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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (4/21/22)

It takes two to make things go right!



The score will finally be settled!

To prove who is truly the best team on the brand, Moustache Mountain and Smith & Carter go Best 2 outta 3 for the NXT UK Tag Team Championships!


  • Back Alley Brawl: Sam Gradwell VS Kenny Williams; Gradwell wins.
  • Emilia McKenzie VS Stevie Turner; McKenzie wins.
  • NXT UK Tag Team Championships Best 2 Out of 3 Falls: Moustache Mountain VS Ashton Smith & Oliver Carter; Moustache Mountain wins and retains the titles.


Back Alley Brawl: Sam Gradwell VS Kenny Williams!

Well, it may be happening in BT Sports Studio, but just trust the match name. This is going to be a gritty, knockdown, drag out, and all around brutal fight! Wil the Thunderstorm finally shut Kenny up? Or will the Scum of the Earth survive in the scummiest way possible?

Gradwell doesn’t even wait for Kenny to get in the ring, he goes after him at the ramp! Gradwell DECKS Kenny, RAMS him into the apron, CLUBS him down, then drags him up to TOSS him into the barriers! Fans fire up as Gradwell rips Kenny’s jacket off him and CLUBS him again. Gradwell CLUBS Kenny more, then goes looking under the ring! Gradwell finds a trash can, but Kenny kicks him low! Kenny scrambles into the ring but Gradwell drags him out! Gradwell CLUBS Kenny but Kenny RAMS Gradwell into the apron! Then Kenny RAMS Gradwell into the steel steps! Kenny steps on Gradwell to then get on the steps and mock him.

Gradwell gets up, but someone in a mask is watching Kenny. Kenny isn’t sure who that even is, but he CLAWS Gradwell! Gradwell gets in the ring, Kenny follows, and the bell finally wrings! Kenny CLUBS Gradwell but Gradwell trips Kenny! Gradwell rains down rights, then he drags Kenny up to DECK him! Gradwell drags Kenny up to DECK him again! Then Gradwell scoops and SLAMS him! Kenny writhes but Gradwell stands him up to whip into the corner! Kenny rebounds into a back drop! Kenny writhes more but Gradwell TOSSES him out! Gradwell goes out after Kenny, TOSSES him over the barriers, and then stalks him.

Kenny wants mercy but Gradwell just rains down hands! Gradwell wants Kenny to tell his son where his hair’s gone! Gradwell then dumps trash on Kenny, before he SMASHES the can on him! Fans want that “One More Time!” but Gradwell drags Kenny up to TOSS him along the way. Gradwell drags Kenny up again, “You will regret this!” But then Kenny RAMS Gradwell into barriers! Gradwell tumbles over, but that masked man shows himself again. Kenny tries to see if he’s seeing things. Kenny leaps, but Gradwell watches him! Gradwell pops Kenny around but Kenny slips off to POST him!

Gradwell clutches his shoulder while Kenny crawls away. Kenny goes under the ring but Gradwell hurries after him. Gradwell drags Kenny out, but Kenny BLASTS Gradwell with a fire extinguisher! Fans boo while Gradwell tries to clear his eyes. Kenny SMASHES Gradwell with the extinguisher itself! And then JAMS him with a chair! And BOOTS him onto the steps! Kenny stands on Gradwell’s back with the chair, then jumps and jumps and jumps to stomp the chair into Gradwell! Kenny drags Gradwell off the steps and hurries to grab some things. The trash can isn’t good enough, Kenny finds a toolbox!

Kenny opens the box, but there was nothing in it. The fans laugh, but Kenny swings on Gradwell with the box itself! Gradwell ducks that, then scoops Kenny to SLAM Kenny on the trash can! Fans fire up while Kenny writhes and crawls. Gradwell stalks Kenny, drags him up and RAMS him into the barriers! Gradwell stomps Kenny, drags him along the way, and fans chant, “Mess him up, Gradwell, mess him up!” Gradwell brings out a TABLE! Fans are fired up as Gradwell sets the table up by the ring. Gradwell drags Kenny up but Kenny rakes eyes! Kenny has a chair and he JAMS Gradwell, and SMACKS him down!

