisters are more like refrigerators! Look at those chairs struggling!

Chase wants some? Then jump the barrier! He can take them both! But when Chase and Bodhi do jump over, Waller backs up. Only to turn around into Frazer’s MISSILE DROPKICK! Frazer rallies on Waller, then dropkicks Waller out of the ring! Frazer builds speed and DIVES! Direct hit and Waller is sent tumbling up the ramp! Frazer dares Waller to get up, and Chase says that was a TEACHABLE MOMENT! Frazer high-fives Bodhi and shakes Chase’s hand. Will Waller learn to think before he speaks?

No Contest


NXT announces the inaugural Women’s Breakout Tournament!

And among this field, Arianna Grace makes her NXT debut. A former beauty pageant queen who has trained in boxing and MMA her entire life. She’s ready to kick some ass and take some chances. She’ll do just that in this tournament! Will Arianna win with grace in her NXT in-ring debut?


Backstage interview with Tiffany Stratton.

McKenzie asks her about her win over Sarray, but Stratton says this is her time. She knows everyone saw her win over that “little cheater,” but did anyone see Sarray pull Stratton’s hair three times? What is with that? Waller storms in and grumbles about Frazer embarrassing him. He then apologizes to Stratton for invading her time. But who even is Nathan Frazer? Stratton says Frazer looks homeless, his hair looks like straw, and he has a terrible accent! Waller says he does! Waller can’t stand accents! Uh, Waller has- Stratton says they’re talking. McKenzie is the worst. She IS! Finally, someone with smarts and class!

What Waller was gonna says is that if Frazer were to make his debut, he can do it against Waller. Then Frazer’s career ends before it begins. Stratton loves that. And then OMG, idea! They can get Frazer soap! Good idea! The UK smells. But Stratton smells amazing. Those two go off together, McKenzie gets a headache, but will Waller end up the victim of his own ego?


Kayden Carter & Katana Chance VS Yulisa Leon & Valentina Feroz!

Kacy Catanzaro by any other name is still just as agile, but will KC Squared finally gain some ground in the NXT Women’s Tag Division?

NXT returns, Leon & Feroz have made their entrances, and the teams sort out. Kayden starts with Leon and they circle. They approach, Kayden bypasses to send Leon at ropes, but Leon handsprings over her. Fans cheer as Leon shakes the hips. Kayden says alright, and they go again. Kayden waistlocks, trips Leon and then walks all over her to shake her hips! Leon says no no, but Kayden sidesteps again. Hip toss but Leon handsprings and dropkicks! Tag to Feroz, Leon gives her a boost to RANA Kayden out! Feroz does her own dance while KC Squared regroups. Kayden eggs Feroz on, Feroz chases her outside, then inside.

Kayden springboards to stomp Feroz down! Kayden shows her own shoulder shimmy off, then tags in Chance. Kayden runs while Chance holds Feroz in place for the dropkick! Feroz is down, Chance TWISTING SPLASHES! Cover, TWO! Fans rally up for “KA-TA-NA!” as she brings Feroz up. Feroz uses sayanagis to throw Chance around, but Chance whips her away. Feroz dodges, avoids the dropkick, then gets an arm! Chance powers from armbar to high stack, TWO! Chance kicks low, whips, but Feroz reverses. Chance goes up but Feroz catches the legs. Feroz throws Chance but Kayden catches her!

Kayden throws Chance back in, she CROSSBODIES Feroz! Cover, TWO! Fans rally and Chance drags Feroz to tag Kayden. KC Squared double whip, they have Feroz on the ropes for DOUBLE BOOTS! Kayden hurries to cover, TWO! Kayden hammerlocks and reels Feroz in. Feroz endures as Kayden gets the other arm and bends it back. Kayden rolls Feroz to a cover, TWO! Kayden keeps on Feroz but Feroz throws body shots. Kayden keeps Feroz from Leon and fireman’s carries. Tag to Chance, Feroz sunsets but it won’t count! SLINGSHOT SENTON! Cover, TWO! Chance drags Feroz up and wraps on a grounded cobra twist.

