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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (4/7/22)

Will the Czar still reign?



It’s Ilja Dragunov VS Roderick Strong for the title!

The Czar puts his NXT UK Championship up against Diamond Mine’s top guy! Will Ilja Dragunov still be UNBESIEGBAR? Or will he crack under the pressure of a Strong backbreaker?


  • Wild Boar VS Primate w/ Symbiosis; Primate wins.
  • Wolfgang VS Charlie Dempsey w/ Rohan Raja; Dempsey wins.
  • NXT UK Championship: Ilja Dragunov VS Roderick Strong; Dragunov wins and retains.


Wild Boar VS Primate w/ Symbiosis!

Tyson T-Bone couldn’t stop the hunt, and speaking of, the team once known as The Hunt now faces off as enemies! Will Wild Boar get through one former friend to get after another in Eddie Dennis? Or does The Hunt truly end right here?

The bell rings and Boar and Primate just start swinging hands! Boar ROCKS Primate, Primate ROCKS Boar, and back again! Primate knees low, CLUBS Boar down and growls, but fans boo as Primate whips Boar to a corner for the clothesline! Primate whips Boar corner to corner but Boar elbows back! Boar bumps Primate off buckles, throws heavy body shots, and fans fire up as the ref counts. Boar lets off at 4 to drop a SENTON! Boar then hammers away on Primate’s head! Dennis protests, Boar lets off and hits an URENAGE! Primate writhes and Boar glares at Dennis. Boar goes out but Primate pursues!

Primate runs in but Boar dodges to CLOBBER Primate! T-Bone shields Dennis, but Boar puts Primate in. Boar glares at T-Bone now, and fans rally for Boar. Primate gets up and he POP-UP POWERBOMBS Boar! Both men are down and Dennis is relieved. Primate drags himself up the ropes and fans rally. Boar sits up but Primate stomps him down! Primate drags Boar up to DECK him with a right! Primate scowls, he drags Boar up and whips, to CLOBBER Boar with an elbow! Primate stalks Boar, CLUBS him down, then drags him back up. Primate whips Boar to a corner but Boar dodges! Primate goes up but Boar gets under the leap!

Boar GERMAN SUPLEXES Primate into buckles! Dennis freaks out and Boar RAMS into Primate! Then CANNON-BOAR! Fans fire up as Boar drags Primate up. T-Bone distracts on the apron but Boar DECKS him! The ref is busy with T-Bone, Dennis CLOBBERS Boar with a dog collar chain! Fans boo, Primate crawls to a cover, Primate wins!

Winner: Primate, by pinfall

Eddie Dennis grins as he slithers into the ring. T-Bone sits Boar up and Primate holds him for Dennis to put the collar on Boar! They drag Boar up and LASH him with the chain! And again! And then Dennis gags Boar while T-Bone and Primate mug Boar with stomps and body shots! But wait! MARK ANDREWS is back! Primate rushes out after him but Andrews has a chair! Andrews JAMS Primate, SMACKS him on the back, then gets in to swing on T-Bone and Dennis! Symbiosis goes running for it! Fans fire up for the return of #MANDREWS and Dennis is again seeing a ghost! Will Andrews help Boar get even with their common enemy?


NXT UK Media catches up with Sam Gradwell.

Given his appearance during Kenny Williams’ match last week, it’s clear who was messing with Kenny this whole time. Gradwell says Kenny’s not the only one who can play games around here. Just you wait until Gradwell gets his hands on Kenny for real. Then you’ll see- OH NO! Gradwell’s backpack is full of MAGGOTS! Colorful maggots, courtesy of Kenny Williams! The Thunderstorm storms off, will he crush Kenny Cockroach for this?


Die Familie sit in their penthouse flat.

Rohan Raja brings drinks for Teoman and Charlie Dempsey. Raja says Teoman was right! Week by week, they have been asserting their dominance, and it will continue with Charlie taking on Wolfgang. Dempsey says he made Wolfgang tap out once already, he doesn’t see why a second time will make any difference. They share a laugh, and Dempsey tells Teoman that he’s got quite the challenge ahead in A-Kid. He’ snot someone to be taken lightly 1v1. So then, what does The Eye see? Teoman says, “The Eye has seen that A-Kid’s focus is elsewhere right now. They say pain is temporary. But for A-Kid, it’s gonna be permanent.”

Raja says they shall toast. To the continued success of Die Familie! Cheers! But will the Last King of Scotland tear into the technical prodigy? Will the Spanish Sensation show The Babo that his Evil Eye needs to look again?