Kenny grinds but Gradwell growls. Kenny stands on Gradwell’s head, puts him in the ring, then brings the chair with him. Kenny wedges the chair into the corner, then drags Gradwell up. Kenny ROCKS Gradwell with a right, but Gradwell blocks the whip to whip Kenny hard into buckles! And then Gradwell RAMS Kenny into the chair in the corner! Gradwell drags Kenny to center and covers, TWO!! Kenny survives but Gradwell sees him go to the corner. Gradwell runs in to CLOBBER him, snapmare and then ROLLING- CHOP BLOCK! Kenny goes after the bad leg! Gradwell is down and fans rally back up.

Kenny drags Gradwell up to ROCK him with a forearm. Kenny stomps Gradwell down, and he tells Gradwell he doesn’t have killer instinct. Kenny takes off his leather belt, but Gradwell avoids the lashing! Gradwell uses the belt to reel Kenny in for a LARIAT! And now Gradwell has the belt! So he LASHES Kenny on the back, over and over! Kenny writhes as the leather keeps SLAPPING off his skin! Fans want that “One More Time!” but Kenny kicks the bad leg! Kenny then YANKS Gradwell out to the apron! The table is nearby, so Kenny goes after Gradwell! Gradwell ROCKS Kenny first, then brings him up!

Gradwell suplexes but Kenny fights that off! Kenny HOTSHOTS but Gradwell stays up! Gradwell stands but runs into the triangle jump back elbow! Gradwell leans against the table, Kenny climbs up the corner, but that masked man is back again! Gradwell CLUBS Kenny, brings him off the top, DEATH VALLEY DRIVER through the table! Fans are thunderous for “NXT! NXT!” as Gradwell drags Kenny from the wreckage. Cover, Gradwell wins!

Winner: Sam Gradwell, by pinfall

The Thunderstorm is victorious! But it is clear that there’s still someone else who wants Kenny to suffer. And that man jumps into the ring! Kenny runs away but this mystery man is stalking him! Who is this man in the mask? And what grudge does he have against Kenny Cockroach?


Eddie Dennis speaks.

“Wild animals need to be broken in before they can be of any use. And that’s exactly what we were doing, ’til you came along.” Mark Andrews stuck his nose in Symbiosis business again. But anyway, Dennis wants Wild Boar and his new ally to take on Symbiosis in a tag team match. “They will run your vehicle clean off its road to revenge before you ever meet your destination.” Will T-Bone & Primate wreck Wild Boar & Andrews once and for all?


Emilia McKenzie VS Stevie Turner!

Meiko Satomura’s protégé didn’t take kindly to the Fourth Dimensional Star implying the Final Boss is just trying to keep her down. Will #SuplexMillie prove that it’s still much better to be second place than last?

The bell rings and fans sing for Millie. Millie and Turner tie up, go around, and Millie puts Turner in a corner. The ref counts, Millie lets off and Turner slowly returns. Fans rally as the two go again. They go around, Millie powers Turner back but Turner pulls hair to put Millie in the corner. Millie shoves Turner away but they tie up again. Millie gets around to a waistlock but Turner stomps a foot! Turner headlocks, Millie fights out, but Turner runs her over! Turner laughs at Millie, runs, but Millie keeps up and sidesteps to hip toss! Millie then SHOTGUNS Turner down! Millie gets Turner up, SWINGING NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO!

Fans rally, Millie CLUBS Turner, then Millie ROCKS Turner against ropes. Millie CLUBS Turner, stomps her, then whips but Turner reverses. Turner BOOTS Millie down, then covers, TWO! Fans rally but Turner scuffs Millie with a boot. Turner kicks Millie around, CLUBS her and kicks her again. Fans rally, Millie gets to ropes but Turner runs to BOOT WASH her down! Fans boo as Turner pushes Millie around to the cover, TWO! Turner grows frustrated but she drags Millie up to clamp on a chinlock. Millie endures as Turner bends her back against a knee. Millie fights while fans rally up, and Millie gets to her feet.

Millie arm-drags free, Turner comes back but Millie CLOBBERS her! And again! Millie then reels Turner in for a BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO! Millie grows a bit frustrated but fans still rally behind her. Millie hauls Turner up again but Turner fights the lift! Turner elbows free and gets under the arm for a SIDE EFFECT! Deep stack cover, TWO!! Turner is beside herself but she looms over Millie. Turner drags Millie up, turns her, but no neckbreaker! GERMAN SUPLEX! Then a SPEAR! Cover, Millie wins!

Winner: Emilia McKenzie, by pinfall

The win streak continues! Will Millie build the momentum needed to prove she’s worthy of an NXT UK Women’s Championship match?


Isla Dawn speaks.