Fans rally and duel as Feroz endures. Feroz fights up, throws body shots, and hip tosses Chance away! Chance comes back into a BOOT! Feroz elbows Kayden, dodges Chance, hot tags to Leon and Kayden! Leon rushes in and rallies with lariats! Leon A-LIST LARIATS Kayden in a corner, then goes up top! BIG missile dropkick! Cover, TWO! Leon keeps on Kayden with a scoop. Feroz tags in, Leon SLAMS Kayden down and then scoops Feroz! Trophy lift SPLASH! Cover, Chance breaks it! Leon goes after Chance but gets thrown out! Feroz talks trash on Chance but Kayden rolls her! TWO, and Feroz grabs a leg!

Kayden ROCKS Feroz but Leon trips Chance up! Feroz tilt-o-whirls, IRON OCTOPUS! Kayden endures, reaches out, but Feroz tilt-o-whirls to headscissor her into the corner! Tag to Leon, Feroz snapamres Kayden and Leon LIONSAULTS! But she FLOPS as Kayden moves! Leon crawls back for her corner, tag back to Feroz! Feroz whips Kayden, Kayden holds ropes, Chance tags in! Chance ROCKS Feroz into a table top! Chance goes up top, Kayden drags Feroz up, HIGHLIGHT REEL!! Cover, KC Squared wins!

Winners: Kayden Carter & Katana Chance, by pinfall

The 450 Neckbreaker Splash wins another one! But will KC Squared keep climbing to become NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions?


Something happened backstage!

Someone attacked Brooks and hurt his hand! Brooks doesn’t know who did it, but it has to be Legado! Brooks wants to still compete but medics say there’s no way. Briggs says Legado ain’t leaving them much choice. He and Fallon storm off, what’s going to happen now?


Kay Lee Ray speaks.

“It’s been eight months since the voyage began. But do you know who I really am? A fighter? Yes. A warrior? Yes. A champion? But what do you know about me? To understand me now, I have to resurrect my past.” KLR sparks her bat and starts a fire. Fire represents life, and a rebirth. She is bringing back where she came from. She is now Alba Fyre! Will Fyre blaze a new trail to the top?


3v2 Mixed Handicap: Legado del Fantasma VS Josh Briggs & Fallon Henley!

Even without Brooks Jensen, this fight is still on! Will Elektra Lopez, Joaquin Wilde & Cruz Del Toro have victory assured? Or will Brooks be avenged by his best friends?

There’s no waiting for the bell here, either! Briggs CLOBBERS Del Toro, Fallon fires off on Lopez, then Briggs brawls with Wilde! Briggs fires off on both guys, Lopez bails out, but Briggs shoves Del Toro and Wilde out of the ring! Fans duel, the teams regroup, and Lopez gets back in. The bell rings and the ladies fire off haymakers! Lopez shoves then kicks Fallon, then brings her around to scoop and SLAM! Lopez drops an elbow but misses, Fallon dropkicks Lopez! Wilde tags in, Briggs rushes in to DECK him! Briggs grabs Del Toro for a hip toss BACKBREAKER! Then Briggs suplex TOSSES Wilde at Del Toro!

Fans fire up, Briggs and Lopez stare down and shout things, but Fallon gets in to ENZIGURI Lopez! Legado ends up on the ropes, Fallon and Briggs run to DOUBLE DECK them! Fans fire up with Fallon and Briggs, and Briggs gets in to storm up on Wilde. Wilde wants mercy, they didn’t attack Brooks! But Del Toro LEAPS in, only for Briggs to catch him! Wilde CHOP BLOCKS Briggs’ leg and Del Toro falls on him! Wilde stomps away on Briggs’ leg, then YANKS it. Wilde gloats, then he stomps Briggs’ leg. Robert Stone appears by commentary to let us know that Ikemen Jiro had wandering eyes for Sophia, Brooks had ’em, too. Do the math. VON attacked Brooks?!