NXT UK Media catches up with Mastiff & Starz.

Jack Starz coaches big Bomber Dave in a deadlift, and he has the reporter wait until the end. That’s one set down, but then Joe Coffey forgets about his brother, Mark! Joe has to help Mark get the bench press back up, and Joe starts blaming Mastiff. Mastiff says Joe needs to be more concerned with his brother. Joe says Mastiff can make all the noise he wants, he’s about getting rowdy. Mark has Joe stand down, but Mastiff says these days, even he and Starz have it a bit tighter. Joe tells Mastiff to watch himself, and then apologizes to Mark. Will the Gallus boys still be on top if they can’t even focus in the gym?


Wolfgang VS Charlie Dempsey w/ Rohan Raja!

Speaking of Gallus, Wolfie has another go with the technical savant and student of the game, hoping to turn the tides. Can one Gallus boy stay on top for the firm? Or will Die Familie prove they’re the new force here in NXT UK?

The bell rings and the two circle. Wolfgang and Dempsey feel out the grapple but Wolfgang keeps Dempsey from getting the leg. They keep circling, Dempsey pie faces Wolfgang, and then Raja distracts Wolfgang with banging on the steps. Dempsey uses that to waistlock Wolfgang, then shifts from half nelson to cravat. Wolfgang endures the neck wrench, then rolls, but Dempsey holds onto the cravat. Wolfgang fights up, but Dempsey bridges for a cravat plex! Fans rally, Wolfgang fights up, and Wolfgang powers Dempsey to a corner. Wolfgang then suplexes Dempsey away, and runs him over with a shoulder!

Things speed up, Wolfgang turns Dempsey’s hip toss into a cording hold and arm-drag! Wolfgang keeps on the armlock as Dempsey kicks around. Fans rally, Wolfgang grinds the arm, but Dempsey kips up. Wolfgang cranks the hold more, but Dempsey fights with a facelock. Wolfgang puts even more pressure, but Dempsey manages to power up and hip toss! But Wolfgang still holds on and he drags Dempsey back down! Dempsey bridges, handsprings, but Wolfgang just adjusts his grip. Dempsey tries the facelock again, and he has a GROVIT! They end up in the corner but Dempsey throws knee after knee!

The ref counts, Dempsey lets off at 4, to CHOP! But Wolfgang just glares at Dempsey! Wolfgang CHOPS Dempsey back, then fires off forearms! Dempsey fires forearms, but Wolfgang forearms, CHOPS and forearms again! Dempsey headlocks, Wolfgang powers out, they ram shoulders but neither man falls! They ram shoulders again, and then Dempsey runs to body scissor roll! KNEEBAR! But Wolfgang stomps away to get free! Wolfgang hurries up to his feet, but Dempsey shoves him and knees him low! Dempsey CLUBS Wolfgang, forces the cover, TWO! Another try, TWO, and Dempsey has a double wristlock!

Wolfgang endures, fans rally, Dempsey floats around and tries for a chinlock. Fans rally, Dempsey pushes Wolfgang over, ONE! But Dempsey has the leg and arm, he wants his killer bow ‘n’ arrow! Wolfgang CLUBS away on Dempsey, throws big hands, and gets free! Fans rally, Dempsey tries a sleeper hold! Wolfgang fights up, fireman’s carries and TOSSES Dempsey! Wolfgang DECKS Dempsey with a EuroUpper! Dempsey EuroUppers back, but Wolfgang gives another! They go back and forth but then Wolfgang gets the edge! Dempsey tries to hook the arms but Wolfgang powers through to a cording hold!

Dempsey fights with a facelock, Wolfgang cranks the arm, fans rally. Dempsey underhooks but Wolfgang back drops free! Wolfgang hobbles, runs, CROSSBODY in the corner! Wolfgang then DECKS Dempsey, climbs up, and AX HANDLES Dempsey down! Wolfgang runs to BASEMENT SENTON! Cover, TWO! Fans rally again as Wolfgang goes to a corner. He runs in but into a KNEE! Dempsey CLOBBERS Wolfgang, then drags Wolfgang up. Wolfgang fights the underhooks but Dempsey gets a leg! Wolfgang crawls but Dempsey twists the foot to get the leg! Wolfgang kicks with his free leg, but Dempsey holds on!