“Meiko guided the way, and Meiko.” But what happens when the light is extinguished? Isla looks forward to welcoming Meiko into the world of darkness! And when they leave, Isla will be the NEW NXT UK Women’s Champion! “Dusk will fall, but Dawn will not break.” This match happens in two weeks! But just what is a World of Darkness match?


NXT has sent quite a few names to NXT UK!

In the wake of Roderick Strong visiting BT Sports Studio and both A-Kid and Nathan Frazer making their way stateside, Ivy Nile, Lash Legend, Von Wagner and Damon Kemp all arrived in London! What can we expect from this batch of Americans? Well, as for Von Wagner, he chose not to sign autographs, and even got in Saxon Huxley’s way. The Divine Beast called Von a “big stupid man,” but will he soon be in Wagner’s World?


Xia Brookside and Eliza Alexander speak.

Xia is SO happy because so many amazing things happened! Eliza told us all someone would get battered, and that’s what happened. So next week, Xia will be in action, and someone will get BATTERED! Did she say that right? Yes, just about. But will Daddy’s Girl really be able to deal out damage just like her new friend?


Dragunov VS Devlin II is in the works!

The Czar and the Irish Ace tore each other up in their Empty Arena Match, but just imagine what they’ll do on the historic 200th episode! That will be in three weeks, but next week is the contract signing! What happens when combustible elements meet face to face once again?


NXT UK Tag Team Championships Best 2 Out of 3 Falls: Moustache Mountain VS Ashton Smith & Oliver Carter!

Trent Seven’s controversial way of helping Tyler Bate win sparked two singles matches that then split 50-50. But to settle the score, one team must score twice! Will the Artful Dodger have another way to bend the rules in favor of himself and the Big Strong Boy? Or will the Hottest Tag Team Under the Sun become the Freshest Tag Team Champions in NXT UK?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see who can get it done when it takes more than one!

Bate and Smith start and they circle as fans rally and duel. They tie up, Bate wrenches to a wristlock, but Smith spins through and goes for the wristlock. Bate wrangles Smith down and keeps wrist control but Smith fights up. Smith rolls, arm-drags, but Bate holds on! Bate cranks the wrist, but Smith pushes through to wristlock back. Smith wrangles Bate now, but fans rally and sing. Bate get sup, goes up and over, then runs to ram Smith! They speed things up, Smith hurdles but Bate blocks hip toss into cobra twist! Smith endures the stretch, pries a leg free and hip tosses Bate down!

Bate get sup, Smith scoops but Bate slips off to O’Conner Roll, TOW! Smith body scissor clutches, TWO! Smith runs in but into an arm-drag, and Bate has the wristlock again. Fans duel, Bate rams shoulders then tags Seven. The champs whip and run Smith over, then work together, only for Smith to roll Seven up! TWO, but Seven clinches. Smith wrenches out, back drops, then SNAPS the omoplata! Seven clutches that arm but Smith brings him up. Smith whips and WRINGS Seven, tags Carter, and give shim a boost for the FLYING SHOULDER! Fans fire up with Carter as he covers, TWO!

Carter keeps on Seven with a wrench of the arm, then he CLUBS the shoulder. Another wrench then a takedown and Carter has a grounded cording hold. Fans rally, Seven fights up and wrenches, but Carter rolls and kicks from below! Carter headlocks, Seven powers out, but Carter runs him over! Seven anchors a foot but Carter stomps free. Things speed up again, Carter whips Seven but Seven CROSSBODIES! Seven hip tosses, Carter flips through! Carter swings, Seven ducks to scoop and SLAM, then drop the leg, brother! Cover, TWO! Fans sing for “Trent Seven Army” but Seven tags Bate. Seven Wasteland Slams Carter, Bate knee-board sentons! Cover, TWO!

Bate wrenches Carter, tags Seven back in, but Smith saves Carter from the double suplex! They double dropkick but both miss! But then Moustache Mountain misses the double elbows! Smith & Carter hit the double dropkicks after all! Fans fire up and duel again as Moustache Mountain bail out. Bate & Seven regroup, Bate tags in and he ties up with Carter. Bate full nelsons, spins and EuroUppers Carter. Bate whips, Carter holds ropes and tags Smith! Bate’s dropkick hits the floor, Carter catapults Bate into a scoop, SNAKE EYES onto Carter’s boots! Smith runs, into an ENZIGURI from Bate! Cover, TWO!