Wilde drags Briggs over, tags Del Toro, Legado coordinates for a slingshot senton knee jammer! Then basement dropkicks! Cover, TWO! Del Toro stomps Briggs to the corner, then runs in to clothesline and tag! Wilde runs to clothesline and tag! Del Toro clotheslines and tags! Wilde clotheslines and tags! Del Toro runs in to GAMANGIRI! Wilde tags in, Legado brings Briggs up for a DOUBLE BACK SUPLEX! Then Electric Chair SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Briggs is still in this but Wilde drags him up. Fans rally and duel, Wilde KICKS and KICKS and KICKS Briggs! Briggs drops to his knee, Wilde grabs the leg and tags Del Toro.

But Briggs BOOTS Wilde into the post! Then he FLAPJACKS Del Toro and DECKS him! Hot tags to Lopez and Fallon! Fallon uses Briggs as a step to LAUNCH at Lopez! Fans fire up with Fallon as she fires off on Lopez! Fallon dodges to CLOBBER Lopez! And LARIAT! And CALF KICK! Cover, TWO! Fallon drags Lopez from her corner but Lopez KICKS Her away! Tag back to Wilde, Briggs gets in but into a dropkick! Briggs still runs Wilde over! And BOOTS Del Toro! Sidewalk SLAM and SPLASH for Wilde! Cover but Lopez breaks it! Fallon THESZ PRESSES Lopez! They scrap out of the ring, Lopez RAMS Fallon into barriers!

Lopez and Fallon brawl to the back! Briggs catches Wilde to TOSS him! Wilde BOOTS Briggs, Del Toro tags in! Tight rope MISSILE DROPKICK! Wilde tilt-o-whirls into position, GAMANGIRI LEG SWEEP! Cover, Legado wins!

Winners: Legado del Fantasma, by pinfall

They gave Wagner his win, Wagner gave them theirs! Will Brooks’ hand heal up so that he and Briggs can get them all back for this?


Backstage interview with Natalya & Lash Legend.

They’re facing Cora and Lyons next week, and Natty says it is a shame that Cora is so young and immature that she didn’t get the message. Cora and her stupid little skateboard. How fitting that next week is Spring Breakin’. Natty will break Cora’s legs and put the entire locker room on notice. Though, there is one woman that Natty noticed, and that is Lash Legend. Lash says she is teaming with a LEGEND, the BOAT! Lyons, this ain’t over. Not by a long shot. They’ll see how flexible Lyons really is. And then, Lash takes this momentum into the Women’s Breakout Tournament. But first thing’s first, this team is getting that Dub.


NXT hears from another Women’s Breakout Tournament entry.

This is Kiana James, and she promises to bring sophistication to the tournament. She calculated the odds, and she says it will work out in her favor. Successful women know their worth and clout, and she has both in spades. In the corporate world and in the ring, she is relentless. So prepare to name her your next Breakout Star.


Cameron Grimes heads to the ring!

The NXT North American Champion is here because he’s joining commentary for this next match and its huge title match implications.

Solo Sikoa VS Trick Williams w/ Carmelo Hayes!

The Street Champion of the Island got some payback on Trick ‘n’ Melo last week, and though he was willing to wait, management said he should get in on that North American title match! Will Solo #WhoopThatTrick as an example of what’s coming for both Melo and Grimes? Or can Trick soften up Solo for Melo to pick the bones?

NXT returns with Solo already in the ring, and Trick making his entrance. The bell rings and Solo circles with Trick. They approach but Trick dodges Solo. They tie up after all, Solo wrenches to a wristlock but Trick flips and kicks free. Trick talks trash, YANKS the arm, then YANKS it again. Trick wrenches, hammerlocks and RAMS Solo into a corner! Solo snarls but Trick wrenches, hammerlocks and RAMS him in again! Trick gets a third one of those, and he is talking more trash as he hits a fourth! Trick clamps onto the arm and grinds the shoulder. Solo endures, fans rally, but Trick has the hammerlock again.