Dempsey KNEES Wolfgang’s thigh! And ANKLE LOCK, almost a deathlock! Dempsey digs elbows into Wolfgang’s back. Dempsey wants an STF but Wolfgang snapmares free! Wolfgang throws forearms, then scoops for the CABER TOSS! Fans fire up as both men go to opposite ends. Raja coaches Dempsey, fans rally behind Wolfgang. Wolfgang aims, but the Nezar, the Evil Eye, is on the tron! Wolfgang shrugs that off but he sees Raja getting on the apron! Wolfgang CLOBBERS Raja, but Dempsey runs in to capitalize! BUTTERFLY SUPLEX! Bridging cover, Dempsey wins!

Winner: Charlie Dempsey, by pinfall

Dempsey wins thanks to his brothers in arms! But will they really be dominant when they have to resort to such tricks?


NXT UK Media interviews Meiko Satomura.

How is the NXT UK Women’s Champion feeling after Isla Dawn literally stole the belt? Meiko is the champion, but she is without her title. She tells Isla that next week, she invites Isla to speak in the ring and face to face! Will the Final Boss accept whatever challenge Isla spoke of last week? Or does she have a challenge of her own?


NXT UK Media catches up with Kenny Williams.

He just finished up a shower, and they ask him about the roaches in Gradwell’s bag. Uh, no, they were maggots. Not that Kenny knows anything about that. But see, there’s something you need to remember. The games are always being played, but no one plays them like Kenny. But when Kenny returns to his locker, another note has been written. “Keep guessing, cockroach!!! Watch your back!” Where is he, then? Kenny wants Gradwell to come out and do this right here! Will these two stop playing games and get this back in the ring?


NXT UK hears from Xia Brookside and her new friend.

Xia is so excited because she just beat Amale with a teeny weeny bit of help from an old family friend, Eliza Alexander! Eliza says Amale didn’t even know her name, but this week, she lives rent free in Amale’s head. And Eliza does have Xia’s back. Next week, Eliza makes her in-ring debut, and someone’s gonna get battered.


Sid Scala speaks.

The Assistant GM is joined by Oliver Carter & Ashton Smith, as well as the NXT UK Tag Team Champions, Moustache Mountain. He thanks them both for being here, and knows the singles matches did not settle the issue. Carter defeated Tyler Bate, but Trent Seven defeated Smith. Seven says it was clean, but Smith can’t believe he’s saying that. We all saw it, it’s on the WWE Network (cuz only America has Peacock). Seven says 1-2-3 is what mattered, but Sid quickly shuts down the arguing. This contract is for the main event in two weeks’ time, for the N XT UK Tag Team Championships.

Carter & Smith are fired up, but Sid also adds that it will be Best 2 out of 3 Falls. Well, alright then. They all shake on that, and Seven thanks Sid. If they have to beat Smith & Carter another two times, then so be it. Carter & Smith laugh at that but Seven says they’ve won every time. Sid tries to get them to stop arguing, but will all of it be settled once the match happens?


NXT UK Media catches up with Wolfgang.

They want to talk with him about the loss, but Wolfgang says not now, he has something to take care of first. He finds the Coffey brothers and asks what that was all about. What was what about? Dempsey had Rohan ringside, where were these two? Joe says that while he’s in charge, does he have to do everything around here? Mark apologizes to Wolfgang, that won’t happen again. Wolfgang just huffs his way into the locker room. Is Gallus going to be able to hold it together like this?


NXT UK Championship: Ilja Dragunov VS Roderick Strong!

NXT UK may not have been on Stand & Deliver, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t going to give us the most STUPENDOUS showdown for this title! The Czar is ready to remind us what UNBESIEGBAR really means, but will he be able to break the Savior of the Backbreaker?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see if Strong can add another belt to his incredible resumé!

Fans fire up already as the two circle and tie up. Dragunov pushes Strong back but Strong turns it around and they go around the ring. They fight for wrist control and Strong gets the wristlock. Strong wrangles Dragunov down, but Dragunov fights up. Strong wrangles him down again, fans rally, and Dragunov fights back up again. Dragunov has leverage now, and he gets a headlock. Strong endures the grind, powers Dragunov to ropes, and they let off slowly as the ref counts. Dragunov avoids the chop and wags his finger. They circle again, feel out knuckle locks, and Dragunov shoots in. Strong keeps with Dragunov and facelocks.