Bate checks his neck, drags Smith up and brings him over. Snapmare and a tag to Seven. Bate drops an elbow, Seven drops an elbow, cover, ROPEBREAK! Seven snapmares Smith to KICK him, then cover, TWO! Seven clamps onto Smith with a half nelson as fans rally and duel. Smith endures, Seven wants the full nelson but Smith pries free! Seven CHOPS Smith and snapmares him down again. BASEMENT CHOP! Cover, TWO! Tag to Bate, Moustache Mountain double back suplex but Smith lands on his feet! Smith dodges Bate, ducks Seven, hot tag to Carter! Carter missile dropkicks the champs down!

Fans fire up with Carter again and he rallies on Bate! Bate kicks but Carter blocks and spins him to a LARIAT! Carter aims form a corner, runs in to TIGER WALL KICK, then Seven runs in !Carter sends him into Bate, WHEEL KICK! Bate fights Carter’s clinch, whips Carter way, but Carter QUEBRADS! Bate dodges, rebounds, but into Carter’s GERMAN SUPLEX! Cover, TWO! Fans are fired up and Carter tags Smith back in. Smiths Electric Chairs but Bate BOPS Carter! Victory roll, TWO!! Bate RANAS Smith to a corner! Tag to Seven, Smith runs in but into a KNEE! Seven and Bate coordinate, ASSISTED POWERBOMB! High stack, TWO!!

Smith escapes and fans continue to duel. Seven wrenches, CHOPS, then CLUBS, then CHOPS again! Seven reaches out but Smith keeps him from Bate! So Seven swings! Smith dodges, elbows Seven away, but Bate climbs up. Smith shoves Bate down, shoulders and short arm LARIATS Seven! Tag to Carter, he runs in but misses the shining wizard! He BOOMERANGS Seven, Smith BOOTS him! Bate runs in, SUPERKICK and LARIAT! Seven sees that but runs into a BOOK END! Tag to Smith, PENALTY KICK and ASSISTED MOONSAULT! Smith covers, they get the first fall!!

MM: 0; S&C: 1

The all important first point is scored, but the action keeps going! Carter tags in, PENALTY KCIK! Cover, TWO! Another cover, TWO! A third cover, TWO!! Carter is frustrated but he drags Seven up to EuroUpper! Carter CHOPS Seven, tags Smith back in, and Smith EuroUppers! Seven flops against Smith but then fires shots, only for Smith to DECK him with another EuroUpper! Smith drags Seven back up, reels him in to scoop and SLAM, then he tags Carter. Carter and Smith coordinate, SILLY STRING SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Seven survives and fans rally and duel. Carter kicks Seven against ropes then puts him in the corner.

Seven fights back with elbows and boots and forearms! But then he ducks, Carter BOOTS Smith, and Seven POWERBOMBS Carter! BACK HAND for Smith! Fans rally up, Seven crawls, Carter gets a leg and ducks the enziguri! Carter DECKS Bate, but Seven blocks the kick. Seven throws Carter but Carter HEEL KICKS! Tag to Smith and he hurries to get Seven up! ALLEY-OOP BOMB! Carter SCISSOR KICKS! Cover, TWO!! Fans are fired up as Seven survives again! Carter keeps shouting that they just need one more fall! Smith drags Seven up but Seven fakes him out with a chop to DDT!

Fans rally for “NXT! NXT!” as hot tags to Bate and Carter! Big Strong Boy rallies on Predator Killer! Fireman’s carry but Carter slips off. Carter whips, Bate BOPS Smith then ducks Carter. Knuckle locks, wrench, leap frog, slide under, leg bait and roll-up! TWO! Bate CLOBBERS Carter! Bate drags Carter up to whip but Carter reverses. Carter blocks a boot but the KNEE hits! Smith saves Carter from the FLYING UPPERCUT! Bate still gets Carter in a clinch and EXPLODER! Bate kips up and STANDING SHOOTING STARS! Cover, TWO! Carter is dazed but he got out of that all the same. Bate brings him in, underhooks, but Carter wrenches out to SUPERKICK!

Tag to Smith, he rushes in to BOOT! Bate rebounds to DOUBLE ROLLING KICK! Hot tag back to Seven! Seven and Bate duck clotheslines, DOUBLE BANG! Underhooks, DOUBLE TYLER DRIVERS!! Cover, TWO!! Smith survives and no one can believe it! Seven tags Bate back in, full nelson and Bate rebounds, LARIAT DRAGON SUPLEX!! Cover, Moustache Mountain tie it up!