Solo fights and snapmares Trick away, then things speed up. Solo runs Trick over! Fans fire up, Solo runs Trick over again! Solo scoops and SLAMS Trick, then wants him to get back up! Solo drags Trick up, YANKS the arm, then wrenches to YANK it again. Solo wrenches and RAMS the arm, YANKS the arm, then CHOPS! Solo wrenches, clamps onto the arm in return, but Melo coaches Trick. Trick whips but Solo reverses. Trick KICKS Solo, then LEG LARIATS! Fans rally but Trick stomps away on Solo! Trick drags Solo back up, scoops and SLAMS him, then looms over him. Trick brings Solo back up, whips, and dropkicks!

Melo flexes while Trick talks more trash. Fans rally and duel, Trick hits a RUNNING NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Trick snarls, he clamps onto Solo’s bad arm again, but Solo endures. Fans rally and duel, Solo fights up and he powers Trick to ropes. Solo whips but Trick kicks! Solo just fires up and eggs Trick on! Solo then catches the leg lariat for a BIG back suplex! Fans fire up and Solo fires off haymakers on Trick! Solo KICKS Trick then DECKS him with an uppercut! Solo starts rallying and Trick gets to a corner. Solo runs in to SPLASH! Solo whips corner to corner and hits another SPLASH! Solo fireman’s carries to SAMOAN DROP!

Solo goes up top and fans fire up! FLYING SPLASH!! Cover, Solo wins!

Winner: Solo Sikoa, by pinfall

Grimes says that was impressive, but Melo says it won’t happen like that. Grimes gets in the ring to congratulate Solo, but Melo gets in to shove Solo aside and get in Grimes’ face! But then Solo rushes in, Melo moves and the SUPERKICK takes out Grimes! Melo realizes how close that one came! Will the Street Champion become North American Champion? Will Grimes keep on going #ToTheMoon? Or will Melo return to being the A Champion once again?


Malik Blade and Edris Enofe talk backstage.

Why is Malik all nervous? Edris ain’t? This is a big opportunity! They’re going up against The Viking Raiders! Enofe says those guys may be big, but they’ve got this. Is he sure? Yes, they’ve got this! Look at the mirror. Enofe sees a man with heart, with speed, and with power. Enofe sees a badass who ain’t afraid of nobody! Really? He sees all that in Malik? Well it doesn’t matter what Enofe thinks, it matters what Malik believes! And Malik, you can see that, too. Malik sees a man with speed, heart and power! A badass who ain’t afraid! Get louder! Speed! Power! More energy! Okay! SPEED! POWER! HEART! MALIK THE FREAK! Enofe has Malik all fired up, but will they be ready for the raid?


Legado regroups backstage.

Two weeks in a row, they win! Tonight was another dominant victory for la familia! Lopez told Fallon not to mess with La Madrina. Escobar says Tony D said he knew nothing about those goons, but they just proved Tony is a lowlife liar! And he got a taste of his own medicine. No one, and he means no one, threatens Santos Escobar. They got Tony’s message last week. But it’s eye for an eye. Tony just got Escobar’s message. Time to celebrate. But will Tony ruin the fiesta soon enough?


The Viking Raiders VS Malik Blade & Edris Enofe!

Erik & Ivar were NXT Tag Team Champions once upon a time. They’ve also been Raw Tag Team Champions, and much more than that. Will they bring the raid back to NXT? Or can the Dusty Rhodes Classic bracket busters recapture that upset magic?

The teams sort out, Malik starts with Ivar, and he runs in, only to get run over! Ivar roars, but Malik tags out to Enofe. Fans chant “Welcome Home!” as Erik tags in. Erik and Enofe tie up, end up in a corner, and Erik lets off to growl right in Enofe’s face. Enofe runs in but gest thrown down! Erik clamps onto an arm, Enofe fights up, but Erik whips him. Enofe leaps up to stand on Eirk, then he hops down to dropkick! Enofe puts Erik in the corner, tag to Malik, drop toehold leads to knee lift and back elbow! Cover, TWO! Malik wrenches Erik’s arm and Enofe tags back in. Enofe goes up to drop an ax handle!