Dragunov wrenches out, hits a hip toss and covers, ONE! Dragunov gets the facelock but Strong fights up. They end up on ropes, the ref calls the ropebreak and counts, Dragunov lets off but Strong ducks the back hand! Dragunov says it was that close, and fans chant “UN-BE-SIEG-BAR!” Strong tells them to shut up, and he resets with Dragunov. They tie up collar ‘n’ elbow, Dragunov headlocks, but Strong chinbars. Strong powers out but Dragunov holds ropes to avoid the jump knee. Fans fire up as the two feel things out again. Strong wrenches to a wristlock, Dragunov rolls to trip Strong and get a toehold!

Strong rolls and kicks Dragunov away. They go again, Strong puts Dragunov back on ropes. Strong CHOPS, but Dragunov CHOPS! They get face to face, talk some smack, then they CHOP and CHOP and CHOP! Fans fire up as they shift to forearms! Dragunov gets the edge, DECKS Strong but Strong is up again, into a hip toss and press, ONE! JUMP KICK from Dragunov! Fans fire up with Dragunov as Strong sits up in a daze. Strong crawls around, Dragunov aims from a corner! Dragunov runs in, but Strong POSTS the torpedo! Strong goes out after Dragunov as he flops to the floor. Strong gets Dragunov up to RAM him into steps!

Fans boo but Strong soaks it all up. Strong puts Dragunov in, SLAMS the bad arm, then twists it to a keylock to STOMP it! Dragunov clutches that elbow but Strong is after it again. Dragunov does his best to resist the armlock and fans rally up. Dragunov gets to his feet, arm-drags but Strong drags Dragunov back down! Strong gets a short arm scissor, but he pulls for the armbar. Dragunov clasps hands, Strong uses his feet to dig into the grip. Dragunov bridges, rolls, stacks Strong, ONE! Strong BOOTS Dragunov from below! Strong hurries to put Dragunov in a corner, and he CHOPS! Dragunov CHOPS back but that’s the bad arm!

Strong stomps Dragunov’s bad shoulder! Strong scoops, SHOULDER BREAKER! Fans chant “Roddy Sucks!” even as Strong clamps onto Dragunov. Dragunov resists the armlock, fans rally up, but Strong keeps pulling on the arm. Dragunov stands and fireman’s carries! But Strong fights off and has a cobra clutch! Dragunov puts Strong in the corner, but Strong throws a body shot! Dragunov CHOPS, even though it’s the bad arm! And he CHOPS again! And again! Dragunov is furious, he powers through to SPINNING CHOP! Then he runs in, but into a catch! BACKBREAKER! Strong covers, TWO!

Strong hurries to pull Dragunov back in a chinlock stretch! Fans rally as Dragunov resists, but Strong chicken wings an arm. Strong wants to complete it with a crossface but Dragunov elbows back. Strong CLUBS Dragunov down, then tells him to stay down. Dragunov says no, and he eggs Strong on. Strong runs, into a CHOP to the leg! Strong writhes now, and Dragunov gets up to get that leg! DRAGON SCREW! Strong clutches his knee and Dragunov shouts, “COME ON!” Fans fire up with Dragunov but Strong kicks to resist whatever leg lock Dragunov wants. Strong then gets an arm and gives Dragunov more kicks!

Strong kangaroo kicks, Dragunov staggers to ropes, and Strong rushes in, into a ROLLING CHOP BLOCK! Strong is down again, clutching his bad leg! Fans fire up as Strong goes to a corner. Dragunov gets up and he rushes in to drag Strong to center! But the bad arm is holding him back! Dragunov grits his teeth and simply uses his bad arm as the lock to hold onto the leg. Strong grabs the good arm and kicks at Dragunov’s ribs and face! Dragunov falls, but that just tweaks Strong’s leg! Dragunov has a heel hook, then fights up. Strong gives more kicks, so Dragunov hits the FALLING FOREARM! Cover, TWO!!

Dragunov goes right after the leg again! HALF CRAB, step over into an INVERTED MUFFLER! Strong endures as Dragunov uses his whole body to push that leg! Strong crawls, reaches, but the bad arm of Dragunov’s can’t hold anymore! Both men are down but fans are fired up for “NXT! NXT!” Dragunov drags himself over to turn Strong over, FALLING FOREARM to the back! And another! Dragunov then waistlocks, drags Strong up, GERMAN SUPLEX! Dragunov holds onto the waistlock, drags Strong back up, another GERMAN SUPLEX! Strong reaches for ropes but Dragunov gets him back up. Gotch lift, but Strong pries the bad arm away!