MM: 1; S&C: 1

And now it comes down to this! Fans chant for “UK! UK!” as Moustache Mountain regroups. Bate waits on Smith to get up, then he runs in, to dropkick Carter! Bate fires off hands, UPPERCUTS Smith, then tags Seven. Feed to then full nelson, Bate runs but Carter dumps him out! Smith hits a BLUE THUNDER BOMB! Cover, TWO!! Seven is still in this for his team and fans are loving “NXT! NXT!” for this main event! Smith tags Carter, hooks up, but Bate saves Seven from the moonsault! Carter explains, Smith goes to the ropes, SUPER ASSISTED MOONSAULT! Carter hits both champions and he puts Seven in!

Smith goes up top as Carter sets Seven up, FLYING LEG LARIAT!! Cover, but Bate FLYING KNEES it apart! Fans are thunderous as all four men are down! Smith regroups with Carter and Bate bails out. Carter keeps Seven down, he tags Smith in. Smith and Carter work together again, BACK DROP 450 SPLASH onto knees! Seven cradles Smith, TWO!! Seven ROCKS Smith, Smith ROCKS Seven! Seven CHOPS, wristlocks, but DOUBLE LARIATS collide! Seven springs to life, SEVEN STAR LARIAT! And EMERALD FLOWSION!! Cover, TWO!!! Smith survives and shocks everyone all over again!

“This is Awesome!” as Seven tags Bate back in. Seven torture racks, FLYING KNEE BIRMINGHAMMER!! Cover, Carter jumps over Seven to break it!! All four men are down again and fans are thunderous all over again! Bate kicks Carter out, hurries and tags Seven in. They get Smith up in a double torture rack! But Carter saves Smith and sends Bate out! Carter sends Seven into Bate! Smith rolls Seven up in a deep stack, TWO!?!! Seven escapes, he CHOPS Smith! Tag to Carter, he SUPERKICKS Seven! Carter drags Seven back up, gives him to Smith, but Seven back crops Smith outta the ring!

Smith manages to skin the cat but Carter is sent into him! Seven rolls Carter up, with feet on the ropes! And Bate sees it all! But Moustache Mountain still wins!!

Winners: Moustache Mountain, by pinfall, 2-1 (still NXT UK Tag Team Champions)

Seven’s been saying that a win is a win, but this is a hard pill to swallow for Bate. They’re still on top, but is Moustache Mountain going to fall apart all on its own?

My Thoughts:

What a great episode for NXT UK! Though, the one disappointing thing was that the “Back Alley Brawl” was not in a back alley. Though, I suppose a “Street Fight” is never really in a street so I can’t really criticize it. But I was hoping we were going to get an NXT UK cinematic match on a set that looks like a grungy back alley. As a Street Fight type goes, this was pretty good stuff, and it makes sense Gradwell wins. Clearly the real main attraction was the man in the orange mask. The mask looks cool, and I am betting Amir Jordan is the one wearing it. Amir taking on a persona to exact his revenge on Kenny is exactly what I was hoping for, that’ll be a great next chapter for Kenny.

Good match out of Millie and Turner, and naturally Millie wins because she is still on that slow burn towards the title. Good promos and vignettes for all the other stuff. I was hoping Dennis was going to make it a Dog Collar Tag Match, but clearly the collar is being saved for Dennis VS Boar in the blow-off. Good promo from Isla Dawn to basically make it official, the “World of Darkness” is the stipulation. Maybe this will be more cinematic? Devlin VS Dragunov II is happening, and wow I forgot we were approaching 200 episodes. That match is going to be awesome, as all NXT UK title matches are. Being it’s the 200th, that title match could go either way.

Xia is very excited to “batter” someone like Eliza did, but I have a feeling she won’t batter anyone. Eliza might help Xia cheat to win and then Xia will just look like she did something. We’re getting even more talent exchanges between NXT UK and NXT USA, which is cool, but also feels like this is the brand split that WWE is ending. NXT UK is about to get 2.0’d, aka screwed up all to hell, and that is going to be very sad. But at least we got an amazing tag title main event. That match went as I expected in all the right ways, and maybe even beyond my expectations. It was very fitting that Moustache Mountain had to make the comeback, and that Seven had to cheat again. I can’t be sure which way they go. Bate VS Seven would be pretty awesome, though…

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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