Erik goes to an open corner, Enofe whips him corner to corner but Erik reverses. Enofe goes up and over and rolls, only for Erik to CLOBBER him! Fans fire up and Erik tags Ivar back in. The Viking Raiders drag Enofe up to HAMMER away! They let off as the ref counts, and fans fire up for the War Beard. Ivar TOSSES Enofe to a corner, then throws back elbow after back elbow! The ref counts, Ivar lets off at 4 and Enofe flounders around. Ivar brings Enofe up, tags in Erik, and Erik brings Enofe out. Enofe throws body shots, but Erik KNEES him right down! Cover, TWO!! Enofe survives but he’s in a daze as Erik glares at him.

Erik hauls Enofe up, clamps onto the arm, and fans rally up. Malik calls to Enofe, but Erik keeps Enofe away. Enofe throws body shots, but Erik whips him into the corner. Erik run sin but his knees are sent into buckles! Ivar tags in to get Enofe for a back suplex! Enofe lands on his feet, dodges Ivar, hot tag to Malik! Malik springboards to AX HANDLE! Ivar stays up so Malik runs and builds speed to forearm! Ivar stay sup but Malik dropkicks! Ivar is still  up so Malik LARIATS him against ropes! Malik goes up, Enofe tags in, and Malik CROSSBODIES, but Ivar catches him! Enofe CROSSBODIES to topple Ivar! Cover, TWO!!

Enofe is surprised but Malik keeps the focus. They regroup, Malik tags back in, and Malik whips Enofe in, into a SEATED SENTON! Ivar then back drops Malik! Tag to Erik, he gets Enofe for a full nelson KNEE! Tag back to Ivar, they get Malik up for a DOUBLE POWERBOMB!! Ivar high stacks, the Viking Raiders win!

Winners: The Viking Raiders, by pinfall

Erik & Ivar are back on the warpath! But they do show respect to this young team. However, Julius & Brutus appear. The Creeds are going to face the Viking Raiders for Spring Breakin’, will Diamond Mine hold strong?


NXT hears from Wes Lee.

“It was a six month journey to get back to those NXT Tag Team titles. Winning the championships, there is no greater feeling. Losing a championship sucks, but hey. That team, or that guy, was better that day. You’ll get it back. But when a championship is taken from you, where you didn’t lose it but it was taken from you, anger is created.” Wes can’t forget his past, but the future holds a lot of new challenges, new risks, and he can only rely on himself now. He has two ways he can go about it: bitch and complain and say it’s not fair; or he can knuckle up and make the waves he’s destined to. Will Wes Lee be refreshed in this new chapter of his career?


Backstage interview with Tony D’Angelo.

McKenzie asks him about Escobar’s message. Tony tells Escobar that he should’ve smartened up enough already. Tony is the Don, and the Don makes threats, not Escobar! Now Escobar thinks he’s all tough running with a crew. But Tony made some calls, and now HE has a crew. He introduces us to Troy “Two Dimes” Donovan, and Channing Lorenzo, AKA “Stacks.” Tony says Escobar may be a stunad, but even he knows mixing it up with Tony D is bad for your health. So Tony wants an official sit-down meeting with Escobar for Spring Breakin’. They need to do this man to man before Tony takes this into his own hands. Because if he does, Escobar won’t like it.


Mandy Rose w/ Toxic Attraction VS Roxanne Perez!

The “measuring stick” of the NXT Women’s Division tried to hold the new girl down, but they ended up feeling a little karma when Wendy Choo trashed their hangout and Roxie got her first win in NXT. But THE NXT Women’s Champion says the fun stops here and the dream becomes a nightmare. Will the Toxic Goddess ruin Roxie’s run? Or will Mandy only help Roxie level up?