Strong fights but Dragunov still suplexes Strong away! Fans are fired up again as both men flounder on the mat. Dragunov stands up and goes to a corner. “UN! BE! SIEG! BAR!” But Strong sits down and bails out before the torpedo comes rushing in! Dragunov hurries to the apron, Strong YANKS him out by the bad arm! Strong drags Dragunov back up, half nelson SLAM onto steel steps! Dragunov flops down to the mat but Strong drags him into the ring. Cover, TWO!! Fans rally and Strong gets Dragunov back up. Strong puts Dragunov in a corner to CHOP him! Strong hauls Dragunov up top, CHOPS him, but Dragunov throws elbows!

Strong still climbs to join Dragunov, and CLUBS him. Strong lifts Dragunov for a TOP ROPE BACKBREAKER! Both men are down, though, as Strong’s leg bothers him again. Strong crawls to a cover, TWO!! Dragunov shakes his head, he isn’t done here! Fans chant for “UK! UK!” as Dragunov and Strong stand again. Dragunov leans against ropes, Strong hobbles and builds speed to hit a forearm smash! And then another! Dragunov is somehow on his feet so Strong ROCKS him again! And then back- NO! The bad leg holds Strong back, and Dragunov PELES! Strong swings but Dragunov goes Matrix to PELE again!

Dragunov roars and the fans fire up with him! Dragunov drags Strong up, to SPINNING CHOP, then SPINNING BASEMENT CHOP! Dragunov growls, runs, but Strong reels him in! Dragunov elbows free, then ROLLING SLAPS! But then JUMP KNEE from Strong! Dragunov rebounds, but Strong dodges the flying forearm! Only for TORPEDO MOSCOW!!! Cover, Dragunov wins!!

Winner: Ilja Dragunov, by pinfall (still NXT UK Champion)

Roderick may be strong, but he is NOT UNBESIEGBAR! Fans give this one a standing ovation, will Dragunov continue to give his all for more instant classics?

My Thoughts:

What a great episode for NXT UK! Really good opening with Boar VS Primate, but of course Symbiosis helps Primate through cheating. Dennis clobbering Boar with a dog collar is definitely foreshadowing that Dennis VS Boar will be a dog collar match. It’s gonna be hard to outdo dog collar matches like AEW’s Punk VS MJF, but this will still be really good. And Mark Andrews is back, maybe Flash Morgan Webster is also on his way back, would love to see Subculture’s return match be a big win over T-Bone & Primate. Good back and forth between Sam Gradwell and Kenny Williams with the bugs and the note, but the note’s wording makes me wonder if it’s not Gradwell at all. Please let it be edgy Amir Jordan back for revenge.

Good blending of stories as Gallus has beef with Mastiff & Starz all because of Joe’s own frustrations and passive aggressive feelings towards his own brother. That tension also affects Wolfgang VS Dempsey since Die Familie double cheat to screw Wolfgang over, and then Wolfgang is upset with the Coffey Brothers. I hope Gallus doesn’t break up, but who knows if they’re moving on to NXT 2.0 or staying in NXT UK. As for Die Familie, it seems they’re going to stick together, unless A-Kid can convince Dempsey he doesn’t need them. AK VS Teoman is going to be a good one, as will Gallus VS Mastiff & Starz.

Meiko Satomura had a good, straightforward response to Isla Dawn’s message from last week, so of course we’re getting something to set up their title rematch. And we got a pretty good intro to “Eliza Alexander,” FKA Lizzy Evo, who is even now considered the CATCH Women’s Champion and PCW Women’s Champion. She’ll definitely have a good first match next week, will probably give Amale a good match that leads Amale to another rematch with Xia, and y’know, one thing that’s rare on NXT UK is a women’s tag match. Xia & Eliza VS Amale and someone who also doesn’t like Xia, that could be a fun match, too.

We got a good office promo with Sid, Carter, Smith and Moustache Mountain. Going 2 outta 3 falls is great stuff, that match is going to be epic and could even take like half the episode. And being 2 outta 3, I would think each team gets one fall and then it all rides on the third, and that could be like a coin toss. They’re just sitting on the story of Seven snapping over losing these titles, this could be when they pull the trigger on it. Then we of course got an awesome main event from Dragunov VS Strong. A little bummed Dragunov’s theme changed but they’ve done the same to Imperium so it might’ve only been a matter of time. Dragunov retains to keep the UK title in NXT UK, but I’m having a hard time figuring who could be next.

My Score: 8.7/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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