The bell rings and Mandy circles with Roxie. They tie up, fans rally and duel, and Mandy puts Roxie on ropes. The ref counts, Mandy lets off, but then she picks Roxie up to put her on the top rope. Mandy says Roxie’s so cute, then she yanks Roxie down just to shove her down! Roxie storms up on Mandy but Mandy uses ropes as defense. They reset, Roxie shoots in and waistlocks. Mandy pries free, wrenches, wristlocks, then YANKS the arm. Mandy wristlocks more, Roxie rolls, but Mandy wrenches again. Mandy wrangles Roxie to the mat, but Roxie kips up. Mandy wrenches again, Roxie rolls again, and then Roxie goes up to victory roll! TWO!

Mandy hurries up, but Roxie arm-drags her around! Roxie rolls to doge, then rolls back to SWINGING HEADSCISSOR ROLL-UP! TWO, and Mandy ROCKS Roxie! Mandy grabs Roxie’s arm but Roxie drops to victory roll! TWO, and Roxie hurries to ghost pin! TWO, Mandy knees Roxie low. Mandy talks trash to Roxie’s face, pokes her in the head, but Roxie BITSE that finger! The ref counts, Roxie lets off, and Mandy says that Roxie chipped her nail! Roxie rolls Mandy up, TWO! Roxie runs in but into a kick! Mandy tosses Roxie out of the ring! Mandy then goes out after Roxie to bring her up.

Roxie elbows back, grabs the hand, and brings it to the steel steps. Roxie SLAMS that hand on the steel, then shrugs and slips into the ring. Mandy says her finger is damaged, but it’s really just the nail again. Toxic Attraction fans Mandy and checks her nails while NXT goes to picture in picture.

Roxie waits on Mandy and the ring count climbs. Mandy wants the ref to check her finger, but then Roxie grabs that hand to KICK it! Gigi & Jacy complain but the ring count restarts. Mandy gets up and seethes as she hurries back in, Roxie taunts Mandy, dodges Mandy, then bails out. Mandy chases Roxie around and back in, and Roxie shrugs again before she handsprings to dodge! Leg sweep and a rolling senton, then Roxie waves at Mandy. Roxie brings Mandy up but Mandy ROCKS her with a right! Mandy fires off furious fists at the ropes but the ref backs her off. Mandy soaks up the heat, confident in herself again.

Mandy whips, Roxie reverses and hops on for a GUILLOTINE! Mandy endures, stays up, grabs the ropes, and Roxie lets go. Roxie then brings Mandy around to wrangle her, stand on the bad hand, and then giggle. Roxie then STOMPS the hand! Mandy clutches her fingers and Roxie brings her up again. Roxie wrenches and jumps back on for another GUILLOTINE! Mandy endures all over again, and she RAMS Roxie into buckles! Mandy is free, and she reels Roxie in for a SPINEBUSTER! Mandy catches her breath while Roxie crawls to ropes. NXT returns to single picture as Roxie fires forearms on Mandy!

Roxie wrenches, ROCKS Mandy, then runs. Mandy back drops Roxie away! Fans rally, Mandy hurries to cover, TWO! Mandy is frustrated and she stalks Roxie. Fans rally and duel, Mandy drags Roxie up to whip her into the corner hard! Roxie bounces off buckles, Mandy drags her back up and scoops for a BACKBREAKER! Mandy makes it a backbreaker rack as she bends Roxie against her knee. Roxie endures, fans duel hard as ever, but Mandy slaps Roxie around. Roxie throws knees to fight free! Fans rally again as Roxie gets to a corner. Mandy grabs at the legs and YANKS Roxie out!

Mandy mocks Roxie’s pain, gets the legs again and catapults Roxie into ropes! Roxie then falls back against Mandy’s knees! Mandy makes it a sunset flip, TWO! Mandy stomps Roxie down, then puts Roxie against the ropes. Mandy chokes and thrashes Roxie but the ref counts. Mandy lets off and then stalks Roxie. Mandy brings Roxie up, but Roxie throws body shots! Mandy CLUBS Roxie down, fans still duel, and Mandy scoop SLAMS Roxie down! Mandy soaks up the heat as she swaggers around, but Roxie elbows her away! Roxie then BOOTS Mandy from the corner, goes up the ropes, and leaps! FLYING THESZ PRESS!

Roxie rains down fast hands but Mandy shoves her away. Roxie fires up, runs in and uppercuts! Roxie whips corner to corner, wrenches and RUSSIAN LEG SWEEPS! Then somersault to a HANDSPRING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Fans rally, Roxie tells Mandy, “C’mere, BITCH!” Mandy denies the Code Red but Roxie arm-drags! Roxie avoids the knee, roll up, TWO! CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO!! Roxie gets up, KNEE FROM A ROSE!! Cover, Mandy wins!

Winner: Mandy Rose, by pinfall

Mandy puts Roxie away, but she got a lot more of a fight from her than she expected! Will Mandy be holding onto this gold with how close Roxie came? But then Wendy Choo and her Super Soakers appear! Toxic Attraction runs away to the stage, and they say not tonight! But then Wendy presses a button! And a NET drops on the champions! Wendy and Roxie then use SILLY STRING to spray Toxic Attraction! Wendy and Roxie get the last laugh tonight, but will they take the titles away from Toxic Attraction soon enough?


NXT hears from another Women’s Breakout Tournament entry.

This is Sloane Jacobs, and though she is only 19 years old, don’t think of her as an underdog. She learned to fight growing up with two sisters, and is going to make this a grueling series of matches. She dreams big, and wants to become the youngest women’s champion in NXT history. And the first step is winning this tournament.


Joe Gacy speaks.

Surrounded by his druids, he says, “Let’s go change the world.” Gacy and his insane smile head to gorilla, what will he have to say this close to NXT Spring Breakin’?


NXT returns and Gacy heads to the ring.

Fans boo Gacy as he gets the mic to say, “On our journey to change and embrace the world, we’ve come so far. So many triumphs. Barriers broken for people that have been discriminated against because of their weight. NXT is the clay that I have slowly been molding over the last six months. Clay of acceptance. Acceptance of everyone and anyone.” The druids surround the ring, and Gacy says they have made great strides. “But the mission isn’t quite accomplished.” Gacy doesn’t think everyone buys in to his way of life. Gacy asks why. “It’s time to step up and separate from the masses of people who wanna keep living in the past! Commit to the future! Commit to my vision!”

You best do it willingly. Because after Spring Berakin’, there will be no choice. Bron Breakker has not told us anything about his injuries, and that is because Gacy knows Bron is not cleared to compete and defend the NXT Championship after Gacy shoved him off the perch. After Bron’s fall from grace, Gacy will become NXT Champion, and he shall harden the clay into the vision Gacy sees! Wait, who is that coming down to the ring? It’s RICK STEINER! WWE Hall of Famer and Bron’s father is here, and he goes right past the druids to get in the ring with Gacy! Rick says Gacy has this all wrong. Bron IS cleared, and he will defend the title next week.

Gacy tells Mr. Steiner that he picked a great time to come back. Or did he pick the worst possible time? The druids start creeping in all around the ring! But here comes BRON! The druids go into defense mode as Bron storms down the ramp! He CLOBBERS one after the other, then gets right in to DECK the rest! Gacy keeps hiding behind one, but then dodges! Bron CLOBBERS that druid, only for Gacy to HANDSPRING LARIAT! Bron is down, the druids hold Rick back, and then Gacy has them pass the NXT Championship up to him from the ramp. Gacy holds the belt up over Bron, but will he succeed in becoming the sculptor of NXT?

My Thoughts:

A great NXT here as the go-home to Spring Breakin’. I keep wanting to type spell it “Breakkin” since we’re getting Breakker VS Gacy. Them closing the show was a logical choice because that’s for THE title, but it wasn’t all that much of a segment. Gacy was supposed to tell us Bron’s status but he kinda buried the lead behind his speech about molding NXT to his vision. Bron makes his return because of course he was never really hurt, but also his character now gets that Face super healing like we’ve seen in John Cena and others before. Bron still gets knocked down so that Gacy can stand tall, obviously indicating Bron is winning.

Good opening match out of Lyons VS Lash, though not sure the full body pan in Lyons’ entrance was needed. Naturally, Lyons won given Lash gave her that boot backstage a couple weeks ago. And then Natty goes after Lyons because of what Lyons said last week, and then Cora responds in kind. A tag match for Spring Breakkin’ is a nice surprise, and it’ll definitely keep the math even for Natty and Cora before they have their singles match down the line. I would think Natty and Lash win to put the pressure on Cora as the “future of NXT.”

Speaking of, good to know NXT is finally getting a Women’s Breakout Tournament, and we got good promos from three entries. Fun fact: Arianna Grace is Bianca Carelli, Santino Marella’s daughter. She will surely have a very good showing, but it is still up in the air on who wins the whole tournament since we only know four entries. I feel like Gigi Dolin is still taking it easy ring wise since Roxanne faced Mandy here tonight. It felt like Mandy stumbled on her promo just a little, but she and Roxanne had a very good main event match. Naturally, THE NXT Women’s Champion wasn’t going to lose, and Roxanne gets her first loss out of the way. Wendy’s new prank this week was fun, I hope we at least get Roxie & Wendy VS Gigi & Jacy for the tag titles.

Tony D’Angelo had a good promo to let us know about plans changing. And at the same time, Von needed someone else to face since Kushida left and they kayfabed Jiro being injured. It worked as a way to have the story of Tony VS Legado escalate, and we also got a good transition to Von feuding with Briggs & Brooks since it seems Von was the one who attacked Brooks because he was ogling Sophia. The mixed handicap match was pretty good but I feel like we still need Lopez VS Fallon 1v1 in like No Disqualifications to finish that feud off.

Legado has a good group promo, and Tony introducing his own faction is good. That sit-down will of course turn into a brawl, then we’ll get a Six Man of Legado VS Tony D, Troy Two Dimes and “Stacks.” Waller “ruining” Frazer’s debut was quite the twist. And it seems they’re circling back to him and Stratton having a thing, as they took LA Knight’s car that one time when Stratton didn’t have a face. Frazer VS Waller is going to be really good for Spring Breakin’, and I almost want a Mixed Tag of Frazer & Sarray VS Waller & Stratton.

We got a really good tag match out of KC Squared VS Leon & Feroz, but it’s gonna take me another minute to get used to “Katana Chance.” WWE seems to just want to replace all the real-life and/or pre-WWE names. At least they found a name that’s still “KC.” KC Squared really should get around to the tag titles again, or just move up to RawDown so that there are more teams up there. Kay Lee Ray becoming Alba Fyre really only makes me wonder if they’re gonna call her finisher “The Fyre Bomb” or just default to Gory Bomb.

Strong becoming the tyrant of Diamond Mine is only going to ensure this group crumbles, which is a bit of a shame. But him having the Viking Raiders return to NXT was quite the surprise. Fans loved having them back, for one. Malik & Enofe had a great promo segment, and they had a really good showing against Erik & Ivar, but of course the Viking Raiders win. Julius & Brutus VS Erik & Ivar is going to be great, and Creeds winning is definitely a nod that they’ll get those tag titles. Wes Lee had a great vignette and promo, and you can bet that he’ll move into the North American Championship scene soon enough.

We got a really fun match out of Solo VS Trick, but I really wish they would’ve made this how Solo earns his way into the North American title match. There would’ve been more drama and tension, at least. But Solo of course wins to build momentum, but also he might just be in the match to take the pin. That in itself is a shame, but it could be the way Melo takes the title back without taking it from Grimes. Then Melo and Grimes feud towards whatever TakeOver we’re getting that coincides with SummerSlam this year. Oh, right, they’re not TakeOver anymore. Well, I guess that event will have to have a special name like Heat Wave or Summer Fling.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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